Chapter - 4 Motion in A Plane
Chapter - 4 Motion in A Plane
Chapter - 4 Motion in A Plane
4 Plane
SCALARS AND VECTORS (v) Unit vector : Vector which has unit magnitude. It represents
Scalars : The physical quantities which have only magnitude r
direction only. For example take a vector B . Unit vector in
but no direction, are called scalar quantities.
For example - distance, speed, work, temperature, mass, etc. r B
· Scalars are added, subtracted, multiplied and divided by the direction of B is , which is denoted as B̂ . B̂ , is
|B |
ordinary laws of algebra. read as “B cap” or "B caret".
Vectors: For any quantity to be a vector, (vi) Orthogonal unit vector : A set of unit vectors, having the
(i) it must have magnitude.
directions of the positive x, y and z axes of three dimensional
(ii) it must have direction.
(iii) it must satisfy parallelogram law of vector addition. rectangular coordinate system are denoted by ˆi, ˆj and kˆ .
For example – displacement, velocity, force, etc. They are called orthogonal unit vectors because angle
Electric current has magnitude as well as direction but between any of the two unit vectors is 90º.
still it is not treated as a vector quantity because it is added by Z
ordinary law of algebra.
Types of Vectors
(i) Like vectors : Vectors having same direction are called like
vectors. The magnitude may or may not be equal. ˆj
o Y
A î
r r
A and B are like vectors. These are also called parallel X
vectors or collinear vectors.
The coordinate system which has shown in fig. is called
(ii) Equal vectors : Vectors having same magnitude and same
direction are called equal vectors. right handed coordinate system. Such a system derives its
name from the fact that right threaded screw rotated through
A 90º from OX to OY will advance in positive Z direction as
B shown in the figure.
r r r r
Here A and B are equal vectors A = B (vii) Null vector (zero vector) : A vector of zero magnitude is
Thus, equal vector is a special case of like vector. called a zero or null vector. Its direction is not defined. It is
(iii) Unlike vectors : Vectors having exactly opposite directions denoted by 0.
are called unlike vectors. The magnitude may or may not be Properties of Null or Zero Vector :
equal. ur
(a) The sum of a finite vector A and the zero vector is
B equal to the finite vector
r r ur ur
A and B are unlike vectors. i.e., A + 0 = A
(iv) Negative vectors : Vectors having exactly opposite direction (b) The multiplication of a zero vector by a finite number n
and equal magnitudes are called negative vectors. is equal to the zero vector
i.e., 0 n = 0
A ur
(c) The multiplication of a finite A by a zero is equal to
B zero vector
r r r r ur
Here A and B are negative vectors, A = -B i.e., A 0 = 0
Thus negative vectors is a special case of unlike vectors.
Rmin = A 2 + B2 - 2AB = A - B
ve lace
c mto
r ent
B i.e., q = 90 o , R = A 2 + B2
rB Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition
It states that if two vectors are represented in magnitude and
uur uuur
rA = OA = x1 ˆi + y1 ˆj + z1 kˆ direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram then their
uur uuur resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the
rB = OB = x 2 ˆi + y2 ˆj + z 2 kˆ . diagonal of the parallelogram.
ur ur
The displacement vector is Let the two vectors A and B , inclined at angle q are represented
uuur uuur
AB = OB - OA . by sides OP and OS of parallelogram OPQS, then resultant vector
ur uuur
= (x 2 - x 2 )iˆ + (y 2 - y1 )ˆj + (z 2 - z1 )kˆ R is represented by diagonal OQ of the parallelogram.
Laws of Vector Algebra S Q
r r r r
1. A + B = B + A (Commutative law of addition)
r r r r r r
2. A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C (Associative law of addition) R
r r B
3. mA = Am q
r r b
4. m(nA) = (mn)A O
r r r A
5. (m + n)A = mA + nA B sin q
r r r r R = A2 + B 2 + 2 AB cos q ; tan b =
6. m(A + B) = mA + mB A + B cos q
ur ur ur ur
ADDITION OF VECTORS If q < 90° , (acute angle) R = A + B , R is called main
(major) diagonal of parallelogram
Triangle Law of Vector Addition ur ur ur ur
It states that if two vectors acting on a particle at the same time If q > 90° , (obtuse angle) R = A + B , R is called minor
are represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a
triangle taken in one order, their resultant vector is represented Polygon Law of Vector Addition
in magnitude and direction by the third side of the triangle taken If a number of non zero vectors are represented by the (n–1)
in opposite order. sides of an n-sided polygon then the resultant is given by the
closing side or the nth side of the polygon taken in opposite
order. D D C
b R B
ur ur ur ur ur ur
ur So, R = A + B + C + D + E
Magnitude of R is given by R = A 2 + B 2 + 2 AB cos q uuur uuur uuur uuur uuur uuur
ur ur or, OA + AB + BC + CD + DE = OE
where q is the angle between A and B .
Motion in a Plane 69
Keep in Memory B
r r r r q
1. If A = B , then A - B = 0 is a null vector..
2. Null vector or zero vector is defined as a vector whose A
–B 180° – q
magnitude is zero and direction indeterminate. Null vector
differs from ordinary zero in the sense that ordinary zero is
not associated with direction. A - B = A + (-B )
A If the angle between A and B is q then the angle between
3. Â = r is called a unit vector. It is unitless and
dimensionless vector. Its magnitude is 1. It represents
direction only. a
r r r r
r æ ˆ ˆö
ˆ ˆ = - 1 i - j = - 1 (iˆ - ˆj)
= (A.b)b ç ÷ 2
2è 2ø S
Example 5.
If 0.3î + 0.4 ĵ + ck̂ is a unit vector, then find the value of c. tan q = = -1 Þ q = 135 °
Solution : Example 9.
r r r
Unit vector is a vector of unit magnitude. r r r
If a,b and c are unit vectors such that a +b + c = 0 , then
\ 0.32 + 0.4 2 + c 2 = 1 Þ 0.09 + 0.16 + c 2 = 1 r
find the angle between a and b .
