Addition and Deletion

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1. The Formulary Process

The formulary process is the cornerstone of good pharmaceutical management and
rational drug use. It consists of preparing, using and updating a formulary list, a formulary
manual, and standard treatment guidelines. Choosing the most appropriate therapies and
selecting the most cost-effective good-quality drugs leads to better quality of care and more
efficient, equitable use of resources.
Strict adherence to a formulary list alone will not improve treatment practice if drug
selection is not based on STGs, like if there is no consistency between the formulary list and the
STGs. Furthermore, essential medicines can also be used inappropriately if there are no
guidelines for disease management. Ideally, a formulary list should be developed after the
appropriate treatment guidelines for common diseases have been identified or developed. In
many countries, there are already national STGs and other texts on standard treatment protocol
that can be followed and issued as a starting point when developing a hospital formulary list or
local STGs. Once a formulary list is established, a formulary manual, containing information on
all the medicines in the formulary list, can be developed. Figure 1 shows the relationship
between STGs and the Essential Medicines List and how these affect respectively the use and the
availability of medicines.

FIGURE 1. How STGs and EMLs lead to better prevention and care
List of common diseases and
Treatments of choice

Treatment guidelines

Essential Medicines
List and Formulary
Financing and supply
of drugs

Training and

Improved availability
and use of medicines

2. The Formulary List (Essential Medicines List)

Essential medicines are those that satisfy the priority health care needs of the population.
They are selected with due regard to disease prevalence, evidence of efficacy, safety and
comparative cost-effectiveness. Essential medicines are intended to be available within the
context of functioning health systems at all times in adequate amounts, in the appropriate dosage
forms, with assured quality and adequate information, and at a price the individual and the
community can afford. The implementation of the concept of essential medicines is intended to
be flexible and adaptable to many different situations; exactly which medicines are regarded as
essential remains a national responsibility (WHO 2002a).
It is difficult to achieve efficiency in the hospital pharmaceutical system if there are too
many medicines. All aspects of drug management, including procurement, storage, distribution
and use, are easier if fewer items must be dealt with. Appropriate selection drugs can achieve the
following results:
Cost containment and enhanced equity in access to essential medicines: Procuring
fewer items in larger quantities results in more price competition and economies of scale
with regard to quality assurance, procurement, storage and distribution. Such economies
can lead to improved drug availability at lower costs, so benefiting those who are in most
Improved quality of care: Patients will be treated with fewer but more cost-effective
medicines for which information can be better provided and prescribers better trained.
Prescribers gain more experience with fewer drugs and recognize drug interactions and
adverse reactions better. Quality of care will be further improved if medicine selection is
based on evidence-based treatment guidelines.
2.1 Criteria in medicine selection
Which drugs are selected depends on many factors, such as the pattern of prevalent
diseases, the treatment facilities, the training and experience of available personnel, the
financial resources, and genetic, demographic and environment factors. WHO (1999) has
developed the following selection criteria:
Only those medicines should be selected for which sound and adequate data on
efficacy and safety are available from clinical studies, and for which evidence of
performance in general use in a variety of medical settings has been obtained.
Each selected medicine must be available in a form in which adequate quality,
including bioavailability, can be assured; its stability under the anticipated conditions
of storage and use must be established.
When two or more medicines appear to be similar in the above respects, the choice
between them should be made on the basis of a careful evaluation of their relative
efficacy, safety, quality, price and availability.
In cost comparison between medicines, the cost of the total treatment, and not only
the unit cost of the medicine, must be considered. Where drugs are not entirely
similar, selection should be made on the basis of a cost-effectiveness analysis.
In some cases, the choice may also be influenced by other factors, such as
pharmacokinetic properties, or by local considerations such as the availability of
facilities for storage or manufacturers.

Most essential medicines should be formulated as single compounds. Fixed-ratio

combination products are acceptable only when the dosage of each ingredient meets
the requirements of a defined population and when the combination has a proven
advantage over single compounds administered separately in therapeutic effect, safety
or compliance.
Drugs are specified by the international nonproprietary name (INN) or generic name
without reference to brand names or specific manufacturers.

Everyone should agree an explicit set of criteria, based upon the WHO criteria, for
selecting medicines, so that the selection process can be objective and evidence-based.
Without an evidence-based approach, decisions may be taken according to the doctors who
shout loudest, and it may be difficult to persuade other prescribers to abide by the list. The
criteria for drug selection and the procedure for proposing a drug to be added to the
formulary list should be published. Not all evidence is equally strong. The level of evidence
should be acknowledged when publishing selection criteria and decisions.

