BS en 61829 2016
BS en 61829 2016
BS en 61829 2016
European foreword
The text of document 82/1008/FDIS, future edition 2 o f IEC 61829, prepared by IEC/TC 82 “Solar
photovoltaic energy systems" was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and approved by
CENELEC as EN 61829:2016.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
E n d o rsem en t notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61829:2015 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards indicated:
BS EN 61829:2016
EN 61829:2016
Annex ZA
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE 1 When an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant
EN/HD applies.
NOTE 2 Up-to-date information on the latest versions of the European Standards listed in this annex is available here:
BS EN 61829:2016
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F O R E W O R D .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
IN T R O D U C T IO N ...................................................................................................................................................5
1 S c o p e ................................................................................................................................................................6
2 N orm ative re fe re n c e s ..................................................................................................................................6
3 T erm s and d e fin itio n s ..................................................................................................................................7
4 A p p a ra tu s ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
4.1 Irra d ia nce m ea surem e nts in natu ra l s u n lig h t............................................................................ 7
4.2 M odule te m p e ra tu re m e a s u re m e n ts ............................................................................................ 8
4.3 E le ctrica l m e a s u re m e n ts ................................................................................................................. 8
5 M easurem ent p ro c e d u re .............................................................................................................................9
5.1 C hoose and record a pp ro priate co nd itio ns fo r m e a s u re m e n t..............................................9
5.2 C lean the m o d u le s ............................................................................................................................ 9
5.3 C heck fo r s h a d in g ..............................................................................................................................9
5.4 C onfirm u n ifo rm ity o f irra dian ce o ver the te st a r r a y ............................................................. 10
5.5 M ount the refe ren ce d e v ic e .......................................................................................................... 10
5.6 P repare to m easure the a rra y te m p e ra tu re ..............................................................................10
5.7 D iscon ne ct the a rr a y ....................................................................................................................... 11
5.8 C on ne ct the m easurem ent system to the a rray to be m e a s u re d ......................................11
5.9 R ecord e le ctrica l data and m ea surem e nt c o n d itio n s .............................................................11
5.10 R ecord sp ectral d a ta .......................................................................................................................12
5.11 T ypical and extrem e m odule s e le c tio n ..................................................................................... 12
6 A n a ly s is ..........................................................................................................................................................13
6.1 A d ju st the m easured irra d ia n ce fo r any d eviatio n from reference c o n d itio n s ...............13
6.2 C om pute the average te m p era ture o f the a rray under te s t.................................................13
6.3 C om pute the ju n c tio n te m p e ra tu re ............................................................................................ 14
6.4 T ra n sla te the m easurem ent to the desired test c o n d itio n ................................................... 14
6.5 C orrect fo r soiling lo s s e s ..............................................................................................................14
7 T est re p o rt.....................................................................................................................................................14
Annex A (in fo rm ative ) R eference values and reference d e v ic e ............................................................ 16
A.1 R eference te st co nd itio ns (R T C )................................................................................................ 16
A .2 Standard te st cond itio ns (S T C )...................................................................................................16
A .3 R eference d e v ic e ............................................................................................................................. 16
B ib lio g ra p h y ..........................................................................................................................................................17
P H O T O V O L T A IC (PV) A R R A Y -
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To
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with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by
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2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
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3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
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4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications
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5) IEC itself does not provide any attestation of conformity. Independent certification bodies provide conformity
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6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
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8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
indispensable for the correct application of this publication.
9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may bethe subject of
patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
In te rn atio na l S tandard IEC 61829 has been prepared by IEC te chn ical co m m itte e 82: Solar
p h o to vo lta ic energy system s.
This second e dition ca nce ls and replaces the firs t e dition p ublished in 1995. T his edition
co n stitu te s a te chn ical revision.
This e dition includes the fo llo w in g sig n ific a n t te chn ical changes w ith resp ect to the previous
82/1008/FDIS 82/1041/RVD
Full inform a tion on the voting fo r the a pproval o f this standard can be found in the rep ort on
voting indicated in the above table.
T his p ub lica tion has been drafted in accorda nce w ith the ISO /IEC D ire ctives, Part 2.
The co m m itte e has decided th a t the co nte nts o f th is p ub lica tion w ill rem ain unchanged until
the s ta b ility date indicated on the IEC w eb site under " h ttp ://w e b s to re .ie c .c h " in the data
related to the sp ecific p ub lica tion . A t this date, the p ub lica tion w ill be
• reconfirm ed,
• w ithdraw n,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• am ended.
