Mini Project Format 202
Mini Project Format 202
Mini Project Format 202
Abstract: This paper presents an improved controller for the This is a key point to better design the control gains, as
dual topology of the unified power quality conditioner well as to optimize the LCL filter of the power converters,
(iUPQC) extending its applicability in power-quality which allows improving significantly the overall
compensation, as well as in microgrid applications. By using performance of the compensator [20]. The STATCOM has
this controller, beyond the conventional UPQC power been used widely in transmission networks to regulate the
quality features, including voltage sag/swell compensation, voltage by means of dynamic reactive power compensation.
the iUPQC will also provide reactive power support to Nowadays, the STATCOM is largely used for voltage
regulate not only the load-bus voltage but also the voltage at regulation [9], whereas the UPQC and the iUPQC have been
the grid-side bus. In other words, the I UPQC will work as a selected as solution for more specific applications [21].
static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) at the grid Moreover, these last ones are used only in particular cases,
side, while providing also the conventional UPQC where their relatively high costs are justified by the power
compensations at the load or micro grid side. Experimental quality improvement it can provide, which would be
results are provided to verify the new functionality of the unfeasible by using conventional solutions. By joining the
equipment. extra functionality like a STATCOM in the iUPQC device, a
wider scenario of applications can be reached, particularly in
Keywords: iUPQC, micro grids, power quality, static case of distributed generation in smart grids and as the
synchronous compensator (STATCOM), unified power coupling device in grid-tied microgrids. In [16], the
quality conditioner (UPQC). performance of the iUPQC and the UPQC was compared
when working as UPQCs.
CERTAINLY, power-electronics devices have brought The main difference between these compensators is the
about great technological improvements. However, the sort of source emulated by the series and shunt power
increasing number of power-electronics-driven loads used converters. In the UPQC approach, the series converter is
generally in the industry has brought about uncommon controlled as a no sinusoidal voltage source and the shunt
power quality problems. In contrast, power-electronics- one as a no sinusoidal current source. Hence, in real time, the
driven loads generally require ideal sinusoidal supply UPQC controller has to determine and synthesize accurately
voltage in order to function properly, whereas they are the the harmonic voltage and current to be compensated. On the
most responsible ones for abnormal harmonic currents level other hand, in the iUPQC approach, the series converter
in the distribution system. In this scenario, devices that can behaves as a controlled sinusoidal current source and the
mitigate these drawbacks have been developed over the shunt converter as a controlled sinusoidal voltage source.
years. Some of the solutions involve a flexible compensator, This means that it is not necessary to determine the harmonic
known as the unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) [1]– voltage and current to be compensated, since the harmonic
[7] and the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) voltages appear naturally across the series current source and
[8]–[13]. The power circuit of a UPQC consists of a the harmonic currents flow naturally into the shunt voltage
combination of a shunt active filter and a series active filter source. In actual power converters, as the switching
connected in a back-to-back configuration. This combination frequency increases, the power rate capability is reduced.
allows the simultaneous compensation of the load current Therefore, the iUPQC offers better solutions if compared
and the supply voltage, so that the compensated current with the UPQC in case of high-power applications, since the
drawn from the grid and the compensated supply voltage iUPQC compensating references are pure sinusoidal
delivered to the load are kept balanced and sinusoidal. The waveforms at the fundamental frequency. Moreover, the
dual topology of the UPQC, i.e., the iUPQC, was presented UPQC has higher switching losses due to its higher
in [14]–[19], where the shunt active filter behaves as an ac- switching frequency.
voltage source and the series one as an ac-current source,
both at the fundamental frequency.
Copyright @ 2016 IJATIR. All rights reserved.
A. Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)
A Unified Power Flow Controller (or UPFC) is an electrical
device for providing fast-acting reactive power
compensation on high-voltage electricity transmission
networks. It uses a pair of three-phase controllable bridges to
produce current that is injected into a transmission line using
a series transformer. The controller can control active and
reactive power flows in a transmission line. The UPFC uses
solid state devices, which provide functional flexibility,
generally not attainable by conventional thyristor controlled
systems. The UPFC is a combination of a static synchronous
Fig. 1. Example of applicability of iUPQC. compensator (STATCOM) and a static synchronous series
compensator (SSSC) coupled via a common DC voltage
This paper proposes an improved controller, which link. The main advantage of the UPFC is to control the
expands the iUPQC functionalities. This improved version active and reactive power flows in the transmission line. If
of iUPQC controller includes all functionalities of those there are any disturbances or faults in the source side, the
previous ones, including the voltage regulation at the load- UPFC will not work. The UPFC operates only under
side bus, and now providing also voltage regulation at the balanced sine wave source. The controllable parameters of
grid-side bus, like a STATCOM to the grid. Experimental the UPFC are reactance in the line, phase angle and voltage.
