209 240 1 PB
209 240 1 PB
209 240 1 PB
J Trop Soils, Vol. 19, No.3, 2014: 131-141 131
DOI: 10.5400/jts.2014.19.3.131
The large distribution of peat soils in Indonesia have important role in carbon stock and greenhouse gas emission
which contribute to global warming issue. The objective of this study was to characterize physical and chemical
properties of cultivated peat soils in four trial sites of Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) in Central
Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Riau and Jambi Provinces to provide a baseline data by a greenhouse gas emission
study. Detailed soil observations were conducted using grid system with spacing of 25 × 50 m. A total of 16
representative peat soil profiles consisting of 74 soil samples of horizons were selected for laboratory analyses. The
results showed that peat maturity varied from hemic to sapric in the surface layers and hemic in the subsurface
layers, except in Site-2 that was fibric. The peat thickness ranged respectively from 5.4 to 7.0 m in Site-1 and Site-3,
and from 0.5 to 2.5 m in site-2 and site-4, and all overlying fine-textured mineral soil (substratum). Depth of water
table varied from 10 to 30 cm in Site-2 and Site-4, and from 30 to 70 cm in Site-1 and Site-3. Fiber content ranged from
13 to 57% and increased with depth indicating the peat was less decomposed. The bulk density was very low (0.07-
0.24 g cm-3) and negatively correlated to fiber content (r = 0.74 for Kalimantan and r = 0.66 for Sumatra). The ash
content was low (0.1-8.5%) and negatively correlated to organic carbon content (r = 0.89 for Kalimantan and r = 0.65
for Sumatra). Soil CEC was high and positively correlated to organic carbon content (r = 0.86 for Kalimantan and r =
0.93 for Sumatra). These soils showed very acid reaction (pH 3.3-4.7), low content of exchangeable bases and total
P2O5 and K2O (HCl 25%). Based on these properties, the peat soils were grouped as oligotrophic ombrogenous peat.
The estimated carbon stock for all the trial sites with total extent of 22.58 ha was 57,282 Mg C. The variation of
thickness, maturity, and water table depth will imply to the magnitude of carbon reserves and greenhouse gas
Keywords: Ash content, fiber content, Kalimantan, ombrogenous peat, Sumatra
peat soils are cleared or cultivated for agricultural more fertile, not too thick, and high ash content, and
land and drained, the rate of decomposition increases (c) mesotrophic, the transition between the two types
and it will be a source of greenhouse gas emissions of peat, which is better than oligotrophic peat
(Agus and Subkisa 2008). Peat soils have important (Driessen and Sudjadi 1984). Based on their
role in contributing greenhouse gas emission and formation and water influence, peat soil can be
carbon sequestration in relation to global warming divided as ombrogenous and topogenous peats. The
issue. Tropical peat soils have significant carbon ombrogenous peat is formed in the environment
sinks and store large amounts of carbon and their which influenced by rain water only, very thick and
destruction can significantly impact on the amount formed peat dome, while topogenous peat is formed
of atmospheric CO2. Indonesia peat soils store huge in the environment that influenced by mineral
amount of carbon, estimated about 37 G Mg CO2 enrichment from tidal fluctuation or river. Therefore,
which is distributed mainly in Sumatra 3,093 Mg C the ombrogenous peat soils are less fertile because
ha-1 on around 7.2 M ha, Kalimantan 1,954 Mg C of low nutrient status, while the topogenous peat
ha-1 on around 5.8 M ha, and Papua 454 Mg ha-1 on soils are considered more fertile than those of
around 7.6 M ha (Las et al. 2011). Under natural ombrogenous peat, such as found in the Lakbok
forest, peat sequesters carbon and grows between swampland, South Priangan area, West Java (Polak
0.5 and 1.0 mm year-1, while drained peat emits 1949), in the Toba highland of North Sumatra
carbon and subsides at the rate of 1.5 to 3.0 cm (Prasetyo and Suharta 2011), and in the west coast
year-1 (Andriesse 1988). of Seluma, Bengkulu, Sumatra (Hikmatullah 2007).