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The p erform an ce o f p h o to vo lta ic (PV) syste m s o ver th e ir deca de s-lo ng life tim e is determ ined
by com paring m easured pow er production w ith the expected production as e stim ated from
recorded w ea th er co n d itio n s. C ontinuous m easurem ents o f syste m - or subsyste m -leve l
ope ra ting o u tp u t can d e te ct und erpe rform in g a rrays but are not w ell suited fo r trackin g
degra da tion w ith any accuracy, or fo r ide ntifyin g the w ea kne sses or fa ilu re m odes th a t may
e xist w ithin the array. Field I-V curve m easurem ents o ffe r a pra ctical m ethod o f in situ
benchm arking or trou b le sh o o tin g fo r m odules, string s and arrays. This In te rn atio na l Standard
sp ecifies m ethods and a pp ro ach es fo r fie ld I-V curve m easurem ents and ca lcu la tio n s, and
includes guida nce fo r add re ssing the u n ce rta in tie s a ssociated w ith m ea surem e nt devices and
a rray co n fig u ra tio n s. C o n sisten t and proper a pp lica tion o f I-V curve m ea surem e nt p rocedures
helps to ensure th a t a PV syste m ’s p erform an ce is a d e q u a te ly ch aracte rize d o v e r tim e.
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P H O T O V O L T A IC (PV) A R R A Y -
1 Scope
This In te rn atio na l S tandard sp e cifie s procedures fo r o n-site m easurem ent o f fla t-p la te
p h o to vo lta ic (PV) a rray ch a ra cte ristic s , the a ccom panying m ete oro lo gica l co nd itio ns, and use
o f these fo r tra n sla tin g to standard te st c o n d itio n s (STC ) o r o th e r se lected co nd itio ns.
M easurem ents of PV a rray cu rre n t-v o lta g e (I-V ) c h a ra c te ris tic s u nder actua l o n -s ite cond itio ns
and th e ir tra n sla tio n to refe ren ce te st c o n d itio n s (R TC ) can provide:
For a p a rticu la r m odule, o n-site m ea surem e nts tran slate d to STC can be d ire ctly com pared
w ith results p re vio u sly obtained in a la b o ra to ry or fa c to ry fo r th a t m odule. C orre ctio n s fo r
d iffe re n ce s in the sp ectral or spatial response o f the reference devices m ay need to be
assessed as sp ecified in IEC 60904.
O n -site a rra y m easurem ents are a ffected by diode, cable, and m ism atch losses, so iling and
shading, degra da tion due to aging, and o the r unco ntro lle d effects. T he re fo re , th ey are not
expected to be equal to the pro du ct o f the num ber o f m odules and the resp ective m odule
2 Normative references
The fo llo w in g docu m e nts, in w hole or in part, are n o rm a tive ly referenced in this d ocu m e nt and
are ind ispe nsa ble fo r its a p p lica tio n . For dated references, o n ly the e dition cited app lie s. For
undated refe ren ces, the latest e dition o f the referenced docu m e nt (in clud ing any
a m endm ents) applies.
IEC 60891, P h o to vo lta ic devices - P ro ced ures fo r te m p era ture a nd irra d ia n ce c o rre ctio n s to
m e a su re d l-V ch a ra cte ristics
IEC 60904-2, P h o to vo lta ic d e vice s - P art 2: R eq uirem en ts fo r p h o to v o lta ic refe ren ce devices
IEC 60904-10, P h o to vo lta ic devices - P a rt 10: M eth od s fo r lin e a rity m ea surem e nts
For the purposes o f th is docum ent, the fo llo w in g term s and d e fin itio n s apply.
p yran o m eter
rad io m ete r n o rm a lly used to m easure glo ba l irra dian ce on a h orizontal plane
Note 1 to entry: A pyranometer can also be used to measure diffuse irradiance when used with a shade ring or
Note 2 to entry: A pyranometer can also be used to measure total irradiance on an inclined plane, which would
include radiation reflected from the foreground.
ra d io m eter
in stru m e n t fo r m easuring the in te n sity o f solar irradiance
Note 2 to entry: Commonly, a radiometer is a thermal instrument using thermocouples or thermopiles and is
independent of wavelength.
