Nutritional Importance of Proteins Quadrant - I: Objectives
Nutritional Importance of Proteins Quadrant - I: Objectives
Nutritional Importance of Proteins Quadrant - I: Objectives
The name protein is derived from the Greek word proteios “of prime importance or the
first kind” this is because proteins are the basis of the cytoplasm of cells and are present in
all living organisms.
Proteins are the most complex materials produced in nature.
Proteins are the most abundant macromolecules in living cells and constitute 50% or more
of their dry weight.
They are consisting of α-amino acids linked together by peptide linkages.
Proteins are complex organic nitrogenous compounds and composed of varying amounts
of carbon, hydrogen , oxygen and sulphur.
Nitrogen is a characteristic component of proteins forming about 16% of their weight i.e.
100 g of protein contains 16 g of nitrogen.
They are polymers of α-amino acids and synthesized from only 20 amino acids, known
as the common amino acids.
Polypeptides are made by polymerization of amino acids through peptide bonds.
Big polypeptide chains containing more than 50 amino acids are called proteins.
determined by the sequence of
Code and title of the paper: FO7MA- Macronutrients
Code and title of the module: FO7MA19- Nutritional importance of proteins
Name of the content writer: Dr.P.Nazini
amino acids
STRUCTURE: occurs when
the amino acids are linked by
hydrogen bonds.
formed when alpha helices
and beta pleated sheets are
held together by week
STRUCTURE: consists of
more than one polypeptide
o The knowledge about the grouping of proteins helps in better understanding of its
importance in making dietary choices. Proteins can be classified based on the
following factors
Based on the origin, the proteins are conventionally divided into two groups- animal
proteins and plant proteins.
The animal foods like eggs, milk, meat (white and red) and fish contribute to animal
protein sources.
These are proteins with higher biological value as they are completely utilised and of
higher quality as they supply all the essential amino acids in adequate amounts.
Code and title of the paper: FO7MA- Macronutrients
Code and title of the module: FO7MA19- Nutritional importance of proteins
Name of the content writer: Dr.P.Nazini
Whereas, plant proteins obtained from plant foods like cereals, millets, legumes, nuts,
seeds green leafy vegetables are of lower-quality and lower biological value as they lack
or limit in one or more of the essential amino acids.
Methionine, lysine, threonine and tryptophan are the most common limiting amino acids.
Chemical classification.
The amino acids are classified according to the chemical structure of the side chain (R)
o Aliphatic
o Hydroxy
o Sulfur containing
o Aromatic
o Acidic
o Basic
o Imino acids
Biological classification.
Code and title of the paper: FO7MA- Macronutrients
Code and title of the module: FO7MA19- Nutritional importance of proteins
Name of the content writer: Dr.P.Nazini
Based on nutritional values amino acids are classified into essential or non-essential
amino acids.
Non essential amino acids: Amino acids that could be synthesized in the body, so they
are not needed in the diet. They are 10 amino acids.
Essential amino acids: Amino acids that could not be synthesized in the body, so they
have to be taken in the diet, and their deficiency results in diseases.
Metabolic classification
This classification was done according to their metabolic fate in the body as
Glucogenic amino acids: Amino acids that can give glucose.
Ketogenic amino acids: Amino acids that can give ketone bodies.
Glucogenic/Ketogenic (mixed) amino acids: Amino acids that can give both ketone bodies
and glucose.
c Ketogenic enic
Alanine Tyrosine
Non Arginine
essential Asparagine
Methionin Isoleucine Leucin
Essential e Phenylalanin e
Threonine Tryptophan Lysine
PER is represented by gain in the weight of rats per gram protein ingested.
Nitrogen retained
o BV= ______________________ x100
Code and title of the paper: FO7MA- Macronutrients
Code and title of the module: FO7MA19- Nutritional importance of proteins
Name of the content writer: Dr.P.Nazini
Nitrogen absorbed
o For the measurement of BV, the experimental animals, namely weaning albino rats
are chosen. They are first fed with a protein-free diet for 10 days. Then they are
kept on a 10% protein diet to be tested for BV. Urine & feces are collected for both
the periods i.e. protein-free diet & protein diet. Nitrogen is estimated in the diet,
feces & urine samples.
NPU is a better nutritional index than biological value. Net protein utilization can be
calculated as:
Nitrogen retained
o NPU=_____________________ x100
Nitrogen absorbed
Chemical score
i. Source of energy: When the diet is inadequate in carbohydrates and fats, proteins are
the anaerobic fuel for energy. Each gram of protein provides around 4kcal.
Growth and tissue maintenance: The proteins play a pivotal role of in the cell division
process. The tissues are repaired and maintained in a good state only by the action of
proteins. Further, new tissue formation and building of muscles will happen only if the
good quality proteins are in constant supply to the body.
Structural maintenance: The Collagen, main protein of very high tensile strength which
is found in connective tissue such as tendons, cartilage, structural matrix of bones and
teeth and cornea of the eye is the intercellular substance that binds the cells together.
Collagen helps in maintaining the organs in its inherent form and position. The cell wall
and primary fibrous constituents of the cell have structural proteins. Elastin, another
important structural protein seen in ligaments has the elastic property-quality of stretching
in either dimensions.
Enzymes: Essentially, it is the enzymes that catalyze all the biochemical reactions within
the body.
o The enzymes are proteins mostly globular in structure and highly specific in its
functions. Enzymes like urease, catalase, dehydrogenases and the digestive
enzymes are some of the enzymic proteins.
Hormones: Hormones are proteins which regulate many metabolic functions and essential
for reproduction as well as growth.As known pancreatic hormones like insulin and
glucagon regulate carbohydrate metabolism.
