Hipocrates - VOLUME 6

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ill ΠΠ]




ἰὐ οὐ
arin ΒΑΤΟΝ
ΧΝ Κα ΚΟ σον nena,
Χο feiteithne
7 ROM PJ awe ᾿

G. P. GOOLD, PH_p.

ΤΥ. H. Ὁ. ROUSE, LItr.p. 7L. A. POST, LHL.






© The President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1988
American ISBN 0-674—-99522-8
British ISBN 0 434 99473 1

First published 1988

Printed in Great Britain by

Thomson Litho Ltd, East Kilbride, Scotland

EZEUHFRUA Cig ἐς τ cop ca: coe του δυο οι, δου ξεν Saeceegeacees vil

ΠΟ ΟΝ τς, 52s tee an eevaie δ πο ξ δε δ vest ix

ΒΕΓ ΒΞ ΒΞ UU gate es ee aero ecm ta emesis ie een A 1
PNB ERIN AAR EE CRLON SS 0 ὉὕὉῦὉῦὉ0Ὁ0ὕὉ0ὅὕὉῳὉ0ὉῦὍὃἃ0ῳ«ὌἨὦἨἃἑὅ εν ρεο 65
ΕΑΝ ΒΑΘ ΝΙΝ 9 τ τὺ εν 990
του τος 344
GREEK NAMES OF FOODS AND DRUGG _...................... 355
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in 2008 with funding from
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation


In his preface to volume IV (1931), W. H. 5.

Jones writes: “This book completes the Loeb trans-
lation of Hippocrates,” offering no explanation why
the rest of the Collection is to be ignored, unless it
is implied in his next sentence: “The work of
preparing the volume has taken all my leisure for
over five years...”
Whatever Jones’ reasons for stopping may have
been, the lack of a complete English translation has
been noted and regretted by classicists and histori-
ans of medicine alike. A plan to continue the Loeb
Hippocrates has now existed in America for several
decades, and it is chiefly due to the untiring efforts
of Dr. Saul Jarcho and Mr. Richard J. Wolfe that
volume V sees the light of day.
The cost of preparing and publishing volumes V
and VI has been met by NIH Grant LM 02813 from
the National Library of Medicine, and the examina-
tion of Hippocratic manuscripts in Florence, Paris,
Rome, Venice and Vienna made possible by grants
generously provided by the Jason A. Hannah Insti-
tute for the History of Medicine.

Work on volumes V and VI was greatly facili-

tated by the use of computer texts and indexes
kindly furnished by Prof. Gilles Maloney and his
team at the Laboratoire de recherches hippocra-
tiques in Quebec.
Finally, it is my pleasant duty to thank Prof.
M. P. Goold, Associate Editor of the series, Prof.
Dr. Fridolf Kudlien, Prof. Wesley D. Smith, William
B. Spaulding M.D., F.R.C.P.(C.), and Lynn Wilson
Ph.D., all of whom read the volumes in various
stages of their preparation, for their manifold help-
ful comments.

Rome, November 1983 Paul Potter


These volumes contain the most important Hip-

pocratic works on the pathology of internal
diseases. Presumably in consequence of their com-
mon purpose, these six treatises tend to share the
same general structure: independent chapters of
constant form each devoted to one specific nosologi-
cal entity.”
About the treatises’ interdependencies, authors,
and relative dates of composition, nothing can be
said with any degree of certainty. There is neither

1 This introduction deals only with the treatises in

volumes V and VI; for an orientation to Hippocrates and
the Hippocratic Collection in general, the reader is
referred to W. H. S. Jones’ “General Introduction” (Loeb
Hippocrates 1. ix-lxix) and “Introductory Essays” (Loeb
Hippocrates 11. ix-lxvi). Useful guides to Hippocratic scho-
larship since Jones are Ludwig Edelstein’s article “Hip-
pokrates” in Paulys Real-Encyclopddie der classischen
Altertumswissenschaft, Supplement VI, Stuttgart, 1935,
cols. 1290-1345, H. Flashar (ed.), Antike Medizin,
Darmstadt, 1971, Robert Joly’s article “Hippocrates of
Cos” in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography, vol. VI,
New York, 1972, 418-31, and G. Maloney and R. Savoie,
Cing cent ans de bibliographie hippocratique, Quebec,
2 The individual works are analysed in more detail in
their particular introductions.

Fig. 1

Transliteration from

Uncial to Minuscule

10th c.

12th Ὁ. 5 κει

14th c. ὍΔ. |

Ri vee! leo ni tao eas

16th c.

@! = Vindobonensis Medicus Graecus 4

M = Marcianus Venetus Graecus 269
H = Parisinus Graecus 2142
I = Parisinus Graecus 2140
Recentiores = approximately twenty manuscripts

! Littré (VI. 139) assigned the siglum @ to this

manuscript, but several later editors and translators, to
whose number I belong, prefer © in order to avoid possible
confusion with a lost manuscript.

any evidence that would confirm, nor any evidence

that would call into doubt, their traditional time of
origin about 400 B.c.
In the first century A.D. Erotian knew Diseases I
and J/J and Regimen in Acute Diseases (Appendix),
and Galen (129-199) makes reference, in addition,
to Affections, Diseases II and Internal Affections.


Five of the six works in these volumes (Affec-

tions, Diseases I-III and Internal Affections ) share
a transmission that can be represented by the
stemma codicum that appears as Fig. 1 (p. x).
The transmission of the sixth work, Regimen in
Acute Diseases (Appendix), is more complex both
because of the existence of a commentary by Galen,
which provides a fertile source of variant readings,
and also because it was translated into Latin at an
early date.! The stemma codicum that appears as
Fig. 2 (p. xii) indicates the relationships among the
Greek manuscripts upon which the critical editions,
including this one, are based.
Furthermore a papyrus (Rylands Greek Papyrus
56)? of the first half of the second century A.D. con-

_ 1! See Hermann A. Diels, Die Handschriften der antiken

Arzte, Berlin, 1905-1907, pp. 8 f. and Supplement p. 25.
2 Edited by A. S. Hunt in Catalogue of the Greek
Papyri in the John Rylands Library at Manchester, vol. I,
Manchester, 1911, 181 f.


Fig. 2


Transliteration from

Uncial to Minuscule

10th c.
A ie

12th ς.

14th ce.

16th c.

A = Parisinus Graecus 2253

M = Marcianus Venetus Graecus 269
V = Vaticanus Graecus 276
Recentiores = approximately twenty manuscripts


taining two fragments! of the text of Regimen in

Acute Diseases (Appendix) makes a limited but
significant contribution to the establishment of the


For Diseases I and III and Regimen in Acute

Diseases (Appendix) I have generally relied on the
collations given in the critical editions.? For the
other three works, which lack critical editions since
Littré, collations of 9and M have been made from
microfilms and supplemented by inspection of the
actual manuscripts.
In establishing the Greek text and making the
English translation, I have consulted many earlier
texts, translations and commentaries, among which
the most important are:

Hippocratis (οἱ... opera... per M. Fabium |Cal-

vum|... Latinitate donata ..., Basel, 1526.
Hippocratis (οἱ... libri omnes, ad vetustos Codices
. collati ἃ restaurati [per Ianum Cornarium|],
Basel, 1538. (=Cornarius)

- Chapter 24 φιλέει τῷ τοιῷδε --- (25) ὑγρὰ διαχωρήσῃ καὶ and

Chapter 26 τὸ ἕτερον παρὰ τὸ ἕτερον --- (27) Τοὺς τοιούσδε.
2 See below p. 97, and vol. VI pp. 5 and 261.


Hippocratis Coi ... opera... omnia. Per Ianum

Cornarium ... Latina lingua conscripta, Lyons,
1554. (=Carnarius/Latin)
Magni Hippocratis ... opera omnia... latina inter-
pretatione & Annotationibus illustrata Anutio
Foesio ... Oeconomia Hippocratis alphabeti serie
distincta, Geneva, 1657-1662. (= Foes)
Magni Hippocratis Coi Opera omnia edita
industria & diligentia Joan. A. Vander Linden,
Leiden, 1665. (= Vander Linden)
Hippokrates Werke aus dem Griechischen ... von J.
F. C. Grimm. Revidiert ... von L. Lilienhain,
Glogau, 1837-1838. (=Grimm)
E. Littré, Oewvres completes d’Hippocrate, Paris,
1839-1861. (= Littré)
F. Z. Ermerins, Hippocratis ... reliquiae, Utrecht,
1859-1864. (=Ermerins)
Car. H. Th. Reinhold, ἹΠΠΟΚΡΑΤῊΣ Κομιδῃ, Athens,
1865-1867. (= Reinhold)
H. Kuehlewein, Hippocratis Opera omnia, Leipzig,
1894-1902. (= Kuehlewein)
R. Fuchs, Hippokrates, sdmmtliche Werke. Ins
Deutsche tibersetzt ., Munich, 1895-1900.
(= Fuchs)

The English translation attempts to be as close

to the original as possible while still remaining
readable. In matters of vocabulary, I have taken
the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary and Dor-
land’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary as a basis.

Bibliographical Note: Supplementary _ biblio-

graphical information is to be found in the intro-
ductions to individual treatises and in notes to
the Indexes, which are printed at the end of
volume VI.


Diseases III was known to Erotian, Galen and

Caelius Aurelianus,! although, as I argue else-
where, probably under the title Diseases II.”
In its present state, the treatise consists of three
parts: a two-line tag, attaching it to a preceding
work on fevers; a nosological work (1-16); a collec-
tion of cooling agents (17).
The first sentence of Diseases III is identical to
the last sentence of the Hippocratic Sevens, a work
preserved, for the most part, only in Latin trans-
De febribus quidem omnibus <dixi>; de ceteris
autem iam dicam.?
However, for a number of reasons it seems impos-
sible that the two treatises share a common origin’;
rather, we must suppose that two independent
works were joined at a later date and fitted with a
suitable connecting link.

! See Potter pp. 46-50.

2 Potter pp. 55 ff.
3 Littré VIII. 673 = Littré ΙΧ. 466 = Roscher p. 80.
4 See J. Mansfeld, The Pseudo-Hippocratic Tract ΠΕΡῚ
“EBAOMAAON ch. 1-11 and Greek Philosophy, Assen, 1971,
pp. 11-15.

The second part of Diseases III, which makes up

the bulk of the treatise, has sixteen chapters, each
dealing with one particular nosological entity:
1: Swelling of the Brain
2: Intense Headache
3: The Stricken
4: Sphacelus of the Brain
5: Lethargy
6: Ardent Fever
7: Swelling of the Lung
8: Headache and Speechlessness
9: Phrenitis
10: Angina
11: Jaundice
12: Tetanus
13: Opisthotonus
14: Ileus
15: Pneumonia
16: Pleurisy
Each of these chapters is organized according to the
following scheme: name or identifying feature;
symptoms and course; prognosis; treatment. In
most chapters, because of their simplicity, this
scheme is immediately apparent, but even in longer
chapters, which are complicated by many remarks
about variant forms of the disease and about com-
plications, it is strictly followed.
To judge from its clear arrangement and lack of
speculative aetiology, it would seem that this part
of Diseases 11] was a physician’s handbook.
Chapter 17 is a collection of about twenty-five
cooling agents, to be given “against every ardent
and other fever”. This chapter is neither closely
related to, nor obviously incompatible with the
earlier part of the treatise. Perhaps it was added at
the same time that Sevens and Diseases III were

Diseases III is represented in all the standard

collected Hippocratic editions and translations, and
in the two renaissance works on Hippocratic
In 1973 it was edited and translated into Ger-
man in a Kiel dissertation subsequently published
Paul Potter, Hippokrates Uber die Krankheiten
IIT, CMG I 2,3, Berlin, 1980 ( = Potter).

1 See vol. V p. 97.


VII 118
1. [Περὶ μέν νυν πυρετῶν ἁπάντων εἴρηταί
Littré 5) \ \ ἐν laos See Ὑ
μοι ἀμφὶ δὲ τῶν λοιπῶν ἐρέω 757.|
Ἔπὴν ὃ ἐγκέφαλος οἰδήσῃ ὑπὸ φλεγμασίης.
ὀδύνη ἢ ἴσχει
ἰσχ πᾶσαν τὴν
ω κεφαλήν.
ἢν. μ μάλιστα δ᾽ ὅπ ῃ
Ca] ¢ , a 3 5 \ ,ὔ
ἵσταται ἣ φλεγμασίη ἵσταται 5 εἰς τοὺς κροτά-
gous.' 1 τὰ\ 8 ὃν ovata
πλέα/ γίνεται.
καὶ X33ἀμβλὺ\
ἀκούει, Kal αἱ φλέβες τέτανται Kal σφύζουσι. πυ-
5 /, \ Ὁ / / \ /

peTos TE Kal ῥῖγος ἐνίοτε ἐπιλαμβάνει: ἥ τ΄ ὀδύνη

, ν CA plants τὶ / a > 3997

ἐκλείπει οὐδέποτε. ἀλλὰ ποτὲ μὲν ἀνίησι, ποτὲ

ἊΣ / 5 / >) οἷ Ν Ν ᾿ / \

δὲ πιέζει μᾶλλον. βοᾷ τε καὶ ἀναΐσσει ὑπὸ τῆς

\ / ~ . ~ ἊΝ ἂν & ¢ Ν ~

ὀδύνης, καὶ ὅταν ἀναστῇ. αὖτις σπεύδει ἐς τὴν

5 ͵ Wes / 2) ~ SY / 5 Ἂν

κλίνην πεσεῖν καὶ ῥιπτάζει ἑωυτόν. οὗτός ἐστι

μὲν θανατώδης. ὁπόσων δ΄ ἡμερέων ἀποθανεῖται.
\ , ¢ / wae / > -

οὐκ ἔχει κρίσιν: ἄλλοι yap ἄλλως ἀπόλλυνται ὡς

5 Ὑ / v \ vv } / iy

μέντοι ἐπὶ τὸ πολὺ ἐν THow ἑπτὰ ἡμέρῃσι τελευ-

/ 5 \ ἣν Ν ,’ ~ ς Ν ¢ /

Tow εἴκοσι δὲ Kal μίαν διαφυγόντες ὑγιέες

~ vv \ \ / / c /

Χρὴ δ᾽ ἐπὴν περιωδυνέῃ ψύχειν τὴν κεφα-

λήν---μάλιστα μὲν ξυρήσαντα---ἢ ἐς κύστιν ἢ" ἐς

ΕΘ; ἐν τῷ κροτάφῳ Μ. 2 7...70m. O.

1. [Having spoken about all the febrile diseases,

I come now to speak about the rest.]
When the brain swells up as the result of phleg-
masia, pain occupies the whole head, but particu-
larly the region where the phlegmasia is located,
the temples. The patient’s ears are filled with ring-
ing, he hears unclearly, and the vessels in his head
are stretched, and throb; sometimes fever and chills
occur as well. The pain never ceases completely,
but sometimes it becomes milder, while at other
times it presses the patient more intensely; he cries
out and starts up from the pain, but as soon as he
has arisen, he is eager to fall back into bed, and he
casts himself about. This patient will certainly die,
although the number of days in which he will die
cannot be judged; for different patients die in dif-
ferent lengths of time; in most cases, however, they
succumb within seven days. If they survive for
twenty-one days, they recover.
When the patient is suffering intense pain, you
must cool his head—best after shaving it—by

ἔντερα ἐγχέαντα τῶν ψυκτικῶν., οἷον χυλὸν

στρύχνου καὶ γῆν κεραμίτιδα. τὸ μὲν προστιθέ-
3 > A
va, τὸ 8 ἀφαιρέειν πρὶν χλιαρὸν εἶναι: Kal τοῦ
“ > / 2 \ \ \ /
αἵματος ἀφαιρέειν" Kal τὴν κεφαλὴν καθαίρειν
σελίνου χυλοῖσι μιγνύντα εὐώδεα. ἀοινεῖν δὲ τὸ
πάμπαν" βυφεῖν δὲ πτισάνης χυλὸν ψυχρόν. καὶ
/ ς ~ X\ / \ / Ν

τὴν κάτω κοιλίην λύειν.

2. Ὅταν δὲ περιωδυνέῃ 7 κεφαλὴ ὑπὸ πλη-
ρώσιος τοῦ ἐγκεφάλου. ἀκαθαρσίην σημαίνει: καὶ
τὴν κεφαλὴν ὅλην περιωδυνίαι ἴσχουσι." καὶ παρα-
120 φρονέει καὶ ἀποθνήσκει ἑβδομαῖος, καὶ οὐκ ἂν
ἐκφύγοι. εἰ μὴ βαγείη τὸ πύον' κατὰ τὰ οὔατα:
οὕτω δὲ ἢ ὀδύνη παύεται. Kal ἔμφρων γίνεται pel
id wee 5 ΄ / No? / (

δὲ πολλὸν Kal ἄνοσμον.

Τοῦτον μάλιστα μὲν μὴ θεραπεύειν. πρὶν ἂν
ἐρρωγὸς εἰδῆς τὸ πύον. ἢν δὲ βούλῃ καθῆραι τὴν
3. ἈΝ ὃς. κα \ / Ἃ Ν / ~ \

ἄνω καὶ τὴν κάτω κοιλίην, λῦσον χωρὶς ἑκατέ-

ρην." ἔπειτα πυριᾶν τὴν κεφαλὴν ὡς μάλιστα
ὅλην τε καὶ διὰ τῶν ὥτων καὶ διὰ τῶν ῥβινῶν.
ῥυφεῖν δὲ πτισάνης χυλὸν καὶ ἀοινεῖν τὸ πάμπαν.
9 \
δὲΝ ῥαγῇ
ΤΟ =
τὸ\ πύον.
.] ΄ὔ

ἂν ἣis πολλὴ\

τῆς plows παύσηται. ἔπειτα κλύζειν τὰ ὦτα

οἴνῳ γλυκεῖ ἢ γάλακτι γυναικείῳ ἢ ἐλαίῳ πα-
Ὑ ~ nN / / Ἃ >) /

λαιῷ, χλιαροῖσι δὲ κλύζειν: καὶ πυριᾶν θαμινὰ τὴν

~ ΄σ \ / Ἁ, ~ \ Ν

'M adds τι. “Kal... ἀφαιρέειν om. Θ. 3 © adds καὶ παρα-

κοπαὶ. 4 πύον O: ὑγρὸν ἑβδομαίῳ Μ. 5. λῦσον χωρὶς ἑκατέρην Μ:
χωρὶς ἑκατέρη ©.


pouring cooling agents such as nightshade juice

and potter’s earth into a bladder or length of gut;
alternately apply and remove this before it becomes
warm. Also, draw off blood, and clean out the head
with fragrant substances mixed in celery juice. Let
the patient abstain totally from wine, give him cold
barley-water as gruel, and empty his lower cavity.
2. When the head suffers violent pain due to a
filling of the brain, this indicates uncleanness.
Pains are present through the entire head, the
patient becomes deranged, and on the seventh day
he dies. He has no chance of recovering unless pus
breaks out through his ears; if this happens, the
pain stops and he recovers his wits; such a flux is
copious and odourless.
It is best not to treat this patient until you know
that the pus has broken out. If, however, you wish
to clean out his upper and lower cavities, evacuate
each separately. Then treat the head—as far as
possible the whole of it—with vapour-baths both
through the ears and through the nostrils. Have
the patient drink barley-water, and abstain totally
from wine. When the pus has broken out, stop
treatment until the major part of the flow ceases.
Then wash the ears with sweet wine, woman’s
milk, or old olive oil—use these fluids warm. Treat
the head frequently with mild and fragrant

ὭΣΤΕ μαλθακῇσι
Hybabe iπυρίῃσι
ei)/ καὶ εὐόδμοισιν.
μοισιν, ἵνα
> 7 2 τ
θᾶσσον καθαίρηται ὃ ἐγκέφαλος. οὗτος τὰ μὲν
πρῶτα οὐδὲν ἀκούει' προϊόντος δὲ τοῦ χρόνου 7
τε ῥύσις ἥσσων ἐστί, καὶ ἣ ἀκοὴ ἅμα τῇ ῥύσει
Cay, {4 2) / \ c ΡΣ \ ivf πὸ

παντελῶς παυομένη παραγίνεται ὁμοιοῦταί τε

~ / ~ /

μάλιστα ἑωυτῷ. φυλάσσεσθαι δὲ χρὴ ἡλίους.

΄ ς ~ / \ \ δ. /

ἀνέμους, πῦρ, καπνόν, δριμέων ὀδμὰς Kal αὐτά:

καὶ ἡσυχάζειν διαίτῃ μαλθακῇ χρώμενον" «καὶ;
ὑπὸ κενεαγγειῶν ἣ κοιλίη εὔλυτος ἔστω ἣ κάτω.
3. Οἱ δὲ βλητοὶ λεγόμενοι: ὅταν ὃ ἐγκέφαλος
ΘΝ πολλῆς7S axabapoins,
Pons, ὀδύνην
aE παρέχει
PE XE τῷae
πρόσθεν τῆς κεφαλῆς. καὶ ἀναβλέπειν οὐ δύναν-
/ => = \ ΡΣ / 2) vi

Tal, οἱ μὲν ἀμφοτέροις τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς. οἱ δὲ θα-

ς \ B) / σ΄ γ) ΄σ is Ἂς

τέρω: καὶ κῶμά μιν ἔχει, καὶ ἄφρονές εἰσι, καὶ οἱ

κρόταφοι πηδῶσι, καὶ πυρετὸς λεπτὸς ἔχει καὶ
τοῦ σώματος ἀκρασίη. οὗτος ἀποθνήσκει τριταῖος
ἢ πεμπταῖος ἐς δὲ τὰς ἑπτὰ οὐκ ἀφικνεῖται ἢν
Iv 5 / NEEL ,
ὃ ἄρα ἀφίκηται. ἐξάντης γίνεται.
122 Τοῦτον ἢν βούλῃ θεραπεύειν. πυριᾶν τὴν κε-
καὶ \ ταμὼν\ ἀνάπνευσιν
a) es:

ὃ 7 7ite
ὀδύνη ἐστηριγμένη 7,’ καὶ πταρμοὺς ἐμποιέειν.
καὶ τὴν κεφαλὴν καθαίρειν κούφοισι καὶ εὐώδεσι.
\ ἈΝ \ / / \ ΓΑ

καὶ τὴν κάτω κοιλίην καθαίρειν. ἀοινεῖν δὲ τὸ

πάμπαν. πτισάνης δὲ χυλῷ χρῆσθαι.
1 ©: οὐκ ἐσακούει Μ. 2 Cornarius: -os OM. 3 Added by
I (= Par. Graec. 2140, 14th cent.). 4 Littré: ἐστηρημένῃἢ
Θ: ἑστήκῃ Μ.

vapour-baths in order that the brain will be cleaned

out more quickly. At first this patient hears
nothing, but as time passes the flux diminishes, his
hearing, which had stopped completely during the
flux, resumes, and he becomes for all intents and
purposes normal. He must avoid sun, wind, fire,
smoke, and sharp substances and their vapours.
Have him rest and employ a mild diet; let the lower
cavity be thoroughly opened by evacuants.
3. The “stricken”, as they are called: when the
brain becomes filled with great uncleanness, this
produces pain in the front of the head, and patients
cannot look up—some with both eyes, others with
one. Drowsiness befalls this patient, he is sense-
less, his temples throb, mild fever is present, and
his body is powerless. He dies on the third or fifth
day, and generally does not reach the seventh; if he
does, he recovers.
If you wish to attend this patient, treat his head
with vapour-baths, and fashion a connection to the
external air by incising.' If the pain remains fixed,
induce sneezing, clean out the head with mild and
fragrant substances, and also clean out the lower
cavity. Have the patient abstain totally from wine,
and drink barley-water.
1 Presumably the same kind of procedure as that
described in Diseases IJ 15, 18, and 25.

4. Ἢν δὲ σφακελίσῃ ὃ ἐγκέφαλος. ὀδύνη ἔχει

7 κεφαλὴν a καὶ διὰ τοῦ τραχήλου
paxna φοιτᾷ
TSἐς τὴνay
ῥάχιν: καὶ ἐπιλαμβάνει αὐτὸν ἀνηκουστίη. καὶ
/ \ / ἈΝ / \

~ yee τὴν ὧν \ , A ΤΌ ΚΝ
ψῦχος ἐπέρχεται ἐπὶ τὴν κεφαλήν. καὶ ἰδίει
v4 Ne ΥΣ / Vv / Ae. ~
ὅλος, καὶ ἐξαίφνης ἀῴφωνος γίνεται. Kal ἐκ τῶν
ῥινῶν αἷμα pet, καὶ πελιδνὸς γίνεται. τοῦτον ἣν
μὲν ἣ νοῦσος χαλαρῶς λάβῃ. τοῦ αἵματος ἀπελ-
θόντος. paler nv δὲ σφόδρα ἀπειλημμένος 7,
΄, Ck Ἃ \ / 2 / cy

ἀποθνήσκει τάχα.
Τούτῳ πταρμούς τε ἐμποιέειν διὰ τῶν εὐω-
δέων καὶ τὰς κοιλίας ἄμφω καθαίρειν ἑκατέρην
ev μέρει κούφας δὲ ὀδμὰς τῇσι ῥισὶν aelpew, καὶ
>) / 7 \ 2) \ > ς Ν ΟΣ / A

ῥύφημα λεπτὸν χλιαρόν: ἀοινεῖν δὲ τὸ πάμπαν.

Cae Z. \ / ὋΣ ΄ Ν \ /

5. Οἱ δὲ λήθαργοι στάσις μὲν ἢ αὐτὴ τοῦ

[9 \ / / \ Cc e) \ ~

A a , Ie \ \
κακοῦ τῇ περιπλευμονίη. χαλεπωτέρη" δὲ Kal
οὐ πάμπαν ἀπήλλακται ὑγρῆς περιπλευμονίης:
2) / 2) G ~ /

βαρυτέρη δὲ ἣ νοῦσος πολλόν. πάσχει δὲ τάδε: βὴξ

/ Nee Ὁ ~ / / Ν / \

καὶ κῶμά μιν" ἔχει, καὶ τὸ σίαλον ὑγρὸν καὶ πολὺ

ἀνάγει, Kal ἀδυνατέει σφόδρα, καὶ ὅταν μέλλῃ
Φ / \ 2) / / \ a /

ἀποθανεῖσθαι, κάτω ὑποχωρέει ἐπὶ πολὺ καὶ

ὑγρόν. τούτῳ ἐλπὶς μὲν πάνυ βραχέη περιγενέ-
σθαι. ὅμως δὲ πτύειν τε ποιέειν ὡς πλεῖστον καὶ
θερμαίνειν καὶ ἀοινεῖν. nv δὲ ἐκφύγῃ. ἔμπυος
6. Ἢ δὲ καυσώδης λεγομένη: δίψα τε ἔχει
πολλή, Kal 7 γλῶσσα πέφρικε τὸ δὲ χρῶμα
/ \ ις ~ ,ὔ \ \ ~

ΓΘ; οἴδέει Μ. 2M: χαλαρωτέρη O. 3 καὶ κῶμά μιν OM. O.


4. If the brain becomes sphacelous, pain occu-

pies the head, and moves through the neck to the
spine. Deafness befalls the patient, coldness comes
over his head, and he sweats all over; he suddenly
becomes speechless, blood flows from his nostrils,
and he becomes pale. If he has been attacked by a
mild form of the disease, he will become better after
the blood has flowed out, but if he is severely
affected, he soon dies.
In this patient induce sneezing by means of
fragrant substances, and clean out the two cavities,
one at a time. Hold mild fragrances up to his
nostrils, and have him drink thin warm gruel; let
him abstain totally from wine.
5. Lethargy: the same state of evil as pneu-
monia, but more severe, and not altogether
removed from moist pneumonia!: this disease is
much more violent. The person suffers the follow-
ing: he is subject to coughing and drowsiness, he
expectorates plentiful moist sputum, and he is
quite powerless. When he is about to die, he passes
copious watery stools. His hope of survival is very
slight; nevertheless, induce him to cough as much
as possible, warm him, and have him abstain from
wine. If he survives, he suppurates internally.
6. Ardent fever, as it is called: there is great
thirst, and the tongue becomes rough; at first, it
! For the particular severity of moist pneumonia see
chapter 15 below.

SN \ \ “- i? told Ὑ
124 αὑτῆς τὸν μεν πρῶτον χρόνον | οἷόν περ εἴωθε.
ξηρὴΝΠ ΟΣδὲ σφόδρα:
Sar Boye
προϊόντος δὲ
δὲ τοῦa χρόνου
νεται Kal τρηχύνεται καὶ παχύνεται. ἔπειτα με-
λαίνεται. ἢν μὲν οὖν ἐν ἀρχῇ ταῦτα πάθῃ. θάσσους
αἱ κρίσιες γίνονται nv ὃ ὕστερον. χρονιώτεραι.
y >

τῆς ὃ ἀφέσιος πάντα ταὐτὰ ἢ γλῶσσα σημαίνει

~ 3 -

ἅπερ ἐν τῇ περιπλευμονίη. καὶ τὰ οὖρα, χλωρὰ'

μὲν ἢ αἱματώδεα ἐόντα. ἐπίπονα ξανθὰ δέ.
\ Ἃ ζ / pis =) / Ν /

ἀπονώτερα. καὶ τὸ πτύσμα ὑπὸ θερμασίης καὶ

ξηρασίης ξυγκεκαυμένον παχύ ἐστι. πολλάκις
δὲ καὶ ἐς τὴν περιπλευμονίην μεθίσταται καὶ ἣν
μεταστῇ. τάχα ἀποθνήσκει.
Τοῦτον ὥδε χρὴχρὴ θθεραπεύειν:
jew’ λούειν
λούειν θερμῷ δὶςdis 7ἢ
τρὶς ἡμέρης ἑκάστης πλὴν τῆς κεφαλῆς. καὶ ἐν
\ Cc / ς / Ar. ΄ λῇ ἈΝΑ

τῆσι κρίσεσιν οὐ χρὴ λούειν: καὶ τὰς μὲν πρώτας

τῶν ἡμερέων ὑποκαθαίρειν καὶ ὑδροποτέειν᾽ καὶ
γὰρ \


τὸ\ ὕδωρ
τὸ\ πολύ: λύ
τὰς\ ὃ
ὑστέρας μετὰ τὴν κάθαρσιν ὑγραίνειν. καὶ ῥυφή-
μασι χρῆσθαι>
Kai \ οἴνοισι


δὲ\ μὴse ἐξ

ἀρχῆς παραλάβῃς. ἀλλ΄

bp) = A / BAN’
ἤδη τῶν ἐν τῇ γλώσσῃ
no - 2. = A ,ὔ

σημείων ἐόντων, ἐᾶν χρή. ἕως ἂν αἱ κρίσιες

παρέλθωσι καὶ τὰ τῆς γλώσσης σημεῖα ἡπιώτερα
γένηται, καὶ μήτε φάρμακον δῶς μήτε κλύσῃης ἐς
κάθαρσιν. πρὶν αἱ κρίσιες παρέλθωσιν.
' ©: χολώδεα Μ.

stays its normal colour, but is very dry; with time,

it becomes hard, rough and thick, then dark. Now
if the tongue suffers these things at the beginning,
the crises occur sooner; if it suffers them later, the
crises take longer. Concerning recovery, the tongue
gives all the same indications as in pneumonia.
Urines that are green or bloody are painful, but if
yellow, they are less so. The sputum, being burnt
up by the heat and dryness, is thick. There is often
a change to pneumonia, too, and if this occurs, the
patient soon dies.
You must treat this patient as follows: wash
him with hot water two or three times every day,
except for his head—during the crises, you must
not wash. The first days clean him downwards,
and give him water to drink, for water usually
provokes vomiting. The days after the cleaning,
moisten him and employ gruels and sweet wines. If
you have not attended the patient from the begin-
ning, but only after the signs in his tongue were
already present, you must withhold treatment until
his crises arrive and the signs become fainter;
before the crises, for the purpose of cleaning give
neither a medication nor an enema.


7. εἰὍταν 8 Aeὃ πλεύμων

πρησθῇ'i eaὑπὸ a φλεγμα-
σίης" καὶ oldnon, βὴξ ἔχει ἰσχυρὴ Kai σκληρὴ Kal
/ =: \ ’ / \ Vv , \ \ \ \

ὀρθοπνοίη. καὶ ἀναπνεῖ ἀθρόον, καὶ πυκνὸν

ἀσθμαίνει. καὶ ἰδίει καὶ τοὺς μυκτῆρας ἀναπετάν-
νυσιν ὡς ἵππος δραμών. καὶ τὴν γλῶσσαν θαμινὰ
ἐκβάλλει: καὶ τὰ στήθεα αὐτῷ ἀείδειν δοκέει Kal
5 / \ \ / 5 ~ 2) is \

βάρος ἐνεῖναι. διὸ χωρέειν οὐ δύναται τὰ στήθεα.

ἀλλὰ διαρρήγνυται Kal ἀδυνατέει. ἢ 8 ὀδύνη
3) \ / ΝΥ 2 , c 2 Ae?

126 ὀξέη ἴσχει τὸν νῶτον καὶ τὰ στήθεα. | καὶ τὰς

πλευρὰς ὡς βελόναι κεντέουσι,. καὶ καίεται ταῦτα
ὡς πρὸς πυρὶ καθιζόμενος: Kal ἐρυθήματα ἐκφλύει
[4 Ν \ / A >) / 5 /

ἐς τὸ στῆθος καὶ τὸν νῶτον ὡς φλογοειδέα." καὶ

δηγμὸς ἰσχυρὸς ἐμπίπτει καὶ ἀπορίη. ὥστε οὔτε
- wwe Ὑ , er 2
κατακεῖσθαι οὔθ᾽ ἵστασθαι οὔτε καθίζεσθαι οἷός τ
> , > 7 Ὁ , NZ ¢ , ς ΄
ἐστίν, ἀλλ᾽ ἀπορέει ἀλύων ῥιπτάζει τε ἑωυτόν.
Kal δοκέει ἤδη ἀποθανεῖσθαι. ἀποθνήσκει δὲ
x / vv 5 ~ 2) / \

μάλιστα τεταρταῖος ἢ ἑβδομαῖος: ἢν δὲ ταύτας

/ ~ ἋἋ ig ΄σ Ἃ Ν /

ἐκφύγῃ. ioe οὐ μάλα ἀποθνήσκει

[Busse ;
Τοῦτον ἢν θεραπεύῃς. τὴν κάτω κοιλίην ws
~ Ὗ / \ / /

τάχιστα καθῆραι κλύσματι εὖ. καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν

ἀγκώνων καὶ τῆς ῥινὸς καὶ τῆς γλώσσης καὶ
πάντοθεν αἷμα ἀφιέναι: καὶ πώματα διδόναι ψυκ-
΄ὔ Θ 2 , \ ΄, ,

τικὰ καὶ δυφήματα τὰ αὐτὰ δυνάμενα. καὶ τῶν

οὐρητικῶν, μὴ θερμαινόντων δέ, πολλάκις διδό-
rl ~ \ / / / /

ναι. καὶ πρὸς μὲν τὰς ὀδύνας αὐτάς. ὅταν καται-

| Jouanna (p. 376): πρισθῃῇ O: πλησθῇ Μ. 2 9: θερμασίης M.
3M: φολιδοειδές O.

7. When the lung is distended with phlegmasia

and swells up, a violent harsh cough and ortho-
pnoea set in. The patient respires rapidly, gasps
frequently for breath, sweats, dilates his nostrils
like a running horse, and continually protrudes his
tongue. His chest seems to sing and to contain a
heaviness that prevents it from moving; in fact, it
feels torn, and is powerless. Sharp pain is present
in the patient’s back and chest, needles, as it were,
prick his sides, and he burns in these areas as
though he were sitting next to a fire; red patches
like flames erupt on his chest and back. A violent
gnawing pain attacks the patient, and he is in such
straits that he can neither lie down, nor stand up,
nor sit; he is distraught and casts himself about,
and seems already on the point of death. He
usually dies on the fourth or seventh day; if he sur-
vives that many, death is rare.
If you treat this patient, clean out his lower
cavity thoroughly as quickly as possible with an
enema, and draw blood from the bends of his arms,
his nose, his tongue, and in fact all over. Give him
cooling drinks, gruels that have the same effect,
and also frequent diuretics that are not warming.
Against the pains themselves, when they are

yilwor, χλιάσματα κοῦφα Kal ὑγρὰ χρὴ προσ-

/ / ~ \ Ἢ Ν \

φέροντα χλιαίνειν καὶ ὑγραίνειν τὸν τόπον. οὗ ἂν ἢ

5." 1
ὀδύνη" πρὸς\ δὲ\ τὰΝΥἄλλα ψυκτήρια
, ,
προσίσχειν, TO\
ΝΎ: Ὁ , 1 9. , Ln 9
μὲν ἀφαιρέοντα. τὸ δὲ προστιθέντα. Kal ἢν" κατα-
καίηται. ψῦχος ποιέειν" ἀοινεῖν δὲ τὸ πάμπαν.
8. Ὅταν δ᾽ ἀπὸ τῆς κεφαλῆς ἀρξαμένη ὀδύνη
3 ~ ~

ὀξέη ἄφωνον ποιήσῃ παραχρῆμα---ἄλλως τε καὶ ἐκ

5 / Vv / 5 ~ vv Ac

μέθης---οὗτος ἀποθνήσκει ἑβδομαῖος, ἧσσον

δὲ τοῖσιν ἐκ τῆς μέθης θανάσιμα nv γὰρ βήξωσι
φωνὴν αὐθημερὸν ἢ τριταῖοι." ὑγιέες εἰσί
, > Ἢ - 7, v a Css ek 4
ποιέουσι δ᾽ ἐκ τῆς μέθης ἔνιοι τοῦτο. οἱ 8 ἕτεροι
Τούτοισι πταρμούς τε ἐμποιέειν ἰσχυροὺς καὶ
ὑποκλύσαι, 8 τι χολὴν ἄξει σφόδρα: καὶ |ἢν ἐπαί-
¢ / a \ v / \ Ἃ 2! /
σθηται, ὀπὸν θαψίης
δοῦναι ἐν πολλῷ τῷ ὑγρῷ
9 Ὡς « t γρά

καὶ θερμῷ. ἵνα ὡς τάχιστα ἀπεμέσῃ ἔπειτα

Ν ~ df c / ) i Ὑ

ἀπισχναίνειν Kal ἀοινεῖν ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας ἀφαιρέειν

δὲ Kal ἀπὸ τῆς γλώσσης αἷμα. ἢν δύνῃ λαβεῖν
Ν Ν Ψ \ ~ / ἜΣ Ἃ / ~

9. Φρενῖτις δὲ γίνεται καὶ ἐξ ἑτέρης νούσου"
πάσχουσι δὲ τάδε: τὰς φρένας ἀλγέουσιν, ὥστε
/ \ / \ / 5 / is

μὴ ἐᾶσαι ἂν ἅψασθαι. καὶ πῦρ ἔχει, καὶ Exppoves

a IA Ἃ [7 Ν ~ v ,\owv /

5 v3 \ , Ν = /
εἰσι, Kal ἀτενὲς βλέπουσι, Kal τἄλλα παραπλήσια
ποιέουσι τοῖσιν ἐν τῆσι περιπλευμονίῃσιν, ὅταν
| προσφέροντα... ὀδύνη Μ: πρὸς ἴσχειν Θ. 2 ἢν Θ: ὅκου ἂν Μ.
3 τριταῖοι ©: τῇ ὑστεραίῃ ἢ τῇ Μ. 4 οἱ δ᾽ ἕτεροι Θ: οὐδέτεροι M.


pressing, you must apply light moist fomentations

to warm and moisten the place where the pain
happens to be. Against the rest apply cooling
agents; apply and remove these alternately. If the
patient is consumed with heat, cool him. Have him
abstain totally from wine.
8. When a sharp pain beginning from the head
suddenly makes a person speechless—both in
consequence of drunkenness and otherwise—the
person dies on the seventh day. This condition is
less often fatal in cases where it arises from drunk-
enness; for if patients’ voices break through on the
same day, or on the third day, they have recovered;
some who have the condition from drunkenness do
this, the rest die.
In these patients induce energetic sneezing, and
give an enema that will draw bile effectively. If a
patient recovers his senses, give him thapsia juice
in adequate warm fluid, in order that he wili vomit
as soon as possible. Then make him lean, and have
him abstain from wine for seven days. Also draw
blood from his tongue, if you can catch hold of the
9. Phrenitis can also develop out of another
disease. Patients suffer as follows: they experience
such pain in the diaphragm that they will not allow
themselves to be touched, there is fever, they are
deranged, they stare fixedly, and for the rest
they resemble patients with pneumonia that are
[ € 2 z= | , } y” φ "
οἱ ἐν τῇ περιπλευμονίῃ]" Exppoves ἔωσι.
Τοῦτον χλιαίνειν χλιάσμασιν ὑγροῖσι καὶ πώ-
μασι πλὴν οἴνου καὶ ἣν μὲν οἷός τε H, ἀποκαθαί-
ρειν ἄνω. βηχί τε καὶ πτύσει ἀνάγειν χρὴ ὥσπερ
ἐν τῇ περιπλευμονίῃ: εἰ δὲ μή. τὴν κάτω κοιλίην
παρασκευάζειν ὅπως ὑποχωρέῃ ὑγραίνειν δὲ
πώματι: ἀγαθὸν γάρ. 7 δὲ νοῦσος θανατώδης: ἀπο-
θνήσκουσι δὲ τριταῖοι ἢ πεμπταῖοι ἢ ἑβδομαῖοι:
ἣν δὲ ἡπίως ληφθῇ. κρίνει ὡς περιπλευμονίη.
ἋἋ \ % / ΄ / [Ὁ /

10. “Ὑπὸ δὲ τῆς κυνάγχης λεγομένης πνίγε-

ταί τε ὥνθρωπος καὶ ἐν τῇ φάρυγγι ὡς μῆλον"
δοκέει ἐνέχεσθαι καὶ κατασπᾷ οὔτε τὸ σίαλον οὔτ
΄ 3

ἄλλ᾽ οὐδέν: καὶ οἱ ὀφθαλμοὶ πονέουσί τε καὶ ἐξέ-


χουσιν ὡς ἀγχομένοισι. καὶ ἐκβλέπει αὐτοῖσιν

ἀτενὲς καὶ στρέφειν σφέας οὐχ οἷός TE καὶ
<a>Avler® καὶ ἀναΐσσει θαμινά: καὶ τὸ πρόσωπον
καὶ ἣ φάρυγξ πίμπραται. ἀτὰρ καὶ ὃ τράχηλος:
ὑπὸ δὲ τοῖσιν οὔασιν᾽ οὐδὲν κακὸν ἔχειν δοκέει
ig Ἁ ἣν ΄σ Ὑ 4 5 ἈΝ A Ὑ »

καὶ δρᾷ Kal ἀκούει ἀμβλύτερον. καὶ ὑπὸ τοῦ πνιγ-

i τ ἂς Woe) / mJ / EE \ ~

130 μοῦ οὐκ ἔννοός ἐστιν, οὔτ᾽ HY TL λέγῃ | OUT ἢν

- 5 v / 5 SP 29)" 5b ré | ¥ 1. a

τι ἀκούῃ ἢ ποιέῃ: ἀλλὰ κεχηνὼς κεῖται σιαλο-

2 Ἃ »] \ \ ~

y<o>éwv. τοιάδε ποιέων οὗτος ἀποθνήσκει πεμπ-

ταῖος ἢ ἑβδομαῖος ἢ ἐναταῖος." ὅταν δὲ τούτων

| Del. Potter. 2 ὡς μῆλον O: of μᾶλλον M.

3 Cornarius/Latin: λύζει OM. 4 ὑπὸ... οὔασιν O: τοῖσι δὲ
δρέωσι Μ. ° ἢ ἐναταῖος Om. Θ.

Warm this patient with warm moist fomenta-
tions and with drinks other than wine. If he can
stand it, clean him upwards; he must bring up
material by coughing and expectoration just as in
pneumonia; if he fails to do this, prepare the lower
cavity in order to evacuate it; moisten the patient
with drink, for that helps. The disease is usually
mortal, and patients die on the third, fifth or
seventh day. If the case is a mild one, it has its
crisis the way pneumonia does.
10. With angina, as it is called, the person
chokes and seems to have something like an apple
caught in his throat, so that he is unable to swallow
either his saliva or anything else. His eyes hurt
and protrude as in those that are being strangled,
they stare fixedly, and he cannot turn them. The
patient is distraught, and casts himself about inces-
santly. His face, throat and neck are distended,'
but below his ears he appears normal. He sees and
hears less keenly than before and, because of the
strangulation, is not aware of what he says or hears
or does; he just lies there with his mouth open,
drooling. In this case the patient dies on the fifth,
seventh or ninth day. When any of the signs
1 The verb πιμπράναι can also mean “burn”, and may
here indicate the presence of inflammation.

τι ἀπῇ τῶν σημείων, χαλαρωτέρην δηλοῖ τὴν

νοῦσον. καὶ καλέουσι παρακυνάγχην.
Τούτων φλεβοτομέειν χρὴ μάλιστα μὲν ὑπὸ
/ / \ / \ 6 \

τὸν τιτθόν: συνακολουθεῖ γὰρ ταύτῃ ἐκ τοῦ πλεύ-

μονος θερμὸν πνεῦμα: χρὴ δὲ καὶ τὰ κάτω καθαί-
ρειν φαρμάκῳ ἢ κλύσματι καὶ τοὺς αὐλίσκους
παρῶσαι ἐς τὴν φάρυγγα κατὰ τὰς γνάθους. ὡς
ἕλκηται τὸ πνεῦμα ἐς τὸν πλεύμονα: καὶ ποιέειν
ὡς τάχιστα πτύσαι καὶ ἰσχναίνειν τὸν πλεύμονα:
Kal ὑποθυμιᾶν ὕσσωπον KiAcKiov καὶ θεῖον καὶ
\ ς > [2 / Ἂς ΄- \

ἄσφαλτον, καὶ ἕλκειν διὰ τῶν αὐλίσκων καὶ διὰ

Ὑ \ a δὰ ~ »] / Ν \

τῶν ῥινῶν, ws ἐξίῃ φλέγμα καὶ τὴν φάρυγγα καὶ

~ Cc ~ c ὃ / / \ \ / \

τὴν γλῶσσαν ἀνατρίβειν τοῖσι τὸ φλέγμα ἄγουσι

Kal Tas φλέβας τὰς ὑπὸ TH γλώσσῃ τάμνειν,
Ν \ / \ ς Ν = / /

ἀφιέναι δὲ καὶ ἐκ τῶν ἀγκώνων, ἣν ἰσχύῃ ἀοινεῖν

ὲ Kal pudeiv πτισάνης χυλὸν λεπτόν" ἐπειδὰν
Ay ete ΄. / \ y ey τ. \

ἀνῇ ἣ νοῦσος καὶ σιτίων γεύηται, eAatnpiw νέω

περικαθῆραι, ἵνα μὴ ἑτέρω κακῷ περιπέσῃ.

Ἵκτερος δὲ\ τοιόσδ΄
ἐστὶν\ ὀξὺς
Kai \ 5 διὰ\ τά-,
χεος ἀποκτείνων ἣ χροιὴ ὅλη σιδιοειδὴς σφόδρα
ἊΨ ,ὔ ἐὸν ἐν \ ὅλ ὃ ὃ} “ὃ

ἐστί, χλωροτέρη ἢ οἱ σαῦροι οἱ χλωροί παρόμοιος

δὲ καὶ ὃ χρώς. καὶ τῷ οὔρῳ ὑφίσταται οἷον ὁρό-
βιον πυρρόν᾽ καὶ πυρετὸς καὶ φρίκη βληχρὴ tἴσχει:
ἐνίοτε δὲ καὶ τὸ ἱμάτιον οὐκ ἀνέχεται ἔχων, ἀλλὰ
δάκνεται καὶ ξύεται: καὶ ἄσιτος ἐὼν τὰ ἑωθινὰ τὰ
σπλάγχνα ἀμύσσεται ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ πολύ, καὶ ὅταν
"λεπτόν om. Θ.

mentioned is absent, it shows that the disease is

milder, and people call it “parangina”.
You must phlebotomize this patient, best of all
under the nipple; for there warm breath follows,
out of the lung. You must also clean out the lower
cavity with a medication or enema, and insert
tubes into the throat behind the jaws, in order that
air may be drawn into the lung. Induce expectora-
tion as soon as possible, and dry up the lung: burn
Cilician hyssop, sulphur and asphalt, and have the
patient draw the vapours through the tubes into
his nostrils, in order to discharge the phlegm; also
anoint the throat and tongue with agents that draw
phlegm. If the patient is strong, incise the vessels
under his tongue, and draw blood from the bends of
his arms; let him abstain from wine, and drink thin
barley-water gruel. When the disease goes away,
and the patient has tasted food, clean him out
thoroughly with fresh squirting-cucumber juice, in
order that he does not fall into some new evil.
11. The acute and rapidly fatal jaundice is as
follows: the whole skin is very much the colour of
pomegranate-peel, greener than green lizards, and
the body the same. In the urine a reddish sediment
like vetch-meal precipitates; fever and mild shiver-
ing are present. Sometimes the patient will not
even tolerate having his blanket on, but it
scratches and irritates him; in the morning, before
he has eaten, his inward parts usually suffer tear-
ing pains, and when anyone wakes him up or talks

ἀνιστῇ τις αὐτὸν ἢ προσδιαλέγηται, οὐκ ἀνέχε-

ται. οὗτος ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ πολὺ ἀποθνήσκει ἐντὸς
τεσσερεσκαίδεκα ἡμερέων. ταύτας δὲ διαφυγὼν
¢ /

Χρὴ δὲ θερμολουτέειν τε καὶ πίνειν μελί-

ἊΝ \ / \ / /

132 κρη τον σὺν καρύων Θασίων λεπισθέντων᾽ καὶ

ἀψινθίου κόμης low, ἀννίσου σεσησμένου ἡμίσει"
πίνειν ὁλκῆς τριώβολον νῆστις καὶ πάλιν ἐς
κοίτην τὸ μελίκρητον τοῦτο" καὶ οἶνον λεπτὸν
παλαιὸν καὶ pupnuata ἀσιτέειν δὲ μή.
Ν ἈΓ 6 / >} / Ν /

12. Οἱ δὲ τέτανοι ἣν ἐπιλάβωσιν. αἱ γένυες

πεπήγασιν ὡς ξύλιναι. καὶ τὸ στόμα διαίρειν οὐ
δύνανται. Kal ot ὀφθαλμοὶ δακρύουσί Te καὶ ἐλλαί-
be \ C: 2 \ ν» / Sea) /

vovTa καὶ τὸ μετάφρενον πέπηγε. καὶ τὰ σκέλεα

od δύνανται συνάγειν, δμοίως" οὐδὲ τὰς χεῖρας:
\ \ / > , \5 / > ἘΞ
καὶ τὸ πρόσωπον ἐρεύθει, καὶ σφόδρα ὀδυνᾶται.
καὶ ὅταν ἀποθνήσκειν μέλλῃ. ἀνεμέει διὰ τῶν pv
Ἄν θὴ 5 / / 2) / Ν ~ c ~

TO πῶμα Kal TO ῥύφημα καὶ τὸ φλέγμα.

Ν ΄σ \ NALS \ \ /

τριταῖος ἢ πεμπταῖος ἢ εβδομαῖος ἢ τεσσερεσκαι-

δεκαταῖος ἀπόλλυται: ταύτας δὲ διαφυγὼν ὑγιὴς
~ 5 4 / \ \ [᾿ \

Τούτῳ διδόναι κατάποτα πέπερι καὶ ἐλλέβο-
ρον μέλανα, καὶ ζωμὸν ὀρνίθειον πίονα θερμόν;
καὶ πταρμοὺς ἰσχυροὺς καὶ πολλοὺς ἐμποιέειν καὶ
ΕΤ2; λεπτισθέντων Μ. 2 ἴσῳ ... ἡμίσει Potter: ἴσον... ἥμισυ Μ.
3 σὺν καρύων Θασίων ... τοῦτο om. Θ. 4 δμοίως om. Θ.
” ἐρεύθει. καὶ om. Θ.

to him, he will not tolerate it. The patient

generally dies within fourteen days; if he survives
that many, he recovers.
The patient must employ warm baths, and drink
melicrat with equal amounts of shelled Thasian
nuts! and wormwood leaves, and half as much
sifted anise; he must drink three obols’ weight in
the morning before eating, and on retiring this
melicrat again together with light aged wine, and
gruels. Let him not go without eating.
12. When tetanus occurs, the jaws become as
hard as wood, and patients cannot open their
mouths. Their eyes shed tears and look awry, their
backs become rigid, and they cannot adduct their
legs; similarly, not their arms either. The patient’s
face becomes red, he suffers great pain and, when
he is on the point of death, he vomits drink, gruel
and phlegm through his nostrils. This patient
generally dies on the third, fifth, seventh or
fourteenth day; if he survives for that many, he
Give him pills of pepper and black hellebore, and
warm fat bird soup. Induce frequent energetic
sneezing, and treat with vapour-baths; when you do
1 Almonds.

Tupiay ὅταν δὲ μὴ TupiGs, τὰ χλιάσματα προσ-

τιθέναι ὑγρὰ καὶ λιπαρὰ ἐν κύστεσι καὶ ἀσκίοισι
πανταχόθεν. μάλιστα δὲ πρὸς τὰ ὀδυνώμενα, Kal
/ / Ν \ \ 5 7 \

ἀλείφειν θερμῷ καὶ πολλῷ πολλάκις.

13. Ὃ δὲ ὀπισθότονος τὰ μὲν ἄλλα ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ
ἈΝ Ὁ , > ? 5) Ὑ \ >
πολὺ ὡσαύτως, σπᾶται 8 εἰς τοὔπισθε: καὶ βοᾷ
ἐνίοτε, καὶ ὀδύναι ἴσχουσιν ἰσχυραί, καὶ συνάγειν
ἐνίοτε οὐκ ἐᾷ τὰ σκέλεα οὐδὲ τὰς χεῖρας ἐκτεῖναι:
ξυγκεκαμμένοι γὰρ οἱ ἀγκῶνες γίνονται. καὶ τοὺς
δακτύλους πὺξ ἔχει, καὶ τὸν μέγαν δάκτυλον τοῖ-
σιν ἄλλοισι κατέχει ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ πολύ: καὶ βοᾷ καὶ
Ὑ / ς Ὁ) x x / \ > Ν

φλυηρέει ἐνίοτε. καὶ οὐ δύναται ἑωυτὸν κατέχειν,

> 9 a
ὀδύνη Ὑἔχῃ OTE a
ἣοι ὀδύνη.
ς /

δὲ\ Kal Ni ἄφω-

134 νοι γίνονται ἅμα ἁλισκόμενοι | ἢ μανικοί τι 7

μελαγχολικοί οὗτοι τριταῖοι ἀποθνήσκουσι τῆς
φωνῆς λυθείσης: καὶ ἀνεμέουσι διὰ τῶν ῥινῶν καὶ
τὰς\ δὲ\ τεσσερεσκαίδεκα διαφυγὼν
¢ ,

ρ 7 id] δὲ ὡςς ς τὸν σ΄ἄνω: ἢἢν δὲ\ βούλ ἢ, καὶ

Θεραπεύειν ὶ
ποιέειν: ὕδωρ ὡς πλεῖστον ψυχρὸν καταχέας /

ἔπειτα ἱμάτια θερμὰ καὶ καθαρὰ Kal πολλὰ Kal

vv ζ / \ Ν \ \ \ \

N19 , - \ (eke) \ ,
λεπτὰ ἐπιβάλλειν, πῦρ δὲ τότε" μὴ προσφέρειν.
ὧδε καὶ τοὺς τετανικοὺς καὶ τοὺς ὀπισθοτονικοὺς"
4 ‘ 5) e : ‘ Ὶ
! Potter: τε ἢ Θ: τε καὶ M. 2 τότε OM. Θ. 3. Q: τετάνους
. ὀπισθοτόνους Μ.


not employ vapour-baths, apply moist rich fomenta-

tions in bladders and small leather skins to all
parts of the body, especially the painful ones, and
anoint often with plentiful warm oil.
13. Opisthotonus is mainly the same, except
that the patient is drawn backwards. He some-
times cries out, his pains are violent, and some-
times the disease does not allow him to adduct his
legs or to extend his arms; for the elbows become
flexed, and he holds his fingers in a fist, usually
enclosing the thumb inside the other digits. The
patient cries out and sometimes talks nonsense;
when the pain is present, he is unable to restrain
himself, casting himself about, but when it remits,
he is still. Sometimes they may also become
speechless during an attack, at the same time being
seized by some sort of rage or melancholy; such
patients generally die on the third day after becom-
ing speechless. These patients, too, vomit through
their nostrils. If one survives for fourteen days, he
Treat as the patient above; if you wish, do the
following as well: pour a very large amount of cold
water over the patient, then cover him with large
clean warm light blankets, and during this time do
not bring fire close to him. Do this both for tetanus
and for opisthotonus.

14. Εἰϊλεοὶ δὲ γίνονται τῆς ἄνω κοιλίης θερ-

μαινομένης καὶ τῆς κάτω ψυχομένης: συναυαίνε-
ται γὰρ τὸ ἔντερον' ὥστε μήτε τὸ πνεῦμα μήτε
τὰς τροφὰς διεξιέναι. ἀλλὰ τὴν γαστέρα ξηρὴν
\ A / 5 \ nt / \

εἶναι. καὶ ἐμέει" ἐνίοτε. πρῶτον μὲν φλεγματώ-

dea, ἔπειτα yoAwdea, τελευτῶν δὲ κόπρον. καὶ
δίψα ἔχει. Kal ὀδύνη ἔχει. μάλιστα μὲν πρὸς τὰ
/ Ὑ \ 5 / vv / \ \ \

ὑποχόνδρια: ἀλγέει δὲ καὶ ὅλην THY γαστέρα Kal

id / 5 / \ Nee \ / \

, \ , 3 \ yo) ,
πεφύσηται kal λύζει." Kal πυρετοὶ ἐπιλαμβάνουσι.
γίνεται δὲ μάλιστα μετοπώρου ἀποθνήσκει δὲ
7 \ iA 7 2) / \

μάλιστα" ἑβδομαῖος.
Τοῦτον ὧδε θεραπεύειν. καθῆραι τὴν ἄνω
κοιλίην ὡς τάχιστα. καὶ αἷμα ἀφαιρέειν ἀπὸ τῆς
κεφαλῆς καὶ τῶν ἀγκώνων. ἵνα παύσηται 7
ἄνω κοιλίη θερμαινομένη." καὶ ψύχειν τὰ ἄνω TOV
Ὑ ,ὕ / 5 \ / ἣν wv ~

φρενῶν πλὴν τῆς καρδίης: τὰ δὲ κάτω θερμαίνειν

ἐν σκάφῃ ὕδατος θερμοῦ καθίζων: καὶ ἀλείφειν
ἀεί, καὶ χλιάσματα ὑγρὰ προστιθέναι. Kai βάλα-
fy / \ / is \ / \ /

νον μέλιτος μόνου ποιέων ὡς δέκα δακτύλων Kal

/ / / ¢ / / \

ἄκρῳ" χολὴν ταύρου ἐς΄ τὸ πρόσθεν προσπλάσ

Ὑ 6 rr / ΚΙ, Ν / 6 λά ἐπ

σων πρόσθες καὶ δὶς Kal τρίς. ὡς πάντα τὰ


συγκεκαυμένα περὶ τὸν ἀρχὸν ἐξαγάγης τῆς

ΓΜ adds καὶ συμπιλέεται
"μ ὑπὸ τῆς
τ φλεγμασίης.
γμασιίῃ 2 Ermerins:
ἐμέειν ΘΜ. 3 καὶ πεφύσηται καὶ λύζει om. Θ. 4 μετοπώρου
... μάλιστα Om. Μ. ” M: -νουσα ©. © καὶ ἄκρῳ Potter: ἐξ
ἄκρου OM. 7M: ὡς Θ. 5M: ὡς Θ.

14. Tleus occurs when the upper cavity is

heated, and the lower one is cooled; for the intes-
tine dries up, so that neither air nor food can pass
through it, and the belly becomes costive. The
patient sometimes vomits first material that is like
phlegm, then like bile, and finally faeces. There
are thirst and pain, especially in the hypochon-
drium; the patient also has pain throughout his
whole belly with distention, and hiccups; fever, too,
comes on. This disease occurs in fall, in most cases,
and the patient generally dies on the seventh day.
Treat this patient as follows: clean out his
upper cavity as quickly as possible, draw blood
from his head and the bends of his arms, in order to
remove the overheating of the upper cavity, and
cool the region above the diaphragm, except for the
heart. Warm the lower cavity by sitting the patient
in a basin of hot water; anoint him often and apply
moist fomentations. Form a suppository of pure
honey ten fingers long and, smearing the anterior
tip with bull’s gall, introduce it two or three times,
in order to remove all the fecal material that has


κόπρου: Kal ἣν μὲν οὕτως ὑπακούῃ, κλύζειν ert |

Aven \ 4 [φ / / ° \

136 τούτοισιν. εἰ δὲ μή, φῦσαν λαβὼν χαλκευτικὴν

/ 5 Ν , ~ \ \

ἐσιέναι καὶ φυσᾶν ἐς τὴν κοιλίην, ἵνα διαστήσης

τήν τε κοιλίην καὶ τὴν τοῦ ἐντέρου συστολήν"
εἶτα πάλιν ἐξελὼν τὴν φῦσαν κλύσαι εὐθύς:
ων / SD. \ \ ~ / 2) /

ἕτοιμον δ΄ ἔστω τὸ κλύσμα, μὴ πολὺ τῶν θερμαν-

a av \ / \ \ ~

τικῶν, ἀλλὰ διαλυόντων τὰς κόπρους καὶ τηκόν-

των; εἶτα βύσας ΘΙ τὴνTPR ἕδρην
SOPT σπόγγω.
Vi D> καθήσθω
7 ἐν
ρμῷ κατέχων
ὕδατι θερμῷ κατέχ τὸ κλύσμα,
μα, καὶ
Kal ἢν δέξη
ἣν δέξηται
τὸ κλύσμα Kal πάλιν μεθῇ, ὑγιής. ev δὲ τῷ
\ / \ / ~ ς / δ Ν ~

πρόσθεν χρόνῳ μέλι τε ὡς κάλλιστον λειχέτω

ι 9
> ‘ ᾿ a
Kal οἶνον αὐτίτην" πινέτω εὔζωρον. ἣν δὲ τοῦ εἰ-
λεοῦ ἀφέντος πυρετὸς ἐπιλάβῃ. ἀνέλπιστος" ἴσως
yap ἣ κάτω κοιλίη λυθεῖσα συναποκτείνειεν ἄν.
15. Ἢ δὲ περιπλευμονίη τοιάδε ποιέει: πυρε-
τός τε ἰσχυρὸς" ἴσχει, καὶ πνεῦμα πυκινὸν καὶ
θερμὸν ἀναπνεῖ, καὶ ἀπορίη καὶ ἀδυναμίη καὶ
ῥιπτασμὸς καὶ ὀδύνη ὑπὸ τὴν ὠμοπλάτην καὶ ἐς
τὴν KAnida καὶ ἐς τὸν τιτθόν, καὶ βάρος ἐν τοῖσι
\ X53 \ / \ / 3 ~

, 4
Kal \ παραφροσύνη.
ἔστι δὲ\ οἷσιν
2) /

vos ἐστιν, ἕως ἄρξωνται βήσσειν: πολυχρονιωτέρη

δὲ καὶ χαλεπωτέρη κείνης.
Τὸ δὲ σίαλον λευκὸν καὶ ἀφρῶδες πτύει πρῶ-
\ \ / \ \ 2 ~ id ~

Tov, καὶ 7 γλῶσσα ξανθή" προϊόντος δὲ τοῦ χρόνου

μελαίνεται: ἢν μὲν οὖν ἐν ἀρχῇ μελαίνηται, θάσ-
! Potter: ἔξυνσταλειν O: σύσταλσιν Μ. 2 Vander Linden:
ναυτιτην O: αὐγιτην M. 3 Q: ὀξὺς M. 4M adds ἐνώτε δὲ.

been burnt dry about the anus. If this succeeds,

follow it with an enema; if not, take a
bronzesmith’s bellows and, introducing this, blow
air into the cavity in order to open up the cavity
and the intestinal contraction. Then remove the
bellows and immediately administer an enema; let
the enema be prepared beforehand and not too
warming, but capable of dissolving and melting the
faeces; then stop the anus with a sponge, and let
the patient sit in hot water while retaining the
enema; if he takes the enema fluid in and then
sends it forth again, he recovers. Before this let the
patient take some of the best honey you have, and
drink new wine unmixed with water. If, after the
obstruction has been resolved, fever comes on, the
case is hopeless, because the lower cavity, being
relaxed, will in all likelihood combine with the
fever to kill the patient.
15. In pneumonia the following happens: there
is violent fever, and the patient’s breathing is rapid
and hot; he is distraught, weak and restless, and
beneath his shoulder-blade he suffers pain that
radiates toward his collar-bone and nipple; he has a
heaviness in his chest, and he is deranged. In some
patients, there is no pain until they begin to cough;
this pneumonia lasts longer and is severer than the
one with pain from the beginning.
The patient first expectorates white frothy spu-
tum, and his tongue is yellow; as time passes, the
tongue becomes dark. Now if it becomes dark at

gous atcS)ἀπαλλάξιες:

8 od)ὕστερον, σχολαίτεραι

τελευτῶσι δὲ καὶ ῥήγνυται 7 γλῶσσα, Kal ἢν

τὸν\ δάκτυλον.
, 1
ὃ "ἐς ἀπάλ-
τὴ ΄ὔ

λαξιν τῆς νούσου σημαίνει ἣ γλῶσσα. ὥσπερ καὶ

ev TH πλευρίτιδι Opoiws.
"] ~ / [4 /

Ταῦτα δὲ πάσχει ἡμέρας τεσσερεσκαίδεκα τοὐ-

λάχιστον, τὸ πλεῖστον δὲ εἴκοσι καὶ μίαν: καὶ
βήσσει τοῦτον τὸν χρόνον σφόδρα. καὶ καθαίρεται
138 ἅμα TH βηχὶ τὸ μὲν πρῶτον πολὺ | καὶ ἀφρῶδες
iv = \ \ \ lo \ ‘ee w) ~

σίαλον. ἑβδόμῃ δὲ Kal ὀγδόη----ὅταν ὃ πυρετὸς ἐν

/ A εβδό δὲ AY) 56 df ς Ν 5 a

ακμάζῃ---ν ὑγρὴ ἣ περιπλευμονίη ἢ. παχύτε-

Ἃ δ:

pov’ εἰ δὲ μή. ov ἐνάτῃ δὲ Kal δεκάτῃ ὑπόχλωρον

S) \ / v 2) / \ ἣν / Cc /

καὶ ὕφαιμον. δωδεκάτῃ δὲ μέχρι τεσσερεσκαι-

δεκάτης. πολὺ καὶ πυῶδες.
Ὧν ὑγραί εἰσιν αἵ τε φύσιες καὶ αἱ διαθέσιες τοῦ
a c / oe] cr / \ Ὁ ΄

A e 3
σώματος. ἀτὰρ καὶ ἣ νοῦσος ἰσχυρή: ὧν δ᾽ 7 τε
φύσις καὶ ἣ στάσις τῆς νούσου ξηρή. ἧσσον οὗτοι.
Hy μὲν\ οὖν
Kal Ν᾿ ἕκτῃ

δέκα" 2 ξη-
αν δέ

ρανθῇ καὶ μηκέτι ἀποβήσσῃ πυῶδες,. ὑγιής ἐστιν᾽

εἰ δὲ μή. πρόσεχε πρὸς τὰς εἴκοσι δυοῖν δεούσας
καὶ τὰς εἴκοσι καὶ μίαν τὸν νόον. καὶ ἣν μὲν ἐν-
ταῦθα παύσηται τοῦ πτύσματος. ἐκφεύγει" εἰ δὲ
μή. ἔρου αὐτὸν εἰ γλυκύτερον τὸ oiadov, καὶ ἢν
μὲν φῇ. ὃ πλεύμων αὐτῷ ἔμπυός ἐστι, Kal ἣ νοῦ-
σος καθίσταται ἐνιαυσίη. ἣν μὴ ἐν τῇσι τεσσερά-
' @: ἔχεται Μ. 2 πέμπτῃ ... δέκα O: τετάρτη καὶ δεκάτη M.
3 τοῦ πτύσματος. ἐκφεύγει Potter: ἐ. τ. π. ΘΜ.

the beginning, recovery is more rapid, but if it

becomes dark later, recovery is slower; in the end,
the tongue also develops fissures, and if you touch
it with your finger, the patient is irritated. The
tongue gives an indication of recovery in this
disease just as in pleurisy.
The patient suffers these things for at least four-
teen days, at most twenty-one; he coughs hard dur-
ing this time, clearing with his cough first copious
frothy sputum, and then on the seventh or eighth
day—whenever the fever reaches its high point—a
thicker sputum, if the pneumonia happens to be a
moist one; not, however, if the pneumonia is not
moist. On the ninth and tenth days, the sputum is
somewhat yellow-green and charged with blood; on
the twelfth to the fourteenth days, it is copious and
In patients whose natures and bodily propensi-
ties are moist, the disease is severe; in those whose
nature and state of disease is dry, less so.
Now if on the fifteenth and sixteenth days the
patient becomes dry and no longer coughs up puru-
lent sputum, he has recovered. If not, turn your
attention to the eighteenth and twenty-first days,
and if he stops expectorating then, he survives. If
not, ask him if his sputum is sweetish, and if he
says it is, his lung is suppurating, and the disease
will last for a year, unless he exerts himself to
θ᾽ ¢ ,ὕ "ὃ 5 ΄ὔ \ / me) δὲ
κονθ΄ ἡμέρῃσι σπεύδων ἀναγάγῃ τὸ πύον ἣν δὲ
φῆ ἀηδὲς εἶναι τὸ σίαλον. θανατώδης 7 στάσις
τῆς νούσου. ἀλλ΄ ἐν τῇσι πρώτησιν KB! ἡμέρῃσι
a ᾽ ἘΞ ,ὔ

μάλιστα διαδηλοῖ: ἣν γὰρ ἐκπτύσῃ τὸ σαπὲν καὶ

ὸ πυω πυωθὲν
ἐν ἡμέρησι
ἡμέρησι δύ δύο καὶ i εἴκοσι
εἴκοσι καὶ
καὶ μὴ
μὴ EEA-
κωθῇ. ἐκφεύγει εἰ δὲ μή. οὔ.
AF 5 / ; 5 δὲ / v

Αὕτη ἣ περιπλευμονίη οὐδὲν ἀπολείπει τῶν

[2 ς / SQA 5 / ~

ἐκ περιπλευμονίης" κακῶν. ἢν οὖν τι τούτων

ἀπῇ τῶν κακῶν, εἰδέναι χαλαρωτέρην ἐοῦσαν"
τῷ κάμνοντι ἔχειν καὶ τῷ ἰητρῷ μεταχειρίζεσθαι
΄ / v \ “ῷ ey ~ /

140 ἣν δὲ ὀλίψα ἔχῃ τούτων

\ ie /
| τῶν σημείων, μὴ ἐξ-
~ / ἈΝ

απατάτω ὡς ov περιπλευμονίη ἐστίν: ἔστι γὰρ

/ ἘΣ \ / τ
Θεραπεύειν δ΄ ὧδε τὴν περιπλευμονίην---οὐ
μέντοι ἐξαμαρτήσῃ καὶ πλευρῖτιν καὶ φρενῖτιν
οὕτω μεταχειριζόμενος: τὴν κεφαλὴν ἄρχου κου-
φίζων. ἵνα μηδὲν ἐπιρρέῃ ἐς τὸ στῆθος: τὰ δὲ ῥυ-
/ [2 \ 5 / 2 \ ~ Ν Δ Ὁ

ἤματα τὰς μὲν πρώτας ἡμέρας γλυκύτερα: οὕτω ἣμέρ ρ
γὰρ ἂν μάλιστα τὸ συγκαθήμενον καὶ τὸ συνε-

στηκὸς ἀποπλύνοις καὶ κινοίης: τεταρταίοισι δὲ

καὶ πεμπταίοισι καὶ ἑκταίοισι μηκέτι γλυκύτερα,
2) \
λιπαρά:/ ἐς
ζ ,ὕ

πτεσθαι ξυμφέρει ἢν δὲ μὴ δύνηται κατὰ λόγον / Ἃ \ εἶ / \ /

πτύειν, τῶν ἀναγόντων φαρμάκων διδόναι. τὰς

δὲ κοιλίας ἐν μὲν τῇσι πρώτησιν ἡμέρῃσι τέσσερ-
Ν / 2] \ ~ / ig / /

' «B’ Potter: ἣ δευτέρῃσιν O: om. M. 2 ἐκ π. O: ἐν τῷ πλεύμονι

ἐόντων Μ. 3 y. &. Potter: χρὴ δεουσαν Θ: χρὴ ὅσα τε Μ.

bring up the pus in forty days. If he says the spu-

tum has a foul taste, the state of his disease is mor-
tal. The sputum generally gives an indication in
the first twenty-two days, for, if putrefied purulent
material is coughed up in twenty-two days, and if
there is no ulceration, the patient escapes; other-
wise, he does not.
This pneumonia lacks none of the evils of pneu-
monia; now if any of these evils should be absent,
know that the disease will be easier for the patient
to bear and for the physician to treat. However, if
the patient has only a few of the signs, do not be
deceived into thinking that it is not really pneu-
monia; for it is, only a mild one.
Treat pneumonia as follows (indeed, it would not
be a mistake to handle pleurisy and phrenitis in
the same way): begin by lightening the head, in
order that no flux to the chest will occur. On the
first days, gruels should be sweetish, for with these
you will best wash away and remove what has been
deposited and congealed in the chest; on the fourth,
fifth and sixth days, change from sweet to rich
ones, for this helps the patient to cough up sputum
gently; if he is unable to expectorate as he should,
give expectorant medications. In the first four or
five days, you must evacuate the cavities, and quite

ow ἢ πέντε ὑποχωρέειν χρὴ Kal ὀλίγῳ μᾶλλον,

Ἃ if is it, \ \ 2 / ~

ἵνα οἵ Te πυρετοὶ ἀμβλύτεροι ἔωσι Kal τἀλγήμα-

c ec LS ez / vv \ >} /

τα κουφότερα: ὅταν δὲ κεκενωμένος ἢ καὶ ἀσθε-

νὴς τὸ σῶμα. τὴν κάτω κοιλίην διὰ τρίτης ὑπο-
κινέειν. ἵνα τό τε σῶμα μὴ ἀδύνατον ἢ καὶ τὰ ἄνω'
χωρία evuypa” nv γὰρ κάτω τὸ ὑγρὸν πολλὸν
ὑποχωρέῃ ἀπὸ τῆς πέμπτης ἡμέρης. θάνατον
c Vd 2) \ =~ / (¢ / /

ποιέει κάτω γὰρ τοῦ ὑγροῦ ὑποχωρέοντος. τὰ

ἄνω ξηραίνεται. καὶ 7 κάθαρσις ἣ τοῦ πτύσματος
οὐ χωρέει ἄνω. δεῖ οὖν καὶ τὴν κάτω" κοιλίην
μήθ᾽ ἑστάναι.
sp? ¢ ,
ἵνα μὴνι ὀξέες
. 5.»
ἔωσιν οἱς πυρετοί,, μήτε
Ὑ ΄

λίην ὑποχωρέειν. ἵνα τὸ σίαλον ἀνιέναι δύνηται

Kal ἰσχύῃ ὃ κάμνων. φάρμακα δὲ τῆς ἀναγωγῆς
We) , ¢ / / \ = Ψ ~

ἐκταίοισι Kal ὀγδοαίοισι᾿ Kal ETL περαιτέρω ἐοῦσι

U ~

τῆς νούσου δίδου: τὸ δὲ φάρμακον ἔστω ἐλλέβορος

λευκός. θαψίη. ἐλατήριον νέον. ἴσον ἑκάστου.
Hv δὲ\ τὸ\ σίελον
Ἃ ,
μὴ\ καθαίρηται
εὖa καὶ \ τὸ\
πνεῦμα πυκνὸν ἢ καὶ τῆς καθάρσιος μὴeeἐπικρα-
“- \ =. \ = ΄ὔ

τέῃ. προειπεῖν ὅτι ἀνέλπιστός ἐστι ζῆν. ἣν μὴ TH

/ ~ ¢ 2) / / =~ Ἢ \ ~

καθάρσει δύνηται ὑπουργέειν. ποιέειν δὲ καὶ τὰ

ἐν τῇ περιπλευμονίῃ. ἣν σοι τὰ τῆς κοιλίης τῆς
142 κάτω καλῶς ὑπουρ͵] yen.
Toéew δὲ καὶ ἄλλως ἀπὸ τῆς πρώτης ἡμέρης
A \ \ of 3 \ ~ / c /

5 ,
ἀρξάμενος δίδου apov
Toda= μεγάλου

, 5

xnpapvda καὶ δαύκου καὶ ἀκαλήφης μίαν καὶ

ὃ \ ὃ / \ p) Ἂ / / \

ΓΜ: κάτω Θ. 2 ©: ἄνικμα Μ. 3M: ἄνω Θ. 5 ὀγδοαίοισι Θ:

ἑβδομαίοισι καὶ ἐναταίοισι Μ. ° Del. Ermerins.

well, in order that the fevers will be blunted and

the pains lightened. However, when the body has
been emptied and is weak, move the lower cavity
down gently only every other day, in order that the
body will retain some strength, and that the upper
regions will remain adequately moist; for if too
much moisture passes off below from the fifth day
onwards, it leads to death; for as the moisture
passes off below, the upper regions become dry, and
cleaning by expectoration does not take place. In
short, the lower cavity can neither be allowed to
remain inactive—to prevent the fevers from being
too sharp—nor be too thoroughly evacuated—in
order that the sputum will be able to be expec-
torated, and the patient will remain strong. Give
expectorant medications on the sixth and eighth
days, and even later in the course of the disease; let
these be equal amounts of white hellebore, thapsia,
and fresh squirting-cucumber juice.
If the sputum is not being cleaned out effec-
tively, if respiration is rapid, and if expectoration is
failing, announce that there is no hope of survival
unless the patient can help with the cleaning. But
still treat as is appropriate for pneumonia, if the
lower cavity cooperates with you.
Alternatively, do the following, beginning on the
first day: give a cheramys each of cuckoo-pint,
dauke and stinging nettle, good pinches of mustard

νάπυος καὶ πηγάνου ὅσον τοῖσι τρισὶ δακτύλοισι

λαβεῖν καὶ ὀπὸν σιλφίου ὅσον κύαμον: ταῦτα ἐν
ὄξει γλυκεῖ καὶ ὕδατι κεράσας Kal διηθήσας νήστι
Ὑ a Xe? / \ / /

/ 5 \
δίδου χλιαρόν. ἐπειδὰν δὲNeeoy?ἄρχηται καθαρὸνNS ex-
πτύειν, ἄρου χηραμύδα καὶ σήσαμον καὶ ἀμυγδά-
Aas καθαρὰς\ evδ

γλυκεῖ΄ κεκρημένῳ ΄
= ee!

δὲ μᾶλλον βούλῃ ἄγειν, καππάριος τῆς ῥίζης

Ν ~ ,ὔ / ~ /

φλοιὸν μιγνύναι τούτοισιν.

16. Ὅταν δὲ πλευρῖτις λάβη. τάδε πάσχει
ὀδύνη τὴν πλευρὴν καὶ πυρετὸς καὶ φρίκη ἴσχει,
»] / \ \ \ \ \ / Ὑ

καὶ ἀναπνεῖ πυκινόν, καὶ ὀρθοπνοίη ἴσχει, καὶ

5] ,
ς /

μὴΜΕΥ pHy-

᾽ Ξ- A
ματα ἔχῃ ἣν δ᾽ ἔχῃ. καὶ αἷμα ἀπὸ τῶν ῥηγμά-
των" ev δὲ TH αἱματώδει ὕφαιμον. ἔστι δὲ 7 μὲν
nf| » δὲ =~ τ 5d up Ὑ δὲ is \

χολώδης ἠἡπιωτέρη, ἢν μὴ pHypata ἔχῃ ὃ κάμ-

/ νὴ / Ἃ \ 6. v 6 /

νων" εἰ δὲ μή, ἐπιπονωτέρη μέν, θανατωδεστέρη

δὲ οὔ. 7 δὲ αἱματώδης ἰσχυρὴ" καὶ ἐπίπονος καὶ
ταν οὖν
"O 5
προσῇ= καὶ \ Avλύγξ ξ ἅμα
καὶ \ αἵματος

θρόμβους ἀποβήσσῃ ἅμα τῷ σιάλῳ μέλανας,

/ τὶ / ivf ~ / /

5 /
¢ a
δ΄2 ἡμέρας
ea es
φυγὼν τὴν μὲν πλευρῖτιν ὑγιὴς γίνεται, εἰκοστῇ
> “! ~
δ΄ ἐμπυΐσκεται, Kal ἀποβήσσει πύον. τελευτῶν δὲ
καὶ ἀπεμέει, καὶ οὐ πάνυ εὐθεράπευτος γίνεται.
Εἰσὶ δὲ καὶ ξηραὶ πλευρίτιδες ἄπτυστοι, χαλε-
ΨΈΝ Ν Ν \ / vv

ΓΜ adds ἔστι δὲ καὶ αἱματώδης. 2 ἰσχυρὴ om. Θ.

and rue, and silphium juice to the amount of a
bean!; mix these in sweetened vinegar and water,
sieve, and give warm to the fasting patient. When
he begins to cough up material that is clean, have
him drink a cheramys of cuckoo-pint, sesame, and
shelled almonds in sweetened vinegar mixed with
water; if you want to promote expectoration even
more, mix root bark of the caper-plant in with
16. When pleurisy arises, a person suffers the
following: he has pain in his side, fever and shiver-
ing, he respires rapidly, and he has orthopnoea. He
coughs up somewhat bilious material the colour of
pomegranate-peel, unless he has tears; if he has
tears, then he coughs up blood, too, from the tears;
in sanguinous pleurisy, the sputum is diffused with
blood. The bilious variety of pleurisy is relatively
mild, unless the patient has tears; if he has tears, it
is more painful but not more mortal. The
sanguinous variety of pleurisy is severe, painful
and mortal.
Now when in addition hiccups are present, and
the patient coughs up dark clots of blood in his spu-
tum, he succumbs on the seventh day. If he sur-
vives for ten days, he recovers from the pleurisy,
but on the twelfth day suppurates internally,
coughs up pus, and finally vomits as well; this
patient is not especially easy to treat.
There are also dry pleurisies without expectora-
1 Presumably a reference to the size of drop. 39

Tal «δ΄ αὗται at δὲ κρίσιες ὅμοιαι τῇσιν ἄλλῃ-

3 - ΄'

ow: ὑγρασίης «δὲ; πλέονος δέονται τῶν ἄλλων

ἐν τῷ ποτῷ.
Αἱ δὲ χολώδεες καὶ αἱματώδεες κρίνουσιν
144 ἐναταῖαι ἢ δεκαταῖαι." καὶ οὗτοι ὑγιέες μᾶλλον
, ἋἋ \ rao) \ \ Nar
γίνονται. ἢν δὲ κατ΄ ἀρχὰς μὲν μαλθακαὶ ἔχωσιν
ὀδύναι, ἀπὸ τῆς πέμπτης δὲ καὶ ἕκτης ὀξέαι.
»] / 2) \ a δὴν; \ ae Οὗ Die.

αὗται τελευτῶσι μέχρι δωδεκάτης. καὶ οὐ μάλα

5 ͵ 4 , \ / \ ,
ἀποθνήσκουσι" κίνδυνος δὲ μάλιστα μὲν μέχρι
ἑβδόμης. ἀτὰρ Kal ἐς τὴν δωδεκάτην: μετὰ δὲ
ig fe 2) \ \ 3 \ / \ \

ταύτας ὑγιαίνονται.
, ¢ /
αἱ δ΄ ἐξ ἀρχῆς μὲν μαλθα-
ς 3.5 b) os \

Kal, ἀπὸ δὲ τῆς ἑβδόμης Kal ὀγδόης ὀξέαι, πρὸς

/ 2) Ν Ν > id / \ 2) / 5 / N

τὰς τεσσερεσκαίδεκα κρίνουσί τε καὶ ὑγιαίνονται.

ζ eee \ - > ΄ ,
Η δ΄ ἐς τὸν νῶτον πλευρῖτις τοσόνδε διαφέρει
τῶν ἄλλων: τὸν νῶτον ὀδυνᾶται ὡς ἐκ πληγῆς
καὶ στένει καὶ ἀναπνεῖ ἀθρόον: εὐθὺς δὲ πτύει ὀλί-
\ / X, Ὁ ~ > / 5 Ἂν Ν / 5 ,ὔ

ya, καὶ κοπιᾷ τὸ σῶμα: τρίτῃ ὃ ἢ τετάρτῃ οὐρέει

~ a 3

ἰχῶρα ὕφαιμον ἀποθνήσκει δὲ μάλιστα πεμ-

πταῖος εἰ δὲ μή. ἑβδομαῖος: ταύτας δὲ διαφυγὼν
a 2) \ / Ὁ σ΄ / \ \

ζώει, Kal ἣ νοῦσος ἡπίη καὶ ἧσσον θανατώδης:

φυλάσσειν δὲ μέχρι τεσσερεσκαίδεκα. μετὰ δὲ
ταύτας ὑγιής.
Ἔνίαις" δὲ τῶν πλευριτίδων τὸ μὲν σίαλον κα-
θαρόν, ἢ δ᾽ οὔρησις αἱματώδης. οἷον ἀπὸ κρεῶν
3 - ΡΝ

ὀπτῶν ἰχῶρες. ὀδύναι τε ὀξέαι διὰ τῆς ῥάχιος ἐς

' Added by I. 2 Foes (n. 36). ὃ ἢ dex. O: καὶ ἑνδεκαταῖαι M.
40; ἐκφεύγουσι M. Ὁ Potter: ἐνιαι O: ἐνίη M.

tion, and these are severe. The crises are the same
as in the other varieties, but these patients require
more moisture in their drinks than do the others.
The bilious and sanguinous varieties of pleurisy
have their crises on the ninth or tenth day, and
such patients usually recover. If their pains are
mild at the beginning, but sharp from the fifth or
sixth day on, the disease ends by the twelfth day
and is not very mortal; danger is greatest up to the
seventh day, although some danger persists until
the twelfth day; after that patients recover. If the
pains are mild at the beginning, but sharp from the
seventh or eighth day on, patients have their crises
and recover about the fourteenth day.
Pleurisy in the back differs from the other
varieties in the following: the patient suffers pain
in his back as if from a blow, he groans, and he
respires rapidly; he immediately coughs up small
amounts of sputum, and his body is weary. On the
third or fourth day, he passes serous urine charged
with blood; he usually dies on the fifth day; if not
on the fifth day, then on the seventh; if he escapes
for that many, he lives, and the disease is mild and
less mortal. Protect him until the fourteenth day;
after that he has recovered.
In some pleurisies the sputum is clean, but the
urine bloody, resembling the fluid that runs out of
roasted meat; sharp pains extend along the spine to

τὸ στῆθος καὶ ἐς τὸν βουβῶνα τείνουσιν. οὗτος

τὴν ἑβδόμην διαφυγὼν ὑγιής.
\ ¢c / Ἂς ¢ /

Ὅταν δὲ τούτων τῶν πλευριτίδων τινὶ προσ-

γένηται τὸν νῶτον ἐρυθριᾶν καὶ τοὺς ὥμους θερ-
μαίνεσθαι καὶ ἀνακαθίζοντα βαρύνεσθαι καὶ 7
/ \ ) / / \ Ὁ.

γαστὴρ ἐκταράσσηται χλωρῷ καὶ δυσώδει σφόδρα,

οὗτος διὰ τὴν ὑποχώρησιν εἰκοστῇ καὶ μιῇ ἀπο-
θνήσκει: ταύτας δὲ διαφυγὼν ὑγιής.
/ / \ \ ¢ /

δ΄? αἱς πτύσιες /
παντοδαπαί Ply εἰσι ed,
Kal \
τὰ ἀλγήματα πάνυ ὀξέα, οὗτοι τριταῖοι ἀπο-
, al
δὲ\ διαφυγόντες /
ς αν,
γενόμενος δὲ ὑγιὴς TH ἑβδόμῃ ἢ ἐνάτῃ ἢ δεκάτῃ
/ ον ς \ a c / Day Δ. / Ἃ Ld

146 ἄρχεται ἐμπυΐσκεσθαι «

κρέσσον δ᾽> ἐμ[ πυῆσαι a

ἧσσον γὰρ θανατῶδες, ἐπίπονον δέ.

Πρὸς δὲ τοῖσι σημείοισι τοῖσιν εἰρημένοισιν ἐν
ἑκάστῃ τῶν πλευριτίδων καὶ τάδε χρὴ σκοπεῖσθαι
\ a DMB
τὴν γλῶσσαν“ εἰ Teμὲνi ἐνMAW σνῶν
ἀρχῇ eas Τῇ
γίνοιτο τρηχείη. ,

χαλεπωτέρη ἣ ἀπάλλαξις τῆς νούσου, Kal avd-

/ C ») / “- 7 Ν 2) /

γκη αἷμα ἀποβῆξαι ἐν τῇσιν ἡμέρῃσιν. ἐν ἧσι δεῖ

εἰ δὲ προκεχωρηκυίης τῆς νούσου γίνοιτο. αἱ μὲν
κρίσιες ἐς τὴν τετάρτην καὶ δεκάτην ἡμέρην,
ἀνάγκη δὲ πτύσαι αἷμα.
Ἔχει δὲ ὧδε περὶ τῆς ἀπαλλάξιος: εἰ μὲν τρι-
oa wl ΝΕ \ = b) / ey \

ταίῳ ἄρχοιτο πεπαίνεσθαι καὶ πτύεσθαι, θάσσους

! Potter: φεύγουσι O: θνήσκουσι M. 2M adds πομφόλυγος yap
ὑποπελίδνου γινομένης ἐπὶ τῆς γλώσσης. οἷα σιδηρίου βαφέντος εἰς
ἔλαιον. Cf. Coan Prenotions 378.

the chest and groin. If this patient survives until

the seventh day, he recovers.
When, in one of these pleurisies, in addition the
back becomes red, the shoulders are warm, the
patient feels a heaviness on sitting up, and his
belly is set in violent motion by yellow-green foul-
smelling stools, he dies on the twenty-first day as a
result of the evacuation. If he survives after that,
he recovers.
Patients whose expectorations are manifold from
the start, and whose pains are very sharp, die on
the third day; if they survive for that many, they
recover. If one does not recover, he begins to sup-
purate internally on the seventh, ninth or tenth
day; in fact, it is better to suppurate, for this is less
mortal, even though painful.
Besides the signs already mentioned in each of
the pleurisies, you must also observe the following
signs of the tongue. If the tongue becomes rough at
the beginning, recovery from the disease is difficult,
and it is imperative for the patient to cough up
blood on the days when he should. If this sign
appears when the disease is already advanced, the
crises will be toward the fourteenth day, and the
patient inevitably expectorates blood.
The manner of recovery is as follows: if on the
third day the sputum begins to reach maturity and

εἰΠΟΥ.δ΄ ὕστερον
ἢ ,
πεπαίνοιτο, i)
καὶ αἱ κρίσιες γίνονται, ὡς ἐν τοῖσι τῆς κεφαλῆς
σημείοισι. τὰ 8 ἀλγήματα τὰ ἐν ἁπάσῃσι τῆσι
3 ~

, ζ Del ΟΝ
πλευρίτισιν ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ\ πολὺ\ κουφίζει/
μεθ᾽ πο,ἡμέρην

μᾶλλον ἢ νύκτωρ.
Θεραπεύειν δὲ χρὴ τὰς πλευρίτιδας We τὰ
μὲν\ πολλὰSGLICὡς τὴν\
Ϊ - 1
Kal \ τὴν\
νίην, πλὴν λουτροῖσί τε χρῆσθαι θερμοῖσι καὶ
οἴνοισι γλυκέσιν. ἢν μὲν οὖν τῇ πρώτῃ ἢ τῇ ἐπι-
ούσῃ λάβῃς τῆς λήψιος. ἣν μὲν ὑπεληλύθῃ ἣ
κόπρος καθαρὴ ἢ ἀτρέμα χολώδης καὶ ὀλίγη.
ὑποκλύσαι Basin nv δὲ κινηθεῖσα ἢ λυθεῖσα" ἣ
κοιλίη τὴν μὲν νύκτα χαλάσῃ. τῇ ὃ ὑστεραίῃ
΄ 3

ὀδύνη Kal στρόφος ἔχη. πάλιν ὑποκλύσαι.