s p e ctro ra d io m ete r
in stru m e n t used to m easure sp ectral irra dian ce d is trib u tio n o f an in cid e n t radiation as a
fu n ctio n o f w avelength
4 Apparatus
The irra d ia n ce m ea surem e nts sh all be m ade using a PV refe ren ce device packaged and
ca lib ra te d in co nfo rm a nce w ith IEC 60904-2 or w ith a pyra no m e te r. PV refe ren ce devices
shall have sp ectral m atching addressed by one o f the fo llo w in g m ethods.
a) The refe ren ce device is sp e ctra lly m atched to the m odules in the a rra y under test.
b) A spectral m ism atch co rrectio n should be perform ed in co nfo rm a nce w ith IEC 60904-7.
The refe ren ce device shall be linear in s h o rt-c irc u it cu rre n t as defined in IEC 60904-10
o ver the irra dian ce range o f interest.
c) If spectral m ea surem e nts are not pra ctical, u nce rta intie s a ssociated w ith the irra dian ce
m easurem ent and sp e cific sensors used should be reported as part o f the analysis.
M easurem ents should be com pleted u nder c le a r-s k y c o n d itio n s w ith the nea re st clouds at
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least 15° from the sun and the se nso r m ounted in the plane o f the item s u nder te s t as
discu ssed elsew here.
To be co nside red sp e ctra lly m atched, a refe ren ce device shall be co nstructed using the sam e
cell te ch n o lo g y and enca psu la tio n package as the m odules in the a rra y u nder test. If th is is
not the case, the sp ectral m ism atch shall be reported or an estim a te o f the u nce rta inty shall
be m ade as part o f the analysis. S pectral m ism atch is o f p a rtic u la r concern w ith thin film
m odules.
For m odules that co nce ntra te su n lig h t w ith an o ptical co nce ntra tion ratio o f g re a te r than 3:1,
at least one rad io m ete r shall p rovide a co llim a te d m easure o f d irect norm al irradiance
(IEC 6 0904-4).
The te m p era ture o f the refe ren ce device shall be m easured using instru m e n ta tio n with an
accuracy o f ±1 °C w ith re p e a ta b ility o f ±0,5 °C. If the refe ren ce device has internal co rrectio n
fo r te m p era ture or if the refe ren ce device is a p yra no m e te r w ith a te m p era ture c o e ffic ie n t
< 0,02 % /°C, te m p era ture m easurem ent is not required. H ow ever, the m ounting o f a
th e rm o p ile shall be co n siste n t w ith the co nd itio ns used fo r c a lib ra tin g it.
A suitab le m eans is required to check that the refe ren ce device and the m odules are co plan ar
w ith in ±2° accuracy.
NOTE A digital level or other calibrated device can be used to confirm coplanar modules.
An add itio na l p yra no m e te r is required fo r checking the u n ifo rm ity o f the in-pla ne radiance.
This rad io m ete r shall p rovide a sta ble o utp ut, but need not be ca lib ra te d since it is o n ly used
fo r relative m easurem ents.
The te m p era ture o f the m odule backsheets o f the a rra y under te s t shall be m easured using
instru m e ntatio n w ith an accuracy o f ±1 °C w ith re p e a ta b ility o f ±0 ,5 °C. It is recom m ended to
m ech an ically a tta ch a fla t th erm al se nso r w ith fin e leads d ire c tly to the backsh ee t in the
m iddle o f a m odule and at le a st 10 cm from any ju n c tio n box, but opp osite an active part of
the m odule. T he a tta ch m e n t m ethod should not change the te m p era ture o f the m odule, as
m ay be ide ntifie d by infrared im aging from the fro n t o f the m odule. An o ptical th erm om ete r
m ay be used o n ly if the b acksheet e m is s iv ity has been ca lib ra te d w ell enough th a t the optical
th e rm o m e te r accuracy is w ithin 1 °C. A handheld c o n ta ct th e rm o m e te r m ay be used only if it
has been ve rified th a t the a ccu ra cy is w ith in 1 °C.
NOTE Most handheld thermometers conduct heat into the handle of the thermometer causing a temperature
reading that is less than the actual backsheet temperature.
A se lf-co nta ine d I- V curve tracin g unit shall be able to accom m o da te the a nticipa te d array
voltage, cu rren t, and pow er levels. The rate at w hich the unit sw eeps the curve should be fast
enough to avoid changes in irra dian ce during the curve but slow enough to ensure th a t the PV
m odules are achievin g steady state co n d itio n s. O ther e qu ip m en t suitab le fo r sw eeping the
a rray through a sig n ific a n t portion o f its I-V cu rve m ay be used though any lim ita tio n s with
resp ect to the above req uirem en ts shall be c le a rly stated in the m ea surem e nt report.
