4: Listening Skills: The Theory of Listening
4: Listening Skills: The Theory of Listening
4: Listening Skills: The Theory of Listening
doing, you will acknowledge how easy it will be for you to acquire the information you need to succeed in your studies here at Bunda. Active Listening requires the use of all these skills in every learning context, both in the classroom and outside. Nevertheless, there are obstacles and / barriers to active listening that you need to be aware of and know how to handle them when they arise. In this chapter, you will learn about the skills that will help you become a successful active listener. These are introduced above and discussed in detail below.
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Distinguish types of listening. 2. Apply the appropriate type of listening in a listening situation. 3. Take comprehensive and accurate notes. 4. Ask questions more creatively and open-ended. 5. Observe speakers nonverbal signals. 6. Apply all necessary nonverbal skills in every listening situation. 7. Maintain eye contact with conversational partners. 8. Maintain good posture when listening to speakers. 9. Recognize different types of barriers to active listening
active listener might describe the underlying emotion (You seem to feel angry or You seem to feel frustrated, is that because?). Individuals in conflict often contradict one another. This has the effect of denying the validity of the other persons position. Either party may react defensively, or they may lash out or withdraw. On the other hand, if one finds that the other party understands, an atmosphere of cooperation can be created. This increases the possibility of collaborating and resolving the conflict. In the book Leader Effectiveness Training, Thomas Gordon states, "Active Listening is certainly not complex. Listeners need only restate, in their own language, their impression of the expression of the sender. Still, learning to do Active Listening well is a rather difficult task..." 3. Use Active listening is used in a wide variety of situations, including tutoring, medical workers talking to patients, HIV counselling, helping suicidal persons, management, counselling and journalistic settings. In groups, it may aid in reaching consensus. It may also be used in casual conversation to build understanding, though this can be interpreted as condescending. The benefits of active listening include getting people to open up, avoiding misunderstandings, resolving conflict and building trust. In a medical context, benefits may include increased patient satisfaction, improving cross-cultural communication, improved outcomes, or decreased litigation.
Types of Listening:
There are two major types of listening, informational and reflective. 1. Informational Listening The process of informational listening focuses on the ability of an individual to understand a speakers message. It is a huge part of everyday life, and failing to understand the concept of informational listening can be very detrimental to one's contribution to society, and indeed, detrimental to quality of life in general. Much of the listening people engage in on a regular basis, falls under the blanket of listening for information. In the office, people listen to their superiors for instructions about what they are to do. At school, students listen to teachers for information that they are expected to understand for quizzes and tests. In all areas of life, informational listening plays a huge role in human communication. 2. Reflective listening This is a communication strategy involving two key steps: seeking to understand a speaker's idea, then offering the idea back to the speaker, to confirm the idea has been understood correctly. It attempts to "reconstruct what the client is thinking and feeling and to relay this understanding back to
the client". Reflective listening is a more specific strategy than the more general methods of active listening. It arose from Carl Rogers' school of clientcentred therapy in counselling theory. When listening for information, you need to remember the purpose for which you are listening. This requires you to distinguish between the following subcategories of informational and reflective listening: discriminative, critical or evaluative, therapeutic or empathic, appreciative and self-listening. Discriminative listening covers the conscious reception of all pertinent auditory and visual stimuli. This may include listening for comprehension where, basic efforts on the part of the listener to retain and understand a speakers message are necessary. Critical or evaluative listening describes situations where the listener makes judgments about the speakers message. As such, critical listening often accompanies persuasive speaking. The critical listener attends closely to such matters as speaker and evidentiary source credibility and the structure of and support for the speakers arguments. In contrast, therapeutic or empathic listening emphasizes understanding a message from the speakers perspective in situations where the speaker needs to be heard or talk through an issue. In these moments, the listener provides the minimum necessary direction for the speakers perspective to be clear. Counselling and psychology provide excellent exemplars of this type of listening. Appreciative listening occurs when we listen for enjoyment, aesthetics, or sensory impressions, such as consuming a television sit-com or occupying ourselves with music. Self-listening often gets neglected, but conscious engagement with one's own physical reactions, attitudinal biases and prejudices, or mental markers while listening comprises a helpful listening category. Such reflection mostly takes place in ones head, but still requires conscious application techniques similar to those one would apply while listening to the talk of another person. Now that you understand what Active Listening is, it is time to look at the various skills that make up Active Listening; these include; note-taking, effective questioning and non-verbal communication. Let us look at these skills one by one.
