06+500 To 07+100 Final Report 5 2
06+500 To 07+100 Final Report 5 2
06+500 To 07+100 Final Report 5 2
Consultancy Service for Detailed Road Safety Audit
and its engineering solution of Vulnerable spots /
Black Spot for Dehgam Nandol Halisa Giyod Road
from Km 00+000 to Km 05+000 on SH – 192 in the
state of Gujarat
Road & Building Department McWAY Managements Ltd.
Government of Gujarat
January 2022
“Consultancy Service for Detailed Road Safety Audit and its engineering solution of Vulnerable spots / Black Spot
for Dehgam Nandol Halisa Giyod Road from Km 00+000 to Km 05+000 on SH – 192 in the state of Gujarat”
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Road Safety Audit 1
1.3 Objectives of Road Safety Audit 2
1.4 Stages of Road Safety Audit 3
1.5 Introduction to black-spot and it’s measures 4
1.6 Road Safety Audit on Existing Road 5
1.7 Approach and Methodology 6
1.8 Organization of the Report 8
2.1 About Black Spot 10
2.2 Audit Team 11
2.3 Primary and Secondary Data collection and Analysis 11
2.3.1 Black Spot Location map 11
2.3.2 Base/Topographic Survey Map 12
2.3.3 Road Accident Data 12
2.4 Desktop Audit 14
2.5 Road Safety Audit 14
3.1 General 23
3.2 Classification of Vehicles and PCU Values 24
3.3 Traffic Analysis 25
3.3.1 Base Year Traffic 25
3.3.2 Traffic Growth Rate 29
3.3.3 VDF (Vehicle Damage Factor) 29
3.3.4 Design Life 29
3.3.5 Design Traffic (MSA) 29
3.4 Spot Speed 32
3.4.1 Radar Meter Method 32
3.5 Pedestrian count survey and Pedestrian behavior 32
3.6 Pavement Condition of Project Road 32
4.1 Road Design Standards 33
4.2 Design Speed 33
4.3 Right of Way (ROW) 33
4.4 Width of Carriageway 33
4.5 Camber/Cross fall 34
4.6 Horizontal Alignment 34
4.6.1 Radii of Horizontal Curves 34
4.6.2 Superelevation 34
4.6.3 Transition Length 35
4.6.4 Sight Distance 35
4.7 Vertical Alignment 36
4.8 Measurement Proposal 36
5.1 Background 37
5.2 BOQ, Rate Analysis & Cost Estimate 37
5.3 Detailed Cost Estimate for Rectification of Blackspots 37
6.1 Recommendation 38
Executive Summary
Sr. No. Description Details
Consultancy Service for Detailed Road Safety Audit
and its engineering solution of Vulnerable spots /
1 Project Name Black Spot for Dehgam Nandol Halisa Giyod Road
from Km 00+000 to Km 05+000 on SH – 192 in the
state of Gujarat
00+100 to 00+590
2 Black Spot Location 06+500 to 07+100
13+500 to 13+950
Total Vehicles ADT
3 3946
(PCU per Day)
No of Accident on
4 Project Road 02
(Year 2018 to 2020)
Minor Accident: - 00
5 Type of Accident Grievous Injury /Major Accident: - 01
Fatal Accident: - 01
6 Measurement Proposal Short Term
Based on these circular Black Spot is termed as: “Road Accident Black Spot-on Highway is
a stretch of about 500m in length in which either 5 road accidents (in all three years put
together involving fatalities/grievous injuries) took place during the last 3 calendar years
or 10 fatalities (in all three years put together) took place during the last 3 calendar years.”
Road & Building Department, Gujarat has decided to take up the development of black spot
locations in the State of Gujarat where the intensity of traffic has increased significantly and
there is a requirement of augmentation of capacity for safe and efficient movement of traffic.
The government of Gujarat is engaged in the development of Black Spots and in pursuance of
the above, M/s. MCWAY Management Limited has successfully been appointed to provide the
services as Safety Consultant for Road Safety Consultancy services for inspection, survey, and
preparation of design and estimate for permanent (Long term/Short term) remedial measures
for improvement of 193 Black spots in the state of Gujarat.
The primary focus of RSA is safety while working within the context of the facility’s existing
mobility, access, surrounding land use, and/or aesthetics. RSAs enhance safety by considering
potential safety issues presented to all road users under all conditions (e.g., day/ night and
dry/wet conditions). By focusing on safety, RSAs ensure that potentially hazardous roadway
and roadside elements do not “fall through the cracks.”
Road safety audit is a process of crash prevention; it aims to identify safety concerns in a road
design so they can be discussed, resolved, and the necessary changes can be made while they
still exist only as pencil lines on a piece of paper. By making changes early, at the design stage,
road safety initiatives can be built into new road projects, and the risk to future road users of
that road can be reduced.
Audits are proactive. They do not use crash data. They try to prevent the first crash from ever
happening on a new road. A road safety audit is not a black spot investigation. Black spot
investigations are reactive. Black spot programs aim to reduce crashes at a location. They rely
heavily on historical crash records to establish crash patterns at the location. These records
provide a view of the crash history and, with an experienced black spot investigator; low-cost
crash countermeasures can be developed and applied to reduce future crash frequency and/or
severity. Therefore, while a black spot investigation applies to an existing road that has police
crash data, a road safety audit is best undertaken before the road is built and with no crash
history to call on.
The audit team uses the same technical skills and knowledge as the black spot investigator but
applies these in a proactive, rather than a reactive, fashion. The skills and knowledge involved
in each may be the same, but the processes are quite different.
• To recognize the importance of safety in road design so that the needs and perceptions of
all road users are met, and to achieve a balance between needs where they may be in
• To reduce the long-term costs of a new road project, bearing in mind that unsafe designs
may be expensive (or at times even impossible) to correct at a later stage.
• To advance the awareness of providing safe road schemes for non-motorized as well as
motorized road users.
The audit team should prioritize its findings according to those that can most readily and cost-
effectively be treated. It makes easier for the road authority to undertake the recommended
treatments as per available budget.
Based on-site inspection, preliminary survey, etc. the type of interventions required may be
identified and accordingly the action for taking corrective measures i.e., short-term measures
and long-term Measures may be initiated.
Depending upon the site condition/requirement the corrective measures may require Short
Term Measures only and, in some cases, Long Term Measures including Cautionary Measures
& / or Short-term Measures. The suggestive items/measures and guidelines to be followed for
rectifications of black spots are as under:
(v) Road signs inter-alia speed limits sign, pavement/road markings, delineators, studs/cats eye.
Crossing of
pedestrians/habitational area
Foot over bridge etc.
/school/ hospitals/educational
institute etc.
Hill roads/ sharp curves Various safety measures including crash barriers
The audit team should prioritize its findings according to those that can most readily and cost-
effectively be treated. It makes it easier for the road authority to undertake the recommended
treatments as per the available budget.
Black spot Location map with Chainages
Base map Preparation
DPR Copy / As Built Drawing of proposed
black spot stretch
Traffic Data (Midblock/TMC) if available
Accident Data for last 3 to 5 years
Chapter 1 presents a background and history of black spots, road safety objectives, road safety
audit stages and approach and methodology.
