Engineering Manual March 07 2019 Edits
Engineering Manual March 07 2019 Edits
Engineering Manual March 07 2019 Edits
Engineering Branch
The 2018 Engineering Manual (Manual) has been converted from a Word based PDF
document to the BC Government web platform with the intent to facilitate access and to
provide for ease of revision and updating. The Manual has also been updated to integrate
consideration of professional reliance and practice, including a new Chapter 8 –
Professional Responsibilities and Considerations. This update was accomplished
through a collaborative effort of regional operations, district, region, branch and BC
Timber Sales (including the Access Working Group) staff.
As with previous versions, the Manual is intended for internal use by Ministry of Forests,
Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (MFLNRO). However, the
Manual is accessible to the public.
The Manual is a primary reference for MFLNRO operational engineering practices and
administration. The Manual can also be considered a training and succession tool. It
provides policy and guidance related to forest resource road and bridge administration,
design, construction, maintenance and deactivation activities funded by the Ministry, in
the form of:
As with any such policy, procedures and best practices, in exceptional situations where
the implementation of a policy, procedure or practice will not result in achieving the
expected result, the local decision maker could vary the practice for that specific
application. In such cases, the rationale for variation should be clearly documented and
placed on the project file.
The Engineering Manual is a “living document” and will be regularly reviewed and
continually improved. The responsibility for maintaining and updating the Manual rests
with the MFLNRO Chief Engineer.
1.0.1 Policy
The responsibilities and practices for administering a forest road will be clear and transparent for those
activities carried out on the road right-of-way, from establishment to discontinuation and closure.
Much of the due diligence on the part of BC Timber Sales, Timber Operations and Pricing staff relates to
providing timely actions to issue or cancel permits, and ensuring that necessary information is contained in the
permits being issued.
Following is a table that summarizes in chronological order of the mandatory procedures and best practices
with respect to the administration of forest roads. Links are provided to direct the reader to the location in the
manual text where the item is discussed.
Results to be achieved:
B1 Limit activities on non-status roads to minimize any site-specific risks (to users or the environment)
that come to the attention of the TSM/District Manager. [see Types of Roads]
B2 When acquiring legal access, ensure that FLNR Forest Land Acquisitions is consulted early in the
process and are involved in negotiating appropriate compensation for the land and improvements,
which is based on fair market value [see Legal Access]. Compensation value estimates are to be
documented and defensible.
M1 The status or clearance width for both FSRs and road permit roads must be 75 m (37.5 m each side
of the proposed centreline of the road) [see Road Status]
B3 When including dumps, drop sites, and service landings in a Road Permit, ensure that the permittee
provides, for each one:
its location and size,
how long it will be needed for use, and
a reclamation prescription for the site.
[see Issuing Road Use Permits]
B5 Before the Road Use Permit of the designated road being maintained is cancelled, ensure that the
road has been maintained to the level required for non-industrial use, to the extent necessary to
ensure there is no material adverse effect on a forest resource use, as evidenced by:
structural integrity of the road prism and clearing width are protected; and
drainage systems of the road are functional.
M2 Except where an industrial user has been delegated responsibility for maintenance under a Road Use
Permit, BCTS must be responsible for ensuring that maintenance is carried out on those FSRs that:
BCTS (or its predecessor, the Small Business Forest Enterprise Program [SBFEP]) has
constructed or established since the inception of the program; or
BCTS has not constructed or established, but will be using exclusively for industrial purposes
there has been no agreement with Timber Pricing and Operations Division to shift the
responsibility back to the District Manager
Ensure that any surface maintenance of an FSR undertaken by a commercial or public user is
authorized by a Forest Service Road Maintenance Agreement (FS 1205). [see Entering into FSR
Maintenance Agreements]
Any non-transportation-related works (facilities) constructed within an FSR right-of-way must be
authorized by a Works Permit (NRS 103)(DOC). [see Issuing Works Permits]
All traffic control signs used on Forest Service rights-of-way must conform to Ministry of
Transportation and Infrastructure standards, if those standards include a sign to deal with the traffic
control issue. [see Signs on Forest Service Roads]
Ensure that a TSM/District Manager authorizes any connection to an FSR. [see Road Junctions]
When reviewing a request for subdivision access from an FSR, ensure that the road is built to a
sufficient standard to safely handle the type and volume of traffic. [see Subdivisions Off Forest Service
FSRs that are surplus to the requirements of BC Timber Sales, Timber Operations and Pricing, as
determined through some local access planning process carried out by the District Manager, must be
permanently closed as an FSR by the District Manager following deactivation by Timber Pricing and
Operations Division/BCTS or preceding transfer by the District Manager through either deactivation or
transfer to another user or agency. [see Discontinuing and Closing FSRs]
M6 When a TSM/District Manager agrees with a licensee that the latter no longer needs a road permit
road, confirms that there are no other industrial users that currently require the road, and decides that
the road should not be deactivated, the TSM/District Manager must:
cancel the Road Permit; and
declare the road to be an FSR.
M = Mandatory procedures
B = Best practices
1.2 Types of Roads & Applicable Permits or Authorizations
Several categories of resource roads can be built or established under the Forest Act or the Forest and Range
Practices Act. Note that non-status roads (roads without tenure from the ministry or other agencies) are not
within the jurisdiction or responsibility of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
except where the ministry is required to take action as an agent of the province. In these cases, limit activities
on non-status roads to minimizing any site-specific risks (to users or the environment) that come to the
attention of the TSM/District Manager. Restoring access is not an acceptable objective of any such work.
Declaring FSRs
When a licensee no longer needs a road permit road, and the TSM/District Manager confirms that there are no
other industrial users to issue a road permit and decides that the road should not be deactivated, the
TSM/District Manager must:
The purpose of this “declaration” is to ensure that the road will be properly inspected and maintained until such
time that a new industrial user is issued a Road Use Permit. Prior to declaration, inspect the road or road
section that will become the FSR to:
determine the present condition of the road and any structures;
identify potential risks; and
obtain the necessary data for the appropriate bridge register and road management system.
Note: The declaration process applies only to converting road permit roads. Once the above steps have been
taken, complete the Declaration of Forest Service Road (FS 302) form and attach an electronic version of the
Signing the electronic form finalizes the decision to declare the road as an FSR, and the local office can
proceed with any operational activities as though the road was an FSR, even if the new map notations have not
yet been completed.
The District Manager or the Timber Sales Manager is responsible for the maintenance of existing FSRs, except
where an industrial user has been delegated responsibility for maintenance under a Road Use Permit. Unless
the two managers have agreed otherwise for individual roads or BCTS no longer needs the road for future
harvesting, BC Timber Sales (BCTS) must be responsible for ensuring that maintenance is carried out on
those FSRs that:
BCTS [or its predecessor, the Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP)] has constructed or
established since the inception of the program; or
BCTS has not constructed or established, but will be using exclusively for industrial purposes;
and, for any FSRs that do not meet these criteria, Timber Operations and Pricing Division is responsible for
ensuring that maintenance is carried out.
Negotiate the administrative responsibilities at the local level between the District Manager and TSM on an
annual basis in situations where:
multiple industrial users (both major and timber sale licensees) are operating on an FSR;
the primary user designated to carry out the road maintenance (under Road Use Permit) changes;
the industrial use is seasonal in nature and it is not obvious who should be designated responsible for
the ongoing FSR maintenance; or
the road use includes a mix of commercial operators, rural residents, and recreational access.
Consider the following when negotiating the administrative responsibility for FSRs:
whether the road in question provides access to communities (in this case, the long-term responsibility
would be that of Timber Operations and Pricing Division);
the future use of the area by BCTS or others;
the current level and type of industrial use (including other non-forest related industrial users); and
whether the access is currently required to reach residences, cabins, commercial operations, parks or
recreation sites (in this case, the long-term responsibility would be that of Timber Operations and
Pricing Division).
Once the TSM has determined that BCTS will no longer need an FSR for future harvesting, report this to the
District Manager, for determining whether:
Also, small-scale salvage operations are not considered to be representative of operations that alone would
generate future maintenance responsibilities for BCTS. These salvage operations are not tied to one program,
but “piggy-back” on any regular harvesting operations.
All industrial users on an FSR are required to obtain a Road Use Permit (FS 102)(DOC), unless an
exemption is granted in accordance with section 22.1 (4) of FRPA. Road Use Permits, including those
Road Use Permits required by BCTS licensees, are issued by the District Manager. Ensure that the
proposed use will not adversely affect other authorized users of the road, and that the permit:
limits the and sizes of vehicles, when necessary;
controls seasonal use;
provides indemnification to the Crown for the permittee’s actions;
provides deposits for works near utilities such as private railway crossings, or in other situations
to indemnify the Crown against any damages or losses the Crown might suffer; and
identifies maintenance responsibility for the road use or road section.
