Applsci 10 05064 v2
Applsci 10 05064 v2
Applsci 10 05064 v2
Real-Time Visual Tracking of Moving Targets Using
a Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with a 3-Axis
Stabilized Gimbal System
Xuancen Liu 1 , Yueneng Yang 1,2 , Chenxiang Ma 3 , Jie Li 4 and Shifeng Zhang 1, *
1 College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha 410073, China; [email protected] (X.L.); [email protected] (Y.Y.)
2 College of Intelligence Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha 410073, China
3 School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Chengdu 611731, China; [email protected]
4 College of Systems Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 4 July 2020; Accepted: 20 July 2020; Published: 23 July 2020
Featured Application: A complete solution for visual detection and autonomous tracking of
a moving target is presented, which is applied to low-cost aerial vehicles in reconnaissance,
surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) tasks.
Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have recently shown great performance collecting
visual data through autonomous exploration and mapping, which are widely used in reconnaissance,
surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) applications. In this paper, we present an onboard
vision-based system for low-cost UAVs to autonomously track a moving target. Real-time visual
tracking is achieved by using an object detection algorithm based on the Kernelized Correlation
Filter (KCF) tracker. A 3-axis gimbaled camera with separate Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is
used to aim at the selected target during flights. The flight control algorithm for tracking tasks is
implemented on a customized quadrotor equipped with an onboard computer and a microcontroller.
The proposed system is experimentally validated by successfully chasing a ground and aerial target
in an outdoor environment, which has proven its reliability and efficiency.
Keywords: target tracking; UAV; onboard vision; gimbal system; low-cost sensors
1. Introduction
The past decade has witnessed an explosive growth in the utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs), attracting more and more attention from research institutions around the world [1,2]. With a
series of significant advances in technology domains like micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS),
many UAV platforms and mission-oriented sensors limited to military affairs in the past are now
widely applied to industrial and commercial sectors [3–7]. UAV-based target tracking is one of the most
challenging tasks, which is closely related to applications such as traffic monitoring, reconnaissance,
surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA), search and rescue (SAR), inspection of power cables,
etc. [8–13]. The tracking system is an important part of UAVs which detects a target of interest
rapidly in a large area, and then performs continuous surveillance of the selected target in the tracking
phase [14]. In order to achieve target acquisition and localization, military UAVs are usually equipped
with airborne radars [15] or guided seekers [16]; however, they are too heavy and unaffordable for
most civilian used UAVs. As one of the most popular UAV platforms, quadrotors are more stable and
have a lower manufacturing cost than helicopters. For portability and flexibility, the takeoff weight of
most quadrotors is less than 15 kg, so payload and battery endurance for onboard equipment are very
limited. In this situation, precisely and robustly tracking a moving target by using a small-scale UAV
platform is still a challenging task because the onboard computational capability is poor and sensors
are low-cost [17].
Compared with many other detection sensors, cameras seem to have an inherent potential for
UAV-based target tracking tasks, for they passively receive the environmental information and visual
features, while still being low-cost and lightweight [18]. In recent years, various methods are studied
in many research works to achieve target tracking by using cameras. Wenzel et al. [19] presented a
visual tracking system for autonomous landing of a Hummingbird quadrotor by using an infrared (IR)
camera that was extremely cheap. In [20], a vision-based landing control algorithm for an autonomous
helicopter was designed and implemented by using a downward-pointing charge coupled device
(CCD) camera. The onboard system was integrated with an algorithm for visual acquisition of the
target (a moving helipad) and state estimation, which calculated the six degrees of freedom (DOF)
pose with respect to the landing pad. The helipad which consists of a letter “H” surrounded by a
circle is a typical structured pattern widely used in vision-based tracking and landing tasks because it
can be easily detected and recognized in cluttered environments [21]. The research on square-based
fiducial markers, such as AprilTag [22] and ArUco [23], has also aroused increasing interests toward
marker-based visual tracking. Ref. [24] presented a fully autonomous flight control system for tasks of
target recognition, geo-location, following and finally landing on a AprilTag marker which is attached
to a high-speed moving car. Ref. [25] proposed a vision-based swarming approach for employing
three or more Parrot Ar.Drone 2.0 quadrotors without any extra positioning sensors, while the ArUco
markers fixed on the obstacles were used for localization and mapping. However, artificial markers or
cooperative targets can only be applied to some specific scenarios such as autonomous landing and
indoor navigation, in which the actual size and main features of the pattern are already known [26].
Since the vision system may be requested to track an arbitrary target with unknown size, shape,
and motion, it is impossible to have already acquired information and know how to recognize it.
Object tracking is one of the most fundamental fields in computer vision and has a wide
range of applications in many areas. For this task, many algorithms for visual tracking have been
proposed, which can be generally categorized into generative and discriminative methods according
to their appearance models. Generative methods typically search for the image region which is
most similar to the target, such as incremental subspace tracker (IVT [27]), L1 tracker [28], real-time
compressive sensing tracking (RTCST [29]), superpixel tracking [30], mean shift algorithm [31–33],
and the continuously adaptive mean shift (CAMSHIFT) algorithm [34]. Discriminative methods or
tracking-by-detection methods deal with the tracking problem as a binary classification task and
separate the target object from the background, such as multiple instance learning (MIL) tracker [35],
Struck [36], on-line AdaBoost (OAB) tracker [37], and Tracking-Learning-Detecting (TLD) [38]. The
potential of correlation filters for visual tracking has aroused tremendous research interest because it
reduces the overhead time through fast Fourier transformation (FFT) [39]. Bolme et al. [40] presented
a minimum output sum of squared error (MOSSE) filter, which produced stable correlation filters
when initialized using a single frame. It is able to quickly adapt to variations in scale, rotation, and
lighting while operating at 669 frames per second. Henriques et al. [41] proposed the correlation filter
of the circulant structure with kernel (CSK), and used the kernel trick to learn the appearance model.
After that, the Kernelized Correlation Filter (KCF) tracker that Henriques proposed in [42] further
improved the CSK method by using the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) feature instead of
gray feature to represent the object, which showed an amazing speed on the OTB2013 dataset [43].
However, the original KCF tracker uses a fixed size template and is not able to handle scale changes
and occlusions, leading to bad performance in some scenarios. To alleviate theses drawbacks, Montero
et al. [44] proposed fast scalable solution based on KCF framework which used an adjustable Gaussian
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5064 3 of 27
window function and a keypoint-based model for scale estimation to deal with the fixed size limitation
in the Kernelized Correlation Filter. Zhang et al. [45] presented an improved KCF tracker by adopting
a cascade classifier composed of multi-scale correlation filter and NN (Neighbor Nearest) classifier,
which showed favorable performance in accuracy and robustness.