The degree of peat decomposition can be Related to agricultural use, the peat thickness may
distinguished into fibric, hemic and sapric. Fibric is be divided into four classes, namely shallow (<1 m),
little decomposed peat with fiber content of >75% medium (1-2 m), thick (2-3 m), and very thick (> 3 m).
volume. Sapric is mostly decomposed peat with fiber The peat soils with thickness of <3 m, hemic to sapric
content of <17%, while hemic has fiber content in decomposition, and clayey substratum may be
between of fibric and sapric (Soil Survey Staff recommended as suitable peatland for agriculture
2010). But according to the former definition, fibric use (Balsem and Buurman 1990; Agus and Subiksa
maturity has fiber content of >66% volume, while 2008).
sapric has fiber content of < 33% volume, and hemic The objective of this study was to identify and
has fiber content in between of the values (Soil characterize physical and chemical properties of
Survey Staff 2010). The fiber content and bulk cultivated peat soils in four trial sites of ICCTF in
density are the important physical properties of peat Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Riau and
soils which are often used to determine the rate of Jambi Provinces as a baseline data to support
peat decomposition (Boelter 1969). The more planning studies of carbon stocks and greenhouse
decomposed peat soils have lesser fiber content and gas emissions assessment.
the bulk density increases. Normally, peat soils
consist of three zones within the depth, namely: (a) MATERIALS AND METHODS
the upper zone, about 20-30 cm thick, is the most
decomposed, (b) middle zone, about 30-40 cm thick Description of Study Area
has more decomposed, and (c) the lower zone (>
50-70 cm thick) has less decomposed and mixed The study was conducted in cultivated peat soils
with wood twigs and leaves (Mutalib et al. 1991). in four trial sites of ICCTF of two physiographic
Chemical composition and fertility of peat soils is positions. Site-1 and Site-3 represented physiographic
determined by the thickness, maturity of the layers, unit of peat domes, while Site-2 and Site-4
mineral enrichment, substratum underlying the peat represented physiographic unit of river backswamps.
layer, and quality of water from rivers or tidal that The study areas have been cultivated with food crops
influences the formation and maturation of peat soils (maize, paddy rice), rubber and oil palm plantation
(Widjaja Adhi 1986). of local farmer (Table 1). The areas were mapped
Related to fertility status, the formation of peat at scale of 1:500 by the Center for Agricultural Land
soil can be divided into: (a) oligotrophic, the peat is Resource Research and Development to support
formed in an environment that influenced by rain greenhouse gas emission study. The study areas had
water only, forming a dome, generally thick, poor a rainfall type A and B1 agro-climatic zone as
nutrient status, and low ash content, (b) eutrophic, characterized by 7 to 9 consecutive wet months
the peat is formed in the inland parts of coastal or (>200 mm) and less than 3 dry months (<100 mm).
river that is affected by tidal water or surrounded The mean annual rainfall in Site-1 and Site-2
by higher area, which supplying minerals, making it represented by Palangkaraya and Banjarbaru
J Trop Soils, Vol. 19, No.3, 2014: 131-141 133
Table 1. The location of the ICCTF trial sites in Kalimantan and Sumatra.
layers were hemic with ground water table of 45- layer of Site-1 with hemic maturity the BD ranged
50, 60-70 and 25-35 cm depth respectively. With from 0.21 to 0.22 g cm-3, and in the Site-2 with fibric
exception in Site-2, the top layer was hemic and the maturity, the BD was very low, ranged from 0.07 to
lower layer was fibric with shallow water table (10- 0.09 g cm-3. In Sumatra, the top layer of peat soils
15 cm). The depth of ground water table could with hemic to sapric maturity, the BD ranged from
probably influence the decomposition rate of peat 0.16 to 0.24 g cm-3, while in the lower layer with
soils, where the deeper ground water table increases hemic maturity the BD ranged from 0.14 to 0.20 g
the rate of peat decomposition. Conversely, the cm-3. The data showed that the BD values of upper
shallow water table could retard peat decomposition layer were higher than the lower layer, as the effect
as indicated by fibric maturity of peat soils in Site-2. of cultivation or drainage condition. Similar result
The depth of ground water table can also affect the was found in cultivated hemic peat soils of Seluma
amount of greenhouse gas emissions, where the area in Bengkulu which had BD value ranged from
deeper the ground water table, the higher the amount 0.20 g cm-3 in the top layer to 0.16 g cm-3 in the
of greenhouse gas emissions (Moore and Knowles lower layer (Hikmatulah 2007). Driessen and
1989; Handayani et al. 2010). Therefore, managing Rochimah (1976) reported that BD of peat soils in
the ground water table at certain level in the swampy forest in Kalimantan ranged from 0.14 to
cultivated peat soils is absolutely necessary to 0.23 g cm-3. Sari (2013) mentioned that BD value at
maintain wet or moist condition in order to reduce forested fibric to sapric peat soils in Sebangau, Central
emission (Rumbang et al. 2009). The peat maturity Kalimantan, varied from 0.08 to 0.24 g cm-3. Kool et
as reflected by fiber content was similar for all the al. (2006) stated that BD value of peat soils
sites, except in subsurface layer of Site-2. In Site-1 increased in the collapsed peat dome in Central
the fiber content of top layer ranged from 13 to 34% Kalimantan caused by compaction and oxidation.
