DC Hyderabad 14-02-2024
DC Hyderabad 14-02-2024
DC Hyderabad 14-02-2024
Min: 18.6OC
RH: 36% Bilawal’s withdrawal Jurel, Sarfaraz in Couplepreneurs
Rainfall: Nil
boosts Nawaz PM bid line to make debuts The business of love
Forecast: Haze in the
morning, max temp likely
at 33ºC, min 20ºC
deccanchronicle.com, facebook.com/deccannews, twitter.com/deccanchronicle Vol. 87 No. 44 Established 1938 | 20 PAGES | `6.00
BIG FIGHT | FOR MSP Protesters hurl stones, cops fire in air, lob tear gas shells, drop some from drones, to disperse crowds
TAKE Uttam: L&T must Redesigning water projects
repair Medigadda,
DC CORRESPONDENT `400 cr withheld was guise to loot: Revanth
Cabinet colleagues, and ble for deviations from crore on Kaleshwaram debt trap.
barrages are tottering without several Congress legisla- plans, for not following project but even after The Chief Minister was
them holding any water. The tors and a few MIM legis- the specified sequence of spending such a huge speaking after he chaired
govt will ask the NDSA to lators. The Chief laying the raft and secant amount the barrages had work completed a review on KLIS at
study all three. Minister reviewed the piles.” developed cracks and the Medigadda. The gather-
pillars were sinking due to EXPENDITURE INCURRED: ing, that included several
faulty design and poor ministers including N.
quality of works, Revanth Uttam Kumar Reddy, and
Reddy added. D. Sridhar Babu, Congress
“Till now, even the DPR legislators and three
(detailed project report) of AIMIM legislators who
the Kaleshwaram project REQUIRED FOR WORK BILL: were joined by the CPI
`695.62 cr
is not available with the MLA K Sambasiva Rao.
government. They spent Revanth Reddy said,
over `1 lakh crore on a The Lakshmi Barrage on Tuesday. — DC “KCR’s Nalgonda meeting
project which does not was to seek sympathy for
have even a DPR. Such
was the utter negligence of
polls. That is why he was
the BRS government,” he
Explaining the reasons
`88.33 cr Average river bed level : + 88 mts
Crest Level
Full reservoir level
: +89 m
: +100
on a wheel chair. There he
spoke as if he is the Satya
Harischandra as if people
for the state government doubt his honesty.”
organising a site visit to
metres above mean sea level “For ten years, he looted
Medigadda for MLAs and Top bund Level : + 105.70 m and plagued the state. If
MLCs from all parties, Capacity : 16.17 tmc ft he is truthful, he should
Revanth Reddy said that Gates: Barrage : 68 (15 m x 12.3 m) have come to the
after barrage piers sank in Under sluice : 17 (15 m x 13.30 m) Assembly, suggested
October last year, the BRS changes to the resolution
government had deployed Max discharge : 28,25,200 cusecs on KRMB. If he has noth-
a large police force at the ing to hide, then he should
site if it was the India- The previous Congress government had clarify if the letter written
Pakistan Wagah border, to launched the Pranahitha-Chevella proj- by Smitha Sabharwal (a
prevent anyone from visit- ect at `38,500 crore in 2008 but BRS former CMO official)
ing the project and seeing president and then CM K. Chandrashekar Rao about projects hand over
the condition of the struc- redesigned it as Kaleshwaram and escalated was of her own accord, or
ture for themselves. the project cost to `1,45,000 crore. if it was under instruc-
“No one knows what tions from KCR.”
actually happened to the
— A. REVANTH REDDY, Revanth Reddy said the
Medigadda barrage. To CHIEF MINISTER Medigadda visit is an offi-
clear the doubts, our gov- cial programme. “There
ernment decided to L&T is not responding to us. We are are many doubts, so I said
arrange the site visit. We holding L&T and irrigation department lets all go to Medigadda,
also invited media person- responsible for deviations from plans, see for ourselves and have
nel to visit the barrage for not following the specified sequence of lay- officials brief us. But KCR
and know the facts. But ing the raft and secant piles. chose not to come. “He did
BRS and BJP MLAs decid-
Cracks seen at several — RAJIV RATAN, not come to Assembly.
ed to boycott the visit, DIRECTOR GENERAL, VIGILANCE & Which is nearer for him,
which is unfortunate.” portions of the barrage on Assembly or Nalgonda?
The purpose of barrage His Nalgonda visit is just
visit was to apprise every- a ploy to try take the heat
one of the actual condi- ingfully in the Assembly to arrange a helicopter for ient on health grounds for off himself over the
tion of Medigadda bar- when the House took the Chandrashekar Rao to him to travel by bus along Kaleshwaram project
rage so that the issue debate on irrigation proj- visit Medigadda if he felt with him and Members of debacle,” Revanth Reddy
could be discussed mean- ects. The CM even offered that it would be inconven- the Legislative Assembly. said.
of Balakrishna today
HYDERABAD, FEB. 13 likely to join the meeting comes days
ASSEMBLY GHMC deputy mayor
Congress soon.
The BRS had denied
after the defection of
BRS Borabanda corpo-
DC CORRESPONDENT Mothe Srilatha Reddy, Sobhan Reddy the rator Baba Fasiuddin,
HYDERABAD, FEB. 13 the BRS Tarnaka cor- Assembly poll ticket former deputy GHMC
porator, and her hus- from Malkajgiri. Sril- mayor, and the meet-
Collector asked to freeze Balakrishna’s properties BRS leader T. Harish
Rao claimed that the Co-
band, BRS trade union
leader Sobhan Reddy
atha skipped the cor-
porators meeting held
ing of senior BRS
leader and GHMC for-
PRATHYUSH also issued with passbooks, ngress government was met Chief Minister A. on February 10 by BRS mer mayor Bonthu
NALLELLA I DC the investigation revealed. denying him an opportu- Revanth Reddy at his leader K.T. Rama Rammohan with
G. Kishan Reddy
HYDERABAD, FEB. 13 Around eight acres were nity to rebut the argu- residence in Jubilee Rao. Revanth Reddy.
registered to S. Hariprasad ments of ministers in
The Anti-Corruption Bureau under survey numbers 96, 98 the Assembly. This did
(ACB) will on Wednesday and 99 in Valigonda mandal’s not bode well for democ-
start interrogating the Narsapuram village, while racy, he said while
alleged benamis — Bharath, another 11.3 acres were regis- speaking at the Asse-
MEDICAL CENTRES Satyanarayana and Bharani
— of former senior HMDA
tered to S. Raghu Devi name
in 100 and 101 survey by-num-
mbly on Tuesday.
Speaking on the
DC CORRESPONDENT and RERA official Shiva bers, and 3.31 acres of prop- Medigadda barrage
HYDERABAD, FEB. 13 Balakrishna in an asset erty were identified under issue, he claimed: “The
case. the title of S. Padmavati in sinking of one or two
TS BJP president and Union The trio received orders to Shiva Balakrishna Chittapur village with sur- pillars is being blown
minister G. Kishan Reddy on appear for questioning, even vey number 32. out of proportion.” He
Tuesday said the Centre had as the ACB directed the accords on Shiva Bal- In Chinna Ravupalli village said the Kaleshwaram
decided to strengthen the Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri collec- akrishna’s and his family’s of Bibinagar mandal, a half- lift irrigation scheme
‘basti’ medical centres, which tor to freeze properties and properties in the district”, acre property is listed under involved three barrages,
it finances. He was speaking to papers registered in the the collector ordered the tah- Shiva Aruna’s name at 15 reservoirs, 19 substa-
the media while touring name of Balakrishna and his sildar and the sub-registrar 44E1/2 survey number, while tions, 21 pump houses,
Adikmet, Ramnagar and family members. to freeze all property regis- 26.08 acres are registered to 203 km of tunnels, 1,531
Kavadiguda divisions in the Meanwhile, Balakrishna’s trations, Dharani mutations Shiva Naveen Kumar in km of gravity canals, 98
Musheerabad Assembly con- brother Naveen Kumar, who and issuance of property Mothkur mandal’s Palagudu km pressure mains and
stituency. is under judicial remand in passbooks related to the village under survey num- 141 tmc ft storage capaci-
Kishan Reddy said construc- the same case, could move for accused and his family. bers 31, 32 and 33. ty involving lifting of
tion of sheds had been com- a bail petition in the ACB In the preliminary investi- In Shiva Kumar’s name, 8.84 water to 530 feet.
pleted in 33 hospitals to house court soon. gation, the ACB estimated acres were identified in On why the BRS gov-
patients’ attenders, ASHA and Simultaneously, the ACB is Balakrishna’s land owner- Valigonda mandal’s ernment did not build
Anganwadi workers. To meet also working on building a ship in the village to around Redlarepaka village under the Pranahita-Chevella
the drinking water require- case against an IAS officer, eight acres of agricultural survey numbers 500, 503, 504, project, Harish Rao said
ments of government school who was named by farmland. 505, 506 and 527. problems would arise in
students and some areas, Balakrishna, with appropri- However, further investiga- While the properties in constructing it in was
borewells had been dug. He ate government permissions. tion revealed he allegedly Redlarepaka were registered routed through the wil-
said Anganwadi centres were Following ACB’s directions owned 57 acres, registered in in 2009, the rest of the dlife area. The BRS shift-
being established in all to the Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri his family members’ names, properties were all regist ed the project to a place
colonies. collector to put a hold on valued at around `35 crore. ered in the 2021-2023 with more availability of
“any and all financial Some of the properties were period. water.