Designate only one Road Use Permit holder to be responsible for carrying out all maintenance operations
on a road or road section. However, other Road Use Permit holders are expected to contribute a
reasonable amount to the expense of maintaining the road [Forest Planning and Practices Regulation
(Sec. 79)].
Track the issuance and administration of Road Use Permits in a ledger (such as FRMA) and record:
the identity of the RUP holders;
the identity of the maintainer;
the termination of any RUPs and/or the conclusion of any maintenance responsibilities.
Ensure that the process for shared maintenance of an FSR described in the Shared Use Road
Maintenance Policy (PDF) is applied where the process in place on a given road is not suitable for one or
more of the parties expected to share the maintenance costs.
In addition, any disputes between road users for maintenance can be resolved by a third party or through
a more formal process, such as the Commercial Arbitration Act. The District Manager is not responsible
for resolving disputes, but may provide that service in any case if all parties agree.
Road maintenance includes any activity such as routine maintenance, road upgrading, or repair or
replacement of structures that is carried out until the FSR is deactivated. Refer to Chapter 6 of this manual
for details of road and structure inspection and maintenance.
Any non-transportation-related works (facilities) constructed within an FSR right- of-way must be
authorized by a Works Permit (NRS 103)(DOC). Examples include water, gas, hydro, or telephone line
works. The Works Permit does not authorize road works or the harvesting of timber, nor does it convey
tenure to any part of the right-of-way other than to permit the facilities to remain in place.
For situations where the wilderness level of maintenance is not sufficient for a commercial or public user,
that user may elect to undertake some or all of the surface maintenance of the FSR as authorized by the
Forest Service Road Maintenance Agreement (FS 1205) The agreement authorizes the end user to carry
out incremental maintenance on FSRs at no cost to the ministry. The works envisioned under this
agreement are routine in nature. FSR Maintenance Agreements are issued by District Managers,
including any proposed non-industrial maintenance proposed for FSRs that are administered by BCTS.
FSRs that are determined to be surplus to the requirements of the ministry, according to current budgetary
requirements and as determined through some local access planning process carried out by the District
Manager, must be discontinued and closed as an FSR by the District Manager following deactivation or
preceding transfer by the District Manager (delegated to Director of Forest Tenures) to another user or
agency, in keeping with the Forest Act [Sec. 121 (9)] and as delegated from the minister.
To declare an FSR discontinued and closed once it has been deactivated, or once it has been determined
that another tenure will be established over the road, the District Manager must complete and sign an
FSR Discontinue and Close Form (FS 301)(PDF), and attach the Exhibit A. Forward a copy of the
completed FSR Discontinue and Close Form (FS 301) with attachments to the FLNR Forest Land
Acquisitions Group, Forest Tenures Branch in Victoria to ensure FSR project history remains current.
In accordance with the Forest Act [Sec. 121 (9)], notification of FSR discontinuance and closures must
occur and shall be at the discretion of the District Manager (as delegated from the minister), depending
upon scale and location of the FSR as per the 2012 FLNR policy called Discontinue and Close Forest
Service Roads Notification (PDF). In accordance with that policy, the methods and dates of notification
must be recorded on the FSR Discontinue and Close Form (FS 301)(PDF).
Notification should be done a minimum of three (3) months prior to the FSR closure unless ecological,
environmental or public safety circumstances dictate otherwise.
Once the District Manager signs the FSR Discontinue and Close Form (FS 301), proceed with any
administrative activities, such as transfer to the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (BCMoT)
or to a tenure holder, as though the road is not an FSR any longer, even if new map notations have not yet
been completed.
For those instances where BCMoT wishes to take over administrative responsibility of an FSR as per the
Forest Act [Sec. 121 (9) (c)], the next step, after reaching agreement in principle with the local BCMoT
manager, is to involve the FLNR Forest Land Acquisitions Group, Forest Tenures Branch in Victoria to
arrange for the delegated authority of each ministry to execute the assignment. Prior to the final execution
of the assignment, the District Manager must declare the FSR discontinued and closed by completing and
signing an FSR Discontinue and Close Form (FS 301)(PDF).
For those instances where FLNR wishes to take over administrative responsibility of a public highway
there are currently two methods available, after reaching agreement in principle with the local BCMoT
manager and the District Manager:
Method 1 – transfer the public road as per the Land Act [Sec. 106] in consultation with Forest
Land Acquisitions Group, Forest Tenures Branch.
Method 2 – obtain the survey of the public road, or survey the public road, and contact FLNR
Forest Land Acquisitions Group, Forest Tenures Branch in Victoria to submit the necessary land
transfer in the provincial Land Title System. Authority has been delegated to the respective
directors at FLNR Forest Tenures Branch and BCMoT Properties and Land Management Branch.
This may involve the payment of property transfer taxes.
District staff would then proceed with the FSR establishment process.
A road is defined in the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation (Sec.1) as including landings. Therefore, in
addition to the usual temporary landings authorized for harvesting the right-of-way timber, it is acceptable for a
road permit to also authorize the upland portion of log dumps, helicopter drop sites, and helicopter service
landings. However, when including such dumps, drop sites, and service landings in a Road Permit, ensure that
the permittee provides, for each one:
Within the BCTS Road Permit (FS 582)(DOC), the Schedule R provides for both:
roads constructed, maintained, and deactivated by the Timber Sale Licence holder; and
roads constructed and maintained by the Timber Sale Licence holder, but not deactivated by the
Construction and maintenance specifications are included in Schedule R and form contractual requirements.
Construction specifications are either:
General Construction Specifications – form fields on the schedule are filled in for such details as
design vehicle load, road width, and road alignment; or
Detailed Construction Specifications – road design drawings, such as plan profiles, are included as
part of the package.
those concerning the maintenance of roads during operations – this maintenance is intended to protect
the road from damage (such as from erosion and from debris at culvert inlets); and
those concerning works and repairs once operations are complete – these works are intended to put
the roads in shape when the Timber Sale Licence expires.
When a new FSR or road permit road is required, or when an existing non-status road is to be established as
an FSR or road permit road, some basic information is needed to move the decision forward to implementation.
To identify what interests or rights that may exist and to establish a registered interest over the land, carry out a
road status (adjudication report). The status or clearance width for both FSRs and road permit roads must be
75 m (37.5 m each side of the proposed centreline of the road), which is also the width of the FSR right-of-way
and the width of the Road Permit. When preparing a status request, ensure that:
the proposed or actual road has been plotted on the area reference map and an Exhibit “A” sketch
a status of the route shown on the Exhibit "A" sketch has been performed and all file or other reference
numbers recorded;
each file or other reference number has been investigated to determine if any tenures have been
copies of all tenure documents have been obtained and examined to determine if a conflict between
the tenure rights and the proposed road location exists; and
negotiations with tenure holders have been conducted and the agreement of the tenure holder
obtained before road use or construction begins.
Road establishment involves identifying appropriate road location, “clearing” such road routes, and issuing
appropriate authorization to physically construct the road. Appropriate status and clearance procedures are key
to avoiding conflicts, including possible legal action with other authorized tenure holders.
Status Procedure
The status process involves plotting the selected road route and file reference number on a digitized
reference map. This updates the reference map so that other potential tenure holders are aware of the
prior rights of the applicant. It also provides a report of existing tenures on or within 37.5 m each side of
the centreline of the road.
Clearance Procedure
The adjudication report is actually a report of file numbers and legal descriptions related to tenure and
other land use activities assigned by various resource agencies. In order to complete the clearance
process, research all file numbers and legal descriptions in the land information systems [e.g., Tantalis
(Gator)] to determine whether any conflicts exist and, if so, their nature. Determine whether a tenure has
been issued or is pending, and whether the tenure area and tenure rights conflict with those about to be
granted to the road applicant. Where conflicts do exist, resolve them before the road is constructed and
used. Conflicts may arise with SUPs, mineral claims, Indian Reserves, leaseholds and private property.
Where pits and quarries are identified for the purposes of Forest Service Road (FSR) building and
maintenance, establish a Forest Act map notation or Land Act reserve (plus a mineral staking reserve in the
case of rock quarries, or placer staking reserve in the case of gravel pits located in placer mining areas) to
prevent future tenures being issued under the Mineral Tenures Act (Sec. 22). The first step is to consult the
regional Gold Commissioners and Coal Administrators to check for recently issued mineral tenures or to
request a mineral staking reserve.
If proposed operations are to take place adjacent to a mineral, placer, or other tenure – and so possibly
interfere with the tenure holder’s rights – consult the tenure holder before operations take place.
If the proposed operating area is in conflict with a mineral, placer, or other tenure and operations will
still proceed, seek consent from the tenure holder to surrender rights to the proposed operating area.
Document such consent (for amending a mineral or placer claim, confirmed with a quit claim from the
mineral claim holder). Ensure that the tenure area is amended before operations begin. Protect
operations in such amended areas by a staking reserve, as above.