Þ c 2 = 1 - 0.25 = 0.75 Þ c = 0.75 Solution :
r r r r
Example 6. Given : ar + b + cr = 0 Þ c = -(a + b)
What is the vector joining the points (3, 1, 14) and r r r
(–2, –1, –6) ? Also, | a | = | b | = | c | = 1
Solution : r r
Let angle between a and b = q
If P and Q be the points represented by the coordinates
(3, 1, 14) and (–2, –1, –6) respectively then, \ 1 = 12 + 12 + 2 ´ 1 ´ 1 ´ cos q
PQ = p.v. of Q – p.v. of P \ cos q = -1/ 2 Þ q = 120° = 2 p / 3
= (-2î - ĵ - 6k̂ ) - (3î + ĵ + 14 k̂ ) = -5î - 2 ĵ - 20k̂ PRODUCT OF TWO VECTORS
uuur uuur Scalar or Dot Product
and QP = - PQ = 5iˆ + 2jˆ + 20kˆ
The scalar or dot product of two vectors A and B is a scalar,
Example 7. r r
Find the angle between two vectors of magnitude 12 and which is equal to the product of the magnitudes of A and B and
18 units, if their resultant is 24 units. cosine of the smaller angle between them.
r r
Solution : i.e., A . B = A B cosq
r B
Magnitude of first vector (A) = 12; Magnitude of second
r r
r r r
e.g. W = F × s;P = F × vr
vector (B) = 18 and resultant of the given vectors (R) = 24
\ 24 = 2 2
A + B + 2AB cos q B cosq
Properties of Scalar or Dot Product:
2 2
24 = (12) + (18) + 2 ´ 12 ´ 18 cos q
1. iˆ . iˆ = ˆj . ˆj = kˆ . kˆ =1
or (24)2 = 144 + 324 + 432 cos q or 432 cos q = 108
108 iˆ . ˆj = ˆj . kˆ = kˆ . iˆ = 0
or cos q = = 0.25 or q = 75°52¢ r r
432 2. A . B = A (B cosq) = B (A cosq)
Example 8.
r r The dot product of two vectors can be interpreted as the
Two forces F1 = 250N due east and F2 = 250 N due north
th product of the magnitude of one vector and the magnitude
have their common initial point. Find the magnitude and of the component of the other vector along the direction of
r r the first vector.
direction of F2 - F1
r r r r
3. A . B = B . A Dot product of two vectors is commutative. S R
r r k
4. A . A = A2
r r r r r r r
5. A.( B + C ) = A . B + A .C Dot product is distributive. q
r r P Q
6. A .B = (A x ˆi + A y ˆj + A z k).(B
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
x i + B y j + B z k) A
= (Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz) r r
| A ´ B |= A( B sin q)
Vector or Cross Product = area of parallelogram PQRS
The vector product of two vectors is defined as a vector having
= 2 (area of DPQR)
magnitude equal to the product of two vectors and sine of the
angle between them. Its direction is perpendicular to the plane 8. A unit vector which is perpendicular to A as well as B is
containing the two vectors (direction of the vector is given by uur uur r r
A´B A´ B
right hand screw rule or right hand thumb rule. uur uur =
ur ur ur | A ´ B | AB sin q
C = A ´ B = (AB sin q) n̂
ur ur
The direction of (A ´ B) perpendicular to the plane containing Keep in Memory
ur ur ur ur
vectors A and B in the sense of advance of a right handed A x B x + A y B y + A z Bz A.B
ur ur 1. cos q = = ur ur
screw rotated from A to B is through the smaller angle between A 2x + A 2y + A z2 B2x + B2y + Bz2 | A || B |
r r
A | A ´ B | A B sin q
2. tan q = r r =
q A.B A B cos q
ur ur ur
( A ´ B) = C B r r r r
3. | A ´ B |2 + | A.B |2 = A 2 B2
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r
e.g., v = w´ r ; t = r ´ F; L = r ´ p
4. | A + B | ´ | A – B |= 2 | (B) ´ (A ) |
Properties of Vector or Cross Product r r r r r r r r r
i 5. If A + B + C = 0 , then A ´ B = B ´ C = C ´ A
1. iˆ ´ iˆ = ˆj ´ ˆj = kˆ ´ kˆ = 0 k
r r r r
6. | A.B |2 - | A ´ B |2 = A 2 B 2 cos 2q
2. iˆ ´ ˆj = kˆ; ˆj ´ kˆ = iˆ; kˆ ´ iˆ = ˆj
r r p
3. A´ A = 0 7. If | A ´ B |= A . B then angle between A and B is .
j 4
r r r r r r r r
4. A ´ B ¹ B ´ A (not commutative) [Q A ´ B = - B ´ A]
8. If A || B then A ´ B = 0
r r r r r r r
5. A ´ ( B + C ) = ( A ´ B) + ( A ´ C ) (follows distributive law)
9. Division by a vector is not defined. Because, it is not
r r
6. A ´ B = ( Ax iˆ + Ay ˆj + Az kˆ ) ´ ( B x iˆ + B y ˆj + B z kˆ ) possible to divide by a direction.
B = ( -1)2 + 22 + ( -1)2 = 6
Example 11.
r r
A particle suffers three displacements 4m in the northward, A.B = (iˆ + ˆj - 2k).(
ˆ -ˆi + 2ˆj - k)
ˆ = -1 + 2 + 3 = 3
2 m in the south-east and 1 m in the south-west directions.
What is the displacement of the particle and the distance 3 3 1
cos q = = = or q = 60°
covered by it? 6´ 6 6 2
Solution : Example 14.
Taking a frame of reference with the x-axis in the eastward A particle is displaced from a point (3, – 4, 5) to another point
and the y-axis in the northward direction
(–2, 6, – 4) under a force 2î + 3 ĵ - k̂ . Find the work done by
North (N) the force.
Y Solution :
F = 2î + 3 ĵ - k̂
West (W) X East (E) The displacement of the particle is
s = position vector of point (–2, 6, – 4) – position vector of
point (3, – 4, 5)
South (S) r
s = (-2î + 6 ĵ - 4k̂ ) - (3î - 4 ĵ + 5k̂ ) = -5î + 10 ĵ - 9k̂
2. Horizontal projectile : In this, the body is given an initial Case 2: If a particle is projected at an angle (q) in upward direction
velocity directed along the horizontal and then it moves from the top of tower of height h with velocity u, then
under the influence of gravity along a parabolic path. uy = u sin q
Motion along x-axis g
ay = – g
ux = u, ax = 0 o ux = u x ux = u cos q
P(x,y) ax = 0
uy = 0
x = uxt + axt2 x b vx = ux = u
2 1
h = + u sin q.t - gt 2 and x = u cosq.t
x = ut + 0 vy=gt v
x y
\ t= …… (1)
u +
Motion along y-axis u sin q u
uy = 0, ay = g A q
1 1 u cos q
y = uyt + ayt2 Þ 0 + gt2
2 2 h
y = gt2 …… (2)
x B
æ g ö 2
From equations (1) and (2) we get y = çè 2 ÷ø x
2u Case 3: If a body is projected at an angle (q) from the top of tower
which is the equation of a parabola. in downward direction then
Velocity at any instant : uy = – u sin q, ux = u cosq, ax = 0
v = v ˆi + v ˆj
x y 1 2
ay = +g , - h = - u sin q.t - gt and x = u cosq.t
v= u 2 + g2 t 2 2
If b is the angle made by v with the horizontal, then
+ ucos q
vygt q u
tanb = = –
vx u usin q
Time of flight and horizontal range: h
If h is the distance of the ground from the point of projection, T
is the time taken to strike the ground and R is the horizontal range
of the projectile then
2h x
T= and R = u
g g Equation of Trajectory
Let the point from which the projectile is thrown into space is
taken as the origin, horizontal direction in the plane of motion is
Case 1: If the projectile is projected from the top of the tower of taken as the X-axis, the vertical direction is taken as the Y-axis,
height 'h', in horizontal direction, then the height of tower h, Let the projectile be thrown with a velocity u making an angle q
range x and time of flight t are related as : with the X-axis.