and was classified as sapric to hemic maturity. In Meanwhile, Wahyunto et al. (2010) compiled data
other sites, the fiber content of top layers ranged from various sources and showed that the average
from 21 to 48% and was classified as hemic BD values of peat soils in Sumatra were around
maturity. The fiber content in the subsurface layers 0.08, 0.09 and 0.18 g cm-3 for fibric, hemic and sapric
ranged from 19 to 65% and increased within depth maturity respectively, while in Kalimantan the
indicating the peat less decomposed. average BD values were a little bit higher namely
The maturity level or degree of decomposition 0.07, 0.17 and 0.20 g cm-3 for fibric, hemic and sapric
of peat soils based on field data can be confirmed maturity respectively. Compared to the previous
to the fiber content of laboratory analyses. In this data, the BD values of all the trial sites were still in
study, the different level of maturity between field agreement with those obtained from the above study.
observation and laboratory data was found. As Related to fiber content, the BD values showed a
indicated by Site-2 (South Kalimantan), the contrast negative linear relationship to fiber content (r = 0.74
difference was found between field and laboratory for Kalimantan and r = 0.66 for Sumatra). This
data of maturity level for the subsurface layers. means that BD value was influenced by fiber
Laboratory data showed that the fiber content content, where increasing fiber content would be
ranged from 24 to 57% and classified as hemic followed by decreasing BD value (Figure 1).
maturity, but according to field observation it was Furthermore, decreasing BD value would also be
clearly identified as fibric maturity (> 2/3 or 66 % followed by increasing total pore space. This was
fiber content) which was different with other trial indicated by Site-2 which had the highest total pore
sites. Therefore, it seems better to use field data to space (94-95%) with the lowest BD value in the
estimate the peat maturity level rather than lower layer.
laboratory data, because it is closer to the former The water content in dry and wet conditions
definition of Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff 2010). showed relatively little variations among the sites.
Soil Physical Properties In Site-1, Site-3 and Site-4 the water content was
similar which ranged from 73 to 79%, 78 to 86%
The bulk density (BD) values of peat soils were and 78 to 87% respectively, but in Site-2 it was
quite variable due to differences in maturity levels slightly higher which ranged from 78 to 95%. Under
or fiber content, but all the BD values which ranged moist or wet conditions, the water content of peat
from 0.07 to 0.24 g cm-3 were classified as low. soils was very high. In Site-1, Site-3 and Site-4 the
Normally, the higher maturity of peat soils will be water content under wet condition was similar which
followed by increasing BD value. In Kalimantan, ranged from 265 to 373%, from 270 to 390% and
the BD of top layer with sapric to hemic maturity from 268 to 370% respectively, except in Site-2 with
ranged from 0.17 to 0.23 g cm-3, while in the lower shallow water table and fibric maturity, the water
J Trop Soils, Vol. 19, No.3, 2014: 131-141 135
0.35 0.30
0.30 0.25
0.00 0.00
20 40 60 20 40 60 80
Fiber content (%) Fiber content (%)
Figure 1. Correlation between fiber content and bulk density in Kalimantan (left) and Sumatra (right).
content was the highest which ranged from 364 to The organic carbon content was very high at
1,409%. Mutalib et al. (1991) mentioned that the all layers of the peat soil profiles and was likely to
water content of peat soils ranged from 100 to increase with depth, which reflected the upper layers
1300% of the dry weight of the soil, that means the tend to be more decomposed than the lower layers.