5 ,ὔ \ / vv / ς /

Hy δ΄ ὃ κάμνων χολώδης ἢ τῇ φύσει καὶ

Ἃ OIE. , / Ly = / \

ληφθῇ τῇ νούσῳ ἀκάθαρτος ἐών, πρὶν ἀναπτύε-

σθαι τὸ σίαλον χολῶδες. καὶ τῷ φαρμάκω καθῆς-
x S> Ἢ ρμ t ἢ

par τὴν \
χολὴν \
evfy πτύοντι
δὲNn ἤδη
δίδου τὸ φάρμακον nv yap δῷς, TO πτύσμα οὐ
Ν / Ἃ \ ~ \ / »)

5 7],
9, Ὁ σ΄

ἀποπνιγήσεται. ἣν δὲ πρὸς τῇ ἐν τῆσι πλευρῇσιν

148 ὀδύνῃ 4) καὶ τὰ ὑποχόνδρια x pe ἀλγέῃ. MET]: ὑπο]κλύσαι τε
Kal πιεῖν νήστι δοῦναι ἀριστολοχίαν καὶ ὕσσωπον
Ν ~ / ~ / NaC

καὶ κύμινον καὶ σίλφιον καὶ μήκωνα λευκὴν καὶ

ἄνθος χαλκοῦ καὶ μέλι καὶ ὄξος καὶ ὕδωρ.
v ~ \ / ὌΝ NERD.

Πρὸς μὲν τὰ φάρμακα οὕτω δεῖ ποιέεσθαι τὰς

ΓΜ: πλευρῖτιν Θ. Z ἢ λυθεῖσα om. M.

to be coughed up, recovery is faster; but if the spu-

tum matures later, then the crises too occur later,
just as with the signs in the head. The pains in all
pleurisies are generally lighter during the day than
at night.
You must treat pleurisies as follows: for the
most part, just as phrenitis and pneumonia, except
that you must also administer warm baths and
sweet wines. Now when you have taken the case
on the first day of the disease’s onset, or on the day
after that, if the stools pass clean or slightly bilious,
and scanty, administer an enema of thapsia; if the
cavity, on being set in motion, evacuates during the
night, but on the following day pain and colic are
present, administer another enema.
If the person is bilious by nature, and has been
taken by the disease when in an unclean state,
before he expectorates bilious sputum clean out bile
thoroughly with a medication; but to a patient
already expectorating bilious material, do not give
a medication, because, if you do, he will be unable
to discharge his sputum upwards, and will choke to
death on the seventh or ninth day. If, besides the
pain in the side, the hypochondrium too is in pain,
administer an enema, and give the patient in
the fasting state aristolochia, hyssop, cummin,
silphium, white poppy, flower of copper, honey,
vinegar, and water to drink.
This is the first treatment you must apply, as far
3 τς
θεραπείας τὰς πρώτας: τὰ δ᾽ ἄλλα ὧδ᾽ ἔχει. λού-
ew πολλῷ θερμῷ πρὸς δύναμιν τὴν τοῦ κάμνον-
lon’ ~ \ / \ ~ /

τος πλὴν κεφαλῆς, Kal ὅταν αἱ κρίσιες ὦσι, τὰ

\ lol \ / i) \

ὀδυνώμενα χλιαίνειν ὑγρῇσι πυρίῃσιν ὑπαλείφων

ἐλαίῳ. ὅταν δὲ καταιγίζωσιν αἱ νοῦσοι, ᾿συχά-

Cew καὶ τὸν κάμνοντα Kal τὸν ἰητρὸν τῇσι θερα-

πείησιν, ὅπως μὴ ἐξεργάσηταί τι κακόν πτισά-
νῆς δὲ χυλὸν κάθεφθον διδόναι ὀλίγῳ παχύτερον
μελιχρὸν ποιέων. μετὰ δὲ τὰ λουτρὰ καὶ οἶνον
γλυκὺν ὑδαρέα προπίνειν, μὴ ψυχρόν. ὀλίγον ἐκ
\ Ὁ 7 / \ / 3 / ν]

/ 5 1 15 , ΝΥ τῆ =
βομβυλίου <odk>! εὐρυστόμου. καὶ ὅταν βῆχες
ἐπίωσιν, ἐπιπίνειν καὶ χρέμπτεσθαι ὡς μάλιστα,
καὶ τῷ ποτῷ vypaivew iva ὃ πλεύμων ὑγρότερος
Ν ~ ~ c / a i? / c /

ἐὼν ῥᾷον καὶ θᾶσσον ἀποδιδῷ τὸ πτύσμα καὶ 7

Ἂν ~ \ > ~ \ / x

πονέῃ: 7
καὶ τεῥοιῆςτσ]
δὲ\ γλυκείης 7
ἢἋ οἰνώ-

δεος Ss XxXχυλὸν y γάλακτι αἰγείῳ eee ὀλίγῳ ve καὶ B μέλιτι

μιγνύς, κατὰ σμικρὸν πολλάκις δίδου νύκτωρ TE
/ \ \ / /

καὶ \ μεθ᾽ ες ἡμέρην:

ey A
καὶ nN ὕπνον
8 Jeews μάλιστα
κωλύειν, ἵνα κάθαρσις γίνηται θάσσων τε καὶ
ΠΣ ΤΟΣ 45 Neuse 6 , Lees
ny δὲ αἱματώδεα πλευρῖτιν θεραπεύειν οὕτω
μετὰ τὰς κρίσιας ἀνακομίζειν σιτίοισι κούφοισι
καὶ ἡσυχάζειν καὶ φυλάσσεσθαι περισσῶς ἀνέ-
μους, ἡλίους, πλησμονάς, ὀξέα, ἁλυκά, λιπαρά,
ig / / ) / A / /

καπνόν, φύσας τὰς ἐν τῇ κοιλίῃ, πόνους, λα-

γνείας: ἣν yap ὑποτροπιάσῃ, ἀποθνήσκει.
' Foes (η. 42).

as medications are concerned; the other measures

are the following: wash with plentiful water as hot
as the patient can stand, except for his head; when
his crises are occurring, warm the painful areas
with moist vapour-baths and anoint them with
olive oil. When diseases are pressing, let the
patient rest and the physician suspend treatment
lest he do any harm; give only boiled barley-water
slightly thickened and sweetened with honey.
After bathing, let the patient first drink sweet wine
mixed with water, not too cold, a small amount
from a narrow-necked bottle. When coughing is
present, have him drink more of this, expectorate
as much as possible, and moisten himself by drink,
in order that his lung, becoming moister, will
discharge its sputum more easily and quickly, and
the cough will be less painful; give juice of the
sweet or vinous pomegranate mixed with a little
goat’s milk and honey, administering it often in
small amounts both at night and during the day.
Prevent sleep as much as possible, in order that
cleaning will be more rapid and complete.
Treat sanguinous pleurisy thus: after the crises,
restore the patient with light foods, make him rest,
and protect him strictly from wind, sun, repletion,
foods that are acid, salty or rich, smoke, wind in the
cavity, exertions, and venery; for if he has a
relapse, he dies.
ν δὲδὲ τῇσι
τ 7
πτύσεσιν, Ἃ
ἣν ὀδύ
ὀδύνη τ΄ ἌΝἔχῃ καὶ \ μὴ\
δύνηται ἀποπτύειν, νήστι δίδου ἄνθος χαλκοῦ
5 Ὑ ~

150 ὅσον κοτινάδα | Kal ὀποῦ σιλφίου ἥμισυ καὶ

dd / \ ») lan / c \

τριφύλλου καρπὸν ὀλίγον ἐν μέλιτι λείχειν. ἢ

πεπέριος κόκκους πέντε καὶ ὁποῦ σιλφίου ὅσον
κύαμον Kal μέλι Kal ὄξος Kal ὕδωρ πίνειν χλιαρὸν
/ Ν / Neo ed / A

νήστι δίδου τοῦτο καὶ τὰς ὀδύνας παύει.

Ἢν δὲ μὴ δύνηται πτύειν κατὰ λόγον, ἀλλ

ἐνίσχηται αὐτῷ καὶ ῥέγκῃ ἐν τοῖσι στήθεσιν. ἄρου

ν΄ ΤΣ 2. ~ NY Ὁ 2 2 ~ / Ὑ

τοῦ μεγάλου ῥίζης χηραμύδα καὶ ἔλαιον ἐν μέλιτι

~ / (oy / Ney: 2) /

λεῖξαι, ἐπιρρυφεῖν δὲ ὄξος κεκρημένον. ἄλλο

ἰσχυρόν: ἄνθος χαλκοῦ ὅσον κύαμον καὶ λίτρον
ὀπτὸν διπλάσιον καὶ ὕσσωπον. ὅσον τοῖσι τρισὶ
δακτύλοισι λαβεῖν. μέλιτι μίξας, καὶ ὕδωρ καὶ
ἔλαιον σμικρὸν ἐπιστάξας. χλιήνας ἐν χηραμύδι,
ἐγχεῖν ἵνα μὴ ἀποπνίγῃ. καὶ ἐν περιπλευμονίη.
ἣν μὴ καθαίρηται. τοῦτο ἐγχεῖν.
Hy δὲ μήτε βῥέγκῃ μήτε πτύῃ ws δεῖ, καππά-
Ἃ \ / (ss / / ς ~ /

ριος καρποῦ ὅσον τοῖσι τρισὶ δακτύλοισι λαβεῖν.

Kal πέπερι Kal Aitpov ὀλίγον' καὶ μέλι Kal ὄξος
ἊΝ / \ / »)] / 1 \ / Vie |

Kal ὕδωρ μίξας. τοῦτο χλιαρὸν emippupetv’ THY δὲ

ἌΓ ἘΠ / ~ x 6) ~ \ \

ἄλλην ἡμέρην ὕσσωπον" ἐν ὄξει καὶ μέλιτι καὶ

v ς / dA De "ἃ Ὑ \ ,ὕ Ν

ὕδατι ἀναζέσας ἐπιρρυφεῖν. τοῦτο καὶ τοῖσι

ῥέγκουσι διδόναι καὶ μὴ δυναμένοισι Kabaipecbar.
ἐφ Δ / \ \ / /

εἰ 6 ἰσχυρότερον βούλοιο ποιέειν, ὑσσώπου καὶ


| ὀλίγον om. Θ. 2 ὕσσωπον om. Μ.


If pain is present during coughing and makes

expectoration impossible, give the patient in the
fasting state flower of copper in the amount of a
wild olive, half as much silphium juice, and a little
clover seed in honey to eat; or give him in the fast-
ing state five corns of pepper, silphium juice to the
amount of a bean, honey, vinegar and water to
drink warm; this also stills pains.
If the patient is unable to expectorate as he
should, but his sputum is caught fast and ster-
torous breathing is heard in his chest, have him
take a cheramys of cuckoo-pint root and olive oil in
honey, and afterwards drink a mixed vinegar
potion. Another strong medication: mix flower of
copper to the amount of a bean, twice as much
burnt soda, and a pinch of hyssop in honey,
sprinkle water and a little olive oil over it, warm in
a mussel-shell, and infuse in order to prevent the
patient from choking. Make this infusion in pneu-
monia, too, if the patient is not being cleaned.
If the patient does not breathe stertorously, but
also does not expectorate as he should, mix a good
pinch of capers, pepper, and a little soda into
honey, vinegar and water; administer warm; the
next day have him take hyssop boiled up in vine-
gar, honey and water. This can also be given to
patients with stertorous breathing that are unable
to clean themselves. If you want to make some-
νάπυος Kal \ καρδάμου
, ΄
[Koyynv|' 1 ,
χηραμύδα /
ἐν μέλιτι καὶ ὕδατι ἀναζέσας Kal διηθήσας ἐπιρ-
3 / Nee ὅ / \ / b)

ρυφεῖν χλιαρὸν δίδου.

Οὕτω ταῦτα τὰ νοσήματα θεραπευθέντα ὑγιᾶ
γίνεται. ἢν μή τι τοῦ πτύσματος ὑπολειφθὲν ἐν
τῷᾧ πλεύμονι
πλεύ πύονjov γίνηται,
γίνηται, οὗ βήσσουσι
ὑφ᾽ οὗ βήσσουσι ξηρὰξηρὰ
βήχια. Kal πῦρ Kal φρίκη ἴσχει Kal ὀρθοπνοίη. καὶ
ey \ ~ \ / ᾿ ἂν / \

πυκινὸν ἀναπνεῖ καὶ ἀθρόον. Kal 7 φωνὴ βαρυτέ-

pn ὀλίγῳ καὶ εὐχροίη σὺν τῇ θέρμῃ τὸ πρόσωπον
ἴσχει: προϊόντος δὲ τοῦ χρόνου μᾶλλον καὶ ἢ νοῦ-
σος σαφὴς δηλοῦται. τοῦτον εἰ ἐντὸς τῶν δέκα
152 ἡμερέων
θερμήναντα χρὴ διαίτῃ Kal
A / θ / δ ὃ / \

θερμῷ- λουτρῷmS ἐγχέαι

, 5
ἐς τὸν\ πλεύμονα,
ὃ« τι πύον
5) \ - Ξ - \ ,
ἄξει, καὶ τοῖσιν ἄλλοισι χρῆσθαι τοῖσι τὸ πύον
ἄγουσι, καὶ διαιτᾶν ὡς ἔμπυον, καὶ τὴν κεφαλὴν
ἀποξηραίνειν. ἵνα μὴ ἐπιρρέῃ.
Ην δὲ\ τῷ“OSἐγχύτῳ
μὴ\ σήπηται
Kal’NOY ἀνάγηται
5. Ψ

τὸ πύον, ῥήγνυται αὐτῷ ἐκ τοῦ πλεύμονος ἐς TOV

\ / / ~ ~ / \

θώρηκα, καὶ μετὰ τὴν ῥῆξιν δοκέει ὑγιὴς εἶναι,

ὅτι ἐκ τῆς στενοχωρίης ἐς τὴν εὐρυχωρίην ἦλθε
τὸ πύον [καὶ τὸ πνεῦμα, ὃ ἀναπνέομεν, ἕδρην
“ >
ἔσχεν ἐν τῷτ πλεύμονι]
, 3 cel
προϊόντος δὲ\ τοῦ“- χρόνου

τὰ στήθεα πύου πληροῦται, καὶ αἱ βῆχες καὶ οἱ

\ / / ~ ἊΝ ~

πυρετοὶ \ καὶ \ τἄλλα

. /
/ 4

πιέζει, καὶ ἣ νοῦσος διαδηλοῦται. τοῦτον μετὰ

! Del. Ermerins. 2 σήπηται καὶ om. M. 3 Del.
Potter. 4 πάντα Om. O.


thing stronger, knead a cheramys of hyssop, mus-

tard, and cress into honey, boil these up in water,
sieve, and give warm to drink.
These diseases, if treated in such a way, are
cured, unless some of the material that should be
coughed up is left behind in the lung and becomes
pus; from this patients develop a dry cough, fever,
shivering and orthopnoea; the patient breathes fre-
quently and rapidly, his voice is slightly deeper
than before, and his face takes on a good colour
from the heat. As time passes, the disease reveals
itself more clearly. If you take on this patient
within ten days from the start, you must warm him
by means of a regimen and a hot bath, and infuse
into his lung substances that will draw pus; employ
the other measures that move pus, prescribe the
same regimen as for internal suppuration, and dry
his head thoroughly to prevent a flux to the chest.
If, with the infusion, maturation and expulsion
of the pus do not occur, the pus breaks out of the
patient’s lung into his thorax, and after the break
he seems to have recovered, since the pus has
moved from a confined space into an open one [and
the air that we inspire has its seat in the lung].' As
time passes, however, the chest fills up with pus
and, as coughing, fevers, and all the other evils
press the patient more and more, the disease is
revealed. You must leave this patient without
1 This statement seems out of context; it may well be
an intruded marginal annotation.

τὴν ἔκρηξιν ἐᾶσαι δεῖ δεκαπέντε ἡμέρας, ὅπως

\ vv IA lod / ς / if

πάλιν πεπανθῇAe τὸaN πύον yo Ei
ἅτε γὰρ SI >
ἐς εὐρυχωρίην ,

ἐλθὸν ἀνέψυξέ τε Kal TO ὑπάρχον ὑγρὸν ev τῷa

τ Cee eS Ie 2 D \ τ τς ς \ 3

θώρηκι προσηγάγετο πρὸς ἑωυτὸ ὥστε αὐτὸ ἣμι-

σαπὲς εἶναι. ἢν μὲν οὖν αὐτόματον ἄρξηται
, 5 ,
πτύεσθαι ἐν τούτῳ τῷA χρόνῳ.
ἢ“NO φαρμάκοισι ,
᾿ 3. Ἃ a 5 Π. Ὁ- ,
μωρέειν" ἢ ποτοῖσιν, ἐν <de>* τῆσι τελευταίησιν
ἡμέρησι τῶν ἡμερέων τῶν πεντεκαίδεκα σπεύ-
δειν ἀναστῆναι πρὶν μᾶλλον τρύχεσθαι τὸ σῶμα,
φυλάσσων καθαρὴν τὴν κεφαλὴν τῶν ἐπιρροῶν

ν δὲδὲ μὴ\ πτύηται.
2) ΄, δ᾽
πλευράς. τάμνειν ἢ καῦσαι. HY δὲ μήτε πτύηται
\ a \

μήτ᾽ ἀποσημήνῃ ἐς τὰς πλευράς. λοῦσαι πολλῷ

σὰ ΄ ~

καὶ θερμῷ καὶ νῆστιν καὶ ἄποτον καθίσας ἐπὶ


ἕδρης ἀκινήτου ἕτερος μὲν τῶν ὥμων ἀναλαβέτω.

a 3) / 2 \ ~ vv 5 /

αὐτὸς δὲ o€le, τὸ οὖς παραβαλὼν πρὸς τὰς πλευ-

pas, ἵνα εἰδῇς ὁποτέρωθεν ἀποσημαίνει: βούλου δὲ
/ ee Qn ς / 2) / / \

154 μᾶλλον πρὸς τὰς | ἀριστεράς: θανατωδέστερον

γὰρ καίειν καὶ τάμνειν ἐς τὰς δεξιάς. ὅσῳ γὰρ
ἰσχυρότερά ἐστι τὰ δεξιά, τόσῳ καὶ τὰ νοσήματα
αὐτοῖσιν ἰσχυρότερα γίνεται.
Hy δὲ ὑπὸ πάχεος τὸ πύον μὴ κλυδάζηται
Ἃ Ν ¢ \ / Ν / \ /

μηδὲ ψοφέῃ ev TH στήθει, πυκινὸν δὲ ἕλκῃ TO

Ν / 2) ~ / \ \ vA \

πνεῦμα καὶ οἱ πόδες ἐποιδέωσι καὶ βήχιόν τι

ΓΜ adds τὸ πύον. 2 O: ἣν μὴ Μ. 3 σιμωρέειν OM. Θ.
4 Vander Linden.

treatment for fifteen days after the break, in order

that the pus can mature anew; for inasmuch as it
has moved into an open space, it cools and draws to
itself any moisture that happens to be present in
the thorax, so that it itself becomes only semi-
mature. Now if the patient begins to expectorate
spontaneously in this period, assist him with medi-
cations or potions, and in the final days of the
fifteen urge him to get up before his body becomes
any more wasted, and make sure that his head is
clean in order to prevent any fluxes to the chest.
If he does not expectorate, but signs point to his
side, incise or cauterize. If the patient does not
expectorate, but there are also no signs pointing to
his side, wash him in abundant warm water and,
before he has taken food or drink, set him on a
steady chair; let someone else hold him by the
shoulders, and you shake him, applying your ear to
his sides in such a way as to learn on which side
the sign arises. Hope that it is on the left side, for
it is more dangerous to cauterize or incise on the
right; for in the same proportion that the right
parts of the body are stronger, so too are the
diseases in them stronger.
If the pus, because of its thickness, does not
fluctuate or make any sound in the chest, but the
patient draws his breath rapidly, his feet swell up,
a ΔΕ 5 , 3 3. ash 7, 7
προσῇ. μὴ ἐξαπατάτω ἀλλ΄ εὖ ἴσθι πλήρη ἐόντα
τὸν θώρηκα πύου ἐς οὖν Epetpidda γῆν ὑγρὴν
καὶ \ A<e>inv'
Pa ay ,
τετριμμένην καὶ \ χλιαρὴν
\ > ,
ὀθόνιον λεπτόν, περικάλυψον κύκλῳ τὸν θώρηκα,
ἊΨ 7 PA / / \ uA

καὶ ὅπου ἂν πρῶτον Enpaivnta, ταύτῃ χρὴ

καίειν ἢ τάμνειν ὡς ἐγγυτάτω τῶν φρενῶν,
φυλασσόμενος αὐτῶν τῶν φρενῶν. ν Ἢἣν δὲ βούλ 2»
ἀλείφων τῇ “Epetpiddi σκόπει ὁμοίως ws ἐν τῷ
>) / =~ Ὁ / / ¢ / € >) ~

ὀθονίῳ πολλοὶ δὲ ἅμα ἀλειφόντων, ἵνα μὴ τὰ

3) ig Ν \ c 3. / a \ \

πρῶτα ἀλειφόμενα ἀποξηραίνηται.

Μετὰ δὲτὴν τομὴν ἢ τὴν καῦσιν τῷ μοτῷ τῷ ἐκ
Ν Ν Ν \ Ἃ \ ~ ~ ~ Aid

τοῦ ὠμολίνου χρῶ, Kal ἐξίει κατ΄ ὀλίψον τὸ πύον,

~ ~ Ν / / \ 4

ὅταν δὲ μέλλῃς καίειν ἢ τάμνειν, ὑποσημαίνου

τὸ αὐτὸ σχῆμα ἔχοντα, ὅπερ ἂν μέλλῃς ἔχοντα
τάμνειν ἢ καίειν, ἵνα μὴ ἐξαπατήσῃ ἀνωτέρω
γενόμενον ἢ κατωτέρω τὸ δέρμα ἐν τῇ μετα-
βολῇ τοῦ σχήματος: καὶ τὰς βῆχας φυλάσσειν ἐκ
τῆς διαίτης. ὅπως μὴ ἀντισπάσωσι πάλιν ἐς τὸν
7 2
τὸ\ πύον,
κακὸν\ yap
ἐᾶν" μετὰ\4
2 (Ste ἢ

τὴν τομὴν ὡς τάχιστα Gene oa ἐπειδὰν

δὲ δωδεκαταῖος7ἢ κεκαυμένος," ἅπαν ἀφιέναι τὸ
λοιπὸν πύον, καὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ ὀθονίου μοτοῦν, καὶ
ἀφιέναι δὶς τῆς ἡμέρης τὸ πύον, καὶ τὴν ἄνω κοι-
λίην ἐκ τῆς διαίτης ὡς μάλιστα ξηραίνειν.
Οὕτω χρὴ καὶ τὰς ἐκ τῶν τρωμάτων καὶ ἐκ
I Littré: Ainv OM. 2 ἐς τὸν πλεύμονα om. Θ. 3 ἐᾶν om. Θ.
4 Ermerins: κατὰ ΘΜ. > κεκαυμένος om. Μ.

and ἃ mild cough is present, do not be deceived, but

know well that his chest is full of pus. Soak a piece
of fine linen in warm moist finely triturated
Eretrian earth; then wrap this all the way around
his thorax, and, wherever it first dries, that is
where you must cauterize or incise, as close to the
diaphragm as possible, but sparing the diaphragm
itself. If you prefer, apply the Eretrian earth
directly and look for the place the same way you
would in the linen; let many people apply the earth
simultaneously, in order that the first applied does
not become dry.
After the incision or cautery, use a tent of raw
linen, and discharge the pus a little at a time.
Whenever you are about to cauterize or incise,
observe that the patient has the same position he
had before, when you first incised or cauterized, in
order that you will not be deceived by his skin
moving higher or lower as he changes his position.
Employ a regimen that minimizes coughing, in
order to prevent the patient from drawing pus back
into his lung—for that would be bad; after the in-
cision let the patient be dried out as quickly as pos-
sible. When twelve days have elapsed after the
cautery, remove all the remaining pus and plug the
wound with linen; remove pus twice daily, and dry
out the upper cavity as thoroughly as possible by
means of regimen.
This is also the way you must examine and treat

περιπλευμονίης καὶ ἐκ καταρροῶν μεγάλων ἐκ-

156 πυήσιας καὶ | προσπεσόντος τοῦ πλεύμονος τῇσι
πλευρῇσι σκοπεῖν καὶ θεραπεύειν.
17. ΨῬυκτήρια δὲ τάδε δίδου ἐπὶ τοῖσι καύσοισι
πίνειν, ὅταν βούλῃ πολλὰ δὲ ἀπεργάζεται. τὰ
μὲν γὰρ οὔρησιν ποιέει. τὰ δὲ διαχώρησιν, τὰ δὲ
\ \ Ὑ / \ \ / \ Ν

> A
ἄμφω. τὰ 8 οὐδέτερα. ἀλλὰ ψύχει μοῦνον ὡς
ἄγγος ὕδατος ζέον ἤν Tis ἐπιχέῃ ψυχρὸν ὕδωρ,
Ὑ [τ / v 2 / \ er

ἢ ψυχρῷ αὐτὸ τὸ ἄγγος πνεύματι προσαγάγῃ.

δίδου δὲ ἄλλα ἄλλοισιν. οὔτε γὰρ τὰ γλυκέα
ἅπασι συμφέρει οὔτε τὰ στρυφνά. οὔτε ταὐτὰ
ivi / Ὑ \ / Ὑ p) \

πίνειν δύνανται.
Τοῦτο μέν κηρίων ξηρῶν ὅσον δύο κοτύλας
~ / / ~ a / /

βρέχων ὕδατι καὶ ἀνατρίβων yevécbw, ἕως ἂν

/ [ \ 2) / / e Ἃ

δι Ὁ ] , > , , >
ὑπόγλυκυ' γένηται: εἶτα διηθήσας. σέλινα ἐμβα-
λὼν δίδου πίνειν.
Τοῦτο δέ λίνου καρποῦ ὀξύβαφον. ὕδατος κο-
> 7,
¢ a
καινῇa= χύτρῃ
ὙΠ 3

ἀνθράκων aleotov, iva ἀναπνέῃ. ἕως ἂν ὃ χυλὸς

=) 7 Ὕ a Ἅ / isd Ἃ c \

ἁπτομένῳ λιπαρὸς γένηται.

id / \ /

' To judge from the arrangement of words in his glossary,

in Erotian’s time the word ἀρτίως stood somewhere in the
text of Diseases III between Littré VII. 122,13 and 156,15
(E. Nachmanson, Erotianstudien, Uppsala, 1917, 404).
Two parallel passages suggest that its original position
may have been before ὑπόγλυκυ: Diseases II] 17 ἕως ἂν ἀτρέμα
γλυκανθῇ and Diseases II 45 ἄρτι ὑπόγλυκυ ποιέων.

suppurations arising from wounds, pneumonia, and

massive defluxions, and when a lung falls against
the side.!
17. Give the following cooling agents to drink in
ardent fevers whenever you wish; they have many
effects: some are diuretic, others laxative, others

both, and others neither, merely cooling as if some-

one were to pour cold water over a vessel of boiling
water, or were to move the vessel itself into the cold
air. Give different ones to different patients, for
the sweet ones do not benefit everyone, nor do the
astringent ones, nor are all patients able to drink
the same things.
A. Soak about two cotylai of dried honeycomb in
water, and stir until the water becomes sweetish to

the taste; then sieve, add celery, and give to drink.

B. Pour ten cotylai of water over an oxybaphon

of linseed, and simmer in a new pot over a charcoal
fire without boiling, in order that it exhales vapour,
until the liquid becomes greasy to the touch.
! See Diseases II 59 for a description of this condition.
Τοῦτο δέ μελικρήτου ὑδαρέος καθεψήσας τὸ
ἥμισυ λείπειν᾽
/ 1

» \

ψύχων Kat ὀλίγον δίδου.


Τοῦτο δέ κριθέων ᾿Αχιλληΐδων κοτύλην αὐή-

vas, ἄρας τὸν ἀθέρα καὶ πλύνας εὖ, ἐπιχέας χοέα
ὕδατος, ἕψε καὶ τὸ ἥμισυ λιπὼν ψύχων δίδου
158 Τοῦτο | δέ Αἰθιοπικοῦ κυμίνου κοτύλης δέκα-
τον μέρος, ἐπιχέας τρία ἡμιχόεα, ee πηλῷ τρη-
χώδει" καταλείψας ἄζεστον, ἕως μέρος τρίτον
λίπῃς. καὶ ψύχων δίδου τοῦτο πρὸς πάντα καῦσον
καὶ πυρετόν.
Τοῦτο δέ ὕδωρ ὄμβριον αὐτὸ καθ᾽ αὗτό.
Τοῦτο δέ πτισάνης κοτύλῃ χοέα ὕδατος ἐπι-
if, , \ [2 ig ~ αν / 3
xéas, λείπειν τὸ ἥμισυ ἑψῶν εἶτα διηθήσας,
σέλινα ἐμβαλὼν ψυχρὸν δίδου.
Τοῦτο δέ οἱ σταφίδιοι λευκοὶ οἶνοι ὑδαρέες.
Τοῦτο δέ τρύγες στεμφυλίτιδες σταφιδευταζῖαι
Τοῦτο δέ ἀσταφίδος λευκῆς" ἄνευ γιγάρτων
κοτύλην" καὶ πενταφύλλου ῥβιζέων χεῖρα πλέην
φλάσας. εἴκοσι κοτύλας ὕδατος ἐπιχέας, ἀφεψή-
σας TONichἥμισυ" 6 ψυχρὸν\ δίδου κατ΄ DINὀλίγον.

| λείπειν Om. Θ. 2 0: τριχ- M. 3 διηθήσας Om. Θ.

4 Ermerins: ἄσταφις λευκὴ ΘΜ. 5. Ermerins: -Ans Θ:
-An M. © M adds λείπων.

C. Boil dilute melicrat until half is left; then

add celery, cool, and give a little at a time.

D. Dry a cotyle of Achilles barley, remove the
chaff, wash well, add a chous of water, and boil

until half remains; cool and give to drink.

E. To the tenth part of a cotyle of Ethiopian
cummin add three half choes of water, coat the pot
with thick mud, and simmer without boiling until
one third remains; cool, and give against every
ardent and other fever.
F. Rain-water, pure.
G. Add one chous of water to a cotyle of peeled
barley, and boil until half remains; then sieve, add

celery, and give cold.

H. Dilute white raisin wine.
I. Dilute wine made from pressed grapes.
J. Crush a cotyle of white raisins without stones
and a handful of cinquefoil roots, add twenty
cotylai of water, boil off half, and give cold, a little

at a time.

- , / , ς Pat ate ,
Τοῦτο δέ. κρίμων κριθέων ἁδρῶν' ἡμιχοίνικον
cr ΤῸ ΤΣ ΄, “ 7 Ὁ 7 \ ,
ὕδατος χοέα ἐπιχέας: ὅταν ἤδη οἰδέῃ τὰ κρίμνα
τρίβειν τῆσι χερσίν. ἕως ἂν λευκὸν τὸ ὕδωρ γένη-
Tal, Kal ἀδιάντου Spaypida ἐμβαλὼν ἀπαιθριάσας
\ 2) / 5 A 2 /

Τοῦτο δέ wav τὸ λευκὸν τριῶν ἢ τεσσέρων
~ / JA \ \ ~ Ἃ /

κατακυκῶν ἐν ὕδατος χοὶ πινέτω τοῦτο ψύχει

σφόδρα καὶ τὴν κοιλίην ὑπάγει ἣν δὲ δοκέῃ μᾶλ-
/ \ Ν / ¢ / Ἃ Ν / a

λον" ὑπάγειν. τὸν νεοσσὸν προσκατακύκα.

Τοῦτο δέ καχρύων ἡμιχοίνικον εὖ ἀποπλύνας,
ἐν ὕδατος χοὶ ζέσας δὶς 7 τρὶς ψυχρὸν δίδου.
5 (v4 A , \ Ἃ Ν Ν

Τοῦτο δέ πτισάνης χυλὸν κάθεφθον λεπτὸν

~ / / \ / Ν

nace \ = 3 5) Ὑ
καὶ οἶνον γλυκὺν δίδου: τοῦτο δ᾽ οὐκ ἄγει.
Τοῦτο δέ σικύου πέπονος ἄνευ τοῦ δέρματος
,ὔ 5.1. (Ὁ a ἈΠ, \ / \
πάλην" eh ὕδατι τοῦτο οὐρέεται Kal ψύχει Kal
τὴν δίψαν παύει.
Τοῦτο δέ ὀρόβους ev ὕδατι προεψήσας. εἶτα
~ / ΚΝ. 5 e if a

160 χύτρην καινὴν | ev χύτρῃ μέζονι θεὶς πλέῃ ὕδα-

/ \ 2 / / \ / c

τος, ἐπιχέας ἕτερον ὕδωρ τοῖσιν ὀρόβοισιν. ἕψε

ὀλίγον χρόνον. εἶτα ἀποχέας τὸ τρίτον μέρος,
ἐπειδὰν κάθεφθοι ἔωσιν οἱ ὄροβοι. ψύξας δίδου
κατὰ κύαθον ἐπιπάσσων τῆς τοῦ σικύου πάλης.
Kal ἐκ τῶν ὀρόβων πάλην τοῦτο δὲ βεβαίως
Ν >) ~ 5 / / ~ \ 13

δίψαν παύει.
Τοῦτο δέ Θάσιον οἶνον παλαιόν, πέντε καὶ
εἴκοσιν ὕδατος καὶ οἴνου ἕνα δίδου.
vv [τ \ v ea


K. To a half choinix of ripe barley groats add a

chous of water; when the groats have swollen up,
knead them with your hands until the water
becomes white; add a pinch of maiden-hair, expose
to the air, and give.
L. Let the patient beat the white of three or four
eggs in a chous of water, and drink; this is very
cooling and leads the cavity down. However, if it
seems appropriate to evacuate even more strongly,
beat in the yolks.
M. Wash a half choinix of parched barley well,
and boil it two or three times in a chous of water;
give cold.
N. Give thin boiled-down barley-water, and
sweet wine; this does not draw.
O. The finest meal of melon without peel, in
water; this is diuretic, cools, and stops thirst.
P. First boil bitter vetches in water; then,
setting a new pot in a larger pot full of water, add
new water to the vetches and boil for a short time;
then pour off one third of the water and, when the
vetches are boiled through, cool; give a cyathos at a
time, sprinkling it with melon meal. Meal can be
prepared from bitter vetches, too; this is very effec-
tive in stopping thirst.
Q. Old Thasian wine; give twenty-five parts
water and one part wine.

᾿ ἁδρῶν om. Θ. Ξ ὑπάγει... μᾶλλον om. M. 3 Potter:

της OM.
Τοῦτο δέ τρίφυλλον τὸ σικυῶδες ἐν ὕδατι καὶ
κρίμνα κριθέων βρέχων δίδου.
/ / /

Τοῦτο δέ σέλινα ὅσον τρὶς τῇ χειρὶ περιλαβεῖν

Kal γλήχους δραχμίδας δύο ἐψῶν ἐν ὄξους κοτύ-
\ / if ς ~ 2] v /

Ano. δέκα. ἕως τρίτον μέρος λείπης: τοῦτο μέλιτι ρίτον μέρ n μ
Kal ὕδατι κεραννὺς ὑδαρὲς πινέτω ἀδιάντου Spa-

xpida ἐμβαλών: τοῦτο οὖρον ἄγει καὶ THY κοιλίην

5 7ὔ ~ > v \ Ν vA

Τοῦτο δέ μῆλα εὐώδεα γλυκέα φλάσας καὶ ἐν
ὕδατι ἀποβρέξας,. δίδου πίνειν τὸ ὕδωρ.
id Ὁ) / / aly!

Τοῦτο δέ μῆλα Κυδώνια ὡσαύτως οἵσιν ἂν καὶ

ἢ κοιλίη7, λελυμένη
ς λ /
ἢἜν ἐπὶ ΡΩΝ πυρετῷ~ καυσώδει.

Ἰκτέρου δ᾽ ἐπιλαβόντος ἀσταφίδος λευκῆς

ἄνευ γιγάρτων καὶ ἐρεβίνθων λευκῶν, ἡμικοτύ-
λιον ἑκατέρου. καὶ κριθέων ᾿Αχιλληΐδων ἴσον, καὶ
κνήκου ἴσον, ὕδατος κοτύλας δέκα, καὶ σέλινα,
pivOnv, κορίαννον ὀλίγον ἑκάστου ἀνατρίβειν., ἕως
ἂν ἀτρέμα γλυκανθῇ. καὶ ἀδιάντου δραχμίδα
ὕστερον ἐμβαλὼν αἰθριάσας δίδου.
e 3 \ 5 /

Τοῦτο δέ, καὶ τὰ τούτοισιν ὅμοια μιμέεσθαι

πάντα δὲ TH πυρέσσοντι HOpiaopeva δίδου, πλὴν
/ \ ~ / 5 / \

οἷσιν ἂν αἱ κοιλίαι μᾶλλον τοῦ δέοντος ῥέωσι.

Τοῦτο δέ γληχοῦς δραχμίδας τρεῖς. σελίνου δι-
πλάσιον ἐν οἴνω κεκρημένω ἑψῶν δίδου: τοῦτο καὶ
οὐρέεται Kal διὰ τῆς κοιλίης χολὴν ἄγει.
2) / \ ‘ ~ / a \ vv


R. Soak cucumber-like! clover and coarse barley

groats in water, and give.
S. Boil three handfuls of celery and two pinches
of pennyroyal in ten cotylai of vinegar until one
third remains; mix with honey, and have the
patient drink in abundant water, adding a pinch of
maiden-hair; this is diuretic and laxative.
T. Crush fragrant sweet apples and, after soak-
ing them in water, give the water to drink.
U. The same with quinces, for patients whose
cavity has been evacuated after an ardent fever.
V. When jaundice is present, grind down a half
cotyle each of white raisins without stones, white
chick-peas, Achilles barley, and safflower in ten
cotylai of water with dashes of celery, mint and
coriander, until the mixture becomes slightly
sweet; then later add a pinch of maiden-hair,
expose to the air, and give.
Also imitate the agents described with others
that are similar; for the fever patient, expose them
all to the air before you give them, except in cases
where the cavities have suffered excessive evacua-
W. Boil three pinches of pennyroyal and twice
that amount of celery in wine mixed with water,
and give. This is diuretic, and draws bile through
the cavity.

| τὸ σικυῶδες has traditionally been taken not as modify-

ing τρίφυλλον but as a separate ingredient, variously
identified as cucumber (Calvus, Pylander), cucumber meal
(Cornarius, Foes) or melon meal (Littré, Fuchs). I see no
reason why this adjective could not have been applied to a
particular member of the clover family.
A a= :
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Viet 'y Ϊ ις: ἐν gailhae Ve


Erotian does not mention this treatise in his list

of Hippocratic works, and the fact that one word in
his glossary may stem from Internal Affections 27'
is less than conclusive evidence that he knew it.?
Galen certainly did know Internal Affections,
albeit under a variety of titles:
...in Affections the Greater, which begins “If the
bronchial tube of the lung. ...” Some people
give this book the title Internal Suppuration
(Περὶ éuardiwv).?

ἄλφιτα: . . . in Diseases II the Greater also parched

lentils and vetches.*
Internal Affections is devoted wholly to the
description and, in particular, the treatment of

! B17 BariSes (Nachmanson p. 29).

2 See Nachmanson, Erotianstudien pp. 411 f.
3 Kiihn XVIII(1). 39; see also Kithn XVIII(2). 512 f.
4 Kiihn XIX. 76. See also under the words: ἁμαλῶς
(XIX. 76), ἀνθίνην οἶνον (XIX. 81), ἀνωργασμένον (XIX. 82), ἀσᾶται
(XIX. 86), δίεδρος (XIX. 92), κοτυλίδα (XIX. 114), κρέκειν (XIX.
114), λαμπτήρ (XIX. 117), προσέχει 7 νοῦσος (XIX. 133), and
payeioa (XIX. 134).

diseases. Each of its fifty-four chapters deals with

a specific nosological entity according to the follow-
ing plan: name or identifying feature; aetiology;
symptoms and course; treatment; prognosis.
The overall arrangement of diseases is by ana-
Diseases in the Lungs and Sides: 1-12
Diseases in the Abdomen:
Disease of the Spinal Marrow: 13
Diseases of the Kidney: 14-17
Diseases of the Vessels: 18-19
Diseases of Phlegm: 20-21
Dropsies: 22—26
Diseases of the Liver: 27—29
Diseases of the Spleen: 30—34
General Diseases:
Jaundices: 35-38
Typhuses: 39-43
Tleuses: 44-46
“Thick” Diseases: 47—50
Sciatica: 51
Tetanuses: 52-54

Where there are several varieties of the same

disease, an attempt is made to draw significant dis-
tinctions. Among the criteria used are the causal
agent (e.g. in the four “thick” diseases: phlegm and
bile; bile; phlegm; white phlegm), the pathological
process (e.g. in the four diseases of the kidney:
lithiasis; rupture of the vessels; ulceration; sup-

puration), the anatomical location (e.g. in the two

diseases of the vessels: right; left), the signs (e.g.
the patient’s colour in the three diseases of the
liver: livid; like pomegranate-peel; dark), and the
season of occurrence (e.g. in the three ileuses:
winter; summer; late autumn).

Internal Affections is present in all the collected

editions and translations. Besides, in the seven-
teenth century it was twice edited and translated
into Latin in works devoted to Hippocratic patho-
Praelectiones in librum Hippocratis ... De
morbis internis auctore M. Ioanne Martino ...
editore M. Renato Morello. ... Paris, 1637.

Praelectiones in Hippocratis librum De internis

affectionibus ... edente M. Francisco de Saint-
André. ... Caen, 1687.

The work of Jouanna cited in the introduction to

Affections' also contains a newly edited text of
several chapters of Internal Affections.

! See vol. V p. 5.


VII 166 1. Ἢν ἢ τοῦ πλεύμονος ἀρτηρίη ἑλκωθῇ. 7 τι

ῥαγῇ τῶν φλεβίων τῶν λεπτῶν τῶν κατακρεμα-
μένων εἰς τὸν πλεύμονα, ἢ τῶν συρίγγων τῶν
διὰ τοῦ πλεύμονος τεταμένων συρραγέωσιν ἐς
ἀλλήλας καὶ αἵματος πλησθῶσι---διασπῶνταί τε
καὶ καταρρήγνυνται διὰ τάσδε τὰς ἁμαρτίας
μάλιστα διὰ ταλαιπωρίην, διὰ δρόμους, διὰ
/ Ν » \ / \

διὰ\ πληγάς,
μένους, διὰ πυρετούς---τάδε οὖν πάσχει. τὸ μὲν
πρῶτον βὴξ ἴσχει ξηρή, ἔπειτα ὀλίγῳ ὕστερον
~ \ Ἵ / vv δ / [2

ἀποπτύει TO σίαλον ὕφαιμον, τοτὲ δὲ καθαρόν.

5 / \ / ivf \ \ /

οὗτος ἢν μὲν ἐν τάχει παύσηται τῆς νούσου. ἢν

δὲ μή, προϊόντος τοῦ χρόνου τὸ αἷμα πλεῖον
μὲν5 καθαρόν,

8 2. ὅτε

Kal NGMὑπό-Se,
σαπρον. πολλάκις δὲ καὶ 7 φάρυγξ λανθάνει
αἵματος πιμπλαμένη ἔπειτα θρόμβους αἵματος
τὶ /
κατ΄ INT
ὀλίγον θαμινά:ἌΣ ἐνίοτε
καὶ ΚΟὀδμὴ\
Bapein ἀπ᾽ αὐτῶν γίνεται. καὶ ὃ φάρυγξ ἔστιν
> ~

' The first and last leaves of the first quire and all 8
leaves of the second quire of © are missing. For these
parts of the text M is our sole independent ms. authority.

1. If the bronchial tube of the lung ulcerates, or

one of the narrow vessels leading to the lung tears,
or if some of the pipes extending through the lung
rupture into one another and are filled with
blood—most often such ruptures and tears occur as
a result of the following insults: exertion; running;
falls; blows; when there is violent vomiting; from
fevers—the patient suffers the following: first he
has a dry cough; then, a little later, he expectorates
sputum charged with blood, and then clear sputum.
If this patient gets over the disease quickly, that is
all. If not, as time goes on more blood comes up in
the sputum, sometimes pure, sometimes somewhat
putrid. Often, the threat also fills up with blood,
unnoticed; in that case, the patient coughs up clots
of blood frequently, a little at a time; sometimes
these give off a heavy odour. The throat also some-


ὅτε ἄχνης πίμπλαται. καὶ ῥῖγος καὶ πυρετὸς

ἐπιλαμβάνει, κατ΄ ἀρχὰς μὲν τῆς νούσου σφόδρα,
Ὁ) / ΄ 2.5.5 \ \ 2 ,

προϊούσης δὲ βληχρότερον Kal ἄλλοτε Kal ἄλλοτε

oe / de A / \ ἀλλ \ov

ἐπιλαμβάνει: καὶ ὀδύνη ἐνίοτε ἔγκειται ἐν τοῖσι

στήθεσι Kal ἐν τῷ μεταφρένω καὶ ev τῇσι πλευ-
/ ἈΠΟ ~ / Se) lon

Kal Wefanδκόταν
TO\ αἷμα

λον πολλὸν ἀποπτύει ὑγρόν, ἐνίοτε δὲ καὶ \

\ 5 πο ς / Bs \

γλίσχρον. ταῦτα μὲν οὖν οὕτω πάσχει μέχρι

τεσσαρεσκαίδεκα ἡμέραι παρέλθωσιν. μετὰ δὲ
ταύτας ἣν μὴ παύσηται τὸ νόσημα, λεπίδας ἀπὸ
τῆς ἀρτηρίης ἀποβήσσων ἀποσπᾷ οἵας περ ἀπὸ
φλυκταινίδων. καὶ ὀδύνη ἐμπίπτει ἐς τὰ στήθεα
καὶ ἐς τὸ μετάφρενον καὶ ἐς τὸ πλευρόν. καὶ τῶν
ὑποχονδρίων ws ἕλκος ψαυόμενος ἀλγέει.
c / CG a / ’ /

168 Τούτῳ συμφέρει ov] χίην ὡς μάλιστα τῷ νο-

/ / is / ς / ~

σήματι ἔχειν ἔσω, ἢν οὕτως ἔχῃ. ἣν γάρ τι πο-

νήσῃ. ὅ τε πόνος ὀξύτερος Kal 7 βὴξ μᾶλλον ἢ τὸ
/ tdi / a / Ne τα B n& αλλ Ἃ \

πρότερον πιέζει, Kal TO plyos Kal 6 πυρετὸς μᾶλ-

tn ς ~

λον ἔχει: Kal Hv πταρῇ, ἣ ὀδύνη ὀξέα ἐπέπεσεν.

ἀλγέει δὲ καὶ ἐν τῇ εὐνῇ. ὁκόταν περιστρέφηται."
ὩΣ > e hrer ε

Τούτῳ χρὴ προσφέρειν σιτία μὲν τὰ αὐτά, ἃ

/ \ / / Ν \ 3) / e

καὶ τῷ ἐμπύῳ, ταῦτα δὲ ὡς πλεῖστα." τῶν δὲ

ὄψων τοισίδε ypnobw, ἰχθύσι μὲν pivns ἢ φάγρου
v i 3 / 5 / \ CAF Ἃ /

ἢ γαλεοῦ τοῦ μεγάλου τοῦ λευκοῦ, ἢ τῶν ἄλλων

τῶν τοιούτων, πᾶσιν ἐν pow καὶ ὀριγάνῳ ἠρτυμέ-
vos κρέας 8 ἐσθιέτω ἀλέκτορος ὀπτὸν ἄναλτον,
' © begins -φηται. 2 ὡς πλεῖστα Θ: od πολλά M.

times fills up with froth. Chills and fever attack,

intensely at the beginning of the disease, but as it
advances they become milder and intermittent;
pain is sometimes present in the chest, back and
sides. When the patient stops expectorating blood,
he produces copious moist or sometimes sticky spu-
tum. These things he suffers for fourteen days.
After that, if the disease does not go away, in
coughing the patient tears off fragments from his
bronchial tube as if from blisters; pain occupies his
chest, back and side, and on being touched in the
hypochondrium, he feels pain as if in an ulcer.
If the case is such, it benefits the patient to rest
indoors as much as possible during the disease.
For, if he exerts himself in any way, the pain will
be sharper, the cough press him more than before,
and the chills and fever increase; if he sneezes, it is
very painful. He suffers pain even in his bed,
whenever he turns over.
You must administer to this patient the same
cereals as to one with an internal suppuration,
these in very generous amounts. Of main dishes,
let him eat the following: of fish angel-fish, braize,
large light-coloured dogfish, or others of these
kinds, all seasoned in sumach and marjoram; of
meats let him eat broiled fowl without salt, or
xn 4 ς / Ν oy . τ Ὁ ,
ἢ αἴγειον ἑφθόν. καὶ olvw αὐστηρῷ ὡς παλαιοτά-
τῳ Kal ἡδίστῳ μέλανι χρήσθω. καὶ περιπάτοισι
Ν € 7 / / \ /

μετρίοισι χρήσθω πυρετοῦ μὴ ἔχοντος ἢν δὲ πυ-

/ / ~ \ \

Ye ς , n 9 , Ἃ , a
ρετὸς ἔχῃ. ῥυφήματι ἢ ἀλεύρῳ ἢ κέγχρω χρῆσθαι:
ἣν δὲ σιτία προσφέρηται. ὀλίγα προσφερέσθω. Kal
Ἃ δὲ / / ὀλί / θ N

ὄψα τὰ διαχωρητικά. καὶ ἣν φαρμάκου δοκέῃ σοι

δεῖσθαι, ὑποκάθαιρε αὐτὸν TH Κνιδίῳ κόκκῳ ἢ τῇ
lon ae) ~ Ἃ ~

τιθυμαλλίδι, καὶ μετὰ τὴν κάθαρσιν ἀλεύρου δοῦ-

ναι ἑφθοῦ δύο τρυβλία ἐκροφεῖν λιπαροῦ. καὶ
ἔπειτα μετὰ ταῦτα ἀνακομίζειν ὡς μάλιστα,
ὅπως ἂν
id] Ἃ
λεπτὸς\ ἢ, 2
πρὸς\ γὰρ \
σον ov συμφέρει λεπτὸν εἶναι.
Καὶ περιπάτους ὀλίγους τὸ πρῶτον ποιείσθω,
ὡς av μὴ\ κόπος , > ,
ἐπιλάβῃ. πυριᾶν a
δὲSue ἄλλοτε
Kal \
ἄλλοτε, καὶ 7 ἂν πυριηθῇ ἡμέρῃ, ἄσιτος ἔστω
ἀλλ Δ ἝΝ AF ζ 7 “ Ὑ

\ Ἐν, 1 \ > , ς = , >

τὴν ἡμέρην' πλὴν ἀλεύρου ἑφθοῦ τρυβλίον ἐκρυ-
ὕδωρ δὲ\ πινέτω.
id) ,ὔ
τῇaw δ᾽ ὑστεραίῃ

ἢ ὡς μεμαθήκει φαγέτω. καὶ πιέτω οἶνον μέλα-

170 va, ἡδύν, αὐστηρόν, | ὀλίγον. τὸ δὲ λοιπὸν" τρὶς
Ὁ / 2| / 3 / \ \ ἈΝ 7) \

τῆς ἡμέρης τὰ σιτία διδόναι τούτῳ. μέχρι ἂν

καταστήσῃς τὴν κοιλίην, διδοὺς κατ΄ ὀλίψα ἐκ
γὰρ τῶν πυρετῶν καὶ τῆς ἀσιτίης." τὸ μὲν στόμα
θέλει." ἢ δὲ κοιλίη οὐκ ἐθέλει δέχεσθαι, HV? δὲ
ἀθρόον δέξηται, φλεγμαίνει. ἀλλὰ κατ΄ ὀλίψα δι-
δόναι χρή ἣν yap ἀθρόον δῷς Kal ὀλίψα πονήσῃ
/ Pas Ἃ x >) / ~ \ 9 / /

᾿ σὴν ἡμέρην om. M. 2M adds δὶς ἢ. 3M adds ἢν.

40; μένῃ Μ. 5 ἣν om. M.

boiled goat. Let him drink dry dark wine that is

very old and very pleasant. Have him take
moderate walks when he is without fever; if fever is
present, give gruel, meal or millet; if cereals are
given, let them be given in small amounts, together
with laxative main dishes. If the patient seems to
you to require a medication, clean him downwards
with Cnidian berry or sea-spurge, and after the
cleaning give him two bowls of rich boiled meal to
drink. Then after this strengthen him as much as
possible, in order that he will definitely not be thin,
for against this disease thinness is no help.
At first, let the patient take only short walks, in
order that he does not become fatigued. Treat him
with vapour-baths from time to time and, on which-
ever day these treatments take place, let him fast
that day, except for taking a bowl of boiled meal
and drinking water. On the following day, have
him eat less than is his custom, and drink a little
pleasant dry dark wine. From then on, give this
patient his food three times a day, a little at a time,
until you bring his cavity into order; for, as a conse-
quence of the fevers and the fasting, the mouth
wants something, but the cavity is not willing to
accept it, and if it does receive a large amount all at
once, it becomes swollen. Therefore, you must give
the food a little at a time; for, if you give it all at

τοῖς περιπάτοισιν, ov διαψύχεται ἣ κοιλίη. ἅτε

΄' / et / c / id

ἀτρέμα συνεστηκότων τῶν βρωτῶν᾽ ἐνταῦθα δὲ

καὶ ὃ πυρετὸς φιλέει ἐπιγίνεσθαι. καὶ τοῦ μὲν
= a r I Ξ δὲ θέ a 2
χειμῶνος ἧσσον Auzreéet,' τοῦ δὲ θέρεος μᾶλλον.
Τοῦτον ἀνακομίζειν ὡς μάλιστα. ὅπως ἂν πα-
χύτατος ἢ. καὶ τοῖσι περιπάτοισι μετρίως χρή-
σθω. καὶ παλαιέτω ἧσσον ἑωυτοῦ. καὶ πονείτω
ὀλίψα τὸ πρῶτον. ἔπειτα δὲ πλείω. πολλὰ δὲ οὐ-
» / \ ~ Vv Ἂ / \ Ν >)

δέποτε. ταῦτα ἢν ποιέῃ. ὑγιὴς ἔσται τάχιστα: ἢν

δὲ λεπτὸς γίνηται διὰ τὴν ταλαιπωρίην. ἀνιέτω
καὶ εὐωχείσθω ἡσυχίην ἔχων. οὗτος μήτε πρὸς
Ὑ ὃ
ὑγιὴς\ ἐὼν
Bra G ΟΝ

μήτ᾽ ἐπὶ ζεῦγος ἀναβῇ φυλασσέσθω δὲ καὶ βοὴν

ΙΣΤ ΚΩΝ - 5 > / \ \ \

καὶ ὀξυθυμίην“ κίνδυνος γὰρ τὴν νοῦσον πάλιν

ἀναλαβεῖν. ἀλλὰ φυλάσσεσθαι χρὴ τούτων πάν-
Ἢν δὲ τοῦ σίτου ἀποκλεισθῇ. ὀρόβους φώξας
τὰ\ κελύφεα"
/ ἘΞ
2 \

¢ a> Cees: Sip) (Cys Py. N\ PREPAY Z \

ὕδατι τρεῖς ἡμέρας. ep ἑκάστην δὲ ἡμέρην Kal
ἀπηθέειν τὸ ὕδωρ καὶ ἄλλο ἐπιχεῖν: ἔπειτα TH
2! / \ [2 \ Ὑ >) ~ vv ~

a RLY,
τετάρτῃ ἡμέρῃ ἀπηθήσας ξηρῆναι. eit ἀλέσας
διασῆσαι λεπτότατα. καὶ λίνου καρπὸν φώξας.
κόψαι λεῖον. Kal σήσαμον Pwoas, κόψαι λεῖον. Kal
~ \ / / / ~ \

ἄλφιτα ἄναλτα καθαρὰ λεπτά: καὶ τῶν μὲν aAdi-

λυπέει om. Μ. 2 μᾶλλον O: κώδυνος ἐξαμαρτεῖν Μ.
2 QO adds μηδ᾽. 4 φυλασσέσθω ... ὀξυθυμίην om. Θ.
° Ermerins: καὶ Auda O: κέλυφα M.

once and the patient exerts himself but little in his

walks, the cavity is not cooled,! inasmuch as the
ingesta become congealed and fixed in it, and then
fever is inclined to supervene, which produces less
stress in winter, but more in summer.
Strengthen this patient thoroughly, in order
that he will become very robust; let him take walks
in moderation, wrestle less than usual, and exert
himself little at first, later more, but never a lot. If
he does these things, he will quickly recover; how-
ever, if he becomes emaciated because of the exer-
tion, let him give it up, eat heartily, and rest. Let
this patient not run against the wind, soon after
having recovered, nor ride a horse or in a wagon,
and have him avoid shouting and excitement; for
there is a danger that the disease will recur, and
therefore he must take care in all these matters.
If the patient has no appetite, roast vetches,
remove the skins, and then soak them in water for
three days, straining off the water each day and
pouring in new water; then on the fourth day strain
them off and, drying them, grind and sieve them
very fine; soak linseed, pound it smooth; do the
same with sesame, and with fine white unsalted
! Cooling is a phase of normal digestion; cf. Sacred
Disease 10 and Diseases IV 47.

των καὶ X37

ὀρόβων ”ἴσον ἑκατέρου
ς , ”
ἔστω. τοῦκῶνδὲ σησά-,
μου τρίτον μέρος μιῆς mepidos,' τοῦ δὲ λίνου ἥμι-
a : Ξ > , bei ore
συ μιῆς μερίδος: ταῦτα ev γάλακτι alyelw ἑψήσας
ὡς ὑγρότατον pupeitw. μετὰ δὲ διδόναι αὐτῷ ἐς
ς is / ¢ / \ \ / e ~ 3

172 ἄριστον σιτία καθαρὰ καὶ ὄψα τῶν ἰσχυροτέρων"

δὲ\ τὸν\ αὐτὸν
> em
8 3 αὐτῷ
ἊΝ δ χα
Kal \
τῶν pilav τῶν πρὸς τὰ ῥήγματα." τῆς κενταυ-
> /
δὲ\ Kal \ τοῦa Spakov-
Ae =
τίου ἐπιξύων ἐπ᾽ οἶνον. καὶ τῆς βηχὸς ἕνεκα ev
μέλιτι τὸ δρακόντιον ξύων διδόναι λείχειν. καὶ
“4 Ν / / / / \

ἣν τὸναἕψημα τὸSW)ἐν τῷa γάλακτι , ,
φάσκῃ μὴ\ δυνα-
\ > G ~ / / c σ΄ ,
τὸς εἶναι pudeiv, γάλα βόειον ws πλεῖστον πινέ-
τω τὸ τρίτον μέρος μελικρήτου παραμίσγων.
Καὶ οὕτως τάχιστα ὑγιὴς ἔσται, ἣ δὲ νοῦσος
θεραπείης δεῖται πολλῆς, χαλεπὴ γάρ. ἢν δὲ μὴ
θεραπεύηται" 8.6ὑγιὴς γενόμενος καὶ HY
DI ᾿
μὴ" ἐν φυ-
λακῇ ἔχη ἑωυτόν, τοῖς πολλοῖς ὑποτροπάσασα, ἣ
νοῦσος ἀπώλεσεν. οὗτος ἢν μὲν ὑπὸ ταύτης τῆς
θεραπείης λήξη." ἅλις εἰ δὲ μή. παχύνας αὐτὸν
γάλακτι καῦσαι τὰ στήθεα καὶ τὸ μετάφρενον" ἢν
γὰρ τύχῃς καύσας. ἐλπὶς ἐκφυγεῖν τῆς νούσου.
2. Ἢν δὲ 7 ἀρτηρίη σπασθῇ ἢ τῶν φλεβῶν
Ἃ Ν ζ 3 / a VN ~ a

τις" τῶν τεινουσῶν ἐς τὸν πλεύμονα, τάδε πά-

~ ~ 2) \ / / /

σχει: κατ᾽ Aerἀρχὰς\ τῆς

ἴσχει ὀξέη.
Ὑ 58 2
Kal \
| μιῆς μερίδος om. M. 2M: δήγ- O. 3 μὴ θεραπεύηται O:
θεραπευθεὶς Μ. 4 καὶ ἢν μὴ Potter: καὶ ἢν Θ: μὴ Μ.
5.0; ἐηθῃ Μ. θ ἢ and τις om. Μ.

meal; let there be equal amounts of the meal and

the vetches, of the sesame one third that amount,
and of the linseed one half; boil these in goat’s milk,
and let the patient drink this as a very moist gruel.
From then on, give him for breakfast fine cereals
and main dishes of the heartiest kinds; have him
drink the same wine. Also, give him roots effective
against tears: grate centaury over wine; grate
dragon arum over wine, too, and give it. For the
cough, grate dragon arum into honey, and give this
to the patient to take. If he says that he is not able
to drink gruels boiled in milk, let him drink as
much cow’s milk as he can, mixing into it a third
part of melicrat.
In this way the patient will recover most
quickly; the disease requires much treatment, for it
is severe. If the patient is not cared for after he has
recovered, and does not keep a watch over himself,
in many the disease has returned and killed them.
If the patient recovers with this treatment, fine; if
not, fatten him on milk, and cauterize his chest and
back; for, if your cautery succeeds, there is hope for
him to survive the disease.
2. If the bronchial tube is torn, or one of the
vessels extending to the lung, the patient suffers
the following: the disease begins with a violent

ῥῖγος. Kal πυρετός. Kal TO σίαλον ἀποπτύει πολὺ

tA \ / \ \ / 5 / \

καὶ λευκὸν καὶ ἀφρῶδες, ἄλλοτε δὲ ὕφαιμον. καὶ

ὀδύνη τὴν κεφαλὴν Kai τὸν τράχηλον ἴσχει.
b] / \ ἣν \ \ / v

αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος ἰσχυροτέρη τῆς πρόσθεν᾽ καὶ μέχρι

μὲν δέκα ἡμερέων τῶν πρώτων τοιαῦτα πάσχει
ἔπειτα οἱ πολλοὶ τῇ ἑνδεκάτῃ ἡμέρῃ πύα ἀπο-
Ὑ ζ N ~ [ / ¢ / / 5

πτύουσι παχέα βιαίως ἡμέρῃ δὲ Kal ἡμέρῃ, Ka-

/ / =i4 c / \ \ /

θαρώτερα ἀποπτύει, ἢν φύξιμος ἢ. καὶ τῇ ὀδύνῃ

ἧσσον πονέει, καὶ ἐν τάχει ὑγιὴς γίνεται. ἢν δὲ
μέλλῃ πολυχρόνιος ἣ νοῦσος ἔσεσθαι. τά τε TUG
174 πολλῷ πλείω ἀποπτύει., | Kal ὃ ἄλλος πόνος ev
~ / Ὁ) / \ ς v / p)

τῷ σώματι πολλῷ eve πλείων᾽ αἱ δὲ θέρμαι βλη-

~ ,ὔ κατ ,ὔ ¢ Ν /

χρότερον ἔχουσιν ἢ TO πρίν.

/ \ /

Τοῦτον ἢἢν λάβ NS κατ΄ ᾿ ἀρχάς,

ἀρχάς, ὑποκάθαιρε
ὑποκάθ κάL-
Tw ὀπῷ oKapwvins, ἢν ἀπύρετος ἢ“ μετὰ δὲ τὴν
3 ~ / Ἃ 5 , BD \ \ \

κάθαρσιν προσφερέσθω τὰ αὐτὰ ἃ Kal πρόσθεν.


Kal τὰ ἄλλα τὰ αὐτὰ προσφερέσθω. ἡσυχίην ἔχων

\ Ν vv \ 5 Ἂς / ζ / vv

ὡς μάλιστα τῷ σώματι. καὶ μαλθακῶς κοιμάσθω:

=~ 3 A
ταῦτα μὲν κατ΄ ἀρχὰς ποιείτω μέχρι τῶν δέκα
ἡμερέων. ἢν ὃ ἔμπυος γένηται. τὰ αὐτὰ ἃ καὶ ὃ

: 3 ~
ἔμπροσθεν" ποιείτω: ἢν 8 ὑγιὴς γένηται, τῶνδε
χρὴ ἀπέχεσθαι, σιτίων μὲν καὶ ποτῶν ὀξέων καὶ
δριμέων καὶ ἀλυκῶν καὶ λιπαρῶν: ταλαιπωρίων
δὲ χρὴ ἀπέχεσθαι τῶν αὐτῶν ὧν καὶ οἱ πρόσθεν.
| καὶ ἡμέρῃ Θ: om. M: decimaquarta Cornarius: τεσσαρεσκαι-
δεκάτῃ Foes (n. 9), Vander Linden: τετάρτῃ καὶ δεκάτῃ Littreé
after Mack. 3 ἣν ἀπύρετος 7 om. Θ. 3. Θὲ πρόσθεν Μ.

cough, chills and fever; he expectorates copious

white frothy sputum, sometimes charged with
blood, and pain occupies his head and neck. This
disease is severer than the preceding one, and the
patient suffers these symptoms for the first ten
days. Then, on the eleventh day, many cough up
thick pus quite violently; day by day the sputum
becomes cleaner, if the patient is to escape, he
suffers less pain, and he quickly recovers. But, if
the disease is to become chronic, he expectorates
much more pus, and the suffering in the rest of his
body is much greater; the fevers, though, are
milder than before.
If you take on this patient at the beginning,
clean him downwards with scammony juice, if he is
without fever. After the cleaning, let the patient
take the same things administered in the preceding
case. Otherwise, too, let him take the same things,
rest his body as much as possible, and sleep in a
soft bed. Have him do these things at the begin-
ning, up to the tenth day. If he suppurates inter-
nally, let him do the same things that the preceding
patient did for internal suppuration. If he recovers,
he must refrain from the following: foods and
drinks that are acid, sharp, salty and fat; he must
also avoid the same exertions that the preceding
patients avoided. If he follows these instructions,
ταῦτα ἢν ποιέῃ. τάχιστα τῆς νούσου ἀπαλλαγή-
σεται ἢν δέ τι τούτων μὴ ποιήσῃ. κινδυνεύσει
πάλιν ὑποτροπάσαι., καὶ ἣ νοῦσος κάκιον EXEL”
Kal ot πολλοὶ πλευμορρωγέες ἐόντες διατελέου-
\ ς \ / oe, /

ow, ἕως ἂν ἀποθάνωσι.

Τοῦτον ἢν μὴ παραχρῆμά τις ἰήσηται. ὕποτρο-
πασάσης τῆς νούσου. οὐκ ἂν ἔχοις ὠφελῆσαι. εἰ
δὲ μὴ τάδε ποιήσῃς γάλακτι βοείῳ παχύνας.
καύσαι τὰ στήθεα καὶ τὸ μετάφρενον. ἢν γὰρ

7ig αὐτὴ
Die Ny
5 λί
7ς δὲδὲ
νοῦσος ἀπὸ τῶν αὐτῶν ἁμαρτιῶν γίνεται ὥσπερ'
καὶ ἢ πρόσθεν.
3. Πλεύμονος ἥδε" γίνεται μὲν 7 νοῦσος ἀπὸ
τῶνδε μάλιστα ὅταν ὃ πλεύμων αἷμα ἑλκύσας
Τὰ \
ἢἋἋ φλέγμα
ς \
ἀφῇ πάλιν,

ἀλλ΄ αὐτοῦ ξυστραφῇ καὶ ξυσσαπῇ" ἀπὸ τούτων

> 3 >) A =~ \ ee AD) \ /

φύματα φιλέει γίνεσθαι ἐν τῷ πλεύμονι καὶ ἐκ-

πυοῦσθαι. pear δὲ τάδε πάσχει κατ᾽ ἀρχὰς καὶ
διὰ παντὸς τοῦ νοσήματος: βὴξ ὀξέηἔχει καὶ ξη-
py, καὶ ῥῖγος, καὶ πυρετός. καὶ ὀδύνη ἐν τοῖσι
176 στήθεσι καὶ ἐν τῷ μεταφρένῳ ἔγκειται, | ἐνίοτε
δὲ CeCe πλευρῷ καὶ ὀρθοπνοίη σφοδρὴ ἐπι-
Ν ἌΡ ~ ~ ne ΟΣ / \ 5

πίπτει." οὗτος μὲν μέχρι τεσσερεσκαίδεκα ἣμε-


ρέων τοιαῦτα πάσχων διατελέει, πολλάκις δὲ καὶ

ἐπὶ πλεῦνας τεσσερεσκαίδεκα ἡμερέων“ ἔπειτα
| @: ὧν Μ. 2 ρ; δὲ Μ. 3 ©: συμπαγῇ Μ. 4 καὶ διὰ
παντὸς Om. ©. 50: ἐμ- M. 6 ἐπὶ π. τ. n. ©: πλεώονας δεκα-
τέσσαρας ἡμέρας Μ.

he will get over the disease most quickly; but, if he

does not follow some of them, he runs the risk of a
relapse and the disease then being worse. Many
patients continue with a tear in their lung until
they die.
If someone does not treat this patient right
away, when the disease recurs your only means of
helping him would be to do the following: fatten
him on cow’s milk, and then cauterize his chest and
back; if your cautery succeeds, the same benefit will
result as above. This disease arises as a result of
the same insults as the preceding one.
3. This disease of the lung generally arises in
the following way: when the lung attracts blood or
salty phlegm and does not discharge it again, but it
gathers there and grows putrid, from this tubercles
are likely to form in the lung and to produce pus.
From the beginning and all through the disease
this patient suffers the following: a sharp dry
cough, chills, and fever; pain in the chest and back,
sometimes also in the side; severe orthopnoea.
These continue until the fourteenth day, often for
even more than fourteen days. Then pus breaks

cy , <a , Oe / \
ῥήγνυται πύα. Kal ἀποπτύει πολύ: πολλάκις δὲ
καὶ οἷον χιτῶνας ἀραχνίων ἀποπτύει. πολλάκις
de! ὕφαιμον. καὶ ωἣν μὲν ἀποκαθαρθῇ pun καὶ πα ἀπι-
nA? ἢ , 5 ὙΕΙΩΣ ΠΥ τὴν
σχνανθῇ ἐνταῦθα" ὃ πλεύμων, ἐλπὶς" ἐκφυγεῖν: ἣν
δὲ μὴ προσέχῃ. ἣ νοῦσος em ἐνιαυτὸν παρα-
σι ᾽

τείνει." καὶ μεταβάλλει ἄλλοτε ἀλλοῖα πάσχων.

, \ 2. Ὁ \ / \ \ , ¢ a
Τούτῳ χρὴ κατ΄ ἀρχὰς μέν, πρὶν τὰ TUG ρῥαγῆ-
ναι, προσφέρειν τάδε: ὅταν ἀνῇ" ὃ πυρετός, λούειν
id) “ Ads 6

θερμῷ καὶ πολλῷ. καὶ ῥυφήμασι χλιαροῖσι" χρή-

σθω,. πτισάνης χυλῷ καθέφθῳ μέλι παραχέας.
id] ς a7 \ = / \ , Ἃ
ὅταν ξφθῇ καὶ οἶνον πινέτω λευκὸν γλυκύν. ἢ
/ c 7, ivf NEL. v \ ,
μελίκρητον ἑφθόν. ὅταν δὲ ἅπαξ ἄρξηται τὰ πύα
ἀποπτύειν, πινέτω τὰ αὐτά, ἃ καὶ ὃ πρόσθεν
ἔμπυος, Kal σιτίοισι καὶ ποτοῖσι καὶ ὄψοισι τοῖς
αὐτοῖσι χρήσθω. ἀπεχόμενος ὀξέων καὶ δριμέων καὶ
ἁλυκῶν καὶ λιπαρῶν καὶ λαγνείης καὶ θωρηξίων.
ἣν μὴ τῇ νούσω πρόσφορον ἢ" ἐς χρῆμα" δὲ δρῶν
μ ’ελετᾶν ὁποίων av’ τινῶν σοι δοκέῃ ἢ δεῖσθαι. τὰ
δ᾽ ἄλλα μετὰ ταῦτα ταὐτὰ" ποιείτω: πινέτω δὲ

καὶ γάλα τὴν ὥρην Bods καὶ αἰγός: πρόσθεν δὲ

Ν fi: \ ivf \ \ 3) / / \

ς , iat te OMe , Ἴ \ \
ὑποκάθαιρε'' εφθῷ ὀνείῳ γάλακτι: πινέτω δὲ καὶ
τὸ ἵππειον γάλα σεσεισμένον ἑκάστης ἡμέρης
ἕωθεν τρικότυλον κύλικα.᾽"
ΓΜ adds καὶ. 2 0: ἐν τάχει Μ. 3 ἐλπὶς om. M.
. ἢ νοῦσος... παρατείνει Θ: ἐνιαυτὸν ἣ νοῦσος Μ. 5.9: 7 M.
6 @: πολλοῖς M. 7 @: ἐφθὸν ἢ M. 8 Θ; χρῶμα M.
9 ©: οὖν M. 10 μ. τ. τ. O: τὰ αὐτὰ M. 1 ©: -καθηράσθω Μ.
12M adds ἣν ἢ δυνατός.


out and the patient coughs much up; often he also

expectorates material that looks like spiders’ webs,
and often sputum charged with blood. If the lung
then becomes clean and the swelling in it goes
down, there is hope of recovery; but, if it does not
stay that way, the disease stretches out over a year,
and the patient suffers different things at different
At the beginning before pus breaks out, you
must administer the following te this patient:
when his fever is in remission, wash him in copious
hot water, and let him take warm gruels—boiled-
down barley-water to which boiled honey has later
been added—and drink wine that is white and
sweet, or boiled melicrat. When he once begins to
expectorate pus, have him drink the same things as
the patient above with internal suppuration, take
the same cereals, drinks and main dishes avoiding
acid, sharp, salty and fat ones, and refrain from
venery and from drinking to intoxication, except
where the latter is appropriate to the disease. Pay
attention to the patient’s condition, and attend to
whatever seems to you to require it. After the
expectoration, let him do the same things as well;
also let him drink cow’s and goat’s milk in season,
after first being cleaned out downwards with boiled
ass’s milk, and drink a three-cotyle cup of shaken
mare’s milk early every morning.

al ἣν μὲν οὕτω μελετώμενος paion,’ Kal μὴ

K \ on \ a / C «εα 1 \ \

ζ ~ \ / 3 \ ΄ὔ SAK ey ears ~
ῥαγῇ τὰ πύα ἐς τὰ στήθεα, αὐτὸς EP ξωυτοῦ
͵ “ 20 ΡΞ / ς ,
θεραπευέσθω ἥσυχος" ἔχων τῷ σώματι ὡς μάλιστα
Kal τὰ σύμφορα προσφέρων ἑωυτῷ. ἢν δὲ ῥαγῇ
Ν Ν Vd / c ~ Ἃ Cc ~

τὰ πύα ἐς τὰ στήθεα, ὅπῃ ἄν σοι δοκέῃ ἀπο-

178 σημαίνειν μάλιστα, ταύτῃ ταμὼν ἢ | καύσας,
οὶ ,ὕ
Toda πύου
τὸ\ πρῶτον
τὰ\ δ᾽7 ἄλλα

ποιέειν τὰ αὐτά, ἃ καὶ ἐπὶ τοῦ πρόσθεν ἐμπύου."

4. Ἢν ἐν πλεύμονι κιρσὸς ἐγγένηται. βὴξ ξηρὴ
ἐπιλαμβάνει, Kal ῥῖγος. Kal πυρετός, κατ΄ ἀρχὰς
΄' >

μὲν τῆς νούσου πάνυ" ἔχει δὲ καὶ ὀρθοπνοίη.

καὶ ἐν τῇ κεφαλῇ ὀδύνη ἕστηκε." καὶ αἱ ὀφρύες
ἐν Ὁ > φ An ate) Wh Vv 5 \ id Op ͵

δοκέουσιν ἐπικρέμασθαι, καὶ οἴδημα κατέρχεται

ἐς τὸ πρόσωπον καὶ ἐς τὰ στήθεα καὶ ἐς τοὺς
πόδας. πολλάκις δὲ καὶ ἐς τὴν κεφαλὴν ἐρείδει,
Kal ὑπὸ τῆς ὀδύνης, ὅταν ὃ πόνος ἔχῃ, οὐ δύναται
Mind 2 \ > ΒΟΥ [τὲ ἐς: / Ὑ ϑ /

5 =
ἀνορᾶν: τὸ\ δὲ\ σῶμα
i ¢
ὕπωχρον. καὶ \ αἱς φλέβες
͵, Ξ

αὐτοῦ διατείνουσιν ἢ φλόγεαι ἢ μέλαιναι.

3} ~~ 4 Ἃ / Ἃ ὔ]

Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ καὶ ὃ πόνος μάλιστα

πιέζη. πρῶτον μὲν αἷμα ἀφαιρέειν, ἔπειτα
ovew πολλῷ καὶ θερμῷ: καὶ ὅταν δίψα ἔχῃ. πί
λ , 2 AAD \ 6 ge δ ἢ δί vv ἧς

νειν διδόναι κυκεῶνα ἐν οἴνῳ μέλανι αὐστηρῷ. ὡς

nn yz) Vv ε ~ c

ἡδίστῳ, ἴσον ἴσῳ μίξας: ψυχρὸν δὲ χρὴ ὡς μάλι-

ΓΜ adds ἅλις. 2 2d) &. θ. ἥ. O: ἑαυτὸν θεραπευέτωἡ
ἰλέφ Μ.
5.Μ adds γενομένου. 4M adds σφόδρα. ἔς Θὲ
ἐνέστηκε Μ. 6 M adds δ᾽. q πρῶτον... . ἔπειτα OM. 6.


If, when cared for in this way, the patient gets

better, and pus does not break out into his chest, let
him take over his own treatment, keeping his body
as quiet as possible and administering to himself
what is fitting. But if pus breaks out into his chest,
wherever the signs seem to you to point most,
incise or cauterize there and at first draw out a
small amount of pus; then continue with the same
course of treatment as in the case of internal
suppuration above.
4. If a varix forms in the lung, a dry cough,
chills and fever set in right at the beginning of the
disease. There is also orthopnoea, pain occupies
the head, the eyebrows seem to overhang, and the
face, chest and feet swell up. Often the disease
becomes fixed in the head, and from the pain, when
it is pressing, the patient cannot look up. The body
is pale-yellow, and the vessels show their course
through it by their red or dark colour.
This patient, when the case is such and pain is
pressing him intensely, first subject to a blood-
letting, and then wash him in copious hot water;
when thirst is present, give him a cyceon in dry
dark very pleasant wine to drink, mixing together
an equal amount of each; he must drink this as

στα πίνειν: Peele

ῥυφήμασι δὲ XP?χρῆσθαι, . πτισάνης χυλῷ
καθέφθω p μέλι' παραχέας. ραχέας. ταῦτα Χρὴχρὴ προσφέρειν
ἐν THOL πρώτῃσι τῶν ἡμερέων τεσσερεσκαίδεκα.
3 ~ / ~ € /

ἣν ὃ ἐπὶ πλέον ἣ νοῦσος ἔχῃ. ὅ τε πόνος πλείων

Ἃ δ᾽ sys λέ ¢ - Ὑ a / A 7,

ἐν τῷ σώματι καὶ ἣ ἀδυναμίη ἐνῇ. τούτω οὕτως"

ἔχοντι τὰ αὐτὰ προσφέρειν, ἃ καὶ ἐν τῷ ἐμπύῳ
τὸν πλεύμονα, ὅταν αἱ τεσσερεσκαίδεκα ἡμέραι
Αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος μάλιστα" γίνεται ἀπὸ ταλαι-
πωρίης καὶ \ αἵματος 4 καὶ \ χολῆς
a ,
μελαίνης. (5.)
ὅταν τὰ κοῖλα φλέβια τὰ ἐν TH πλεύμονι διέχον-
a Ν ΄σ / \ 2) ~ / /

τα πλησθῇ αἵματος ἢ χολῆς μελαίνης. συνέρρη-

5 Ὑ \ / id] 5 ~ pale
Eev εἰς ἄλληλα τὰ φλέβια, ἅτε ἐν στενοῖσιν ἐόντα
Kal ἀπειλημμένα Kai ἔξοδον οὐκ ἔχοντα. ὀδύνην
vite >) / NF 2) Vv >) /

παρέχει καὶ φῦσαν ἐν τῷ πλεύμονι.

180 Αὕτη 7 νοῦσος χαλεπὴ καὶ θεραπείης πολλῆς
δεῖται εἰ δὲ μή. οὐκ ἐθέλει ἐκλείπειν. ἀλλὰ τοῖσι
πολλοῖσι συναποθνήσκει.
6. Ἢν δ΄ ἐρυσίπελας ἐν τῷ" πλεύμονι γένη-
Ἃ eM) 7, 5 “5 , ,ὕ

ται, ἐγγίνεται δὲ μάλιστα am οἰνοφλυγίης καὶ \

2) , \ ,ὔ py τ 5 /

γαστριμαργίης ἰχθύων κεφάλων καὶ ἐγχελύων"

ταῦτα γὰρ τὴν πιμελὴν πολεμιωτάτην ἔχει πρὸς
τὴν φύσιν τοῦ ἀνθρώπου: ἤδη δὲ TO νόσημα ἐγέ-
\ / ~ 2 / vv Ν \ / ὋΣ /

veTo καὶ ἀπὸ φλέγματος. ὅταν μιγὲν τῷ αἵματι

ΓΜ adds χρηστὸν. 2 ©: δὲ Μ. 3 μάλιστα om. Μ.
4 καὶ αἵματος om. Μ. Ὁ δ᾽... τῷ Θ: φλεγμονὴ ἐν Μ.

cold as possible. Also, employ as gruel boiled-down

barley-water to which you have added honey.
These things you must administer in the first four-
teen days. If the disease continues longer, and
there is more pain and weakness of the body, after
the fourteen days administer to this patient, as
long as his condition is such, the same things given
for suppuration of the lung.
This disease usually arises from exertion, blood
and dark bile. (5.)! For, when the hollow vessels
extending through the lung become filled with
blood or dark bile, they break into one another and,
inasmuch as they are in narrow straits, cut off and
without any exit, produce pain and breathlessness
in the lung.
This disease is severe and requires much atten-
tion; without this, it is not willing to leave off, but
clings to many patients until they die.
6. If erysipelas arises in the lung, it is usually
from drunkenness or the consumption of too many
grey mullets and eels, for these fish contain a fat
most harmful to man’s constitution. On occasion,
the disease has also arisen from phlegm, when, on
1 From Vander Linden, the first editor to divide the
text into chapters, down to Littré, what follows has been
designated as a new chapter. I agree with Jouanna
(p. 222 n. 3), however, that Littré’s chapters 4 and 5 are
in fact parts of one and the same disease description.

ἐπιρρυῇ ἐπὶ τὸν πλεύμονα: προσπίπτει

3 -~ 2 \ \ A i i /
δὲ καὶ ἐκ
de ἈΠ ἃ

Kpenpayins ἐξ ὕδατος μεταβολῆς.

if 2 er ~

Τάδε οὖν πάσχει: βήσσει ἰσχυρῶς. καὶ τὸ σία-

λον ἀποπτύει ὑγρὸν καὶ πολύ, πολλάκις δὲ λευ-
κὸν\ Kal \ παχύ./ οἷον
π᾿ \
καὶ \ ὀδύνη

ὀξέη ἐς τὰ στήθεα Kai TO μετάφρενον καὶ τοὺς

3 he ’ \ / XN \ / ἊΝ \

κενεῶνας καὶ τὰ πλευρά, καὶ ἐρεύγεται ὀξύ, καὶ

ἐκ τῶν πλευμόνων καὶ στηθέων οἷον γαστὴρ τρυ-
λίζει. καὶ ἐμέει λάμπην ὀξέην, καὶ τὸ ἔμεσμα ἢν
ἐκχέῃς χαμάζε, ξύει τὴν γῆν ὥσπερ ὄξος ἐπι-
χέαντι. καὶ τοὺς ὀδόντας αἱμωδιᾷ, καὶ ῥῖγος καὶ
πυρετὸς Kal δίψα ἔχει ἰσχυρή. καὶ ἣν τι θέλῃ
\ \ / vv 5 / \ vv /

λιπαρὸν φαγεῖν, μύζει πρὸς τὰ σπλάγχνα καὶ

ἔμετον ἄγει: καὶ τὸ σῶμα ἅπαν νάρκα ἔχει. ὅταν
ὃ᾽ 2) ,

ἐπὴν τῆς ἡμέρης ὀψίτερον γένηται. βρέμει 7

κοιλίη καὶ στρέφει Kal βορβορίζει.
/ \ / \ /

Τοῦτον ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ ὧδε μελετᾶν" μίξας

Kal \ μέλι
καὶ Ν ὄξος
Kal Schὕδωρ. ταῦτα
» /

εἰς χυτρίδα χλιαίνειν, καὶ ὀριγάνου κλωνίοισι τῆς

X dé
ἔπειτα izὅταν" 3 χλιαρὸν
εἶν λ \

δοῦναι ἐκπιεῖν, ἢ λαβόμενος τῆς γλώσσης. ἔγχει

ἡσυχῇ διὰ σύριγγος εἶτα κελεύειν συνειληθέντα
ἡσυχίην ἔχειν. ἔπειτα ἢν ἔμετος ἔλθῃ αὐτῷ.
182 ἐμείτω προθύμως: ἢν δὲ μὴ | ἐπίη. καταματεύ-
| ἐπ᾽ om. Θ. 2 ᾧ. μ. Θ: καὶ δοκέῃ καιρὸς εἶναι. προσαίρειν ὧδε
μελέτην Μ. 3: ἐπειδὰν δὲ Μ.

being mixed with the blood, it flowed to the lung; it

may also attack as the result of eating meat, or
from a change of water.
The patient suffers the following: he coughs
violently and expectorates copious moist sputum,
often thick and white like that from a sore throat.
Sharp pains press on his chest, back, flanks and
sides, he has oxyrygmia, and from his lungs and
chest he gurgles as if from a belly. He vomits up a
sharp scum, and if you pour out the vomitus onto
the earth, it corrodes the earth as vinegar does
when it is poured on the earth. His teeth are set on
edge, and chills, fever and violent thirst are
present. If the patient is willing to eat any sub-
stantial food, it rumbles in his inward parts and
provokes vomiting; numbness comes over his whole
body. When he has vomited, for a short while he
seems to be better, but then later in the day his
cavity roars and twists and rumbles.
When the case is such treat the patient as fol-
lows: pour milk, honey, vinegar and water together
into a pot, warm, and stir in twigs of the head-
shaped marjoram; then, when this is warm, give it
to the patient to drink off, or take hold of his
tongue and pour it in gently through a pipe. Next
order the patient to cover up and to keep quiet.
Then, if vomiting comes on, let him vomit actively;
but if vomiting does not occur spontaneously, let

μενος πτερῷ ἐμείτω: καὶ HY τι φλέγματος ἐμέσῃ.

coe ee / ‘ Δ / 2) /

ἐπὶ πέντε ἡμέρας ταῦτα ποιείτω ρᾷων ‘yap

2) \ , Le / 9. \ / A δ’ ΤᾺ N

ἔσται. πινέτω δὲ τοῦτο γυμνασάμενος, ἢν οἷός TE 1294

ἢ. καὶ \ λουσάμενος
πολλῷa θερμῷ:ἘΠ εἰ δὲNIN μή.es ἀλλὰ\
ταν δὲ αἱ πέντε ἡμέραι παρέλθωσι, πρώϊος
Ὅ Ν ς / Cc / / Jas

νῆστις πινέτω ἐν μελικρήτῳ ἢ οἴνῳ Kal μέλιτι

lot / »Ὶ / ἋἋ Vv \ /

Saori , « v
ὀπὸν σιλφίου ὅσον ὄροβον. καὶ \ σκόροδον

Ξ 3 ἢ
καὶ papavidas νῆστις, καὶ οἶνον ἄκρητον ἐπιρρυ-
φανέτω μέλανα ἢ λευκὸν αὐστηρόν: τρωγέτω᾽ δὲ
καὶ ἐπὶ σίτῳ καὶ μετὰ τὸ σῖτον σιτίοισι δὲ ξηροῖ-
σι καὶ κρέασιν ὀνείοισιν 7° κυνείοισι χρῆσθαι
εφθοῖσιν. Hv τὸ ῥῖγος Kal 6 πυρετὸς μὴ ἐπιλαμβά-
ig ~ Ἃ NCA Ws \ XK a) /

VN. οὗτοςce

μὲν\ ἀπὸ
2) \
TOD=~ ἐγχύματος
2 ,
/ /

Tu εἰ δὲ μή.μή. ἄνω ρ
κάθαιρε αὐτὸν ἐλλεβόρω: pew’ peμετὰ
δὲ τὴν κάθαρσιν ἀλεύρου ἑφθοῦ διδόναι δύο
/ 2) / ς a / /

τρυβλία ἐκρυφεῖν μέλι παραχέας: οἶνον τὸν αὐτὸν

/ p) σ΄ / , 4): \ νος

πινέτω καὶ ὑδαρέα.

