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: CCE(EN)/DEL/CS-03/DLJ/23-24/7104 DATED : 05 FEB 2024



ENQ No. CCE(EN)/DEL/CS-03/KANPUR/23-24/7104 DATED : 05 FEB 2024
Dear Sir,
Engineer, CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh, Sector-29A, Chandigarh-160030. E-tenders are to be
submitted online to the Central Public Procurement Portal web site as per dates
mentioned in the NIT documents. The Scope of Work & Estimated Cost of Tender is attached at Appendix ‘A’.
2. The work will be executed in accordance with the provisions of R&D Construction Establishment Works
Procedure except payment terms, “General Conditions of Contract” enclosed as ‘Annexure-I’ & “Special
Conditions of Contact” enclosed as ‘Annexure-II’ respectively. A copy of R&D Construction Establishment
Works Procedure is available in this office and can be obtained on request. CCE (R&D) Estates North
reserves the right to amend / cancel or modify any terms / conditions of contract, partly/ fully during the
currency of the work due to any reason.
3. Site Inspection / Clarifications: The tenderers are advised to inspect the Site of work and acquaint
themselves with the working conditions including constraints, if any, and collect all necessary information for
estimating the exact quantum / nature of work involved for carrying out the work satisfactorily before quoting
their contractor profit rates. The tenderers shall submit their intention in writing along with No’s of persons, their
details, and proposed dates of visit (minimum two such dates to be given). It is intimated that organising such
site visit by the tenderers may take a few days for the department. Clarifications on all aspects of the tender
including specifications etc., shall be got done at least 48 hrs before the closing date of bid submission. The
tenderers may contact the tender issuing authority, whose contact details; e-mail, address and contact numbers
are given below:
For Site Visit Clarification regarding tender

Name: Ms. Neha Chaudha, Dy. CCE, Sh. Amit Solanki,

Estate Manager, EMU (R&D), Delhi Technical Officer ‘B’
Phone Office: 01123932633 Phone Office: 0172-2672006 / 2672004
Email id: [email protected] Email id: [email protected]

4. Acceptance of quote for the subject work is subject to the approval of “Chief Construction Engineer, CCE
(R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh”, who reserves the right to accept or reject any quote either wholly or
partly, without assigning any reasons.
5. CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh, shall have the right to amend, delete / add to the various provisions
in the Tender documents or withdraw / cancel the invitation to tender without assigning any reason. The
amendments / errata issued by the CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh, shall be read carefully in
conjunction with the Tender documents and shall be submitted along with Tender documents as a part thereof.

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The contract price / rate / amount shall be deemed to have been worked out considering amendment / errata
6. Eligibility Criteria: Refer Clause 9 of NIT
7. Clarifications / Interpretations: Contractor shall carefully study the complete quotation / tender documents
and other connected documents including general and special conditions etc. as stated above and completely
acquaint themselves with all documents and their contents therein. Clarifications required, if any shall be
obtained from this Department before submitting the quotation, so as to avoid misinterpretation of facts by the
contractor. Ambiguity, if any, shall be got clarified from the Chief Construction Engineer, CCE (R&D) Estates,
North, Chandigarh, well in advance. All relevant / governing rules and regulations shall be referred by the
contractor before submitting the quotations.
8. Please note that conditional quotations will be rejected, and no representation whatsoever will be entertained.
The decision of the Chief Construction Engineer, CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh will be final and
binding this regard.
9. Period of Contract: - The entire work under this contract / Job Work Order shall be awarded for Twelve (12)
Months from the date of commencement as given in Contract Agreement / Job Work Order. Details of services
that are to be provided are maintenance services for a period of 12 (Twelve) months, which is extendable for
further periods with mutual agreement between tenderer and CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh as per
existing terms and conditions.
10. Value of NIT: The NIT value to be mentioned in the tender will be the estimated cost of tender which includes
the minimum fair wages, statutory payments, taxes, TPMs, Personal Protection Equipment’s, Uniforms, and
Contractor Profits & Overheads (CP&OH). The EMD shall be calculated on this value. In percentage based
BOQ, the cost of BOQ shall exclude the cost of VDA, CP&OH. It shall be quoted by bidder or be paid
separately as per the tender conditions.
11. Value of Work Order: The value of work order shall include the quoted price of tender plus VDA, if any and
any other amount excluded from the BOQ but have been included in the tender enquiry as a part of the
estimated cost of tender / NIT value (except CP&OH) as above. This has been done to avoid issuance of
various amendments during the currency of contracts due to changes in Minimum Fair Wages (MFW) rates.
However, the payments during the currency of contracts shall be made only on actuals as per prevailing MFW
and the total payment shall be limited to the value of work order / CA, and amendments, if any. Monthly bills
shall be prepared on the basis of prevailing MFWs, and other items included in the BOQ. No amendment for
the work order shall be issued for change in the rate of MFW, taxes and other statutory payments, if the
updated amount remains within the value of the work order. An amendment to the contract shall be issued by
the competent authority only in the case when the total amount of bills exceeds the existing work order value. In
case of any changes in MFW and other statutory payments, a general information shall be circulated by
competent authority for remaining period of the work.
12. Earnest Money Deposit:
(a) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): ₹ 99,700/- (@ 2% of the estimated value of work in the form of Demand
Draft / Bank Guarantee / Bankers Cheque / FDR from the Schedule / Nationalized bank in favour of “Chief
Construction Engineer, CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh” payable at Chandigarh. The Copy of
the same should be uploaded online in Cover No. 1 and the original to be submitted offline to this office
before the due date i.e., before the opening of Technical Bid / Cover No. 1, otherwise the tender will be
treated as non-bonafide and will not be opened.
(b) Forfeiture of Earnest Money:- If any Tenderer withdraws his Tender before the expiry of the validity
period, or before the issue of letter of acceptance, whichever is earlier, or makes any modification in the
terms and conditions of the Tender which are not acceptable to the department, then the Government shall,
without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the Earnest Money absolutely.
If the contractor fails to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within the prescribed period, the
earnest money is absolutely forfeited to the President automatically without any notice. In case of forfeiture
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of Earnest Money as prescribed above, the Tenderer shall not be allowed to participate in the e-tendering
process of the work. Tender not accompanied with necessary Earnest Money shall be liable to rejection.
13. Tender Fee: NIL
(a) Tender Fee:
Refer Clause 6 of NIT
(b) Exemption of submission of EMD for MSME / NSIC Registered Firms: -
Refer Clause 7 of NIT
14. Security Deposit:
(A) Security deposit @ 3% of the value of the job work order / contract agreement shall be submitted by the
L1 tenderer in the form of BGB / FDR issued by a scheduled bank within 10 days from the issue of job work
order, valid up to 15 months from the date of the job work order / contract. The BGB / FDR shall be in
favour of CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh. The security deposit shall be returned to the contractor
after successful completion of the work and proper fulfilment of the obligations under the contract for which
the CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh shall be the sole judge and on production of “No Demand
Certificate” during the submission Final Bill. Firms are bound to transfer EPF account in respect of
contractual Employees on expiry of contract period to the next successful Firm.
Note: If the CA / JWO is extended beyond three (3) months, additional security deposit for the
increased value of CA / JWO and the extended period is required to be submitted by the contractor
in the following manner:
a) In case of Bank Guarantee (BG), revised BG with revised value and validity.
b) In case of Fixed Deposit (FD), FD for differential value with validity.
15. Submission of Hard Copy Documents: -
Refer Clause 11 and 12 (e) of NIT.
16. Amount to be quoted & acceptance of tender:
(a) The bidder shall quote only contractor’s profit and over heads on the estimated cost of tender as mentioned
in BOQ in excel form. Any other obligatory charges which are not considered in estimated cost of tender, to
be considered by the tenderer during quote of tender.
(b) The bidder shall quote more than Zero Percent charges over estimated cost of tender for service
charges / contractor profits and overheads. If a bidder/firm quotes “NIL (ZERO)” charges /
consideration, the bid shall be treated as unresponsive and will not be considered for acceptance
as per rule 173(i) (h) of GFR 2017. No representation in this regard will be entertained.
(c) In the Bill of Quantities (BOQ), while quoting, the bidders shall select the ‘Excess (+)’ button and after
entering their quoted %age value ensure that the value in the “Total Amount” column is increased from the
estimated value of the tender. Entry upto ONLY two decimal points in the quoted %age is desirable &
restricted as the lower %age value is automatically rounded off to two decimal points in display by the
system while preparation of CST. In case of any discrepancy between the displayed values of “Quoted
Percentage” and “Quoted Rate” in the CST prepared by the system, the value of quoted %age, as
displayed in the excel sheet uploaded by the bidders will be treated as final.
(d) In case the lowest tendered amount (worked out on the basis of quoted rate of Individual items) of two or
more contractors is same, then such lowest contractors may be asked to submit sealed revised offer
quoting rate of each item / percentage of the schedule of quantities / estimated cost of tender for all sub
sections/ sub heads as the case may be, quotes should not be higher than original. The lowest tender shall
be decided on the basis of revised offer.
Note: If the lowest tendered amount by the bidders is the least possible quote in %age in the BOQ, then
revised quote shall not be taken and the lowest tender, among such bidders shall be decided by
draw of lots as enumerated in the next paragraph.

