Modulation of P-Glycoprotein Mediated Multidrug Resistance (MDR) in Cancer Using Chemosensitizers
Modulation of P-Glycoprotein Mediated Multidrug Resistance (MDR) in Cancer Using Chemosensitizers
Modulation of P-Glycoprotein Mediated Multidrug Resistance (MDR) in Cancer Using Chemosensitizers
Velingkar V.S.*, Dandekar V.D.
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, K.M.Kundnani College of Pharmacy- Cuffe Parade,
Multidrug resistance (MDR) is one of the main obstacles in the chemotherapy of cancer. MDR is associated
with the over expression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), resulting in increased efflux of chemotherapy from
cancer cells. Inhibiting P-gp as a method to reverse MDR in cancer patients has been studied extensively,
but the results have generally been disappointing.
First-generation agents were limited by unacceptable toxicity, whereas second-generation agents had better
tolerability but were confounded by unpredictable pharmacokinetic interactions and interactions with other
transporter proteins. Third-generation inhibitors have high potency and specificity for P-gp. Furthermore,
pharmacokinetic studies to date have shown no appreciable impact on drug metabolism and no clinically
significant drug interactions with common chemotherapy agents.
Third-generation P-gp inhibitors have shown promise in clinical trials. The continued development of these
agents may establish the true therapeutic potential of P-gp-mediated MDR reversal.
KEYWORDS: Multidrug resistance, P-glycoprotein, P-gp modulators,P-gp inhibitors
Every year, more than 6 million cancer deaths were reported in the world. Of the 10 million new cases each
year, more than half occur in developing countries. WHO predictions show that, out of 15 million cases,
66% will occur in developing countries, by 2015.
Drug resistance is the major cause of death in cancer. 30 to 80% of cancers can become resistant to
cytotoxic drugs, leaving patients and doctors with few options when treatment fails.
Multidrug resistance is a phenomenon whereby tumor cells exposed to one cytotoxic agent develop cross-
resistance to a range of structurally and functionally unrelated compounds. The drug resistance that
develops in cancer cells often results from elevated expression of particular proteins, such as cell-
membrane transporters, which can result in an increased efflux of the cytotoxic drugs from the cancer cells,
thus lowering their intracellular concentrations1, 2.
Resistance to the drugs may be primary where the tumor does not respond to drugs from the start or
secondary in which case the tumor initially responds but slowly acquires resistance3.
The cytotoxic drugs that are most frequently associated with MDR are hydrophobic, amphipathic natural
products, such as the taxanes (paclitaxel and docetaxel), vinca alkaloids (vinorelbine,vincristine, and
vinblastine), anthracyclines (doxorubicin, daunorubicin, and epirubicin), epipodophyllotoxins (etoposide
and teniposide), antimetabolites (methorexate, fluorouracil, cytosar, 5-azacytosine, 6-mercaptopurine, and
gemcitabine) topotecan, dactinomycin, and mitomycin C4,5,6.
Development of resistance to a wide spectrum of drugs occurred through a variety of mechanisms. Number
of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the development of multidrug resistance (MDR). These
include modulation of genes, alteration in DNA repair capacity, altered target enzyme levels, detoxification
involving glutathion conjugation and MDR through efflux pumps such as P-glycoprotein (p-gp) protein7, 8.
Although several mechanisms are proposed for drug resistance, the best-studied mechanism of MDR is
related to the over expression of P-Glycoprotein (P-gp), a 170 KDa ATP dependent membrane transporter
that acts as a drug efflux pump (Fig.1) 1, 9.
In addition to cytotoxic drugs, P-gp also transports several other exogenous compounds, including digoxin,
opiates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, technetium (99mTc) sestamibi, and rhodamine 123.
Fig.1. Normal P-gp function in the plasma membrane of a cancer cell during chemotherapy. Activation of the efflux pump by the
hydrolysis of a bound ATP molecule drives the cytotoxic drug molecules out of the cell.
P-gp belongs to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of transporters, currently numbering 48 members
that share sequence and structural homology. It is believed that, while this class of transporters has a large
number of members, only 10 or so are reported to confer the drug-resistant phenotype1. These transporters
use the energy that is released when they hydrolyze ATP to drive the transport of various molecules across
the cell membrane10, 11. In addition to their physiologic expression in normal tissues, many are expressed
and, importantly, over-expressed, in human tumors1. A number of ABC transporters and the chemotherapy
drugs to which they have been shown to confer resistance are listed in the Table No.1.
P-gp consists of four distinct domains. Two of these are highly hydrophobic, integral membrane domains,
each of which spans the membrane six times by alfa-helices. The other two are hydrophilic nucleotide-
binding domains (NBDs).
Recently, a 2.5 nm resolution structure of P-gp was obtained by electron microscopy and single-
particle image analysis12,13. In the P-gp molecule there is a large central pore, ~5 nm in diameter, which
is closed at the inner (cytoplasmic) side of the plasma membrane. A gap may be present in the
protein ring; this could allow substrates to access the central pore from the lipid phase. P-glycoprotein is
predicted to act as a flippase with drug substrates, gaining access to their binding sites from the
inner leaflet of the lipid bilayer 14.