soils capable to absorb much more water up to 13 This situation was in accordance with that obtained
times of its weight. In this study, the water content by Suhardjo and Widjaja Adhi (1976) in peat soils of
in wet conditions reached 265 to 1409%. Nugroho Riau. Close to the mineral soil layers, the organic
et al. (1997) mentioned that the high water content carbon content decreased and at the mineral soils
of peat soils could affect low BD, soft, and low the organic carbon content decreased drastically
bearing capacity, and it caused crop leaning, such (<12%). In Kalimantan, the C/N ratio was quite high
as oil palm and coconut trees. ranged from 25 to 68, while in Sumatra, it ranged
Soil Chemical Properties from 16 to 61, but generally it was 20 to 40. The
value of C/N ratio increased with depth indicating
All the peat soils of four trial sites were the decomposition of organic matters in the surface
generally very acid soil reaction with pH (H 2O) layer was higher than that in the subsurface layer.
ranged from 3.3 to 3.9 in all layers of the soils, except It seems that the decomposition of organic matters
at Site-2 it was slightly higher (pH 4.0 to 4.2) which in the subsurface layer is hampered perhaps by
belonged to shallow peat. The pH of the mineral water stagnant condition. The above C/N ratio
soil underlying peat soils (substratum) was slightly indicated that the peat soils of Sumatra were
higher than the peat soils (pH 4.1 to 4.7). The pH of relatively more decomposed than of Kalimantan.
peat soil has the same value with those soils from The ash content reflects the mineral enrichment
other locations in Sumatra and Kalimantan (Suhardjo of peat soils. The higher ash content indicates higher
and Widjaja Adhi 1976; Wahyunto et al. 2010; Sari mineral enrichment, and the peat soil is more fertile.
2013). The peat soil acidity level was closely linked Data in Table 2 and Figure 3 showed that the ash
to the content of organic acids that contained of
content was generally low (< 5%), except at the
fulvic and humic acids (Andriesse 1974). The pH
top layer and transition to mineral soil of Site-2 and
of peat soil tends to decrease with depth, where the
Site-3 it was slightly higher (> 5%). In this case, the
deeper the peat soil, the pH decreases (Suhardjo
higher ash content was probably due to the influence
and Widjaja Adhi 1976). Ismawi et al. (2012)
of cultivation or burning of the area. The above ash
reported that deforestation of peat swamp forest in
Sibu, Serawak, Malaysia decreased significantly the content was different with the ash content of
chemical properties including soil pH, soil organic topogenous peat soils from Seluma, Bengkulu which
matter, total carbon, total nitrogen, CEC, total P, total was higher content (>10%) as the effect of mineral
K, and C/N ratio. Meanwhile, Salimin et al. (2010) enrichment (Hikmatullah 2007). In the thick peat
compared chemical properties of peat swamp soil soils, the ash content decreases with depth and it
before and after timber harvesting, and the result will be followed by lower exchangeable bases, and
showed that chemical properties decreased increase soil acidity. There was a negative
significantly after timber harvesting, mainly the CEC, logarithmic relationship between the organic carbon
content of soil organic matter, pH-KCl, total carbon, content and ash content as showed in Figure 2 (r =
total N and total P. 0.89 for Kalimantan and r = 0.65 for Sumatra)
136 Hikmatullah and Sukarman: Cultivated Peat Soils in Trial of ICCTF
Table 2. Morphological and physical properties of peat soils from four trial sites of ICCTF in Central
Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Riau and Jambi.
1 Note: C=clay; SC=sandy clay; SCL=sandy clay loam SiC=silty clay; SiCL=silty clay loam; BD=bulk density; TPS=total pore space.
indicating that increasing organic carbon content the range of 28 to 127 cmol (+) kg-1. The high CEC
would be followed by decreasing ash content. was caused by pH-dependent negative charge that
The cation exchange capacity (CEC) values most of the carboxyl and hydroxyl groups of the
at all layers of peat soils were high to very high in phenolic acids (Driessen and Soepraptohardjo 1974).