Ην" 3 δὲ\ μὴ\ κατ΄ rae ἀρχὰς\ Tapayévn’
7, 4
τῇ“- vovow,

παχύνας αὐτὸν γάλακτι, καῦσαι τὰ στήθεα" καὶ

τὸ μετάφρενον οὕτω γὰρ ἂν μάλιστα τῆς νούσου
ἀπαλλαγείη. nv δὲ μὴ καυθῇ, προσέχει Kal οὐ
τὶ ᾽ὔ Ἃ Ν \ ~ / \ »)

μάλα ἐκλείπει, ἀλλ᾽ ἐς τὸ γῆρας προσέχει

, > , b) ? > \ - ,ὕ

πολλάκις δὲ Kal συναποθνήσκει, NY μὴ ἐν THOL

/ \ \ / Ἃ Ν , ~

ΕΘ; πινέτω M. 7 2 δνείοισιν 7 om. Μ. 30: Ei M.

4 @: -ηται M. ” After στήθεα nine leaves are missing in 0,

him vomit by being tickled with a feather. If he

vomits up any phlegm, repeat the same treatment
for five days, for he will improve. Have him drink
this potion after bathing in copious hot water and,
if he is able, exercising; if he is not able to exercise,
then at least after bathing.
When the five days are up, early in the morning
let the patient drink in the fasting state silphium
juice, to the amount of a vetch, in melicrat or in
wine and honey, eat garlic and radishes, and on top
of that take dry white or dark wine unmixed with
water; let him also take these things with his meal,
and after it. If chills and fever are not present, give
dry cereals and the meat of ass or dog boiled. If
this patient is cleaned out to some extent by the
instillation, fine; if not, clean him upwards with
hellebore. After the cleaning, add honey to two
bowls of boiled meal and give him this to drink off;
let him drink the same wine well mixed with water.
If you were not present at the beginning of the
disease, first fatten the patient on milk, and then
cauterize his chest and back; for this gives him the
greater chance of recovering. If he is not cauter-
ized, the disease continues and rarely goes away,
tending in most cases to remain into old age; often
it even clings to the patient until he dies, if he does

πρώτησι ἡμέρησι τεσσαράκοντα

ρώτῃσι ἡμέρῃσι τεσσαράκο ἀποθανῇ: ἀλλὰἀλλὰ
χρὴ μελεδώνης μάλιστα. Kal ὀρὸν Kal γάλα τὴν
\ / / Wt) ἈΝ \ / \

ὥρην πινέτω βοὸς καὶ αἰγὸς καὶ ὄνειον καὶ

. ἢ Nie ΠΟ 7 ΄ CLIN a
ἵππειον οὕτω yap av pHiota διάγοι 7 δὲ νοῦσος
7. Ἢν πλεύμων [ἀπὸ ἐρυσιπέλατος [" οἰδήσῃ.
Ἃ / >) Nosy / 2 δ ἡ

τὸ δὲ οἴδημα μάλιστα ἀπὸ αἵματος γίνεται, ὅταν

\ Ν bs) / : 5 \ er Wo [ἠὲ

ἐς ἑωυτὸν ὃ πλεύμων ἑλκύσῃ αἷμα |Kal ἔχῃ ava-

᾿ c \ ¢ , ¢ / ie Na b)
λαβών. τὸ δὲ νόσημα θέρεος [ἢ] ὥρῃ"
/ \ \ / / € ivf 3

, , 5 peers) > a“ , \ \
γίνεται. τάδε οὖν ἀπ΄ αὐτοῦ πάσχει βὴξ ξηρὴ
ἐμπίπτει, καὶ Plyos, καὶ πυρετός, καὶ ὀρθοπνοίη.
καὶ ὃ πόνος ἰσχυρὸς ἐν τοῖσι στήθεσι καὶ τὰς
ῥῖνας πίτνα ὡς ἵππος δραμών, καὶ τὴν γλῶσσαν
war ς ,ὕ , ἘΠ Ἐπὶ , 4 NES
ἐξίσχει ὡς κύων θέρεος ὑπὸ καύματος.“ Kal οἴδη-
μα τὰ στήθεα κατέχει, καὶ φθέγγεται βραχέως.
καὶ ἐρύθημα καὶ κνησμὸς ἐν τῷ σώματι καθέστη-
KE καὶ ὑπὸ τοῦ πόνου κατακέεσθαι οὐ δύναται.
9 ? SHLEN CLEEN [- 7) b) , ® / b)
ἀλλ΄ αὐτὸς αὑτὸν ῥίπτει ἀλύων. οὗτος θνήσκει ἐν
ἑπτὰ ἡμέρῃσι
ἡμέρῃσι μ μάλιστα 7ἢν δὲ ταύτας ς ἐκῴφύ γῆ: οὐ
μάλα θνήσκει.
Τοῦτον, δκόταν ὧδε ἔχῃ, ἰῆσθαι Totodeor ψύ-
~ c / OQ Vv SA ~ Z

χειν τὸ σῶμα τεῦτλα ἐν ὕδατι ψυχρῷ βάπτων

προστιθέναι μάλιστα πρὸς τὸ πονέον᾽" μάλιστα, ἢ
ῥάκεα βάπτων ev ὕδατι ψυχρῷ καὶ ἐκθλίβων
cs / Ὁ) ec ΄ \ Ὗ /

| Ermerins: -ου καὶ -ου Μ. 2 Del. Potter. 3 Jouanna

(p. 200): 7 ὥρη M. 4M in marg.: ὑπὸ τοῦ πνεύματος M.
5. Jouanna: τὸ πον veov M.

not succumb within the first forty days. Treatment

is essential. Let the patient drink in season whey
and milk of cow, goat, ass and mare, for with this
regimen he will fare most easily; the disease is
7. If the lung swells up,! the swelling occurs
chiefly from blood, when the lung attracts blood to
itself and, taking it up, retains it; the disease
occurs mainly in summer. This is what the patient
suffers from it: there are dry cough, with chills,
fever and orthopnoea, and severe pain in the chest;
the patient dilates his nostrils like a running horse,
and protrudes his tongue as a dog does in summer
from the heat. Swelling occupies his chest, the
patient speaks little, and redness and itching settle
over his body; because of the pain, he is not able to
lie down, but is distraught and casts himself about.
This patient usually dies in seven days; if he sur-
vives these, death is rare.
When the case is such, treat the patient by cool-
ing his body with the following: immerse beets in
cold water and apply this especially to the most
painful areas; or soak rags in cold water, squeeze
1 This disease corresponds to Diseases II 58 and
Diseases III 7 (“if the lung becomes full”), and not to
Diseases II 55 (erysipelas); the disease just described in
Internal Affections 6, called by © erysipelas but by M φλεγ-
μονή, does correspond to Diseases II 55. I therefore delete
ἀπὸ ἐρυσιπέλατος here.

προστιθέναι. κὴν μὲν οὕτω pylon εἰ μή. κεραμικῇ

γῇ ψυχρῇ καταπλάσσειν, καὶ ἐν τῇ αἰθρίῃ κοιμάσ-
θω. οὕτω γὰρ ἂν μάλιστα μελετώμενος φύγοι
ἂν τὰς ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας. δκόταν δὲ αἱ ἑπτὰ ἡμέραι
παρέλθωσι Kai 7 ὀδύνη προσέχῃ. χρίων ἐλαίω
λθ \ ¢ δύ / / ἐλ /

τὸ πονέον μέρος μάλιστα, χλιάσματα προστιθέναι

/ ,

τὰ αὐτά, ἃ καὶ TH πλευρίτιδι. καὶ τόδε πῖσαι

αὐτὸν ἐς ὑποκάθαρσιν τοῦ πεπλίου καὶ τῆς μηκω-
vidos καὶ τοῦ κόκκου τοῦ Κνιδίου: καὶ μετὰ τὴν
κάθαρσιν φακῆς τρυβλίον δοῦναι ῥοφῆσαι. πινέτω
/ ~ / ~ ζ ~ /

δὲ ὕδωρ. τῇ 8 ὑστεραίῃ λοῦσαι αὐτὸν πολλῷ καὶ

ΝΗ - » fe / ΄σ Ἄν lon \

θερμῷ πλὴν τῆς κεφαλῆς: ἔπειτα πῖσαι ὀρίγανον

ἐν μελικρήτῳ ἀποβρέξας ποτοῖσι δὲ ὡς θερμοτά-
Ἕ / >) / q > N OU ee

τοισι χρεέσθω σιτία δὲ προσφερέσθω τὰ αὐτὰ

ταῦτα, ἃ καὶ ὃ ὑπὸ τῆς πλευρίτιδος Eadw| Kus,
~ tal \ c c \ a / [4 /
ἣν μὴ πυρετὸς προσίσχῃη. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος χαλεπή.
καὶ παῦροι ἐκφυγγάνουσι.
8. Ἢν «τὸ; στῆθος καὶ «τὸ;»" μετάφρενον
ἀναρραγῇ---ῥήγνυται δὲ μάλιστα ἀπὸ ταλαιπω-
ρίης---τάδε οὖν πάσχει. βὴξ ἴσχει ὀξείη, καὶ τὸ
/ / > ὔ \ Ὑ ρὴ / \ \

σίαλον ἐνίοτε ἀποπτύει ὕφαιμον, καὶ ῥῖγος καὶ

πυρετὸς ἐπιλαμβάνει τὰ πολλά. καὶ ἐν τῷ στή-
Ν ᾿"] / \ / \ 5 ~ ’ὔ

Bet καὶ ἐν τῷ μεταφρένῳ ὀδύνη ὀξείη ἔνεστι. καὶ

ee \ , ~ / , , » ,ὔ Ὑ Ν

ev τῷ πλευρῷ δοκέει οἷον λίθος ἐγκέεσθαι. καὶ

.) ~ ~ / e / 2) / \

κεντέεσθαι ὑπὸ τῆς ὀδύνης διαμπερέως. ὡς εἰ

βελόνη τις κεντοίη.
' Jouanna: τῷδε Μ. ? Later mss.

them out, and apply; if the patient is relieved in

this way, fine. If not, plaster him over with cold
potter’s earth, and have him sleep in the open air.
If treated in such a way, the patient is most likely
to survive the seven days. When the seven days
have passed, if pain is still present, anoint the most
painful parts with olive oil, and apply the same
fomentations as for pleurisy. Also this: have the
patient drink, in order to clean downwards, wild
purslane, sea-spurge, and Cnidian berry; after the
cleaning, give a bowl of lentil-soup as gruel, and let
him drink water. The next day, wash him with
copious hot water, except for his head. Then have
him drink marjoram well steeped in melicrat; let
him take drinks as hot as possible. Administer the
same cereals as to a patient with pleurisy, unless
fever is present. This disease is severe, and few
escape it.
8. If the chest and back are torn apart—in most
cases this happens as the result of exertion—the
patient suffers the following: he has a sharp cough
which sometimes produces sputum charged with
blood; in most cases chills and fever supervene; in
the chest and back there is sharp pain, and in the
side there seems to be something like a stone; the
patient is pierced through by pain as if a needle
were pricking him.

Τοῦτον ὁκόταν ὧδε ἔχῃ, παραχρῆμα γάλακτι

πιήνας καῦσαι τὰ στήθεα καὶ τὸ μετάφρενον" καὶ
οὕτω τάχιστα ὑγιὴς ἔσται. τὸ δὲ λοιπὸν ἡσυχά-
ζων τῷ σώματι μάλιστα διαιτῆσθαι, ἢν γάρ τι
~ / / =~ Ἃ /

ἢNy ἐπὶ
ἊΣ βὰ
ἢwl ἐφ
ἵππον, ἢἋ TOLAL

ow ὥμοισιν αὐτὸς ταλαιπωρήσῃ. κινδυνεύσει πά-


Aw ὑποτροπιάσαι ἣ νοῦσος. καί, ἣν ὑποτροπιάσῃ.

κίνδυνος διαφθαρῆναι: τὸ γὰρ νόσημα μᾶλλον πιέ-
/ “-- Ἂν \ / > /

ζει ἢ κατ᾽ ἀρχάς. ἢν δὲ μὴ καυθῇ, τοῖσι αὐτοῖσι

3 ΄ ΄ ΄

ἴῆσθαι οἷσι καὶ τὸν ἔμπυον. ῥοφήμασι καὶ σιτίοισι

καὶ ποτοῖσι. τὸ δὲ σύμπαν ἣσυχίην ἔχοντα εὐω-
χέειν τοῖσι ἐπιτηδείοισι. ἢν γὰρ οὕτω μελετηθῇ.
τάχιστα ὑγιὴς ἔσται. ἢ δὲ νοῦσος χαλεπή.
9. Ἢν ἐν πλευρῷ φῦμα φύηται καὶ ἔμπυον
γένηται, τάδε πάσχει ῥῖγος καὶ πυρετὸς ἰσχει.
/ / / ρῷ φῦμα φύηται καὶ ἐμ
~ \ \ 5

καὶ βὴξ ξηρὴ πολλὰς ἡμέρας, Kal ἀλγέει τὸ

Ν \ \ \ ς / \ ) f \

πλευρόν. Kal ἐς τὸν τιτθὸν καὶ ἐς THY KAnida Kal

/ Ἄ) 0.9 Ἂν Ν Niel) \ \

ἐς τὰς ὠμοπλάτας ὀδύνη ἴσχει ἀΐσσουσα.

Οὗτος ὅταν οὕτω ἔχῃ. ἐν μὲν τῆσι πρώτῃσι
ἡμέρῃσι ἕνδεκα ῥοφήμασι χρεέσθω. πτισάνης
χυλῷ καθέφθω μέλι παραχέων. δκόταν ἑφθὸν τὸ
ΣῈ / / / ς / ¢ \ \

(std ¥
ἢ> οἴνῳ
δὲ χρεέσθω
δὲ ΄ὔ θ Ἃ
λευκῷ,- γλυκεῖ
λ ΄“
ἢἋ av->
188 στηρῷ Kal! ὑδαρεῖ: καὶ ῥοφάνοντα πλεονάκις |τοῦ
οἴνου ἐκπτύειν κελεύειν: καὶ τοῦ ὕπνου κωλύειν.
ἔστ᾽ ἂν at ἕνδεκα ἡμέραι παρέλθωσι μετὰ δὲ
Ὑ ἡ 6 th ς / , \ \

ταύτας τὰς ἡμέρας σιτίοισι ὀλίγοισι ὡς μάλιστα

'! Mack (et Cornarius): ἢ Μ.

When the case is such, fatten the patient at once

on milk, and cauterize his chest and back; if you do
this, he will recover most quickly. From then on,
let him conduct his life in such a manner as to keep
his body very quiet; for, if he strains himself at all
by riding in a wagon or on a horse, or if he does
hard work with his shoulders, he will run the risk
of a relapse, and if this happens there is a danger
that he will perish, since the disease then presses
more forcefully than it did originally. If the patient
is not cauterized, treat him with the same things as
in internal suppuration: gruels, cereals and drinks.
In general, keep him quiet, and feed him well on
suitable foods; for, if he is cared for in this way, he
will quickly recover. The disease is severe.
9. If a tubercle forms in the side, and it sup-
purates, the patient suffers the following: he has
chills, fever and a dry cough for many days, he
aches in his side, and there are darting pains
towards his nipple, collar-bone and_ shoulder-
When the case is such, for the first eleven days
let the patient take as gruel boiled-down barley-
water to which honey has been added after the
gruel has been boiled, and drink white wine—
either sweet or dry—diluted with water; after he
has had several drinks of wine, order him to expec-
torate; prevent sleep until the eleven days have
passed. After that, let the patient take mainly
cereals in small amounts, and meats of puppy or

χρεέσθω. κρέασι σκυλακείοισι ἢ ἀλεκτρυονείοισι

/ / / Ἃ 2) /

θερμοῖσι. ἐζωμεῦσθαι δὲ χρὴ καλῶς. καὶ τὸν ζω:

μὸν pupavétw καὶ τοῖσι βοφήμασι πρόσθεν χρεέ-
σθω τοῦ σίτου. καὶ μὴ διψήτω. ἕως ἂν ἔμπυον
γένηται τὸ πλευρόν. πυΐσκεται δὲ μάλιστα ἐν
τεσσεράκοντα ἡμέρῃσι «ἢ ὀλίγῳ πρόσθεν
if: ¢: / <>! ὀλί / 6 i

τούτῳ δὲ γνώσῃ. δκόταν ἔμπυον γένηται TO

Ὁ Vv

πλευρόν, πύον γὰρ οὐκ ἀποπτύεται. καὶ οὐκ

ἀνεμέεται. τοῦτον, δκόταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. ὅκου ἂν
ἀποσημήνῃ. τάμνειν ἢ καίειν. ἔπειτα ἀφιέναι τὸ
πύον κατ᾽ ὀλίγον, καὶ ἐπειδὰνἃ ἀπαρύσῃς, μοτὸν
καθιέναι ὠμολίνου καὶ αὗτις τῇ ὑστεραίῃ ἐξελών.
ἀπαρύσαι κατ᾽ ὀλίγον τοῦ πύους. ἔπειτα μοτῶσαι:
πὶ 5 ~ v ~

καὶ αὖτις TH τρίτῃ καὶ τῆσι ἄλλῃσι ἡμέρῃσι dis

\ ἘΣ - ,ὔ \ ~ v c / \

τῆς ἡμέρης ἀπαρύειν ἕως av ξηρανθῇ. διδόναι δὲ

~ ig / 5 Ἢ [4 Ἃ ~ / \

καὶ τὰ σιτία καὶ τὰ ὄψα, ὁκόταν προσίηται. καὶ

πινέτω ὀλίγον. μὴ πολλόν, HY τε οἶνον ἤν τε καὶ
ὕδωρ: τρωγέτω δὲ καὶ τῆς ὀριγάνου τῆς ἁπαλῆς
ὡς πλεῖστον,
¢ ; ~
ἐς μέλι ἀποβάπτων.
b) / 5 /
ἣν δὲ μὴ
Ἃ \ ἣν

ἁπαλὴν ἔχῃ. ἀλλ᾽ avnv, λεπτὴν ποιήσας. ἐς TO

ς \ Ὑ 5 3 v \ / 2! \

μέλι μίξας λείην. διδόναι ὡς πλείστην. Kal μὴ

7 / / / c / \ \

ῥιγούτω. καὶ τοῖσι λουτροῖσι λούειν. καὶ μαλθα-

κῶς κοιμάσθω.
= , b
Οὕτω ταύτην τὴν νοῦσον θεραπεύων. τάχιστ
ἂν ὑγιέα ποιήσαις: δκόταν δὲ ὑγιὴς γένηται. φυ-
λασσέσθω τὸ ψῦχος.
4 τὸ θάλπος. τὸν ωἥλιον." καὶ
' Add. I. * A later ms: τοῦ ἡλίου M.

fowl warmed; you must boil these well into a soup,

and have the patient drink the soup. Let him drink
gruels before foods, and prevent thirst until his side
has suppurated. Usually suppuration occurs in
forty days or a little before; you will be able to tell
in this patient when he side has suppurated, for
then he no longer coughs or vomits up pus. When
the case is such, incise or cauterize the patient
wherever the signs point. Then draw off the pus a
little at a time and, when you have exhausted it,
introduce a tent of raw linen. Draw off pus again
the next day a little at a time, and then replace the
tent. Again on the third and subsequent days,
remove pus twice daily, until it dries up. Give both
cereals and main dishes whenever the patient will
take them, and let him drink a little, but only a
little, wine or water. Let him also eat much fresh
marjoram dipped in honey. If there is no fresh
marjoram, but only dried marjoram, rub that fine,
mix it thoroughly into honey, and give it in a very
generous amount. Make sure that the patient does
not have a chill, give him baths, and let him sleep
in a soft bed.
If you treat this disease in such a way, you will
very quickly bring about the patient’s recovery.
Once he has recovered, have him avoid cold, heat


τοῖσι περιπάτοισι ὀλίγοισι χρεέσθω μετὰ τὸ σῖτον,

ὅκως ἂν μὴ κόπος λάβῃ τὸ σῶμα: ταῦτα ἢν ποιέῃ
ὑγιὴς ἔσται. τούτων τῶν νούσων ἅστινας ἂν
Kavons, ἐπὶ τὰ καύματα πράσα τρίψας πολλὰ
/ τὶ \ \l / / / λλὰ

καταπλάσσειν εὐθὺς μετὰ τὴν καῦσιν καὶ ἐᾶν

piny ἡμέρην.
/ ¢ z,

10. Q@ioves τρεῖς. αὕτη μὲν γίνεται ἀπὸ ~ id;

190 pr€|ypatos ἐπὴν ἣ κεφαλὴ φλέγματος πλη-

ve 3 \ Gs \ /

σθεῖσα νοσήσῃ καὶ θέρμη ἐγγένηται, συσσήπεται

τὸ φλέγμα ev τῇ κεφαλῇ. ἅτε od δυνάμενον Kwe-
\ / 5 ~ ~ ea >) / /

εσθαι ὥστε ὑποχωρῆσαι. ἔπειτα ὁκόταν παχυνθῇ

καὶ συσσαπῇῇ καὶ ὑπερπλησθῇ
ρπλησθῇ τὰτὰ φλέβια,
φλέβια, ῥεῦμα
ἐπὶ τὸν πλεύμονα ἐγένετο, καὶ ὃ πλεύμων
δκόταν ἀναλάβῃ νοσέει παραχρῆμα, ἅτε δακνό-
μενος ὑπὸ τοῦ φλέγματος, ἁλυκοῦ ἐόντος καὶ
Τάδε /
οὖν πάσχει
“; /
πυρετὸς \
ἄρχεται βληχρὸς
“ \

ἐπιλαμβάνειν, καὶ ῥῖγος. καὶ πονέει τὰ στήθεα

Kal TO μετάφρενον, ἐνίοτε δὲ καὶ βὴξ πιέζει
\ \ / a / δὴ \ Ἁ /

ὀξείη Kal ἀποπτύει TO σίαλον πολὺ καὶ ὑγρὸν Kal

3) / AS ἐν / \ / \ eae \ \

ἁλμυρόν. ταῦτα μὲν κατ΄ ἀρχὰς τῆς νούσου πά- an 3 a

σχει προϊούσης δὲ τό τε γυῖον λεπτύνεται, πλὴν

τῶν σκελέων: ταῦτα δὲ οἰδέει, καὶ οἱ πόδες, καὶ οἱ
ὄνυχες EAKovTa ἐκ δὲ τῶν ὥμων λεπτὸς Kal
v igi ν᾿ Ν ~ vv \ \

ἀσθενής: ὃ φάρυγξ χνόου πίμπλαται καὶ συρίζει

>) / ς / / 7 Ν /

ὡς διὰ καλάμου: Kal διψῇ ἰσχυρῶς διὰ παντὸς τοῦ

€; Ν 7 \ -~ 9 ΄ \ \ ~

' Later mss: ἔπειτα Μ.


and sun, and take short after-dinner walks such

that his body does not become fatigued. If the
patient follows these instructions, he will recover.
In whichever of these diseases you cauterize, apply
a plaster of many crushed leeks to the site of the
cautery immediately after the operation, and leave
it there for one day.
10. Three consumptions: the first one arises
from phlegm. When the head, on being filled with
phlegm, becomes ill and is occupied by burning
heat, the phlegm in the head putrefies, inasmuch
as it cannot be set in motion to be evacuated.
When it has become thick and putrid, and the small
vessels are overfilled, a flux to the lung occurs, and
the lung, when it takes up the phlegm, immediately
becomes ill, being irritated by the salty putrid
Thus, the patient suffers the following: at the
beginning, there are a mild fever and chills; the
patient has pain in his chest and back, and some-
times a violent cough also presses him; he expector-
ates copious moist salty sputum. These things he
suffers at the beginning of the disease. As it goes
on, his body grows lean, except for the legs; these
swell up, as do the feet, and the nails become
curved. In his shoulders the patient is thin and
weak; his throat is filled with a film, and whistles
as if through a reed-pipe. He has great thirst
through the whole course of the disease, and

νοσήματος. καὶ ἀκρασίη πολλὴ τὸ σῶμα ἔχει.

/ Nias: / \ \ ~ Ὑ

ἜΣ μεν, cd Ὺ > ~ /
Οὗτος ὁκόταν οὕτω ἔχῃ. ἐνιαυτῷ φθειρόμενος
φαύλως θνήσκει μελετᾶν δὲ χρὴ ὡς μάλιστα καὶ
’ A / ὃ λ ΄σ δὲ \ c LA \

ἀνακομίζειν. πρῶτον μὲν πῖσαι ἐλλέβορον, κάτω

δ΄ ὑποκαθῆραι ἐπιθύμῳ ἢ τῷ πεπλίῳ ἢ τῷ κόκκῳ
? - - -

τῷ Κνιδίῳ ἢ τῇ τιθυμαλλίδι ταῦτα χρὴ τετράκις

~ , Ἃ ~ ~ \ /

τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ δοῦναι, ἄνω Bis, κάτω Bis. διδόναι

~ ~ ~ ») / ,ὔ x /

δὲ καὶ ὄνειον γάλα ἑφθὸν ἐς ὑποκάθαρσιν ἢ βόειον

ἢ1 αἴγειον:
“ /
πινέτω δὲ\ Kal SWiK
ὠμὸν τὸ\ βόειον
/ /
τρίτον μέρος μελικρήτου προσμίσγων,. πέντε καὶ
τεσσεράκοντα ἡμέρας. παραμίσγων καὶ τὴν ὀρί-
γανον. τὴν δὲ κεφαλὴν αὐτοῦ πρόσθε καθαίρειν,
πρὸς τὰς plvas προστιθεὶς φάρμακον. σιτία δὲ
Kal ὄψα διδόναι μήτε λιπαρὰ μήτε κνισώδεα
\ vv / / x / /

μήτε λίην δριμέα. τεκμαιρόμενος δὲ τὸ νόσημα

πάντα ποιέειν χρή. καὶ περιπάτοισι χρέεσθαι
πρὸς τὰ σιτία, τεκμαιρόμενος μὴ prywn τοῦ δὲ
χειμῶνος παρὰ πυρὶ τὴν σίτησιν ποιεέσθω. οἶνον
δὲ πινέτω. αὐστηρόν, μέλανα, ὡς παλαιότατον
192 Kal \ ἥδιστον,
δέ./ KHv

| δοκέῃ
σοι πρὸ\ τοῦa
φαρμάκου πυριῆσαι. καὶ οὕτω δοῦναι τὸ φάρμα-
Koy. nv δὲ μὴ βούλῃ δοῦναι τὸ φάρμακον. πυριή-
Ἃ \ \ / ~ \ / /

σας, οὕτω δὲ ἔμετον ἀπὸ τῶν σιτίων ποιήσασθαι.

ὡς τὸ πρόσθε γέγραπται. τούτῳ ἢν ξυμφέρωσι.
περιπάτοισι χρεέσθω ἢν δὲ μὴ ξυμφέρωσι, ἣσυ-
χίην χρὴ ἔχειν ὡς μάλιστα τῷ σώματι.

great debility affects his body.

When the case is such, the patient wastes away
sorrily for a year, and dies; you must treat him very
actively and strengthen him. First have him drink
hellebore, and then clean him downwards with
dodder of thyme, wild purslane, Cnidian berry, or
sea-spurge; these agents must be given four times a
year: twice to act upwards, twice to act down-
wards. To clean downwards give boiled ass’s milk,
too, or cow’s or goat’s; also let the patient drink raw
cow’s milk, to which one third part of melicrat has
been added, for forty-five days, and mix marjoram
with it as well; clean the patient’s head out before-
hand by applying medication to his nostrils. Give
cereals and main dishes that are neither rich, nor
steaming like roasted meat, nor very sharp. You
must do all these things, taking as your guide the
state of the disease. Have the patient take walks in
conjunction with his meals, but be careful not to
have a chill; in winter let him take his food beside
the fire. Let him drink wine that is dry, dark, very
old and very pleasant, but in small amounts. If it
seems advisable to you to treat with vapour-baths
before the medication, still give the medication. If
you are not willing to give it, apply vapour-baths,
and then induce vomiting by means of foods as
described above. If walks are beneficial to the
patient, let him take them; if they are not, he must
keep his body as quiet as possible.

ὗτος οὕτω
Οὗ iv)
r ,

τῷ νοσήματι. 7 δὲ νοῦσος θανασίμη, καὶ παῦροι

~ / c \ ~ / \ ~

διαφυγγάνουσι. /

11. Αλλη φθίσις: γίνεται μὲν ἀπὸ ταλαιπω-

pins, πάσχει δὲ πλῆθος τὰ αὐτά, ἃ Kal ὃ πρόσθεν:
/ / \ ~ N b) 4 e as /

ἢ δὲ νοῦσος διαπαύει αὕτη μᾶλλον τῆς προτέρης.

καὶ τοῦ θέρεος ἀνίησι. τὸ δὲ σίαλον ἀποπτύει,
παχύτερον μὲν\ τῆς"
fev ἢ ,
πρόσθεν, καὶ \ βὴξ
\ ,
πιέζει μά-,
λιστα τοὺς ὄρθρους." καὶ ὃ πόνος ἰσχυρότερος ἐν
τοῖσι στήθεσι. καὶ δοκέει οἷόν περ λίθον ἐν αὐτοῖσι
eyKeeobau πονέει δὲ Kal τὸ μετάφρενον. Kal 7
5 / / \ \ \ / \ ig

χροιὴ Sivypos αὐτοῦ ἐστιν, Kal ἦν TL πονήσῃ, φύ-

ση καὶ ἄσθμα ἴσχει. οὗτος ἐκ ταύτης τῆς νούσου
ἐν τρισὶν ἔτεσι μάλιστα θνήσκει.
Μελετᾶν> δὲ\ χρὴ\ τοῖσι
~ “
>) ~
καὶ \ TOV\
πρόσθεν. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος προσέχει τοῖσι πολλοῖσι
24 5 ,ὕ

γὰρ νοῦσος χαλεπή.
12. “Ἑτέρη φθίσις: ὑπὸ ταύτης τάδε πάσχει: ὃ
μυελὸς αὐτοῦ ὃ νωτιαῖος αἵματος μεστὸς γίνεται
¢ /
καὶ ee)ἀπὸ \ τῶν

δὲ φλέγματος ὑδρωποειδέος ἐμπίμπλανται καὶ

δὲ\ τὰ\ αὐτά.
ad ὁποτέρων
3..}})5 8 /

θίνη. 2 καὶ ὃ ἄνθρωπος

p εὐθὺς S pedas
μέλας γ γίνεται καὶ
ὑποιδαλέος, Kal τὰ ὑπὸ τοὺς |ὀφθαλμοὺς ὑπώπια
¢ / \ XG \ \ »] \ ¢c /
ὠχρά, καὶ αἱ
χρά, καὶ αἱ φλέβες ς αἱ ἐν τῷ@ σώματι
σώματι ὧχρ
ὠχραὶ δια-
' Later mss: τῇ Μ. 2 Potter (cf. Diseases II 48): ὁρόους M.

If treated in such a way, the patient will fare

best in the disease; the disease is usually mortal,
and few escape it.
11. Another consumption: this one arises as the
result of exertion, and the person suffers, for the
most part, the same things as in the preceding one;
this disease, however, makes spontaneous pauses
more often than the preceding one, and it remits in
summer. The sputum expectorated is thicker than
in the preceding disease, and the cough presses
most in the mornings. The pain in the chest is
more violent, and something like a stone seems to
be lying inside the chest; the back too is painful.
The patient’s colour is washed out and, if he exerts
himself at all, breathlessness and panting come
over him. Death from this disease usually occurs in
three years.
You must treat with the same things that you
gave to the preceding patient. This disease con-
tinues in most patients up to three years, but still
they die; for it is severe.
12. Another consumption: from this one the
person suffers the following (his spinal marrow
becomes filled with blood; or also he may be con-
sumed because the hollow vessels fill with dropsical
phlegm and with bile; patients suffer the same
symptoms no matter which of these two is the ori-
gin of their consumption): he immediately becomes
dark and somewhat swollen, the parts of his face
below the eyes are pale-yellow, and the vessels

τέτανται. ἔνιαι δὲ σφόδρα ἐρυθραί μάλιστα δὲ δῆ-

λαι αἱ ὑπὸ τῆσι μασχάλῃσι. καὶ ἀποπτύει ὠχρά.
Ce Si \ ~ / Wot Α 2) Φ,

Kal ὅταν αὐτῷ ἐπίῃ. πνίγεται καὶ βῆξαι οὐ δύνα-

Nicer, ΡῈ ~ 2) / / \ ~ 2) ,

ται ἐνίοτε βουλόμενος. ἐνίοτε δὲ ὑπὸ τοῦ πνίγ-

ματος καὶ τῆς προθυμίης τοῦ βήσσειν ἀθρόον
ἤμεσε χολήν. τότε δὲ λάπην. πολλάκις δὲ καὶ τὰ
vv / / Ν 7 / \ x \

σιτία, ὅταν φάγῃ καὶ δκόταν ἀπεμέσῃ. δοκέει

κουφότερος εἶναι εἶτ᾽ αὖτις ὀλίγον χρόνον δια-
λιπών. ἐν τοῖσι αὐτοῖσι πόνοισι κέεται. οὗτος καὶ
φθέγγεται ὀξύτερον ἢ ὑγιαίνων. καὶ ῥῖγος καὶ
πυρετὸς διαπαύων ἐπιλαμβάνει ἱδρώδης.
Ν / 5 yA ς /

Τοῦτον ὁκόταν ὧδε ἔχῃ. βρωτοῖσι καὶ ρυφήμα-

σι καὶ ποτοῖσι καὶ φαρμάκοισι καὶ τοῖσι ἄλλοισι
πᾶσι μελετῆν, ὥσπερ τὸν πρόσθεν. 7 δὲ νοῦσος
διαφέρει μάλιστα ἐννέα ἔτεα, ἔπειτα ἀποθνήσκει
/ ’ 3 , Ὑ Ὑ ᾿ , 1

φθειρόμενος. παῦροι δὲ φυγγάνουσιν ἐξ αὐτῆς:

χαλεπὴ γὰρ 7 νοῦσος.
Ἢν δὲ βούλῃ. ὧδε ἰῆσθαι αὐτόν. πρῶτον πυ-
ριῆσθαι. δκόταν δὲ πυριηθῇ. τῇ ὑστεραίῃ δοῦναι
χρὴ πιεῖν αὐτῷ μελικρήτου ἡμίχουν καὶ ὄξος πα-
ραχέαι ὀλίγον: τοῦτο δὲ κέλευε ἀπνευστὶ ἐκπιεῖν᾽
ἔπειτα τῶν ἱματίων ἀμφιέσαι αὐτὸν πολλὰ καὶ
Ὑ ~ ¢ / 5 / ἊΨ Ν \ δὲ

ἐᾶν" ὡς πλεῖστον χρόνον. ἣν δὲ μὴ ἀνέχηται,

2 /

δὲ\ μὴYayἔμε-
τος ἔχῃ χρόνου ἤδη ἐγγενομένου. ἐπιπιὼν ὕδατος
χλιεροῦ μεγάλην κύλικα. ἐμεέτω καταματτεόμε-
| Potter (cf. chs. 19, 32): διαφέρει Μ. 2 Potter: ἣν M.

through his body are pale-yellow and stretched, or

some are very red; especially conspicuous are the
ones in the axillae. The patient expectorates pale-
yellow sputum, and when an attack occurs he
chokes and sometimes cannot cough even though
he wants to. Sometimes, because of his choking
and eagerness to cough, he all at once vomits bile,
then scum, and often even food when he has eaten;
after he has vomited, his condition seems to be
better; but then after a short time he is again sub-
ject to the same distress as before. The patient’s
voice is shriller than when he was well, and inter-
mittent chills and fever accompanied by sweating
When the case is such, treat this patient with
foods, gruels, drinks, medications, and all the other
things that you gave to the preceding one. Gen-
erally the disease continues for nine years, and
then, being wasted away, the patient dies. Few
escape, for the disease is severe.
If you wish, treat the disease as follows: first
administer a vapour-bath; on the day after the
patient has had the vapour-bath, give him a half
chous of melicrat to which a little vinegar has been
added; have him drink this off without taking a
breath, and then cover him thickly with blankets,
and leave these on for a good long time. If he
cannot tolerate this, but wants to vomit, let him
vomit. If vomiting does not occur after a certain
time has elapsed, let the patient drink, in addition,
a large cup of warm water, and vomit by being

νος πτερῷ" ὁκόταν δὲ ἀπεμέσῃ ὥστε καλῶς ἔχειν,

-. LS / de ὦ 7ὕ c λῶ Ὑ

ἡσυχίην ἐχέτω ταύτην THY ἡμέρην. δκόταν δὲ

ς »] ¢

δείπνου ὥρη ἢ. δειπνεέτω μᾶζαν ὀλίγην, καὶ

ὄψον ἐἐχέτω τάριχος καὶ πράσα, ταῦτα δὲ ἐσθιέτω
ὡς πλεῖστα: οἶνον δὲ πινέτω γλυκύν. τὸν δὲ λοι-
πὸν χρόνον, λουέσθω τε πᾶσαν ἡμέρην ἅμα ἕωθεν
θερμῷ πλείστῳ. καὶ μετὰ τὸ λουτρὸν φυλάσσειν
~ / -\ \ Ν \ /

χρὴ ὡς μὴ prywon, ἀλλὰ κατακλιθεὶς εὑδέτω ὡς

\ >) \ ς / ὋΝ \ \ Ὁ / ς

πλεῖστον χρόνον. ὁκόταν δὲ ἀναστῇ εὕδων, περι-

196 ελθέτω σταδίους εἴκοσι τὸ | βραχύτατον ταύτῃ
τῇ ἡμέρῃ τῆσι δὲ ἄλλῃσι ἡμέρῃσι πέντε σταδίους
ἄλλους ὑπερβαλὼν βαδιζέτω ἑκάστης ἡμέρης
Ὑ c \ / Ὁ. / ε /

ἕως av ἀφίκηται ἐς τοὺς ἑκατὸν σταδίους. THY δὲ

ec Ἃ Ψ / 2) \ ¢ \ / \ \

κοιλίην ὑποκαθαίρειν δεῖ ἐκ τῆς ἡμέρης χυλοῖσι

τεύτλων καὶ ἀπὸ κράμβης χωρὶς ἑκάτερα ἑψήσας
ἀπηθῆσαι χοέα ἑκατέρου εἶτα συμμίξας ἐς
TMUTO συνεψεῖν δὲ olds στέαρ τὸ ἀπὸ τῶν νεφρῶν
τεταρτημόριον μνᾶς ἐν ἀμφοτέροις: ἐψεῖν διελών"
ὁκόταν δὲ μέλλῃ πιεῖσθαι, πρὸς μὲν τῆς κράμβης
ς / \ / ~ N ss ~ /

τὸν χυλὸν ἅλα παραβαλεῖν, πρὸς δὲ τὸν τῶν

\ \ dd ~ \ \ \ ~

τευτλίων μέλι παραχέειν, εἶτα' χωρὶς ἑκάτερον

πίνειν: ἢ μέλι παραχέας παρὰ τὴν ἑτέρην κύλικα
[καὶ] πίνειν, παρὰ δὲ τὴν ἑτέρην ἅλας" ἐκπιεῖν
δὲ χρὴ πάντα τὸν χυλόν.
Ταῦτα μὲν ποιέειν χρὴ τριήκοντα ἡμέρας. τῷ
δὲ δευτέρῳ μηνὶ ἐσθιέτω ἄρτον Kal κρέα πίονα
\ / \ 2 / vv Ν / /

' Potter: ἣν δὲ M. ? Del. later mss.


tickled with a feather. When he has vomited, and

feels better, let him rest that day. When dinner
time arrives, have him dine on a small barley-cake,
and take as main dish salt-fish and leeks, of which
he should eat as many as he can; let his wine be
sweet. From then on, let the patient bathe every
day at dawn in very copious hot water; after the
bath, you must make sure that he does not have a
chill, by putting him to bed, and having him sleep
long. On arising from his sleep, have him walk at
least twenty stades! that day; on the days that
follow, let him walk an additional five stades each
day until he reaches one hundred stades. Begin-
ning from the first day, you must clean the cavity
downwards with beet- and cabbage-juice: boil these
separately, and strain off a chous of each; then mix
into each one quarter mina of fat from a sheep’s
kidney, and boil them, still separately; when the
patient is ready to drink, into the cabbage-juice
sprinkle salt, and into the beet-juice pour honey;
then have him drink each separately; alternatively
add honey to one cup and have him drink it, and
then salt to the next cup; he must drink all the
These things you must do for thirty days. In the
second month, let the patient eat bread and boiled
1 See table of measures p. 330.

ὑὸς ἑφθά, ἄλλο μηδέν: οἶνον δὲ πινέτω λευκόν.

αὐστηρόν, καὶ δδὸν ὁδοιπορεέτω μὴ ἐλάσσω στα-
δίων τριήκοντα πρὸ τοῦ δείπνου, μετὰ δὲ τὸ δεῖ-
πνον δέκα
καὶ \ μὴNie ῥιγούτω.
aC: ,
5 2
3 ,

ταῦτα ἢν ποιέῃ βήϊον οἴσει τὴν νοῦσον.

Τῷ δὲ τρίτω μηνὶ κυκεῶνα ἀνθινὴν πινέτω:
c t

σελίνου pitas καὶ ἄνηθον καὶ πήγανον Kal μίνθην

/ Cus AF \ / \ /

καὶ κορίαννον καὶ μήκωνας ἁπαλὰς καὶ ὥκιμον

καὶ φακὸν Kal ῥοιῆς γλυκείης Kal οἰνώδεος χυλόν᾽
\ \ vealed > tf \ ’ / /

δὲ\ χρὴ\ τὰς\ γλυκείας
δὲ\ χρὴ\
συναμφοτέρων τοῦ χυλοῦ ἡμικοτύλιον καὶ οἴνου
μέλανος ἡδέος αὐστηροῦ ἡμικοτύλιον καὶ ὕδατος
κοτύλης ἥμισυ ἔπειτα ἄνθεα τρίψας λεῖα. διῆναι
/ ce Ὑ vv / ~ ~

τούτῳ τῷ συγκεκρημένῳ. Kal ἐγχέαι ἐς κύλικα

/ ~ / A. 7 >) / E

ἔπειτα ἐπιβαλεῖν ἄλευρα ὀρόβων. δκόσον ὀξύβα-

Ὑ 5 ~ Ὑ 5 / ¢ / 3 /
gov, καὶ ἄλφιτον ἴσον, καὶ τυροῦ παλαιοῦ αἰγείου
ξέσας τὸ ἴσον τοῖσι ὀρόβοισι ταῦτα συγκυκήσας
ἐκπιέτω: ἔπειτα διαλιπὼν ὀλίγον χρόνον ἀριστά-
τω ἄρτον, καὶ ὄψον ἐχέτω τέμαχος νάρκης ἢ ῥί-
vns ἢ γαλεοῦ ἢ Batidos, καὶ κρέα olds ἐσθιέτω
Ἃ ~ Ἃ ἡ / SA 5 /

ἑφθά: Kal παχυνέτω EwuTdov ἡσυχίην ἄγων ὡς μά-

Aorta καὶ πυριὴν διὰ δεκάτης ἡμέρης [ἐς ἑωυτὸν
ς a1 1
Τῷ; δὲ τετάρτῳ
ρτῳ μηνὶ πυριῆν διὰδιὰ πέμπτης
μηνὶ πυριὴν πέμπτης ἣμἡμέ-
ρης ἀτρέμα. καὶ ἐσθιέτω ὄψον ὡς πλεῖστον" ὄψῳ δὲ
ἢ / 45 / Ὑ £ ~ vv \

χρεέσθω τυροῖσι καὶ κρέασι ὀλίγοισι olds ἐφθοῖσι.

' Del. Potter.

fat pork, but nothing else; let him drink dry white
wine, and walk a distance of not less than thirty
stades before dinner, and after dinner ten stades;
let him keep himself covered in order to avoid a
chill. If he does these things, he will bear the
disease more easily.
In the third month, let the patient drink a
cyceon flavoured with plants: celery roots, dill, rue,
mint, coriander, fresh poppies, basil, lentil, and the
juices of sweet and vinous pomegranates, the
amount of the sweet being double that of the
vinous; there must be a half cotyle of the two juices
together, a half cotyle of pleasant dry dark wine,
and a half cotyle of water. Grind the plants fine,
soak them in this mixture, and pour into a cup.
Then add vetch-meal to the amount of an oxyba-
phon, an equal amount of barley-meal, and grate in
an amount of aged goat’s cheese equal to the
vetches. Stir all these into the cyceon, and have
the patient drink it off. Then, leaving a short inter-
val, let him breakfast on bread, take as main dish a
slice of torpedo, angel-fish, dogfish or skate, and eat
boiled mutton; let him fatten himself by keeping
very quiet; administer a vapour-bath every tenth
In the fourth month, administer mild vapour-
baths every fifth day, and let the patient eat main
dishes as much as he can; as such employ cheeses

δδοιπορεέτω δὲ σταδίους οὗτος τῷ τετάρτῳ μηνὶ

¢ / \ / e ~ / \

ἀρξάμενος τῇ πρώτῃ ἡμέρῃ ἀπὸ δέκα σταδίων,

μέχρις ὀγδοήκοντα αὐτῷ στάδιοι γένονται
5 ΄

περιπατεέτω δὲ τῆς ἡμέρης ὀγδοήκοντα σταδί-

ους, μετὰ τὸ δεῖπνον εἴκοσιν, ὄρθρου δὲ τριήκοντα.
Τὸ δὲ λοιπὸν τοῦ χρόνου διαιτάσθω μᾶζαν καὶ

> /
5) 7
Kal ἌΓΩΝὄψον ἐχέτω
» ἈΠ

καὶ κρέα πάντα ἐσθιέτω πλὴν βοείων καὶ χοι-

ρείων: ἰχθύων δὲ τῶνδε ἀπεχέσθω,. κεστρέος καὶ
/ p} / \ ~ 2) / / \

ἐγχέλυος Kal μελανούρου: ἐσθιέτω δὲ νάρκην Kal

2) / aN / >) / \ / \

ῥίνην καὶ βατίδα καὶ γαλεὸν καὶ τρυγόνα καὶ

βατράχους. τῶν δὲ λοιπῶν μηδένα. ἣν δὲ δοκέῃ
/ ~ \ ~ / Ἃ \ /

ἀσινέα εἶναι, καὶ κυκεῶνα, ἐπειδὰν μέλλῃ καθευ-

δήσειν, πινέτω ἀπὸ οἴνου μέλανος, ἡδέος, παλαι-
od, δικότυλον κύλικα: καὶ μεθ᾽ ἡμέρην τῷ αὐτῷ
- ? - -

olvw χρεέσθω ἐπὶ σιτίῳ. καὶ δδοιπορεέτω τῆς

ἡμέρης. ἑκατὸν πεντήκοντα σταδίους, μετὰ δεῖπ-
νον εἴκοσι, ὄρθρου δὲ τεσσεράκοντα. οὗτος γίνε-
ται ὑγιὴς
¢ \
, ΄-

13. Ἢν puedog 6 κατὰ τὴν ῥάχιν αὐαίνηται:

Ἃ \ ς \ \ CR 2. /

200 αὐαίνεται δὲ μάλιστα, δκόταν τὰ | φλέβια ἀπο-

ὍΣ / \ / if Ve \ / Ὁ)

φραχθῇ τὰ ἐς τὸν μυελὸν τείνοντα καὶ | ἐκ τοῦ

ἐγκεφάλου ἔφοδος. διὰ κάκωσιν δὲ τοῦ σώματος
Ψ / Ὑ \ / % a /

τάδε πάσχει καὶ νοσέει---αὐαίνεται δὲ μάλιστα

καὶ ΠΡ.ἀπὸ \ λαγνείης---τάδε
/ /

ἐμπίπτει αὐτῷ ἐς τὴν κεφαλήν, καὶ ἐς τὸν τρά-

χηλον καὶ τὴν ὀσφῦν, καὶ ἐς τοὺς μύας τῆς

and small amounts of boiled mutton. Let this

patient walk stades in the fourth month, beginning
on the first day with ten stades, and increasing
until he reaches eighty stades; then let him walk
eighty stades daily, of which twenty should be after
dinner and thirty in the morning (sc. the other
thirty between his meals).
From then on, let the regimen include eating
both barley-cakes and bread; let the patient take as
main dish selachians and eat all meats except beef
and pork; of fish, let him abstain from grey mullet,
eel and black-tail, and eat torpedo, angel-fish,
skate, dogfish, sting-ray and fishing-frog, but no
others. If he seems quite well, let him also drink a
cyceon, when he is about to retire, a two-cotyle cup
made from pleasant old dark wine; by day, let him
use this same wine with his meal. Have him walk
one hundred and fifty stades a day, of which twenty
should be after dinner and forty in the early morn-
ing. When treated in this way, the patient usually
recovers in a year.
13. If the marrow of the spine becomes dry (it
generally becomes dry when the small vessels ex-
tending into the marrow are blocked, and also the
passage out of the brain), as a result of the body’s
insult the patient suffers the following and is ill
(the marrow also often becomes dry from venery);
he suffers, then, as follows: sharp pain occupies
the head, neck, loins, lumbar muscles, and the

ὀσφύος. Kal ἐς τὰ ἄρθρα τῶν σκελέων. ὥστε evi-

2) / ee) \ vv ~ / [2 ». /

οτε οὐ δύνανται ξυγκάμπτειν. καὶ ἣ κόπρος οὐ

5 2. 6 -
Siaywpeer, ἀλλ΄ ἵσταται. καὶ δυσουρέεται. οὗτος
KAT ἀρχὰς μὲν τῆς νούσου Novyxaitepov διάγει:
2 ~

8 a! ἂν
ὃ¢ χρόνος
TH= νούσῳ
Ὁ) ,

πονέει ἅπαντα μᾶλλον. καὶ τὰ σκέλεά τε οἰδέει

/ [2 ~ \ Ν i} / 2 /

ὡς ἀπὸ ὑδέρου, καὶ ἕκλεα ἐκφλυνδάνει ἐκ τῆς

iC 5) \ c / ZA LG! 5 / >) lot

5 , \ \ ee ς , \ \ »
ὀσφύος. καὶ τὰ μὲν ἄλλα ὑγιαίνεται, τὰ δὲ ἄλλα
ούτῳ. ὁκόταν οὕτω ἔχῃ. καθῆραι τὴν κεῴφα
A[i / G / ec Vv AF \ φ ε:

Anv τῷ ἱππόφεω o7@ ἢ TH Κνιδίῳ κόκκῳ πυριή-

Ἁ χα Ὁ / 5 ~ nN ~ / / /

σας πρῶτον τὸ σῶμα εὖ μάλα. τῆς δὲ ἑσπέρης

μετὰ THY κάθαρσιν πτισάνης δύο τρυβλία pode€-
ὯΝ \ / / / / ¢ /

τω μέλι παραχέας: οἶνον δὲ λευκὸν πινέτω μαλ-

τῇ- 8 δ΄ ὑστεραίῃ
ἐς ,
> ,

Sy ΣΝ ὁ ἤν a , ͵ SEN , >
αὐτῷ Epbod, μέλι παραχέας, ὀκτὼ κοτύλας ἐκ-
πιεῖν. nv δὲ μὴ ὄνειον ἔχῃς. βοείου ἢ αἰγείου
~.. Ἃ δὲ \ Ὑ Ὑ β / Ἃ »] /

εφθοῦ τρία ἡμιχόεα, παραχέας μέλι. καὶ τὴν

ὥρην γαλακτοποτεέτω ἐν ὀρῷ' καὶ γάλακτι πέντε
Kal τεσσεράκοντα ἡμέρας. σιτίοισι δὲ Kal ὄψοισι

χρεέσθω ὡς διαχωρητικωτάτοισι οἶνον δὲ πινέτω

λευκόν, μαλθακόν, Μένδαιον." ὁπόταν δὲ παχύτα-
τος 7, καῦσαι αὐτοῦ ἐς τὴν ὀσφῦν ἑκατέρωθεν
τῶν σπονδύλων τέσσαρας ἐσχάρας, καὶ ἐς τὸ
μετάφρενον δεκαπέντε ἑκατέρωθεν, καὶ εἰς τὸν
' Littré (sero Cornarius): ὀροβίῳ Μ. 2 Potter (cf. chs.
16-18, 24): Μενδήσιον M.

joints of the legs, so that sometimes patients cannot

flex their hip. The stools do not pass off, but are
stopped, and the patient has dysuria. At the begin-
ning of the disease, this patient goes along quite
peacefully, but as the period of the illness
lengthens, his sufferings increase in every way.
His legs swell up as if from dropsy, and ulcers
break out in the region of the loins; while some of
these ulcers are healing, others develop.
When the case is such, clean out the patient’s
head with hippopheos juice or Cnidian berry, after
first applying very thorough vapour-baths to his
body. In the evening after the cleaning, let him
take two bowls of barley-gruel to which honey has
been added; let him drink mild white wine. On the
next day, give him eight cotylai of boiled ass’s milk
with honey, to drink off. If you do not have ass’s
milk, then give three half choes of boiled cow’s or
goat’s milk with honey. In season, also let him
drink whey and milk for forty-five days. Of cereals
and main dishes have him eat the most laxative,
and drink mild white Mendean wine. When the
person is in a state of corpulence, burn four eschars
in the lumbar region on both sides of the vertebrae,
fifteen on each side in the back, and in the neck two


αὐχένα δύο μεταξὺ τῶν TevovTwY ἢν yap τύχῃς

5 / / \ ~ / Ἃ \ /

Kavoas, [καὶ] ὑγιέα ποιήσεις 7 δὲ νοῦσος

202 14. ᾿Απὸ νεφρῶν αἵδε νοῦσοι γίνονται τέσσαρες.
> \ Ξ , ὃ , Pape .¢ 7
Απὸ τῆς πρώτης τάδε πάσχει. ὀδύνη ὀξείη
ἐμπίπτει ἐς τὸν νεφρὸν Kal ἐς THY ὀσφῦν Kai ἐς
P) / 3 \ \ Nie sd \ 5 ~ Smee}

τὸν κενεῶνα καὶ ἐς τὸν ὄρχιν τὸν κατὰ τὸν νε-

Kal \ οὐρέει
3. 1
πυκινά,, Kal \ στάζει"
΄ὔ 2)
Kat 2

\ S _ ν (7) ~ Ὑ ,ὔ 3 ,ὔ
τὸ οὖρον. καὶ ἅμα τῷ οὔρῳ προέρχεται" ψάμμος.
καὶ ὁκόταν ἐξίῃ διὰ τῆς οὐρήθρης 7 ψάμμος. ὀδύ-
\ 3C. / 5 / \ a 5 / €. / 2) /

νὴν παρέχει ἰσχυρὴν ἐν τῇ οὐρήθρῃ. ὁκόταν δὲ

ιεξουρήσῃ. <n>* ὀδύνη avinor ἔπειτα αὖτις ἐν
ὃ ξ Ἢ <n>' ὀὸ iy 2) / ἣν Ὑ Εν »]

τοῖσι αὐτοῖσι ἄλγεσι κέεται: ὁκόταν δὲ οὐρέῃ. καὶ

qa ~ ! ψ᾿

τὸν καυλὸν ὑπὸ τῆς ὀδύνης τρίβει.

Ν Ν ς Ν ~ ὅ / /

Πολλοὶ δὲ τῶν ἰητρῶν οἱ μὴ συνιέντες τὴν

\ Ν ~ 5 ~ ζ Ν / δὰ

νοῦσον, oKoTay ἴδωσι THY ψάμμον. δοκέουσι λιθιῆν

~ ς 7 ᾿"] \ / / ~

τὴν κύστιν, <nv>° μὲν οὐ λιθιῇ, τὸν δὲ νεφρὸν

λιθιᾷ. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος γίνεται ἀπὸ φλέγματος,
~ dd 6 ~ / 5 \ /

δκόταν ὃ νεφρὸς ἐς ἑωυτὸν ἀναλαβὼν φλέγμα μὴ

ε / id Ν 5 c \ 5 \ / \

Dat 7 / b) ? > - a - ,ὔ
ἀφίῃ πάλιν, ἀλλ΄ αὐτοῦ ξυμπωρωθῇ: τοῦτο γίνε-
ται λίθοι λεπτοὶ οἷον ψάμμος.
/ Ve /

Τοῦτον ὁκόταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. TH ὁπῷ τῆς oKap-

~ Ὁ. / a vv ~ 9 a ~

μωνίης ἢ αὐτῇ τῇ ῥίζῃ. πυριήσας" πρόσθεν ἅπαν

Ἃ ») ΄- rou ws } / id

τὸ σῶμα, ὑποκαθῆραι. σι: σι

τῇ 5 ὑστεραίῃ ἀπὸ ἐρε-
~ 3

! Del. Cornarius. 2 Potter: στύφει M. 3 Cornarius:

προσ- M. 4 Later mss. > Potter. 6 Littré: -ῆσαι M.

between the tendons; for, if your cautery succeeds,

you will cure him. The disease is severe.
14. From the kidneys these four diseases arise.
In the first one, the patient suffers the following:
a sharp pain attacks his kidney, loin, flank, and his
testicle on the same side as the kidney; he urinates
frequently, and drips urine a little at a time;
together with the urine sand too is passed, and
when the sand discharges through the urethra, it
produces violent pain in it. When the patient has
finished urinating, the pain stops; later, though, he
labours under the same distress again. When he is
passing urine, he rubs his penis because of the
Many physicians that do not understand the
disease, when they see the sand, think the patient
is suffering from stones of the bladder, which he is
not, but rather from stones of the kidney. This
disease arises from phlegm, when the kidney takes
up phlegm into itself and does not release it, but it
solidifies there; this forms fine stones like sand.
When the case is such, clean the patient down-
wards with scammony juice or the root itself, first
applying vapour-baths to the whole body. On the

βίνθων λευκῶν τῷ χυλῷ ὑποκαθῆραι δύο χοεῦσι

/ ~ ~ ~ ¢ lon / ~

ἅλα' δὲ παρεμβαλὼν διδόναι πίνειν. μετὰ δὲ

ταῦτα ποτοῖσι καὶ βρωτοῖσι καὶ λουτροῖσι μελε-
Thy, διδοὺς\ τὰ\ αὐτὰ
SaaS AL 2
<a>° Kal Sen a
τῷ στραγγουριῶντι
δίδοται φάρμακα.ρμακα. ὁκόταν δὲ 4ἣ ὀδύνη uy πιέσ ἢ»
λούειν πολλῷ καὶ θερμῷ, καὶ χλιάσματα προσ-
/ ~ \ ~ \ /

τιθέναι ὅπῃ πονέει μάλιστα. δκόταν δὲ ἀποιδήσῃ

/ ivf

/ / ς / \ 5 /

Kal ἈΠ ἐξαρθῇ.ἘΝ ὑπὸτ ν τοῦτον

τὸν\ χρόνον
/ a
παραχρῆμα 3

τάμνειν κατὰ τὸν νεφρόν. Kal ἐξελὼν τὸ πύος,.

/ \ \ Zz \ 3 Χ \ /

τὴν ψάμμον διουρητικοῖσι ἰῆσθαι ἣν μὲν γὰρ

τμηθῇ. ἐλπὶς ἐκφυγέειν: ἣν δὲ μή, ἢ νοῦσος τῷ
=~ 2) \ Ὁ. / Ἃ \ / ζ ~ ~

ἀνθρώπω συναποθνήσκει.
15. Ἄλλη vedpod: αἱ μὲν ὀδύναι ἰσχυρῶς πιέ-
204 ζουσι ws | ἐν τῇ πρόσθεν: γίνεται δὲ τὸ νόσημα
ἀπὸ ταλαιπωρίης. δκόταν ῥαγῇ τὰ φλέβια ἐς τὸν
3} Ἂν / (a / ς lol \ / Ἂ ΝΥ

νεφρὸν τείνοντα. ἔπειτα ὃ νεφρὸς αἵματος πλη-

σθῇ. οὗτος ὁκόταν ταῦτα πάθῃ. ἐξουρέει ἅμα τῷ
οὔρῳ αἷμα κατ᾽ ἀρχὰς τοῦ νοσήματος, ἔπειτα
- 3 a

ava’ προϊόντος δὲ τοῦ χρόνου. οὗτος ἢν ἡσυχίην

Ὑ 5
τῷlon σώματι,
ς \
vy on
ἢν γάρ/
τι πονήσῃ at ὀδύναι πολλῷ μᾶλλον ἕξουσι. δκό-
/ Cay / ~ > a ς /

| Later mss: ἄλλα Μ. 2 Grmek and Wittern, “Die Krank-

heit des attischen Strategen Nikias und die Nierenleiden
im Corpus Hippocraticum”, Arch. int. hist. sci. XXVI. 100
(1977) 10. 3 Potter: παρασχῇ M. 4 Grmek and Wit-
tern, 16: mie M. 5. Later mss.

following day, clean downwards with juice from

white chick-peas to the amount of two choes; add
salt, and give this to drink. After that, treat with
drinks, food and baths, giving the same medica-
tions that are given to a patient with strangury.
When pain is pressing, wash with copious hot
water, and apply fomentations where the pain is
worst. When the affected area swells up and
becomes raised, incise then immediately over the
kidney, draw out the pus, and attend to the sand
with diuretics. For, if this person is incised, he has
a hope of survival, but if he is not, the disease
clings to him until he dies.
15. Another disease of the kidney: pains press
violently just as in the preceding disease. This
disease arises from exertion, when the vessels
extending to the kidney rupture, and the kidney is
then filled with blood. When a patient suffers this,
he passes blood with his urine, at the beginning of
the disease, and then, as time goes on, pus. If he
rests his body, he will recover very quickly; how-
ever, if he exerts himself in any way, the pains


ταν οὖν ἔμπυοςΤΣ v

ἢ ὃ veppds, ἀποιδέει παρὰ τὴν
BY € / b) / Ἂν \

Τοῦτον, ὅταν
~ ee
οὕτω ἔχῃ. τάμνειν κατὰ TO ἀποι-
iv vv / Ν ye)

δέον, μάλιστα μὲν βαθείην τομὴν κατὰ τὸν

νεφρόν κὴν μὲν τύχης ταμών, παραχρῆμα ὑγιέα
ποιήσεις" ἢν δὲ ἁμάρτῃς. κίνδυνος ἕλκος ἔμμοτον
γενέσθαι. ἢν δὲ συμφυῇ τὸ ἕλκος, ἐκπυοῦται

εἴσωθεν ἣς κοιλίη, [ἢ]
ἘΠ aoe
ἀπὸ τοῦΞ vedpodΞ κὴν1
ῥαγῇ ἔσωθεν καὶ χωρήσῃ κατὰ τὸν ἀρχὸν τὰ πύα.
ἐλπὶς ἐκφυγέειν. ἣν de avon τοῦ ἑτέρου νεφροῦ,
ἐλ \ »] φ / νι δὲ ψ / ΄-- ἃ / φ ~

lo 2
δὲ\ χρὴ\3
φαρμάκοισι τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσι πᾶσιν, ὡς" καὶ τὸν
πρόσθεν. καὶ τὴν δίαιταν τὴν αὐτὴν ἐχέτω. αὕτη
/ \ \ / \ 5 \ >) / [2

ἣ νοῦσος χαλεπή, καὶ πολλοὶ ἐκ ταύτης τῆς νού-

᾿ , 5 , ,
σου ἐς φθίσιν" vedpitida κατέστησαν.
16. "Αλλη νεφροῦ: τὸ μὲν οὖρον προέρχεται
οἷον ἀπὸ κρεῶν βοείων ὀπτῶν χυλός: γίνεται δὲ
TO\ νόσημα/
. \
χολὴΝ ἐς ἐγ
φλέβια συρρυῇa τὰ\ τείνοντα
/ >
ἐς τὸν\ vEeppov"on καὶ \
ὅταν στῆ.ἢ» ἑλκοῖ τὰ φλέβια καὶ τὸν νεφρόν ρ ὑπὸ
οὖν τῆς ἑλκώσιος τοιοῦτον ὑποχωρέει ἅμα τῷ
> a a U ~

οὔρῳ. αἱ δὲ ὀδύναι ἔχουσιν ἐν TH ὀσφύϊ Kal TH

Ὑ ¢ \ 5 / Ἵ 5 ~ ’ foe \ >

κύστει, καὶ ἐν τῷ περινῷ καὶ ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ νεφρῷ

ἐπ᾽ ὀλίγον χρόνον ἔπειτα ἀνῆκεν ὃ πόνος, καὶ
᾽ A

' Del. Potter. 2 @ resumes with -ρῆναι. 3 χρὴ om. M.

4 ,οῖσιν... ὡς O: Kal τοῖσι ἄλλοισι τοῖσι αὐτοῖσι πᾶσι. οἷσι Μ. 50
adds ἢ.

increase greatly. Now, when the kidney sup-

purates, swelling appears beside the spine.
When the case is such, incise the patient at the
site of the swelling, making an especially deep cut
over the kidney. If your incision succeeds, you will
quickly bring about recovery, but, if you fail, there
is the danger that an ulcer requiring tents will
arise. If this ulcer unites, the cavity is made to
suppurate from within by the kidney; if the pus
formed breaks into the intestine and passes off
through the rectum,! there is hope of survival, but
if it comes to involve the other kidney, the patient
will be in danger of perishing. You must treat with
all the same medications as in the preceding case,
and have the patient follow the same regimen.
This disease is severe, and many patients have
gone on from it into a nephritic consumption.
16. Another disease of the kidney: the urine
passed is like the juice of roasted beef. This disease
arises from dark bile, when it collects in the vessels
extending to the kidney; when it has come to rest
there, it ulcerates the vessels and the kidney; thus,
because of the ulceration, material of the kind
described passes off with the urine. For a short
time, pains are present in the loins, bladder,
perineum and the kidney itself; then the attack
1 T.e. escapes from the abdominal cavity by passing
into the gastro-intestinal tract and out through the anus.

αὗτις ἐπέλαβεν ὀξὺς δι᾿ ὀλίγου: καὶ ἐς τὸ λεπτὸν

τῆς γαστρὸς ἔστιν ὅτε ὀδύνη ἐμπίπτει.
Τοῦτον ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. ὑποκαθῆραι τὴν κοι-
λίην τῇ σκαμωνίῃ pily πίνειν διδόναι ταὐτὰ ἃ
206 καὶ τῷ στραγγουριῶντι: | καὶ ὅταν ἣ ὀδύνη ἔχῃ.
λούειν θερμῷ" καὶ πολλῷ. καὶ χλιάσματα προσ-
τιθέναι πρὸς τὸ πονέον μάλιστα. καὶ ῥυφήματι
χρήσθω ἀλεύρω ἑφθῷ. μέλι παραχέων. καὶ τῇ ἄλ-
λῃ διαίτῃ χρήσθω ὡς διαχωρητικωτάτῃ. καὶ οἶνον
πινέτω λευκὸν Μένδαιον μελιχρόν. ἢ ἄλλον" τὸν
ἥδιστον καλὸν κεκρημένον. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος μάλι-
στα" ἐκλείπει. καὶ τὴν ὥρην᾽ γαλακτοποτείτω
ἐς κάθαρσιν τῷ ὀρῷ τὴν δὲ γαλακτοπωσίην ἐν
θέρει ποιείσθω πέντε καὶ τεσσεράκοντα ἡμέρας.
ταῦτα ἢν ποιέῃ. ῥᾷστα τὴν νοῦσον διάξει.
17. "Αλλη νεφροῦ: τὸ μὲν νόσημα γίνεται ἀπὸ
χολῆς καὶ φλέγματος, τοῦ δὲ" θέρεος μάλιστα
γίνεται γίνεται δὲ καὶ ἀπὸ λαγνείης ἣ νοῦσος.
οὗτος τάδε" πάσχει. ὀδύναι πιέζουσιν αὐτὸν ἐς
τὴν λαπάρην καὶ ἐς τὸν κενεῶνα καὶ ἐς τὴν
ὀσφῦν καὶ ἐς τοὺς μύας τῆς ὀσφύος, καὶ πάσχει
οἷα γυνὴ ὠδίνουσα. καὶ οὐκ ee ἐπὶ τοῦ
ὑγιέος κατακείμενος" ἃ γὰρ πονέειΣ τοῦ κενεῶνος
: θερμῷ om. Θ. 2M adds λευκὸν. 3. Θ᾽ od μάλα M.
1 Μ adds ὀροποτεέτω καὶ. ° Potter: Ope Θ: ὥρῃ Μ.
6 δὲ Θ: δ᾽ ἔτεος Μ. ’ γίνεται om. Μ. 8 Μ: ταχέως Θ.
9 ἃ γὰρ πονέει Θ: ἀλλ᾽ ἄγαν πονέει καὶ Μ.


relents, but after a short period it presses sharply

again; sometimes pain also attacks the narrow part
of the belly.
When the case is such, clean the cavity down-
wards with scammony root, and give the same
things to drink that are given to a patient with
strangury. When pain is present, wash in copious
hot water, and apply fomentations where it is
worst. Let the patient drink boiled meal as gruel,
adding honey, and otherwise follow a regimen that
is strongly laxative; let him drink white Mendean
wine sweetened with honey, or some other very
pleasant one, well mixed with water. This disease
usually goes away. In season, also let the patient
drink whey, in order to bring about cleaning; in
summer, let him do this for forty-five days. If the
patient does these things, he will get through the
disease most easily.
17. Another disease of the kidney: this disease
arises from bile and phlegm, and occurs mainly in
summer; it also arises from venery. The person
suffers the following: pains press him in the side,
flank, loins, and the lumbar muscles, and he experi-
ences the same as a woman in labour. He cannot
tolerate lying on his healthy side, for the part of the
flank in which he feels pain seems to hang down

δοκέει ἀποκρέμασθαι ὡς ἀπορρησσόμενα: ἐπὶ δὲ ἃ

͵ὕ 2 / “τ ἊΣ We b) \ Νὰ γι

πονεῖ NNT) ,
NV' KATAKENTAL, οὐκ5 ἀλγέει.
> /
οἱ¢ δὲQ\ πόδες

Kal al κνῆμαι αἰεὶ ψυχραὶ αὐτοῦ. τὸ δὲ οὖρον

Ν c ~ 2X \ ») ~ \ \ >

μόγις προέρχεται ὑπὸ τῆς θερμασίης" καὶ παχύ-

τητος τοῦ οὔρου. καὶ NY ἐάσῃς αὐτὸ ὀλίγον χρόνον
καταθεὶς τέως ἂν καταστῇ. on TO ὑπεστηκὸς
\ / Ἃ ~ v δὰ ¢. \

παχύ, οἷόν περ ἄλευρον καὶ HY μὲν χολὴ ἐπικρα-

e / Ἃ

TEN, ὑπόπυρρον αὐτὸ ὄψῃ ἣν δὲ ἀπὸ φλέγματος

hf Ὁ / 5 eels . Ἃ δὲ 2) \ λέ

ἢ τὸ νόσημα, λευκὸν καὶ παχὺ ἔσται.

<n \ / \ \ δ δ

\ \ \ A > > \ NZL SNe

Kai τὸ μὲν πρῶτον ἐς ἐνιαυτὸν ἢ" ὀλίγῳ
ἐλάσσω ἢἢ OX ὀλίγῳ πλείω λεί χρόνον j τοιαῦταῦ ἴσχων
ὃ λέ SS δ᾽ (4 ἦν r 7, - , b) Ls
caterer ἣν ὃ δ΄ χρόνος πλείων TH νούσῳ ἀπο
μηκύνηται." πονέει μᾶλλον Kal ἐκπυοῦται. Kal
~ i] ~

ὅταν ἔμπυος | ἢ. ἀποιδέει. Kal ὅπου ἂν μάλιστα

a v 5 ΡΣ / Ἀν δῇ Ἃ /
ῃ τάμνειν ἐς τὸν νεφρόν. καὶ ἀφιέναι TA πύα
ἀποιδέ Τ / 5 δι / \ Lp / \ / 5

καὶ ἢν τύχῃς ταμών, παραχρῆμα ὑγιῆ ποιήσεις.

Τοῦτον ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν πᾶσι
> ~
θεραπεύειν κατὰ τὸ πρόσθεν. κατ΄ ἀρχὰς τῆς
νούσου πρὸ τῆς ὑποκαθάρσιος πυριᾶσαι. καὶ τοῖσι
λουτροῖσι μὴ πυκινὰ λούσθω. ἀλειφέσθω δὲ μᾶλ-
λον, μηδὲ ῥιγούτω. Kal τοῦ ἡλίου ἀπεχέσθω. μηδὲ
ὟΝ ¢ / νὴ ψῳ Ὁ, / 5 / \

, σι nr 2 τ (6 , ¢ \
AayvevéTw. ταῦτα Hv ποιέῃ." τάχιστα ὑγιὴς
ἔσται ἣ δὲ νοῦσος χαλεπή.
1 emit δὲ απονειην ©: ἔπειτα πονέει ἐπὶ δὲ τὰ πρηνέα ἢν M.
2 @: φλεγμασίης Μ. 3 7 om. Θ. 4 δ᾽ 6 O: ὧδε M.
5 ©: καὶ ὑπο- M. © M adds καὶ μὴ.

as if it were being torn away; if, however, he lies on

the affected side, he has no pain. His feet and his
legs below the knees become permanently cold.
Hardly any urine passes, because it is so hot and
thick, and if you leave it a short while, setting it
down until it deposits its sediment, you will see
that the precipitate is thick, just like meal; if bile
predominates, the sediment will appear reddish; if
the disease is from phlegm, the sediment will be
thick and white.
First, the patient goes through a year, more or
less, like this. If the illness goes on longer, his
pains increase and he suppurates internally; when
this happens, he swells up. Wherever the swelling
is greatest, incise the kidney, and draw off pus; if
your incision succeeds, you will quickly bring about
When the case is such, treat with all the same
measures as above. At the beginning of the
disease, before cleaning downwards, apply vapour-
baths; let the patient not take many baths, but
rather be anointed with oil; he must avoid chills,
sun and venery. If he does these things, he will
quickly recover. The disease is severe.

Ἢν δὲ βούλῃ ἄνευ φαρμάκων ὑγιᾶ ποιῆσαι.

\ / ζ ΄' ~

παχὺν ποιῆσαι ἀπὸ τῆς διαίτης. ἤν τε ταύτην

τὴν νοῦσον κάμνῃ. ἢν τε τῶν προτέρων τινά. τὰ
~ / ΄

σιτία διελὼν ἃ μεμαθήκει ἐσθίειν δέκα μερίδας,

/ A ia) / 5 iy /

Ὑ , b) \ \ \ ,
ἔπειτα μίαν ἀφελὼν μερίδα. τὰ λοιπὰ καταφαγέ-
Tw, ὄψον 8 ἐχέτω κρέας οἰὸς τετρυμένον᾽ καὶ περι-

πατησάτω δέκα σταδίους ταύτης τῆς ἡμέρης.

TH δὲ ὑστεραίῃ Kal TH τρίτῃ καὶ μέχρι τῶν δέκα
lot \ ¢ / Ν > / Ν / ~ /

ἡμέρων ὑποβαίνων μερίδα, ἐλάσσω ἐσθιέτω. καὶ

ζ 7 ¢ / 5 i 5 / x

περιπατείτω δέκα σταδίους αἰεὶ πλείω ἑκάστης

ἡμέρης. ὅταν δὲ ἐς τὴν ἐσχάτην τοῦ σιτίου μερί-
da ἀφίκηται Kal ἐς τοὺς ἑκατὸν σταδίους. ἐσθιέ-
2) / x 2 \ ¢ \ / , /

τω μίαν μόνην μερίδα. καὶ ταύτης τῆς ἡμέρης

περιπατησάτω ἑκατὸν σταδίους: μετὰ δὲ τὸ δεῖ-
; Ἢ
πνον εἴκοσιν, ὄρθρου δὲ τεσσεράκοντα. οἶνον δὲ
πινέτω Μένδαιον." λευκόν, αὐστηρόν. ταῦτα ποι-
είτω τρεῖς ἡμέρας." ἔπειτα τὸν λοιπὸν χρόνον
ὑποβαίνων τῶν περιπάτων καὶ τῶν σιτίων πλείω
>) θί \ ΝΑ ,ὕ 7] ΟῚ , 7] |
ἐσθίων, τὸν αὐτὸν τρόπον ὥσπερ ἀφήρει. οὕτω
210 προστιθέτω: τῶν δὲ περιπάτων ἀφαιρείτω μέχρι
τῶν δέκα ἡμερέων. ἔπειτα ἣσυχίην ἐχέτω ὡς
μάλιστα. Kal εὐωχείσθω σιτία τε καθαρὰ καὶ ὄψα
/ \ 2) / / Ἂν wi

ὡς πλεῖστα, ἔχων" καὶ τὰ γλυκέα πάντα σύμφο-

pa: λαχάνων δὲ ἀπεχέσθω καὶ τῶν ὀξέων καὶ τῶν
δριμέων καὶ ὁπόσα φῦσαν παρέχει ἁπάντων" καὶ
| §. π. Θ: ἰῆσθαι M. 2M: μὲν παλαιόν ©. 3H, [χὑ{τό:
μῆνας ΘΜ. 4: mérara, ἐχέτω Μ.

If you wish to cure the patient without medica-

tions, whether he is suffering from this particular
disease or from one of the ones above, first fatten
him by means of his regimen; then have him divide
the cereals he is accustomed to eat into ten por-
tions, and on the first day subtract one portion and
eat the rest; as main dish let him eat ground mut-
ton; also have him walk ten stades. On the next
day, the third, and up to the tenth, have him each
day reduce the amount of cereal he eats by one por-
tion, and each day walk ten stades more. When he
has arrived at the final portion of his cereal and at
one hundred stades, let him eat only the one por-
tion, and on that day walk the hundred stades:
after dinner twenty, and early in the morning forty
(sc. the other forty between his meals). Also give
him dry white Mendean wine to drink. Let him do
this for three days. Then have him decrease his
walks for ten days, and eat more cereals, adding a
portion a day in the same way as he subtracted.
Then, let him keep as quiet as possible, be well fed
on fine cereals and very generous main dishes, and
also have all the suitable sweets; let him abstain
from vegetables, foods that are acid and sharp, and
everything that produces flatulence; let him bathe

λούσθω πολλῷ καὶ θερμῷ. καὶ μὴ βιγούτω.

/ ~ \ ~ \ Ne /

A ἋἋ ig v
Ταῦτα ἣν ποιέῃ. τάχιστα ὑγιὴς ἔσται.
18. Ἔκ τῆς νεφρίτιδος ἐπιλαμβάνει ἥδε 7
νοῦσος, καί ἐστι μεγάλη τῶν φλεβῶν τῶν
κοίλων, αἱ τείνουσιν ἐκ τῆς κεφαλῆς παρὰ τὰς
σφαγὰς διὰ τῆς ῥάχιος ἐς TO σφυρὸν TO ἐκτὸς TOD
\ \ = Ce 5 Ν Ν Noe \ ~

ποδὸς Kal ἐς TO μεταξὺ Tod μεγάλου δακτύλου.

\ AS bp) \ \ ~ / /

γίνεται δὲ τὸ νόσημα ἀπὸ φλέγματος καὶ χολῆς,

/ \ Ν te 3) ἊΝ / \ ~

ὅταν ἐς τὰς φλέβας συρρυῇ αἱ δὲ φλέβες αὗται

. ΄

τι παρέλθῃ
5 ~

ἐς αὐτάς.“ νοσέουσι.
ade πάσχει. ἣν μὲν ἐπὶ δεξιὰ νοσέῃ ἄρχεται
a hy(ὃ / Ἃ \ 5 \ ὃ ξ \ ,ὔ . Ὑ

τ ΡΝ7 > = , >

ἢ ὀδύνη ἔχουσα ἐκ τῆς κοτυληδόνος ἐς TONS ἰσχίον
le si

κατ᾽ ἀρχάς. bow δ᾽ ἂν πλείῳ χρόνος προΐῃ Kal

9 , ©

ἀπομηκύνηται, ἥ τε ὀδύνη ὀξυτέρη καὶ κατέρχε-

ται κατωτέρω: καὶ ὅταν ἐς τὸ σφυρὸν ἀφίκηται τὸ
΄σ 3
ἐκτὸς τοῦ ποδὸς τότ΄" ἐς τὴν ῥάχιν πάλιν ἀνέρχε-
5.5 \ (he is \oo > a =
ται Kal ἐς THY κεφαλήν" Kal ὅταν ἐν TH κεφαλῇ
στῇ τὸ ἄλγος." πιέζει ἰσχυρῶς, καὶ δοκέει διαρ-
, \ , nee aes τς δὴν {ἢ 7
ρήσσειν τὴν κεφαλήν: καὶ οἱ ὀφθαλμοὶ αἵματος
Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. ἐλατήριον πῖσαι ἢ
΄' (di id vv 3 / a Ἃ

212 θαψίης ῥίζαν ἢ ἐλλέβορον ἢ ὀπὸν | σκαμωνίης.

\ \ \ / 5 \ / « \
μετα δὲ THY κάθαρσιν ταυτα προσφέρειν. α και

| kal ἐστι om. Μ. 2M: ταύτας Θ. 3. Θὲ τοῦ ἰσχίου Μ.

4 Potter: τὸ Θ: om. M. ° M adds ἔρχεται. © Θ: ἕλκος Μ.
“©: φλέγματος M. 5M adds καὶ τὸ σῶμα.

in copious hot water, but be careful to avoid a chill.

If he does these things, he will quickly recover.
18. This disease develops out of nephritis and is
serious, involving the hollow vessels that extend
down from the head past the throat, along the
spine, to the outer malleolus of the foot and the
middle of the large toe; it arises when these vessels
are invaded by phlegm and bile, for inasmuch as
the vessels are normally filled with blood, if any-
thing else enters them, they become ill.
If the disease is on the right side, the patient
suffers the following: at first pain is present
between the acetabulum and the hip-joint. The
more time goes by and the longer the illness
becomes, the sharper is the pain and the further
down it moves; when it arrives at the outer mal-
leolus of the foot, it ascends again to the back and
the head, and when it comes to rest in the head, it
presses violently, and seems to be splitting the
head apart; the eyes fill with blood.
When the case is such, have the patient drink
squirting-cucumber juice, thapsia root, hellebore, or
scammony juice. After the cleaning, administer the

ἘΞ , Ἂ \ M8 , a
τοῖσι πρόσθεν. ἣν δὲ μὴ ὑπὸ ταύτης τῆς θερα-
πείης παύηται, γάλακτι παχύνας καῦσαι παρὰ
τὴν ὠμοπλάτην τὴν δεξιὴν τέσσερας ἐσχάρας.
καὶ ἐς τὴν κοτυληδόνα τοῦ ἰσχίου τοῦ δεξιοῦ
τρεῖς, καὶ ὑπὸ τὸν γλουτὸν δύο, καὶ ἐν μέσῳ τοῦ
μηροῦ δύο. καὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ γούνατος μίαν. καὶ ὑπὲρ
τοῦa σφυροῦ- μίην."
/ 2. τ n
οὗτος, ἢν a
οὕτω καυθῇ.- οὐ> πα-
ρήσει οὔτε ἄνω οὔτε κάτω τὴν νοῦσον διαχωρέειν.
/ 5 5 ᾿ / \ ~ tA

n / Ξ SRS I ZG - ἊἋ \ ,
ἣν δέ που 7 ὀδύνη POF’ ῥαγεῖσα. ἣν μὲν στηρίξῃ
πρὶν καυθῆναι ἐς τὸ σκέλος. χωλὸς ἔσται ἢν δὲ
ἐς τὴν κεφαλήν. κωφὸς ἢ τυφλός ἢν δ᾽ ἐς τὴν
κύστιν. προχωρέει ἅμα τῷ οὔρῳ καὶ τοῦ αἵματος"
τεσσεράκοντα ἡμέρησιν. ἀλλὰ χρή, ἢν ἐς τὴν

κύστιν ῥαγῇ. διδόναι τὰ αὐτὰ φάρμακα. ἃ καὶ τῷ

στραγγουριῶντι. καὶ ἤν που ἄλλῃ ἣ ὀδύνη στῇ.
καῦσαι: καίειν δὲ χρὴ τὰ μὲν σαρκώδεα σιδηρίοισι.
τὰ ὀστώδεα καὶ νευρώδεα μύκησι.
Τάδε δὲ τούτων πρότερον χρὴ ποιῆσαι, ἢν
κατ΄ a ἀρχὰς
2 \
TH= νούσῳ,
Μένδαιον διδόναι πίνειν ὀλίγῳ ὑδαρέστερον ws
/ / / ΟῚ / is / Cc

πλεῖστον μεθ΄ ἡμέρην" τέως av αἱμορραγήσῃ Ka-

a 3 5

τὰ τὰς ῥῖνας: ὅταν δὲ ἄρξηται. ἐᾶν ρυῆναι ἡμέρας

τὸ\ ἐλάχιστον"
5 / 6
τρεῖς> Kal \ δέκα.
δὲ\ αὗται

1 Q: κατὰ Μ. 2 καὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ σφυροῦ μίην om. Θ. 3 Littreé:

ὀφθῇ ΘΜ. 1 καὶ τοῦ αἵματος ©: αἵματος μάλιστα Μ.
°M adds καὶ μεθυσκέσθω. ® ἐᾶν... ἐλάχιστον Θ: ῥέειν. τὸ ἐλάχι-
στον ἡμέρας ῥέει Μ.

same things as to the patients above. If the disease

does not go away with this treatment, fatten the
patient on milk, and burn four eschars beside his
right shoulder-blade, three into the acetabulum of
his right hip-joint, two under his buttock, two in
the middle of his thigh, and one each above his
knee and his ankle. If a person is cauterized in this
way, it will not allow the disease to migrate either
upwards or downwards. If, however, pain breaks
out first, and, before you can cauterize, it becomes
fixed in the leg, the patient will become lame; if it
becomes fixed in the head, he will become deaf or
blind, if in the bladder, blood will be passed along
with the urine for forty days; if pain occupies the
bladder, give the same medications as to a patient
with strangury. If the pain settles somewhere else,
cauterize: burn fleshy parts with irons, osseous
and fibrous ones with fungi.!
First, however, you must do the following, if you
attend the disease at its beginning: by day give
very large quantities of white Mendean wine to
drink, slightly more dilute than normal, until the
patient bleeds through his nostrils; when this
begins, allow the flow to continue for at least
1 T.e. moxibustion; cf. Caelius Aurelianus, Chronic
Diseases V (Drabkin 916-18) and J. 5. Milne, Surgical
Instruments in Greek and Roman Times, Oxford, 1907,

μηδ ?
ὅταν ἄρξηται ἅπαξ ῥεῖν: πινέτω μέντοι ὀλίγῳ
πλέονα τὸν οἶνον ἐπὶ τῷ σίτῳ. ὅπως ἂν ῥέῃ τὸ
αἷμα. ἤδη δὲ παυσθέντος τοῦ αἵματος ἐρράγη
τισὶν ἐς τὴν κύστιν καὶ ἐχώρησεν αἷμα Kal πύα:
214 ἣν οὖν ῥαγῇ. διδόναι τὰ αὐτὰ | φάρμακα. ἃ καὶ
τῷ στραγγουριῶντι. καὶ τοῦ οἴνου διδόναι τοῦ αὐτοῦ
πίνειν πολύν. οὗτος οὕτω μελετώμενος καὶ σιτία
προσφερόμενος διαχωρητικὰ Kal τὰ ὄψα, τάχιστ

ἂν ὑγιὴς γένοιτο. 7 δὲ νοῦσος χαλεπή.

19. "Ἄλλη δὲ ἥδε' ἀπὸ τῆς ἀριστερῆς φλεβός:
Ta μὲν ἄλλα πλῆθος τὰ αὐτὰ πάσχει, ἃ καὶ ὃ
\ \ vv ~ \ 9) Xi / ia) \ ie

mpoobev ἐς δὲ τὸν σπλῆνα ὀδύνη evoTnpiler ὀξέη

/ 5 \ \ ~ 5 / >) / 5 /

εὐθὺς κατ᾽ ἀρχὰς τοῦ νοσήματος. Kal ἢν μὲν συν-

3 ~

ίης" παραχρῆμα πρὶν καταστηρίξῃ ἐς τὸν σπλῆ-

ὅ μύκησι καῦσαι ὀκτὼ ἐσχάρας, τὰς κεφαλὰς
ἀπολαβὼν τοῦ σπληνός. ὡς τάχιστα: καὶ ὅπου ἂν
i \ ~ / ic / Neve’ Ἃ

ἄλλῃ Ὦ ἢἢ ὀδύνη
00uvn στηρίξη.
στηριξῇ, καῦσαι καὶ οὕτω παρα-
χρῆμα ὑγιής." ἢν δὲ μὴ καυθῇ, ὑγιὴς δὲ γένηται
~ [᾿ / d Ἃ \ ~ c \ Ν /

ἀπὸ τοῦ αὐτομάτου, τοῖσι πολλοῖσι δωδεκάτῳ

ἔτει ἣ νοῦσος αὖτις ὑπετρόπασε. καὶ ἢν λάβηται
τοῦ σπληνός, τοῖσι πολλοῖσιν ὕδερον ἐποίησεν.
ἀλλὰ χρὴ παραχρῆμα θεραπεύειν ὡς τὸν ees,
Kal ἢν δοκέῃ. καῦσαι ὥσπερ τὸν ἕτερον." ἢν ἢ
ὀδύνη καθεστήκῃ ἐν τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν ἄρθροισιν. ἢν
! ἥδε om. M. 20: μὴ Evvin M. 3 ἐς
e τὸν σπλῆνα Θ: ἀλλ᾽ ἢ ἐς
τὸν πλεύμονα Μ. 4M adds ἔσται. 2. O: πρότερον M.

thirteen days. When these days have passed, the

patient need no longer be drunk, nor actually even
when the flow has once begun, but do have him
drink somewhat more wine than usual with his
meals, in order that the blood flow will continue. In
some patients, after the epistaxis had already
stopped, blood and pus have broken into the
bladder and passed with the urine; if such a break
occurs, give the same medications as to a patient
with strangury, and the same wine to drink, in
large amounts. This patient, if he is treated in
such a way, and he takes laxative cereals and main
dishes, will very quickly recover. The disease is
19. The corresponding disease arising from the
left vessel: generally this patient suffers the same
things as the preceding one, except that right at the
onset of the disease a sharp pain becomes fixed in
his spleen. If you discover this at once, before the
pain is firmly established in the patient’s spleen,
very quickly burn eight eschars with fungi, holding
their heads away from the spleen; wherever else
the pain settles, cauterize; if you do this, there is
immediate recovery. However, if the patient is not
cauterized, but recovers spontaneously, in many
cases the disease recurs in the twelfth year and, if
it involves the spleen, frequently produces dropsy.
Therefore, you must treat at once just as you did
the preceding patient, and, if it seems advisable,
cauterize too if pain becomes fixed in the same

δὲ μὴ οὕτω μελετηθῇ. τὸ λοιπὸν φθειρόμενος

\ \ vA ~ \ \ i.

θνήσκει. ἣ γὰρ νοῦσος χαλεπή.