Form all-party
group to tackle
Krishna row: KCR
L. VENKAT RAM allow any injustice at
REDDY I DC any cost.
HYDERABAD, FEB. 13 The Rao claimed
that the Congress
BRS president and government had
former chief minis- agreed to hand over
ter K. Chandras- the projects initially
hekar Rao demanded but retracted after
that the Congress the BRS raised its
government take an voice. Reacting for
all-party delegation the first time to the
to Delhi pressure the party’s defeat, he
Centre to withdraw said the BRS govern-
its proposal to hand ment did its best. “I
over Nagarjunasagar don’t know what
and Srisailam dams kind of anger people
to the Krishna River felt against the BRS
Management Board or what deception
(KRMB). you were put through
Addressing his first by others, but, you
public meeting after sold a cow delivering
his party’s defeat in milk and bought a
Assembly polls in bull,” in an indirect
Nalgonda on Tu- reference to people
esday against the pr- electing the Congress
oposed handing over to power. Rao said
of projects, Rao ca- that the people were
lled upon the people feeling the pinch of
to wage a battle to ac- the Congress rule as
hieve the rightful they are facing
share of state in Kri- power cuts and did
shna and Godavari not receive Rythu
waters. He vowed to Bandhu. “I gave 24-
fight until his last hour power to all sec-
breath and ensure an tors. Where did the
equal share of the power go within two
Krishna waters to months? Why are
Telangana, adding there power cuts?”
that he would not Rao said.
KCR expresses
concern over
Godavari waters
FROM PAGE 1 cofferdam built
recently to prevent
Chief Minister A. water flow into the
Revanth Reddy, who damaged section
visited Medigadda would be sufficient to
with multi-party del- divert the river, and
egation of legisla- rest of the system
tors, hit back at his could be put to effec-
predecessor, stating tive use. The former
that the project chief minister also
would get washed sought to maintain
away if water was that Medigadda was
impounded in the just one component
three barrages. of the KLIS project
Speaking at the which has numerous
public meeting, Rao storage, pumping
expressed concern and distribution
over the Godavari facilities.”After all,
waters going down- one or two piers
stream without being sank,” he said adding
put to use. “Even that the Congress
now we are receiving government had
four to five thousand been doing a great
cusecs of water in injustice to farmers
the Godavari. How by depriving them of
can they leave water from the
Medigadda defunct,” scheme to settle
he asked. political scores with
Further, he said the him.
pg 4
Miscreant snatches
Top cop: Start early,
2-tola mangalsutra
Hyderabad: An unidentified
two-wheeler rider snatched a
two-tola gold mangalsutra from
reach home safely Shamirpet tahsildar
Thodeti Satyanarayana and
a woman at about 9.40 pm on
Monday, Meerpet police said.
The victim, Sandhya Rani, 44,
Kothakota urges drivers to be disciplined on roads his driver P. Bhadri in the
ACB custody. — DC
was walking to her home in PRATHYUSH
Teachers Colony from the
Gurramguda bus stop when the
incident occurred. Police who
responded to a complaint
began checking CCTV camera The Hyderabad police
footage of the area and track-
ing the vehicle through the two-
c o m m i s s i o n e r,
Kothakota Sreenivasa
wheeler’s registration number Reddy, on Tuesday DC CORRESPONDENT
provided by onlookers. urged the public to fol- HYDERABAD, FEB. 13
low the mantra of
“start early, reach safe- The Anti Corruption
858 COPS GET ly”, in his address at
the Hyderabad traffic
Bureau (ACB) on Tuesday
trapped Shamirpet tahsil-
“Everyone in the city driver P. Bhadri for
has an urgency, and demanding and accepting
everybody cannot trav- a bribe from a com-
DC CORRESPONDENT el at high speeds to plainant who wanted a
HYDERABAD, FEB 13. their destinations. report in his favour to be
Start early and reach Hyderabad police commissioner Kothakota Sreenivasa Reddy, additional com- forwarded to the collector
The TS Cybercrime State your destination safe- missioner of police (traffic) P. Vishwa Prasad and actor Siddhu Jonnalagadda, to acquire a pattadar pass-
Bureau (TSCSB) has trained ly,” Sreenivasa Reddy releasing pre-recorded audio message on road safety. — R. Pavan book.
858 constables and head con- said at the event, which The ACB’s city investiga-
20 tonnes PDS
TSRTC gets first Etala: Joint capital Plea against Ooru Peru
demand irrelevant Bhairavakona filed
wheat seized
Hyderabad: Balanagar police
raided a godown and seized 20
tonnes of PDS wheat, valued at
`7 lakh at Allapur. Civil supplies
female jt director FROM PAGE 1
Jagtial: No-trust
the state’s first woman Apoorva Rao thanked capital for Andhra Prad- and said it was against the Peru Bhairavakona.” The the agreement was violated.
IPS officer to be posted the government for esh,” said senior BRS le- bifurcation Act. petitioner, Battula He said that he had appr-
as the TSRTC joint appointing her as a joint ader and former MP B. “Why did not these lead- Satyanarayana, owner of oached the CBFC but there
motion withdrawn director,
with her
She said that the Maha
Vinod Kumar. He did not
find rationale behind con-
ers talk on these lines
when KCR was CM,” he
Gayatri Films, claimed the
film’s producers had violat-
was no response. The court
was not inclined to issue the
Hyderabad: Jagtial BRS council- against the backdrop of Lakshmi free bus facili- tinuation of the joint capi- said. Former Gajuwaka ed their agreement in rela- direction and without hear-
lors decided to abstain from the government’s Maha ty scheme for women tal as all the offices allot- MLA and TD parliamen- tion to film rights. ing the other side and issued
Wednesday's no-confidence Lakshmi scheme aimed “ambitiously intro- ted to AP were vacated and tary constituency presi- The film, starring Sundeep notices to the producers and
motion that they had moved at empowering women K. Apoorva Rao duced by the Telangana more importantly the dent Palla Srinivasa Rao Kishan and Varsha Bollam- the CBFC, directing them
against the civic body vice- by giving them free bus government” is being High Court was bifurcat- said it would be a sense- ma and directed by V. reply before February 29.
chairman after talks with BRS rides. Hyderabad, has worked implemented success- ed. less decision to move to
MLC K. Kavitha in Hyderabad on Apoorva assumed as the SP of fully and she will do her Telangana BJP leaders Hyderabad. “Amaravati,
Tuesday. The meeting was held office and took to her Wanaparthy, Gadwal best to implement the saw a conspiracy jointly Vizag and three capitals
in the presence of local MLA chambers at the and Nalgonda districts. scheme more effectively. hatched by BRS chief K. gone and now the YSRC
Sanjay Kumar and MLC L. Hyderabad Bus Bhavan TSRTC’s managing She said that she Chandrashekar Rao and leadership want to move
Ramana. Asking them to rescind on Tuesday, after the director V.C. Sajjanar would support the Jagan Mohan Reddy to to Hyderabad and for
their decision, Kavitha promised government decided to congratulated Apoorva growth of TSRTC, stoke regional sentiments. what?” he said
that the BRS would give oppor- appoint her from her Rao after she assumed which is making its BJP leader Etala Rajendar Blaming both
tunities to all and sought their current role of SP. responsibility as the mark in the country's said, “The issue of Chandrababu Naidu and
support to fight the ruling party. Apoorva, a 2014 batch joint director of TSRTC. public transport sys- Hyderabad as joint capital Jagan Mohan Reddy for
IPS officer from She was advised to work tem. was never implemented in the fiasco, former floor
practice in the last 10 leader and AP BJP vice-
years. Raising the demand president P. Vishnu
CITY BRIEFS now is meant to trigger
sentiments of the people
Kumar Raju said it was
mistake on part of Naidu
to benefit KCR. Those who to shift the capital from
have lost base among the Hyderabad without build-
people are trying to make ing a full-fledged capital in
themselves relevant by Andhra Pradesh.
giving statements like Secondly, when the
this. There is no feeling Reorganisation Act facili-
that Hyderabad is a joint tated a joint capital for 10
capital among the people. years, the government
The demand is irrele- should have used the
vant.” time to build a new
Former minister Vemula capital.
