Dead Lift
Dead Lift
Dead Lift
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T he word deadlift references one of man’s oldest
movements; picking up a static object from the
ground. Even today man cannot get away from the
functional task on an almost daily basis. Much like the squat,
the deadlift exercise has several variations but differs in the
prime mover. The traditional deadlift is a connector; opti-
mizing the kinetic chain that links knee and hip extension
across a stable trunk in an effort to raise the load uniformly.
Unfortunately, many individuals lack flexibility in the hip
extensors, which promotes a round back from a posterior
fact that the load does not change its location. During the pelvic tilt; further perpetuated by central weakness. During
squat exercise the resistance is moved around the body to the initial pull, strong quads and weak internal stabilizers
change the muscle activation emphasis, whereas in the dead - cause leg extension without equal hip extension as the spine
lift the body makes the adjustments around the load. The bends rather than remaining rigid, resulting in the round back
three most common exercise variations include the position. A common adjustment to trunk weakness is to sit
traditional deadlift, modified deadlift, and Romanian deadlift; down in an attempt to squat lift rather than pull the load up.
all of which use a straight bar as the requisite loading The low hips provide mechanical advantage to the spine by
medium. Of interest, each of these exercises can be further placing more load on the hips. This often causes a lifter to
manipulated to produce a more specialized, desired stress by drag the weight against the shins; a painfully incorrect
changing the loading conditions (i.e., dumbbells), hand technique. In fact, and to the contrary, if the deadlift is
positions, and symmetry of the lift. performed correctly the weight cannot touch the shins
The traditional deadlift comes from the Olympics, because there is no posterior horizontal movement.
representing the first pull of the clean and jerk. This explains The deadlift is a vertical displacement movement
why the foot location is similar to the front squat and the suggesting the resistance rises up linearly. Therefore
hand position is the same as a push press or split jerk. The activities that promote vertical movement will optimize the
exercise is often thought of as a hamstring or back exercise efficiency of the lift. The vertical jump is one such action.
due to the discomfort often experienced in these areas, but Concurrent hip and knee extension are primary drivers
the truth is the deadlift should not be referenced as to a consistent of all vertical power movements. That being said,
an easy way to determine the correct starting position for the released on impact. It is actually better to use a slight pause
deadlift is to practice the counter movement vertical jump. and assure proper start position for each lift. For this reason
The eccentric or bottom phase of the counter movement the exercise tends to be programmed at lower rep schemes as
action is the actual starting position of the lift for many stability fatigue can lead to back injury. Since the weak link
individuals; variations exist as limb lengths are not consistent in the kinetic chain is always the back due to the joint
among humans but the effort will certainly encourage dynamics the determination of volitional failure should
posterior hip displacement with appropriate (shoulders over center on back position.
bar) trunk position. The resistance should be held above the When exercisers cannot manage the traditional deadlift
distal portion of the shoe laces. When establishing the proper due to tightness, weakness and/or poor muscular balance the
hand position, the arms should hang under the shoulder with exercise can be adjusted or “modified” to promote a
a pronated hand grip for Olympic style deadlifts; many people mechanical advantage. The modified deadlift uses a back
use an alternate grip to make it easier to hold the bar. From squat stance width which changes the stress on the trunk
a lateral view the shoulder to hip to knee position should look rather considerably. The modified position makes it easier
like the open mouth of an alligator, with the start energy in because 1) the wider base makes it more stable and shortens
the hip. The back will be straight and roughly angled at 45-50 the ROM, 2) it allows the hips to access the glutes and
degrees. A common error is a back position parallel to the adductors (global movers) rather than trunk muscles (local
ground or extended vertically like a squat. Once the start and global stabilizers) for added mechanical advantage, and
position is properly established, the deadlift is accelerated 3) reduces hamstring stretch placing the pelvis in a more
with all muscle movements concentrically synergistic, mechanically advantaged position. The power lifters exag-
meaning no one part should move faster than the other. In gerate the stance even more, called a sumo deadlift position,
strength and conditioning environments the weight is often to increase all of these advantages. Due to the heel under
only moved concentrically and then ridden to the floor under shoulder position the arms will be located inside the knees
rapid flexion. In fitness, weights are not generally dropped so rather than outside as seen in the traditional lift. It is