To actually track a moving target in real time with a vision-based system onboard a multi-rotor
UAV platform, three steps are required. The first step is to detect the target and localize it in each image
frame as described above. The second step involves getting the line-of-sight (LOS) angle or the position
of the target and maintaining the target in the center of the camera’s field of view (FOV). The third step
is to use this information obtained by the vision system to define the control task of an autonomous
UAV when flying around the target. Generally, a downward-facing strap-down camera has advantages
with its small size, light weight, and simplicity [46]. However, the output of the strap-down camera
cannot be directly used in the flight control system, for it couples with the UAV body angular motion.
In addition, the restricted FOV of the camera makes it a challenging task to keep the fast-moving target
in the image, which also means the FOV constraints must be fully considered in the guidance law [47].
To solve these problems, a gimbal system is widely used to provide inertial stability to the camera
by isolating it from the UAV motion and vibration. A gimbaled camera now available on the market
provides a decoupling along the roll, pitch, and yaw attitudes, which has become an important unit of
the UAV system. In [48], a 3-axis gimbaled camera (DJI Zenmuse X3) is used to solve the problem,
which enabled autonomous landing of a quadrotor on a high-speed ground vehicle. The system is
experimentally implemented and validated by successfully landing a commercial quadrotor on the roof
of a car moving at speeds of up to 50 km/h. Ref. [49] presented a field-tested mini gimbal mechanism to
produce an estimation of the target position, which allowed a flying-wing UAV to fly around the target.
Jakobsen et al. [50] presented the architecture of a pan/tilt/roll camera system implemented on the
Georgia Tech’s UAV research helicopter. Each axis is driven by a servo and optical encoders are utilized
to measure the gimbal orientation. Whitacre et al. [51] performed flight tests using a SeaScan UAV with
a gimballing camera to track ground targets and studied the effect of altitude, camera FOV, and orbit
center offsets within the geo-location tracking performance for both stationary and moving targets.
In this paper, motivated by the existing challenges, an onboard vision-based system for tracking
arbitrary 3D objects moving at unknown velocities is proposed by utilizing a 3-axis gimbal system.
A KCF tracker is used to detect and localize the target of interest from images acquired by the gimbaled
camera. The 3-axis stabilized gimbal system is driven by brushless direct current motors (BLDCMs)
and a magnetic rotary encoder is attached to each axis with a high-resolution output of the angular
position. Then, the results of the KCF tracker are put into a proportional-derivative (PD) controller,
which aligns the optical axis of the gimbaled camera with the LOS joining the camera and the target.
A tracking strategy for multi-rotor UAVs is proposed based on the proportional navigation (PN)
method, which makes it possible to keep following the target, although the target position is not
known. A low-cost experimental quadrotor is customized for real-time flight tests, which is equipped
with a microcontroller using consumer sensors and an onboard computer for image processing. The
presented system is experimentally implemented and validated by successfully tracking a commercial
quadrotor flying along an unknown path. By analyzing the flight data of both the target and the
interceptor, the system is demonstrated to be reliable and cost-effective.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The vision system and control of the gimbaled
camera are described in Section 2. The visual tracking algorithm used to detect and localize the target
in image stream is presented in Section 3. Section 4 established the dynamic model of the quadrotor,
and the target tracking strategy as well as the control law is presented. Section 5 describes preparation
for flight experiments, and the results of the flight tests are given in this part. Finally, Section 6
concludes this paper and presents the future work.
2.1. Problem Formulation and System Architecture
Although there are many algorithms capable of tracking targets from the video streams,
techniques reported in the field of computer vision cannot be easily extended to airborne applications
Appl. of high
Sci. 2020, 10, 5064dynamic UAV-target relative motion. In this section, a small commercial drone 4 of(41
cm in diameter) is considered as the target with unknown speed. If this unwanted aerial visitor flies
into places such as airports, prisons, and military bases where consumer drones are not allowed, it
cause aSystem
big problem. Therefore, a lot of anti-UAV defense systems are being introduced to combat
the growing threats of malicious UAVs. One way is to use a rifle-like device which sends a high-
2.1. Problem Formulation and System Architecture
power electromagnetic wave to jam the UAV control systems and force them to land immediately.
Another optionthere
Although is toare
manythe target incapable
algorithms mid-air, ofusing
trackinga UAV platform
targets from thethat carries
video a nettechniques
streams, gun.
reported in theFigure
field of 1, computer
which depicts thecannot
vision UAV-Target
be easilyrelative kinematics
extended and defines
to airborne the coordinate
applications because
of Let B denote
high dynamic UAV-target the body
relativeframe that moves
motion. In this with theaUAV,
section, C the camera
small commercial frame
drone (41 that
cm in is
attached toisthe
diameter) UAV but as
considered rotates with respect
the target to framespeed.
with unknown B , NIf athis
unwanted aerial (NED)
flies into
places takenasasairports,
an inertial reference
prisons, and frame, , the image
militaryI bases whereframe. The origin
consumer dronesofarethenot
camera frame
allowed, it canC
is the optical center
cause a big problem. Therefore,and Z c
coincides with the optical axis of the camera. Following
a lot of anti-UAV defense systems are being introduced to combat the the notation
growing threats of malicious UAVs. One T way is to use a rifle-like device which sends a high-power
introduced in [52], let p xc , yc , zc denote the position of the target in frame C . The rotation
electromagnetic wave to Cjamthe UAV control systems and force them to land immediately. Another
option is to capture c
R the
from frame
target C to frame
in mid-air, using N is: platform that carries a net gun.
Consider Figure 1, which depicts the UAV-Target n
relative kinematics and defines the coordinate
systems. Let B denote the body frame that moves R nb Rthe
c with
R UAV, C the camera frame that is attached(1) to
the UAV but rotates with respect to frame B, N a North-East-Down (NED) coordinate system taken
where the transformation bn R is calculated by the roll, pitch, and yaw angles of the UAV given by
as an inertial reference frame, I, the image frame. The origin of the camera frame C is the optical
the flight
center andcontroller.
Zc coincides R can be computed by the gimbal system using the relative angular position
c with the optical axis of the camera. Following the notation introduced in [52],
T n R from
let pC = [xcby , ycthe
, zc ]encoders.
denote the p be the
Letposition position
of the target ofin the
frametarget withrotation
C. The respecttransformation
to the optical center
c of
frame C to frame N is:
camera resolved in N , which is given as:
n n b
c R =n b Rb c R (1)
p b R c R pC (2)
where the transformation nb R is calculated by the roll, pitch, and yaw angles of the UAV given by
Thus,controller. b R can be pcomputed
the target position
the flight c T in NED coordinate
by the gimbal system can using
system be estimated, which
the relative is given
angular as:
measured by the encoders. Let p be the position ofn the target with respect to the optical center of
camera resolved in N, which is given as: pT pB b RpBC p (3)
where pBC is the position of gimbaled camera relative to the UAV body in frame B , and pB is the
p = nb R bc R · pC (2)
UAV position in N .
Thus, the target position pT in NED coordinate system can be estimated, which is given as:
pT = pB + nb RpBC + p (3)
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Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 28
Figure 2. 2. Architecture
Architecture of of
thethe autonomous
autonomous visual
visual tracking
tracking system.
theUAVUAV flight control
flight controlsystem
independent ofof
each other.