Pregnant woman
Family members and friends of former prime minister
beaten up, baby dies
P.V. Narasimha Rao, including actor Tanikella Bharani, DC CORRESPONDENT after the attack and start-
take out a rally at P.V. Narasimha Rao Marg expressing HYDERABAD, FEB. 13 ed bleeding.
gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for Her mother rushed her
announcing Bharat Ratna to P.V. Narasimha Rao. — DC A drunk punched his to Niloufer Hospital, said
eight-month pregnant wife Mangalhat inspector
resulting in the death of Anapa Ravi Kumar.
Students of Gove- their foetus at his in-laws Doctors said the foetus
rnment Degree house at Jinsi Chouraha had died in the
College from Swami Bodhamayanda of Hyderabad’s Ramakrishna on Ferbruary 9. womb.
Khairatabad sell Mutt, along with monks from different states, felicitates Mangalhat police arrested The couple was married
different types of a 90-per cent disabled person, Chandrakant Sagar, who the accused, Vijay Singh, in 2022 and disputes broke
paper-made on Monday. out over Vijay Singh’s
drew inspiration from Swami Vivekananda and set
His wife Pooja Singh addiction to alcohol and
handmade gifts on up an industry of making eco-friendly jute bags by complaint of stomach pain ganja.
the occasion of giving employment to several disabled persons. The
Valentine's Day, at programme was organised to commemorate Swami
Tank Bund on Vivekananda’s first public meeting at Mahbubia College
Tuesday. in Secunderabad on the same date in 1893, before going
— S. SURENDER to the United States where he made the historic speech
REDDY in Chicago. — P. SURENDRA
GOOD | SHOW 23 from across the country score perfect 100 in test
14 FEBRUARY 2024
TN Governor’s actions
a travesty of democracy
iven the quintessential behaviour of Governors appointed in the
southern states not ruled by the BJP, what R.N. Ravi did in the
Assembly Hall inside the historic Fort St George in Chennai on
Monday was not at all surprising. Ahead of Ravi, his counterpart
in Kerala had also done the same thing — refused to read out the custom-
ary Governors’ address prepared by the state government.
Ravi added a sprinkling of spice to his recalcitrance by stating that his
reading out the speech would be a constitutional travesty and by com-
plaining that the national anthem was not played at the start of the House
proceedings despite his repeated entreaties.
From the beginning of his tenure at the Raj Bhavan, another building of
historic significance in Chennai, Ravi had been expressing displeasure
over a plethora of traditions followed in Tamil Nadu. In fact, he even
picked holes in the nomenclature itself by saying that it should be
Tamilagan and not Tamil Nadu, a name bestowed on the erstwhile Madras
state by the DMK government soon after it romped home in the 1967
Assembly elections. The Governor raised a hue and cry over the transla-
tion of the Tamil poetic treatise, Thirukural, into English by G.U. Pope
without bothering about the fact that transla-
He added a tions of the classic were available in 42 lan-
sprinkling of spice guages and in English alone there were 57 ren-
to his recalcitrance derings.
Ravi even wanted to expel a state minister who
by stating that his was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate
reading out the but had to rescind the move after he was
Limits to BJP’s domination? LETTERS
The joy in family members
speech would be a reminded that he was not empowered to execute
constitutional it by the Constitution. It was in continuation of
this trend of violation of norms, Constitutional
travesty and by provisions and democratic traditions that he
complaining that the has decided to not read out the speech prepared
national anthem was by the government and tried to impose his own
Bharat Ratna and Polls 2024 of eight Indian former Navy
personnel who were freed
in Qatar would be over-
whelming (Win for India,
The Lalu Prasad Janata Dal (Secular) of for-
Qatar frees ex-Navy men,
not played... idea of a Governor’s address on the elected state mer Prime Minister H.D.
Having been here for over two years, Ravi should have known that in
Parsa Yadav and RJD
Deve Gowda in Karnataka,
the Telugu Desam Party
Feb. 13). Thanks to Emir of
Tamil Nadu the singing of the Tamil anthem, ‘Tamil Thai Vazhthu’, Venkateshwar formation remains (TDP) in Andhra Pradesh,
Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin
Hamad Al Thani for his
a solid Opposition the RLD in Uttar Pradesh,
Rao Jr
marked the beginning of any event and the national anthem was played
only at the end. Yet if he wanted the national anthem to be played first, it the breakaway factions of mercy and Prime Minister
was just to cock a snook at a tradition.
bloc in the state, the Shiv Sena and the
It was absurd for Ravi to vent his ire over the address prepared for him and conferring the Nationalist Congress Party Narendra Modi for the
being not to his liking because the elected government would only try to Bharat Ratna on (NCP) in Maharashtra, the diplomatic win.
blow its own trumpet when an opportunity arose to reach out to the Karpoori Thakur is Shiromani Akali Dal in Venkat Rudra
people. Ravi’s professed respect for the national anthem is itself a highly he announce- ing “thank you” to Jayant Punjab and the JD(U) in
Choudhury and the
not going to change Bihar. There is a precedent Hyderabad
questionable proposition since it was not only at the inaugural of the 2024 ment in quick
session of the legislature on Monday that he breezed out of the hallowed succession of Rashtriya Lok Dal because that for this coalition-building
precincts without waiting for the playing of the national anthem. He had
done it at the first Assembly meeting of 2023, too. On both occasions he did
they are all set to rejoin the
BJP-led National Demo-
when the CPI(M) under the
leadership of Jyoti Basu FARMERS’ STIR
not show any patience but left in a huff, adding some drama to his walk- conferred posthumously cratic Alliance (NDA). itics will find it hard to pen- kept the Left Front, com- The way barricades are being set
outs and giving rise to the suspicion that he was trying to draw the public's on Karpoori Thakur, P.V. The award for P.V. etrate the land of Pallavas prising the CPI, the up in Delhi to restrict the entry of
attention. Narasimha Rao, Charan Narasimha Rao is primari- and Cholas, or the tradi- Revolutionary Socialist farmers is shocking (Multi-layered
But then the utterances of Assembly Speaker M. Appavu, which ironi- Singh and M.S. ly to snub the Congress tions of Tirukkural and the Party and the Forward blocks to stop farmers stir today,
cally had to be expunged by the presiding officer himself as they were in Swaminathan made it evi- Party and Sonia devotional outpourings of Bloc going despite the over- Feb. 13). Is this what Prime
gross violation of constitutional provisions, only gave a tragic twist to the dent that it was done with Gandhi/Rahul Gandhi. It the Shaivita and whelming dominance of Minister Narendra Modi means
dark comedy that unfolded in the House. It appears that transgressing the the coming Lok Sabha elec- is an inexplicable animus Vaishnavite Tamil saint- the CPI(M). There is also when he repeatedly says “Sabka
Constitution has become the new normal. tions in mind. Prime that the BJP/RSS leaders poets. The religiosity of the the difference. The CPI(M) saath sabka vikas”?