J Trop Soils, Vol. 19, No.3, 2014: 131-141 137
Figure 3 shows that the soil CEC had a positive was high, ranged from 1.72 to 17.72 cmol (+) kg-1 and
linear relationship to organic carbon content (r = Al saturation was also low to very high, ranged from
0.86 for Kalimantan and r = 0.93 for Sumatra). It 17 to 91%, indicating the potential danger of Al
indicates that most of soil CEC is strongly influenced toxicity. Compared to the cultivated peat soils of
by organic carbon content. The content of Toba highland in North Sumatra, the chemical
exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K and Na) and base properties were similar with above lowland peat soils
saturation were low to very low in all layers. The in general. The differences of peat soils from the
low content of exchangeable bases is typical for
Toba highland were in high P retention and andic
peat soils. Driessen and Suhardjo (1976) reported
soil properties, as the effect of mineral enrichment
that the thick peat soils have low exchangeable bases
from volcanic materials (Prasetyo and Suharta 2011).
and more acid reaction. It relates to the formation
From the forgoing discussion, the peat soils of four
process of thick peat soils which it is more influenced
by rainwater only. trial sites were considered as poor nutrient status,
Similarly, the nutrient contents of total P2O5 and low ash content and very acid reaction. Therefore,
K2O (25% HCl extract) were low, but the content the peat soils in the study areas could be classified
of micro elements of Cu, Mn and Zn were generally as oligotrophic ombrogenous peat.
moderate to high, except Fe content was very high,
Soil Classification
such as in Site-2 as the effect of shallow water table
in acid condition. In general, peat soils do not have The peat soils of the study area were classified
Al toxicity (Agus and Subiksa 2008), but in the peat based on field observation and laboratory data
soils of the study area the content of exchangeable Al according to Soil Taxonomy system (Soil Survey
120 35
100 30
Ash content (%)
y = -19.8 In (x) + 82.83 25 y = -7.94 In (x) + 30.40
r = 0.89; n = 46 r = 0.65; n = 22
0 0
20 40 60 80 20 40 60
Organic carbon (%) Organic carbon (%)
Figure 2. Correlation between organic-C and ash content in Kalimantan (left) and Sumatra (right).
140 140
y = 2.238x - 2.455
Soil CEC (cmol(+)kg-1)
120 120
r = 0.93; n = 36
Soil CEC (cmol(+)kg-1)
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 y = -1.595x+1.746
r = 0.86; n = 55
0 0
20 40 60 80 20 40 60
Organic carbon (%) Organic carbon (%)
Figure 3. Correlation between organic-C and soil CEC in Kalimantan (left) and Sumatra (right).
138 Hikmatullah and Sukarman: Cultivated Peat Soils in Trial of ICCTF
Staff 2010) at subgroup level. All the profiles had and the peat soil thickness. The peat soils in Site-1
high organic C content of >12% and hemic to fibric were classified as Typic Haplohemists and Hemic
materials, so that all the profiles fulfill the criteria of Haplosaprists. In Site-2, the soils were dominated
peat soils. The main class differentiation is the by fibric maturity within the control section and thus
degree of decomposition within the control section were classified as Typic Haplofibrists and Hemic
Table 3. Chemical properties of peat soils from four trial sites of ICCTF in Central Kalimantan, South
Kalimantan, Riau and Jambi.
Profile/ HCl 25% Exch. Bases (NH4oAc pH 7) Soil Base exch. Al satu- DPTA extract
depth P2O5 K2O Ca Mg K Na CEC sat. Al ration Fe Mn Cu Zn
cm g 100g-1 -------------- cmolc kg-1 ------------- % cmolc % ----------- ppm ----------
KT1 (Central Kalimantan) kg-1
0-25 13
)))Kalimantan) 8 2.55 1.24 0.12 0.33 68 6 1.33 24 320 6.2 0.2 4.0
25-60 14 13 3.50 1.54 0.17 1.87 105 7 1.89 21 467 13.4 0.3 5.6