If consent cannot be obtained, relocate the gravel pit or quarry. If it is not possible to do this and the
consent of the tenure holder cannot be obtained, consult with FLNR Forest Land Acquisitions for
advice on arbitration procedures, as provided for in the Mineral Tenure Act or other relevant Acts.
When acquiring legal access, ensure that FLNR Forest Land Acquisitions negotiates appropriate compensation
for the land and improvements, which is based on fair market value.
To initiate the acquisition, complete a Right-of-Way Acquisition Request (FS 959A) form, and submit it using the
Shana forms (or by pdf) located on the ministry’s forms directory. Time is of the essence when requesting a
right-of-way, as negotiating compensation and providing the legal survey can be time consuming.
Where access is required for a limited period of time, consider the use of a temporary statutory right-of-way
agreement (Guidelines for Legal Forest Access). Secure permanent or long-term access with a dedicated right-
of-way involving a legal survey and purchase of right-of-way from the landowner.
Obtain a junction permit from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure where an FSR joins a public
highway. Exercise care in choosing the best junction site possible – ideally, a T junction with ample sight
distance – since relocating highway junctions can be difficult and expensive, particularly where private property
is involved.
Ultimately, the fair market value for land, combined with a value determined for depreciated road
improvements, and certain damages represents the compensation due to a property owner. This value may be
capitalized to represent an annual fee for a short-term agreement or paid in full for long-term or permanent
acquisitions. Road use fees or charges based solely on the volume of timber or the amount of use are not
reflective of fair market compensation and do not serve the equitable interests of the property owner and the
Province. However, volume and use charges may be applied to maintenance costs, provided they reflect the
actual costs to maintain the road used.
Direct all matters regarding the acquisition of land and the application of the compensation policy to the Senior
Land Acquisition Officer, FLNR Forest Land Acquisitions, Forest Tenures Branch (FTB). Acting on the advice
and recommendations of Ministry forest land acquisitions staff, the Director, FTB, who is the only delegated
signing authority for the Minister, reviews all land agreements to determine that the principles of fair market
value have been applied, and signs off on the agreement.
It is recommended to involve and consult with ministry Forest Lands Acquisitions staff early in the process
when considering entering into an agreement for the purchase [dedication] or rental [statutory right-of-way
agreement] of land to become a forest service road. Forest Lands Acquisitions staff will assist in the
determination of appropriate compensation.
Ministry engineering staff will be required to inspect or have inspected by individuals knowledgeable in road
construction and costing, the current road condition and provide an estimate for the value of the road and
associated improvements in its present condition. This value is referred to as the depreciated road
improvement value [DRIV]. Forest Land Acquisition staff are not specialists in road cost estimating. A DRIV will
need to be provided by ministry engineering staff to the Forest Land Acquisition Project Manager working on
each forest service road project. The DRIV will be used in the compensation negotiations and if necessary,
where a mutually satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, in expropriation. Any DRIV calculation should be
documented and supported by background preparation guidelines/policy/direction for provincial consistency. In
the case of expropriation, the compensation estimate (DRIV) and methodology is required to be shared with the
land owner per section 20 (1) (e) of the Expropriation Compensation Act.
There are a number of ways that can be used to estimate the DRIV. One method is to estimate what the road
would have cost to construct in the first place and subtracting the cost of repairs to bring it back to its original
Detailed engineering cost estimate, Information from the appropriate appraisal manual
Use of comparable, recent road construction contract results
Application of local knowledge
Current value per unit rate
3. Determine the costs of any road failures, required upgrades and repairs to bring the existing
improvements up to a new road standard [culverts, structures, ditching, surfacing, grading, brushing, etc.
(some wooden bridges might have a negative value (require works to remove or other measures to make
4. Reduce the cost of [1] by the cost of [3] and you have the DRIV.
Assistance in developing road construction cost estimates can be obtained through the Engineering Branch,
Engineering Group for the respective region.
Crossing a railway right-of-way is costly and requires ongoing maintenance obligations. The type of crossing
and required safety features are dictated by the railway authority. In cases where railway crossings cannot be
avoided, obtain tentative approval in principle from local railway authorities and prepare a plan. Key steps in
this process are:
submit a formal application for approval by railway and federal or provincial transport agencies,
including the plan and the following information:
whether the proposed road right-of-way is junior or senior to trackage;
who will pay for construction and crossing;
what the projected daily traffic count will be for all vehicles (public and industrial);
whether school buses will be using the crossing; and
allow eight months from the time of application to the time the crossing permit receives final approval.
Obtain interim approvals for the location of the crossing from local utility (power, oil/gas, and communications)
field offices. Special considerations are involved if the utility is situated within private property.
Legal Access for Road Permit Roads
Where the status/clearance process has identified conflicts with a proposed road permit route, licensees are
expected to resolve such conflicts themselves. If the permittee is unfamiliar with the steps necessary to resolve
such conflicts, assistance can be obtained from the private sector. FLNR Forest Land Acquisitions can provide
a list of firms and individuals providing this service.
Since proposed harvest areas are statused and cleared before Cutting Permits are issued, a separate status
and clearance procedure is not necessary for roads constructed within these areas. Because the permittee
needs the flexibility to locate roads as best suits harvest operations, and as these roads are usually of a
temporary low-order nature, their location is normally not specified in the Cutting Permit document itself.
Under certain circumstances, roads within a provincial forest or wilderness area may be authorized by SUP, in
keeping with the Provincial Forest Use Regulation [Sec. 7 (1)(a)].
These types of roads are normally issued to holders of rights authorized by the Coal Act, Geothermal
Resources Act, or Mineral Tenure Act and may also be issued to Clean Energy Projects (CEP) proponents if
they choose to apply for a road authorization under a SUP rather than under a Land Act Licence of Occupation,
but in rare cases may be issued for other purposes.
SUP roads are normally mapped and statused in a process similar to that described for FSRs or road permit
roads (described above). Like Road Permits, Special Use Permits authorize road construction and use only on
unalienated Crown land. If tenure conflicts are identified during the status process, Special Use Permit holders
are expected to resolve such conflicts before road construction and use. If the Special Use Permit holder is
unfamiliar with the resolution process, this service is available from the private sector. FLNR Forest Land
Acquisitions should be consulted for further information on private sector firms or individuals providing this
Road Junctions
Ensure that a TSM/District Manager authorizes any connection to an FSR using a Road Junction Requirements
Form Letter (FS 1209)(DOC).
Note: A Road Permit, Cutting Permit and Timber Sale Licence incorporate an authorization for a junction of the
road permit road to the FSR.
Before approving an application to connect, ensure that the location, sight distances and drainage are
acceptable (see Road Design Criteria). Ensure that requests from landowners for variance from the established
alignment conditions are accompanied by a Professional Engineer’s recommendation.
1.4 Subdivisions Off Forest Service Roads
The subdivision process involves the legal survey and creation of a number of separate smaller parcels of land
from a larger parcel of privately owned or Crown land.
When reviewing a request for subdivision access from a Forest Service Road (FSR), ensure that the
Engineering Group Leader confirms that the road is built to a sufficient standard to safely handle the type and
volume of traffic. The minimum requirements set out in the Land Title Act Regulation (Sec. 15) (BC Reg.
334/79) concern the road width as it relates to the maximum width of vehicle allowed on the road.
Examine the width of the entire length of the FSR from the end of the nearest public road to the location of the
proposed subdivision and determine whether or not the road width meets the requirement of the Regulation.
In addition, record all relevant factors (e.g., the general condition of the roads, expected traffic volumes,
condition of structures, and safety features such as turnouts, widenings, and signage).
The process of subdivision normally requires the dedication and construction of public access roads
administered by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, or a municipality if the subdivision falls within
an organized area. However, the use of other forms of access to subdivided areas is also considered, and
Section 15 of the Land Titles Act Regulation deals with access by FSRs and prescribes the maximum allowed
width of vehicles based on different minimum road widths. Minimum widths mean the width of the entire running
surface from the nearest public road to the subdivision, other than for permitted exceptions that are spelled out
in the Regulation.
Approving Officers consider a number of factors when deciding whether a particular subdivision application
should be approved. However, the Approving Officers cannot approve a subdivision application that relies on
an FSR for access until the Engineering Group Leader certifies that the FSR in question meets the width
requirements of the Regulation.
1.5 Signs on Forest Service Roads
Signs may not be erected on a Forest Service right-of-way without the approval of the District Manager. In
general, commercial signs are not approved.
Standard informational and resource road radio communication signage has been developed for use on Forest
Service roads:
Other traffic control signage shall conform to Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) standards:
Manual of Standard Traffic Signs & Pavement Markings - Chapter 2 (PDF, 5.3MB)
The Forest Service road sign must be placed at the start of an FSR system where there is a potential for public
or multiple industrial users. Determine:
A primary justification for a traffic control sign is that the risk to users is greater than what a user would normally
encounter on an FSR such that the safety of the user may be dependent on the sign being in place.