Minister Narendra Modi nurse against the Nehru- Tamil country is a far cry did not ever try to weaken Khaizar Hussain
has not been a stickler for Gandhis at a time when from the politics of religion its smaller allies the way Hyderabad
s polls draw near, it’s party-hopping season. While also a season for between 2015 and 2024, and be any hint of a comeback hoping to convert the Unemployed youth especially those
some sportsmen, as in popular leagues like IPL, to change their he could have deflected by the family to power. whole country to the Congress as an umbrella in the reserved category should
teams, where the remuneration would have been fixed with variable criticism about the politi- Modi believes in beating Hindutva creed under the party where competing take exams and try to get into state
pay and perks, here, however, the move is riskier. You could end up being cal motives behind the down a political rival and guise of nationalism. He groups hung together. The service (Cong. raises age bar for
a Member of Parliament and even a minister if lucky. Or you could end up announcement. The Prime ideological enemy as com- may not succeed because BJP cannot become an TSPSC by 2 years, Feb. 13).
a loser, left by the wayside, ignored by new friends and old alike. Minister, however, takes pletely as possible, which is he is violating the basic umbrella party because of N.R. Raghuram
It takes exceptional political acumen to gauge the public mood and pride in the fact that he what politics of the kind constitutional principle of its inflexible ideological Hyderabad
decide when to switch sides. Babu Jagjivan Ram, for instance, was a mas- breaks all liberal protocols practised by Modi and the the modern Indian polity, moorings. The party, how-
ter of this art — as senior Congress leader and minister in Indira Gandhi’s
cabinet, he jumped ship along with H.N. Bahuguna barely months before
without compunction —
and he is not bothered
BJP demands. Narasimha
Rao had no political reso-
federalism, which respects
the space of regional pow-
ever, has no option but to
look for partnerships and ISSUE JOB ORDERS
the 1977 Lok Sabha polls called by his own party and coasted to a massive about the ulterior political nance in Telangana state ers and regional voices. allies in the political field The government must issue
win in the anti-Emergency Janata wave. motive behind the deci- when he was alive and One of the hallmarks of the and beyond. Modi has been appointment orders to the 15,750
Decades later, the DMK, which was till then a part of the NDA, quit it and sion. Even those political none after his death. Modi style of politics has relentlessly working at students who had cleared the selec-
joined the UPA in 2004, and was back in power at the Centre again for 10 observers in the media The BJP is unlikely to been talking incessantly building bridges to differ- tion as per previous notification
years. The RJD of Lalu Prasad Yadav, however, miscalculated. It quit the who are supportive of increase its vote share in about India’s civilisational ent factions across the (Revanth reviews GO 46 on police
UPA in 2009 before the results went in favour of the Congress. Narendra Modi felt com- Telangana state because glory and imposing politi- country. The hubris that recruitment, Feb, 13). Students are
The 2024 season has started with the JD(U) of Nitish Kumar flip-flopping, pelled to take note of the Modi had awarded the cal authority emanating destroyed the Congress’ suffering a lot due to cancellation of
along with a change of guard in that state. The momentum is clearly in politics behind the move. Bharat Ratna to Rao. from the BJP’s political dominance was its belief TSPSC examinations.
favour of the NDA, and its latest catch is the Congress leader and former The question that needs The award to M.S. base in the Hindi-speaking that India had no alterna- N.R. Ramachandran
Maharashtra chief minister Ashok Chavan. It is not quite clear yet if to be asked is: what are the Swaminathan only shows states. The imperiousness tive to the Congress. The Hyderabad
another former chief minister will set sails for the saffron coast, dumping electoral benefits the BJP that the BJP has no clue that marked the Congress BJP too is reaching its
the Congress. and the Prime Minister about the politics of Tamil in the 1950s and 1960s is hubris levels due to its Email your letters to
The coming days will raise the curtains on the plans of many. But it is the hope to gain out of this. The Nadu. The fictional symbol perpetuated by the BJP desire to impose Hindutva [email protected],
people who will take the final call. award for Karpoori of the “Sengol” that has under Modi over the past across the country under [email protected].
Thakur may not pay off been placed in the new decade. While the the pretext of uniting the
because present-day voters Parliament building, acti- Congress’ imperiousness country. Modi’s latest gam-
Printer & Publisher
in Bihar know only Lalu
Prasad Yadav and Nitish
Kumar. The BJP has
vating the Tamil connec-
tion with Varanasi, and
now the Bharat Ratna for
was mainly political, that
of the BJP is of insidious
cultural domination. The
bit of using the Bharat
Ratna award to reach out to
different groups and
gained more than a Swaminathan will have lit- gestures of goodwill for regions in the country is a
DECCAN CHRONICLE offices are located at: foothold in the company of tle, if any, political impact Tamil without sharing weak one because he is not
Nitish Kumar over the last in the state. political power will remain able to hide his party’s Pai suggests compulsory
Hyderabad: 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad - 500 003, Ph: 040-27803930-4; Fax : 040-27805256 desire to rule the country
20 years, and it is set in a The BJP cannot hope to futile.
Vijayawada: No.C-3 & 4 Patamata, Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada (A.P.), Ph: 0866-2555284.
way to overshadow the make inroads into the state The BJP is able to gain a as the Congress did in the national service
Visakhapatnam: Survey No.1/3A Beach Road, Near Kailasagiri Ropeway, Sector-9 MVP Colony,
Visakhapatnam - 530 017 (A.P), Ph: 0891-2552333/2552334; Fax: 0891-2755285 Nitish Kumar/Janata Dal by making these vague ges- comfortable parliamentary first two decades after NEW DELHI, Feb. 13.
Rajahmundry: Vemagiri, Dhawaleswaram Rd, Rajahmundry, Ph: 0883-2417618/2417208; Telefax: 0883- (United) constituency. The tures of goodwill in the majority without being Independence. The desire Heavy Industry Minister T. A.
2417208 Lalu Prasad name of India/Hindu cul- dominant in the southern of a political party to domi- Pai feels that the time has come
Anantapur: Thapovan colony, Bangalore By-Pass Road, Anantapur - 515004, Ph: 08554-276903; Fax: Yadav/Tejashwsi Yadav tural glory. Tamil cultural and eastern parts of the nate is quite natural, but when the country should think of
08554-276904 and Rashtriya Janata Dal consciousness is rooted in country. But Modi is not there are limits to domina- a compulsory national service for
Karimnagar: H. No. 1-21-12/1, Cheralabhutkur Road, Mugudhumpur Village, Karimnagar-505186, PH. (RJD) formation remains a a sub-soil of a deeply rooted satisfied with being in tion. The BJP under Modi every Indian who has had the
NO. 9121181123. regional identity. The power at the Centre. He is moving towards the benefit of education. ‘An educated
solid Opposition bloc in the
Nellore: Survey No.527/2, Burranpur Village, Venkatachalam (M), Chemmudugunta Panchayat, Nellore, Ph:
state, and conferring the attempt to homogenise wants to see the BJP in point of limitation. Indian should be made to give
0861-2348581/82; Telefax: 0861-2348580
Chennai: SP-3 Developed Plot, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032, Ph: 044-22254747/ 48/50/51; Bharat Ratna on Karpoori Indian/Hindu culture runs power across the country. something back to the country
Advt Fax: 22254765/22254766/42305325 Thakur is not going to counter to the Tamil spirit. That is why he has adopted The writer is a Delhi- before he gets employed’, he says
Coimbatore: Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, No. 2/22 Sengalipalayam Road, N.G.G.O Colony Post, change that. The award for The Hindi-heartland the strategy of reaching out based commentator and in an interview.—UNI.
Kurudampalayam village - 641 022 Charan Singh is like say- Hindutva brand of BJP pol- to allies, whether it is the analyst
n a unique phenomenon, the Maldives period- The rivalry in the region between India and senior diplomat was heard on television sermon- However, by the end of 2023, the surge of Chinese
ically chooses between two of the largest con- China has turned into a surrogate one. The scrim- ising our neighbours not to cross “red lines”. “The tourists catapulted it to the third spot. Given the
testants on earth in a national election. The mage in the Himalayas is likely to be of contained strength of diplomacy is to deal with inimical gov- rapid change in tourist demographics, Muizzu’s
individual candidates may go by any other tactical importance, since neither can make head- ernments,” counters Lt Gen. Sharma. In support, plea to China for tourists will increase the Chinese
Probal name, but the influencer emerges from among the
behemoths: India or China. In successive polls,
way in the mountains. However, when dimen-
sions of conflict expand to include the oceans and
he notes recent examples of India’s dealings with
the Taliban and earlier with Pakistani govern-
footprint in the islands and could challenge
India’s influence in future.
DasGupta power has changed hands with such metronomic
fidelity that the losing candidate bides his time to
the nations that dot them, it gives rise to the real
risk of a Chinese “string of pearls” around India
ments where back channels were deftly used.
There is an impression in India that any hostile
In the Covid-19 pandemic, the Maldives was the
only nation accessible to Indians without a visa.
turn the tables next time. through satellite states and naval bases. That is issue can be whipped up into a public interest phe- Previously, Sri Lanka went through a cycle of pro-
As President Mohamed Muizzu won power in where emotional outbursts on every issue can nomenon by crowding out unfavourable views China and pro-India periods. India’s relations
Male, shocking Ibrahim Solih, it was known he become self-goals for India. using sheer numbers on social media. But those with Nepal hit a roller-coaster. After his China
would lean towards China. In Muizzu’s early days, The Chinese positions have stayed the course. jumping on this bandwagon have little or no un- visit, Muizzu spat out: “We may be small, but that
with Beijing promising increased infrastructure Beijing’s thinking on the Maldives began even derstanding of how international affairs and doesn’t give you the licence to bully us.”