60-120 7 8 1.98 0.87 0.10 2.20 106 5 8.04 61 212 7.4 0.3 5.8
120-700 4 13 0.93 0.46 0.22 1.12 127 2 17.72 87 247 4.0 3.5 5.4
700 + 6 2 0.78 0.97 0.03 0.07 8 23 3.17 63 1191 2.4 1.9 0.5
KT2 (Central Kalimantan)
Kalimantan) 17 6 2.12 1.26 0.04 0.21 85 4 1.22 25 340 9.5 0.0 4.3
23-200 15 14 4.09 2.36 0.28 2.12 125 7 2.22 20 552 17.0 0.4 5.7
200-340 2 18 1.87 1.89 0.36 3.29 105 7 7.19 49 1172 17.2 0.0 9.7
340-650 3 21 0.82 0.42 0.31 0.25 100 2 17.65 91 462 2.2 2.0 2.2
650-700 6 2 0.63 0.87 0.03 0.12 10 17 3.37 67 1154 1.5 2.4 0.1
KS1 (South Kalimantan)
Kalimantan) 26 8 1.42 0.41 0.07 0.35 56 4 4.68 68 1157 0.3 0.4 1.3
9-75 5 20 6.77 2.08 0.40 2.13 98 12 5.73 33 3144 23.0 1.2 5.4
75-80 6 9 1.21 1.55 0.18 1.40 68 6 12.62 74 2499 4.1 2.3 1.6
80-135 3 4 0.81 0.89 0.08 1.74 53 7 6.08 63 2457 7.2 0.9 1.3
135-143 5 5 1.70 0.57 0.10 0.45 57 5 5.29 65 3390 1.1 2.9 2.4
143-200 1 2 0.49 0.24 0.03 0.14 4 23 1.66 65 672 0.5 3.3 0.5
KS2 (South Kalimantan)
Kalimantan) 28 7 21.21 1.99 0.13 0.63 61 39 1.72 7 3047 57.6 35.1 76.4
10-60 12 11 4.19 2.96 0.22 0.55 60 13 1.80 19 2065 33.3 1.5 8.2
60-75 9 9 0.92 1.14 0.12 1.28 48 7 4.87 58 1631 12.7 0.9 1.2
75-220 7 20 1.61 2.45 0.39 4.08 74 12 7.21 46 3407 8.3 0.8 2.3
220-230 7 11 0.75 1.97 0.22 1.35 46 9 5.28 55 1876 0.1 4.1 0.2
230-250 4 4 0.24 0.63 0.08 0.09 4 24 1.59 60 534 0.1 3.3 0.2
RA2 (Riau)
0-40 13 12 2.67 1.27 0.23 0.74 38 13 2.23 31 283 2.90 0.00 5.40
40-120 9 10 0.77 0.51 0.20 0.32 32 6 1.58 47 170 6.30 0.00 4.10
120-545 6 19 0.48 0.41 0.37 0.44 35 5 2.13 56 108 5.20 0.50 4.10
>545 mineral soil
RA3 (Riau)
0-40 17 13 4.68 1.81 0.55 1.04 32 15 2.49 35 286 7.50 0.40 5.80
40-110 24 28 2.38 1.66 3.66 0.58 106 6 5.41 40 139 7.50 0.50 4.20
110-580 10 183 2.67 1.27 0.23 0.74 114 7 5.51 40 283 2.90 0.00 5.40
>580 mineral soil
JB4 (Jambi)
0-35 31 28 7.16 3.19 0.58 0.62 120 10 0.98 8 1287 19.10 0.90 7.00
35-60 8 14 2.28 1.69 0.28 0.43 106 4 1.05 18 346 8.00 0.20 3.30
60-160 5 10 0.71 0.33 0.20 0.31 31 5 0.45 23 637 6.90 3.50 3.60
160-240 5 5 0.48 0.28 0.10 0.44 37 3 1.73 57 773 4.60 0.80 1.80
240-290 6 19 0.49 0.24 0.37 0.16 38 3 11.00 90 2128 2.50 3.80 3.30
JB3 (Jambi)
0-15 17 26 5.41 2.66 0.51 0.27 102 9 1.49 14 441 12.40 0.30 4.80
15-50 6 10 2.26 0.82 0.20 0.44 37 10 0.58 13 311 11.70 0.80 4.10
50-150 5 15 1.32 0.37 0.29 0.46 36 7 0.72 23 1141 7.40 0.60 2.20
150-190 8 21 1.23 0.66 0.42 0.40 113 2 5.51 67 1337 4.20 0.00 1.90
190-200 6 6 0.40 0.11 0.12 0.10 17 4 8.14 92 625 0.90 2.20 0.50
J Trop Soils, Vol. 19, No.3, 2014: 131-141 139
Haplofibrists. In Site-3 the soils had hemic maturity subtratum underlying the peat. Based on the criteria
level within the control section and classified as of land suitability for agriculture commodity (Ritung
Typic Haplohemists. In Site-4 the soils were et al. 2011) the peat soils of Site-1 (Central
dominated by sapric maturity level within the control Kalimantan) and Site-3 (Riau) with hemic to sapric
section, and therefore they were classified as Typic maturity, thickness of more than 3 m and clay
Haplosaprists and Hemic Haplosaprists. It was clear substratum were classified into marginally suitable
that the cultivated peat soils in the study area were for perennial crops (rice, maize, legumes), but
in the maturity level of hemic to sapric, except in moderately suitable for annual crops, such as oil palm
Site-2 was classified as fibric maturity. and coconut. While the peat soils of Site-2 (South
Kalimantan) and Site-4 (Jambi) with shallow to
Estimation of Carbon Stocks moderate thick, hemic to fibric maturity, and fine
The extent soil mapping unit of detailed soil maps substratum were classified into moderately suitable
of the four trial sites (Hidayat et al. 2011) was used both for perennial and annual crops.
