Nonconventional Three Wheel Electric Veh
Nonconventional Three Wheel Electric Veh
Nonconventional Three Wheel Electric Veh
(3) Fig. 3. Motor drive configuration for an AFPM being used as wheel
direct-drive motor.
where and are, respectively, the machine number of phases
and the rms value of the current waveform commanded. From
pends on the inverter switching frequency, but on an instanta-
(2), it clearly appears that the outer radius of the stator core
neous basis it is also determined by the difference between the
is the important dimension that primarily determines the ma-
inverter input voltage and the motor emf. Hence, substantial re-
chine torque. The power loss in the machine includes and
duction of the current ripple is achieved by adjusting continu-
eddy-current losses in the winding, iron loss in the stator core,
ously the inverter input dc voltage with respect to the machine
friction, and windage. However, due to the relatively low speed
emf. To this end, a boost dc-to-dc converter is likely to be used
at which a wheel direct-drive motor operates, the loss is the
in the dc link [14], [15], as shown in Fig. 3.
predominant component of the machine power loss.
To allow the recovery of the vehicle kinetic energy in the
As the disc rotors and magnets act naturally as fans, good
battery through regenerative braking operation, the power elec-
ventilation and cooling of the winding are achieved even at low
tronic interface shown in Fig. 3 has a bidirectional arrange-
speed. Hence, the machine can operate with high electric load-
ment. As maximum extraction of the vehicle kinetic energy is
ings and has the overload capability required for operation as
achieved with the current being in phase with the motor emf,
wheel direct-drive motor.
during braking operation only the flywheel diodes of the PWM
C. Motor Drive Configuration inverter are used, and the amplitude of the braking current is
regulated in the dc link by the switching operation of the boost
For motoring operation, AFPMs require the variable-fre- converter. It is worth noting that the power converter interface
quency supply available from conventional current-regulated shown in Fig. 3 includes the all electronic components needed
PWM inverters. Three-phase currents are forced in the machine for operation as on-board battery charger if grid supply is pro-
phases, given that such currents timed appropriately with the vided.
machine emf. Speed variation is accomplished at open loop
by the adjustment of the commanded torque. This is divided
by the machine torque constant to yield the peak value of
the current that should flow in the machine phases. Then, the The prototype of three-wheel EV shown in Fig. 1 has a newly
commanded current is used together with information on rotor conceived lightweight, monocoque body, which was purposely
position to generate the reference current waveforms that, from designed for this EV application. The overall weight of the ve-
the comparison with the actual current waveforms, determine hicle is about 250 kg, including battery storage and payload of
the PWM signals driving the inverter switches. one person plus luggage. The steering radius is 1.5 m to give en-
AFPMs retain all the advantages inherent to conventional hanced maneuverability during vehicle operation in city traffic.
brushless PM motors, and in addition they allow significant As to the forward and reverse speeds, the driver is allowed to
improvements in terms of reduced iron and losses, neg- select either a “power” mode of operation for rushed driving
ligible cogging torque, efficient heat removal from the stator performance but reduced range of operation, or an “economy”
winding, and very simple manufacturing. On the other hand, mode of operation for the rated range of autonomy with quiet
AFPMs do not lend themselves to constant-power operation be- driving operation.
cause of the particularly low value of inductance, which requires The motor is totally enclosed in the single front wheel of the
a large amount of current to offset the magnet flux with stator vehicle and fed through an IGBT power converter. This con-
reaction flux. Thus, variable-speed operation beyond the speed verter is placed in the space available under the vehicle body
at which the line-to-line emf gets near the inverter dc voltage just above the front wheel. The supply of the wheel motor drive
are not allowed, as the maximum current that the inverter can is accomplished through a lead-acid battery being housed under
deliver is fixed. the driver seat.
One additional problem related to the low value of the ma- The prototype of the wheel direct drive was tested extensively
chine inductance is that in AFPM drives, the current waveform in laboratory in order to set up proper control operations and
may be affected by significant ripple, which produces additional evaluate significant motor drive performance. After that, the ve-
losses in the winding. The current ripple magnitude de- hicle prototype was tested on road to achieve data concerning
The authors would like to acknowledge V. Guzzini, F. Lenci,
and A. Ciarla for partnership and valuable work provided in the
development of the three-wheel EV prototype.
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Onorato Honorati (M’73) received the degree in Fabio Crescimbini (M’91) received the degree in
electrotechnical engineering (cum laude) from the electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the
University of Turin, Turin, Italy, in 1964. University of Rome “La Sapienza,” Rome, Italy, in
From 1971 to 1974, he was an Associate Professor 1982 and 1987, respectively.
at the University of L’Aquila, Italy. From 1974 From 1989 to 1998, he was with the Department
to 1980, he was an Associate Professor at the of Electrical Engineering, University of Rome “La
University of Rome “La Sapienza,” Rome, Italy, Sapienza,” as Director of the Electrical Drives Labo-
where, since 1980, he has been a Full Professor of ratory. In 1998, he joined the Department of Mechan-
electrical machines in the Department of Electrical ical and Industrial Engineering, University “ROMA
Engineering. His current research interests are the TRE” as an Associate Professor. His research inter-
analysis and design of electrical machines and ests includes newly conceived permanent magnet ma-
renewable energy generating systems. chines and power converter topologies for unconven-
Prof. Honorati is a member of the Italian Association of Electric and Elec- tional applications such as electric vehicle drives and renewable energy gener-
tronic Engineers (AEI) and the IEEE Power Engineering and IEEE Industry ating systems.
Applications Societies. Prof. Crescimbini is an active member of the IEEE Industry Applications
Society, serving in both the Electrical Machine Committee and Industrial Drives
Federico Caricchi (M’90) received the electrical en-
gineering and Ph.D. degrees from the University of
Rome “La Sapienza,” Rome, Italy, in 1988 and 1994,
Since 1991, he has been with the Department
of Electrical Engineering, University of Rome
“La Sapienza,” where he currently is an Associate
Professor. His research interests include analysis and
design of unconventional electric machines, power
electronic equipment, and permanent magnet motor
Prof. Caricchi is a member of the Italian Associa-
tion of Electric and Electronic Engineers (AEI), the Italian Association for Naval
Techniques (ATENA), and the IEEE Industry Applications Society.