Bonilla 2008 JBC TGR
Bonilla 2008 JBC TGR
Bonilla 2008 JBC TGR
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Received for publication, December 31, 2007, and in revised form, March 27, 2008 Published, JBC Papers in Press, April 11, 2008, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M710609200
Mariana Bonilla‡, Ana Denicola§, Sergey V. Novoselov¶, Anton A. Turanov¶, Anna Protasio‡, Darwin Izmendi‡,
Vadim N. Gladyshev¶, and Gustavo Salinas‡1
From the ‡Cátedra de Inmunologı́a, Facultad de Quı́mica-Facultad de Ciencias, Instituto de Higiene, Universidad de la República,
Avda. A. Navarro 3051, Piso 2, Montevideo 11600, Uruguay, the §Laboratorio de Fisicoquı́mica Biológica, Facultad de Ciencias,
Universidad de la República, Montevideo 11400, Uruguay, and the ¶Department of Biochemistry and Redox Biology Center,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588
Platyhelminth parasites are a major health problem in develop- The control of parasitic infections, which are a major cause of
ing countries. In contrast to their mammalian hosts, platyhelminth disability, mortality, and economic losses in many developing
Linked Thioredoxin-Glutathione Systems
In sum, the dissimilar arrangements of redox pathways as com- (ATCC) were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal
pared with their hosts, the lack of back-up systems, and the fact bovine serum in the presence of 100 units/ml penicillin and 50
that parasitic organisms are subjected not only to the endogenous units/ml nystatin. Transfections were carried out in 35-mm glass
oxidative stress, but also to the oxidative challenge imposed by the bottom culture dishes using Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen),
host’s immune system, provide a strong rationale to target platy- according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Transfection mix
helminth TGRs. Recent studies support this idea: inhibition of was prepared using 3 g of plasmid DNA (mitochondrial Trx
TGR expression by RNA interference caused death of the platy- construct, mitochondrial TGR construct, or pEGFP-N2, used
helminth parasite Schistosoma mansoni, and auranofin, a potent as a control) and 6 l of Lipofectamine per dish. Transfections
inhibitor of TGR and Sec-containing TRs (15), caused a partial were carried out in Opti-MEM (Invitrogen) for 8 h. The transfec-
cure in experimental Schistosoma infection (8). tion medium was replaced with a DMEM culture medium con-
TGR possesses a fusion of conventional TR domains with a taining MitoTracker Red CM-H2XRos (Molecular Probes), a
glutaredoxin (Grx) domain (13, 16). TGR, like GR and TR, is a marker of the mitochondrial compartment; cells were incubated
homodimer, with monomers oriented in a head-to-tail manner. for 30 min and then washed twice with DMEM. Transiently trans-
Based on biochemical data, the current model of the mecha- fected cells were detected by confocal microscopy (Bio-Rad,
nism of reaction for TGR proposes that electrons flow from MRC1024ES laser scanning microscope).
NADPH to FAD, to the C156XXXXC redox center (numeration
according to Echinococcus granulosus TGR), to the C-terminal Cloning, Expression, and Purification of Recombinant TGR
GC595UG (U is Sec) redox center of the second subunit, and and Its Mutants
finally to the C31XXC redox center of the Grx domain of the Different constructs were made for expression of wild-type
Linked Thioredoxin-Glutathione Systems
was used only in the case of bacterial cultures harboring the reducing conditions, and by size exclusion chromatography on
TGRGCUG, TGRGUCG, and TRGCUG constructs. At the time of a Superdex 75 column (GE Healthcare).
induction the culture was supplemented with 5 M sodium sel-
enite, 20 g/ml riboflavin, 20 g/ml pyridoxine, and 20 g/ml Metabolic Labeling of Selenoproteins
niacin according to a previous study (21). For recombinant To label cells with 75Se, E. coli cells carrying the different
TGRs that did not contain Sec (TGRGCCG and TGRGC*) the constructs were grown at 37 °C until A600 reached 0.4, and the
same protocol was followed, except that the plasmid pSUABC culture was supplemented with ⬃50 Ci 75Se (as freshly neu-
was not used. The bacterial cultures were centrifuged, and the tralized sodium selenite, specific activity of 1000 Ci/mmol,
pellets were resuspended in modified nickel-nitrilotriacetic Research Reactor Facility, University of Missouri, Columbia,
acid lysis buffer (300 mM NaCl, 50 mM sodium phosphate, 20 MO). After an additional 30 min, isopropyl 1-thio--D-galacto-
mM imidazole, pH 7.2) containing 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl pyranoside was added to each cell culture at a final concentra-
fluoride and 1 mg/ml lysozyme, and sonicated (10 pulses of 1 tion of 100 M. After 3 h of induction at 37 °C, cells were col-
min with 1-min pauses). The lysates were centrifuged for 1 h at lected, washed, and lysed by boiling in SDS-PAGE sample
30,000 ⫻ g, and supernatants were applied to a nickel-nitrilo- buffer containing 50 mM 1,4-dithiothreitol (DTT). Cell lysates
triacetic acid column (Qiagen), washed with 300 mM NaCl, 50 were then subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by transfer of pro-
mM sodium phosphate, 30 mM imidazole, pH 7.2, and eluted teins onto a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane. 75Se signal
with 250 mM imidazole. The protein-containing fractions were was visualized with a phosphorimaging device (Fuji).
