Determination of Optimal Location of Upfc Controller Devices in Electric Transmission System by Using Pso Method
Determination of Optimal Location of Upfc Controller Devices in Electric Transmission System by Using Pso Method
Determination of Optimal Location of Upfc Controller Devices in Electric Transmission System by Using Pso Method
e-ISSN: 2278-1676,p-ISSN: 2320-3331, Volume 11, Issue 3Ver. I (May. Jun. 2016), PP 01-08
Abstract : This paper aims to determine the optimal location for the installation of UPFC controller using
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method to minimize small signal oscillations in a multi machine power
system and we get reduction in power losses. The UPFC is required to regulate bus voltages and control power
flows through the line. This way proper capacitor switching strategy is established to reduce daily and seasonal
voltage fluctuations to within acceptable limits. The steady-state transmittable power of network can be
increased and the voltage profile along the transmission line controlled by reactive shunt compensation. Here,
the performance of UPFC mainly depends upon its parameters which are set for providing economical
operation..PSO method is an efficient and general solution to solve most non linear optimization problems with
nonlinear inequality constraints. In PSO Particle swarm optimization (PSO), the potential solution, called
particles. All particles selected in this controller depends on only its parameter, which will keep there feasible
solutions in their memory. The FACTS devices provides effective damping capability. In power transmission
oscillations are reduced and the voltage profile is also improved. Based on this methodology, by considering
time delay, an innovative approach is presented and by varying the power angle and making wide area
damping control feasible. Only with such a control scheme, UPFC controller can be applied beneficially for
economical operation i.e. with reduced generation cost and fuel cost. So by performing sensitivity analysis on
the UPFC controller, we are able to find the optimal location on buses to place the UPFC controller in the
Keywords: GUPFC(generalized unified power flow controller), PSO(particles swarm optimization),
SSSC(static series compensator), STATCOM(static synchronous compensator), UPFC(unified power flow
The main objective to introduce FACTS Technology is to increase the power transfer capability of a
transmission network in a power system, giving the direct control of power flow over designated transmission
routes and to provide secure loading of a transmission line near the thermal limits. For improve the damping of
oscillations as this can threaten the security or limit the usage line capacity. FACTS devices can control the
parameters depending on electric transmission systems and there by improving the characteristics of electric
transmission systems. Power flow control is the main role of series FACTS devices.
In this paper this fact has been taken into consideration as well as PSO based technique has been
proposed to place FACTS controller in a multi machine system in order to reduce load uncertainty damp small
signal oscillations. Under various system conditions and thereby improve the power system transmission and
distribution stability a effectively operating unified power flow controller (UPFC) are provided continuously
the reactive power required to control dynamic voltage oscillations. By Installation for increasing transfer
capability and reduce losses while maintaining a smooth voltage profile under different network conditions
UPFC is placed at one or more suitable points in the network. Also UPFC can mitigate active power oscillations
through voltage amplitude modulation. In this paper we are using PSO method for obtaining the best location of
UPFC controller in transmission system where we get effective power flow control and with economical
operation for the given power injected.
Design Procedure
In most of cases, linearly-decreasing inertia weight PSO is used. This variant focuses more on
exploration of search space in initial iterations while at later iterations, the exploitation is mainly conducted,
thus, an appropriate trade-off between exploration and exploitation is established. However, in some cases, other
PSO variants are adopted for tackling FACTS allocation problem.
In PSO applications on FACTS allocation problem, in most cases, no parameter tuning has been
conducted, but the parameters are adopted from PSO literature (normally i = 0:9, f =0:4, C1 = C2 =2).