Note taking is one of the active listening skills that you will need to acquire here at Bunda College in order to record accurately what you hear in lectures. However, you will find that this skill is relevant and necessary in other chapters of this text, such as reading skills, study skills etc. In study skills for instance, you have covered some topics on note making. It is important that you learn the difference between note making and note taking. Note taking is a crucial skill and one that we would encourage you to develop as early as possible in your studies. It is very much about listening actively as opposed to passively. This means making sense of what you are listening to at that particular point in time and keeping a record for yourself, a record that you can go back to later on, whether for revising for examinations or for making links with later parts of the course. Therefore, taking notes does not imply simply taking things down more or less word for word, of what the speaker says. Rather, it is a selection and it needs to be organised and it will include the most important or interesting parts of the lecture that you have been listening to. Active Listening requires concentration, you need to give all your attention to the lecturer and where appropriate, you have to summarize and reflect on what they say. You also need to be aware of the factors that may be personal and environmental that can interfere with your ability to receive and interpret signals. These may include, among other things, clarity of speech, noise outside the room and room temperature.
Adapted from OpenLearn (2009) Reading and Note Taking Preparation for study: Open University. Accessed 2nd June 2009
concentrated becomes cone, advantage and disadvantage become adv. and disadv. respectively, and consequently becomes consq. Developing your own version that makes sense to you can be extremely time efficient and after a while it becomes a language of your own which flows from the pen easily.
In this section, the emphasis is on taking notes using your own words, using your own thoughts in that process, but it is also important that you keep
reflecting on how you take notes. It is also important to develop a formula that works for you. As you keep on refining that process, you will realize that the notes you are taking towards the end of this course, are rather different from the notes you are taking now.
keep practicing using the ideas spelt out in this section in order to perfect your note taking skill. This will help you excel in your studies here at Bunda College.
Effective Questioning
As we wrestle with each new challenge in life, we ask others and ourselves a continuous stream of questions. Asking questions is one of the main ways that we try to get a grip on whatever is going on, but we are usually not very conscious of the quality of questions we ask. Asking questions is one of the important skills within Active Listening. Asking questions helps you to focus or concentrate more on what the speaker is saying; it helps you when making a summary of what you heard, when reflecting and interpreting the material. However, not all questions can help you get the information you are looking for. In this section, you will look at closed questions and open-ended questions and see which ones you need to attach great value. There are two major categories of questions:
Closed Questions
Closed questions are those that invite yes/no responses. People usually ask these types of questions but actually, they tend to shut people up rather than letting them open up. Compare the following two questions: 1. Did you like the food/movie/speech/doctor? 2. How did you like that food/movie/speech/doctor? The first one is an example of closed question. It requires you to answer either yes or no. The second one is an example of open-ended question and it will evoke a more detailed response than the first one. Also, consider the difference between two versions of the same question, as each might occur in a conversation between two people in a close relationship: 1. Well, honey, do you want to go ahead and rent that apartment we saw yesterday? 2. Well, honey, how do you feel about us renting that apartment we saw yesterday? The first version suggests a yes or no answer, it however, favours yes and does not invite much discussion. A person hearing such a question may feel pressured to reach a decision, and may not make the best decision.
Both versions imply a suggestion to rent the apartment, but the second question is much more inviting of a wide range of responses. Even if our goal is to persuade, we cannot do a good job of that unless we address our listeners concerns, and we would not understand those concerns unless we ask questions that invite discussion. When you are under time pressure, it is tempting to push people to make yes/no decisions. Nevertheless, pressing forward without addressing peoples concerns has played a key role in many on-the-job accidents and catastrophes.
Open-ended Questions
Open-ended questions are those that allow for a wide range and detailed responses. Using open-ended questions in your studies here at Bunda and life in general could help you in: solving problems in a way that meets more of everyones needs, getting to know and understand subjects better and people around and creating richer and more satisfying conversations, both academic and social. In the sub-section above you have come across two examples of open-ended questions. Below, are more examples of open-ended questions: How comfortable are you with Plan B? How could I modify this proposal to meet more of your requirements? What kind of information do you need in order to go forward? What do you think about moving the office to the Aquaculture department? How are you feeling about all of this? How ready are you to ...?
that respects the unique elements of each new situation, person, piece of land, broken leg, canyon to be bridged, and so on.
