11mip Physics
11mip Physics
11mip Physics
Motion in a Plane
ӽ Scalars and vectors : Types of vectors; Addition of vectors; Subtraction of vectors; Dot or scalar product;
Cross or vector product; Resolution of vectors.
ӽ Motion of an object in a plane : Position vector and displacement; Velocity; Acceleration; Motion in a plane
with constant acceleration.
ӽ Relative motion : Relative velocity in two dimensions.
ӽ Projectile motion : Introduction; Impact of air resistance on the motion of the projectile; Projectile motion
on an inclined plane; Projectile motion down the plance.
ӽ Uniform circular motion : Variables in circular motion; Motion in a vertical circle.
Scalar and Vector Quantities Relative Motion Projectile Motion Circular Motion
(Motion of the moving objects (Two-dimensional (Movement of an
with respect to another object) motion with constant object along the
Types of vectors acceleration) circumference
Properties of vectors of a circle or
Zero or null vector
rotation along a
Unit vector Properties of vector addition circular path)
Free vectors a b b a
Uniform circular
a (b c ) (a b ) c motion
Negative of a vector
ma mb m(a b ) where m R (Moving in a
Like and unlike vectors circular path
with a constant
Collinear or parallel Properties of vector scalar product
vectors AB B A
A (B C) A B A C Non-uniform
Coinitial vectors circular motion
m( A B) (mA) B A (mB) ( A B)m where m R
Coplanar vectors (Moving in a
circular path
Equal vectors Properties of vector product with a varying
A B B A speed)
Polar vectors
A (B C) A B A C
Axial vectors or
m( A B) (mA) B A (mB) ( A B)m where m R
pseudo vectors
Mind Map 1: Motion in a Plane at a Glance
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
g 2
Projected horizontally, y = x
Equation of Trajectory 2u2
(Path taken by the projectile Projected at an angle,
motion is called trajectory)
gx 2
y x tan
2u2 cos 2
Maximum Height
(Greatest height that object will reach)
u2 sin2
H max
bjective Physics
ӽ Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.
ӽ Vectors are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction.
ӽ A vector is represented by straight line with arrow head on it. The length of the line represents the magnitude of a
vector and arrowhead tells the direction of vector. In writing, a vector
is represented by a single letter with an arrow
head on it, e.g., the force is a vector quantity, it is represented by F .
ӽ For an example, the forces which operate on a flying aircraft, the weight, thrust, and aerodynamic forces, are all vector
quantities. The resulting motion of the aircraft in terms of displacement, velocity, and acceleration are also vector
quantities. These quantities can be determined by application of Newton’s laws for vectors. The scalar quantities
include most of the thermodynamic state variables involved with the propulsion system, such as the density, pressure,
and temperature of the propellants. The energy, work, and entropy associated with the engines are also scalar quantities.
Types of Vectors
ӽ Null vector or zero vector: A vector with zero magnitude but the certain direction is known as a null vector.
ӽ Unit vector: A vector of unitmagnitude and has the same direction as that of the given vector.
■ To find the unit vector of v . We divide the given vector by its magnitude.
Vector v
= Unit vector = ; vɵ
Magnitude of vector |v |
■ In Cartesian co-ordinate system, i, j, and k are the unit vectors along x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively.
■ A unit vector is unitless and dimensionless.
ӽ Free vectors: If the initial point of a vector is not specified, then it is said to be a free vector.
ӽ Negative vector: It is a vector having same magnitude but direction opposite to that of a given vector.
ӽ Like and unlike vectors: Like vectors have same direction and unlike vectors have opposite direction.
ӽ Collinear vectors: Vectors with equal or unequal magnitudes acting along the parallel straight lines.
ӽ Co-initial vectors: The vectors are said to be co-initial if their initial point is common.
ӽ Co-planar vectors: These are those vectors which are acting in the same plane.
ӽ Equal vectors: Have same magnitude and direction regardless of their initial positions.
ӽ Polar vectors: It involves a displacement or virtual displacement, e.g., velocity, force, etc.
ӽ Axial vectors or Pseudo vectors: It involves the orientation of an axis in space, e.g., angular velocity, torque,
angular momentum, etc.
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
Addition of Vectors Q
ӽ Triangle law of vector addition: If two vectors, A and B acting simultaneously
on a body are represented in magnitude and direction by two sides of triangle in
order then resultant is third side of that triangle taken in opposite order, R. B
B sin β θ
R A2 B 2 2 AB cos ; tan O
A B cos A P N
ӽ Parallelogram law of vector addition: If two vectors, A and B acting simultaneously Figure: Triangle law of
at a point can be represented in magnitude and direction by adjacent sides of vector addition
parallelogram drawn from a point, then the resultant vector, R is represented by the
diagonal of the parallelogram passing through that point. S Q
B sin
R A2 B 2 2 AB cos ; tan B R
A B cos
ӽ Polygon law of vector addition: If a number of vectors can be represented in
magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon taken in the same order, then θ β
their resultant is represented by the closing side of the polygon taken in the opposite
order. Figure: Parallelogram
ӽ Laws
of vector algebra:
law of vector addition.
ӽ If A, B and C are vectors, and m and n are scalars, then
■ Commutative law for addition
■ Associative Law for addition +C C
A (B C ) ( A B) C
■ Associative law for multiplication
m= =
Resolution of Vectors
Ax Ay A
cos , cos , cos z ; cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 1
ӽ It is motion in two-dimensional form, as they make plane. Equations of motion in straight line are:
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
v u at ; S ut at 2 ; v 2 u2 2aS
Position Vector and Displacement
ӽ Let position vector r of particle at position P in plane with reference to origin of x-y reference frame is given by
r xi y j where x and y are components of r along x and y axes or are the coordinates of the object.
ӽ Let this particle moves along the curve from P at time t to P′ at time t′ [Figure (b)]. Then, the displacement is
r r r and is directed from P to P′.
ӽ We can rewrite the equation, r r r
r x i y j (xi y j) ix jy
Where x x x , y y y
ӽ Average velocity v of an object is ratio of displacement and time interval,
r xɵi y ɵj ɵ x ɵ y
v i j
t t t t
ɵ ɵ
Or, v v x i v y j
ӽ For the reason that v the direction of the average velocity is the same as that
of ∆r and we know that the velocity (instantaneous velocity) is given by the
limiting value of the average velocity as the time interval approaches zero,
r dr
v lim
t dt
t 0
v v x i v y j ɵ
x ɵi
v y ɵ
t t t t
Or a ax ɵi a y ɵj
ӽ The acceleration (instantaneous acceleration) is the limiting value of the average acceleration as the time interval
approaches zero.
a lim
t 0 t
v v y
Since v v x i v y j we have; a i lim x j lim
t 0 t t 0 t
a ax i a y j
dv x dv y
where, ax , ay
dt dt
ӽ In one dimension, the velocity and the acceleration of an object are always along the same straight line (either in
the same direction or in the opposite direction). But, for two or three motion, velocity and acceleration vectors may
have any angle between 0° and 180° between them.
r r0
v v0 v at v0 t v t 1 at 2 ; Or, r r v t 1 at 2
t 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 2
ӽ If v0 being the initial velocity, the displacement can be written as:
1 1
x x 0 v0 x t ax t 2 ; y y 0 v0 y t a y t 2
2 2
ӽ Motion in a plane (two dimensions) can be treated as two separate simultaneous one-dimensional motions with
constant acceleration along two perpendicular directions. x and y directions are hence independent of each other.
