Investment Banking Interview Question
Investment Banking Interview Question
Investment Banking Interview Question
1. To the best of your ability, can you tell us what high yield debt is?
2. If a company acquires another company with a lower P/E ratio, is the deal accretive or dilutive?
3. How would you go about calculating free cash flow?
4. When looking for a good leveraged buyout (LBO) candidate, what characteristics would you typically
look for?
5. What would your client companies tend to do if the interest rate rose? Specifically, how would this
influence their M&A activities?
6. How would you handle a discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis?
7. What is the angle between the two hands of a clock at 3.15pm?
8. Can you walk me through a typical IPO?
9. Could you calculate a DCF or net asset value (NAV) using Excel if I were to give you an appropriate
10. If an unlisted British manufacturer came to us to raise debt on the capital markets, what corporate
parameters would you look at and what would you advise them?
11. What will influence the price of a residential mortgage backed security?
12. Can you produce a forward FX model for PLN/USD (the Polish Zloty/the U.S. dollar)?
13. Can you calculate the delta of an option without using the precise formula for delta? How?
14. You have a set of scales and nine bowls. One is gold, the rest are bronze and a different weight, You
can only use the scales twice. How do you find the gold bowl?
15. Explain a credit default swap to me?
16. What recent developments in the news may affect the bank's activities?
17. If you have one cube that is made of 6x6x6 little cubes and you put it into paint, how many cubes
would get painted?
18. What are the risks of waiting until 2019 before raising the interest rates substantially in the U.S.?
19. Describe the behaviour of x^(1/x).
20. How many zeros are there in 100 factorial?
21. A team member isn't contributing. You confront them. They still don't contribute. What next?
22. How do you handle a client who goes against the company policy?
23. Walk me through your CV.
24. Which was your preferred class at university?
25. Your professor accidentally sends you confidential information intended for another student. What do
you do?
26. You are working on a secret project. Your previous manager asks about it. He says he wants
information on the project to help with an important decision. What do you do?
27. What are your strengths?
28. What are your weaknesses?
29. Which of your skills and experiences make you appropriate for this job?
30. What motivates you in life?
31. What would make you satisfied?
32. Why Goldman Sachs?
33. What makes Goldman Sachs different to its competitors?
34. Why do you want to work for this division of Goldman Sachs?
35. Why do you want this job at Goldman Sachs?
36. How do you know you want this job at Goldman Sachs?
37. Have you ever had any issues with work/life balance?
38. What skills do you think are required to do this job?
39. Can you talk about a mistake you made in the past, and how you overcame it?
40. Who is the most famous and influential person you would like to meet and why?
41. Can you talk about a challenge you faced in the past? How did you overcome it?
42. Can you talk through a time you worked with a coworker? How did you build that relationship?
43. Can you tell me a time when you failed to meet a deadline?
44. What's more important: deadlines, or the quality of work?
45. Can you tell us about an episode where you were short of time for delivering a large project? How did
you overcome that?
46. Can you give an example of a time you streamlined a process?
47. Talk to me about your previous jobs.
48. Which part of your previous jobs did you like the least?
49. What are your strengths?
50. What are your weaknesses?
51. Which role do you usually play in a team?
52. What would your teammates say about working with you?
53. Why would your teammates choose to work with someone else instead of you?
54. Would you rather be captain of a losing team or the regular member of a winning team?
55. Why did you choose your college/university? Why did you choose that subject?
56. Give an example of a time you acted as a leader.
57. Describe a time when you worked in a team where there were disagreements.
58. Describe a time you research a subject of interest to you. How did you go about that?
59. Would you say you're a perfectionist?
60. What's been the most important experience of your career? Why?
61. Can you talk us through a time when you had to decline a client's request? How did you approach that?
62. Your friend is cheating on a test. He's on his last warning. You're the only one who knows he's
cheating. What do you do?
63. Your mentor asked you to deliver something in 30 minutes, but you have something else due in too.
What do you do?
64. Tell me about yourself. You have three minutes.
65. IBD (Investment Banking Division) Questions from Goldman Interviews
66. Walk me through the three different ways of valuing a company.
67. Walk me through a DCF. What does a DCF do?
68. Walk me through an LBO analysis.
69. What factors can lead to the dilution of EPS in an acquisition?
70. If you are in a business that wants to preserve cash, what type of inventory accounting method would
you use (LIFO or FIFO) in a time of rising prices, and why?
