Reg Comm Loss Failure Dec 3000 - 2
Reg Comm Loss Failure Dec 3000 - 2
Reg Comm Loss Failure Dec 3000 - 2
80%--95% of 10 sec. (short term) The local display shows AlrmSilence: Auto Only when
90% of nominal
nominal 60 sec. (long term) the alarm horn can be silenced only when in the AUTO
mode. The correct reset sequence requires pressing
Figure 2-6 Underfrequency Specs
the OFF/RESET button, then pressing the AUTO
Undervoltage. The fault lamp illuminates red, the button, and then pressing the ALARM SILENCE button.
alarm horn sounds, and the unit shuts down when the
Backup Parameters Loaded. This status message
voltage drops below the undervoltage setting for the
indicates that backup parameter firmware is now loaded
time delay period. The local display shows Volts (L1--L2,
on the controller using SiteTecht software. The local
L2--L3, or L3--L1) Low Shutdwn. See Figure 2-7 for
display shows Backup Pars Status.
undervoltage specifications
Chicago Code Active. This notice message indicates
Undervoltage Undervoltage that a pass code is required to access the controller.
Setting Range Time Delay Range Default Setting Use SiteTecht software to set up the feature. The local
70%--95% of 80% of nominal at display shows Auto Locked Notice.
5--30 sec.
nominal 10 sec.
Emergency Power System (EPS) Supplying Load.
Figure 2-7 Undervoltage Specs This notice message indicates when the generator set
supplies more than 1% of the rated standby output
(Voltage) Regulator Communications Loss. The current. The local display shows Emerg Pwr On Notice.
fault lamp illuminates red, the alarm horn sounds, and
the unit shuts down when the voltage regulator to Engine Cooldown (Delay) Active. This notice
controller communication link is disrupted. The local message indicates that the delay for engine cooldown is
display shows RegCommLos Shutdwn. active where the generator set will continue to run after
the OFF/RESET button is pressed. The unit will
continue to run until the time delay times out. The local
display shows Eng Cooldown Notice.