Table: Motion of an Object in a Plane with Constant Acceleration
Relative Motion
ӽ The laws of physics apply for both when at rest and in any reference frame which is moving at constant velocity
w.r.t. earth. e.g., you can toss and catch ball in moving bus if motion is in straight line at constant speed.
ӽ The motion may have a different appearance as viewed from a different reference frame, but this can be explained
by including the relative velocity of the reference frame in the description of the motion.
ӽ Relative motion is calculation of motion of object about some other moving object. Motion is not calculated with
reference to Earth but is velocity of the object in reference to the other moving object as if it were in a static state.
ӽ For example, a person sitting in an airplane is at zero velocity relative to the airplane but is moving at the same velocity
as the airplane with respect to the ground. Relative motion is a concept, and its calculation occurs with relative velocity,
relative speed, or relative acceleration (which is the change in velocity divided by the change in time).
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
Relative Velocity in Two Dimensions
ӽ During motion we take ground as reference of motion. Velocity or
displacement of the particle w.r.t. ground is actual velocity or actual
displacement. If motion of particle w.r.t. object is also moving w.r.t. ground
then velocity of particle w.r.t. ground is its actual velocity (vact ) and velocity
of the particle with respect to moving object is its relative velocity (vrel ) and
the velocity of moving object (with respect to ground) is the reference
velocity (v Ref )
ӽ In figure, let s and s’ be two reference frames with observers
at O and O′. Then
Figure: Illustration of relative
position of particle P relative to frame s will be rps while position of frame
velocity in two dimensions
s′ relative to frame s will be rs′s at a moment. As per vector law of addition,
rps rps rs s
ӽ Relative velocity of a body A with respect to body B, when they are moving in the same direction is given by
v AB v A v B.
ӽ Relative velocity of body A w.r.t. body B when they are moving in the opposite direction is given by v AB v A v B .
Projectile Motion
ӽ It is form of motion in which object or particle (called a projectile) is
thrown with some initial velocity near Earth’s surface, and moves along
curved path under action of gravity. It is an example of two-dimensional
motion with constant acceleration.
ӽ Projectile motion is considered as two simultaneous motion in mutually
Horizontal motion
perpendicular directions which are completely independent from each
other, i.e., horizontal motion and vertical motion.
ӽ The path followed by projectile is its trajectory which is a parabola. Vertical motion
ӽ If a projectile projected horizontally from a height h with velocity u:
Figure: Vertical and horizontal motion
■ Time taken by the projectile to reach the ground is 2h / g
■ Time taken by the projectile to reach the ground does not depend upon the velocity of projection.
2h u
■ Horizontal range, = x ut= u
g 2
■ Equation of trajectory, y = 2 x
2 2 2
■ Resultant velocity of the projectile at any time t is v u g t Figure: Projectile projected
horizontally from a height h
ӽ A projectile projected with velocity u at an angle θ with the horizontal
■ x u cos
1 vy v y
■ y u sin t gt 2
2 ucosθ
gx 2 usinθ u vx
■ Equation of trajectory is, y x tan 2 2 H
2u cos
■ Velocity of the projectile atθ any time t is
2 2 2 (0, 0) ucosθ (R, 0)
u g t 2gtu sin
Figure: Projectile motion
u2 sin 2
■ Horizontal range, R
u sinθ
■ Time of ascent = Time of descent =
2u sin 2
■ Time of flight, T
u2 sin2
■ Maximum height, H .
Impact of Air Resistance on the Motion of the Projectile
ӽ Objects moving through air are slowed down due to air resistance Distance
(drag). This affects spacecraft when it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere Vertical
but also the path of a projectile such as a bullet or a ball. velocity
ӽ Friction, force due to viscosity, air resistance are dissipative forces. Time
With forces opposing motion, any object will lose some part of its
initial energy and momentum. Projectile that traverses parabolic Horizontal
path, would show deviation from its idealised trajectory with air velocity
resistance. It will not hit ground with same speed with which it was
projected. In absence of air resistance, x-component of velocity
remains constant and y-component undergoes continuous change. Time
ӽ Both the range of a projectile and the maximum height that it reaches Figure: The maximum height, the range and
are affected by air resistance. The maximum height, the range and the velocity of the projectile are all reduced
the velocity of the projectile are all reduced. due to air resistance
Projectile Motion on an Inclined Plane
ӽ Let the particle strike the plane at A so that OA is the range of the projectile on
inclined plane. This initial velocity u can be resolved into two components: u A
■ u cos (α − β) along the plane.
■ u sin (α − β) perpendicular to the plane. α
ӽ The acceleration due to gravity g can be resolved into two components:
■ g sin β parallel to the plane.
■ g cos β perpendicular to the plane. O B
ӽ Time of flight: Let t be the time taken by the particle to go from A to B. In this time
the displacement of the projectile to the plane is zero. Hence, Figure: Projectile motion
on an inclined plane
0 u sin( )t 1 / 2g t 2 ; t 2u sin( ) / g cos
ӽ Range: During time of flight, the horizontal velocity u cos α remains constant. Hence, horizontal distance,
OB (u cos )t 2u2 sin( )cos / g cos ; OA OB / cos 2u2 sin( )cos / g cos
2 2
ӽ The greatest distance of the projectile from the inclined plane is u sin ( ) / 2g cos .
Projectile Motion Down the Plane
ӽ Let particle be thrown at velocity v0 at angle α with horizontal as shown in figure. V0
Then, α
0 v0 sin T 1 / 2g cos T 2 for y 0 β
T 2v0 sin / g cos R
R v0 cos T 1 / 2g sin T v / g sin 2 sin / 1 sin 2
2 2
0 β
Since α is the variable and maximum value of sine function is 1, therefore for R to Figure: Projectile motion
be maximum, sin (2α+β)=1 down the plane
and Rmax v02 / g 1 sin / 1 sin 2 v02 / g 1 sin down the plane.
ӽ It is motion of an object in a circle at a constant speed. Object moving in a circle, is constantly changing its
direction. The object is moving tangental to circle. Direction of velocity vector is same as object’s motion, the
velocity vector is directed tangent to the circle as well. Some examples of uniform circular motion are:
■ Artificial satellites move in uniform motion around the earth. So, motion of satellite is accelerated. Moon moves
in uniform circular motion around earth. Movement of earth around sun is uniform circular motion.
■ The tip of a second’s hand of a watch exhibits uniform circular motion on the circular dial of the watch.
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
Variables in Circular Motion
ӽ Angular displacement: It is angle subtended by position vector at centre of circular path, denoted by symbol θ.
Its SI unit is radian.
ӽ Angular velocity: Time rate of change of angular displacement. Its SI unit is rad/s denoted by symbol ω (omega)
■ The relation between linear velocity (v) and angular velocity (ω) is given by,
v = rω
ӽ Angular acceleration: The time rate of change of angular velocity (dω) is called angular acceleration. It is
generally denoted by symbol α. The SI unit of angular acceleration is rad s−2 and it is given by
ӽ Centripetal acceleration (radial acceleration): When an acceleration acts on the body, whose direction is always
towards the centre of the path. Its unit is in ms−2 and it is a vector quantity. It is given by
ac 2r
■ It acts on object along radius towards centre of circular path. Centripetal acceleration is not constant vector.