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(e) If the revised tendered amount of two or more contractors received in the revised offer
is again found to be equal, then the lowest tender, among such contractors, shall be decided by draw of lots
in the presence committee formed by CCE (R&D) Estates, North and the lowest contractors those have
quoted equal amount of their tenders.
(f) In case of any such lowest contractor in his revised offer quotes rate of any item more than their respective
original rate quoted already at the time of submission of tender, then such revised offer shall be treated
invalid. Such case of revised offer of the lowest contractor or case of refusal to submit revised offer by the
lowest contractor shall be treated as withdrawal of his tender before acceptance and 50% of his earnest
money shall be forfeited.
(g) In case all the lowest contractors those have same tendered amount (as a result of their quoted rate of
individual items), refuse to submit revised offers, then tenders are to be recalled after forfeiting 50% of EMD
of each lowest contractor.
(h) Contractor, whose earnest money is forfeited because of non-submission of revised offer or quoting higher
revised rate(s) of any item(s) than their respective original rate quoted already at the time of submission of
his bid shall not be allowed to participate in the retendering process of the work.
(i) JWO / CA will be placed on successful L1 Firm which meets the eligibility criteria and has cleared the
technical evaluation based on the price bid.
17. Submission of Bids.
(a) EMD, and eligibility documents are required to be physically submitted in the CCE office prior to the bid
opening as mentioned in critical dates. There will be no Tender boxes.
(b) Price bid will be submitted “Online only”.
(c) The TECHNICAL BID and the PRICE BID should be submitted by the bidder duly digitally signed by the
legal owner of the Firm or the person authorised by him to do so. Instructions for Online Bid Submission
Instructions to the Bidder to submit the bids online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e-
procurement at (
18. Opening of Two Bid System
(a) The Technical Bids shall be opened as per the critical date sheet mentioned in the NIT document. The
evaluation of Technical Bid will be carried out off-line and the results of the evaluation will be uploaded on
the Central Public Procurement Portal (
(b) The Commercial Bids of only those Bidders whose Technical Bids meet all the stipulated (Technical
requirements) shall be opened. The date of opening will be intimated to the Bidder through Central Public
Procurement Portal (
19. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids. A bidder may modify or withdraw his bid online till the deadline
prescribed for submission of bids. Withdrawal of a bid after the last date of submission and physical receipt of
the EMD will call of forfeiture of the EMD.
20. Rejection of Bids. Canvassing by the Bidder in any form, unsolicited letter and post-Tender correction may
invoke summarily rejection with forfeiture of EMD. Conditional Tenders will be rejected.

21. Validity of Bids: The quoted amount submitted by the consultant shall be valid for a period of 120 Days from
the date of submission of tender as per DCWE letter no. DCWE/S01/33316 DATED 08 Aug 2022.

22. Financial Commitment

This Tender Enquiry is being issued with no financial commitment and the CCE (R&D) Estates, North,
Chandigarh reserves the right to change or vary any part thereof at any stage. CCE (R&D) Estates, North,
Chandigarh also reserves the right to withdraw the Tender Enquiry, should it become necessary at any stage.

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(A) Guidelines for Statutory Payments: - It is mandatory for the principal employer as well as the contractor to
timely make the payment of the statuary and regular dues related to the contractual employees. The
prevailing rates of such known regulatory / statuary payments have been listed in subsequent paras below.
However, any change in the rates of statutory payment rates may subsequently be deducted / paid during
currency of contracts. Further, any such regulatory payments which are not listed below and not known to
tender inviting authority should be taken into the account by the bidder. The bidder should quote according,
and no additional reimbursement shall be done.
(a) Payment of EPF: On behalf of Principal Employer, the service provider will deposit the employers’
share of EPF payments @13% of the salary up to ceiling limit of ₹15000/- per month on account of
respective employees of a particular job work order through the appellate / statutory authority
(through e-payment) at the periodicity as laid down in the respective governing acts / rules of the
Government of India.
(b) Payment of ESI. On behalf of Principal Employer, the service provider will deposit the employers’
share of ESI payments @3.25% of the salary up to ceiling limit of ₹21000/- per month on account of
respective employees of a particular job work order through the appellate / statutory authority
(through e-payment) at the periodicity as laid down in the respective governing acts / rules of the
Government of India. If the wage of an employee exceeds the wage limit of ₹21,000 after April or
October for the respective contribution periods*, then the employee continues to be an employee till
the end of that contribution period. Hence, the contribution is to be deducted and paid on the total
wages earned.
‘*’ Contribution Period of ESI are divided in two parts in a year i.e., from 1st April to 30th Sept and 1st
Oct to 31st March of the year following.
(c) Bonus: - The bonus shall be paid by the contractor on behalf of the principal employer as laid down
in the respective act. This amount shall be paid to the workers distributed over 12 months. If there is
any change in Govt. policy regarding increase / decrease in the amount, the same shall be
reimbursed / recovered accordingly. As per Bonus Amendment Act-2015, the amount for the bonus
shall be paid to employees as ₹7000/- or 8.33% of the MFW as per Chief Labour Commissioner (C)
for the days (s)he worked in a year for the scheduled employment, whichever is higher. The bonus
shall be reduced proportionally for the days employee does not work. (Point No. 13 of Bonus Act-
(d) GST:- The Contractor shall pay the GST as per periodicity and rate as laid down by the Government
and as amended from time to time. The amount quoted by the contractors shall be all inclusive and
as such no separate payment / reimbursement will be made in this regard. GST shall be considered
for all type of payments made by department through contractor whether Statutory payments or any
regular or store payments. The rates of TDS for the GST to be deducted as per the rules of GoI
published time to time.
(e) Continuation of manpower as per GeM guidelines (Deployment of Existing working / deployed
resources): The existing working / deployed resources having job satisfactory certificate, will be
continued by the successful service provider under the new contract also.
(f) Penalty. Since the contractor is being paid all-inclusive monthly payment, non-payment of EPF, ESI,
Bonus and GST will amount to violation of laid down / agreed conditions as per work order /
agreement. CCE (R&D) Estates, North reserves the right to cancel the work order without any notice
and also ban / blacklist the firm for default, as the case may be. Also, CCE (R&D) Estates, North
reserves the right to recover any over payment or any payment due to any employee of the contractor