The Modi
Modi: India third largest
Hawk trainer aircraft of the
Indian Air Force met with an
accident at Kalaikunda, West
Bengal today during a training
and justice for victims of
the Lakhimpur Kheri vio-
lence. Among other
demands, the farmers also
ger entry and exit
at nine stations on
Tuesday by shutting some
heightened along
Rajasthan’s borders
with Haryana and Punjab
has not been
fulfilling its
given to farmers, which
economy in my 3rd term
sortie. Both the pilots ejected want the government to gates in view of the farm- and mobile internet sus- SRIDHAR
safely. A Court of Inquiry has
been constituted to find out the
cause of the accident. No loss
of life or damage to civilian
reinstate the
Acquisition Act 2013,
withdraw from the World
Trade Organisation and
Land ers' proposed march to
the national capital. The
commuters were allowed
to enter or exit these sta-
pended in 3 districts in
view of the farmers’ stir.
IG, Bikaner, Om Prakash,
visited the Ratanpura bor-
reflects its intention.
The Congress is
standing with the
farmers and supports
PM thanks Zayed
give compensation to the
families of farmers who
died during the previous
tions through other
der and reviewed the
— Jairam Ramesh,
Senior Congress leader for granting land
tion on foreign soil on the
outcome of the forthcom-
ing general elections in
India, Prime Minister
farmer groups to have a
structured discussion
with the government on
the issue and cautioned
Rahul Gandhi condemns before a cheering Indian
community in Abu Dhabi
that in his “third term”,
India would become the
Addressing the UAE
President as his “brother”
in his opening remarks
ahead of the talks, Modi
harmony, tolerance and
peaceful coexistence,”
New Delhi said in a state-
ment. Modi said he felt at
The BKU chief wondered democracy and the yatra which was sched- their basic rights? I astic Indians, Modi investor in India, Modi He spoke about how
whether the farmers will Constitution, and the uled to reach Balrampur strongly condemn the bru- revealed that when it had said the two nations are India had made great
always be in agitation party is working for this. in Chhattisgarh on tal assault on our farmers come to approvals for the scripting a bright future strides in fintech and digi-
AGREE: NO BORDER mode, block roads. He said that the Wednesday before enter- by the BJP,” she said. land for the grand BAPS together where their tal systems.
Aizawl, Feb. 13: Mizoram
Chief Minister Lalduhoma on
Tuesday said that he and his
SC rejects petition to stay Sidda attacks PM
on job creation
Assam counterpart Himanta
Biswa Sarma have agreed not
to allow any more violence
along the disputed inter-state
new law on EC selection
Lalduhoma also said that DC CORRESPONDENT M.B. GIRISH I DC jobs generation under the
Assam Border
Development Minister Atul
According to National
Bora will visit Mizoram next
The Supreme Court on
Tuesday refused to grant a
CHALLENGES EC ORDER IN SC Drawing a comparison
between the Congress led
Crime Record Bureau, he
said two unemployed per-
Addressing a press confer- stay against the new law RAKESH K. SINGH I DC ensure that no ex-parte United Progressive sons resort to suicides
ence in Aizawl, the chief min- that provides for selection NEW DELHI, FEB. 13 order is passed in favour Alliance at the Centre and in Karnataka, as
ister said that he recently met of the Chief Election of the Sharad Pawar Former Maharashtra CM and Congress leader Ashok from 2004-2014 with the many as 1,129 unem-
Sarma in Guwahati and both Commissioner and Veteran politician Sharad group. Chavan joins the BJP in Mumbai on Tuesday. — PTI incumbent Bharatiya ployed persons took dras-
discussed the border issue. Election Commissioners Pawar has moved the In a setback to the senior Janata Party (BJP) led tic steps to end their lives
He said that the two neigh- by a panel minus the Chief Supreme Court challeng- Pawar, the Election National Democratic in 2021. Pointing at
bouring states agreed to main-
tain peace along the border
and resolve the long-standing
Justice of India.
However, a bench of
Justices Sanjiv Khanna
ing an Election
Commission order recog-
nising the faction led by
Commission announced
on February 6 that the
Ajit Pawar faction is the
Chavan to fight RS Alliance, Chief Minister
Tuesday questioned PM
Central Government’s
Periodical Labour Force
Survey from 2019 to 2022,
curb evangelism
his team will reach
Sandeshkhali around 11 am on
The members of the commis-
sion will meet the family mem- MANOJ ANAND I DC fraudulent magical heal- Chennai, Feb. 13: To Community Radio ● INDIA’S FIRST commu- pus of the Anna
bers of the women victims of GUWAHATI, FEB. 13 ing practices in the name ensure the growth of the Sammelan (South) here. nity radio station was University in 2004.
alleged sexual harassment and of treatment, Sarma told community radio sector, Under the revised policy, inaugurated on the cam- Currently, there are 481
hold a meeting with the dis- Assam Chief Minister reporters, “Magical heal- the government on the government has per- CRSs in India. More than
trict magistrate and superin- Himanta Biswa Sarma ing is a dicey subject used Tuesday increased the mitted any eligible organi- pus of the Anna University 133 CRSs became opera-
tendent of police. said that his government to convert tribal people. advertising time for com- sation functional in multi- in 2004. tional in the last two
The commission members wants to bring a robust We are going to pilot this munity radio stations as ple districts to set up a The revised policy guide- years. CRSs are low-power
will later hold a press confer- legislation to curb evan- Bill because we believe well as the price rate for maximum of six commu- lines are expected to fuel radio stations, which are
ence. gelism in the state apart the religious status quo is advertisements. nity radio stations in dif- growth of the community meant to be set up and
Protests continued in from banning polygamy very important for a prop- It also increased the peri- ferent districts. radio sector. The guide- operated by local commu-
Sandeshkhali for the sixth con- besides a law following er balance.” od for the grant of permis- The advertising time for lines stated that the licens- nities. “Community radio
secutive day, with a significant the pattern of He asserted, “Whoever sion agreement from the community radio stations ee will set up an advisory stations offer a platform
Anurag Thakur
number of women taking to Uttarakhand’s Uniform is Muslim, should remain existing five years to 10 has been increased from and content committee where content is dissemi-
the streets, demanding the Civil Code. Muslim, whoever is years, according to the seven minutes per hour to validity of the letter of comprising members of nated in localised dialects
arrest of TMC leader Sheikh Referring to the Assam Christian, should remain revised policy guidelines 12 minutes per hour, while intent issued to an organi- the local community, with and regional languages.
Shajahan and his alleged Healing (Prevention of Christian and whoever is for the sector, which was the rate of advertisement sation to one year, with a 50 per cent representation Local, context specific
“gang.” The accusations Evil) Practices Bill, 2024, Hindu, let them remain released by Information has been hiked from `52 to buffer of three months to for women. issues are raised and dis-
include forcefully capturing approved by the state cab- Hindu so that a proper and Broadcasting `74 per 10 second, the the applicant for any India's first community cussed in these stations in
land and sexually harassing inet on February 10 to balance can be achieved Minister Anurag Thakur guidelines stated. unforeseen circum- radio station (CRS) was local idioms,” Thakur
women. address the issue of in our state”. at the Regional The policy also fixed the stances. inaugurated on the cam- said. — PTI
cmyk cmyk
is asst in USAID
Truce talks in Cairo; Bilawal’s withdrawal
Washington, Feb. 13:
shelling rocks Rafah boosts Nawaz PM bid
Sonali Korde, an In- Cairo, Jerusalem,
dian-American expert Feb. 13: Officials
in legislative affairs from the United AUSTRALIA SET TO BAN DOXXING
and budgeting, has
been sworn in as assis-
States, Egypt, Israel
and Qatar were meet- AFTER INFO OF JEWS PUBLISHED Bhutto: PPP to support ex-premier but not be part of govt
tant to USAID admin- ing in Cairo on Islamabad, Feb. 13: In a
istrator Samantha Tuesday to try to Melbourne, Feb. yet to be drafted, major boost to former Pa- ‘SHAM POLL WIN’ CASES DISMISSED
Power for the Bureau agree a truce in Gaza 13: The Australian would involve issui- kistan prime minister Na-
for Humanitarian as international calls government said on ng take-down notic- waz Sharif ’s bid to secure A PAKISTANI COURT
Assistance. “I view grew for Israel to hold Tuesday it will out- es to social media a record fourth term, on Tuesday dismissed more
Sonali, and I think this back on its planned law doxxing — the platforms and imp- Pakistan Peoples Party than 30 petitions filed by
packed house speaks assault on the Pales- malicious release osing fines for the chairman Bilawal Bhutto- jailed former premier Imran
to this for so many Sonali Korde tinian enclave’s sou- online of personal intimidation tactic. Zardari on Tuesday with- Khan’s party backed inde-
here, but Sonali is real- thern city of Rafah. or identifying infor- The government drew from the race, saying
ly a gift to us all. And New Jersey, home. France on Tuesday mation without the was responding to his party would support
pendent candidates who
because we get to see a “They took frequent said it was imposing subject’s permiss- news reports that the ex-premier without challenged the “sham victo-
lot of her, in time, and trips back to India wh- sanctions against 28 ion — after pro-Pa- pro-Palestinian ac- being part of the govern- ry” of top PML-N lead-
a lot of her many qual- ere Sonali saw a tale of “extremist Israeli set- lestinian activists tivists had publish- ment. ers, including for-
ities, which I will dwell two countries, such tlers” who it accuses published personal ed the names, imag- Despite independent ca- mer PM Nawaz
on,” Power said during incredible dynamism of committing hum- details of hundreds es, professions and ndidates backed by jailed Sharif and his
the swearing-in cere- and burgeoning intel- an rights abuses of Jewish people in social media accou- former prime minister Im- daughter Maryam. Jamiat Ulma Islam JUI-F workers take part in a
mony on Monday. lect, culture but also against Palestinian Australia. nts of Jewish peop- ran Khan’s Pakistan Tehr- protest in Quetta on Tuesday, amid claims of
She said Korde’s such extreme poverty civilians in the occu- Attorney-General le working in acade- eek-e-Insaaf (PTI) party vote-rigging in Pakistan’s elections. — AFP
parents, who migrated that persists in many pied West Bank. Mark Dreyfus said mia and the creative springing a surprise by
JAILED EX-PM Imran Khan’s
from India, gave her parts of the country — The 28 individuals the proposed laws, industries. — AP winning the most seats in party on Tuesday an-
an incredible upbring- even with all of the are now banned from Parliament, questions nounced that it will use the A PAKISTAN POLITICIAN declared the winner of
ing that endowed her success lifting so many entering French ter- loom over what the next platform of two rightwing a provincial assembly seat in last week’s election
with a deep apprecia-
tion for a world out-
hundreds of millions
of people out of pov-
ritory, the foreign
ministry said.
