Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance For A UAV With Complementary Low-Cost Sensors

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Received April 14, 2015, accepted May 5, 2015, date of publication May 12, 2015, date of current version

June 1, 2015.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2432455

Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a

UAV With Complementary Low-Cost Sensors
Chair Aerospace Information Technology, University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg 97074, Germany

Corresponding author: N. Gageik ([email protected])

This work was supported in part by the Wrzburg-Schweinfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce, in part by the Universittsbund
Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany, in part by the German Research Foundation, and in part by the University of Wuerzburg within the
funding programme Open Access Publishing.

ABSTRACT This paper demonstrates an innovative and simple solution for obstacle detection and collision
avoidance of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) optimized for and evaluated with quadrotors. The sensors
exploited in this paper are low-cost ultrasonic and infrared range finders, which are much cheaper though
noisier than more expensive sensors such as laser scanners. This needs to be taken into consideration for
the design, implementation, and parametrization of the signal processing and control algorithm for such
a system, which is the topic of this paper. For improved data fusion, inertial and optical flow sensors are
used as a distance derivative for reference. As a result, a UAV is capable of distance controlled collision
avoidance, which is more complex and powerful than comparable simple solutions. At the same time, the
solution remains simple with a low computational burden. Thus, memory and time-consuming simultaneous
localization and mapping is not required for collision avoidance.
INDEX TERMS Collision avoidance, obstacle detection, ultrasonic, infrared, autonomous, UAV, quadrotor,

In the past decade, the interest in UAVs and autonomy has

constantly increased. Collision avoidance is an important
requirement for autonomous flights. Although multiple
solutions for obstacle detection and collision avoidance of
UAVs exist, these solutions suffer from different drawbacks.
In general, the existing solutions can be divided into
two parts: The first part contains simple collision avoidance
solutions which are based on avoiding collisions by steering the vehicle into opposite direction using different
techniques [1][5]. The biggest drawback of such solutions is
the intervention into the steering which may not be desirable
for the mission of the UAV. These solutions do not allow a
UAV to control its distance from an obstacle which may be
necessary in a couple of situations. The second part can be
described as SLAM-based solutions. Those solutions avoid
collisions by mapping, positioning, and navigation within
the map while the positioning and mapping is based on a
complex SLAM algorithm [6][11], [13]. Compared to the
first division, these solutions do not limit the mission, but
the collision avoidance requires the SLAM-algorithm which
needs considerable memory and computational power
compared to the already mentioned simple solutions, because
of its complexity. The proposed solution in this paper can be
VOLUME 3, 2015

classified as being in between these two divisions, avoiding

the drawbacks of each of them.
Besides the mentioned aspects, it has to be taken into
consideration, that US and IR sensors are complementary
technologies. IR sensors, like all optical sensors, fail under
poor lighting conditions such as smoke or fog and cannot
detect diaphanous obstacles; contrary to ultrasonic
sensors [18][21], which do not pose such drawbacks.
However ultrasonic sensors cannot detect sound absorbing
surfaces like clothes or curtains properly. US sensors are
therefore not reliable to detect people or the available distance
from them, which is no challenge for IR sensors.
Compared to existing works, which do not have
redundant sensors for obstacle detection, the presented
solution combines two complementary technologies with
acceptable costs, thereby increasing the reliability of the
system. This combination is quite useful for fields of application such as search and rescue (SAR) missions, where the
UAV is used to find injured persons in a smoky underground
garage after a fire.
In this work the focus lies on quadrotors, as they are
optimized to fly in low space environments, but the presented
solution can also be applied to other classes of UAVs. This
work is a part of the AQopterI8 project, which aims to develop

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N. Gageik et al.: Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a UAV

an autonomous flying quadrocopter for indoor application

like supporting firefighters in a SAR mission.