applied to PD10 desalting columns (GE Healthcare) using
Enzymatic Assays
phosphate-buffered saline, 150 mM potassium chloride, 50 mM
Linked Thioredoxin-Glutathione Systems
hysteresis was or was not observed (1 mM or 30 M GSSG, In Vitro Culture of Larval Worms—50,000 protoscoleces,
respectively) in 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, obtained from asceptical punction of a single hydatid cyst from
containing 1 mM EDTA, and immediately passed through a bovine lung, were washed several times with phosphate-buff-
PD10 desalting column (GE Healthcare). Protein-containing ered saline and then incubated at 37 °C, 5% CO2, in DMEM
fractions were digested with trypsin and subjected to analysis supplemented with antibiotics and 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.4. Cul-
by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight tured protoscoleces were treated with 1, 2.5, 5, and 10 M
mass spectrometry (4800 Analyzer, Applied Biosystems). The auranofin or with the vehicle (DMSO), in the presence or
mass spectrometry analysis was carried out at the Institut Pas- absence of 100 M hydrogen peroxide. Protoscoleces were
teur, Montevideo. observed under the microscope, and viability was assessed by
exclusion of the vital dye eosin.
Mitochondrial Localization of Trx and TGR Forms—Se-
quence analyses suggested the occurrence of both cytosolic and
mitochondrial forms of TGR and Trx, with TGR forms gener-
ated from a single gene, and two genes for Trx forms. The
results of transient expression in mammalian NIH 3T3 cells of
the predicted mitochondrial forms of Trx and TGR are shown
in Fig. 1. Both EGFP fusion proteins co-localized with Mito-
FIGURE 2. Analysis of recombinant proteins. A, SDS-PAGE analysis of purified recombinant proteins. After purification on a nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid column
and desalting, recombinant proteins were run on a 12.5% polyacrylamide gel. 1 g of each recombinant protein was loaded on the gel. Lanes 1–5, TGRGCUG,
TRGCUG, TGRGUCG, TGRGCCG, TGRGC*, respectively; lane 6, molecular weight markers; lane 7, mtTrx; and lane 8, cTrx. The positions of molecular weight marker are
indicated on the right. B and C. 75Se incorporation into recombinant TGRs. BL21(DE3) cells expressing TGRGCUG, TGRGUCG, TGRGCCG, and TGRGC* were induced
with 100 M isopropyl 1-thio--D-galactopyranoside for 3 h at 37 °C. 50 Ci of 75Se were added to 10-ml cultures 30 min before induction. Total cell protein
samples were resolved by SDS-PAGE and transferred onto a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane. B, Coomassie Blue staining of the polyvinylidene difluoride
membrane. C, 75Se detection by phosphorimaging device analysis. Lanes 1– 4, 10 l of total cell protein samples from cells expressing recombinant TGRGCUG,
TGRGUCG, TGRGCCG, and TGRGC*, respectively; lane 5, molecular weight marker. FDH-O, formate dehydrogenase O (110 kDa), the single selenoprotein expressed
by E. coli under aerobic conditions. The bands around 66 kDa are indicated by an asterisk on lanes 1 and 2 on the right panel and correspond to 75Se-labeled
Sec-containing recombinant TGRs. Lower molecular mass bands on these lanes probably correspond to secondary initiation or degradation products of these
Sec-containing recombinants. The absence of bands on lanes 3 and 4 indicates no unspecific selenium incorporation was detected. The positions of molecular
weight markers are indicated on the right.