Chapter 2 indicates a brief description of selected black spot, primary and secondary data
collections, road safety audit as per IRC: SP: 88-2019, and cost estimates for short measures
adopted for the selected black spot.
R & B Div, Gujarat Page 8
“Consultancy Service for Detailed Road Safety Audit and its engineering solution of Vulnerable spots / Black Spot
for Dehgam Nandol Halisa Giyod Road from Km 00+000 to Km 05+000 on SH – 192 in the state of Gujarat”
Chapter 3 contains a Traffic surveys analysis.
Chapter 4 proposes design standards and improvement proposals for rectification of Black
Spot for long-term measures.
Chapter 5 includes a Cost estimate of remedial measures for Dehgam Nandol Halisa Giyod
Road from Km 06+500 to Km 07+100.
Name of work: Consultancy Services for Detailed Road Safety Audit and its Engineering
solution of vulnerable spots/ Blackspots on various roads in state of Gujarat.
From Figure 2.2, it can be seen from road accidents data over 3 years, death and serious injuries
are equal to normal injury through the project road.
Figure 2.3 shows that 50-50% of the road accidents happened during day and night time in last
three years throughout project road. It can be seen that number of road accident during night
and day are similarly.
R & B Div, Gujarat Page 13
“Consultancy Service for Detailed Road Safety Audit and its engineering solution of Vulnerable spots / Black Spot
for Dehgam Nandol Halisa Giyod Road from Km 00+000 to Km 05+000 on SH – 192 in the state of Gujarat”
Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 shows risk assessment and priority level for suggested RSA
recommendations respectively.
Very High Multiple deaths are likely High speed, multi-vehicle crashes on
expressways, A bus collision at high speed with a
bridge abutment
High A death and/or serious High/medium speed vehicle/vehicle collisions.
injuries are likely High/medium speed collisions with a fixed
roadside object. Pedestrian crashes on rural
Medium Minor injuries only are Low speed collisions, such as a three-wheeler
likely colliding with a bicyclist, a rear end crash in a slip
lane, or a pedestrian struck in a car park
From the site visit and analysis of accident data, Blackspot location is found near
chainage 06+800 due to the village on the existing road.
3.1 The vulnerable road users were mainly observed at the High Traffic calming measures such as warning physical Essential
black spot location. warning signs for drivers and pedestrians, speed breakers,
rumble strip, transverse bar markings, provision of
pedestrian crossing, road signs and pavement markings
shall be provided as per IRC 99, IRC 67 and IRC 35.
4.1 Road Sign Road signs such as mandatory, cautionary and informatory
Necessary mandatory, cautionary and informatory signs are signs shall be provided as per IRC: 67 – 2012 with
not observed/damaged at minor junctions. Absence of appropriate size and locations.
High Desirable
sufficient road signs, delineators etc., throughout the black
spot. In addition, installed signs spacing is not as per IRC
installation guidelines.
Project Road starts from Km 00+000 and ends at Km 05+000 on SH-192 consists of three black
spot. Traffic Survey Conducted at chainage 06+800 for this black spot. Lane configuration of
the project stretch is of intermediate carriageway with paved shoulder. SH-192. It caters
convenient way for daily routine movement of Cars and truck carrying various agricultural
commodities. Figure 3.1 shows the Project corridor along with traffic survey location.
Table 3.2: Summary for Average Daily Traffic in PCU and CVPD
Vehicle Type/Location At CH: - 06+800
2Wheeler. 2361
Motorized Vehicles (Passenger)
Bicycle 50
Cycle Rickshaw 0
Animal Drawn Vehicles 2
Hand Cart 0
LCV 4 Tyre 96
Motorized Vehicles
LCV 6 Tyre 21
2-Axle Truck 21
3-Axle Truck 78
Multi Axle (4 to 6 Axle) & HCM, EME 89
Over Sized (7 or more Axle) 0
R & B Div, Gujarat Page 25
“Consultancy Service for Detailed Road Safety Audit and its engineering solution of Vulnerable spots / Black Spot
for Dehgam Nandol Halisa Giyod Road from Km 00+000 to Km 05+000 on SH – 192 in the state of Gujarat”
Vehicle Type/Location At CH: - 06+800
Agricultural Tractor with Trailer 157
Agricultural Tractor without Trailer 17
Car/Jeep with Red Light (VIP Car) 0
Toll Exempted
LCV/Mini Bus 0
2 Axle/Bus 0
3 Axle 0
Multi Axle (4 to 6 Axle) & HCM, EME 0
Total Vehicles ADT (No.) 3999
Total Vehicles ADT (PCU/Day) 3946
Commercial Vehicles for Pavement Design ADT (No.) 114
➢ Average Passenger vehicles, compositions on project road for 2W (59.07%) has the
highest share followed by Car, jeep, Van (17.09%) & Auto Rickshaw (Passenger)
(7.16%) and With Trailor Tractor (3.93%) of the total traffic.
(1 + r ) − 1
ESAL = Cumulative numbers of standard axles to be catered for in the design
in terms of MSA
A = Operating Year AADT /Initial traffic in year of completion in terms of
commercial vehicle per day
r = Annual growth rate of a given commercial Vehicle
n = Design life in year
LDF = Lane Distribution Factor
VDF = Vehicle Damage Factor
The cumulative numbers of standard axles have been calculated assuming that the project will
be opened to traffic in the year 2024. For intermediate lane road, Lane Distribution Factor 0.75
and indicative VDF as shown in Table 3.3 is used for determination of MSA.
The year of Initial traffic count is 2021 and considering 1.5 years as construction period.
Considering a Construction period of 1.5 Years & Design Life of 20 years of Design Period
from the COD) the Design MSA is worked out at the end of 21.5 years. The above equation is
used for evaluation MSA for design of pavement which is calculated in the following Table
Therefore, adopted design traffic for design period of 20 years plus 1.5 years of construction is
11.93 MSA.
Spot speed data are gathered using three methods: (1) stopwatch method, (2) Radar meter
method and (3) Pneumatic Road tube method. The stopwatch method is the least expensive and
least accurate of the methods. Consultant have adopted stopwatch method for spot speed survey
and analysis.
Speed percentiles are tools used to determine effective and adequate speed limits. The two
speed percentiles most important to understand are the 50th and the 85th percentiles. The 50th
percentile is the median speed of the observed data set. This percentile represents the speed at
which half of the observed vehicles are below and half of the observed vehicles are above. The
50th percentile of speed represents the average speed of the traffic stream. The 85th percentile is
the speed at which 85% of the observed vehicles are traveling at or below. This percentile is
used in evaluating/recommending posted speed limits based on the assumption that 85% of the
drivers are traveling at a speed they perceive to be safe.
Proper placement of the radar meter at the study area is critical. The positioning of the radar
unit is determined by the capabilities of the radar unit. The least accurate position, which
often results in no readings at all, is obtained when the meter is aimed at a 90-degree angle
to the roadway centreline.
Data Collection: -
Consultant have conducted spot speed survey on project road and summary of Spot Speed
Study Distribution is tabulated in below Table and graph.