However, totoachieve
trackingofofa moving
a moving target, the
target, two
the two
coordinated bybythethe
proposed vision algorithm
vision algorithmwhich
which is is
implemented ininthe onboard
the onboard
computer running
running a Linux
a Linuxbased
2.2. Kinematics
2.2. of of
Kinematics thethe
Gimbal System
Gimbal System
a single camera
a single camerais limited, thethe
is limited, gimbal
systemsare are
to rotate the the
to rotate camera to ato
desired direction,
a desired which
direction, are widely
which applied
are widely to many
applied fields such
to many fieldsassuch
filming and monitoring.
as filming When these
and monitoring. When
systems are mounted onboard an UAV, the torque motors are activated by the IMUs
these systems are mounted onboard an UAV, the torque motors are activated by the IMUs and other and other angular
angularto sensors
compensate for all thefor
to compensate rotations resulting resulting
all the rotations from the from
UAV theflight,
UAV which returns
flight, whichthe stablethe
stable member to its original attitude. As shown in Figures 3 and 4, the gimbal system which isthis
to its original attitude. As shown in Figures 3 and 4, the gimbal system which is used in used
paper consists
in this paperofconsists
direct current (DC)current
of direct motors(DC)that balance
motors thethatplatform,
balance magnetic
the platform, rotarymagnetic
encoders rotary
sense the relative
encoders rotation,
that sense embedded
the relative stabilization
rotation, embedded controller that process
stabilization controllerall that
the sensors
process information
all the sensors
and output the control signals, the vibration damper that connects the outer
information and output the control signals, the vibration damper that connects the outer gimbal to the UAV body,to
and the camera that captures the images.
the UAV body, and the camera that captures the images.
angular sensors to compensate for all the rotations resulting from the UAV flight, which returns the
stable member to its original attitude. As shown in Figures 3 and 4, the gimbal system which is used
in this paper consists of direct current (DC) motors that balance the platform, magnetic rotary
encoders that sense the relative rotation, embedded stabilization controller that process all the sensors
Appl. and
Sci. 2020, 10, output the control signals, the vibration damper that connects the outer gimbal
5064 to
6 of 27
the UAV body, and the camera that captures the images.
Figure 3. 3-axis gimbaled camera. (1) the output port of the video stream; (2) the embedded
stabilization controller; (3) the brushless DC motor with magnetic rotary encoder; (4) the vibration
Figure 3. 3-axis gimbaled camera. (1) the output port of the video stream; (2) the embedded
damper; (5) thecontroller;
stabilization camera. (3) the brushless DC motor with magnetic rotary encoder; (4) the vibration
damper; (5) the camera.
(a) (b)
the gimbal
the control
gimbal system.
control system.(a)(a)
3-axis stabilization
3-axis controller
stabilization controller(BaseCam
The 3-axisgimbaled
and innerframe
relationsare aresetsetasasa ayaw,
and fourreference
reference frames
frames are introduced:
introduced: the the body-fixed
body-fixedframeframeF, Fthe outer
, the outerframe
frameO, the O ,middle frame
the middle
M, theM
frame inner inner G
, theframe connected
frame by three revolute
G connected by three joints.
revoluteConsidering the common
joints. Considering structure structure
the common of gimbals
[53–55],in relative
[53–55],angles are angles
relative definedare
as defined
yaw (θY ), asroll
yaw (θ(R)Yand pitch
), roll ( R )(θand
P ). The
( P
). F is
The carried
frame into
isframe O by
carried frame θOY around
intorotation by rotation Y zaround
the axis F . Frame O axis
the is carried O isMcarried
into frame
zF . Frame by rotation θR around
into frame M by the
axis xO . Finally, frame M is carried into frame G by rotation θP around the axis yM . The coordinate
rotation R around the axis xO . Finally, frame M is carried into frame G by rotation P around
systems of the gimbal (Figure 5) are placed parallel to each other as the initial state in the configuration
,θR ,θyPM) .=The coordinate
(0, 0, 0). systems of the gimbal (Figure 5) are placed parallel to each other as the
initial state in the configuration ( Y , R , P ) = (0, 0, 0).
is carried into frame O by rotation Y around the axis zF . Frame O is carried into frame M by
rotation R around the axis xO . Finally, frame M is carried into frame G by rotation P around
the axis yM . The coordinate systems of the gimbal (Figure 5) are placed parallel to each other as the
Appl. Sci.
initial 10,the
state 5064configuration ( , , ) = (0, 0, 0). 7 of 27
Figure 5. The gimbal in configuration (θ ,θ ,θ ) = (0, 0, 0) viewed from the side and the front with
Figure 5. The gimbal in configuration ( YY, RR, PP ) = (0, 0, 0) viewed from the side and the front with
reference frames and relations between them. The direction of each joint is indicated by the dotted line.
reference frames and relations between them. The direction of each joint is indicated by the dotted
The coordinate of an arbitrary point P in frame G denoted as the vector G r can be described in a
different coordinate frame F using the rotation matrix F RG and the translation vector F dG between the
frames according to the above relationship:
rP = F RG G rP + F dG (4)
where, in a 3D environment,
G Gy
rP = P
A more convenient way to describe such transformation is to use homogeneous transformation
matrices F TG given as:
" F
TG = (6)
01×3 1
Several intermediate transformations are required to get the final transformation in Equation (4)
given as
" B # " G #
rP rP
= F TG (7)
1 1
TG = F TO O TM M TG (8)
With the parameters l1 , l2 , h1 , h3 and b2 in Figure 5, the transformations between the frames are
as follows.