Since PSO parameters are problem-dependent, for extract- ing its best computational behaviour, all its
parameters should be tuned for the particular FACTS allocation problem to be solved. In PSO literature, there
are different methods for tackling constraints. These methods include Penalty approaches (with static/dynamic
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penalty factors),multi- objective-based approaches, death-penalty approach, flyback approach, co-evolutionarybased approaches, Deb'srules-based approach, stochastic ranking-based approach and -constrained approach
have been demonstrated by numerous installations in the world. Transmission line segmentation can be
expanded for the use of multiple compensators, which are located at equal segments of the transmission line in
power system network. Theoretically, we know that the transmittable power would double as the segments are
doubles for the same overall line length. As we are increasing the number of segments the variation of voltage
along the line would rapidly decrease, and approaching the ideal case of constant voltage profile. Such a
distributed compensation depends on the instantaneous response and unlimited var generation and absorption
capability of the shunt compensators employed, which would have to stay in synchronism with the prevailing
phase of the segment voltages and maintain the predefined amplitude of the transmission voltage,
independently of load variation. Such a system, however, would tend to be too complex and probably too
expensive, to be practical, particularly if stability and reliability requirements under appropriate contingency
conditions are also considered. However, the practicability of limited line segmentation, using thyristorcontrolled. The transmission benefits of voltage support by controlled shunt compensation at strategic locations
of the transmission system.
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A combination of static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) and a static series compensator
(SSSC) which are coupled via a common dc link, to allow bidirectional flow of real power between the series
output terminals of the SSSC and the shunt output terminals of the STATCOM.
where P and Q are vectors of real and reactive nodal power injections, which are function of nodal voltages,
(V), and network conductances and susceptances, (G and B), respectively. (P = Pspe _ Pcal) is the real
power mismatch vector and (Q = Qspe _ Qcal) is the reactive power mismatch vector. (V and ) are vectors
of incremental changes in nodal voltages. H, N, J, and L denote the basic elements in the Jacobian matrix. They
corresponds to partial derivatives of the real and the reactive powers with respect to the phase angles and the
magnitudes of the nodal voltages, n is iteration number. Derived injected power model can be incorporated into
a general NR power flow algorithm by modifying the related elements in the normal Jacobian matrix and the
corresponding power mismatch equations as well. Since injected powers vary with busbar voltage amplitudes
and phases, the relevant elements of Jacobian matrix will be modified at each iteration. Based on the following
additional elements of Jacobian matrix ((H = Horg + Hupfc) and for N, J and L elements) owing to the
injections of the UPFC at the buses i and j can be derived.
For bus i; when i = j;
Hjj = Pijupfc / j ; Njj = Vj(Pj,upfc / Vj)
Jjj = Qj upfc / j ; Ljj = Vj(Qj,upfc / Vj)
When i j
Hij = Pi,upfc / j ; Nij = Vj(Pi,upfc / Vj)
Jij = Qi,upfc / j ; Lij = Vj(Qj,upfc / Vj)
For bus j; when i=j;
Hii = Pi,upfc / i ; Nii = Vi(Pi,upfc / Vi)
Jii = Qi,upfc / i ; Lii = Vi(Qi,upfc / Vi)
When i j
Hij = Pi,upfc / j ; Nij = Vj(Pi,upfc / Vj)
Jij = Qi,upfc / j ; Lii = Vi(Qj,upfc / Vj)
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Objective function formulated is based on the optimization parameters. It is worth mentioning that the PID
damped SVC controller is designed to minimize the power system oscillations after a disturbance so as to
improve steady state stability. These oscillations are reflected in the deviations in the generator rotor speed w
and deviation in terminal voltage vt. In the present study the objective function J is formulated as the
minimization of related power mismatches equations at bus i and bus j must also be modified as:
Pi = Pi,G - Pi L+ Pi upfc Pi Cal
PJ = PJ,G PJ L+ PJ upfc PJ Cal
Qi = Qi,G - Qi L+ Qi upfc Qi Cal
QJ = QJ,G QJ L+ QJ upfc QJ Cal
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Particle Dynamics
Dimension 5
Dimension 1
epoch:generation cost
Case Study
In order to investigate the feasibility of the proposed techniques, UPFC embedded power flow studies
on IEEE 30-bus test system , shown in fig.1. It should be pointed out that the results are taken by the choice of
UPFC parameters, i.e., the control parameters of UPFC (r, c) are given and UPFC is operated in an open-loop
form. All the results indicate good convergence and high accuracy achieved by the proposed methods.. Flat
voltage start and a tolerance of accuracy less than 10 -5 (pu) of the maximum absolute mismatch of nodal power
injection are used in all analyses. First of all and without any compensation, the electrical system is studied in
order to determine the power flow in each of the transmission line. This allows having a general idea about
system steady-state operation. Then UPFC is allocated on line L-5, close to bus 2, thought to be near power
generation sections. Different UPFC parameters are set to activate UPFC, the transmitted active and reactive
power of all of the lines has remarkably changed. Comparing power flow solutions of the system without and
with UPFC, it can be concluded that the proposed method developed in this study are efficient on analysis of
both power flow and control parameters of UPFC.