The I-V curve tracin g unit shall be able to m easure vo ltag es and cu rren ts w ith an accuracy of
±1 % o f the o p e n -circu it vo ltag e and s h o rt-c irc u it cu rre n t using ind ep en d en t leads from the
te rm in a ls o f the a rra y under te st and keeping all w ires th a t w ould add se ries resista nce as
sh ort as possible. If o n ly tw o leads are used, the e rro r introduced shall be included in the
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u n ce rta in ty a na lysis. The m ea surem e nt ranges o f the data a cq u isitio n should be c a re fu lly
chosen to m atch the array being m easured.
5 Measurement procedure
T he ideal co nd itio ns fo r an o utd oo r I-V curve te s t are cle a r skies (no clouds and no fo g ) and
little w ind. V a ria ble irra d ia n ce and w ind both intro du ce te m p era ture tra n sie n ts in the a rray that
confound the a ccu ra cy o f the m easurem ents. In p ractice, tim e and co ntractua l co nstrain ts
lim it the p eriods in w hich it is possible to perform a test. T herefore, it is the re s p o n s ib ility of
the p erson (s) cond uctin g the test to ensure th a t all tests are perform ed under the m ost stable
co n d itio n s possible, and th a t special attention is given to noting va ria b le irradiance, w ind, and
a rray te m p era ture s. For exam ple, even though irra d ia n ce during the course o f the I-V
m easurem ent does not va ry m ore than 2 %, it m ay be th a t the irra dian ce increased by 30 % in
the 5 m in leading up to the test, and th a t the a rra y te m p era ture m ay not have e qu ilibra ted
before the te st w as run.
R ecord the w ea th er co nd itio ns, q u a lita tive ly, and p e rio d ic a lly note when and how co nd itio ns
change over the period during w hich I-V curves are being taken. It is recom m ended to take a
picture o f the sky and record the tim e perio d ica lly.
NOTE This information is for identifying potentially erroneous data, and is not directly used in the analysis.
The cle a n lin e ss o f the m odule su rfa ces shall be c o n s is te n t w ith the inten t o f the test. The
state o f clea nline ss, w he th er o r not cleaning has been a ttem pted, shall be reported.
If the in te n t o f the te st is to d e te ct any possible d iffe re n ce s betw een fie ld e d m odules and
lab ora tory or fa cto ry m easurem ents, e ithe r
a) the a rray shall be cleaned th oro u g h ly im m e diately p rior to the m easurem ent, or
b) a rep re sen ta tive string shall be tested im m e diately p rior to and im m e diately a fte r a
th orou g h cleaning. The level o f soil on the a rray is dete rm ine d by com paring the results of
the string I-V te st before and a fte r the cleaning. Such an a ssessm en t o f so iling should be
conducted under ve ry sta ble irra dian ce co nd itio ns, and ca re should be taken to allo w the
s trin g ’s te m p era ture to fu lly sta b ilize a fte r the w ashing.
If the intent of the te st is to d ocu m e nt the p erform an ce o f the a rray in a soiled state, then no
cleaning is expected, but the soiled state shall be docum ented through such th ing s as
p ho tog rap hs and w e a th e r reco rd s defin in g the m ost recent rain.
V e rify that th ere is no shading o f the d irect beam co m p on en t o f irra d ia n ce on the a rra y under
te st and th a t the e nviro n m e nta l co n d itio n s m eet the req uirem en ts o f IEC 6 0904-1, w ith the
fo llo w in g excep tion : For m easurem ents to be e xtra po lated to STC (S tandard T est C onditions,
see Annex A), the to ta l in-plane irra dian ce shall be at le a st 700 W /m 2 and the in cid e n t sun
beam shall be w ithin a cone o f 45° fu ll-a p e rtu re angle around the m odule norm al.
T here m ay be tim es when it is d e sira b le to m easure an I-V curve when the a rray is p a rtia lly
shaded e ithe r by nearby o bjects o r se lf-sh a d in g . T his pro ced ure m ay be used fo r the
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m easurem ent procedure, but the co rre ctio n o f the shaded I-V curve to standard test
co n d itio n s is o utsid e o f the scope o f th is In te rn atio na l S tandard, since the m eaning o f the
standard co n d itio n s is unclear in this case.