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till cancellation of work, either from the same work bill or from any other bill due to the contractor from
any Government source.
(g) The mandatory payments of EPF (Employer’s Share only), ESI (Employer’s Share only), Bonus &
GST wherever applicable will be paid by the contractor as and when due as stated above and
payment receipts / proof of payment issued by concerned appellate / statutory authorities including
breakup details of payments (Nominal Roll of employees, wages paid, period of mandatory
payments, amount paid and their account detail thereof) in respect of above obligatory payments/
taxes shall be submitted to CCE (R&D) Estates, North through respective Engineer-in-charges on
monthly basis. An undertaking in an approved format, duly countersigned by the Engineer-in-charges
(Estate Managers) shall also be submitted by the contractor, along with each monthly bill, stating that
the minimum fair wages and these statutory payments are being paid by him to his employees
employed for this work, regularly.
(h) GST number of the service provider and CCEs / EMUs and place of service / supply should be
mandatorily mentioned on the bill. The GST number of CCEs / EMUs for corresponding state and
place of work should be mentioned on each Job Work Order / Contract Agreement.
(i) The EPF (UAN) and ESI account numbers of all employees employed for any particular work shall be
submitted to the engineer-in-charge in a reasonable period of time but not more than 45 days from
the date of issue of work order. All other connected documents like Form-‘C’ and Form-‘D’ etc., as
required by the department duly certified and signed by the Engineer-in-Charge / Estate Manager
shall also be submitted.
(j) Labour Licence: As per Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, to every establishment
in which 20 (Twenty) or more workmen were employed on any day of the preceding twelve months as
contract labour, it is mandatory to obtain labour licence from the Labour department in the respective
states. In such case, Form III will be issued by the principal employer to the firm for applying the
Labour licence. All the Estate Managers are requested to obtain the Labour licence of their
jurisdictions to avoid CTE and Audit objections.
(B) Payment of Monthly bills in the form of RAR (in triplicate) for payment along with the mandatory documents
i.e. Invoice (GST), Satisfactory Certificate from the user / Engineer-in-charge, Contractor Bills (IAFA-68),
Wages Calculation Sheet, Attendance register, monthly wages register as per prescribed format of Ministry
of Labour & Employment duly verified by the Engineer-in- Charge or representative, Bank Statement /
Proof of Payment paid to the employees, Proof of Statutory Payments, i.e. EPF / ESI / GST Challans and
Bonus Payment (Half Yearly),etc will be submitted by the Contractor after every month on successful
completion of services. All the payments by the contractor to the employees shall be made through
bank account only and cash disbursal shall not be made in any case. Proof of the same in the form of
copy of bank account statements shall be enclosed along with monthly bills. No ad-hoc deductions like
advance against salary, food advance, rental charges for rooms etc., shall be made from the payments of
the employees by the contractor. Reimbursement of Uniform, daily newspapers, weeklies, fortnightly
magazines, hygiene Chemicals, Internal Flower, Plant arrangements, Washing materials for napkins, bath
towels, hand towels, bed sheets and other small items, charges for Disposal of Garbage/Arbo Waste @ 3%,
Cost of Manure, Fertilizer and Pesticide etc @ 7%, Cost for potted plants and its maintenance @ 2%, bill,
transportation charges for disposal of garbage and material obtained from Area Clearance alongwith
scavengers for loading/unloading at earmarked location, Cleaning Materials, Hygiene Chemicals and
Personal Protection Equipments (e.g. Apron, Gloves, Face Mask, Toilet Cleaner, Phenyl, Naphthalene
Balls, Hygiene Chemicals Powder Brooms, Hand Sanitizer, Trolley & other etc. shall be paid on submission
of documentary evidence in support of the above items duly signed by the Engineer-in-Charge or his
representative. In the absence of the same, services shall be affected by the department on the
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recommendation of the Estate manager. In event of non-submission of the documentary proof for the
availability / purchase of items etc, the deduction @ 3% for TPM and 4% for other items shall be deducted
from the running bills.
(C) The Contractor shall timely pay the employees latest by 07th of every month strictly as per the prevailing
Labour Laws regardless of when the Contractor submits the monthly bills for payments from the
department. The onus of timely and correct submission of monthly bills shall be of the Contractor and shall
have no bearing on timely payment to be made to the hired employees.

(D) The contractor may claim the bill in following manner: -

(i) The contractor may submit the wages bill of manpower along with proof of the statutory payment
(e.g., EPF/ESI/GST etc.) for payment of the complete bill equal to the monthly amount after
making the payment of all statutory payment i.e., EPF/ESI/GST/Bonus and other taxes (if any).
The proof of payment in the form of challans (ECR Statements) to be enclosed. Claim for bonus
amount will be submitted on half yearly (once in a six month) basis with proof of payments with
connected documents like Form-‘C’ and form-‘D’.
(ii) All agencies / firms shall make sincere efforts either to submit workwise challans for all the
statutory payments or bifurcation of the combined challans should be enclosed with bills for the
works awarded by CCE & EMUs of all the employees working with agency. This will help in faster
and proper scrutiny and processing of bills, as well as greatly reduce the voluminous paper works
attached with bulk manpower.
(iii) Necessary documentary evidence / proof to the effect that proper payment of all mandatory
statutory payments i.e., EPF (Employer’s Share only) and ESI (Employer’s Share only), has to be
produced to the Engineer-in-Charge (Estate Manager) on monthly / quarterly basis irrespective of
the RAR / Bill Claim. Failure to produce these documents at appropriate time but not later than
submission of the next quarterly bills will entail withholding of further payments in respect of the
said work. CCE (R&D) Estates, North reserves the right to withhold payments to the contractor, till
the submission of proof of making all mandatory / statutory payments.
(iv) The employers and employee share of EPF and ESI to be calculated on sum of Basic Wages and
dearness allowance only and rates & limits are mentioned in the Appendix ‘A’, attached .
(E) The contractor shall ensure that before submission of the 2nd monthly bill, the statutory payments for the
previous month have been made by him and proof of the statutory payments submitted along with 2 nd
month bill. Contractor may claim statutory bills along with monthly bill. If in any case the contractor
has not submitted proofs of payment of the statutory payments till the submission of the 2 nd month bill, no
further payment shall be made. Hence, all contractors are advised to pay all statutory payments to all
their employees in time and submit proof as required and as given above. No deviation or representation
will be accepted. The decision of the CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh, will be final & binding in
this regard.
24. For maintenance purposes the consumables / accessories and other replaceable items which are not covered
in scope shall be procured on prior permission from CCE(R&D) Estates North Chandigarh or Engineer-in-
Charge. Cost of the procured items/services will be paid along with the monthly maintenance bill on production
of purchased bills with profit of 10% (Ten Percent) over the purchase bills. All replaceable shall be of standard
make or approved by the Authorised Rep. / Engineer-in-charge of CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh.

25. Record of Employees: Complete record of labourer being employed in all contracts shall be kept on record.
The Aadhar details, bank account details, present address and police verification reports of all contract labour
employed shall be maintained by the respective EMUs without fail. Employee Profile Form attached as
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Appendix-‘C’ should be got filled within 45 days from the start of the job work order in respect of each level
manpower. The Estate Manager shall ensure that the engaged employee is competent, having the
required qualification / experience and the approval will be granted by the Estate Manager. Once
approved, no employee shall be changed by contractor without written permission of the Engineer-In-
26. GST: The Contractor shall pay the GST as per periodicity and rate as laid down by the Government and as
amended from time to time. The amount quoted by the contractor is inclusive of GST and as such no separate
payment/ re-imbursement will be made in this regard.
27. Performance of Contractors: Irrespective of payment of monthly bills including supplementary bills, the
contractors should ensure timely payment of wages (as per Payment Terms (C) above) EPF, ESI, Bonus and
GST as applicable. Delay in payment, if any, of monthly bills by CCE office shall not be reason to be quoted by
contractor for delayed payment to labours. The contractors shall be financially sound to cater for such
eventualities. The details of contractors who default on the payment issue shall be communicated by the Estate
Manager / Project Manager from time to time so that suitable action(s) including imposing of Ban or
Downgrading the class of the contractor shall be implanted. Further, if the performance of contractor is not
found satisfactory or due to violation of terms and conditions by the contractor and failure to deliver the
obligations during the period of the contract, will entail forfeiture of the security deposit and / or banning.
28. The contractor is liable to comply the conditioned stated above and inform to department, if any ambiguity
29. In case of any ambiguity among the terms & conditions written in this tender enquiry and / or General
Conditions of Contract as per Annexure- ‘I; and / or Special Conditions of Contract as per Annexure- ‘II’, the
terms & conditions as mentioned in this tender enquiry will take precedence and prevail upon terms &
conditions of Annexure-‘I’ and / or Annexure-‘II’.
30. Bids shall be submitted online only at CPP Portal website: Manual bids shall not be
accepted. Tenderers / Contractors are advised to follow the instructions provided in the ‘Instructions to
Tenderer’ for the e-submission of the bids online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e-
Procurement at before proceeding with submission of the tender.
31. Income Tax as applicable shall be deducted from bills. Income tax deduction certificate will be issued by the

Yours faithfully,
(Amit Solanki)
Technical Officer ‘B’
for CCE (R&D) Estates, North
1. Appendix ‘A’– Scope of Work and Estimated of Tender Cost
2. Appendix ‘B’ – Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
3. Appendix ‘C’ – Employee Profile Form
4. Annexure ‘I’ – General and Special Conditions of Contract
5. Appendix ‘II’ – Special Conditions of Contract

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Station: Jodhpur (Area – ‘B')

Authority of Rate of minimum wages taken for estimation as per Letter No. F. No. 1/8(3)/2023-LS-II of office of
Labour Rate: Chief Labour Commissioner (C), Government of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment New Delhi,
Dated: 26 Sep 2023. (Revised in April and October every year).
Period of 12 months

Ser Description/category A/U Qty Rate per Amount (in Wages for Wages for ESI &
No. month (in Rs.) EPF (Max @ Bouns (Max @
Rs) ₹15000/-) ₹21000/-)