SPEED := Σ f.x /Σf 47.4 Kmph
65, 50 75, 50
50 55, 44
45, 29
35, 12
25, 3
15, 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
18 45, 17
16 55, 15
10 35, 9
8 65, 6
4 25, 3
2 15, 0 75, 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
From frequency Distribution curve Model speed= 45 Kmph
Therefore the most preferred speed at which maximumProportion of 2-wheeler travel is
the model speed 45 Kmph
From Cummulative frequency Distribution curve
Upper Speed ie 85th Percentile Speed= 48 kmph
Lower Speed ie 15thPercentileSpeed= 28 kmph
Design Speed ie 98thPercentile Speed= 53 kmph
Median Speed ie 50th Percentile Speed= 39 kmph
RANGE MID SPEED (v) (q) (q.v.) (q/v)
10--20 15 0 0 0
20-30 25 3 75 0.12
30-40 35 9 315 0.257142857
40-50 45 17 765 0.377777778
50-60 55 15 825 0.272727273
60-70 65 6 390 0.092307692
70-80 75 0 0 0
Σf = Σqv = Σ q/v =
50 2370 1.1199556
SPEED := Σ f.x /Σf 46.1 Kmph
65, 100 75, 100
100 55, 93
80 45, 73
35, 20
15, 0 25, 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
45, 53
55, 20
20 35, 17
10 65, 7
25, 3
15, 0 75, 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
From frequency Distribution curve Model speed= 45 Kmph
Therefore the most preferred speed at which maximumProportion of 2-wheeler travel is
the model speed 45 Kmph
From Cummulative frequency Distribution curve
Upper Speed ie 85th Percentile Speed= 47 kmph
Lower Speed ie 15thPercentileSpeed= 28 kmph
Design Speed ie 98thPercentile Speed= 54 kmph
Median Speed ie 50th Percentile Speed= 38 kmph
RANGE MID SPEED (v) (q) (q.v.) (q/v)
10--20 15 0 0 0
20-30 25 3 75 0.12
30-40 35 17 595 0.485714286
40-50 45 53 2385 1.177777778
50-60 55 20 1100 0.363636364
60-70 65 7 455 0.107692308
70-80 75 0 0 0
Σf = Σqv = Σ q/v =
100 4610 2.254820735
SPEED := Σ f.x /Σf 56.4 Kmph
75, 100
100 65, 90
55, 62
40 45, 28
35, 5
15, 0 25, 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
55, 34
30 65, 28
25 45, 23
75, 10
35, 4
5 25, 1
15, 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
From frequency Distribution curve Model speed= 45 Kmph
Therefore the most preferred speed at which maximumProportion of 2-wheeler travel is
the model speed 45 Kmph
From Cummulative frequency Distribution curve
Upper Speed ie 85th Percentile Speed= 58 kmph
Lower Speed ie 15thPercentileSpeed= 37 kmph
Design Speed ie 98thPercentile Speed= 64 kmph
Median Speed ie 50th Percentile Speed= 51 kmph
RANGE MID SPEED (v) (q) (q.v.) (q/v)
10--20 15 0 0 0
20-30 25 1 25 0.04
30-40 35 4 140 0.114285714
40-50 45 23 1035 0.511111111
50-60 55 34 1870 0.618181818
60-70 65 28 1820 0.430769231
70-80 75 10 750 0.133333333
Σf = Σqv = Σ q/v =
100 5640 1.847681208
Different parameters like age, gender, crossing patterns, crossing times, waiting times and
crossing speeds of pedestrians, speed and types of vehicles and vehicular flows are used for the
The past study analysis shows that majority of the pedestrians chooses one-step crossing after
signal installation since they get sufficient gap to cross the road during the red phase of the
signal provided for vehicles.
During the survey consultant have obverse that there is pedestrian crossing movement on the
blackspot location.
3.12 Pavement Condition of Project Road
Pavement condition survey was carried by visually
inspection means of the existing pavement. The data
collected by Pavement Condition survey covers the
following aspects such as Longitudinal Cracking,
Transverse Cracking, Alligator Cracking, and Block
Cracking with Severity of Cracking & details on
Rutting, Ravelling, Pot Holes & Bleeding, and Edge
Break & Edge Drops etc. The overall pavement
condition of the project road is good.
The geometric design shall conform to IRC: 73 – 1980 – ‘Geometric Design Standards
for Rural (Non-Urban) Highways’. All horizontal curves shall consist of circular
portion flanked by spiral transitions at both ends.
As per Clause No. 9.4 of the IRC: 73 – 1980, the desirable minimum radii and absolute
minimum radii of horizontal curves for the project stretch for various classes of terrain shall be
as indicated in Table 4.4.
For the project road, a minimum of 360 m radius shall be provided for the main carriageway.
At locations where there are site constraints, a radius of 230 m will be used with suitable speed
restrictions to accommodate the alignment within the ROW. For the main carriageway not
requiring any super elevation, a radius of 2000 m or more shall be provided.
As per Clause No. 9.3.1 of the IRC: 73 – 1980, super elevation shall be restricted to a maximum
of 5%, if the radius is more than desirable minimum and urban settlement and it shall be limited
to 7%, if the radius is less than desirable minimum radius.
IRC: 73 – 1980 – ‘Geometric Design Standards for Rural (Non-Urban) Highways’, suggests
that the length of the transition curve should be the larger of the two values arrived at on the
basis of the following two criteria, viz, rate of change of centrifugal acceleration and rate of
change of super elevation. The values given in the IRC: 73 – 1980 are obtained from the
criterion of rate of change of centrifugal acceleration, with a pavement width of 7.00 m. Hence,
values should be suitably calculated for the project road based on the road width and rotation
axis. However, for a pavement width of 6.50 m or more (from the median edge to the edge of
the paved shoulder) as is the case for the project road, the transition length computed on the
Clause No. 9.5.2 (ii) of IRC: 73 – 1980, the rate of super elevation shall not be steeper than 1
in 150 for roads in plain and rolling terrain. The minimum transition length indicated for
different horizontal curve radii and speed for rolling terrain shall be as given in Table 17, Clause
No. 9.5.3, IRC: 73 – 1980 and that for mountainous terrain shall be as given in Table 6.9, Clause
No. 6.8.4, IRC: 52 – 2019.
Visibility is an important requirement for safety on roads. For this, it is necessary that sight
distance of sufficient length is available to permit drivers enough time and distance to control
their vehicles to avoid accident.
The safe stopping sight distance and intermediate sight distance for divided carriageway for
various design speeds are given in Table 4.5. For the project road stretch, where existing road
is to be followed and at the locations where there are site constraints, safe stopping sight
distance shall be adopted.
Based on accident records observed on this black spot & even as per traffic plying on
the corridor as per the traffic data. Hence, short-term measures is proposed for this black
spot from Km 06+500 to Km 07+100.