From the results of power flow study performed on IEEE 30-bus test system without UPFC,
uncompensated real and reactive power flows on line L-6 are 0.5895 pu and 0.0155 pu, respectively, while the
total real and reactive transmission losses are 0.1560 pu and -0.0164 pu, respectively. With UPFC user-defined
model is employed to evaluate the effects of UPFC allocation on steady-state operational characteristics of IEEE
30- bus test system. Allowed iteration tolerance is taken as 1E- 6 in all tasks.
UPFC device is positioned on line L-6 close to bus 6. Line L-6 is the controlled line. Effects of UPFC
on system parameters such as; real and reactive power flows on line L- 6, overall total real and reactive
transmission losses of the system are investigated.When UPFC parameter is controlled, another is kept constant.
Namely, while r is controlled, is kept constant, and vice versa. The constant values of r and are 0.1 pu and
angle 90.0, respectively.
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Pso Overview
Inspired from the nature social behavior and dynamic movements with communications of insects,
birds and fish PSO is a meta heuristic optimisation algorithm which uses a number of agents (particles) that
constitute a swarm moving around in the search space looking for the best solution. Each particle in search
space adjusts its flying according to its own flying experience as well as the flying experience of other
particles. Collection of flying particles (swarm) - Changing solutions Search area - Possible solutions
Movement towards a promising area to get the global optimum
Each particle keeps track:
its best solution, personal best, pbest
the best value of any particle, global best, gbest
In the basic particle swarm optimization algorithm, particle swarm consists of n particles, and the
position of each particle stands for the potential solution in D-dimensional space. The particles change its
condition according to the following three principles: (1) to keep its inertia (2) to change the condition according
to its most optimist position (3) to change the condition according to the swarms most optimist position. The
position of each particle in the swarm is affected both by the most optimist position during its movement
(individual experience) and the position of the most optimist particle in its surrounding (near experience). When
the whole particle swarm is surrounding the particle, the most optimist position of the surrounding is equal to
the one of the whole most optimist particle; this algorithm is called the whole PSO. If the narrow surrounding is
used in the algorithm, this algorithm is called the partial PSO. Each particle can be shown by its current speed
and position, the most optimist position of each individual and the most optimist position of the surrounding.
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Algorithm parameters used in PSO method: A : Population of agents; pi : Position of agent ai in the solution
f : Objective function ; vi : Velocity of agents ai ; V(ai) : Neighborhood of agent ai (fixed)
The neighborhood concept in PSO is not the same as the one used in other meta-heuristics search, since in PSO
each particles neighborhood never changes (is fixed).
Particle update rule
v = v + c1 * rand * (pBest p) + c2 * rand * (gBest p)
p: particles position; v: path direction
c1: weight of local information
c2: weight of global information
pBest: best position of the particle
gBest: best position of the swarm
rand: random variable
Number of particles usually between 10 and 50
C1 is the importance of personal best value
C2 is the importance of neighborhood best value
Usually C1 + C2 = 4 (empirically chosen value)
If velocity is too low algorithm too slow
If velocity is too high algorithm too unstable
Advantages of the basic particle swarm optimization algorithm:
(1)PSO is based on the intelligence. It can be applied into both scientific research and engineering use.
(2)PSO have no overlapping and mutation calculation. The search can be carried out by the speed of the particle.
During the development of several generations, only the most optimist particle can transmit information onto the
other particles, and the speed of the researching is very fast.
(3)The calculation in PSO is very simple. Compared with the other developing calculations, it occupies the
bigger optimization ability and it can be completed easily.
(4) PSO adopts the real number code, and it is decided directly by the solution. The number of the dimension is
equal to the constant of the solution.
Insensitive to scaling of design variables, Simple implementation, easily parallelized for concurrent processing,
derivative free, very few algorithm parameters are required, very efficient global search algorithm but also;
(1)The method easily suffers from the partial optimism, which causes the less exact at the regulation of its
speed and the direction.
(2)The method cannot work out the problems of scattering and optimization.