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Supervisor (Semi-Skilled) Nos 1 18,434.00 18,434.00 15,000.00 18,434.00
2. Sanitation Staff (Un-Skilled) Nos 9 16,434.00 1,46,952.00 1,35,000.00 1,46,952.00
3. Manpower for Area Clearance Nos 4 16,434.00 65,312.00 60,000.00 65,312.00
4. Total (Ser. No. 1 to 3) 14 2,30,698.00 2,10,000.00 2,30,698.00
5. Provision of Civil Tpt for Trips 8 1,200.00 9,600.00
collection and disposal of
garbage alongwith scavengers
for loading/unloading at
earnmarked location
6. Disposal of material obtained Trips 1 1,200.00 1,200.00
from Area Clearance
7. Cleaning material & chemicals Persons 9 550.00 4,950.00
(misc items like brooms, phenyl
and naphthalene balls hygiene
chemicals powder etc.)
8. Total (Ser. No. 4 to 7) 2,46,448.00

9. Amount of wages for EPF 2,10,000.00

Calculation at a ceiling of
₹15000/ month as per EPF
10. Amount of wages for ESI 2,30,698.00
Calculation at a ceiling of
₹21000/ month as per ESI
11. EPF @ 13% (on Ser. No. 9) @ 13% = 27,300.00
Employer Share
12. ESI @ 3.25% (on Ser. No. 10) @ 3.25% = 7,497.00
Employer Share
13. Total (Ser. No. 8, 11 & 12) 2,81,245.69

14. Toal Amount for twelve (12) Months 12 = 33,74,948.22

months (12*Ser. No. 13)
15. Non-Productivity Linked Bonus Pers. 12 2,30,698.00
(Adhoc Bonus) subject to a
maximum of Rs.7000/- or
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Ser Description/category A/U Qty Rate per Amount (in Wages for Wages for ESI &
No. month (in Rs.) EPF (Max @ Bouns (Max @
Rs) ₹15000/-) ₹21000/-)

8.33% of salary paid in a year

which ever is higher
16. Total (Ser. No. 14 to 15) 36,05,646.22

17. GST on Ser. No. 16 at @ 18% = 6,49,016.30

prevailing rate i.e. @ 18%
18. Total (Ser. No. 16 to 17) = 42,54,662.52

a) The wages for the staff for the CONSERVANCY SERVICES have been considered for the complete month with six
days working and one weekly off.

b) Minimum Wages shall be revised in April and October every year hence the contractor will pay the wages
accordingly without waiting reminder from department.
c) The Contract value will be inclusive of Wages and all statutory payments viz. GST, EPF, ESI, Bonus, CP & OH, VDA,
Stores, if any, two sets of Uniforms and all types of sundry expenses.
d) EPF has been considered @13.00% on maximum wage ceiling of ₹15,000/- per month for each employee engaged
by the contractor / Firm. The Firm must deposit the EPF Contribution of the Employees in their existing UAN only.
e) ESI has been considered @ 3.25% on maximum wage ceiling of ₹ 21,000/- per month for each employee engaged
by the contractor / Firm. Contractor / Firm should be registered with Sub-Unit Code in ESIC portal. The Firm must
deposit the ESIC Contribution of the Employees in their existing ESIC Number only.
f) As per Bonus Amendment Act-2015, the amount for the bonus shall be paid to employees as ₹7000/- or 8.33% of
the minimum fair wages as per Chief Labour Commissioner (C) for the days he worked in a year for the scheduled
employment, whichever is higher. The bonus shall be reduced proportionally for the days employee does not work.
(Point No. 13 of Bonus Act-1965)
g) The contractor will prepare the bills based on prevailing minimum wages rates, obligatory charges, and quoted profit
over the total amount.
h) During execution of tender the labour wages and / or obligatory charges may change as promulgated by Government
of India vide ‘Authority of Labour Rate’ of the Appendix ‘A’ given above; which will be paid accordingly.
i) The bills to be prepared on the format of estimated cost of tender where the rates of wages and other obligatory
charges will be taken as per prevailing acts.
j) Minimum Fare Wages not less than as per notification issued by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of
India to be paid to the workers.
k) Minimum Fare Wages means Basic Minimum Wages plus dearness allowances declared time to time by the Ministry
of Labour.
l) Tentative amount for Uniforms and accessories has been considered in the estimate but if tenderer feels it not
enough, he may include excess price in quoted percentage.
m) Any change in GST and other obligatory charges from the estimated value, will be paid / deducted accordingly.
n) Any other charges which are not included in the tender estimate will not be reimbursed hence contractor should
quote accordingly.
o) Any variation in the minimum wages and statutory charges, taxes etc. due to notifications issued by concerned
ministry / departments will be paid / deducted by department on actual basis.

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कमचारी के िववरण का ा प

Name / नाम :
Name of Post / पद का नाम :
Date of Birth / ज ितिथ :
Aadhaar Card No. / : Passport Size
आधार सं ा Photo
Father / Husband’s Name :
िपता / पित का नाम
Local Address & Mobile / :
ानीय पता तथा मोबाइल नं
Permanent Address & Mobile :
ाई पता तथा मोबाइल नं
Police Verification :
पुिलस स ापन आ या नहीं
Bank Account Details :
बक खाता िववरण

Educational Qualification & :

experience (if any)
शैि क यो ता तथा काय अनुभव,
यिद है
UAN / EPF Number :
ESI Number :
Date / िदनां क : Signature
Work Order Number & Date :
Contractor’s Name & Address :
Remarks / िट णी :

Date / िदनां क : Contractor’s Signature

Remarks / िट णी :

Date / िदनां क : Officer-in-Charge

कमचारी िनधा रत काय के यो है / यो नहीं है

Employee is suitable / Not suitable for allotted work

Estate Manager

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1. The contractor shall employ persons of good moral character and repute. The persons employed shall have the
desired professional qualifications, experience and competency in the specified field / area of work to perform
the entrusted duties properly. The personal Bio-data of all persons employed shall be submitted to this office on
assumption of contract along with the complete details of their qualifications, ESI, EPF, Bank Account and other
relevant key information. Copies of Aadhar Card along with EPF / ESI Enrolment Nos / E-Pehchan card of Indi-
viduals shall also be submitted along with other details. The duly filled Employee Profile Form as per proforma
given in Annexure-I has to be submitted by the contractor for all the personnel employed for the purpose. The
contractor shall obtain the verification of the character antecedent of the personnel employed by him through the
commissioner of police / competent civil authority / Police station by paying the prescribed fee from the place of
origin of the individuals or from the concerned Dept. of respective state Govt. The verification forms from the
concerned authority shall be submitted to the concerned Estate Management Unit (R&D) under whom the area
of Operation & Maintenance falls, under intimation to this office, within one month from the date of issue of the
work order. The Contractor shall be personally responsible for the conduct of his employees throughout the dura-
tion of this work order. In case the contractor fails to submit the verified form of the employees within the pre-
scribed period, a notice to that effect shall be issued to the contractor by the Engineer-in-Charge or CCE (R&D)
Estates, North Chandigarh / his authorized Representative, to submit the forms within 30 days. In the meantime,
the contractor shall submit an undertaking that he will be responsible for the conduct of the staff employed by
him, personally till submission of the above forms by the revised due date. Even after the above notice period, if
the verification forms are not submitted, the services of the un-verified staff shall be terminated and they be
marked as absent till suitably verified relief is provided by the contractor and the contract shall be liable for termi-
nation. No representation will be entertained in this regard and the decision of the CCC (R&D) Estates, North,
Chandigarh shall be final and binding.

2. All personnel will be treated as contractor’s employees for all purposes and the CCE (R&D) Estates, North
Chandigarh shall have no liability in any respect. The CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh / his authorized
representative will not be responsible for any injury or loss of limb or loss of life of any of the contractor’s em-
ployees that may take place while on duty. Any compensation or expenditure towards treatment for such injury or
loss of limb or loss of life shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. Legal cases, if any, shall also be dealt
by the contractor and the department has no liability in this regard. No permanent / temporary employment by
Department shall be demanded by any person employed by the contractor at any stage as they are con-
tractor’s employees for all purposes. Such demands will not be entertained at any cost. Contractor shall
be solely responsible to deal with such cases including legal cases, if any, arise in those circumstances.
The Contractors’ personnel are not entitled for any facility / amenities that are extended to the employees of the
Laboratories / Establishments. The contractor should provide the authorized amenities to their employees as per
rules at his own cost.