ӽ Centripetal force: It acts on body moving in circular path, directed along the radius of
circle towards its centre. For circular motion centripetal force is required, which is not Centripetal
new force but any force present there can act as centripetal force. force
Centripetal force, Fc mac m m 2 r
■ Work done by the centripetal force is zero because the centripetal force and
displacement are at right angles to each other.
ӽ Centrifugal force: It is equal and opposite to centripetal force and body moves along
circular path or pseudo force. It is also called an inertial force. Figure: Centripetal force
Motion in a Vertical Circle
ӽ The motion of a mass m on string in vertical circle must satisfy constraints of vtop
centripetal force to remain in circle and must satisfy demands of conservation W=mg
r T
of energy as gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when θ
the mass moves downward. The velocity must increase as the mass moves
downward from the top of the circle, subject to the constraints stated.
mv 2
ӽ Required centripetal force =
r vbottom
ӽ At top, minimum speed to maintain circle is speed which gives a downwardFigure: Motion in a vertical circle
centripetal acceleration, a = g. So the minimum speed at the top is given by,
v top( minimum ) = gr
ӽ Conservation of energy relates the velocities at the top and the bottom of the circle,
1 2 1 2
mv top mg 2r mv bottom
2 2
ӽ The relation between the tensions at the top and the bottom,
Tbottom = Ttop + 6 mg
ӽ Using the centrifugal force conditions, the tension at the bottom can be related to the tension at the top,
v top
T t op m mg
2 2
v bottom v top 4mgr
Tbottom m mg m mg Ttop 6mg
r r r
(a) 2 (b) 3
Scalars and Vectors (c) 4 (d) 5
10. Select the statements which are not true regarding
1. Which of the following conditions are sufficient and
the vectors?
essential for a quantity to be a vector?
(a) The magnitude of a vector is always a scalar
(a) Magnitude and direction.
(b) Magnitude and addition, subtraction, multipli-
(b) Each component of a vector is always scalar.
cation by ordinary rules of algebra.
(c) Two vectors having different magnitudes can-
(c) Magnitude, direction, and addition, subtraction
not have their resultant zero.
multiplication and division by vector laws.
(d) Vectors obey triangle law of addition.
(d) Magnitude, direction, and combination of vec-
tors by ordinary rules of algebra. 11. The unit vectors along the three co-ordinate axes are
related as:
2. Which of the following is vector quantity?
(a) Coefficient of friction (a) i > j > k > 1 (b) i= j= k = 0
(b) Temperature (c) i j k 1 (d) i= j= k = 1
(c) Charge
12. Identify the pairs of vectors which are parallel to
(d) Impulse
each other?
3. If θ is the angle between two vectors, then the result-
(a) A ɵi 2 ɵj; B ɵi 5ɵj
ant vector is maximum, when value of θ is:
(a) 0° (b) 90° (b) A ɵi 10 ɵj; B 2ɵi 5ɵj
(c) 180° (d) Same in all cases
(c) A ɵi 5ɵj; B ɵi 10 ɵj
4. The resultant of A × 0 will be equal to:
(a) zero (b) A (d) A ɵi 5ɵj; B 2ɵi 10ɵi
(c) zero vector (d) unit vector 13. The angle between the direction of i and i + j is:
5. It is found that A + B = | A |,This necessarily implies,
(a) 90° (b) 0°
(a) B = 0 (c) 45° (d) 180°
(b) A and B are anti-parallel
(c) A and B are perpendicular 14. Acceleration due to gravity:
(d) A.B ≤ 0 (a) a scalar (b) a vector
(c) polar vector (d) None of these
6. In a clock-wise system,
(a) j k i i k 0 15. Two vectors A and B inclined at an angle θ have
a resultant C which
an angle β with A. If the
(c) j j i (d) k i 1 directions of A and B are interchanged, the result-
If 0.4i + 0.7 j + c k is a unit vector, then the value of c
ant will have the same
(a) direction.
(b) magnitude.
(a) 0.67 (b) 0.12 (c) direction as well as magnitude.
(c) 1.44 (d) 0.35 (d) None of these
8. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect? 16. Which of the following option is correct for the fig-
(i) A scalar quantity is the one that is conserved in a ure?
(ii) A scalar quantity is the one that can never take nega- C
tive values. B
(iii) A scalar quantity has the same value for observers
with different orientations of the axes.
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) only
(c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i) and (ii) (a) A B C (b) B C A
9. How many minimum numbers of vectors in different (c) C A B (d) A B C 0
plane can be added to give zero resultant?
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
17. For which angle between two equal vectors A and 23. The magnitude of the x-component of vector A is 3
B will the magnitude of the sum of two vectors be and the magnitude of vector A is 5. What is the mag-
equal to the magnitude of each vector? nitude of they-component of vector A?
(a) 0 = 60° (b) 0 = 120° (a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 0 = 0° (d) 0 = 90° (c) 5 (d) 8
18. The vector a mi 2 j nkɵ lies in the plane of the
ɵ ɵ
24. If a vector A makes angles , , and respectively
vectors b ɵi ɵj and c ɵj kɵ that bisects the angle
with the x, y, and z axes, respectively. Then
between b and c . Then which one of the following sin2 sin2 sin2 is equal to:
gives possible values of m and n?
(a) m = 2, n = 2 (b) m = 1, n = 2 (a) 0 (b) 1
(c) m = 2, n = 1 (d) m = 1, n = 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
19. Let A iA cos jA sin be any vector. Another 25. The direction cosines of i + j + k are
vector B, which is normal to A can be expressed as
(a) 1, 1, 1. (b) 2, 2, 2.
(a) iB cos j B sin (b) iB cos j B sin
1 1 1 1 1 1
(c) , , . (d) , , .
(c) iB sin j B cos (d) iB sin j B cos 2 2 2 3 3 3
20. Given A B C D 0, which of the following of two vectors A and B is of magnitude
26. Resultant
statements is not correct? P. If B is reversed, then resultant is of magnitude Q.
What is the value of P2 + Q2?
(a) A, B, C , and D must each
be a null vector.
(b) The magnitude of ( A + C ) equals the magnitude (a) 2( A2 + B 2 ) (b) 2( A2 − B 2 )
of (B + D). (c) ( A2 − B 2 ) (d) ( A2 + B 2 )
(c) The magnitude of A can never be greater than
the sum of the magnitudes of B, C , and D Motion of an Object in a Plane
(d) (B + C ) must lie in the plane of A and D if A
D are not collinear and in the line of A and
and 27. The position vector of a particle is
D , if they are collinear.
r (a cos t )ɵi (a sin t )ɵj . The velocity vector of the
21. Which law is governed by the given figure?
particle is
A B (a) directed towards the origin.
(b) directed away from the origin.
(c) parallel to the position vector.
R B (d) perpendicular to the position vector.
28. Position of a particle at any instant t is given
(a) Associative law of vector addition r 3t ɵi 2t 2 ɵj 5kɵ . Its velocity at same instant will
(b) Commutative law of vector addition be:
(c) Associative law of vector multiplication (a) 4t i + 5k j (b) 3i + 4 j + 5k
(d) Commutative law of vector multiplication
(c) 3i + 4t j (d) 3ti + 4 j
22. Three forces of magnitudes 6 N, 6 N, and 72 N
act at corner of cube along three sides as shown in 29. The co-ordinates of a moving particle at any time are
figure. Resultant of these forces is: given by x = at2 and y = bt2. The speed of the particle
at any moment is:
(a) 2t (a + b)
(b) 2t a 2 b2
F E 6N
(c) t a 2 + b2 (d) 2t a 2
C 30. A particle moves in a plane with a constant accelera-
6N tion in a direction different from the initial velocity.