1 Y
h = gt 2 and x = vt
vy v
u vx
u sin q P(x,y)
h X
1b v x O u cos q
v The components of the initial velocity in the X-direction and Y-
vy direction are u cos q and u sin q respectively. Then at any instant
x of time t,
\ vA cos 53° = vB cos 37° Condition for horizontal range R on the inclined plane to be
cos 37° maximum :
or vA = vB cos (90° - 37°) u2
Since R = [2sin(q - a ) cos q]
g cos 2 a
or vA = 60 cot 37° = tan 37° [QvB = 60 units] u2
= [sin(2q - a) - sin a]
g cos 2 a
60 ´ 4
= = 80 units {2 sin A cos B = sin(A+B)+sin(A–B)}
R is maximum when sin (2q –a) is maximum
Let a body is thrown from a plane OA inclined at an angle a with p a
i.e., sin (2q – a) = 1 or q = +
the horizontal, with a constant velocity u in a direction making an 4 2
angle q with the horizontal.
The body returns back on the same plane OA. Hence the net u2
displacement of the particle in a direction normal to the plane OA Þ R max = [1 - sin a]
is zero. g cos 2 a
A where Rmax (on horizontal plane) = .
y sin(
g Condition for time of flight T to be maximum :
u ) g cos(a)
-a a
(q 2 u sin(q - a )
q T= so T is max when sin (q – a) is maximum
uy a g g cos a
O B p 2u
i.e., sin (q –a) = 1 or q = +a Þ T =
ux = u cos (q – a ) along the incline, + x-axis) 2 g cos a
uy = u sin (q – a ) along the incline, + y-axis) It means that if q1 is the angle for projectile for which T is maximum
ax = g sin a along – x-axis, as retardation and q2 is the angle for which R is maximum, then q1 = 2q2.
ay = g cos a along – y-axis, as retardation Example 23.
The time of flight of the projectile is given by The slopes of wind screen of two cars are b1 = 30° and
1 2 b2 = 15° respectively. At what ratio v1/v2 of the velocities
s = ut + at
2 of the cars will their drivers see the hailstorms bounced by
windscreen of their cars in the vertical direction? Assume
or 0 = u sin(q - a )T - g cos aT 2 hailstorms falling vertically.
2 Solution :
2 u sin(q - a ) From the fig tan a = and a = 90° - 2b1
T= v1
g cos(a )
where v is velocity of hail
If maximum height above the inclined plane is H, v
tan(90° - 2b1 ) = cot 2b1 =
u 2 sin 2 (q - a )
v b1 b
The horizontal range R of the projectile is given by a
2 u 2 sin(q - a) cos q
OB = u cos q t = =R
g cos a b1
The range of the projectile at the inclined plane is given by v
Similarly, cot 2b 2 =
OB 2u 2 sin(q - a)cos q
OA = = =R v1 cot 2b 2 cot 30
cos a g cos 2 a = = = 3.
v 2 cot 2b1 cot 60
Motion in a Plane 79
Angular velocity : Rate of change of angular displacement is called
angular velocity w
b dq
i.e., w =
a B dt
Relation between linear velocity (v) and angular velocity (w).
1 r r r
Tplane = Thorizontal plane
v = w´r
2 In magnitude, v = r w
2u sin(b - a ) u sin b Angular acceleration : Rate of change of angular velocity is called
or = angular accelaeration.
g cos a g
2 sinb cos a –2 cosb sina = cosa sinb d w d 2q
i.e., a = =
tan b dt dt 2
or sinb cosa = 2 cosb sina or tan a =
2 Relation between linear acceleration and angular accelaration.
r ur r
Keep in Memory a = a´r
1. Equation of trajectory of an oblique projectile in terms of In magnitude, a = r a
range (R) is Centripetal acceleration : Acceleration acting on a body moving
in uniform circular motion is called centripetal acceleration. It
æ xö arises due to the change in the direction of the velocity vector.
y = x tan q - çè1 - ÷ø Magnitude of certipetal acceleration is
1. It is found that A + B = A . This necessarily implies, 10. Given that A + B = R and A2 + B2 = R2. The angle between
A and B is
(a) B = 0 (a) 0 (b) p/4
(b) A, B are antiparallel (c) p/2 (d) p
(c) A, B are perpendicular
11. Given that A + B = R and A = B = R. What should be the
(d) A.B £ 0 angle between A and B ?
2. Which one of the following statements is true? (a) 0 (b) p/3
(a) A scalar quantity is the one that is conserved in a (c) 2p/3 (d) p
process. 12. Let A = iA cos q + jA sin q be any vector. Another vector B,
(b) A scalar quantity is the one that can never take negative which is normal to A can be expressed as
values. (a) i B cos q – j B sin q (b) i B cos q + j B sin q
(c) A scalar quantity is the one that does not vary from (c) i B sin q – j B cos q (d) i B sin q + j B cos q
one point to another in space. 13. Three particles A, B and C are projected from the same point
(d) A scalar quantity has the same value for observers with same initial speeds making angles 30º, 45º and 60º
with different orientations of the axes. respectively with the horizontal. Which of the following
3. Two balls are projected at an angle q and (90º – q) to the statements is correct?
horizontal with the same speed. The ratio of their maximum (a) A, B and C have unequal ranges
vertical heights is (b) Ranges of A and C are equal and less than that of B
(a) 1 : 1 (b) tanq : 1
(c) Ranges of A and C are equal and greater than that of B
(c) 1 : tanq (d) tan2q : 1
(d) A, B and C have equal ranges
4. Which of the following is not correct ?
r r r 14. Two particles of equal masses are revolving in circular paths
(a) A ´ B = - B ´ A of radii r1 and r2 respectively with the same period. The
r r r
(b) A ´ B ¹ B ´ A ratio of their centripetal force is
r r r r r r r
(c) A ´ ( B + C ) = A ´ B + A ´ C (a) r1/r2 (b) r2 / r1
r r r r r r
(d) A ´ ( B + C ) = ( A ´ B ) + C
(c) (r1/r2)2 (d) (r2/r1)2
5. The greatest height to which a man can through a ball is h.
15. A bomb is released from a horizontal flying aeroplane. The
What is the greatest horizontal distance to which he can
trajectory of bomb is
throw the ball?