The transformation between the frame F and frame O:
cos θY − sin θY 0
RO = sin θY cos θY 0
0 0 1
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5064 8 of 27
−l1 cos θY
dO = −l1 sin θY
cos θY − sin θY −l1 cos θY
sin θY cos θY −l1 sin θY
F 0
TO = (11)
0 0 1 h1
0 0 0 1
= −b2 cos θR
−b2 sin θR
1 0 0 l2
0 cos θR − sin θR −b2 cos θR
TM = (14)
0 sin θR cos θR −b2 sin θR
0 0 0 1
cos θP 0 sin θP
RG = 0 1 0
− sin θP 0 cos θP
h3 sin θP
dG = b2
h3 cos θP
cos θP 0 sin θP h3 sin θP
0 1 0 b2
TG = (17)
− sin θP 0 cos θP h3 cos θP
0 0 0 1
Thus, the total rotation matrix F RG and translation vector F dG between frame F and frame G is:
cos θY cos θP − sin θY sin θR sin θP − cos θR sin θY cos θY sin θP + cos θP sin θY sin θR
FR = cos θP sin θY + cos θY sin θR sin θP cos θY cos θR sin θY sin θP − cos θY cos θP sin θR
− cos θR sin θP sin θR cos θR cos θP
Fd = F RO O RM M dG + F RO O dM + O dF
l2 cos θY − l1 cos θY + h3 cos θY sin θP + h3 cos θP sin θY sin θR
= l2 sin θY − l1 sin θY + h3 sin θY sin θP − h3 cos θY cos θP sin θR
h1 + h3 cos θR cos θP
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5064 9 of 27
The F RG is called a pitch-roll-yaw rotation matrix according to the order in which the rotation
matrices are successively multiplied. In a similar way, the rotation between frame and inertial reference
frame can be described as:
cos αY cos αP − sin αY sin αR sin αP − cos αR sin αY cos αY sin αP + cos αP sin αY sin αR
NR = cos αP sin αY + cos αY sin αR sin αP cos αY cos αR sin αY sin αP − cos αY cos αP sin αR
− cos αR sin αP sin αR cos αR cos αP
where αY , αR , and αP are derived using the information from the gyros and accelerometers on the IMU
attached to the camera. The N RG can also be derived using the rotation matrix F RG and N RF , as below:
RG = N RF F RG (21)
where F ωNF , and the angular velocity of frame F respect to frame N introduced in frame F is measured
and available given as:
h iT
ωNF = p q r (22)
Angular velocities of frame O, M, and G respect to frame N introduced in its own frames are
as follows:
0 p cos θY + q sin θY
ωNO = O ωNF + O ωFO = F RO F ωNF + 0 = −p sin θY + q cos θY
. .
θY r + θY
. .
p cos θY + q sin θY + θR
T .
Mω = M ωNO + M ωOM = OR Oω = cos θR (−p sin θ + q cos θ ) + sin θR (r + θ )
+ 0
sin θR (p sin θY − q cos θY ) + cos θR (r + θY )
Gω Gω
T .
= NM
+ G ωMG = MR
+ θP
. . (25)
cos θP (p cos θY + q sin θY + θR ) − sin θP (sin θR (p sin θY − q cos θY ) + cos θR (r + θY ))
. .
= cos θR (−p sin θY + q cos θY ) + sin θR (r + θY ) + θP
. .
sin θP (p cos θY + q sin θY + θR ) + cos θP (sin θR (p sin θY − q cos θY ) + cos θR (r + θY ))
The inertia matrices of the outer gimbal, middle gimbal, and inner gimbal are:
n o
JO = diag JOx JOy JOz (26)
n o
JM = diag JMx JMy JMz (27)
n o
JG = diag JGx JGy JGz (28)
where Jkx , Jky , Jkz (k = O, M, G) refer to the diagonal elements. For simplicity, it is assumed that
the off-diagonal elements of inertia matrices can be neglected and only the moments of inertia are
considered. The angular momentum of the pitch gimbal is:
HG = JG G ωNG (29)
and each member of the gimbal system is treated as a rigid body and the moment equation can be
written as:
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW dHk k 10 of 28
τk = + ωNk × Hk (k = O, M, G) (32)
where external torques , and ,about z , xO and yM , respectively, are applied to gimbals
where external torques τOO, τMMand τG , Gabout zF , xF O and yM , respectively, are applied to gimbals from
from motor
motor and other
and other external
external disturbance
disturbance torques.
2.3. Stabilization and Aiming
The camera
camera fitted onon the
the innermost
innermost frame
frame isis inertially
inertially stabilized
stabilized and
and controlled
controlled by
by the
the gimbal
system. Furthermore, the
system. Furthermore, the system
requiredto toalign
describes thethe angular
angular geometry
geometry of how the gimbaled
camera aims
camera aimsatatthe
thetarget, whereθ is
target,where is the
the pitch
pitch angle
angle of UAV
of the the UAV δ is the
body,body, angle, λangle,
is the boresight
boresight is the
isangle, θP is
the LOS the pitch
angle, P isangle of theangle
the pitch gimbal frame,
of the ε is theand
and frame,
gimbal is the
boresight error angle. error angle.
There are
are four
four operation
operation modes,
modes, namely,
namely, the
the preset
preset angle
angle mode,
mode, search
search mode,
mode, stabilize
stabilize mode,
and tracking mode as
tracking mode as shown
shownin inFigure
Whenthe the gimbal
gimbal system
system is powered
is powered ononandand initialized,
initialized, its
its direction is kept at δ = 0 in inertial space. In preset angle mode, the optical axis of the
direction is kept at 0 in inertial space. In preset angle mode, the optical axis of the camera will camera will
be set
set to
to aa given
given angle
angle and
and the
the control
control system
system will
will maintain
maintain the
the desired
desired direction
direction despite
despite disturbances.
Then, thethe system
system may
may switch
switch to
to search
search mode,
mode, inin which
which the
the gimbal
gimbal will
will rotate
rotate circularly
circularly between
between itsits
minimum and maximum angle to search a larger
minimum and maximum angle to search a larger range of area. range of area.
When a target is confirmed, the control system will switch to the tracking mode and keep the
target in the center of the camera view. In addition, if the target is lost and cannot be recaptured in a
few seconds, the system will return to the search mode and try to find it again. Figure 8 shows how the
control system works which contains two loops: tracking loop and stabilizing loop.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 28
When a target is confirmed, the control system will switch to the tracking mode and keep the
target in the center of the camera view. In addition, if the target is lost and cannot be recaptured in a
few seconds, the system will return to the search mode and try to find it again. Figure 8 shows how
the control system works which contains two loops: tracking loop and stabilizing loop.
Figure 8. Architecture
Figure 8. Architecture of
of the
the gimbal
gimbal control
control system
system in
in elevation
elevation channel.
channel. 11 for
for the
the preset
preset angle
angle mode,
22 for
for the
the stabilize
stabilize mode,
mode, 33 for
for the
the search
search mode,
mode, and
and 44 for
for the
the tracking
Based on onthetheimage
information andandmeasurement
measurement data received from angular
data received sensors, sensors,
from angular the tracking
tracking loop generates a rate command to direct the boresight towards the target LOS so thaterror
generates a rate command to direct the boresight towards the target LOS so that the pointing the
can be kept
Figure near
8. zero.
the other
gimbal hand, the
control stabilizing
system in loop
elevation isolates
channel. the
1 forcamera
the from
pointing error can be kept near zero. On the other hand, the stabilizing loop isolates the camera from UAV
angle motion
2 motion disturbances,
for the stabilize 3which
for thewould
and external perturb
mode, andthe
would aim-point.