71. You're using multiples to value a company but those multiples are skewed. What do you do?
72. What is Minority Interest and why do we add it in the Enterprise Value formula?
73. Why is cash subtracted from Enterprise Value (EV)?
74. Briefly walk me through a discounted cash flow analysis. (including WACC).
75. If a company raises debt, what happens to its WACC? What might make your answer wrong?
76. A client in the aerospace industry wants to know about related markets which are impacting his stock
price. Which industries and markets do you look at?
77. Why can’t you use EV/Earnings or Price/EBITDA as valuation metrics?
78. Discuss a deal you have read about recently.
79. How do the three financial statements fit together?
80. Which is the best method of valuing a company and why?
81. What does shareholders' equity consist of? How does net income affect it?
82. What will you actually do as an analyst or associate in an investment bank? What attracts you to this?
83. You're meeting the CEO of an industrial company. She wants to know how much her company is
worth. Which information do you need?
84. How does depreciation move throughout the financial statements?
85. What does IBD do?
86. What's the NPV of $1 with a 10% discount rate over 10 years?
87. How do you choose between a company with a P/E ratio of 8 and another of 10?
88. You receive a dollar for the rest of your life? What's the value of those dollars today?
89. How would you value a company which was very successful until recently, but lost market share due
to a single event?
90. Where do you see markets trading in three months, six months, nine months?
91. Which structured equity product would you issue in the current market conditions?
92. Explain the options to Greeks.
93. Explain what a put option is.
94. Explain the assumptions behind Black Scholes.
95. Is gold overpriced?
96. Are equities overpriced?
97. What's moving the markets now?
98. What's happening to market volatility and why?
99. What's your top stock pick?
100. General Motors or Facebook? Why?
101. How would you hedge against the risk of an Apple bond defaulting?
102. Why are you better than other candidates on picking stocks?
103. How should a bank evaluate the creditworthiness of a counterparty?
104. Pitch a long stock? Pitch a short stock?
105. How would you invest $1k?
106. If you had $1bn to invest in global equities, how would you position your portfolio?
107. You're given information about a company's stock price over a period of 12 months. How do you
determine how risky it is?
108. What's the Monte Carlo method for pricing options? How does it work?
109. Talk to me about an asset class you're interested in.
110. What's the first question you would ask a potential client?
111. Describe a time when you used data to forecast trends.
112. What are today's 10-year treasury bond returns?
113. Name a political event you're tracking. How do you expect this to impact the markets?
114. You have a zero coupon bond and a par bond. Which has higher duration?
115. What do you think of Bitcoin?
116. What is 38 squared?
117. There are three ants walking along the side of a triangle in any direction at the same speeds. What
is the probability that any two of them will eventually collide? Generalize this probability for n ants.
118. Estimate the value of the tie industry in the UK.
119. How many airplanes are in the sky above New York City at any moment?
120. What is the angle between the hour and minute hand of a clock at 3.15?
121. If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?
122. When you heat a sausage in the microwave, the tear is always lengthwise. Why is that?
123. If I gave you €10m, would you either buy a 5-star hotel in the centre of Paris or five cheap motels
along the ring road?
124. What's the sum of all the numbers between 1 and 100?
125. Two die are rolled six times. What's the probability of achieving results that sum to six?
126. You roll two dice for an infinite amount of times, what is the probability that you get a sum of four
before a sum of two?
127. How many times can you expect to flip a coin until the sequence THT is observed?
128. How many times can you expect to toss a coin until you get consecutive heads?
129. What does the operations division do?
130. Talk to me a bit about our 3rd quarter results.
131. What's the probability of getting a full house in a poker game?
132. Add the numbers between 1 and 10.
133. I can see you're entrepreneurial, but you want to work in banking. Why is that?
134. What attracts you to a career in banking?
135. What kind of lifestyle do you expect to have in banking?
136. Why have you chosen banking over consulting?
137. Do you know what you're letting yourself in for?
138. What would you be doing if you weren't in finance?
139. Do you know about the investment banking lifestyle? Why don't you have a problem with it?
140. What are some of the most significant deals our bank has completed in the last 12 months?
141. What is our current stock price?
142. What do you think this bank's biggest regulatory threats are at the moment?
143. What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of this business/division?
144. What differentiates our firm?
145. Who's our major competitor? How do we measure up? What are the risks and opportunities we
146. Tell me everything you know about our business model.
147. Which area of our business is strongest?
148. Who's our CEO?
149. What's the most important thing affecting this bank now?
150. What do you think this position requires, and how well do you match those requirements?
151. Why should we hire you?
152. How many pigs are there in China?
153. A snail climbs a 10 foot pole. It climbs three feet every day and sleeps at night. While sleeping, it
slides down by one foot. When does it reach the top?