AL JAZEERA ASSAILS ISRAEL government of Pakistan
will look like five days
religious parties to form go-
vernment in the Centre, Pu-
says he will cede to a rival because he believes
the result was rigged. Hafiz Naeemur Rehman,
side of their Cranford, erty.” — PTI More than one milli-
on displaced civilians
TARGETING ITS JOURNALISTS after the general elections.
None of the three major
njab and KP. “PTI has deci-
ded to join Majlis Wahdat-e-
the head of Jamaat-e-Islami inKarachi, won after
he got 26,296 votes, compared to 20,608 for the
are crammed into Gaza Strip, Feb. risk and camera- parties, the PML-N, the Muslimeen to form the gov- runner-up. But Rehman believes the real
Rafah, many living in 13: Qatar-based Al man Ahmad Matar PPP, or the PTI have won winner was an independent candidate
camps and makeshift Jazeera on Tuesday was severely the necessary seats in the ernment in the Centre and
shelters, having fled condemned Israel wounded when the February 8 general elec- Punjab and Jamaati-e-Islami linked to Khan’s PTI party, who was
to there from Israeli for wounding two of pair were hit in tions to secure a majority in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.” listed as fourth with 11,357 votes.
bombardments in ot- its journalists. Gaza’s southern in the National Assembly
her areas of Gaza du- Reporter Ismail city of Rafah. and, therefore, will be un-
ring more than four
months of warfare.
Israel says it wants
to flush out Hamas
Abu Omar’s life is at
able to form government
on their own, leading to a
hung Parliament.
Addressing a press conf-
PM Shehbaz Sharif reaffi-
rmed that Pakistan Musl-
im League-Nawaz (PML-
N) supremo Nawaz Sharif,
New PM: Alvi may
militants from hide-
outs in Rafah and free
Israeli hostages being
exodus over the bor-
der. Gaza health offi-
cials announced 133
Around half of Ga-
za’s 2.3 million people
are now packed into
erence here after the meet-
ing of the PPP’s high-pow-
ered Central Executive
74, will become the prime
minister for a record
fourth time.
not administer oath
held there, and is ma- new Palestinian dea- Rafah, many of Committee (CEC), held “I had said that Nawaz Islamabad, Feb. 13: Paki- session, while a similar
king plans to evacu- ths in the past 24 whom who fled other under his leadership, Bila- Sharif would become PM stan President Arif Alvi exercise would be condu-
ate trapped Palestini- hours, bringing the areas under fire. wal has said the reality is for the fourth time. And I may not be administering cted the following day.
an civilians. But no total to 28,473 killed “Since Israel said that his party does not maintain today that he is the oath to the new prime The members would no
plan has been forthc- and 68,146 wounded they are invading have a mandate to form a going to be the PM for the minister as his successor longer be members of the
oming and aid agen- since Oct. 7. Rafah soon...we read federal government. fourth time,” he said. will be elected before the provincial assembly if
cies say the displaced Many other people our last prayers every “Due to this, I will not be Bilawal noted that Imran next federal government they take oath in the nati-
have nowhere else to are believed to be night. Every night we putting myself forward Khan’s PTI refused to is formed, a media report onal legislature. Well-plac-
go in the shattered buried under rubble say farewell to one for the candidacy of the form a coalition with the said on Tuesday. ed parliamentary sources
territory. Israeli tan- of destroyed buildi- another and to rela- prime minister of Pakist- PPP which left the PML-N The News International told the newspaper that
ks shelled the eastern ngs across the dense- tives outside Rafah,” an,” the 35-year-old former as the only party to invite reported that the oath of the election of the Senat-
sector of Rafah over- ly populated enclave, said 30-year-old Aya, foreign minister said, add- the PPP to join the govern- the members of the newly- e’s 53 members, chairm-
night, causing waves much of which is in who is living in a tent ing that PML-N and the ment. Khan on Tuesday elected National Assemb- an/deputy chairman, and
of panic, residents ruins. Supplies of with her mother, independents have greater dismissed the idea of for- ly could be held on Feb. 26, consequently election of
said. Rafah neighbou- food, water and other grandmother and five numbers in the Centre. ming a coalition governm- three days before the dead- the president of the coun-
rs Egypt but Cairo essentials are run- siblings. Bilawal’s announcement ent with any of the main line for summoning the try has to be held before
has made clear it will ning out and diseases — Agencies came hours after former political parties. — PTI House for its inaugural March 8. — PTI
Societal misalignments can harm AI: CEO ton set when it rejected
Trump’s immunity clai-
ms and ruled the trial
could proceed.
The Supreme Court’s
Dubai, Feb. 13: The “There’s some things and healthy, but at some bots. decision on what to do,
CEO of ChatGPT-maker in there that are easy to We’re still in the stage of a lot point in the next few OpenAI’s success has and how quickly it acts,
OpenAI said on Tuesday imagine where things of discussion. So there’s you years, I think we have to made Altman the public could determine wheth-
that the dangers that really go wrong. And know, everybody in the world is move towards an action face for generative AIs er the Republican presi-
keep him awake at night I’m not that interested having a conference. Everyone’s plan with real buy-in rapid commercialisa- dential primary frontr-
regarding artificial in the killer robots walk- got an idea, a policy paper, and around the world.” tion and the fears over unner stands trial in the
intelligence are the very ing on the street direc- that’s OK. I think we’re still at a OpenAI, a San what may come from the case before Nov. There is
subtle societal misalign- tion of things going time where debate is needed and Francisco-based artifi- new technology. no timetable for the cou-
ments that could make wrong. I’m much more Sam Altman at a cial intelligence startup, The UAE, an autocrat- rt to act, but special cou-
the systems wreak interested in the very healthy, but at some point in the is one of the leaders in ic federation of seven nsel Jack Smith’s team
next few years, I think we have to video chat dur-
havoc. subtle societal misalign- the field. Microsoft has hereditarily ruled has pushed for the trial
move towards an action plan with ing the World
Sam Altman, speaking ments where we just invested some $1 billion sheikhdoms, has signs to take place this year.
real buy-in around the world. Government in OpenAI. of that risk. Speech Trump, meanwhile,
at the World have these systems out
Governments Summit in society and through Summit in Dubai, The Associated Press remains tightly con- has repeatedly sought to
— SAM ALTMAN on Tuesday.