Consultancy Service for Detailed Road Safety Audit and its engineering solution of
Vulnerable spots / Black Spot for Dehgam Nandol Halisa Giyod Road from Km 06+500
to Km 07+100 on SH – 192 in the state of Gujarat
Total Amount
ti Bill Description
(in ₹)
1 Road Works
Traffic Signs, Road Markings and Other Road
A ₹ 2,73,600.74
2 Total Civil Cost ₹ 2,73,600.74
3 Add Contingency Charges @ 3% ₹ 8,208.02
Hence, the Total Civil Cost of the improvement of the Black Spot named Dehgam
Nandol Halisa Giyod Road from Km 06+500 to Km 07+100 on SH-192 in the state
of Gujarat is ₹2.73 Lakhs.
• IRC: 11-2015 Guidelines for Traffic Safety Barriers Recommended Practice for Design and
Layout of Cycle Tracks
• IRC: 35-2015 Code of Practice for Road Markings
• IRC: 65-2017 Guidelines for Planning and Design of Roundabouts
• IRC: 67-2012 Code of Practice for Road Signs
• IRC: 73-1980 Geometric Design Standards for Rural (Non-Urban) Highways
• IRC: 79-2019 Recommended Practice for Road Delineators
• IRC: 82-2015 Code of Practice for Maintenance of Bituminous Roads Surfaces
• IRC: 87-2011 Guidelines for Formwork, False work and Temporary Structures for Road Bridges
• IRC: 86-2018 Geometric Design Standards for Urban Roads and Streets
• IRC: 92-2017 Guidelines for the Design of Interchanges in Urban Areas
• IRC: 99-2018 Guidelines for Traffic Calming Measures in Urban and Rural Areas
• IRC: 103-2012 Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities IRC: 119-2015
• IRC: SP:41-1994 Guidelines on the Design of At-Grade Intersections in Rural and Urban Areas
• IRC: SP:55-2014 Guidelines for Traffic Management in Work Zones
• IRC: SP:73-2018 Manual of Specifications and Standards for Two Lanning of Highways with
Paved Shoulders
• IRC: SP:84-2019 Manual of Specifications and Standards for Four Lanning of Highways
• IRC: SP:87-2019 Manual of Specifications and Standards for Six Lanning of Highways
• IRC SP: 88-2019 Manuals on Road Safety Audit
• IRC: SP:90-2019 Manual for Grade Separators and Elevated Structures
• IRC: SP:91-2010 Guidelines for Road Tunnels
• IRC: SP:99-2013 Manual of Specifications and Standards for Expressways
Sr. NO 2 : Dehgam-Nandol-Halisa-Giyod Chhala Road 0/00 to 5/00 (23.225109, 72.808057) (Near Sanoda Village)
1 09-11-2019 14:00 72.80975007509555 Serious Injury 1
(Nilkanth Mahadev Javana road par)
2 30-06-2020 19:30 72.80825173956451 Fatal 1
(Opposite Sanoda Primary School)
Average Daily Traffic
Annexure 3: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) at Km 17+000
Location: Dehgam Nandol Road
PCU 0.5 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 3 0.5 2 6 3 1.5 1.5 3 3 5 5 4.5 1.5 1 1.5 3 3 4.5 Total
Fast Moving Passenger Vehicles Slow Moving Vehicles Fast Moving Goods Vehicles Toll Exempted Vehicles
Bus Trucks Agriculture Car Mini 2 Axle 3 Axle MAV
Tractors Bus/LC
C CAR/ / / / / Ve
L ( M
2 3 ANC E / RY / RY / RY / RY / Vehicles les
Vehicle Type Scooter / motor Auto Rickshaw Car/Jeep/ TATA Animal Drawn Hand C 6 A
Auto Rickshaw (Passenger) Bicycle Cycle Rick. Ax Ax Over With POSTA POSTA POSTA AMBUL AMBUL (No.) (P
Cycle (2 Wheeler.) (Goods) /Van Ace,Utilitty Jeep Veh. Cart V - V(
le le Sized (7 With Out L L/ L / ON ANCE / ANCE / C
Mini Bus School Bus Bus (4- w 4-
Tr Tr or more Trailer Traile ON GOVT POSTA POSTA U)
wh h 6A
uc uc axle) r GOVT DUTY L/ L/
eel e xle
er) e ) GOVT GOVT
Day 1 (UP) 1194 124 22 371 20 0 0 2 17 0 1 0 51 10 7 36 48 0 75 12 0 0 0 0 0 1990 1947
Day 2 (UP) 1180 122 20 375 22 0 0 3 12 0 1 0 48 11 10 35 45 0 70 10 0 0 0 0 0 1964 1906
Day 3 (UP) 1188 127 70 365 14 0 0 2 20 0 3 0 53 14 11 42 52 0 61 14 0 0 0 0 0 2036 1993
Average (UP) 1187 124 37 2701 19 0 0 2 16 0 2 0 51 12 9 38 48 0 69 12 0 0 0 0 0 1997 1949
Directional Distribution (%) (UP) 50% 44% 49% 396% 35% 0% 0% 30% 33% 0% 100% 0% 53% 55% 44% 48% 54% 0% 44% 69% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 49%
Location :
PCU 0.5 1 1 1 2 1.5 1.5 3 0.5 2 6 3 1.5 1.5 3 3 4.5 4.5 4.5 1.5 1 1.5 3 3 4.5 Total
Fast Moving Passenger Vehicles Slow Moving Vehicles Fast Moving Goods Vehicles Toll Exempted Vehicles
Bus Trucks Agriculture Car Mini 2 Axle 3 Axle MAV
Tractors Bus/LC
C CAR/ / / / / Ve
L ( M
ANC E / RY / RY / RY / RY / Vehicles les
2 3
Vehicle Type Scooter / motor Auto Rickshaw Car/Jeep/ TATA Animal Drawn Hand C 6 A
Auto Rickshaw (Passenger) Bicycle Cycle Rick. Ax Ax Over With POSTA POSTA POSTA AMBUL AMBUL (No.) (P
Cycle (2 Wheeler.) (Goods) /Van Ace,Utilitty Jeep Veh. Cart V - V(
le le Sized (7 With Out L L/ L / ON ANCE / ANCE / C
Mini Bus School Bus Private Bus (4- w 4-
Tr Tr or more Trailer Traile ON GOVT POSTA POSTA U)
wh h 6A
uc uc axle) r
eel e xle
k k
er) e ) GOVT GOVT
Day 1 (DN) 1165 159 41 313 35 0 0 4 34 0 0 0 46 11 9 39 45 0 91 7 0 0 0 0 0 1999 2029
Day 2 (DN) 1170 160 35 310 30 0 0 5 35 0 0 0 42 10 12 40 40 0 80 4 0 0 0 0 0 1973 1948
Day 3 (DN) 1185 165 42 315 38 0 0 7 32 0 0 0 48 8 15 43 38 0 94 5 0 0 0 0 0 2035 2068
Average (DN) 1173 161 39 2701 34 0 0 5 34 0 0 0 45 10 12 41 41 0 88 5 0 0 0 0 0 2002 2015
Directional Distribution (%) (DN) 50% 56% 51% 48% 65% 0% 0% 70% 67% 0% 0% 0% 0% 45% 56% 52% 46% 0% 56% 31% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 51%
Location :
PCU 0.5 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 3 0.5 2 6 3 1.5 1.5 3 3 4.5 4.5 4.5 1.5 1 1.5 3 3 4.5 Total
FAST PASSENGER VEHICLES Slow Moving Vehicles Toll Exempted Vehicles
Bus Trucks Agriculture Mini
Tractors Car Bus/LC 2 Axle 3 Axle MAV
C CAR/ / / / / Ve
L ( M
ANC E / RY / RY / RY / RY / Vehicles les
Vehicle Type Scooter / motor Auto Rickshaw Car/Jeep/ TATA Animal Drawn Hand 2 3
Auto Rickshaw (Passenger) Bicycle Cycle Rick. C 6 A
Cycle (2 Wheeler.) (Goods) /Van Ace,Utilitty Jeep Ax Ax Over With POSTA POSTA POSTA AMBUL AMBUL (No.) (P
Veh. Cart V - V(
le le Sized (7 With Out L L/ L / ON ANCE / ANCE / C
Mini Bus School Bus Private Bus (4- w 4-
Tr Tr or more Trailer Traile ON GOVT POSTA POSTA U)
wh h 6A
uc uc axle) r
eel e xle DUTY ON ON
k k
er) e ) GOVT GOVT
Day 1 (UP+DN) 2359
283 63 684 55 0 0 6 51 0 1 0 97 21 16 75 93 0 166 19 0 0 0 0 0 3989 3958
Day 2 (UP+DN) 2350
282 55 685 52 0 0 8 47 0 1 0 90 21 22 75 85 0 150 14 0 0 0 0 0 3937 3839
Day 3 (UP+DN) 2373
292 112 680 52 0 0 9 52 0 3 0 101 22 26 85 90 0 155 19 0 0 0 0 0 4071 4042
Cautionary Warning Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90 x 90 x 90 cms.