Hand in hand with an increased interest in UAVs, their

applications, users, developers and manufacturers have
grown constantly, particularly in the last decade. More and
more features, functions, and solutions are being developed
to empower the systems and to simplify handling for less
experienced pilots. GPS-guided navigation and fully rotating
camera systems for video recording are common
approaches [14][17], [22]. These systems are being used for
many applications like movies and television, documentation,
3D modelling of archaeological buildings and sites as well as
for maintenance of power lines and industrial plants, just to
mention a few [14], [31]. Adding a reliable system for
collision avoidance, also referred to as an anti-collision
system, is currently the next hurdle to take for more autonomy. This enables further applications and lessens the skill
requirements of the pilots. That is why collision avoidance is
a field of interest in research and development.
Scherer et al. [5] and Achtelika et al. [12] belong to the
first division using laser scanners to detect obstacles. This
approach has been extended by Gronzka [9], [10], who uses
multilevel-SLAM with motion and altitude estimation for
3D mapping, positioning and navigation. The implementation is based on the Mikrokopter project and is capable of
autonomous flight [14]. The Mikrokopter project started as
open source platform but is now commercial. However,
processing of the data is not performed on-board, rather on an
external laptop because of its computational burden.
Blsch [6] developed another SLAM algorithm which also
requires external hardware. Shen [11] combined a laser
scanner with a camera using the iterative closest point (ICP)
algorithm for position estimation and an extended Kalman
filter (EKF) for data fusion. His system is capable of
autonomous flight only with on-board resources and requires
a 1.6 GHz Atom for data processing. Weiss [23] uses the
same system, a pelican quadrotor from AscTec [15] that costs
approximately 7000. He developed a SLAM-algorithm
which requires only the on-board camera for positioning and
autonomous flight. Engel [7], [8] presented an algorithm
based on an EKF that exploits feature detection. His solution
empowers the parrot quadrocopter [24] to fly autonomously
through 3D figures. However, it also requires an external
laptop for image data processing. Celik et al. [13] presented
a SLAM-based system using a monocular camera and
US sensors.
Becker and Bouabdallah [1] and Bouabdallah [2], [3]
employed four US sensors for obstacle detection and a camera
system based on over-ground optical flow computations for
positioning. The system is capable to avoid collisions by
controlling its position; however it can neither cover 360
nor perform distance control. In contrast to that, Roberts [4]
uses four IR sensors and avoids collisions by steering towards
the opposite direction. In opposite to these simple solutions,

our approach combines IR and US sensors, fuses the data

and performs distance control, while no sophisticated
SLAM algorithm is used that would require high processing
power. Hence the entire solution can be implemented on a
60MHz microcontroller.

Fig. 1 shows the hardware architecture of the stated quadrotor

AQopterI8. Minimum required components for the discussed
approach are marked as red. Fig. 2 shows corresponding
equipped quadrotor. For height control two infrared sensors,
one ultrasonic sensor and a pressure sensor are used [19]. The
obstacle detection uses 16 infrared sensors and 12 ultrasonic
sensors for redundant 360 coverage. Two kinds of infrared
sensors are used to enhance the measurement range.

FIGURE 1. Hardware architecture of AQopterI8: The minimum required

components are marked red.

FIGURE 2. AQopterI8 equipped with 12 US sensors and 16 (28)

IR sensors.

The entire system is manufactured and programmed at

the chair Aerospace Information Technology (University of
Wrzburg). The advantage of this system can clearly be
concluded from Fig. 1, as the system is quite modular and
diverse components as well as support parts in the mechanical
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N. Gageik et al.: Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a UAV

design can easily be adapted to the requirements.

The overall system design supports many components like
an AMD 1.6GHz processor and cameras for image processing
e.g., object detection, stereo vision and Fourier
tracking [27][30].

E to react
towards an obstacle w and control parameters C
properly on the threat of a collision. With this information the
distance control (DC) regulates the distance. Thus collisions
are avoided.


i = vx

wx wy
Ex C

FIGURE 3. Concept overview.



Fig. 3 depicts the concept of the system from a high level view
divided into obstacle detection (OD) and collision
avoidance (CA). The obstacle detection consists of the sensing and the situation awareness (SA). The sensing is the
reading, conditioning and filtering of the OD (IR + US),
OF (optical flow) and IMU (inertial measurement unit)
sensors, to receive distances d, position changes 1p and
orientations (roll) and (pitch). These data S (1) are then
the input to the situation awareness, whose task is to process
the multiple information from the sensing to determine the
E (2), which contains the minimum distance available
to the front, right, rear and left as well as the longitudinal (x)
and lateral (y) velocity v.

d US


d US






d US


.. ..