1.6 Abandoned Vehicles on Forest Service Rights-of-Way
Occasionally, ministry staff is faced with having to deal with abandoned vehicles or logging or road building
equipment along Forest Service rights-of-way.
Consider the following when deciding whether or not to remove or dispose of such vehicles:
The vehicle or equipment may or may not have some residual value.
The vehicle or equipment owner may or may not be identifiable if the licence plates or serial numbers
have been removed.
The cost of moving and disposing of the vehicle may be greater than the recoverable costs.
The vehicle may be causing a danger to other road users or it may be a visible disturbance.
1.7 Temporary Closures of Forest Service Roads
Where the District Manager determines that a road will be closed temporarily because of safety, sediment
delivery, or property issues, place a “road closed” sign at the beginning of the road and install a physical barrier
to keep vehicles off the road. Notify potential users of the closure through some form of local advertising.
Closures of roads for environmental protection issues such as pressures on wildlife populations are carried out
by Ministry of Environment staff through their legislation, and not through the powers provided to FLNR.
1.8 Cancelling Road Permits
Cancel a licensee’s Road Permit at the request of the permittee where it is evident that the permittee will not
need the road any longer to harvest timber under a harvesting agreement.
Where a major licensee has deactivated a road according to regulations, it normally provides a declaration to
the District Manager that the licensee has met its deactivation obligations. The District Manager has up to 15
months to approve the works after the licensee has provided the declaration. Once the works are approved, or
the 15 months passes without inspection, the District Manager will terminate the road permit.
For those road permit roads that a TSL holder deactivates, the TSM ensures that the road deactivation was
carried out properly and in accordance with the regulations, and then notifies the District Manager that the work
has been completed. The District Manager will normally rely upon the advice of the TSM but may carry out an
inspection of the deactivated road to ensure that the work has been carried out satisfactorily.
For those road permit roads operated by a TSL holder where future use of the road by non-BCTS users may
preclude deactivating the road, the TSM notifies the District Manager accordingly, preferably well in advance of
the completion of the TSL. Should the District Manager determine that the road should be deactivated in any
event, he will so notify the TSM, again prior to completion of the TSL. If the District Manager determines that
the road will not be deactivated, the District Manager may either issue a permit to another user or declare the
road to be an FSR under the administration of the District Manager.
Once the road has been deactivated, or the tenure has been shifted to another user, or the road has been
declared to be an FSR, subject to the notifications and possible inspections as described in the preceding
paragraphs, the TSM will terminate the existing road permit held by the timber sale licensee.
Do not create non-status roads by cancelling Road Permits for non-deactivated roads unless either transferring
the responsibility to another party or taking on a clear ministry administrative role by declaring the road an FSR.
1.9 Cancelling Road Use Permits
An industrial user may apply to the District Manager to be relieved of its Road Use Permit on an FSR when that
road will not be required for industrial purposes. Before the Road Use Permit of the designated maintainer is
cancelled, ensure that the road has been maintained to the level required for non-industrial use, to the extent
necessary to ensure there is no material adverse effect on a forest resource, as evidenced by:
structural integrity of the road prism and clearing width are protected; and
drainage systems of the road are functional.
Otherwise, the permit will remain in force even while the user is idle for periods of time, and any designated
maintenance obligations remain during those same periods.
1.10 Cancelling Works & Special Use Permits
Works Permits and SUPs will either expire on a given date (as shown in the permit) or be cancelled when the
permittee advises the District Manager that the permit is no longer required for its intended purpose.
If a Works Permit has been issued for a Forest Service Road (FSR) that is about to be permanently
discontinued and closed or transferred, and the permittee intends to continue using the works, refer the
permittee to another agency to obtain a replacement tenure for these works.
1.11 Protocol Agreements Related to Roads
Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Engineering Branch, Engineering and FLNR
Forest Land Acquisitions:
This chapter presents the ministry’s mandatory procedures and best practices related to professional
responsibility, pre-field and field investigation, and to the associated outputs. It is intended to provide the reader
with enough detail to be able to understand the processes and expected mandatory procedures, as well as
ensuring that the road meets the regulatory requirements related to safety and protection of other resources.
2.0.1 Policy
The location of a proposed Forest Service Road will be consistent with the outcomes of a Forest Stewardship
Plan (FSP) or other applicable planning process, and will:
2.7 Appendices
2.1 Mandatory Procedures & Best Practices
The Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation (FPPR) require
the ministry to construct a Forest Service road in a manner that achieves certain resource protection objectives
or meets specific criteria. In doing so, a key component of a road’s development is the layout of the road.
To address safety, resource protection and mitigation measures related to road layout, provide appropriate
levels of expertise and resources to pre-construction of a road, and suitable checks and balances to ensure
that the work is proceeding according to plan.
Following is a table that summarizes in approximate chronological order the mandatory procedures and best
practices with respect to the layout of Forest Service roads.
Results to be achieved:
a road layout identifies and addresses land alienations such as private property and First Nations
land (FA s.1(1) - definition of forest service road)
FSP results/strategies are achieved or carried out for visual quality or cultural heritage resources
(FRPA s. 21 (1))
do not cause landslides or gully processes that would have a material adverse effect on the subjects
contained in FRPA s. 149 (FPPR s. 37, 38)
maintain natural surface drainage patterns (FPPR s. 39)
no construction of a road in a riparian management area (FPPR s. 50)
no fan destabilization that would have a material adverse effect on forest resources (FPPR s. 54)
no road construction within a specified distance from a spring in a community watershed, or within
100 m upslope of a licensed waterworks in a community watershed (FPPR s. 60, 62)
comply with any general wildlife measures, or do not damage or render ineffective any resource
feature or wildlife habitat feature (FPPR s. 69, 70)
road is safe for industrial use (FPPR s. 72)
meet the requirements for a road site plan (FRPA s. 10, 11)
Legislation supported: FA section 1(1)
M1 The CM must ensure that the land status along the proposed route has been checked, to identify
alienated lands and other potential conflicts that may require land acquisition; (see land alienations)
Legislation supported: FRPA section 21 (1), FPPR sections 37, 38, 39, 50, 54, 60, 62, 69, 70, 72
M2 The CM must ensure that the FSP or other applicable planning process has been completed with
respect to the proposed road layout; (see Road Layout Professional Responsibilities &
B1 Ensure that consultations were carried out at the time of the FSP preparation, and that further
consultations and assessments are carried out concurrent with the road layout; (see Road Layout
Professional Responsibilities & Considerations and consultations)
B2 Ensure that the person conducting field reconnaissance has established skill sets. [see Field
Reconnaissance Procedures & Records]
B3 Mark the centreline (P-line or L-line) of all proposed routes with intervisible flagging tape, and include
cumulative chainages and control points on the flagging tape. [see Field Reconnaissance Procedures
& Records]
B4 Ensure that appropriately qualified forest visuals professionals and archaeological professionals carry
out office and field reviews as necessary to ensure that the road layout achieves the visual and
cultural objectives. [see Use of Appropriate Professionals]
B5 Consider the visual impacts of the road and the road corridor on the surrounding landscape. Where
visual quality objectives (VQOs) have been established or visual impact issues can be foreseen,
consider alternate route locations to lessen the visual impact of road [see Visual Impact].
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 39: maintaining natural surface drainage patterns
B6 Ensure that the Reconnaissance Report includes information about all continuous and intermittent
drainage flow channels, springs, seeps, and wet areas [see drainage]
Legislation supported: FPPR section 50: no construction in a riparian management area except as provided
B7 Ensure that the Reconnaissance Report identifies the riparian areas of the streams near the road.
[see riparian].
B8 Ensure that the layout places the road beyond the riparian management areas for each stream,
except as provided in section 50 (1) of FPPR [see Riparian].
B9 Ensure that the Reconnaissance Report identifies the fish stream crossings, so that suitable crossing
structures can be designed and built. [see stream crossings]
B10 Where a proposed road will cross an alluvial or colluvial fan, ensure that an appropriately qualified
professional carries out a fan stability assessment to determine the potential impact on forest
resources from debris flows, debris floods or water floods. [see fan destabilization]
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 56, 57: protection of fish passage and fish habitat
B11 Ensure that the Reconnaissance Report identifies stream riparian classes and crossing data, and
describes measures to protect fish and fish habitat at stream crossings. [see stream crossings]
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 60, 62: no construction near licensed waterworks or springs in a
community watershed
B12 Ensure that the Reconnaissance Report identify licensed waterworks and springs in community
watersheds [see locations], and, unless there is an exception in accordance with FPPR, the layout
places the road centre-line so as not to damage a waterworks and to achieve at least 100m distance
from any such waterworks or springs in community watersheds.