equilateral triangle as per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process
& acid etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality
epoxy paint ;reflectorised with Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-
11 as per ASTM D-4956 and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of
75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable
1 26092C size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and Nos. 4 5185 20740
white bends. The details of symbol foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of
engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x
45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.including excavation, curing etc.complete under the
supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty for 10 years for the Retro reflective
sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test
report from third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor.
(A) Class-C Type-11 Retro Reflective sheeting.
Hazard Marker Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 1.5mm aluminium
sheet / 3mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90x30 cms. rectangular as per
design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated
with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;reflectorised
with Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per ASTM D- 4956
and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 1.8mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB
Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x
2 26102C 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. The Nos. 0 3848 0
details of symbol foreach board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge.
The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each
leg.including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in
charge. A warranty for 10 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third party
test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11
Retro Reflective sheeting.
Regulatory / Mandatory Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 60 cms Dia Circle as
per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching;
coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint
;reflectorised with Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per
ASTM D- 4956 and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x
6mm / 65NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron
3 26094C angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white Nos. 4 4620 18480
bends. The details of symbol foreach board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in
charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each
leg.including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in
charge. A warranty for 10 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third party
test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11
Retro Reflective sheeting.
Ref. to SOR
2015-16 SOR 2015-
Sr. No. Description of the Item Unit Qauntity Total Amount
(Vadodara 16 Rates
Road Stud supplying of molded twin shanks raised pavement markers made of
polycarbonate and ABS moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens
capable of providing total intr=ernal reflection of the light entering the lens face shall
support a load of 1635 kgs. tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280tYPE h and
SOR/1018/7 compling to specification of category A of MORTH Circular No RW /nh/33023/10-97 -
DO III Dt. 11.06.1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed 20 mm and 130
15/c-1 Part
4 mm with minimum reflective area of 13 sqm on each side and the slope to the base shall Nos. 198 361 71478
File 26162 be 35+/- 5 degree. The Total height of the marker including shank should not be more
A than 50mm. The strength of detachment of the intergated cylindrical shanks from the
body is to be minimum value of 500kgf. Fixing will be by drillling holes on the road for
the shanks to go inside, without nails and epoxy resin based ashesive as per
manufactures recommendation and the color of the marker should be as per IRC 35-
2015 and as directed by Engineer in charge. (Shoulder Stud & Traffic Lane Stud)
Road Marking with hot applied thermoplastic paints with reflectorisinf glass beads on
bitumen surface providing and lying a hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm
thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5mm
is excluding of surface applied glass beds as per IRC:35-2015. The finished surface to
be level , uniform and free from streaks and holes. Zebra patta/bump patta lane/centre
5 15/c-1 Part Sqm. 298.80 296 88444.8
line line/edge line/cut patta. The white color marking should provide limiance
File 26161 coefficent on cement road shall be min 130 mcd/m2/lux and Asphalt road shall be min
100 mcd/m2/lux during the service life during the day time. he marking should meet the
performance criteria for ninght time reflectivity, wet reflectivity and skid resistance as
mentioned in section-15 of IRC 35-2015.
Village name/ Bump Ahed sign :-Providing and fixing sing boards made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet; size 90 x 60cms. rectangle as as per the design of IRC-67-1977 pre
treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best quality epoxy paint; reflectorised with retro refiective sheeting as
per latest M.O.S.T. Specifications; Letters and numerals should be as per IRC-30-1968,
6 26101B 3.1m long (2 nos) stand post and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 50 x Nos. 0 5694 0
50 x 5mm painted with best quality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. the details
of symbol or inscription / numerals for each board shall be as per the instruction of
engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC block of size 45 x 45 x
60cms. for each leg. including excavation curing etc. complete under the supervision of
engineer in charge.(B) High Intensity Grade
Ref. to SOR
2015-16 SOR 2015-
Sr. No. Description of the Item Unit Qauntity Total Amount
(Vadodara 16 Rates
STOP Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet /
4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90 cms Octagone as per design of IRC-
67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with one coat of
epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;reflectorised with Micro
Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per ASTM D-4956 and latest
M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular MS
Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm;
7 26095C Nos. 2 7846 15692
painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. The details of symbol
foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site
shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.including excavation,
curing etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty for 10
years for the Retro reflective sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified copy of
3 year outdoor exposure test report from third party test lab for the product offered shall
be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11 Retro Reflective sheeting
Give Way Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet /
4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90 x 90 x 90 cms. equilateral triangle as
per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching;
coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint
;reflectorised with Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per
ASTM D-4956 and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x
6mm / 65NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron
8 26097C angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white Nos. 0 5185 0
bends. The details of symbol foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of engineer in
charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each
leg.including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in
charge. A warranty for 10 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third party
test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11
Retro Reflective sheeting
Median Marker: Providing and fixing of flexible Median Marker that are made of
tough, high impact resistant, injection-molded, thermoplastic body with property of
flexibility to provide hign durability. The dimension of flexible medial marker should
not exceed 18cm height (including shank height), 12.5 cm in width, 0.65 cm in
thickness and shank depth shall be 3.4 cm, The body structure shall be rounded at all its
corner and edges. The plastic used for molding the flexible median marker should
survive impact load of 5 kg continuously for 750 timesvat room temp.\erature. The logo
of the manufacture shall be embossed on either side of the body in the injection
9 15/c-1 Part Nos. 172 284.00 48848
molding process. The median marker shall have flame like shaped body with,
File 26164 fluorescent yellow color retro reflective sheeting of size of less than 90 cm square, with
fully reflective micro pristmic cube corners as its retro-reflective elements as per IRC
67 2012 and ASTM D4956-09 type XI specification reflective value. The retro-
reflective sheeting shall be one or both sides of the flexible median marker and shall be
edge protected with no exposed edges which will prevent edge lifting, vandalism,
sheeting damage, etc. The flexible median marker shall be fixed by a combination of
epoxy adhesieve and grouting as recommended by manufacturer and Enginner in charge
Providing and Fixing of Rumble Strips of Premix Bitumious Materials having 300 mm
wide and 3 mm thick inculding using black trap graded aggregate , Bitumen VG - 30
Grade with mixing at rate of 5.5 % of total mix weight , having density of mix 2.4
10 laying the same on road side with rolling, cleaning the surface with air blower etc Rmt 33 100.00 3300
Rate complete as directed by Engineer incharge.