4 for the The
the tracking
perturb controlThe
aim-point. loops in roll,
control elevation,
loops in roll,
and azimuth channels are related by the cross coupling unit based on the
elevation, and azimuth channels are related by the cross coupling unit based on the gimbal systemgimbal system dynamics,
which Based on defined
be the image information and axis
measurement data received from angular sensors, the
dynamics, may as
be the impact
defined as on
impact on with
one the rotation
axis with theof another
of another [56].
tracking loop generates a rate command to direct the boresight towards the target LOS so that the
3. Target error
pointing Tracking
can be kept near zero. On the other hand, the stabilizing loop isolates the camera from
3. Target Tracking
UAV motion and external disturbances, which would perturb the aim-point. The control loops in roll,
3.1. KCF Tracker
elevation, and azimuth channels are related by the cross coupling unit based on the gimbal system
3.1. KCF Tracker
dynamics, tracker
which may [42,57]
be definedthatasis the
used in this
impact onpaper considers
one axis with the the process
rotation ofof sample[56].
another training as
a Ridge KCF tracker [42,57] that
problem, whichis used in athis
is also paperminimization
regular considers theproblem
process of sample
with training
a closed as a
3. TargetRegression
Trackingproblem, which is also a regular minimization problem with a closed solution.
h iT
Consider a n × 1 vector x = x1 x2 · · · xn as the base sample, which represents a patch with
the target of interest. A small translation of this vector is given as:
h iT
Px = xn x1 ··· xn−1 (33)
and u shifts can be made to achieve a larger translation by using the matrix power Pu x. By cyclic
shifting operations, we can use these vectors to constitute a circulant matrix as:
(P0 x)T
x1 x2 x3 ··· xn
(P1 x)
xn x1 x2 ··· xn−1
X = C(x) = (P2 x)
xn−1 xn x1 ··· xn−2
.. . .. .. .. ..
. .
. . . .
n−1 T x2 x3 x4 ··· x1
(P x)
and it is useful that all circulant matrices are diagonalized by the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT),
regardless of the base sample x, which can be expressed as:
X = Fdiag(x̂)FH (36)
where x̂ is the DFT of base sample, x̂ = F(x), and F is a constant matrix known as the DFT matrix that
does not depend on x.
Based on Ridge Regression, the goal of training is to find a function f (z) that minimizes the
squared error over samples xi and their regression targets yi , as shown below:
E = min ( f (xi ) − yi )2 + λkwk2 (37)
where the regularization parameter λ is used to control over fitting, as in the Support Vector Machines
(SVM) [57] and w represents the filter coefficients.
Consider a linear regression function f (z) = wT z, the minimizer has a closed-form solution
given as:
w = (XT X + λI ) XT y (38)
where X is the circulant matrix with one sample per row xi , each element of y is a regression target yi ,
and I is an identity matrix. By utilizing the diagonalization of the circulant matrices, Equation (38) can
be expressed in Fourier domain as:
x̂∗ ŷ
ŵ = ∗ (39)
x̂ x̂ + λ
where ŵ, x̂, ŷ are the DFT of w, x, y, respectively, and x̂∗ is the complex-conjugate. In addition, w can be
easily recovered in the spatial domain with Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT).
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5064 13 of 27
When regression function f (z) is nonlinear, the kernel trick is used to map the inputs of a linear
problem to a nonlinear and high-dimensional feature space ϕ(x):
w= αi ϕ(xi ) (40)
Then, the variables under optimization are α instead of w. The kernel function k is used to compute the
algorithm in terms of dot-products, as shown below:
where all the dot-products between samples are stored in a n × n kernel matrix K, with elements:
α = (K + λI )−1 y (44)
where K is the kernel matrix and α is the vector of coefficients αi , which express the solution in the
dual space. By making K circulant, Equation (44) can be diagonalized as in the linear case, obtaining:
α̂ = (45)
k̂xx +λ
where k̂xx is the correlation kernel of x with itself in Fourier domain and α̂, ŷ are the DFT of vector α, y.
For the kernel matrix Kz between all training samples (cyclic shifts of x) and candidate image
patches (cyclic shifts of base patch z), each element of Kz is given by k(Pi−1 z, P j−1 x). From Equation
(43), the regression function can be computed for all candidate patches with:
f (z) = (K z )T α (46)
where f (z) is a vector, containing the output of all cyclic shift of z, which is the full detection response.
The position where the output response takes the maximum value is the position of the target in a new
frame. To compute Equation (46) efficiently, it is diagonalized as shown below:
where a hat ∧ denotes the DFT of a vector. In this paper, given the nonlinear Gaussian kernel
k(x, x0 ) = exp(− σ12 kx − x, k2 ), we get:
kxx = exp − 2 kxk2 + kx, k2 − 2F−1 (x̂∗ x̂0 ) (48)
where the kernel correlation can be computed by using a few DFT/IDFT and element-wise operations
in O(n log n) time. Henriques et al. [42] proved that the conversion from inverse operation of matrix in
spatial domain to matrix multiplication in Fourier domain would greatly reduce the computational
complexity and shorten the computation time.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5064 14 of 27
In the tracking process, considering the target variations, such as illumination, scale, occlusion,
and deformation factors, the target apparent model and coefficient vector are updated after each
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 28
frame [58], as shown below:
xt = (1 − ηt )xt−1 + ηt x (49)
t (1 t )t 1 t (50)
αt = (1 − ηt )αt−1 + ηt α (50)
where x , x are the target model updated after the t 1 and the t frame. t 1 , t are the
where xt−1 ,t 1xt aret the target model updated after the t − 1 and the t frame. αt−1 , αt are the coefficient
coefficient vector updated after the and the frame.
vector updated after the t − 1 and the t frame. ηt is the learning rate.
t 1 t t
is the learning rate.
3.2.Target Localization
Target Localization
Considera monocular camera
a monocular model
camera asas
model shown inin
shown Figure 9. 9.
Figure 9. 9. Coordinate
Coordinate system
system ofof a monocular
a monocular camera.
When anan
arbitrary point
arbitrary p(xwp, y(w(,xzw,)y in, zworld
point world W
) in frame is detected
frame by the camera,
W is detected by theitscamera,
2D position
its 2D
w w w
pi (xi , yi ) on the image plane can be given as:
position pi ( xi , yi ) on the image plane can be given as:
f xc
xi = =fx (u − u )dx (51)
xzi c c (u 0 u0 )dx (51)
f yc
yi = = (v − v0 )dy (52)
zc fyc
yi ( v v0 )dy (52)
where (xc , yc , zc ) is the position of p in the camera frame, zc f is the focal length, (u, v) is the target position
in pixel values, (u0 , v0 ) is the intersection of the optical axis, and the image plane, dx and dy are the
where ( xc , yc , zc ) is the position of p in the camera frame, f is the focal length, (u , v ) is the
physical length per pixel in the xi and yi axis directions. Equations (51) and (52) can be integrated as:
target position in pixel values, (u0 , v0 ) is the intersection of the optical axis, and the image plane, dx
and dy are the physical length per u pixel in xc /zcx and y xaxis
the 1c directions. Equations (51) and (52)
i i
v = Min yc /zc = Min y1c (53)
can be integrated as:
1 1 1
u xc / zc x1c
T the intrinsic parameter matrix of the
where [x1c , y1c , 1] is the point on the normalized plane and M is
v Min yc / zc Minin y1c (53)
camera, which is given as: 1 1 1
f /dx 0 u0
where [x1c , y1c ,1] is the point on the = 0 plane
Minnormalized f /dyand v0 M (54)of
in is the intrinsic parameter matrix
0 0 1
the camera, which is given as:
f / dx 0 u0
Min 0 f / dy v0 (54)
0 0 1
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5064 15 of 27
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 28
With aa calibrated camera, the
calibrated camera, the pointing
pointing error angle ε in elevation
error angle in elevation
andand azimuth
azimuth cancan
be be computed
computed by
by using
using thethe above
above relations,
relations, as shown
as shown below:
arctan( xc / zc ) (55)
εχ = arctan(xc /z c) (55)
εγ =arctan ( yycc/z
/ cz)c ) (56)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 10. Tracking of a human target moving at pedestrian speed. (a) video video streams
streams with
with no target
selected; (b) tracking of the
the selected
selected target
target with
with its
its error
error pixels
pixels displayed
displayed on
on screen;
screen; (c)
(c) autonomously
lock on the
the target
target in
in close
close range
range using
using the
the gimbal
gimbal system;
system; (d)
(d) real-time
real-time adjustment
adjustment to the scale
scale changes
of the target.