The path of the particle is a/an:
(a) 12 N angle OB (b) 18 N along OA (a) straight line (b) arc of a circle
(c) 18 N along OC (d) 12 N along OE (c) parabola (d) ellipse
31. For motion in two or three dimensions, the angle (3i − 2 j) m/s.
The y-coordinate of the particle at the
between velocity and acceleration is:
instant when its x-coordinate is 84 m is:
(a) 0°
(a) 12 m (b) 24 m
(b) 90°
(c) 180° (c) 36 m (d) 48 m
(d) Any angle between 0° and 180°
Relative Motion
32. A person moves 30 m north, then 20m east, then
30 2 m south-west. His displacement from the orig- 39. A river is flowing from west to east with a speed 5 m/s.
inal position is: A swimmer can swim in still water at a speed of
(a) zero 10 m/s. If he wants to start from point A on south
(b) 28 m towards south bank and reach opposite point B on north bank, in
(c) 10 m towards west what direction should he swim?
(d) 15 m towards east
33. The position of particle is given by r 2t 2 ɵi 3t ɵj 4kɵ
5 m s–1
where t is in second and the coefficients have proper
units for r to be in metre. The a(t ) of the particle at
t = 1 sec is: (a) 30° east of north (b) 60° east of north
(a) 4 ms−2 along y-direction (c) 30° west of north (d) 60° west of north
(b) 3 ms−2 along x-direction 40. A boat crosses a river with a velocity of 8 km/h. If the
(c) 4 ms−2 along x-direction resulting velocity of boat is 10 km/h then the velocity
(d) 2 ms−2 along z-direction of river water is
34 A particle starts moving from points (2, 10, and 1). (a) 4 km/h (b) 6 km/h
Displacement for the particle is 8i 2 j k . The final (c) 8 km/h (d) 10 km/h
41. Suppose that two objects A and B are moving with
co-ordinates of the particle is:
velocities v A and v B (each with respect to some com-
(a) (10, 8, 2) (b) (8, 10, 2)
(c) (2, 10, 8) (d) (8, 2, 10)
mon frame of reference). Let v AB represents the
35. On an open ground, a motorist follows a track that
turns to his left by an angle of 60o after every 500 m. velocity of A with respect to B. Then:
Starting from a given turn, the displacement of the
(a) v AB v BA 0 (b) v AB v BA 0
motorist at the third turn is:
(c) v AB v A v B (d) v AB ≠ v BA
(a) 500 m (b) 500 3 m
42. A river flow with a speed more than the maximum
speed with which a person can swim in the still
(c) 1000 m (d) 1000 3 m
water. He intends to cross the river by shortest pos-
36. If x = 7t+ 4t2 and y = 5t are the x and y coordinates sible path (i.e., he wants to reach the point on the
of a particle at any time t second where x and y are in opposite bank which is directly opposite to the start-
metre, then the acceleration at 5 sec of the particle ing point). Which of the following is correct?
(a) zero in x-direction and 8 ms-2 in y-direction. (a) He should start normal to the river bank.
(b) 8 ms−2 in x-direction and zero in y-direction. (b) He should start in such a way that, he moves
(c) depends only on its y component. normal to the bank, relative to the bank.
(d) varies along both x and y direction. (c) He should start in a particular (calculated) direc-
37. A bird flies from (−3 m, 4 m, −3 m) to (7 m, −2 m, −3 m) tion making an obtuse angle with the direction
in the xyz co-ordinates. The bird’s displacement vec- of water current.
tor is given by: (d) The man cannot cross the river, in that way.
(a) 4i 2 j 6k (b) 10i 6 j
43. A girl riding a bicycle with a speed of 5 m/s towards
north direction, observes rain falling vertically down. If
(c) 4i − 2 j (d) 10i 6 j 6k she increases her speed to 10 m/s, rain appears to meet
38. A particle starts from origin at t = 0 with a veloc- her at 45° to the vertical. What is the speed of the rain?
ity 5 i m/s and moves in x-y plane under the action (a) 5 2 m/s (b) 5 m/s
of a force which produces a constant acceleration of
(c) 10 2 m/s (d) 10 m/s
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
52. The time of flight of a projectile on an upward
Projectile Motion inclined plane depends upon:
(a) angle of inclination of the plane
44. Two particles are projected simultaneously in the (b) angle of projection
same vertical plane, from the same point, both with (c) the value of acceleration due to gravity
different speeds and at different angles with horizon- (d) All of the above
tal. The path followed by one, as seen by the other,
53. The ceiling of a hall is 40 m high. For maximum hor-
izontal distance, the angle at which the ball maybe
(a) a vertical line
thrown with a speed of 56 m/s without hitting the
(b) a parabola
ceiling of the hall is:
(c) a hyperbola
(d) a straight line making a constant angle (≠ 90°) (a) 25° (b) 30°
with horizontal (c) 45° (d) 60°
45. In the projectile motion, if air resistance is ignored, 54. Two balls are projected at an angle θ and (900 − θ) to
the horizontal motion is at: the horizontal with the same speed. The ratio of their
(a) constant acceleration maximum vertical heights is:
(b) constant velocity (a) 1:1 (b) tan θ : 1
(c) variable acceleration (c) 1: tanθ (d) tan2 θ : 1
(d) constant retardation
55. When air resistance is taken into account while
46. In case of a projectile motion, what is the angle dealing with the motion of the projectile which of
between the velocity and acceleration at the highest the following properties of the projectile, shows an
point? increase?
(a) 0° (b) 45° (a) Range
(c) 90° (d) 180° (b) Maximum height
(c) Speed at which it strikes the ground
47. A bomb is released by a horizontal flying aeroplane. (d) The angle at which the projectile strikes the
The trajectory of the bomb is: ground
(a) a parabola (b) a straight line
56. Two particles are projected in air with speed u at
(c) a circle (d) a hyperbola
angles θ1, θ2 (both acute) to the horizontal, respec-
48. A bullet is dropped from the same height when tively. If the height reached by the first particle is
another bullet is fired horizontally. They will hit greater than that of the second, then which one of the
the ground:(a) one after the other following is correct? (Where T1 and T2 are the time
(b) simultaneously of flight.)
(c) depends on the observer (a) θ1 > θ2 (b) θ1 = θ2
(d) None of these (c) T1 < T2 (d) T1 = T2
49. Which of the following is true regarding projectile
57. Two projectiles are fired from the same point with
the same speed at angles of projection 60o and 30o
(a) Horizontal velocity of projectile is constant.
respectively. Which one of the following is true?
(b) Vertical velocity of projectile is constant.
(a) Their range will be the same.
(c) Acceleration is not constant.
(b) Their maximum height will be the same.
(d) Momentum is constant.