Consider 6 rumble strip for 1 spot per lane
Ref. to SOR
2015-16 SOR 2015-
Sr. No. Description of the Item Unit Qauntity Total Amount
(Vadodara 16 Rates
Direction (Junction) Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 244x122 cms.
rectangular as per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid
etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint
;reflectorised with Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per
ASTM D-4956 and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 4.0mtr long (2 Nos.) stand post of 75
x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable
11 26098C size iron angle of 50 x 50 x 5mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and Nos. 0 30150.00 0
white bends. The details of symbol foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of
engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60
Cms. for each leg.including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of
engineer in charge. A warranty for 10 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from
original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from
third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-C
Type-11 Retro Reflective sheeting
Chevron Sign:- Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 1.5mm aluminium
sheet/3mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 60x50cm asper design of IRC-67-
2012. Pre treated with phospheting process and acid etching ; coated with one coat of
epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint; reflectorised with Micro
Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of type-11 as per ASTMD-4956 and latest
M..S.T. Specificaiton; 3.3 mtrlong stand post of 75 x 75 x6mm/65N8 Circular MS Pipe
SOR/1018/7 as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 52 x 50 x 5mm;
12 15/c-1 Part painted with best quaity epoxy coating in black and white bends. the details of symbol Nos. 0 4722.00 0
File 26170 or inscription/numerals for each board shall be as per the instructio of engineer in
charge, The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC block of 45 x 45 x 60 cms.for each leg
including excavation,curing etc. complete under the supervision of engineering in
charge. A warranty for 10 year for the retro reflective sheeting from originaa
manufacture & a certified cop of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third party
test lab for product offered shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-C-Type-11 retro
Reflective Sheeting.
Providing and Laying of bituminous concetre mix speed breaker as per detail drawing
inculding using Tack coat at a rate of 2.5 kg./10smt, graded machine crush aggregate
with 5.50% bitumen VG-30 grade by weight of total mix as per MORTH specification
Market inculding mixing of Asphlat with B.T. Aggregate in continous batch mix plant
13 CuM 1.89 3501.55 6617.938904
Rate transporting same , spreading by paver finisher and consolidation with pair of 8 tonne to
10 tonne vibratory roller to achive desire density inculding cleaning the existing surface
with air compressor, cost of using of all required tools batch mix plant , all required
machinery equipment, fire wood, oil, Diesel, etc complete as directed
Facility Informatory Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 80 x 60 cms
rectangular as per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid
etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint
;reflectorised with Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per
ASTM D-4956 and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x
6mm / 65NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron
14 26093C angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white Nos. 0.00 6234.00 0
bends. The details of symbol foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of engineer in
charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each
leg.including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in
charge. A warranty for 10 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third party
test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11
Retro Reflective sheeting
Total (A) Traffic signs, Road markings and other road appurtunences ₹ 2,73,600.74
Sr. No. Description of the Item No. Length Width Thickness Unit Total Quantity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Cautionary Warning Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm aluminium
sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90 x 90 x 90 cms. equilateral
triangle as per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid
etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint
;reflectorised with Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per
ASTM D-4956 and latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x
6mm / 65NB Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron
1 angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white 4 Nos. 4
bends. The details of symbol foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of engineer in
charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x
45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.including excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision
of engineer in charge. A warranty for 10 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from
original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third
party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-C Type-
11 Retro Reflective sheeting.
Hazard Marker Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 1.5mm aluminium
sheet / 3mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90x30 cms. rectangular as per
design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with
one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;reflectorised with
Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per ASTM D- 4956 and
latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 1.8mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular
MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm;
2 0 Nos. 0
painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. The details of symbol
foreach board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall
be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.including excavation, curing
etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty for 10 years for the
Retro reflective sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor
exposure test report from third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by
contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11 Retro Reflective sheeting.
Sr. No. Description of the Item No. Length Width Thickness Unit Total Quantity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Regulatory / Mandatory Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 60 cms Dia Circle as per
design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with
one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;reflectorised with
Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per ASTM D- 4956 and
latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular
MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm;
3 4 Nos. 4
painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. The details of symbol
foreach board shall be as per the instruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall
be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.including excavation, curing
etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty for 10 years for the
Retro reflective sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor
exposure test report from third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by
contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11 Retro Reflective sheeting.
Road Stud supplying of molded twin shanks raised pavement markers made of
polycarbonate and ABS moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens
capable of providing total intr=ernal reflection of the light entering the lens face shall
support a load of 1635 kgs. tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280tYPE h and compling
to specification of category A of MORTH Circular No RW /nh/33023/10-97 - DO III Dt.
11.06.1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed 20 mm and 130 mm with
4 minimum reflective area of 13 sqm on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35+/- 5 198 Nos. 198
degree. The Total height of the marker including shank should not be more than 50mm.
The strength of detachment of the intergated cylindrical shanks from the body is to be
minimum value of 500kgf. Fixing will be by drillling holes on the road for the shanks to
go inside, without nails and epoxy resin based ashesive as per manufactures
recommendation and the color of the marker should be as per IRC 35-2015 and as
directed by Engineer in charge. (Shoulder Stud & Traffic Lane Stud)
Sr. No. Description of the Item No. Length Width Thickness Unit Total Quantity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Road Marking with hot applied thermoplastic paints with reflectorisinf glass beads on
bitumen surface providing and lying a hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick
including reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5mm is
excluding of surface applied glass beds as per IRC:35-2015. The finished surface to be
level , uniform and free from streaks and holes. Zebra patta/bump patta lane/centre line
5 298.80
line/edge line/cut patta. The white color marking should provide limiance coefficent on
cement road shall be min 130 mcd/m2/lux and Asphalt road shall be min 100 mcd/m2/lux
during the service life during the day time. he marking should meet the performance
criteria for ninght time reflectivity, wet reflectivity and skid resistance as mentioned in
section-15 of IRC 35-2015.
Centre line Marking (LM02 - 3 M mark + 6 m gap of 150mm Width) 0 0 0.15 Sqm.
Edge Marking (LM24 - Cont. of 150mm Width) 1 1200 0.15 Sqm.
Stop Line Marking
0 0 0.15 Sqm.
(4 nos on Project Road * 3.5)
Yellow Stop line Undivided 4 lane (8+500 to 9+400) 0 0 0 Sqm.