results are provided to validate the new controller design. The UPFC concept was described in 1995 by L. Gyugyi of
This paper is organized in five sections. After this Westinghouse. [1] The UPFC allows a secondary but
introduction, in Section II, the iUPQC applicability is important function such as stability control to suppress
explained, as well as the novel feature of the proposed power system oscillations improving the transient stability of
controller. Section III presents the proposed controller and power system.
an analysis of the power flow in steady state. Finally,
Sections IV and V provide the experimental results and the B. Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)
conclusions, respectively. A static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), also
known as a "static synchronous condenser" ("STATCON"),
II. BLOCK DIAGRAM is a regulating device used on alternating current electricity
transmission networks. It is based on a power electronics
voltage-source converter and can act as either a source or
sink of reactive AC power to an electricity network. If
connected to a source of power it can also provide active AC
power. It is a member of the FACTS family of devices. It is
inherently modular and electable. Usually a STATCOM is
installed to support electricity networks that have a poor
power factor and often poor voltage regulation. There are
however, other uses, the most common use is for voltage
stability. A STATCOM is a voltage source converter (VSC)-
based device, with the voltage source behind a reactor. The
voltage source is created from a DC capacitor and therefore a
STATCOM has very little active power capability. However,
its active power capability can be increased if a suitable
energy storage device is connected across the DC capacitor.
Fg.2.General block diagram The reactive power at the terminals of the STATCOM
depends on the amplitude of the voltage source. For
Mainly three significant control approaches for IUPQC can example, if the terminal voltage of the VSC is higher than
be found to control the sag on the system: 1) active power the AC voltage at the point of connection, the STATCOM
control approach in which an in-phase voltage is injected generates reactive current; conversely, when the amplitude
through series inverter , popularly known as IUPQC-P; 2) of the voltage source is lower than the AC voltage, it absorbs
reactive power control approach in which a quadrature reactive power. The response time of a STATCOM is shorter
voltage is injected, known as UPQC-Q; and 3) a minimum than that of a static VAR compensator (SVC), mainly due to
VA loading approach in which a series voltage is injected at the fast switching times provided by the IGBTs of the
a certain angle, which is known as VA min. The VA loading voltage source converter. The STATCOM also provides
in IUPQC-VA min is determined on the basis of voltage sag, better reactive power support at low AC voltages than an
may not be at optimal value. The voltage sag/swell on the SVC, since the reactive power from a STATCOM decreases
system is one of the most important power quality problems linearly with the AC voltage (as the current can be
in distribution. maintained at the rated value even down to low AC voltage).
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research
Volume. 08, IssueNo.18, October-2016, Pages: 3451-3455
An Improved iUPQC Controller to Provide Additional Grid-Voltage Regulation as A STATCOM
C. Power Quality interact with the impedance of the power distribution system
Power quality determines the fitness of electric power to to create voltage distortion that can affect both the
consumer devices. Synchronization of the voltage frequency distribution system equipment and the loads connected to it.
and phase allows electrical systems to function in their
intended manner without significant loss of performance or
life. The term is used to describe electric power that drives
an electrical load and the load's ability to function properly.
Without the proper power, an electrical device (or load) may
malfunction, fail prematurely or not operate at all. There are
many ways in which electric power can be of poor quality
and many more causes of such poor quality power. The
electric power industry comprises electricity generation (AC
power), electric power transmission and ultimately electric
power distribution to an electricity meter located at the
premises of the end user of the electric power. The electricity
then moves through the wiring system of the end user until it
reaches the load. The complexity of the system to move
electric energy from the point of production to the point of
consumption combined with variations in weather,
generation, demand and other factors provide many
opportunities for the quality of supply to be compromised. Fg.5.Non-linear load.
While "power quality" is a convenient term for many, it is
the quality of the voltage—rather than power or electric IV. RESULT ANALYSIS
current—that is actually described by the term. Power is
simply the flow of energy and the current demanded by a
load is largely uncontrollable.
E. Non-Linear Load
. A load is considered non-linear if its impedance changes
with the applied voltage. The changing impedance means
that the current drawn by the non-linear load will not be
sinusoidal even when it is connected to a sinusoidal voltage.
These non-sinusoidal currents contain harmonic currents that Fig.7. Simulation Graph.
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research
Volume. 08, IssueNo.18, October-2016, Pages: 3451-3455
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