(3)The method cannot work out the problems of non-coordinate system, such as the solution to the energy field
and the moving rules of the particles in the energy field
Particle swarm optimization has become a common heuristic technique in the optimization community,
with many researchers exploring the concepts, issues, and applications of the algorithms. The coordinated search
for food which lets a swarm of birds land at a certain place where food can be found was modeled with simple
rules for information sharing between the individuals of the swarm. A PSO algorithm maintains a population of
particles (the swarm), where each particle represents a location in a multidimensional search space (also called
problem space). The particles start at random locations and search for the minimum (or maximum) of a given
objective function by moving through the search space. The movements of a particle depend only on its velocity
and the locations where good solutions have already been found by the particle itself or other (neighbouring)
particles in the swarm. PSO algorithm each particle keeps track of the coordinates in the search space which are
associated with the best solution it has found so far. The corresponding value of the objective function (fitness
value) is also stored. Another "best" value that is tracked by each particle is the best value obtained so far by any
particle in its topological neighbourhood. When a particle takes the whole population as its neighbours, the best
value is a global best. At each iteration of the PSO algorithm the velocity of each particle is changed towards the
Personal and global best (or neighbourhood best) locations. But also some random component is incorporated
into the velocity update. Integral time absolute error of the speed deviations is taken as the objective function.
The expression of objective function is as follows:
Where, is the speed deviation and tsim is the time range of simulation. generates the reactive power
(capacitive mode), when the system voltage is lower and it absorbs reactive power (inductive mode), when the
voltage is higher. reactive shunt compensation can significantly increase the maximum transmittable power.
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Thus, it is reasonable to expect that, with suitable and fast controls, shunt compensation will be able to change
the power flow in the system during and following dynamic disturbances so as to increase the transient stability
limit and provide effective power oscillation damping.The potential effectiveness of shunt (as well as other
compensation and flow control techniques) on transient stability improvement can be conveniently evaluated by
the equal area criterion.
The convergence rate of the objective fJunction J towards best solutions with population size 20 and
number of generations 200 has been shown in Figure by graphical point view.The results in minimization of the
critical damping index (CDI) given by: J (1
i ) Here i is the damping ratio of the ith critical swing
mode. The objective of the optimization is to maximize the damping ratio as much as possible. There are four
tuning parameters of the SVC controller; the controller gain (Ksvc), lead time constant (T1), lag time constant
(T2) and the location number (Nloc). These parameters are to be optimized by minimizing the objective function
J given by. With the change of locations and parameters of the TCSC controller the damping ratio as well as J
varies. The problem constraints are the bounds on the possible locations and parameters of the SVC controller.
In this paper a meta heuristic method PSO has been implemented for determining the optimal location
of UPFC controller in a 30 bus bar transmission system and this multi objective controller in a standard multimachine power system will mitigate the small signal oscillation problem with improved voltage profile for
economic operation. This optimization technique based on PSO seems to have good accuracy, faster
convergence rate.The problem of finding optimal location in network and parameters of FACTS devices in
electrical power systems is called FACTS allocation problem and has widely gained the attention of
researchers in electrical and electronic power engineering. In this paper by PSO method a improved voltage
profile is obtained for the busses to which UPFC is connected for economical operation i.e., with reduced
generation cost and economic size of controller. Also for the same voltage a reactive power is obtained which
will again injected to the same bus to which UPFC is connected. By this iteration of injecting different power
results in compensated losses in network. Problem of finding the best optimal location of UPFC controller
represents a nonlinear and non-convex optimization problem. Because of the existence of multiple local optimal
locating near-global solutions in such an optimization problems PSO is used as a powerful and well-established
meta heuristic optimization algorithm. It has been frequently utilized to solve UPFC controller allocation
problems ,although it suffers from premature convergence problem. In this paper, by the applications of PSO for
solving UPFC allocation problem to get the best location on transmission line, where reduced power losses and
reduced oscillation is achieved.
We would like to show our gratitude to MATS School of Engineering & I.T. for sharing their pearls of
wisdom with us during this course. We are immensely grateful to our Principal, Head of Department and
M.Tech coordinator for their commands that greatly improved the work in this field. We also thanks to our
faculty members for assisting us greatly, Although any errors are our own & should not tarnish the reputation of
their esteemed persons.
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