20. ρ
Περὶ τοῦ γ
φλέγματος τὰς αὐτὰς γνώμας
ἔχω, ἃς Kal περὶ χολῆς: ἰδέας" πολλὰς εἶναι.
Ὑ [δ Ν Al he io / 2 λλὰ >

Καὶ ἐπιδήμιον μέν ἐστι τὸ νεώτατον. ἑωυτοῦ"

Kal 7 ἴησις ῥάστη. ἐμέτους γὰρ χρὴ ποιέεσθαι
μετὰ τὸ σιτίον ἡμέρας δύο ἢ τρεῖς. προαριστῶντα
καὶ ἡσυχάζοντα, ἢν εἰώθη" τὰς πρόσθεν ἡμέρας
ονοσιτέειν τε καὶ ταλαιπωρέεσθαι
ρ 7ἣν δὲ >μή
τῇ αὐτῇ διαίτῃ χρήσθω, λούσθω δὲ πολλῷ καὶ
~ 5 ~ ΄'
θερμῷ ὅταν μέλλῃ ἔμετον ποιέεσθαι. καὶ μᾶζαν
~ Ω / vv / XN ~

Tt ἐσθιέτω ψαιστήν. Kal ἄρτον ἕωλον ἔξοπτον.

» / v ig 5)

ἕλκοι γὰρ ἂν μᾶλλον τὸ φλέγμα: ὄψοισι δὲ χρή-

σθω καὶ λαχάνοισι δριμέσι, καὶ τὰ λιπαρὰ Kal τὰ
ὀξέα καὶ τὰ γλυκέα, ταῦτα ἅπαντα ἐπιτήδεια
ξυμμεμιγμένα προσφέρεσθαι καὶ πᾶσι χλωροῖσι
τοῖσι λαχάνοισι χρήσθω. καὶ ἐπιπινέτω ἐπὶ τῷ
σίτωi ὀλίγον
Y πυκινὰ οἶνον Y γλυκύν. καὶ πλακοῦντα
ἐπιφαγέτω ἐπὶ τελευτῆς Kal μέλι Kal σῦκα.
Ψ 2 \ ~ \ / \ ~

ὅταν δὲ δειπνήσῃ. πινέτω λαύρως τὰς κύλικας,

καὶ ὅταν ἤδη πλήρης ἢ. κατακοιμηθήτω ὀλίγον.
ἔπειτ᾽ ἐπεγερθεὶς ἐμείτω πίνων οἴνου μεγάλην
κύλικα χλιερῷ" κεκρημένην᾽ ἕλκοι γὰρ ἂν μᾶλλον
τὸ φλέγμα" τῶν σαρκῶν καὶ τὸν χυμόν, καὶ ξη-
ραίνοιτο ἂν μᾶλλον τὸ σῶμα. ἐμείτω δὲ ἐς δ΄ ἂν
| ἃς and περὶ om. Θ. 2M adds φημὶ. 8 ἐπιδήμιον . . .
ἑωυτοῦ Θ: τὸ μὲν ἐπιδήμιόν ἐστι. τὸ δὲ νεώτατον M. 4M: εἴωθεν Θ.
50: καὶ χλιερῷ ὕδατι Μ. 6M adds ἐκ. "és ὃ O: ἕως M.

organs. If the patient is not treated in this way, in

the time that follows he wastes away and dies; for
the disease is severe.
20. About phlegm I have the same views as
about bile, that there are several forms.
The common variety is present for only a very
short time, and its cure is easiest: the patient must
induce vomiting after his meals for two or three
days, and, if it has been his habit in the days that
have gone before to eat but one meal and to exert
himself strenuously, now take breakfast and keep
himself quiet; if this was not his habit, he can con-
tinue with his normal regimen, but bathe in copi-
ous hot water when he is about to induce vomiting.
Let him eat ground barley-cake and day-old well-
baked wheat bread, for these will draw the phlegm
very well; also employ sharp main dishes and
vegetables, all the suitable rich, acid and sweet
ones mixed together, and all green vegetables. Let
the patient drink a little thick sweet wine with his
meals, and at the end eat a flat-cake, honey and
figs. After he has had his dinner, have him drink
his cups rapidly and, when he is full, lie down a
little to sleep; then rouse him, give him a large cup
of wine mixed with warm water to drink, and have
him vomit; for this will better draw the phlegm and
fluid out of the tissues, and his body will be better
dried; let him continue to vomit until the figs come

τὰSe σῦκα
ays 5
ἐξεμέσῃ., cr
ὕστατα yao
γὰρ ͵
ἐξεμέεται Za
ταῦτα. 1

ThmatὑστεραίῃΡΤ ev ἡσυχίῃ
ἧς Pane ese
ἐχέτω" LOC
ἑωυτὸν\ μέχρι
͵ ὃ /
vou, δειπνήτω δὲ ἄρτον avToTrupitny, ὄψον ὃ ?
7, Ne or 2 / Vv

ἐχέτω τῶν ἰσχυροτέρων: οἶνον δὲ πινέτω μέλανα

> , cr Ny
αὐστηρόν. αὕτη μὲν" τοῦwesἐπιδημίου , ,
ἴησις. :
Ἢν δὲ δυνατὸς ἐὼν ἐσθίειν καὶ πίνειν ἥδηται
τὰ\ σκέλεα
\ 7 > / 4 , 5 a
xporn μετηλλαγμένη H, τούτου φάναι ἐν TH κοι-
Rin φλέγμα τὸ λυπέον εἶναι. ἀλλὰ χρή, ὁπόταν
οὕτως ἔχη. κλύζειν μέλιτι Kal οἴνῳ γλυκεῖ Kal
e Vv / / \ v ~ \

ἐλαίῳ Aitpov παραμίξας ὅσον οἰὸς ἀστράγαλον"

5 / / / ivf XA ) /

ταῦτα γὰρ τῇ φύσει εὐμενέστατα τοῦ ἀνθρώπου

ἐς τὸν κλυσμόν. μέτρον γὰρ χρὴ ἑκάστου εἶναι,
τοῦ μὲν οἴνου κοτύλην, ἡμικοτύλιον δὲ τοῦ
a Ν Ὑ / Cc / Ν ~

ἐλαίου, Kal Tod μέλιτος ἴσον. ἢν δὲ μὴ κλύζειν

Ψ / \ ~ / Ὑ Ἃ ἊΝ Ν /

218 βούλῃ, ὑγρὸν χρὴ τὸν ἄνθρωπον ποιῆσαι. πυριά-


σαντα ἐν ὑγρῇ τῆ Tupinoe” τάχα γὰρ ἂν οὕτως

ὑποκενωθείη ἣ κόπρος. ὑπὸ γὰρ τῆς ὑπερξηρα-
c ¢ c ~ 6

σίης τῶν σιτίων τοῦτο πάσχει εἰ μὲν οὖν τις ἐσθί-

~ ~ a > 5

,ὔ / Vv οἷ Ἃ / ~ [
οι σιτια λίαν ἔγχυλα, OUK αν πάσχοι ταῦτα OUTW
/ 5 \ \ / / 2 / Ἃ 2
σφόδρα. εἰ δὲ και πάσχοι ΠΟΤΕ, ὀλίγης αν ἐησιος

᾿ξ, τ. Θ: τὰ σῦκα ἐξεμέεται. ταῦτα μὲν τῇδε Μ. 2 ἂν ἢ: ἐ..9:

συνεχέτω Μ. 3M adds οὖν. 40: -w M. 5 9: πυρίῃ Μ.

up, for these are vomited up last. On the following

day, have the patient rest until dinner, and then
dine on whole-wheat bread and main dishes from
among the stronger ones; also let him drink dark
dry wine. This is the treatment for the common
variety of phlegm.
If the patient is able to eat and drink, and he
enjoys his meals, but then his legs become weighed
down, and his colour altered, you may suppose that
the phlegm of the grievous kind is present in his
cavity. When the case is such, you must clean him
out below, by using soda to the amount of a sheep’s
vertebra mixed with honey, sweet wine and olive
oil, for these things are the most agreeable to man’s
constitution as an enema; let the amounts be one
cotyle of wine and a half cotyle each of olive oil and
honey. If you do not want to use an enema, then
you must moisten the person by applying moist
vapour-baths; for, in this way, the faeces will be
rapidly emptied below. A person is affected by this
condition as the result of excessive dryness of his
foods; thus, if someone eats foods that are very suc-
culent, he will not be as likely to suffer from it, and,
even if he were to, it would require little treatment.

7, - a Ἄν, 7, δ τῶν ς /
δέοιτο. τοῦτον οὕτως ἰώμενος τάχιστ᾽ ἂν ὑγιέα
21. Ἢν δὲ τύχῃ παλαιότερον ξὸν τὸ φλέ-
\ \ , A \ , 1
γμα---λευκὸν δὲ καλέεται τοῦτο τὸ φλέγμα
—daoxer” τάδε: βαρύνει τὸν ἄνθρωπον μᾶλλον,
/ 9 / / \ vv ~

καὶ ἰδέην ἔχει ἀλλοίην τοῦ ἐπιδημίου. ὠχρότερός

YD) / Ὑ Ὁ) / AD / 5 ,ὔ /

τέ ἐστι, καὶ οἰδέει διὰ παντὸς" TO σῶμα, καὶ τὸ

πρόσωπον ἐρεύθει, καὶ TO στόμα ξηρόν. καὶ δίψα
/ 2) / \ \ fe / \ 7

ἔχει, καὶ ὅταν φάγῃ. τὸ πνεῦμα πυκινὸν ἐπι-

πίπτει αὐτῷ. οὗτος αὐτῆς τῆς ἡμέρης τότε μὲν
/ 5 ~ > 3. A a (¢ 7 / \

γίνεται ῥάων, τότε δὲ πονέει ἐξαπίνης Kal δοκέει

/ bs iY \ / / \ /

ἀποθανεῖσθαι. τούτῳ ἢν μὲν ἣ γαστὴρ αὐτομάτη

ταραχθῇ. ἐγγυτάτω ὑγιὴς προβαίνει.
Hv οὖν μὴ ταραχθῇ αὐτομάτη
Ἃ Ὧν \ ~ 5 7ὔ
7 κοιλίη.
c /

καθαίρειν χρὴ διδόντα τοῦ κνεώρου ἢ τοῦ Κνιδίου

/ ἊΝ / ~ / Ἃ ~ /

κόκκου ἢ τοῦ ἱππόφεω ἢ τῆς Μαγνησίης λίθου

͵ὔ Ἃ mee / Ἃ ~ M. / λίθ

καὶ μετὰ τὴν κάθαρσιν pudety δοῦναι φακῆς τρυ-

βλίον ev 7 δύο, συνεψέσθω δὲ TH φακῇ σκόροδα.
\ / - 5 , oy) b) ,
καὶ σεύτλου λιπαροῦ ἀνηδύντου, ἐπ᾿ ἀλφίτων
περιπάσαντα, δοῦναι τρυβλίον. πινέτω δὲ οἶνον
μέλανα αὐστηρὸν ἰσχυρόν. τῇ 8 ὑστεραίῃ περι-
ΡΞ 3

πατησάτω σταδίους εἴκοσι TO ἑωθινόν: ἐλθὼν δὲ

/ / Ὑ \ ¢ / 2! \ \

φαγέτω ἄρτον μικρὸν ἔξοπτον, καὶ ὄψον ἐχέτω

σκόροδα ὀπτά: καὶ πινέτω τοῦ αὐτοῦ οἴνου ὀλίγον
ἀκρητέστερον. ἔπειτα βαδιζέτω σταδίους τριή-
| λευκὸν... φλέγμα om. Θ. 2M adds οὖν. 3. δ. 7. O:
οἰδήματι πᾶν M. 1 ©: πικρὸν Μ.

If you treat this patient as indicated, you will very

quickly make him well.
21. If the phlegm happens to be of longer
duration—this phlegm is called white—the person
suffers the following: he is afflicted more intensely,
and has different signs than in the common variety
of the disease; he is paler, his body swells up all
over, his face becomes red, his mouth is dry, he is
thirsty, and when he eats anything rapid breathing
comes over him. In the course of the same day, this
patient is at one time better, but at another time
suddenly suffers an attack and seems about to die.
If his belly has a spontaneous movement, he
proceeds to health very quickly.
However, if the cavity does not have a spontane-
ous movement, you must clean it out by giving
spurge-flax, Cnidian berry, hippopheos or magnetic
stone; after the cleaning, give one or two bowls of
lentil-soup with boiled garlic, to drink; also give a
bowl of unseasoned beets boiled in grease, over
which you have sprinkled meal. Let the patient
drink strong dry dark wine. On the next day, have
him walk twenty stades early in the morning, and,
on coming back, eat a small loaf of well-baked
bread, as main dish have baked garlic, and drink a
little of the same wine, mixed with a very little
water. Then let him walk thirty more stades, and,

κοντα, Kal ,oὅταν ὥρη er

ἢὉ δείπνου,
δειπνήτω", 1c
ὅσον |
220 περ Kal npioTHKEL, ὄψον 8 ἐχέτω μάλιστα μὲν\
ae , Ὑ δ᾽ RZ /

πόδα ὑὸς Kal κεφάλαια. εἰ δὲ μή. ἀλεκτρυόνος

/ CN \ / 5) \ / p) /

κρέαTo ἢ ὑός
τετρυμένοισι ,
δὲ\ καὶ Nucἑφθοῖσι"a_ 2 ,
ἰχθύων δὲ σκορπίῳ ἢ δράκοντι ἢ κόκκυγι ἢ καλ-
’ / Ἂν / Ἃ / Ἃ / Ἃ

λιωνύμῳ ἢ κωβιῷ ἢ τῶν ἄλλων ἰχθύων ὅσοι THY

/ Ἃ ΄- Ἃ ΄ι vv ») ,ὔ \

SUEN , δή νὴ: ,
αὐτὴν δύναμιν ἔχουσι λαχάνων δὲ\ σκορόδοισι ,

700 καὶ ὶ ἄλλῳ

χρήσθω ἄλλῳ Aaya λαχάνῳ μηδενὶ δενὲ χρήσθω."
χρήσθω." ταῦτα ταῦ
δὲ ὡς πλεῖστα τρωγέτω καὶ ὠμὰ καὶ ὀπτὰ καὶ
εφθά. καὶ ἐσθιέτω αἰεὶ πλείω ἑκάστης ἡμέρης.
ς i \ >) / ales / (3 UA Cc /

καὶ ταλαιπωρείτω πρὸς τὰ σιτία τεκμαιρόμενος

καὶ ὀλίγῳ πλείω.
Τοῦτο τὸ\ νόσημα
, ,
γίνεται ,
μάλιστα ,
θέρεος 7]
ὥρῃ 4

ἀπὸ ὑδροπωσίης" καὶ ὕπνου: κρίνεται δ΄ ἐν τριή-
κοντα ἡμέρῃσιν, εἰ θανάσιμον ἢ οὔ. ταῦτα μὲν
ποιείτω ὅταν αἱ τριάκοντα ἡμέραι παρέλθωσιν.
ἐν δὲ τῇσι πρώτῃσι τῶν ἡμερέων βυφήματι δια-
χρήσθω φακῇ λεπτῇ" ἐπωκεστέρῃ τῷ ὄξει, καὶ
πτισάνῃ ὀξέῃ πινέτω δὲ χλιαρὸν μελίκρητον,
ἄλφιτα ἐπιβάλλων" ὀλίγα, ἵνα ἀνωργασμένον᾽" τὸ
σῶμα ἢ πρὸς τὴν φαρμακοπωσίην: καὶ εὑδέτω
ὑπαίθριος ταύτας τὰς ἡμέρας. καὶ ἤν σοι δοκέῃ
τοῦ αἵματος ἀφελεῖν ἀπὸ τῆς ὀσφύος, σικύην
a id 2) ~ 5 A lon 2) / /

᾿ δι, 8. O: δειπνεέτω Μ. 2 δὲ καὶ ἑφθοῖσι om. Μ. 3 χρήσθω

om. M. 4 Later mss: ὥρης ΘΜ. 5 M adds ἔτι δὲ.
6@: ἑφθῇ M. 7 Cornarius: ἐπιεικεστέρῃ ΘΜ.
8 @: -πάσων M. 9 Littré: ἂν ὀργισμένον ©: ἂν ὠργισμένον M.

when it is dinner time, eat as much for dinner as he

had for breakfast; as main dish let him best have
feet and head-parts of a swine; if not that, the meat
of fowl or swine—let him employ these ground and
boiled; also of fish scorpion fish, weever, piper,
star-gazer, goby or others of the same nature; of
vegetables let him employ only garlic, but of these
eat as many as possible, raw, baked and boiled.
Each day have him eat more, and also exert himself
a little more, determining how much according to
his food.
This disease occurs mainly in summer from
drinking water and from sleeping; thirty days are
the critical period that decide whether or not the
patient will die. Do the following when the thirty
days have passed: on the first days, have the
patient regularly take as gruel thin lentil-soup well
acidified with vinegar, and acid barley-water; let
him drink cool melicrat over which a little meal has
been sprinkled, in order that his body will be
relaxed for a medication; also let him sleep out-
doors on these days. If it seems advisable to you to
draw blood from the loins, apply a cupping instru-


προσβάλλειν. καὶ τὰς ἐν ὄσχῃ φλέβας σχάσον

τὰς παχυτάτας. οὗτος οὕτω θεραπευόμενος τάχι-
στα ὑγιὴς ἔσται.
22. ᾿Απὸ φλέγματος μάλιστα περιίσταται ἐς
ὕδερον Kal ἣ πιμελὴ συντήκεται καὶ γίνεται
ὕδωρ ὑπὸ τοῦ καύματος τοῦ ἐν τῷ φλέγματι
ed ς Ν ~ / >a 5 ~ /

ἐνεόντος. γνώσῃ δὲ τούτῳ. ὅστις δυνατός ἐστιν

5 c ᾿

Ne νι ὦ Dea Gli 7 DY wel as\ ee Sy)

222 ἰηθῆναι | καὶ ὅστις μή: ἕως ἄν Tur” ἐπὶ τῷ ἤτρῳ
Deere 7.5 NAL OA 2S) , \
ἐπῇ ἣ πιμελή." δυνατὸς" ἰηθῆναί ἐστι. γνώσῃ δὲ
τοισίδε μάλιστα, εἴ ἐστι πιμελὴ ἐπὶ τῷ ἤτρῳ ἢ
ὃ (λ >: Ar. 2 \ ~ vv Ἃ

οὔ: ἣν μὲν" πυρετοὶ ἐπιγένωνται καὶ μὴ δύνηται

ἀνίστασθαι καὶ ὃ μφαλὸς
ὀμφαλὸς ἔξω ἐξέχηxn πεφυσμέν μένος.
φάναι μηκέτι ἐπεῖναι πιμελήν. ἢν δὲ πυρετὸς"
μὴ ἐπιγένηται, καὶ δυνατὸς" ἢ ἀνίστασθαι, καὶ ὃ
ὀμφαλὸς μὴ ἐξέχη. φάναι ἐπεῖναι πιμελὴν καὶ
, Ν Ν >» / / 5 ~ \ \

ἰήσιμον εἶναι.
Τούτῳ ξυμφέρει τὴν κοιλίην ξηραίνειν, διδόντα
/ / ai jp / /

ἄρτον μέλανα" αὐτοπυρίτην. θερμόν. μὴ ἕωλον.

Ἴ Nae bey 9 ) \ \ , \
ὄψον δὲ ὄνου" κρέας Kal κυνὸς τελείου, Kal
CN x aN is / ζ / 10 ΟΝ 7
ὑὸς καὶ οἰὸς ὡς πιότατα εφθά. και ἀλεκτρυόνος

οπτα καὶ θερμά: καὶ πουλύποδας ἐσθιέτω ἐψῶν εν

»] Ν Ν / \ / 5 / ig ~ 2)

i μέλανι
7, αὐστηρῷ:
ὑστηρῶ: οἶνον
οἶνον δὲδὲ πινέ
πινέτω μ έλανα ὡς

| Potter: -βάλλων Θ: -βαλεῖν Μ. 2 9: γὰρ ἂν τις Μ.
9, ἣ π. O: ἔχει πιμελήν Μ. 4 Q: ἀδύνατος Μ. 5 Μ: μὴ Θ.
6 δὲ a. Μ: τε πυρετός τε Θ. 7 @: ἀδύνατος Μ. 8 Θ; μὲν Μ.
9.0: λαγωοῦ Μ. 10 π΄ & Θ: ὀπτά Μ.

ment and slit the widest vessels of the scrotum. If

this patient is treated in such a way, he will very
quickly recover.
22. From phlegm the most frequent change is to
dropsy: fat melts, from the burning heat of the
phlegm, and becomes water. You will know by the
following who can be healed and who not: as long
as fat is present on the patient’s abdomen, he can
be healed; and you will know, especially by the fol-
lowing, whether or not fat is present on the abdo-
men: if fevers supervene, if the patient is unable to
stand up, and if his navel is distended and pro-
trudes, then assume that fat is no longer present;
but if fever does not supervene, if the patient can
stand up, and if his navel does not protrude,
assume that fat is present, and the patient curable.
It benefits this patient if you dry out his cavity
by giving him fresh warm dark whole-wheat bread,
and as main dish the meat of ass, mature dog,
swine and sheep, these very fat and boiled, or meat
of fowl, roasted and warm; also let him eat polyp
boiled in dry dark wine; let him drink dark wine


παχύτατον Kal στρυφνότατον: ἰχθύων δὲ χρήσθω

i? sh / 5 / \ /

κωβιῷ, δράκοντι, καλλιωνύμῳ, κόκκυγι, σκορπίῳ

Kal ν ἄλλοισι τοῖσι
Ξ ,
τοιούτοισι κ-
πᾶσιν ς
ἐφθοῖς ey
καὶ ψυχροῖσι. ξηρότατοι γὰρ οὗτοι μάλιστά εἰσι
Kal ἐς τὸν ζωμὸν μὴ ἐμβαπτέσθω, Kal ἄναλτοι
\ οὶ \ N Ν 3 / \ wv

oy δ a7 , \ , ς ,
ἔστωσαν οἱ ἰχθύες. λαχάνων δὲ χρήσθω padavior
\ , cp 1 \ \ \ pa isy
Kal σελίνοισιν. ἑψήσθω' δὲ Kal φακὴν τῷ ὄξει
ἐπωκεστέρην καὶ περιπατείτω καθ ἡμέρην καὶ

μετὰ τὸ δεῖπνον καὶ ὄρθρου, καὶ ὄψιος εὑδέτω.

\ \ ὃ ~ Ne dé θ NT OF ὑὃ ὔ

καὶ πρώϊος ἐξεγειρέσθω. καὶ ἢν μὲν ὑπὸ τούτων

καθίστηται: εἰ δὲ μή, πῖσαι αὐτὸν κνέωρον ἢ
immopew ὀπὸν ἢ Kvidiov κόκκον, καὶ μετὰ τὴν
ς / 5 \ Ἃ / \ AY X

κάθαρσιν φακῆς δύο τρυβλία pudeitw καὶ ἄρτον

,ὔ = / / ς / Ay ΓΜ

σμικρὸν καταφαγέτω: οἶνον δὲ πινέτω μέλανα,

στρυφνόν, ὀλίγον πινέτω δὲ τὸ φάρμακον dis τῆς
/ 5 / / \ \ / \ >

ἡμέρης, τέως ἂν λαπαρὸς γένηται. ἣν δὲ οἴδημα

224 καθεστήκῃ ἐν τῇ doxn καὶ τοῖσι μηροῖσι καὶ
τῆσι κνήμῃσι, κατασχᾶν χρὴ ὀξέῃ TH μαχαίρῃ
> / > \ μὴ / lon /

πολλὰ καὶ πυκινά. ταῦτα ἣν ποιέῃς, τάχιστα

~ Ἃ

ὑγιᾶ ποιήσεις.
23. ‘O δὲ ὕδερος ἀπὸ τῶνδε γίνεται ὅταν
θέρεος ὥρῃ διψήσας ὕδωρ πολὺ πίῃ ἐπισπάδην." ἐκ
τούτου γίνεσθαι φιλέει μάλιστα: ὃ yap πλεύμων
/ , / / e \ /

πλησθεὶς αὖθις ἀφίησιν ἐς τὰ στήθεα, Kal ὅταν ἐν

\ > p) / =) \ ,ὔ Ny ἘΠ >)

τοῖσι στήθεσι γίνηται, καῦμα παρέχει σφόδρα

' Some later mss, Littré: ὀψάσθω O: ὀψήσθω Μ. 2 Littré:
-στάδην O: ἐπὶ πάσῃ διήν M.

that is very thick and sour. Of fish let him take

goby, weever, star-gazer, piper, scorpion fish and
others of the same sort, all boiled and eaten cold on
the following day; for these are generally the driest;
let the patient not dip them in sauce; the fish must
not be salted. Of vegetables have him eat radishes
and celery; also boil lentil-soup well acidified with
vinegar. Let the patient take walks each day, after
dinner and early in the morning, go to bed late, and
be awakened early. If, with this treatment, he
settles down, fine. If not, have him drink spurge-
flax, hippopheos juice, or Cnidian berry, and, after
the cleaning, take two bowls of lentil-soup and eat a
small loaf of bread; let him drink a small portion of
sour dark wine, and take a medication twice a day
until he has been opened. If swelling occurs in the
scrotum, thighs, and legs below the knees, you
must make repeated incisions with a sharp scalpel.
If you do these things, you will very quickly make
the patient well.
23. Dropsy arises in the following way: when,
in summer, a person that is thirsty drinks a large
amount of water at one draught, it is most likely to
arise from this; for when the lung becomes full, it
sends water back into the chest, and when this
enters the chest, it produces great burning heat,

ὥστε τήκειν TO στέαρ, TO’ ἐπὶ τῇσιν ἀρτηρίῃσιν

iv) / \ / ἈΠ Ἂ Ν > ») /

By 2.) Ν Ἢ a y , \ /
ἐπεόν" Kal ἣν ἅπαξ ἄρξηται τήκεσθαι τὸ στέαρ
πολλῷZa πλέον,
/ Ἀπ
ἐν Nes
ὀλίψῳ ,
χρόνῳ τὸνν΄. ὕδερον
noe. γίνεται δὲ καὶ ἣν φύματα ἐν τῷ πλεύμονι
ἐμφυῇ Kal πλησθῇ ὕδατος καὶ
ησθῇ ὕδατος καὶ ῥαγῇ
ῥαγῇ ἐς
ἐς τὰ στήθ
ὡς δὲ γίνεται Kal ἀπὸ φυμάτων ὃ depos, τόδε
ς Ν / \ y Ν / ζ a /

μοι μαρτύριον καὶ ev Bot καὶ ev wi καὶ ἐν κυνί

μάλιστα γὰρ τῶν τετραπόδων τούτοισι γίνεται
ύματα ev TH πλεύμονι ἃ ἔχει ὕδωρ, διαταμὼν δὲ
φύ 2) ~ A / aA Vv ie) ὃ \ de

ἂν γνοίης τάχιστα. pevoeTa yap ὕδωρ. δοκέει δὲ

Ἃ Ὁ ivi

καὶ ev ἀνθρώπῳ ἐγγίνεσθαι τοιαῦτα πολλῷ μᾶλ-

\ 3 5 / 2) / ~ a ~

λον 7 ἐν προβάτοισιν. ὅσῳ καὶ TH διαίτῃ χρώμεθα

“ 3) / c Ν ~ / /

ἐπινούσῳ μᾶλλον. ἐγένοντο δὲ πολλοὶ καὶ ἔμπυοι

5) / a 2) / Ν Ν ΔΕ

φυμάτων ἐγγενομένων.
/ > ok) \ - , b) /
Τάδε οὖν κατ΄ ἀρχὰς τῷ νοσήματι ἐπιγίνεται
βὴξ Enpn, καὶ 7 φάρυγξ δοκέει κρέκειν." Kai ῥῖγος
\ / Ἂν / / / 3 igi) oa

καὶ πυρετὸς ἐπιγίνεται καὶ ὀρθοπνοίη. καὶ ὃ χρὼς

ἐποιδαλέος, Kal οἱ πόδες μάλιστα ἐποιδέου-
»] / \ CG / / 5 /

σι.ἡ καὶ οἱ ὄνυχες ἕλκονται. καὶ ἕως μὲν ἐν τῇ

v ΨΈΒΟΊΟ, ἢ +. A Ie ΄ ἌΓ. 4 99
ἄνω κοιλίῃ 6 ὕδερος ἐνῇ. ὃ πόνος ὀξύς: ὅταν δ᾽ ἐς
\ , To ἐἴον Σ sees 3 ”
τὴν κάτω κοιλίην ἔλθῃ, δοκέει βάων εἶναι: ἔπειτα
226 πάσχει ταὐτὰ προϊόντος τοῦ χρόνου οἷά περ ὃ
~ 3
πρόσθεν, πιμπραμένης" τῆς κοιλίης. ἔστι δ΄ ὅτε
ἀποιδέει πρὸς τὸ πλευρόν. Kal δηλοῖ ἣ χρὴ
5 ,ὕ \ \ / \ a # \

, . 2 x
| χὸ σ.. τὸ O: τὴν πιμελήν, τὴν M. “ ©: ἐπεοῦσαν Μ.
3 O: κέρχειν Μ. 1... ἐ. Θ: οἰδέουσι Μ. 59: πιμπλαμένης Μ.

so that the fat present on the bronchial tubes melts;

once this fat begins to melt very much, it soon gives
rises to dropsy. The disease also arises if tubercles
form in the lung, fill up with fluid, and rupture into
the chest. (That dropsy truly does also arise from
tubercles, here is my proof from the cow, swine and
dog: tubercles containing fluid occur most fre-
quently among quadrupeds in the lungs of these
animals, as you would very quickly discover by cut-
ting through one, for water will run out; and it
seems probable that in man such things are present
much more than in animals, since we employ a
more unhealthy regimen.) Many patients also sup-
purate internally when tubercles are present.
At the beginning, then, this disease includes the
following: a dry cough; the throat seems to whistle;
chills and fever set in, and orthopnoea; the skin is
puffy; the feet are very swollen; the nails become
curved. As long as the dropsy occupies the upper
cavity, the distress is acute, but when it moves to
the lower cavity, the patient seems better. Then,
with the passage of time, his cavity becomes dis-
tended, and he suffers the same things as the
preceding patient. Sometimes swelling appears in
the side and indicates where you must incise.

Ἢν δὲ μὴ ἀποδηλοῖ,, λούσας πολλῷ καὶ θερ-

μῷ, τῶν ὥμων λαβόμενος σεῖσον᾽ εἶτα ἀκροᾶσθαι
ἐν ὁποτέρῳ ἂν τῶν πλευρέων μᾶλλον κλυδάζη-
Ἂ ς / Ἃ ~ / ~ /

2 \ \ ,ὔ 13 \ \ \
ται. OUVELS de τάμνειν KATA THV πλευρὴν ΤΡ

τρίτην ἀπὸ τῆς νεάτης μέχρι τοῦ ὀστέου. εἴτα

>) =~ ἧἦ᾿- {8 Ἐν

TpuTnoal’ πέρην τρυπάνῳ περητηρίω." 5 Kal ὅταν

> 2 > ~ ἢ (BIS Vi NNER
τρυπηθῇ. ἀφεῖναι τοῦ ὕδατος" ὀλίγον: καὶ ὅταν
ἀφῆς. μοτῶσαι ὠμολίνῳ, καὶ ἄνωθεν ἐπιθεῖναι
φῇ ~ ) λί \ Ὑ θ 2 θ ΄-

σπόγγον μαλθακόν εἶτα καταδῆσαι ὡς μὴ ἐκ-

πέσῃ ὃ μοτός. ἀφιέναι de’ δώδεκα ἡμέρας τὸ
/ G / 5) / de! ὃ bd Cc / \

c goa - Cee? \ \ \ ,
ὕδωρ." ἅπαξ τῆς ἡμέρης. μετὰ δὲ τὰς δώδεκα
ἡμέρας TH τρισκαιδεκάτῃ ἅπαν ἀφιέναι TO ὕδωρ,
re / ~ ὃ / [72 2) / \ uo

καὶ τὸν λοιπὸν χρόνον ἢν ὑπογίνηται ὕδατός τι.

ἀφιέναι. Kal ὑποξηραίνειν τὴν κοιλίην.
2) fd NG / Ν /

dde δὲ" διδόναι μετὰ THY TEHOW σκευάσας
ΜΕ] / \ \ > /

> - , \ / τ 5] Seah)
ὀποῦ σιλφίου δραχμὴν σταθμόν. Kal ἀριστολοχίης
, ὦ δ > , \ =
κνήσας" ὅσον ἐλάφειον ἀστράγαλον. καὶ φακῶν
Kal ὀρόβων πεφρυγμένων ἄλφιτα καθήρας ὅσον
\ 5 / / v / iv

ἡμιχοίνικον ἑκατέρων. εἶτα ταῦτα συμφυρῆσαι

μέλιτι καὶ ὄξει εἶτα πλάσαι κόλλικας ἑξήκοντα.
7 νῶν ων / / ς 7,

, / (ee ΕἸΣ a bY
TOUT WV τρίβων €va εκαστῆς NELEPNS διεῖναι εν

. μὴ a. Μ: ἀποιδήσῃ Θ. 2 9: κλύζ- Μ. 3 κατὰ om. Μ.

4 Ν: τήσας Θ. 5 Littré (περιτ- Mack): πειρητ- Θ: τρυγλητ- Μ.
6 Later mss: τὸ ὕδωρ O: τοῦ ὕδρωπος Μ. 7M adds χρὴ.
8 ©: τὸν ὕδρωπα Μ. 9.0: Τὰ δὲ χρὴ Μ. 10 M: -iav Θ.
11 Jouanna (p. 216): κνῆσαι ΘΜ.

If there is no indication, wash the patient in

copious hot water, take hold of him by the should-
ers, and shake him; then listen in which of the two
sides there is more fluctuation. When you have
discovered this, incise down to the bone at the third
lowest rib; then pierce right through to the inside
with a straight-pointed trephine and, after boring,
draw off a little of the fluid. When you have done
this, plug the wound with a tent of raw linen and
apply a soft sponge from above; then tie the sponge
tight in order that the tent does not fall out. Draw
off fluid once a day for twelve days. On the thir-
teenth day, remove all the fluid, and from then on,
if any new fluid forms, draw it off. Also dry out the
cavity below.
After the incision, give the following: prepare
silphium juice a drachma in weight, grate aristolo-
chia to the amount of a deer’s vertebra, and sift a
half-choinix each of the meals of parched lentils
and vetches; then knead these together with honey
and vinegar, and form into sixty trochisci. Grind
one of these down each day, soak it in a half-cotyle


Ὑ ς , ͵ 5 πὰ IC ες 1
οἴνου ἡμικοτυλίῳ μέλανος αὐστηροῦ ὡς ἡδίστου
εἶτα διδόναι πίνειν νήστει. THY δὲ ἄλλην δίαιταν
53 / / ΄ὔ \ Sos /

καὶ ταλαιπωρίην τὴν αὐτὴν κελεύειν διαιτᾶσθαι

ἣν καὶ 6 πρόσθεν." καὶ ἢν οἰδήσῃ τὰ αἰδοῖα Kal
c\ NOG / θ 2 ἀνα size ὃς. 7 \ ᾿ ~ \

τοὺς μηρούς. θαρσῶν κατασχάσαι.

Τοῦτον ἢν οὕτως μελετᾷς, τάχιστα ὑγιέα
24. “Ode δὲ 6* ὕδερος ἀπὸ τοῦ ἥπατος γίνε-
cr >
228 TQL, ὅταν ἐς τὸ1 ἧπαρ
δ ͵
φλέγμα > ΞΕ
ἐπινεμηθῇ." καὶ \
ἀναλάβῃ τὸ ἧπαρ Kai ὑγρανθῇ. εὐθὺς οὖν" καῦμα
5 Ἂ 1B \ 2 Wc θῃ Wer) ee Ὁ ~

παρέχει τὸ ἧπαρ, καὶ φῦσαν ἐμποιέει, ἔπειτα

χρόνῳ ὕδατος ἐμπίμπλαται κἄπειτα δηγμὸς ἐς
τὸ\ σῶμα
»] /
Kal \ οἴδημα


καὶ τοῖσι ποσίν ἐστι. καὶ τὸ ἧπαρ σκληρὸν καὶ

οἰδέει, καὶ αἱ KAnides λεπτύνονται.
Τοῦτον ὅταν οὕτως ἔχη. κατ΄ ἀρχὰς τοῦ νοσή-
~ μι =

patos διδόναι

> /
τὸNeseἧπαρ. τρίβων

ὀρίγανον καὶ ὀπὸν σιλφίου ὅσον ὄροβον. διδόναι δὲ

τὶ / ΜΟῚ) \ 7, ivf Ὑ / \

διεὶς΄ πίνειν ἐν οἴνου ἡμικοτυλίῳ λευκοῦ" πινέτω

δὲ καὶ γάλα αἰγός, τρίτον μέρος μελικρήτου
παραμίσγων, τετρακότυλον κύλικα. σιτίων δὲ
ἀπεχέσθω τὰς πρώτας ἡμέρας δέκα αὗται γὰρ
Ι ἂν οἴνω...yA ἡδίστου O: οἴνου μ μέλανος ἣμἡμικοτυλίωp αὐστηρῷ ὡς
αὐστηρῷ ὡς ἡδίστε
Μ. 2 ὃ π. Θ: τὸν π. χρόνον Μ. 8.6; ὑγιὴς ἔσται Μ.
4 6: Ὁ δὲ Μ. 5 @: -γένηται Μ. 6 οὖν om. Θ.
7 δὲ 8. Potter: διεὶς Μ: δὲ δὶ ©. ὃ Ermerins: οἴνῳ... λευκῷ OM.

of dry dark very pleasant wine, and give to the fast-

ing patient to drink. Order him to conduct the rest
of his regimen and his exercise the same as the
preceding patient. If he swells up in the genital
organs and the thighs, make incisions without hesi-
If you treat this patient in such a way, you will
very quickly make him well.
24. The next dropsy arises from the liver, when
phlegm encroaches into the liver, and the liver
takes it up and becomes moist: the liver immedi-
ately produces burning heat, and gives rise to tym-
panites, and then, after a time, it fills up with fluid.
After that, gnawing pains attack the body, and
swelling occupies the legs below the knees, and the
feet; the liver is hard and swollen, and the collar-
bones become lean.
When the case is such, if at the beginning of the
disease the patient has pain in his liver, give him
ground marjoram and silphium juice to the amount
of a vetch, soaked in a half-cotyle of white wine, to
drink. Let him also drink a four-cotyle cup of goat’s
milk, to which one third part of melicrat has been
added. Have him abstain from foods for the first
ten days—this is the critical period that decides

κρίνουσιν, εἰ θανάσιμος ἢ οὔ. pupavétw δὲ πτι-

/ 2 / Ἃ Ὑ ς / Ν

χυλὸν \
πινέτω Μένδαιον λευκὸν ἢ ἄλλον τινὰ ἥδιστον
ὑδαρέα. ὅταν δὲ αἱ δέκα ἡμέραι παρέλθωσι. σιτία
[φ / dj \ ¢c / c / / /

προσφερέσθω καθαρά. καὶ ὄψον ἐχέτω ἀλεκτρυό-

/ / Noo, 2) / ἣν /

νος κρέαPie ἑφθὰ

Ae \
καὶ i)ὀπτά“DONE ἐχέτω
SY ofa
δὲ\ καὶ \ σκύλακος

εφθά. ἰχθύϊ δὲ γαλεῷ καὶ νάρκῃ χρήσθω ξφθοῖσιν"

οἶνον δὲ τὸν αὐτὸν πινέτω.
al ἣν μὲν ὑπὸ τούτων παύηται" ἣν δὲ μή.
K \ Ἃ \ c \ / / 4 “ \ /

ὅταν αὐτὸς ἑωυτοῦ παχύτατος ἢ καὶ τὸ ἧπαρ

μέγιστον, καῦσαι μύκησιν. οὕτω γὰρ ἂν τάχιστα
ὑγιέα ποιήσαις: καῦσαι δὲ χρὴ ὀκτὼ ἐσχάρας.
ν δὲ ὃ Wepos ἐγγένηται καὶ ῥαγῇ ἐς τὴν
ἪἫ δὲ ς uo τὶ / NLC. ue) \

τοῖςσ αὐτοῖσιν
Kal \ τὸν\ πρόσθεν,
φαρμάκοισι καὶ ποτοῖσι᾽ καὶ βρωτοῖσι καὶ ταλαι-
Twpinow οἶνον δὲ πινέτω μέλανα αὐστηρόν. ἢν
δέ σοι δοκέῃ ἀφίστασθαί [
που τὸ ἧπαρ. καῦσαι
καὶ+ ἀφιέναι
ig ,
τοῦa ὕδατος
κατ΄ de ὀλίγον
πρόσθεν: καὶ τἄλλα ἰᾶσθαι τὸν αὐτὸν τρόπον. ἢν
/ \ ἊΝ IA \ ») \ / Ἃ

δὲ μὴ ὑπὸ τούτων ὑγιὴς γένηται. φθειρόμενος

290 χρόνω" θνήσκει: ἣ γὰρ νοῦσος χαλεπή. καὶ παῦ-
ροι ἐκφυγγάνουσιν.
25. Ὅδε δὲ 6 ὕδερος ἀπὸ τοῦ σπληνὸς γίνε-
7 eS a - , ΄, (
ται ΟΑἼἸ͵Ο τῆσδε TNS προφάσιος μάλιστα: οταν

| ©: τὸν Μ. 2 & καὶ ὁ. Θ: ὀπτὰ θερμά Μ. 3 @: ὀπτοῖσι Μ.

4 ©: παύσηται,
ἢται ἅλις Μ. ° καὶ ποτοῖσι om. Θ. 6 χρόνᾳ
om. Μ. ΓΘ adds δὲ.

whether or not he will die—take gruels of boiled

barley-water with honey, and drink a white Men-
dean or some other very pleasant wine diluted with
water. When the ten days have passed, let him
take fine cereals, have as main dish the meats of
fowl boiled or grilled, and also boiled puppy, of fish
employ boiled dogfish and torpedo, and drink the
same wine.
If this brings an end, fine. If not, when the
patient has spontaneously become very robust and
his liver is at its maximum, cauterize with fungi;
for in this way you will most quickly make him
well; you must burn eight eschars.
If in dropsy there is a break into the cavity, treat
with the same things used for the preceding
patient: medications, drinks, foods, and exercises;
let the patient drink dry dark wine. If the liver
seems to you to stand out at some point, cauterize
it with an iron, and draw off fluid a little at a time
as above; for the rest, apply the same treatment. If
the patient does not recover with this treatment, in
time he will waste away and die; for the disease is
severe, and few escape it.
25. The next dropsy arises from the spleen, most
often in the following way: when in late summer a

ὀπώρη ἢ καὶ αὐτῆς, φάγῃ πολλὴν σύκων χλωρῶν

καὶ μήλων. πολλοὶ δὲ ἤδη βότρυας πολλοὺς
καταφαγόντες καὶ γλεῦκος πιόντες τὴν νοῦσον
Ἢν οὖν μέλλῃ" ἐς τὸ νόσημα ἐμπεσεῖσθαι.,
παραχρῆμα ἐν τοῖσι πόνοισίν ἐστιν ὀδύναι τε γὰρ
ὀξέαι ἐν τῷ σπληνὶ καθεστᾶσι. μεταπίπτουσι δὲ
καὶ ἐς τὸν ὦμον καὶ ἐς τὴν KAnida καὶ ἐς τὸν
τιτθὸν καὶ ἐς τὴν λαγόνα καὶ πυρετοὶ ἰσχυροὶ
ἔχουσι: καὶ ἣν φάγῃ τι. ἣ γαστὴρ πίμπραται" καὶ
ὃ σπλὴν ἀείρεται καὶ ὀδύνην παρέχει. τούτῳ ἣν
χρονισθῇ τὸ νόσημα. τὸν μὲν ἄλλον χρόνον οὐ"
πονέει, ὅταν δὲ ἢ ὀπώρη ἢ καὶ φάγῃ αὐτῆς.
τότε" πονέει μάλιστα.
Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. κατ᾽ ἀρχὰς μελετᾶν,
ἄνω μὲν ἐλλέβορον διδούς, κάτω δὲ κνέωρον ἢ
ἱππόφεω ὁπὸν ἢ κόκκον Κνίδιον: διδόναι δὲ καὶ
ὄνειον γάλα ἑφθὸν" ὀκτὼ κοτύλας μέλι παραχέας.
καὶ ἢν μὲν ὑπὸ τούτων καθίστηται. ἅλις: ἢν δὲ
μή, ὅταν μέγιστος ἢ ὃ σπλὴν καὶ οἰδέῃ μάλιστα.
καῦσαι μύκησι, τὰς κεφαλὰς πολλὰς ἀπολαβών,
ἢ σιδηρίοισι, φυλασσόμενος ὅπως μὴ πέρην δια-
καύσῃς. ταῦτα μὲν κατ᾽ ἀρχὰς ποιέειν τοῦ νοσή-
patos καὶ δίαιταν τήνδε προσφέρεσθαι. πυρετοῦ
| @: -ὸς Μ. f 29 adds παραχρῆμα. ὃ Θ: -πλαται Μ.
40: ἧσσον Μ. 5 a., τ. O: ἀντὶ τοῦ πρόσθεν Μ. 6 ἑφθὸν om. Μ.


person eats a lot of the season’s fruits such as green

figs and apples; many persons have also taken the
disease after eating too many grapes and drinking
If, then, a person is about to fall into the disease,
he is at once subject to its sufferings; for sharp
pains occupy his spleen, and also migrate to his
shoulder, collar-bone, nipple and flank, there are
violent fevers and, if the patient eats anything, his
belly is distended; his spleen swells up and is pain-
ful. If the disease becomes prolonged in this
patient, at other times of the year he is free of pain,
but, when late summer arrives and he eats its
fruits, his suffering is great.
When the case is such, at the beginning treat
the patient by giving him hellebore to clean
upwards, and spurge-flax, hippopheos or Cnidian
berry to clean downwards; also give him eight
cotylai of boiled ass’s milk with honey. If, with this
treatment, the disease settles down, fine. If not,
when the spleen is at its greatest size and most
swollen, cauterize it with fungi, holding their many
heads away from the spleen, or with irons, taking
care not to burn right through. Do these things at
the beginning of the disease. If there is no fever,
prescribe the following regimen: let the patient

232 μὴ ἔχοντος: ἄρτῳ μὲν χρήσθω πυρίνῳ" | ὄψον ὃ


ἐχέτω τάριχον [ αδειρικὸν ἢ σαπέρδην, καὶ κρέας

D a7
τετρυμένον olds, Kal \ τὰSyὀξέα Kal \ τὰ"12 ἁλμυρὰ
¢ \

πάντα ἐσθιέτω. καὶ πινέτω οἶνον K@ov αὐστηρὸν

ὡς μελάντατον τῶν δὲ γλυκέων ἀπεχέσθω. ἢν
c / ~ \ ΄ 3 / Ἃ

δ᾽a) ἐξανίστηται
καὶs\ δυνατὸς\ ἢ, a

ἄκρων" τῶν ὥμων, καὶ ταλαιπωρείτω περιόδοισι

- Nd ge τὰ 7
πολλῇσι δι ἡμέρης. καὶ \ εὐωχείσθω
5. / [δ᾽ 7
ἃ προείρηται
Ἂ A iff > ͵ Ap \ Sean
Hy δὲ ὕδερος ἐπιγένηται. ἰᾶσθαι κατὰ ταὐτὰ
καὶ τοῖς αὐτοῖσι καθάπερ τοὺς πρόσθεν.
26. “Ode δὲ 6° ὕδερος ἀπὸ τῶνδε γίνεται:
θέρεος ὥρην. ἢν δδοιπορέων δδὸν μακρὴν
/ cr Ἃ ς i ς \ \
3 /

5 /
ὕδατι Kal \ στασίμῳ
[τὲ /
Kai \ πίῃ7, αὐτοῦ
.} -
3 /

δην πολλόν, καὶ" αἱ σάρκες ἀναπίωσι καὶ

/ ΄ς 9 /
ἐν Ewu-
ΟῚ ς

τῆσιν ἴσχωσι τὸ ὕδωρ, ὑποχώρησις δὲ μὴ γένηται

Τάδε οὖν πάσχει ἐν pev'’ TH σαρκί, καῦμα
> "Ὶ 7 > ~

παρέχει ἐν τῇ κοιλίῃ καὶ τῷ σώματι, ὥστε τὸ

στέαρ τὸ ἐὸν ἐπὶ" τῇ κοιλίη τήκει. οὗτος τέως
μὲν ἂν βαδίζῃ. οὐδὲν δοκέει κακὸν ἔχειν, ὅταν δὲ
Ν Ἃ / 5 \ / \ vv id \

, ,
παύσηται βαδίζων καὶ ΤΣὃ ἥλιος
τ eG)
δύῃ." a
x / v 10 “αὐ δ \ ~ / /

ΓΜ adds ὀπτὸν ἢ τῶν σκληρῶν πυρῶν διπυρίτην. 2 © adds

ἄλλα. 3. ©: én’ ἄκρον Μ. 1 ρ; γέν- Μ. 5 9; Ὁ δὲ Μ.
6 ρ; ἣν οὖν Μ. 7 ἐν μ. Θ: ἣν μὲν ἢ ἐν Μ. 8 ov é. Potter:
σὸν ἐ. Θ: ἐπιὸν M. 90 adds εὐθὺς. 10 Q: παρ- Μ.

eat wheat bread; as main dish have Cadiz salt-fish

or saperdes, and ground mutton; eat all acid and
salty foods; drink dry very dark Coan wine, and
abstain from sweets. If he gets up, and is able, let
him wrestle with the tips of his shoulders,'! and
exert himself through the day with frequent walks;
also feed him well, mainly on what has been men-
tioned above.
If dropsy is present, treat it according to the
same principles and with the same things used for
the preceding patients.
26. The next dropsy arises in the following way:
if, in summer, a person on a long journey happens
upon some stagnant rain water, and drinks a large
amount of it at one draught, if his tissues drink up
the water and hold it within themselves, and if no
evacuation at all occurs.
The patient, then, suffers the following: the
water in the tissues produces burning heat in the
cavity and the body, so that the fat present in the
cavity melts. As long as the person keeps walking,
he does not seem to suffer any harm, but when he
stops and the sun goes down, he immediately has
an attack. As the disease progresses, he becomes

1 Wrestlers are sometimes depicted on Greek vases

standing with arms extended and hands grasping each
other’s shoulders. It may be that a type of skirmishing in
this position was considered safe enough for persons in a
state of convalescence.

νεται σφόδρα. ἢν δὲ Kal ἀσιτίη ἐπιγένηται, Kal

/ Ἃ \ » >) / 2 / \

πολλῷ μᾶλλον λεπτύνεται. ἢν δὲ τὰ σιτία μὲν

a ~ / ἋἋ Ν Ν / Ν

οΣ ees | fo πον ἘΣ σ΄
ἐσθίῃ.' ταλαιπωρέειν δὲ ἀδύνατος ἢ. τοῖσι πολ-
λοῖσιν οἴδημα καθίσταται ἐς ἅπαν τὸ σῶμα, καὶ
τῷ μὲν λεπτῷ 7 χροιὴ πελιδνὴ γίνεται, Kal 7
~ A ~ ig \ \ / \ ἣν

γαστὴρ μεγάλη. καὶ δίψα ἔχει ἰσχυρή τὰ γὰρ

\ / \ / % 5 / \ οὗ

σπλάγχνα αὐτοῦ θερμαίνεται" ὑπὸ τῆς θερμασίης.

τοῦ δὲ χρόνου προϊόντος. αὐτὸς μὲν πρόθυμός
5) > Π7 aad - \ / cv δὶ ͵,
234 ἐστιν ἐσθίειν ὅσα τις διδοῖ, καὶ |πίνειν, καὶ ἀλγέει
οὐδέν. ἣν δὲ TO οἴδημα κατέχῃ. ἣ χροιὴ αὐτοῦ
ὑδέ Ἃ δὲ Ν vhs) / G ἈΝ 2} ~

γίνεται ὠχρή. Kal διὰ τοῦ σώματος φλέβες μέ-

/ >) / Ν Ν ~ / / /

λαιναι διατέτανται πυκναί θυμαίνει δὲ καὶ λυπεῖ-

ται ἐπὶ παντός. οὐδενὸς ἐόντος νεωτέρου ἣ δὲ
\ , NEN fac \4 ὦ ,
γαστὴρ μεγάλη καὶ divdpos καὶ ὥσπερ λαμπτήρ:
καὶ τοῦ χρόνου προϊόντος τὰ σιτία οὐ προσίεται,
ἀλλὰ δοκέει αὐτῷ ὄζειν σικύου ἀγρίου ὑπὸ THs
5 Ν / >) ~ Ὑ / 2) 4 c \ ~

Τούτῳ. ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. διδόναι τοῦ κνεώρου ἢ
͵7ὔ igi cd v / ~ / Ἃ

Tod ἱππόφεω τὸν ὀπὸν ἢ TOV Κνίδιον κόκκον" ταῦ-

μὰς ἢ / \ 5 Ν Ἃ \ / ~

τα δὲ τὰ φάρμακα διδόναι ὧδε χρή TO μὲν κνέω-

Ν \ / / τ / A \ /

5. ὦ ζ ,ὕ \ de ~ ¢ ,ὔ δ δὸς
ρον δι ἕκτης ἡμέρης. τὸν δὲ τοῦ ἱππόφεω ὀπὸν
δι ὀγδόης, τὸν δὲ Κνίδιον κόκκον διὰ δεκάτης
ἡμέρης διδόναι δὲ χρὴ ταῦτα. ἕως ἂν ἐκκαθαρθῇ
¢ / % ὃ ὃ / de \ ~ a Ἃ 5 θ θῃ

καὶ λαπαρὸς γένηται. τὰς δὲ μεταξὺ τῶν ἡμερέ-

ων εὐωχέειν τοῖς αὐτοῖς οἷσι καὶ τοὺς πρόσθεν.
| ©: ἐσθίειν δύνηται Μ. 2 0: Enpai- M. 3 Θ; ὁκόταν M.
4 kai om. M.

very lean, and, if he loses his appetite as well, even

leaner. If he eats his meals, but is unable to exert
himself, in most cases swelling occupies his whole
body; the emaciated patient’s skin becomes livid,
his belly large, and he has a violent thirst, for his
inward parts are heated by the burning heat. As
time passes, the patient is eager to eat and drink as
much as anyone will give him, and his pains go
away. However, if the swelling prevails, his skin
becomes pale-yellow, and throughout his body
extend numerous dark vessels; he is angry and
vexed with everything, even when nothing new
happens; his belly is large, full of water, and like a
lantern.! With the passage of time, the patient no
longer accepts food, since it seems to him to smell
like squirting-cucumber, because of his nausea.
When the case is such, give the patient spurge-
flax, hippopheos juice or Cnidian berry; you must
give these medications as follows: the spurge-flax
every sixth day, the hippopheos juice every eighth
day, and the Cnidian berry every tenth day; you
must give them until the patient is cleaned out and
loosened. On the days between, feed him well on
the same things given to the previous patients. In
1 .e. with a watery, yellow, translucent appearance; cf.
chapter 43 below.
μάλιστα δὲ τοῦ ὕδατος τοῦ αὐτοῦ πίνειν διδόναι,
/ \ a cd ~ οὶ ~ / /

im ὅτευ Kal τὸ νόσημα ἔλαβεν, ὡς πλεῖστον.

> a

ὅπως ἀναταράξῃ αὐτοῦ τὴν κοιλίην καὶ ὑποχωρή-

on σφόδρα: οὕτω γὰρ ἂν τάχιστα ὑγιέα ποιήσαις."
ἣν δέ σοι δοκέῃ. κλύζειν θαμινά: χρὴ τοῦ κνεώρου
τρίψας ἥμισυ πόσιος. μέλιτος παραμίξας τρίτον
μέρος κοτύλης. σευτλίου τέσσερσι κοτύλησι" διεῖ-
var, εἶθ᾽ οὕτω κλύζειν. καὶ ὀνείου γάλακτος
εφθοῦ τῇ ὃ ὑστεραίῃ δοῦναι ὀκτὼ κοτύλας. μέλι
- ΡΝ > ~

pax ἢ
7 ἅλας παραβάλλων,
/ Ae

ρ > πίνειν. καὶ μετὰ

Cs / / x Ν

{ κάθαρσιν τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσι x σθαι οἷσι καὶ οἱ
~ 5 ΄ ~ τ ς

ρ ἧμερἡμερέων
΄' Ὁ
πρόσθεν: καὶ τὰς μεταξὺ τῶν σιτίοισι
καὶ ποτοῖσι τοῖς αὐτοῖσι χρήσθω καὶ τοῖσι περι-
΄σ cond 3) σ ΄σ

Οὗτος οὕτω θεραπευόμενος τάχιστα τῆς νούσου
ἀπαλλαγήσεται τρίμηνος ἢ EEdunvos ἢν δὲ ἀμε-
λείη τις ἐγγένηται καὶ μὴ παραχρῆμα μελετηθῇ.
ἐν τάχει ἀποθνήσκει. καὶ τὸν καταλεπτυνόμενον
δὲ τοῖς αὐτοῖσιν ἰᾶσθαι: προὐγρῆναι δὲ χρὴ πρότε-
296 ρον αὐτοῦ τὸ |σῶμα πυριάσαντα, ὅπως ἂν μᾶλλον
τῷ φαρμάκῳ ὑπακούσῃ. ἀλλὰ χρὴ παραχρῆμα
μελετᾶν: εἰ δὲ μή. τοῖσι πολλοῖσι συγγηράσκει
ἢ νοῦσος.
κλύζειν δὲ χρὴ καὶ ἄλλοισι"
Ὑ 9

ἂν βούλῃ τῶν νούσων οἴνου λευκοῦ δύο κοτύλας

λαβὼν καὶ μέλιτος ἡμικοτύλιον, καὶ ἐλαίου
Wire ae? momoas ©: μάλιστα ὑγιέα ποιήσεις M. 20: τέταρτον
κοτύλης Μ. 3 καὶ a. Potter: ἕᾶλλον Θ: καὶ τοισίδε Μ.


particular, give him the same water to drink from

which he took the disease, and in large amounts, in
order that it stirs up his cavity and passes off
powerfully below; for in this way you will most
quickly make him well. If it seems advisable to
you, administer several enemas: you must grind
one half draught of spurge-flax, mix in one third
cotyle of honey, soak this in four cotylai of beets,
and then employ as an enema. The next day, give
eight cotylai of boiled ass’s milk with honey or salt,
to drink. After the cleaning, let this patient employ
the same things as the preceding ones and, on the
days between cleanings, the same foods, drinks and
This patient, if treated in such a way, will be
relieved readily of the disease within three or six
months; but if there is any negligence, and he is not
treated at once, he soon dies. Also treat the very
emaciated patient with these same measures; first,
though, you must moisten his body in advance by
applying vapour-baths, in order that he will
respond better to the medication. Treatment must
be immediate; if it is not, in most cases the disease
accompanies the person into old age. Administer
this other enema in whichever disease you wish:
take two cotylai of white wine, a half-cotyle each of

6 /
λίτρου /
τεταρτημόριον /
5 /

ὀπτοῦ, σικύου ἀγρίου τῶν φύλλων κόψας Kal ἐκ-

5 ~ / 5 / ~ / / \ >

πιέσας' τοῦ χυλοῦ κοτύλην. ταῦτα μίξας πάντα,

ἐγχέαι ἐς χυτρίδιον, κἄπειτα ζέσας" οὕτω
5 / 2) vv / Ὁ a

27. “Haatitig ἣ νοῦσος γίνεται ἀπὸ χολῆς
μελαίνης, ὡς" ἐπιρρυῇ ἐπὶ TO Nmap προσπίπτει
δὲ μ μάλιστα φθινοπώρου
ρ καὶ ἐν τῆσι
nol μ μεταβολῇσι
Tod ἐνιαυτοῦ. τάδε οὖν πάσχει ἐς TO ἧπαρ ὀδύνη
ὀξέη ἐμπίπτει." Kal ὑπὸ τὰς νεάτας πλευρὰς καὶ
») / 5 / 4 wails \ \ "ἢ \ \

ἐς τὸν ὦμον Kal ἐς τὴν κληΐδα καὶ es” τὸν τιτθόν.

5 \ > Ny 29 \ ΟΞ \ /

Kal πνὶξ ἔχει ἰσχυρή. Kal ἐνίοτε ἀπεμέει πελιδνὴν

\ \ Vv ὋΣ / A / 3 / \

χολήν, καὶ ῥῖγος, καὶ πυρετὸς τὰς μὲν πρώτας

ἡμέρας σφόδρα, ἔπειτα μέντοι βληχρότερος ἔχει
ig / “ὃ vv / A / vv ᾿

καὶ ψαυόμενος ἀλγέει κατὰ τὸ ἧπαρ. καὶ ἣ χροιὴ

ὑποπέλιος αὐτοῦ: Kal τὰ σιτία ἃ πρόσθεν ἐβεβρώ-
[᾿ / 5 a "ἡ x ,ὔ ia) / 2 /

κει πνίγει" προσπίπτοντα καὶ καίει καὶ στρέφει

A > ~
τὴν κοιλίην. ταῦτα μὲν πάσχει KAT ἀρχὰς τῆς
νούσου: προϊούσης δὲ τῆς νούσου" οἵ τε πυρετοὶ
3) ΄ Nn SY) 1) ΝΥ , / Ni SD
ἀφιᾶσι καὶ ἀπ΄ ὀλίγων σιτίων πίμπλαται. Kal ἐν
τῶᾧ ἥπατι
ἥπατι ἣἣ ὀδύν ὀδύνη μ οὔνον λείπεται.
είπεται. καὶ αὑτὴὴ
\ \ > , \ \ a
ΠΟΤΕ μεν ἰσχυρῆ. ΤΟΤΕ δὲ TOO WV δια-

ΓΘ adds κεκρημένου. 2 Θ᾽ καὶ ἐπιζέσας Μ. 3. Θὲ ὁκόταν Μ.

4M adds αὐτῷ. 5.0: ὑπὸ M. 5M adds αὐτὸν.
ΤΩ adds ἐς. 8 τῆς νούσου"... νούσου ©: τῆς δὲ v. 7. M.


honey and oil, and a fourth-cotyle of burnt Egyp-

tian soda, and cut off the leaves of a squirting-
cucumber plant and squeeze out a cotyle of juice;
mix all these ingredients together, pour them into a
small pot, and then boil and administer as an
27. This hepatic disease arises from dark bile,
when it flows to the liver; the disease generally
attacks in fall and at the year’s changes. The
patient suffers the following: sharp pain befalls his
liver, the region beneath his lowest ribs, his
shoulder, his collar-bone, and his nipple; there is
violent choking, and sometimes the patient vomits
livid bile; chills and fever, intense on the first days,
but then milder, set in. On being touched in the
region of his liver, the patient feels pain; his colour
is somewhat livid; the foods he had eaten previ-
ously provoke choking now, when they come into
contact with the cavity, and burning and colic.
These are the things the person suffers at the
beginning of the disease; as it progresses, though,
the fevers slacken, he becomes full on little food,
and pain persists only in the liver; there it is some-
times severe, but at other times intermittently

παύουσα. ἐνίοτε δὲ ὀξέη ἐπιλαμβάνει. καὶ πολ-
λάκις ἐξαπίνης τὴν ψυχὴν ἀφῆκε.
4 pies é , « Sy ONG Ὑ 2 τα
ούτῳ ξυμφέρει, ὅταν μὲν ἢ ὀδύνη EXN, χλιά-
σματα προστιθέναι ταὐτά, ἃ Kal TH πλευρίτιδι
a ~

ὅταν δὲ 7° ὃ πόνος λούειν αὐτὸν πολλῷ Kai θερ-

df de B33 LE / , ΑΝ ~ \

238 po, | Kal μελίκρητον δίδου πίνειν καὶ οἶνον λευ-

κὸν γλυκὺν ἢ αὐστηρὸν ἢ" ὁπότερος ἂν συμφέρῃ.
\ Ἂς Ἃ 5 < XK N4 “ / Ἃ /

Ne , \ SN Ἂν ΓΛ es Ἐὰν ,
καὶ ρῥυφήματα τὰ αὐτὰ καὶ ὅσα τῷ" ὑπὸ πλευρίτι-
ὃος ἑαλωκότι. τῆς δὲ ὀδύνης ἕνεκα" τάδε χρὴ
διδόναι πίνειν. ἀλεκτορίδος wod ξφθοῦ τὸ ὠχρὸν
/ i , 5) 5 me ~ \ 5 Ἂς

τρίψας παραχέαι στρύχνου χυλοῦ ἡμικοτύλιον. καὶ

μελίκρητον ἐπιχέαι' ἐν ὕδατι πεποιημένον ἥμισυ
ἡμικοτυλίου, τούτοισι διεὶς δοῦναι πίνειν. καὶ
παύσεις THY ὀδύνην" διδόναι δὲ ἑκάστης ἡμέρης.
/ \ 2) / / \ [ὦ / c /

τέως ἂν ἣ ὀδύνη παύσηται: πινέτω δὲ Kal σιλφίου

ie Ἃ c roth / / Ν Ν /

ἜΣ ΑΔ y” 8 VHD , ἜΣ “
ὀπὸν ὅσον opoBov* καὶ ὀρίγανον τρίβων διεῖναι οἵ-
vw λευκῷ καὶ οὕτως πίνειν νῆστιν ἐπιπινέτω δὲ
Kal τὰ ἐν TH πλευρίτιδι διδόμενα τῆς ὀδύνης
Ν Ν > ~ A / ὃ ὃ ὃ / ~ Ato) /

φάρμακα. πινέτω δὲ Kal γάλα αἴγειον τρίτον


μέρος μέλιτος παραμίσγων, τοῦ δὲ γάλακτος

ἔστωσαν τέσσερες κοτύλαι. τοῦτο ἕωθεν πινέτω
ὅταν τἄλλα μὴ πίνῃ. σίτων δὲ ἀπεχέσθω. τέως
ec — \ / / de Ὗ / /

ἂν κριθῇ ἣ νοῦσος κρίνεται δὲ μάλιστα ἐν ἑπτὰ

©: τε λαμβάνει Μ. 2M adds τά τε ἄλλα καὶ τὰ. 3 7 O:

ἀνῇ Μ. 4% and 7 om. M. ° τὰ... τῷ Potter: τὰ om. Θ:
“- ra) ΟΣ
ταῦυτα α και ὡς Μ. 6 ἕνεκα om. Μ. " ἐπιχέαι
Χ Om. Μ.
ὃ Μ: ὄβολον Θ.

milder. Sometimes the pain attacks sharply, and

many a patient has suddenly given up the ghost.
It benefits this patient, when the pain is present,
to apply the same fomentations as for pleurisy.
When an attack is occurring, wash him in copious
hot water, and give him melicrat to drink, sweet or
dry white wine or whichever other one benefits
him, and the same gruels in the same amounts as
you give to a patient with pleurisy. Against the
pain you must give the following to drink: mash
the yolk of a boiled hen’s egg, pour in a half-cotyle
of nightshade juice, and add a quarter-cotyle of
melicrat made with water; mix these together and
give to the patient to drink; you will stop the pain;
give this each day until the pain ceases. Also let
the patient drink silphium juice to the amount of a
vetch; also grind marjoram, soak it in white wine,
and have him drink it thus in the fasting state;
afterwards, let him also drink the medications
given in pleurisy against pain. Also let him drink
four cotylai of goat’s milk to which one third part of
honey has been added; let him drink this at dawn,
when he is not taking the other drinks. Have the
patient abstain from foods until the disease reaches
its crisis; usually the crisis occurs ἴῃ seven

ἡμέρῃσιν. ev’ ταύτῃσι yap ἀποδηλοῖ εἰ θανάσιμος

¢ / | / \ >) ~ >) /


Ἢν δὲ πνῖγμα προσίστηται., τάδε χρὴ διδόναι.

cr 2x > , , \ τ ” ey ty
ἕως" av ἀπεμέσῃ μέλι καὶ ὕδωρ, ὄξος Kal” ἅλας.
ταῦτα μίξας ἐγχέαι ἐς χυτρίδιον καινόν: εἶτα
χλιαίνειν, καὶ ταράσσειν ὀριγάνου κλωνίοισι τῆς
κεφαλοειδέος 5 σὺν τῷτ καρπῷ:
ρ t
ὅταν δὲ X χλιανθῇ.ἢ)» ἐκ-
πιεῖν δοῦναι" εἶτα ἐπιβαλὼν ἱμάτια ἐᾶν, περι-
~ a oo Ψ ς JA

, ¢ πα το x ; Lo Ϊ
στείλας ὅπως" ἂν ἱδρῷ μάλιστα. καὶ ὅταν ἔμετος
ἔχῃ αὐτόν, ἐμείτω προθύμως καταματεύμενος τῷ
a rn \ . oy v 6.5 \ ,
πτερῷ. ἢν δὲ μὴ ἔμετος ἔχῃ. ἐπιπιὼν μελικρή-
Tou χλιαροῦ κύλικα δικότυλον, οὕτως ἐμείτω.
~ / / ¢ 5 /
Kal \

ἣν τι ἀπεμέσῃ χολῆς ἢ φλέγματος αὖτις ταὐτὰ

χρὴ ποιέειν ἐπὶ τέσσερας ὥρας: ὠφελήσει γάρ.
Μετὰ δὲ τῆς νούσου τὴν κρίσιν μελετᾶν. σιτία
διδοὺς ὀλίγα. ταῦτα δὲ καθαρά: Kal ἣν μὲν ἄρτον
\ 5 / ~ \ / ἌΝ \ vv

ἐσθίη. θερμὸν ὡς μάλιστα ἐσθιέτω: ἣν δὲ μᾶζαν.

5 / \ c / >) / Ἃ Ν ΄-

240 | ἄτριπτον ἐσθιέτω. πρότερον προφυρήσας. ὄψον

δὲ ἐχέτω σκυλακίου ἑφθὰ ἢ πελειάδος ἢ ἀλεκτο-
\ ΡΣ / / iG \ Ἃ / Ἃ 5

a ͵ V7 ¢ a ~ > a7
pidos veooood, χρήσθω δὲ Epboion πᾶσιν: ἰχθύων
δὲ γαλεῷ, νάρκῃ. τρυγόνι καὶ βατίσι τῇσι σμι-
\ ~ / / \ / ~

κρῆσι, πᾶσιν Epbotor. καὶ Aovobw ἑκάστης ἡμέ-

~ ~ a / c (εἰ /

ρης. καὶ τὸ ψῦχος φυλασσέσθω. καὶ περιπατείτω

ὀλίγα ἕως ev ἀσφαλεῖ." ταῦτα nv φυλάσσηται.
5 / a ny Ξ 5 ~ 9 ~ Ἃ /

'eom.M. —-? ©: ὅκως Μ.. 3 καὶ om. M. _*M adds

χλιερόν. 2.0: ἕως Μ. 62.2.0: ἐμέσῃ M. ‘ χρήσθω δὲ
om. Μ. 5M: ἂν Θ. 5. Potter: -λῃ O: -λείῃ Μ.


days, for in these the patient reveals whether or not

he will die.
If choking comes on, you must give the following
medication until the patient vomits: honey and
water, vinegar and salt; mix these together and
pour them into a new pot; then warm, and add
twigs of the head-shaped marjoram with their
seeds; when it is warm give to the patient to drink
off; then cover him with blankets, wrapping him so
that he will sweat heavily, and leave him. When
vomiting occurs, let him vomit actively by being
tickled with a feather. If vomiting does not occur,
make the patient provoke it by drinking, in addi-
tion, a two-cotyle cup of warm melicrat. If he
vomits up any bile or phlegm, he must do the same
every four hours, for this will help.
After the disease’s crisis, treat by giving fine
cereals in small amounts; if the patient eats bread,
let him take it very hot, if barley-cake, let it be
unpounded but mixed a while before it is baked. As
main dish, let him have boiled puppy, pigeon or
chicken, taking all these boiled, and of fish dogfish,
torpedo, sting-ray and small skates, also all boiled.
Have him bathe each day, guarding against cold,
and take short walks until he is in safety. If the

οὐχ ὑποτροπιάσει πάλιν ἢ νοῦσος. 7 γὰρ νοῦσος

χαλεπὴ καὶ χρονίη.
28. Ἄλλη ἥπατος αἱ μὲν ὀδύναι πιέζουσι
κατὰ\ τὰ\ αὐτὰ
ἐλ ον ἫΝ
KATA ΝΠ TOWeἧπαρ. Kal Ν ἣὉ χροιὴ\ διαφέρει

τῆς πρόσθεν. σιδιοειδὴς γάρ ἐστι. τοῦ δὲ ἔτεος

θέρεος μάλιστα ἣ νοῦσος ἐπιπίπτει γίνεται δὲ
μάλιστα ἐκ Kpenpayins βοείων κρεῶν καὶ ἐξ oivo-
/ 2 Cats / ~ Np P|

φλυγίης: ταῦτα γὰρ πάντα" πολεμιώτατα ταύτην

τὴν ὥρην τῷ ἥπατι. καὶ χολὴ μάλιστα προσίστα-
ται πρὸς τὸ ἧπαρ.
doe οὖν
Af (ὃ
5. "
2 ΄
καὶ \
5 b) δὴ / b) , τ 42) AE) NGS et
οὐκ ἐκλείπουσιν οὐδεμίην ὥρην." ἀλλ΄ αἰεὶ μᾶλλον
) /
ἔστι δ᾽2. ὅτε
5 uv wel,
καὶ No ἐμέει
᾿] ,

καὶ ὅταν ἐμέσῃ. ἐπ΄ ὀλίγον δοκέει βάων εἶναι. ἢν

Ν ΣΩ͂ Dy τ σεν ENF 7 εὖ Ξ Ἃ

δὲ μὴ ἀπεμέσῃ. ἐς τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς 7 χολὴ καθί-

σταται, καὶ ὠχροὶ γίνονται σφόδρα. καὶ οἱ πόδες
7 A , Pe 6
οἰδέουσι. ταῦτα πάσχει τότε" μὲν\ σφόδρα. , ,
δὲ ἧσσον. ὅταν δὲ αἵ Te’ ἡμέραι παρέλθωσιν ἐν
τὸ\ νόσημα,
ὅ τε πόνος
iz] /

ἀναμάρτητον" διαιτᾶσθαι χρὴ τῇ τοιαύτῃ διαίτῃ.

Ὗ <3 ~ ~

ἣce καὶ \ πρόσθεν

ἣν γὰρ\ μεθυσθῇ- παρὰ\ καιρὸν\ ἢἋ λαγ a
᾿ ἊΝ

νεύσῃ ἢ ἄλλο τι ποιήσῃ μὴ ἐπιτήδειον, τὸ ἧπαρ

΄, sale! ΄ \ / ἈΝ

παραχρῆμα γίνεται αὐτοῦ σκληρόν, καὶ οἰδέει,

καὶ σφύζει ὑπὸ τῆς ὀδύνης. καὶ nv τι σπεύσῃ.
ΕΟ; ἐς Μ. 2 πάντα OM. Θ. 3 @Q: χολὴν... προσίστησι Μ.
Ξ οὐδεμίην ὥρην om. Μ. 5 ©: πιέζουσι M. 6 ©: ποτὲ M.
‘re om. M. 8 ©: ἣν ἀναμάρτητος ἢ M.

person takes care in these matters, the disease will

not recur. The disease is severe and lasts a long
28. Another disease of the liver: pains press in
the same way over the liver, and the patient’s
colour is different from what it was before, being
like pomegranate-peel. This disease attacks most
often in summer, and it arises mainly from eating
beef and from drunkenness; for in that season both
of these are most harmful to the liver, and bile in
particular assails the liver.
The patient suffers the following: sharp pains
attack and, without relenting for so much as an
hour, become more and more intense. Sometimes
the patient vomits up pale-yellow bile, and, after he
has, for a short time he seems to be better. If he
does not vomit, bile settles into his eyes, which
become very yellow, and his feet swell up. These
things the patient suffers at one time more, at
another time to a lesser degree. When the days in
which this disease has its crisis arrive and the
attack relents, the patient must follow strictly the
regimen laid down in the preceding case; for, if he
becomes drunk at an inopportune time, or engages
in venery, or does anything else that is inappropri-
ate, his liver immediately becomes hard, swells up,
and throbs with pain, or if he exerts himself, he

πονέει ἐξαπίνης τὸ ἧπαρ καὶ τὸ σῶμα ἅπαν.

Τοῦτον. ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. orav! αἱ πρῶται
242 ἡμέραι | παρέλθωσι, πυριᾶσαι, εἶτα ὑποκαθῆραι
τῇ σκαμωνίῃ: ἢν δὲ q κοιλίη ξυγκεκαυμένη 7;
κλύσαι τοῖς αὐτοῖς, οἷσι καὶ τοὺς πρόσθεν. ὅ TL
ἄξει καλῶς. καὶ μετὰ τὸν κλυσμὸν dvelw γάλα-
κτι ἑφθῷ ὑποκαθῆραι ὀκτὼ κοτύλαις: μέλι δὲ
ς ~ ς: > > \ / / \

παραχέας διδόναι πίνειν: διδόναι δὲ καὶ τὸ αἴγει-

/ / be / Ν \ Ἂν vv

ov, τρίτον μέρος μελικρήτου παραμίσγων. τὸ ἕω-

θινόν. τετρακότυλον κύλικα: διδόναι δὲ καὶ εφθοῦ
/ / / / Ν SOG. ~

τοῦ αἰγείου δύο χοέας." τρίτον μελικρήτου παρα-

μίσγων, ἢ αὐτὸ μοῦνον μέλι παραχέων" διδόναι
δὲ καὶ τὸ ἵππειον γάλα τὸν αὐτὸν τρόπον τῷ
Καὶ nv μὲν ὑπὸ τούτων μελετώμενος, ἢ νοῦσος
Ww! \ ς ἊΝ / / (= ~

ἐξέλθῃ. ἅλις εἰ δὲ μή, τάμνειν τοῦ ἀγκῶνος τοῦ

2) / ce 5 si / td ~ EY ~ ΄

δεξιοῦ τὴν ἐντὸς φλέβα καὶ ἀφιέναι τοῦ αἵματος.

ἣν δέ σοι py’ δοκέῃ ὀνείῳ γάλακτι ὑποκαθῆραι,
Ἃ δέ \4 ὃ / 2! / LA ¢ AF

βοείου γάλακτος ὠμοῦ διδόναι δύο κοτύλας, τρί-

/ / 2) ~ Z / / /

τον μελικρήτου παραμίσγων. ἑκάστης ἡμέρης ἐφ


ἡμέρας δέκα εἶτα ἄλλας δέκα, ἕκτον μέρος τοῦ

μελικρήτου παραμίσγων." πίνειν διδόναι: τὸ δὲ
λοιπὸν αὐτὸ τὸ γάλα" διδόναι, ἕως ἂν πιανθῇ. δύο
κοτύλας. ἢν δὲ μηδ᾽ οὕτω παύηται. καῦσαι χρὴ
? ~

ὅταν μέγιστον τὸ ἧπαρ ἢ καὶ ἐξεστήκῃ μάλιστα.

| ©: καὶ Μ. 2 ©: κοτύλας M. 3 7)... παραχέων Om. O.
4 μὴ om. O. ° ©: -χέων M. 6). a. τὸ y. O: y. a. τὸ λ. M.

immediately has pain in his liver and in his whole

When the case is such, once the first days have
passed administer a vapour-bath to the patient,
and then clean him downwards with scammony; if
his cavity is burnt up, employ an enema containing
the same substances used in the enemas of the
patients above, choosing whichever will draw well.
After the enema, clean downwards with eight
cotylai of boiled ass’s milk: add honey and give this
to drink. Also give a four-cotyle cup of goat’s milk
early in the morning, adding one third part of meli-
crat; also two choes of boiled goat’s milk, adding
one third-cotyle of melicrat or just plain honey; also
mare’s milk administered in the same manner as
the ass’s.
If, on being treated with these measures, the
disease passes off, fine; if not, incise the inner
vessel of the bend of the right arm, and draw blood.
If it does not seem advisable to you to clean down-
wards with ass’s milk, give two cotylai of uncooked
cow’s milk daily for ten days, adding one third-
cotyle of melicrat; then give the same for another
ten days with one sixth-cotyle of melicrat; from
then on, give two cotylai of pure milk, until the
patient becomes fat. If the disease does not come to
an end thus, you must cauterize, when the liver is

πυξίνοις ἀτράκτοισι βάπτων ἐς ἔλαιον ζέον,

προστιθέναι τέως ἂν δοκέῃ σοι καλῶς ἔχειν καὶ
κέκαυσθαι ev" ἢ" μύκησιν ὀκτὼ ἐσχάρας καῦσαι.
ἣν γὰρ τύχῃς καύσας. ὑγιᾶ ποιήσεις, καὶ τὸν
λοιπὸν τοῦ χρόνου pawy διάξει. ἢν δὲ μὴ τύχῃ
\ ~ / COZ / Ἃ Ν \ ,

ΡΤ eeGoa esl CaN , \

καυθεὶς ἢ ὑπὸ τῶν ἄλλων ὑγιὴς γενόμενος. TO
λοιπὸν φθειρόμενος χρόνῳ ἀποθνήσκει.
\ / / 3 ϑ /

29. "AAAn ἥπατος: τὰ μὲν ἄλλα πλῆθος τὰ

3, ¢ \ Ν x ~ \

cee , a \4 / ¢ Q\ \ /
αὐτὰ πάσχει τοῖσι de* πρόσθεν" ἣ δὲ χροιὴ μέλαι-
va τοῦ δὲ ἥπατος ὡς λογιζόμεθα ἣ χολὴ φλέγ-
ματος καὶ αἵματος πλησθεῖσα. διαρρήγνυται καὶ
ὅταν διαρραγῇ. τάχιστα μαίνεται, καὶ dvaiooet,”
καὶ διαλέγεται ἀσύΪνετα. καὶ ὑλακτέει ὡς κύων,
\ / b) / NRG / ς /
καὶ οἱ ὄνυχες φοινίκεοί εἰσιν αὐτοῦ, καὶ τοῖς
> = + Q7 > ἘΠῚ ue Site , ς 5
ὀφθαλμοῖς οὐ δύναται ἀνορᾶν." καὶ αἱ τρίχες αἱ ἐν
τῇ κεφαλῇ ὀρθαὶ ἵστανται, Kal πυρετὸς ὀξὺς ἐπι
~ φ An 5 θ NCH AN \ ὀξὺ ᾿ ‘a

Τούτῳ χρὴ προσφέρειν τὰ αὐτὰ ἃ Kal τοῖσι
/ \ / Ἂν 5 A ial \ ~

πρόσθεν" ot δὲ πολλοὶ ἀποθνήσκουσιν ἐν τῇσιν ἕν-

/ c Ν +a E>) / ΟῚ ~ ce

δεκα ἡμέρησι παῦροι ὃ ἐκφυγγάνουσιν.

΄. 3

90. Σπληνὸς n πρώτη γίνεται δὲ διὰ θερμα-

/ EEE a , a ς , ς
σίην τοῦ ἡλίου, χολῆς κινηθείσης. ὅταν ἑλκύσῃ ὃ
σπλὴν ep ἑωυτὸν χολήν. πάσχει τάδε: πυρετὸς
\ oie kane \ , 7, ,ὕ \

! εὖ om. M. 2 7 om. M. 3 ὑγιὴς... χρόνῳ Θ: λοιπὸν ὑγιὴς

μὴ γενόμενος, φθειρόμενος Μ. ᾿ 4 τοῖσι δὲ O: τῆσι Μ.
° Potter: ἀν és σει O: ἀγανακτεῖ M. 6 Potter: ἂν δρᾶν O: δρὴν M.
‘ Potter: τῆς πρώτης OM (sc. περὶ).


largest and most protuberant, with boxwood spin-

dles; dip these in boiling oil, and apply them until
you think you have accomplished what you wanted
and the cautery is adequate; or burn eight eschars
with mushrooms. For, if your cautery succeeds, you
will make the patient well, and he will pass the
time from then on more easily. But if he is neither
cauterized successfully nor brought to health by
any of the other treatments, he wastes away after
that, and in time dies.
29. Another disease of the liver: generally this
patient suffers the same things as the preceding
one, except that his colour is dark, and the hepatic
bile, as we infer, becomes filled with phlegm and
blood, and breaks out; when this bile breaks out,
the patient very soon rages, casts himself about,
talks nonsense, and howls like a dog; his nails
become red, he cannot look up with his eyes, the
hairs of his head stand on end, and a sharp fever
To this patient you must administer the same
things as to the preceding ones; most die in eleven
days; few escape.
30. First disease of the spleen: this disease
arises from the heat of the sun, when bile is set in
motion and the spleen draws it to itself. The
patient suffers the following: sharp fevers set in at

ΦΧ b) ΄ ae) \ oo / \ -
ὀξὺς ἐπιγίνεται κατ΄ ἀρχὰς προϊούσης δὲ τῆς
νούσου ἀφίησι, πλὴν κατ΄ αὐτὸν τὸν σπλῆνα:
᾽ »

ταύτῃ δὲ αἰεὶ θέρμη ἔχει.

/ \ 4 ἃ / vv
καὶ ὀδύνη ἄλλοτε καὶ
\ 2) ἢ Ὑ Ν

" ᾿ / ya ate) \ , yd
ἄλλοτε ἐμπίπτει ὀξέη καὶ ἐς THY λαπάρην Kal ἐς
τὴν κοιλίην. τὰ δὲ σιτία κατ΄ ἀρχὰς προσίεται

μέν, διαχωρέει δὲ οὐ μάλα προϊούσης δὲ τῆς νού-

Δ / \ 5 / oe. / \ =~ /

σου, ἥ τε χροιὴ ὠχρὴ γίνεται. καὶ ὀδύνη ἰσχυρὴ

ἐπιπίπτει, καὶ αἱ KAnides λεπτύνονται, καὶ τὰ
σιτία οὐχ ὁμοίως, προσίεται ὥσπερ κατ᾽ ἀρχάς.

Kal ἀπὸ ὀλίγου πίμπλαται. ὃ δὲ σπλὴν μέγας aA-

WX 7b) NO / / ς Ν Ν / vv

Note αὐτῆς τῆς ἡμέρης. ἄλλοτ᾽ ἐλάσσων γίνεται.

ΡΞ A 9

Τοῦτον. ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. πῖσαι eAA€Bopor,

8 eveὑποκαθῆραι
ς ,

δὲ \ \ , - / ~ 2
€ μετὰ τὴν κάθαρσιν φακῆς τρυβλίον δοῦναι
ὀξυτέρης. καὶ τευτλίων τρυβλίον λιπαρῶν. ἄλφιτα
περιπάσας. τῇ 8 ὑστεραίῃ Kal TH τρίτῃ ἄρτον
~ ? A

σμικρὸν δοῦναι. ὄψῳ δὲ φακῇ χρήσθω καὶ οἰὸς

Ν ~ Ὑ - ~ / \ ὟΝ

κρέῃ" ev TH φακῇ EPOG τετρυμένω: οἶνον

(ars) a lo ee θῶ / bs) de
δὲ πινέ- /

τω αὐστηρόν, μέλανα, ἀκρητέστερον κατ΄ ὀλίγον,
καὶ ἡσυχίην ἐχέτω ταύτας τὰς ἡμέρας. πλὴν ev-
δον ὀλίγα περιπατείτω ἐν σκιῇ. τὸν δὲ λοιπὸν
χρόνον τάδε χρὴ προσφέρεσθαι. σίτων μὲν ἄρτον
αὐτοπυρίτην, ὄψον 8 ἐχέτω κρέας κυνὸς μέζονος
246 ἢ οἰὸς ἢ αἰγὸς τετρυμένον καὶ τάριχον Γαδει] ρι-
| ὁμοίως OM: Galen seems to refer to this passage in his
gloss on ἁμαλῶς (Kiihn XIX. 77). 2M adds ῥοφέειν.
30: ὑὸς κρέας Μ. ἽΝ; ὑὸς Θ.


the outset but, as the disease advances, these

abate, except at the site of the spleen itself; there
heat is always present; sharp pains also attack
from time to time, in both the flank and the cavity.
At the beginning, the patient accepts his food, but
does not pass it through very well; as the disease
progresses, his colour becomes pale-yellow, violent
pain besets him, his collar-bones become lean, he
no longer accepts his food as he did at the begin-
ning, but now becomes full on a little; on one and
the same day the spleen is at one time large, at
another time smaller.
When the case is such, have the patient drink
hellebore, and clean him downwards with Cnidian
berry; towards evening after the cleaning, give a
bowl of quite acid lentil-soup, and a bowl of beets
boiled in grease, over which meal has been sprin-
kled. On the second and third days, give a small
loaf of bread, and let the patient employ as main
dish lentil-soup with boiled ground mutton in it; let
him drink dark dry wine, quite unmixed with
water, a little at a time, and rest on these days
except for walking a little inside in the shade.
From then on, the following must be administered:
of cereals let the patient have whole-wheat bread,
as main dish ground meat of an adult dog, sheep or
goat, and Cadiz salt-fish or saperdes; administer all

κὸν\ ἢἋ σαπέρδην.
καὶ \ τὰSV ὀξέα
ie λ
καὶ Viensτ΄ ἁλμυρὰ\ πάν- ,

Ta προσφερέσθω Kal τὰ στρυφνά: πινέτω δὲ οἶνον

/ \ \ / / A. et

K@ov ὑπόστρυφνον ὡς μελάντατον. τῶν δὲ γλυ-

κέων καὶ λιπαρῶν καὶ κνισωδέων ἀπεχέσθω. καὶ
σίλφιον μὴ\ TpoodepeoOw,' , 1
μηδὲ\ κρέας 7 cr
ὕειον." 2
δὲ κεστρέα μηδὲ ταρίχηρον μήτε νεαρόν, μήτε
eyxeAuv, μήτε λάχανον μηδὲν" ἄνευ ὄξους. τρωξί-
Ὑ / / de 3) pe Ὑ /

μων δέhepadavid. χρήσθω ,

καὶ \ σελίνῳ ,
Kal’yeyἐς ὄξος ay

Bartwv Kal οἴνῳ ἄλφιτα φυρῶν ἐσθίειν, καὶ τοῦA

, \ ov Ἵ - > ἢ \

Dy > , y 1 \ , \
οἴνου ἐπιρυφείτω ἄκρητον. ἢν δὲ βούληται. καὶ
τὸν ἄρτον ἐς τὸν οἶνον ἐνθρυπτόμενον ἐσθιέτω
θερμόν: διδόναι δὲ καὶ ἰχθύων σκορπίον, κόκκυγα,
κωβιόν, δράκοντα, καλλιώνυμον, τούτους ἑφθοὺς
/ / / / 6 \

καὶ ψυχρούς.
Διδόναι δὲ καὶ ἃ μέλλει τὸν σπλῆνα ἰσχναί-
ve” 5 ἑκάστης
ee Clee?
ἡμέρης. >
ἀσφοδέλου D
τὸν\ καρπόν, /
κισσοῦ “δ
τὰ φύλλα, ἢ αἰγὸς κέρας, ἢ ἄγνου
\ / Ἃ ὟΝ , Ἃ Ὑ

καρπόν, ἢ πήγανον, ἢ διδυμαίου ῥίζαν: τούτων

τρίβων 6 τι ἂν βούλῃ. διδόναι ἐν οἴνου κοτύλῃ
/ e Ἃ / / es vv /

αὐστηροῦ νήστει. ἢν δὲ δυνατὸς ἢ, ἀνάγκα᾽ αὐτὸν

πρίειν ξύλα τριήκοντα ἡμέρας καὶ ἀπ᾽ ἄκρων
τῶν ὥμων παλαιέτω. καὶ περιπατείτω δι ἡμέ-
΄σ 2

ρης. Kal ν ὄψιος

Ὺ δέ
εὑδέτω, δον
πρώϊος > p)
δ΄ , θ
ἐγειρέσθω. καὶ \
εὐωχείσθω τὰ προειρημένα. ἢν δὲ μὴ ὑπὸ τούτων
ΓΜ adds μηδὲ σκόροδα. 2 ©: χοίρειον Μ. 3 M adds
ἑφθὸν. 4 καὶ om. Μ. 5 @: λεπτύνειν M. 6 @Q: i€od M.
" @: ἀναγκάζειν M.

the acid and salty foods, and also the sour ones. Let
the patient drink very dark sour Coan wine. Have
him abstain from foods that are sweet, fat, and that
steam like roasted meat, and do not administer
silphium, pork, grey mullet either salted or fresh,
eel, or any vegetable without vinegar. Of raw
vegetables let the patient employ radishes and
celery, dipping them in vinegar; also let him eat
meal mixed with wine, and afterwards drink pure
wine; if he wishes, let him eat bread warm, crum-
bled into wine; of fish give scorpion fish, piper,
goby, weever, and star-gazer, these boiled and cold.
Give medications to strengthen the spleen daily:
asphodel seeds, ivy leaves, goat’s horn, chaste-tree
seed, rue, or orchis root: grind whichever of these
you wish, and give it in a cotyle of wine to the fast-
ing patient. If he is able, he must saw wood for
thirty days; let him also wrestle with the tips of his
shoulders, take walks all through the day, go to
sleep late, be awakened early, and be well fed on
the things mentioned above. If the person does not


pailn, καῦσαι τὸν σπλῆνα μύκησι δέκα ἐσχάρας

ς εα ΄σ \ ~ , / 5 /

εγάλας. ὅταν μέγιστος ἢ ὃ σπλὴν καὶ ἐ έ- ἢὃ σπλὴν καὶ ἐξηρ

vos :μάλιστα ἣν yap τύχης Kavoas,” ὑγιᾶ ποιή-
/ ᾿ Ν 7 7 β ~ /

Xn , 7
σεις" ev τάχει.