. .






d US



d US




E = dRear




= df



E is required for situation

This information, vector ,
assessment, whose task is first the determination of
the situation, i.e. if and where a collision may arise and second
E (3).
the configuration of the distance control with the matrix i
E contains the error e, distance d, speed v, speed in direction
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The weighted filter (WF) is a concept for data fusion or data

selection to obtain the best possible result of multiple sensors.
It computes a weight for every sensor, which represents the
sensors reliability. The WF is easy to design and implement
and has a low computational burden compared to a
Kalman filter (KF). Another advantage is the fact that the
WF can adapt very rapidly to measurement jumps such as
a distance discontinuity of sudden upcoming obstacles, while
a KF minimizes the noise or variance. The WF can be used
together with a Kalman filter to update its variances or without the filter, as it is done here to reduce the computational
burden and delay. The usage of this approach is one special
feature of this work.
The main idea of the data fusion is to use different sources
of information in order to pick the best sensor. Information
constitutes the history of every sensor, the total history and the
bearing of every sensor as well as the current measurements
of each sensor. Sensors with high noise can be considered
as less accurate compared to those with low noise. Invariant
(constant) measurements over a long period of time and the
corresponding sensors are discarded by a preprocessing step
based on the consideration that the distance from a flying
UAV to surrounding obstacles cannot be constant in long
All relevant sensors are divided into main data and
reference data sensors. Main data are absolute distance measurements like the distance measurements from the ultrasonic
and infrared sensors. Reference data are the sensors which
cannot stand alone but are used to evaluate the reliability
of the main sensor data and help to decide between those
sensors. Reference data are the position changes computed
from the inertial and optical flow sensor.
By comparing all possible sensor combinations of main
data and reference data using a norm, in our case the
differential norm, a weight for every sensor is calculated.
This weight is used to decide which sensor measurement is
to be taken as the final result. If the computed weights have
a low variation, the sensor values are fused according to their
weights, otherwise the sensor with the best weight is used and
the bad sensor values are rejected based on the idea, that in
this case they are corrupted.
The reference sensors can help to select a main sensor
based on the rationale that the changes in distance correspond
to the position changes of the UAV. This holds good if the
obstacles are not moving, because in this case the change

N. Gageik et al.: Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a UAV

of distances from the obstacles and the position changes of

the UAV are equal. If the obstacles are moving, this information is corrupted by their movement, but still it is unlikely
that this movement corresponds better to randomly wrong
measurements. However, this problem can be handled by
parametrization of the WF.

If the difference between WS (k) and WL (k) is below a certain

threshold, I(k) is computed by (6):
I (k) =

The three distance measurements L(k), S(k) and U(k)

correspond to the distance measurements of a long infrared,
a short infrared and an ultrasonic sensors at time k.
O(k) and E(k) are the measurements of position changes
computed from the optical flow sensor and the IMU
using (9) and (10). So O(k) and E(k) correspond to Oi and Ei ,
respectively. The weight WS (k) of the short IR sensor is computed with (5). The history is incorporated by the exponential
moving average (EWMA) filter part with its smoothing
factor e. The parameters a, b, c and d determine the influence
of the different sources and qO is a dynamic calculated parameter determined by the current quality of the optical flow
sensor. The influence of the ultrasonic sensor d is dynamically
updated according to its distance, since the ultrasonic sensor
is more reliable for small distances. All other parameters are
N1 = |S (k 1) + E(k) S(k)|
N2 = |S (k 1) + O(k) S(k)|
N3 = |D (k 1) + E(k) S(k)|
N4 = |D (k 1) + O(k) S(k)|
N5 = |U (k) S(k)|

WS (k) = a (N 1 + b qO N2 )
+ c (N 3 + b qO N4 ) + d N5

WS (k) = e WS (k) + (1 e) WS (k 1)


WL (k), the weight of the long IR sensor, is computed

analogous to WS (k). The fused infrared distance I(k) is
determined by these weights and is the result of the IR WF.


Otherwise the fused infrared distance I(k) is equal to the

sensor with the better weight (lower value). The overall fusion
is analogue and (7) is given here for completeness. WI (k)
is the weight of the fused infrared distance I(k) and WU (k),
the analogue weight of the ultrasonic sensor, computed by
replacing I(k) with U(k) in (7). If the difference between
both weights is less than 10%, the overall distance D(k) is
computed by (8).
N6 = |I (k 1) + E(k) I (k)|
N7 = |I (k 1) + O(k) I (k)|
N8 = |D (k 1) + E(k) I (k)|

FIGURE 4. Weighted filter design.