4. Flight
4. Flight Control
Control Algorithm
Figure 11. 11.
TheThe quadrotor
quadrotor with
with corresponding
corresponding frames.
LetLet m denote
m denote the the
mass of of
mass thethe
quadrotorand andJ the J themoment
momentofofinertia. The external
inertia. The externalforcesforcesand
torques which act on the quadrotor platform are primarily caused by
which act on the quadrotor platform are primarily caused by propellers and gravity. A local propellers and gravity.
A local
NED NEDframe frame N and
N and body-fixed frameBB are are introduced totodescribe
describethethemotion ofof
h ibody-fixed
h introduced
iT motion quadrotor.
np = n n n T n n n n T
p nppxx nppyy n ppzz and and vn v= n vxvx n vyv y n vz v z are arethe
the position
position and
and linear
velocityof of thethe
quadrotor’s mass center relative to N. Θ = [φ θ Ψ] is the roll/pitch/yaw T
angles, which represents the
orientation of themass centerinrelative
quadrotor to N . matrix
N. The rotation Rnfrom B toisNthe
is roll/pitch/yaw
expressed as: angles, which
represents the orientation of the quadrotor in N . The rotation matrix Rb from B to N is
as: cos θ cos ψ sin φ sin θ cos ψ − cos φ sin ψ cos φ sin θ cos ψ + sin φ sin ψ
RB = cos θ sin ψ sin φ sin θ sin ψ + cos φ cos ψ cos φ sin θ sin ψ − sin φ cos ψ (57)
θ cos sin sin
cos sinφcos
cosθ cos sin cos sin cosφcos
cosθ sin sin
− sin
RB cos sin sin sin sin cos cos cos sin sin sin cos (57)
The equations of motion sincan
be described sinas:
cos cos cos
n .
p =as:n v
The equations of motion can be described (58)
n. pfb nnv
v = gn3 − Rb n3 (59)
b .
· b ω f+
b n
J · ω = − ω v× Jgn b Gna + τ
Rn (60)(59)
m b 3
where fb is the force applied to the quadrotor given in B, τ is the torque, g is the gravitational acceleration
and b ω is the angular velocity of the quadrotor in B. The gyroscopic moment Ga is mainly produced by
propellers, which can be neglected. In addition, the translational dynamics
J b b J b Ga (60)
shown in Equations (58) and (59)
be simplified as:force applied to the quadrotor given in B , is the torque, g is the gravitational
fb is the
n .. fb
acceleration and b is the pangular (sin φ sin
x = − mvelocity ofψthe
+ cos φ sin θ cos
quadrotor in ψB) . The gyroscopic moment(61)Ga is
mainly produced by propellers, which
fb can be neglected. In addition, the translational dynamics shown
n ..
in Equations (58) and (59) can p y be=− (− sin φas:
simplified cos ψ + cos φ sin θ sin ψ) (62)
.. f fb
pz=b g sin
− sin cosθ sin cos (63)(61)
m m
Furthermore, it can be assumed that sin φ ≈ φ, cos φ ≈ 1, sin θ ≈ θ, and cos θ ≈ 1 for small angle
approximation, which leads to a simplified f dynamic model as described in [59].
p y b sin cos cos sin sin (62)
pz g cos cos (63)
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5064 17 of 27
LRTPN = uT − u (65)
. .
LIPN = uT − u (66)
LPPN = −u (67)
uu sin β
LNGL = · . (68)
|uT − u| λ
where LRTPN , LIPN , LPPN , and LNGL represent for Realistic True Proportional Navigation (RTPN) [61],
Ideal Proportional Navigation (IPN) [62], Pure Proportional Navigation (PPN) [63], and Nonlinear
. ..
Guidance Law (NGL) [64], respectively. uT , uT , uT ∈ R2 are the position, velocity, and acceleration
. ..
of the target, respectively, u, u, u ∈ R2 are the position, velocity, and acceleration of the interceptor,
respectively. |·| represents the magnitude of the vector and β is the angle between interception velocity
and LOS of the target.
In addition, λ can be described as:
. .
. (uT − u) × (uT − u)
λ= (69)
|uT − u|2
The aim of the research in this paper is to track a moving target with a quadrotor platform, and
coordinated control of the UAV and gimbaled camera is considered. As shown in Figure 12a,b, it can
be done in two directions: the longitudinal direction and the lateral direction [65].
The λχ , λγ are the lateral and longitudinal LOS angle of the target, respectively. The εχ , εγ are
the boresight error angle in lateral and longitudinal direction, respectively, which are controlled to
.χ .γ
be zero ( εχ , εγ → 0 ). The uT , uT are the velocity of the target in lateral and longitudinal directions,
respectively. The u is the velocity of the UAV in lateral direction that is aligned with the axis xb of the
body frame B and the desired yaw angle of the UAV is ψdes = λχ . A pure pursuit guidance law is used
for tracking in the lateral direction, which works on the principle that, if the interceptor persistently
. .
points towards the target ( ψ → λχ , ψ → λχ ), then it will ultimately intercept it.
When the tracking is initiated, the UAV follows the target by tracking its lateral LOS angle with
.χ .
a forward speed u , which is the horizontal component of the approaching velocity uApp . To keep
following the target moving at unknown speed, the approaching velocity uApp is decided by the scale
changes of the target in the image frame. Then, a PPN guidance law will activate and the acceleration
.. des
command uPPN will be applied to the UAV according to the rate changes of λγ , as shown in Figure 12b.
Appl. Sci.2020, 10,x 5064
2020,10, FOR PEER REVIEW 1818ofof2827
(a) (b)
Figure 12. Schematic diagram showing the tracking strategy. (a) description of tracking the lateral
LOS angle based on a pure pursuit method; (b) description of tracking the longitudinal LOS angle
based on PN guidance law.