154. You have eight red socks and 11 blue socks in a drawer. They are identical but for the colour. You
must select your socks in the dark. How many socks, at a minimum, must you take out of your sock
drawer before you have a matching pair?
155. A lily pad doubles in size every minute, it takes one hour for the lily pad to cover an entire pond.
How long did it take for the lily pad to cover only a quarter of the pond?
156. How do you find the heaviest ball from a collection of eight balls with the fewest number of
weighing sessions?
157. We have a cup of water and you drink half of it. I drink half of what's left. Then you drink half of
that. The process continues until the water has gone. How much more water do you drink than me?
160. What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average/FTSE as of today's opening bell?
161. What is the Bank of England base rate/Fed funds rate as of this morning?
162. What's the difference between prop trading and market-making? (We have an explanation of this
163. Why would you or would you not invest in Apple?
164. How will Donald Trump's policies affect the stock market and M&A climate?
165. Where are the 1-year, 5-year, and 10- year Treasury yields?
166. Would you invest in UK real estate now?”
167. What do you think is going to happen with interest rates over the next six months?
168. What has the market been doing? Why? What do you think it will do in the coming 12 months?
169. Tell me about some stocks you follow. Why should I buy them? What's their story?
170. What does the yield curve look like now?
171. What major factors drive M&A? What are the major factors driving M&A in your sector? How do
you see them evolving in the next year?
172. Where is the market (for bonds/equities/FX) going?
173. How would you hedge against Brexit?
174. Where do you see the euro in 2020?
175. Where do you think the global economy is headed?
176. What's happening to the oil market? How will this impact other markets?
177. What happens when the Fed really starts increasing interest rates?
178. I've been in a coma for nine months and just woke up. Tell me what's happening to the global
179. The ECB stops quantitative easing. What happens to the markets for equities, rates and credit and
180. Is quantitative easing connected to the oil price? How?
181. The past experience questions
182. Walk me through a deal you did in the past six months.
183. Walk me through your CV/resume without looking at it.
184. Why did you leave your last position?
185. What have been your failures and what have you learned from them?
186. What are your proudest accomplishments?
187. Define Beta
188. Define CAPM
189. What's WACC and how do you calculate it?
190. What is accretion and dilution?
191. If two companies are trading at the same trailing P/E multiple, are they also trading at the same
trailing EV/EBITDA multiple?
192. Walk me through a DCF...
193. Walk me through a DCF backwards
194. What are the different methods of valuation and what are their pros and cons?
195. How are the 3 financial statements linked?
196. What is working capital?
197. Walk me through the major line items of a Cash Flow Statement
198. What is DDM?
199. Which is higher - the cost of equity or the cost of debt, and why?
200. Why should a company prefer equity finance to debt finance?
201. Tell me about a technology company. Now tell me who they should acquire and why.
202. Walk me through the four valuation methods. Now ranking them in order of your preference.
Explain why you've done this.
203. How do you use a leveraged buyout (LBO) to value a company?
204. How do you boost returns in an LBO?
205. What's a net operating loss (NOL)? How is this used?
206. How do you account for convertible bonds when you're calculating enterprise value?
207. What's the Treasury Stock Method?
208. Talk to me about a recent merger you have followed? What was the price paid for the target? Why
did the acquiring company decide to buy at that price? If you were part of that deal team, what would
you have done differently?