Since the two infrared sensors exclude each other in most

parts of their measurement range, the WF consists of
two iterations (Fig. 4). In the first step, the better IR sensor is
selected and in the second step it is fused with the ultrasonic
sensor. Summarized by the vector R, there are five inputs to
the weighted filter to determine the fused distance D(k).
(4) is equivalent to one row of (1).

S(k) O(k) E(k)
R = U (k) L(k)

WS (k) L(k) + WL (k) S(k)

WS (k) + WL (k)

N9 = |D (k 1) + O(k) I (k)|

WI (k) = a (N 6 + b qO N7 )
+ c (N 8 + b qO N9 )

WI (k) = e WI (k) + (1 e) WI (k 1)
WU (k) I (k) + WI (k) U (k)
D(k) =
WI (k) + WU (k)


FIGURE 5. Obstacle detection with sensing and situation awareness.


Fig. 5 describes the principle of obstacle detection with the

situation awareness. The situation awareness consists of
12 weighted filters (WF) [19] and 12 EWMA filters. Each
row of S, corresponding to R, is the input of one WF which
needs to be transformed for the last four columns by the
optical and inertial estimation block properly. (9) and (10)
express the computation of the optical estimation Oi and
inertial estimation Ei of sector i with g = 9.81 sm2 and
T = 0.01s.
Oi = 1pOF
2  y

Ei = g T (sin() sin i
+ sin () cos i ) (10)
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N. Gageik et al.: Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a UAV

Algorithm 1 TAF
Input: distance main neighbor left: ml
Input: distance direct neighbor left: nl
Input: distance main: m
Input: distance direct neighbor right: nr
Input: distance main neighbor right: mr
Input: tolerance:
Savings: last weights: w0 , w1 , w2
Output: fused minimum distance: d
if (ml < nl ) then nl = end if
if (mr < nr ) then nr = end if
if (m < nl ) then
if (m < nr ) then w0 = 0
else w0 = 1
end if
if (nl < nr ) then w0 = 1
else w0 = 1
end if
S= wi
w2 = w1
w1 = w0
d =m
if (S < 1) then d = nl end if
if (S > 1) then d = nr end if
return d

The outputs of the WF or EWMA are 12 filtered

distances of available place around the quadrotor, which can
be described by 12 sectors (Fig. 5). The EWMA is used to
reduce noise.
E is computed by
The velocity vector Ev, one part of vector ,
the derivation of the corresponding lowest distance from the
vector dEf . If the derivative is under a certain threshold, it is set
to zero to dismiss jumps from noisy measurements or obstacles which do not correspond to a movement. The derivatives
are then filtered with a EWMA filter. The accuracy of the
velocity vector Ev can be improved by the usage of the optical
flow sensor. Since the system should also be operable in
case of bad lighting conditions, when the OF sensor fails,
the vector Ev does not rely on the OF data. An integration of
the IMU with a complementary filter for velocity estimation
did not lead to better results and therefore has not been used.
The proposed approach showed good results for velocity

E9 E0
E11 E2

T = 0 E3

E7 E10
E1 E4
E3 E6
The task of the triple awareness fusion (TAF) is to
determine the four distances dEf (2) as one fundamental base
VOLUME 3, 2015

for the situation assessment. The idea is to reduce the

12 outputs of the EWMA Ei to 4 inputs, which can be
processed by the collision avoidance. It is called triple,
because it always fuses three sectors to one common sector
(Fig. 8). Each column of T is the input to a single TAF
filter (11).
The TAF algorithm picks the minimum relevant distance as
the available space into the respective direction. There are
two reasons for why a simple min() function is not sufficient.
The first reason is the noise. The minimum of two noisy
signals is significantly lower than each single signal or their
average. The example data of Fig. 7 show that the average of
D1 is 2.25 and the average of D2 is 3.6, but the average of
their minimum is 2.25. This effect, if not considered, leads
to large errors.
That is why the TAF algorithm not only considers the
current measurement, but also the last two measurements,
without the drawback of a delay. This information is stored
in the last weights w1 , w2 . These weights together with the
current weight w0 determine the current result.
The second effect, which needs to be taken into
consideration, can be explained as data dependency.
An obstacle located on one axis may move through the data
fusion unintentionally into another axis. This is the case,
because transversal sensors measure two axes. For example
a wall on the right is measured by US sensor 3 (d3US )
(Fig. 6), but also by number 1 (d US
1 ). If we would compute the
US , d US , d US ), the wall on the
front distance only with min(d11
right would move to the front leading to erroneous results.
To solve this problem, the TAF algorithm discards those
measurements, when the corresponding neighbor is
smaller because in that case the obstacle belongs to the
other axis.