h (a) a parabola (b) a straight line
(a) 2h (b) (c) a circle (d) a hyperbola
h 16. A projectile can have the same range for two angles of
(c) (d) None of these projection. If h 1 and h2 are maximum heights when the
6. If A and B are two vectors, then the correct statement is range in the two cases is R, then the relation between R, h 1
(a) A + B = B + A (b) A – B = B – A and h2 is
(c) A × B = B × A (d) None of these
(a) R = 4 h1h 2 (b) R = 2 h1h 2
7. Three vectors A, B and C satisfy the relation
A · B = 0 and A · C = 0. The vector A is parallel to (c) R = h1h 2 (d) None of these
(a) B (b) C
(c) B · C (d) B × C 17. A bomb is dropped from an aeroplane moving horizontally
at constant speed. If air resistance is taken into
8. If n̂ is a unit vector in the direction of the vector A, then consideration, then the bomb
A (a) falls on earth exactly below the aeroplane
(a) n̂ = (b) n̂ = A A
A (b) falls on the earth exactly behind the aeroplane
A (c) falls on the earths ahead of the aeroplane
(c) n̂ = (d) nˆ = nˆ × A (d) flies with the aeroplane
18. Two vectors A and B lie in a plane, another vector C lies
9. A projectile thrown with a speed v at an angle q has a range
outside this plane, then the resultant of these three vectors
R on the surface of earth. For same v and q, its range on the
i.e., A + B + C
é g Earth ù
surface of moon will be ê g moon = (a) can be zero
ë 6 úû (b) cannot be zero
(a) R/6 (b) R
(c) lies in the plane containing A + B
(c) 6 R (d) 36 R
(d) lies in the plane containing A – B
Motion in a Plane 83
19. A cannon on a level plane is aimed at an angle q above the (a) vA = vB = vC (b) vA = vB > vC
horizontal and a shell is fired with a muzzle velocity n0 towards (c) vB > vC > vA (d) vA > vB = vC
a vertical cliff a distance D away. Then the height from the 22. An aeroplane flying at a constant speed releases a bomb.
bottom at which the shell strikes the side walls of the cliff is As the bomb moves away from the aeroplane, it will
(a) always be vertically below the aeroplane only if the
g D2 aeroplane was flying horizontally
(a) D sin q -
2 v 0 2 sin 2 q (b) always be vertically below the aeroplane only if the
aeroplane was flying at an angle of 45° to the horizontal
g D2 (c) always be vertically below the aeroplane
(b) D cos q - (d) gradually fall behind the aeroplane if the aeroplane was
2 v 0 2 cos 2 q
flying horizontally.
23. In uniform circular motion, the velocity vector and
g D2
(c) D tan q - acceleration vector are
2 v 0 2 cos2 q (a) perpendicular to each other
(b) same direction
g D2 (c) opposite direction
(d) D tan q -
2 v0 2 sin 2 q (d) not related to each other
24. The time of flight of a projectile on an upward inclined plane
20. A projectile thrown with velocity v making angle q with
depends upon
vertical gains maximum height H in the time for which the
(a) angle of inclination of the plane
projectile remains in air, the time period is
(b) angle of projection
(a) H cos q / g (b) 2 H cos q / g (c) the value of acceleration due to gravity
(d) all of the above.
(c) 4H / g (d) 8H / g 25. At the highest point on the trajectory of a projectile, its
21. Three particles A, B and C are thrown from the top of a (a) potential energy is minimum
tower with the same speed. A is thrown up, B is thrown (b) kinetic energy is maximum
down and C is horizontally. They hit the ground with speeds (c) total energy is maximum
vA, vB and vC respectively then, (d) kinetic energy is minimum.
10. The velocity of projection of a body is increased by 2%. 18. A body is projected horizontally from a point above the
Other factors remaining unchanged, what will be the ground and motion of the body is described by the equation
percentage change in the maximum height attained? x = 2t, y = 5t2 where x, and y are horizontal and vertical
(a) 1% (b) 2 % coordinates in metre after time t. The initial velocity of the
(c) 4 % (d) 8 % body will be
11. A ball is thrown from the ground with a velocity of 20 3 (a) 29 m / s horizontal (b) 5 m/s horizontal
m/s making an angle of 60º with the horizontal. The ball will (c) 2 m/s vertical (d) 2 m/s horizontal
be at a height of 40 m from the ground after a time t equal to uur
(g = 10 ms–2) 19. A vector P1 is along the positive x-axis. If its vector product
(a) 2 sec (b) 3 sec with another vector P2 is zero then P2 could be
(c) 2 sec (d) 3 sec
12. Forces of 4 N and 5 N are applied at origin along X-axis and (a) 4 ĵ (b) - 4î
Y-axis respectively. The resultant force will be
(c) ( ĵ + k̂ ) (d) - (î + ˆj)
æ5ö æ4ö
(a) 41N, tan -1 ç ÷ (b) 41N, tan -1 ç ÷ 20. A wheel rotates with constant acceleration of
è4ø è5ø 2.0 rod/s2, if the wheel starts from rest the number of
revolutions it makes in the first ten seconds will be
æ5ö æ4ö
(c) - 41N, tan - 1 ç ÷ (d) - 41N, tan - 1 ç ÷ approximately
è4ø è5ø
(a) 32 (b) 24
13. A particle moves in a circle of radius 25 cm at two revolutions (c) 16 (d) 8
per second. The acceleration of the particle in meter per
21. A projectile of mass m is fired with velocity u making angle
second2 is
q with the horizontal. Its angular momentum about the point
(a) p2 (b) 8 p2 of projection when it hits the ground is given by
(c) 4 p2 (d) 2 p2
14. The vector sum of the forces of 10 N and 6 N can be 2mu sin 2 q cos q 2mu 3 sin 2 q cos q
(a) 2 N (b) 8 N (a) (b)
g g
(c) 18 N (d) 20 N
15. A bomb is dropped on an enemy post by an aeroplane flying mu sin 2 q cos q mu3 sin 2 q cos q
horizontally with a velocity of 60 km h–1 and at a height of (c) (d)
2g 2g
490 m. At the time of dropping the bomb, how far the
aeroplane should be from the enemy post so that the bomb 22. A bucket, full of water is revolved in a vertical circle of
may directly hit the target ? radius 2 m. What should be the maximum time-period of
revolution so that the water doesn’t fall out of the bucket?
400 500
(a) m (b) m (a) 1 sec (b) 2 sec
3 3
(c) 3 sec (d) 4 sec
m (d) 498 m. r r r r r r
3 23. If | a + b | = | a - b | then angle between a & b is
16. A projectile is thrown horizontally with a speed of (a) 45º (b) 30º
20 ms–1. If g is 10 ms–2, then the speed of the projectile (c) 90º (d) 180º
after 5 second will be nearly 24. If the sum of two unit vectors is a unit vector, then the
(a) 0.5 ms–1 (b) 5 ms–1 magnitude of their difference is
(c) 54 ms–1 (d) 500 ms–1
17. A ball is projected at such an angle that the horizontal range (a) 3 (b) 2
is three times the maximum height. The angle of projection
of the ball is 1
(c) 5 (d)
-1 æ 3 ö -1 æ 4 ö
(a) sin ç ÷ (b) sin ç ÷ 25. Out of the following sets of forces, the resultant of which
è4ø è3ø
cannot be zero ?