U sing a su ita b le p yranom eter, check the u n ifo rm ity o f the in-plane irra dian ce o ver the area to
be tested as needed and se le ct a m odule on w hich the irra dian ce is typ ica l. This step is useful
if row -based array o rie n ta tio n s, fo r exam ple, crea te som e n o n -u n ifo rm ity in d iffuse irradiance.
P yra no m te r m ea surem e nts m ay be used to reveal va ria tio n s and se le ct the m odules with
irra dian ce th a t is m ost re p re se n ta tive of the irradiance on the total array. The choice o f these
selected m odules is based on the p rincip le and exam ple indicated in Figure 1. If the purpose
o f the I-V m ea surem e nts is to d ocu m e nt s ta b ility o f the a rray o ver tim e, then the u n ifo rm ity
need not be checked, but the geo m e try o f the te s t should rem ain c o n s is te n t to fa c ilita te
co n siste n t results.
S electin g a typ ical m odule m ay be stra ig h tfo rw a rd w hen m easuring a single string if the
m odules are all located in one row . C om biner box level m ea surem e nts include m odules that
span several rows, so u n ifo rm ity should be checked o ver the a pp lica ble row s. S electio n o f a
typ ical irra dian ce m odel m ay be lim ited by the length o f the pyra no m e te r conductors,
th e re fo re any va riatio n from w hat is co nside red typ ical should be noted in the report.
In the event that a p a rticu la r m odule or string is not a ccessible , such as in a com p lica te d roof-
m ounted system , and the m easurem ent is co nd ucte d from a com b in e r box, it is a ccep tab le to
place and o rien t the refe ren ce device in a pra ctical location th a t best a pp ro xim a tes the
co nd itio n o f the m odule or string . The u n c e rta in ty a ssociated w ith these m easurem ent
appro ach es shall be e valuated and included in the report.
M ount the refe ren ce device as near as possible to and c o -p la n a r w ith the m odule ide ntifie d in
4.4. The refe ren ce device should be placed such th a t no shade o f the d ire c t beam com ponent
o f irra d ia n ce is pre sen t on the device and any refle ction o r d iffuse shading is c o n siste n t w ith
the refle ction and d iffuse shading a pp aren t to the a rra y under te st. C onnect to the n ecessary
instru m e ntatio n.
The refe ren ce device shall be m ounted such th a t it is c o p la n a r w ithin ±2° o f the average
o rie n ta tio n o f the active su rfa ces o f the m odules under test.
If the m odules are not coplan ar, the choice o f irra dian ce plane o f m easurem ent shall be
described in the report. If the a rra y under te st has in co n siste n t a lig nm en t, separate
m easurem ents should be done fo r each subsection o f the array, a nd /or the v a ria b ility of
a lig n m e n t o f the a rra y should be noted in the report.
S e lect one o r m ore m odules w hose ope ra ting te m p era ture s are rep re sen ta tive o f the a rray
under test. The choice o f these selected m odules is based on the p rincip le and exam ple
indicated in Figure 1 and should be d eterm ined by m aking sam ple m ea surem e nts as fo llo w s:
For each selected m odule, attach the a p p ro p ria te th e rm o co u p le device in a t least one
NOTE 1 IEC 61853-1:2011. 8.3.1 recommends three locations to address non-uniformity within the module:
however, this may be impractical for large numbers of tests.
NOTE 2 In some cases it may be possible to recruit module temperature measurements from permanently
installed temperature sensors on module backsheets. If this is possible, it is important to synchronize all test
equipment clocks with the on-site data acquisition system and check to ensure that modules measured with such
permanently installed sensors are indeed representative of the array under test.
In the event th a t the backs o f the m odules are not accessible , such as in som e roof-m ounted
system s, it is a ccep tab le to m easure the te m p era ture from the fro n t o f the m odule or to use a
m odel fo r m odule te m p era ture th a t has been p re vio u sly va lid ate d. The u nce rta inty associated
w ith these m ea surem e nt appro ach es shall be evaluated and included in the report.
D iscon ne ct the a rra y to be m easured from any load such as b a tte ry o r pow er cond itio nin g
e quipm ent. If necessary, isolate the portion o f the a rra y to be tested by d isco nn ectin g
sw itche s and fuses as needed.