3. Identity Cards: Identity Cards for the contractor’s employees will be issued by the contractor or his authorized
representative. In case any employee is proceeding on long leave or suspended / dismissed from service or
leaves the job, identity cards in respect of such employee, must be withdrawn and taken back by the contractor
and / or by his authorised representatives so as to avoid misuse. All the entry passes shall be surrendered when
they are no more required or on completion of the contract period. In case the employees of the contractor have
to work in restricted areas, the contract manager / contract supervisor / his authorized representative shall ar-
range to make entry of all employees at respective gates and collect tokens issued by the security office and
then issue them to the labourers. Such tokens shall be accounted for and shall be returned back to the issuing
authority at the end of the day as per procedure. The contractor will be solely responsible for such action. Verifi-
cation documents may also be required to be submitted to the security sections of the Laboratories / Establish-
ments as and when demanded by them to facilitate smooth entry for provision of various services. Persons pro-
vided as relief to the existing employees shall also be security verified as above and no persons will be em-
ployed without verification. In case of any default by the person employed by the contractor, the concerned con-
tractor will be solely responsible for such acts of their employees and actions cancellation of contract may be ini-
Page 12 of 23
tiated if necessary. The contractor may also be ‘black-listed’ from the list of approved contractors. The CCE
(R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh reserves the right to suggest changing of contractor employed persons if
found unfit as and when required and the contractor shall change such persons who are found unfit, without any

4. Undesirable Activities: The contractor will not allow or permit the employees to participate in any trade union /
Labour Union activities or agitation in the premises or the R&D Estates, North Chandigarh. It must be ensured by
the contractor that none of the workers are in intoxicated condition while on duty. If any individuals employed are
found to be in intoxicated state, they will be marked absent and their services will be terminated forthwith. The
contractor shall provide relief immediately.

5. Assistance in procurement of men and materials: - Except as otherwise provided, all personnel (not below18
years of age), materials, equipment, licenses, transport and any other thing required for the execution of the con-
tract shall be managed by the contractor under his own arrangement and the CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandi-
garh shall not be responsible for the same in any way, what so ever. Any assistance required may however, be
considered and given on receipt of a requisition in writing.

6. Secrecy: The contractor shall ensure that all the persons employed in connection with this contract have notice
that the Indian Official Secret Act 1923 (XIX of 1923) applies to them and shall continue during contract period.

7. Laws governing the contract: The contract shall be governed by the laws of India for the time being in force.
The contractor shall comply with the statutory provisions or the regulations and / or by-laws of any local authority
and / or any public service, company or authority affected by the work, shall pay all charges there under and shall
indemnify government, against any fees, or charges demandable by law under such acts, regulations and / or
bye-laws in respect of the work.

8. Supervision of Works: The contractor and / or his authorised representative shall regularly visit the site / loca-
tion where the contract services are being rendered by him.

9. Sub-contracting of Works: The contractor will not further sub-contract the contract to any other person or per-
sons or third parties. If sub-contracting is detected at any time during currency of the work, the CCE (R&D) Es-
tates, North Chandigarh shall have the full right to terminate the contract forthwith without any notice and forfeit
the security deposit without prejudice to any other rights available under the terms of contract or under law.


10. Attendance: The contractor shall employ required manpower, as per the terms and conditions of the work order.
Proper attendance register shall be maintained, which will be subjected for verification as and when required by
CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh or his authorized representative. Replacement for persons proceeding on
leave or sick etc. shall be catered by the contractor. No person will be sent on leave without proper relief. The at-
tendance of the staff will be verified by the Estate Manager by way of inspection, surprise checks, etc. If man-
power deployment by the contractor is not as specified in the contract, a notice will also be issued to the contrac-
tor and if the same thing is repeated, the contract will be liable for termination as per para below.

11. Penalty: If any of the manpower is found to be absent without permission / leave sanction on any particular day,
an amount equal to the minimum wages per day + 25% amount shall be imposed as penalty and the same shall
be deducted from the monthly bill of the agency. Since the contractor is being paid monthly, non-payment of
EPF, ESI, Bonus and GST will amount to violation of laid down / agreed conditions as per work order / agree-
ment. The CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh reserves the right to cancel the work order without any notice
and also blacklist the firm for default as the case may be. Also, the CCE (R&D) Estates, North reserves the right
to recovery any over payment or any payment due to any employee of the contractor till cancellation of work ei-
ther from the same work bill or from any other bill due to the contractor from any Government source.

12. Conduct: The contractor shall ensure that his employees adhere to the instructions and orders laid down by of
CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh from time-to-time. The contractor shall enforce and ensure that all in-
Page 13 of 23
structions are followed by their employees strictly. The employees shall conduct themselves properly while on
duty. They should be briefed about human rights and animal rights, etc. No rude behaviour by the contractor or
his employees will be permitted. The employees of contractors shall not get involved in fraud, theft or money
lending etc. Such persons getting involved in any such activities shall be removed by the contractor immediately
and necessary legal action as required shall be initiated. Any loss, theft or damage occurring due to any security
lapse of the contract’s men / guards will be made good by the contractor. Decision of the CCE (R&D) Estates,
North Chandigarh, shall be final and binding in this regard.

13. Uniforms:

(a) Provision: The responsibility of providing approved uniforms to the employees for identification shall be that
of the contractor. It may be ensured that all contractor’s employees irrespective of type of service shall be in
uniform while performing duties. Aprons shall be provided to all Conservancy & Area Clearance contract la-

(b) Approval: The uniform shall be got approved by the concerned Estate Manager. For default by the contrac-
tor in providing uniforms, an amount as specified in the para (c) below shall be deducted on monthly basis.
If such instances are repeated, the accepting officer reserves the right to terminate the contract and the con-
tractor shall have no claim whatsoever on this matter. A penalty register shall be maintained by the con-
cerned Estate Manager / or his authorized rep under whose jurisdiction the services are being executed.

(c) The penalty amount shall be calculated on the following basis: -

i) Normal uniform @ Rs. 3500/- per annum per head for all areas.
ii) Special uniform @ Rs. 4500/- per annum per head for (J&K-Leh, Partapur & Jammu, Dehradun, Mus-
soorie, Haldwani, Pithoragarh, Almora, Auli, SASE Manali, Dets & other areas where winter uniform is
worn by uniformed employees.


14. Late submission of bill does not absolve the contractor of the responsibility of timely payment of salaries to his
staff. Necessary pre-receipted bill is to be submitted in triplicate along with the claim on IAFA-68, in duplicate
and attendance sheet / muster roll, in duplicate through the concerned Estate Manager duly endorsed by him to
CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh for making necessary payments. Deduction on account of absence of
staff will be as per the daily wages of the absentee staff. Monthly bill shall be submitted with proof of payment of
salaries of previous month to the employed workers. For proof of payment, the following documents will be ac-
cepted: -

(a) Copies of bank passbooks of employees duly showing crediting the salaries of the previous month.

(b) Statement of details of employees’ names, account number, amount credited duly stamped by bank as
proof of payment of salary to them or internet banking statement clearly reflecting transfer of salary into in-
dividual accounts.

15. Non-submission of the proof of payment of salary or payment of salary below the minimum specified wages will
deemed to be a violation of contract conditions and bills without proof of payment will be returned forthwith. Re-
turning of bills due to non-submission of requisite documents will not be accepted as ground for delayed payment
of wages to staff. Some of the service providers are deducting “Food Charges” from salary of labour and then de-
positing less amount in their bank account which is not acceptable. Salary shall be paid as per MFW without any

16. TDS for Income Tax and GST as applicable will be recovered from the bills of the contractor as per Govt. rules
and regulations. TDS certificate to this effect will be issued by the department.

Page 14 of 23
17. Bids shall be submitted online only at CPP Portal website: https: / / Manual bids shall not be
accepted. Tenderer / Contractors are advised to follow the instructions provided in the ‘Instructions to Tenderer’
for the e-submission of the bids online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e-Procurement at https:
/ / before proceeding with the tender.