FIGURE 6. Left: 12 sectors around the quadrotor (WF + EWMA output):

Correspondents to the position of the 12 US sensors d0US d11
Right: 8 sectors around the quadrotor representing the 28 IR sensors.

The concept of the TAF can be visualized best in Fig. 8.

The five inputs are the straight main distance (red), the direct
neighbor distances left and right (yellow) and the main neighbor distances left and right (blue). Now, a direct neighbor is
discarded (set to infinity), if the corresponding main neighbor
is smaller. In the next step of the TAF algorithm the minimum
value is picked between the sensor measurement of the main
and direct neighbors. This is not only determined by the

N. Gageik et al.: Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a UAV

FIGURE 7. Minimum of two noisy signals D1 and D2.

FIGURE 8. TAF concept.

current measurements but also by the last three measurements

and their added weights. Hence, an obstacle on the side is
ignored by the controller on the front (Fig. 8 right top) and a
diagonal obstacle is controlled via both axes as intended
(Fig. 8 right bottom).

Fig. 9 shows the concept of the CA in more detail. Each

axis can be controlled independently with one SAs and one
DC block. The DC block is explained in the next subchapter,
while this subchapter explains the situation assessment
containing two identical SAs blocks.

FIGURE 9. CA concept.

Under the constraint of a fixed given height, the quadrotor

has only two independent translational axes which it has to
manipulate for collision avoidance: x (forth / longitudinal)
and y (strafe / lateral). Two independent axes mean there are
four independent minimal distances (available spaces) around
the quadrotor which are sufficient to describe the problem.

Diagonal distances or measurements into two axes are a

vectorial composition of the two orthogonal axes. Those
diagonals are then expressed by the two orthogonal axes via
trigonometric equations. Each two distances and a velocity
correspond to one axis, one SAs and one DC: One for
pitch (x) and one for roll (y). For simplification roll and pitch
are considered to be independent, but the attitude can also be
expressed via a quaternion without changes in the concept.
Any further or other distance necessarily is a composition
out of the mentioned four distances, since only the minimum
distance is relevant. That is why the problem of control can be
sufficiently handled by these distances dEf and their respective
velocity vector Ev.
Hence the problem of collision control can be solved with
two fixed-axis controllers, one for longitudinal control and
one for lateral control. Our experiments with distance control
have shown that a different concept using more controllers
does not assure stability. The reason is that the controllers
hobble each other and continuity is not given due to switching
between sensors and directions as an effect of the sensor
noise and dynamic of the system. Therefore two fixed-axis
controllers are supposed.
The problem of situation assessment can be generalized
with respect to its characteristics and symmetry. The reaction
of the system on obstacles at the front and on those at the
rear is analogous. This information can be incorporated in
the sign of the error. An obstacle at the front and an error of
10cm means that the quadrotor is further away than intended.
In this case it should fly 10cm forward. An obstacle at the
rear with an error of 10cm means that the quadrotor is too
close. Again it needs to fly 10cm forward to avoid the obstacle
at the rear. Although both situations are different, a similar
reaction is intended. Thats why the same error and therefore
the same controller can be used. So the SA for each axis can
be further simplified, if we describe it with a positive distance
d+ aligned with the corresponding axis and a negative
distance d opposite to that axis. Now the controllers for both
directions of both axes can be implemented analogous. For
the x-axis (12) applies:

Hereby no switching between different controllers is
necessary and continuity of the control is guaranteed, if an
obstacle appears and disappears at the front or/and at the rear.
This design increases the stability of the system significantly.
With two thresholds dth (threshold distance) and
dmin (minimal distance) every distance is classified in one
of three areas: Danger Area, Near Area and Free Area
(Fig. 10). In Free Area, if the distance is higher than dth ,
the CA algorithm is inactive. In Near Area, if the distance
is between dmin and dth , the velocity is controlled. In Danger
Area the distance to the obstacle is controlled to keep dmin .
The distance is also controlled, if it is in Near Area, but was
previously below dmin . That enables the quadrotor to keep its
distance to obstacles.
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N. Gageik et al.: Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a UAV

E includes all information needed for control. E is

Matrix i
a two dimensional vector with the set points roll and pitch
for the attitude control. The output of the attitude control are
E , which manipulate the system
the set points for the motors M
and its distances d towards obstacles. These distances are
measured by the sensors. Hence, the obstacle detection is the
feedback of the control loop.
FIGURE 10. Area Classification.