C onnect the va riab le lo a d //-K curve tracin g unit to the a rra y to be tested, co nside rin g the best
location fo r m easurem ent.
In general, the location o f the conn ectio n to the a rra y fo r vo ltag e and cu rre n t testing should be
c a re fu lly co nside red relative to the inten t o f the test.
If the in te n t o f the te st is to d ete ct possible d iffe re n ce s betw een the m odules on site and
lab ora tory or fa cto ry te st data, then the vo ltag e and cu rre n t m ea surem e nts should ta ke place
as close to the m odules as possible, w ith cabling and o th e r DC co m ponents betw een the
m odules at the p oint o f m easurem ent m inim ized.
If the intent o f the te st is to q u a n tify the pow er p erform an ce o f the array, then the ideal
location fo r te st is at the inputs to the in v e rte r or as close to the in v e rte r as can be accessed.
In the event th a t the te st e qu ip m en t ca nn ot a ccept the s h o rt-c irc u it cu rre n t o f the a rra y at this
level, then disco nn ects w ithin the a rray should be used to reduce the cu rre n t to the test
equipm ent.
It is p re fera ble to use I-V curve tracin g units th a t use a fo u r-te rm in a l m ea surem e nt m ethod.
S eparate co nn ectio ns fo r the cu rre n t and voltage m ea surem e nts e lim in a te the lead and
co nta ct resista nce from the m easurem ent. Use o f th is m ethod avoids the need to com pensate
fo r the se ries resista nce o f the te st w ires and co nn ectio ns, even with extended length cables.
R eport the point o f connection.
5.9 R ecord e lec trica l data and m easu rem en t con d itio n s
T he te m p e ra tu re and irra dian ce m easurem ents are conducted before and a fte r the I-V scan to
ve rify th a t th ey have not changed m ore than 1 °C or 0,5 %, resp ective ly. If slow (m anual) load
scanning is used, record Voc o f the reference d evice im m e diately p rio r to the I-V scan.
Scan the I-V curve by varying the load such th a t there w ill be a s u ffic ie n t n um ber o f points to
define a sm ooth I-V c h a ra cte ristic. If slow (m anual) load scanning is used (e.g. using a
rhe osta t as load), the irra dian ce m ust be recorded sim u lta n e o u s ly w ith each I-V p o in t to
obtain the irra dian ce, G, corresp on din g to th a t point. The to ta l v a ria tio n in radiance over the
w hole scan should be no m ore than 2 %. If not, repeat the scan. If a fa st load scanning device
such as a ca p a cito r load (total scan tim e less than 0,1 s) is used, it is s u ffic ie n t to record the
cu rren t o f the refe ren ce device at the s ta rt and end o f the scan.
If slow (m anual) scanning is used, rem easure the Voc o f the reference device. If th is value
d iffe rs by m ore than 1 % from the one obta ine d in 5.9 a), repeat the m easurem ent from there.
The sh o rt-c irc u it cu rre n t shall be m easured at zero voltage, using a va ria b le bias (pre fe ra b ly
e le ctron ic) to o ffs e t the vo ltag e drop across the e xterna l se ries resista nce . A lte rn a tiv e ly , sh ort
circu it cu rre n t m ay be e xtra po lated from the c u rre n t-v o lta g e c h a ra c te ris tic . The curve m ay be
e xtra po lated to ze ro vo ltag e provided that vo ltag e drop is not higher than 3 % o f the device
o p e n -circu it voltage and th a t there is a lin e a r re la tio n sh ip betw een cu rre n t and voltage.
Enough I-V pair m ea surem e nts should be taken during the sw eep to p rovide b ette r than 1 %
cu rre n t and voltage reso lu tio n at the m axim um pow er point.
If a pyra no m e te r or an unm atched refe ren ce d evice is used fo r irra dian ce m easurem ents,
perform a m ea surem e nt o f sp ectral irra d ia n ce using a sp ectrora diom e ter. D uring the period o f
m easurem ent, m ultiple sp e ctro ra d io m e tric scans should be com pleted to evalua te the s ta b ility
o f these m easurem ents. At a m inim um , the sp ectral irradiance m ust be m easured ju s t before
and ju s t a fte r the I-V curve is m easured.