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 69, 70: wildlife measures, resource features and wildlife habitat
B13 Ensure that the Reconnaissance Report determines potential impacts on other resources, so as to
locate roads in such a manner as to address general wildlife measures, resource features or wildlife
habitat measures. [see applications]
Legislation supported: FPPR section 72: roads and structures are safe for industrial users
A terrain stability assessment must be conducted by a qualified professional to determine whether
measures are required to reduce the likelihood of a landslide occurring, or to reduce the likelihood of
a landslide affecting forest resources, in the following situations:
terrain stability mapping indicates that the road is located on terrain that is unstable or
potentially unstable;
the mapping referred to in paragraph (a) has not been done, and the road is located on
terrain with slopes greater than 60%; or
the road is located on terrain where there are indicators of slope instability. [see terrain
B14 Where no geometric road design will be required, ensure that the Reconnaissance Report provides
suitable horizontal and vertical road alignment criteria in a road layout and design schedule. [see
B15 Ensure that the professional specialists who have been retained to do the work are in fact qualified to
do this work. [see Use of Appropriate Professionals]
B16 Ensure that each reconnaissance report addresses terrain conditions and road sections that are in
unstable or potentially unstable terrain. [see Reconnaissance Report]
Legislation supported: FRPA sections 21 (1), FPPR sections 37, 38, 39, 50, 54, 60, 62, 69, 70, 72
M4 The Reconnaissance Report must be reviewed and accepted by the Coordinating Member. [see
Reconnaissance Report]
M5 The Coordinating Member must sign (and seal as appropriate) the Road Project Assurance
Statement (PDF). [see Chapter 8: Professional Responsibilities & Considerations]
B17 Ensure that the necessary steps in the road layout process were undertaken and issues addressed
[see Project Tracking Checklist]
B18 For BCTS projects, as the holders of a FSP, ensure that a Reconnaissance Report provides sufficient
details to address the requirements of a road site plan. [see site plan]
M = Mandatory procedures
B = Best practices
2.2 Road Layout Professional Responsibilities &
Road layout includes pre-field and field reconnaissance works that address safety and resource
issues directly or lead to suitable applications at the survey, design and construction stages.
Practices include:
The CM is responsible for considering the composition and interaction of all the road layout
components, as well as their relationships and impact on not only the users, but also on the road
components and other resources. A key concept is continuity of professional oversight and output
reviews. The CM is charged with retaining a close familiarity with the progress of the project, and
with coordinating the various specialist inputs into the road layout and, as such, carries overall
professional responsibility for the delivery of the layout.
the results of consultations that have taken place after the road layout commenced; and
the field reconnaissance and recommendations made by other members, specialists or
road personnel.
Based on the foregoing, the CM must sign off (and may seal) the Road Project Assurance
Statement (PDF), approving the location of the road. For more information, see Chapter 8:
Professional Responsibilities & Considerations.
2.3 Pre-Field Investigation
The first step in determining a road location is the pre-field investigation, which includes:
contour maps;
Terrain Resource Information Management (TRIM) maps;
forest cover maps; and
soil and landform maps, terrain and stability maps, and ortho imagery.
Use the most recent series of air photos in conjunction with the available maps, to interpret
physical features, drainage, and forest cover. Photo scales at 1:15,000 and 1:20,000 enable
detail to be examined, although 1:60,000 photos are helpful for general landform orientation.
Complete an in-depth review of the maps and air photos to identify features and control points
along potential route (“recce”) locations, including:
Establish control points (including those to be used as photo ties) that may affect physical
access or define where the road recce needs to be.
Establish a minimum of one photo tie per kilometer.
Use the maps and air photos to locate the recce routes that most effectively and
economically connect the control points and meet the general specifications for road
grade and travel speed.
Mark the control points and proposed route locations on the air photos for verification
during field reconnaissance.
If 1:5,000 or 1:10,000 topographic mapping is available, check the grades along the
proposed route options. Position roads away from water bodies and wetlands. Avoid
areas of potential open-slope instability, potential surface soil erosion, and gully instability.
Locate roads on benches, ridge tops, and flatter slopes to minimize erosion. Avoid erosion
hazards such as:
heavy groundwater seepage;
soft clay or sensitive silt soil strata;
concave slopes;
steeply dipping rock layers; and
areas where there is a hazard of high mass wasting or erosion, including
downslope sensitive areas.
Select stream crossings at locations where channel and bank disturbance will be
minimized. Keep the number of stream crossings to a minimum.
Alienations and interests or conflicts that may require R/W acquisition generally fall into one of
the following categories:
Where applicable, notify land owners of the intent to enter. However, avoid any discussion
concerning possible land acquisition (and, in particular, expropriation). Limit discussions to the
topic of access being required for reconnaissance purposes only. Also, advise a landowner that,
should the ministry require legal access across the property, then a Forest Land Acquisitions
Project Manager would contact the landowner to begin negotiations. If a landowner refuses
ministry staff entry onto the property, contact FLNR Forest Land Acquisitions for further advice on
how to proceed or how to negotiate the short-term access.
Do not assume that the occupant of a site is the landowner. Obtain information on the name of
current landowners from the FLNR Forest Land Acquisitions in Victoria.
2.3.6 Government Interests
Based on potential conflicts that become evident during the road layout process, consider any
concerns from the following government agencies, both provincial and federal, about the area
and information to be included in plans for development of access for the timber resource:
1. investigate potential route corridors considering all of the elements, including reviews of
optional locations and the constraints of the harvesting system that would contribute to the
final location of the road;
2. gather information for subsequent use by the road survey and design contractor, and to
access the need for any additional information or assessments; and
3. flag the reconnaissance line of the preferred road location using field traverse Survey Level 1
standards as required. See Survey Level 1 for field traverse.
a. terrain stability mapping indicates that the road is located on terrain that is
unstable or potentially unstable;
b. the mapping referred to in paragraph (a) has not been done, and the road is
located on terrain with slopes greater than 60%; or
c. the road is located on terrain where there are indicators of slope instability.
Ensure that the professional carries out the assessment in accordance with the
EGBC Guidelines for Terrain Stability Assessments in the Forest Sector (PDF,
1. Vertical alignment: The grades that result in the best combination of haul and construction
costs should be selected. See Table 3-2: Summary of alignment controls for forest roads
2. Horizontal alignment: The speed limits for various degrees of curvature are given in Table
3-3: Curve Widenings.
3. Junctions: A high level of safety must be maintained in selecting a site for a junction. The
following factors should be incorporated as much as possible:
adequate sight distance in both directions in accordance with the normal travel speed
(up to 65km/h, 100m; and 65–80km/h, 150m);
near-level ground conditions (2% plus or minus);
right angle T-junctions rather than Y-junctions; and
only gradual change in horizontal or vertical alignment.
4. Soils: For locating roads, landforms can be excellent guides to desirable areas or to areas to
avoid. Alluvial terrains, lacustrine deposits, water melt channels, colluvial deposits, alluvial
fans eskers, and kames are strong indicators of the types of soils to be found below the
surface. Easily accessible gravels, found in alluvial fans or kames, are an economical source
of surfacing material. Glacial moraines, which contain relatively unsorted material, are a
good source of subgrade material. Other glacial deposits that can provide subgrade or
surfacing materials are basal tills and drumlins.
5. Riparian Management Areas: Ensure that riparian classifications are identified for streams
near the road location, and that the road layout places the road beyond the riparian
management area for each stream, except as provided in section 50 (1) of FPPR.
Plan on obtaining any large fragmented rock required for road ballast or rip rap from rock
outcrops (quarries) or talus slopes. Avoid very fine-grained soils of lacustrine origin,
particularly for sidehill construction.
Illustrations of the landforms mentioned here are found in Terrain Classification System for
British Columbia (PDF, 8.21 MB).
Bridge Location
Locate a bridge site to provide an acceptable horizontal and vertical alignment for the road,
stream width;
upstream and downstream watercourse alignment;
streambank stability;
whether streambanks are fairly even in height on both sides;
availability of local materials for construction;
access to both sides of watercourse during construction phase;
potential for ice and debris buildup; and
potential for streambank erosion.
Ideally, locate the crossing of a waterway at right angles to the centreline (P-line or L-line) of the
waterway and include approach tangents of a minimum 15m in length. Limit the maximum grade
on a bridge deck to 4%, but preferably less.
In planning for major culverts, use much of the same location criteria as used for bridges. Refer
to the Fish-Stream Crossing Guidebook (PDF, 4.2MB).