Fig. 13 illustrates the main principles of the distance control

for one axis. Its main task is to control the distance from
an obstacle to keep the minimal distance dMin , whenever the
measured distance d falls below. It is deactivated, if the distance is greater than the threashold distance dth . The output
of the DC is the angle . Two identical DC blocks compute
the set points of the attitude control for roll and
pitch (Fig. 9).

FIGURE 11. Situation assessment state machine.

The situation assessment distinguishes four different states

for every axis (Fig. 11). The current state is determined
by (13), (14) and (15):
dth < min(d + , d )


(d+ < dth ) & (d < dth ) & (d+ + d < 2 dmin )
d+ < d


If both distances correspond to Free Area, the SAs is in

state A. This means there is no obstacle and CA is off.
Otherwise and if (14) is true, the current state is D and there
is an obstacle on both sides. The quadrotor has to control its
position in the center of them. If (13) and (14) are false, the
minimum of the distances d+ and d determine the current
state. In this case the quadrotor controls only the distance to
the closer obstacles to avoid probable collision. This is sufficient, because there is enough space in the opposite direction.
Furthermore, the distance measurements are more reliable,
because shorter distances can be measured with lower noise
and errors than long distances. This can also be seen in the
evaluation data (Fig. 15-17), where long distances have a
much higher variance and high errors than short distances.
Fig. 12 summarizes the system in a control loop. The set
point depends on the state of the situation assessment.

FIGURE 13. Principle Distance Control: DC block for one axis.

For control purpose, a modified PID or state space

controller is used. It is extended by an error depended growth
change of the proportional part. This modification divides
the proportional part into three sections and improves the
stability of the system. In the first section the growth of
the proportional part is balanced, so the controller corrects
a small error, but the reaction is not too abrupt to prevent
overshooting. Next the growth is reduced, to improve the
stability. In the third section the growth is raised, to prevent
Depending on the direction of movement towards the
obstacle and the available distance the proportional part is
further limited or boosted.
For the differential part of the controller the previously
explained velocity is used which leads to a state space
controller. A distance dependent cutoff is used to prevent
the differential part from steering the quadrocopter towards
the obstacle. It is also used, as the sensor measurements
become noisier with higher distance. Otherwise this could
lead to unwanted jumps in the differential part and instability.
Similarly in case of an erroneous high velocity due to jumps in
the distance measurement, the differential part is set to zero.

FIGURE 12. Control Loop.

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All the functions were implemented on the

32bit AVR UC3A0512 microcontroller [32] and programmed
in C. The implementation follows the mentioned concept with
modules for every building block. For control, debugging
and evaluation a ground station has been designed using
a PC with Qt SDK (software development kit) running in
C++ (Fig. 14).

N. Gageik et al.: Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a UAV

FIGURE 15. Test Case A (corner, run 1). Top: Data fused distances to the
wall, input to the DC. Bottom: Measured angle from IMU, manipulated by
the DC.

FIGURE 14. Qt-based ground station.

The Minimal Distance dmin was set to 1.4m, so that every

tip of propellers keeps a distance of approximately 1m to
any obstacle to ensure collision avoidance. For the Threshold
Distance, dth = 2.2m has been chosen. This is about the
maximum reliable distance measurement of the ultrasonic

pushed into a corner till the front and left distance was
below dmin . Consequently the collision avoidance automatically activated, controlled the flight of the quadrotor and kept
its position in the corner by controlling the distance to the
front and to the left. Table 1 shows the results. The mean
distances measured from the center of the quadrotor towards
the walls were 144cm and 135cm. Accordingly the mean
distance between the tip of the propellers and the wall was
about 1m as desired.
TABLE 1. Results: Test case A (stationary in corner).