When the tracking is initiated, the UAV follows the target by tracking its lateral LOS angle with
a forward speed u , which is the horizontal component of the approaching velocity u App . To keep
following the target moving at unknown speed, the approaching velocity u App is decided by the scale
(a) (b)
changes of the target in the image frame. Then, a PPN guidance law will activate and the acceleration
Figure uPPN
will bediagram
Schematic appliedshowing
diagram to the UAV
showing according
the tracking to the
strategy. rate
(a)(a) changes of of
description , as
tracking the in
lateral LOSFigure
LOS angle
angle based
based on a on a pure
pure pursuit
pursuit method;
method; (b) description
(b) description of tracking
of tracking the longitudinal
the longitudinal LOS
LOS angle angle
based on
PN guidance
based law.
on PN guidance law.
4.3. Flight
4.3. Flight Control System
When Control
the tracking is initiated, the UAV follows the target by tracking its lateral LOS angle with
The quadrotor
a forward
The quadrotor
speed u , is is aa typical
which typical
is theunderactuated system with
horizontal component
underactuated system with only
of the four independent
only four inputs
velocityinputs lesskeep
u App . To
less than
the degrees
the degrees of freedom, so only the desired position and desired yaw angle can be directly tracked.
following theof freedom,
target moving so at
only the desired
unknown position
speed, and desired
the approaching yaw angle
velocity u App can be directly
is decided by thetracked.
The desired
The desiredrollrollangle
angleand andthethe desired
desired pitch
pitch angleangle are determined
are determined by theby the known
known ones.
ones. The Thecontrol
flight flight
changes of
control of the
system target in the
of a quadrotor image frame. Then,
is described a PPN guidance law will activate and the acceleration
system a quadrotor is described in Figurein13.
Figure 13.
command u PPN
will be applied to the UAV according to the rate changes of , as shown in Figure
Figure 13. Hierarchical control architecture of the quadrotor for target tracking.
Figure 13. Hierarchical control architecture of the quadrotor for target tracking.
The pixel values uT , vT are the centroid of the target position in each image frame, and ST is the
The pixel values uT , vT are the centroid of the target position in each image frame, and ST is
scale change of the target, which is given by the proposed KCF tracker. The state of the quadrotor
Θ, ωscale change of
) expressed in the target,
global NEDwhichframeisisgiven
givenby bythe
autopilot KCF
usingtracker. The state
an Extended of theFilter
Kalman quadrotor
( , ) expressed in global NED frame is given by the autopilot using an Extended Kalman Filter
h i T
The desired position xd yd zd and the desired yaw angle ψd are given by the gimbal system in the
global The desired
using the position xd yd zdtracking
above-mentioned and the desired
strategy. yaw angle
A cascade d are given by the gimbal
system controller is designed
in the global to individually
NED using control the 6 tracking
the above-mentioned DOF motion of theAquadrotor.
strategy. The attitude
cascade proportional-
control loop is implemented on the microcontroller, while the outer
integral-derivative (PID) controller is designed to individually control the 6 DOF motion loop for position control
of theis
quadrotor. The onattitude
Hierarchical control
loop All PID gains
is implemented of have
onthe been preliminarily
the for target while
microcontroller, tuned
tracking. in hovering
the outer loop for
flight tests. The outputs of the cascade PID controller are the desired force fd and the desired torque τd ,
which Thearepixel values
applied uT ,UAV
to the vT are the centroid
body. The mixerofgives
the target position
the desired in each
angular imageofframe,
velocity and Sto
each motor is
T the
the speedofcontroller
scale change the target,(ESC),
which which is expressed
is given as a Pulse
by the proposed KCF Width Modulation
tracker. The state (PWM) signal.
of the quadrotor
( , ) expressed in global NED frame is given by the autopilot using an Extended Kalmanbut
It is worth mentioning that the thrust value is not only determined by the desired position, also
by the takeoff weight of the quadrotor platform. T Thus, the height control can be considered as two
(EKF). The desired position xd yd zd and the desired yaw angle d are given by the gimbal
parts: a slightly changed base value for hovering control and a fast controller for position control.
system in the global NED using the above-mentioned tracking strategy. A cascade proportional-
integral-derivative (PID) controller is designed to individually control the 6 DOF motion of the
quadrotor. The attitude control loop is implemented on the microcontroller, while the outer loop for
the desired torque d , which are applied to the UAV body. The mixer gives the desired angular
velocity of each motor to the electronic speed controller (ESC), which is expressed as a Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) signal.
It is worth mentioning that the thrust value is not only determined by the desired position, but
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5064 19 of 27
also by the takeoff weight of the quadrotor platform. Thus, the height control can be considered as
two parts: a slightly changed base value for hovering control and a fast controller for position control.
When the
When the target
target isis selected,
selected, the
the quadrotor
quadrotor will keep the
will keep the distance
distance relative
relative to
to the
the target
target based
based on
on the
estimation of its scale changes in the image frame, which is shown in Supplementary
estimation of its scale changes in the image frame, which is shown in Supplementary Materials. Materials.
5. Experiments
Experiments and Results
Experimental Setup
5.1. Experimental
Most experimental
experimentalUAVs UAVs areare
equipped withwith
expensive sensors
expensive and devices,
sensors such as such
and devices, high-precision
as high-
precision light detection, and ranging
3D light detection, and (Lidar)
(Lidar) and differential
sensors global positioning
and differential system
global positioning
(DGPS), which will
system (DGPS), definitely
which improveimprove
will definitely the control
the accuracy but are unaffordable
control accuracy in many practical
but are unaffordable in many
practical To test the
applications. Toproposed tracking system
test the proposed trackinginsystem
this paper, a customized
in this quadrotorquadrotor
paper, a customized platform
(65 cm in diameter)
platform (65 cm in isdiameter)
used to perform
is usedalltothe flight experiments,
perform all the flightwhich weighs 4.2
experiments, kg including
which weighs 4.2all the
including all as shown in Figure
the payloads, as 14.
shownThe in
cost is much
Figure lower
14. The than
cost the other
is much lowerplatforms
than the(e.g.,
otherDJI Matrice
200). DJI
3-axis gimbal at 3-axis
a dimension × 86.2 × of 3 , weighs only3 409 g, as shown in
(e.g., 200). The gimbal ofat 108
a dimension 137.3
108mm× 86.2 × 137.3 mm , weighs only 409 g,
Figure 15a. The IMUs and encoders are consumer sensors
as shown in Figure 15a. The IMUs and encoders are consumer sensors at at very low prices. Theprices.
very low cameraThe with focal
with ranging
focal lengthsfrom 4.9–49
ranging mm4.9–49
from has ammmaximum resolution
has a maximum of 1920 ×of1080
resolution 1920at×60 frames
1080 at 60 per second
frames per
second The costThe
(fps). of the gimbaled
cost of the camera
gimbaled is less than is
camera $400,
than makes it very makes
$400, which attractive considering
it very its
great performance.
considering its greatThe AS5048A magnetic
performance. The AS5048A rotary encoderrotary
magnetic used in the gimbal
encoder used system measures
in the gimbal the
angular position
measures of each
the angular axis, which
position of eachhas a 14-bit
axis, whichhigh
has aresolution
14-bit high output (0.0219
resolution deg/LSB).
output (0.0219 deg/LSB).