How comfortable are you with Plan B? How could I modify this proposal to meet more of your requirements? What kind of information do you need in order to go forward? What do you think about moving the office to the Aquaculture department? How are you feeling about all of this? How ready are you to ...?
Source Fields
1. How does this feel to me? Gestalt therapy and general psychotherapy. 2. What (am I/are you) experiencing right now? 3. How could I have done that differently? How could you have done that differently? 4. What could (I / you) learn from this... (situation, mistake, painful experience)? 5. What kind of explanations do I give myself when bad events happen? 6. How easy would it be for me to view this difficult situation as temporary, specific to one location and partly the result of chance? Martin Seligmans research on learned helplessness, optimism and explanatory style 6. Conflict resolution,
General psychotherapy
7. What is the most important thing that I want in this situation? 8. What solutions might bring everyone more of what they want? negotiation and management.
Asking questions is one of the skills that you would need here at Bunda in order to get other people to clarify their points and explain more. However, not every question brings up these results. Some questions, closed questions, tend to shut people up. If you are fond of using closed questions, this is the time to realize that they will only waste your precious time here at Bunda and elsewhere. Go for the open-ended questions that open people up. These are the questions to which you should attach great value. Remember, questions are like the mountain climbers hook-on-the-end-of-a-rope: we throw the hook into the unknown, and we pull ourselves into the future. However, we need to learn how and where to throw, so that we pull ourselves into a better future! Asking questions is everyones tool, it is your tool; grab it now! You will see how it will help you succeed here at Bunda!
Nonverbal Communication
Another important aspect of active listening is nonverbal communication (NVC). NVC is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. NVC can be communicated through gesture and touch, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact. NVC can be communicated through object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture, symbols and info-graphics. Humans send and interpret such signals unconsciously. Speech contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, including voice quality, emotion and speaking style, as well as prosodic features such as rhythm, intonation and stress. Dance is also regarded as a nonverbal communication. Likewise, written texts have nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words, or the use of emoticons.
Posture can be used to determine a participants degree of attention or involvement, the difference in status between communicators, and the level of fondness a person has for the other communicator. Posture is understood through such indicators as direction of lean, body orientation, arm position, and body openness. Studies investigating the impact of posture on interpersonal relationships suggest that mirror-image congruent postures, where one persons left side is parallel to the others right side, leads to favourable perception of communicators and positive speech; a person who displays a forward lean or
a decrease in a backwards lean also signify positive sentiment during communication. Leaning forward also helps you to concentrate more on the speaker and avoid other distractions such as dozing or a talkative neighbour. Likewise, it gives the speaker motivation to speak because they know you are interested. In this way, you both benefit from the communication. In order to listen actively, try leaning forward. This way you will be physically and psychologically active in every lecture you take and you will excel in your studies here at Bunda.
A gesture is a non-vocal bodily movement intended to express meaning. Gestures may be articulated with the hands, arms or body, and include movements of the head, face and eyes, such as winking, nodding, or rolling ones eyes. Gestures can also be categorised as either speech-independent or speechrelated. Speech-independent gestures are dependent upon culturally accepted interpretation and have a direct verbal translation. A wave hello or a peace sign are examples of speech-independent gestures. Speech related gestures are used in parallel with verbal speech; this form of nonverbal communication is used to emphasize the message that is being communicated. Semantic markers Usually the speaker will make it clear which ideas s/he wishes to emphasize by the way in which s/he present them. In other words, the main ideas are cued. The speaker does something (a facial expression and /or gesture) that points out to her/his meaning. This guides the listener on the action they must take. Semantic markers are usually phrases that cue speakers gestures. For example, I would like to emphasize ... The general point you must remember is It is important to note that I repeat that The next point is crucial to my argument
Often also, examples and points of lesser importance are cued. The speaker may use such phrases as, Let me give you some example For instance I might... To illustrate this point
Active listening requires noticing even the smallest aspects of communication such as semantic markers. Small as they may appear they play a very significant role in pointing out the speakers meaning.