Ἢ δὲ νοῦσος δεῖται θεραπείης:

ρ nS’ X χαλεπὴγὰργὰρ καὶ
χρόνιος, ἢν μὴ παραχρῆμα μελετηθῆ.
/ Ἃ \ a ~

31. Ἄλλη 7 σπληνός

n γ γίνεται μὲν ἀπὸ τῶν av-
τῶν ὧν καὶ ἣ πρόσθεν. πάσχει δὲ ὑπὸ τούτου τοῦ
248 νοσήματος τάδε. ἣ ἡ γα στῇ7p υσᾶται μεγάλη.;
Kal ὃ σπλὴν οἰδέει Kal σκληρός ἐστι, καὶ ὀδύναι 3

ὀξεῖαι ἐμπίπτουσιν ἐςΣ τὸν σπλῆνα.

7 7ἢ δὲ Xpol7
τρέπεται —péAas, ἔπωχρος. σιδιοειδής---καὶ ἐκ
/ 5 / a) / ΝΥ]

τοῦ ὠτὸς κακὸν ὄζει, καὶ τὰ οὖλα ἀφίσταται ἀπὸ

τῶν ὀδόντων καὶ κακὸν ὄζει: καὶ ἐκ τῶν κνημέων
ἕλκεα ἐκρήγνυται, οἷά περ ἐπινυκτίδες τὰ δὲ"
γ via λεπτύνεται. καὶ ἣἣ κόπρος
κόπρ οὐ διαχωρέει.
Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως € X?)> ελετᾶν τοῖσιν av-
~ [2 a Vv ~ ΄- 2)

τοῖσι Kal φαρμάκοισι καὶ ἐδέσμασι Kal ποτῷ Kal

ταλαιπωρίῃσι καὶ τοῖσιν ἄλλοισι πᾶσι. καὶ κλύ-
Cew, ὅταν μὴ θέλῃ ἣ κόπρος διαχωρέειν. τοῖσδε:
μέλιτος ἡμικοτύλιον καὶ λίτρου Αἰγυπτίου ὅσον
ἀστράγαλον ράγ olds ταῦτα ρ
τρίψας διεῖναι ἀπὸ
σεύτλων ἑφθῶν ὕδατι τέσσερσι κοτύλησιν εἶτα
¢ ~ cr / ay

τούτῳ κλύζειν. ἢ δὲ μὴ ὑπὸ τούτων ἣ νοῦσος

/ / Ἃ \ \ c \ / 6 ~

καθίστηται, καῦσαι αὐτὸν τὸν σπλῆνα ὡς τὸν

/ ~ \ \ ~ \

Ι μεγάλας om. Θ. 2M adds ὡς δεῖ. 3M adds πλὴν

οὐκ. 40: μετὰ δὲ M. °M adds γίνεται. θ Μ: τότε Θ.


improve with these measures, cauterize his spleen

with fungi, making ten large eschars when the
spleen is largest and most raised; for, if you succeed
in your cautery, you will quickly make him well.
The disease requires attention, for it lasts a long
time and is severe if not cared for at once.
31. Another disease of the spleen: this one
arises from the same things as the preceding one,
but in it the patient suffers the following: his belly
is puffed up large, his spleen swells and is hard,
and sharp pains occupy it. His colour is altered,
becoming dark and yellowish like pomegranate-
peel, he smells foully from the ear, and the gums
separate from his teeth and smell foully; ulcers
very like epinyctides break out on his legs below
the knees. The limbs become lean, and stools do
not pass off.
When the case is such, treat the patient with the
same medications, foods, drinks, exercises and all
the rest. In addition, when stools refuse to pass off,
apply the following enema: a half-cotyle of honey,
and Egyptian soda to the amount of a sheep’s verte-
bra; grind these, and mix them in four cotylai of
juice boiled from beets; then administer as a
enema. If the disease does not go away with these
measures, cauterize the spleen itself, as in the

πρόσθεν: καὶ ἢν τύχης

x7 καύσας. , ὑγιᾶ ποιήσεις.
32. “AAAn σπληνός γίνεται μὲν τοῦ ἔτεος
Uj ~

θέρεος ὥρῃ μάλιστα 7 δὲ νοῦσος γίνεται ἀπὸ

αἵματος, ὅταν ὃ σπλὴν ἐμπλησθῇ" αἵματος, ἐκ-
Paἥγνυται ἐς τὴν κοιλίην. καὶ ὀδύναι ὀξέαι ἐς TOV
σπλῆνα ἐμπίπτουσι καὶ ἐς τὸν τιτθὸν Kal ἐς τὴν
κληΐδα καὶ ἐς τὸν ὦμον καὶ ὑπὸ τὴν ὠμοπλάτην.
ἢ δὲ χροιὴ τούτου" μολυβδοειδής. καὶ ἀμυχὰς ἐν
τῆσι κνήμῃσι λαμβάνει. καὶ ἕλκεα μεγάλα γίνε-
ται ἐξ αὐτῶν: καὶ τὰ κάτω ὑποχωρέοντα
Χ ἅμα τῇ7
κόπρῳ" αἱματώδεα Kal οἰνώδεα" ὑπέρχεται. 7 δὲ
/ ς / "ἢ / 5 Ὁ ¢

αστὴρ σκληρή.
ὭΡΗ καὶ ὃ σπλὴν ὥσπερ λίθος. οὗτος
τῶν πρόσθεν θανατωδέστερος. καὶ ἐξ αὐτοῦ παῦ-
~ ἊΨ ~ ~

ροι ἐκφυγγάνουσι.
Τοῦτον. ὅταν οὕτως ἔχη.
Xn τοῖς αὐτοῖς οἷσι καὶ
τοὺς πρόσθεν ἰᾶσθαι." πλὴν ἄνω φάρμακον μὴ
/ IA 5

das κάτω δὲ τοῦ Κνιδίου κόκκου δοῦναι. τῆς δὲ

~ / \ ΄ / / ~ ~ \
ρ ὀνείου Uy
ἢ ἱππείου γάλακτος δοῦναι
ἑφθοῦ ὀκτὼ κοτύλας, μέλι παραχέας εἰ δὲ μή.
αἰγείῳ ἢ βοείῳ EPI δύο χοεῦσι μέλι παραχέων
\ ΟΣ , > \ \ / 82
παρὰ τὴν ἑτέρην κύλικα, ἐναλλὰξ δὲ πίνειν" ἐς
ἑσπέρην δὲ διδόναι μετὰ τὴν κάθαρσιν ταὐτὰ ἃ
9: ἕαρος Μ. 2 M adds μάλιστα. 3 Θ: τοῦ γυίου Μ.
1 Mercurialis (Hippocratis (οἱ Opera quae extant, Venice,
1588): τὸ πρωὶ O: τῷ πρώτῳ M. 5 ©: iddea Μ. 6 οἷσι...
ἰᾶσθαι Θ: θεράπευε οἷσι καὶ τὸν ἔμπροσθεν Μ. 7
τῆς δὲ...
ἢ Θ: τῇ
ὑστεραίῃ οἴνου Μ. 5M adds χρή.

preceding case; if your cautery succeeds, you will

bring about recovery.
32. Another disease of the spleen: this one
occurs mainly in summer; it arises from the blood,
when the spleen becomes filled with blood, and it
breaks out into the cavity. Sharp pains befall the
spleen, nipple, collar-bone, shoulder, and the region
beneath the shoulder-blade. This patient’s colour is
leaden, and on his legs below the knees he has
scratches from which large ulcers develop; what is
evacuated with the stools passes off bloody and
wine-coloured. The belly is hard, and the spleen is
like a stone. Such a spleen is more often mortal
than the preceding ones, and few patients survive
When the case is such, treat this patient with
the same things administered to the ones above,
except do not give any medication to act upwards;
to act downwards give Cnidian berry. On the next
day, give eight cotylai of boiled ass’s or mare’s milk
with honey; if not that, then add honey to one of
two cups containing two choes of goat’s or cow’s
milk, and have the patient drink from these alter-
nately; towards evening, after the cleaning, give

καὶ τῷ πρόσθεν μετὰ τὸ φάρμακον καὶ ἣν δοκέ

τοῦ αἵματος ἀφελεῖν ἀπὸ τοῦ ἀγκῶνος τοῦ ἀρι-
~ er p > μ ~ 2] \ Pe΄ >) ~ Ἷ ~ Soli

στεροῦ τῆς ἐντὸς φλεβός. τὰς δὲ λοιπὰς τῶν

~ > a) \ / \ εν x ~

ἡμερέων διδόναι νήστει ἑκάστης ἡμέρης βοείου

γάλακτος τέσσερας κοτύλας. τρίτον μέρος ἅλμης
παραμίσγων. σιτίοισι δὲ καὶ ποτοῖσι καὶ τοῖσιν
ἄλλοισι τοῖς αὐτοῖσι θεραπεύειν οἷσι καὶ τοὺς
πρόσθεν. ἀπέχεσθαι δὲ λαγνείης Kal οἰνοφλυγίης
/ 5 / \ / \ »} /

καὶ τοῦτον καὶ τὸν πρόσθεν. καὶ ἣν σοι δοκέῃ.

καῦσαι ὅταν παχύτατος ἢ καὶ μέγιστος ὃ σπλήν"
καὶ ἣν τύχης καύσας κατὰ καιρόν.' ὑγιᾶ ποιήσεις"
ἣν δὲ μὴ ὑπὸ ταύτης τῆς ἰήσιος ὑγιὴς γένηται.
φθειρόμενος χρόνῳ θνήσκει. ἣ γὰρ νοῦσος χαλεπή.
33. "AXAn σπληνός: προσπίπτει 7 νοῦσος pa-
Ὑ / / is ~ /

λιστα ἦρος"
ὅταν φλέγμα
PHA? /
5 /
ὃc σπλὴν

ἑωυτόν, μέγας παραχρῆμα γίνεται καὶ σκληρός:

εἶτα αὖτις καθίσταται: καὶ ὅταν μὲν ἐξηρμένοςἢἢ:
ὀδύναι ὀξέαι ἐμπίπτουσιν: ὅταν δὲ λαπαρὸς 7,
ἀνώδυνός ἐστι. καὶ ὅταν χρόνος ἐγγένηται τῇ
νούσῳ, ἀμαυροτέρη ἣ νοῦσος, καὶ χρόνῳ" ἐπανί-
εὌ [2
σταται, καὶ ταχέως καθίσταται. οὗτος. ὅταν
οὕτως ἔχῃ. KAT ἀρχὰς τοῦ νοσήματος τὰ σιτία οὐ
3 ΄-

δύναται προσίεσθαι. καὶ καταλεπτύνεται ταχέως.

Kal ἀκρασίην ἔχει πολλὴν τὸ σῶμα. τὸ δὲ vdon-
\ 2) / Ὑ \ \ ~ Ν X\ /

μα, ἢν μὴ παραχρῆμα θεραπευθῇ. αὐτόματον δὲ"

Lk. κ᾿ Θ: τοῦ καιροῦ Μ. 2 μ. ἧ. O: καὶ αὕτη ἔαρος μ. Μ.
8 χρόνῳ om. M. 40: ἢ αὐτόματον M.

the same things you gave to the preceding patient

after his medication; if it seems advisable, draw
blood from the inner vessel of the bend of the left
arm. On the days that follow, give daily to the fast-
ing patient four cotylai of cow’s milk to which one
third part of brine has been added. Treat with the
same foods, drinks, and other measures used for
the patients above. Both this patient and the
preceding one must abstain from venery and
drunkenness. If you think it advisable, cauterize
when the spleen is thickest and largest. If you
succeed in cauterizing at the opportune moment,
you will bring about recovery; but, if the patient
does not recover with this treatment, he wastes
away, and in time dies; for the disease is severe.
33. Another disease of the spleen: this one
attacks mainly in spring. When the spleen takes
up phlegm into itself, it immediately becomes large
and hard; then it goes down again. When it is
raised, sharp pains are present, but when the swel-
ling is gone, it is free of pain. As time passes, the
disease becomes less pronounced, and after a while
the spleen comes to swell and subside again
quickly. When the case is such, at the beginning of
the disease the patient cannot accept his food; he
rapidly becomes lean, and he suffers great weak-
ness in his body. The disease, if not treated at

= \ ͵ - ΤΉΝ teed /
καταστῇ. διαλιπὸν πέντε μῆνας e€adtis’ ἐπανί-
΄ 29\ , \ a
oTatau διαλαμβάνει" δὲ μάλιστα τὸν χειμῶνα.
di. - Ἃ λ ip
odtov ἢν λάβῃς κατ΄ 2.5ἀρχάς.
΄, a
Kadoov dé
252 ἐσχάρας ἐς τὸν σπλῆνα, καὶ εὐθὺς ὑγιᾶ ποιήσεις.
ἢν δὲ μὴ UES τοῖς αὐτοῖσι Φαρμακο τ ἰᾶσθαι
οἷσι καὶ τοὺς πρύσύεν. καὶ ἐδέσμασι καὶ ποτοῖσι
καὶ ταλαιπωρίησιν: οὕτω γὰρ ἂν τάχιστα ὑγιέα
ποιήσειας. τούτου ἣ χροιὴ γίνεται ἔκλευκος, ἄρτι
ὕπωχρος. ἄρτι" αὐχμηρή.
34. Αλλη σπληνός γίνεται μὲν μετοπώρου
μάλιστα ἀπὸ χολῆς μελαίνης γίνεται δὲ ἀπὸ
7 2) \ =~ / / Ν 2) \

λαχανοφαγίης τρωξίμων πολλῶν καὶ ἀπὸ ὑδρο-

πωσίης. πάσχει οὖν τάδε: ὅταν τὸ νόσημα λάβῃ.
ἀλγέει τὸν σπλῆνα σφόδρα. Kai ῥῖγος καὶ πυρετὸς
δ / \ ~ / NA GN \ \

ἐπιλαμβάνει, καὶ ἀσιτίη ἔχει αὐτόν, τό τε γυῖον

συμπίπτει ταχέως. ὃ δὲ σπλὴν μέγας μὲν οὐ
πάνυ γίνεται. σκληρὸς δέ, καὶ προσπίπτει πρὸς"
τὰ σπλάγχνα καὶ μύζει προσκείμενος.
Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν ἰᾶσθαι
φαρμάκοισι καὶ βρωτοῖσι καὶ ποτοῖσι καὶ
ταλαιπωρίῃσιν, ὡς τοὺς πρόσθεν. Kal ἣν σοι
/ ¢ \ / \ vv

παράσχῃ. καῦσαι τὸν αὐτὸν τρόπον ὅνπερ καὶ

τοὺς ἄλλους. αὕτη 7 νοῦσος τοῖς πολλοῖσιν, ἢν
\ Ὑ c c ~ ΄ ~ Ἃ

παραχρῆμα μελετηθῇ. ἐξέρχεται ἐν τάχει.

ΕΘ: ἢ ἕξ αὖτις Μ. 2 Θ; -λιμπάνει Μ. 30: καὶ Μ.
1 ©: παρα- παρὰ Μ.

once, remits spontaneously, but, after a break of

five months, recurs; the intermission occurs espe-
cially in winter.
If you take on this patient at the beginning,
burn ten eschars over his spleen, and you will
quickly make him well. If, however, you do not
cauterize, treat with the same medications, foods,
drinks and exercises used for the patients above;
for with these you will most quickly bring about
recovery. The patient’s skin becomes quite white,
sometimes slightly yellowish, sometimes parched.
34. Another disease of the spleen: this one
occurs mainly in autumn from dark bile; it arises
from eating many raw vegetables and from drink-
ing water. The patient suffers the following: when
the disease sets in, he has great pain in his spleen,
he is subject to chills and fever, he loses his
appetite, and his body rapidly becomes emaciated.
The spleen does not become very large, but it is
hard, and it falls against the inward parts, and
rumbles as it lies there.
When the case is such, treat this patient with
the same medications, foods, drinks, and exercises
used for the preceding ones and, if you are able,
cauterize him as you did the others. This disease
passes off quickly in most patients, if they are
treated immediately.
35. Ἴκτεροι τέσσερες ὅδε μὲν τοῦ θέρεος μά-
ιστα ἐπιλαμβάνει χολῆς κινηθείσης ἵσταται δὲ
5 Ἂ / An 6 / e \l

ἢ χολὴ ὑπὸ τῷ δέρματι Kai ev TH κεφαλῇ, ὥστε

ς \ Ὁ \ ~ / ΟΣ ~ lon ed

4 2 τ 1D δὲ N -
εὐθέως ἀλλοτροπέει τὸ σῶμα καὶ \ γίνεται
, b)

οἷόν περ σίδιον: καὶ οἱ" ὀφθαλμοὶ «ὠχροί, καὶ ἐν Τῇ

κεφαλῇ ὑ ὑπὸ τὰς τρίχας οἷον χνοῦς ὕπεστι, καὶ pe
γος Kal πυρετὸς ἐπιλαμβάνει: καὶ οὐρέει ὠχρὸν TO
Kai ND ὑφίσταται
(Pe be)
9 _A4
παχὺ NETSὕπωχρον.
Kal ἕωθεν, ἐστ᾽ ἂν νῆστις ἢ. ἐς THY
NACE 6 v 7 on > ane Ὁ \
καὶ \
τὰ σπλάγχνα μύζει, καὶ ὅταν τις αὐτὸν προσ-
N5 = = ~
φθέγγηται ἢ" ἐρωτᾷ. ἀσᾶταί τε Kai λυπεῖται. Kal
οὐκ ἀνέχεται ἀκροώμενος. ὃ δὲ ἀπόπατος προϊὼν
254 ὠχρὸς" | καὶ κάκοδμος. οὗτος, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ, τ 7

θνήσκει μάλιστα ἐν τεσσερεσκαίδεκα ἡμέρῃσιν: ἣν

/ / >) Cc / i Ἃ

δὲ ταύτας ἐκφύγῃ. ὑγιαίνεται.

\ / , / δ /

Μελετᾶν- δὲ\ αὐτὸν

Stes ,
τόνδε χρὴ\ τὸν\ τρόπον
/ 7
ὃ πυρετὸς ἀνῇ λούειν αὐτὸν" πολλῷ καὶ θερμῷ:=
ς \ ee , 5. Δ 5
= \
« ͵

πίνειν δὲ διδόναι μελίκρητον, Kal ῥυφήμασι δια-

/ Ν / / Kae /

χρήσθω πτισάνης χυλῷ, μέλι παραχέων---καὶ μὴ

συνεψεῖν TO μέλι---Φως ἂν al τεσσερεσκαίδεκα
΄σ 7 \

ἡμέραι παρέλθωσιν. αὗται γὰρ κρίνουσι" θανα-

σίμους ἢ οὔ. μετὰ δὲ ταῦτα λούσθω δὶς τῆς
/ Ἃ Ὑ \ \ ~ / \ ~

ἡμέρης. καὶ εὐωχέειν τὸ πρῶτον ὀλίγοις ἅσσα ἂν

| ©: οὖν Μ. 2 Θ: ἀλλοχροέει M. 3 οἱ om. Θ. 4M: -ὧν Θ.

5 ἢ om. Θ. 6 Ὁ; ὠχρόλευκος Μ. αὐτὸν... τρόπον ©:
χρὴ αὐτὸν ὧδε Μ. ὃ 6: χρὴ Μ. °M adds nV.

35. Four jaundices: the first one occurs mainly

in summer when bile is set in motion; for the bile
comes to rest under the skin and in the head, so
that the body rapidly changes colour and becomes
yellow like pomegranate-peel. The eyes are pale-
yellow, a kind of incrustation is laid down on the
scalp under the hair, and chills and fever set in; the
urine passed is pale-yellow, and a thick very pale-
yellow sediment precipitates from it. In the early
morning, before the patient has eaten, there is
rumbling in his cardia and inward parts, and, when
anyone addresses him or asks him a question, he is
vexed and grieved, and cannot bear to listen. The
stools pass off yellow and foul-smelling. When the
case is such, the patient usually dies in fourteen
days; if he survives that long, he recovers.
You must treat this patient as follows: when his
fever remits, wash him in copious hot water, give
him melicrat to drink, and have him take barley-
water gruel with honey—do not boil the honey in
the barley-water—until the fourteen days have
passed, for this is the critical period that decides
whether or not patients will die. From then on, let
the patient bathe twice a day, and feed him well,


μάλιστα προσίηται, ἔπειτα μέντοι καὶ πλείω

i - 9
διϑόναι: πινέτω δὲ καὶ οἶνον λευκὸν ὡς πλεῖστον δι
ἡμέρης. καὶ nv σοι δοκέῃ προϊόντος τοῦ χρόνου
ὠχρὸς εἶναι καὶ ἀσθενής, ἔμετον αὐτὸν' κελεύειν
ποιέεσθαι ἀπὸ τῶν σιτίων, ὡς ἐν τῆσι νούσοισι
THOW ἄνω ἔχει.
al ἣν μὲν ὑπὸ τούτων παύηται, ἅλις: εἰ δὲ
K δὴν ὯΝ \ is \ Vi / id 5 \

μή. ἐλλέβορον πῖσαι. μετὰ δὲ τὴν κάθαρσιν ἑσπέ-

Md >) / ~ \ \ \ / ς /

pns’ φαγέτω μᾶζαν μαλθακὴν ἢ ἄρτου τὸ ἐντός:

2 7 ~ \ Ἃ vv \ 5 /

ὄψον δ᾽ ἐχέτω" νεοσσὸν ἀλεκτορίδος δίεφθον ἐζω-

5 €

μευμένον κρομμύῳ καὶ κοριάννῳ καὶ τυρῷ καὶ ἁλὶ

καὶ σησάμῳ καὶ σταφίδι λευκῇ: οἶνον δὲ πινέτω t c

λευκόν, αὐστηρόν. ws παλαιότατον. τὴν δὲ κάτω

>) (a

/ δ ~ ~ 3, [16 / ~ ὅ \
κοιλίην ὑποκαθῆραι. TH 8 ὑστεραίῃ. χυλῷ ἀπὸ
5 7 \ a
μ μέλι δὲ
χρὴχρὴ A
λ ~
χυλῷ παρ
χέαι, ἐκπιέτω δὲ δύο χοέας“ τοῦ χυλοῦ.
Τῇ δὲ τρίτῃ ἀρξάμενος. ἑκάστης ἡμέρης πινέ-
lon \ / Ὕ / (2 / c / rs

« ΟὟ ἀπ ψυος Cpe PCED \

τω ὕδωρ ἀπὸ τῶνδε ἑψήσας: μορῶν" ῥίζας λεπτὰς
πλῆθος ὅσον τοῖσι τρισὶ δακτύλοισι περιλαβεῖν,
δραχμίδα: ταύτας ἐψεῖν ἐν τρισὶ χοεῦσιν ὕδατος.
ἑψεῖν δὲ ἕως ἂν λειφθῇ τὸ ἥμισυ ἑψεῖν δὲ" καὶ
ἐρεβίνθων λευκῶν χοίνικα ἐν δυσὶ χοεῦσι. Kal TOU-
5 / ~ / 5 \ ~ \ /

του λειπέτω" τὸ Ua
ἥμισυ: ταῦτα ὅταν λειφθῇ.ἢ- διη-
! αὐτὸν om. M. 2 0: ἐς ἑσπέρην M. 3 ©: ἐσθιέτω M.
4 Θ; κοτύλας M. © ©: papdbov M. 6 @: δύο M.
" ἑψιεῖν δὲ Om. M. 5 @: δὲ πιέτω M.

first on small amounts of whatever he is most

willing to accept, and then, of course, give him
more; let him also drink white wine in large
amounts, all through the day. If, after a time has
passed, you find he is pale-yellow and weak, order
him to provoke vomiting by means of foods, as was
done in the diseases above.
If, with these measures, the disease goes away,
fine; if not, have the patient drink hellebore. After
the cleaning, in the evening let him eat soft barley-
cake or the inner part of a loaf of bread, have as
main dish chicken well-boiled into a soup with
onion, coriander, cheese, salt, sesame and white
raisins, and drink a very old dry white wine. On
the following day, clean the lower cavity down-
wards with juice from white chick-peas; you must
add honey to the juice, and let the patient drink
two choes of it.
Beginning on the third day, let the patient each
day drink water boiled from the following: boil a
pinch (the amount you take with three fingers) of
peeled roots of mulberry trees in three choes of
water until half is left; also boil a choenix of white
chick-peas in two choes of water until half is left;
when these amounts remain, strain, expose them

θήσας ἐξαιθριάσαι. καὶ ἀμφότερα μίξας, τούτῳ

256 τῷ ὕδατι καὶ τὸν οἶνον κιρνὰς πινέτω: | καὶ αὐτὸ
τὸ ὕδωρ ψιλόν, ἢν βούληται, πινέτω ὡς πλεῖ-
στον. καὶ ἄλλο ὕδωρ μὴ πινέτω.Ny SS; e ἊΝ /
ἣν δὲ τοῦτο μὲν
Ἃ ἣν ΄ Ν

τὸ ποτὸν μὴ προσίηται, τόδε αὐτῷ σκευάσας δι-

δόναι λευκῶν ἰσχάδων χοίνικα ἑψήσας ἐν δυσὶ
χοεῦσι διηθῆσαι καὶ ἐξαιθριάσαι. ἔπειτα τοῦτο τὸ
ὕδωρ πινέτω. ἢν τε αὐτὸ ψιλὸν βούληται, ἣν τε
[τ 7 vy Dyes \ / Ὑ

σὺν τῷ οἴνῳ Kipvds πινέτω δὲ μὴ πολὺ μηδὲ

\ ~ Ὑ / / \ \ \ \

ἀθρόον, ἀλλὰ κατὰ ἡμικοτύλιον, ὅπως ἂν μὴ

5 ᾿ 5 Ν \ C / iv Ἃ \

διάρροια ἐπιγένηται: > καὶ διαλιπὼν χρόνον ὀλίγον

πινέτω. ἀγαθὰ δὲ καὶ τάδε διδόναι πίνειν νήστει
7 Ὑ \ x \ / / / /

ἑκάστης ἡμέρης τρίβοντα λεῖα καὶ διέντα κοτύ-

λην οἴνου παλαιοῦ λευκοῦ. σελίνου καρπόν. σικύου
σπέρμα, μαράθου καρπόν, Αἰθιοπικὸν κύμινον.
ἀδίαντον. κόριν τὴν ποίην. ἀσταφίδα τὴν λευκήν"
7) / / \ / 2) \ /

΄ ~ Yj
ταῦτα πίνων καὶ ἐκεῖνα. τάχιστα ὑγιὴς ἔσται.
36. Ἄλλος
ἐπιλαμβάνει χειμῶνος ~

ὥρῃ" ἐκ μέθης Kal plyeos ἄρχεται δὲ πρῶτον μὲν

ἢ U a

τὸ ῥῖγος ἐπιλαμβάνειν, εἶτα ὃ πυρετός τὸ δὲ

ΜΝ 53 ς

ὑγρὸν ἐν τῷ σώματι τὸ ὑπὸ τῷ δέρματι πήγνυται

« ἘΞ ¢ 4 = ἜΣ ὃ a ate cr
ἅμα τῷ αἵματι" τοῖσδε δὲ ἀποδηλοῖ ὡς οὕτως
ἔχει: πελιδνόν ἐστιν αὐτοῦ τὸ σῶμα καὶ ὑπόσκλη-
pov, καὶ at φλέβες διὰ τοῦ σώματος τέτανται
\ ς / \ a / /

ὠχραὶ καὶ μείζονες ἢ πρόσθεν καὶ παχύτεραι

| «atom. @. ΖΜ adds αὐτῷ: 5 Θ: την Μ. 4 6; σώμ- Μ.
5M adds εἰσὶ.

to the open air, mix them together, and let the

patient mix his wine with this water, and drink it;
also let him drink just the water alone, if he
wishes, in copious amounts, but no other water. If
he will not accept this beverage, prepare the follow-
ing one, and give it to him: boil a choenix of dried
white figs in two choes of water, strain, and expose
to the open air; then let the patient drink this
water, either just by itself, or mixed with his wine,
whichever he prefers. Let him drink neither a
large amount, nor too quickly, but a half-cotyle at a
time, in order that diarrhoea does not come on;
then, leaving a short space of time, let him drink
again. The following is also good to give to the fast-
ing patient to drink each day: grind fine and soak
in a cotyle of old white wine: celery seed, cucumber
seed, fennel seed, Ethiopian cummin, maiden-hair,
hypericum herb, and white raisins. If the patient
drinks this and the beverages mentioned above, he
will recover very quickly.
36. Another jaundice: this one comes on in
winter from drunkenness and chills. At the begin-
ning, first chills set in, then fever. The subcutane-
ous moisture in the patient’s body congeals with
the blood, as is clear from the following: the body is
livid and somewhat hard, and the vessels through
it are stretched, pale-yellow, larger than they were
τέτανται δὲ καὶ ὑπομελάντεραι" ἄλλαι φλέβες.
καὶ ἣν τάμῃς τινὰ αὐτῶν. ῥεύσεται τὸ αἷμα
ὠχρόν. ἢν ὠχραὶ ἔωσιν αἱ φλέβες7ἣν δὲ μέλαιναι
ὦσι, μέλαν τὸ αἷμα ῥεύσεται. καὶ τὸ ἡμάτιον
mpc τῷ χρωτὶ κείμενον οὐκ ἀνέχεται ὑπὸ τοῦ
- ὩΣ ΄ὔ ἘΣ 7A el
258 κνησμοῦ: οὗτος πρόθυμος | περιφοιτᾶν." ἀλλ᾽ ὑπὸ
τῆς ἀσθενείης αὐτοῦ τὰ σκέλεα ὑποφέρεται: καὶ
διψῇ σφόδρα. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος ἧσσον τῆς προτέρης
θανασίμη: προέρχεται δὲ πλείω χρόνον. ἢν μὴ ἐν
τῆσιν ἑπτὰ ἡμέρῃσιν ὑγιὴς γένηται. ἣν δὲ n
΄- ¢ Ν ¢ / c \ / Ἃ \ C.

νοῦσος ἀπομηκύνηται Kal γένηται ὄγδοος ἢ Eva-

~ 2) vv “ 3

τος peis, πίπτει" ἐς κλίνην." καὶ 7 νοῦσος Kal ἣ

ἀλγηδὼν πιέζει μᾶλλον, καὶ ἀνίστασθαι οὐ δύνα-
Tal, Kal ot πολλοὶ ἐν τούτῳ τῷ χρόνῳ παραχρῆμα
\ ζς Nee. / ~ / ~

> ? ΡΝ
Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ, κατ΄ ἀρχὰς μὲν τῇ
ΣΉ δ τὴν ͵ « civic ΜΈΣ Ὁ bed?
νούσῳ" ἢν παραγένῃ. ὅταν αἱ ἑπτὰ ἡμέραι
παρέλθωσιν. ἐλλέβορον mica, τὴν δὲ κάτω κοι-
/ ΕΣ / ~ Ν \ /

λίην χυλῷ ὑποκαθῆραι, ὡς ἐν τῇ πρόσθεν: καὶ

τἄλλα τὰ αὐτὰ διδόναι φάρμακα. διδόναι δὲ καὶ
κανθαρίδας. ἄνευ τῶν πτερῶν καὶ τῆς κεφαλῆς.
, , \ \ Ὑ 7 ¢ ,
τέσσερας τρίβων καὶ διεὶς οἴνου" ἡμικοτυλίῳ λευ-
ἜΤ bof \ 0 , ὅᾺ 7 > c
Kod, ἤδη Kal μέλι παραχέαι ὀλίγον. εἴτα οὕτως

! δὲ καὶ Θ: τε Μ. 2M adds καὶ. 3 0: πρὸς τὸ φοιτὴν M.

Ξ p. π. Θ: συμπίπτει Μ. 5 Θ: νοῦσον Μ. 6 ©: τῆς νούσου M.
©: -w Μ. ὃ Potter: τῷ OM.

before, and wider; other vessels are stretched and

more darkish; if you incise one of the vessels, pale-
yellow blood will flow out if the vessel was pale-
yellow; if it was dark, dark blood will flow out. The
patient will not tolerate a blanket lying against his
skin, for the itching; he is eager to walk about but,
because of his weakness, his legs collapse under
him; he is very thirsty. This disease is less often
mortal than the preceding one but, unless the
patient recovers in seven days, it goes on for a
longer time. If the disease becomes prolonged, and
the eighth or ninth month arrives, the patient falls
into bed, the disease and the pain press him more
intensely, and he is unable to get up; many sud-
denly perish at this time.
When the case is such, if you attend the disease
at its beginning, after seven days have passed have
the patient drink hellebore, and clean out his lower
cavity with juice as in the preceding diseases; give
the rest of the same medications. Give blister-
beetles, too, with their wings and heads removed:
grind four, dissolve in a half-cotyle of white wine,
immediately add a little honey, and give thus to


διδόναι πιεῖν τοῦτο πινέτω δὶς ἢ τρὶς τῆς

7 ~ ~ / Ν Ἃ \ >

ἡμέρης. προϊούσης δὲ τῆς νούσου λουτροῖσι καὶ

πυριήμασι θεραπεύειν. ἐσθιέτω δὲ ἅσσα ἂν
προσίηται οἶνον δὲ πινέτω λευκόν, αὐστηρόν καὶ
τὰ\ αὐτὰ
ἃc\ Kal \ TH~ πρόσθεν.

αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος χρονίη καὶ χαλεπή. ἢν κατ΄ ἀρχὰς

~ 9

μὴ μελετηθῇ.
\ lot

> 5) 5 , , /
37. Αλλος ἵκτερος: ἐπιδήμιος καλέεται, διότι
πᾶσαν ὥρην ἐπιλαμβάνει γίνεται δὲ ἀπὸ
πλησμονῆς μάλιστα καὶ μέθης ἐπειδὰν ῥιγώσῃ.
εὐθὺς οὖν τὸ σῶμα ἀλλοιοτροπέει καὶ γίνεται
ὠχρόν, Kal οἱ ὀφθαλμοὶ σφόδρα wypoi, καὶ ὑπὸ
, / \ ¢ 2) \ / 5 / \ c \

τὰς τρίχας καὶ ὑπὸ τοὺς ὄνυχας ἢ νοῦσος προέρχε-

ται. καὶ ῥῖγος καὶ πυρετὸς βληχρὸς ἔχει, καὶ
ἀσθενέει" τὸ σῶμα, καὶ ἐν τῇ κεφαλῇ" ὀδύνη ἔχει,
. θ LD \ ~ Nu = An® ὀδύ Ὕ

τ J π
Kal οὐρέει ὠχρὸν καὶ παχύ. οὗτος ὃ ἴκτερος ἧσσον
θανατώδης τῶν πρόσθεν, καὶ ἐξέρχεται μελετώ-
μενος ἐν τάχει.
odTOV, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχη. σχάζειν αὐτοῦ τοὺς
Τ = dd ids Ὑ AG 2) A \

ἀγκῶνας Kal ἀφαιρέειν τοῦ αἵματος. ἔπειτα

~ ~ U vv

260 πυ) ριάσας πῖσαι ἐλατήριον᾽ κάτω δὲ αὖτις ὑποκα-

θῃ - a 9] 7 tA 2 \ δὲ ἀλλ [4 ,
ἤραι τῇ τρίτῃ ὀνείῳ γάλακτι τὰ δ΄ ἄλλα βῥυφή-
ματα καὶ ποτὰ καὶ ἐδέσματα ταὐτὰ διδόναι ἃ Kal
τῷ πρόσθεν, καὶ καθαίρειν τὴν κεφαλὴν αὐτοῦ
~ / \ / \ \ 5 ~

θαμινά. Kal ἀπὸ yapadpiod’ πίνειν, καὶ λούειν

Ν 2 ~ / \ /

| ©: ἐπ- Μ. 2 Later mss: -νείη ΘΜ. 3 © adds 4.

4 ©: χαλαρίου M.

drink; let the patient drink this potion two or three

times a day. As the disease progresses, treat with
baths and vapour-baths. Let the patient eat what-
ever he will accept, and drink dry white wine;
otherwise administer the same things as to the
preceding patient. This disease lasts a long time
and is severe if it is not cared for at the beginning.
37. Another jaundice: this one is called “com-
mon”, because it occurs in every season; it arises
mainly from fullness or drunkenness, when a per-
son has a chill. At once, then, the body changes
colour and becomes yellow, the eyes intensely so,
and the disease invades beneath the hair and nails.
Chills and mild fever are present, the body is weak,
there is pain in the head, and the patient passes
thick pale-yellow urine. This jaundice is less mor-
tal than the preceding ones and, if treated
promptly, it passes off.
When the case is such, incise the bends of the
patient's arms, and draw blood; then apply a
vapour-bath, and have him drink squirting-
cucumber juice; clean him downwards again on the
third day with ass’s milk; otherwise give the same
gruels, drinks and foods as to the preceding patient,
and clean out the head frequently. Have the
patient drink soup made from plover, and wash

αὐτὸν πολλῷι καὶ θερμῶ.

ρμῷ. καὶκαὶ ξύων
ξύων τοῦ
τοῦ χαραδριοῦ
τὴν σάρκα ἐν οἴνω λευκῷ διδόναι: καὶ ἐς τὰ ἄλλα
Ν / 2) Ὑ ~ ὃ ὃ / ᾿ AVS) δ ἀλλ

πάντα αὐτῷ χρήσθω. Kal ev τάχει ὑγιὴς ἔσται.

/ 5 ~ / ΝΥ / Ὁ \ v

88. Ἄλλος ἴκτερος: γίνεται μὲν ἀπὸ φλέγμα-

Uj "

Tos, τῆς δὲ ὥρης χειμῶνος μάλιστα ἐπιλαμβάνει.

a 7 ~

καὶ ἣ χροιὴ αὐτοῦ λευκή. καὶ τὰ στήθη αὐτοῦ

πλήρη γίνεται φλέγματος καὶ ἀποπτύει τὸ σίε-
λον πολύ."δὰ») καὶ ,aoὅταν ἀποχρέμψηται,
a) /
λυγμὸς\ αὐτῷ

ἐμπίπτει" καὶ οὐρέει λευκὸν καὶ παχύ, Kal ἐπ

,ὔ ᾿ \ / \ \ / \

ϑυ στιν
ὃ(Ὑ ἴκτερος
ἥκιστα θανάσιμος καὶ ἐν τάχει ὑγιαίνεται.
Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχη. πῖσαι Κνίδιον κόκ-
~ 7 / ~

KOV, καὶ μετὰ τὴν κάθαρσιν πτισάνης χυλῷ μέλι

Ν X \ / / ~ /

παραχέας. δοῦναι ἐκρυφεῖν τέσσερας κοτύλας.

/ ~ ~ / ie

τὴν δὲ ἄνω κοιλίην ἐμετοποιεύμενος καθαρὴν"

παρεχέτω ὡς ἐν τοῖσι πρόσθεν: οὕτως γὰρ ἂν
΄ !

ῥᾷστα τὸ φλέγμα ἀνάγοι ἀπὸ" τοῦ- πλεύμονος

tn \ , , ὝΕΣ eG

καὶ τῶν ἀρτηρίων. καὶ ἀναγαργαρισμὸν δὲ αὐτῷ

\ ~ 2) / \ » Ν Ν 5 ~

oxevalew θαμινά./ οὗτος

ἐνίοτε καὶ \ πυρεταίνει
πυρετῷ βληχρῷ. καὶ φρίκη λεπτὴ ἐπιγίνεται.
καὶ Ἔτη “μελετᾶν τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν οἷσι καὶ τοὺς
πρώτους ἰκτέρους, καὶ φαρμάκοισι καὶ πυρίησι
καὶ λουτροῖσι καὶ ἐδέσμασι καὶ ποτοῖσι καὶ ῥυφή-
μασιν: οὕτω γὰρ ἂν τάχιστα" ὑγιέα ποιήσειας.
| € το y. Mack: χυωνίου χαραδριοῦ Θ: ξύων Μ. 2 πολύ om. Μ.
30: γίνεται M. 4: in’ a. id- M. 5 9: -apow M. 6 9;
ἀπαγάγοι Μ. Q: πρόσθεν Μ. 8 Θ: μάλιστα Μ.

him in copious hot water; also shred plover fresh

into white wine, and give this. For the rest, let the
patient follow the same regimen; he will soon
38. Another jaundice: this one arises from
phlegm and occurs mainly in winter. The patient’s
colour becomes white, and his chest fills up with
phlegm; he expectorates copious sputum and, as he
is coughing it up, he suffers from an attack of
hiccups; he passes thick white urine, and material
like meal rises to its surface. This jaundice is not
very often mortal, and the patient recovers quickly.
When the case is such, have the patient drink
Cnidian berry; after the cleaning, give him four
cotylai of barley-water gruel with honey, to drink
off. Let him clean out his upper cavity by provok-
ing vomiting as in the preceding cases; for thus will
he most easily bring up the phlegm from his lung
and bronchial tubes. Prepare frequent gargles for
him. This patient is sometimes mildly feverish and
subject to light shivering. For the rest, treat with
the same things used in the former jaundices: med-
ications, vapour-baths, baths, foods, drinks and
gruels; in this way you will very quickly make the
patient well.


39. Τίφος. τὸ νόσημα ἐπιλαμβάνει θέρεος

ὥρῃ. ὅταν ὃ κύων TO ἄστρον ἐπιτέλλῃ. χολῆς κινη-
er a ς / eld 5 / ~

262 θείσης κατὰ τὸ σῶμα. εὐθέως οὖν πυρετοὶ ἔχου-

σιν ἰσχυροὶ καὶ καῦμα ὀξύ, καὶ ὑπὸ τοῦ βάρεος
ἀσθενείη καὶ ἀκρησίη τῶν μελέων.' καὶ ἐκ τῶν
χειρῶν ἄχρειος" γίνεται μάλιστα. Kal ἢ γαστὴρ
~ Uj

ταράσσεται, καὶ τὰ ὑποχωρεῦντα δυσώδεα, καὶ

ἰσχυρὸς στρόφος γίνεται. ταῦτά τε πάσχει, καὶ
ἣν τις ἀνιστῇ αὐτόν, ov δύναται ὀρθοῦσθαι οὐδὲ
Ὑ Ψ ΄' 5 / 2) δύ Σ a SQA

τοῖσιν ὀφθαλμοῖσιν ἀνορᾶν δύναται ὑπὸ τοῦ

~ 2) ~ Ψ ~ fe ἰς \ ~

καύματος: καὶ ἤν τις αὐτὸν ἐρωτᾷ τι." ὑπὸ τοῦ

πόνου ἀκούων ov δύναται ὑποκρίνεσθαι.
/ > / 5 / ζ ,ὔ
ὅταν δὲ
dd \

μέλλῃ ἀποθανεῖσθαι ὀξύ τε ὁρᾷ καὶ φθέγγεται

θαρσαλέως. καὶ πιεῖν καὶ φαγεῖν altéer καὶ ἣν δῷ
\ , 5) , ΕΠ ἐπ \ \ 1 \
τις Kal φάγῃ. ev τάχει ἀφῆκε" THY ψυχὴν ἢν μὴ
ἀπεμέσῃ. τούτῳ ἣ νοῦσος κρίνεται ἐν ἑπτὰ ἡμέ-
pnow ἢ τεσσερεσκαίδεκα: πολλοὶ δὲ διαφεύγουσι
Ἃ \ Ν /

καὶ ἐς τὰς τέσσερας καὶ εἴκοσιν: ἢν οὖν ταύτας

ἐκφύγῃ. ὑγιής ἐστιν, ἐν γὰρ ταύτῃσι τῆσιν ἡμέ-
ρῇσι διαδηλοῖ εἰ θανάσιμος ἢ οὔ.
΄ /

Τοῦτον. ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. ὧδε ἰᾶσθαι ἐν THOL

πρώτῃσι τῶν ἡμερέων λουτροῦ μὲν ἀπέχειν.
ἀλείφειν δὲ οἴνῳ καὶ ἐλαίω χλιήνας ἐς κοίτην.
τ / Ν vv \ 2) / / , /

Kal σιτίων ἀπέχειν, pupnuata δὲ λεπτὰ ἀποψύ-

\ / 5 / ς ve \ \ 2) /

' ©: σκελέων Μ. 2 ἐκ ᾿ς. ἄχρειος O: τῶν χ. ἀχρεῖα γὰρ Μ.

5. τι οἵη. Μ. 4 ρ; ὀξύτερά Μ. 5 @: μεθῇ καὶ Μ.

39. Typhus: this disease comes on in summer,

when the Dog Star rises,! because of bile being set
in motion through the body. At once, then, sharp
burning heat and powerful fevers set in; there are
weakness and loss of control in the limbs because of
heaviness, and the patient becomes especially help-
less in his arms. The belly is set in motion, the
stools are foul-smelling, and there is violent colic.
The patient also suffers the following: if anyone
makes him stand up, he is not able to stand
straight; nor can he look up with his eyes, on
account of the burning heat; if anyone asks him a
question, although he hears, on account of his dis-
tress he cannot reply. When the patient is on the
verge of death, he sees keenly, talks confidently,
and demands something to drink and eat; if anyone
gives it to him, and he eats it, he soon gives up the
ghost, unless he vomits. The disease reaches its
crisis in this patient in seven or fourteen days, but
many patients survive for twenty-four days; now, if
they live beyond those, they have recovered, for
that is the critical period within which a patient
shows whether or not he will die.
When the case is such, treat the patient as fol-
lows: on the first days do not allow him to bathe,
but anoint him at bedtime with warm wine and oil.
Keep him away from food, but give thin chilled
1 High summer.

χων διδόναι:
δὲ\ οἶνον
2) /

ἣν ξυμφέρῃ nv δὲ py,’ λευκόν, αὐστηρόν, ὑδαρέ-

Ἃ / ἋἋ δὲ Sait r / >| / ὑὃ ͵ὕ

στερον. ἢν δὲ ἢ δίψα πιέζῃ ἰσχυρή. τοῦ ὕδατος

Ἃ \ c / / 9 / ~ c/

ἀθρόον διδοὺς πιεῖν, κέλευε ἐξεμέειν: ταῦτα δὶς ἢ

5 / \ ~ / 5 / ~ \ Ἃ

τρὶς ἐφεξῆς ποιῆσαι. καὶ ὅταν τὸ καῦμα ἔχη.

ὕδατι ψυχρῷ- προστιθέναι.
{τ J
ὃCF av

ἐλ a3 , 6 ” δὲ , ἜΤΙ τοὶ >

μάλιστα δοκῇ" καίεσθαι: nv δὲ φρίξῃ τὸ σῶμα, av-
Levan τὰ ψύγματα. οὗτος ὅταν μάλιστα πονέῃ. ὑπὸ
τῆς ὀδύνης κινδυνεύσει τότε ἀφεῖναι τὴν ψυχήν;
264 ἀλλὰ διδόναι αὐτῷ τῆς ὀδύνης τὰ | φάρμακα
ταὐτὰ ἃ Kal τῷ ὑπὸ τῆς πλευρίτιδος ἐχομένω.
9: \ a“ \ ~ ci \ WE~ > / δ ἀπ /

ὅταν δὲ ἐξαναστῆ. ἀνακομίζειν σίτῳ Kal ποτῷ

ἈΝ ~ / / \ ~

καὶ λουτροῖσιν ὡς τάχιστα: 7 γὰρ νοῦσος χαλεπή.

\ ~ ς 3 / ς \ ae is

καὶ παῦροι ἐκφυγγάνουσιν.

40. Αλλος τῖφος: ἐπιλαμβάνει μὲν τὸ νόσημα
os 3 ΄'
πᾶσαν ὥρην: γίνεται δὲ δι ὑγρασίην τοῦ σώμα-
τος. ὅταν τὰ σιτία ὑγρὰ ἐόντα καὶ τὸ ποτὸν πολὺ
αἱ σάρκες ἀναπίωσι καὶ BaAcpal” γένωνται: ἀπὸ
τούτων μάλιστα τὸ νόσημα γίνεται. ἄρχεται οὖν
πυρετὸς τριταῖος ἢ τεταρταῖος κατ᾽ ἀρχὰς γινό-
μενος. καὶ πόνος ἰσχυρὸς ἐν τῇ κεφαλῇ ἐνέστη-
ὙΦ ΕΣ \ sh 5) A , \ , 6
Kev, ἐνίοτε δὲ καὶ ἐν τῷ σώματι καὶ διαλείπει.
καὶ ἐμέει olada, καὶ ἐρεύγεται πυκινά. καὶ τὰς
χώρας τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν ἀλγέει. καὶ τὸ πρόσωπον
/ ~ 5 ~ 5 / \ Ν /

ΓΜ adds ἀλλὰ. 2 ἢ ἂν Cornarius: ἐπὴν O: ἣν Μ.

3 0: φῇ M. 4 M adds χρὴ. 5.0: πλαδαραὶ Μ.
6 καὶ ὃ. O: διαλείπων Μ.


gruels; let him drink dry dark wine, if it benefits

him; if this wine does not benefit him, let him drink
very dilute dry white. If a violent thirst presses the
patient, give him water to drink frequently, and
order him to vomit it up; do this two or three times
in arow. When burning heat is present, dip rags in
cold water and apply them wherever the burning
seems to be most intense; if the body shivers,
though, remove the cold compresses. When this
patient is suffering most severely, he will be in
danger of dying from the pain; in order to prevent
this, give him the same medications against pain as
to a patient with pleurisy. Once the patient has got
up, strengthen him very quickly with food, drink
and baths; for the disease is severe, and few escape
40. Another typhus: this disease occurs in every
season; it arises from moistness of the body, when
the tissues soak up foods that are moist and drink
that is excessive, and become stout; it is from these
things that the condition usually arises. Fever
begins, then, as a tertian or a quartan; intense pain
establishes itself in the head, and is sometimes also
present intermittently in the body. The patient
vomits sputa, belches frequently, and has pain in
the sockets of his eyes; his face becomes white, and
LL \2 \ ΄ ᾿ , Dee?
adver, Kal ἐς τοὺς πόδας οἴδημα κατέρχεται: ἐνί-
οτε δὲ Kal TO σῶμα ὅλον ἐποιδέει. Kal ἐς τὰ OTH-
\ \ Ν ~ vd Ὗ / AC \ /

\2 \ , ει 297 oy 5. τ \1
Bea Kal ἐς TO μετάφρενον ἣ ὀδύνη ἔχει: ἐνίοτε BE
καὶ ἣ γαστὴρ τετάρακται. καὶ τοῖσιν ὀφθαλμοῖ-
σιν ἐξορᾷ ἰσχυρῶς καὶ τὸ σίαλον ἀποπτύει πολὺ
Kal ἀφρῶδες. Kal ev TH φάρυγγι δοκέει TL” ἐνέχε
Ν a) Ait) Vez ~ / ὃ / ΟΣ » =

σθαι καὶ κέρχνειν αὐτήν, πολλάκις δὲ καὶ φλε-

\ / SP) / / Ν Ν

γμαίνει ὃ φάρυγξ. τοῦτον ὅταν οὕτως" ὃ πόνος

πιέζῃ. ἔστι δ᾽ ὅτε Kal ὀρθοπνοίη ἰσχυρὴ ἐπι-
/ Ὑ de το \ 5 / 2) \ >)

πίπτει, καὶ πολλάκις ἐξαπίνης ὑπὸ τοῦ πόνου τὴν

ψυχὴν ἀφῆκεν ἐν ἑπτὰ ἡμέρῃσιν ἢ τεσσερεσκαί-
δεκα πολλοὶ δὲ διαφεύγουσι καὶ ἐς τὰς εἰκοσι-
τέσσερας. πολλάκις δὲ ἐξαπίνης ἢ νοῦσος ἀφῆ-
/ / Ν 2) / is a 2) ~

Ke, καὶ δοκέει ὑγιὴς εἶναι ἀλλὰ φυλάσσεσθαι

χρή. ἕως ἂν τέσσερες καὶ εἴκοσιν ἡμέραι παρέλ-
bwow nv δὲ ταύτας φύγῃ. od μάλα θνήσκει.
ν Ἃ A / / 2) / /

Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. ἐν τῆσι πρώτῃσι τῶν

~ a [7 Ὑ ’ ~ / ~

266 ἡμερέων ρύφημα διδόναι ἄλευρον" κάθεφθον
λεπτόν, μέλι παραχέων: πίνειν δὲ διδόναι μέλανα
οἶνον Kat ὀλίγον. ὅπως ἂν βούληται κεκρημένον᾽
> 2 ONE a Ἃ 7, ,

7 \ \ / ve \ Ἃ C8 - 5c /
σιτία δὲ μὴ Tpoopepéobw,’ πρὶν av al” ἡμέραι
παρέλθωσι: πουλύποδας δὲ ἐφθοὺς διδόναι ἐν olvw
ἐσθίειν, καὶ τὸν ζωμὸν pudavew καὶ padavidas
5 / \ \ \ c / \ ς

, 9 , \ , \ ,
τρωγέτω" πολλάς. καὶ καρδάμου καρπὸν φώξας,
: n ὀδύνη... δὲ O: ἐνίοτε δὲ καὶ ἢ ὀδύνη ἔχει Μ. 2 τι om. Μ.
5.0 adds ἔχῃ. 4 Q: -φέρουσι Μ. 5 @: ἀν- M. 6 9:
ἄλητον M. " ©: -φέρειν M. ὃ ai om. Θ. 9.0: -ew M.

his feet swell up; sometimes his whole body swells

up, too. Pain occupies the chest and back; some-
times the belly is set in motion. The patient pro-
trudes his eyes greatly; he coughs up copious frothy
sputum, something seems to be caught in his throat
and to make it hoarse, and often his throat swells
up, too. When pain is pressing the patient like this,
sometimes severe orthopnoea comes on, and often,
under the strain, a patient has suddenly given up
the ghost in seven or fourteen days; but many sur-
vive for twenty-four. Often the disease suddenly
resolves, and the patient seems to have recovered;
still, he must take care until twenty-four days have
passed; if he escapes those, death is rare.
When the case is such, in the first days give the
patient as gruel thin boiled-down meal with honey;
to drink give him dark wine, a little at a time,
mixed however he wishes; let him not take cereals
until the critical days have passed, but give him
polyp boiled in wine to eat, and the sauce to drink;
let him eat many radishes. Also, roast cress seed,

ἌΝ. \ a Peo ΤΠ 5: ΡΣ
ἀλέσαι καὶ σῆσαι λεπτά: ἔπειτα ἐπ᾿ οἶνον ἐπι-
βαλὼν μέλανα στρυφνὸν καὶ ἄλφιτα λεπτὰ dALya,
διδόναι πίνειν ἕωθεν. λουτροῦ δὲ ἀπεχέσθω μέχρι
/ / [2 ~ \ ») / /

ἂν at ἡμέραι παρέλθωσιν: olvw δὲ καὶ ἐλαίῳ

Ἃ ς Ὁ. / tL vv \ \ 2! /

t t

χλιήνας ἀλείφειν ἐς κοίτην, καὶ ἐκμάσσειν. καὶ

A / A / 5 / \ 5 / Ν

γλυκυσίδης καρποῦ δέκα κόκκους ἐψῶν ἐν οἴνῳ

μέλανι, διδόναι πίνειν: καὶ γογγυλίδας διέφθους
ποιέων ῥυφανέτω" ἀρτύσας τυρῷ ἀνάλτῳ καὶ
μήκωνι καὶ ἐλαίῳ καὶ ἁλὲ καὶ σιλφίῳ καὶ ὄξει.
/ \ ἐλ / Ν ig λὶ Ν λ / \ Ὕ

ἣν δὲ βούλῃ πῖσαι φάρμακον, τοῦ Κινιδίου κόκκου

πῖσαι Kal μετὰ THY κάθαρσιν ἀλεύρου ἑφθοῦ καὶ
~ \ Ni \ / 5 / G ~ \

λιπαροῦ δοῦναι δύο τρυβλία ἐκρυφεῖν οἶνον δὲ

a ~ / / 5 σι 3 \

πινέτω τὸν αὐτόν. τούτων" τῶν φαρμάκων καὶ

ῥυφημάτων καὶ ποτῶν ὅ τι av διδῷς ὀνήσεις. HV
ζ / \ a a Ἃ an ΟΣ / v

τε κατὰ \
EV ἢν τε Kal’
[δ vv \4
πλείω προσφέρῃς, Kal
/ / \

τάχιστα ὑγιᾶ ποιήσεις. ἣ δὲ νοῦσος χαλεπή. καὶ

παῦροι ἐκφυγγάνουσι.
41. Αλλος τῖφος: γίνεται μὲν διὰ τάδε: ὅταν
ἢ χολὴ σαπεῖσα μιγῇ τῷ αἵματι ava τὰς φλέβας
Cc ὯΝ ~ ~ ~ cd 5 \ \ /

καὶ τὰ ἄρθρα, καὶ ὅταν στῇ. οἴδημα ἀνίσταται

μάλιστα μὲν ἐν τοῖσιν ἄρθροισι Kat’ καταστηρίζει,
ΠΡ \8 <5 , ov ~ Oy Okey
ἐνίοτε δὲ" καὶ ἐς τὸ ἄλλο σῶμα. καὶ ὀδύνας
παρέχει ὀξείας, καὶ οἱ πολλοὶ ἐκ ταύτης τῆς νού-
7 ν / \ 6 ye / ~ /

σου χωλοὶ γίνονται ὅταν ἀποληφθεῖσα ἐν τοῖσιν

| ἐπ᾽ Θ: πινέτω Μ. 2M adds τοῦ χυμοῦ. 5. Littré: τῳ O:
καὶ Μ. 1 0: κατὰ Μ. ° καὶ om. Μ. 6 Θ; τὸ αἷμα evi-
σταται Μ. «ai om. Μ. 8 6: ὃ. ἐ. M.

grind and sift it fine, sprinkle it over sour dark

wine along with a little fine meal, and give to drink
early in the morning. Let the patient abstain from
the bath until the critical days have passed, but
anoint him with warm wine and oil at bedtime, and
wipe this off. Boil ten grains of peony seed in dark
wine, and give to drink; boil turnips well, and have
the patient drink their juice, after seasoning it with
unsalted cheese, poppy, oil, salt, silphium and vine-
gar. If you wish to have the patient drink a medi-
cation, let him drink Cnidian berry; after the clean-
ing, give him two bowls of rich boiled meal to drink
off; let him drink the same wine. Whichever of
these medications, gruels, and drinks you give, you
will do good, whether you administer one alone or
more, and you will very quickly make the patient
well. Still, the disease is severe, and few escape it.
41. Another typhus: this one arises from the
following: when bile that has become putrid mixes
with the blood in the vessels and joints, and when
this stands, swelling comes up and becomes estab-
lished, mainly in the joints, but sometimes also in
the rest of the body. This produces sharp pains,
and most patients become lame from the disease,

ἄρθροισιν ἣχολὴ πωρωθῇ: 7 ὃ ὀδύνη διαλείπουσα

a >

ἐπιλαμβάνει καὶ διὰ τριῶν ἡμερέων Kal διὰ

>) / \ \ ~ € / \ \

~ a cr Ὑ eS > e
268 Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. ὧδε μελετᾶν ὅταν
μὲν ἣ ὀδύνη ἔχῃ ἐν τῷ σώματι. χλιάσματα προσ-
τιθέναι ἐλαίῳ ὑπαλείψας. ὅταν δὲ ἀνῇ. δοῦναι
/ 2 / Cc / iv] Ν 2) ~ ~

αὐτῷ ἐλλέβορον πυριάσας πρόσθεν ἅπαν τὸ

τ ΄- ») / / / e \

σῶμα. τῇ δ᾽ ὑστεραίῃ ὀρὸν αἰγὸς ἑψήσας. δοῦναι

- ~ ? ~

πιεῖν δύο χοέας. μέλι παραχέας παρὰ τὸν ἕτερον

παρὰ\ δὲ\ τὸν\ ἕτερον

, \ , > / 1 , “ Ἃ
κύλικα παρὰ κύλικα ἐναλλάσσων' πινέτω ἕως ἂν
ἐκπίη ἅπαν. ἐς ἑσπέρην δὲ μετὰ τὴν κάθαρσιν
φακῆς τρυβλίον ῥυφείτω. καὶ σεύτλων τρυβλίον"
λιπαρῶν ἄλφιτα παραπάσας ἐκφαγέτω." καὶ
νεοσσοῦ ἀλεκτορίδος κρέας ἢ πελειάδος ἢ τρυγό-
Ἃ ὟΝ Ἂ δ , 4 \ Ἂς ἋΣ 7 ?
νος ἢ οἰὸς ἢ ὑὸς triovos.* τὸν δὲ ἐλλέβορον δι
ἕκτης ἡμέρας διδόναι.
Καὶ ἤν που τῶν ἄρθρων ἀποιδίσκηται καὶ μὴ
θέλῃ" καθίστασθαι, σικύην προσβάλλων ἀφαιρέειν
τοῦ αἵματος: καὶ κέντρῳ ἀκίδος τριγώνου" ἐς τὰ
cal e \ / 2) / 5 Ν

γούνατα κεντέειν.᾽ ἢν ἐν τοῖσι γούνασιν ἐνῇ τὸ

οἴδημα, τῶν δὲ ἄλλων ἄρθρων μηδὲν κεντρώσης.
5 ~ NOS: vv Ἂς / ᾿

Τὰς δὲ μεταξὺ τῶν ἡμερέων σιτίον προσφερέ-

σθω ἄρτον μὲν ὡς ὀπτότατον. μᾶζαν δὲ ψαιστὴν
| ©: παρ- Μ. 2 τρυβλίον om. Θ. 3. Θ; -πιέτω Μ.
1 6; πῖον Μ. 5 μὴ 0. M: **aos δὴ O. 6 καὶ x. a. τ. Potter:
, wy <a , 7 a
ηκετρωακιδος τριγώνου Θ: κατακέεντὼν ἀκῶϑι τριγώνῳ Μ. κεντε

ew om. Μ.


inasmuch as bile is cut off in their joints, and

congeals. Intermittent pains are present every
third or fourth day.
When the case is such, treat the patient as fol-
lows: when pains are present in the body, anoint
with oil, and apply fomentations; when the pains go
away, first apply a vapour-bath to the whole body
and then give hellebore. On the next day, boil
goat’s whey, and give two choes to drink, pouring
honey into one chous, and sprinkling salt over the
other one; let the patient drink these alternately,
cup for cup, until he has drunk everything off.
Towards evening after the cleaning, let him drink a
bow] of lentil-soup, and eat a bow] of beets boiled in
grease and with meal sprinkled over them; also let
him eat flesh of chicken, pigeon, turtle-dove, sheep,
or fat swine; give the hellebore every sixth day.
If the patient swells up in the joints somewhere,
and the swelling does not want to go down, apply a
cupping instrument, and draw blood; if the swelling
is in the knees, pierce into the knees with the point
of a triangular needle, but do not pierce any of the
other joints.
On the days between medications, as cereal let
the patient take very well-done bread, and

ὡς μάλιστα ὄψον δὲ ἐχέτω μάλιστα μὲν ὄρνιθα

(τ / Ὑ Ν 2) ig / Ν Ὑ

ὀπτὴν ἄναλτον εἰ δὲ μή. Kal EPOjv, ἐζωμευμέ-

5 ἊΝ Ὑ 5} Ν / Κα / ᾿] /

νην, ἄνευ τυροῦ καὶ σησάμου καὶ ἁλός. ἰχθύσι δὲ

vv ~ \ bs \ ἃ λό 9 θύ δὲ

χρήσθω τοῖσι σαρκωδεστάτοισιν, ὀπτῶν' τὸν

αὐτὸν τρόπον τοῖσι κρέασιν, 7 ἑψῶν, ὀριγάνου
2 Tp
nS /
δὲ πινέτω
δὲ / λ

1 ἕ Be ae ͵ ΩΝ \ Ὁ
ἣν ξυμφέρῃ εἰ δὲ μή, μέλανα. καὶ περιόδοισι
ταλαιπωρείτω δι᾿ ἡμέρης καὶ μετὰ δεῖπνον καὶ
ὄρθριος. ὀρὸν δὲ καὶ γάλα THY ὥρην αἰεὶ πινέτω:
Ὑ 2 \ \ \4 / ᾽ν ¢e DEIN /

ἣν δὲ δοκέῃ. καὶ ὄνειον διδόναι ἀφεψήσας.

al ἣν ὑγιὴς γένηται, ev φυλακῇ αὐτὸν |
K \ nn is \ / οὶ λ “" a 'N

210 ἔχειν τοῦ ψύχεος καὶ τοῦ πνίγεος. καὶ τῶν σιτίων
μὴΧο λίην πιμπλάσθω:
κίνδυνος \
γὰρ 6
αὖθις ς
πάσαι τὴν νοῦσον. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος οὕτω θερα-
πευομένη, ἐν ἐξ μησὶν ὑγιὴς γίνεται οὗτοι γὰρ
κρίνουσιν εἰ θανάσιμος ἢ οὔ, ἢν παραχρῆμα θερα-
πεύηται ἣ γὰρ νοῦσος χαλεπή. καὶ τοῖσι πλεί-
στοισι συναποθνήσκει.
42. Αλλος τῖφος γίνεται μὲν τὸ νόσημα
ὁδπώρης μάλιστα, ὅταν πλησθῇ παντοίης ὀπώρης.
πολλοῖσι δὲ Kal ἀπὸ τῶνδε ἐγένετο TO νόσημα
~ \ \ 2) Ἂν ~ 5 / \ td

φαγοῦσι᾽ πλακοῦντα καὶ σησαμῆν" καὶ τῶν

ἄλλων τῶν μελιτοέντων: τὸ γὰρ μέλι τὸ εφθὸν
καυματῶδές ἐστι καὶ προσπλάσσεται ἐπὶ τὴν
ΓΜ: ὀπτοῖσι Θ. 2 7 om. Θ. 3 ©: παστὰ ἐλαίου M.
4 καὶ om. M. 50: -όντες Μ. 6 ρ: -os καὶ -ῆς Μ.


especially ground barley-cake; as main dish let him

best have broiled fowl without salt; if not broiled,
then boiled and made into a soup without cheese,
sesame or salt. Of fish let him have the fleshiest,
broiling them in the same way as the meats; or boil
them, sprinkle on marjoram, and coat them with
oil. Let the patient drink white wine, if it benefits
him; if not, then dark wine. Have him exercise by
walking every day, both after dinner and early in
the morning. Let him always drink whey and milk
in season; if it seems advisable, also give boiled-
down ass’s milk.
If a patient recovers, guard him from both cold
and stifling heat, and let him not overfill himself
with food; for there is a danger that the disease will
recur. Treated thus, the disease goes away in six
months; for that is the critical period that decides
whether or not the patient will die, if he is treated
at once. The disease is severe, and stays with most
patients until they die.
42. Another typhus: this disease arises mainly
in late summer, when a person stuffs himself on all
sorts of the season’s fruits; in many, it has also
arisen from eating flat-cake, sesame-seed cake, and
some of the others sweetened with honey, for boiled
honey is burning-hot, and adheres to the cavity.

" ly ¢ ! =D a ,
κοιλίην. ἔπειτα ὅταν καθεψηθῇ ἐν τῇ κοιλίῃ δια-
= g ς Ἵ
χεῖται." καὶ ἐξαπίνης ἣ γαστὴρ αἴρεται καὶ πίμ-
πραται, καὶ δοκέει διαρραγήσεσθαι. Kal? ἐξαπίνης
διάρροια ἐγένετο: καὶ ὅταν ἅπαξ ἄρξηται χωρέειν.
πολλὰς ἡμέρας καθαίρεται. καὶ πολλοὶ μετὰ
ταύτην τὴν κάθαρσιν ὑγιέες ἐγένοντο.
Ὅταν οὖν παύσηται αὐτόματος καθαιρόμενος.
φακῶν χυλοῦ ἀναγκάσαι αὐτὸν ἐκπιεῖν τρία ἣμί-
xoa, ἅλας παραβάλλων. μετὰ δὲ τὴν κάθαρσιν
{2 / \ \ \ /

τὴν ἐκ τοῦ χυλοῦ, ἐς ἑσπέρην φακῆς τρυβλίον

\ 5 ΄σ a 2 ς / > ἢ

A 3
ῥυφείτω ψυχρῆὴς ἀνάλτου. σίλφιον δ΄ ἐπιξύσθω"
πολύ: Kai σεύτλου τρυβλίον ἀνηδύντου λιπαροῦ.
/ \ / / 3) / ~


΄Ζ 5
δὲ\ πινέτω

μέλανα αὐστηρὸν Kat ὀλίγον. τὸν δὲ λοιπὸν\

7 3 \ 2 ΨΥ \ \

χρόνον ταὐτά τε ποιείτω. καὶ σιτία προσφερέσθω

ἄρτον ἔξοπτον, μᾶζαν δὲ ψαιστὴν ὡς μάλιστα.
Ὑ v > Ν \ ¢ /

Tas\ δὲ\ πρώτας

τῶν - ς
ἡμερέων͵ v
ἄλευρον ς /
pudaveTw 6

κάθεφθον ἀποψύχων, μέλι παραχέων. οἶνον δὲ

/ ») ΄, ] ΄ > \

212 πινέτω μέλανα στρυφνόν. ἕως ἂν καταστῇ n

νοῦσος. ταῦτα προσφερέσθω.
Ὃ δὲ ὑπὸ τῆς ὀπώρης ληφθεὶς τῇ νούσῳ φῦ-
σαν παρέχει καὶ στρόφον καὶ ὀδύνην ἢ ὀπώρη᾽
\ ἈΝ / 2) 2) / / \ ¢ Ἁ
και τα σιτια οὐκ ἐθέλει διαχωρέειν" και ἢ yaoT7p

1 ἐπὶ τὴν κ. Θ: τῇ κοιλίῃ M. 20: avaléera M. 3M adds

ἔπειτα. 4 Littré: ἐπεξύσθω ©: ἐπεξέσθω M. 5 φαγέτω
om. M. © Θ; dayérw M. ‘ ἢ ὀπώρη om. M.

When these foods have been boiled-down in the

cavity, they are dispersed, and all at once the belly
becomes raised and distended, and seems about to
burst; diarrhoea suddenly comes on, and when this
once begins to flow, the person is cleaned for many
days; after the cleaning, many patients have
Now, when the spontaneous cleaning has come
to an end, compel the person to drink off three
half-choes of lentil-juice with salt. After the clean-
ing brought on by the juice, towards evening let
him drink a bow! of cold lentil-soup without salt,
but with much silphium grated over it; also, have
him eat a bow] of unseasoned beets boiled in grease
and with meal sprinkled over them, and drink dry
dark wine, a little at a time. From then on, let the
patient continue to do the same, and as cereal take
well-baked bread and especially ground barley-
cake; on the first days, let him take boiled-down
meal, cooled and with honey, and drink sour dark
wine; until the disease subsides, these are the
things he should take.
The patient that has the disease as the result of
eating late summer fruits has flatulence, colic and
pain; the fruits and foods do not want to pass off,

μεγάλη καὶ σκληρὴ αὐτοῦ ἐστι, καὶ ῥῖγος καὶ πυ-

/ Ν \ ον ΄“σ Ὁ ν CA Ἂν

ρετὸς ἔχει. τούτῳ ἣν μὲν αὐτομάτη ταραχθῇ 7

κοιλίη. ἐν εἴκοσι δὲ ἡμέρῃσι τὸ ἐλάχιστον Kabai-
ie 2: Vv μὴ Cc / \ 5 / /

ρεται, καὶ ὅταν παύσηται καθαιρόμενος. ὑγιὴς

παραχρῆμά ἐστιν. ἢν δὲ μὴ αὐτομάτη ταραχθῇ..
καθαίρειν αὐτὸν TH τοῦ ἱππόφεω o7@ ἢ TH Κνι-
/ 2) \ ~ Are / 5 vex | ~

δίω κόκκῳ. ἐς ἑσπέρην δὲ ταὐτὰ διδόναι ἃ καὶ

- 5) , 7 : > Jey <0 , Ἃ
τῷ αὐτομάτῳ καθαιρομένῳ: τῇ ὃ ὑστεραίῃ. ἢν
μὲν πυρετὸς ἔχῃ. ἡσυχίην ἐχέτω. διδόναι δὲ αὐτῷ
\ \ Vv (= / ΡῚ / / \ 2) ~

πίνειν τοῦ αὐτοῦ οἴνου ὡς ἐν ψυχροτάτῳ ὕδατι.

ἣν δὲ μὴ ἔχῃ πυρετός, διαιτάσθω δίαιταν μὴ
nv \ \ Ἵ {2 / / \

ὑγρὴν ἀλλὰ ἰσχυροτέρην, καὶ περιπατείτω πρὸς

τὰ σιτία τεκμαιρόμενος.
“Ὑπὸ τούτου νοσήματος πολλοῖς ἤδη ὕδερος
ἐγένετο: καὶ nv δοκέῃ σοι κλύζειν, τοῖσιν αὐτοῖ-
2) / te zal / / σ΄ 2) ΄σ

σιν" οἷσι καὶ τὸν ὑδερῶντα. ἣν δὲ βούλῃ. τοισίδε

κλύζειν: ἐς μελικρήτου" κοτύλην ποίην θαψίης
ἐγξύσαι, εἶτα οὕτως ἐγκλύσαι. οὗτος οὕτω θερα-
21 / > [ἡ 2 / fe a

πευόμενος τάχιστα ὑγιὴς ἔσται.

48. Αλλος τῖφος γίνεται μὲν τὸ νόσημα,
ὅταν TOx ὑγρὸν
Ὁ \
TOVosἐν τῷΞ σώματι
συμπαγῇ᾽AB Kal \
ἀναξηρανθῇ μᾶλλον τοῦ καιροῦ. γίνεται δὲ τὴν
5 “- “" ~ ~ / \ ἣν

ἰδέην, ὅταν τῷ νοσήματι ἔχηται, δίυγρος, ὕπω-

Ια. τ. Θ: καθαρθῃ Μ. 2M adds κλύσον. 3M: -ov Θ.
4 A later ms., Cornarius: ποσὶ ©: ποιεῖν M. 5.0: σαπῇ M.

the patient’s belly is large and hard, and chills and

fever are present. If the cavity is set in motion
spontaneously, the person is cleaned out in twenty
days, at the soonest, and, when the cleaning stops,
he is at once well. If the cavity is not set in motion
spontaneously, clean it out with hippopheos juice or
Cnidian berry; towards evening, give the same
things as to a patient cleaned spontaneously. On
the following day, if fever is present, keep the
patient quiet, and give him some of the same wine
to drink, in very cold water; if fever is not present,
let him employ a regimen that is not moist but
quite strong, and take walks, determining their dis-
tance according to his foods. (In many cases,
dropsy has developed out of this disease.) If it
seems advisable to you to apply an enema, use the
same kind as for a patient with dropsy. If you
wish, make the following one: into a cotyle of meli-
crat shred thapsia herb; then inject. If he is treated
in this way, the patient will very quickly recover.
43. Another typhus: this disease arises when
the moisture in the body congeals and dries up
more than it should. When a person is attacked by
it, he takes on a watery yellowish translucent

1 , , 7 > Sp eee se Ἢ 5
xpos,’ διαφανής, κύστει πλήρει ἐοικὼς" οὔρου, οὐκ
οἰδέει δέ," ἀλλὰ λεπτὸς καὶ σκελιφρός ἐστι καὶ
ἀσθενής. μάλιστα δὲ τοῦ σώματος
2) / / \ ΄ »
λεπτύνεται /

τὰς KAnidas καὶ τὸ πρόσωπον ἰσχυρῶς κάτισχνος,

καὶ οἱ ὀφθαλμοὶ ἔγκοιλοι σφόδρα. ταῦτα μὲν ὑπὸ
\ Ces \ov / ~ \ ς: \

τοῦ νοσήματος πάσχει. ἔστι δ᾽ ὅτε ἢ χροιὴ τοῦ

an 3 A

, , 5 , \ fee 7a ne) 5) \
σώματος μέλαινα." τάδε δὲ αἴτιά ἐστιν ἐς τὰ
φλέβια καὶ ὑπὸ τὸ δέρμα ὅταν χολὴ μέλαι-
ς 4λθ AGES ἢ , | « θέ > i
214 va ὑπέλθῃ., Kal ἐπὶ τούτοι σιν ὅταν θέρμη ἐπι
γένηται, ἀνάγκη οὖν ὑπὸ τοῦ θερμοῦ συγκαίεσθαι
53 ζ a ~

καὶ Ν ἀναξηραίνεσθαι
τὰ\ φλέβια.
e uf
TO\ αἷμα
χωρέειν" κατὰ τὰ φλέβια. τάδε οὖν πάσχει οὗτος
Ψ 8 \ \ / / mS / e

πρὸς ἐκείνοις" λεπτὸς γίνεται ἰσχυρῶς." καὶ τοῖ-

σιν ὀφθαλμοῖσιν
5 ~
>) \
καρδαμύσσει, /
καὶ \
τὰς Ν

μυίας ἀπὸ τοῦ ἱματίου θηρεύει, καὶ βορὸς τῶν

, a ΠΡΟΣ A Me , \ ,
σιτίων μᾶλλόν" ἐστιν ἢ ὑγιαίνων, καὶ λύχνου
ἀπεσβεσμένου τῇTH ὀδμῇ
ἀπεσβεσμένου ὀδμῇ ἥδεται,
ἥδεται, καὶ
καὶ ἐξο ἐξονειρώσσει
θαμινά: ae
πολλάκις ty.
δὲ καὶ βαδίζοντι αὐτῷ προ
\ \ / 5 ~ <

έρχεται ἢ γονή.

Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. καθαίρειν τὴν κοι-

, \ ey 12 2 / \ \ ,ὕ γι πὶ
λίην τὴν μὲν ἄνω" ἐλλεβόρῳ, τὴν δὲ κάτω ὀπῷ
σκαμωνίης. μετὰ δὲ THY κάθαρσιν ταὐτὰ διδόναι
/ \ \ \ / >) \ /

| Θ; ἔπ- Μ. 2 π΄ ἐ. Θ: ἔοικε Μ. 3 Q: πλὴν οὐκ older Μ.

4 ἔστι... ἢ Θ: ἡ BEM. 5M adds ἢ. 6 @: ἐς M. 7M:
ὅταν ©. 8 Littré: μὴ χωρέῃ O: ἐκχωρέειν M. 9 πρὸς ἐκείνοις
om. Μ. 10 2. ©: καὶ κάτισχνος καὶ ἰσχυρός M. 11 μᾶλλόν
om. M. 12 τὴν μὲν ἄνω O: τῷ μέλανι M.

appearance, like a bladder filled with urine; how-

ever, he does not swell up, but is lean, parched and
weak; the part of his body in which he becomes
leanest are the collar-bones; his face is very emaci-
ated, and his eyes are very sunken; this is what a
person generally suffers in the disease. Sometimes
the body also becomes dark in colour, and for the
following reason: when dark bile finds its way into
the small vessels and under the skin, and when
heat follows in these parts, the vessels necessarily
become over-heated and dried up, so that the blood
cannot move through them. Such a patient suffers
the following, in addition: he becomes very lean, he
seldom blinks his eyes, he chases flies away from
his blanket, he has a greater hunger than when he
was healthy, he takes pleasure in the smell of the
extinguished lamp, and he has frequent nocturnal
emissions; often semen even passes when he is
When the case is such, clean out the upper
cavity with hellebore, and the lower one with
scammony juice. After the cleaning, give the same


ἃ καὶ τοῖσιν ἄλλοισι καὶ ὁρόν καὶ γάλα βοὸς ἢ

[Δ Ἂν.) lon Ἵ \ 5 / Ν / \ Ἃ

αἰγὸς διδόναι τὴν ὥρην διδόναι δὲ Kal ὄνειον

’ \ / \ ec / \ \ Vv

γάλα' ἐς ὑποκάθαρσιν. οὗτος οὕτω μελετώμενος

μάλιστα ev δυσὶν ἔτεσιν ὑγιὴς γίνεται. σιτία δὲ
/ ῈΣ \ Vv iG \ / / \

ἃ βούλεται προσφερέσθω: εὐωχείσθω 8 ὡς μάλι-


στα, καὶ περιπατείτω πρὸς τὰ σιτία τεκμαιρόμε-

νος. αὕτη ἢ νοῦσος" λαμβάνει πρεσβύτερον
5 ΄-
ὅταν δὲ\ λάβη.
id ᾽ὔ
μὴ\ κατ΄ aD)ἀρχὰς\ τοῦ=
νοσήματος τούτου μελετηθῇ. οὐκ ἐκλείπει, πρὶν
ἂν“ εἴκοσιν ἔτεα ἄλλα“ παρέλθῃ. ἀλλὰ προσίσχει:
ἔπειτα ἐνίοισι μελετωμένη ἐξέρχεται. ἣ δὲ νοῦσος
44. Ἐϊλεοὶ δὲ τάδε νοσήματα καλέονται. γί-
νονταιῦ δὲ ἀπὸ τῶνδε μάλιστα ἢν τοῦ χειμῶνος
θερμῇ TH διαίτῃ Kal vypH χρῆται Kal μηδὲ περι-
~ ~ / ἊΝ PE iol > Ν \

όδοισι ταλαιπωρέῃ πρὸς τὰ σιτία τεκμαιρόμενος.

πιμπλάμενος δὲ εὕδῃ. εἶτα ἐξαπίνης ἀναγκασθῇ
/ \ id] Ay 2 / 5 a

βαδίσαι μακρὴν δδόν, ψύχεος ἐόντος. εἶτα prywon

, \ ςς , +7 5) ¢ /

ὑπὸ τὰ ὀστέα, τάδε οὖν πάσχει. φῦσα ἐγγίνεται

ἐν τῷ σώματι παντί, καὶ ἣ χροιὴ αὐτοῦ γίνεται
μολυβδοειδής, καὶ βιγοῖ αἰεί, ὥστε οἱ θερμοῦ KaTa-
/ Net. ΄σ DEY: ¢t ς θ ~

276 χεομένου"
od |δοκέει
Gant. / θ
τὸ\ deδὲ σῶμα
a A
ομένου αὐτοῦ λεπίζεται ὑπὸ τοῦ θερμοῦ. μάλιστα
ΓΜ adds ἀφεψῶν. 29 adds οὐ. 3 πρὶν av ©: εἰ μὴ M.
4 ἄλλα om. M. 5 @: -era M. © οἱ 0. x. O: θερμὸν καὶ κατα-
χεομένῳ Μ.

things as to the other patients; in season give cow’s

or goat’s whey and milk, and also ass’s milk, to
clean downwards. If treated in such a way, this
patient usually recovers in two years. Let him eat
whichever foods he prefers and in as large amounts
as possible, and take walks, determining their dis-
tance according to his foods. This disease attacks
persons over twenty years of age; when it does, if
they are not cared for at the beginning, it continues
and does not go away before another twenty years
have passed; then, in some, if treated, it passes off.
The disease is severe.
44. The following diseases are called ileuses.
They arise, in most cases, from the following: if, in
winter, a person employs a hot, moist diet and does
not exercise by taking walks in accordance with his
food but goes to bed in a full state, and is then sud-
denly obliged to walk a long distance when it is
cold, and then gets chilled to the bone, he suffers
the following: tympanites develop in his whole
body, his colour becomes leaden, and he has a per-
petual chill, so that even when hot water is poured
over him he does not think it is hot. When he is
bathed, his body is excoriated by the hot water,


€ ἢ ὄρχεα΄ Kal ἣν τῷ δακτύλῳ τοῦ σώματός που

δὲ ἘΝ al NN ~ ὃ 5A a / /

͵ ὉΠ δ , Sere / B er
πιέζης." ἐνθλάσεις, ἐκεῖ expdooetai’ σοι ὥσπερ
otati* 74 μάλιστα
8 2.9)ἐν τοῖσι
ποσὶν\ ἐνθλᾶται.
b>) =

τὰ δὲ σκέλεα βαρέα ρ αὐτοῦ, ᾿ καὶ 7nv περιφοιτέ

ρ >
τρέμει Kal ἢν πρὸς αἷπος βαδίζῃ. πνευστιᾷ
7 \ Ἃ \ ἊΣ / a

σφόδρα. καὶ αἱ ὠλέναι δοκέουσιν ἀποκρέμασθαι,

/ \ Ὁ Φ / / 3) /

Kal τὴν κεφαλὴν ἀλγέει, καὶ αἱ ὀφρύες δοκέουσιν

\ \ \ 5 / \ eo / /

> , 5 \ / v \ , ᾿ \
ἀποκρέμασθαι." καὶ δίψα ἔχει τὰς νύκτας, τὰ δὲ
/ bp) \ / a In 7
σιτία ὠμὰ διαχωρέει, doo ἂν φάγῃ.
Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχη. πυριήσας αὐτὸν τοῦ
~ 7 ~

, Ξ Pe aN AC , 62 Ξ
κνεώρου δοῦναι πιεῖν ἢ τοῦ ἱππόφεω" ἢ τοῦ Κνι-
diov κόκκου. μετὰ δὲ τὴν κάθαρσιν ταὐτὰ διδόναι
/ 7, Ν Ν \ / 5) \ /

[οἱ \ - 7 θ - ὃ᾽ ζ , 5 , +A a
ἃ Kal τοῖσι πρόσθεν. τῇ ὃ ὑστεραίῃ ὀνείου γάλα
KTos ἑφθοῦ χοέα δοῦναι Sis ἐκπιεῖν ἅλας παρα-
Ὁ ΄σ / a \ 2) ~ ivi

βάλλων. ἐς ἑσπέρην δὲ δειπνείτω ἄρτον, ὄψον ὃ

? >]

ἐχέτω olds κρέα ἑφθὰ καὶ πουλύποδας ἑφθοὺς ἐν

2! / XA / ¢ \ \ ’ὔ ¢ \ 5

οἴνῳ2 μ μέλανι ηψημενους

ἡψημένους" καὶ τὸν ζωμὸνμον ρpudeitw -
καὶ φακὴν ἐχέτω ὧδε ἐσκευασμένην: κοτύλην φα-
\ \ 2) / © Ψ / ᾿ς

ἜΦΥ, ἐς ἘΠ ἢ Ὑ y , 8
κῶν ἑψήσας. τρίψας λείην. ἔπειτα ἄλευρον μίξας
καὶ σίλφιον ξέσας" ἅλας ἐμβαλεῖν, καὶ ὄξος ἐπι-
7 \ , ~ ALES τς Τρ os
χέαι, Kal σκόροδα συνεψεῖν χρή: ἐπὶ ταῦτα" ὕδωρ
ἐπιχέας ζέσαι δὶς ἢ τρίς, καὶ τορυνᾶν ἅμα. ἔπει-

| ©: ὄσχη Μ. 2 π. π. Θ: ὑποπιέζης Μ. 3 2. é. Potter: καὶ

ἐκμανεῖταί ©: καὶ σημαινέεταί M. 1 ὃν o. Μ: © has a blank
space of suitable length. 5 καὶ τὴν... ἀποκρέμασθαι
om. Μ. 6 M adds ὀποῦ. " ἡψημένους om. M. © 0:
παραμῖξαι M. 9 0: ἐπιξέσαι, καὶ M. 10 Θ; ἔπειτα

especially his scrotum. If you press his body at any

point with your finger, indenting it, it receives your
impression there as if in dough; it is most indented
in the feet. The patient’s legs are heavy; if he
walks about, he trembles; if he walks up a grade,
he pants violently. His forearms seem to hang
down, he has a headache, his eyebrows seem to
overhang, thirst is present during the nights, and
his food passes off undigested, just as he ate it.
When the case is such, apply vapour-baths to the
patient, and give him spurge-flax, hippopheos, or
Cnidian berry to drink. After the cleaning, give the
same things as to the preceding patients. On the
following day, twice give a chous of boiled ass’s
milk with salt, for the patient to drink off, and
towards evening have him eat for dinner bread and,
as main dish, boiled mutton and polyp boiled in
dark wine, and drink the sauce too; also let him
have lentil-soup prepared thus: boil a cotyle of len-
tils and mash them fine; then mix in meal, shred in
silphium, and add salt; add vinegar, and boil in
garlic; over this pour water, bring to a boil two or
three times, and stir together; then let the patient

τα ἀφελὼν ὀψάσθω" ἔστω δὲ μὴ λίην παχέη᾽ ἐμ-

βεβλήσθω δὲ καὶ γλήχων ἐψομένη τῆς εὐωδίης
εἵνεκα. τὰς δὲ μεταξὺ τῶν ἡμερέων ἐμέτους
δι I ἕκτης

¢ ,
δὲ\ χρὴ\ aA-

λοτε καὶ ἄλλοτε πρὸ τοῦ ἐμέτου καὶ τῆς φαρμα-

κοπωσίης. καὶ διὰ τρίτης ἡμέρης λούσθω. ἣν
συμφέρῃ εἰ δὲ μή, ἀλειφέσθω. Kal περιπατείτω
/ 5 Ν / 9, / \ /

ἣν δυνατὸς ἢ. πρὸς τὰ σιτία τεκμαιρόμενος. καὶ

ἀκτῆς φύλλα καὶ κονύζης τῆς αἰεὶ ἁπαλῆς ἐψῶν
2 ~ / \ / ~ DEAL eS > ς ~

διδόναι πίνειν."
ὕτω yap\
λ ,ὔ
av ὃδιάγοι,
2) ἃ ,
Kal \
ἢ νοῦσος ἐκλείποι av ἐνιαυσίη. πολλοῖσι δὲ ἤδη
c ~ >) / Ἃ 5 / ~ Ν vv

ς 7 , 5 \ Sv ee , 3 ¢ ~
ὑγιέσι γενομένοισι διὰ δύο ἐτέων πάλιν“ ἣ νοῦσος
ὑπετρόπασεν. ἀλλὰ χρή, ἢν ὑποτροπάσῃ, τὴν
αὐτὴν ἴησιν ἰᾶσθαι. ἢν δὲ τὸ τρίτον ὑποτροπάσῃ.
οἴδημα μὲν οὐκ ἐγγίνεται. λεπτὸς δὲ γίνεται καὶ
κάτισχνος. ἄρχεται δὲ λεπτύνεσθαι ἀπὸ τοῦ
προσώπου. καὶ τὴν χροιὴν ἔκλευκος γίνεται μᾶλ-
Aov ἢ τὸ πρόσθεν. τούτῳ ἐνίοτε ὕδερος ἐγγίνεται
Ἃ \ / / 3 / iv 2) /

ἐν τῇ κοιλίῃ ἣν οὖν ἐγγένηται, τάμνειν μὲν οὐ

~ 7 Ss / / Ν

χρή ἀποθανεῖται γάρ' θεραπεύειν δὲ τοῖς αὐτοῖς

οἷσι καὶ τὸν ἀπὸ τοῦ σπληνὸς ὑδεριῶντα. τοῦτον
μάλιστα μὲν Kat ἀρχὰς βούλεσθαι λαβὼν

ἰᾶσθαι. ταχὺ γὰρ ὑγιᾶ ποιήσεις. ἢ δὲ νοῦσος

δεῖται μελέτης χαλεπὴ γάρ.
| ©: ἐψήσθω M: frigefacito Cornarius, implying ἐψύχθω.
2 ρ; ἐσθίειν M. 3 πάλιν om. M. ΕΠ ΘῈ ἣν μή. καὶ οὕτω Μ.

take this and eat it as a main dish; it should not

be too thick; also add boiled penny-royal, for the
aroma. On the days between medications, let the
patient induce vomiting every sixth day. You must
apply vapour-baths, now and then, before the
patient vomits and before he drinks his medication.
Every third day, let him bathe, if it helps; if not, let
him be anointed; also let him take walks, if he is
able, determining their distance in accordance with
his food. Boil leaves of the elder tree and of the
fleabane that is always tender, and give these to
the patient to drink.
Treated in this way, the patient will fare best,
and the disease will go away in a year. In many
who had already recovered, the disease has
recurred after two years; if it does recur, you must
employ the same treatment. If it recurs a third
time, swelling is not present, but the patient
becomes lean and emaciated; he begins by losing
flesh from his face, and his colour becomes very
white, even whiter than before; sometimes dropsy
develops in the cavity; if it does, you must not make
an incision; for, if you do, the patient will die;
instead, treat with the measures used in a dropsy
arising from the spleen. Much prefer to take this
patient for treatment at the beginning of the
disease, for then you will quickly make him well.
The disease requires care, for it is severe.

