19AES0501 - Poblem Solving and Programming1

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Subject Code: 19AES0501 AK19

B.Tech I Year I Semester (AK19) Supplementary Examinations October/ November 2020
(Common to CE, EEE, ME, ECE and CSE)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1. Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
a. Differentiate between algorithm and pseudo-code?
b. Write the steps for converting algorithm into program?
c. Write an algorithm to find the factorial of a given number?
d. What is top-down design in problem solving?
e. What is the difference between break and continue control statements?
f. What are the relational operators in C?
g. What is pointer to pointer?
h. Illustrate with an example, the declaration and initialization of two dimensional array?
i. What is the difference between gets() and scanf() functions?
j. Write the syntax to declare an array of structures?

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
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2. (a) What is a Flowchart? List and explain the various symbols
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used in flowchart?
(b)What is structured programming? What are the merits and
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demerits of structured programming?
3. (a) Discuss about classification of programming languages? 5 CO2 PO1 L2
(b) Write an algorithm and flowchart to find the area and
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circumference of a circle?
4. (a) Write an algorithm to generate the Fibonacci series up to a
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given range?
(b) Explain in detail about the problem solving steps? 5 CO3 PO2 L2
5. Write an algorithm and flowchart to compute sine series up to n
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Subject Code: 19AES0501 AK19
6. (a) Explain about the Logical and bitwise operators available in
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C programming?
(b) Discuss about formatted input and output in C? 5 CO4 PO2 L2
7. (a) What do you mean by a loop? Differentiate between do-while
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and while loops?
(b) What is recursion? Write a recursive function to find the gcd
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of two numbers?
8. (a) What is an array of pointers and pointer to an array?
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Summarize the difference between both of them?
(b) Write a C program to find the position of a smallest and
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largest number in an array?
9. (a) What is a pointer? Discuss about pointer arithmetic? 5 CO4 PO2 L2
(b) Write a C program to remove the duplicate elements from an
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ordered array?
10. Write a C program that performs binary search on sorted array of
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elements and trace the program with an example?
11. (a) Write the differences between structure and union with an
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(b) What is a self-referential structure? Write a C program to
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create a simple linked list?

--------END OF QUESTION PAPER--------

Course Outcomes:
1. Construct his own computer using parts.
2. Recognize the importance of programming language independent constructs
3. Solve computational problems
4. Select the features of C language appropriate for solving a problem
5. Design computer programs for real world problems
6. Organize the data which is more appropriated for solving a problem

Bloom’s Levels:
L1: Remember, L2: Understand, L3: Apply, L4: Analyze, L5: Evaluate, L6: Create

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