Depending on the site, prepare a reconnaissance report that ranges in size and detail from a map showing
route locations, a one-page summary and field notes to a multiple page document outlining in detail the various
options for route locations. The determining factor is the level of comfort with the quality of information, given
the risks and potential impacts of the project. In general, ensure that each reconnaissance report includes a
map showing route locations and addresses the following:
the need, if any, for any additional information or assessments to be carried our by the appropriate
terrain conditions and road sections that are in unstable or potentially unstable terrain;
road sections with side slopes over 60% or where slope instability indicators are found;
control points and topographic features (e.g. rock bluffs, swamps, avalanche paths, landslides, and
debris slides), including those that may be used as photo ties;
the sections of road that encroach on public utilities;
the sections of road that are adjacent to or cross private property, Crown leases, or mineral and placer
claims or leases (where possible, alienated lands should be avoided);
all continuous and intermittent drainage flow channels, springs, seeps, and wet areas;
riparian areas;
stream crossings where channel and bank disturbances can be prevented or mitigated;
locations of springs and licensed waterworks in community watersheds;
locations that require site plans;
minor stream crossings;
forest cover (species composition, timber quality, and volume per hectare);
potential landing locations;
soil type, based on visual observations of exposed cuts, shallow hand-dug test holes, and probing, and
the location of these soils on maps or aerial photos;
maximum road grades and minimum curve radii;
location and extent of bedrock, if rippable, and the potential as ballast;
location and extent of gravel sources and the potential for use as subgrade and surfacing materials;
endhaul sections and potential waste areas;
recommended construction methods and potentially appropriate alternatives;
recommended survey level or levels appropriate for the terrain; and
harvesting system requirements.
By addressing the foregoing, a Reconnaissance Report prepared by BCTS, for the purposes of FRPA section
10 and 11, also addresses the requirements for a road site plan.
2.6 Resources & Suggestions for Further Reading
Technical solutions to field problems or recommended processes can generally be found in the following
publications as well as various other technical bulletins and handbooks commonly used by the forest industry
and the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
BC Ministry of Forests. 1999. Mapping and Assessing Terrain Stability Guidebook. For. Prac. Br., B.C.
Min. For. Victoria, B.C.
___________. 1992. Forest inventory manual: forest classification, sampling and environmentally
sensitive areas. Vol. 2. Inventory. Br., B.C. Min. For. Victoria, B.C. 161 p.
BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management. 1996. Terrain Stability Mapping in British
Columbia. For. Prac. Br., B.C. Min. For. Victoria, B.C.
Braedon, R.E. 1990. Forest Harvesting and Renewal Planning for the British Columbia Interior: An
Extension of the Total-Chance Concept (PDF, 5.27 MB). FERIC handbook No.9. For. Eng. Research
Inst. Can. (FERIC). Vancouver, BC. 49 p.
Braedon, R.E. 1983. Timber Development Planning for the British Columbia Interior: The Total-Chance
Concept (PDF, 4.19 MB). FERIC handbook No.4. For. Eng. Research Inst. Can. (FERIC). Vancouver,
BC. 73 p.
Chatwin, S.C., D.E. Howes, J.W. Schwab, and D.N. Swanston. 1994. A Guide for Management of
Landslide-Prone Terrain in the Pacific Northwest. 2nd ed. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, BC. Land Manage.
Handb. No. 18. 220 p.
Holmes, D.C.. 1989. Manual for Roads and Transportation. British Columbia Institute of Technology
(BCIT). Burnaby, BC
2.7 Appendices
Road design varies in complexity and can be as simple as providing basic road dimensions and
grades required to a more detailed design to establish excavation and fill volumes, grades and
alignments. In most cases, road design is usually an office process utilizing computers and road
design software. Again, depending on the complexity and end results required, further road
survey work may be required to establish the road location.
This chapter presents the ministry's standards related to road location survey and road design
practices, and to the associated output. It is intended to provide the reader with enough detail to
be able to understand the mandatory procedures, as well as carrying out appropriate best
practices to address the applicable regulatory requirements.
3.0.1 Policy
For any FSR, the road will be:
Surveyed with appropriate detail and accuracy for the terrain and complexity of the layout;
Designed in a manner that:
Is commensurate with the level of survey and expected use, cost and potential
impacts on other resources by the road construction; and
Incorporates the results of any required assessments.
3.10 Appendices
To address safety, and resource protection and mitigation measures related to road layout, it is necessary to
provide appropriate levels of expertise and resources to pre-construction of a road, and suitable checks and
balances to ensure that the work is proceeding according to plan.
Following is a table that summarizes in approximate chronological order the mandatory procedures and best
practices with respect to the survey and design of Forest Service roads.
Results to be achieved:
Do not cause landslides or gully processes that would have a material adverse effect on forest
resources (FPPR s. 37, 38)
Maintain natural surface drainage patterns (FPPR s. 39)
No construction of a road in a riparian management area (FPPR s. 50)
No fan destabilization that would have a material adverse effect on forest resources (FPPR s. 54)
Protection of fish passage (FPPR s. 56)
No deposition or transport of deleterious materials into licensed waterworks drinking water (FPPR s.
No road construction within a specified distance from a spring in a community watershed, or within
100m upslope of a licensed water intake or spring in a community watershed (FPPR s. 60, 62)
Road is safe for industrial use (FPPR s. 72)
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 37, 38, 57, 59, 69, 70, 72: do not cause landslides or gully processes
that will have a material adverse effect on forest resources
A geometric road design must be carried out for all roads that will cross areas with a moderate or
high likelihood of landslides. [see Geometric Road Design Requirements]
B1 Ensure that at least a location survey level 3 is carried out for road crossing landslide prone terrain.
[see Survey Level 3]
B2 Ensure a geometric road design is carried out for other roads that need to be accurately constructed.
[see Geometric Road Design Requirements]
B3 Ensure that the road design incorporates any measures prepared by an appropriately qualified
professional to protect worker and user safety, fish, fish habitat, water quality, wildlife, wildlife habitat
features, visual and heritage resources. [see Geometric Road Design Requirements]
B4 Ensure that locations of proposed cross drain culverts are marked on the road plans, subject to on-
site modification. [see Cross Drain]
Legislation supported: FPPR section 50: no construction in riparian management areas, except as provided.
B5 Ensure that the road is designed in the location identified by the layout, and where no exception has
been provided in accordance with FPPR, the design places the road beyond the riparian
management areas for each stream. [see riparian]
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 38 and 54: no gully process or fan destabilization on the coast
B6 Ensure that a road design on the Coast incorporates any protective measures prepared by an
appropriately qualified professional as part of a gully process or fan stability assessment. [see ensure]
B7 Ensure that any crossing design does not result in a material adverse effect on fish passage in a fish
stream [see fish stream]
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 59, 60, 62: no construction near (1) licensed waterworks in community
watersheds or (2) springs that are a source of water for licensed waterworks in community watersheds
B8 Ensure that the road design places the road at least 100m distance from any (1) licensed waterworks
in community watersheds or (2) springs that are a source of water for licensed waterworks in
community watersheds.
Legislation supported: FPPR section 72: roads and structures are safe for industrial users
B9 Ensure that the road design incorporates professional design measures related to landslides [see
slope stability considerations]
B10 Ensure that the road design incorporates horizontal and vertical road alignments that provide for
equipment use and for user safety. [see road alignment]
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 37, 38, 39, 50, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 69, 70, 72
M2 Road plans must be reviewed and accepted by the Coordinating Member [see Survey & Design
M3 The Coordinating Member must sign (and seal as appropriate) the Road Project Assurance
Statement (PDF). [see Chapter 8: Professional Responsibilities & Considerations]
B12 Ensure that the necessary steps in the road layout process were undertaken and issues addressed
[see Project Tracking Checklist]
M = Mandatory procedures
B = Best practices
3.2 Road Survey & Design Professional Responsibilities &
Road survey and design includes applying the appropriate level of survey to achieve the required accuracy of
field measurements, and preparing a geometric road design (including plans, profiles, cross-sections and mass
graphs) based on the survey measurements, data and assessments, to tie the location of the road to the land
base. Practices include:
choosing the survey methods and instrumentation in accordance with the information contained in this
Manual, based upon the accuracy and type of data required to facilitate the planning and design of the
determining where a geometric road design is required;
modifying the design and construction standard or adopting additional measures to protect workers
during construction, users and resource and habitat features.
where the design is prepared using a computer application, must review the design to ensure that it is
reasonable, correct, suitable for the ground conditions and constructible;
may rely upon the geometric road design procedures contained in this manual; and
may use specialist input to revise locations, to incorporate special design measures, to specify special
construction techniques, or to develop specific measures that are to be employed during or following
construction to protect the environment or address worker or user safety. Examples include:
evaluating potential safety issues that are beyond the expertise of the CM, such as landslides,
rockfalls, avalanches, karst features, danger trees;
assessing terrain related concerns for road construction such as slope stability hazards,
gullies, fans, floodplains, erosion or avalanches;
identifying fish habitat and sensitivity;
identifying and addressing other forest and non-forest resources (e.g. archaeological sites);
structural elements such as retaining walls;
fords or fish stream culverts;
bridges, including approach alignments;
engineered fills or cut slope treatments;
construction techniques such as overlanding or full bench excavation and endhaul;
engineered rock cuts;
measures to protect fan or floodplain stability;
specialized erosion protection; and
measures to protect resource and wildlife habitat features.