45. Αλλος εἰλεός: ἐπιλαμβάνει μὲν μάλιστα

θέρεος ὥρῃ, ἐν ἑλώδεσι χωρίοισι," μάλιστα δ΄ ἐπι-

λαμβάνει ad ὑδροπωσίης. πολλοὶ δὲ ἤδη καὶ

οὶ 6 yf

\ \ cr τ , EEN ,
πρὸς τὸν ἥλιον εὐνασθέντες" τὸ νόσημα ἔλαβον.
τὴν κεφαλὴν ἀλγήσαντες. τὰ δ᾽ ἄλλα παραπλή-

σια τῷ πρόσθεν πάσχουσι. πλὴν τῆς χροιῆς. οὗτος

~ / / \ =~ “ -

yap ὠχρὸς γίνεται οἷόν περ oldiov' καὶ ot ὀφθαλ-

\ 5 \ , θ᾿, Ν Sama J

μοὶ ἔστιν ὅτε ἰκτέρου πίμπλανται.

Τοῦτον ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. θεραπεύειν τοῖς
5 σ΄
Kal \ τὸν\ πρόσθεν
δὲ\ καὶ Ni ἀπὸ
ΟΞ τῶν

epeBivbwy λευκῶν ἑψῶν τὸ ὕδωρ πίνειν, Kal ἐν

5 ,ὔ ~ G ~ Ν ivf / Nine

τῷt οἴνῳPUKEpY
κιρνὰς aS διδόναι καὶ τὴν y) ἜΣκεφαλὴνY/] αὐτοῦ
τῷ“- τετραγώνῳ./
ἧσσον TOU“- πρόσ- /

θεν θανατώδης: καλέεται δὲ εἰλεὸς ἰκτεριώδης.

/ / \ 2) \ ’ /

280 46. ἼΑλλος ὅδεΐ εἰλεός: τὰ μὲν ἄλλα πάσχει

πλῆθος ταὐτὰ τοῖσι πρόσθεν, ἄρχεται δὲ μετοπώ-
ρου γίνεσθαι τὸ νόσημα, τάδε δ᾽ ἐν τῷ νοσήματι
μι -

τούτω" προσγίνεται: ἐκ τοῦ στόματος κακὸν ὄζει.

καὶ ΣΎἀπὸ
τὰ\ οὖλα
pled δ
καὶ Ne ἐκ

τῶν pwa@v αἷμα pet. ἐνίοτε δὲ Kal ἐκ τῶν σκε-

λέων ἕλκεα ἐκφυεῖ," καὶ τὰ μὲν ὑγιαίνεται τὰ ὃ
A6 3

“ , 7 we te \ , \
ἄλλα παραγίνεται. Kal 7 χροιὴ μέλαινα, Kal
λεπτόδερμος περιφοιτᾶν δὲ καὶ ταλαιπωρέειν
| ©: ὥρην Μ. 2Μ adds οὗτος. te O: εἱληθέντες M.
4 ὅδε om. M. 5 τούτῳ om. M. © O: ἐκφλυνδάνει M.
ΓΘ: προσ- M.

45. Another ileus: this one occurs mainly in

summer, in swampy areas; in most cases, it comes
on as the result of drinking water, but many per-
sons have also taken the disease from sleeping
exposed to the sun when they had a headache. In
this disease the patient suffers the same things as
in the preceding one in everything else except his
colour; for he becomes yellow like pomegranate-
peel, and his eyes, too, are sometimes filled with
When the case is such, treat this patient with
the same things used for the preceding one; in addi-
tion, give water boiled from white chick-peas to
drink, this also mixed with wine; clean out the head
with square-berry. This disease is less often mortal
than the preceding one. It is called icteric ileus.
46. Another ileus: generally this patient suffers
the same things as the preceding ones, except that
the disease begins in late autumn, and includes the
following things in addition: the patient smells
foully from the mouth, the gums separate from his
teeth, and blood flows from his nostrils. Sometimes
also ulcers break out on his legs—and while some
heal, others develop—his colour is dark, and his
skin is thin; the patient is eager to walk about and
to exert himself.

Τοῦτον. ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν

ἰᾶσθαι οἷσι καὶ τοὺς πρόσθεν: καὶ κλύζειν τοῖσδε:
IA ἜΣ \ δὴ / \ / ΄σ

σικύου τοῦ ἀγρίου πέντε φύλλα τρῖψαι λεῖα. καὶ

/ ~ 5 / / / ~ ~ Ν

παραμῖξαι μέλιτος ἡμικοτύλιον, Kal ἁλῶν δραξά-

~ fe ig / NG ~ /

μενος τῇ μιῇ χειρί, καὶ ἐλαίου ἡμικοτύλιον, καὶ

ἀπὸ σεύτλων ἑφθῶν Tod χυλοῦ τέσσερας κοτύλας:
5 \ / ¢ ~ ~ ~ / /

διδόναι δὲ ἐς ὑποκάθαρσιν ὀνείου γάλακτος ἑφθοῦ

ὀκτὼ κοτύλας μέλι παραχέας. πινέτω δὲ καὶ
βόειον τὴν ὥρην. τεσσεράκοντα πέντε" ἡμέρας:
, \ 113 ὦ ~ , , ,
πινέτω δὲ [καὶ] ἕωθεν τοῦ βοείου γάλακτος δύο
κοτύλας. τρίτον μελικρήτου παραμίσγων τὰς με-
ταξὺ τῶν ἡμερέων. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος δεῖται πολλῆς
ἰήσιος: εἰ δὲ μή. οὐκ ἐξέρχεται, ἀλλὰ συναποθνή-
SES. 5 \ / 5 »] / 5 \ i

σκει: καλέεται δὲ εἰλεὸς αἱματίτης.

47. Ilayéa δὲ τάδε τὰ νοσήματα καλέεται
΄ὔ Ne oat Bern a , /
τάδε δὲ ἀπὸ τῶνδε μάλιστα γίνεται.
ταν φλέγμα καὶ χολὴ μιχθῇ κατὰ τὸ σῶμα.
Ὅ Ψ' \ οἷ ~ \ Ν ~

συρρεῖ ἐς τὴν κοιλίην, καὶ ὅταν ἁλισθῇ.᾿ τὴν κοι-

λίην ἀείρει." καὶ ἄνω τε καὶ κάτω ἔρχεται ὥσπερ
κῦμα. καὶ plyos καὶ πυρετὸς ἐπιλαμβάνει. καὶ ἐν
τῇ7) κεφαλῇΠΕΡὀδύνη καθέστηκε:
7 καὶ ὅταν πρὸς
ρος τὰ
σπλάγχνα ἣ ὀδύνη καταστῇ. πνῖγμα παρέχει |
/ / lon ~ /

Χο ε᾽ sale , 5 Ὁ) Shy ς ,
282 καὶ εὐθὺς" ἐμέει λάμπην ὀξέην, ἐνίοτε ἁλμυρήν.
καὶ ὅταν ἀπεμέσῃ. πικρὸν τὸ στόμα δοκέει αὐτῷ
"τ a. Θ: τούτοισι Μ. 2 πέντε om. Μ. 3 Del. Potter,
following Calvus. 4M adds éc. 5 Potter: ἀεὶ ῥεῖ O:
ἀείρεται M. 6 θ᾽ éviore M.

When the case is such, treat this patient with

the same things used for the preceding ones.
Administer an enema composed of the following:
grind fine five leaves of squirting-cucumber, and
add a half-cotyle of honey, a handful of salt, a half-
cotyle of oil, and four cotylai of juice boiled from
beets. Also give eight cotylai of boiled ass’s milk
with honey, to clean downwards. In season let the
patient drink cow’s milk for forty-five days: let him
drink! two cotylai of cow’s milk with one third-
cotyle of melicrat early in the morning on the days
between medications. This disease requires much
attention; otherwise, it does not go away, but clings
to the person until he dies. It is called sanguinous
47. The following diseases are called the “thick
ones”; they arise mainly from the following: when
phlegm and bile mix with one another through the
body, they are inclined to collect in the cavity, and,
when they collect there, they raise the cavity up,
and fluctuate both upwards and downwards. Chills
and fever come on, and pain establishes itself in the
head; when pain enters the inward parts, it pro-
duces choking; at once the patient vomits up a
sharp or sometimes salty scum, and after he has
1 Calvus’ translation (per anni tempus idoneum et lac
bubulum quadraginta dies potato, mane duo acetabula
cotulasue cum tertia mulsi parte ...) makes better sense
than Littré’s (Dans la saison le malade boira du lait de
vache pendant quarante jours. Il boira aussi, le matin,
deux cotyles de lait de vache, avec mélange d’un tiers de
mélicrat .. .).

δὲ τῇσι
δὲ -
λ =
3: θ ,ὕ
κατά Le
κειται ἅτε γὰρ τοῦ φλέγματος ἐν τῇ κοιλίῃ,
iL το \ A ͵ 5 a

pM οὖς \ ? ἜΣ CLEATS: a / ς \
ἐνόντος, TO ὃ αἷμα ὑπὸ τῆς θερμασίης ἁλισθὲν
προσέπεσε πρὸς τὰς πλευρὰς καΣἐρυθήματα παρέχει
> a rx
ἐν τῆσι πλευρῇσι καὶ \ δηγμὸς"\ 2 Kal \ θερμασίηey ἔχει μά-,
λιστα τὰς πλευράς. καὶ τὸ μετάφρενον ἔγκυρτον
αὐτοῦ γίνεται καὶ ὅταν πονέῃ μάλιστα, οὐκ
Ψψαυομένου" , 3
τοῦA σώματος
> ,
ὥσπερ ἕλκος. Kai αἱ σάρκες πάλλονται ὑπὸ τῆς
c a \ ς / / ζ Ἂς ~

> ,
ἀλγηδόνος, καὶ Ψ οἱΕΟ ὄρχιες
ΟΝ ς =
EAKodvTaL,* ἦι
Kal Δ ἐς 53
τὴν \

καθέδρην Kal 3 ἐς τὴν \ ,
κύστιν ͵
θέρμη" 5
Kal \ ὀδύνη
2907 >
πίπτει. καὶ οὐρέει παχὺ οἷόν περ ὕδρωπα, καὶ αἱ
τρίχες ἐκ τῆς κεφαλῆς Expéovor, Kal τὰ σκέλεα
/ 5 lon lon 5 / \ \ /

καὶ ὌΝ οἱἐπὉ πόδες

αἰεὶ ψυχροί, ey)
καὶ Neer,ὀδύνη πιέζει , ,
στα τὰς πλευρὰς καὶ τὸ μετάφρενον καὶ τὸν τρά-
xnAov πρὸς δὲ TH δέρματί οἱ δοκεῖ τι προσέρπειν.
λ ϊ Ν δὲ “- δέ PT EE, ὃ lon /

ἢ δὲ νοῦσος τότε μὲν πιέζει, τότε δὲ ἀνίησι:

Ls! \ ΄ Lé \ / / \ 5) /

προϊοῦσα δὲ ἢ νοῦσος" συνεχέστερον πιέζει: καὶ

τῆς κεφαλῆς τὸ δέρμα παχὺ Kal ἐρυθρὸν γίνεται.
~ ~ Ni / Ν Nee \ /

οὗτος μέχρι μὲν ἕξ ἐτέων τοιᾶυτα πάσχων δια-

τελέει ἔπειτα ἱδρώς τε πολὺς καταχεῖται Kal
/ v ζ / \ ~ \

κάκοδμος. πολλάκις δὲ καὶ ἐν TH ὕπνῳ TO Ady-

/ / \ Nia ~ c« \ /

νευμα ὕφαιμον προέρχεται ὑποπέλιδνον. τοῦτο τὸ

ΓΘ: ἐρυθήματι κατέχεται Μ. 2 καὶ δηγμὸς om. Μ.
8 0; -ος Μ.
4 ©: -ονται Μ. °M adds τις. 6@Q: -ons δὲ τῆς -ov M.

vomited his mouth has a pungent taste. In the

sides, red patches appear; for, inasmuch as phlegm
is present in the cavity, blood attracted by the heat
of the phlegm falls against the sides and produces
red patches in them; itching and heat are also
present, particularly in the sides. The patient’s
back becomes crooked, and, when his suffering is
most severe, he will not tolerate his body being
touched, for he feels pain as if in an ulcer. His
muscles quiver from pain, his testicles become
ulcerated,! and heat and pain attack the posteriors
and bladder. The patient passes thick urine simi-
lar to dropsy fluid, hair falls out of his head, his
legs and feet are perpetually cold, and pain presses
most intensely in his sides, back and neck; he
imagines that something is crawling over his skin.
At one time the disease presses more intensely,
at another it relents; however, as it progresses, it
tends to press more and more continuously. The
skin of the head becomes thick and red. Such a
patient goes on suffering in this way until the sixth
year; then copious foul-smelling sweat pours down.
Also, in his sleep he often passes somewhat livid
semen charged with blood. This disease arises
1 Variant text: “are drawn up.”

νόσημα γίνεται διὰ θερμασίην τοῦ ἡλίου καὶ

/ / \ / ~ ig / \

Τοῦτον ὅταν οὕτως ἔχη. τοῦ κνεώρου διδοὺς
~ a id v ~ / \

ς / n π , , n mate /
ὑποκαθαίρειν ἢ τοῦ Kyidiou κόκκου ἢ τοῦ ἵππό-
φεω. δίδου δὲ Kal γάλα ὄνειον, ἑψήσας πίνειν
Ν Ν / vv ¢ / /

> \
τῇ2 ὃdail:ὑστεραίῃ,
μετὰ τὴν κάθαρσιν ταὐτὰ προσφέρειν ἃ Kai τοῖσιν
/ 2) \ Ὁ ~

284 ἄλλοισι.

τὰς δὲ πρώτας | ἡμέρας εὐωχεέσθω τὰ
Ν Ἂν / ς / 2] fé \


αὐτὰ ἃ" Kal Os? ὑπὸ Tod ὑδέρου EdAwKe πονείτω
\4 ὃ BDI 5 \ Zw δ᾽ ἡδύ a
καὶ" περιόδοισιν, ἣν δυνατὸς H ἣν ὃ ἀδύνατος ἢ
ὑπὸ τῶν πυρετῶν καὶ ἐσθίειν μὴ δύνηται τὰ σι-
ia, χρήσθω ρῥυφήματι φακῇ ποτῷ δὲ οἴνῳ μέλα
τί / θ ¢ φ / T φ KN’ 7 ~ de ἵν tr Ls

5 > , er ς = ) ,
ve? αὐστηροτάτῳ. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος ἐπιλαμβάνει
μάλιστα μετοπώρου καὶ ὀπώρης ἐούσης. οὗτος
/ \ / 5 / ΕΝ

ἢν μὴ indh ἐν τοῖσιν e& ἔτεσι, προσίσχει ἣ

= 8
νοῦσος" καὶ eeἄχρι ἐτέων"
py ae) ͵
δέκα: a
πολλοῖσι δὲ\ Kal \
συναποθνήσκει., ἢν μὴ παραχρῆμα μελετηθῇ.
/ Ἃ x ~ ~

48. “AAdo!°® παχύ γίνεται μὲν ἀπὸ χολῆς,


[τ ΔΙ 52... τὉ Ἀν ΕΣ 2) = ΝᾺ \
ὅταν χολὴ ἐπὶ τὸ ἧπαρ ἐπιρρυῇ Kal ἐς τὴν
κεφαλὴν καταστῇ. τάδε οὖν πασχει τὸ ἧπαρ οἰδέ-
ει, καὶ ἀναπτύσσεται πρὸς τὰς φρένας ὑπὸ τοῦ
οἰδήματος. Kal εὐθὺς ἐς THY κεφαλὴν ὀδύνη ἐμ-
ἣν 7 Ν ») \ ΟῚ \ \ , / 2)

| ποῦτο ... ὑδροπωσίην om. Θ. 2 TOS ἃ om. 0.

3° ©: ὅστις M. 4 9; ἑάλω: καὶ πονεέτω M. ° M adds
ws. 6 cal om. O. “Θ: μὲν M. 8 π΄ ἢ ν. O: εἰ δὲ μή,
προσέχει Μ. 9.0: τῶν Μ. 10 Q: Τάδε παχέα γίνεται τῶν νο-
σημάτων ἀπὸ χολῆς. ἀλλὰ M. 11 χολὴ om. M.

because of the heat of the sun, and from drinking

When the case is such, clean the patient down-
wards by giving spurge-flax, Cnidian berry or hip-
popheos. Also, give him eight cotylai of boiled ass’s
milk with honey to drink; on the day after the
cleaning, give the same things as were given to the
other patients. On the first days, let the patient be
well fed on the same foods as a person with dropsy,
and exert himself by taking walks, if he is able; if,
on account of his fevers, he is not able to take
walks, and if he cannot eat regular foods, let him
employ lentil-soup as gruel, and drink dry dark
wine. This disease has its accesses mainly in fall
and later summer. If the patient is not treated dur-
ing the six years, the disease continues until the
tenth year; in many, it even clings to them until
they die, if it has not been treated immediately.
48. Another “thick” disease: this one arises
from bile, when bile collects in the liver, and also
settles in the head. The patient suffers the follow-
ing: his liver swells up and, by its swelling,
expands against the diaphragm; pain immediately

πίπτει, μάλιστα δὲ ἐς τοὺς κροτάφους: Kal τοῖσιν

/ / αν Ὁ» \ / \ ~

ὠσὶν οὐκ ὀξὺ ἀκούει. πολλάκις δὲ καὶ τοῖσιν

>) ἊΝ 5 X¢\ S) / / \ \ a

ὀφθαλμοῖσιν οὐχ ὁρᾷ Kal φρίκη Kal πυρετὸς ἐπι-

5 ~ 5} νας Ν / \ \ >)

λαμβάνει. ταῦτα μὲν κατ΄ ἀρχὰς τοῦ νοσήματος

- 9 -

αὐτῷ; γίνεται γίνεται δὲ" διαλιμπάνοντα, τότε

μὲν\ σφόδρα.

δὲ ἧσσον" itὅσῳ ὃ᾽
δὲ Ὥ
δ΄ pi!
ἂν ὃ¢ χρόνος
νούσῳ mpotn, ὅ τε πόνος πλείων ev TH σώματι. . 7 ~

Kal αἱ κόραι σκίδνανται τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν, καὶ

\ ς / ~ Ἃ ~ \

σκιαυγέει, Kal ἣν προσφέρῃς τὸν δάκτυλον πρὸς
τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς, οὐκ αἰσθήσεται διὰ τὸ μὴ Opa
Ν 2) / 5 >] / \ \ A Ce

8 ΔΕ av
ὅτι οὐχ
id 5
οὐPe) γὰρ"
μύσσει προσφερομένου τοῦ δακτύλου. καὶ τὰς
κροκύδας ἀφαιρέει τοῦ ἱματίου, ἤν περ ἴδῃ.
/ 2, we ~ Cc fy Ὑ b)

Kal Ni ὅταν
τὸNSἧπαρ μᾶλλον

ἀναπτυγῇ πρὸς τὰς φρένας. παραφρονέει: καὶ

προφαίνεσθαί ot δοκέει πρὸ τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν ἕρπε-
/ / Ὁ / N ~ b) ~ ¢

286 τὰ | καὶ ἄλλα παντοδαπὰ θηρία Kal* ὁπλῖται

\ \ vv \ / \4 c ~

μαχόμενοι, καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν αὐτοῖσι δοκέει μάχεσθαι:

τοιαῦτα λέγει ὡς ὁρῶν καὶ ἐπέρχεται, καὶ ἀπει-
λεῖ, ἣν μή τις αὐτὸν ἐᾷ ἔξω ἐξιέναι: καὶ ἣν ἀνα-
-“- Ἃ / Dine NX yews 2) / ABN 5)

= > / 7 \ , > \ ,
στῇ. οὐ δύναται αἴρειν τὰ σκέλεα, ἀλλὰ πίπτει.
ot δὲ πόδες αἰεὶ
εξ \ / ὟΝ
ψυχροί Kal ὅταν Kabedvdn, avaio-
/ ἈΠΕ / >) m4

σει ἐκ τοῦ~ ὕπνου"
¢ 5 ὦ 5.
ὅταν ἐνύπνια 5)
ἴδη φοβερά.Ἢ τῷδε

δὲ γινώσκομεν, ὅτι ἀπὸ ἐνυπνίων ἀΐσσει καὶ

ΓΜ: αὐτοῦ τοῦ νοσήματος Θ. 2 γίνεται δὲ Om. Μ. 8 γὰρ

om. Θ. 4 kal om. Θ. 5M adds καὶ φοβέεται.

attacks his head, especially the temples; he does

not hear clearly, and often he cannot see, either;
shivering and fever set in. These things affect the
patient at the beginning of the disease; they occur
intermittently, sometimes more intensely, some-
times less so.- The longer the disease goes on, the
more pain there is in the body. The pupils of the
eyes are dilated, the patient sees dimly, and if you
bring your finger up to his eyes, he does not per-
ceive it, because he cannot see; this is how you can
tell that he does not see: he does not blink when
the finger is brought near. He removes pieces of
wool from his blanket, if he does see them, believ-
ing they are lice. When his liver expands even
more against the diaphragm, the patient becomes
deranged; there seem to appear before his eyes rep-
tiles and every other sort of beasts, and fighting sol-
diers, and he imagines himself to be fighting among
them; he speaks out as if he is seeing such things,
and he attacks and threatens, if someone will not
allow him to go outside; if he does stand up, though,
he cannot lift his legs, but falls. His feet are per-
petually cold; when he goes to bed, he starts up out
of his sleep on seeing fearful dreams. We know
that his starting up and fear are due to dreams,

φοβεῖται ὅταν ἔννοος γένηται, ἀφηγεῖται τὰ

lod iv] Vv / b) ~ \

ἐνύπνια τοιαῦτα ὁρᾶν' δποῖα καὶ τῷ σώματι ἐποίει

καὶ τῇ γλώσσῃ ἔλεγε. ταῦτα μὲν οὕτω πάσχει.
ἔστι ὃ ἌΣ OTE
Ὑ ἐν
καὶ \ κεῖται

ς ,

καὶ τὴν νύκτα ἀναπνέων ἀθρόον πολὺ τὸ πνεῦμα.

ὅταν δὲ παύσηται παραφρονέων, εὐθὺς [παρα-
χρῆμα]" ἔννοος γίνεται, καὶ ἢν ἐρωτᾷ τις
αὐτόν, ὀρθῶς" ἀποκρίνεται. καὶ γινώσκει πάντα
τὰ λεγόμενα. εἶτα αὖθις ὀλίγον ὕστερον ἐν τοῖς
αὐτοῖσιν ἄλγεσι κεῖται. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος προσπίπτει
μάλιστα ἐν ἀλλοδημίῃ Kai ἣν που ἐρήμην δδὸν
(λ 2 LAA ὃ / Ni Peak Ὁ / 600

βαδίσῃ καὶ φόβος αὐτὸν λάβη λαμβάνει δὲ καὶ

odTOY ovV,’ ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. πῖσαι τοῦ μέλα-
ΠῚ ~ Sy 4c ec Ὑ ~ a /

vos ἐλλεβόρου πέντε ὀβολοὺς στήσας. διδόναι ὃ
ev? γλυκεῖ οἴνω ἢ κλύζειν αὐτὸν τοῖσδε: λίτρου
Dyes σ΄ Ὑ Ἃ / Die ἡ > ὃ > /

Αἰγυπτίου ὅσον ἀστράγαλον olds, τοῦτο τρῖψαι

λεῖον, καὶ παραμῖξαι μέλιτος ὡς" καλλίστου ἣμι-
ὃ 2. ἐψήσας.
ὃ ΄,
ἐν> Buin,’
Kal ‘Ueἡμικοτύλιον

ἐλαίου καὶ ἀπὸ σεύτλων ξἑφθῶν ὕδατος τέσσερας

5 / \ Ξ) \ / Δ ΄ (" /

κοτύλας ἐξαιθριάσας: ἢν δὲ βούλῃ. ἀντὶ σεύτλου

“ , cys 2 Ξ- , 8
ὄνειον γάλα ἑψήσας παραμῖξαι. ταῦτα τρίψας
κλύζειν, ἤν τε ὃ πυρετὸς ἐπῇ HY τε μή. pudpnua-
Ue Ὑ [φ \ 5 a Vv tL Ὁ: /

σι δὲδὲ χρήσθω
ey) ,
πτισάνῃ θέφθ
καθέφθῳ, zy
μέλι ere
| ποιαῦτα δρᾶν om. M. 2 Del. Vander Linden. 3 0:
εὐθὺς M. 4 οὖν om. Μ. ἐν om. Θ. 6 ὡς om. Μ.
70: θυμίη M. 8 @: μίζας M.

from the following: when he comes to his senses, he

reports having had dreams that correspond to the
way he moved his body and spoke with his tongue.
These things he suffers as described. Sometimes,
he may also lie speechless the whole day and night,
taking frequent deep breaths. When his derange-
ment ceases, he immediately regains his senses,
and, if someone questions him, he answers
correctly and understands everything that is said.
But then, a little later, he labours again under the
same distress. This disease usually attacks abroad,
if a person is travelling a lonely road somewhere,
and fear seizes him, although it does also occur
under other circumstances.
When the case is such, then, give the patient five
obols weight of black hellebore to drink in sweet
wine. Or administer an enema as follows: Egyp-
tian soda to the amount of a sheep’s vertebra, grind
this fine; mix it together in a mortar with a half-
cotyle of the finest honey you have, boiled, a half-
cotyle of oil, and four cotylai of juice boiled from
beets and exposed to the open air; if you wish,
instead of the beet juice add boiled ass’s milk; mash
these together, and administer as an enema,
whether fever is present or not. As gruel let the
patient take boiled-down barley-water with honey;
΄ \ , \ oo \o» ΄
πινέτω δὲ μέλι καὶ ὕδωρ καὶ ὄξος συγκεράσας,
ἕως av κριθῇ ἣ νοῦσος: κρίνεται δ᾽ ἐν τεσ᾿σεράκον-
~ - >
ταὶ ἡμέρῃσι τὸ μακρότατον, εἰ θανάσιμος ἢ οὔ.
πολλοῖσι δὲ ἤδη τοῦ νοσήματος πεπαυμένου
πάλιν ἣ νοῦσος ὑπετρόπασεν᾽" ἣν οὖν ὑποτροπάσῃ.
΄ὔ ig “ ¢ / ronal ἊΣ ς ΄

> a , ς -
κίνδυνος αὐτὸν διαφθαρῆναι κρίνεται 8 ἢ νοῦσος
ἐν ἑπτὰ ἡμέρησιν,ἢν ὑποτροπάσῃ, εἰ" θανάσιμος
n v BI \ , 5 , 5 ,ὔ ,
ἢ ov. nv δὲ ταύτας ἐκφύγῃ. od μάλα θνήσκει,
> \ - / waz
ἀλλὰ τοῖσι πολλοῖσι μελεδαινομένη ἐξέρχεται.
« \ , ς Ξ , ͵ ΟΝ ἢ
ὅταν δὲ παύσηται 7 νοῦσος, διαίτῃ xpnobw, ἣσύ-
Qe fF 5) ς / D
χως προσάγων ὁπόσον av ἣ κοιλίη προσδέξηται
ὡς" μὴ συγκαυθῆ. μήτε διάρροια ἐπιγένηται ἀμ-
φότερα yap δοκέει κινδυνώδεα εἶναι. Kal λούσθω
/ \ / / Ss \ ,

δὲ ἑκάστης ἡμέρης. καὶ περιπατείτω ὀλίγα μετὰ

σιτία καὶ ἐσθῆτα κούφην ἐχέτω καὶ μαλθακήν᾽
καὶ γαλακτοποτείτω τὴν ὥρην καὶ ὀροποτείτω
πέντε καὶ τεσσεράκοντα ἡμέρας. ταῦτα ἣν
ποιέῃ. τάχιστα ὑγιὴς ἔσται. 7 δὲ νοῦσος χαλεπὴ
καὶ δεῖται μελέτης πολλῆς.
49. “AAAo παχύ: γίνεται μὲν ἀπὸ φλέγματος
σαπέντος τῷδε <de>* δῆλον γίνεται, ὅτι σαπρόν
ἐστιν ἐρεύγεται ἀπ᾽ αὐτοῦ THY ὀδμὴν ἔχον, οἷόν
>) ὑπὸ =

περ papavidas φαγόντος. τὸ δὲ νόσημα ἄρχεται

ς 7 Ν \ / v

ἀπὸ τῶν σκελέων γινόμενον, εἶτα ἀνέρχεται ἐκ

τῶν σκελέων ἐς τὴν κοιλίην, καὶ ὅταν ἐν TH κοι-
~ ti 5 \ / Ws ν᾿ ~

| ©: δεκατέσσαρσι Μ. ὄ my... 0: 7M. 3 Potter: -€XNTAL

ws O: τ-δέξηται καὶ Μ. 4 Cornarius: τῷδε Θ: τόδε Μ.


let him drink a mixture of honey, water and

vinegar until the disease reaches its crisis, which is
in forty days at the longest, these deciding whether
or not the patient will die. In many, the disease
has recurred after it had gone away; now, if it does
recur, there is a danger that the patient will perish.
If it recurs, the disease has its crisis in seven days,
which decide whether or not the patient will die. If
he escapes these, he is not likely to die, but in most
cases, if treated, the disease goes away. When the
disease is over, let the patient follow the regimen of
cautiously increasing his intake as much as his
cavity is able to accept without becoming burnt up
or without diarrhoea coming on, for these are both
held to be dangerous. Let him bathe each day, and
walk about a little after his meals; let him have
foods that are light and mild, and drink milk and
whey in season for forty-five days. If he does these
things, he will very quickly become well. The
disease is severe and requires much care.
49. Another “thick” disease: this one arises
from putrefied phlegm; the following shows that the
phlegm is putrid: the patient’s belches have an
odour, from the phlegm, like those of a person that
has eaten radishes. This disease begins from the
legs, then migrates from the legs into the cavity,

Rin εἴη." αὖτις ἀνέρχεται πρὸς τὰ σπλάγχνα. καὶ

ὅταν στῇ πρὸς τοῖσι σπλάγχνοισι. μύζει καὶ ἔμε-
[2 ~ \ ~ Ὑ

τον ἄγει, ἅμα Uj 7

Kal λάπην ὀξέην ὑπόσαπρον᾽ καὶ
ὅταν ἀπεμέσῃ. οὐκ ἔχει ἑωυτόν. ἔπειτα ἀπορίαι
πρὸς τοῖσι σπλάγχνοισιν, ἐνίοτε δὲ καὶ ἐς τὴν
κεφαλὴν ἐξαπίνης ὀδύνη στηρίζει ὀξέη. ὥστε οὔτε
\ 9 / 5 / / 5 / er Ὑ

290 τοῖσιν ὀφθαλμοῖσιν ἀνορᾶν οὔτε τοῖσιν ὠσὶν

ἀκούειν δύναται ἀπὸ τοῦ Bapeos. ἱδρώς τε πολὺς
2) / / τὶ \ ~ / ς / \

καταχεῖται καὶ κάκοδμος, μάλιστα μὲν ἣν ἢ ὀδύ-

vn ἔχῃ. καταχεῖται δὲ Kal ὅταν" ἢ ὀδύνη λωφᾷ.
Ὑ ~ Ν Ν 2 Cc 2: / >

καὶ τῆς νυκτὸς" μάλιστα. 7 δὲ χροιὴ αὐτοῦ μάλι-

ota’ ἱκτερώδης γίνεται. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος τῆς προ-
τέρης ἧσσον θανατώδης.
Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. καθαίρειν τὴν κοι-
λίην, κάτω μὲν τῷ ἱππόφεῳ. ἄνω δὲ ἐλλεβόρῳ
καὶ τὴν κεφαλὴν ‘xd Baupe τῷ τετραγώνῳ. Kal
ὅταν ὑπὸ τοῦ ἐλλεβόρου κεκαθαρμένος 7, TH
ὑστεραίῃ ὀνείῳ γάλακτι ἑφθῷ ὑποκαθῆραι. τῇ δὲ \

τρίτῃ aiyelw ἑφθῷ. Kal TH τετάρτῃ Kal TH πέμ-

/ / ~ \ = / \ ~ /

πτῃ ἄλλας 8° εἴκοσιν ὠμὸν βόειον ἢ αἴγειον

Ὑ 95 Ὑ τ \ ΄ Ἃ Ὑ

γάλα διδόναι. τρίτον μέρος μελικρήτου παραχέων,

πινέτω δὲ τοῦ γάλακτος χοέα. μετὰ δὲ τὴν
, (Gee , ὙΡΕΣ ἐὰ ͵ a
κάθαρσιν" τῶν φαρμάκων ταὐτὰ προσφερέσθω ὅσα
Kal δ΄ ὑπὸ τοῦ ὑδέρου ἐχόμενος" τὸν δὲ λοιπὸν\
ὧν oyfps oe i AES a) ie 8 ᾿ \

1@: στῇ M. 20: ny M. 3 λωφᾷ.... νυκτὸς O: τε Kal λωφᾷ

τῆς νούσου Μ. 4 μάλιστα om. M. 5 δ᾽ om. 0. 6M
adds τὴν κάτω. 7 Potter: καὶ ὅσα θ᾽ ©: ἃ καὶ ὃς M. 80:
ἔχεται M.

and, when it has arrived in the cavity, it migrates

again to the inward parts; when it has settled in
the inward parts, it rumbles and provokes vomit-
ing, and with it a sharp somewhat putrid scum;
after he vomits, the patient is no longer himself.
There is distress in the inward parts, and some-
times sharp pain also suddenly fixes itself in the
head, so that the patient can neither look up with
his eyes, nor hear with his ears, from its gravity.
Sweat pours down copious and foul-smelling, espe-
cially if the pain is present, though also when it
abates, and particularly at night. The patient’s
colour becomes very jaundiced. This disease is less
mortal than the preceding one.
When the case is such, clean the patient’s cavity
downwards with hippopheos, and upwards with
hellebore; clean out his head with square-berry.
When he has been cleaned with the hellebore, the
next day clean him downwards with boiled ass’s
milk, the third day with boiled goat’s milk, and also
the fourth and fifth; for twenty more days give raw
cow’s or goat’s milk, adding one third part of meli-
crat; let him drink a chous of this milk. After the
cleaning, let the patient receive the same medica-
tions as a patient with dropsy; from then on, let

χρόνον, τὸ γάλα πίνειν, ' δειπνείτω δὲ ἄρτον



ἢἋ καλλιώνυμον
κόκκυγα ἢ pivns τέμαχος ἑφθὸν ἐν ἀρτύμασι: κρέα
δὲ olds ἢ ἀλεκτρυόνος νεοσσοῦ ταῦτα EdOd: οἶνον
δὲ πινέτω λευκόν, HY ξυμφέρῃ εἰ δὲ μή. ἄλλον
Ν / / Ἃ / ». \ / vv

μέλανα αὐστηρόν. εἶτα" περιπατείτω ὀλίγα"

μετὰ τὸ δεῖπνον, φυλασσόμενος ὅπως av* μὴ
\ x ~ fé a “ 4 \

ῥιγώσῃ. τούτῳ nv ξυμφέρῃ. τὰ σιτία διδόναι, ἣν δὲ

ς / / Ἃ / \ ie / Ἃ Ν

μὴ\ συμφέρῃ
τὰ\ σιτία."
Dan etd
ῥύφημα ,
διδόναι ,
ἢ κέγχρου. ταύτῃ τῇ νούσῳ ἣν τριήκοντα ἡμέραι
παρέλθωσιν,. ὑγιαίνεται ὥνθρωπος: αὗται yap κρί-
νουσιν εἰ θανάσιμος ἢ οὔ. ἢ δὲ νοῦσος χαλεπή.
292 50. Ἄλλο παχύ: γίνεται τὸ νόσημα ἀπὸ φλέγ-
ματος λευκοῦ: ξυνίσταται δὲ ἐν τῇ κοιλίη, ὅταν
πυρετοὶ πολυχρόνιοι κατάσχωσι τὸ σῶμα. ἄρχε-
ται δὲ τὸ νόσημα ἐκ τοῦ προσώπου γινόμενον,
καὶ οἴδημα ἐγγίνεται: εἶτα κατέρχεται ἐς τὴν κοι-
λίην, καὶ ὅταν ἐν τῇ κοιλίη στῆ. ἀείρει μεγάλην
τὴν γαστέρα: καὶ τὸ σῶμα κοπιᾷ ὡς ὑπὸ ταλαι-
mwpins καὶ ἐν τῇ κοιλίη βάρος ἴσχει" καὶ πόνος
ἰσχυρός: καὶ οἱ πόδες οἰδέουσι. καὶ ὅταν ὕσῃ τῆς
~ ~ >
γῆς Kal τῆς κονίας οὐκ ἀνέχεται Odpw@pevos ἢν ὃ
ς Ν
τῷσὰς ὑσμένω᾽
Ὡς / σῇ
Kal ΝῊὀδμήσηται"
/ 8

γῆς. ἐξαπίνης πίπτει.

΄ > / /

| ©: ὁκόταν τὸ γάλα πίνῃ Μ. 2M: εἰ δὲ μὴ ΘΟ. 3 ὀλίγα om. M.

4 φ. 0. ἂν O: ὅκως M. 5 χὰ σιτία... τὰ σιτία OM. O.
5 ©: ἐς τὴν -ίην β. ἐνῇ Μ. 1 @: ὑετῷ Μ. 8 Θ; ὀδμηθῃ Μ.

him drink milk, have for dinner well-baked bread

and, as main dish, scorpion fish, star-gazer, piper,
or a slice of angel-fish boiled in seasonings, or
boiled meat of sheep or chicken; let him drink white
wine, if it benefits him; if not, then a different sort
of dry dark wine. Then let him go for short walks
after dinner, taking care not to have a chill. If it
benefits this patient, give him food, but if food does
not benefit him, give barley-water or millet gruel.
In this disease, if thirty days pass, the person
recovers, for this is the critical period that decides
whether or not he will die. The disease is severe.
50. Another “thick” disease: this one arises
from white phlegm, which congeals in the cavity
when longstanding fevers beset the body. The
disease begins with a swelling of the face; then it
moves down to the cavity and, on becoming estab-
lished there, raises the belly up large; the body
suffers weariness, as if from exertion; in the cavity
there is heaviness and a violent ache; the feet
swell. When it rains, this patient cannot stand to
smell the earth and the dust; if he happens to be
standing in the rain, and he smells the earth, he
immediately falls down.

Αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος καὶ διαπαύουσα τῆς προτέρης

πλείω χρόνον ἐπιλαμβάνει καὶ Χρονιωτέρη «ἀπαλ-
λάσσεται. μελετᾶν δὲ χρὴ τοῖσιν αὐτοῖς οἷσι καὶ
τὸν ὑδεριῶντα, πυρίησι Kal φαρμάκοισι καὶ ἐδέ-
σμασι καὶ ταλαιπωρίῃσιν. αὕτη ἣ νοῦσος προσί-
σχει μάλιστα ἕξ ἔτεα. εἶτα ἐξέρχεται μελετωμένη
ἐν χρόνῳ, ἢν μὴ κατ᾽ ἀρχὰς ἰηθῇ ἢ γὰρ νοῦσος
᾿ 3 ΡΝ ΄

χαλεπὴ καὶ μελέτης δεῖται πολλῆς.

51. ᾿Ἰσχιὰς δὲ ἀπὸ τῶνδε μάλιστα γίνεται
Ἄ Ν \ 2) \ ~ / /

τοῖσι πολλοῖσιν" ἣν εἱληθῇ" ἐν ἡλίω πολὺν χρόνον

~ AX ~ ᾿ Ἃ iA AF! 5 ἡλί λὺ ἦν

Kal τὰ ἰσχία διαθερμανθῇ καὶ τὸ ὑγρὸν ἀναξηραν-

~ Ὁ 2

θῇ ὑπὸ τοῦ καύματος τὸ ἐνεὸν ἐν τοῖσιν ἄρθροισιν.

ὡς δὲ ἀναξηραίνεται καὶ πήγνυται, τόδε μοι
τεκμήριον. ὃ γὰρ νοσέων στρέφεσθαι καὶ κινέειν
τὰ ἄρθρα οὐ δύναται ὑπὸ τῆς ἀλγηδόνος τῶν ἂρ-
ΝΕ 5 / ¢ \ a Ὁ) / ~ Ὑ

θρων καὶ τοῦ ξυμπεπηγέναι τοὺς σφονδύλους.

ἀλγέει δὲ μάλιστα THY ὀσφῦν Kal τοὺς opovdd-
5} / \ / \ Ἂ ~ \ \ /

λους" τοὺς ἐκ πλαγίων τῶν ἰσχίων καὶ τὰ γούνα-

τα. ἵσταται δὲ 7 ὀδύνη πλεῖστον χρόνον ἐν τοῖσι
294 | βουβῶσιν ἅμα καὶ τοῖσιν ἰσχίοις ὀξέη καὶ καυ-
ματώδης: καὶ ἤν τις αὐτὸν ἀνιστῇ ἢ μετακινέῃ,
οἰμώζει ὑπὸ τῆς ἀλγηδόνος ὅσον ἂν μέγιστον
δύνηται. ἐνίοτε δὲ καὶ ὃ σπασμὸς ἐπιγίνεται καὶ
ῥῖγος καὶ πυρετός. γίνεται δὲ τὸ νόσημα" ἀπὸ

' Coray, Littré: ἔλθῃ OM. 2 aAyee .. . σφονδύλους om. O.

3 τὸ ν. O: καὶ Μ.

This disease, even though intermittent, attacks

for a longer time than the preceding one, and is
relieved later. You must treat with the same
things prescribed for a patient with dropsy:
vapour-baths, medications, foods and exercises.
The disease usually continues for six years; then, if
cared for, it gradually goes away, even if at first it
was not treated; the disease is severe, and requires
much care.
51. Sciatica generally arises from the following,
in the majority of cases: if a person is exposed to
the sun for a long time, and his hip-joints become
heated, and the moisture present in them is dried
up by the burning heat. My proof that the moisture
is dried up and congealed is this: the patient can-
not turn and move his joints, because of the pain in
them, and because the vertebrae have become fixed.
He has pain especially in the loins, in the vertebrae
that grow out of the oblique part of the hip-bone,
and in the knees. Sharp burning pain persists
longest in the groins, and also in the hip-joints; if
someone stands the patient up, or shifts him, he
cries out at the top of his voice from the pain. Also,
sometimes a convulsion supervenes, or chills and
fever. The disease can arise from bile, but also
a , \ ae mee , 1 Np ON
χολῆς: γίνεται δὲ Kal ἀπὸ φλέγματος Kal ἀπὸ
αἵματος: καὶ ὀδύναι παραπλήσιαι ἀπὸ πάντων
τούτων" τῶν νοσημάτων καὶ ῥῖγος καὶ πυρετὸς
ἐνίοτε ἐπιλαμβάνει βληχρός.
asf 2) iy /

᾿Αλλὰ χρὴ ὧδε μελετᾶν τὸν ἀπὸ τοῦ ἡλίου

νοσέοντα. ὑγραίνειν αὐτοῦ τὸ σῶμα τῇ πυριήσει
καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν σιτίων καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν" ποτῶν καὶ ἀπὸ
τῶν ἄλλων τῶν διδομένων: διδόναι δὲ χλιαρὰ καὶ
ὑγρά, ταῦτα δὲ πάντα εφθά. σίτῳ δὲ χρήσθω μά-
ie / ~ Ν / ¢ / / \ / /

ζῃ μαλθακῇ ἀτρίπτῳ οἶνον δὲ πινέτω λευκὸν

ὑδαρέα. καὶ τῷ σώματι ἡσυχίην ἐχέτω" ἢν δὲ καὶ
Cc / \ ~ / c / >) / Ἃ Ν Ν

δυνατὸς“ ἢ ἀνίστασθαι." ddAtya περιπατείτω Kal

oy / \

μὴ ῥιγούτω: καὶ ἑκάστης ἡμέρης" λούσθω μὴ

πολλῷ. καὶ ὅταν σοι δοκέῃ καλῶς ἔχειν καὶ
ὑγρὸς εἶναι τὸ σῶμα, πυράσαι σφόδρα βληχρῇ τῇ
mupin μᾶλλον γὰρ ἀνήσει καὶ ὑγρανεῖ τὸ συμ-
πεπηγὸς ἐκ τῶν ἄρθρων. εἶτα τῇ ὑστεραίῃ πῖσαι
τοῦ Ἀνιδίου κόκκου. ἣν δὲ μὴ ὠφελήσῃ αὐτόν,
΄ K δέ / “ de \ 5 φ λ / 5 / τι

κλύσαι τοῖσδε χρὴ αὐτόν: τρίβειν κυμίνου ἣμι-

/ ~ \ / / /

κοτύλιον, σικύην ἄτμητον τῶν σμικρῶν καὶ στρογ-

γύλων συγκόψας ἐν τῷ ὅλμῳ, καὶ σήσας ὡς
λεπτότατα λίτρου ἐρυθροῦ Αἰγυπτίου τεταρτη-
μόριον μνᾶς, ὀπτήσας. τρίψας λεῖον. ταῦτα μίξας"

1 γ. δὲ x. a. φ. O: καὶ φλέγματος: γίνεται δὲ Μ. 2 ἀπὸ π. τ. O: ὡς

καὶ ὑπὸ πάντων Μ. 3 ἀπὸ τῶν om. Μ. 4 ρ; ἀδύνατος Μ.
5 \ ~ , .
° M adds πλὴν. Se n. after περιπατείτω in M.
αὐτόν om. M. 8 μίξας om. M.

from phlegm and blood; the pains from all of these

diseases are similar; sometimes mild chills and
fever are present.
You must treat the patient whose illness is from
the sun thus: moisten his body with a vapour-bath,
and by means of foods, drinks and other things you
give; give these warm and moist, all of them boiled.
As cereal let him employ soft unkneaded barley-
cake, and drink white wine well mixed with water.
Let him rest his body; if he is able to stand up, let
him take short walks, but avoid having a chill; let
him bathe each day with very little water. When
the patient seems to you to be in a good state, and
moist of body, apply a very gentle vapour-bath; for
that will be effective in moistening and resolving
the congealed matter from his joints. Then on the
next day have him drink Cnidian berry. If this
does not help, you must clean him with the follow-
ing enema: grind a half-cotyle of cummin, bray an
uncut bottle-gourd of the small round kind in a
mortar, sift the fourth part of a mina of red Egyp-
tian soda as fine as possible, roast, grind fine, mix


ἐμβάλλειν ἐς χυτρίδα, καὶ ἐπιχέαι ἐλαίου κοτύ-

Anv, μέλιτος ἡμικοτύλιον, οἴνου λευκοῦ γλυκέος"
, , , , 2 - C peste
κοτύλην, σεύτλου δύο κοτύλας“ ταῦτα ἐψεῖν, ἕως
ἂν δοκέῃ σοι καλῶς ἔχειν TOD πάχεος: εἶτα διηθή-
σας δι΄ ὀθονίου. παραμίξαι αὐτοῖσι μέλιτος ᾿Αττι-
ΕΣ 7ὔ ~ 5 = , b)

296 κοῦ κοτύλην, ἢν μὴ βούλῃ συνεψεῖν τὸ μέλι ἢν

~ / Ἃ \ / ~ \ / Ἃ

€ μὴ ἔχῃς ᾿Αττικόν, κοτύλην τοῦ καλλίστου

δὲ \ Ὑ A / SA a λλί

δ᾽aah ἑψῆσαι
Atay haces

δὲ\ τὸ\ κλύσμα

παχύτερον 7, οἴνου τοῦ αὐτοῦ παραχεῖ πρὸς τὸ

/ i

χρὴ μέχρι τριῶν ἡμερέων καθαίρεσθαι: ἢν δὲ

πλέονας ἡμέρας καθαίρηται, βοείου ἢ αἰγείου
κοτύλας τρεῖς γάλακτος δοῦναι ἐκπιεῖν. εἶτα
σεῦτλα λιπαρά, περιπάσαντα." δοῦναι ἐσθίειν
ἄναλτα. ἐκ ταύτης τῆς νούσου πολλοὶ ἤδη χωλοὶ
Ὑ Ὁ) / ~ / \ ov \

Hv δὲ ἀπὸ χολῆς 7 νοῦσος γένηται, moa
Ἃ Ν 5 \ > c ~ / ~

αὐτὸν ἐλλέβορον κάτω ἢ ὀπὸν σκαμωνίης: μετὰ

2) \ 5) / / Ἃ 2) \ / si

δὲ τὴν κάθαρσιν πτισάνης, μέλι παραχέας. δύο

τρυβλία7, δοῦναι
> a
τῇ- 8 EACὑστεραίῃ᾽ὔ ἢἋ THlo
τρίτῃ πυριάσας γάλακτι ὀνείῳ ἑφθῷ PSE Bes
ἐς ἑσπέρην de σεύτλων ἐφθῶν λιπαρῶν τρία"
τρυβλία ἐκφαγέτω ἄλφιτα περιπάσας: οἶνον δὲ
πινέτω λευκόν, ὑδαρέα, γλυκὺν" καὶ νῦν καὶ μετὰ
τοῦ φαρμάκου τὴν δόσιν."
1 γλυκέος om. M. 2 On: χυλοῦ Μ. 3 Θ: -παστα M.
4 σεύτλων ... τ. O: τεύτλου λιπαροῦ δύο Μ. ὅ γλυκὺν om. Θ.
69; κάθαρσιν Μ.

these together, and pour into a pot; add a cotyle of

oil, a half-cotyle of honey, a cotyle of sweet white
wine, and two cotylai of beets; boil these until you
think they have the proper consistency; then strain
through a linen cloth, and add a cotyle of Attic
honey to them, if you do not wish to boil the honey
together with them; if you do not have Attic honey,
mix in a cotyle of the best kind you have, and boil
in a mortar; if the fluid is too thick, pour in some of
the same wine, judging according to the thickness;
administer as an enema. Allow the patient to be
cleaned out for three days; however, if the cleaning
goes on for longer, give him three cotylai of cow’s or
goat’s milk to drink off. Then give him beets boiled
in grease to eat, without salt, but generously sprin-
kled with meal. From this disease many persons
have become lame.
If the disease has arisen from bile, have the
patient drink hellebore to clean downwards, or
scammony juice; after the cleaning, as gruel give
him two bowls of barley-water with honey, to drink
off. On the next day, or the day after that, adminis-
ter a vapour-bath, and clean downwards with
boiled ass’s milk; towards evening, let the patient
eat three bowls of beets boiled in grease and sprin-
kled with meal; let him drink a sweet white wine
diluted with water, both now and after the medica-
tion has been given.

ν δὲ ἀπὸ φλέγματος νοσήσῃ, mica αὐτὸν
δὲ 2) \ λέ / ~ ν \

τοῦ Κνιδίου κόκκου ἢ τοῦ ἱππόφεω πυριάσας:

μετὰ \
δὲ τὴν κάθαρσιν ταὐτὰ προσφέρειν Kal pudy-
\ \ / 5 \ / AC /

ματα καὶ ποτὰ καὶ γαλακτοπωσίην. τὰς δὲ με-

ταξὺ τῶν ἡμερέων διαίτῃ χρήσθω ὡς κουφοτάτῃ.
καὶ ἣν μὲν ὑπὸ τούτων ὠφελῆται. ἅλις: HY δὲ μή,
NN \ ς \ / 5 > [7 Ἃ Ν /

καῦσαι αὐτόν, τὰ μὲν ὀστώδεα μύκησι, τὰ δὲ σαρ-

κώδεα σιδηρίοισι πολλὰς ἐσχάρας Kal βαθείας.
/ / Ν 2 / \ /

Hy δὲNey ὑφ᾽

προσβάλλειν, καὶ φλεβοτομέειν τὰς ἐν τῆσιν

ἰγνύησι φλέβας: ἢν δὲ δοκέῃ. καὶ τοῦ Kyidéiov
κόκκου πῖσαι αὐτόν. διαίτῃ δὲ χρήσθω ὡς ξηρο-
/ ~ >) / / \ fd ζ

4 e
(5. de
δὲ μᾶλλον
μὲν\ μὴ\ πινέτω:
7ὕ ἄι
ἢν δ᾽ ἄρα
δὴ Ὑ

καὶ πίνῃ. ὡς ἐλάχιστον καὶ ὑδαρέστατον. καὶ

περιπατεῖν κελεύειν, ἣν δυναταὸς ἢ, ὡς πλεῖστα:
298 συμφέρει δὲ καὶ τῷ | ἀπὸ τοῦ φλέγματος νοσέον-
τι ταὐτὰ ποιέειν. ἢν δὲ μὴ δύνηται ἵστασθαι. ἐν
B P δ / “Kn \ Ν / vB iv] >)

τῇ κλίνῃ χρὴ περιστρέφειν' ὡς πυκνότατα---ἀφ

~ >

ἥδ | δ U Ἃ >)
οὗ av vooén, πάντας" ὁμοίως---ὅπως ἂν ἐντὸς μὴ
ξυμφυῇ ὃ χόνδρος: ἣν δὲ ξυμφυῇ καὶ τὰ ἄρθρα
~ ¢ / Ἃ \ ~ \ \ vv

συμπαγῇ. πᾶσα ἀνάγκη χωλόν ἐστι γενέσθαι."

καὶ ἣν κλύσαι βούλῃ τὸν ἀπὸ τοῦ αἵματος νοσέον-
ΝΠ / vs \ 2) oY ~ id4 7

τα, ὥστε αἷμα ἀπάγειν καὶ φλέγμα ἀπὸ τῶν

ἰσχίων, τοῖσδε χρὴ κλύζειν: ἁλὸς δραχμίδα τρί-
5 / ~ \ / ig Ν ,ὔ

ψας. παραμῖξαι ἐλαίου κοτύλην καὶ ἀπὸ κριθέων

Θ᾽ -φέρειν Μ. 2 @: καὶ ἅπαντα Μ. 3.Μ adds τὸν


If the patient’s illness is caused by phlegm,

administer a vapour-bath, and have him drink Cni-
dian berry or hippopheos; after the cleaning,
administer the same gruels, potions and milk-
drinks. On the days between, let him follow as
light a regimen as possible. If he is benefited by
these things, fine; if not, cauterize him, the osseous
parts with fungi, the fleshy ones with irons, making
many deep eschars.
If the patient’s illness is caused by blood, after a
vapour-bath apply a cupping instrument and phle-
botomize the vessels in the ham; if it seems advis-
able, also have him drink Cnidian berry. Let him
follow a very dry regimen; wine he had better not
drink, but if he does drink it, let it be very little and
very dilute. Order him to take walks, if he is able,
and as many as possible; it also benefits the person
ailing because of phlegm to do the same. If this
patient cannot stand up, you must turn him over in
bed very frequently—all patients alike, whatever
the source of their sickness—in order that the car-
tilage within does not grow together; if it does grow
together, and the joints become fixed, the patient
will inevitably become lame. If you wish to admin-
ister an enema to the patient whose disease is
caused by blood, in order to draw blood and phelgm
out of his hip-joints, you must employ the following
one: grind a handful of salt, mix together with it
> a “ΠΗ , > cr , a
ὀπτῶν τρεῖς" κοτύλας, εἶτα οὕτω κλύζειν τοῦτον.
οὕτω μελετῶν τάχιστα ὑγιᾶ ποιήσεις. ἣ δὲ νοῦ-
gos” χρονίη.
52. Τέτανοι τρεῖς: ἢν μὲν ἐπὶ τρώματι γένη-
ται, πάσχει τάδε: αἱ γένυες πήγνυνται, καὶ τὸ
στόμα Siaipew οὐ δύναται. Kal οἱ ὀφθαλμοὶ δα-
/ / ΣΝ / \ ς 5 \

κρύουσι καὶ ἕλκονται, καὶ τὸ μετάφρενον πέπηγε.

Kal τὰ σκέλεα οὐ δύναται ξυγκάμπτειν, οὐδὲ τὰς
Ν Ν / 5 / / 2! \ \

χεῖρας καὶ" τὴν ῥάχιν. ὅταν δὲ θανατώδης ἢ. Kal

σ΄ \3 \ Ct [τ δὲ θ ἡὃ > \

τὸ ποτὸν καὶ τὰ βρώματα. ἃ πρότερον ἐβεβρώκει.

\ \ \ Ν / eA / ν᾿ 7

ἀνὰ τὰς ῥῖνας ἀνέρχεται ἐνίοτε.

Τοῦτον, ὅταν οὕτως ἔχῃ. πυριᾶν, καὶ ἀλείψαν-
Ξ \ Ag 44 7 \ ,
τα λιπαρῶς. πρὸς πῦρ ἕκαθεν θάλπειν: καὶ χλιά-
σματα προστιθέναι ὑπαλείψας τὸ σῶμα. καὶ
ἀψίνθιον 7 φύλλα δάφνης ἢ Tod ὑοσκυάμου τὸν
καρπὸν τρίψας καὶ λιβανωτόν, εἶτα οἴνω λευκῶ
διεὶς ἐγχέαι εἰς χυτρίδα καινήν. εἶτα ἐπιχέαι
Ν τ / 3 Δ “ay Ἄ / E

ἔλαιον ἴσον TH οἴνῳ. καὶ θερμήνας ἀλεῖψαι τὸ σῶ-

vv vv ~ Vv \ / ’ ~ \ ~

a ~6 Nie , 3
μα θερμῷ πολλῷ" καὶ τὴν κεφαλήν. εἶτα KaTa-
Ni Te id ih GY) \ , Ao 8 i,
κλίνας fev oxadn’ ἄνω THY σάρκα ποιῆσαι.
Kal ἀμφιέσαι ἱμάτια μαλθακὰ καὶ καθαρά, ὅπως
\ 5 / c / \ \ / ec

900 av ἐξιδρώσῃ σφόδρα. καὶ μελίκρητον yAcapov

Ἃ , / / \ / \

δοῦναι, ἢν μὲν δύνηται, κατὰ τὸ στόμα. εἰ δὲ μή.

κατὰ τὰς ῥῖνας eyyxety’ διδόναι δὲ Kal οἶνον λευκὸν
\ \ tA 5 ~ / \ \ > \

ὁ. τ. Θ: ἑφθῶν δύο Μ. 2M adds χαλεπὴ Kal. 3 ©: οὐδὲ M.
2 Μ: πυραναφθεν Θ. 5M: ἢ O. © πολλῷ Om. O.
GEG tter: ἐν Barre: ©: ἐμβατῃ M. O: -avra M.


a cotyle of oil and three cotylai of juice from

parched barley; then apply this to the patient. If
you treat in this way, you will very quickly make
the patient well. The disease lasts a long time.
52. Three tetanuses: if tetanus follows a wound,
the patient suffers the following: his jaws are fixed,
and he is unable to open his mouth; his eyes shed
tears and look awry; his back becomes rigid; he
cannot bend his legs, nor his arms and spine.
When he is near death, sometimes both the drink
and the food that he has taken earlier come up
through his nostrils.
When the case is such, treat the patient with
vapour-baths, anoint him generously with oil, and
warm him in firelight from a distance; anoint his
body, and apply fomentations. Grind wormwood,
bay leaves, or henbane seed with frankincense;
soak this in white wine, and pour it into a new pot;
add an amount of oil equal to the wine, warm, and
anoint the patient’s body copiously with the warm
fluid, and also his head. Then, laying him down in
a basin, make his tissue... ,! and clothe him in
clean soft blankets, in order that he will perspire
profusely. Give him warm melicrat, if he is able to
take it, through the mouth; if he is not able, pour it
into his nostrils; also give him very sweet white
1 The sense of this passage is lost.

κὸν ὡς ἥδιστον πίνειν καὶ πλεῖστον. ταῦτα χρὴ

ποιέειν ἑκάστης ἡμέρης. ἕως ἂν ὑγιὴς γένηται. ἣ δὲ
νοῦσος χαλεπὴ καὶ δεῖται μελέτης παραχρῆμα.
53. Ὃ δὲ ὀπισθότονος τὰ μεν ἄλλα πάσχει
πλῆθος τὰ αὐτά: γίνεται δὲ ὅταν τοὺς ἐν TH ad-
~ \ »] te / ΝᾺ \ p) ~ »)

χένι τένοντας τοὺς ὄπισθεν voonon νοσέει δὲ ὑπὸ

κυνάγχης ἢ σταφυλῆς ἢ τῶν ἀμφιβραγχίων ἐμ-
/ Ἃ > Ἃ ΄σ' ν / τὶ

πύων γενομένων; ἐνίοισι' δὲ καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς κεφαλῆς

πυρετῶν ἐπιγενομένων σπασμὸς ἐπιγίνεται ἤδη
δὲ καὶ ὑπὸ τρωμάτων. οὗτος ἕλκεται ἐς τοὔπι-
ofev, καὶ ὑπὸ τῆς ὀδύνης TO μετάφρενον Kal τὰ
Age \ lon 2) / \ / \ \

, a1 Vy et σε σὶ a = ¢
στήθεα oipwle Kal οὕτω" σπᾶται σφοδρῶς, ὥστε
μόγις αὐτὸν κατέχουσιν οἱ παρεόντες. ὥστε" μὴ
ἐκ τῆς κλίνης ἐκπίπτειν. οὗτος πολλάκις μὲν τῆς
ἡμέρης πονέει. πολλάκις δὲ κουφότερον διάγει.
is / / / \ / /

Τούτῳ τὰ αὐτὰ προσφέρειν. ἃ καὶ τῷ πρόσθεν.

ἢ δὲ νοῦσος προσίσχει ἡμέρας τεσσεράκοντα TO
c Ν ie if Cc / Ὁ \

μακρότατον: ἢν δὲ ταύτας διαφύγῃ. ὑγιαίνεται.

54. “Ode δὲ 6* τέτανος ἧσσον θανατώδης 7 ὃ
πρόσθεν, γίνεται
/ 6 /
δὲ ἀπὸ τῶν αὐτῶν.
de >) \ ~ Ἂ ~
πολλοὶ AA \ δὲ
καὶ πεσόντες ἐς τοὔπισθεν ἔλαβον τὸ νόσημα.
πάσχει οὖν τάδε: σπᾶται ὁμοίως πᾶν" τὸ σῶμα:
ἐνίοτε δὲ Kal ὅπῃ ἂν τύχῃ τοῦ σώματος σπᾶται.
5 / \ NEATE Ἃ / ~ / ~

καὶ περιφοιτᾷ μὲν TO πρῶτον" ἔπειτα προϊόντος

“σι ~ v -

τοῦ χρόνου ἐς τὴν κλίνην πίπτει καὶ αὖτις

! ©: ἐνίοτε M. 2k. 0. O: οὗτος M. 30: ὡς M.
10; Ὁ δὲ M. ° 6. a. ©: ὅλον Μ.

wine to drink, in large quantities. You must do

these things each day until the patient recovers.
The disease is severe, and requires immediate
53. The patient with opisthotonus suffers, on
the whole, the same, but the disease arises when he
is affected in the posterior tendons of the neck; his
illness arises from angina, from staphylitis, or from
a suppuration occurring in the parts about the
tonsils; also, in some cases, such a convulsion ori-
ginates from the head, when there are fevers; occa-
sionally it also follows wounds. This patient is
drawn backwards, and cries aloud from the pain in
his back and chest; he is drawn so forcefully that
the attendants can hardly prevent him from falling
out of bed. In the course of one day, he often
suffers severely, but at other times goes along more
Administer to this patient the same things as to
the preceding one. The disease continues for forty
days, at the longest; if the patient survives these,
he recovers.
54. The following tetanus is less often mortal
than the preceding one, but it arises from the same
things; many people have also taken it by falling
backward. Now the patient suffers the following:
he has a convulsion equally through his whole
body; sometimes, though, the convulsion is just in
some random part of the body. At first, he walks
about; then, after a time, he falls into bed; then the

ἀνῆκεν ὃ πόνος καὶ ὃ σπασμός. καὶ ἀναστὰς ἢν

περιέλθῃ ὀλίγας ἡμέρας, ἔπειτα αὖτις ἐν τοῖσιν
/ 5 σ

902 αὐτοῖσιν ἄλγεσιν κεῖται. ταῦτα | πάσχει καὶ

μεταβάλλει συχνὸν χρόνον. Kal ἤν τι φάγῃ. ov
/ \ Lf Nia oh / 3)

διαχωρέει κάτω. εἰ μὴ μόγις. καὶ ταῦτα συγκε-

2) 295
ἐν τοῖσι
Ὑ 1
τὸ\ σιτίον

καὶ πνῖγμα παρέχει.

Τοῦτον τοῖς αὐτοῖσι θεραπεύειν. οἷσι καὶ τοὺς
πρόσθεν. καὶ τάχιστα ὑγιᾶ ποιήσεις. κλύζειν
πτισάνῃ 7, ἑφθῇ
Ξ Ξ) λεπτῇἢ καὶ καὺμ'μέλιτι :
9: ἄρχεται Μ.


pain and convulsions remit again; then, if he gets

up and goes about for a few days, he labours once
more under the same pains. This is the nature of
his symptoms and how they continually change. If
the patient eats anything, it does not pass off below
or, if it does, only a little, and that burnt up; more
likely, he retains his food in his chest, and it pro-
vokes choking.
Treat this patient with the same things as the
preceding ones, and you will very quickly make him
well. As enema, employ thin boiled barley-water
and honey.



This piece of text is a continuation of Regimen in

Acute Diseases (Loeb Hippocrates, 11. 57-125). The
manuscript A introduces it as “the spurious addi-
tion to Barley-Gruel”,? M and V as the “beginning of
the spurious part”.
Erotian lists Barley-Gruel (Περὶ πτισάνης)" among
the therapeutic writings of Hippocrates and, from
the words he includes in his glossary, it is clear
that he accepts the Appendix as a part of the work.*
Galen has left us a long commentary on Regimen
in Acute Diseases including the Appendix. In the
introduction to the part of his commentary devoted
to the Appendix, he discusses the various argu-
ments that were advanced in his time for and
against authenticity.°
Athenaeus quotes a word from:
1 The transmission of the text of this treatise is dis-
cussed above, p. xi f.
2 Galen too knew this title; see Kiihn VII. 913.
3 Nachmanson p. 9.
4 See in particular (Nachmanson p. 81) 248 σποράδες
νοῦσοι from Regimen in Acute Diseases 5, 249 σπατίλη from
Regimen in Acute Diseases 28, and 250 σησαμοειδές from the
Appendix, ch. 60.
5 Κύμη XV. 732-734 = CMG V 9,1 pp. 271 f.

Hippocrates in Barley-Gruel, which is half spuri-

ous, or according to some wholly. . . .!

Caelius Aurelianus makes reference to several

passages from the Appendix, four times citing Hip-
pocrates’ book Against the Cnidian Maxims,? and
once Hippocrates’ On Regimen.* From this, it would
seem that he did not distinguish between “genuine”
and “spurious” parts of Regimen in Acute Diseases.
Modern discussion on the relationship of the two
parts is summarized well by Joly in the introduc-
tion to his edition.*

About the Appendix as a treatise, there is little

to say. Its chapters, although for the most part
internally coherent, bear little relationship to one
another, and, except for certain poorly defined cen-
tres of interest (e.g. in 1-18 nosology; in 19-29
semiology; in 43-50 dietetics), no ordering principle
is discernible. It is not known how the treatise
came into its present form.

' Deipnosophistae II 57c.

2 Acute Diseases III 25 (Drabkin 314) refers to Appen-
dix 9; Acute Diseases III 83 f. (Drabkin 352) refers to
Appendix 37; Chronic Diseases III 139 f. (Drabkin 802)
refers to Appendix 52 and 58; Chronic Diseases IV 77
(Drabkin 862-4) refers to Appendix 53.
3 Acute Diseases IT 154 (Drabkin 236) refers to Appen-
dix 34.
4 Pp. 11-14.

The Appendix has been included in all the stan-

dard collected editions and translations of the Hip-
pocratic Collection, and in the editions of Regimen
in Acute Diseases. Besides the works mentioned by
Jones (II. 61), I have also made reference to:

Τὸ περὶ διαίτης ὀξέων νοσημάτων. ἤτοι περὶ πτισσάνης.

De victus ratione in morbis acutis, sive De pti-
sana ... Ioanne Vassaeo interprete. Paris,
Robert Joly, Hippocrate, Du régime des mala-
dies aigués, Appendice, ..., Budé VI(2), Paris,
1972. (=Joly)
The standard edition of Galen’s commentary on
Regimen in Acute Diseases is:
Georg Helmreich, Galeni in Hippocratis De
victu acutorum commentaria IV, CMG V 9,1,
Leipzig and Berlin, 1914. pp. 115-366.
An English translation of the Appendix appeared
Francis Adams, The Genuine Works of Hippo-
crates, London, 1849, I. 313-36.


II 394 1. Καῦσος γίνεται, ὁπόταν ἀναξηρανθέντα τὰ

φλέβια ἐν θερινῇ ὥρῃ ἐπισπάσηται δριμέας καὶ
/ 2) ~ [7 5 / ΔΛ Ν

5, κ Sepsis ἴα / \ \ \
χολώδεας ἰχῶρας ep! Ewutd Kal πυρετὸς πολὺς
ἴσχει, τό τε σῶμα ὡς ὑπὸ κόπου" ἐχόμενον κοπιᾷ
Kal ἀλγέει. γίνεται δὲ ws ἐπὶ TO πολὺ Kal ἐκ
\ ἊΣ / / \ ς ῬΣ \ Ν Ν \ |

πορείης μακρῆς καὶ δίψεος μακροῦ, ὁπόταν ava-

ξηρανθέντα τὰ φλέβια δριμέα καὶ θερμὰ ῥεύματα
/ \ / / \ \ c /

ἐπισπάσηται. γίνεται 8 ἣ γλῶσσα τρηχείη Kal

> a

ξηρὴ καὶ μέλαινα, καὶ τὰ περὶ THY νηδὺν δακνό-

\ \ / Ν Ν Ν \ \ /

μενος ἀλγέει, τά τε ὑποχωρήματα ἔξυγρα καὶ

ὠχρὰ γίνεται: Kal δίψαι opodpal ἔνεισι. Kal aypu-
ν] Ν / \ / West? AN 5

396 vin, ἐνίοτε δὲ Kal |παραλλάξιες φρενῶν.

/ 2) / \ \ / ~

Τῷ τοιῷδε πίνειν μὲν ὕδωρ τε καὶ μελίκρητον

~ ~ / Ν er \ /

δίδου ἑφθὸν ὑδαρές. ὁπόσον ἐθέλει. καὶ ἣν πικρὸν

ζ ty c / 3 / Ἃ

τὸ στόμα γίνηται, ἐμέειν συμφέρει καὶ τὴν κοι-

λίην ὑποκλύσαι: ἢν δὲ μὴ πρὸς ταῦτα λύηται. γά-
λακτι ὄνου ἀφεψήσας κάθαιρε. ἁλμυρὸν δὲ μηδὲν
μηδὲ δριμὺ προσφέρειν, οὐ γὰρ ὑποίσει. ρῥύφημα
\ \ / 5 \ c [2 δι 7:

" ᾿ς ΄

δέ, ἔστ᾽ ἂν ἔξω τῶν κρίσεων" γίνηται. μὴ δίδου.

καὶ ἣν αἷμα ἐκ τῆς ῥινὸς ῥυῇ. λύεται τὸ πάθος.
ΓΑ: ἐς MV. 2 A: ὀστεοκόπου MV. 3A: κρισίμων MV.

1. Ardent fever occurs when the small vessels

are dried up in summer, and attract sharp bilious
sera; there is great fever, and the body, as if from
toil, suffers weariness and pain. This disease usu-
ally follows a long journey and prolonged thirst,
when the vessels, being dried up, attract sharp hot
fluxes. The tongue becomes rough, dry and dark,
the patient has a gnawing pain about the belly, and
his evacuations are watery and pale yellow; great
thirst is present, sleeplessness, and sometimes also
aberrations of the mind.
Give such a patient water and dilute boiled meli-
crat to drink, as much as he wants. If his mouth is
bitter, it helps to have him vomit, and to clean out
his cavity by means of an enema; if, with this, the
cavity is not opened, clean it with boiled-down ass’s
milk. Administer nothing salty or sharp, for the
patient will not tolerate it; do not give gruels until
he is beyond his crises. If blood flows from the
! Literally NOOA means “spurious”.
- ᾽
καὶ ἣν ἱδρῶτες ἐπιγένωνται' κριτικοὶ γνήσιοι μετ
οὔρων παχέων, λευκῶν καὶ λείων ὑφισταμένων.
Kal ἢν ἀπόστημά που γένηται. ἢν δ᾽ ἄνευ τού-

των λυθῇ, ὑποστροφὴ πάλιν ἔσται τῆς" ἄρρω

λ θῃ ς \ LA Vv a 2 bP) Ν

’ Cm eee S| , “ ,
στίης ἢ ἰσχίου" 7 σκελέων ἄλγημα συμβήσεται.
καὶ πτύσεται παχέα. NY μέλλῃ ὑγιὴς ἔσεσθαι.
2. Καύσου γένος ἄλλο. κοιλίη ὑπάγουσα δί-
998 ψεος μεστή, γλῶσσα τρηχείη. ξηρή. ἁλυκώδης,
7 Sees > ἘΞ , > ͵
οὔρων ἀπόληψις, aywvrin,* ἀκρωτήρια ἐψυγμένα.
τῷ τοιούτῳ ἢν μὴ αἷμα ἐκ βινὸς pun ἢ ἀπόστημα
la , Ἃ \ ΚΩ͂ > ς \ Cara (ADT ΄

περὶ τράχηλον γένηται ἢ σκελέων ἄλγημα Kal

Ἃ v

πτύσματα παχέα πτύσῃ---ταῦτα δὲ συστάσης

a / , ἌΣ τῆι EL OLA
τῆς κοιλίης γίνεται---- ἰσχίων" ὀδύνη ἢAy αἰδοίων
ον τ Ὁ

πελίωμα, οὐ κρίνεται: καὶ ὄρχις ἐνταθεὶς κριτικόν.

ῥυφήματα ἐπισπαστικὰ δίδου.
3. (2 1.) Τὰ ὀξέα πάθεα φλεβοτομήσεις, ἢν
ἰσχυρὸν φαίνηται τὸ νόσημα καὶ οἱ ἔχοντες ἀκμά-
ζωσι τῇ ἡλικίῃ καὶ ῥώμῃ. ἣν μὲν οὖν σύναγχος
ἐκλεικτῷπο ἀνακάθαιρε,
7.) ,ὕ
ἢν δὲNelἄλλο τι, TH~ πλευ-

~ Ἢ ΝΞ , /
ριτικῷ ἣν δὲ ἀσθενέστεροι φαίνωνται ἢδ καὶ \ πλέον

τοῦ αἵματος ἀφέλῃς, κλυσμῷ κατὰ" κοιλίην χρῇ

~ e up ‘r A ~ \6 λί ~

σθαι διὰ τρίτης

ΟΠ ἣμέ ΕΡΏΒΟ ἕως 5 ἂν ἐν ἀσφαλεί ἢ
γένηται ὃς νοσέων, Kal λιμῷΞὰ εἰ xpnor.' 7

1 MV: -yevvavTa A. 2 τῆς OM. A. bs A: των MV.

= A: ἀγρυπνίη MV. ° A: τοῦ MV. 6 MV: κάτω A.
' Littré: λειμῶ εἰ y. A: λιμοῦ χρήζοι MV: λιμῷ χρήζῃ Joly.

nose, the affection is resolved; also if true critical

sweats supervene, accompanied by thick white
urines having a fine sediment, and also if an
abscess forms anywhere. If it is resolved without
these, there will be a recurrence of the ailment, or
pain in the hip or legs will follow. If a patient is
going to recover, he will also expectorate thick
2. Another kind of ardent fever: the cavity in
downward motion, full of thirst; tongue rough, dry,
salty; stoppage of urine; distress; extremities cold.
In such a patient, unless blood flows from the nose,
or an abscess forms about the neck, or there is pain
in the legs, and he expectorates thick sputa—these
things happen when the cavity is contracted—or
unless pain arises in the hips, or there is lividness
of the genital organs, the disease does not reach a
crisis; a testicle being stretched tight is also an
indication of crisis. Give gruels that attract.!
3. The acute affections you treat with phlebo-
tomy, if the disease seems to be severe, and
patients are at the height of their youth and
strength. If it is a case of angina, clean upwards
with a lozenge, if some other disease, employ the
treatment used in pleurisy.” If patients appear too
weak, or you have drawn much blood, use an
enema for the cavity every other day until the
patient reaches safety, and fasting if he should
require it.
! Le. that attract and eliminate the peccant material.
? Perhaps a reference to chapter 31 below.

400 4. (3 L.) Φλεγμαίνοντα ὑποχόνδρια, τῇ" πνευ-

μάτων ἀπολήψει φρενῶν ἐντάσιες, πνευμάτων
προστάσιες ὀρθοπνοίης ξηρῆς---οἷσι μὴ πύον
ὕπεστιν, ἀλλὰ ὑπὸ πνευμάτων ἀπολήψιος τὰ
e 5 \ ¢ \ / 5 / \

πάθεα ταῦτα ὑπογίνεται"---καὶ ἥπατος περιωδυ-

viat Kal σπληνὸς βάρεα καὶ ἄλλαι φλεγμασίαι τε
/ \ δ᾽ \ / rf /

καὶ ὑπὲρ φρενῶν περιωδυνίαι καὶ συστροφαὶ νοση-

μάτων" οὐ δύνανται λύεσθαι. ἦν τις πρῶτον ἐπι-
χειρέῃ φαρμακεύειν: ἀλλὰ φλεβοτομίη τῶν τοιῶν-
/ / ») \ / =~ ~

de ἡγεμονικόν ἐστιν. ἔπειτα δὲ ἐπὶ κλυσμόν, ἢν

402 μὴ μέγα καὶ ἰσχυρὸν | τὸ νόσημα ἢ: εἰ δὲ μὴ καὶ
ὕστερον φαρμακείης δεῖ δεῖται δὲ ἀσφαλείης καὶ
μετριότητος μετὰ φλεβοτομίην φαρμακείη.
5. Ὁπόσοι δὲ τὰ φλεγμαίνοντα ἐν ἀρχῇ τῶν
νούσων ἐπιχειροῦσιν λύειν φαρμακείῃ. τοῦ μὲν συν-
τεταμένου καὶ φλεγμαίνοντος οὐδὲν ἀφαιρέου-
σιν----οὐ᾿ γὰρ
διαδιδοῖPeeὠμὸνNap ἐὸν
τὸ\ πάθος---τὰ
/ .
8 9? av-

τέχονσαν meh) OU; LECT) cli yey aires

/ ~ / \ c \ /

ἀσθενέος δὲ τοῦ σώματος γινομένου TO νόσημα ἐπι-

/ Ν ~ / \ /

κρατέει: ὅταν δὲ τὸ νόσημα ἐπικρατήσῃ τοῦ σώμα

/ a \ \ / 3) / ~ / Ξ

τος. TO τοιόνδε ἀνιήτως EXEL.

Ν / / 7

6. (4 1.) Τὸ δὲ ἄφωνον ἐξαίφνης γενέσθαι.

404 φλεβῶν ἀπολήψιες λυπέουσιν. ἣν ὑγιαίνοντι τόδε
συμβῇ ἄνευ προφάσιος ἢ ἄλλης αἰτίας ἰσχυρῆς.
a Vv / Ἃ Vv bey 4 5 ~

φλεβοτομέειν οὖν τὸν βραχίονα τὸν δεξιὸν τὴν

| Potter: μὴ AMV: ἐπὶ Reinhold. 2. MV add μάλιστα δὲ.
3 A adds ἃ.

4. Swelling of the hypochondrium, tension of the

diaphragm from the stoppage of air, blockage of air
in dry orthopnoea—in patients without suppura-
tion, but in whom these affections are due to a stop-
page of air—severe pains in the liver, heaviness of
the spleen and other phlegmasias, and severe pains
and disease complexes above the diaphragm can all
not be resolved if a person undertakes first to treat
with medications; but phlebotomy is the master of
such things. Then an enema, unless the disease is
great and severe; if it is great and severe, the
patient must employ a medication later as well; the
use of medications after phlebotomy requires cau-
tion and moderation.
5. Those who undertake to resolve swellings at
the beginning of diseases, by using medications,
draw off nothing of what is stretched and
swollen—for the affection does not go away as long
as it is unmatured—but consume the healthy ele-
ments that are resisting the disease. The body
weakens and the disease is victorious, and when
the disease wins out over the body, such a thing is
6. Suddenly becoming speechless: stoppage of
the vessels produces this evil, if it befalls a healthy
person without any antecedent condition or other
potent cause. Phlebotomize the inner vessel of the

cow φλέβα Kal ἀφαιρέειν τοῦ αἵματος κατὰ τὴν

vv / \ ») / ~ a \ \

ἕξιν καὶ τὴν ἡλικίην διαλογιζόμενον τὸ πλεῖον

a \ \ ig / / \ ~

καὶ τὸ ἔλασσον. συμπίπτει δὲ τοῖσι πλείστοισι

τοιάδε: ἐρυθρήματα προσώπου. καὶ ὀμμάτων στά-
σιες, καὶ διαστάσιες χειρῶν, τρισμοὶ ὀδόντων,
σφυγμοί, σιαγόνων συναγωγή. καὶ κατάψυξις
7. (5 L.) Πνευμάτων ἀπολήψιες ἀνὰ φλέβας.
ὁπόταν ἀλγήματα προσγένηται, μελαίνης χολῆς
406 | καὶ δριμέων ῥευμάτων ἐπιρρύσιες γίνονται:
ἀλγέει' δὲ τὰ ἐντὸς δακνόμενος: δηχθεῖσαι δὲ Kal
Ὗ / 1 \ \ , \ / ~ Ν x

λίην ξηραὶ γενόμεναι αἱ φλέβες ἐντείνονταί τε

καὶ φλεγμαίνουσαι ἐπισπῶνται τὰ ἐπιρρέοντα:
ὅθεν διαφθαρέντος τοῦ αἵματος καὶ τῶν πνευμά-
των ov δυναμένων ἐν αὐτῷ τὰς κατὰ φύσιν ὁδοὺς
βαδίζειν καταψύξιές τε γίνονται ὑπὸ τῆς στάσιος
καὶ σκοτώσιες καὶ ἀφωνίη καὶ καρηβαρίη ἢ καὶ
σπασμοί,if ἣν
ἢἋ τὸNeen ἧπαρ
ἐπὶ τὴν φλέβα ἔλθη ὅθεν ἐπίληπτοι γίνονται ἢ
ὅ \ \ / Vv iv] i) / / Ἃ

παραπλῆγες. ἢν ἐς τοὺς περιέχοντας τόπους

ἐμπέσῃ τὰ ῥεύματα καὶ ὑπὸ τῶν πνευμάτων οὐ
δυναμένων διεξιέναι καταξηρανθῇ.
/ / ~

408 8. ᾿Αλλὰ χρὴ τοὺς | τοιούτους προπυριῶντα \ \ \ / ~

φλεβοτομέειν ἐν ἀρχῇ εὐθέως μετεώρων ἐόντων

/ 2) »] ~ 2) / / a7

πάντων τῶν λυπεόντων ῥευμάτων" εὐβοηθητό-

/ ~ / / 7 /

| MV: ἀλγεῖται A. 2 Kuehlewein: πνευμάτων A: πνευμάτων

καὶ ῥευμάτων MV.

right arm and draw blood, reckoning whether more

or less according to the patient’s condition and age.
The following occur in most cases: red patches on
the face, fixation of the eyes, spreading of the
fingers, grinding of the teeth, throbbing, closing of
the jaws, and coldness of the extremities.
7. Stoppage of air through the vessels: when
pains come on, affluxes of dark bile and sharp fluids
are occurring; the patient suffers gnawing pains in
his inward parts. The vessels, being irritated and
too dry, stretch tight, swell up, and attract the
fluxes; from this, since the blood becomes disor-
dered and the air is no longer able to follow its nor-
mal paths through the blood, chills occur as a result
of stasis, along with darkening of the vision, loss of
speech, heaviness of the head, and even convul-
sions, if the fluxes have already reached the heart,
liver, or vessel’; from this, patients become epilep-
tic or are paralysed, if the fluxes invade the sur-
rounding parts and are dried up because air cannot
pass through.
8. After first subjecting such patients to a
vapour-bath, you must phlebotomize right at the
onset, while all the injurious fluids are unsettled;
! Presumably one of the large vessels such as the aorta
or the vena cava. 269

τερα γάρ ἐστιν: καὶ ἀναλαμβάνοντα καὶ τὰς κρίσιας

ἐπιθεωρέοντα φαρμακεύειν, nv μὴ κουφίζηται.
ἄνω: τὴν δὲ κάτω κοιλίην, HY μὴ ὑποχωρέη κλυ-
σμῷ. ὄνου γάλα ἑφθὸν δίδου, καὶ πινέτω μὴ
~ vv LA iC Ad δῶ \ 7 \

ἔλασσον δώδεκα KoTvAmv ἣν δὲ ῥώμῃ περιέχῃ.

ΣᾺ ὃ Dd AG τ Ἃ δὲ Ce. /

, ς 1
πλείω [ἑκκαίδεκα].
9. (6 L.) Σύναγχος δὲ γίνεται, ὁπόταν ἐκ τῆς
κεφαλῆς ῥεῦμα πολὺ Kal κολλῶδες ὥρην χειμερι-
~ CoA Ν \ ~ ec

νὴν ἢn> ἐαρινὴν"SoD) ἐς
τὰς\ opayitidas
, ,
φλέβας >
410 ρυῆ. καὶ τὸ ῥεῦμα" πλέον |διὰ τὴν εὐρύτητα ἐπι-
σπάσωνται. ὅταν δὲ ψυχρόν τε ἐὸν Kal κολλῶδες
/ ids \ / SA ἊΝ ~

ἐμφράξῃ τοῦ τε πνεύματος τὰς διεξόδους καὶ TOU

5 / ~ / \ / ἣν ~

αἵματος ἀποφράσσον, πήγνυσι τὰ σύνεγγυς τοῦ

αἵματος καὶ ἀκίνητον καὶ στάσιμον ποιέει φύσει
ψυχρὸν ἐὸν καὶ ἐμφρακτικόν. διὰ τοῦτο πνίγον-
ται τῆς γλώσσης ἀποπελιουμένης καὶ στρογγυ-
λουμένης καὶ ἀνακαμπτομένης διὰ τὰς φλέβας
τὰς ὑπὸ τὴν γλῶσσαν τῆς γὰρ ὑποτεινομένης"
σταφυλῆς---οἱ δὲ Kiovida καλεῦσιν---ξφκατέρωθεν
~ Ὁ \ ~ ς /

412 preys παχείη. ὁπόταν οὖν | πλήρεις αὗται ἐοῦσαι

ἐς τὴν γλῶσσαν ἐναποστηρίζωνται ἀραιὴν ἐοῦσαν
καὶ oTroyywoea, διὰ τὴν ξηρασίην ὑπὸ βίης τὸ ἐκ
\ / \ \ / c \ / δε

τῶν φλεβῶν δεχομένη ὑγρὸν ἐκ πλατείης μὲν

~ ~ / τ \ 2) / Ν

στρογγύλη γίνεται. ἐξ εὐχρόου δὲ πελιδνή, ἐκ

/ / 5 5 / \ / »͵

μαλθακῆς δὲ σκληρή. ἐξ εὐκάμπτου δὲ ἄκαμπτος

~ \ / ,’ 5 / ἌΝ, Ὲ

' Del. Kuehlewein. 2 ἢ ἐαρινὴν om. A. 3A: πνεῦμα

MV. 4 Reinhold: ἀποταμν- A: ὕποτεμν- MV.

for in this state the condition is more easily helped.