æ4ö æ4ö (a) 10, 10, 10 (b) 10, 10, 20
(c) cos -1 ç ÷ (d) tan -1 ç ÷
è3ø è3ø (c) 10, 20, 20 (d) 10, 20, 40
Motion in a Plane 85
26. The magnitude of the vector product of two vectors is 3 32. The angles which the vector A = 3iˆ + 6jˆ + 2kˆ makes with
times the scalar product. The angle between vectors is the co-ordinate axes are :
p 3 4 1
(b) (a) cos -1 , cos -1 , cos -1
4 6 7 7 7
-1 3 6 2
(b) cos , cos -1 , cos -1
p p 7 7 7
(c) (d)
3 2 4 5 3
(c) cos -1 , cos -1 , cos -1
27. If A = B + C and the magnitudes of A, B and C are 5, 4 and 3 7 7 7
units, the angle between A and C is (d) None of these
(a) cos–1 (3/5) (b) cos–1 (4/5) 33. The resultant of two forces 3P and 2P is R. If the first force
is doubled then the resultant is also doubled. The angle
(c) (d) sin–1 (3/4) between the two forces is
2 (a) 60º (b) 120º
28. A rectangular sheet of material has a width of 3 m and a (c) 70º (d) 180º
length of 4 m. Forces with magnitudes of 3 N and 4N. r r r
34. Let C = A + B
respectively, are applied parallel to two edges of the sheet,
r r
as shown in the figure below. (a) | C | is always greater than | A |
r r r r
4N 4m (b) It is possible to have | C | < | A | and | C | < | B |
r r r
F (c) C is always equal to A + B
3m q r r r
(d) C is never equal to A + B
35. At what angle must the two forces (x + y) and (x – y) act so
that the resultant may be (x 2 + y 2 ) ?
A third force F, is applied to the centre of the sheet, along a (a) cos -1[-(x 2 + y2 ) / 2(x 2 - y 2 )]
line in the plane of the sheet, at an angle q = tan 0.75 with
(b) cos -1[-2(x 2 - y 2 ) /(x 2 + y 2 )]
respect to the horizontal direction. The sheet will be in
translational equilibrium when F has what value? (c) cos -1[-(x 2 + y 2 ) /(x 2 - y 2 )]
(a) F = 3 N (b) F = 4N
(c) F = 5 N (d) F = 7N (d) cos -1[-(x 2 - y 2 ) /(x 2 + y 2 )]
29. The linear velocity of a rotating body is given by :
uur uur ur 36. A force of – Fk̂ acts on O, the origin of the coordinate
v = w´ r system. The torque about the point (1, –1) is
If w = î - 2ˆj + 2 k̂ and r = 4 ĵ - 3k̂ , then the magnitude of
v is
(a) 29 units (b) 31 units
(c) (d) Y
37 units 41 units
30. Two forces are such that the sum of their magnitudes is 18 N
and their resultant is 12 N which is perpendicular to the X
smaller force. Then the magnitudes of the forces are
(a) 12 N, 6 N (b) 13 N, 5 N (a) F(î - ˆj) (b) - F(î + ĵ)
(c) 10 N, 8 N (d) 16N, 2N.
r r r r r r (c) F(î + ĵ) (d) - F(î - ˆj)
31. For any two vectors A and B , if A . B = | A ´ B | , the
r r r r
magnitude of C = A + B is 37. The component of vector a = 2iˆ + 3jˆ along the vector
i + j is
(a) A + B (b) A 2 + B 2 + 2 AB
(a) (b) 10 2
2 2 AB 2
(c) 2
A +B 2 (d) A +B +
2 (c) 5 2 (d) 5
38. A body is projected at an angle of 30º to the horizontal with (a) It would depend upon the weights of the bullets.
speed 30 m/s. What is the angle with the horizontal after 1.5 (b) The slower one.
seconds? Take g = 10 m/s2. (c) The faster one.
(a) 0º (b) 30º (d) Both will reach simultaneously.
(c) 60º (d) 90º -1
39. A projectile is moving at 60 m/s at its highest point, where it 47. A cricket ball is hit with a velocity 25 m s , 60° above the
breaks into two equal parts due to an internal explosion. horizontal. How far above the ground, ball passes over a
One part moves vertically up at 50 m/s with respect to the fielder 50 m from the bat (consider the ball is struck very
ground. The other part will move at a speed of close to the ground)?
(a) 110 m/s (b) 120 m/s Take 3 = 1.7 and g = 10 ms–2
(c) 130 m/s (d) 10 61 m / s (a) 6.8 m (b) 7 m
40. A particle having a mass 0.5 kg is projected under gravity (c) 5 m (d) 10 m
with a speed of 98 m/sec at an angle of 60º. The magnitude 48. The equation of a projectile is
of the change in momentum (in N-sec) of the particle after 10 gx 2
seconds is y = 3x -
(a) 0.5 (b) 49 2
(c) 98 (d) 490 The angle of projection is given by
41. A large number of bullets are fired in all directions with the 1
same speed v. What is the maximum area on the ground on (a) tan q = (b) tan q = 3
which these bullets will spread?
p v2 pv4 (c) (d) zero.
(a) (b) 2
g 2
49. A body is thrown horizontally with a velocity 2gh from
2 2 4
v p v the top of a tower of height h. It strikes the level ground
(c) p2 (d)
g 2
g 2 through the foot of the tower at a distance x from the tower.