Eye Contact
Eye contact is the meeting of the eyes between two individuals. The study of the role of eyes in nonverbal communication is sometimes referred to as oculesics. Eye contact can indicate interest, attention and involvement. Gaze comprises the actions of looking while talking, looking while listening, amount of gaze, and frequency of glances, patterns of fixation, pupil dilation, and blink rate. In human beings, eye contact is a form of nonverbal communication and is thought to have a large influence on social behaviour. Eye contact plays a role in effective communication. Communicating attention A person's direction of gaze may indicate to others where his or her attention lies. Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought. Focalization, concentration and consciousness are of its essence. It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others, and is a condition which has a real opposite in the confused, dazed, scatterbrained state which in French is called distraction. Facilitating learning Recent studies suggest that eye contact has a positive impact on the retention and recall of information and may promote more efficient learning. We get useful information from the face when listening to someone. Good posture, paying attention to speakers gestures and semantic markers and looking into the speakers eyes, facilitate and promote learning. Paying attention to what your lecturer and/or speaker is saying and doing is key to success in your studies and life in general.
Shift Response
Shift response occurs when one competes for attention in a conversation by changing the subject in order to favour oneself. The opposite of this occurrence is support response, which is constructive to appropriate listening. Both genders use shift response in conversation, but men utilize shift response more often than women. The overuse of this practice is an obstacle to competent listening because it leads to conversational narcissism, which marks inefficiency in the ability to share interest in the others topics in conversations because of an excess of shift response and a deficiency of support response.
Interrupting is something we all do. It's natural for listeners to evaluate a speaker, but our impressions should not interfere with our listening. The content (what the speaker is saying) should be judged on its own value to you and the speaker. Sometimes you may be tempted to tune out the speaker because of his or her appearance. If an instructor is sloppily dressed and careless about their appearance, you may conclude that what is being said isn't worth listening to. Avoid the temptation and do not let your personal feelings interfere with your learning.
Glazing Over
Glazing over occurs when the listeners attention wanders, dozes off or daydreaming begins.
Pseudo listening
This happens when someone pretends to listen during a conversation and attempts to disguise inattention. Typical responses include Mm-Hmm, Really?, and Uh huh. During this time of inattention, the pseudo listener is unfocused, therefore, it can be very frustrating for the speaker.
Ambushing is an example of negative listening in which the listener ignores the strength of the message, instead looking for weaknesses in order to attack what the speaker says. Although the listener is attentive, the problem stems from the fact that responses are rebuttals and refutations of the speakers message.
Content-only Responses
This type of response occurs when one focuses on the content of the message, but ignores the emotional side. This type of response does not recognize feelings and comprehends only the literal meaning of messages.
2. In order to gain success in acquiring good posture, maintaining eye contact and paying attention to speakers gestures, here is evaluation exercise that you can try out. Next time you attend a lecture, ask yourself the following questions: Am I seated appropriately (congruent) and close enough to the lecture/speaker? Am I leaning forward? Am I able to see the lectures face really well? Am I maintaining eye contact with the lecture/speaker? Have I focused all my attention on the speakers message? Am I acknowledging the points in the speech non-verbally; nodding when I am following or shaking my head when I cannot follow? Am I actively responding to questions and directions?
All questions above require you to have a Yes response. However, if you have a No response to some of the questions, list them down. In your free time, before another lecture if possible, try to identify any problems that made it difficult to do what you were supposed to do. After identifying the problems, sit down and try to find some workable solutions for each of the problems. Before the following lecture, go through the list of solutions to remind yourself. During the lecture, apply all the solutions to the problems. After the lecture, sit down and check how it all worked out. Continue this evaluation exercise, until you are able to answer Yes to all questions above, after each and every lecture. This is a constant evaluation exercise. If you get into the habit of doing this, you will acknowledge how easy it is to listen meaningfully to lectures and gain success in your studies!
In this chapter, you have learnt about the skills that will help you become a successful active listener. Note taking is one of the skills in active listening. It is a crucial skill and one that develops over time. In this chapter, among other things, you have learnt how to keep up with the lecturers speed, by using abbreviations, taking the important parts of the lecture and avoid copying word for word. Also by now, you have learnt how to organise your notes using the Cornell Note Taking System, identification of the main points and drawing a spider diagram. In addition, question asking has been discussed. It is also one of the skills that you need here at Bunda in order to get other people clarify their points and explain more. However, not every question brings up these results. Some questions, closed questions, tend to shut people up. It is clear from this chapter that you need to go for the open-ended questions that open people up. These are the questions to which you should attach great value. Also most importantly, is to learn how and where to throw the questions, so that we pull ourselves into a better future! Furthermore, good posture, paying attention to speakers gestures and semantic markers and looking into the speakers eyes, facilitate and promote learning. These are some aspects of nonverbal communication that we have covered in this chapter. Emphasis has been put on paying attention to what your lecture and/ speaker is saying and doing as it is key to success in your studies and life in general. This is why we have listed the common obstacles/barriers to listening; by being aware of the barriers that exist in conversational situations, one is able to avoid them and/or find remedies. In
order to succeed in your studies, here at Bunda, you need to employ all the aspects of Active Listening discussed in this chapter as these aspects do not work in isolation!