The system has been evaluated for more than 100 experimental tests. In the first empiric experiments the parameters of
the system have been optimized. Then, for evaluation of the
system, its performance during three different test cases has
been analyzed and the results are presented.
The test cases are a stationary flight in a corner, a stationary
flight between two walls and a flight in a room with a person
moving towards the quadrotor. Every experiment has been
repeated 10 times, lasting about 3 minutes, but only 60s has
been display. These short time periods were chosen both to
have many repetitions with comparable data under the same
conditions and to avoid corruption of the data by the voltage
drop of the batteries.
During all experiments the quadrotor operated fully
autonomously without manual input or external devices.
An external computer operating as ground station was used
to receive telemetry data such as the evaluated values.
It is not claimed, that all parameters are optimized in
research prototype. That is why the performance of the
system is analyzed by its data fusion output and control
input, which can be seen as almost true, as otherwise
a failure would be clearly seen in the data as well
(compare Fig. 15 and Fig. 17).

The idea of the first test case was to investigate the obstacle
detection, collision avoidance and autonomous flight behavior in the simplest scenario. Since the system was designed for
distance controlled flight, stationary obstacles like one wall
in the front and on the left side are sufficient for autonomous
stationary flight. In this experiment the quadrotor has been

The standard deviation of the measured distances was

between 11cm and 23cm with its mean at about 18cm.
For run 1 (one typical case) Fig. 15 displays the measured
distances received from the data fusion as the input to the
controller and the measured resulting angles as its output.
It seemed to be sufficient to record only these results to
estimate the true distance, as a failure in the data fusion would
result in a significant jump. However, this jump is not seen
from the data.
Fig. 15 shows minor oscillating of the distance. This means
that the quadrotor is moving within a maximum range of
about 1m. This emphasizes the low damping of the system,
as the control input is only in the range of about +/ 5 .
That means the quadrotor performs only small corrections.
More dynamic would be possible, but it would lead to a higher
oscillation and did not show better results, due to the noisy
characteristic of the used sensors.
VOLUME 3, 2015

N. Gageik et al.: Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a UAV

The low friction of a free flying system in combination

with the propeller inducted wind reflection from the wall
intensifies the difficulty of distance control. The minimum
measured distance was 85cm for this run and the peak to peak
amplitude of the oscillation is in most cases far below the
maximum of ca. 1m.

In test case B the quadrotor has been flown to the end of a

dead-end tunnel. This means there was a wall in front and
a wall on both sides left and right of the quadrotor. This
experiment investigates the distance control for the case of
two obstacles and the quadrotor in between them. The width
of the tunnel was about 1.8m.

FIGURE 17. Test Case C: Dynamic collision Avoidance.

FIGURE 16. Test Case B (between two walls, run 1). Top: Data fused
distances to the wall, input to the DC. Bottom: Set point angle, output of
the DC.

Fig. 16 displays the measured distances and the set points

(angles) of the DC. The figure shows, that the system is
oscillating between the two walls and keeps the distance to the
walls on both sides. The control output is almost in the range
of +/ 5 . However the quadrotor approaches several (five)
times a distance of 50cm to the left, which activates a boost
and puts it back. All boosts happened on the left side, though
theoretically the behavior should be symmetric. The reason
for that might be a little drift in the orientation. Another explanation could be the hardware (motors, propellers, design),
which might be a bit asymmetric.
TABLE 2. Results: Test case B (stationary between two walls).

Table 2 summarizes the results of this experiment. In comparison to Table 1 it can be seen, that the mean distance as
well as the standard deviation are lower. The explanation for
VOLUME 3, 2015

this is quite simple. Because there was less space available,

only about 90cm to each side, the set point for distance control
had to be lower, leading to a lower mean distance.
At first glance the lower standard deviation seems to be a
bit unreasonable, as in the dead-end tunnel there are much
higher turbulences because of propeller wind reflected from
the walls. The explanation for this is the switching of the
controller into a state with smoother control parameters C.
Since there is less space, the quadrotor cannot and should not
react as aggressively as it would otherwise.
In case where there is no obstacle, or only one obstacle on
one side, the quadrotor can possess a much higher velocity.
The control parameters need to be more aggressive to slow
down the quadrotor as necessary. This behavior can clearly
be seen in the data.

