Ass 2
Ass 2
Ass 2
Q. No Questions Mar CO B
ks L
Module - III
Explain the following machine dependent assembler features with suitable
1 5 CO3 L2
i) Instruction format and addressing modes
ii) Program relocation (M Record)
Explain the following machine independent assembler features with suitable
2 i) Literals 5 CO3 L2
ii) Symbol defining Statements
iii) Expressions
3 Explain briefly about program block and control sections. 5 CO3 L2
Illustrate how forward are handled by a single pass assembler. Outline in detail
4 Load and Go single pass assembler with algorithm. 5 L2
Write short notes on MASM assembler? Explain the working of a multi pass
assembler with following code. Assume PC= 1034
1 A EQU B/2
5 L2
3 E EQU D–1
4 D RESB 4096
5 C EQU *
Module - IV
Explain the following loaders with and algorithm
i) Absolute Loader CO4
6 5 L2
ii) Simple Bootstrap Loader
Explain the following machine dependent loader features with suitable diagrams CO4
7 5 L2
i) Program Relocation (SIC/XE (M Record) and SIC (Bit mask))
ii) Program Linking
Explain the algorithm and data structures of pass 1 and pass2 of two pass linking
8 loader. 5 L2
CO- Course Outcome, Cognitive Level (Bloom’s Taxonomy Level (B.L) :(L1- Remember, L2-
Understand, L3 – Apply, L4 – Analyze, L5 – Evaluate and L6– Create)