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Thomas Institute for Science and Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Assignment II, Oct 2024
Course code & course Name Date of Submission:
Sem: 5 18/10/2024
Date of Given :
Max. Marks: 50
After completion the assessment students will be
CO3 Understand the concept of different assembler features, assembler design options and MASM
CO4 Understand the concept of loader functions, types of loader, different features loader and loader design

(Answer all questions)

Q. No Questions Mar CO B
ks L
Module - III
Explain the following machine dependent assembler features with suitable
1 5 CO3 L2
i) Instruction format and addressing modes
ii) Program relocation (M Record)
Explain the following machine independent assembler features with suitable
2 i) Literals 5 CO3 L2
ii) Symbol defining Statements
iii) Expressions
3 Explain briefly about program block and control sections. 5 CO3 L2
Illustrate how forward are handled by a single pass assembler. Outline in detail
4 Load and Go single pass assembler with algorithm. 5 L2

Write short notes on MASM assembler? Explain the working of a multi pass
assembler with following code. Assume PC= 1034
1 A EQU B/2
5 L2
3 E EQU D–1
4 D RESB 4096
5 C EQU *

Module - IV
Explain the following loaders with and algorithm
i) Absolute Loader CO4
6 5 L2
ii) Simple Bootstrap Loader

Explain the following machine dependent loader features with suitable diagrams CO4
7 5 L2
i) Program Relocation (SIC/XE (M Record) and SIC (Bit mask))
ii) Program Linking

Explain the algorithm and data structures of pass 1 and pass2 of two pass linking
8 loader. 5 L2

Explain the following machine independent loader features

i) Automatic Library Search CO4
9 5 L2
ii) Loader options

Explain the following Loader design options.

i) Linking Loader
ii) Linkage Editor CO4
10 5 L2
iii) Dynamic Linking
iv) Bootstrap Loaders

CO- Course Outcome, Cognitive Level (Bloom’s Taxonomy Level (B.L) :(L1- Remember, L2-
Understand, L3 – Apply, L4 – Analyze, L5 – Evaluate and L6– Create)

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