In this scenario a person and the quadrotor are together in

a room. Initially the person stands behind the quadrotor and
pushes it by approaching forward towards the front wall
(first phase), then pushes it from the right side to the left wall
(second phase) and finally from the front backwards to the
rear wall (third phase.).
Fig. 17 depicts the results of run 5 of the dynamic collision
avoidance test case. From the graph it can be seen, that in
the first phase (seconds 0 7) the frontal distance decreases,
while the right and the rear distance are almost constant. The
quadrotor is pushed from behind towards the wall. During
the second phase (seconds 7 14) the left distance decreases
while the front distance is constant. This means that the
distance controller keeps the front distance to the wall while
the person pushes the quadrotor from the right to the left side.
During the third phase (seconds 14 24) the rear distance
decreases. Furthermore it can be clearly seen, that the data
becomes noisy above a distance of about 2m but shows
reliable results below this distance.

N. Gageik et al.: Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance for a UAV

This experiment demonstrates that the quadrotor is capable

of autonomous flight with people in its environment and
can control its distance simultaneously to multiple obstacles
from multiple changing directions. The speed of the moving
obstacle (person) in this experiment was about 1m/s.

The evaluation shows that the demonstrated solution is

capable of autonomous flight and collision avoidance in multiple scenarios. A main contribution of this work is to disprove
the myth that only expensive sensors like laser scanner are
suitable for such a task and low-cost range finders are not.
The evaluation showed that the system is capable to avoid
collisions with obstacles such as walls and people while it
can control its distance towards them.
In the previous work about distance controlled collision
avoidance and fully autonomous flight using ultrasonic
sensors only [18], [20], it was not possible to avoid collisions
with persons, because the ultrasonic sensors failed to detect
them reliably. The present paper demonstrated a solution to
that limitation by fusing IR and US sensors.
Because the presented solution merges multiple low-cost
sensors of different technologies (infrared, ultrasonic), it is
more reliable and cheaper than state of the art solutions. Furthermore the presented approach is much easier to implement
in case of mathematical complexity compared to existing
approaches, while keeping the computational burden low,
reducing development and maintenance costs. To the best of
the authors knowledge, no fully autonomous system exists,
which is comparable in power.
The infrared sensors may be replaced by a low-cost laser
scanner such as the RP Lidar. Such a solution would be
slightly more reliable in case of better sensor coverage,
however more expensive and heavier. A more powerful processor like an Intel Atom or the AMD T56N might be required
in this case, which also increases costs and weight. Also the
sample rate of the infrared sensors can be set higher compared
to the frequency of a scanner. Nevertheless the RP Lidar could
be a good improvement of the mentioned solution, which
needs to be investigated in the future.
Another option for future work is the evaluation of the
obstacle detection sensors by all sensors of the AQopterI8.
This means the quadrotor would use besides the RP Lidar
also the SV (stereo vision) system and the PMD nano (photonic mixing device). This can improve the performance and
reliability of the system further, but it would also increase the
weight and the costs of the system.

The authors would like to thank Thilo Mller,

David Courtney and Qasim Ali for their contributions to this
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NILS GAGEIK was born in Aachen, Germany,

in 1982. He received the Diploma (Dipl.-Ing., old
German master) degree in computer engineering
from RWTH Aachen University, in 2010. He is
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in computer
science with the University of Wrzburg,
He has been a Research Assistant with the
Department of Aerospace Information Technology, University of Wrzburg, since 2010. Besides
teaching, he is involved in research on autonomous quadrotors. He leads
the AQopterI8 Project, which aims to research and develop autonomous
quadrocopters for indoor applications. He won the University Promotion
Prize for his work in 2014.

VOLUME 3, 2015

PAUL BENZ was born in Aschaffenburg,

Germany, in 1990. He received the B.Sc. degree
in aerospace computer science from the University
of Wrzburg, in 2013. He is currently pursuing the
M.Sc. degree in computer science.
He participated as a member of the AQopterI8
Project in the field of obstacle detection and collision, during his bachelors thesis and an internship.
Since 2014, he has been a Student Assistant with
the Department of Aerospace Information

SERGIO MONTENEGRO was born in Guatemala

in 1959. He received the B.S. degree from the Universidad del Valle, in 1982, and the M.S. degree in
computer science and the Ph.D. degree from the
Technical University of Berlin, in 1985 and 1989,
He was a Research Assistant in Distributed
Computing with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Institut, Berlin, from 1985 to 2007. From
2007 to 2010, he was the Leader with the Department of Central Avionic Systems, DLR, Bremen. Since 2010, he has been
a Professor and the Chair of the Department of Aerospace Information
Technology with the University of Wrzbug, Germany.


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