3.3 Road Location Survey
In forestry road applications, there are two general types of surveys: a field traverse and a location survey. To
determine which survey type and level is required, consider the physical characteristics of the terrain, the
design complexity, and the desired road prism geometry.
The two terms most commonly associated with survey and design are P-line (the Preliminary Line) and L-line
(the Location Line). Despite a common assumption, the P-Line is not the original, flagged reconnaissance line,
but a traversed survey based on the results of the reconnaissance. The P- line is established in the field and
shown as a plotted line on a drawing to provide the horizontal and vertical control for the roadway centreline.
The L-line, is the designed roadway centreline shown on a drawing with tangent Point of Intersection (PI),
Beginning of Curve (BC), and End of Curve (EC) chainages. The L-line is often established in the field as
offsets to the P-line based on the road centreline design. Where close control of cut and fill slopes are required,
the L-line is established after grubbing and stripping operations by setting grade stakes.
Field traverse
Carry out a field traverse for road layout and design to collect data and measurements for the road
location. A field traverse is also sometimes referred to as Survey Level 1, see Survey Levels following.
This level of survey is appropriate only for roads with no geometric road design, such that the road layout
is tied down and can be mapped and reproduced in the field.
Location survey
Carry out a location survey to obtain information and measurements necessary for a detailed design, or to
obtain information when geometric road designs are required. Compared with a field traverse, a location
survey is carried out at a higher level of survey (i.e., Survey Level 2, 3, or 4) to capture more information
at a level suitable for detailed drawings.*
If as-built surveys are required for volume determination or to check conformance to the design, use a
location survey level that is suitable for accurately re- establishing the road centreline location.
If construction surveys are required, use a location survey level that is suitable for accurately re-
establishing the construction control points.
The accuracy achieved with any survey level depends, in part, on the type and condition of survey
equipment used the competence of the crew, and the field methods used. Global Positioning System
(GPS) receivers, like other survey equipment, are acceptable when they can achieve the required
horizontal and vertical accuracy for the appropriate survey level.
Stream crossings require special consideration. Site information requirements for bridge and culvert
planning and design are provided later in:
Road Design Criteria
Site Data & Survey Requirements for Bridges & Major Culverts
Site Survey for Stream Crossings
*Note: EGBC discourages the use of the terms "as-built drawings" or "as-constructed drawings" as they
imply that the drawings show exactly what was built or constructed. The terms may also suggest a level
of certification or impose inappropriate liability. For this reason, EGBC recommends and uses the term
"record drawings." For more information:
EGBC Quality Management Guidelines "Use of the EGBC Seal"
Use Global Positioning System units only where the specified accuracy can be achieved to establish GPS
waypoints and tracks necessary to accurately locate the road centreline and stream culvert crossings.
Use the following criteria to determine the appropriate survey level for a field traverse (Survey Level 1) or
location survey (Survey Levels 2, 3, or 4). Note the equipment may be appropriate for the level but, more
importantly, the skill of the surveyor is paramount in achieving the accuracy required. Geo-reference any survey
that is carried out on an FSR.
Application: Where a low likelihood of landslides, and for situations where geometric road design,
construction surveys, and as-built surveys are not required. Equipment may include hand compass,
recreational GPS and hip chain.
Vertical accuracy: = 1.0* √total distance in kilometres, expressed in metres. For example, the vertical
accuracy for a 1km road is 1m. For a 2km road, the vertical accuracy is 1.41m.
Survey Level 3 (for location surveys within areas of moderate or high likelihood of
Application: For location surveys, construction surveys, geometric road design, and as-built surveys in
areas of moderate to high likelihood of landslides, as determined by a terrain stability field assessment.
This is also the appropriate level of survey for material volume determination and detailed-engineered
estimates. May also be used for bridge and major culvert planning and design, but greater vertical
accuracy might be necessary. Equipment may include staff compass, rod and steel chain.
Vertical accuracy: = 0.5 * √total distance in kilometres, expressed in metres. For example, the vertical
accuracy for a 1 km road is 0.5 m. For a 2 km road, the vertical accuracy is 0.71 m.
Application: A high-order survey for location surveys, construction surveys, construction contracting on a
cost-per-unit basis, check surveys, placement of permanent bridges, as-built surveys through Crown
leases, mineral and placer claims, and leases, private property, and surveys to re-establish private
property lines. Equipment may include transits, rod and steel chain, or total station instruments.
Vertical accuracy: = 0.3* √total distance in kilometres, expressed in metres. For example, the vertical
accuracy for a 1 km road is 0.3 m. For a 2 km road, the vertical accuracy is 0.42 m.
3.4 Survey Procedures
Use a reference tree or other fixed object (e.g., bedrock outcrop) for the horizontal control, and use a
benchmark for the vertical control of the road traverse. Both are important for re-establishing the designed
location line (L-line), as well as for construction surveys and those surveys necessary to complete as-built
Figure 3-1 Typical benchmarks and road survey reference information (source: Forest Road Engineering
1. Before starting work on alienated lands, contact the owners and explain the nature of the work. The owner
may be able to provide the location of corner pins and other useful information.
2. When working on alienated lands, keep the clearing (tree falling, line slashing, etc.) and marking of lines
to a minimum.
3. Record the following information and tie it to the location line traverse:
4. If possible, close traverses onto at least two legal posts to ensure accuracy and to establish correct
orientation of the survey with respect to the legal lot or lots.
5. Geo-reference the end points by double occupying the stations.
Survey on private property, Crown leases, and mineral and placer claims and leases
Traverse tie the location survey to existing property markers or other evidence of legal boundaries that
may be near the location survey. Complete sufficient investigations to establish the location of the property
line and determine whether the road right-of-way will encroach on the property line. If possible, relocate
the centreline and right-of-way if there is an encroachment.
A sketch is generally sufficient for non-fish and non-major stream culverts, showing the culvert and the
foundation locations with enough detail so the locations can be accurately re-established in the field. Basic
Drainage Site Report Requirements describes works and standards for data collection, site planning, and
plan details.
To establish site survey specifications for all bridges and for the planned installation of any culvert
2,000mm or greater in diameter, or with peak flow greater than 6 m3/s. (see Chapter 4: Design &
Construction of Bridges & Major Culverts).
3.5 Geometric Road Design
The purpose of road design is to produce specifications for road construction by determining the optimum road
geometry that will accommodate the design vehicle configuration for load and alignment, traffic volume and
provide for user safety, while minimizing the cost of construction, transportation, maintenance, and deactivation
during the expected life of the road.
Road design is an art that takes the survey information and essentially connects the field data to produce the
desired road profile showing the grade, alignment, designed cross sections, excavation and embankment
volumes, location and size of drainage structures, turnouts, and surfacing requirements. The optimum road
design reduces impacts on other resources by minimizing clearing widths and excavations and specifying
proper drainage structures. Also consider the equipment anticipated for use during construction, since the
equipment type impacts material movement distances and balance points. Incorporate construction techniques
such as rolling grades, full and partial benching, end haul, road width, cut and fill slope angles, and horizontal
and vertical control angles with consideration given to climatic, terrain and soil conditions.
Geometric road design (see Geometric Road Design Requirements) includes plans, profiles, cross-sections,
and mass haul diagrams showing the optimum balance of waste, borrow, and endhaul volumes. Generate the
designs from the route selection process and the location survey. From the location survey information, design
a road centreline (L-Line) for vertical and horizontal alignment, calculate earthwork quantities, and produce a
mass haul diagram to show the optimum placement of excavated material.
Figure 3-5: Dwg. No. 13-757 - Sample Right-of-Way Through Private Land (PDF)
Figure 3-6: Dwg. No. 13-758 - Sample Plan & Profile (PDF)
Figure 3-7: Dwg. No. 13-759 - Sample River Crossing Plan 1 of 2 (PDF)
Figure 3-8: Dwg. No. 13-759 - Sample River Crossing Profile & Cross-Section 2 of 2 (PDF)
Figure 3-9: Dwg. No. 13-760 - Sample Railway Crossing for Existing Road (PDF)
Figure 3-12: Dwg. No. 13-763 - Sample Structure of Compliance with Navigable Waters (PDF)
Road maintenance can also be a significant factor to be recognized during road design. For example, access to
retaining and catchment walls and spillways may be required once the road is built and, if the structures are
inaccessible, this may increase the chance of being overlooked during inspections which may increase the cost
of maintenance.
Allow adequate room for equipment operation including snow removal and logging equipment. Large
equipment or operations often require additional road width and in the case of snow removal, for example, a
place to relocate snow and ice away from the roadway without damaging surrounding forest resources caused
by trapping and diverting meltwater on sensitive slopes and not damaging signs, fences, and bridge guardrails.
