Vocabulary: Ayoea, 11 A 5sa. Pov, A 5ea. PS) Avoed - Mov, F3I (3J.Lov, F3If3J.Lov, I-6 5weov, I-6
Vocabulary: Ayoea, 11 A 5sa. Pov, A 5ea. PS) Avoed - Mov, F3I (3J.Lov, F3If3J.Lov, I-6 5weov, I-6
Vocabulary: Ayoea, 11 A 5sa. Pov, A 5ea. PS) Avoed - Mov, F3I (3J.Lov, F3If3J.Lov, I-6 5weov, I-6
ayoea,~ , ~
ayoea~, 11
market place
a<5sA.<p6~, a<5sA.<pov, o (voe. a<5eA.<ps) brother
av6ewno~, avOed.mov, o man, human being
f3i{3J.lov, f3if3J.lov, i-6 book
<5weov, ~weov, i-6 gift; bribe (especially in pl.)
(prep.) +acc. into, to; for (purpose)
(prep.) +gen. from, out of
(prep.) + dat. in
'1 ,, I
ef!YOV, e(ffOV, 't'O work, deed
Os6~, Osov, o or rj god, goddess
-xal (conj. or adv.) (conj.) and
(adv.) even, also
-xat . .• -xat (conjs.) both ... and
Myo~, Myov, o word, speech, story
µ6.x11. µ6.x11~. ii battle
vijao~, v?}aov, rj island
o, rj, i-6 the; often shows possession
0<56~. o<5ov, rj road
, ,_ , ,_ ~
The word ayoea, ayoea~, rj designated a good deal more than just a "market
place"; it was a combination of shopping center, civic center, and cultural
32 UNIT 1
The prepositions sl;, be, and ev are proclitics, as are the forms o, ij, ol and al
of the definite article. These three prepositions fit the diagram on page 20
which illustrates the relations among the cases when they indicate movement
or lack of movement:
sl; BV
into . in
out of
to from
BY in; energy
eeyov work; energy
Oe6c; theology, Dorothy, Theodore
ual triskaidekaphobia (fear of three-and-ten =thirteen)
A.6yoc; logic, anthropology, theology
µaxrJ theomachy, tauromachy (bullfight)
vfjaoc; Polynesia (land of many islands)
&o6c; Exodus, odometer (note the absence of "h" in English)
olula economics (managing household finan_ces)
propaedeutic (what must be done before teaching
a subject)
I. (a) Identify the following forms, giving gender, number, and case. If the
form is nominative or accusative, translate and say how the form could be
used in a sentence, e.g., Aoyov: masculine, singular, accusative, "word"
possibly used as the direct object of a verb; if the form is not nominative or
accusative, simply translate, e.g., Aoywv: masculine, plural, genitive, "of
(b) Change the number, from singular to plural or from plural to singular.
1. ·dxvat (2 possibilities) 14. Myq.i
2. 1f!VXfiv 15. eeya (3)
3. uxvwv 16. aoeA.<pov
4. &yoea~ 17. A.6yov
5. ayoeac; 18. OW(!OY (3)
6. 1f!vxa'ic; 19. aoeA.<pol (2)
7. ·dxvn 20. eeywv
s. xwea. (2) 21. xwea.c; (2)
9. ayoefi. 22. oweotc;
10. dxva.c; 23. li.vOewne
11. A.Oywv 24. aCJeA.<pol'c;
12. avOewnotc; 25. owea (3)
13. li.vOewnov
II. Below are given the accented nominative form and two other forms of a series
of nouns. Put the accent on the unaccented forms and account for the accent
you have given.
1. "Oµ'f/(!O<; 'Oµriecp '0µ1J(!OY
2. fh6c; (Jeep (hot
3. Yijo'o<; Y'YJo'<p 'Jl'f/<10t
4. f3 t{JJ.{oy f3 t{JAtWY {Jt{JJ.ta
5. dxv'f/ UXYW'JI uxvat<;
6. xwea. xweat xwewv
7. &yoea ayoeat<; ayoeiic;, ayoeac;
8. a8eJ.cp6c; a8eJ.cpwv a8eJ.cpovc;
9. 8weov 8weov 8wea
10. 'lfJVXfJ 'l/JVXat 'lfJVXatc;
III. (a) Decline the following words or phrases in the usual order.
(b) Keeping the usual order of the cases, give both the singular and the plural
for each case and name the case.
Example: (a) Myoc;, Myov, My<p, A6yov, Mye, Myot, etc.
(b) Myoc;, Myot, nominative; Myov, Mywv, genitive; etc.
1. a<JeJ.cp6c;
2. 1J!VXIJ
3. ~ xwea
4. To <Jweov
5. o aveewnoc;
6. ~ &<Jae;
16. JJ abel.<pe, "al lv µaxn 6 Oeo(; -,;ov~ avOedmov~, wv~ -,;ov 'Oµf;eov
abe/.<pov(;, natbevet.
17. JJ Oeol, -,;o'i~ J.6yot(; natbevet 6 ''Oµ'YJQO~' wv~ avOewnov~ -,;ov~ lv
-,;a'i~ 6bo'i~.
18. -,;fj 6&p 7:fj l~ ayoea(; ek 7:~V xweav nlµnet "Oµ'Y]QO(; -,;a -,;o'i~
avOewnot(; bwea.
19. dxvn "al -,;ov abe/.<pov natbevet 6 "Oµ'Yj[!O~.
' 7:rJ~ 7:eXVrJ
20 , 8V I
7:0V au8A<p0V
I .ll 1
, I f3 lf3 Alq>
1 I
.ll I
0' ''O µ'Y}QO~.