(a) (b)
Figure 15.
15. The
The gimbaled
gimbaled camera
camera (a)
(a) and
and onboard
onboard equipment
equipment (b).
As shown in Figure 15b, the quadrotor is equipped with an embedded microcontroller developed
by the Pixhawk team at ETU Zürich [66]. The selected firmware version is 1.9.2.
To achieve real-time image processing, a NVIDIA Jetson TX2 module is used as an onboard
computer to implement the tracking algorithm, which is almost the fastest and most power-efficient
embedded AI computing device. The output data of the vision system can be transferred from
the onboard computer to the Pixhawk flight controller using serial communication, which is based
on a MAVLINK [67] extendable communication node for the Robot Operation System (ROS) [68].
The control rate is at 30 Hz limited by the onboard processing speed. By using a 2.4 GHz remote
controller (RC), the tracking process can be initiated by switching to the offboard mode when a target
is selected.
(a) (b)
Figure 16.
Figure 16. Boresight error in pixels
pixels during
during ground
ground step
step tests.
tests. (a) the response of the gimbal
gimbal system
system in
azimuth; (b)
azimuth; (b) the
the response
response of
of the
the gimbal
gimbal system
system in
in elevation.
Then, the gimbal system and the onboard computer are fixed on the experimental quadrotor
platform for further tests. To aim at a target from the UAV, the motion and vibration of the platform
should be isolated. Once the target is locked, the UAV is in a fully autonomous mode controlled by the
integrated system. Figure 17 shows the results of the boresight error while the UAV is following a
pedestrian moving at 0.9–2 m/s. In about 250 seconds’ flight, an accuracy of ±9.34 pixels in the azimuth
and ±5.07 pixels in the elevation was achieved.
(a) (b)
Figure 17. Boresight error in pixels while the UAV is following a human target moving at pedestrian
(a) (b)
Figure 16. Boresight error in pixels during ground step tests. (a) the response of the gimbal system in
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10,
azimuth; (b)5064
the response of the gimbal system in elevation. 21 of 27
(a) (b)
Figure 17. Boresight error in pixels while the UAV is following a human target moving at pedestrian
speed. (a) the response in azimuth; (b) the response in elevation.
While tracking a ground moving pedestrian, the altitude change of the target can be ignored in
most situations, which makes the task less difficult. However, tracking a flying drone is much more
complicated. The The drones are able to change its position and velocity in a very short time, which may
cause tracking errors or failures. During the flight experiment, autonomous tracking of an intruded
has been
Sci. 2020,
10, xachieved.
Figure 18
tracking a
22 of 28
aflying drone.
flying drone.
(a) (b)
Figure 18. Boresight
Boresight error
error in
in pixels
pixels while
while the
the UAV is tracking a flying
flying drone.
drone. (a) the response in
azimuth; (b) the response in elevation.
Some oscillations still remain in the current configuration, which occurred when the flight path
of the target suddenly changed. ItIt is is aa great
great challenge
challenge for
for the
the system
system toto catch
catch up
up with the target in
such a short time.
time. The deviations caused by the image transmission delay cannotbebeignored,
The deviations caused by the image transmission delay cannot ignored,which is
is 220
about 220milliseconds
image noises
noises and
and illumination
changes may
impact onon
tracking accuracy
tracking to some
accuracy extent.
to some The root
extent. The mean squaresquare
root mean errors
errors (RMSEs) of boresight errors in drone tracking experiment are listed in Table 1, compared other
(RMSEs) of boresight errors in drone tracking experiment are listed in Table 1, compared with the with
the tests.two tests.
Table 1. Root mean square errors (RMSEs) of boresight errors in different cases.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 19. Autonomously
Autonomously tracking
tracking a flying
flying drone with the experimental platform. (a) the
the target
target drone
and the interceptor (the quadrotor platform); (b) the searching phase; (c) start the tracking
tracking phase when
the target is recognized; (d) keep following the target
target drone.
(c) (d)
Figure 19. Autonomously tracking a flying drone with the experimental platform. (a) the target drone
and the interceptor (the quadrotor platform); (b) the searching phase; (c) start the tracking phase when
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5064the target is recognized; (d) keep following the target drone. 23 of 27
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 20. The attitude and approaching speed of the UAV while autonomously tracking a flying
Figure 20. The attitude and approaching speed of the UAV while autonomously tracking a flying
drone. (a) roll angle measured by the camera IMU, encoder and UAV navigation system; (b) pitch
drone. (a) roll angle measured
angle measured by theIMU,
by the camera camera
and UAVencoder
navigationand UAV
system; navigation
(c) yaw system; (b) pitch
angle measured
angle measuredbyby thethe
camera IMU, encoder,
camera IMU,and UAV navigation
encoder, and UAVsystem;navigation
and (d) the desired and actual
system; (c) approaching
yaw angle measured by
speed of the UAV.
the camera IMU, encoder, and UAV navigation system; and (d) the desired and actual approaching
speed of theAppl.
UAV.Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 24 of 28
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 21. The actual position (a–c) and 3D trajectory (d) of the UAV and the target drone in the local
Figure 21. The NED
actual position (a–c) and 3D trajectory (d) of the UAV and the target drone in the local
NED frame.
Higher control rate and less image transmission delay would significantly improve the response
speed and the accuracy, if better hardware configuration were used. However, considering that all
the sensors and onboard devices are low-cost, the performance of the proposed tracking system is
very attractive in practical applications. A video of the experiments is available in the Supplementary
Materials section (Video S1).
6. Conclusions
In the presented work, we proposed an onboard visual tracking system which consists of a
gimbaled camera, an onboard computer for image processing and a microcontroller to control the
UAV to approach the moving target. Our system used a KCF-based algorithm to detect and track an
arbitrary object in real time, which has proved its efficiency and reliability in experiments. With the
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5064 24 of 27
6. Conclusions
In the presented work, we proposed an onboard visual tracking system which consists of a
gimbaled camera, an onboard computer for image processing and a microcontroller to control the
UAV to approach the moving target. Our system used a KCF-based algorithm to detect and track an
arbitrary object in real time, which has proved its efficiency and reliability in experiments. With the
visual information, the 3-axis gimbal system autonomously aims at the selected target, which has
achieved good performance during real flights. The proposed system has been demonstrated through
real-time target tracking experiments, which enabled a low-cost quadrotor to chase a flying drone as
shown in the video.
Future work may include using a laser ranging module attached to the camera, which is able to
provide an accurate distance of the UAV with respect to the target. Even though this will increase
the cost of the system, we look forward to its potential applications such as target geo-location and
autonomous landing. Performance improvements could also be achieved by using deep learning-based
detection algorithms combined with a large number of sample images. The CMOS sensors used in
this paper are low-cost, which could lead to the effect of rolling shutter [69]. If the error is dramatic,
compensation should be made to handle this issue.
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