Linked Thioredoxin-Glutathione Systems
Kinetic parameters of wild-type TGR and its mutants
Apparent kinetic parameters for mtTrx and cTrx (physiological TGR substrates)
were obtained by varying the mtTrx and cTrx concentrations at a constant and
saturating concentration of NADPH and constant enzyme concentrations. Appar-
ent kcat values for DTNB were determined from the slope of the initial velocities (v0)
versus enzyme concentration plots (Fig. 4). The enzyme concentrations used for kcat
calculations for selenoproteins (TGRGCUG, TRGCUG, and TGRGUCG) considered the
actual concentrations of active enzymes (i.e. their values were corrected according
to their selenium content).
Apparent Km mtTrx 9.5 ⫾ 0.5 13.0 ⫾ 0.6 12.0 ⫾ 0.6 14.3 ⫾ 0.6
(M) cTrx 34 ⫾ 2
Apparent kcat mtTrx 131 ⫾ 2 80 ⫾ 2 6.4 ⫾ 0.2 0.530 ⫾ 0.007
(s⫺1) cTrx 197 ⫾ 3
DTNB 118 ⫾ 3 60 ⫾ 3 6.0 ⫾ 0.5 0.63 ⫾ 0.03
Apparent kcat/Km mtTrx 13.8 ⫾ 0.9 6.1 ⫾ 0.4 0.27 ⫾ 0.03 0.037 ⫾ 0.002
(M⫺1s⫺1) cTrx 5.8 ⫾ 0.4
Linked Thioredoxin-Glutathione Systems
cantly change once the enzyme was
fully active (see Fig. 5, B and C). We
next assayed whether Trx can
relieve GR hysteresis and found that
20 M Trx, without preincubation,
abolished the hysteretic behavior
(Fig. 5D).
GR Activity Is Reversibly Regu-
lated by Glutathionylation/Deglu-
tathionylation—Rendón et al. (6)
have postulated that TGR must pos-
sess two GSH-binding sites, one of
them regulatory, with high affinity
for reduced GSH. We examined
binding of E. granulosus TGR to a
glutathione matrix and found that
neither oxidized nor NADPH-re-
duced TGR associated with GSH-
agarose. Because the [GSSG]/[GSH]
Linked Thioredoxin-Glutathione Systems
FIGURE 6. TR activity of TGRGCUG and TRGCUG analyzed at the hysteresis conditions for GR activity. A, the TR activities of untreated and glutathionylated
TGRGCUG were compared using the Trx-coupled assay. B, the GR activities of untreated and glutathionylated TGRGCUG were compared at 100 M GSSG. In both
A and B the enzyme preparations were assayed at 1 nM TGR concentration and 150 M NADPH. It should be noted that, to calculate the volume of enzyme
preparation that ought to be used in the assay, glutathionylated TGR was assumed to be 2-fold diluted following desalting. This approximation could explain
the slightly smaller slopes observed for this enzyme in both assays, as compared with the untreated one. C, the TR activity of TRGCUG was evaluated using the
Trx-coupled assay both in the absence and presence of high concentration (1 mM) GSSG. The enzyme was assayed at 1 nM final concentration and 150 M
NADPH. The selenoenzyme (TGRGCUG and TRGCUG) concentrations considered were corrected according to their selenium contents.
a PD10 desalting column to remove GSSG. We measured the tration, but also on GSSG and GSH concentrations, we eval-
TR activity of this treated TGR by both the insulin-coupled uated the activity of these mutants at high enzyme concen-
(Fig. 6A) and DTNB assays (data not shown) finding no hyster- trations (200 nM) and different concentrations of GSSG and
etic behavior. In contrast, the GR activity of the treated TGR in the presence of GSH. None of these enzymes exhibited
was under hysteresis at low GSSG concentrations (condition significant activity at low GSSG concentrations (30 M) (Fig.
under which there is no hysteresis if the enzyme was not pre- 7A), and addition of 1 mM GSH did not affect the enzymatic
treated) (Fig. 6B). In addition, we examined whether Grx activity (data not shown). Altogether, these results indicated
domain contributed to glutathionylation. For this purpose, we that the C-terminal and Grx redox centers are essential for
evaluated glutathionylation and TR activity of TRGCUG at high GR activity. Interestingly, and similar to what was observed
[GSSG]. We found that the TR activity was unaffected at high for the TR activity, the double mutant TGRGUCG exhibited
[GSSG] using the Trx-coupled assay (Fig. 6C); however, the significant GR activity (Fig. 7B). We then studied the effect of
peptide containing Cys354 was not detected in TRGCUG (either GSH addition on the GR activity of the double mutant. At
native or glutathionylated). high concentration of GSSG (1 mM), the addition of 1 mM
Both the Grx Domain and the Sec Residue Are Essential for GSH abolished hysteresis (Fig. 7C). Finally, we examined
GR Activity—We further investigated whether the GR activity whether a combination of functional TR domains (TRGCUG)
was affected by the Grx domain and the Sec residue at the with functional Grx domain (TGRGC*) displays GR activity.
