Islamiat Tesr Week 2 Conrent

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Early Preaching:

- The revelation stopped for a while which really worried Rasulullah.

- Meanwhile, he privately preached the message of Allah to his family and friends.

- Early converts were mostly slaves. But a few prominent people like Abu Bakr,
Uthman bin Affan and Zubair bin Al-awan accepted Islam.

- Ali and Khadija also accepted Islam.

- Command for public preaching came “warn your nearest kinsfolk” (26:214)

- Thus on the mount Safa, Rasulullah called various tribes on urgent basis and
asked them what they think about his honesty and truthfulness.

- To which they replied that in an affirmative. He then warned them against the
punishment if they don’t change their ways. He told them “Say that there is no
God except Allah, and you will be successful”

- Thus when Rasulullah gave them the message of Tauheed, they rejected it and
got angry.

- One such person who got angry was Abu Lahab, the uncle of the prophet. He
cursed the prophet.

- In retaliation to his words, Allah revealed an entire chapter “Surah Lahab”,

condemning his words and his disbelief and that of his wife who was also a
staunch enemy of the prophet.

Opposition and Persecution:

- The new faith and the increasing number of Muslims infuriated the Quraysh.

- They tried all means to crush this new religion and its followers.

- The slaves who accepted Islam were subjected to most torture.

- People like Bilal, Sumayya, Abu Ammar, Khabaab and others were subjected to
severe torture.

- Summaya became the first martyr in Islam. She was killed by Abu Jahl.

- Among the torturers were Abu Jahl, Umayya bin Khalaf, Utba bin Rabeah, Umar
bin Al-Khattab, Abu Lahab and his wife and others.
- Opposition and persecution was done through all means possible.

- This including propaganda of the Quraysh against Rasulullah and Muslims.

- Torture of slaves and even rich Muslims like Uthman bin Affan. The also tried to
offer a heavy price to Rasulullah to stop preaching Islam.

- Social boycott of Banu Hashim was done as well.

- But all of this persecution made Muslims stronger in their faith.

Reasons for opposition of Islam by Quraysh:

- Islam came to revolutionize the society and this was only possible if the
existing system is uprooted. Thus Quraysh were rigid to change.

- Islam preached the message of equality and justice. This was not acceptable
to Quraysh who wanted their superiority to be maintained.

- The basic of this new faith was Tauheed, which demanded from each individual
to surrender to Allah and not to associate partners with Him.

- Quraysh could not give up their ancestral practices to which they were closely

- They could not accept Muhammad as the messenger of Allah since he was a
human like them.

- They had the idea that if God were to send a messenger, it would have been an
angel or accompanied by an angel.
- Rivalry between Ummayad and Hashimites was so strong rooted that this
enmity stopped the Umayyad Clan from accepting Islam because Muhammad
was an Hashmite.

- They could not leave the social evils they were indulged in.

- Open condemnation of the existing system, made them hostile and not accept
- Quraysh were politically threatened by the new faith since they thought their
political superiority would vanish if Islam prevails.

- It was also a threat to the tribal system as it preached brotherhood.

- Islam was also a threat to their economic profits.

Migration to Abyssinia:
- When the persecutions inflicted by the infidels became intolerable, Prophet
(‫ )ﷺ‬advised the Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia.

- This event took place in the fifth year of prophet hood and a group of 15
Muhajirin (11 men and 4 women).

- Negus (Najashi) ruled Abyssinia and was a just ruler. He practiced Christian faith.

- Muhajirins also included Uthman and his wife Ruqayya (daughter of Prophet).

- These people emigrated secretly but when Quraysh got to know this, they sent
a delegation, headed by Suhail, with gifts to the Negus and requested him to
hand over the emigrants.

- Negus declined to do so after listening to an impressive speech of Jaffar bin

Abi Talib.

- His speech:

O King, we were a people in a state of ignorance and immorality,

worshipping idols, committing all sorts of abomination and shameful
deeds, breaking the ties of kinship, treating guests badly, and the
strong among us exploited the weak. We remained in this state until
Allah sent us a Prophet, one of our own people, whose lineage,
truthfulness, trustworthiness, and integrity were well-known to us. He
called us to worship Allah alone, and to renounce the stones and the
idols which we and our ancestors used to worship besides Allah. He
commanded us to speak the truth, to honor our promises, to be kind
to our relations, to be helpful to our neighbors, to cease all forbidden
acts, to abstain from bloodshed, to avoid obscenities and false
witness, and not to appropriate an orphan’s property nor slander
chaste women. Thereupon, O King, our people attacked us, visited the
severest punishment on us, to make us renounce our religion and take
us back to the old immorality and the worship of idols. They oppressed
us, made life intolerable for us, and obstructed us from observing our
religion. So we left for your country, choosing you before anyone else,
desiring your protection and hoping to live in Justice and in peace in
your midst.

- Quraysh came to Negus again this time claiming that Muslims are blasphemous
towards Esa (a.s).

- Negus called the Muslims again and this time Jafar bin Abi Talib recited some of
the verses from Surah Maryam.

- Reacting to this, tears rolled down the cheeks of Negus and he said “This Quran
and what Jesus brought came from the same niche” and then he allowed the
Muslims to live freely in his land and the Quraysh returned disappointed.
- The second migration to Abyssinia took place in the sixth year of Prophethood
after Muslims heard a rumor that Quraysh had accepted Islam.

- The rumor being false, more Muslims migrated to Abyssinia. This time 101
people, among which 83 men and 18 women.

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