the eccentric movement should be similar in speed and important to recognize the modified deadlift is not a squat
position to the concentric phase. but resembles the position a bit more due to the stance; the
The weight should be placed on the ground and should same jumping technique can be used for alignment of the
not be bounced into the next repetition. A common error is to body toward the start position. From a lateral view the
bounce the weight at the bottom of the movement to use alligator reference still applies, there is a greater temptation
momentum to add repetitions. But the body’s stability may be to squat the bar up from this position so instruction is key to
compromised as the intra-abdominal pressure may be create proper three section synergy. At first many lifters are
stronger using a squat tactic but the advantage is also the back should never be rounded under loaded conditions. The
limitation. Like all weight training it is far better bio- key to the Romanian deadlift is the location of the load in
mechanically and otherwise to employ and enforce proper reference to the base of support. Many people erroneously
technique from the start of the movement as faulty movement reach forward rather than pushing their hips backward. The
patterns promote mechanical inefficiency. difference between the two is where the load is placed. As
mentioned earlier in the deadlift the bar always moves up
The Romanian deadlift is the most unique of the three
and down in the same linear plane. When the bar moves
because it requires more isolated rather than coordinated
forward and crosses the toes the stress radiates to the low
action at the hip. Additionally, the exercise starts eccen-
back. When the bar stays over the shoe laces the stress is in
trically rather than concentrically. The Romanian deadlift,
the hips. Secondly, the depth is much more relevant to
like the traditional deadlift movement is limited by ROM in
loading than people realize. The shoulder joint should never
the hips, primarily the hamstrings. Because the knees are be lower than the hip joint. Such range will disconnect the
only slightly flexed the hamstrings are lengthened. Therefore functional force couples and make the exercise a low back
one must have adequate hamstring range of motion to activity rather than a hamstring exercise. Trying to use the
perform the exercise correctly. The movement starts from an exercise to attain a stretch is not appropriate when it goes
upright, heels under hip stance. It is initiated by hip flexion beyond safe/effective ROM. Only if the individual performing
with concurrent knee flexion. Once the knees reach the exercise is short in stature will they need to stand on a
approximately ten degrees of flexion they should be located platform to get the requisite ROM. For most people the back
over the heels; the knee joint angle should then be is already overtrained and out of balance with the abdomi-
maintained during the full descent. If the knees continue to nals; incorrect Romanian deadlifts will perpetuate rather
flex it is often a sign of poor hamstring ROM. A recurring than improve this condition. Romanian deadlifts performed
common error is the round back position which may be from incorrectly place undue stress in the low back and per-
poor hip ROM, lack of trunk strength or poor technique. The petuate low back problems.
Round Back
Romanian Romanian
Deadlift (Start) Deadlift (End)
CEU Quiz
1. With regard to load, which of the following is one of the 8. During the proper performance of the deadlift exercise, the
primary differences between the deadlift and the squat? angle of the back in the starting position should be roughly
a. The location of the load does not change during the _________.
deadlift a. 30-40 degrees
b. The location of the load during the squat is always the b. 45-50 degrees
c. 60-70 degrees
c. Heavy loads cannot be used during the squat
d. 90 degrees
d. Light loads must be used during the deadlift
9. Which of the following are ways in which the “modified”
2. According to the article, the three most common deadlift deadlift can help an exerciser who cannot properly perform
variations are: the traditional deadlift?
a. Single leg deadlift, physioball deadlift, Romanian deadlift
a. The wider base makes it more stable because it shortens
b. Modified deadlift, single leg deadlift, hack deadlift ROM
c. Traditional deadlift, modified deadlift, Romanian deadlift b. It allows hips to access the glutes and adductors rather
d. Deadlift swing, physioball deadlift, traditional deadlift than trunk muscles
c. It reduces the stretch in the hamstrings, placing the
3. The deadlift exercise is commonly mislabeled as a/an pelvis in a more mechanically advantaged position
__________. d. All of the above are correct
a. connector exercise
b. upper back exercise 10. In order to perform the Romanian deadlift correctly, one
c. low back exercise must have adequate ____________ .
d. stabilizer exercise a. range of motion in the hamstrings
b. range of motion in the quads
4. A rounded back position during the performance of the c. pectoralis strength
deadlift exercise often results from _________.
d. gastrocnemius strength
a. a lack of flexibility in the hip extensors
b. an excellent range of motion in the hips
c. excess muscle mass in the upper back
d. a resistance that is too light
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