The state interest in education in Malawi was in those days based on the needs for cheap labour for the plantations, mines and manufacturing industries within the three British colonies of Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe (then called Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia respectively): hence the comparatively well-developed primary school education system. The secondary school system was much smaller, dictated mainly by the need for local clerks and junior officials. There was thus a heavy emphasis on subservient attitudes and white collar skills. Yet paradoxically, the products of these schools tended to be indoctrinated with ideas of superiority and elitism, thus dividing them from the mass of the people. In sum, the kinds of education provided, served the purpose of disengaging young people from traditional economy, which was self-sufficient, and pushing them into the labour market. In the post-Independence era, African needs are being rethought. Not all African countries approach the problem of education from the same point of view, but they all share very similar practical concerns. For example, how many universities should a country have, when half of the age group may not gain formal education at all? Highly trained engineers are needed for the countries power stations and industries, yet Africa also needs men skilled in the relatively simple skills of wooden bridge construction, laying roads, building houses, servicing vehicles and railway locomotives, and so on. Civil servants especially need a good secondary education if they are to deal with matters ranging from organising finance for a new agricultural scheme to collecting information for government approval of a new road system. To respond to these needs, a developing continent must clearly be practical. While an expanding education system is therefore necessary, it also has drawbacks. In many countries in Africa, secondary and college education means that young people have to leave rural areas for the towns, and later, as men, they are not returning to work on the farms and produce the food: the opportunities, amenities and leisure attractions of the towns are too tempting. Thus, a huge country like Nigeria is currently a net importer of food. It is for reasons like this that, in Malawi, attempts have been made to develop education in the rural areas.
2. Question Asking (a) Adapt each of the following yes/no questions into an open-ended question. (i) On talking with a person who looks disappointed...) So you didnt like that, huh? (ii) (A pilot to a new co-pilot...) Did you know how to fly this thing? (iii) (A nurse to a patient...) Have you been taking your medication? (iv) (Parent to teen...) Dont you think it would be better if you did your homework first? (b) Write down what problems could arise from each of the yes/no questions above.
(c) Create a table with two columns and in the 1st column record ten yes/no questions that you have encountered in your life that would have been better stated as open-ended questions. Record your open-ended question next to each yes/no question in the 2nd column.
http://www.how-to-study.com/study-skills/en/notetaking/26/goodlistening-in-class/ http://www.wikihow.com/Solve-Problems-Using-Mind-Maps http://www.wikihow.com/Form-a-Study-Group
These words and terms are used in this chapter. Term Evoke Wrestle Value Psychotherapist Architect Gestalt Illuminate Canyon Intuitive Cornell Formula Grasp Passive listening Theme Shorthand Subsidiary Definition Stir up or induce something Struggle of fighting challenges The rate of importance you attach to something A person whom you consult for the problems of the mind A person who does planning and designing as his job Die Gestalt is a German word for form or shape. It is used in English to refer to a concept of 'wholeness' Revealing or helpful A gap or rift Something that is inborn or natural American University in New York State, USA. A defined way of doing things To understand with the mind A way of listening in which listeners do nothing to assist their memory later Major idea in a passage or a piece of writing A method of writing that uses abbreviations, symbols and a special letters to speed up the recording process Supporting points
Focalization Cue Emoticons Prosodic Rhythm Intonation Stress Paralanguage Infographics Winking Scatterbrained
Process of putting central attention on something Indicate or signal something Pictures that show emotions The accent of a syllable Sound of words as you speak Tone of speech (the way you raise and lower words when speaking) Pressure you put on syllables when pronouncing/saying words Nonverbal elements contained in speech Symbols/devices used in writing/print to convey meaning Closing and opening an eye Thinking of so many things that distract attention