The value of x is
42. A force of (3iˆ + 4j)
ˆ N acts on a body and displaces it by
(a) gh (b)
(3iˆ + 4j)
ˆ m. The work done by the force is 2
(a) 5 J (b) 30 J 2gh
(c) 2h (d)
(c) 25 J (d) 10 J 3
43. A person aims a gun at a bird from a point at a horizontal 50. A plane flying horizontally at a height of 1500 m with a
distance of 100 m. If the gun can impact a speed of 500 ms– velocity of 200 ms–1 passes directly overhead on antiaircraft
1 to the bullet. At what height above the bird must he aim
gun. Then the angle with the horizontal at which the
his gun in order to hit it? (g = 10 ms–2) gun should be fired from the shell with a muzzle velocity of
(a) 10.4 cm (b) 20.35 cm 400 ms–1 to hit the plane, is
(c) 50 cm (d) 100 cms (a) 90° (b) 60°
r ˆ ˆ ˆ r (c) 30° (d) 45°
44. If a = i - j + k and b = 2iˆ + ˆj + 3kˆ , then the unit vector along
51. A projectile A is thrown at an angle of 30° to the horizontal
® ® from point P. At the same time, another projectile B is thrown
a + b is with velocity v2 upwards from the point Q vertically below
3i + 4 k -3i + 4 k v
(a) (b) the highest point. For B to collide with A, 2 should be
5 5 v1
-3i - 4 k point
(c) (d) None of these
45. A body is thrown with a velocity of 9.8 ms–1 making an v1
angle of 30º with the horizontal. It will hit the ground after a v2
time A B
(a) 3.0 s (b) 2.0 s
(c) 1.5 s (d) 1 s
(a) 1 (b) 2
46. Two bullets are fired horizontally, simultaneously and with
different velocities from the same place. Which bullet will (c) 1 (d) 4
hit the ground earlier ? 2
Motion in a Plane 87
66. From a 10 m high building a stone A is dropped, and Directions for Qs. (71 to 75) : Each question contains
simultaneously another identical stone B is thrown STATEMENT-1 and STATEMENT-2. Choose the correct answer
horizontally with an initial speed of 5 ms–1. Which one of (ONLY ONE option is correct ) from the following-
the following statements is true? (a) Statement -1 is false, Statement-2 is true
(a) It is not possible to calculate which one of the two
(b) Statement -1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is a
stones will reach the ground first
correct explanation for Statement-1
(b) Both the stones (A and B) will reach the ground
simultaneously (c) Statement -1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is not
(c) A stone reaches the ground earlier than B a correct explanation for Statement-1
(d) B stone reaches the ground earlier than A (d) Statement -1 is true, Statement-2 is false
67. The vector sum of two forces is perpendicular to their vector r r
differences. In that case, the forces 71. Statement -1 : tr = rr ´ F and rt ¹ F ´ rr
(a) cannot be predicted Statement -2 : Cross product of vectors is commutative.
(b) are equal to each other r
(c) are equal to each other in magnitude 72. Statement -1 : If dot product and cross product of A and
(d) are not equal to each other in magnitude r r r
B are zero, it implies that one of the vector A and B must
æ 20 ö be a null vector
68. A particle moves along a circle of radius ç ÷ m with
è p ø Statement -2 : Null vector is a vector with zero magnitude.
constant tangential acceleration. It the velocity of particle 73. Statement-1 Two stones are simultaneously projected from
is 80 m/sec at end of second revolution after motion has level ground from same point with same speeds but different
begun, the tangential acceleration is angles with horizontal. Both stones move in same vertical
(a) 40 p m/sec2 (b) 40 m/sec2 plane. Then the two stones may collide in mid air.
(c) 640 p m/sec 2 (d) 160 p m/sec2
r r r r r r Statement-2 : For two stones projected simultaneously from
69. If | A ´ B |= 3A.B then the value of | A + B | is same point with same speed at different angles with
horizontal, their trajectories may intersect at some point.
(a) (A 2 + B 2 3AB)½ (b) (A 2 + B 2 + AB)½
74. Statement-1 : K.E. of a moving body given by as2 where s is
½ the distance travelled in a circular path refers to a variable
æ 2 AB ö
(c) çç A + B2 + ÷÷ (d) A + B acceleration.
è 3ø Statement-2 : Acceleration varies with direction only in this
Ù Ù Ù case of circular motion.
70. If a vector 2 i + 3 j + 8 k is perpendicular to the vector
75. Statement-1 : Centripetal and centrifugal forces cancel each
4 j - 4 i + a k , then the value of a is other.
(a) 1/2 (b) –1/2 Statement-2 : This is because they are always equal and
(c) 1 (d) –1 opposite.
Exemplar Questions 3. Figure shows the orientation of two vectors u and v in the
1. The angle between A = iˆ + ˆj and B = iˆ - ˆj is Y
(a) 45° (b) 90°
(c) – 45° (d) 180° v
2. Which one of the following statements is true?
(a) A scalar quantity is the one that is conserved in a
process O X
(b) A scalar quantity is the one that can never take negative If u = aiˆ + bjˆ and v = piˆ + qjˆ
values Which of the following is correct?
(c) A scalar quantity is the one that does not vary from (a) a and p are positive while b and q are negative
one point to another in space (b) a, p and b are positive while q is negative
(d) A scalar quantity has the same value for observers (c) a, q and b are positive while p is negative
with different orientation of the axes (d) a, b, p and q are all positive
Motion in a Plane 89
4. The component of a vector r along X-axis will have maximum Average velocity vector (Vav ) from t = 0 to t = 5s is : [2014]
value if
1 7 ˆ ˆ
(a) r is along positive Y-axis (a) (13iˆ + 14j)
ˆ (b) (i + j)
(b) r is along positive X-axis 5 3
(c) r makes an angle of 45° with the X-axis 11 ˆ ˆ
(c) 2(iˆ + ˆj) (d) (i + j)
(d) r is along negative Y-axis 5
5. The horizontal range of a projectile fired at an angle of 15° is 12. A ship A is moving Westwards with a speed of 10 km h–1
50 m. If it is fired with the same speed at an angle of 45°, its and a ship B 100 km South of A, is moving Northwards with
range will be a speed of 10 km h –1. The time after which the distance
(a) 60 m (b) 71 m between them becomes shortest, is : [2015]
(c) 100 m (d) 141 m
(a) 5h (b) 5 2 h
6. Consider the quantities, pressure, power, energy, impulse,
gravitational potential, electrical charge, temperature, area. (c) 10 2 h (d) 0 h
Out of these, the only vector quantities are : r r wt wt
(a) impulse, pressure and area 13. If vectors A = cos wtiˆ + sinwtjˆ and B = cos ˆi + sin ˆj
(b) impulse and area 2 2
(c) area and gravitational potential are functions of time, then the value of t at which they are
(d) impulse and pressure orthogonal to each other is : [2015 RS]
7. In a two dimensional motion, instantaneous speed v0 is a p p
(a) t = (b) t =
positive constant. Then, which of the following are 2w w
necessarily true? p
(c) t = 0 (d) t =
(a) The average velocity is not zero at any time 4w
(b) Average acceleration must always vanish r
14. The position vector of a particle R as a function of time is
(c) Displacements in equal time intervals are equal given by:
(d) Equal path lengths are traversed in equal intervals r
8. In a two dimensional motion, instantaneous speed v0 is a R = 4sin(2pt)iˆ + 4cos(2pt) ˆj
positive constant. Then, which of the following are Where R is in meter, t in seconds and î and ĵ denote unit
necessarily true?
vectors along x-and y-directions, respectively.
(a) The acceleration of the particle is zero
Which one of the following statements is wrong for the
(b) The acceleration of the particle is bounded
motion of particle? [2015 RS]
(c) The acceleration of the particle is necessarily in the
plane of motion v2
(a) Magnitude of acceleration vector is , where v is
(d) The particle must be undergoing a uniform circular R
motion the velocity of particle
NEET/AIPMT (2013-2017) Questions (b) Magnitude of the velocity of particle is 8 meter/second
(c) path of the particle is a circle of radius 4 meter.