2.2 Developing and implementing a formulary list

The hospital formulary list should be consistent with the national essential medicines list
(EML), if the latter is available. It is very important that an explicit and previously agreed
process and selection criteria be followed at each step in order to increase prescriber
confidence in the validity and usefulness of the list.

Step 1. Prioritize a list of common problems/ diseases being treated in the hospital
and determine the first choice of treatment for each problem
The diseases may be ranked to identify the most common diseases being treated in the
hospital by consulting all medical departments and reviewing the previous hospital
mortality and morbidity records. For each disease, an appropriate first-choice of
treatment should be identified using STGs- either nationally or locally developed. If
there are no published STGs endorsed by the health ministry, publications by WHO,
unbiased professional organizations and academia can be used. Alternatively, an expert
committee can be brought together to identify the appropriate treatment for each of the
common health problems. A commonly used alternative method of developing a
formulary list easier, but not recommended consists of reviewing the existing
formulary list of the hospital concerned or any other hospitals in the country. In such
circumstances, the WHO model list of essential medicines (WHO 2002a) may also be
used as a starting point. The capability of the hospital and its staff to handle specific
drugs should not be forgotten during the selection process. For example, warfarin is not
suitable for use unless the hospital has a facility to monitor prothrombin time (blood
clotting time).

Step 2. Draft, circulate for comment, and finalize the formulary list
A draft of the list must be prepared. It is useful to identify:
the most important medicines (which are absolutely essential) and those that are less
the most expensive medicines
whether all the medicines that are prescribed in large volumes, or are expensive, are
Each department, whether clinical or involved in non-clinical drug management, must be
given the chance to comment on the list. The Drug and Therapeutic Committee must
deliberate on their comments and provide feedback. All information to be discussed and
deliberated upon, such as disease profile and STGs, must be available during the
discussions, together with evidence-based reviews where possible. Finally, the Drug and
Therapeutic Committee must agree and disseminate the formulary list and the reasons for
its choices.

Step 3. Develop policies and guidelines for implementation

The formulary list will never be useful unless there are documented policies and
guidelines on how it should be used. These should include:
who should use the list (prescribers and the procurement department should both abide
by the list)
how the list should be reviewed and updated
a clear mechanism for adding and deleting medicines from the list
how medical staff can request medicines that are not included on the list in exceptional
or emergency situations (for example, certain non-formulary drugs may be prescribed by
authorized senior doctors for specified less common conditions on a named patient basis).

Step 4. Educate staff about the formulary list and monitor implementation
All the staff in the hospital must be educated about the list. A common problem is that
prescribers continue to request and use medicines not on the list. This results in patients
having to buy their medicines from pharmacies outside the hospital, or the procurement
group buying non-formulary medicines, without the approval of the DTC. There should
be a clear system of implementation, accountability and enforcement including
reprimands and sanctions. End users and opinion leaders can be involved in evaluating
and enforcing the implementation.

2.3 Managing a formulary list (EML): adding and deleting drugs

All applications to add medicines to the list must be made on an official application form.
Individual doctors making an application must get the endorsement of their head of
department. The application should include the following information:
the pharmacological actions of the medicine and its proposed indication
why the medicine is superior to those already on the formulary list
evidence from the literature to support inclusion on the formulary list
declaration of interest as to whether the applicant has received any financial support from
the supplier, i.e. the manufacturing company or wholesaler.
The request should be sent to the DTC secretary who will arrange for the request to be
formally evaluated by the responsible person either him/herself, or a drug information
pharmacist, or drug information center staff.
Evaluations of applications to add new medicines to the list
These should be conducted using explicit documented criteria, preferably evidence-based, as
previously agreed by the DTC and covering the following areas:

Criteria for consideration of new treatments for conditions not amenable to existing drug
therapy, or treatments representing major improvements in survival and quality of life:
- the efficacy, effectiveness and safety of the medicine, as assessed by locally available
- the quality of the drug (which may be considered adequate if registered by the national
regulatory body) and a supply chain of acceptable quality (with regard to manufacture,
storage and transport)
-whether the hospital has the necessary clinical expertise and laboratory services to use the
medicine, and what role specialists should play to regulate therapy
- an estimation of the cost (and potential savings) to the hospital should the drug be
- this should include costs of the medicine itself, hospitalization and investigation
- availability of the drug on the market.