(c) Their velocity at the highest point will be the
50. A football is kicked into the air vertically upwards same.
with velocity u. The velocity of the ball at the highest (d) Their time of flight will be the same.
point is
58. At the highest point on the trajectory of a projectile, its:
(a) w (b) 2 m
(a) acceleration is minimum
(c) zero (d) 4 m (b) velocity is maximum
51. A hiker stands on the edge of a cliff 490 m above the (c) acceleration is maximum
ground and throws a stone horizontally with a speed (d) velocity is minimum
of 15 m/s. The time taken by the stone to reach the 59. A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal
ground is: distance of 100 m. With the same speed how much
(a) 5 sec (b) 10 sec high above the ground can the cricketer throw the
(c) 12 sec (d) 15 sec same ball?
(a) 50 m (b) 100 m (a) u sin β. (b) u.
(c) 150 m (d) 200 m (c) u cos β. (d) u cos β – u.
60. At the top of the trajectory of a projectile, the accel- 68. A particle is projected over a triangle from one end of
eration is: a horizontal base and grazing the vertex falls on the
(a) maximum (b) minimum other end of the base. If α and β be the base angles
(c) zero (d) constant (g) and the angle of projection, then the correct elation
between α, β and θ is
61. A cricket ball is thrown at a speed of 30 m/s in a (a) sinθ = cos α + tan β.
direction 30° above the horizontal. The time taken by (b) tanθ = tan α + tan β.
the ball to return to the same level is: (c) cosθ = cos α + cos β.
(a) 2 sec (b) 3 sec (d) sin α = sinθ + sin β.
(c) 4 sec (d) 5 sec
62. An aeroplane flying horizontally with a speed of Uniform Circular Motion
360 km/h releases a bomb at a height of 490 m from
the ground. If g = 9.8 m/s, it will strike the ground at: 69. In uniform circular motion,
(a) 10 km (b) 100 km (a) both velocity and acceleration are constant.
(c) 1 km (d) 16 km (b) velocity changes but acceleration is constant.
(c) velocity is constant and acceleration changes.
63. Four bodies A, B, C, and D are projected with equal
(d) both velocity and acceleration change.
speeds having angles of projection 15°, 30°, 45°, and
70. A particle moves along a circle of radius (20/π) m
60° with the horizontal respectively. The body hav-
with constant tangential acceleration. If the speed of
ing the shortest range is:
the particle is 80 m/s at the end of the second revolu-
(a) A (b) B tion after motion has begun, then find out the tangen-
(c) C (d) D tial acceleration.
64. Two bullets are fired horizontally with different (a) 80 m/s2 (b) 88 m/s2
(c) 8 m/s 2 (d) None of these
velocities from the same height. Which will reach
the ground first? 71. An aircraft executes a horizontal loop of radius
(a) Slower one 1.00 km with a steady speed of 900 km/h. The ratio
(b) Faster one of centripetal acceleration to acceleration due to
(c) Both will reach simultaneously gravity is: [g = 9.8 m/s2]
(d) It cannot be predicted (a) 6.38 (b) 9.98
65. The speed of a projectile at its maximum height is (c) 11.33 (d) 12.13
72. A heavy particle hanging from a fixed point by a
times its initial speed. If the range of the projec- light inextensible string of length l is projected hori-
2 zontally with speed √(gl). Find the speed of the par-
tile is P times the maximum height attained by it, ticle and the inclination of the string to the vertical
then P equals: at the instant of the motion when the tension in the
4 string is equal to the weight of the particle.
(a) (b) 2 3
4 3 3 O
(c) (d) T
4 B
θ mg cosθ
66. A ball is thrown from the top of a tower with an ini- A
tial velocity of 10 m/s at an angle of 30° with the mg sinθ
horizontal. If it hits the ground at a distance of 17.3
m from the base of the tower, the height of the tower (a) v = √gl/3 (b) v = 2√gl/3
is: (c) v = √gl (d) None of these
(a) 5 m (b) 20 m
73. A particle moves along a circle with a uniform speed v.
(c) 15 m (d) 10 m After the position vector has made an angle of 30°
67. A projectile is fired with a velocity u making an with the reference position, its speed will be:
angle β with the horizontal. What is the magnitude (a) v√2 (b) v/√2
of change in velocity when it is at the highest point (c) v/√3 (d) v
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
74. A car travels due north with a uniform velocity. As 82. Angular velocity of hour arm of a clock, in rad/s, is:
the car moves over muddy area, mud sticks to the (a) π/43200 (b) π/21600
tyre. The particles of the mud as it leaves the ground (c) π/30 (d) π/1800
are thrown
(a) vertically upwards. 83. The ratio of angular speed of a second-hand to the
(b) vertically inwards. hour-hand of a watch is:
(c) towards north. (a) 3600:1 (b) 720:1
(d) towards south. (c) 72:1 (d) 60:1
75. A body moves along a circular path with certain veloc- 84. The difference between angular speed of minute hand
ity. What will be the path of body in following figure? and second hand of a clock is:
(a) 59π/900 rad/s (b) 59π/1800 rad/s
(c) 59π/2400 rad/s (d) 59π/3600 rad/s
85. An aircraft executes a horizontal loop with a speed of
150 m/s with its wings banked at an angle of 12°. The
radius of the loop is: (Take g = 10 m/s2)
(a) Move radially out
(a) 10.6 km (b) 9.6 km
(b) Move horizontally out
(c) 7.4 km (d) 5.8 km
(c) Fall vertically down
(d) Move tangentially out 86. A car of mass 1000 kg negotiates a banked curve of
76. A particle comes around a circle of radius 1 m once. radius 90 m on a frictionless road. If the banking angle
The time taken by it is 10 sec. The average velocity is 45°, the speed of the car is:
of motion is: (a) 20 m/s (b) 30 m/s
(a) 0.2π m/s (b) 2π m/s (c) 5 m/s (d) 10 m/s
(c) 2 m/s (d) zero 87. Radius of the curved road on national highway is r.
77. A body of mass m is suspended from a string of Width of the road is l. The outer edge of the road is
length l. What is minimum horizontal velocity v that raised by h with respect to the inner edge so that a car
should be given to the body in its lowest position so with velocity v can pass safely over it. The value of h
that it may complete one full revolution in the verti- is:
cal plane with the point of suspension as the centre of
v 2r v 2l
the circle: (a) (b)
g r
(a) v = 2l g (b) v = 3l g
(c) v = 4l g (d) v = 5l g
v 2l v2
78. If the over bridge is concave instead of being con- (c) (d)
vex, the thrust on the road at the lowest position will rg g
88. A person with his hands in his pockets is skating on
(a) mg + mv2/r (b) mg − mv2/r
2 2
ice at the velocity of 10 m/s and describes a circle of
(c) m v g/r (d) v2g/r radius 50 m. What is his inclination with vertical?
79. A motor cycle is going on an over bridge of radius R.
(b) tan 1
The driver maintains a constant speed. As motor cycle (a) tan 1
is descending, normal force on it 10 5
(a) increases. (b) decreases.