Then restore the patient and, paying attention to
his crises, employ a medication to clean him
upwards, unless he has already been lightened.
For the lower cavity, unless it has been evacuated
by means of an enema, give boiled ass’s milk; let
the patient drink not less than twelve cotylai; if he
is quite strong, even more.
9. Angina arises when, in winter or spring, a
massive viscid flux occurs from the head into the
jugular vessels, and these, because of their wide-
ness, attract the increased flow. When the flux,
which is cold and viscid, stops up the passage-ways
that carry air and blood by blocking them, being by
nature cold and obstructive it coagulates whatever
blood is nearby, making it fixed and still. Because
of this, choking occurs, as the tongue becomes livid,
globular, and rigid from the vessels underneath it;
for on each side of the pendant uvula, which they
call the little pillar, there is a wide vessel; when
these vessels become filled, they fix themselves in
the spongy rarified tongue, and it, being dry,
accepts the moisture coming to it under force from
the vessels: from flat, it becomes globular, from
normal-coloured, livid, from soft, hard, and from
flexible, rigid. Thus patients rapidly suffocate,
ὥστε ταχέως ἀποπνίγεσθαι, ἢν μή τις ταχέως
ηθῇ φλεβοτομίην
βοηθῇ μίη τε ποιεύμενος
μενος ἀπὸ
ἀπὸ ββραχιόνω
Kal τὰς ὑπὸ THY γλῶσσαν φλέβας ὑποτάμνων Kal
\ \ 6 \ \ ~ / [τ / \

φαρμακεύων τοῖσιν ἐκλεικτοῖσι καὶ ἀναγαργαρί-

ζων θερμοῖσι καὶ κεφαλὴν ξυρῶν. καὶ κήρωμα'
τραχήλῳ περιτιθέναι καὶ εἰρίοισι περιελίσσειν καὶ
a = y. ΩΣ
σπόγγοισι μαλθακοῖσιν ἐν ὕδατι θερμῷ~ ἐκπιεζέον-
2 ͵

Ta πυριᾶν. πίνειν δὲ ὕδωρ Kal μελίκρητον μὴ

a \ ¢ \ / \

414 ψυχρά: | χυλὸν δὲ προσφέρειν, ὁπόταν ἐκ κρίσιος

5) ee} Ὁ ΤῸ >
ev ἀσφαλείῃ ἤδη ἢ.
" 3 , wah >
10. Αλλο εἶδος συνάγχου ὅταν ἐν θερινῇAbsἢ
μετοπωρινῇ ὥρῃ ἐκ κεφαλῆς θερμὸν τὸ ῥεῦμα
> ~ \ \ Cc ὧς

καταρρυῇa καὶ \ νιτρῶδες

a 35
ἢ." CN
ἅτε ὑπὸ eee
τῆς ὥρης ὃρι-
μὺ Kal θερμὸν γεγενημένον, δάκνει τοιόνδε ἐὸν

καὶ ἑλκοῖ καὶ πνεύματος ἐμπίπλησι, καὶ ὀρθό-

πνοια παραγίνεται καὶ ξηρασίη πολλή. καὶ τὰ
δρώμενα" ἰσχνὰ φαίνεται καὶ τοὺς ὄπισθεν τένον-
τας ἐν τῷ τραχήλῳ συντείνεται, καὶ δοκέει οἱ
τέτανος ἐντετάσθαι, Kal ἣφωνὴ ἀπέρρωγε καὶ τὸ
416 πνεῦμα σμικρὸν καὶ ἣ ἀντίσπασις τοῦ | πνεύμα-
τος πυκνὴ καὶ βιαίη παραγίνεται. οἱ τοιοίδε τὴν
ἀρτηρίην ἑλκοῦνται καὶ τὸν πνεύμονα πίμπραν-
ται οὐ δυνάμενοι τὸ ἔξωθεν πνεῦμα ἐπάγεσθαι.
τοῖσι τοιούτοισι δὲ ἣν μὴ ἐς τὰ ἔξω μέρη τοῦ τρα-
χήλου ἑκουσίῃ ἀποφέρηται, δεινότερα καὶ ἀφυκ-
/ ¢ / ») / / \ 3

'MV add κεφαλῇ καὶ. 3 7 om. MV. 3 A: θεωρεύμενα MV.


unless someone quickly helps them by phlebotomiz-

ing from their arms, by cutting the vessels under
their tongue, by administering medications in the
form of lozenges, by having them gargle hot liquids,
and by shaving their head. Also apply wax-salves
around the neck, and wrap it with wool; foment the
patient with soft sponges dipped in warm water
and squeezed out. Have him drink warm water
and melicrat. When he is safely past the crisis,
administer barley-water.
10. Another form of angina: when, in summer or
fall, a hot flux descends from the head, and it is like
soda, being sharp and hot like this because of the
season, it irritates, produces ulceration, and
inflates; orthopnoea and great dryness prevail; the
visible part of the neck does not appear swollen; the
posterior tendons of the neck are pulled tight, the
person seems to be convulsed, his voice is broken
off, his breath is slight, and the ebb and flow of air
is frequent and laborious. Such patients become
ulcerated in the bronchial tube, inflated in the
lung, and are incapable of drawing in air from the
outside. Unless this condition moves spontane-
ously into the outer parts of the neck, it is quite ter-
rible and difficult to get rid of, because of the

τότερά ἐστι διὰ THY ὥρην Kal ὅτι ἀπὸ θερμῶν Kal
/ Aes \ \ ec \a >) \ ~ \

11. (7 1.) Ἢν πυρετὸς λάβῃ. παλαιῆς κόπρου
418 ὑπεούσης veo|Bpwre ἐόντι, ἤν τε σὺν ὀδύνῃ πλευ-
¢ / a ee, Ὑ Ἂν 2 Se

pov, ἤν τε μή. ἡσυχίην ἄγειν μέχρι οὗ καταβῇ τὰ

σιτία πρῶτον ἐς τὴν κάτω κοιλίην. πόματι δὲ
χρῆσθαι ὀξυμέλιτι. ὁπόταν δὲ ἐς THY ὀσφὺν βάρος
~ 6 2) / ~ ie / δὲ 2) \ 2) \ /

¢ , ,
ἥκῃ. κάτω κλύσαι κλυσμῷALTἢ καθᾶραι'
- 1 ,
ὅταν δὲ καθαρθῇ. διαιτᾶν ῥυφήματι πρῶτον καὶ
e \ lon > ς / ~ \

πόματι μελικρήτῳ. ἔπειτα σιτίοισι καὶ ἰχθύσιν

εφθοῖσι Kai οἴνῳ Udapel ἐς νύκτα ὀλίγῳ. ἡμέρης
ie a \ Vv 6 ΄“ a) / »] / ¢ /

δὲ ὑδαρὲς μελίκρητον. δπόταν δὲ αἱ φῦσαι δυσ-

ύδεες ἔωσιν,
ἔωσιν, οὕτως
οὕτως ἢἢβαλάνω
βαλάνῳ ἢἢ κλυσμῶ:
κλυσμῷ: εἰ
εἰ δὲ μή.μή
ἐπισχεῖν ὀξύμελι πίνοντα, ἕως ἂν ἐς τὴν κάτω
» ~ 5 [2 Ἃ »

κοιλίην καταβῇ. εἴθ΄ οὕτω

λί βῆ 10’ dd λ
κλυσμῷ ὑπαγαγεῖν.

12. ΠΡ be λαπαρῷ ἐόντι καῦσος ἐπιγένηται.

ἣν σοι δοκῇ φαρμακεύειν ἐπιτηδείως ἔχειν. ἔσω
Ὑ ΄σ / Ψ / Vv vv

ς 7
μὴ\ φαρμακεύεινί,
b) be
ἢ τεταρ-
a Seer \ ,
420 ταῖον |: OTTOTQV δὲ φαρμακεύσῃς. τοῖσι ῥυφήμασι
χρέω, φυλάσσων τοὺς παροξυσμοὺς τῶν πυρετῶν.
«“ , , 3 , Ὑ
ὅκως μηδέποτε προσοίσεις" μελλόντων ἔσεσθαι
τῶν πυρετῶν. ἀλλὰ ληγόντων ἢ παυσαμένων
καὶ ὡς προσωτάτω" ἀπὸ τῆς ἀρχῆς.
| καθᾶραι om. A. 2 MV: del. Reinhold: μὴ δὲ τ. A.
3° MV add ἐόντων μηδὲ. 4 τῶν πυρετῶν om. MV.
5 A: πορρ- MV.

season, and because it arises from hot sharp sub-

11. If fever occurs in a person that has just
eaten, while old fecal material was still present in
his body, whether there is pain in the side or not,
have him rest until the food first passes down into
his lower cavity; as drink give oxymel. When a
heaviness arrives in the loins, clean him down-
wards with an enema or medication. After the
patient has been cleaned, first employ a regimen of
gruel and, as drink, melicrat, then cereals and
boiled fish, and towards night a little dilute wine;
during the day give dilute melicrat. If the flatus is
foul-smelling, employ a suppository or an enema; if
not, have the patient continue to drink oxymel until
the food descends into his lower cavity, and then
evacuate it with an enema.
12. If, on the other hand, ardent fever attacks a
person that is in a state of emptiness, and it seems
suitable to you to administer a medication, do not
do so for three days; after you have given the medi-
cation, employ gruels; be careful to avoid the parox-
ysms of fever, so as never to make administrations
when fevers are incipient, but only when they are
declining or stopped, and as far as possible from
their onset.

18. Ποδῶν δὲ ψυχρῶν ἐόντων μήτε ποτὸν μή-

τε ῥύφημα μήτε ἄλλο μηδὲν δίδου τοιόνδε, ἀλλὰ
μέγιστον ἡγέου τοῦτ᾽ εἶναι, διαφυλάσσεσθαι, ἕως
ἂν διάθερμοι γένωνται σφόδρα: εἴθ᾽ οὕτω τὸ συμ-
φέρον πρόσφερε. ὡς γὰρ ἐπὶ τὸ πολὺ σημεῖόν
ἐστι μέλλοντος παροξύνεσθαι Tod πυρετοῦ ψύξις
2 ΄ / ~ ~ /

ποδῶν. εἰ δ᾽ ἐν τοιούτῳ καιρῷ προσοίσεις. ἅπαν-

- ᾿ -

τα τὰ μέγιστα ἐξαμαρτήσεις. τὸ γὰρ νόσημα

αὐξήσεις οὐ σμικρῶς. ὅταν δὲ ὃ πυρετὸς λήγῃ.
τοὐναντίον θερμότεροι οἱ πόδες γίνονται τοῦ ἄλ-
λου σώματος: αὔξεται μὲν γὰρ ψύχων τοὺς πόδας,
ἐξαπτόμενος ἀπὸ τοῦ θώρηκος καὶ ἐς τὴν κεφα-
λὴν ἀναπέμπων τὴν φλόγα. συνδεδραμηκότος δὲ
ἁλέος τοῦ θερμοῦ ἅπαντος ἄνω καὶ ἀναθυμιωμέ-
422 vou ἐς | τὴν κεφαλήν, εἰκότως of πόδες ψυχροὶ
2 \ / ») / ς / \

γίνονται, ἄσαρκοι καὶ νευρώδεες φύσει ἐόντες.

ἔτι δὲ πολὺ ἀπέχοντες τῶν θερμοτάτων τόπων
ψύχονται, συναθροιζομένου τοῦ θερμοῦ ἐς τὸν θώ-
pnka καὶ πάλιν ἀνὰ λόγον λυομένου τοῦ πυρετοῦ
καὶ κατακερματιζομένου ἐς τοὺς πόδας κατα-
βαίνει κατὰ δὲ τὸν χρόνον τοῦτον n κεφαλὴ καὶ ὃ
/ \ \ \ / ~ ig \ ες

θώρηξ κατέψυκται.
14. Tod δ᾽ εἵνεκα τότε οὐ προσαρτέον, ὅτι.
~ >

ὅταν ot πόδες ψυχροὶ ἔωσιν, θερμὴν ἀνάγκη THY

e ς / VP. \ δ. / \

ἄνω" κοιλίην εἶναι καὶ πολλῆς ἄσης μεστὴν καὶ

ΓΑ: ἐκ MV. 2 Ermerins after Galen: κάτω A: om. MV.


13. When the feet are cold, do not give drink,

gruel, or anything else of the sort, but consider it
most important to pay heed until they become quite
warm; only then apply the fitting treatment; for
usually coldness of the feet indicates that the fever
is about to grow virulent, and if you make an
administration at that moment, you will be com-
mitting all the greatest mistakes, since you will
increase the disease by no small measure. When
the fever diminishes, the opposite happens, and the
feet become hotter than the rest of the body. For
fever increases by cooling the feet, by being kindled
from the thorax, and by sending its flame up into
the head; when the heat has all collected together
into one mass above, and steamed up into the head,
the feet naturally become cold, since they have but
little flesh and are cord-like in structure. They are
chilled even more by being far away from the hot-
test area, since the heat is collected in the thorax.
Conversely, when a fever is resolved and gradually
diminishes, heat descends into the feet; about that
time, the head and thorax cool down.
14. For this reason food is not to be given at
that time, for when the feet are cold, it necessarily
follows that the upper cavity is hot and much filled

424 ὑποχόνδριον ἐντεταμένον καὶ ῥιπτασμὸν τοῦ σώ-

ματος διὰ τὴν ἔνδον ταραχὴν καὶ μετεωρισμὸν"
Kal Ν ἀλγήματα:
5 ,
καὶ Ἀνἕλκεται καὶ We ἐμέειν
oes YZ
py sea
καὶ \
ἣν πονηρὰ ἐμέῃ. ὀδυνᾶται. θέρμης δὲ καταβάσης
Ἃ Aiea / 2) > / \ /

ἐς τοὺς πόδας Kal οὔρου διελθόντος, κὴν μὴ ἱδρώ-

) \ / \ Ὑ / Ἃ Noa '¢ /

on, πάντα λωφᾷ. κατὰ τόνδε οὖν τὸν καιρὸν" τὸ

ῥύφημα διδόναι: τότε δὲ ὄλεθρος.
15. (8 L.) Οἷσι de? διὰ τέλεος ἣ κοιλίη ἐν τοῖσι
πυρετοῖσιν ὑγρή. τούτοισι διαφερόντως τοὺς
πόδας θερμαίνων καὶ περιστέλλων κηρώμασι καὶ
ταινιδίοισι περιελίσσων πρόσεχε. ὡς μὴ ἔσονται
ψυχρότεροι τοῦa ἄλλου σώματος. θερμοῖσι
δ᾽3 ἐοῦσι

θέρμασμα μηδὲν πρόσφερε, ἀλλὰ παρατήρει,

/ \ / b) \ /

ὅκως μὴ ψυχθήσονται. πόματι δὲ χρῆσθαι ws

¢ \ / / \ >

ἐλαχίστῳ ψυχρῷ ὕδατι ἢ μελικρήτῳ. bag

ὋΣ / ΄“ Ὁ Ἃ /

16. ὋὉπόσοισι δὲ“ κοιλίη ὑγρὴ καὶ γνώμη |

426 τεταραγμένη. οἱ πολλοὶ τῶν τοιούτων τὰς κροκύ-
δας ἀφαιρέουσι καὶ τὰς ῥῖνας σκάλλουσι καὶ κατὰ
βραχὺ μὲν ἀποκρίνονται τὸ ἐρωτώμενον. αὐτοὶ δὲ
ad ἑωυτῶν οὐδὲν λέγουσιν Katnptnuevov’ δοκέει
9 ~

οὖν μοι τὰ τοιάδε μελαγχολικὰ εἶναι. ἢν δὲ

ἣc κοιλίη/ ὑγρὴ
ἢ." δοκέει
WS /
μοι τὰ\
ῥυφήματα ψυχρότερα καὶ παχύτερα προσφέρειν,
καὶ τὰ πόματα στατικά. Kal οἰνωδέστερα ἢ καὶ
' MV add γνώμης. 2 MV add δεῖ. 3 δὲ om. A.
4 MV add ἐν πυρετοῖς. 5 MV add καὶ συντήκῃ.
6 καὶ om. MV.

with nausea, the hypochondrium stretched, and the

body restless because of its internal upheaval,
swelling, and pain; the patient retches and wants
to vomit, and if he vomits up things that are injuri-
ous, he suffers pain. When, however, the heat des-
cends into the patient’s feet, and he passes urine,
even if he does not sweat he recovers from every-
thing. Take this opportunity to give gruel; before
then it would be fatal.
15. In patients whose cavity remains moist all
through their fevers, attend especially to the feet by
warming them, by wrapping them in wax-salves,
and by winding them with strips of linen so that
they will not be colder than the rest of the body. If
they are warm, do not employ any measures to
warm them, but take care of them in order that
they do not become cold. As drink, use a very little
cold water or melicrat.
16. Cases in which the cavity is moist and the
mind disturbed: most of these patients pluck off
bits of wool, pick their noses, answer shortly what-
ever is asked, but of their own accord say nothing
sensible; such things seem to me to be due to dark
bile. If, in such patients, the cavity is moist, I hold
it advisable to administer gruels that are very cold
and thick, and drinks that tend to constipate, both
the more vinous or even the more astringent.

17. ὋὉπόσοισι δὲ τῶν πυρετῶν Sivol τε ἀπ

~ ΄ ?

ἀρχῆς καὶ σφυγμοὶ τῆς κεφαλῆς εἰσι καὶ οὖρον

λεπτόν, τούτοισι προσδέχεσθαι πρὸς τὰς κρίσιας
παροξυνθησόμενον τὸν πυρετόν' οὐ θαυμάσαιμι ὃ


εἰὉ παραφρονήσειαν.
δὲyeeἐν ἀρχῇ
b) a
οὖρα νεφελοειδέα καὶ παχέα. τοὺς |τοιούσδε ὑπο-
ΠΡ VA \ / \ / Ο
καθαίρειν, nv Kal τὰ ἄλλα συμφέρῃ.
/ Ἃ \ ἈΝ Ὑ Ψ
δπόσοισι BE
C. / \

ἐν ἀρχῇ τὰ οὖρα λεπτά. μὴ φαρμάκευε τοὺς

τοιούσδε, ,
ἢν δοκέῃ.
> Ἃ 7

συμφέρει οὕτω θεραπεύεσθαι: τῷ σώματι ἡσυχίην

ἄγοντας ἀλείφοντά τε Kal περιστέλλοντα ὃμα-
vv 2) / / \ / ¢

λῶς ποτῷ δὲ χρῆσθαι μελικρήτῳ ὑδαρεῖ καὶ

~ ~ \ => / is lo \

ῥυφήματι χυλῷ πτισάνης ἐς ἑσπέρην. κοιλίην

Ὁ / ~ / 5 / /

δὲἈΕῚ ὕπαγε
κατ arsἀρχὰς
κλυσμῷa. φάρμακα
δὲ\ μὴ\
430 πρόσαγει |τούτοισιν" HY γάρ TL KWHONS κατὰ κοι-
/ Ὑ /

= ’
λίην, τὸ οὖρον od πεπαίνεται. ἀλλ᾽ ἀνιδρός τε καὶ
ἄκριτος ὃ πυρετὸς ἐπὶ πολὺν χρόνον ἔσται. τὰ δὲ
ῥυφήματα, τῶν κρισίων ὁπόταν ἐγγὺς ἢ. μὴ
δίδου Πρ
ἣν θορυβῆται, EOLἣν δὲ ἀνῇa καὶ ἐπιδιδῷ: ἐπὶ τὸ
βέλτιον. φυλάσσεσθαι δὲ δεῖ καὶ τῶν ἄλλων
~ ~ Ὑ

πυρετῶν τὰς κρίσιας καὶ ἀφαιρεῖν τὰ ῥυφήματα

κατὰ τοῦτον τὸν καιρόν. μεμαθήκασι δὲ μακροὶ οἱ
432 πυρετοὶ οἱ τοιοίδε γίνεσθαι καὶ ἀποστήματα
ἴσχειν, ἢν μὲν τὰ κάτω ψυχρὰ ἢ. περὶ ὦτα καὶ
τράχηλον: ἢν δὲ μὴ ψυχρὰ 7H, ἄλλας ἴσχει' μετα-
I MV: -ew A.


17. In fevers accompanied from the beginning

by vertigo, throbbing in the head, and thin urine,
wait for the crises when the fever has its paroxysm;
it would come as no surprise if such patients even
lose their wits. In those whose urines are cloudy
and thick at the beginning, clean downwards if the
other signs are propitious. In those whose urines
are thin at the beginning, do not employ medica-
tions but, if it seems advisable, an enema. It
benefits such patients to treat them as follows:
have them keep their bodies at rest, and anoint and
wrap them carefully. As drink give dilute melicrat,
and as gruel barley-water, towards evening. Eva-
cuate the cavity at the beginning with an enema,
but do not administer medications to these
patients, for if you set anything in motion through
the cavity, the urine does not become mature, and
the fever will continue without any sweating or
crisis for a long time. When the patient is close to
his crises, do not give gruels if he is troubled, but
only if the fever is remitting and he is changing for
the better. You must also pay attention to the
crises in other fevers, and discontinue gruels at
those times. Fevers of this sort tend to become long
and, if the lower regions are cold, to include
abscesses about the ears and neck; if the lower
regions are not cold, other resolutions occur: blood

βολάς. pet δὲ Kal αἷμα ἐκ ῥινῶν Kai κοιλίη τοιού-

/ Cc A \ \ e ν ς ~ XS / /

τοισιν ἐκταράσσεται.
18. “Ὁπόσοι δὲ ἐν πυρετοῖσιν ἀσώδεές εἰσι
καὶ ὑποχόνδρια συντείνουσι, καὶ κεκλιμένοι οὐκ
ἀνέχονται ἐν τῷ αὐτῷ, καὶ τὰ ἄκρεα ψύχονται
πάντα. πλείστης ἐπιμελείας καὶ φυλακῆς δέον-
διάγειν δὲ τούτοισι προσφέροντα μηδὲν ἄλλο
/ Ν / / Ν Ὑ

434 ἢ ὀξύμελι ὑδαρές. | ἕως av λήξῃ Kal οὖρον πε-

a“ DY / A NO / 2 Ἃ λ 7 \ >

δὲ ἐς Cζοφερὰ\ οἰκήματα,
δὲ » δὴ ποῦ
Kal \
κεκλίσθαι ὡς ἐπὶ ᾿ μαλθακωτάτοισι στρώμασι πολὺν
ς »]

χρόνον ἐπὶ ταὐτὰ καρτερέοντα καὶ ὡς ἥκιστα ῥιπ-

τάζειν μάλιστα γὰρ τοῦτο τοὺς τοιούτους ὦφε-
λέει. ἐπὶ δὲ τὸ ὑποχόνδριον λίνου σπέρμα ἐγχρίων
ἐπιτίθει, φυλασσόμενος ὅπως μὴ φρίξῃ προστιθέ-
5 / / a \ / /

μενον: ἔστω δὲ ἀκροχλίαρον, ἑφθὸν ἐν ὕδατι Kal

Ὑ \ 2) / ς \ 3 [γέ Ν

19. Τεκμαίρεσθαι δὲ ἐκ τῶν οὔρων τὸ μέλλον
ἔσεσθαι ἢν μὲν γὰρ παχύτερα καὶ ὠχρότερα aE
βελτίω: nv δὲ λεπτότερα Kal μελάντερα. πονηρό-
τερα" ΓῚδὲ μεταβολὰς ἔχῃ. χρόνον τε σημαίνει,
καὶ ἀνάγκη τῷ νοσέοντι" μεταβάλλειν καὶ ἐπὶ τὰ
χείρω καὶ ἐπὶ τὰ βελτίω THY ἀνωμαλίην.
/ ΝΠ 5 Ν 2 \ / \ 5 /

20. Τοὺς δὲ ἀκαταστάτους τῶν πυρετῶν ἐᾶν.

μέχρι ἂν στῶσιν: ὁπόταν δὲ στῶσιν, ἀπαντῆσαι
διαίτῃ Kal θεραπείη TH προσηκούσῃ. κατὰ φύσιν
/ \ / ~ / \ /

θεωρέων. /

ΕΑ: Ὁπόσοισι δὲ πυρετοὶ MV. 2 MV: πονηρά A. A: voon-

ματι MV.


flows from the nose of such patients, and the cavity

is set in motion.
18. Those who, during fevers, suffer from
nausea and draw their hypochondrium tight, who
on lying down cannot keep still, and whose extremi-
ties are all cold, require the greatest care and
attention. Proceed with such patients by giving
them nothing but dilute melicrat until the fever
remits and the urine becomes mature. Put the per-
son to bed in a dark room; let him lie on the softest
bed-clothes, remain in the same position for a long
time, and throw himself about as little as possible,
for these things, especially, help such patients.
Anoint the hypochondrium with an application of
linseed, taking care that the patient does not have
a chill as a result of the application; let the linseed
be luke-warm and boiled in water and oil.
19. Judge from urines what is about to happen,
for if thicker and more pale yellow, they are more
favourable, but if thinner and darker, more
grievous; if they undergo changes, this indicates
chronicity, and that the patient will experience
changes both for the worse and for the better.
20. Leave unsettled fevers alone until they
settle; when they do, counter them with regimen
and suitabie treatment, taking the patient’s consti-
tution into consideration.

21. (9 L.) Elot δὲ ὄψιες πολλαὶ τῶν Kap-

436 vovtTwy διὸ προσεκτέον τῷ | ἰωμένῳ ὅπως μὴ
/ 4 \ / ~ 5 / [ἠὲ Ἂ;

διαλήσει τι' τῶν προφασίων μήτε τῶν κατὰ

7 ΄ ta ~ Ν

λογισμὸν ὅσα τ Ὁ. ες5 a5 6 OV

\ Ὑ n \
\ ida 3
αρτιον ρ
δεῖ φανῆναι. μάλιστα μὲν οὖν δεῖ τὸν περισσὸν
ἀριθμὸν εὐλαβεῖσθαι, ὡς αἵδε ai ἡμέραι ETEpoppe-
>) \ ») ~ ς ¢ δος / ¢

πέας ποιέουσιν τοὺς κάμνοντας.

22. Φυλάσσεσθαι οὖν δεῖ τὴν πρώτην ἡμέρην,
ἢ ἤρκται ἀσθενεῖν
ἜΣ ΧΆ 5 aA
ὃ κάμνων.
> \

ὅτου καὶ δι᾿ OTL Ἶ ἡγεῖται nop yap τοῦτο πρῶτον εἰδῆ-
¢ \ ¢ ~ \ ~ ~ ~

IP ay
438 σαι. δπόταν δὲ ἔρῃ αὐτὸν καὶ διασκέψῃ | πάντα.
ς Ὑ 5

πρῶτον μὲν κεφαλὴν ὅπως ἔχει, εἰ ἀνάλγητος

~ Ν Ξ \ v4 Vv » xs /

Kal μὴ βάρος ἔχει ev ἑωυτῇ ἔπειτα ὑποχόνδρια

ἍΜ 5 ς rw ei)! c

Kal \ πλευρά,, εἰCP:avdAynta®

ὁ. ΠῚ τς /
ὑποχόνδριον μὲν\ yap \

ἢν ἐπίπονον ἢ ἢ ἐπηρμένον" ἔχῃ τινὰ σκολιότητα

Ἃ . / rete Ὁ / 4 Ἢ \ /

ἢ κόρον, ἢ πλευροῦ ἀλγηδὼν ἐνῇ Kal ἅμα τῷ ἀλ-

») / ») a \ ~ XY, [ ~

γήματι βηχίον ἢ στρόφος ἢ πόνος κοιλίης: ὅταν

/ / Ἃ / Ἃ / Ἂ tdi

΄' c
τι τούτων παρῇ. ὑποχονδρίων μὲν μάλιστα, λύειν
ῆ KAvopotow: πινέτω δὲ μελίκρητον θερμὸν
ἀφεψημένον. καταμανθάνειν δὲ καὶ ἐν τῇσιν
ο / / \ \ » ~

ἐξαναστάσεσιν, εἰ λειποθυμέει ἢ εἰ TOD πνεύμα-

’ / x ~ /

τος ς εὔφορίῃ
εὐφορίη αὐτὸν ἔχει.
χει. ἰδεῖν" δὲ τὴν
7 διαχώ-
pnow, μή τι μέλαν διεχώρησεν ioxup@s' χρῶμα ἢ
φ, αν i ~ nv“

38 / ς are , ἊἋ ” /
ει καθαρόν, O7TOLa UVYlLALVOVTOS αν €l7) διαχωρήμα-

! Reinhold: διαλύσεται A: διαλήσεταί τις ΜΝ. 2 A: μήτε δκόσα

MV. °MV:-ady7 A. ΜΝ δα ἢ " Ermerins: καὶ AMV.
6 Later mss: ἰδὼν AMV. ΤΑ adds πάνυ. ὃ om. A.

21. Patients have many aspects. Therefore, the

person treating must pay attention to see that none
of the immediate signs escape his notice, nor any of
those that you know by reckoning must come to
light on an even- or an odd-numbered day. Actu-
ally, the odd-numbered, especially, must be
observed, since on them patients tend to incline in
one direction or the other.
22. Now, you must mark well the first day on
which any patient began to be ill, observing whence
and why the disease starts; for it is of the utmost
importance to first learn this. When you question
the patient and examine each thing carefully, do so
first with regard to the state of his head, whether it
is free of pain and has no heaviness in it; then the
hypochondrium and the sides, whether they are
free of pain; for if the hypochondrium is painful or
swollen with some unevenness or over-fullness, or
if pain of the side is present, and with the pain a
mild cough, colic or pain in the cavity—if any of
these things is present, especially in the hypochon-
drium, open the cavity with enemas; also have the
patient drink hot boiled-down melicrat; observe
carefully when the patient rises, too, whether he
faints, or whether his breathing is adequate;
observe the stools, whether anything dark is
passed, of a vivid colour, or whether they are clean,
like those of a healthy person; and the fever,

Ta καὶ ΤΟὃ πυρετὸς\ <El>'

59 \
ἐς τὴν /
τρίτην 5)
440 vopevos
κατιδὼν δὲ εὖ μάλα τοὺς τοιούσδε ἐν
\ \ ἜΝ / \ / 5

TAUTNOL τῇσι νούσοισι τριταίους. πρὸς ταύτην

7 ~ ᾿ς / \ /

ἤδη καὶ τἄλλα συνορᾶν" καὶ ἣν ἣ τετάρτη τῇ τρίτῃ

ἡμέρῃ ὁμοῖόν τι ἔχῃ τῶν αὐτῶν τούτων, κινδυνώ-
Ons ὃ κάμνων γίνεται.
23. Τὰ δὲ σημεῖα: 7 μὲν μέλαινα διαχώρησις
θάνατον σημαίνει, n δὲ ὁμοίη τῷ ὑγιαίνοντι,
ὁπόταν ἁπάσας τὰς ἡμέρας φαίνηται, σωτήριον"
ὁπόταν δὲ μημὴ ὑπακούη ΠΡτῇ βαλάνω.Ὁ ἐπῆ" ΕἸ δὲ Kal”
τοῦ πνεύματος ἀπορίη.᾽ ἢ διαναστὰς ἐπὶ θρόνον ἢ
~ / 2) / Ἃ \ ps \ / Ἃ

αὐτοῦ ἐν τῇ κλίνη. ἣν ἀψυχίη ἐγγένηται, ταῦτα

¢ /
προσῇ= τῷ“- κάμνοντι
ἢx TH= Kapvovon,/ 5

παραφροσύνην ἐσομένην προσδέχου. προσέχειν δὲ


442 χρὴ καὶ THOL | χερσίν: ἣν γὰρ τρομεραὶ ἔωσιν.

προσδέχου τῷ τοιῷδε ἀπόσταξιν αἵματος ἐκ pwav
ἐσομένην. δρᾶν δὲ χρὴ τοὺς μυκτῆρας ἀμφοτέ-
ρους: ἢν γὰρ" ὁμοίως τὸ πνεῦμα δι ἀμφοῖν ἕλκη-
Ἃ WG τ ΄, \ - 2 ~ «a

ται Kal πολὺ φέρηται διὰ τῶν μυκτήρων, φιλέει

\ \ / \ ~ / /

γίνεσθαι σπασμός ἣν δὲ σπασμὸς ἐγγένηται τῷ

τοιῷδε, θάνατος προσδόκιμος, καὶ καλῶς ἔχει
24. (10 L.) “Hy 8 ev i he χειμερει ἣ
γλῶσσα τρηχέη γένηται καὶ ἀψυχίαι evewow,
φιλέει τῷ Hu Kal ἐπάνεσις εἶναι TOD atid
' Ermerins. 7 Kuehlewein: ἐπὴν A: ἐνῇ MV.

whether it has another access on the third day.

Observing such fevers very closely on the third day
in these diseases, from that day on pay attention to
other things as well, and if the fourth day brings
some of these same things the third one did, the
patient is in danger.
23. Signs: dark stools indicate death, whereas
those like a healthy person’s, when they have this
appearance every day, betoken recovery. But when
a patient fails to have a movement after he has
received a suppository, and there is also difficulty
in breathing, or if either on getting up into a chair
or right in his bed he loses consciousness—when
these things happen to the patient, either male or
female, expect derangement. You must also pay
attention to the hands, for if they tremble, expect
such a patient to have a flow of blood from his nos-
trils. You must look at both nostrils, for if the air is
drawn equally through them both, and much is car-
ried through, a convulsion is likely; if a convulsion
does occur in such a patient, death is to be
expected, and it is good to predict this.!
24. If, in a winter fever, the tongue becomes
rough and the patient loses consciousness, there is
likely to be an abatement of the fever. But all the
! For the special significance of prognosis in Hippo-
cratic medicine see e.g. Prognostic ch. 1 (Loeb Hippocrates
vol. II, 7). ;

MV. ΔΝ: εὐφορίη ΑΜ. 5 MV add κατ᾽ ἀρχὰς. 6 yap

om. MV.

ἀλλ᾽ ὅμως τὸν τοιόνδε παραφυλάσσειν τῇ λιμο-

3 ~

κτονίῃ καὶ ὑδατοποσίῃ, καὶ μελικρήτου πόσει: καὶ

χυλοῖσι παραφύλασσε μηδὲν πιστεύων τῇ ἀνέσει
τῶν πυρετῶν, ὡς οἱ τοιάδε ἔχοντες σημεῖα ἐπι-
κίνδυνοί εἰσι θνήσκειν. ὁπόταν δὲ ταῦτα ovvidns,
/ / ΟἿ / ζ / \ ~

444 οὕτω προλέγειν, ἤν

σοι ἀρκέσῃ θεωρήσας
/ /
εὖ53 7 2) /

25. Ὅταν 8 ev” πυρετοῖσι φοβερόν τι γένηται
> an

πεμπταίοις ἐοῦσιν---«ἢν;»" ἢ κοιλίη ἐξαίφνης

ὑγρὰ διαχωρήσῃ καὶ ἀψυχίη ἐγγένηται ἢ ἀφωνίη
¢ \ / Y 3 / 3 / Ἃ 5 /

ὑπολάβῃ ἢ σπασμώδης γένηται ἢ λυγμώδης

ς λ 1B Ἃ σ ae} / Ἃ λ bd ἘΣῪ

ἐπὶ τούτοισιν ἀσώδεα φιλέει γίνεσθαι καὶ περὶ

)] Ἂς / 2) / / / \ \

ὑπορρίνιον καὶ μέτωπον ἱδρῶτες καὶ αὐχένα ὄπι-

σθεν τῆς κεφαλῆς οἱ δὲ ταῦτα πάσχοντες θνή-
~ ~ Is) \ ~ / /

σκουσιν πνευματωθέντες οὐκ ἐς μακρόν.

26. Οἷσι δ΄ ἐν πυρετοῖσι τὰ σκέλεα γίνεται
τ > .

φυματώδεα καὶ ἐγχρονιζόμενα μὴ ἐκπεπαίνεται,

ἐόντος ἐν πυρετοῖσιν, ἢν καὶ προσπέσῃ πνιγμὸς
φάρυγγι ἰσχνῶν ἐόντων τῶν περὶ τὴν φάρυγγα
446 καὶ μὴ πεπαίνηται, ἀλλὰ | σβεσθῇ. φιλέει τῷ
a τ Cant: 13 eleven ine Lon \ Nay Clin
τοιῷδε αἷμα ῥεῖν ἐκ ῥινῶν Kal ἢν μὲν πολὺ ῥυῇ.
λύσιν σημαίνει τῆς νούσου ny δὲ μή, μακρήν᾽
δπόσῳ 8 ἂν ἔλασσον pun, τοσῷδε χεῖρον κατὰ
¢ / 5. Ἃ Ὑ Can - ΄ \5
͵« [ t

1 Papyrus (see p. xif.), MV: ὕδατος πόσει ἢ A. 2 ἐν om. A.

3 Later mss. 4 MV: μηδὲ A. 5 Kuehlewein: καὶ AMV.

same, protect him by having him avoid food, and

drink water and melicrat; also protect him by using
juices; put no trust in the disappearance of the
fever, for patients with signs like these are in mor-
tal danger. When you see these signs, you should
give your prognosis, if after thinking it over it
seems a good idea.
25. When, in fevers, something terrible befalls
patients on the fifth day—if, for example, the cavity
suddenly passes watery stools and the patient loses
consciousness, or speechlessness occurs, or he
becomes convulsive, or develops hiccups—nausea is
likely to come over such patients, and sweating
under the nose, between the eyes, and in the neck
at the back of the head. Patients that suffer these
things become suffocated and before long die.
26. Fevers in which the legs are covered with
tubercles that persist and do not come to maturity:
while the patient is in such fevers, if, in addition,
choking befalls his throat, even though the region
about the throat is not swollen, and if it! does not
come to maturity but instead subsides, it is likely
in such a patient for blood to flow from the nostrils.
If much flows, this indicates resolution of the
disease; if not much, that it will be long; the less
that flows, the worse it is for the length of the con-
1 The syntax of this sentence is unclear. The tradi-
tional interpretation has been to understand “tubercles”
as the subject of πεπαίνηται and σβεσθῇ. Adams, whom I
follow, provides a vague “it” as subject. I also see no com-
pelling reason why τὰ περὶ τὴν φάρυγγα could not be taken as

μῆκος. nv δὲ τὰ ἄλλα ῥήϊστα γένηται. προσδέχε-

~ Ἃ δὲ Nee C. ‘See / /

τῷ= τοιῷδεDO ἐς5] πόδας
LA /
ἢν δὲδὲ ἅψηται
ae, ἅψ

τοῦ ποδὸς Kal ἐπώδυνος γενόμενος παραμένῃ πυ-

~ \ Ν Vi / /

r \ , 1
pipreyns [γενόμενος καὶ \ μὴ\ r λυθῇ.
κατὰ \ σμι-
Kpov ἥξει καὶ ἐς αὐχένα ἀλγήματα καὶ ἐς KAnida
\ 4 Ni ee 5 / 3A / ΝΥ λ τὸ

καὶ ἐς ὦμον καὶ ἐς στῆθος καὶ ἐς ἄρθρον, καὶ

τοῦτο δεήσει φυματῶδες γενέσθαι σβεννυμένων
δὲ τούτων ἢν αἱ χεῖρες ἐφέλκωνται ἢ τρομεραὶ
γένωνται, σπασμὸς τὸν τοιόνδε ἐπιλαμβάνει καὶ
παραφροσύνη: καὶ φλυζάκια ἐπὶ τὴν ὀφρὺν καὶ
/ ἂν λ / >) \ ἈΝ 5 Ν Ν

2) θ / Ὑ
ἴσχει. Kal \ τὸ"\2 βλέφαρον
λ Ψ
τὸ\ ἕτερον

παρὰ τὸ ἕτερον παραβλαστάνει. καὶ σκληρὴ

448 λεγ)μονὴ
ray, κατέχει. Kee καὶ οἰδέει ἰσχυρῶς
XUPasS ὃ ὀφθαλ-
pos, Kal ἣ παραφροσύνη μέγα τι ἐπιδιδοῖ αἱ δὲ
/ \ Cc / / p} ~ ς \

νύκτες μᾶλλον σημαίνουσιν ἢ αἱ ἡμέραι τὰ περὶ

τὴν παραφροσύνην." τὰ δὲ σημεῖα μάλιστα γίνε-
ται ἐπὶ τὸν περισσὸν ἀριθμὸν 7 ἐπὶ τὸν ἄρτιον" ἐν
ς /
δ᾽7 ἂν
5] -

θροι ἐπιγίνονται.
27. Τοὺς τοιούσδε ἢν μὲν ἐξ ἀρχῆς φαρμακεύ-
ειν προαιρῇ, πρὸ τῆς πέμπτης, ἢν βορβορύζῃ ἣ*
κοιλίη: εἰ δὲ μή, ἐᾶν ἀφαρμάκευτον εἶναι: ἢν δὲ
διαβορβορύζῃ καὶ τὰ ὑποχωρήματα χολώδεα7,
σκαμμωνίῃ ὑποκάθαιρε μετρίως ἐν δὲ τῇ ἄλλῃ
θεραπείῆ ὡς ἐλάχιστα προσφέρειν ποτὰ καὶ
| Del. Ermerins. 2 750m. MV. 3 Papyrus, MV: ddp- A

dition. If the other symptoms diminish, expect

pains in such a person’s feet. If these attack the
foot, and it becomes painful and violently inflamed,
and remains that way without any resolution, then
little by little pains will spread to the neck, collar-
bone, shoulder, chest and joints, and this spread
will inevitably be accompanied by tubercles. If,
when these go down, the hands are dragged
behind! or tremble, convulsions and derangement
befall such a patient; blisters and red patches form
on the eyebrow, the one eye-lid sends forth shoots
over the other one,” a stubborn inflammation pre-
vails, the eye swells massively, and the derange-
ment increases greatly; nights give more evidence
of the derangement than do days. These signs
occur more on odd-numbered days than on even-
numbered ones, but on whichever of these numbers
they occur, death follows.
27. If you prefer to give medications to such
patients right from the beginning, give them before
the fifth day if the cavity rumbles; if it does not
rumble, leave the patient without a medication. If
the rumbling continues and the stools passed are
bilious, clean the patient moderately downwards
with scammony. As far as the rest of his treatment
is concerned, offer as few drinks and gruels as
1 Te. there is a palsy.
2 No satisfactory interpretation of this passage has yet
been given.
ς , che i , y” ”
ῥυφήματα ews’ βελτιόνως ἔχῃ. ἢν μὴ. ὑπερβῶσι
¢ =

τὴν τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτην ἐπανέντες.

28. “Ὁπόταν πυρέσσοντι τεσσαρεσκαιδεκα-
ταίῳt ἐόντι eke
ἀφωνίη παραγένηται.
hee τε: οὐ φιλέει: λύσις
taxein οὐδ ἀπαλλαγὴ τοῦ νοσήματος γίνεσθαι.
ἀλλὰ χρόνον τῷ τοιῷδε σημαίνει ὁπόταν γὰρ
φανῇ ἐπὶ τῇ ἡμέρῃ ταύτῃ. μακρότερον συμπίπτει.
450 ὅταν πυρέσσοντι TeTapTaiw γλῶσσα |ἐκτεταραγ-
ivf ie / ~ 2

μένα διαλέγηται καὶ 7 κοιλίη χολώδεα διαχωρέῃ

/ Mh Nr τς 7 / /

ὑγρά, φιλέει παραληρεῖν ὃ τοιόσδε: ἀλλὰ χρὴ παρα-

¢ / / ~ ¢ / 5) \ \

φυλάσσειν παρεπόμενον τοῖσιν ἀποβαίνουσιν.

29. Θερινῆς καὶ μετοπωρινῆς ὥρης ἐπὶ τῶν
ὀξέων αἵματος ἀπόσταξις ἐξαπίνης συντονίην καὶ
πολλὴν θερμασίην" κατὰ φλέβας δηλοῖ καὶ ἐς τὴν
ὑστεραίην λεπτῶν οὔρων ἐπιφάσιας. καὶ ἢν
ἀκμάζῃ τῇ ἡλικίῃ καὶ τὸ σῶμα ἐκ γυμνασίων"
[7] εὐσαρκώσιος ἔχῃ ἢ μελαγχολικὸς ἢ ἢ ἐκ
N14 . / μ nx \ oe ΡΑ ὦ

πόσιος χεῖρες τρομεραί, καλῶς ἔχει παραφροσύνην

προειπεῖν ἢ σπασμόν. κὴν μὲν ἐν ἀρτίῃσιν ἐπι-
γένηται, βέλτιον" ev κρίσει δὲ ὀλέθριον, ἢν μὴ
/ / 53 / \ 5 / Ἃ \

πολὺ ἁλὲς ἀποχυθὲν αἷμα ἐξόδους ποιήσηται

\ ig \ 5 \ ® >) / /

452 τῆς πλεονεξίης κατὰ ῥῖνας 7 κατὰ ἕδρην ἐμπλη-

~ / \ CA ἋἊ δ ἢ Ὗ

σθείσης" ἢ ἀπόστασιν ἢἊ πόνους
ἐνah ὑποχονδρίῳ
re ῬΑ

454 ἐς ὄρχιν ἢ | ἐς σκέλεα: πεφθέντων δὲ τούτων
» Ὑ Ἃ 5 / / \ /

| Potter: ὡς A: ἵνα MV. 2 Regenbogen: θεραπείην AMV.

3 A adds 7. 4 Del. Joly. ° Later mss: βελτίω AMV.
6 AMV: ἐμποιήσῃ Ermerins after Galen. Τὴ om. A.

possible, until the condition improves, if the period

of recovery does not extend beyond the fourteenth
28. When speechlessness comes over a patient
that has had fever for fourteen days, a swift resolu-
tion or relief from the disease is not likely to occur;
on the contrary, this indicates chronicity in such a
patient; for, whenever speechlessness appears on
that day, it is present for a longer time. In a
patient with fever, when on the fourth day the
tongue becomes confounded in speech, and the
cavity passes watery bilious stools, such a patient is
likely to rave; indeed, you must watch carefully
what follows these events.
29. During the summer and fall a sudden nose-
bleed during acute diseases indicates tension, great
heat through the vessels, and that thin urines will
appear towards the next day. If the patient is in
the prime of life, and his body is in good condition
from exercises, or if he is subject to dark bile, or if
his hands tremble from drink, it is good to predict
derangement or convulsions. If this happens on
even days, it is better, but during a crisis it is a
fatal sign, unless much blood, being shed in a mass,
brings about an exit through the nostrils or anus of
the excess that has built up through accumulation,
or gives rise to an abscess, or to pains in the hypo-
chondrium or radiating to a testicle or the legs.

ἔξοδοι γίνονται πτυσμῶν

v / ~
παχέων, οὔρων λείων
/ vv /

λευκῶν" ἔξοδοι.
30. Πυρετῷ λυγγώδει ὀπὸν σιλφίου, ὀξύμελι.
~ / 5 \ / 5 /

δαῦκον τρίψας πιεῖν δίδου καὶ χαλβάνην ἐν μέλι-

456 τι καὶ κύμινον ἐκλεικτόν, καὶ χυλὸν | πτισάνης
ἐπὶ τούτοισι ῥυφεῖν. ἄφυκτος δὲ ὃ τοιοῦτος, ἢν
Ψ \ / ς ~ v ee. ~ Ἃ

μὴ ἱδρῶτες κριτικοὶ καὶ ὕπνοι δὁμαλοὶ ἐγγίνωνται

καὶ οὖρα παχέα καὶ δριμέα καταδράμῃ ἢ ἐς ἀπο-
στήματα καταστηρίξῃ." κόκκαλος καὶ σμύρνα ἐκ-
λεικτόν" πίνειν δὲ τοῖσι τοιούτοις ὀξύμελι δίδου ὡς
ἐλάχιστον. ἢν δὲ διψώδης 7° σφόδρα. τοῦ κριθί-
νου ὕδατος.
81. (11 L.) Τὰ δ΄ ἐν πνεύμονι καὶ πλευρίτιδιδ

χρὴ\ σκέπτεσθαι

ὃζ πυρετὸς\ ἢ3 καὶ \ τὰἊν
ὀδυνήματα τοῦ ἑτέρου πλευροῦ ἢ καὶ ἀμφοῖν. καὶ
τοῦ πνεύματος δὲ | ἀναφερομένου ἢν πονῇ καὶ
~ / \ 5 / Ἃ > \
βῆχες evéwow καὶ τὰ πτύαλα πτύῃ πυρρὰ ἢ
~ 2) \ / / x

πελιδνὰΔ ἢῬᾺ καὶ \ λεπτὰa ἢ"NG καὶ eS)ἀφρώδεα

καὶ yeἀνθηρά.,
Kal εἴ τι ἄλλο διαφέρον ἔχοι παρὰ τὰ μεμαθηκό-
\ v v / v \ \ /

τα, τούτοισιν οὕτω χρὴ διάγειν. ἢν μὲν ἢ ὀδύνη

ἄνω περαίνῃ πρὸς κληΐδα ἢ περὶ μαζὸν ἢ ἐν βρα-
Ὑ / \ Ἃ \ \ Ay 3

χίονι, τάμνειν χρὴ τὴν ἐν τῷ» βραχίονι φλέβα τὴν

ἔσω, τὴν ἐφ᾽ ὁπότερον ἂν ἢ τῶν μερέων. κατὰ
| MV: λεπτῶν λείων A. 2 A: ἀπόστασιν otnpitn MV.
3.Α; διψώδεις ἔωσι MV. 4 Later mss: κριθίου ΑΜ: κριθείου V.
5 ey... π. At περιπλευμονικὰ καὶ πλευριτικὰ Μ. 6 ἢ om. MV.
7 τὴν om. MV.

When these diseases come to maturity, there are

discharges of thick sputa and of thin white urines.
30. For a fever with hiccups: knead together sil-
phium juice, oxymel and dauke, and give this to
drink; also all-heal juice in honey, a lozenge of
cummin, and after that barley-water gruel. Such a
patient does not escape unless critical sweats and
regular sleep occur, and thick sharp urines come
down, or unless the disease settles into abscesses.
A lozenge of pine-cone and myrrh. Give such
patients a very little oxymel to drink; if one hap-
pens to be very thirsty, give a little barley-water.
31. Conditions in the lung and pleurisy you
must evaluate thus: if the fever is high and there
are pains in one or both sides, if the patient suffers
pain when he draws his breath, if he has a cough
and it produces yellow-brown, livid, or thin frothy
bright-coloured sputa, and if the patient is different
in other ways from what is normal, you must
proceed as follows with such patients: if the pain
radiates upwards to the collar-bone, or is located
about the breast or in the arm, you must incise
the inner vessel of the arm on the affected side as

τόδε: ἀφαιρέειν δὲ κατὰ τὴν τοῦ σώματος ἕξιν Kal
/ δ / \ \ \ ~ / 4 \

ὥρην καὶ ἡλικίην καὶ χροιὴν πλέον καὶ θρασέων,

460 ny ὀξὺ τὸ ἄλγημα ἐνῇ, ἄγειν πρὸς | Aectrobvyiny’
Ἃ IP OAS Ne os; pe Vv \ /

ἔπειτα κλύζειν μετὰ τοῦτο. ἢν δὲ ὑποκάτω τοῦ

θώρηκος τὸ ἄλγημα ἢ καὶ συντείνῃ πλείω; τῷ
πλευριτικῷ, τὴν κοιλίην ὑποκάθαιρε: μεσηγὺ δὲ
τῆς καθάρσιος μηδὲν δίδου: μετὰ κάθαρσιν δὲ ὀξύ-
~ / \ \ / Ae 3 /

μελι. φαρμακεύειν δὲ TeTapTatov’ τὰς δὲ ἐξ ἀρ- / \ ΄σ \ ἌΓΕ 5

τρεῖς~ ὑποκλύζειν,
¢ ,

μὴ\ κουφίζῃ.
ὑποκάθαιρε. φυλακὴ δὲ ἔστω ἕως ἀπυρέτου καὶ
c / \ Ν᾿ ὟΝ ed ΝΗῚ / \

ἑβδόμης. εἶτα, Hv ἀσφαλὴς ἐὼν φαίνηται, οὕτω

is / > Ἃ b) \ JEN / a

χυλῷ ὀλίγῳ καὶ λεπτῷ τὸ πρῶτον καὶ μέλιτι pio-

γων δίδου. ἢν δὲ avayn τε ῥηϊδίως καὶ εὔπνους “ A SS / Care / \ Ὑ

ἢ καὶ ἀνώδυνος τὰ πλευρὰ καὶ ἀπύρετος." κατὰ

σμικρὸν παχυτέρῳ τε Kal πλείονι καὶ dis τῆς
\ / \ / \ \ ~

ἡμέρης. ἢν δὲ μὴ pnidiws ἀπαλλάσσῃ. ἔλασσόν

ζ / Ἃ Ν Ν ἘΦ. ας / » / vv /

462 τε τὸ πόμα καὶ τὸ ῥύϊφημα, ὀλίγον χυλὸν λεπτὸν

\ / \ NG CEs ΡῚ / \ ἈΝ

Kal ἅπαξ, ev ὁποτέρῃ av ὥρῃ βέλτιον duayy

\ id 5 ς / Ἃ ec / /

γνώσῃ δ᾽ ἐκ τῶν οὔρων.

3 ~

32. Δεῖ δὲ τὸ pidnua προσφέρειν τοῖσιν ἐκ

τῶν νοσημάτων μὴ πρότερον ἢ πέπονα τὰ οὖρα ἢ
πτύσματα ἴδης γεγενημένα. ἢν δὲ φαρμακευ-
θεὶς ς συχνὰ
συχ καθαρθῇ,
ρθῆ, ἀναγκαῖον
avay διδόναι, ἷ ἔλασσον
δὲ καὶ λεπτότερον: οὐ γὰρ δυνήσεται ὑπὸ κενεαγ-
γίης ὑπνώσσειν οὐδὲ πέσσειν ὁμοίως οὐδὲ τὰς

| A: λίην MV. 2 καὶ ἀπύρετος om. MV. 3 A adds μὴ.


follows: draw off, according to the condition of the

body, the season, and the patient’s age and colour,
a considerable amount, and even venture, if intense
pain is present, to continue until the loss of
consciousness; afterwards administer an enema. If
there is pain below the thorax in a patient with
pleurisy and it becomes more intense, clean the
cavity downwards; while cleaning is taking place,
give nothing, but afterwards give oxymel. Give a
medication on the fourth day; on the first three
days from the beginning use enemas, but if these do
not lighten the patient, clean him downwards with
a medication. Observe carefully until the disap-
pearance of fever, and for seven days. Then, if the
patient appears to be safe, first give a little thin
juice with honey; if he expectorates easily and
breathes freely, and if he has no pains in his sides
and no fever, gradually give more juice and of a
thicker consistency, twice daily. But if the patient
is not recovering easily, the drink is to be less in
amount and the gruel a little thin juice once a day,
at whatever time the patient is doing better. You
will recognize this from his urines.
32. You must not administer gruel to patients
recovering from diseases before you see that their
urines or sputa have become mature. However, if a
patient has been cleaned out often by the use of
medications, gruel must be given, though less in
amount and thinner in consistency; for otherwise,
on account of his emptiness, he will not be able to
sleep, to bring the disease to maturity, or to with-
ς J
> a3
ἐπειδὰν\ συντήξιες

φαίνωνται Kal τὰ ἀντέχοντα ἀποβάλῃ. ἀνθέξει

/ \ \ 3 / 5 /

5 /

8 2 ἐστὶν\ τὰ\ μὲν\ πτύαλα.
Ὁ πῶ

464 ται ὁμοῖα τῷ πύῳ. τὰ δὲ οὖρα | τὰς ὑποστάσιας

ὑπερύθρους ἔχοντα. δποῖον ὀρόβων.
33. Οὐδὲν δὲ κωλύει καὶ πρὸς τὰ ἄλλα ἀλγή-
ματα τῶν πλευρέων χλιάσματα προστιθέναι καὶ
κηρώματα ἀλείφειν δὲ σκέλεα καὶ ὀσφῦν θερμῷ
A ») / \ / X p) ~ ~

Kal λίπος ἐγκαταλείφειν: ἐπὶ δὲ ὑποχόνδρια λίνου

\ / 2 / 5 \ NG / / ¥

σπέρμα καταπλάσσειν ἕως μαζῶν.

Ακμαζούσης δὲ τῆς περιπνευμονίης ἀβοήθη-
Ὁ / Χ > / δ /

τον μὴ ἀνακαθαιρομένου, καὶ πονηρόν, ἢν δύσ-

mous ἢ Kal οὖρα λεπτὰ Kal δριμέα καὶ ἱδρῶτες
περὶ τράχηλον καὶ κεφαλὴν γίνωνται. οἱ τοιοίδε
ἱδρῶτες πονηροί, ὑπὸ πνιγμοῦ καὶ pwxLAS καὶ
βίης ἐπικρατεόντων τῶν νοσημάτων. ἢν μὴ οὖρα
παχέα καὶ πολλὰ ὁρμήσῃ καὶ πτύσματα πέπονα
ῃ. ὃa τι 8

3 7ὔ
λύσει τὸ\
r /

466 94. Περιπνευμονίης exAeckT Ov" χαλβάνη | καὶ
κόκκαλος ἐν μέλιτι ᾿Αττικῷ: καὶ ἀβρότονον ἐν ὀξυ-
μέλιτι πιεῖν <Kal>' πέπερι. ἐλλέβορον μέλανα
“λ ~ \ 1 / " ἐλλέ ‘r

2) ,
πλευριτικῷ~ ἐν3
b) =

δίδου. ἀγαθὸν δὲ καὶ τὸ πάνακες ἐν ὀξυμέλιτι

ἀναζέσαντα καὶ διηθέοντα διδόναι πίνειν Kal ἥπατι-
/ Ν / / / \c¢

' Kuehlewein.

stand the crises, but when wasting appears in his

shoulders and he loses his resistance, he will not
hold out at all.
Sputa are mature when they become like pus;
urines, when they have reddish sediments like
33. Nothing prevents applying fomentations
and wax-salves against other pains in the sides as
well; anoint the legs and lumbar region with warm
oil, and rub in animal fat; apply linseed plasters to
the hypochondrium up as far as the breasts.
When pneumonia is at its height, it is incurable
if the patient is not well cleaned out, and bodes ill if
he has difficulty breathing, if his urines are thin
and sharp, and if there is sweating about his neck
and head. Sweats of this kind indicate a bad out-
come, with the diseases overcoming by suffocation,
wheezing, and violence, unless copious thick urines
begin and mature sputa come; if either of these
occurs spontaneously, it will resolve the disease.
34. Lozenge for pneumonia: all-heal juice and
pine-cone in Attic honey; also have the patient
drink southernwood in oxymel, and pepper. Boil off
black hellebore, and give it to the patient with pleu-
risy, at the beginning, when he is in great pain. It
is also good to boil up all-heal in oxymel, and, siev-
ing it, to give it to drink both to patients with liver

κοῖσι Kal THOW ἀπὸ τῶν φρενῶν περιωδυνίῃσι.

Καὶ ὅσα δὴ" ἐς κοιλίην καὶ ἐς οὔρησιν, ἐν οἴνῳ
Nol? We hte) i We) ” 5) Ὑ

468 καὶ x ἐν
| τὰ\ δ᾽3.5ἐς κοιλίην
¢ -
κρήτῳ πίνειν πλεῖον δίδου.
35. (12 L.) Δυσεντερίη ἀπόστημα ἢ ἔπαρμά τι
παυσαμένη ποιήσει, ἢν μὴ ἐς πυρετοὺς ἢ" ἱδρῶ-
τας ἢ" οὖρα παχέα καὶ λευκὰ" ἐπιφανῇ ἢ ἐς τρι-
/ N29 , δ Ύ75] n 9 , Ἔα»
ταίους ἢ ἐς κιρσόν. ἢ ἐς ὄρχιν ἢ ἐς σκέλεα ἢ ἐς
ἰσχία στηρίξῃ ἢ ὀδύνη.
36. (13 L.) Ev πυρετῷ χολώδει. πρὸ τῆς ἑβδό-
5 ~ / Ν ~ ig /

puns μετὰ plyeos ἵκτερος ἐπιγενόμενος λύει τὸ

πυρετόν: ἄνευ δὲ plyeos ἢν ἐπιγένηται ἔξω τῶν
καιρῶν, ὀλέθριον.
37. (14 L.) Τετάνου δὲ ὀσφύος καὶ ἀπὸ μελαγ-
χολικῶν διὰ φλεβῶν πνευμάτων ἀπολήψιες ὅταν
470 ἔωσι,

φλεβοτομίη, pieta.
8 > ἀπὸ
b) \

τενόντων σφοδρῶς ἔμπροσθεν ἀντισπῶνται καὶ

ἱδρῶτες περὶ τράχηλον καὶ πρόσωπον, ὑπὸ τοῦ
πόνου δακνομένων καὶ ξηραινομένων τῶν τενόν-
των τῶν ὀρρωδέων---οἷ παχύτατοι τὴν ῥάχιν
συνέχουσιν, n οἱ μέγιστοι σύνδεσμοι καταπεφυκό-
τες [ἕως] ἐς πόδας ἀποτελευτῶσι---τῷ τοιῷδε,
ἣν μὴ πυρετὸς ἐπιγένηται καὶ ὕπνος καὶ τὰ ἐπό-
μενα οὖρα πέψιν ἔχοντα
€ ἔλθῃ καὶ ἱδρῶτες κριτι-
κοί, πίνειν «δίδου; " οἶνον κιρρὸν οἰνώδεα καὶ

! Ermerins: δεῖ AMV. 2 Kuehlewein: καὶ AMV. 3 MV

add καὶ λεῖα. 44 adds ἀλγήματα. 5 Del. Kuehlewein.
6 Ermerins.

complaints and to those with severe pains arising

from the diaphragm.
Medications that act on the cavity and promote
urine give to drink in wine and honey; those for the
cavity must be given in greater amounts and with
dilute melicrat.
35. Dysentery, when it ends, will give rise to an
abscess or some swelling, unless it appears in
fevers, in sweats, in thick white urines, in tertians,
or in a varix, or unless a pain settles in a testicle, in
the legs, or in the hips.
36. In a bilious fever, a jaundice with chills
occurring before the seventh day resolves the fever;
but if it occurs without chills outside this favour-
able period, it is a mortal sign.
37. Phlebotomy relieves lumbar tetanus, and
also from melancholic airs in the vessels, when
there are stoppages. But when the patients are
drawn excessively forward by their tendons and
they sweat about the neck and face, the tendons of
the lower back being irritated and dried out by the
stress—that is, the thickest ones, which hold the
spine together where the very large ligaments ter-
minate that go down to the feet—to such a patient,
unless fever and sleep supervene, and the urines
that follow arrive in a state of maturity, or unless
there are critical sweats, give strong light-coloured
ἄλητον ἑφθὸν ἐσθίειν. καὶ κηρωτῇ ἀλείφειν καὶ
ἐγχρίειν, τά τε σκέλεα περιελίσσειν ἕως τῶν πο-
δῶν, θερμῷ προβρέχων ἐν σκάφῃ. καὶ βραχίονας"
κατελίσσειν, καὶ ὀσφῦν ἀπὸ τοῦ τραχήλου ἕως
472 τῶν ἰσχίων, λάσιον“ | ἐγκηρώσας, ὅπως καὶ τὰ
ἔμπροσθεν περιέξει καὶ διαλιπὼν πυρία τοῖσιν
ἀσκίοισι, θερμὸν ὕδωρ ἐγχέων, καὶ περιτείνων
σινδόνιον ἐπανάκλινε αὐτόν. (38.) κοιλίην δὲ μὴ
/ nn \ , Ἃ \ ΄ ee
λύσῃς. nv μὴ βαλάνῳ, nv πολὺς χρόνος ἢ ἀδια-
χωρήτῳ ἐούσῃ. Kal ἣν μέν τί σοι ἐπιδιδῷ ἐπὶ TO
5 Ἃ ~

474 βέλτιον: εἰ δὲ μή, τοῦ μάδου τῆς ῥίζης τρίβων

/ " Ν / ~ / > (oy! /

ἐν οἴνῳ
b) Ὑ
Kal \ τοῦ~ δαύκου
δίδου πρωὶ +.
νήστι πρὸ τοῦ βρέχειν, καὶ τάχα ἐπὶ τούτοισιν τὸ
ἄλευρον ἑφθὸν χλιερὸν ἐσθιέτω ὡς πλεῖστον Kal
Ὑ ς \ \ >) / ic ~ \

οἶνον, ὅταν βούληται, εὔκρητον ἐπιπινέτω. καὶ

ἣν μέν σοι ἐπιδιδῷ ἐπὶ τὸ βέλτιον" εἰ δὲ μή. προ-
“ / 2 et Ὁ. \ \ / p) \ /

99. (15 L.) Τὰ δὲ νοσήματα πάντα λύεται ἢ
κατὰ \ στόμα
ἢBDI κατὰ \ κοιλίην
ἢ1 κατὰ \ κύστιν"
, αν
ἢ δὲτὰν
τοῦ ἱδρῶτος ἰδέη κοινὸν ἁπάντων.
40. (16 L.) “EAAcBopilew δὲ χρὴ οἷς ἀπὸ κεφα-
λῆς φέρεται ῥεῦμα ὅσοι δὲ ἐξ ἀποστημάτων ἢ
3 3
φλεβορραγίης ἢ δι΄ ἀκρησίην ἢ de ἄλλην τινὰ
ἰσχυρὴν αἰτίην ἔμπυοι γίνονται, μὴ δίδου ἐλλέβο-
5 ἈΝ 5 / vv / \ ἽΝ /

| MV add ἕως δακτύλων. 2 Littré, from Erotian (Nach-

manson p. 58) and Galen (Ktihn XIX. 117): ἐσθίονον A: σίαλον
MV. 3 MV add ἢ τινος ἄλλου τοιοῦδε ἄρθρου.

wine to drink, and boiled flour to eat. Smear and

anoint with wax-salves: bind the legs as far down
as the feet, after first soaking them in a warm
basin, and wrap the arms and the back from the
neck to the hips with a rough piece of cloth rubbed
in wax, in such a way that the bandage also
encloses the anterior region. Apply fomentations
now and then with small leather skins into which
you have poured hot water; cover the patient with
linen, and have him lie down. (38.) Do not open
the cavity except with a suppository, if it has been
closed for a long time. If the condition changes for
the better, as the result of your attention, fine; if
not, grate bryony root and dauke into sweet-
smelling wine, and give this to the patient to drink
in the fasting state, early in the morning before any
water is applied externally; immediately after that
let him eat as much warm boiled meal as he can,
and then drink wine well mixed with water when-
ever he wishes. If the condition improves with your
measures, fine; if not, predict accordingly.
39. All diseases are resolved through either the
mouth, the cavity, or the bladder; sweating is a
form of resolution common to them all.
40. You must give hellebore to those in whom a
flux from the head has occurred; but to those that
suppurate internally from abscesses or from the
bursting of a vessel, or because of intemperance, or
because of any other potent condition, do not give

pov’ οὐδὲν yap | ὠφελήσει, καὶ ἤν τι πάθῃ,

Bi ὑδὲ Ν 5 λ / \ v 40
αἴτιος δόξει εἶναι ὃ ἐλλέβορος. ἢν δὲ διαλύηται
τὸ σῶμα ἢ πόνος ἐν κεφαλῇ ἢ ἢ ἐμπεπλασμένα
τὰ ὦτα 7 pis, ἢ πτυαλισμὸς ἢ γουνάτων βάρος
ἢ σώματος ὄγκος παρὰ τὸ ἔθος. ὅ τι ἂν συμβαίνῃ
μήτε ὑπὸ πότων μήτε ὑπὸ ἀφροδισίων μήτε ὑπὸ
λύπης μήτε ὑπὸ φροντίδων μήτε ἀγρυπνιῶν" ἢν
μέν τι τούτων ἔχῃ αἴτιον, πρὸς τοῦτο ποιέεσθαι
τὴν θεραπείην.
41. (117 L.) Τὰ δ΄ ἐκ πορείης ἀλγήματα πλευ-

ρέων, νώτου. ὀσφύος. ἰσχίων. καὶ ὅσα ἀναπνέον-

> , , Ὑ ,
τες ἀλγέουσι πρόφασιν ἔχοντες πολλάκις yap\ 2

478 μεμάθηκε φοιτᾶν ἐκ κραιπαλέων καὶ βρωμάτων

φυσωδέων ἀλγήματα Kal ἐς ὀσφῦν καὶ ἐς ἰσχία:
Td 5 / \ 5 3 ~ \ “ 5 /

τ 3 > -
οἷσι 8 ἂν ἢ αὐτῶν τοιάδε, δυσουρέεται. τούτων
δὲ πορείη αἰτίη καὶ κορυζέων καὶ βράγχων.
42. (18 L.) Ὅσα δὲ ἀπὸ διαιτημάτων, τὰ μὲν
πολλά, ἕκαστος ὡς ἂν παρὰ τὸ ἔθος διαιτηθῇ
/ cd ς Ἃ Ν Ν v ~

μάλιστα. ἐπισημαίνει. καὶ γὰρ ὅσοι ἂν μὴ μεμαθη-

κότες ἀριστᾶν" ἀριστήσωσιν, ὄγκος πολὺς αὐτοῖ-
σιν τῆς γαστρὸς καὶ νυσταγμὸς καὶ πληθώρη: ἢν
ὲ δειπνήσωσι."
δὲ δειπνήσωσι." κοιλίη ἐκταράσσεται. ξυμφέροιδ κοιλίη ρ
δ᾽ ἂν τούτοισιν ἐκλουσαμένοισι καθεύδειν: κοιμη-
vn“ 2]

θέντας δὲ περιπατῆσαι βραδέως συχνὴν περίοδον.

καὶ ἢν μὲν λαπαχθῇ, δειπνῆσαι καὶ πιεῖν οἶνον
1 MV add τοῖσι τ(οι)ουτέοισι. 2 πολλάκις yap OM. A. 3MV
add ἣν. 4 A: ém- MV. 5. Kuehlewein: ξυμφέρει AMV.

hellebore; for it will do no good, and if anything

happens to the patient, the hellebore will seem to
have been to blame. If the body is weakened, if
there is pain in the head, if the ears or the nose are
stopped, or if there is ptyalism, heaviness of the
knees, or fullness of the body beyond what is nor-
mal, give hellebore,! provided that the condition is
not the result of drink, venery, grief, anxiety or
sleeplessness; if the condition has one of these as
its cause, let the treatment be directed against
41. Pains of the sides, back, loins and hips from
walking, and pains connected with inspiration that
patients suffer for some obvious reason; for pains
regularly invade the lower back and hips as the
result of drunkenness and flatulent foods: in which-
ever patients such things occur, there is dysuria.
Walking is to blame for these things, and also for
coryzas and sore throats.
42. Many effects resulting from the conduct of
life show themselves particularly when a person
conducts his life otherwise than is his habit. Thus,
for example, if those not used to taking breakfast
do so, they experience a great heaviness of the
belly, drowsiness, and fullness, and if they take
dinner, their cavity is set in motion. It would
benefit such patients to have an enema and to go to
bed, and after sleeping to go for a long slow walk.
If the patient is emptied, let him dine, and drink a
1 Galen, in his commentary (Kiihn XV. 867 = CMG V
9, 1 p. 339), indicates that in this passage the author
advises the administration of hellebore; thus I understand
δίδου ἐλλέβορον.

ἐλάσσονα ἀκρητέστερον
| ~ ΡΟΣ nv δὲ hdμὴ| λαπαχθῆῇ.
7) χύῃ» ὑπο-
χρίσασθαι τὸ σῶμα θερμῷ. καὶ nv διψῇ. ὑδαρέα
/ 6 \ 6 ~ VN ὃ ~ ὑὸὃ /

οἶνον γλυκὺν ἢ λευκὸν ἐπιπιόντα ἀναπαύεσθαι:

1 δὲ wees Ap Neve ἃ fein as By
ἣν δὲ μὴ ἐγκοιμηθῇ, πλείω avatravecba.' τὰ
ἄλλα ὁμοίως Tots ἐκ κραιπάλης διαιτάσθω.
Vv Ἑ i ~ ΡῚ / ee

480 43. Ta δὲ | ἀπὸ πομάτων: ὅσα μὲν ὑδαρέα,

\ \ 2) \ / [γι Ν Γο te

; 129
βραδύπορα" ἐστι καὶ 12ἐγκυκλεῖται
καὶ ΕΣἐπιπολάζει ,

περὶ ὑποχόνδρια καὶ ἐς οὔρησιν οὐ κατατρέχει.

τοιούτου δὲ πόματος πληρωθεὶς μηδὲν ἔργον
ὀξέως διαπρήξῃ. ὁπόσα τῷ σώματι συνταθέντι ἢ
Ὁ} / / ς ΄- / / Ἃ

Bin ἢ τάχει πονεῖν συμβαίνει: ὡς μάλιστα δὲ jov-

/ δ) / ~ / / \

χαζέτω, μέχρι καταπεφθῇ μετὰ τῶν σιτίων.

ὁπόσα δὲ τῶν πομάτων ἀκρητέστερά ἐστιν ἢ
avoTnpotepa, παλμὸν ἐν τῷ σώματι καὶ σφυγμὸν
ev THz κεφαλῇtet ἐμποιέει.
͵ ,
τούτοισι καλῶςκοῖς ite)
ἔχει eS

ἐπικοιμᾶσθαι Kal θερμόν τι ἐπιρρυφεῖν. πρὸς 6 τι

Ψ > \ / ~ \ a

μάλιστα ἥδιστα ἔχουσιν. νηστείη δὲ πονηρὸν πρὸς

τὴν κεφαλαλγίην καὶ κραιπάλην.
482 44. πόσοι δὲ μονοσιτεῦσι, κενοὶ καὶ ἀδύνα-
τοί εἰσι καὶ οὐρέουσι θερμὸν παρὰ τὸ ἔθος κενεαγ-
γέοντες. γίνεται δὲ καὶ τὸ στόμα ἁλμυρὸν ἢ“ καὶ
πικρόν, καὶ τρέμουσιν ἐν παντὶ ἔργῳ καὶ κροτά-
gous ἐπισυντείνονται καὶ τὸ δεῖπνον οὐ δύνανται
πέσσειν, ὅπως περ ἢν" ἡἠριστηκότες ἔωσιν.
τούτους δὲ χρὴ δειπνεῖν ἔλασσον ἢ μεμαθήκασι
| ἣν δὲ... ἀ. om. A. 2 A: -πορώτερά MV. 3 MV: ἔχοι A.
Δ ἢ om. MV. 5 ἣν om. A.

smallish amount of nearly neat wine; but if he is

not emptied, anoint his body with warm oil; if he is
thirsty, let him drink dilute sweet or white wine,
and rest; if he does not sleep, let him rest even
longer. The remainder of his treatment is to be
conducted as for those suffering the after-effects of
43. The effects of beverages: those that are
aqueous advance slowly, are enclosed, and remain
high up about the hypochondrium; they do not run
down to pass off as urine. When he is filled with
such a drink, let the person not soon perform any
physical task of the kind that cause the body to
labour, strained by exertion or speed, but rest as
much as possible until the drink is digested with
his food. Beverages that are more concentrated or
harsher provoke palpitation in the body and throb-
bing in the head. It is good for persons in this case
to sleep, and afterwards to drink some kind of
warm gruel, whichever kind they like best. Fasting
is harmful for headache and the after-effects of
44. Those who eat only once a day! become
exhausted and weak, and pass warm urine on
account of their abnormal emptiness. Their mouth
becomes salty, or even bitter, they tremble in every
activity, have a feeling of tightness in their
temples, and are unable to digest their dinner as
they would have if they had had a breakfast. These
persons must eat less at dinner than they are
1 Understand “contrary to their usual habit” (see
beginning of ch. 42 above). This chapter and chapter 42
share much with Regimen in Acute Diseases 28-33 and
Ancient Medicine 10. 307

Kal ὑγροτέραν μᾶζαν ἀντὶ ἄρτου καὶ λαχάνων

Ν ig / ΄“ Ψ Ν v \ /

λάπαθον ἢ μολόχην' ἢ πτισάνην ἢ τεῦτλα.

πίνειν δὲ κατὰ τὸ σιτίον οἶνον, ὅσον σύμμετρον,
καὶ ὑδαρέστερον καὶ ἀπὸ δείπνου περιπατῆσαι
ὃ ,ὔ
καὶ \ οὐρήσῃ.
3» ἐν
΄ θ

δὲ καὶ ἰχθύσιν ἐφθοῖσιν.

45. Βρώματα δὲ μάλιστα ἐπισημαίνει: σκόρο-
δον φῦσαν καὶ θέρμην περὶ τὸν θώρηκα καὶ κεφα-
λῆς βάρος καὶ donv, καὶ εἴ τι ἄλλο ἄλγημα εἴη
484 μεμαθηκὸς πρόσθεν, παροξύνειεν | ἄν: οὐρητικὸν
έ, καὶ \ τοῦτ᾽
dé ae Oh
> /
8 ? αὐτοῦ
5. -

φαγεῖν μέλλοντι ἐς πόσιν ἰέναι ἢ μεθύοντι.

~ / ᾽ / ἊΨ, Ἃ /

46. Τυρὸς δὲ φῦσαν καὶ στεγνότητα «καὶ»


τό / τ΄ Es aeὠμὸνee καὶ ΝΎἄπεπτον.
κάκιστον δὲ ἐν ποτῷ φαγεῖν πεπληρωμένοισιν.
/ aie) ~ ~ /

47. ὍὌσπρια δὲ πάντα φυσώδεα, καὶ ὠμὰ καὶ

ἑφθὰ καὶ πεφρυγμένα, ἥκιστα δὲ βεβρεγμένα ἢ |
486 χλωρά. τούτοισι δὲ μὴ χρῆσθαι. εἰ μὴ μετὰ
σιτίων. ἔχει δὲ Kal ἰδίας μοχθηρίας ἕκαστον
/ Ὑ SA Ν ἯΙ / / vd

αὐτῶν. ἐρέβινθος μὲν φῦσαν, <Kal>* ὠμὸς καὶ

πεφρυγμένος,. Kal πόνον ἐμποιέει: Paros δὲ στύφει
/ \ / >) / Ἂς Ν /

Kal ΝΟ Upadov
zJ /

μετὰ\ TODla φλοιοῦma ἢ.

μος δὲ τούτων ἥκισταῦ κακὰ ἔχει.

ΓΑ: μαλάχην MV. 2 Later mss. 3 Later mss: τὸ δ᾽ A:
om. MV. 4 Ermerins. 5 τ᾿ ἥ. MV: ἥ. τ. ἐλάχιστα A.

used to, replace bread with quite moist barley-cake,

and of vegetables have dock, mallow, peeled barley
or beets. With their food, let them drink wine in a
reasonable amount and quite dilute, and after
dinner walk a little until urine runs down and is
passed. Let the person also eat boiled fish.
45. Foods, in most cases, show their effects.
Garlic, for example, produces flatus and heat about
the thorax, heaviness of the head, and nausea, and,
if any other pain was habitually present before,
garlic will exacerbate it; it is diuretic, and this is of
advantage; it is best of all to eat some if one is
about to go drinking or is already drunk.
46. Cheese produces flatus, constipation, and
heating of the other foods, and also gives rise to
raw and undigested substances. The worst thing is
for those already full to eat it together with their
47. All pulses produce flatulence, whether they
are raw, boiled or roasted, but least when steeped
in water, or green. They are not to be employed
except together with other foods. Also, each one of
them has its own particular dangers. The chick-
pea, both raw and when roasted, produces flatu-
lence and pain; the lentil contracts and is laxative,
if it has its hull. The lupin is the least injurious of
the pulses.

48. Σίλφιον δὲ καὶ ὁπός᾽ ἔστι μὲν οἷσι μάλι-

488 στα, τοῖσι δὲ\ | ἀπείροις
> /
od> διέρχεται
ἣς κοιλία,
pee 7

ἀλλὰ καλέεται ξηρὴ χολέρη. μάλιστα δὲ γίνεται,

ἣν μετὰ πολλοῦ τυροῦ μειχθῇ ἢ κρεηφαγίης
κρεῶν βοείων: τὰ μὲν γὰρ μελαγχολικὰ παροξυν-
θείη ἂν παθήματα ὑπὸ βοείων κρεῶν: ἀνυπέρβλη-
τος yap ἣ φύσις αὐτῶν. καὶ οὐ τῆς τυχούσης |
κοιλίης καταπέψαι. βέλτιστα δ᾽ ἂν ἀπαλλά-
ξαιεν, εἰ διέφθοισί τε χρέοιντο Kai ὡς παλαιοτά-
3 / / / \ ς Ue

49. Αἰγεῖα δὲ κρέα ὅσα τε ἐν βοείοις ἕνι κακὰ
492 πάντ᾽
ἔχει τήν, τε Ϊ ἀπεψίην,
2. ὯΝ > ,
καὶ \ φυσωδέστερα

Kal ἐρευγματώδεα Kal χολέρην ποιέει. ἔστι δὲ τὰ

se) / \ / / vv \ \

> ἢ 3
εὐωδέστατα" καὶ Neἥδιστα. ταῦτα {- "
ἄριστα ,
καὶ ψυχρά τὰ δ᾽ ἀηδέστερα δυσώδεα καὶ σκληρά:,
\ , \ fe / U \

ταῦτα -
Kal \ τὰ\ πρόσφατα/
7 4
ἐστὶ TH θερινῆ. μετοπώρου δὲ κάκιστα.
50. Χοίρου δὲ πονηρά, ὅταν ἢ ἐνωμότερα ἢ «

περικαῆ χολερώδεα ὃ ἂν εἴη Kal ταρακτικά.

a / > on” v \ 45

494 ὕεια δὲ βέλτιστα τῶν κρεῶν πάντων; κράτιστα

δὲ τὰ μήτε ἰσχυρῶς πίονα μήτε λεπτὰ μήτε NAL-
κίην παλαιοῦ ἱερείου. ἐσθίειν δὲ ἄνευ τῆς φορίνης
/ ac / Ψ / AC par ~ /

καὶ ὑπόψυχρα.
| AMV: τῇ τῳ Galen. 2 AMV: ἁπαλωτάτοισιν Coray in Lit-
tré. 3MV:-repacrepea A. 4 MV: βέλτιον A. 5 A: ἐκ- MV.

48. Silphium and its juice pass through the cav-

ity very well in some persons, but not in others,
who are unused to them, and produce what is called
dry cholera. This occurs especially if the silphium
is mixed with much cheese or eaten with beef, since
melancholic affections are aggravated by beef,
owing to its obdurate nature, and to the fact that it
is not digested by just any cavity. The sufferer
would be best relieved if he were to eat beef
thoroughly boiled and well-aged.
49. Goat’s meat possesses all the same disad-
vantages and the indigestibility of beef, but is more
flatulent and produces belching and cholera. The
most fragrant is also the most wholesome; this is
best well-boiled and cold. The less pleasant kind is
foul-smelling and tough; this is the worst kind.!
Fresh goat’s meat is best in summer, worst in
50. The meat of young pig is injurious when it is
either too raw or scorched, since then it is likely to
produce cholera and to set the cavity in motion.
Pork is the best of all meats; the most nutritious is
that which is neither very fat nor very lean, and
which has not the age of an old slaughter-animal;
eat it without the skin, and slightly cooled.
! The traditional punctuation connects ταῦτα κάκιστα
with what follows rather than with what precedes, e.g.
Joly: la plus mauvaise est la plus fraiche.

51. (19 L.) Χολέρης δὲ ξηρῆς 7 γαστὴρ πεφύ-

σηται, Kal ψόφοι ἔνεισι καὶ ὀδύνη πλευρέων Kal
\ / v Ἂν ps / / \

> / ὃ 7, δ᾽ ὑδὲ , > a9 ,

ὀσφύος, διαχωρέει δ΄ οὐδὲν κάτω, GAA ἀπεστέ-
γνωται. τὸν τοιόνδε διαφύλαξον, ὅπως μὴ ἐμέε-
% / / id \ 5 /

tat, ἀλλὰ κοιλίη ὑπελεύσεται. κλύσον οὖν ὅτι

Py: \ / is / ,ὔ > a

, 1
τάχιστα' θερμῷa καὶ Nuncὡς λιπαρωτάτῳ:
΄ ᾿
καὶ otἐς ὕδωρ

ἀλείφων ὡς5 πλείστῳ: κάθιε θερμόν, PRSe: ἐν σκάφ if

κατακλίνων, Kal Tod θερμοῦ παράχει κατὰ σμι-
/ \ ~ ~ / \

496 Kpov καὶ ἢν | θερμαινομένω αὐτῷ ἣ κοιλίη ὑπίῃ

λέλυται. ξυμφέρει δὲ καὶ ἐγκοιμᾶσθαι τῷ τοιῷδε
/ / \ Ned > ~ ~

καὶ \ πίνειν οἶνον

λεπτὸν καὶ \ παλαιὸν\ καὶ \ ἀκρητέ-΄
στερον καὶ ἔλαιον δίδου, Τῶὥστε ἡσυχίη Kal 7
\ Ὑ iad is / \ ig

κοιλίη ὑπίῃ, καὶ λέλυται σίτων δὲ καὶ τῶν

/ ς / \ / / \ \ ~

“ > ͵ Ἂ
ἄλλων ἀπεχέσθω. ἢν δὲ\ μὴViἀνῇ"ASU ὃfe πόνος,
, ”
γάλα δίδου πίνειν ὅπως" καθαρθῇ. nv δὲ ὑγρὴ ἢ ἢ[{6
,ὕ did , a 4 AF Ἃ δὲ c ere

κοιλίη καὶ χολὴ ὑποχωρῇ. καὶ στρόφοι καὶ ἔμετοι

καὶ πνιγμοὶ καὶ δηγμοί, τούτοισι δὴ" κράτιστον
atpepilew: πίνειν δὲ μελίκρητον καὶ μὴ ἐξεμέειν.
>| / / \ / ἊΝ XK /

52. (20 L.) Ὑδρώπων δύο μὲν φύσιες, ὧν ὃ

498 μὲν ὃ ὑπὸ τῇ σαρκὶ | ἐγχειρέων γίνεσθαι ἄφυκ-
Tos, ὃς δὲ\ μετ᾽ ΝΣἐμφυσημάτων
πολλῆς -
᾽ , ὃ
όμενος, μάλιστα μὲν ταλαιπωρίης καὶ πυρίης καὶ
ἐγκρατείης." ξηρὰ δὲ καὶ δριμέα ἐσθιέτω: οὕτω
δὰ / 6 \ de \ ὃ Ψ ’ 6 / ἂ [

γὰρ ἂν οὐρητικώτατος εἴη καὶ ἰσχύοι μάλιστα.

| A: τάχος MV. 2 MV: σμικρὸν παράχει A. 3 Later mss:
aveln AMV. 4 A: ἕως MV. 5 A: δὲ MV. 6 Galen: τίη
καὶ -in καὶ -in A: ὑπὸ ταλαιπωρίης καὶ ἐγκρατείης MV.

51. In dry cholera the belly is distended with

air, rumbling sounds are heard, pain occupies the
sides and the loins, and nothing passes off below,
for there is a blockage. Take care that such a
patient does not vomit, but that his cavity is evacu-
ated downwards; clean him out as quickly as possi-
ble with an enema of warm very oily water. Lower
him into hot water, anoint with plentiful oil, and,
laying him down in the tub, pour in hot water a lit-
tle at a time. If, when he is warmed, his cavity eva-
cuates, resolution has taken place. It also benefits
such a patient to sleep, and to drink thin old wine
almost undiluted; also give him olive oil [so that
there is peace and his cavity evacuates, and resolu-
tion has taken place];! let the patient refrain from
cereals and other foods. If the pain does not remit,
give ass’s milk to drink, in order to clean the
patient out. If the cavity is moist and bile passes
down, and colic, vomiting, choking and a gnawing
pain are present, it is best for these patients to
remain still; let them drink melicrat, and not vomit
it up.
52. Of dropsies there are two forms: the one,
attacking beneath the tissues, is inescapable; the
other, accompanied by tympanites, requires very
good fortune, and above all exercise, vapour-baths,
and self-control. Let the patient eat foods that are
dry and sharp, for thus will he pass the most urine,
1 Many attempts have been made to solve this crux,
none very convincing. Littré reads the text of the
manuscripts and translates: afin qu’il se calme et qu'il ait
des évacuations: car alors il est guéri. I suspect that “reso-
lution has taken place” has mistakenly been repeated
here from the previous sentence.

ἣν δὲ δύσπνους γένηται καὶ 7 ὥρα θερινὴ; ἐοῦσα

Ἃ δὲ δύ / Ἄν ce θ ἈΠ σε

τύχῃ Kal ΡΟΣἣ ἡλικίη
Be 7triss ,
ἀκμάζῃ." Oh eos fas
ἀπὸ τοῦA βραχίονος,

5 ~

θερμοὺς\ ἄρτους


500 νος καὶ ἐλαίου | ἀποβάπτων ἐσθιέτω καὶ ὡς ἐλά-

Ν ἐλ / Ὁ / τὶ θ / Ν ἐς ἐλά

χιστα πίνων ὡς πλεῖστα πονείτω. καὶ κρέα ὕεια

σαρκώδεα ἐσθιέτω ἐξ ὄξους ἑφθά, ὅπως πρὸς τοὺς
/ 2 / 2) vv ς / e \ \

ἀνάντεας περιπάτους ἀντέχῃ.

