Home Work
Home Work
Home Work
Class: IX
Subject: Economics
Ch: 02 People as Resource
Practice Questions:
Short Answer Questions: 01 Mark each:
1. NavodayaVidyalayas have been started for which kind of school children?
Answer: NavodayaVidyalayas have been started for talented school children residing in
rural areas.
2. What is the age group of population which is treated as the workforce?
Answer: The workforce population in India includes people from the age of 15 to 59 years.
In other countries, this may be slightly different. For instance, it is 16 to 65 years in USA.
3. How will you define the life expectancy of a new born baby?
Answer: Life expectancy is defined as the average length of life a new born baby will live.
4. What is the major reason for education having an important role in human capital
Answer: Education broadens the knowledge of people and provides them training, thus
having an important role in human capital formation.
5. What is the meaning of vocational education?
Answer: ‘Vocational education’ means ‘training for a specific vocation’ i.e. training for being
employed in a particular job. It is education catering to the requirements of the economy.
Practice Questions:
Short Answer Questions:
1. Surplus labour in agriculture has moved to which jobs in secondary and tertiary
2. What is the main difference between ‘Human Capital’ and ‘Human Capital
3. What is the strategy of eleventh plan for education and literacy?
4. How a vicious cycle is created by illiterate parents for their children?
5. How can a large population of India be turned as an asset rather than a liability?
Long Answer Questions:
1. Why is human capital the most important factor of production? Give three
2. How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical
3. Why do educated parents invest more heavily on their children’s education? Give
three reasons.
4. Mention any three features of National health policy.
5. What are the impacts of unemployment?