Criteria for treatments representing minor improvements in therapy compared to existing

listed medicines. The committee should consider all of the above and in addition:
whether the new drug is really superior to existing ones in terms of efficacy, safety, or
convenience of dosing/administration; claimed minor improvements are often proved to
be unimportant
how the total cost for a course of treatment with the new drug compares with already
listed drugs

Criteria for treatments that are therapeutically equivalent to existing listed medicines. The
committee should consider all of the above and in addition:
whether the new drug is really therapeutically equivalent, and not inferior, to existing
drugs in terms of efficacy, safety, or convenience of dosing/administration
whether the total cost for a course of treatment with new medicine is less than with the
already listed medicines.

Criteria for use of non-formulary medicines. If the use of non-listed drugs is allowed in
certain circumstances, then these drugs need not be included in the list. Such
circumstances may include:
non-response or contraindications to available medicines
whether to continue therapy for a patient who had been stabilized on a non-listed
medicine before admission to hospital and where changing to another drug is considered

Criteria for restricting the use of certain drugs to specified specialist prescribers only.
Such circumstances may include:
the danger of unnecessarily increasing antimicrobial resistance with inappropriate use
of third- or fourth-generation antimicrobials; thus they should be limited to prescription
by infectious disease or clinical microbiology specialists
the danger of serious side-effects that could occur unnecessarily with inappropriate
use, for example chemotherapeutic or cytotoxic agents; thus they should be limited to
prescription by specialized physicians with knowledge of these medicines.

Written report of the drug evaluation

A written report should be compiled by the person who conducted the evaluation, and
discussed at a scheduled DTC meeting. This report should contain the following information:
the drug monograph, including pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, efficacy as compared to
placebo and other medicines, clinical trial analysis, adverse drug reactions, drug interactions,
cost comparison
recommendations based on the evidence-based information
expert opinions and recommendations from knowledgeable and respected physicians and
how much the new medicine would cost the hospital
whether the new drug belongs to the national EML and whether it is reimbursable by health
insurance schemes.

Discussion and voting procedures

The report should be discussed by the DTC members and a vote taken on the
recommendations presented by the person who compiled the drug evaluation report. The final
decision should then be disseminated to all health-care staff in the form of minutes, in
newsletters and at departmental meetings.
Non-listed requests
A register of all non-listed medicine requests should be kept by the pharmacy and the name
of the requesting doctor, the name and quantity of the medicine and the indication for which
the medicine was requested should be recorded. When compiled at the end of the year, this
information can tell the DTC about prescriber adherence to the formulary list and can also
help in deciding whether or not to add drugs onto the list.
Pruning the list
If a new medicine is added to the list for reasons of improved efficacy, safety or lower price,
serious consideration should be given to deleting the medicine which was previously on the
formulary list for the same indication, for two reasons:
if the new medicine is better, why continue to have a less good old medicine on the list?
if no effort is made to consider deleting medicines, none will be deleted and the list will
grow in size.
2.4 Maintaining a formulary
Routine review of different therapeutic categories is an important part of formulary
management. An efficient formulary management process will not passively wait for
applications to add new medicines to the formulary. New drugs and treatments are emerging
all the time, and without evaluation the formulary may become a collection of older, less
effective drugs. Therefore, the entire formulary should be reviewed every 23 years. This can
be done by evaluating all the formulary medicines within each therapeutic class in a
systematic way on a regular basis and comparing them to other new non-formulary
medicines within that class. Thus, in order to efficiently maintain a formulary, a DTC should
meet regularly to discuss and decide upon:
requests for the addition of new medicines and deletion of old medicines
systematic review of a therapeutic class of medicines
review of programmes to identify and resolve medicine use problems.
All decisions of the DTC should be documented (minuted).