(d) tan 1
(c) remain the same. (d) fluctuates. 1
(c) tan −1 (1)
80. If ωE and ωH are the angular velocities of the earth 5
rotating about its own axis and the hour hand of the
89. A particle describes a horizontal circle in a conical
clock respectively, then
funnel whose inner surface is smooth with speed of
(a) ωE = 1/4ωH (b) ωE = 2 ωH 0.5 m/s. What is the height of the plane of circle from
(c) ωE = ωH (d) ωE = 1/2ωH vertex of the funnel? [Take g = 10 m/s2]
81. A fan is making 600 revolutions per minute. If after (a) 0.25 cm (b) 2 cm
some time it makes 1200 revolutions per minute, then (c) 4 cm (d) 2.5 cm
increase in its angular velocity is:
(a) 10π rad/s (b) 20π rad/s 90. A heavy mass is attached to a thin wire and is
whirled in a vertical circle. The wire is most likely
(c) 40π rad/s (d) 60π rad/s
to break
(a) when the mass is at the highest point of the circle. (c) T1 > T2
(b) when the mass is at the lowest point of the circle. (d) tension in the string always remains the same
(c) when the wire is horizontal. 95. A stone of mass m is tied to a string and is moved in
(d) at an angle of cos−1 (1/3) from the upward vertical. a vertical circle of radius r making n revolutions per
91. A body of mass m hangs at one end of a string of minute. The total tension in the string when the stone
length l, the other end of which is fixed. It is given a is at its lowest point is:
horizontal velocity so that the string would just reach (a) mg (b) m(g + πnr2)
where it makes an angle of 60° with the vertical. The 2 n 2 r
tension in the string at mean position is: (c) m(g + πnr) (d) m g
(a) 2 mg (b) mg
(c) 3 mg (d) 3 mg 96. A bucket full of water is revolved in vertical circle
92. A simple pendulum of length L swings in a vertical of radius 2 m. What should be the maximum time-
plane. The tension of the string when it makes an period of revolution so that the water does not fall-
off the bucket? [Take g = 10 m/s2]
angle β with the vertical and the bob of mass m moves
(a) 1 sec (b) 2 sec
with a speed v is (g is the gravitational acceleration)
(c) 3 sec (d) 4 sec
(a) mv2/L
(b) mg cos β + mv2/L 97. A can filled with water is revolved in a vertical cir-
(c) mg cos β – mv2/L cle of radius 4 m and water does not fall. The time-
(d) mg cos β period of revolution will be:
(a) 2 sec (b) 4 sec
93. A simple pendulum oscillates in a vertical plane. (c) 6 sec (d) 8 sec
When it passes through the mean position, the ten-
98. A bucket tied at the end of a 1.6 m long string is
sion in the string is 3 times the weight of the pendu-
whirled in a vertical circle with constant speed. What
lum bob. What is the maximum displacement of the should be the minimum speed so that the water from
pendulum of the string with respect to the vertical? the bucket does not spill, when the bucket is at the
(a) 30° (b) 45° highest position (Take g = 10 m/s2)
(c) 60° (d) 90° (a) 4 m/s (b) 6.25 m/s
94. A particle is moving in a vertical circle. The tensions (c) 16 m/s (d) None of these
in the string when passing through two positions at 99. Velocity vector and acceleration vector in a uniform
angles 30° and 60° from vertical (lowest position) circular motion are related as
are T1 and T2 respectively then: (a) both in the same direction.
(a) T1 = T2 (b) perpendicular to each other.
(b) T2 > T1 (c) both in opposite direction.
(d) not related to each other.
Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Mark the correct
choice as:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.
Reason: M m n where α and β are real
Scalars and Vectors numbers.
5. Assertion: The magnitude R A2 B 2 of the
1. Assertion: We can treat the sum of two vectors as the resultant of two vectors A and B is less than the
difference of two vectors. magnitude of either vector.
Reason: Subtraction of two vectors M and N can be Reason: The resultant of two vectors is calculated by
defined in terms of addition of M and N. using the law of parallelogram of vectors.
2. Assertion: Commutative law is followed while vector
addition. Motion of an Object in a Plane
Reason: Addition of two vectors maybe done
graphically using head-to-tail method or parallelogram 6. Assertion: The necessary condition for motion in two
method. dimensions, velocity and acceleration vectors should
have any angle between 0° and 90° between them.
3. Assertion: Two vectors A and B are said to be equal
Reason: For two-dimensional or three-dimensional
if they have the same magnitude and direction.
motion, velocity and acceleration of an object works
Reason: Addition and subtraction of scalars is in opposite direction.
possible only for quantities having same units. 7. Assertion: For a moving object the instantaneous
4. Assertion: Resolution of a vector M into component velocity is calculated by the limiting value of its average
along two given vectors m and n lying in the same velocity as the time interval approaches to zero.
plane is possible. Reason: The direction of the average velocity is same
as the direction of displacement.
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
Reason: The shape of the flight path of the motion of
Relative Motion an object is determined by the acceleration only.
8. Assertion: A boy holding an umbrella rides a bicycle 11. Assertion: A projectile that follows a parabolic path
in east to west direction and he does not get wet, while that deviates from its perfect flight path in the presence
it’s raining vertically with a certain speed. of air resistance.
Reason: That boy is holding his umbrella with the Reason: Air resistance affects the motion of the
vertical towards the west at some angle. projectile.
9. Assertion: There are two boats in a river having
the same magnitude of relative velocity with river. Uniform Circular Motion
Both boats start simultaneously from same point on
one bank may reach opposite bank simultaneously
moving along different paths. 12. Assertion: Uniform circular motion is always an
Reason: The condition for the boats to cross the river in accelerated motion.
same time is that the component of their velocity relative Reason: Direction of acceleration is parallel to the
to river in direction normal to flow should be same. velocity vector.
13. Assertion: Centripetal acceleration is applied in the
Projectile Motion direction of the centre of rotation of an object during
uniform circular motion.
10 Assertion: Flight path of an object moving under the Reason: Centripetal acceleration is a constant vector.
acceleration due to gravity can be straight line or a
parabola depending on the initial conditions.
Practice Time
1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (a) 4 (c) 5 (b) 6 (d) 7 (d) 8 (d) 9 (c) 10 (b)
11 (d) 12 (d) 13 (c) 14 (c) 15 (b) 16 (c) 17 (b) 18 (d) 19 (c) 20 (a)
21 (a) 22 (d) 23 (b) 24 (c) 25 (d) 26 (a) 27 (d) 28 (c) 29 (d) 30 (c)
31 (d) 32 (c) 33 (c) 34 (a) 35 (c) 36 (b) 37 (b) 38 (c) 39 (c) 40 (b)
41 (a) 42 (d) 43 (a) 44 (d) 45 (b) 46 (c) 47 (a) 48 (b) 49 (a) 50 (c)
51 (b) 52 (d) 53 (b) 54 (d) 55 (d) 56 (a) 57 (a) 58 (d) 59 (a) 60 (d)
61 (b) 62 (c) 63 (a) 64 (c) 65 (c) 66 (d) 67 (c) 68 (b) 69 (d) 70 (a)
71 (a) 72 (a) 73 (d) 74 (d) 75 (d) 76 (d) 77 (d) 78 (a) 79 (b) 80 (d)
81 (b) 82 (b) 83 (b) 84 (b) 85 (a) 86 (b) 87 (c) 88 (d) 89 (d) 90 (b)
91 (a) 92 (b) 93 (d) 94 (c) 95 (d) 96 (c) 97 (b) 98 (a) 99 (b)
1 (d) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10 (c)
1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (a) 4 (a) 5 (b) 6 (d) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (b) 10 (c)
11 (a) 12 (c) 13 (c)
Practice Time
1 (c) A vector quantity is defined as the quantity which 10 (b) Scalar quantities are those quantities which
has magnitude and direction and for which all require only the magnitude for their complete
the mathematical operations are possible only specifications and vector quantities are those
through vector laws of algebra. quantities which require magnitude as well as
direction for their complete specifications. The
2 (d) Since force is a vector quantity, impulse is also a
resultant of two vectors can be zero only if they
vector in the same direction. Impulse applied to
have the same magnitude and opposite directions
an object produces an equivalent vector change in
its linear momentum, also in the same direction. 11 (d) All the three unit vectors have the magnitude as
3 (a) Resultant vector of two vectors A and B inclined unity, i= j= k = 1
at an angle θ, is given by 12 (d) Given that,
A ɵi 5ɵj
2 2
R A B 2 AB cos
If 0; cos 0 1
B 2ɵi 10 ɵj 2(i 5 j ) 2 A
R A2 B 2 2 AB Thus, B 2 A
( A B)2 Both vectors are parallel to each other.