W hen no spectral irra dian ce data are a va ila b le the m atch o f the refe ren ce device to the
specim en and the a ir m ass co nd itio ns should be checked ca re fully. M easurem ent should be
perform ed on a cle a r sunny day (no o bse rva ble clouds around the sun, w ith d iffuse co nte nts
o f so la r irra dian ce not h ig he r than 30 %). For th in film s, irra d ia n ce should be w ithin 20 % of
the refe ren ce irra dian ce (A nnex A).
Extrem e m odules are those th a t have m ore or less than average sky exposure o r cooling due
to th e ir location in the array, relative to the m ore ce ntral m odules. The a pp aren t sky
co nside ratio n is not related to d irect shade, but to the lim iting o f the m o d u le ’s view o f open
sky. C ooling is d ep en de nt on w ind d irectio n (and speed), loca tion w ithin co nve ction cells, and
w h e re ve r a ir m ovem ent is im peded by local o b stru ctio n s. T he refo re , the extrem e m odules are
those at ends o f row s, the bottom or top o f rows co nta ining m ore than 2 stacked m odules, etc.
C entral m odules are those centred both v e rtic a lly and h o rizo n ta lly to the e xte n t possible. See
Figure 1. S am pling o f m easurem ents using p yra no m e te rs and checking te m p era ture s is the
best basis fo r v e rifyin g the ce n tra l m odule se lection.
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6 Analysis
6.1 A dju st the m easured irrad ian ce fo r any d eviation from reference con d itio n s
U nless using a p yranom eter, co rre ct the m easured c u rre n t (or vo lta g e ) o f the irra dian ce
reference device using the fo llo w in g equation:
w here
• rR0 is the standard te m p e ra tu re o f the refe ren ce device fo r w hich its c a lib ra tio n value is
• 73 is the m easured te m p era ture o f the reference device;
• ^sro 's s h o rt-c irc u it cu rre n t (or vo ltag e outp ut) o f the reference device tra n sla te d to
the reference device te m p era ture fo r w hich the device has been ca lib ra te d , TR0\
• ^MR3 's m easured sh o rt-c irc u it c u rre n t (in m A or mV) (or vo ltag e o u tp u t) o f the
reference device at the m easured te m p era ture r 3;
• «R is the cu rren t (or vo ltag e) te m p era ture c o e ffic ie n t o f the refe ren ce device (in units
o f m A/°C or m V /°C ) w ithin the te m p era ture and irra dian ce range o f interest.
If a p yra no m e te r or unm atched refe ren ce device w as used as the refe ren ce device, ca lcu late
the e ffe ctive irra dian ce fo r the a rray under te st under the A M 1.5 sp ectrum (see IEC 6 0904-3)
using its sp e ctra l response data (ap ply IEC 60904-7).
T ake the average o f the central m odule te m p era ture m easurem ents as sp e cifie d in 5.6 and
use high and low values on the o u tlie r m odules to define the u n ce rta in ty fo r the report.
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A d ju s t the te m p era ture ca lcu late d in 6.2 fo r the d iffe re n ce betw een the actua l ju n c tio n
te m p era ture and the m easured b ack-of-m od ule tem perature. If the ju n c tio n te m p era ture has
not been m easured by a no the r technique, assum e th a t the te m p era ture d iffe re n ce is 2 °C fo r
1 000 W /m 2 and sca le lin e a rly this d iffe re n ce to the m easured irradiance.
C orrect the m easured cu rre n t-vo lta g e c h a ra c te ris tic to the desired irra d ia n ce and te m p era ture
co nd itio ns in accorda nce w ith IEC 60891 (for line ar d evices) using the irra d ia n ce and
te m p era ture values com puted in 6.1 and 6.3. For non- line ar devices, refe r to IEC 60904-10
fo r guida nce in dete rm inin g o ver w hat range the device can be co nside red to be linear. The
series resista nce value w ill e ith e r be given by the su p p lie r or d eterm ined by m easurem ent as
in IEC 60891.
If the m easured I-V curve show s e vid en ce o f va ria b le irra dian ce or va ria b le m odule
p erform an ce w ithin the array, evalua te the u n ce rta in ty a ssociated w ith the correction.
If expected as part o f the m easurem ent procedure, c o rre c t the m easured c u rre n t-v o lta g e
ch a ra cte ristic fo r any know n and q u a n tifia b le e ffe cts such as so iling . If the so iling level o f the
a rray w as m easured according to 5.2, increase the cu rre n t values by an am o un t e qu iva len t to
the so iling loss m easured.
