Soil Mechanics 9
Soil Mechanics 9
Soil Mechanics 9
Kabul University
Engineering Faculty
Civil Engineering Department
Chapter 9
In Situ Stresses
Chapter Contents
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Stresses in Saturated Soil without Seepage
9.3 Stresses in Saturated Soil with Upward Seepage
9.4 Stresses in Saturated Soil with Downward Seepage
9.5 Seepage Force
9.6 Heaving in Soil Due to Flow around Sheet Piles
9.7 Use of Filters to Increase the Factor of Safety against Heave
9.8 Effective Stress in Partially Saturated Soil
9.9 Capillary Rise in Soils
9.10 Effective Stress in the Zone of Capillary Rise
• In a given volume of soil, the solid particles are distributed randomly
with void spaces between. The void spaces are continuous and are
occupied by water and/or air.
The distribution of stress is to analyze:
– Compressibility of soils
– Bearing capacity of foundations
– Stability of embankments
– Lateral pressure on earth-retaining structures
9.1 Stresses in Saturated Soil without Seepage
Total Stress:
1. A portion is carried by
water in the continuous void
2. The rest of the total stress
is carried by the soil solids at
their points of contact.
9.1 Stresses in Saturated Soil without Seepage
• 1- Water
• 2- Soil solids, called the effective stress , 𝜎
9.1 Stresses in Saturated Soil without Seepage
9.1 Stresses in Saturated Soil without Seepage
Homework # 9
Solve the following problem from your text book.
1. 9.3
2. 9.8