Transverse Bar Marking
72 5.5 0.3 Sqm.
(6 nos on Project Road * 6 marking in 1nos * 2coat for achive 5 mm height)
Pedestrian Crossing
0 0 0.5 Sqm.
(2 nos on Project Road * 8 marking in 1nos) (BM02)
Village name/ Bump Ahed sign :-Providing and fixing sing boards made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet; size 90 x 60cms. rectangle as as per the design of IRC-67-1977 pre
treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best quality epoxy paint; reflectorised with retro refiective sheeting as
per latest M.O.S.T. Specifications; Letters and numerals should be as per IRC-30-1968,
6 3.1m long (2 nos) stand post and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 50 x 50 0 Nos. 0
x 5mm painted with best quality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. the details of
symbol or inscription / numerals for each board shall be as per the instruction of engineer
in charge. The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC block of size 45 x 45 x 60cms. for each
leg. including excavation curing etc. complete under the supervision of engineer in
charge.(B) High Intensity Grade
Sr. No. Description of the Item No. Length Width Thickness Unit Total Quantity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
STOP Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet / 4mm
ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90 cms Octagone as per design of IRC-67-2012.
Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with one coat of epoxy
primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;reflectorised with Micro Prismatic
Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per ASTM D-4956 and latest
M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular MS
Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm;
7 2 Nos. 2
painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. The details of symbol
foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall
be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.including excavation, curing
etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty for 10 years for the
Retro reflective sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor
exposure test report from third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by
contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11 Retro Reflective sheeting
Give Way Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm aluminium sheet /
4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 90 x 90 x 90 cms. equilateral triangle as
per design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated
with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;reflectorised
with Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per ASTM D-4956 and
latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular
MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm;
8 0 Nos. 0
painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. The details of symbol
foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall
be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.including excavation, curing
etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty for 10 years for the
Retro reflective sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor
exposure test report from third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by
contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11 Retro Reflective sheeting
Sr. No. Description of the Item No. Length Width Thickness Unit Total Quantity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Median Marker: Providing and fixing of flexible Median Marker that are made of tough,
high impact resistant, injection-molded, thermoplastic body with property of flexibility to
provide hign durability. The dimension of flexible medial marker should not exceed 18cm
height (including shank height), 12.5 cm in width, 0.65 cm in thickness and shank depth
shall be 3.4 cm, The body structure shall be rounded at all its corner and edges. The
plastic used for molding the flexible median marker should survive impact load of 5 kg
continuously for 750 timesvat room temp.\erature. The logo of the manufacture shall be
embossed on either side of the body in the injection molding process. The median marker
9 172 Nos. 172
shall have flame like shaped body with, fluorescent yellow color retro reflective sheeting
of size of less than 90 cm square, with fully reflective micro pristmic cube corners as its
retro-reflective elements as per IRC 67 2012 and ASTM D4956-09 type XI specification
reflective value. The retro-reflective sheeting shall be one or both sides of the flexible
median marker and shall be edge protected with no exposed edges which will prevent
edge lifting, vandalism, sheeting damage, etc. The flexible median marker shall be fixed
by a combination of epoxy adhesieve and grouting as recommended by manufacturer and
Enginner in charge
Providing and Fixing of Rumble Strips of Premix Bitumious Materials having 300 mm
wide and 3 mm thick inculding using black trap graded aggregate , Bitumen VG - 30
Grade with mixing at rate of 5.5 % of total mix weight , having density of mix 2.4
10 laying the same on road side with rolling, cleaning the surface with air blower etc 6 5.50 Rmt 33
complete as directed by Engineer incharge.
Consider 6 rumble strip for 1 spot per lane
Sr. No. Description of the Item No. Length Width Thickness Unit Total Quantity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Direction (Junction) Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm aluminium
sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 244x122 cms. rectangular as per
design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with
one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;reflectorised with
Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per ASTM D-4956 and
latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 4.0mtr long (2 Nos.) stand post of 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB
Circular MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 50 x
11 0 Nos. 0
50 x 5mm; painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. The details
of symbol foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at
site shall be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.including
excavation, curing etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty
for 10 years for the Retro reflective sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third party test lab for the product
offered shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11 Retro Reflective sheeting
Chevron Sign:- Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 1.5mm aluminium
sheet/3mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 60x50cm asper design of IRC-67-
2012. Pre treated with phospheting process and acid etching ; coated with one coat of
epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint; reflectorised with Micro
Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of type-11 as per ASTMD-4956 and latest
M..S.T. Specificaiton; 3.3 mtrlong stand post of 75 x 75 x6mm/65N8 Circular MS Pipe as
required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 52 x 50 x 5mm; painted
12 0 Nos. 0
with best quaity epoxy coating in black and white bends. the details of symbol or
inscription/numerals for each board shall be as per the instructio of engineer in charge,
The fixing at site shall be in 1:2:4 CC block of 45 x 45 x 60 cms.for each leg including
excavation,curing etc. complete under the supervision of engineering in charge. A
warranty for 10 year for the retro reflective sheeting from originaa manufacture & a
certified cop of 3 year outdoor exposure test report from third party test lab for product
offered shall be submitted by contractor. (A) Class-C-Type-11 retro Reflective Sheeting.