209. Give me the net present value of $1 with a 10% discount rate over 10 years.
210. Name me two companies that you think should consider merging. Why?
211. How would you value an apple tree?
212. How would you value an established industrial company vs. a tech start-up? Why?
213. Talk me through options pricing
214. The culture questions
215. When have you worked in a bad team? Which steps did you take to make it better?
216. What is the most ethical decision you've ever had to make?
217. Give me an example of a person you think has integrity and explain why.
218. Give me an example of a person you think is credible and explain why.
219. How would you describe your leadership style?
220. What would you do if you did not have to work for money? How does that relate to this job?
221. Have you ever had to bend the rules to get the job done. Why was that?
222. Can you describe a situation in which you made a mistake and had to admit it to peers?
223. What kinds of people do you find it easiest to work with? Why?
224. How do you handle stress? Do you tend to make a lot of technical errors?
225. Why are you so special and what is one word that describes you best?
226. How would your classmates/colleagues describe you?
227. What's the last book you read?
228. What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?
229. How would you spend $1m besides investing it?
230. Where do you see yourself in five years' time?
231. What's your favorite movie?
232. How would you rate yourself on a scale of 1-10? [Pause after answer.] I would say you're a 2.
233. Explain the thought process behind your majors
234. You have 10 minutes before you're due to give a presentation. What do you do?
235. Which qualities are important if you're to work in investment banking?
403. How do you plan to deal with the issues presented by Brexit? What happens to your London office
if the UK loses the ability to passport into the EU?
404. How do you expect Basel IV to impact your risk weighted assets? What implications would you
say this has for your strategy?
405. How do you expect the changing macro environment to influence the allocation of assets in your
private bank? How is this likely to impact your margins and earnings?
406. You're highly geared towards the Asian market. Do you see investment banking activity there
stabilizing in future?
407. Following Deutsche Bank's large proposed fine from the U.S. Department of Justice, are you
apprehensive about the potential for future fines at Credit Suisse? What implications would a large fine
have for your investment bank?
408. How do you plan to deal with passporting, Basel IV and the potential for a large DOJ fine Do you
expect to make further markdowns on your legacy assets? Does this have any implications for your
capital ratio?
409. How optimistic are you of reducing the size of the fine from the DOJ? What happens to the
strategy for your investment bank if the reduction in the fine is not substantial?
410. How does Deutsche Bank plan to increase its capital ratio to the required level of 12.25% by
2018? - J.P. Morgan estimates that your current Basel III core equity tier one ratio is just 11.0%.
411. You've said that Postbank should be ready for an IPO by the first half of 2016. How optimistic are
you about this going ahead?
412. You've given flat year-on-year cost guidance of around €26.5bn for 2016. To what extent do you
expect costs to fall next year?
413. Analysts at J.P. Morgan are predicting that your return on equity will be just 2.1% this year. Are
you optimistic this will increase in future? Why?
414. How optimistic are you that Deutsche's Strategy 2020 will go to plan? What would you say the
main execution risks are with the strategy?
415. J.P. Morgan's banking analysts expect fixed income sales and trading revenues to fall by 3% this
year and to grow by just 1% and 2% in the two subsequent years. Deutsche is highly exposed to fixed
income sales and trading. How do you plan to overcome slow FICC growth?
416. Should I be worried about mark-to-market writedowns in Deutsche's legacy assets across
structured credit, leveraged finance, mortgage back securities and CDOs? Why not?
417. How concerned are you about a sustained downturn in the fixed income sales and trading
418. Your investing and lending division has struggled in recent quarters. What are the implications for
this business if equity or debt markets lose value?
419. How do you plan to achieve your cost cutting intentions when regulatory costs keep rising?
420. How do you expect to reach your required capital ratios under Basel III and Basel IV? Do you
anticipate further reductions in your risk weighted assets? How will this impact your fixed income
trading business?
433. Your last strategic plan (2014-2016) emphasized growth (particularly in the U.S. investment
bank). How is this likely to change in 2017?
434. How is Brexit and the probable end of EU passporting rules likely to impact your investment bank
in the UK?
435. How concerned are you about UK macro and political uncertainty after the EU referendum? To
what extent will slowing UK economic growth and falling asset prices create problems for Barclays'
UK and U.S.-focused investment bank?
436. Would you say that it's accurate to describe your strategy for the investment bank as optimising the
cost base rather than the capital base (as described by J.P. Morgan's analysts) in order to improve
returns? If so, which costs do you expect to take out in 2017?
437. You're very geared to the fixed income cycle. How worried are you about a prolonged downturn in
fixed income sales and trading?
438. To what extent are you concerned about margins across the bank falling if the Bank of England
cuts rates again?
