Fitting Introduction
Fitting Introduction
Fitting Introduction
Machine tools are capable of producing work a faster rate, but there are occasions when
components are processed at the bench. The term bench work refers to the production of
components by hand on the bench, whereas fitting deals with the assembly of matting parts,
through removal of metal to obtain the required fit. Both the bench work and fitting operations
consists of filling, chipping, sawing, drilling, tapping etc.
Bench vice b)Hand vice c)Pipe vice d)Pin vice e)Tool makers vice f)Leg-vice g)C- clamp
BENCH VICE:The bench vice is a work-holding device. It has two jaws one of which is fixed to
the bench and other slides with aid of square screw and a box nut arrangement. The outer end of
screw carries a handle. The jaws are made with hardened steel and body is cast iron or cast steel.
The working faces of jaws are serrated to give additional grip for holding. File is a cutting tool. A
file is hardened steel is a hardened steel tool, having slant parallel rows of cutting edges or teeth
on its surface on the faces. The one end of the file is shaped to fit into wooden handle. The hand
file is parallel in width double cut teeth on the faces, single cut on the one edge and no teeth on
the other edge, which is known as “safe edge”.
Fig:Bench Vice
Files are classified according to their shape, cutting teeth and pitch grades of teeth.
Hand file -------------- It is used for filing a surface, at a right angle to an already finished surface.
Flat file -------------------- Used for general filing
Square file------------ Used for slots and key ways.
Half round file----- Used for filing concave surfaces and internal corners.
1. Solid frame
2. Adjustable frame
The hack saw is used for cutting metal by hand. It consists of a frame. This holds a thin
blade, firmly in position. Hack saw blades have a number of teeth ranging 5 to 15 per
cm.. The teeth of Hack saw blade are staggered or bended alternatively are known as a set of
teeth. These make slots wider than the blade thickness, preventing the blade from jamming.
Hack saw blades are classified as
Fig:Hack Saw
Drills are cutting tools used for making holes. These are usually made of high speed steel tools.
Drills are two cutting edges and two helical grooves. The flute (grooves) admits coolants and
allows the chips in The shank of twist drill may either straight or taper.
A reamer is used to finishing a drilled hole to accurate size and to produce a good surface
finishing. It is made of HSS. They are two types of reamers.
1. Hand Reamer
2.Machine reamers
Chisel are used for removing extra material from the surface and cutting the sheets.These tools are
made up of from 0.9% to 1.0% carbon steel of octagonal or hexagonal. The cutting angle for the
chisel for general purpose is about 60 degree. The recommended angles for cutting different
materials at cold state.Alluminium-35 degrees Mild steel- 55 degrees Copper and brass- 40-50
degrees Cast iron 60 degrees cast steel 70 degrees.The chisels are specified by width of the
cutting edge. The most common used chisels are.
1. Flat chisel
2. Half round Chisel
3. Side chisel
4. Diamond point chisel
5. Cross cut chisel
SCRAPPERS: Scrapers are used for producing finished surface. It removes the surface
irregularities at selected spots on a surface hardened. The scrapers are made of tool steel. The
cutting edge is but not usually tempered. The most commonly used scrapers are.
1. Flat scraper
2. Triangular scraper
3. Half round scraper.
Hand hammers are striking tools. They are made of medium carbon steel. The various types of
hand hammers in common use are ball peen hammer, cross peen hammer, and straight peen
MARKING TOOLS: Marking is a process of layout of sizes on work piece. The following
tools are used in marking out operations.
1. Scriber
2. Dividers
3. Jenny calipers
4. Scribing book
5. Angle plate
6. V-block
7. Punch
8. Try square
9. Surface plate.
SCRIBERS: A scriber is slender tool used to scribe or marking lines on metal work piece.
TAP AND TAP WRENCHES: A Tap is hardened steel tool. Used for cutting internal threads in
a drilled hole. Hand taps are available in sets containing three taps. Taper tap, second tap and plug
or bottom tap.
Punch is made of tool steel. The various types of punches prick punch, center punch, number
punch and letter punch.
PRICK PUNCH: It is also called as dot punch. Used for marking small dots along the layout
CENTER PUNCH: This is similar to dot punch, except that is point grounded to an angle 90 o. It
is used for mark the location of holes to be drilled
v-blocks are made of cast iron or hardened steel. They are provided with grooves on the top and
bottom, and rectangle slots on two sides for location of
TRY SQUARE: It is used for checking the squareness of small works. The size of try square is
specified by the length of the blade.
SURFACE PLATE: It is used for provide true surface support to the work during marking is
made of cast iron, hardened steel or granite it is specified by length x width x height x grade.
DIVIDER: This is used for making circles, arcs, laying out perpendicular lines, bisecting lines
This is also called as odd leg or hermaphrodite caliper used for marking parallel lines from a
finished edge and also for locating the center of round bars.
SCRIBING BLOCK: It is also known as universal scribing block. This used for scribing lines
for layout work and checking parallel surfaces.
ANGLE PLANE: The angle plate is made of cast iron or hardened steel. They are provided with
v-grooves on the top and bottom, and rectangle slots on two sides for location of clamps
VERNIER HEIGHT GUAGE: It is clamped with scriber it is used when it is required to take
measurements from the surface on which the guage is standing. The accuracy and working
principles of this guage are the same as those of the vernier caliper
INSIDE MICROMETER: This is used to measure inside dimensions accuracy of 0.01 mm. It
consists of measuring unit, a number of interchangeable extension rods, and a handle.
CALIPERS: Used for transferring the dimensions both external and internal. They are made
either with firm joint or spring caliper.
INSIDE CALIPER: Used for measure the diameter of holes and width of key ways.
VERNIER CALIPER: They are used for measuring outside as well as inside dimensions
accurately. It may be also used as depth guage. Least count = one main scale division – one
vernier scale division
COMBINATION SET: It consist of a rule, square head, center head, and a protractor. This
may be used for making mitres(45o) for locating the centre on the end of the round bar.
Gauges are inspection tools used in production work to control the size and shape of the
PEELER GUAGES: These are thin steel blades hardened and grounded to various sizes.
These are used to check the clearance between the two mating parts. The blade thickness
varies from 0.03 to 1.0mm and the length of the blade is about 100mm.
SCREW PITCH GUAGE: It is used to check the pitch of the screw. The pitch of the
screw is directly on the gauge.
WIRE GUAGE: The wire gauge is used to check the diameter of wire from 0.1mm to
PLATE GUAGE: Plate gauge (standard wire gauge) is used to measure thickness. Each slot is
represented by number (SWG NUMBER), as the number increases the thickness decreases. The
most common gauge used in sheet metal has 21 slots with gauge numbers ranging from 4 to 24
RADIUS AND FILLET GUAGE: These are used to check the radii of curvature of convex and
concave surfaces.