That means option (d) is correct
This is the maximum possible resultant. 13 (c) According to the figure,
4 (c) The resultant of A × 0 is a vector of zero magni- y
j i + j
tude. The product of a vector with a scalar gives a
β x
5 (b) A and B are antiparallel for the given case. i
Magnitude in lst case is 22 (d) The resultant of these forces can be calculated by,
Resultant force,
C A2 B 2 2 AB cos( )
R (6)2 (6)2 (72)2 along OE
Direction becomes
B sin( ) = 36 36 72
tan 1 12 N along OE
A B cos( )
If A & B interchanged of vector A is
23 (b) The magnitude of the x-component
3 and the magnitude of vector A is 5. Then,
In 2nd case
A Ax i Ay ɵj
C A2 B 2 2 AB cos( )
Also A Ax2 A2y
C Direction becomes
Where, A 5
A sin( )
tan 1 Ax 3
B A cos( )
So that, magnitude remains the same but the 5 (3)2 A2y
direction changes
25 9 A2y A2y 16
16 (c) By the triangle law of vector addition, C A B
17 (b) According to the given condition, Ay 4
A B A2 B 2 2 AB cos120 ( 120) y
1 1
A2 B 2 2 AB cos120 A
2 2 Ay j
A2 B 2 A( A) ( A B) θ x
Ax i
B2 B
18 (d) Given that, 24 (c) As we know that,
a lies in the plane of b and c cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 1
a b c As we know that:
A 1
+C cos x
A 3
Ay 1
A 3
C Az 1
It illustrates the associative law of addition. A 3
26 (a) If θ be an angle between A and B. Then, AB 20ɵi 0ɵj 0kɵ
2 2
of A and B is P A B 2 AB cos
Resultant Applying laws of resultant vector,
B is reversed, then the angle between 45 45 90
A and − B is (180° − θ ).
triangle property along with trigonometry,
Resultant of A and − B is,
BC 30 2 cos 45ɵi 30 2 sin 45ɵj
Q A2 B 2 2 AB cos(180 )
BC 30ɵi 30 ɵj
A2 B 2 2 AB cos
Displacement is the change in original
On squaring and both eq
quations, we have
and final position,
P 2 Q 2 2( A2 B 2 )
27 (d) According to the given condition,
r a cos t ɵi a sin t ɵj
So, the displacement is 10 m in the opposite
d(r ) d
v a cos t ɵi a sint ɵj
dt dt direction that is west.
a sin t ɵi a cos t ɵj 33 (c) Given that,
a sin t ɵi a cos t ɵj r 2t 2 ɵi 3t ɵj 4kɵ
r v 0 dr
So, velocity is perpendicular to the displacement
4tiɵ 3ɵj
28 (c) As we know that,
r 3t ɵi 2t 2 ɵj 5kɵ a
dr d
v (4tiɵ 3ɵj)
dt dt
d 4ɵi
3t ɵi 2t 2 ɵj 5kɵ
a 4 ms 2 along x -direction
3ɵi 4t ɵj 34 (a) Given that,
29 (d) As we know that, Initial position vector of the particle,
Velocity along x -axis, v x
dx r 2ɵi 10 ɵj kɵ
Let final position vector of the particle be
dy rf xiɵ y ɵj zkɵ
Velocity along y -axis, v y
dt So, the net displacement will be,
2bt r rf ri
Magnitude of velocity of the particle, 8ɵi 2 ɵj kɵ xiɵ y ɵj zkɵ (2ɵi 10 ɵj kɵ )
v v x2 v 2y xiɵ y ɵj zkɵ 10ɵi 8 ɵj 2kɵ
So, the, the final coordinates of the particle are
2t a 2 b2
(10, 8, 2).
30 (c) Only in case of parabolic motion, the direction
35 (c) Consider that the motorist starts from A. and the
and magnitude of the velocity changes, accelera-
path followed by the motorist is a regular hexagon
tion remains same. And, in case of uniform circu-
ABCDEF of side length 500 m. As the motorist
lar motion, the direction changes.
starts from A and takes the third turn at D. then,
31 (d) Along same straight line, velocity and accel-
eration can be in the same direction, opposite E 60° D
to each other or perpendicular as in circular 60°
motion with uniform speed. Thus 0° can be 60°
anywhere between 0° and 180°. F G C
32 (c) As the movement is along positive y-axis,
OA 0ɵi 30 ɵj 0kɵ 60°
As the movement is along positive x -axis,, A 500 m B
102 ɵ ɵ ɵ
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
So, the magnitude of this displacement is, 39 (c) Given that,
AD = AG + GD = 500 m + 500 m = 1000 m Velocity of swimmer in still water, vs = 10 ms–1
36 (b) Given that, Velocity of water flowing in river, vr = 5 ms−1
vr B
x 7t 4t 2 N
Velocity in x -direction,
dx vs v W E
vx θ
dt S
7 8t A
Accelerattion in x -direction, vr
dv sin
ax vs
dt t 5 5
8 ms 2 10
Here acceleration is constant and is 1
same at t 5 sec 2
y 5t 1
sin 1
Velocity in the y -direction, 2
30 west of north
5 40 (b) According to the given condition,
Accelaration in y -direction, vbr vb vr
dv y vbr vb2 vr2
d 10 82 vr2
(5) vr 6 km/h
0 ms -2 vr
37 (b) Bird’s displacement is,
r r2 r1
r 7ɵi 2 ɵj 3kɵ 3ɵi 4 ɵj 3kɵ vbr
10ɵi 6 ɵj
38 (c) The position of the particle is given by,
41 (a) Velocity of object A relative to that of B. Then
r r0 v0t at 2 v AB v A v B
v BA v B v A
r0 0
v AB v BA
v0 5ɵi ms 1
v AB v BA
a 3ɵi 2 ɵj ms 2
1 42 (d) The man cannot cross the river, in that way.
r 5t ɵi 3ɵi 2 ɵj t 2
u2 sin2 SH
2g u2 2 g H
So, for the same speed, H sin2 u2
H1 H 2 2g
sin2 1 sin2 2 100
[from (i)]
or 1 2 2
50 m
2u sin
Time of flight, T 60 (d) At the highest point of trajectory, the acceleration
g is equal to g.