Select drugs according to the needs of patients
Select drugs of choice for the conditions identified
Avoid duplications, both therapeutic and pharmaceutical (dosage forms)
Use explicit selection criteria, based on proven efficacy, safety, quality and cost
Use evidence-based information whenever possible
Be consistent with national EMLs and STGs
Consider requests for the addition of new drugs only when made by health-care staff, not by the
pharmaceutical industry
Require that requests for the addition of new drugs are justified using documented evidence on
efficacy, relative efficacy, safety and comparative cost-effectiveness and that the person
requesting any new drug declare any conflict of interest
Carry out annual systematic reviews of all therapeutic classes to avoid duplication.
2.5 Improving adherence to a formulary
The existence of a well-maintained formulary does not mean that prescribers will adhere to
it. Methods to promote formulary adherence include:
reviewing and taking action on all non-formulary medicine use; action may include adding
the medicine to the formulary, educating the prescriber about the non-formulary status of the
medicines or banning use of the medicine within the hospital
prohibiting the use of non-formulary drug samples in the hospital
establishing procedures and approved drug product lists for therapeutic interchange or
providing easy access to the formulary list, with copies at each drug ordering location and
in pocket manuals for staff
involving medical staff in all formulary decisions
advertising and promoting all formulary changes
establishing agreed procedures for clinical trials with non-formulary medicines.
3. Formulary manual
The formulary manual is the publication that brings all the important summary
information on medicines in the formulary list together in a manual. There is no set standard on
how this document is arranged or what is in the manual. Normally it would contain an
alphabetically and therapeutically arranged listing of all the formulary drugs, and a section on
drug usage including doses, contraindications, side-effects, drug interactions and price. Ideally
the manual should include a section on the medicines of choice and alternates for treating the
medical conditions of the region. The DTC may be selective in what information is presented for
each item, depending on what has been approved for use locally; for example, including only
some but not all dosage forms, strength, indications for use, etc. A good comprehensive
formulary can provide excellent drug information for health-care staff, but developing one is a
very time-consuming process. If it is to be used, it will need to be pocket-sized, distributed

widely (ideally to every prescriber), regularly updated, and developed in a transparent,

participatory way. The WHO model formulary (WHO 2002b), which is available in electronic
format, may be a good starting point for developing a formulary manual.
4. Standard treatment guidelines
Even with an ideal formulary list, inappropriate use of formulary drugs may occur. STGs
or treatment protocols are a proven, effective strategy to promote appropriate prescribing, when
used in conjunction with educational strategies to promote their use (Grimshaw and Russell
1993). STGs may be defined as systematically developed statements to help practitioners or
prescribers make decisions about appropriate treatments for specific clinical conditions (MSH
1997). As a minimum, they should contain information on clinical features, diagnostic criteria,
non-drug and drug treatments (first-, second-, third-line), and referral criteria (see step 5, section
3.4.2). Contrary to what is often alleged, STGs do not constrain but advise prescribers, who still
retain their responsibility to decide upon appropriate treatments. STGs merely define the
boundaries between the accepted norms in treating a disease based on good clinical evidence,
and the practice of relying purely on clinical experience. The latter provides a very limited
scientific basis and is often subject unknowingly to bias and misinterpretation which may result
in expensive, inefficient disease management.
STGs are very useful in:
providing guidance to health professionals on the diagnosis and treatment of specific clinical
orienting new staff about accepted norms in treatment
providing prescribers with justification for prescribing decisions made in accordance with
providing a reference point by which to judge the quality of prescribing
aiding efficient estimation of drug needs and setting priorities for procuring and stocking drugs.
The problems associated with STGs include:
a development process which is difficult, time-consuming, and requires human and financial
the need to update regularly to avoid STGs becoming obsolete
the danger of inaccurate or incomplete guidelines which provide wrong information to
prescribers, so doing more harm than good.
Common pitfalls that need to be avoided include, for example,
including treatment choices that reflect common existing practices rather than best practice
according to the evidence
recommending treatment choices that do not take into account existing expertise or
In Europe there has been a great deal of concern about the quality of STGs and as a result there
is now a move to evaluate all STGs according to defined criteria, such as those of the Scottish
Intercollegiate Guideline Network (SIGN 1999) or the Appraisal of Guidelines for 3.

A PRACTICAL GUIDE 24 Research and Evaluation in Europe, AGREE (Biomed 2000). Since
STGs are so important with regard to monitoring and promoting more rational use of medicines,
a DTC should be very concerned with developing STGs and promoting their use. Since goodquality STGs are so difficult to develop and implement, the DTC should focus on the most
common, clinically important or costliest conditions treated in the hospital. Conditions where
treatment is frequently suboptimal or wasteful may also be the focus of STG development.

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