It m ay be a dvisab le to co rre ct fo r w iring o hm ic losses as w ell if th ere are long cable runs
betw een the a rray under test and the te s t device. This can be done using standard resistive
values fo r the co n d u cto r and the cu rre n t m easured. It is not recom m ended to try to co rre ct fo r
m odule m ism atch o r degra da tion because m easurem ent e rro r m ay be s ig n ific a n tly larg e r than
the e stim ated losses them selves.
7 Test report
A te st re p o rt w ith m easured perform ance c h a ra c te ris tic s and te s t results shall be prepared by
the te st a ge ncy in accordance w ith ISO 17025. The te st rep ort shall contain the fo llo w in g
a) a title;
b) nam e and address o f the te st la b o ra to ry and location w here the tests w ere carried out;
c) unique id e n tifica tio n o f the rep ort and o f each page;
d) nam e and address o f client;
e) a d e scrip tio n and id e n tifica tio n of the a rray u nder test;
f) d e scrip tio n o f the te st e nvironm ent, including w e a th e r co nd itio ns, location and a lignm ent
o f se nso r and possible sources of refle ction and shading around the te st array. If the
m odules in the a rray are not coplanar, docu m e nt how the irra d ia n ce se nso r w as aligned
relative to the va riab le a lig n m e n t of the m odules;
g) date of insta lla tio n and date o f e ne rg izatio n o f a rra y under test, if know n;
h) d ate (s) o f test;
i) refe ren ce to sam pling procedure, w here relevant;
j) id e n tifica tio n o f ca lib ra tio n o f re le va n t equipm ent;
k) any d eviatio ns from , a dd itio ns to or e xclu sio n s from the te st m ethod, and any o the r
inform a tion re le va n t to a sp e cific test;
I) d e scrip tio n and id e n tifica tio n o f p rim ary a nd /or se co n d a ry refe ren ce device (cell or PV
m odule);
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m) id e n tifica tio n o f the m ethod fo r te m p era ture and irra dian ce co rrectio n o f the m easured
ch aracte ristic;
n) the q u a n tita tive co rre ctio n s th a t resulted from the te m p era ture and irra d ia n ce co rrectio ns;
o) te st results su pported by ta ble s and graphs, including irradiance level, te m p era ture s o f the
a rray u nder te st and refe ren ce device, m odule p aram eters used fo r co rrectio n o f the
cu rre n t-vo lta g e ch aracte ristic;
p) e ithe r the m ism atch co rre ctio n value used in the m easurem ent or an estim a te o f the e rro r
introduced by using the m ism atched refe ren ce device;
q) a sta te m e nt o f the e stim ated u n c e rta in ty o f te st results;
r) a sign ature and title, or e qu iva len t id e n tifica tio n o f the p erso n (s) a ccep ting re s p o n s ib ility
fo r the co nte nt o f the te st report, and the date o f issue;
s) a sta te m e nt to the e ffe ct th a t the results relate only to the a rray tested;
t) a sta te m e nt that the te st rep ort shall not be reproduced e xcept in fu ll, w ith o u t the w ritten
a pproval o f the laboratory.
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A n n ex A
(inform ative)
These are refe ren ce values o f a m b ie n t te m p era ture , in -p la n e irra dian ce and spectral
d is trib u tio n , sp ecified fo r pow er rating o f PV a rrays as d efined fo r the desired m easurem ent.
RTC are u su a lly standard te st co nd itio ns.
T hese are refe ren ce values o f m odule te m p era ture , in-pla ne irra d ia n ce and spectral
d istrib u tio n used fo r ind oo r (sim u la to r) m easurem ents:
A refe ren ce device is a s p e cia lly ca lib ra te d so la r cell, m u lti-ce ll package o r m odule w hich is
used to m easure irra d ia n ce and in this procedure to p rovide ju n c tio n te m p era ture reference.
For m ea surem e nts in natural su nligh t, when the d irect so la r beam is not at or near norm al
incidence, it is recom m ended to use a reference m odule o f the sam e type and size as those
being tested or a m u lti-ce ll package co nsisting o f a ca lib ra te d ce ll surrounded by o the r cells
(dum m y or rea l) in such a w ay th a t fram e, e nca psu la tio n system , shape, size and spacing are
the sam e as in the m odules being tested.
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ISO 17025, G e ne ra l req uirem en ts fo r the com petence o f te sting and c a lib ra tio n la b o ra to rie s
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