Sr. No. Description of the Item No. Length Width Thickness Unit Total Quantity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Providing and Laying of bituminous concetre mix speed breaker as per detail drawing
inculding using Tack coat at a rate of 2.5 kg./10smt, graded machine crush aggregate with
5.50% bitumen VG-30 grade by weight of total mix as per MORTH specification
inculding mixing of Asphlat with B.T. Aggregate in continous batch mix plant
13 0 3.5 3 0.0750 2.4 1.89
transporting same , spreading by paver finisher and consolidation with pair of 8 tonne to
10 tonne vibratory roller to achive desire density inculding cleaning the existing surface
with air compressor, cost of using of all required tools batch mix plant , all required
machinery equipment, fire wood, oil, Diesel, etc complete as directed
Facility Informatory Sign :-Providing and fixing sign boards made out of 2mm aluminium
sheet / 4mm ACP (Aluminum composite Panel); size 80 x 60 cms rectangular as per
design of IRC-67-2012. Pre treated with phospheting process & acid etching; coated with
one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of best quality epoxy paint ;reflectorised with
Micro Prismatic Grade retro refiectivesheeting of Type-11 as per ASTM D-4956 and
latest M.O.S.T.Specifications; 3.6mtr long stand post of 75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB Circular
MS Pipe as required and frame fabricated from suitable size iron angle of 35 x 35 x 3mm;
14 0 Nos. 0
painted with bestquality epoxy coatings in black and white bends. The details of symbol
foreach board shall be as per theinstruction of engineer in charge. The fixing at site shall
be in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x 45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.including excavation, curing
etc.complete under the supervision of engineer in charge. A warranty for 10 years for the
Retro reflective sheeting from original manufacturer & a certified copy of 3 year outdoor
exposure test report from third party test lab for the product offered shall be submitted by
contractor. (A) Class-C Type-11 Retro Reflective sheeting
Providing and Fixing of Rumble Strips of Premix Bitumious Materials having 300 mm wide and 3 mm thick inculding using black trap
graded aggregate , Bitumen VG - 30 Grade with mixing at rate of 5.5 % of total mix weight , having density of mix 2.4 laying the same
on road side with rolling, cleaning the surface with air blower etc complete as directed by Engineer incharge
A. Cost of Aggregate
945 x 434.91 / 1000 410.99 ( A )
D. Cost of labour
(Ch. 26036, P. 238) 1 x 398.00 398.00 ( C )
Total 64 Km Total 48 Km
Effective Lead (48-15) 33 Km
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Aggregate 22.4 mm to 2.36 mm Sevaliya 64 Km 293+274/2 64 Km 283.50 Cmt 106.54 59 Km 5.60 330.40 720.44
It no -4 (II+v) pg no -1
2 Asphalt VG-30 Koyali 48 Km 33 Km 48217.00 MT 263.01 28 Km 5.72 160.16 48640.17
3 Metal 13.2 mm to 22.40mm / 12mm 64 Km (413+390)/ 49 Km 401.50 Cmt 106.54 44 Km 5.38 236.72 744.76
It no 4 (III+IV) pg-1 2
4 Metal 19mm to 26.50mm 64 Km (413+390)/ 49 Km 401.50 Cmt 106.54 44 Km 5.38 236.72 744.76
It no 4 (III+IV) pg-1 2
5 B.T Grit 5.6 to 11.2mm/4.75mm to 64 Km (390+274)/ 49 Km 332.00 Cmt 106.54 44 Km 5.38 236.72 675.26
13.2mm Size /6 mm to 12mm 2
It no 4 (IV+VI) pg-1
6 B.T Grit 2.8 to 5.6mm /2.36mm to 64 Km 49 Km 274.00 Cmt 106.54 44 Km 5.38 236.72 617.26
4.75mm Size
It no 4 ( vi ) pg no -1
JANUARY - 2022
Ch. 7094.1 M
Ch. 7070 M
Ch. 7040 M
Ch. 7010 M
Ch. 6980 M
Ch. 6830 M
Ch. 6860 M
Ch. 6800 M
Ch. 6890 M
Ch. 6770 M
Ch. 6950 M
Ch. 6920 M
Ch. 6740 M
Ch. 6710 M
Ch. 6680 M
Ch. 6650
Ch. 6620
Ch. 6590
Ch. 6830 M
Ch. 6860 M
Ch. 6800 M
Ch. 6770 M
Ch. 6740 M
Ch. 6710 M
Ch. 6680 M
Ch. 6650
Ch. 6620
Ch. 6590
Ch. 6530 M
Ch. 6560
Ch. 6500 M
FROM KM 6+500 TO KM 07+100 IN THE STATE OF GUJARAT Plot No.1055, Sector 2/D, Gandhinagar
E: HIP. Ch: 0+476.542 HIP No: 7/3 HIP. Ch: 6+969.71
R: N: 2564474.498 E: 275640.643 N: 2570275.388
Lc: Ls: 0 R: 1095 Ls: 0
Delta: Side: RIGHT Lc: 79.4 Side: RIGHT
Es: Shift(s): 0.00 Delta: 8.215 Shift(s): 0.00
V: Ts: 31.43 Es: 2.82 Ts: 78.61
Ew(LHS): NI e: 4.00% V: 65 e: NR
PT: 7+009.42
Mid: 6+969.70
EP: 7+093.49
BP: 6+500.00
PC: 6+929.98
PT: 6+789.98
PC: 6+640.58
Mid: 6+665.28
Mid: 6+757.68
PT: 6+689.99
PC: 6+725.38
HIP No: 7/2 HIP. Ch: 6+757.693
E: 275728.058 N: 2570082.209
1078 Ls: 0
64.6 Side: LEFT
Delta: 3.432 Shift(s): 0.00
0.48 Ts: 32.31
65 e: NR
Ground Level
Vertical Geometry
Horizontal Geometry
Table 15.1 The sizes and Dimension of Cautionary and their Siting Distances
Distance of
side Border Clear visibility
Design speed Size sign from
(mm) (mm) Distances (m)
hazard (m)
Up to 50 Kmph Small 600 45 45 45
51 - 65 Kmph Medium 750 60 60 45 - 110
66 - 80 Kmph Normal 900 70 70 110 - 180
> 80 Kmph Large 1200 90 90 180 - 245
50 50 2 m 2 m 3.5 m 3.5
Table 14.4 The sizes and Dimension of Mandatory and Regulatory Signs
Mandatory Signs
Design speed Size
Diameter Diameter Border Oblique Font Size
(mm) (mm) (mm) Bar (mm) (mm)
In conjunction
with traffic light 300 35 35 75
Up to 65 Kmph
Small 600 600 50 50 100
66 - 80 Kmph Medium 750 750 60 60 125
81 - 100 Kmph Normal 900 900 75 75 150
> 100 Kmph Large 1200 1200 100 100 225
Lay-by श्श्श्श
MEDLUM FONT Toll Booth Ahead
श्श्श्श श्श्श्श TRUCK LAY-BY
i.e 1s/w = 1 OF LOWERCASE "x" HEIGHT
4 4s/w FOR MDR
श्श्श्श Weigh Bridge Ahead I - 23
i.e 1s/w = 1
I - 28
श्श्श्श श्श्श्श
श्श्श्श XXXX XXXX
4s/w FOR MDR
Consultancy Service for Detailed Road Safety Audit and Its CLIENT : Exicutive
Vastrapur, Engineer,Ahmedabad(R&B)
floor, CNear
Multi storied Building, Division Ahmedabad CONSULTANT: SCALE : DRAWING TITLE : R0
23+200 in theSolution
state of of
Road from
Km 22+200spots
to Km
for Phone/
Drive inFax
: 079-27910001.
Ahmedabad – Gujarat MCWAY
No.1055, LIMITED
Sector 2/D, Gandhinagar A3
500m 500m
Section X - X
Run on fillet
Design and of Hump
Radius Radius
Existing Asphalt Layer
Recommended Radii and Chord
Lengths, Circular Humps (Assumed
Rise=10 cm
Desired Speed Chord
RUN ON FILLET 30 kmph 3.7 m
35 kmph 5.0 m
40 kmph 6.5 m
50 kmph 9.5 m
Ch. 6650 M
Ch. 6770 M
Ch. 6620 M
Ch. 6800 M
Ch. 6590 M
Ch. 6830 M
Ch. 6860 M
Ch. 6890 M
Ch. 7094.1 M
Ch. 6920 M
Ch. 6950 M
Ch. 7070 M
Ch. 7040 M
Ch. 6980 M
Ch. 7010 M
Ch. 6680 M
Ch. 6740 M
Ch. 6710 M
Ch. 6650 M
Ch. 6770 M
Ch. 6620 M
Ch. 6800 M
Ch. 6590 M
Ch. 6830 M
Ch. 6560 M
Ch. 6530 M
Ch. 6860 M
Ch. 6500 M
GIYOD CHHALA ROAD FROM KM 0+000 TO KM 5+000 IN THE Plot No.1055, Sector 2/D, Gandhinagar