C-terminal redox center. TRGCUG, TGRGCCG, and TGRGC* did No activity was observed at high concentrations of both pro-
not display significant activity at the standard conditions of the teins, indicating that electron transfer between these two
assay (i.e. 1 mM GSSG), even at high concentrations of enzymes proteins is not efficient. This also rules out the possibility
(200 nM). Because the phenomenon of hysteresis observed for that the ⬃10-fold Grx excess with respect to functional TR
the GR activity is dependent not only on the enzyme concen- domains present in TGRGCUG and TGRGUCG (due to the
Linked Thioredoxin-Glutathione Systems
and/or vaccine development (8). In
this study, we provide further evi-
dence that validates TGR as a key
platyhelminth molecule to target.
We have previously shown that
cytosolic and mitochondrial vari-
ants of TGR from E. granulosus
derive from a single gene and have
the same amino acid sequence, once
FIGURE 8. Auranofin effect on E. granulosus larval worms. Protoscoleces were incubated in vitro at 37 °C, 5% the leader peptide of the mitochon-
CO2 in DMEM with 10 M auranofin, a TGR inhibitor, or its vehicle (DMSO) as a control. A, control protoscoleces
after 30 h of culture. B, treated protoscoleces after 12 h of culture (all protoscoleces were dead, note the drial isoform is removed. We now
disorganization of the parenchyma and the loss of the hooks or the entire crown of hooks). C, treated proto- show, by transient expression in
scoleces after 30 h of culture. The scale bar on C corresponds to 100 m. eukaryotic cells that the mitochon-
drial variant of TGR and a putative
mitochondrial Trx from E. granulosus localize to the mitochon-
drial compartment when assessed by confocal microscopy. No
experimental evidence for mitochondrial co-localization of
platyhelminth TGR and Trx had been previously reported. We
thus also proved that TGR provides electrons to E. granulosus
Linked Thioredoxin-Glutathione Systems
deglutathionylation is autocatalyzed by TGR. We observed mutant) (38). Our results suggest that Sec not only provides
deglutathionylation of TGR by GSH in the absence of NADPH a catalytic advantage over Cys at the nucleophilic position,
(data not shown). This suggests that deglutathionylation under but a Cys to Sec mutation at the resolving position can also
these conditions can occur, but catalysis by the Grx domain enhance enzymatic activity compared with the correspond-
cannot be ruled out. Because TGR catalyzes numerous thiol- ing Cys form. The fact that Sec is superior to Cys at the
(selenol)-based reactions, and at the same time its activity is resolving position of the redox active center may also apply
controlled by the [GSSG]/[GSH] ratio, it constitutes an inter- to other selenoproteins and the corresponding thiol oxi-
esting model to study enzymatic regulation by glutathionyla- doreductases. It would be interesting to explore this possi-
tion/deglutathionylation, as well as substrate inhibition and bility in the context of engineering Cys-containing enzymes
product activation phenomena. for enhanced catalysis.
The fact that hysteresis is found at high GSSG concentrations Regarding the role of the Grx domain in TGR functions, the
raises the question of whether this phenomenon takes place in comparison of wild-type TGR and TR revealed that the Grx
vivo. It should be noted that parasites are under oxidative stress domain does not positively or negatively affect the TR activity
mainly due to the host’s immune response. This generates not of the enzyme, indicating that the Grx domain neither assists
only GSSG, but also thiyl radicals, sulfenic acids, and S-nitrosy- nor hinders the TR activity of TGR. In contrast, the TR module
lated glutathione and protein intermediates, which have been of TGR has no GR activity, and thus both the Grx and TR
proposed as glutathione donors and acceptors for protein- domains are needed for this activity.
SSG formation, respectively (34). Glutathionylation of pro- Our data clearly indicate that efficient GSSG reduction
teins has been proposed to regulate diverse intracellular sig- requires both the C-terminal Sec-containing redox center
Linked Thioredoxin-Glutathione Systems
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and Bellelli, A. (2008) Proteins, in press
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Bioquı́mica y Proteómica Analı́ticas), for technical assistance with 5159 –5167
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