18. EARNEST MONEY (Form of Earnest Money):

a. Earnest money is acceptable in form of DD / FDR / BG / BC. A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of
bank guarantee also. In such cases 50% of earnest money or Rs. 20.00 lakhs whichever is less, will have to be
deposited in the shape of DD / BC / FDR and balance can be accepted in form of bank guarantee issued by a
scheduled bank.

b. The bank guarantee / FDR submitted as a part of the Earnest Money should be valid for a period of 06 (six)
months or till the tender remains open for acceptance whichever is later.

c. Firms registered under Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) are exempted from depositing Earnest Money
deposit and tender cost as per GOI Gazette No. 503 dated 26 Mar 2012, as amended subject to the condition
that the firm should submit a valid registration certificate of MSME / NSIC in the tender category of work. If the
MSME registration certificate pertains to some other category of work and / or does not have validity, the
bid will be summarily rejected. No representation in this regard will be entertained. The firm also is required
to submit hard copies of the requisite documents in time as specified in the NIT.

d. Refund of Earnest Money: The earnest money deposit submitted by all the tenderers except the lower tenderer
will be refunded upon opening of price bid. Earnest money deposit submitted by the lowest tenderer will be re-
turned after acceptance of the tender and submission of the security deposit.

e. Forfeiture of Earnest Money: If the tenderer withdraws his tender before expiry of the validity period, or before
the issue of letter of acceptance, whichever is earlier, or makes any modification in the terms and condition of the
tender which are not acceptable to the department, then the Department shall, without prejudice to any other right
or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the earnest money absolutely. In case of forfeiture of earnest money as
prescribed in the above paras, the tenderer shall not be allowed to participate in the retendering process of the

f. The tenderers are requested to deposit Earnest Money (EMD) in any of the following forms: -

i. The deposits, receipts etc., in the form of DD / BG / FDR are to be drawn in favour of Chief Construction En-
gineer, CCE(R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh” payable at Chandigarh from Nationalized / Scheduled Bank.
ii. No interest shall be paid on the Earnest Money deposited.
iii. No Cheque will be accepted.
iv. The Earnest Money will be refunded to the unsuccessful Tenderers within a reasonable time without any in-
v. The Earnest Money deposited by the successful tenderer / tenderers will be retained towards the Security
Deposit with due fulfilment of the contract.
vi. Tenderers / Bidders should submit / upload in the portal, the entire NIT document, digitally signed along with
all corrigendum’s / addendums, if any, published later on, as they are downloaded from the Portal, as a token
of acceptance, in the appropriate given cover only.
vii. The Tenders shall be valid for a period of 90 (Ninety) days from the date of opening of tenders / 90 (Ninety)
days from the date of opening of price bid.


a) Instructions / Guidelines for tenders for electronic submission of the tenders have been annexed for assigning
the agencies to participate in e-Tendering.

Page 15 of 23
b) Any agency willing to take part in the process of e-Tendering will have to be enrolled & registered with the
Government e-Procurement portal https: / /

c) Bidders to be obtained Digital Signature Certificate, from the approved service provider of the National In-
formation’s Centre (NIC) on payment of requisite details are available at the Web Site.

d) Bids shall be submitted online only at CPP Portal web site: https: / / Manual bids shall
not be accepted. Tenderer / Contractors are advised to follow the instructions provided in the “Instructions
to Tenderer’ for the e-submission of the bids online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e-
Procurement at https: / / before proceeding with the tender.

e) Expenses for Tender preparation. For the preparation and submission of tender, tenderer shall not be enti-
tled to any cost, expenses other claims whether or not the tender is accepted rejected or invitation to tender
withdrawn or cancelled.

f) Tenderers should quote as per the Price Bid format in excel sheet and in the allotted space only. In no
case, price Bids shall be submitted in Hard Copy.

g) The acceptance of Tender and award of contract (AOC) to one and more than one Contractor, if considered
necessary, will rest with the Employer who does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and will reserve
to himself the authority to accept a Tender in whole or in part or reject any or all the Tenders received without
assigning any reasons and no explanation can be demanded for the cause of rejection of his Tender by any
Tenderer, neither any claim whatsoever this score is tenable.

h) Evaluation of document shall be done on the basis of the submitted document and the original copies of
EMD, Cost of Tender document, Integrity Pact, Letter of Transmittal, and Affidavit etc., as indicated in the
NIT. The bidder will also submit the Scanned copies of the above documents in the portal. However,
the Committee will evaluate the techno-commercial part based on the hard copy submitted by the due date. If
any of requisite documents is not found in the hard copy, the same may be evaluated based on the soft cop-
ies submitted in the portal except the original copies of EMD, Cost of Tender document etc. In no case, Price
Bids shall be submitted in hard Copy.

i) If any discrepancy is noticed between the Minimum Eligibility documents as uploaded at the time of submis-
sion of Bid and hard copies as submitted physically in the office of Tender Inviting Authority by due date and
time, the evaluation will be done on the basis of uploaded documents only. However, if any requisite docu-
ment is not found in hard copy, the same may be referred from the uploaded document in the Portal.

j) Clarifications, if any required to be sought on the submitted documents may be obtained through email or
through portal regarding eligibility of agencies.

k) Tenderer / Bidders should submit / upload in the Portal, the entire NIT document, digitally signed along with
all corrigendum / addendums, if any published later on, as it is downloaded from the Portal, as a token of ac-
ceptance, in the appropriate given cover only.

l) The Tenders shall be valid for a period of One (01) months from the date of opening of the Tender or any ex-
tension thereto.

m) Tender document in which the Tender is submitted by a Tenderer shall become the property of the Employer
and the Employer shall have no obligation to return the same to the Tenderer.

n) In any case the LD clause becomes inevitable and imposed by the department; the bidder will not be allowed
to participate in any of the bidding process for a period of One month from the date of imposition of such


Page 16 of 23
a) In case of any grievances / dispute w.r.t the integrity pact / tendering process, you may approach the inde-
pendent External Monitors as per details given below and any other grievances related to tendering process-
es / procedures should be addressed only to the IEMs only and not through any other channel

b) Independent External Monitors (IEMs):

1.Shri R. Mukundan, IRPS (Retd),

E-mail: [email protected]
2. Dr. Sarat Kumar Acharya, (Retd.)
Email: [email protected]

(a) The contractor shall obtain license under the Contract Labour Act and rules framed thereunder or other act /
rules as applicable, before commencement of the work and continue to hold a valid license till completion of
the contract period. The sites where the work is being executed are liable for inspection by Labour Officers /
Labour Enforcement Officers or any other competent authorities. All site documents relating to labour em-
ployment as envisaged in the concerned rules / regulations / act shall be maintained by the contractor. De-
fault in maintaining documents will entail penal action as per the relevant Act / rules / regulations, as the
case may be. All other amenities authorized as per rules shall also be provided to the staff employed by the
(b) The contractor shall comply with the provision of the payment of Wages Act 1936. Minimum Wages Act
1948, Employment Liability Act 1938, Workmen Compensation Act 1923, Industrial Disputes Act 1947, and
the Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 or the modifications thereof and the rules made there under from time
to time.
(c) The contractor shall maintain the following registers as per the Contract Labour Act:-
(i) Register of workmen as per form XIII of Rule 75.
(ii) Register of wages as per form XVI of Rule 78.
(iii) Employment Card as per form XIV of Rule 76.
(iv) Muster Roll Register as per form XVII of Rule 78.
(v) Any other register / record required by the Labour Commissioner from time-to-time.

22. Chief Construction Engineer (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh, DRDO will not be responsible for any injury or
loss of life of any of the contractor’s personnel that may take place while on duty. Any compensation or expendi-
ture towards treatment for such injury or loss of life shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor.


23. Termination of Contract: If the performance of the contractor is not found satisfactory or due to violation of
terms and conditions by the contractor, he may be issued notice by the CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh or
his rep i.e., the Estate Manager for termination of the contract. If satisfactory improvement is not found either by
the CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh or his authorized representative, even after issue of this notice, a final
one-month notice will be served on the contractor to terminate the contract without prejudice to any rights ac-
crued to either party prior to such termination. The date for the 30 days’ notice will commence on the date of is-
sue (date of signature by the issuing authority) of such letter irrespective of the date of receipt by the recipient.
During the period of notice, both the parties shall continue to discharge the respective duties and obligations.
Failure to deliver the obligations by the contractor during such period will entail forfeiture of the security deposit
and execution of balance work at the risk and cost of the said contractor. If necessary, the contract could be
terminated forthwith in case of any lapse of serious nature committed either by the contractor or his em-
ployees. The decision of the CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh shall be final and binding.

24. Part Closure of Work Order: If need arises for part closure of the work order / contract for specific period as
decided by the CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh, due to admin or other reasons like special repairs, addi-
tions / alterations, etc., the CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh reserves the right to reduce the staff strength
Page 17 of 23
and the contract amount on pro-rate basis. Other charges, like payments, etc. shall be worked out proportionate-
ly, and shall also be deducted from the monthly bill accordingly. The decision of the CCE (R&D) Estates, North
Chandigarh is final and binding in this regard. No representation will be entertained in this regard.