For the same speed T sin 61 (b) Given that,
1 2 initial velocity,
or sin1 sin2 u 30 ms 1
T1 T2 Angle, 30
bjective Physics
u2 sin2 gx
H x tan 1 2
u (2 sin cos )
As R = PH (Given) x
x tan 1
u2 sin 2 u2 sin2 R
g 2g yR
P x (R x )
2 sin cos sin2
22 From figure,
44 y y
or tan tan tan
P x Rx
4 y(R x ) xy
tan 30 x (R x )
4 3 yR
66 (d) Given that, x (R x )
30, u 10 ms 1 , R 17.3 m, g 10 ms 2 So, that tan tan tan
For horizontal motion, R u cos t 69 (d) In uniform circular motion, direction of velocity
and acceleration change from point to point.
or t
u cos 70 (a) Let tangential acceleration, at = a
17.3 Then, v = √2ad (d = distance travelled)
So, a = v2/2d = v2/2(2πR) = v2/(4πR)
10 cos 30
17.3 2 Thus, a = (80)2/[(4π) (20/π)] = 80 m/s2
From the above observation we conclude that, the
10 3 tangential acceleration would be 80 m/s2.
17.3 2
71 (a) According to the given condition,
10 1.73
2 sec v2
1 r
For vertical motion, y u sin t gt 2 (250)2
1 62.5 m/s2
y 10 sin 30 2 10 22
2 ac 62.5
10 20
g 9. 8
10 m
6.38 [... 900 km/hr = 250 m/s]
Height of tower 10 m
72 (a) Let tension in the string becomes equal to the
67 (c) As we know that, weight of the particle when particle reaches the
point B and deflection of the string from vertical
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
is θ. Resolving mg along the string and perpen- TE 24 hr
dicular to the string, we get net radial force on the
TH 12 hr
particle at B, i.e.,
E 2 / TE
H 2 / TH
81 (b) Given that,
FR = T − mg cosθ (i) F1 = 600 rpm, F2 = 1200 rpm,
If vB be the speed of the particle at B, then Using, increment in angular velocity, ω = 2π(F2−F1)
FR = mv2B/l (ii) ω = 2π(1200 − 600) rad/min = (2π 600)/60 rad/s
ω = 20π rad/s
From (i) and (ii), we get,
82 (b) For an hour hand, T = 12 hr = 12 × 3600 s
T − mg cosθ = mv2B/l (iii)
ω = 2 π/T
Since at B, T = mg = mg(1 − cos θ) = mv2B/l ω = 2 π/12 × 3600
v2B = gl (1 − cos θ) (iv) ω = π/21600 rad/s
Conserving the energy of the particle at points A 83 (b) Angular speed of second hand, ω1= 2 π/60
and B, we have (T = 60 seconds)
1/2mv2A = mgl(1 − cos θ) + 1/2mv2B Angular speed of hour hand,
where vA = √gl and vB=√gl(1-cos θ) = gl = 2
2 (T 12 hr )
2gl(1 − cos θ) + gl(1 −cos θ) 12 60 60
cos θ = 2/3 (v) 1 720
12 60
Putting the value of cos θ in equation (iv), 2 1
we get v = √gl/3 2
84 (b) Angular speed of minute hand, m
73 (d) At each point on circular path, the magnitude of 60 60
velocity remains the same for any value of α.
74 (d) The particle performing circular motion flies-off Angular speed of second hand, 5
tangentially. 60
l 2
tan T mg cos mg sin
T mg cos mv 2 /L
h v 93 (d) Tension at mean position,
l rg mv 2
vl 2 mg 3 mg; v 2gl ...(i)
h r
rg and if the body displaces by angle θ with the verti-
88 (d) The inclination of person from vertical is given cal then,
by, v 2gl(1 cos ) ...(ii)
v2 (10)2 1 Comparing (i) and (ii),
rg 50 10 5 cos 0 or 90
tan 1 (1 / 5) 94 (c) Tension,
89 (d) The particle is moving in circular path. mv 2
T mg cos
mv 2
For 30, T1 mg cos 30
mv 2
60, T2 mg cos 60
T1 T2
95 (d) According to the given condition,
T mg m 2 r
From the figure,
m g 4 2 r
mg R sin
mv 2 m g 4 2 r
R cos 60
From equation (i) and (ii) 2 n2 r
we get, m g
rg r
tan 2 but tan 96 (c) Minimum angular velocity,
v h
v 2 (0.5)2 g
h 0.025 m 2.5 cm min
g 10 R
90 (b) Because tension is maximum at the lowest point. 2 R 2 2
Tmax 2 2 2
min g 10 10
91 (a) When body is released from the position (inclined at
angle θ from vertical), then velocity at mean position, 2 2 3 sec
2 97 (b) Using,
Tension at lowest point = mg mr 2 mg
m 2
mg 2 gl 1 cos 60 r g
l T
mg mg 2 mg 4 2 r
v 2gl(1 cos ) g
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
r 4 gR 10 1.6 4 m/s
T 2 2 3.14
g 9.8 99 (b) In a uniform circular motion, the acceleration is
4 sec directed towards the centre of the circle while
98 (a) Critical velocity at highest point, velocity is acting tangentially. Therefore, veloc-
ity vector is perpendicular to acceleration vector.
P 2 Q 2 R2 t
2u y 2 5 3
3 sec
g 10
(P Q)(P Q) R 2
(18)(P Q) (12)2 and 1.15 ux t at 2, where a is the acceleration
(P Q ) 8 of train.
P 13 N and Q 5 N 1 2
u2 sin 2 202 sin150 When d < 20 m, ball will hit the ground, at a dis-
= 20 m tance, x = 20 m - d in front of the wall.
g 10
8 (b) The acceleration vector acts along the radius of
When d < 20 m, ball will hit the wall, when d = 25
the circle. The given statement is false.
m, ball will fall 5 m short of the wall.
Motion in a Plane Chapter |4|
5 (b) If a and b are inclined at an angle greater than 90°, 9 (b) If component of velocities of boat relative to river
their resultant has magnitude is same normal to river flow (as shown in figure)
both boats reach another bank simultaneously
R a 2 b2 2ab cos
6 (d) In one dimension, the velocity and the acceleration
of an object are always along the same straight line
either in the same direction or in the opposite direc-
tion. However, for motion in two or three dimen-
sions velocity and acceleration vectors may have 10 (c) The shape of the trajectory of the motion of an
any angle between 0° and 180° between them. object is not determined by the acceleration alone
7 (b) The average velocity |v| of an object is the ratio of but also depends on the initial conditions of
the net displacement and the corresponding time motion (initial position and initial velocity).
interval. 11 (a) In the presence of dissipative forces like air fric-
r xɵi y ɵj ɵ x ɵ y tion which opposes the motion, any object will
v i j lose some part of its initial energy and conse-
t t t t
quently momentum too. Thus, a projectile that
v vxi v y j traverses a parabolic path would certainly show
deviation from its idealised trajectory in the
r presence of air resistance.
12 (c) The acceleration of a body undergoing uniform-
The direction of the average velocity is the same
circular motion is called centripetal acceleration,
as that of ∆r . The instantaneous velocity is the and it is always directed towards the centre.
limiting value of the average velocity as the time
interval approaches zero. 13 (c) According to the condition,
Centripetal acceleration = v2/R
r dr
v lim For uniform circular motion, v and R remain
t 0 t dt
constant; the magnitude of the centripetal accel-
8 (c) Rain is falling vertically with a certain speed. The eration is constant. But the direction changes-
boy rides a bicycle in east to west direction. So to pointing always towards the centre. Therefore, a
avoid rain he should hold his umbrella in vertical centripetal acceleration is not a constant vector.
plane at some angle with the vertical towards the