in Dubai via a video call, no particular ill inten- has signed a deal with trolled. Those restric- delay the case. If Trump
reiterated his call for a tion, things just go hor- CEO, ChatGPT — AP OpenAI for it to access tions affect the flow of were to defeat President
body like the Intern- ribly wrong.” its news archive. accurate information — Joe Biden, he could pot-
ational Atomic Energy However, he stressed industry. ence. Everyone’s got an Meanwhile, The New the same details AI pro- entially try to use his po-
Agency to oversee artifi- that the AI industry, like “We’re still in the idea, a policy paper, and York Times has sued grammes like ChatGPT sition as head of the ex-
cal intelligence (AI) OpenAI, shouldn’t be in stage of a lot of discus- that’s OK,” Altman said OpenAI and Microsoft rely on as machine- ecutive branch to order
that’s likely advancing the driver’s seat when it sion. So there’s you and added, “I think over the use of its sto- learning systems to pro- a new attorney general
faster than the world comes to making regula- know, everybody in the we’re still at a time ries without permission vide their answers for to dismiss the federal
expects. tions governing the world is having a confer- where debate is needed to train OpenAI’s chat- users. — AP cases he faces. . — AP
pg 10
New models, higher inventory and SUV push boost auto sales
quick Walmart’s India
sourcing to be
SOLAR ROOFTOP Jan. automobile sales
rise 13% to 3.9L units
INDICATORS % New Delhi, Feb. 13:
Walmart has sourced Solar rooftop capacity MICHAEL GONSALVES year on year to 14.58 lakh
Sensex 71,555.19 0.68 goods worth over $30 bil- has touched 11 GW in PUNE, FEB. 13 ● THREE-W WHEELER units in Jan. as compared
Nifty 50 21,743.30 0.59 lion from the Indian mar- the past five years. The retail sales witnessed to the sales during the
ket in the last two decades new solar rooftop sche- The Indian automakers’ an increase of 37% to same period last year.
S&P 500* 5,021.84 -0.09 Singhania said improved
for its global operations, a me can double the cur- passenger vehicle (PV) 97,675 units from
Dollar (`) 82.99 -0.02 company official said on rent capacity to over 20 retail sales jumped 13.3 vehicle availability, the
71,325 units in Jan.
Pound Sterling (`) 105.04 -0.27 Tuesday. GW. per cent in Jan. 2024 to introduction of new mod-
Now the Bentonville- The rooftop solar 3.93 lakh units, an all-time
2023. Tractors sales els and a shift towards
Euro (`) 89.39 -0.01 headquartered firm has a capacity in the past five high retail sales, due to rose 21% year on year premium options have
Gold (10gm)* (`) 62,291▲213 0.34 goal to triple its sourcing years increased to 11.1 robust demand for the to 88,671 units in contributed to increased
of goods from India up to GW as of December sports utility vehicles January. demand for two-wheelers.
Brent crude ($/bbl)* 82.55 0.67 worth $10 billionn per 2023 from 1.8 GW as of (SUVs), the federation of The commercial vehicle
IN 10-Yr bond yield 7.099 0.001 year by 2027, Walmart Inc ● INVESTING IN high March 2019. The growth automobile dealers associ- sales witnessed flat sales
US 10-Yr T-bill yield* 4.166 -0.004 executive vice president, growth markets like was driven mainly by ations (FADA) said on growth last month at
Sourcing Andrea commercial and indus- Tuesday. Singhania. The carmakers had 89,208 units. However,
* As of 8:30 PM IST Albright, said. India helps strengthen trial customers. The carmakers had However, he maintained reported record whole- three-wheeler retail sales
Walmart is encouraging relationships with However, the capacity retailed a total of 3.47 lakh that despite record sales, sales in January as they witnessed an increase of
micro, small and medium established suppliers, fell short of the 40-GW units in January 2023. serious concerns remain looked to build up invento- 37 per cent to 97,675 units
and also develop rela-
Tata Motors cuts enterprises (MSMEs) and
entrepreneurs with prop-
er training and believes
tionships with new
ones to build long-term
target set by the central
The pace of installa-
“The SUVs demand
along with the introduc-
tion of new models, grea-
regarding PV inventory
level, which is now in the
50-55 day range.
ry of new and refreshed
models this calendar year.
“OEMs must balance
from 71,325 units in
January 2023.
Tractors sales rose 21
prices of Nexon, that there is a tremendous
opportunity to continue to
global supply. tions in the rooftop
solar segment has been
ter availability, effective
marketing, consumer sch-
“This calls for immedi-
ate recalibration of pro-
innovation with strategic
production planning to
per cent year on year to
88,671 units in January.
Tiago EVs contribute to India’s gro-
wing economy, she said. the company has trained
constrained by various
implementation chal-
emes and the auspicious
wedding season under-
duction from OEMs to bet-
ter align with actual mar-
ensure sustained success
and overall market stabili-
The total automobile
retail sales last month
The company has been 50,000 people so far, lenges including delays pinned this strong per- ket demand and avoid ty,” Singhania explained. stood at 21.27 lakh units,
Tata Motors on Tuesday said its doing business in India Albright added. in providing approvals formance,” said FADA future oversupply issues,” Meanwhile, two-wheeler up 15 per cent from 18.49
electric vehicle arm has reduc- for the last 25 years, “Our focus is to recruit by the state distribution president Manish Raj Singhania noted. sales increased 15 per cent lakh units in Jan. 2023.
ed prices of the two models, Albright said. and train new suppliers to utilities, lack of ade-
Nexon.ev and Tiago.ev, by up “We have already sourc- fulfil our purchase orders quate financing aven-
Sreenidi host TRAU in I-League
Hyderabad, Feb. 13: Sreenidi here could see them close the gap
Deccan Football Club are back in to two points. “We can only focus
India’s oldest Test I-League action as they take on
Tiddim Road Athletic Union
on what is in our control and that
is our own gameplan. The league
player Dattaji dies (TRAU) Football Club of Manipur
here at the Deccan Arena stadi-
is a marathon where all matches
are difficult so it is important to
New Delhi: An accidental Indian um on Wednesday. The Deccan be consistent and keep picking up
captain who matched the peer- Warriors currently lie fourth on points,” said Vaz Pinto.
less Vijay Hazare stroke for the points table but a victory Sreenidi Deccan trounced
stroke with a cover drive to die could take them up to second TRAU 5-0 in the corresponding
for, Dattajirao Gaekwad should place while TRAU are languish- fixture earlier this season but Vaz
have played more than 11 Tests, ing at the bottom. Pinto is not taking anything for
given the talent this remarkable Head coach Carlos Vaz Pinto granted. “They have a very good
player from Baroda possessed. and new signing Brandon coach who deserved to win the
On Tuesday, Gaekwad died in his Vanlalremdika addressed the Best Coach award last season for
hometown Baroda at the age of media ahead of the clash. what he achieved with the
95. Statistically, he was the old- Sreenidi Deccan left it very late to resources at his disposal. They
est living Indian Test cricketer snatch a winner against have not had the best of seasons
since the death of Deepak Churchill Brothers last time and but they have the ability to turn it
Shodhan in 2016. Vaz Pinto acknowledged the around and we need to prepared
A nightmare for the Bombay importance of such a morale for that,” he said.
(Mumbai) teams of the 1950s, boost. Midfielder Brandon, signed
those cover drives, unfortunate- “It showed me that the players from Punjab FC on the January Students of the Global Indian International School
ly, never really came off when he were ready to fight until the final transfer window deadline day pose with their medals from the 3rd Wako India
played at the highest level from whistle and also keeping their who is a two-time I-League cham- International Kickboxing Championship held at the K.
1952 to 1961. His son focus to stick to the gameplan, pion, is looking forward to mak- D. Jadhav Indoor Stadium in New Delhi recently. M.
Aunshuman, who played 40 keeping possession and winning ing his debut for Sreenidi Deccan. Vaishnavi won two golds, one silver and a bronze,
Tests from the 1970s to the 80s, second balls,” he said. “I am excited to be here. Sree Pragnya Gayathri secured two golds and two
was more successful with a tight Sreenidi Deccan found them- Everyone is very friendly and giv- bronzes while M. H. Greeshmika Rao won one gold
defensive technique compared selves seven points adrift of I- ing their best to be successful. We and two bronze medals at the event.
to his father. But in those first League leaders Mohammedan SC Sreenidi Deccan’s Emboklang Nongkhlaw (in orange) and Brandon must treat every game like a final
two and half decades post inde- at the mid-season break but a win Vanlalremdika train during a practice session in Hyderabad. if we are to win,” he said.
pendence, not every cricketer
could always be judged by the
Resounding wins for Arooba, Nikunj
A rooba and Nikunj Khurana registered dominating
Smriti becomes
world No. 4 batter
Dubai: India opener Smriti
Mandhana has jumped two
spots to grab the fourth posi-
tion in the latest ICC Women’s
ODI Player Rankings for batters.