In case any / all services covered under the work order also need to be curtailed or suspended due to any
reason, for a period to be communicated in writing by the CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh, commensurate
rates as per admin approval including other charges and payments as applicable will be deducted from the
monthly bill of the contractor. The contractor shall have no objection, whatsoever in this regard. The decision of
the CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh shall be final and binding.

25. Closure by Mutual Agreement: In case of any administrative or technical reasons, natural calamities, force-
majeure or any other issue which necessitates closure of any O&M work or either of the parties which desire
foreclosure of work shall serve one-month notice to the other party stating the reasons for such closure. During
the notice period, both parties shall discharge their obligations without fail. Necessary handing / taking over of
assets shall be done at the end of the notice period. In case the Accepting Officer desires further extension due
to any of the above reasons, the contractor shall accept such demand of the Department by which time, alternate
arrangements as required shall be made by the Department to take over the assets. In such eventualities, the
decision of the accepting officer shall be final and binding.

26. Liquidated damages: In the event of the failure of the contractor to execute the work within the time allowed or
in the event of the said work not conforming to the specification and requirements of the Government, the Gov-
ernment shall in addition to other remedies open to the Government be entitled to the refund on any payment
made to the contractor in whole or in part as it thinks fit and / or to cancel the Agreement. In the event of cancel-
lation of the Agreement due to non-supply or non-acceptance of the work, the contractor shall in addition be lia-
ble to pay to the Government a sum as may be mutually agreed to whether any loss to the Government has re-
sulted there from or not. Such sum shall normally be 4% of the value of the stores which were to be supplied, in
case the entire contract is cancelled, or the stores in arrears in case the part contract is cancelled.

27. Failure to execute / perform the obligatory works becoming L1 tenderer:

a) The L1 tenderer is bound to accept the tender and execute / perform the work as envisaged in the tender
documents. In case of unwilling to perform / execute the work or withdraw his L1 offer due to any reason in-
cluding incorrect / wrong quoting. The Firm will be debarred to participate in any future tender for a minimum
duration of one year or period as decided by accepting authority.

b) A part from the above, the complete EMD amount will be forfeited and the same will be deposited into Gov-
ernment treasury accordingly. No representation will be entertained in this regard. The decision of the accept-
ing authority is final and binding.

28. Force Majeure Clause:

a) Neither party shall bear responsibility for the complete or partial non-performance of any of its obligations, if
the non-performance results from such Force Majeure circumstances as Flood, Fire, Earth Quake and other
acts of God as well as War, Military operations, blockade, Acts or Actions of State Authorities or any other
circumstances beyond the parties control that have arisen after the conclusion of the present contract.

b) In such circumstances the time stipulated for the performance of an obligation under the Contract is extended
correspondingly for the period of time commensurate with actions or circumstances and their consequences.

c) The party for which it becomes impossible to meet obligations under the Contract due to Force Majeure con-
ditions, is to notify in written form to the other party of the beginning and cessation of the above circumstanc-
es immediately, but in any case, not later than 10 (Ten) days from their commencement.

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d) Certificate of a Chamber of Commerce (Commerce and Industry) or other competent authority or organiza-
tion of the respective country shall be considered as sufficient proof of commencement and cessation of the
above circumstances.

e) If the impossibility of complete or partial performance of an obligation lasts for more than 6 (six) months, ei-
ther party hereto reserves the right to terminate the Contract totally or partially upon giving prior written notice
of 30 (thirty) days to the other party of the intention to terminate without any liability other than reimbursement
on the terms provided in the agreement for the goods received.

29. Handing / Taking Over:

a) The contractor shall on receipt of work order take over the systems (assets / facilities / infrastructure / equip-
ment etc.) in serviceable and running conditions signing of proper handing / taking over documents.

b) Similarly, on expiry of period of the contract, he shall hand over all the systems in serviceable / running condi-
tion to the succeeding contractor / department. The contractor at his own cost shall provide the deficiencies /
shortcomings and carry out all repairs / maintenance required for the purpose.

30. Expenses for Tender Preparation:

For the preparation and submission of tender, tenderer shall Not be entitled to any cost expenses or other claims
whether or Not the tender is accepted, rejected or, invitation to tender withdrawn or cancelled.

31. Incomplete Tenders

The scope of work, terms and conditions and other details have been specified in the tender documents.
Tenderer shall prepare and submit his tender keeping in mind the completeness of works indicated on tender
documents. Any tender Not quoting for the complete work as per tender documents or is otherwise incomplete or
is Not in compliance with the tender documents shall be liable to rejection.

32. Amendments to Tender Documents

CCC (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh shall have the right to amend delete / add to the various provisions in
the tender documents or withdraw / cancel the invitation to tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. The
amendments / errata issued by the owner shall be read carefully in conjunction with the tender documents and
shall be submitted along with tender documents as a part thereof. The contract price / rate / amount shall be
deemed to have been worked out taking into account amendment / errata also.

33. Acceptance of Tender by CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh

CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh shall Not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender or to assign
reasons for Non acceptance of any Tender. CCC (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh also reserves the right to
accept a tender either in whole or in part. Breakup of prices / items rates shall be binding on the tenderer even in
the case of acceptance of a tender in part

34. Tender Not To Resile

Tenderer shall Not resile from this technical, commercial and price offer. Should the tenderer resile from his
tender in any manner whatsoever the tender submitted by him shall be liable to rejection. Tenderer shall be
allowed to revise his offer only if specifically, so requested by the owner.

35. Notice to Local Authorities during Execution

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The contractor shall be responsible for giving all necessary notices to the local authorities while the work is in
progress. He shall also be responsible for the adequate lighting at any place and clear any heap of materials or
other obstacles which may be dangerous or nuisance to the public.

36. Arbitration: In the event of any dispute / difference arising under the work order / contract (except the clause on
any matter, the decision of which is specially provided for) shall be referred to the Chief Executive (Civil Works &
Estates), DRDO HQ, New Delhi for arbitration whose decision will be final and binding on both. The arbitrator
shall be appointed by the CE (CW&E), HQ DRDO / RD-28. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding
on the parties. The arbitrator shall be entitled to extend the time of award by consent of the parties from time to
time. The venue or arbitration will be at the discretion of the arbitrator. Subject as aforesaid, the arbitration Act
1940 and the Rules there under, any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force, shall be deemed
to apply to the arbitration proceeding under this condition. In case of any dispute, no other channel / mean shall
be exploited by the contractor unless the provisions provided above.

37. Stamp Duty: The stamp duty as applicable shall be payable only by the contractor.

38. Payment of Minimum Fair Wages (MFW):

(a) All statutory payments shall be responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall pay his employees, the
rate of Minimum Fair Wages (MFW) as approved by Government of India Min of Labour & Employment or
as approved by the local authorities for the respective area of work being executed, whichever is higher,
and as per Rules and Acts as amended by Government from time to time. If the minimum wages are re-
vised by Government of India Min of Labour & Employment, the incremental wages, if applicable will be
paid and contract value will be amended accordingly.

(b) The MFW shall comprise of basic rate and variable dearness allowance (VDA) and no other factor. The
change in variable DA announced (generally every six months) during the currency of the work order shall
also be payable to the employees which will be paid by department as applicable.

(c) The payment registers and other documents as specified by the governing authorities shall be maintained
by the contractor. Default on payment of MW will lead to cancellation of the contract. In case of default, the
contractor shall be liable for penalty and legal actions by competent labour authorities as per rules.

(d) The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Payment Wages Act, Minimum Wages Act, Bonus
Act, Employment Liability Act, Workmen Compensation Act, Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Maternity Bene-
fits Act 1961 and the Contract Labour (R&A), Bonus Act or the modification / amendments thereof and
other laws relating thereto and the rules made thereunder from time to-time.

Note:- The minimum wages for all maintenance services including Conservancy & Area Clearance
and Arboriculture services to be paid by the contractor to the employees shall be as per
Government of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment Order category for “Construction or
Maintenance of Roads or Runways or in Building Operations Including laying down Underground
Electric, Wireless, Radio, Television, Telephone. Telegraph and Overseas Communication cables
and Similar Other underground Cabling work. Electric Lines. Water Supply Lines and Sewerage
Pipe Lines.”

The above note will be applicable for all maintenance work services including conservancy, area
clearance and arboriculture.