9. ( )
The velocity of a projectile at the initial point A is 2$i + 3$j (d) Acceleration vector is along - R
m/s. It’s velocity (in m/s) at point B is [2013] 15. A particle moves so that its position vector is given by
r = cos wtxˆ + sin wtyˆ . Where w is a constant. Which of the
following is true ? [2016]
(a) Velocity and acceleration both are perpendicular to r
(b) Velocity and acceleration both are parallel to r
(c) Velocity is perpendicular to r and acceleration is
directed towards the origin
(a) -2$i + 3 $j (b) 2$i - 3$j r
(d) Velocity is perpendicular to r and acceleration is
(c) 2$i + 3$j (d) -2$i - 3 $j directed away from the origin
r r r r r r r 16. If the magnitude of sum of two vectors is equal to the
10. Vectors A, B and C are such that A × B = 0 and A × C = 0.
r magnitude of difference of the two vectors, the angle
Then the vector parallel to A is [NEET Kar. 2013] between these vectors is : [2016]
r r r r
(a) B and C (b) A ´ B (a) 0° (b) 90°
r r r r (c) 45° (d) 180°
(c) B + C (d) B ´ C
11. A particle is moving such that its position coordinate (x, y) 17. The x and y coordinates of the particle at any time are x = 5t
are – 2t2 and y = 10t respectively, where x and y are in meters
(2m, 3m) at time t = 0 and t in seconds. The acceleration of the particle at t = 2s is
(6m, 7m) at time t = 2 s and (a) 5 m/s2 (b) –4 m/s2 [2017]
(c) –8 m/s 2 (d) 0
(13m, 14m) at time t = 5s.
u 2 sin 60º 3 2
13. (c) R 30º = = (u / g)
g 2
u 2 sin 90 1 gx 2
R 45º = = u2 / g y = x tan q -
g 2 u 2 cos 2 q
2 2 2
u sin120º u cos 30º u
R 60 º = = = ( 3 / 2) Where y denotes the instantaneous height of particle
g g g
when it travels an instantaneous horizontal distance x.
so R 30º = R 60º > R 45º or R A = R C > R B here x = D, u = vo
gD 2
14. (a) F1 = mr1w 2 ; F2 = mr2 w 2 so y = D tan q - 1
2 v 20 cos 2 q
since period T is same, so w is same, because T = .
w v 2 sin 2 (90 - q)
20. (d) Max. height = H = .....(i)
F1 æ r1 ö 2g
Hence =ç ÷
F2 çè r2 ÷ø 2 v sin( 90 - q )
Time of flight, T = ...(ii)
15. (a) A parabola g
Motion in a Plane 91
v 1. (b) K.E. is minimum at the highest point. So, the horizontal
Vertical distance is half of the range R i.e., 0.5 R.
u 2 sin 2 q u 2 sin 30 u2 u2
q 2. (b) R1 = = or 1.5 = or =3
g g 2g g
u 2 sin 90 u 2
R2 = = = 3 km
Horizontal g g
3. (b) The bullets are fired at the same initial speed
v cos q 2H
From (i), = ,From (ii), H u 2 sin 2 60º 2g sin 2 60º
g g = ´ 2 =
H¢ 2g u sin 2 30 º sin 2 30º
2H 8H
T=2 = ( 3 / 2) 2 3
g g = =
(1/ 2) 2 1
21. (a) For A: It goes up with velocity u will it reaches its
maximum height (i.e. velocity becomes zero) and comes 4. (b)
r r
back to O and attains velocity u. 5. (a) F1 .F2 = ( 2 î + 5k̂ ).(3ˆj + 4k̂ ) = 20
Using v 2 = u 2 + 2as Þ v A = u 2 + 2gh
u 2 2 sin q cos q u 2 sin 2 q
u 6. (d) = 2´ or tan q = 2
g 2g
O u = vx 1 3 1
7. (a) m(u cos q)2 = ´ m u 2
u 2 4 2
h 2 3 3
or cos q = or cos q = = cos 30 º .
4 2
vB vA 2 2
u = vX vc = v x + v y 8. (c)
u2 u2 gx
vC 9. (d) R= or 6 = ; y = x tan q -
For B, going down with velocity u g g 2 u cos 2 q
Þ v B = u 2 + 2gh 4 æ1ö 2 4
or h = 2 tan 45 º - ç ÷ = 2- = m
For C, horizontal velocity remains same, i.e. u. Vertical 2 cos 2 45 º è 6 ø 3 3
velocity = 0 + 2gh = 2gh
(u sin q) 2 u 2 sin 2 q
10. (c) We know that, y m = H = =
The resultant v C = v 2x + v 2y = u 2 + 2gh . 2g 2g
Hence v A = v B = v C DH 2 Du Du
\ = . Given = 2%
22. (c) Since horizontal component of the velocity of the bomb H u u
will be the same as the velocity of the aeroplane, DH
therefore horizontal displacements remain the same at \ = 2 ´ 2 = 4%
any instant of time.
23. (a) In uniform circular motion speed is constant. So, no 1 2
11. (c) As, s = u sin qt - gt
tangential acceleration. 2
v2 so 40 = 20 3 ´ ( 3 / 2 ) t - ´ 10 ´ t 2
It has only radial acceleration a R = [directed towards 2
or 5t2 – 30t + 40 = 0 or t2 – 6t + 8 = 0
and its velocity is always in tangential direction. So these or t = 2 or 4.
two are perpendicular to each other. The minimum time t = 2s.
5 æ 5ö 50
The angle q will be given by tan q = or q = tan-1 ç ÷ \ Number of revolution = = 16
4 è 4ø 3.14
r r
1 21. (b) L = R´p
13. (c) Here T = sec the required centripetal acceleration
for moving in a circle is u 2 sin 2q
Where R = range =
v2 (rw )2
aC = = = rw 2 = r ´ (2p / T) 2 r r
r r The angle between R and p = q
Also, p = m u.
so a c = 0.25 ´ (2p / 0.5) 2 = 16 p 2 ´ .25 = 4.0p 2
u 2 sin 2q
14. (b) R max = (10 + 6) = 16N , R min = (10 - 6) = 4N Hence, L = ´ mu sin(q)
Þ Values can be from 4N to 16N
15. (b) Time taken for vertical direction motion 2mu3 sin 2 q cos q
2h 2 ´ 490 g
t= = = 100 = 10 s
g 9.8 22. (c) Let its angular velocity be w at all points (uniform
The same time is for horizontal direction. motion). At the highest point weight of the body is
balanced by centrifugal force, so
æ 5ö 500
\ x = vt = ç 60 ´ ÷ ´ 10 = m g
è 18 ø 3 mw2 r = mg Þ w =
16. (c) Even after 5 second, the horizontal velocity v x will be
2p r 2 2p
20 m s -1 . The vertical velocity v y is given by T= = 2p = 2p =
w g 10 5
v y = 0 + 10 ´ 5 = 50 m s -1
2 ´ 3.14
= = 3 sec .
