Axial Flux Machines Drives: A New Viable Solution For Electric Cars
Axial Flux Machines Drives: A New Viable Solution For Electric Cars
Axial Flux Machines Drives: A New Viable Solution For Electric Cars
1, FEBRUARY 1997 39
Abstract—For electric car propulsion systems, the wheel motor electric motorbike. However, the wound-tape stator, slotless
is an application that requires the electrical machine has shape type, is a strong limitation for traction applications where
flexibility, compactness, robustness, high efficiency, and high the motor is subjected to any type of stresses. In addition,
torque. Axial flux machines are an interesting solution, where the
motor is directly coupled to, or inside, the drive wheels. In this because of the large effective airgap length, the stator windings
paper, axial flux induction and synchronous machines as wheel inductance is very small and the motor has limited capability
motor applications are presented and some considerations for to operate above its “base speed,” in the constant power
each motor type are drawn by the authors. The structure with two speed region. In 1994, Zhang [4] proposed a new axial flux
rotors seems to be a very promising solution for both induction
and synchronous machines. In the induction motor case, the two
interior permanent magnet (AFIPM) machine, in which the
rotors can rotate at different speeds, thus the motor can act as a stator windings are allocated in slots and the whole machine
mechanical differential. The axial flux permanent magnet motor structure seems to be quite robust. The characteristics of this
with two rotors is very compact and can be integrated inside the type of motor are very promising for use in electric vehicles
wheel. (EV’s) application.
Index Terms—Axial flux motor, electric vehicle, induction mo- In addition, in 1992 Platt [5] proposed an axial flux induc-
tor, permanent magnet motor, wheel motor. tion (AFI) motor, directly driving the two wheels without the
I. INTRODUCTION Electric cars are now becoming a reality and the original
idea of obtaining EV’s by modifying internal combustion
Top speed (flat road) 120 Km/h
Acceleration (0-50 Km/h) 9 sec.
Curb weight 550 Kg
Payload (3 persons + 40 Kg) 250 Kg
Full load weight 800 Kg
Frontal area 1.5 m2
Aerodynamic drag coeff. 0.35
Wheel rolling radius 0.3 m Fig. 2. AFI motor traction system.
Overspeed factor 1.2
Fig. 8. AFIPM motor. (a) motor overall structure. (b) Motor axial section.
Fig. 7. AFSPM motor. (a) Motor overall structure. (b) Motor axial section.
• The effective air gap is small and the motor can be
• There are not slots to fix the stator windings position that designed in such a way that the stator inductances,
are stressed by electromagnetic forces and mechanical and , can satisfy the conditions to deliver the requested
vibrations; the motor structure cannot be robust enough torque in the flux-weakening region, too [7].
for wheel motor. • A saliency is introduced in the machine ( );
• Because of the large effective airgap, the stator winding the result is that the output torque is due to the sum of
inductance is very small and the constant power speed the field and the reluctance effects.
range is limited. In addition, a large magnet quantity is
needed to produce high flux density in the airgap.
B. AF Interior PM (AFIPM) Synchronous Motor
The second solution of AFPM machines is the AFIPM A. Propulsion System Design Issues
synchronous motor. The AFIPM basic structure realized by In EV’s, the throttle position in the conventional internal
one stator and two rotors is shown in Fig. 8(a). The stator combustion engine can be approximately assimilated to a
core is built using a ring structure with slots. The slots on the torque command. The accelerator pedal in electric cars can
two acting surfaces are symmetric and the polyphase windings be considered as the torque command. Thus, for any type
are symmetrically mounted in the slots on each stator surface. of the motors a closed-loop control is required to obtain the
In the rotors, the arc-shaped steel poles and the square magnets requested torque with good dynamic response at the limiting
tangentially magnetized are mounted on a reluctant steel disc. current. In addition, the system efficiency can also be improved
Fig. 8(b) depicts the unfolded axial section and the machine by operating at the optimum flux level. If a precision cruise
flux paths. control is required, an external speed-control loop may be
AFIPM motors have some very attractive characteristics necessary.
for application as wheel motors that can be summarized as Some of the major issues [8] to be considered in designing
follows. the motor controller in an EV propulsion system can be
• The stator windings and the rotor permanent magnets are summarized as follows:
located inside the iron structure; thus, the machine is quite • system efficiency maximization (the best tradeoff between
robust. motor and inverter losses);
Fig. 11. Power density ratio for AFI and RFI motors as the function of the
pole-pair number.
Fig. 10. AFIPM motor overall flux-weakening control system.
[14] E. Spooner and B. J. Chalmers, “TORUS, a slotless, toroidal stator, Zheng Zhang was born in Beijing, China, in 1960.
permanent magnet generator,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., vol. 139, pt. B, He received the B.S.E.E. degree from Hefei Uni-
pp. 497–506, Nov. 1992. versity of Technology, Hefei, China, in 1982, and
[15] R. F. Schiferl and T. A. Lipo, “Power capability of salient pole perma- the M.S.E.E. degree from Chongching University,
nent magnet synchronous motors in variable speed drive applications,” Chongching, China, in 1985, both in electrical en-
IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 26, pp. 115–123, Jan./Feb. 1990. gineering.
[16] W. L. Soong and T. J. E. Miller, “Field-weakening performance of From 1985 to 1993, he taught several courses and
brushless synchronous AC motor drives,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., vol. conducted research as a Lecturer in the Automation
141, pp. 331–340, Nov. 1994. Department, Shandong University of Technology,
Jinan, China. He was a Visiting Scholar in 1993 and
is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He is a research stayer
at the FIAT Research Center, Torino, Italy. His research interests include the
Francesco Profumo (M’88–SM’90) was born in development of new types of electrical machines and drive systems. He has
Savona, Italy, in 1953. He received the “laurea” published more than ten papers on these topics.
(with honors) in electrical engineering from the
Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in 1977.
From 1978 to 1984, he worked as a Research
and Development Senior Engineer for the Ansaldo
Group, Genoa, Italy. He was then with the De-
partment of Electrical Engineering, Politecnico di Alberto Tenconi was born in Gallarate, Italy, in
Torino, Italy, until October 1995. Since November 1961. He received the M.Sc. degree in 1986, and the
1995, he has been Professor of Electrical Drives, Ph.D. degree in 1990, both in electrical engineering,
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of from the Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
Bologna, Italy. He was a Visiting Professor in the Department of Electrical and From 1988 to 1993, he was with the Electronic
Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1986–1988. He Systems Division, FIAT Research Center, Torino,
has published more than 110 technical papers, won an IEEE-IAS second prize Italy, where he engaged in the development of
paper in 1991 and an IEEE-IAS first prize paper in 1992. His fields of interest electrical vehicle drive systems. He then joined the
are power electronics conversion, integrated electronic/electromechanical de- Department of Electrical Engineering, Politecnico
sign, high response speed servo drives, and applications of new power devices. di Torino, Italy, where he is currently an Assistant
Dr. Profumo is an active member of the IEEE-IAS Drives Committee and Professor in the area of electric drives. His fields
Secretary of the IEEE-PELS/IES Italian Chapter. He was the Secretariat of the of interest are high performance drives design, new power electronic devices
EPE 1991 Conference held in Florence, Italy. He is a Registered Professional applications, and nonconventional electric machines development.
Engineer in Italy. Dr. Tenconi is a Registered Professional Engineer in Italy.