P-gp is a broad-spectrum multidrug efflux pump that has 12 transmembrane regions and two ATP-binding
Sites (Fig. 2)15.The transmembrane regions bind hydrophobic drug substrates that are either neutral or
positively charged, and are probably presented to the transporter directly from the lipid bilayer 16. Two ATP
hydrolysis events, which do not occur simultaneously, are needed to transport one drug molecule117.
Binding of substrate to the transmembrane regions stimulates the ATPase activity of P-gp, causing a
conformational change that releases substrate to either the outer leaflet of the membrane (from which it can
diffuse into the medium) or the extracellular space18, 19,20.
In cancerous tissue, the expression of P-gp is usually highest in tumors that are derived from tissues that
normally express P-gp, such as epithelial cells of the colon, kidney, adrenal, pancreas, and liver, resulting
in the potential for resistance to some cytotoxic agents before chemotherapy is initiated. In other tumors,
the expression of P-gp may be low at the time of diagnosis but increases after exposure to cytotoxic agents,
thereby resulting in the development of MDR in those cells21.
The structures of three categories of ABC transporter. a | ABC transporters such as multidrug resistance
MDR1 and multidrug-resistance-associated protein 4 MRP4 have 12 transmembrane domains and two AT
binding sites. b | The structures of MRP1, 2, 3 and 6 are similar in that they possess two ATP binding
regions. They also contain an additional domain that is composed of five transmembrane segments at the
amino-terminal end, giving them a total of 17 transmembrane domains. c | The ‘half-transporter’ ABCG2
contains six transmembrane domains and one ATP-binding region — in this case, on the amino-terminal
side (N) of the transmembrane domain. In other ‘half-transporters’, such as the transporter associated with
antigen processing (TAP), the ATP-binding cassette is found on the carboxy-terminal (C ) side of the
transmembrane domain. Half-transporters are thought to homodimerize or heterodimerize to function.
Table No.1: P-Glycoprotein and other ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters associated with classic Multidrug Resistance and the
Cytotoxic Substrates they transport.
P-gp = p-glycoprotein
MDR = multidrug resistance
MRP = multidrug resistance protein
CMOAT = canalicular multi-organic anion transporter
BRCP = breast cancer resistance protein
MXR = mitoxantrone resistance
ABC = ATP-binding cassette
There are many studies to overcome MDR by inhibiting MDR transporters, to suppress or circumvent
MDR mechanisms. The use of anticancer drugs that could escape from the ABC transporters might be a
solution to avoid drug resistance. Anticancer drugs which are not the substrates of ABC transporters are
alkylating drugs (cyclophosphamide), antimetabolites (5-fluorouracil), and the anthracycline modified
drugs (annamycin and doxorubicin-peptide)8.Another method to overcome resistance to anticancer drugs is
to administer compounds that would not be toxic themselves, but would inhibit ABC transporters 8,22. The
compounds that would reverse resistance against anticancer drugs are called MDR inhibitors, MDR
modulators, MDR reversal agents or chemosensitizers.
The process by which these agents circumvent MDR is referred as chemosensitization23.
Most modulators identified interfere with P-gp by competitive or noncompetitive inhibition of its drug
effluxing activity. They are normally P-gp substrates, some of them are only able to bind to the protein but
are not effluxed from the cells, and can thus be considered as pure antagonists.
It has been shown that various MDR type substrates and Chemosensitizers compete at a common drug-
binding site present in P-gp24.
Many agents that modulate the P-gp transporter, including verapamil, cyclosporin (cyclosporin A),
tamoxifen, and several calmodulin antagonists, were identified in the 1980s. These agents often produced
disappointing results in vivo because their low binding affinities necessitated the use of high doses,
resulting in unacceptable toxicity25, 26,27. Many of the initial chemosensitizers identified were themselves
substrates for P-gp and thus worked by competing with the cytotoxic compounds for efflux by the P-gp
pump; therefore, high serum concentrations of the Chemosensitizers were necessary to produce adequate
intracellular concentrations of the cytotoxic drug2. In addition, many of these chemosensitizers are
substrates for other transporters and enzyme systems, resulting in unpredictable pharmacokinetic
interactions in the presence of chemotherapy agents. To overcome these limitations, several novel analogs
of these early chemosensitizers were tested and developed, with the aim of finding P-gp modulators with
less toxicity and greater potency25, 28.
The second-generation P-gp modulators include dexverapamil, dexniguldipine, valspodar (PSC 833), and
biricodar (VX-710). These agents are more potent than their predecessors and also less toxic25. The best
characterized and most studied of these agents is valspodar, a nonimmunosuppressive derivative of
cyclosporin D that inhibits P-gp with 10 to 20 fold greater activity than cyclosporin A29, 30.