Code and title of the paper: FO7MA- Macronutrients
Code and title of the module: FO7MA19- Nutritional importance of proteins
Name of the content writer: Dr.P.Nazini
Nutrient transport: The transport of essential nutrients from the intestine across the
intestinal wall to the blood and the tissues is carried out by the proteins.
These transport or carrier proteins are specific for each nutrient.
The protein in Hemoglobin binds and carries oxygen to the peripheral tissues as blood
passes through the lungs, where it is released to participate in the process of oxidation.
Lipids from liver is carried to other organs by lipoproteins in blood plasma.
Copper in blood is transported by the metalloprotein Ceruloplasmin.
Retinol is bound to and carried by retinol binding protein.
Contractility or motility: Contractile proteins like actin and myosin provide skeletal
muscle the ability to contact. Tubulin is the protein from which microtubules are built.
Defense mechanism: The lymphocytes produce the specialized proteins known as
antibodies or immunoglobulins which invade microbes or other foreign particles and
protect the body from infections. The blood-clotting proteins fibrinogen and thrombin
defend from blood loss when the vascular system is impaired.
Detoxification: The toxins from food are detoxified in the liver by the enzymes which are
Code and title of the paper: FO7MA- Macronutrients
Code and title of the module: FO7MA19- Nutritional importance of proteins
Name of the content writer: Dr.P.Nazini
Positive nitrogen balance: This is a state in which the nitrogen intake is higher than the
output. Some amount of nitrogen is retained in the body causing a net increase in body
Positive nitrogen balance is observed in growing children, pregnant women or during
recovery after serious illness.
Negative nitrogen balance: In this, the nitrogen output is higher than the input.
Some amount of nitrogen is lost from the body depleting the body protein.
Prolonged negative nitrogen balance may even lead to death. This was observed in
children suffering from kwashiorkor or marasmus.
Negative nitrogen balance may occur due to inadequate dietary intake of protein
(deficiency of a single essential amino acid) or destruction of tissues or serious illness.
Growth hormone & insulin promote positive nitrogen balance while corticosteroids result
in negative nitrogen balance. Cancer & uncontrolled diabetes cause negative nitrogen
Code and title of the paper: FO7MA- Macronutrients
Code and title of the module: FO7MA19- Nutritional importance of proteins
Name of the content writer: Dr.P.Nazini
o The Dietary Reference Intake guidelines suggest that 5% to 20% of the total
calorie intake each day by 1-3 years old children and 10-30% of total energy intake
by 4-18 year should be from protein.
For adults, 15-20% of the calories should be from protein.
o Proteins beyond the recommended intake are not advisable as it tends to increase
the excretion of urinary calcium, thereby promoting osteoporosis.
Moreover, excess protein intake increases the concentration of homocysteine in blood and
also conversion to thiolactone is increased subsequently resulting in endothelial damage
and atherosclerosis.
o In addition to the quantity of protein consumed other factors that interfere with the
utilization of protein and make their consumption of limited value are listed below:
Sex: The RDA for men is about 20% higher than that of women. Iron is an exception as
the requirement is greater in menstruating women. Additional requirements (20-30%
above normal) are needed for pregnant & lactating women.
Age: In general, the nutrient requirement is much higher in the growing age.For instance,
the protein requirement for a growing child is about 2 g/kg body wt/day compared to 1
g/kg body wt/day for adults.
Amino acid ratio: The sequence or pattern of aminoacids in the particular food consumed
will have an impact on the growth promotion based on the individual’s age.
Physical inactivity: The body’s ability to utilize protein decreases with immobility as
seen in elderly who are disabled and as in case of astronauts who lose protein due to
immobility and weightlessness in space.
Stress: Physical stress such as injury and emotional stresses like fear, anger, and anxiety
increases nitrogen loss.
Anti-nutritional factors: The protein digestibility and utility is adversely reduced by the
anti-nutritional or toxic factors such as trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors, phytates,
cyanogenic compounds, lathyrogens, saponins, anti-vitamins and allergens present in
pulses. Cooking and Processing of pulses before cooking improves utilization.
Code and title of the paper: FO7MA- Macronutrients
Code and title of the module: FO7MA19- Nutritional importance of proteins
Name of the content writer: Dr.P.Nazini
Excess heating: Excessive heating of protein rich foods in presence of reducing sugars
especially, leads to browning reducing the protein quality.
Chemica Limiting
Protein PER BV NPU
l score AAs
Egg 4.5 94 90 100 Nil
Milk 3.0 84 75 65
Fish 3.0 85 70 60
Meat 2.7 75 76 70 Sulfur Aas
Rice 2.2 68 60 60
Wheat 1.5 58 47 42
Bengal Sulfur
1.7 58 47 45
gram AAs
Code and title of the paper: FO7MA- Macronutrients
Code and title of the module: FO7MA19- Nutritional importance of proteins
Name of the content writer: Dr.P.Nazini
Code and title of the paper: FO7MA- Macronutrients
Code and title of the module: FO7MA19- Nutritional importance of proteins
Name of the content writer: Dr.P.Nazini
Kwashiorkor means sickness of the deposed child i.e. a disease the child gets when the
next baby is born.
Marasmus literally means 'to waste'. It mainly occurs in children under 1 year age.
Marasmus is predominantly due to the deficiency of calories. This is usually observed in
children given watery gruels (of cereals) to supplement the mother's breast milk.
In this module, the different structures of protein, in-depth classification on both proteins
and aminoacids , assessing the nutritive value of proteins in detail, nutritional importance,
RDA of protein and protein deficiencies diseases have been presented.