53. (21 L.) ΓΟκόσοι κοιλίας τὰς κάτω θερμὰς
ἔχουσι καὶ δριμέα τὰ ὑποχωρήματα καὶ ἀνώμαλα
διέρχεται ὑπὸ συντήξιος αὐτοῖς. ἣν μὲν δυνατοὶ
Ἴ > , 5) , 3. Ἃ
ἔωσιν, ἀντισπάσαι ἐλλεβόρῳ" ἣν δὲ\ pH,Tanaὃ χυλὸς\
τῶν σητανίων πυρῶν, παχύς, ψυχρὸς καὶ τὸ φά-
κινον ἔτνος καὶ ἄρτοι ἐγκρυφίαι καὶ ἰχθύες πυρέσ-
σοντι μὲν\ ἐφθοί,
δὲ\4 ὀπτοί
5 ,
Kal Vesοἶνος
μέλας ἀπυρέτῳ. εἰ δὲ μή, ὕδωρ ἀπὸ μεσπίλων ἢ
/ P) / , \ / [2 ») Ν / Ἃ

μύρτων ἢ οὔων ἢ μήλων ἢ φοίνικος βαλάνων" ἢ

/ Ἃ Vv Ἃ / Ἃ / / 5 Ἃ

LL 5 7 1
οἰνάνθης ἀμπέλου. ἣν δὲ\ πυρετὸς"N20 ἔχῃ καὶ \ στρό-,
502 φοι ἔχωσι, γάλα ὄνειον, ὀλίγον θερμὸν τὸ πρῶ-
τον, ἔπειτα δὲ ἐκ προσαγωγῆς πλεῖον καὶ λίνου
σπέρμα καὶ πύρινα ἄλφιτα καὶ τῶν Αἰγυπτίων
κυάμων ἐξελὼν τὰ πικρά, καταλέσας, ἐπιπάσσων
πινέτω ἢ ὠὰ ἡμιπαγέα ἐσθιέτω ὀπτὰ καὶ σεμίδα-
Aw καὶ κέγχρον καὶ χόνδρον εφθὸν ἐν γάλακτι

Ae ἐαρινὴ MV. 2 MV add καὶ ῥώμη ἦ ΠΑ Σ τῷ λευκῷ

a. MV. 4 MV add ἐόντι. Ὁ A: φοινικοβαλάνων MV.
5 MV add τε μὴ. 7 A: βόειον MV.

and have the greatest strength. If he has difficulty

breathing, it happens to be the summer season, and
he is in the prime of life, draw blood from his arm.
Then let him eat warm bread dipped in dark wine
and olive oil, drink as little as possible, and exer-
cise himself as much as possible. Have him eat
lean pork, boiled in vinegar, in order to be able to
withstand up-hill walks.
53. Let those with hot lower cavities, and in
whom sharp irregular evacuations occur because of
colliquation, check this, if they can stand it, with a
dose of hellebore. If not, administer thick cold
water from spring-wheat, thick lentil soup, bread
baked in ashes and, to those with fever, boiled fish,
to those without, roasted fish; also give dark wine
to those without fever, but otherwise water made
from medlars, myrtle-berries, sorbs, apples, dates,
or the flowers of grape-vines. If fever and colic are
present, have the patient first drink a little warm
ass’s milk, and then more and more ass’s milk over
which have been sprinkled linseed, wheat meal,
and ground Egyptian beans from which the bitter
parts have been removed; or he can eat medium-
fried eggs, and the finest wheat flour, millet, and
spelt groats boiled in milk; let these be boiled and

εφθὰ ψυχρὰ ἐσθίειν.

¢ ἊΝ Ν 5 /
Kal τὰ τούτοις ὁμοῖα Kal
\ \ ,ὔ id ~ \

ποτὰ καὶ ἐδέσματα προσφερέσθω.

ΑΙ (22 Ae) Τῆς διαιτητικῆς ἐστι μέγιστον
παρατηρεῖν καὶ παραφυλάσσειν' ἐν τοῖσι μακροῖ-
504 σιν ἀρρωστήμασι καὶ τὰς | ἐπιτάσιας τῶν πυρε-
τῶν καὶ τὰς ἀνέσιας. ὥστε τοὺς καιροὺς διαπεφυ-
λάχθαι, ὁπότε μὴ δεῖ τὰ σιτία προσενεγκεῖν, καὶ
ἀσφαλέως ὃπότε δεῖ προσενεγκεῖν εἰδέναι. ἔστι ὃ
> / c / ~ ~ ὃς. 7 Ὑ 3

ὅταν“ πλεῖστον ἀπέχωσι τῆς ἐπιτάσιος."

506 55. (28 L.) Εἰδέναι δὲ τοὺς κεφαλαλγικοὺς ἐκ
γυμνασίων ἢ δρόμων ἢ πορειῶν ἢ κυνηγίων ἢ
ἄλλου τευ πόνου ἀκαίρου ἢ ἐξ ἀφροδισίων, τοὺς
v / 5 / Ἃ 3) 2) / MN

axpdous, τοὺς βραγχαλέους. τοὺς omAnvawdeas,

5 / Ν / \ /

τοὺς λειφαίμους. τοὺς πνευματώδεας καὶ ξηρὰ

βήσσοντας καὶ διψώδεας, τοὺς φυσώδεας, φλεβῶν
ἀπολήψιας, ἐντεταμένους ὑποχόνδρια καὶ πλευρὰ
5 / 5 / G / \ Ἂν

καὶ μετάφρενον. τοὺς ἀπονεναρκωμένους καὶ

ἀμαυρὰ βλέποντας καὶ οἷς ἦχοι τῶν ὥτων ἐμπί-
πτουσιν καὶ τῆς οὐρήθρης ἀκρατῶς διακειμένους,
Tous ἰκτεριώδεας Kal ὧν αἱ κοιλίαι ὠμὰ ἐκβάλ-
\ ᾿ 7 , @ ς / ᾿ Ne /

Aovow | ἢ αἱμορραγέοντας ἐκ ῥινὸς ἢ καθ᾽ ἕδρην

σφοδρῶς, nv ev ἐμφυσήμασιν ἔωσιν ἢ πόνος
~ Ἃ 2) 5 / vv Ἃ /

αὐτοῖς ἐπιτρέχῃ σφοδρὸς καὶ μὴ ἐπικρατέωσιν.

τῶν τοιῶνδε μηδένα φαρμακεύειν. κίνδυνόν τε
"πο A: φυλάσσειν ὥσπερ ἐν τοῖς ὀξέσι καὶ MV. 2 A adds τι.
3M: ἀποστάσιος A: ἐπιστάσηος V.


cooled. In addition, both drinks and foods similar

to these are to be administered.
54. The most important part of the dietetic art
is to observe and watch closely during long illnesses
for the exacerbations of the fevers and for their
remissions, so as carefully to avoid the particular
times when foods must not be given, and to know
when they may be given with safety, namely, when
patients are furthest from the exacerbation.
55. Take note of patients with headaches that
have arisen from physical exercises, running, walk-
ing, hunting, some other untimely exertion, or ven-
ery, and of those with poor colour, a sore throat,
disease of the spleen, lack of blood, asthma, a dry
cough, excessive thirst, flatulence, stoppage of the
vessels, tension of the hypochondrium, sides and
back, numbness, dullness of vision, ringing in the
ears, loss of command over the urethra, jaundice,
the passage of undigested stools, excessive bleeding
from the nose or through the anus, tympanites, or
an attack of severe pain they do not overcome: do
not treat any of these with a medication, for that


yap ἕξει' καὶ οὐδὲν ὠφελήσεις τάς τε ἀπὸ TOD

Ν a 1 \ ὑδὲ "] λ / / 5 \ ~

αὐτομάτου κρίσιας ἀφαιρήσεις.

56. (24 τ Ἃ
Hy δὲ αἷμά τινι ξυμφέρῃ ἀφαιρέ-
Ν e / / 3 /

ειν, στερεὴν πρότερον ποιέειν τὴν κοιλίην καὶ

οὕτως ἀφαιρέειν" καὶ λιμοκτονέειν καὶ οἶνον
5 ͵ a 3.
ἀφαιρέειν αὐτῷ." ἔπειτα τῇ= διαίτῃ
τὰNl ἐπίλοιπα

910 αὐτὸν καὶ Tupinow ἐνίκμοισι |θεράπευε. ἣν δέ σοι

5 \ \ oe 3) / Y Ne Ἃ /

κατάπυκνος 7 κοιλίη δοκέῃ εἶναι, μαλθακῷ κλύοσ-

ig icy ~

ματι ὑπόκλυζε.
57. (25 L.) Ἢν δὲ φαρμακεῦσαι δόξῃ, ἐλλεβό-
Ἃ Ν ~ / 2 /

> , mM , Ὁ \ ees
pw ἀσφαλέως ἄνω κάθαιρε: κάτω δὲ μηδενὶ τῶν
τοιῶνδε. κράτιστον δὲ ἐς οὔρησιν καὶ ἐς ἱδρῶτας
καὶ ἐςπεριπάτους ἄγειν. καὶ τρίψει ἡσύχῳ χρέω,
ἵνα μὴ πυκνώσῃς τὴν ἕξιν: ἢν δὲ κλινοπετὴς 7; ἢ
ἄλλοι τριβόντων αὐτόν. Kal ἢν μὲν ev TH θώρηκι
δόσαν A A
ὑπὲρ τῶν φρενῶν λυπέῃ, τὸ\ πάθος,
, 5 ,
ἀνακαθιζέτω 4

ὡς πλειστάκις. καὶ ὡς ἥκιστα προσκλινέσθωσαν.

ἐς ὅ τι δυνατοί εἰσιν, καὶ καθίζοντα ἀνατριβόντων
πολὺν xp
χρόνον θερμῷ πολλῶ. ἣν δ᾽ ἐν τῇ κάτωρμᾷ ὺ. ἢ ἢ
κοιλίῃ ὑπὸ φρένας ἴσχῃ τὰ ἀλγήματα, ἀνακεῖσθαι
/ δ Ν / vv \ 2) / 5 ~

ξυμφέρει καὶ μηδεμίαν κίνησιν κινεῖσθαι. τῷ

512 τοιῷδε | σώματι μηδὲν προσφέρεσθαι ἔξω τῆς
ἀνατρίψιος. τὰ δ᾽ ἐκ τῆς κάτω κοιλίης λυόμενα
δι οὔρων καὶ ἱδρώτων, ἢν ὀλίσθῃ μετρίως, ὑπὸ
3 Ὑ ζ 7 Ἃ ὌΝ / is \

αὐτοματισμοῦ λύεται, τὰ σμικρά τὰ σφοδρὰ δὲ

! Vassaeus from Galen: ὀξέες A: ἕξεις MV. 2 πρότερον ...
ἀφαιρέειν om. A. 3 Joly from the later ms. P of Galen:
αὐτῶν AMV. 4 A: αὐτὸν avaxabilew MV.

would be dangerous, and your effect would not be to

help the patient, but only to deprive his crises of
their spontaneity.
56. If it would benefit some patient to draw
blood, first make his cavity firm, and then draw the
blood, have the patient fast, and take away his
wine. Then in the time that follows treat him by
regimen and vapour-baths. If the cavity seems to
be very costive, administer a gentle enema.
57. If it seems advisable to administer a medica-
tion, clean cautiously upwards with hellebore, but
never clean downwards in patients of this sort; it is
best to get them to pass urine, sweat, and take
walks. Also, employ gentle massage in order not to
make the body too contracted; if the person is bed-
ridden, have others massage him. If the affection
produces pain in the thorax above the diaphragm,
let the patient sit up as much as possible, and the
attendants support him as little as they can; when
he is sitting up, let them rub him for a long time
with plentiful warm oil. If the pains are in the
lower cavity below the diaphragm, it helps for the
patient to recline and to lie perfectly still; to such a
patient administer nothing except massage. Pains
resolved from the lower cavity, through urine and
sweat that flow in moderation, are resolved spon-
taneously as long as they are mild; but severe

πονηρόν οἱ τοιοίδε γὰρ ἢ ἀπόλλυνται ἢ ἄνευ

/ ς Ν Ἃ Ὁ) / Ἃ Ὑ


οὐ5 γίνονται
¢ 7
> 79
ζεται' τὰ τοιουτότροπα.
58. (26 L.) Πόμα ὑδρωπιῶντι κανθαρίδας
τρεῖς, ἀφελὼν τὴν κεφαλὴν καὶ πόδας ἑκάστης
~ p) Ν᾿ \ \ \ / ς /

καὶ πτερά, τρίψας ἐν τρισὶ κυάθοισιν ὕδατος τὰ

σώματα: ὅταν δὲ πονέῃ ὃ πίων, θερμῷ βρεχέσθω
ὑπαλειψάμενος πρότερον. νῆστις δὲ πινέτω:
ἐσθιέτω δὲ ἄρτους θερμοὺς ἐξ ἀλείφατος.
>) / , ov \ 3 r) /

514 59. (27 L.) Ἴσχαιμον ὀπὸν συκῆς ἐν εἰρίῳ

᾿Ξ 7
προσθεῖναι εἴσω πρὸς\ τὴν
\ ͵
φλέβα ἢἊι πυτίην"
, 8
στρέψαντα βῦσαι εἰς τὸν μυκτῆρα ἢ χαλκίτιδος
τῷ δακτύλῳ ἐπισπασάμενος πίεσον᾽ καὶ τοὺς χόν-
Spous ἔξωθεν προσπίεζε ἑκατέρωθεν. καὶ τὴν
κοιλίην λῦσον ὄνου γάλακτι EPID καὶ τὴν κεφα-
λὴν ξυρῶν ψυκτικὰ πρόσφερε, ἢν ἐν ὥρῃ θερμῇ
\ 7 ue / nv 2) τὴ


60. (28 L.) Σησαμοειδὲς ἄνω καθαίρει: 7 πόσις,

ς , a ay Pincers ͵
ἡμιόλιον δραγμῆς [σταθμὸς [ἡ ἐν ὀξυμέλιτι τετριμ-
516 μένον. συμμίσγεται δὲ καὶ τοῖσιν ἐλλεβόροισιν,
καὶ ἧσσον πνίγει, τὸ τρίτον μέρος τῆς πόσιος.
61. (29 L.) Τριχώσιος: ὑποθεὶς τὸ ῥάμμα τῇ
βελόνῃ" τῇ τὸ κύαρ ἐχούσῃ κατὰ τὸ ὀξὺ τῆς ἄνω
τάσιος τοῦ~ βλεφάρου
, 5
ἐς τὸ\ κάτω"
/ 6 ,
' Potter: ἀποστηρίζει καὶ AMV. 2 MV: περὶ πρὸς THY ἐκ ῥινῶν
αἱμορραγίαν ἴσχ. Α. 3M: πιτύην AV. 4 Del. Joly after
Helmreich. Ὁ MV: ὑποθείστω ῥάμματι βελόνη A. 6 MV:
avw A.

ones are bad, for such patients either die or fail to

escape without other evils, since such conditions
become chronic.
58. Beverage for a patient with dropsy: remove
the head, legs and wings from three blister-beetles,
and grind the bodies into three cyathoi of water.
When the person that has drunk this beverage
suffers pain, let him first be anointed and then
bathed in hot water; let him drink the medication
in the fasting state, and eat warm bread that has
been dipped in oil.
59. Against nosebleed: apply fig juice, in a piece
of wool, inside against the vessel; or roll together
some rennet and stuff it into the nostril, or take up
some copper ore with your fingers, insert it, and
squeeze the cartilages on both sides from the out-
side. Open the cavity with boiled ass’s milk, and, if
it happens in summer, shave the head and apply
cooling agents to it.
60. Sesamoid cleans upwards: the potion con-
sists of one-and-a-half drachmas ground into oxy-
mel. It can also be mixed with hellebore, and this
chokes less; in that case you employ one-third the
amount of the potion.
61. Trichiasis: pass a thread through the eye of
a needle; then, piercing through along the angle of
the upper extension of the eye-lid in a downward

les, καὶ ἄλλο ὑποκάτω τούτου. ἀνατείνας δὲ

dé \1 ἄλλ 6, if / 5 ve Ν

ἈΝ ΠΥ cy \ , ο « Ἂ 5
τὰ βάμματα ῥάψον, καὶ κατάδησον." ἕως ἂν ἀπο-
πέσῃ. κὴν μὲν ἱκανῶς ἔχῃ εἰ δὲ μή, ἣν ἐλλείπῃ.
, Ἃ ὲν ζ ~ vv Α >) δὲ 7 Ἃ ἐλλ /

ὀπίσω ποιέειν TO αὐτό.“

5 5 .

62. Καὶ τὰς αἱμορροΐδας τὸν αὐτὸν τρόπον" τῇ

βελόνῃ διώσας ὡς" παχύτατον εἰρίου οἰσυπηροῦ
ῥάμμα καὶ ὡς μέγιστον amodnoes ἀσφαλεσ-
τέρη" γὰρ γίνεται ἣ θεραπείη. εἶτα ἀποπιέσας
τῷ σήπτῳ χρέω: καὶ μὴ βρέχε. πρὶν ἀποπέσῃ; καὶ
~~ / Ψ Ρ \ \ / \ ΟΣ / Η Ν

αἰεὶ μίαν καταλίμπανε. καὶ μετὰ ταῦτα ἀνα-

ὍΣΟΝ / Ν Ν ~ ἣν

λαβὼν ἐλλεβορίσαι. εἶτα γυμναζέσθω καὶ ἀφι-

povTw γυμνασίου δὲ τρίψις, πάλη" ἀπὸ ὀρθοῦ"
ὃ / J / δὲ ,ὔ LA 6 5 \ 2} 6 ~

δρόμου δὲ ἀπεχέσθω καὶ μέθης καὶ τῶν δριμέων

7 Ν Ὗ / \ / x ~ /

Ὑ 5 / 53 7, \ 96 NAIC. 7, BI \
ἔξω ὀριγάνου. ἐμείτω δὲ du ἑπτὰ ἡμερέων ἢ τρὶς
> - Στ ΝΟΥΣ " \ -
518 ἐν τῷ μηνί οὕτω γὰρ ἂν ἔχοι ἄριστα τὸ | σῶμα.
οἶνον δὲ κιρρὸν αὐστηρὸν vdapéa, Kai ὀλίγον τὸ
> \ \ 2) Ν [4 / beat | / \

ποτὸν πινέτω.
~ 3
63. (30 L.) Τοῖσι δ΄ ἐμπύοισι σκίλλης κατα-
ταμὼν κυκλίσκους ἕψε ev ὕδατι, Kal ἀποζέσας εὖ
\ / a , di . 3 / =

μάλα ἀπόχεον, καὶ ἐπιχέας ἄλλο eye, ἕως ἂν

/ »} 7ὔ Ν >} / Ὑ cd ivi Ἃ

¢ , / \ \ low "πὶ
ἁπτομένῳ δίεφθον καὶ μαλθακὸν φανῇ εἶτα
τρίψας λεῖον σύμμισγε κύμινον πεφρυγμένον καὶ
~ / / Ν

λευκὰ σήσαμα καὶ ἀμυγδάλας elas,’ τρίψας ἐν

1 MV: εἶναι δ᾽ A. 2 A: -Be MV. 3 A: τὰ αὐτά MV.
4 Reinhold: τῇ βέλτιον ἡδίως εἴσως A: διώσεις τῇ βελόνῃ ὡς MV.
5 MV: -τάτη A. ORS See πάλη A: τε... πολλὴ MV. TA:
νέας MV.


direction, draw the needle through; do the same

again below this.! Now pulling the threads tight,
stitch them together, and keep them bound fast
until they fall off. If this suffices, fine; if it fails, do
the same again.
62. Treat haemorrhoids, too, in the same way:
first thrust through a very long thick thread of
greasy wool, and then tie them off, for this makes
the treatment more effective. Then, after squeez-
ing them out, use a putrefacient; do not wash until
the haemorrhoids have fallen off, and always leave
one behind. After that, restore the patient and
administer hellebore. Then let him do exercises
and be cleaned by sweating; use the massage of the
gymnastic school and wrestling from the standing
position; he must avoid running, drunkenness, and
all sharp substances except marjoram. Have the
patient vomit every seven days, or three times a
month, for thus will his body be in the best condi-
tion. Have him drink dry light-coloured wine,
diluted with water, and little of it.
63. For patients that are suppurating inter-
nally: cut up a squill and boil the discs in water;
boil them well, pour off the water, replace it with
new water, and boil again until they seem boiled
through and soft to the touch. Then mash them
smooth, and mix in roasted cummin, white sesame
and ground almonds; knead this into honey,
1 In spite of J. Hirschberg’s explanation (Geschichte
der Augenheilkunde im Alterthum, Leipzig, 1899, p. 140),
I agree with Francis Adams (Paulus Aegineta, London,
1844-7, II. 262) that “the description is so obscure that
we must confess our inability to explain it.”

μέλιτι ἐκλεικτὸν δίδου καὶ ἐπὶ τούτῳ γλυκύν.

ῥυφήματα δέ, μήκωνος τῆς λευκῆς ὑποτρίψας
ὅσον λεκίσκιον, ὕδατι διείς, ἢ σητανίου πλύματι
ἀλεύρου ἑψήσας, μέλι ἐπιχέας, χλιερὸν ἐπιρρυ-
φέων. οὕτω διαγέτω τὴν ἡμέρην. εἶτα ἐς τὰ
ἀποβαίνοντα λογιζόμενος τὸ δεῖπνον δίδου.
64. (31 L.) Δυσεντερίης κυάμων καθαρῶν
τεταρτημόριον καὶ ἐρυθροδάνου δώδεκα κάρφεα
λεῖα συμμείξαντα καὶ ἐἑψήσαντα λιπαρὸν διδόναι
65. (32 L.) ᾿Οφθαλμῶν: σποδὸς πεπλυμένη.
λιπαρῷ πεφυρημένη, ὡς σταῖς μὴ ὑγρόν. λεῖον
τρίψας, ὀμφακίῳ Τῶν. THS πικρῆς ὄμφακος
ἀνυγρήνας, ἐν ἡλίῳ ξηρήνας, ὑγραίνειν ὡς ἐνά-
λειπτον: ὅταν δ᾽ αὖτις" ξηρὸν γένηται, λείῳ
τετριμμένῳ ξηρῷ ὑπόχριε καὶ παράπασσε τοὺς
66. (33 L.) ‘Yypav? ἐβένου δραγμὴν μίαν"
χαλκοῦ κεκαυμένου ἐννέα ὀβολοὺς ἐπ᾽ ἀκόνης
τρίβων, κρόκου τριώβολον. ταῦτα τρίψας λεῖα,
παράχει οἴνου γλυκέος κοτύλην ᾿Αττικήν, κἄπει-
τα ἐς τὸν ἥλιον θείς, κατακαλύψας, ὅταν συνεψη-
θῇ τούτῳ χρέω.
522 67. (34 L.) Πρὸς τὰς περιωδυνίας καὶ τὰ ῥεύ-
pata ἔστω χαλκίτιδος δραγμή. σταφυλῆς. ὅταν
1 Kuehlewein: αὐτῆς A: om. MV. 2 Later mss: Ὑγρόν
AMV. 3 μίαν om. MV.

and administer as a lozenge, followed by a sweet

wine. Gruels: grind up a small bowl of white
poppy, either soak it in water or boil it in an infu-
sion of this year’s meal, add honey, and have the
patient drink it warm, over the whole day. Then,
taking the consequences into account, give him
64. For dysentery: mix together one quarter
cotyle of cleaned beans and twelve twigs of madder
until they are smooth, boil, and give in fat as a
65. For the eyes: mix washed metallic ashes into
a paste with fat in such a way that the fat is no
longer liquid; knead it smooth, moisten with the oil
of bitter unripe olives, dry in the sun, and moisten
again to give it the consistency of an ointment;
when it has become dry once more, anoint the eyes
with this smoothly-ground dry mixture, and dust it
into the corners.
66. For watery eyes: one drachma of ebony, nine
obols of burnt copper ground in a mortar, three
obols of saffron: grind these smooth, pour in an
Attic cotyle of sweet wine, and then cover and place
in the sun; when it has combined, apply.
67. Against sharp pains and fluxes: let there be
a drachma of copper ore, and grapes; when this has

δυσὶν\ ἡμέραις
͵ ,
σμύρναν καὶ \
κρόκον τρίψας καὶ συμμείξας τὸ γλεῦκος, ἕψησον
ἐν τῷ ἡλίῳ, Kal τούτῳ ὑπάλειφε τοὺς περιωδυ-
>) ~ ig / \ / c / \

νέοντας" ἔστω δὲ ἐν χαλκῷ ἀγγείῳ.

/ x ” VS -~ 3 /

68. (35 L.) “Ὑπὸ ὑστερικῶν πνιγομένων γνῶ- x ~ / ~

σις πιέσαι τοῖσι τρισὶ δακτύλοισι κἣν αἴσθηται,

ταῦτα ὑστερικά ἐστιν NY δὲ μή, σπασμώδεα.
69. (386 L.) Τοῖσιν ὑπνωτικοῖσι" μηκωνίου"
λεκίσκιον ᾿Αττικὸν στρογγύλον πόσις.
70. (37 L.) Λεπίδος μῆλαι τρεῖς τῷ πλάτει
524 καὶ ἀλήτου on|taviou κόλλης. πάντα ταῦτα λεῖα
τρίψας. καταπότια ποιήσας δίδου κάτω ὕδωρ
71. (38 L.) ΚΚοιλέίην ἐκκοπροῖ ἐς ἰσχάδια᾽ τοῦ
τιθυμάλλου ἀπόσταζε ὅσον ἑπτάκις ἐς ἕκαστον,
/ 2) / vd ¢ / , a

καὶ παιδίοισιν, εἶτα εἰς καινὸν ἄγγος συνθεὶς

ταμιεύεσθαι: δίδου πρὸ τῶν σιτίων.
72. (39 L.) Καὶ τὸ μηκώνιον τρίβων, ὕδωρ ἐπι-
526 χέων καὶ Sin|béwv, ἄλευρον Pupav, ἵτριον ὀπτῶν,
/ \ / vv ΄ι Vv 2 ~

μέλι ἑφθὸν παραχέων, τοῖς ὑδρωπικοῖσιν τρώγειν

δίδου Kal ἐπιπίνειν γλυκὺν ὑδαρέα ἢ μελίκρητον
NeoPa / \ c / Ἃ /

ὑδαρές [, τὸ ἀπὸ τῶν κηρίων]. ἢ μηκώνιον συλ-

λέγων ταμιεύου, καὶ θεράπευε.
| A: δκόταν δύο μέρεα λειφθῇ MV. 2 A: ὑδρωπιώδεσι(ν) MV.
3 A: τιον MV. 4 Kuehlewein: ἰσχάδα A: ἐσχάδα ὁποῦ MV.
5 Del. Ermerins.

fermented for two days, press it out, knead into it

myrrh and saffron, and add new wine; heat in the
sun, and with this anoint persons suffering from
sharp pains; let it be kept in a copper vessel.
68. Recognition of hysterical suffocations: pinch
with three fingers: if the patient feels it, they are
hysterical, if not, convulsive.
69. For sleepy patients: a spherical Attic lek-
iskion of spurge as a potion.!
70. Of copper scale three probes,” and a paste
made from this year’s flour; grind all this fine, form
it into pills, and give; it is diuretic.
71. It empties the cavity of faeces: on to a dried
fig distil spurge, about seven drops on each, also for
children; place these together in a new vessel and
store them; give before meals.
72. Also grind spurge, pour water over it, sieve,
and into this mix meal; then bake as a cake, and
pour honey over it; give to patients with dropsy, to
eat; with it have them drink sweet wine diluted
with water, or dilute melicrat. Or collect and store
spurge, and treat with that.
1 The meaning of this chapter is very doubtful. In
place of A’s “sleepy patients” MV read “patients with
dropsy”. μηκώνιον could be either the cathartic juice of
spurge, or poppy juice (opium); cf. Diseases of Women II
201 where μηκώνιον is referred to as “sleep producing”. A
lekiskion is apparently a small pot, used here as an indi-
cation of volume.
2 Presumably as much copper scale as can be picked
up on a probe.

ssn ab τα
(with estimated equivalents)

1) Weights: 6 obols = 1 drachma; 100 drachmas = 1 mina

Equivalents Attic Aeginetan

obol 0.728 g. 1.0 g.

drachma 4.366 g. 6.03 g.
mina 436.6 g. 602.6 g

ii) Distance: Attic stade : 185 meters.

iii) Liquid Measures:

12 cheramydes?
6 cyathoi = 1 cotyle
4 oxybapha

12 cotylai =1 chous (pl. choes)

! See F. Hultsch, Griechische und Rémische Metrologie

(2nd ed.), Berlin, 1882.
21 take χηραμύς to mean the same as κόγχη ἐλάττων. This
latter unit is set equal to one half cyathos in Cleopatra,
Περὶ σταθμῶν καὶ μέτρων 22 (Scriptores Metrologici, ed.
F. Hultsch, Leipzig, 1866, I. 256).

Equivalents Attic Aeginetan

cheramys” 22.8 ml.

cyathos 45.6 ml.
oxybaphon 68.4 ml.
cotyle 0.2736 1. 0.379 1.
chous 3.283 1. 4.55 1.

iv) Dry Measures: 4 cotylai = 1 choenix

Equivalents Attic Aeginetan

cotyle 0.2736 1. 0.379.

choenix 1.094 1. 1.515 1.


In the Indexes of Symptoms and Diseases and of

Foods and Drugs, the references are to chapter-
numbers in the works included in volumes V and
VI. The works are identified as follows:
A = Affections
B = Diseases I
C = Diseases IT
D = Diseases III
E = Internal Affections
F = Regimen in Acute Diseases (Appendix)
A, B and C are in volume V
D, E and F are in volume VI

A complete Greek word index to the Hippocratic

Collection now exists: Concordance des Oeuvres
Hippocratiques, editée par Gilles Maloney et Win-
nie Frohn, avec la collaboration du Dr Paul Potter,
Hildesheim/ New York/Ziirich, 1986, 5 volumes.


(The references in bold type indicate passages

where the symptom or disease is described rather
than merely mentioned by name.)

Alopecia, ἀλώπηξ, a disease in which the hair falls out; cf. Celsus
6.4.2: A35. Cf. C48
Alphos, ἀλῴός, a dull-white variety of leprosy or psoriasis; cf.
Celsus 5.28.19: A35

! This is an index of ancient diseases, i.e. diseases as

they are described and defined in the texts. In most cases
they correspond only distantly to their modern counter-
parts. Discussions of Hippocratic pathology and disease
names are to be found in the following works: Daniel Le
Clerc, Histoire de la médecine, La Haye, 1729, pp. 165-84;
Ch. Daremberg, Oewvres choisies d’Hippocrate (2nd ed.),
Paris, 1855; Aug. Hirsch, Handbuch der historisch-geo-
graphischen Pathologie (2nd ed.), Stuttgart, 1881-1886;
Reinhold Stromberg, Griechische Wortstudien: Unter-
suchungen zur Benennung von Tieren, Pflanzen, Korper-
teilen und Krankheiten, Goteborg, 1944, pp. 68-103;
Eulalia Vintro, Hipdcrates y la nosologia hipocrdatica,
Barcelona, 1972, pp. 147-74; M. ἢ. Grmek, “La réalité
nosologique au temps dHippocrate” in La Collection
Hippocratique et son réle dans histoire de la médecine
(Colloque de Strasbourg, 1972), Leiden, 1975, pp. 237-55;
M.D. Grmek, Les maladies a lVaube de la civilisation
occidentale, Paris, 1983.

Angina, κυνάγχη (= otvayxos) (ἄγχω, strangle): B3 bis, C9, C26,

C27, C28, D10, E53, F3, F9
Anthrax, ἄνθραξ (a coal), a necrotizing infection of the skin and
subcutaneous tissue. The only description of ἄνθρακες in the
Hippocratic Collection (Epidemics II 1) does not provide
sufficient details to allow identification of the disease with the
modern anthrax. Cf. Pliny N.H. 26.5-6: A35
Ardent fever, καῦσος (= πυρετὸς Kavowdns) (καίω, burn). Littré
argues that this fever is tropical malaria; cf. Potter pp. 62 f.: A6,
AQ, All, Al4, B3 passim, B29, B33, C63, D6, D17, ΕἸ, F2, F12. Cf.
Arthritis, dpOperis!: A30, A31, B3

Back, disease of, νωτιάς: C56. Cf. C51 and E13

Belching disease, ἐρυγματώδης: C69. Cf. E49
Bile, suffer from, yoAGv: B7, C19, C40; cf. E48
Boil, δοθιήν; cf. Celsus 5.28.8: A35

Cholera, χολέρη; cf. Hirsch 3.255 and Daremberg 636 n.1: A27,
A47, F49, F50; dry cholera F48, F51
Colic, στρόφος (στρέφω, twist); severe paroxysmal griping pains in
the belly: A23, A26, A47, A48, A61, C40, C48, C55, D16, E39,
B42, F22, F51, F53
Consumption, φθίσις (= $867): B3 bis, C49, C50, E10, Ell, E12;
consumption of the back C51; nephritic consumption E15. Cf.
A33 (φθίνω). Cf. C48
Coryza, κόρυζα, inflammatory nasal catarrh: F41

! The suffix -ῖτις (-itis) changes a noun into an adjec-

tive. Where it is joined with a noun that refers to a bodily
organ, the resulting adjective often understands νοῦσος
(disease), to acquire the meaning “disease of that particu-
lar organ”, e.g. ἀρθρῖτις (arthritis) = “disease of the joints”.
In the Hippocratic writings -ἴτις does not necessarily indi-
cate the presence of inflammation.

Crisis, κρίσις (κρίνω, decide): A7, ΑΘ, A10, All, Al4, B3, B25,
C40, D6 passim, D9, D16 passim, E21, E24, E27 ter, E28, E35,
E39, E41, E48 ter, E49, ΕἸ bis, F2 bis, F8, F9, F17 bis, F29, F30,
F32, F37, F55

Dark disease, μέλαινα: C73, C74

Darkening of vision, σκότωσις: ΕἾ
Diarrhoea, διαρροίη: A25, A27, ΒΤ, C48, E35, E42, E48
Dislocation, ἔκπτωμα: B6
Dizziness, σκοτοδινίη, a combination of darkening of vision
(σκότος) and vertigo (δῖνος): A2, C4 bis, C15, C18
Dropsy, ὕδρωψ (= ὕδερος): A19, A20, A22, A36, B3 ter, C61, E12,
E13, E19, E22, E23, E24, E25, E26, E42, E44, E49, F52, F58, F72
Drowsiness, vuotaypos: F42
Dysentery, δυσεντερίη: A22, A23, A24, A25, A26, B3 ter, F35, F64
Dysuria, dvooupin, difficult micturition: C3, C14, E13, F41

Epileptic, ἐπίληπτος (ἐπιλαμβάνω, seize): ΕἾ

Epinyctis, ἐπινυκτίς; cf. Celsus 5.28.15ς. and Pliny N.H. 20.44:
Erysipelas, ἐρυσίπελας: ΒΤ; in the uterus B3; in the lung B18,
C55, ΕΘ; ΕἾ is a f.l.

Favus, κηρίον (honeycomb), a skin disease marked by the forma-

tion of round, cup-shaped yellow crusts resembling honeycomb.
Cf. Celsus 5.28.13: A35
Fever, πυρετός (πῦρ, fire): passim, e.g. Α10, B15, B23, C40, D11,
E34, F25; bilious fever F36; summer fever Al4; winter fever A12,
F24. See also ardent, quartan, and tertian fevers.
Fistula, σῦριγξ: B3
Fracture, κάτηγμα: B6, B10, C24

Gargareon, see staphylitis.

Gout, ποδάγρη: A31, B3 bis

Haemorrhoids, aipoppoides: B3, F62

Hepatitis, ἡπατῖτις: B3, E27; cf. F34 (ἡπατικός). Cf. E28, E29

Hiccups, disease with, Avyywdns: C64; cf. F30

Hysteria, τὰ ὑστερικά: F68

Ileus, εἰλεός: A21 and D14 are intestinal obstruction. E44, E45 and
E46 are quite different, but do share some symptoms with Are-
taeus S.A. 2.6 (Ileus). Cf. Daremberg p. 293 n. 202.

Jaundice, Tk TEpos: AS2, C2) (C13) C38; C39) ΟΠ Di7, E35:

E36, E37, £38, E45, E49, F36, F55

Lepra, λέπρη (λεπίς, scale), an unidentifiable skin disease, but not

leprosy; cf. Paulus 4.2: A35, B3
Lethargy, λήθαργος: C65, DS
Lichen, λειχήν, a papular skin disease; cf. Paulus 4.3: A35, Β8
Lientery, λειεντερίη; cf. Strémberg pp. 90f.: A22, A24, A25 bis, B3
Livid disease, πελίη: C68
Look awry, ἰλλαίνειν: D12, E52

Malignant disease, φονώδης: C67

Melancholy, μελαγχολίη, either an abnormal mental state, or an
imbalance of dark bile, or both. Cf. Wittern p. 192 n.15: A36,
B3, B30, D13, F16, F29, F37, F48

Nails curved, ὄνυχες ἕλκονται, a deformity in which the nails are

unusually broad, and curved slightly over the tips of the fingers
or toes; clubbing: C47, C48, C50, C61, E10, E23
Nephritis, νεῴφρῖτις: B3 bis, E18; nephritic consumption E15. Cf.
E14, E15, E16, E17
Numbness, νάρκη: B20, C12, C16, C55, E6, F55

Ophthalmia, 6¢8aApin, an eye disease. Cf. Daremberg p. 584 n. 9:

Opisthotonus, ὀπισθότονος: D13, E53
Orthopnoea, ὀρθοπνοίη, the symptom of being able to breathe only
in an upright posture: A7, C44, C57, C58, C59, D7, D16 bis, E3,
E4, E7, E23, E40, F4, F10

Overfill with blood, ὑπεραιμεῖν: C4, C17, C18. Cf. E18, E19
Oxyrygmia, ofupeypin, acid eructation: A26, A47 ter; cf. E6
(ἐρεύγεται ὀξύ)

Panting, ἄσθμα: C51, C58, E11; cf. D7 (ἀσθμαίνω). Cf. E5, E11
Panus, φύγετρον, inflammatory swelling of the lymphatic glands.
Cf. Celsus 5.28.10: A35
Paralysed, ἀπόπληκτος (= παραπλήξ); cf. Daremberg p. 258 n. 18:
B3 bis, B4, C6, F7
Parangina, παρακυνάγχη: D10
Phlegmasia, φλεγμασίη; I take this term to mean a swelling or
supposed collection of phlegm, not necessarily inflammation: D1,
D7, F4; cf. C70 (φλεγματώδης); E20, E22, E49 (φλέγμα). See also
white phlegm.
Phrenitis, φρενῖτις (φρήν, diaphragm, mind): A6, Α10, Α12, Β8
passim, B30, B34, C72, D9, D15, D16. Cf. E48
Pleurisy, πλευρῖτις (πλευρόν, side): A6, A7, ΑΘ passim, A10, Α12,
Al15, B3 passim, ΒΥ, B15 bis, B22, B26, B27, B28, B29, B31, B32,
C44, C45, C46, D15 bis, D16, E7 bis, E27 ter, E39, F3, F31, F34
Pneumonia, περιπλευμονίη: ΑΘ, Α9, A10, All bis, Α12, B3 passim,
B7, B12, B22, B26, B27, B28, B29, B31, B32, C27, C47, C63 ter,
D5, D6 bis, D9 bis, D15, D16 ter, F33, F34. Cf. E3, F31
Polyp, πώλυπος: A5, C33, C34, C35, C36, C37
Prurigo, κνισμός, a skin disease characterized by intense itching;
cf. Paulus 4.4: A35
Psora, ψώρη (ψάω, rub away), an unidentifiable skin disease; cf.
Paulus 4.2: A35

Quartan fever, τεταρταῖος πυρετός: A18, B3, C43, E40

Rage, μανίη μαίνεσθαι: B30, C22, E29; cf. D13 (μανικός)

Sciatica, ἰσχιάς: A29, ΒΒ ter, E51

Scrofula, χοιράδες, chronic enlargement and degeneration of the
lymphatic glands; cf. Paulus 4.35: A35

Shadowy vision, σκιαυγεῖν: E48

Sleeplessness, ἀγρυπνίη: ΕἸ, F2, F40
Sore throat, βράγχος: C55, ΕΘ, F41, F55. Cf. A4
Speechlessness, ἀφωνίη ἄφωνος: B4, C6, C21, C22, D4, D8, D13,
E48, F6, ΕἼ, F25, F28. Cf. B3
Sphacelus, σφακελισμός, gangrenous necrosis. In the Hippocratic
Collection this process is primarily confined to bones (e.g. Frac-
tures 11; Joints 50) and the brain (e.g. Airs, Waters, Places 10;
Aphorisms VII 50). Coan Prenotion 183 suggests a connection
between the two, perhaps founded on the ancient belief that the
brain represented the marrow of the skull. Cf. Daremberg
pp. 268: C5, (20, (23, C75, D4
Splenitis, σπληνῖτις: B3. Cf. A20, B3, B7, C38, C55, E25, E30, E31,
E32, E33, E34, F55
Staphylitis, σταφύλη (= yapyapewr), a disease in which the uvula
swells up like a grape: A4, B3 bis, C10, C29, E53. Cf. F9
Stone, λίθος ἡλιθιᾶν: B6, ΒΒ, E14
Strangury, στραγγουρίη, slow and painful emission of urine: A28,
B3 bis, ΟἹ, C12 bis, E14, E16, E18 bis
Stricken, βλητός (βάλλω, strike); cf. Regimen in Acute Diseases
17, Coan Prenotion 394, and Galen XV.491 (Kiihn): C8, C25, D3
Suppurate internally, ἔμπυος εἶναι, to have or form a collection of
pus anywhere in the body, but most often in the thorax: A7, AQ,
A33, B3, B4, B6, B7, B8 bis, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, B17,
B18, B21, B26, B27, C27 ter, C32, C47, C57, C59, C63 bis, C64,
D5, D15, D16 ter, ΕἸ, ΕΖ, E3 bis, E8, E9, E15, E17, £23, E53,
F40, F63
Swellings at the joints, κέδματα; my translation follows Jones
(1.130 etc.). The meaning of this term, which seems to refer to
some chronic affection of the joints, has been debated since anti-
quity; cf. Daremberg p. 388 n. 70: B3 bis

Tenesmus, τεινεσμός, ineffectual and painful straining at stool:

A26, B3 bis. Cf. C66
Teredo, τερηδών (wood-worm), caries in the skull: C7, C24

Tertian fever, τριταῖος πυρετός: A18, B3, C42, E40

Tetanus, τέτανος: B7, D12, E52, E54, F10, F37. See also Opistho-
Thick disease, παχύ: E47, E48, E49, E50
Tongue, affection of, ὑπογλωσσίς; cf. Aétius 8.39: C11, C31. Cf. A4
Tonsillitis, ἀντιάς: C11, C30
Torpor, vw6pin: B20
Trichiasis, τρίχωσις, inversion of one or more eyelashes so that
they rub against the cornea: F61
Tubercle, φῦμα (φύω, grow), a nodule containing purulent or case-
ous material; cf. Daremberg p. 282 n.144: A34, B6, B8, B11,
B17, B19, B20, C30, C32, C57, C60, E3, E9, E23, F26 bis
Typhus, tipos, not the modern disease: E39, E40, E41, E42, E43

Unclean(ness), ἀκάθαρτος ἀκαθαρσίη, a state in which disease-

producing impurities are present in the body: A18 bis, 419, A20,
A22, C16, C41, C43, C63, D2, D3, D16

Varix, κιρσός: B14, B20, E4/5, F35

Vertigo, δῖνοι: F17

White phlegm, φλέγμα λευκόν: A19, A22, B3 bis, B7, C71, E21, E50
Withering disease, αὐαντή: C66. Cf. E13


ἀγρυπνίη Sleeplessness
αἱμορροίδες Haemorrhoids
ἀκάθαρτος Unclean
ἀλφός Alphos
ἀλώπηξ Alopecia
ἄνθραξ Anthrax
ἀντιάς Tonsillitis
ἀπόπληκτος Paralysed
ἀρθρῖτις Arthritis
Withering Disease

Sore Throat

γαργαρεών Staphylitis

διαρροίη Diarrhoea
δῖνοι Vertigo
δοθιήν Boil
δυσεντερίη Dysentery
δυσουρίη Dysuria

εἰλεός Ileus


Suppurate internally
ἐπίληπτος Epileptic
Ψ /

ἐπινυκτίς Epinyctis
ἐρυγματώδης Belching Disease
ἐρυσίπελας Erysipelas
δ᾿ ὔ

Ὁ ~

ἰλλαίνειν Look awry
ἰσχιάς Sciatica

κάτηγμα Fracture
καῦσος Ardent Fever
κέδματα Swellings at the Joints
κηρίον Favus
κιρσός Varix
κνισμός Prurigo
κόρυζα Coryza
κρίσις Crisis
κυνάγχη Angina

λειεντερίη Lientery
λειχήν Lichen
λέπρη Lepra
λήθαργος Lethargy
λίθος Stone
λυγγώδης Hiccups, disease with

μανίη Rage
μελαγχολίη Melancholy
μέλαινα Dark Disease

νάρκη Numbness
νεφρῖτις Nephritis
νυσταγμός Drowsiness
νωθρίη Torpor
νωτιάς Back, disease of

ὄνυχες ἕλκονται Nails curved

ὀξυρεγμίη Oxyrygmia
ὀπισθότονος Opisthotonus
ὀρθοπνοίη Orthopnoea
ἀφθαλμίη Ophthalmia

παρακυνάγχη Parangina
παραπλήξ Paralysed
παχύ Thick Disease
πελίη Livid Disease
περιπλευμονίη Pneumonia
πλευρῖτις Pleurisy
ποδάγρη Gout
πυρετός Fever
πώλυπος Polyp

σκιαυγεῖν Shadowy vision

σκοτοδινίη Dizziness
σκότωσις Darkening of vision
σπληνῖτις Splenitis
σταφύλη Staphylitis
στραγγουρίη Strangury
στρόφος Colic
σύναγχος Angina
σῦριγξ Fistula
σφακελισμός Sphacelus

τεινεσμός Tenesmus
τερηδών Teredo
τέτανος Tetanus
τεταρταῖος πυρετός Quartan Fever
τῖφος Typhus
τριταῖος πυρετός Tertian Fever

τρίχωσις Trichiasis

ὕδρωψ Dropsy
ὑπεραιμεῖν Overfill with blood
ὑπογλωσσίς Tongue, affection of
ὑστερικά Hysteria

φθίτις Consumption
φλ γμα λευκόν White Phlegm
φ᾽ἐεγμασίη Phlegmasia
φονώδης Malignant Disease
φρενῖτις Phrenitis
φύγετρον Panus
φῦμα Tubercle

χοιράδες Scrofula
χολᾶν Bile, suffer from
χολέρη Cholera

ψώρη Psora


Acorn, βάλανος, fruit of the oak, Quercus Robur: C13

All-heal, πάνακες, Ferulago galbanifera: F34
All-heal juice, χαλβάνη: F30, F34
Almond, ἀμυγδάλη (= κάρυον Θάσιον), fruit of the Prunus Amyg-
dalus: C64, D11, D15, F63
Angel-fish, ῥίνη, Squalus squatina: E1, E12 bis, E49
Anise, ἄννισον, Pimpinella Anisum: D11
Apple, μῆλον: D17, F53
Aristolochia, ἀριστολοχία, Aristolochia rotunda: D16, E23
Arsenic, red, σανδαράκη, As,S,: C14
Asphalt, ἄσφαλτος: D10
Asphodel, ἀσφόδελος, Asphodelus ramosus: C38, E30
Ass, ὄνου κρέας: E6, E22

! Two comprehensive studies of Hippocratic materia

medica are: J. H. Dierbach, Die Arzneimittel des Hippo-
krates, Heidelberg, 1824; R. von Grot, “Uber die in der
hippokratischen Schriftensammlung enthaltenen phar-
makologischen Kenntnisse” in Historische Studien aus
dem Pharmakologischen Institute der Kaiserlichen Univer-
sitat Dorpat, I. 58-133, Halle, 1889.
Also important for Greek materia medica are:
Dioskurides, Arzneimittellehre ... tibersetzt und mit Er-
kldrungen ... von J. Berendes, Stuttgart, 1902; D’Arcy
W. Thompson, A Glossary of Greek Birds, Oxford, 1936,
and A Glossary of Greek Fishes, London, 1947.
Dioscurides is quoted from the edition of M. Well-
mann, Berlin, 1906-14.

Ass’s milk, ὄνου γάλα: passim, e.g. A29, A30, C13, C40, C70, E10,
E46, E51, F1, F8, F53

Barley, κριθή, Hordeum sativum: D17 quater

Barley, parched, κάχρυς (= κριθὴ 67777): C67, D17, E51
Barley, peeled, πτισάνη: F44. See also barley-water.
Barley groats, κρίμνα κριθέων: D17 bis
Barley meal, ἄλφιτον: A52, E12
Barley-cake, pala: A41, A43, A50, A52, A61, C50, C55, E12 bis,
E20, E27, E35, E41, £42, E51, F44
Barley-water, χυλὸς πτισάνης (= ὕδωρ κρίθινον): passim, e.g. A41,
C40, D17, E35, F17, F30
Basil, ὥκιμον, Ocymum basilicum: A43, A54, E12
Bay oil, δάφνινον ἔλαιον: C13
Bayberry, δαφνίς, fruit of the bay-tree: C13
Bay-tree, δάφνη, Laurus nobilis: E52
Bean, Egyptian, κύαμος Αἰγύπτιος, Nelumbium speciosum: F53.
Cf. F64
Beef, Boeva κρέα: A52, C47, C49, C52, E12, F48
Beet, σεῦτλον (= τεῦτλον), Beta maritima: A38, A41, A43, A55,
C12, 626, C27, C44, C48, C55, C67, C69, C71, C74, E7, E12 bis,
E21, E26, E30, E31, E41, E42, E46, E48, E51 bis, F44
Berry, Cnidian, κόκκος Κνίδιος, fruit of the θυμελαία, Daphne
Cnidium: C48, E1, E7, E10, E13, E21, E22, E25, E26 bis, E30,
E32, E38, E40, E42, £44, E47, E51 ter. Cf. spurge flax.
Black-tail, μελάνουρος, Oblata melanurus: E12
Blister-beetle, κανθαρίς, possibly Cantharis vesicatoria or Meloé
Cichorei. See F. Adams on Paulus 7.3 κανθαρίδες (11.158 f.) and
Berendes pp. 170f.: E36, F58
Blite, BAcrov, Amaranthus Blitum: A41, A43, A55
Bottle-gourd, σικύη, Lagenaria vulgaris: E51
Braize, φάγρος, Pagrus vulgaris; cf. Thompson (Fish) pp. 279 ff.:
Bramble, βάτος, Rubus ulmifolius: A38
Bread, ἄρτος: A41, A43, A50, A51, A52, A61, C28, C48, C50, C71,
E12 ter, E20 bis, E21, E22 bis, E25, E27, E30 ter, E35, E41,
E42, E44, E49, F52, F53, F58. Cf. barley-cake.

Brine, ἅλμη: E32

Bryony, μάδος: F38
Buckthorn, pdpvos, various species of Rhamnus: A38
Bull’s gall, χολὴ ταύρου: D14

Cabbage, κράμβη, Brassica cretica: A55, C19, E12 bis

Caper-plant, κάππαρις, Capparis spinosa: root bark D15; capers
Celery, σέλινον, Apium graveolens: A38 bis, A43, A54 bis, C19,
C26, C28, C38 bis, C56, D1, D17 sexiens, E12, E22, E30, E35
Centaury, κενταύριον (= κενταυρίη), Centaurea salonitana: C54,
C59, ΕἸ
Chaste-tree, ἄγνος, Vitex Agnus-castus: A38, E30
Cheese, τυρός: A47, A55, C50, E12, E35, E40, E41, Ε46, Ε48. See
also goat’s cheese.
Chicken, νεοσσὸς ἀλεκτρυόνος, young of Gallus gallinaceus: E27,
E35, E41, E49. Cf. fowl.
Chick-pea, ἐρέβινθος, Cicer arietinum: A27, F47; white C38, D17,
E14, E35, E45
Cinquefoil, πεντάφυλλον, Potentilla reptans: C42, D17
Clover, τρίφυλλον, Psoralea bituminosa or a member of the genus
Trifolium: C42, C43 bis, D16, D17
Copper, burnt, χαλκὸς κεκαυμένος, cuprous oxide, possibly mixed
with various other copper compounds: F66
Copper, flower of, ἄνθος χαλκοῦ, small grains of cuprous oxide
made by quenching heated copper: C19, C25, C30, C33, C34,
C36, C37, C47, D16 ter
Copper, scales of, λεπίς, flakes of cuprous oxide made by hammer-
ing: F70
Copper ore, χαλκῖτις, contradictory reports in antiquity make
closer identification impossible: cf. e.g. Dioscurides 5.99, Pliny
H.A. 34.117-120, Galen XII.226—229 (Kiihn): F59, F67
Coriander, κορίαννον (= κόριον), Coriandrum sativum: Α88, A54,
C50, D17, E12, E35
Cow’s milk, βόειον γάλα: C47, C51, El, E2, E3, E6, E10 bis, E13,
E28, E32 bis, E43, E46 bis, E49, E51

Cress, κάρδαμον, Lepidium sativum: D16; seed C26, E40

Cuckoo-pint, ἄρον τὸ μέγα, Arum italicum: C47, D15 bis, D16
Cucumber, σίκυος, Cucumis sativus: A57, C64, E35
Cummin, κύμινον, Cuminum Cyminum: A41, A43, D16, D17, E35,
E51, F30, F63
Cyceon, κυκεών, a mixed drink containing meal, cheese, herbs and
wine: C15, C43, C50, E4, E12 bis
Cyclamen, κυκλάμινος, Cyclamen graecum: C47
Cypress, κυπάρισσος, Cupressus sempervirens: C13

Date, βάλανος φοίνικος, fruit of the date-palm, Phoenix dactyli-

fera: F53
Dauke, δαῦκος, perhaps Athamanta Cretensis: C54, C59, D15,
F30, F38
Dill, ἄνηθον, Anethum graveolens: A43, C50, E12
Dock, λάπαθον, Rumex conglomeratus: A43, A55, F44
Dodder of thyme, ἐπίθυμον, Cuscuta Epithymum, a parasitic plant
growing on thyme: E10
Dog, κυνὸς κρέας: A43, A52, E6, E22, E30. See also puppy.
Dogfish, yaAeds: ΕἸ, E12 bis, E24, E27
Dragon arum, δρακόντιον, Dracunculus vulgaris: E1 bis

Ebony, ἔβενος, wood of the Diospyrus Ebenum: F66

Eel, ἔγχελυς, Anguilla vulgaris: E6, E12, E30
Elder, ἀκτῇ, Sambucus nigra: A38, C19, E44

Fat, στέαρ: C47; of a sheep’s kidneys E12. See also lard.

Fennel, μάραθον, Foeniculum vulgare: C56, E35 bis
Fig, σῦκον: C28, E20 bis
Fig, dried, ἰσχάς: E35, F71
Fig decoction, συκίον: C28, C31
Fig-tree, συκῇ, Ficus carica: juice F59; leaves A38
Fish, ἰχθύς: A43, A50, A52, A61, C48, ΕἸ, ΕΘ, E12, E21, E22, E24,
E27, E30, E41, ΕἼ], F44, F53; of the rocks A43; of the shore
A52, C74; of the marsh and river A52. See also sea-food.


Fishing-frog, βάτραχος, Lophius piscatorius: E12

Fleabane, κονύζη, some species of Erigeron or Inula; cf. Dioscu-
rides 3.121 and Berendes pp. 343 f.: E44
Flour, ἄλητον: ΑΙ4, A40, A41, C28, C29, C64, F37; this year’s
flour C20, F70
Fowl, ἀλεκτρυών (= ἀλέκτωρ = ὄρνις), Gallus gallinaceus: A41,
A43 bis, A52, C44, C46, C48, C50, C56, C69, D12, ΕἸ, ΕΘ, E21,
E22, E24, E41. See also chicken, hen’s egg.
Frankincense, λιβανωτός, gum of the Boswellia Carteri: C13, C47,

Garlic, σκόροδον, Allium sativum: A54, C27, C43, C55, E6, E21
ter, E44, F45
Goat, αἴγειον κρέας: ΕἸ, E30, F49. See also kid.
Goat’s cheese, αἴγειος τυρός: E12
Goat’s horn, αἰγὸς κέρας: E30
Goat’s milk, αἰγὸς γάλα: C47 bis, D16, ΕἸ, Ε8, E6, Ε10, E13, E24,
E27, E28 bis, E32, E43, E49 bis, E51
Goat’s whey, αἰγὸς dpds: E41, E43
Goby, κωβιός, members of the genus Gobius: E21, E22, E30
Gourd, κολοκύντη, Cucurbita maxima: A41, A43, A55, C12, C27,
C48, C67, C69, C74
Grape, pressed, στέμφυλον: A27, C69; wine made from pressed
grapes D17
Grape-vine, ἄμπελος, Vitis vinifera: F53
Grey mullet, κέφαλος (= κεστρεύς), Mugil cephalus: E6, E12, E30

Hare, Aay@a κρέα A52

Hedge-mustard, ἐρύσιμον, Sisymbrium polyceratium: C54
Hellebore, ἐλλέβορος, Veratrum album and Helleborus cyclo-
phyllus: passim, e.g. A20, A25, C15, C34, C37, E10, E25, F53,
F57, F60; black D12, E48, F34; white D15; roots of white helle-
bore C43, C48. See also sesamoid.
Hen’s egg, mov ἀλεκτορίδος: D17, E27, F53. Cf. fowl.
Henbane, tooxtapos, Hyoscyamus albus: C43, E52
Hippopheos, ἱππόφεως, Euphorbia acanthathamnos: E13, E21,
E22, E25, E26 bis, E42, £44, £47, E49, E51


Honey, μέλι: passim, e.g. A41, A58, A61, C43, C44, C64, D14,
D16, E35, E42, F30, F34, F72
Honeycomb, κηρίον: C45, C54, C58, C64, D17
Horse-mackerel, see salt-fish.
Hypericum, ὑπερικόν (= κόρις), Hypericum Crispum or empetri-
folium: C54, C64, E35
Hyssop, ὕσσωπος: D10, D16 quater

Ivy, κισσός, Hedera Helix: E30

Kid, ἔριφος: A43. See also goat.

Lamb, κρέας οἰὸς ὡς νεωτάτης: A41, A43. See also mutton.

Lard, ὕειον ἄλειφα: C13
Lead, white, ψεμύθιον, Pb(OH),.2PbCO,: C14
Lead monoxide, see silver, flower of.
Leek, πράσον, Allium Porrum: A38, A54, C38, E9, E12
Lentil, φακός, the Ervum lens and its fruit: A27, Α41 bis, E12,
E23, E42, £44, F47
Lentil decoction, φάκιον: A27, C15, C43, C48 ter, C49, C50 ter,
C52, C55 bis, C70
Lentil-soup, φακῆ (= φάκινον ἔτνος): ΕἾ, E21 ter, E22 bis, E30
ter, E41, E42, E44, £47, F53
Linseed, λίνου καρπός (= λίνου σπέρμα), the seed of flax, Linum
usitatissimum: D17, ΕἸ, F18, F33, F53
Litharge, see silver, flower of.
Lupin, θέρμος, Lupinus alba: F47

Madder, ἐρυθρόδανον, Rubia tinctorum: F64

Magnetic stone, λίθος Μαγνησίης; for the property of magnetic
stone to purge phlegm cf. Dioscurides 5.130: E21
Maiden-hair, ἀδίαντον, Adiantum Capillus-Veneris: D17, E35
Mallow, μολόχη. Malva silvestris: F44
Mandrake, pavdpaydpas, Mandragora officinarum: C43
Mare’s milk, ἵππειον γάλα: E3, E6, E28, E32

Marjoram, ὀρίγανον, various species of Origanum: A43, C19, C26

bis, C28, C47 bis, C48, C50, C52, C55, C64, C71, ΕἸ. E6, ἘΠ; E9,
E10, E24, E27 bis, E41, F62
Meal, ἄλευρον (= ἄλφιτον): A388, A52, C42, C54, C55, C64, ΕἸ pas-
sim, ΕΘ, E16, E21 bis, E30 bis, E40 ter, E41, E42 bis, E44, E51,
F38, F72; this year’s meal F63. See also barley-meal and
Meal, bruised, of raw grain, ὠμήλυσις: C30, C31
Medlar, μέσπιλον, fruit of the medlar-tree, Mespilus germanica:
Melicrat, μελίκρητον, a mixed drink of honey and water: passim,
e.g. Α15, 440, C21, C67, D11, D17, ΕΘ, E21, ΕἸ, F72
Melon, σίκυος πέπων, Cucumis Melo: A57, D17 bis
Mercury (herb), λινόζωστις, Mercurialis annua: C12 bis, C69
Metallic ashes, σποδός; cf. Dioscurides 5.75: F65
Milk, γάλα: passim, e.g. A23, A25, C73, E8, E18. See also ass’s
milk, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, mare’s milk, and woman’s milk.
Millet, κέγχρος, Panicum miliaceum: Α14, A40, Α41 bis, C12,
C19, C22, C40, C42, C43, C44 ter, C45, C46, C56, C64, C67 bis,
C70, ΕἸ, E49, F53
Mint, μίνθη, Mentha viridis: C26, C28, D17, E12
Mulberry, μόρον, Morus nigra: E35
Mustard, νᾶπυ, Brassica alba: D15, D16
Mutton, κρέα μήλεια (= οἴεια): A52, C47, C48, C49, C50, C52,
C69, C71, E12 bis, E22, E30, E41. See also lamb.
Myrrh, σμύρνα, the gum of an Arabian tree, Balsamodendron
Myrrha: C13, C19, C25, F30, F67
Myrtle-berry, μύρτον, fruit of the myrtle, Myrtus communis: F53

Nightshade, στρύχνος: D1, E27

Oak-gall, κηκίς, an excrescence produced on some species of oak

by punctures of the gall-fly (genus Cynips): C13
Olive, ἐλαία, Olea Europaea: A38
Olive oil, ἔλαιον: passim, e.g. A41, A55, C30, C60, D2, D16, E20,
E52, F18, F51, F52; from unripe olives (ὀμφάκιον) F65

Onion, κρόμμυον, Allium Cepa: A54, C22, E35

Orchis, διδυμαῖον, perhaps some species of Orchis: E30
Oxymel, ὀξύμελι, a mixed drink of honey and vinegar: F11 bis,
F18, F30 bis, F31, F34 bis, F60

Pennyroyal, γληχώ, Mentha Pulegium: A38, Α41, D17 bis, E44

Peony, γλυκυσίδη, Paeonia officinalis: E40
Pepper, πέπερι, Piper nigrum: D12, D16, F34
Pigeon, πελειάς, species of the genus Columba: E27, E41
Pine-cone, κόκκαλος, fruit of the Pinus pinea: F30, F34
Piper, κόκκυξ, species of the genus Trigla: E21, E22, E30, E49
Plover, yapadpids, Charadrius oedicnemus; it was popularly
believed that a person with jaundice could be cured by looking
at this bird. See Thompson (Birds) pp. 311-314: E37
Polyp, πωλύπους, octopus or cuttle-fish: E22, E40, E44
Pomegranate, pown (= σίδη), Punica Granatum: A38, A54, C46,
C65, D16, £12
Pomegranate-peel, σίδιον: C47
Poppy, μήκων. Possible identifications in particular Hippocratic
passages have been much discussed, generally with little agree-
ment: cf. e.g. Dierbach pp. 235ff., Littré I1.523f., Ermerins
1.362 ff., and von Grot pp. 108 f.: D16, E12, E40, F63
Pork, κρέα veva/xoipeca: A52 bis, C47, C49, C52, E12, E21, E22,
E30, E41, F50 bis, F52
Puppy, σκύλακος κρέας: A41, A43, C44, C56, ΕΘ, E24, E27. See
also dog.

Quince, μῆλον τὸ ΚΚυδώνιον, Cydonia vulgaris: D17

Radish, pagavis, Raphanus sativus: C47 bis, E6, E22, E30, E40
Rain-water, ὕδωρ ὄμβριον: D17; cf. E26
Raisin, ἀσταφίς (= σταφίς): A55, C32, D17 bis, E35 bis
Rennet, πυτίη: F59
Resin, ῥητίνη: C47
Rue, πήγανον, Ruta graveolens: A43, C26, C47, C50, C64, D15,
E12, E30


Safflower, κνῆκος, Carthamus tinctorius: D17

Saffron, κρόκος, Crocus sativus: F66, F67
Salt, GAs: A41, 443, A52, C18, C47, E12 bis, E14, E26, E27, E35,
E40, E41, E42, E44 bis, E46, E51. See also brine.
Salt-fish, τάριχον, generally tunny, Thynnus thynnus, or horse-
mackerel, Scomber trachurus: C50, E12, E25, E30. Cf.
Salvia, ἐλελίσφακος, a member of the genus Salvia, possibly S.
officinalis, sage: A38, C47 bis, C54 bis, C64
Saperdes, σαπέρδης, some variety of salt-fish; cf. Thompson (Fish)
p. 226: E25, E30
Savory, θύμβρη, Satureia Thymbra: C26, C47, C48, C52, C64, C71
Scammony, σκαμ(μ)ωνίη, Convolvulus Scammonia: E2, E14, E16,
E18, E28, £43, E51, F27
Scorpion fish, σκορπίος, Scorpaena porcus: C48, C50, C71, E21,
E22, E30, E49
Sea-food, θαλάσσια; A43, C47, C64, C69. See also fish.
Sea-spurge, μηκωνίς (= τιθυμαλλίς), Euphorbia Paralias; cf. Dios-
curides 4.164.6: ΕἸ, E7, E10. Cf. spurge.
Selachian, σελάχιον: C48, C50, C71, C74, E12. See also angel-fish,
dogfish, fishing-frog, skate, sting-ray, and torpedo.
Sesame, σήσαμον, Sesamum indicum: A47, A55, C50, C64, D15,
ΕἸ bis, E35, F63
Sesamoid, σησαμοειδές, possibly the seeds of some variety of helle-
bore: F60
Silphium, σίλφιον, Ferula tingitana: C42, C47, D15, D16 ter, E6,
E23, E24, E27, E40, E42, £44, F30, F48
Silver, flower of, ἄνθος ἀργύρου, probably λιθάργυρος, lead monox-
ide, which Dioscurides (5.87) mistakenly believed to be a silver
compound: C13, C14
Skate, Batis, species of the genus Raia: E12 bis, E27
Soda, λίτρον, native sodium carbonate: C13, C26 ter, C28, 8},
D16, E20, E26, E31, Ε48, E51
Sorb, οὖον, fruit of the service-tree, Sorbus domestica: F53
Southernwood, ἀβρότονον, Artemisia arborescens: F34
Spelt groats, χόνδρος, from Triticum spelta, a species of grain akin
to wheat: A40, A41, A44, C51, F53


Spurge, τιθύμαλλος (= μηκώνιον), various species of Euphorbia:

A38, F69, F71, F72 bis. See also sea-spurge.
Spurge flax, kvéwpov, according to Dioscurides (4.172) leaves of
the θυμελαία, Daphne Cnidium: E21, E22, E25, E26 ter, E44,
E47. Cf. berry, Cnidian.
Square-berry, τετράγωνον, fruit of the Euonymus latifolius: E45,
Squill, σκίλλη, Urginea maritima: F63
Squirting cucumber, σίκυος ἄγριος, Ecballium Elaterium: E26,
Squirting cucumber juice, ἐλατήριον: D10, D15, E18, E37
Star-gazer, καλλιώνυμος, Uranoscopus scaber: E21, E22, E30, E49
Stinging-nettle, ἀκαλήφη ( = κνίδη), Urtica urens: C47, D15
Sting-ray, τρυγών, Trygon pastinaca: E12, E27
Sulphur, θεῖον: D10
Sumach, poos, Rhus Coriaria: C28 bis, ΕἸ

Thapsia, Babin, Thapsia garganica: D15, D16, E42; juice D8; root
Thyme, θύμον, Thymbra capitata: A43, C50
Torpedo, νάρκη, Torpedo marmorata and allied species: E12 bis,
E24, E27
Tunny, see salt-fish.
Turnip, γογγυλίς, Brassica Rapa: E40
Turtle-dove, τρυγών, Turtur communis: E41

Vetch, ὄροβος, Vicia ervilia: C20, D17 quater, ΕἸ bis, E12 bis, E23

Water parsnip, σίον, Sium angustifolium: C47

Wax-salves, κήρωμα: F9, F15, F33
Weever, δράκων, Trachinus draco and allied species: E21, E22,
Wheat, πυρός, Triticum vulgare: A44, E20, E22, E25, E30, F53
Wheat flour, σεμίδαλις: F53
Wheat-meal, ἄλευρον (= πύρινον ἄλφιτον): A52, F53

Whey, ὀρός: A380, C12, C13, C38, C40, C51, C55, C66, C68, C70,
C73, E6, E13, E16, E41, E48. See also goat’s whey.
Wild purslane, πέπλιον, Eurphorbia Peplis; cf. Dioscurides 4.168:
E7, E10
Wine, οἶνος: passim, e.g. Coan E25, E30; Mendean E13, E16, E17,
E18, E24; Thasian D17; Toronian C47
Wine lees, burnt, τρὺξ οἰνηρὴ κεκαυμένη, acid potassium tartrate
obtained by burning the matter deposited on the bottom and
sides of wine-vats: C13
Woad, ἰσάτις, Isatis tinctoria: A38
Woman’s milk, γάλα γυναικεῖον: D2
Wormwood, ἀψίνθιον, Artemisia Absinthium: D11, E52


ἀβρότονον Southernwood
ἄγνος Chaste-tree
» ,
αἴγειον κρέας Goat
αἴγειος τυρός Goat’s cheese
αἰγὸς γάλα Goat’s milk
αἰγὸς κέρας Goat’s horn
αἰγὸς dpds Goat’s whey
ἀκαλήφη Stinging-nettle
ἀκτῇ Elder
5 ,
ἄννισον Anise
ἀργύρου ἄνθος
=) 7 Μ

Silver, flower of
ἀριστολοχία Aristolochia
ἄρον τὸ μέγα Cuckoo-pint
ἄρτος Bread
Ὗ ,ὔ
ἄσφαλτος Asphalt
ἀσφόδελος Asphodel
ἀψώθιον Wormwood


βάλανος Acorn
βάλανος φοίνικος Date
βατίς Skate
βάτος Bramble
βάτραχος Fishing-frog
βλίτον Blite
βόειον γάλα Cow’s milk
βόειον κρέας Beef

γάλα Milk
γαλεός Dogfish
γληχώ Pennyroyal
γλυκυσίδη Peony
γογγυλίς Turnip
γυναικεῖον γάλα Woman’s milk

δαῦκος Dauke
δάφνη Bay-tree
dadvis Bayberry
διδυμαῖον Orchis
δρακόντιον Dragon Arum
δράκων Weever

ἔβενος Ebony
ἔγχελυς Eel
ἐλαία Olive
Ὗ /

ἔλαιον Olive oil

ἐλ ,ὔ
Squirting-cucumber juice
ἐλελίσφακος Salvia
ἐλλέβορος Hellebore
ἐπίθυμον Dodder of thyme
ἐρέβινθος Chick-pea
ἔριφος Kid
ἐρυθρόδανον Madder
ἐρύσιμον Hedge-mustard

θαλάσσια Sea-food

Θάσιον κάρυον Almond

θαψίη Thapsia
θεῖον Sulphur
θέρμος Lupin
θύμβρη Savory
θύμον Thyme

ἵππειον γάλα
a ,
Mare’s milk
ς /

ἰσάτις Woad
ἰσχάς Fig, dried
, tA


καλλιώνυμος Star-gazer
κανθαρίς Blister-beetle
κάππαρις Caper-plant
κάρδαμον Cress
κάχρυς Barley, parched
κέγχρος Millet
κενταύριον. -in Centaury
κεστρεύς Grey mullet
κέφαλος Grey mullet
keyicte Oak-gall
κηρίον Honeycomb
κήρωμα Wax-salves
κισσός Ivy
κνέωρον Spurge flax
κνῆκος Safflower
κνίδη Stinging-nettle
κόκκαλος Pine-cone
κόκκος Κνίδιος Berry, Cnidian
κόκκυξ Piper
κολοκύντη Gourd
κονύζη Fleabane
κορίαννον Coriander
κόρις Hypericum
κράμβη Cabbage

κριθή Barley
κρίμνα κριθέων Barley groats
κρόκος Saffron
κρόμμυον Onion
κύαμος Αἰγύπτιος Bean, Egyptian
κυκεών Cyceon
κυκλάμινος Cyclamen
κύμινον Cummin
κυνὸς κρέας Dog
κυπάρισσος Cypress
κωβιός Goby

λαγῷα κρέα Hare

λάπαθον Dock
λεπίς Copper, scales of
λιβανωτός Frankincense
λινόζωστις Mercury (herb)
λίνου καρπός Linseed
λίτρον Soda

Μαγνησίης λίθος Magnetic stone

μάδος Bryony
μᾶζα Barley-cake
μανδραγόρας Mandrake
μάραθον Fennel
μελάνουρος Black-tail
μέλι Honey
μελίκρητον Melicrat
μέσπιλον Medlar
μήκων Poppy
μηκώνιον Spurge
μηκωνίς Sea-spurge
μήλειον κρέας Mutton
μῆλον Apple
μῆλον τὸ Κυδώνιον Quince
μίνθη Mint


μολόχη Mallow
μόρον Mulberry
μύρτον Myrtle-berry

νᾶπυ Mustard
νάρκη Torpedo
νεοσσὸς ἀλεκτρυόνος Chicken
4 » /

οἴειον κρέας Mutton

οἶνος Wine
οἰὸς ὡς νεωτάτης κρέας
ὟΝ ς / /
ὄνου γάλα
Ass’s milk
ὄνου κρέας Ass
ὀξύμελι Oxymel
ὀρίγανον Marjoram
ὄρνις Fowl
ὄροβος Vetch
ὁρός Whey

πάνακες All-heal
πελειάς Pigeon

πεντάφυλλον Cinquefoil
πέπερι Pepper
πέπλιον Wild purslane

πήγανον Rue
πράσον Leek
πτισάνη Barley, peeled
πυρός Wheat
πυτίη Rennet
πωλύπους Polyp

ῥάμνος Buckthorn
ῥαφανίς Radish
ῥητίνη Resin
ῥίνη Angel-fish

σανδαράκη Arsenic, red

σαπέρδης Saperdes
σελάχιον Selachian
σέλινον Celery
σεμίδαλις Wheat flour
σεῦτλον Beet
σησαμοειδές Sesamoid
σήσαμον Sesame
σίδη Pomegranate
σίδιον Pomegranate-peel
σικύη Bottle-gourd
σίκυος Cucumber
σίκυος ἄγριος Squirting cucumber
σίκυος πέπων Melon
σίλφιον Silphium
σίον Water parsnip
σκαμ(μ)ωνίη Scammony
σκίλλη Squill
σκόροδον Garlic
σκορπίος Scorpion fish
σκύλακος κρέας Puppy
σμύρνα Myrrh
σποδός Metallic ashes
σταφίς Raisin
στέαρ Fat
στέμφυλον Grape, pressed
στρύχνος Nightshade
συκῆ Fig-tree
συκίον Fig decoction
σῦκον Fig

τάριχον Salt-fish
ταύρου χολή Bull's gall

τετράγωνον Square-berry
τεῦτλον Beet
τιθυμαλλίς Sea-spurge
τιθύμαλλος Spurge
τρίφυλλον Clover
τρυγών Turtle-dove
τρυγών! Sting-ray
τρὺξ οἰνηρὴ κεκαυμένη Wine lees, burnt
τυρός Cheese

ὕδωρ ὄμβριον Rain-water

ὕειον ἄλειφα
[ v
ὕειον κρέας
ὑοσκύαμος Henbane
ὑπερικόν Hypericum
ὕσσωπος Hyssop

Lentil decoction

χαλβάνη All-heal juice

χαλκῖτις Copper ore
χαλκὸς κεκαυμένος Copper, burnt
χαλκοῦ ἄνθος Copper, fiower of
χαραδριός Plover
χοίρειον κρέας Pork
χόνδρος Spelt groats

ψιμύθιον Lead, white

gov ἀλεκτορίδος Hen’s egg

ὥκ μον Basil
ὠμήλυσις Meal, bruised, of raw grain


Latin Authors

AMMIANUS MarcELLINuS. J. C. Rolfe. 3 Vols.

(1566). Revised by S. Gaselee.
St4 AUGUSTINE: ΟἾΤΥῪ OF. .‘Gop... (7 ,,.Vols:. Vols 1 Ὁ UE:
McCracken. Vols. II and VII. W.M. Green. Vol. Ill. ἢ.
Wiesen. Vol. IV. P. Levine. Vol. V. E.M. Sanford and W. M.
Green. Vol. VI. W.C. Greene.
St. AUGUSTINE, CONFESSIONS. W. Watts (1631). 2 Vols.
St. AUGUSTINE, SELECT Letrers. J. H. Baxter.
Ausonius. H. G. Evelyn White. 2 Vols.
Bepe. J. E. King. 2 Vols.
Boetuius: Tracts and DE CoNSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE. Rev. H. F.
Stewart and E. K. Rand. Revised by S. J. Tester.
Caesar: Crvi- Wars. A. G. Peskett.
Caesar: GALLIC War. H. J. Edwards.
Cato: DE RE Rustica. Varro: De Re Rustica. H.B.Ashand W. ἢ.
CaTuLLus. F. W. Cornish. Tiputtus. J. B. Postgate. PERVIGILIUM
VeENERIS. J. W. Mackail. Revised by G. P. Goold.
Ceisus: De Mepicina. W. G. Spencer. 3 Vols.
Cicero: Brutus and Orator. G. L. Hendrickson and H. M. Hubbell.
[Cicero]: Ap Ηξβεννιυμ. H. Caplan.
Cicero: De Oratore, etc. 2 Vols. Vol. I. De Oratore, Books I and
Il. E. W. Sutton and H. Rackham. Vol. II. De Oratore, Book
Cicero: De Finisus. H. Rackham.
Cicero: DE INVENTIONE, etc. H.M. Hubbell.
Cicero: De Natura DeoruM and Acapemica. H. Rackham.
Cicero: De Orricus. Walter Miller.
Cicero: De Re Pustica and De Lzcisus. Clinton W. Keyes.
Cicero: De Senecrute, De AmicimtA, De DivinaTIONE. W. A.
version by C. Macdonald.
Cicero: Letrers to Atticus. E. O. Winstedt. 3 Vols.
Cicero: Letters To His Frienps. W. Glynn Williams, M. Cary, M.
Henderson. 4 Vols.
Cicero: Puiippics. W.C. A. Ker.
Cicero: Pro ArcuiaA, Post RepiruM, DE Domo, DE HaruspicuM RE-
H. Grose Hodge.
Deroraro. N. H. Watts.
Cicero: Pro Quincrio, Pro Rosctio AMERINO, Pro Roscio CoMOEDO,
ConTRA RuLLuM. J. H. Freese.
Cicero: Pro Sestio, IN VATINIUM. R. Gardner.
Cicero: TUSCULAN Dispurations. J. E. King.
CICERO: VERRINE ORATIONS. L. H. G. Greenwood. 2 Vols.
CLAUDIAN. M. Platnauer. 2 Vols.
CoLuMELLA: De Re Rustica. DE Arsortsus. H. B. Ash, E. 5. Forster
and E. Heffner. 3 Vols.
Curtius, Q.: History OF ALEXANDER. J. C. Rolfe. 2 Vols.
Fiorus. E. 5. Forster.
FRONTINUS: STRATAGEMS and Aqguepucts. C. E. Bennett and M. B.
Getuus. J.C. Rolfe. 3 Vols.
Horace: Opes and Epopes. C. E. Bennett.
Horace: SATIRES, EptstLes, Ars Poetica. H. R. Fairclough.
JEROME: SELECTED LeTrers. F. A. Wright.
JuveNAL and Persius. G. G. Ramsay.
Livy. B. O. Foster, Ε. 6. Moore, Evan T. Sage, and A. C. Schlesinger
and R. M. Geer (General Index). 14 Vols.
Lucan. J. D. Duff.
Lucretius. W.H.D. Rouse. Revised by M. F. Smith.
Manitius. G. P. Goold.
MartiAL. W.C. A. Ker. 2 Vols. Revised by E. H. Warmington
and others, with “Aetna” and the “Phoenix.” J. Wight Duff and
Arnold M. Duff. 2 Vols.
Minucius Fevix. Cf. TERTULLIAN.
5. J. C. Rolfe.
Ovip: THE Art ΟΕ Love and OTHER Poems. J.H.Mozley. Revised by
G. P. Goold.
Ovip: Fast1. Sir James G. Frazer. Revised by G. P. Goold.
a el and Amores. Grant Showerman. Revised by G. P.
Ovip: MetamMorpHosss. F.J. Miller. 2 Vols. Revised by G. P. Goold.
Ovip: TrisT1A and Ex Ponto. A.L. Wheeler. Revised by G. P. Goold.
Persius. Cf. JUVENAL.
Perronius. M. Heseltine. SENECA: ApocoLocyntosis. W. Η. D.
Rouse. Revised by E. H. Warmington.
PHAEDRUus and Basrius (Greek). B. E. Perry.
PLautus. Paul Nixon. 5 Vols.
Puiny: Letrers, PANEGyRICUS. Betty Radice. 2 Vols.
Puiny: NAturRAL History. 10 Vols. Vols. I—V. and IX. H. Rack-
ham. VI—VIII. W.H.S. Jones. X. Ὁ. E. Eichholz.
Propertius. H. E. Butler.
Prupentius. H.J. Thomson. 2 Vols.
QuINTILIAN. H.E. Butler. 4 Vols.
REMAINS OF OLD Latin. E.H. Warmington. 4 Vols. Vol. I. (ENNius
AND Caecitius) Vol. If. (Livius, Naevius PAcuvius, Accius)
Vol. Til. (Luctttus and Laws or XII Tastes) Vol. ΓΝ. (Arcuaic
Res GestaE Divi Aucusti. Cf. VELLEIUS PATERCULUS.
SALLustT. J. Ὁ. Rolfe.
ScripTORES HistorIAE AuGusTAE. D. Magie. 3 Vols.
SENECA: ApocoLocyntTosis. Cf. PETRONIUS.
SENECA: EpISTULAE Moraes. R.M.Gummere. 3 Vols.
SENECA: Mora Essays. J. W. Basore. 3 Vols.
SENECA: TRAGEDIES. F. J. Miller. 2 Vols.
Stpontus: Poems and Letrers. W.B. Anderson. 2 Vols.
Stuius Iraticus. J. Ὁ. Duff. 2 Vols.
Sratius. J. H. Mozley. 2 Vols.
Suetonius. J.C. Rolfe. 2 Vols.
Tacitus: DiaLocus. Sir Wm. Peterson. AGRICOLA and GERMANIA.
Maurice Hutton. Revised by M. Winterbottom, R. M. Ogilvie,
E. H. Warmington.
Tacitus: Histories and ANNALS. C.H.MooreandJ.Jackson. 4 Vols.
TERENCE. John Sargeaunt. 2 Vols.
TERTULLIAN: APOLoGIA and De SpectacuLis. T. ΒΕ. Glover. Minucius
Feuix. G. H. Rendall.
VALERIUS FLaccus. J. H. Mozley.
Varro: De LINGUA LaTINA. R. G. Kent. 2 Vols.
Vircit. H.R. Fairclough. 2 Vols.
Virruvius: DE ARCHITECTURA. F. Granger. 2 Vols.

Greek Authors

ACHILLES Tatius. S. Gaselee.

AescHyLus. H. Weir Smyth. 2 Vols.
ApoLLoporus. Sir James G. Frazer. 2 Vols.
APOSTOLIC FATHERS. Kirsopp Lake. 2 Vols.
APPIAN: ROMAN History. Horace White. 4 Vols.
ARISTOPHANES. Benjamin Bickley Rogers. 3 Vols. Verse trans.
VirtuES. H. Rackham.
ARISTOTLE: MetaApHysics. H. Tredennick. 2 Vols.
ARISTOTLE: Minor Works. W. 5. Hett. On Colours, On Things
Heard, On Physiognomies, On Plants, On Marvellous Things
Heard, Mechanical Problems, On Indivisible Lines, On Situations
and Names of Winds, On Melissus, Xenophanes, and Gorgias.
ARISTOTLE: OECONOMICA and MAGNA MoratiaA. G. C. Armstrong (with
Metapuysics, Vol. II).
Cooke and H. Tredennick.
ARISTOTLE: POSTERIOR ANALYTICS, Topics. H. Tredennick and Ε. 58.
On Coming-to-be and Passing-Away, On the Cosmos. E. S. Forster
and D. J. Furley.
OF ANIMALS. E. S. Forster.
ARISTOTLE: Puysics. Rev. P. Wicksteed and F. M. Cornford. 2 Vols.
ARISTOTLE: Poetics and Loncinus. W. Hamilton Fyfe; DEMETRIUS ON
StyLe. W. Rhys Roberts.
ARISTOTLE: Potitics. H. Rackham.
ARISTOTLE: ProBLEMS. ὟΝ. 5. Hett. 2 Vols.
ARRIAN: History OF ALEXANDER and INpica. Rev. E. Iliffe Robson. 2
Vols. New version P. Brunt.
Basrius and PHAEDRUs (Latin). B. E. Perry.
Sr. BasiL: Letrers. R. J. Deferrari. 4 Vols.
LEANDE. T. Gelzer and C. Whitman.
CALLIMACHUS, Hymns and Epigrams and LycopHron. A. W. Mair;
Aratus. G. R. Mair.
CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA. Rev. G. W. Butterworth.
CoLLuTHus. Cf. Ορριαν.
DaAPHNIS AND CHLOE. Thornley’s translation revised by J. M.
Edmonds: and ParTHENIUS. S. Gaselee.
I—XVII. and XX. J. H. Vince.
DEMOSTHENES II.: DE Corona and DE αι δὰ LEGATIONE. C. A. Vince
and J. H. Vince.
and ARISTOGEITON I. and II. J. H. Vince.
Letrers. N. W. andN. J. DeWitt.
Dio Cassius: ROMAN History. E. Cary. 9 Vols.
Dio Curysostom. J. W. Cohoon and H. Lamar Crosby. 5 Vols.
Dioporus SicuLus. 12 Vols. Vols. I-VI. (Ὁ. H. Oldfather. Vol.
VII. C.L.Sherman. Vol.VIII. C.B. Welles. Vols. IX. and X.
R.M.Geer. Vol. XI. F. Walton. Vol. XII. F. Walton. General
Index. R. M. Geer.
oe Laertius. R.D. Hicks. 2 Vols. New Introduction by H. 5.
lation revised by E. Cary. 7 Vols.
Dionysius OF HALICARNASSUS: CriTICAL Essays. 5. Usher. 2 Vols.
Epictetus. W. A. Oldfather. 2 Vols.
Euripipes. Α. 5. Way. 4 Vols. Verse trans.
Eusesius: EccLesiasticAL History. Kirsopp Lake and J. E. L.
Oulton. 2 Vols.
GALEN: ON THE Natural Facutties. A. J. Brock.
GREEK ANTHOLOGY. W.R. Paton. 5 Vols.
GREEK Buco_ic Poets (THEOCRITUS, BION, Moscuus). J.M. Edmonds.
GREEK mas AND IAMBUs with the ANACREONTEA. 1. Μ. Edmonds. 2
Greek Lyric. D. A. Campbell. 4 Vols. Vols. I. and II.
GREEK MATHEMATICAL WorkKS. Ivor Thomas. 2 Vols.
HeropiAN. (Ὁ. R. Whittaker. 2 Vols.
Heropotus. A.D. Godley. 4 Vols.
HEsIop AND THE Homeric Hymns. H. G. Evelyn White.
Hippocrates and the FRAGMENTS OF Heraccettus. W. Η. 5. Jones and
E. T. Withington. 7 Vols. Vols. I—VI.
Homer: ταῦ. A. T. Murray. 2 Vols.
Homer: Opyssey. A. T. Murray. 2 Vols.
Isazus. E. W. Forster.
Isocrates. George Norlin and LaRue Van Hook. 3 Vols.
[St. JoHN DamasceNeE]: BARLAAM AND ToasaPH. Rev. G. R. Wood-
ward, Harold Mattingly and D. M. Lang.
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Thackeray and R. Marcus. Vols. VI.—VII. R. Marcus. Vol.
VIII. R. Marcus and Allen Wikgren. Vols. IX—X. L. H.
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Lipanius. A. F. Norman. 2 Vols..
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Vols. VII.—VIII. M.D. Macleod.
Lyra Graeca, III. J. M. Edmonds. (Vols. I.and II. have been re-
placed by Greek Lyric I. and II.)
Lysias. W.R. M. Lamb.
ManetHo. W. G. Waddell.
Marcus Aure.ius. C. R. Haines.
MENANDER. W.G. Arnott. 3 Vols. Vol. I.
Drnarcuus, Hyperipes). K. J. Maidment and J. O. Burtt. 2 Vols.
Nonnos: Dionysiaca. W.H. Ὁ. Rouse. 3 Vols.
Papyri. Non-Lirerary SELEcTIONS. A. S. Hunt and C. C. Edgar. 2
Vols. Lrrerary SELECTIONS (Poetry). D.L. Page.
Companion Vol. arranged by R. E. Wycherley.
Puito. 10 Vols. Vols. I.—V. F.H. Colson and Rev. G. H. Whitaker.
Vols. VI.-IX. F.H. Colson. Vol. X. F.H. Colson and the Rev.
J. W. Earp.
PuILo: two supplementary Vols. (Translation only.) Ralph Marcus.
2 Vols.
PHILOSTRATUS and EuNaptus: ΓΙΝῈΒ OF THE Sopuists. Wilmer Cave
Pinpar. Sir J. E. Sandys.
Minos and Eptnomis. W. R. M. Lamb.
N. Fowler.
Prato: Laws. Rev. R. G. Bury. 2 Vols.
PLato: Lysis, Symposium, Goraias. W. R. M. Lamb.
PLato: RepuBuic. Paul Shorey. 2 Vols.
PLATO: THEAETETUS and Sopuist. H. N. Fowler.
R. G. Bury.
PLotinus: A. H. Armstrong. 7 Vols.
PLuTARCH: MorALIA. 16 Vols. Vols. 1—V. F.C. Babbitt. Vol. VI.
W. C. Helmbold. Vols. VII. and XIV. P. H. De Lacy and B.
Einarson. Vol. VIII. P. A. Clement and H. B. Hoffleit. Vol.
IX. E.L. Minar, Jr., F. H. Sandbach, W. C. Helmbold. Vol. X.
H. N. Fowler. Vol. XI. L. Pearson and F. H. Sandbach. Vol.
XII. H. Cherniss and W. C. Helmbold. Vol. XIII. 1-2. H. Cher-
niss. Vol. XV. F.H. Sandbach.
PLUTARCH: THE PARALLEL Lives. B. Perrin. 11 Vols.
Potysius. W.R. Paton. 6 Vols.
Procopius. H. B. Dewing. 7 Vols.
ProLeMy: TETRABIBLOS. F. E. Robbins.
Quintus SmyrnaEus. Α. 5. Way. Verse trans.
Sextus Empiricus. Rev. R. G. Bury. 4 Vols.
SopHocLes. F. Storr. 2 Vols. Verse trans.
StrRABO: GEOGRAPHY. Horace L. Jones. 8 Vols.
TuHeEocritus. Cf. GREEK BUCOLIC PoETs.
cial CHARACTERS. J.M. Edmonds. Heropas,etc. A. Ὁ.
son. 3 Vols. Vol. I.
Tuucypipes. C.F. Smith. 4 Vols.
TryPHioporus. Cf. OpprIAN.
XENOPHON: CyROPAEDIA. Walter Miller. 2 Vols.
XENOPHON: HELLENICA. C. L. Brownson. 2 Vols.
XENOPHON: MEMORABILIA and Ogeconomicus. E. C. Marchant. Sym-
posiuM and ApoLocy. O. J. Todd.
ATHENIANS. G. W. Bowersock.
FEB 2 1909

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