Second-generation P-gp modulators have a better pharmacologic profile than the first-generation
compounds, but they also retain some characteristics that limit their clinical usefulness. In particular, these
compounds significantly inhibit the metabolism and excretion of cytotoxic agents, thus leading to
unacceptable toxicity.
Many of the cytotoxic agents that are substrates for P-gp are also substrates for the cytochrome P450
isoenzyme 3A4. It is not surprising then that the agents that are affected by the development of MDR are
also metabolized by cytochrome P450 3A4. Several of the second-generation P-gp modulators, including
valspodar and biricodar, are substrates for this enzyme5.
The competition between cytotoxic agents and these P-gp modulators for cytochrome P450 3A4 activity
has resulted in unpredictable pharmacokinetic interactions. For example, valspodar inhibits the cytochrome
P450 3A4-mediated metabolism of paclitaxel and vinblastine31, 32 resulting in increased serum
concentrations of the cytotoxic agents and potentially putting patients at risk of cytotoxic drug
overexposure33 Similarly, in a pharmacokinetic study in patients with solid tumors, biricodar administered
in a 24-hour intravenous infusion decreased the clearance of paclitaxel in a dose-dependent manner. It has
been suggested that this interaction may be due in part to the inhibition of cytochrome P450 3A4 by
biricodar, thereby interfering with the metabolism of paclitaxel34.
In addition to inhibiting P-gp, many second-generation modulators also function as substrates for other
transporters, particularly those of the ABC transporter family, inhibition of which could lessen the ability of
normal cells and tissues to protect themselves from cytotoxic agents. Many of these transporters have well
defined physiologic roles, often involving the elimination of xenobiotics25, 5.
Many of the early-generation P-gp modulators inhibited several other ABC transporters as well as the P-gp
transporter. For instance, valspodar and biricodar are not specific solely to P-gp; both of these agents affect
MRP122,36. It is possible that this inhibition of non-target transporters may lead to greater adverse effects of
anticancer drugs, including neutropenia and other myelotoxic effects37,35.
Third-generation molecules that specifically and potently inhibit P-gp function have been developed by
using structure-activity relationships and combinatorial chemistry to overcome the limitations of the second
generation P-gp modulators. These agents do not affect cytochrome P450 3A4 at relevant concentrations.
Similarly, third-generation agents typically do not inhibit other ABC transporters38, 39.
The third generation P-gp inhibitors currently in clinical development include the anthranilamide derivative
tariquidar (XR9576), diketopiperazine derivative XR905140, the cyclopropyldibenzosuberane zosuquidar
(LY335979)41 and the substituted diarylimidazole ONT- 09342. Despite having diverse chemical structures
and origins, these agents have in common a high potency and specificity for the P-gp transporter.
One of the most promising third-generation P-gp inhibitors is tariquidar, which binds with high affinity to
the P-gp transporter and potently inhibits its activity43,44. Second-generation P-gp modulators compete as a
substrate with the cytotoxic agent for transport by the pump (Fig 3). In contrast, tariquidar specifically and
noncompetitively binds to the pump (Fig 4) with an affinity that greatly exceeds that of the transported
substrates45 It is not clear whether the binding of XR9576 on P-gp is indeed to that of the ATP binding site,
but like other modulators such as GF120918, it inhibits the ATPase activity of P-gp46.
The cyclopropyldibenzosuberane modulator LY335979 was shown to competitively inhibit the binding of
vinblastine to P-gp47. In clinical studies in both solid and hematologic malignancies, LY335979 showed no
significant pharmacokinetic interactions with doxorubicin, etoposide, daunorubicin, vincristine, or
paclitaxel.48-51, R101933 and ONT-093 are two other third-generation P-gp inhibitors that have been shown
to be effective in inhibiting P-gp with no effect on the pharmacokinetics of docetaxel35 and paclitaxel42.
Fig 3. Competitive inhibition of the P-glycoprotein transporter. First and second-generation modulators compete as a substrate with
the cytotoxic agent for transport by the pump. This limits the efflux of the cytotoxic agent, increasing its intracellular concentration.
Third-generation inhibitors of P-gp, such as tariquidar, bind with high affinity to the pump but are not
themselves substrates. This induces a conformational change in the protein, thereby preventing ATP
hydrolysis and transport of the cytotoxic agent out of the cell, resulting in an increased intracellular
Because of their specificity for P-gp transporters and lack of interaction with cytochrome P450 3A4, third-
generation P-gp inhibitors offer significant advantages over the second-generation agents.
Ongoing clinical trials with third-generation P-gp inhibitors should show whether this approach will result
in greater survival in patients with cancer. So far, this objective has not been demonstrated, due in part to
the unpredictable pharmacokinetic effects of second- generation P-gp modulators on the coadministered
chemotherapy agents. The preliminary results with third-generation P-gp inhibitors offer new hopes that
this goal might be realized.
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