to calculate carbon stocks. Soil mapping unit is a The peat soils need inputs such as fertilizers
collection of soil units that have homogenous or nearly and ameliorants to improve and maintain soil fertility.
equal properties which can be delineated in a soil Some ameliorants such as pugam, manure, inorganic
map. Carbon stocks of peat soils from each site fertilizers, dolomite, and zeolite can be used for peat
was calculated based on the representative soil soils. Subiksa (2013) suggested to use pugam to
profiles of each soil mapping unit, by measuring the improve peat soils fertility, because it had functioned
soil peat thickness, BD, organic C content and the not only as ameliorant, but also as fertilizer and
extent. The results showed that the carbon stocks decreasing greenhouse gas. Water management
in Site-1 and Site-3 were very high, namely 26,404 should be applied through managing the water table
tons and 21,029 tons of C respectively, which were at about 10-50 cm depth to maintain soil moistness
equivalent to 5,270 and 4,005 Mg C ha-1. While or saturation condition, and reduce the excess water
carbon stocks in Site-2 and Site-4 were lower, and some toxic organic acid of the peat soils.
namely 3,775 and 6,073 tons of C respectively, Maintaining the moist condition of peat soils at above
which were equivalent to 562 and 1,084 Mg C ha-1 critical level of moisture content (> 250%) is strongly
(Table 4). The peat thickness and peat maturity or suggested, because the peat soils are relatively more
BD values greatly affects the amount of carbon stable compared to dry condition (Sabiham and
stocks. The higher carbon stocks can potentially lead Sukarman 2013).
to higher greenhouse gas emissions. The thickness
and the maturity of peat soils will be dynamic change CONCLUSIONS
due to exploitation or cultivation that imply to change
the magnitude of carbon stocks and greenhouse gas The cultivated peat soils of four trial sites of
emission. ICCTF showed variation of physical and chemical
properties in the terms of thickness, maturity, bulk
Potency for Agricultural Development density, fiber content, ash content, and depth of
ground water table, as well as chemical properties.
The peat soils of the study area have good
However, these cultivated peat soils were grouped
potential for agriculture use. Since the peat
as ombrogenous peat with oligotrophic properties,
ecosystem is considered to be fragile, its
as indicated by low ash contents, poor nutrients
management should be carried out cautiously based
status, and very acid soil reaction.
on its specific characteristics and kind of crops (Las
The cultivated peat soils of Site-1 (Central
et al. 2011). The peat soil suitability for crop
Kalimantan) and Site-3 (Riau) were classified as
commodity is determined by several factors such
very thick peat (> 3 m) at position of peat dome
as thickness, maturity, mineral enrichment and the
physiographic unit, more decomposed, deeper ground
water table, and higher BD values, and thus they
Table 4. The estimated carbon stocks in each trial site. have higher carbon stocks and potential greenhouse
gas emission compared to the shallower peat soils
Area Carbon stocks Average of Site-2 (South Kalimantan) and Site-4 (Jambi) at
(ha) (Mg C) Mg C ha-1 position of river backswamps physiographic unit.
Site-1 5.01 26.405 5.270 The study showed there was good correlation
Site-2 6.72 3.775 562 between fiber content and BD, organic C and ash
Site-3 5.25 21.029 4.005 content, and between organic C and soil CEC,
Site-4 5.60 6.073 1.084 indicating that the peat soil properties can be
Total 22.58 57.282 2.537 Mg C ha-1 predicted from other properties of that soils.
140 Hikmatullah and Sukarman: Cultivated Peat Soils in Trial of ICCTF