Jurel, Sarfaraz in line for debuts; Gill skips optional training
The 27-year-old from Mumbai Rajkot, Feb. 13: An will go into the Test Sarfaraz at first slip did
surpassed South Africa’s Laura injury-hit India could match with a collective attract attention when
Wolvaardt, who slumped to well go into the third Test experience of solitary the training session got
fifth place after a lacklustre against England with game. Patidar made his underway, it was also the
show in the ODI series against two debutants in domes- debut in Visakhapatnam. sight of a lean and bub-
Australia. tic run-machine Sarfaraz With a transition phase bly young keeper Jurel
England’s Nat Sciver Brunt, Sri Khan and hard-hitting looming large, a glimpse taking some sharp catch-
Lanka’s Chamari Athapaththu keeper-batter Dhruv into the future of India’s es which sparked a lot of
and Australia’s Beth Mooney Chand Jurel on a track Test side became appar- interest.
occupy the top 3 positions in that will be quite similar ent here on Tuesday Accompanying them at
the batting chart, which also to the first two Test when the team hit the the second slip was the
has India skipper Harmanpreet matches. ground running to pre- dashing opener Yashasvi
Kaur static at the 10th place. Last match’s centurion pare for the third Test. Jaiswal, who at times cel-
Mandhana, who is set to repre- Shubman Gill however Usually spoilt for choic- ebrated taking catches as
sent the Royal Challengers did not attend the option- es when it comes to selec- if he was playing a game,
Bangalore in the Women’s al training on Tuesday. It tion and perennially throwing the ball high in
Premier League, last played must be noted that Gill dominant at home, India the air in jubilation.
ODIs in the bilateral series had hurt his right index have had to make do with Having had a look at the
against Australia. finger while fielding in a mix of experienced and pitch upon arrival, Rohit
She had made 63 runs at an the second Test in rookie players against Sharma and coach Rahul
average of 31.50. Visakhapatnam. He did- England in the first two Dravid watched the pro-
In the bowling chart, which is n’t field during the India captain Rohit Sharma during practice ahead of Tests of the five-match ceedings from a distance
headed by England’s Sophie England second innings the third Test against England at Saurashtra Cricket series in absence of the for a while before the
Ecclestone, spinner Deepti and also said that the Association Stadium in Rajkot on Tuesday. — PTI regular stars. Patidar Indian skipper decided to
Sharma slipped a place to num- injury isn’t too serious. and Sarfaraz were both join the catching session
ber four. The Indian, however, With Shreyas Iyer Trophy. In case of Jurel, successive Tests. part of a new-look slip for a brief period of time.
moved a place to the fifth spot being dropped and K. L. it is his superior batting With Rajat Patidar, cordon when India began Rohit then headed into
in ODI allrounder list. — PTI Rahul yet to recover, quality that could get Sarfaraz and Jurel bat- their training here at the the nets where he was
doors have opened for him the nod ahead of ting between Nos 4 to 7, Saurashtra Cricket joined by Patidar and
Sarfaraz, who has been Kona Bharat, who has three of the four middle Association Stadium. Sarfaraz, who both had
Allrounders lead one of the most prolific
performers in Ranji
failed to score a single
half-century in seven
order players (other
being Ravindra Jadeja)
While Patidar, posi-
tioned at gully and
extended sessions facing
local bowlers. — PTI
Proteas fightback
Hamilton, New Zealand:
Allrounders Ruan de Swardt
and Shaun von Berg used “hard
graft” to lead a South African
Miffed BCCI may make
rearguard on Tuesday as they
reached 220/6 after New
Zealand had dominated the
start of the second Test.
De Swardt reached his maiden
playing in Ranji, a must
Mumbai, Feb. 13:
half-century and was 55 not out Jharkhand keeper-bat- IPL | PARTICIPATION
at stumps on day one. The 37- ter Ishan Kishan’s
year-old Von Berg was 34 on reluctance to play first- ● It has been learnt that BCCI brass has
his Test debut, with the pair class cricket and focus already instructed Ishan Kishan to play
having put on an unbroken 70 only on the IPL could Jharkhand’s last group game against
off 27 overs in Hamilton. prompt the BCCI to Rajasthan in Jamshedpur, starting February
South Africa won the toss but make a minimum num- 16. The manner in which Kishan had skipped
were 64/3 at lunch and totter- ber of Ranji Trophy match after match after returning midway
ing at 150/6 early in the final games mandatory for from South Africa tour citing “travel fatigue”
session after David Bedingham players in order to be
was dismissed in freakish fash- eligible for the cash- hasn’t exactly gone down well with men who
ion. After losing in Mount rich league’s lucrative matter in the Indian cricket establishment.
Maunganui by 281 runs, an auction pool.
understrength South Africa It has been learnt that consensus that a strict appear in IPL auction if
must win to avoid becoming BCCI brass has already policy need to be released by their fran-
the first team from their coun- instructed Kishan to adhered to so that a chise. The state units
try to lose a Test series to New play Jharkhand’s last group of young players feel unless the diktat
Zealand. De Swardt, who had group league game don’t make “playing comes from top of
been one of six Proteas debu- against Rajasthan in IPL to IPL” a habit. BCCI, some of the
tants in the first Test, showed Jamshedpur, starting “The decision makers young stars will treat
the specialist batsmen how to February 16. in BCCI are well aware Ranji Trophy with dis-
survive in a gritty knock. — AFP The manner in which that some players don’t dain,” he added.
Brief scores: South Africa 220/6 in Kishan had skipped want to play any red It is understood that
89 overs (Ruan de Swardt 55 bat- match after match after ball cricket. If they are even Indian team’s
ting, David Bedingham 39, Rachin returning midway from out of Indian team, think-tank are pissed
Ravindra 3/33) vs New Zealand. South Africa tour cit- they would at best play off with a certain sec-
ing “travel fatigue” has- a few Mushtaq Ali T20 tion of players, who are
n’t exactly gone down games and then not always reluctant to play
PSL hit by pullouts well with men who mat- report for state team
duty during red ball
Ranji Trophy even
when they are fit. “We
ter in the Indian cricket
of foreign players establishment. More so
after it was found that
season,” a senior BCCI
official said.
can understand Hardik
Pandya’s case as his
Karachi: Several high-profile he is training in Baroda “To rein in such play- body can’t take the
international cricketers have with his new MI skip- ers, board in all likeli- rigours of red ball
pulled out of the Pakistan per Hardik Pandya hood will make it cricket. He can’t with-
Super League (PSL) due to the while his state team is mandatory to play 3-4 stand the workload of
overlapping of dates with other languishing near bot- Ranji Trophy games, Test cricket and India
franchise-based tournaments tom of group A table. failing which, they needs him fit for ICC
and many cricket boards deny- There is a general can’t play IPL or even events,” he said. — PTI
ing permission to their players
to compete in domestic T20
The PSL begins in Lahore on
February 17 and all the six fran-
chises have been hit hard with
several players opting for the Perth (Australia), Feb. 13: Andre Russell (71 off 29 balls) and
Bangladesh Premier League, Russell and Sherfane Rutherford Rutherford (unbeaten 67 off 40) led
ILT20 and SA20 leagues. put on the biggest sixth-wicket the fightback, with both posting
PSL side Multan Sultans have partnership in a Twenty20 interna- their highest T20 scores in a 139-
lost several players they had tional to steer the West Indies past run sixth-wicket partnership that
initially signed up for the Australia by 37 runs in their third set a new standard.
upcoming season, with England and final clash on Tuesday. Australia started well with
pace bowler Reece Topley Both men crunched quickfire Warner and captain Mitchell
being the latest to pull out due half-centuries to propel the visitors Marsh reaching 61 without loss
to an injury. The England and to 220 for 6 in Perth with Australia after the six-over powerplay.
Wales Cricket Board also said it managing just 183 for 5 in reply, Warner clocked his 3,000th run as
had not issued a no-objection David Warner top-scoring on 81 in he brought up a 26th half-century
certificate to Topley to play in his last appearance for Australia at off 25 balls before Marsh departed
the PSL. — PTI home. The hosts won the first for 17, skying a catch to Jason
match in Hobart by 11 runs and Holder off Akeal Hosein. — AFP
sealed the series with a 34-run vic-
Hammer thrower tory at Adelaide.
The West Indies made a horror
Brief Scores: West Indies 220/6 in 20 overs
(Andre Russell 71, Sherfane Rutherford 67