39. Any lapse in this regard may lead to temporary / permanent de-enlistment or ban as decided by the Enlisting Au-
thority. The decision of the Enlisting Authority is final and binding on the contractor. No representation in this re-
gard will be entertained. In case of any injury / loss of life to the contractor’s staff inside or outside the Laborato-
ries / Establishment, it shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor in respect of payments towards any
treatment or compensation or legal matters arising therefrom. The payment towards the group insurance shall
also be made by the contractor.
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40. Any loss, theft or damage occurring due to any security lapse of the contractor’s staff / guards will be made good
by the contractor. Decision of the CCE (R&D) Estates, North Chandigarh, shall be final and binding on the con-
tractor in this regard.

41. Technical Examination of Works: All works are subjected to technical examination by the Technical Examina-
tion and Design Cell (TEDC) of DRDO, New Delhi. All documents as required and as demanded by the inspect-
ing officer shall be produced for verification. Observations raised by the inspecting officer shall be attended to by
the contractor immediately. Recovery, if any, due to default or other reasons shall be payable by the contractor
immediately. The same shall be deducted from the monthly bills, as and when due or from any other dues and in
case the said contract is completed the recovery is made from the security deposit.

42. Mode of reimbursement / payment of EPF, ESI & BONUS: Statutory payments like EPF, ESI & Bonus bills
could be reimbursed / paid along with the monthly / regular bill on the production of relevant documents showing
the payment done to respective payees. These bills could also be reimbursed in single supplementary bill of
maximum 03 months along with all the necessary documents. Necessary pre-receipted bills will be submitted by
the contractor in triplicate along with the claim form IAFA-68 with all related documents like Form- ‘C’ and Form -
‘D’ etc. as required by the Department.

43. CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh reserves the rights:

(a) To postpone / change / cancel the above-mentioned date, modify the terms and conditions include new
items and conditions, split and distribute the work amongst more than one agency etc. in the interest of the
Project (s) / Department, without assigning any reason whatsoever.

(b) To ask for further clarifications etc. any time, as and when required.

(c) To cancel the Advt. / Enlistment of the Agency against the above Tender, anytime without assigning any
reason whatsoever for which no claim on any ground shall be entertained.

(d) To verify the particulars furnished by the tenders independently, if any information furnished by the tenderer
is found incorrect at any stage, the agency shall be liable to be debarred from tendering / cancellation order
including imposition of penalty, any other action is deemed necessary.

(e) To accept or reject any or all the applications received, as its own discretion, without assigning any reasons
whatsoever for which no claim on any ground shall be entertained. Additional conditions put forth by the
agencies, shall be summarily rejected.

44. Engineer-in-Charge: Generally, the Estate Manager of the concerned EMU (R&D) shall function as Engineer-in-
Charge for all the O&M works, unless specified otherwise. They must ensure the following:

(a) Operation & Maintenance of all O&M works as per contract condition and as per general enquiry practice.
(b) Monitor / maintain attendance, deployment of labour, ensure quality of work etc.,
(c) Ensure firmly payment of wages and EPF, ESI, Bonus etc. to labour as per contract condition / statutory
(d) Issue notices to the contractor in case of failure of payment of wages by contractor or payment not made
as per minimum fair wages and other provisions given in the contract.
(e) Surprise check of works.
(f) Planning and execution of various checks and balances as per rules / periodicity.
(g) Obtain bills from contractor along with supporting documents as listed, in time and forward to CCE for
(h) Thorough check of all bills and supporting documents including checking of online payment of EPF, ESI,
GST etc.,
(j) He will be the overall in-charge of execution of all O&M works matters in consultation with CCE or his rep.
(k) Preparation and submission of replies to CTE / Test audit and other agencies when required.
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A. Qualification / Skill Levels:

a) Skill level certificates of all persons employed shall be submitted to the department on award of contract.
The following is the minimum desired educational qualifications and experience for the personnel con-
tractor’s personnel at site: -
Ser. Designation Skill Level Qualifications / Experience in Relevant Field
Conservancy & Area Clearance Services
1. Supervisor Semi-Skilled 10th with 03 Years or 05 years in similar field and educated
enough to maintain the records etc.
2. Sanitization Staff Un-skilled Should be physically fit for disposal of duty

B. Duties and Responsibilities:

1. The contractor shall provide the required manpower for Conservancy & Area Clearance Services as per the
work order.

2. Cleaning of terraces and rain-water pipes of leaves etc, periodically, to eliminate accumulation of water on
terrace in the residential areas shall be done monthly.

3. Vegetation over walls, terraces, around water tanks, over chhajjas, plinths and circulation areas around the
buildings to be cleaned.

4. Cleaning of common staircase in multi-storeyed building to be done weekly.

5. Vegetation along road sides up to the Boundary limit to be cleaned monthly and garbage to be disposed at
specified locations. The frequency of cleaning may be increased by the Estate Manager or his authorized rep-
resentative during the monsoon season for which no extra amount will be claimed by the contractor.

6. All the roads under preview shall be cleaned daily.

7. The common garages to be cleaned weekly. The vegetations in courtyard and around the water tanks of
common area to be cleaned.

8. Any public Toilet which are under purview of the contract to be cleaned daily with required cleaning items.

9. Removal of wild vegetation by manual Labour as well as by earth moving Machines / Equipment / Vehicle.

10. Cleaning of Grass and removal of the rubbish, malba etc. including its disposal and transportation up to a
lead of five (5) hundred meters outside the DRDO complex / earmarked place by Municipal Corporation / re-
spective municipal authorities or as directed by Engineer in Charge. Payment to Local Municipal Authorities, if
applicable for disposal of the said waste, rubbish, malba, shall however be made directly by the concerned
EMU only.

11. Levelling of vital areas and surroundings.

12. The removed wild vegetation would be thrown / disposed-off by the contractor sufficient away from the DRDO
Residential Estates. The responsibility for disposal would be entirely of the contractor.

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13. The responsibility of servicing / maintenance / consumables required for the smooth and effective Area
Cleaning Services would be of the contractor.

14. The tools and wood cutting / grass removal implements like Kassi, Panji, Talwar, Ganthi, and Khurpa etc.
would be kept by the contractor in his store in sufficient no. to meet the requirements.

15. The execution of the work will be informed by the contractor to the office of the concerned EMU (R&D).

16. Garbage shall be removed from bins provided at locations in the residential and other areas and transporta-
tion of the garbage for final disposal either by incineration or dumping and levelling in the low-lying area ear-
marked by the Estate manager or Laboratories / Establishments, all as directed. Temporary dumping of gar-
bage shall be done at an appropriate place and to be disposed at certain intervals. Hygiene and sanitation of
these dumping areas shall be ensured by proper spraying of chemicals / disinfectants of approved type to
avoid mosquito breeding.

17. Hygiene chemicals like Phenol, Naphthalene balls, Odonil, bleaching powder, room spray etc. shall be used
for the cleaning of toilets etc and the toilets shall be sanitized with these hygiene chemicals on day to day ba-
sis. Hygiene Chemicals shall also be sprayed around the garbage bins after clearing the bins.

18. All safaiwalas including the supervisor where sanctioned and provided shall wear the apron. The apron may
be of cotton or any other material suitable to the season. Raincoats shall be provided by the contractor for
performing the duties during rainy season.

19. No worker shall be less than 18 years of age to be employed. Contract Manager will be responsible for exe-
cution of day to day work. The services shall be provided six days in a week. Holidays can be observed as
per rules and at the discretion of CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh or Estate Manager based on the lo-
cal requirements.

20. Cleaning & Sweeping of roads

(a) After Sweeping, refuse will be collected and deposited in the garbage bins provided at suitable places.
Refuse/Waste in no case will be left open to wind by the side of road. The conservancy staffs shall at no cost,
burn any garbage or leaves or wood etc. They should be properly disposed off. The rate quoted shall be
deemed to include the transportation charges including additional manpower for the above trips.

(d) The removal of garbage shall be carried out by the contractor on a working day. Environmental control,
hygiene and other control of buildings, including removal of wild growth along the berm of the road and
maintenance of roads and pavements, shall be carried out as per directions of Estate Manager or his
authorized rep.

(e) As and when required, in addition to the routine task, cleaning of surroundings of important institutional
buildings and removal of wild grass / weed within the compound area of these buildings shall also be done
periodically. Removal of fallen branches / trees shall also be done.

(f) Removal and disposal of dead animals like cats, dogs, pigs etc, shall be done as and when required.

(g) Contractor shall empty all garbage bins at least thrice in a week and sprinkle DDT powder / other chemical to
disinfect around the garbage bins. No separate charges will be admissible on this account.

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