439. Why are you in the market now for a new role?
440. If your last position didn't work out, why was that?
441. Describe your experience leading a team, including at least one challenge you faced as a
manager/team leader.
442. What do you think are U.S. and European asset managers’ biggest challenges in doing business in
443. What do you think about all the volatility in the markets and how retail and institutional investors
are reacting to the current macroeconomic environment?
444. How would you forecast our business in the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific (likely to be
specific to the region in which you’re applying)?
445. Why are you interested in this role?
446. What do you consider your strengths to be?
447. What would your developmental areas be, that is, what are areas that you would need to work on
to get up-to-speed or improve your performance?
448. What questions do you have for us?
449. Do you have a work visa, or would you need sponsorship?
450. When can you start?
451. When you're considering the industry, what you need to think about:
452. What the company does. What are its key products and markets? What's the main source of
demand for its products?
453. What are the key drivers in that industry?
454. Who are the market participants? How intense is the competition?
455. Is the industry cyclical? Where are we in the cycle?
456. Which outside factors might influence the industry (eg. government, climate, terrorism)?
457. When you're considering the company,what you need to think about:
458. When you're considering the revenues, you need to think about: What's driving them Where the
growth is coming from ,How diverse the revenues are,How stable the revenues are (are they cyclical?)
459. How much of the revenues are coming from associates and joint ventures
460. What's the working capital requirement? - How long before revenues are booked and received?
461. When you're considering the competition, what you need to think about:
462. When you're considering the growth prospects, what you need to think about:
463. When you're considering the due diligence, what you need to think about:
464. When you're considering the transaction, what you need to think about:
519. What did the FTSE,NASDAQ, NYSE, NSE and BSE close at yesterday?
520. You’ve pitched me a buy stock and a sell stock, so what about a hold?
521. You say that equities are overpriced and due to collapse soon. How can you say that when that’s
my job and what I do for a living, day in day out? I’m telling clients to buy certain stocks, are you
saying I’m wrong?
522. So you’ve never lived out for uni? How would you survive if I sent you to Hamburg for 2 years?
523. Which daily newspaper do you read? Aside from the FT or WSJ. And why?
524. Berenberg: Graduate position, equity research
525. What can you do with an orange?
526. If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?
527. There is another candidate for the position. Should we interview him and decide who is better or
would you prefer we make our hiring decision by flipping a coin?
528. Citigroup interview questions
529. Citigroup: Summer internship, private banking
530. If you had to redesign an orange- what would it look like?
531. Do you think China’s economy will continue to liberalise and by how much further?
532. What is your favourite Microsoft programme and why?
533. How did you convince a senior member of your team about the effectiveness of an idea you had?
534. What is the most significant recent development in the investment banking industry?
535. Tell me about a time when you were under immense pressure.
536. What do you think will be the emerging trends in consumer banking (yes, someone was asked this
in an investment banking interview)?
569. When you heat a sausage in the microwave, the tear is always lengthwise. Why is that?
570. How could you set up a recursive function so that a really smart language / compiler could
evaluate the function and never run out of memory?
571. When a firm has a market share of 50% in Germany and 30% in Europe, what is the market share
of the firm in Europe without Germany?
572. You are given 100 million Euro to set up your own bank. Which customer segment would you
focus on, and which strategy would you use for that?
573. Give an example of a time you encountered a difficult question whilst working in a group
574. What is the biggest risk you have ever taken in your life?
575. What do you see yourself contributing to this organization, in both the short and long term?
576. Why are you looking for an internship in Investment Banking?
577. Why do M&As happen?
578. What are your 3 main strengths?
579. What is your greatest weakness?
580. What motivates you?
581. You look at the clock. It’s 3.15pm. What’s the angle between the clock hands?
582. What is the sum of the numbers from one to 100?
583. What is the expected value of a roll of a dice?
584. Tell me about your educational background.
585. Which are the most important/interesting subjects within FX markets at the moment?
586. If you could pick whichever investment you wanted, where would you put your money today?
587. What do you think a position within FX Sales would entail?
588. Should charities be taxed?
589. You’ve been captain of your sports team and are obviously used to being in charge. How will you
feel about being at the bottom of the food chain here?
590. Do you agree with the private equity model of buying cheap, cutting costs and selling high?