2 2 2
Now, v = v x + v y = 20 + 50 » 54 ms 2 -1 2. 1
r r r r r r r r
23. (c) | a + b | = | a - b | Þ | a + b |2 = | a - b |2
u 2 sin 2q u 2 sin 2 q r r r r
17. (d) Given =3
g 2g Þ | a |2 + | b |2 + 2a . b = | a |2 + | b |2 - 2a . b
24. (a)
-1 æ 4 ö 25. (d) R2 = P2 + Q2 – PQ cos q
Þ q = tan ç ÷
è3ø (40)2 = (10)2 + (20)2 – 2 × 10 × 20 × cosq
18. (d) The horizontal velocity of the projectile remains 400 cos q = 500 – 1600 = – 1100
constant throughout the journey. 1100 11
Since the body is projected horizontally, the initial cos q = - =- which is not possible.
400 4
velocity will be same as the horizontal velocity at any In this way, the set of forces given in option (d) can not
point. be represented both in magnitude and direction by the
dx sides of a triangle taken in the same order. Thus their
Since, x = 2t , =2 resultant can not be zero.
dt r r r r
\ Horizontal velocity = 2 m/s 26. (c) Here, | A ´ B |= 3 | A.B |
\ Initial velocity = 2 m/s
19. (b) Vector product of parallel vectors is zero. Þ ABsin q = 3ABcos q Þ tan q = 3
20. (c) For circular angular motion, the formula for angular p
displacement q and angular acceleration a is Þ q = 60° =
1 27. (a) See fig. Clearly A is the resultant of B and C. Further B
q = wt + a t 2 where w = initial velocity
2 is perpendicular to C
or q = 0 + 1 at 2 or q = ´ (2)(10)2
2 2 4
or q = 100 radian 5
2p radian are covered in 1 revolution B 4
\ 1 radian is covered in revolution q
100 C=3
or 100 radian are covered in revolution
2p cos q = 3/5 or q = cos–1 (3/5)
Motion in a Plane 93
q 1 2h
O B \ -h = - gt 2 Þ t =
100 m 2 g
u 2 sin 2q x
Here, horizontal range = = 100 velocity =
g t
5002 sin 2q \ x = 2gh ´ = 2h
or = 100 or sin 2q g
50. (b) Horizontal distance covered should be same for the
100 ´ 10 1 time of collision.
= 2
= = sin14¢
(500) 250 1
400 cos q = 200 or cos q = or q = 60°
7 p 2
or 2q = 14' or q = 7' = ´ radian 51. (c) This happen when vertical velocity of both are same.
60 180
arc v2 1
\ v2 = v1 sin30° or =
As, angle = \ q = AB v1 2
radius OB
or AB = q × OB 52. (b) v = 6 î + 8ˆj
7 p
= ´ ´ (100 ´ 100) cm = 20.35 cm
60 180
r r
44. (a) a + b = 3iˆ + 4kˆ 10 8
\ Required unit vector
r r
a+b 3iˆ + 4kˆ 3iˆ + 4kˆ q
= r r = = .
|a+b| 32 + 4 2 5 6
2 u sin q Comparing with v = vx ˆi + v yˆj , we get
45. (d) Time of flight =
v x = 6 m s -1 and v y = 8 m s -1
2 ´ 9.8 ´ sin 30º 1
= = 2 ´ = 1 sec . 2 2
Also, v 2 = v x + v y = 36 + 64 = 100
9. 8 2
46. (d) The initial velocity in the vertically downward direction or v = 10 m s -1
is zero and same height has to be covered.
8 6
1 gx 2 sin q = and cos q =
47. (c) y = x tan q - 10 10
2 u 2 cos 2 q
v 2 sin 2q 2v 2 sin q cos q
R= =
10 ´ 50 ´ 50 =5 m g g
y = 50 tan 60° -
2 ´ 25 ´ 25 ´ cos 2 60° 8 6 1
48. (b) Comparing the given equation with R = 2 ´ 10 ´ 10 ´ ´ ´ = 9.6 m
10 10 10
gx 2 1 2
y = x tan q - , we get 53. (b) x= gt
2u 2 cos 2 q 2
1 1 1 9.8
tan q = 3 = ´ 9.8 ´ ´ = m
2 2 2 8
Motion in a Plane 95
54. (b) Comparing the given equation with the equation of Hence, change in momentum is given by :
trajectory of a projectile,
Dp = mvsin 60° - (-mv sin 60°) = 2mv sin 60°
gx 2
y = x tan q - 3
2u 2 cos 2 q = 2mv = 3mv
1 57. (a) The motion of the train will affect only the horizontal
we get, tan q = Þ q = 30°
3 component of the velocity of the ball. Since, vertical
20 component is same for both observers, the ym will be
and 2u 2 cos 2 q = 20 Þ u 2 = same, but R will be different.
2cos 2 q
10 10 40 58. (c) a= = 1 cm/s. Centripetal acceleration is directed
= = = r
cos 2 30° æ 3ö
2 3
towards the centre. Its magnitude = 1. Unit vector at
çç ÷÷ the mid point on the path between P and Q is
è 2 ø
ˆ / 2.
-(xˆ + y)
u2 40 4
Now, R max = = = m
59. (c) v sin 45°
g 3 ´ 10 3
55. (c) The bullet performs a horizontal journey of 100 cm with
constant velocity of 1500 m/s. The bullet also performs 45°
a vertical journey of h with zero initial velocity and u sin 60° u
A v cos 45°
downward acceleration g.
Distance 60°
\ For horizontal journey, time (t) = O u cos 60° B
Velocity of projectile u = 147 ms–1
100 1 angle of projection a = 60°
\t= = sec … (1)
1500 15 Let, the time taken by the projectile from O to A be t
The bullet performs vertical journey for this time. where direction b = 45°. As horizontal component of
1 2 velocity remains constant during the projectile motion.
For vertical journey, h = ut + gt Þ v cos 45° = u cos 60°
1 1 147 -1
2 Þ v× = 147 ´ Þ v = ms
1 æ1ö 2 2 2
h = 0 + ´10 ´ ç ÷
2 è 15 ø For Vertical motion, vy = uy – gt
Þ v sin 45° = 45sin 60° – 9.8 t
10 10 ´ 100
or, h = m= cm 147 1 3
2 ´ 15 ´ 15 2 ´ 15 ´ 15 Þ ´ = 147 ´ - 9.8 t
2 2 2
20 147
or, h = cm = 2.2cm Þ 9.8 t = ( 3 - 1) Þ t = 5.49 s
9 2
60. (d) When a cyclist moves on a circular path, it experiences
æ 20 ö a centrifugal force which is equal to mv2 / r. It tries to
The gun should be aimed ç ÷ cm above the target.
è 9 ø overturn the cyclist in outward direction. If speed
increases twice, the value of centrifugal force too
56. (b)
increases to 4 times its earlier value. Therefore the
PA= mv sin 60°