When designing a road prism that includes excavation into side slopes or the placement of loads on the fill
slopes, consider the nature of the soil and ground conditions, so that slope stability can be maintained. In
addition to the immediate factors related to the slope, consider the road in the context of the overall area.
Ensure that the road is designed in the location identified by the layout and, where no exception has been
provided in accordance with FPPR, the design places the road beyond the riparian management areas for each
Incorporate other information in the design, including prescriptions and assessments that relate to the road
location and design. These may include professional designs such as deep or steep excavations, retaining
walls, designs for stream crossings, bridge design and alignments, designs included in or based on terrain
stability assessments, and specialized designs in rock cuts. For example, if a proposed road will cross areas
with a moderate or high likelihood of landslides as determined by a TSFA, incorporate measures to maintain
slope stability into the geometric road design. Also, ensure that a road design on the Coast incorporates any
protective measures prepared by an appropriately qualified professional as part of a gully process or fan
stability assessment.
As a result, be aware of the intended use of the road, the timing of such use, construction techniques and other
surrounding design considerations as well as the following road design criteria.
Clearing width
Keep the clearing widths as narrow as possible, to minimize impacts on other resources, but wide enough
to accommodate:
the road prism;
user safety;
decking of right-of-way timber;
subgrade drainage;
subgrade stability;
waste areas and endhaul areas;
pits and quarries;
slash disposal;
equipment operation;
snow removal;
fencing and other structures; and
standing timber root protection, especially on cut banks.
Move to a disposal site organic debris, rock, or other excess material that cannot be placed in the road
prism and within the clearing width because of terrain stability or other factors. Ensure such areas are of
suitable size to accommodate the estimated volume of waste material and identify the areas in the road
Calculate clearing widths on a station-by-station basis as part of a geometric road design. In situations
where geometric road design is not required, use other methods as shown on page 179 in the Forest
Road Engineering Guidebook (PDF, 7.8MB).
Road alignment
Road design incorporates horizontal and vertical road alignments that provide for equipment use and for
user safety. This involves establishing:
appropriate travel speeds;
appropriate maximum road grades;
suitable stopping and sight distances;
junctions with existing roads;
road widths;
turnouts; and
appropriate traffic control devices.
Designed travel speeds often vary along forest roads due to terrain conditions or changing road
standards. The cycle time or distance from the logging area to the dump or processing area may be an
important economic factor to consider in establishing an overall design speed. In other cases, topography
and terrain may dictate alignment, with little impact from other factors. In general, base the safe vehicle
speed for a road on:
horizontal and vertical alignment of the road;
vehicle size and configuration;
road width; and
sight distance and traffic volume.
Use the the following table to determine appropriate travel speeds and stopping and sight distance
requirements along the road.
Table 3-2 Summary of alignment controls for forest roads (PDF)
Ensure that the following design conditions are considered in developing maximum road grades:
road surface;
anticipated vehicle types;
vehicle speed;
length of pitch;
curve radius; and
specific terrain hazards to negotiate.
Subgrade widths
Forest roads widths are categorized as either single or double lane roads based on subgrade width.
Roads less than 8m in subgrade width are classified as single lane roads. Double lane roads do not
require turnouts. Where road surfacing is not used, the stabilized road width is the width of the road
Curve widenings
Design minimum subgrade widths for roads on curves or design widenings in accordance with the
following table and the following notes:
180 4.3
90 5.3
60 5.8
45 6.0
35 6.5
25 7.5
20 8.0
15 9.0
Double-lane all blind curves or provide adequate traffic control devices. Allow extra width to accommodate
for side tracking of truck-trailer units. Note that the subgrade widths in the table do not make
accommodation for the overhang of long logs or any slippage of the truck or trailer because of poor road
Apply the widening to the inside of the curve unless the curve has a 60m long taper section on each end.
For widening on the inside, provide a minimum 20m section on each end of the curve. Apply the full
widening at the beginning of the curve (B.C.) and end of the curve (E.C.).
A turnout is a short auxiliary lane of sufficient width to provide space for safe passage of industrial
vehicles. They are used on single lane roads and located in suitable numbers to accommodate user
safety. Design them such that the running surface of the turnout is 4m in width, in addition to the stabilized
road width.
Make the overall turnout length a minimum 30m, including a 7.5m taper at each end. Increase the turnout
length to accommodate longer truck configurations, where the turnout length may increase to as much as
50m. Figure 3-2 illustrates examples of turnout configurations (PDF).
If a proposed road will cross areas with a moderate or high likelihood of landslides, a conventional cut and
fill road construction technique may not be an adequate type of measure to maintain slope stability, and
alternative measures incorporated into the geometric road design may be needed to prevent road-
induced slope failures and landslides.
Examples of types of measures include:
road relocation;
site specific road construction techniques;
methods to cross gullies and fish streams
cut and fill slope angles;
location and design of waste areas and endhaul areas;
drainage control or installation of subsurface drainage; and
road maintenance (including upgrading and modification), and deactivation strategies.
Examples of different road construction techniques that may be used in conjunction with appropriate
deactivation measures, include:
bench construction with no endhaul;
oversteepened fills for single season use of the road;
use of wood for fill support for short term roads;
oversteepened cuts with modified drainage control to manage minor sloughing;
bench construction with endhaul and replacement of finer material with coarse rock fill;
full bench construction with 100% endhaul;
retaining wall structures to support cut or fill slopes; and
engineered fills that incorporate special requirements for compaction of the fill and reinforcement
of the fill with geosynthetics.
Design stable cut slopes, road fills, borrow pits, quarries, and waste areas in a manner that will not
contribute directly or indirectly to slope failures or landslides over the expected design life.
Table 3-4 General guidelines for cut and fill slope angles for use in forest road design (PDF)
Fill slopes
The stability of a fill slope depends on several variables, including the forces that tend to cause instability
(gravitational and water pressure forces), and the forces that tend to oppose instability (e.g., shear
strength resistance of the soil or rock materials expressed as an internal friction angle or cohesion). The
stability of fill slope can be increased by incorporating various design and construction techniques.
Design fill slopes at or less than the “angle of repose.” The term “angle of repose” should be used in the
context of loose, cohesionless soils only (e.g., non- plastic silt, sand, sand and gravel). Flatter side slopes
in all types of soil will reduce the gravitational forces that tend to cause slope instability. For a fill slope in
cohesionless material, the angle of repose is about the same as the minimum value of that material’s
angle of internal friction. Steeper fill slopes are more likely to cause a road-induced slope failure or
landslide than flatter fill slopes.
Compact the fill materials to increase the density and shearing resistance of the soil. The angle of internal
friction depends primarily on the relative density (loose versus dense), the particle shape (round versus
angular), and the gradation (uniformly graded versus well graded). For relatively loose cohesionless soils,
the minimum value of the angle of internal friction will range from about 27 degrees (2H : 1V) for rounded
uniform soil grains to 37 degrees (1⅓H : 1V) for angular, well-graded soil grains. For relatively dense
cohesionless soils, the maximum value of the angle of internal friction will range from about 35 degrees
(1.5H : 1V) for rounded uniform soil grains to 45 degrees (1H : 1V) for angular, well-graded soil grains.
Note: Fill slopes that are constructed at or less than the angle of repose (minimum angle of internal
friction) will not necessarily remain stable if partial or full saturation of the fill occurs. Such saturation can
result from surface and subsurface water flows during spring melt or after heavy periods of rainfall.
Expect that poorly drained fill materials will be prone to a greater likelihood of slope failure or sloughing
than well-drained fill materials. Additionally, the slopes of poorly drained fills at locations of significant
zones of ground water seepage may experience larger and greater frequency of slope failures or
sloughing problems. The significance of observed seepage zones might dictate the application of special
drainage measures to reduce the likelihood of slope failure during construction and the intensity of
maintenance activities over the operating life of the road. As a general rule, without special drainage
measures, design the side slopes of poorly drained fills (e.g., fills composed of silty soils) at angles that
are flatter than the angle of repose to minimize the likelihood of slope failures.
Cut slopes
In the design of cut slopes, consider and address factors such as:
the desired performance of the cut slopes;
types of cut slope materials;
overall terrain stability;
engineering properties of soils;
seepage conditions; and
In general, cut slopes will remain stable at slightly steeper angles than fill slopes constructed from like soil
materials. The reason for this is the undisturbed soil materials in a cut are often in a denser state than
similar type materials placed in a fill; and may contain sources of cohesive strength that further increases
the shearing resistance of the soil.
Cut slopes designed at too flat an angle can be uneconomical in steep ground because of the large
volumes of excavation. Steeper cut slopes may be more economical to construct in terms of reduced
volumes of excavation. However, they can also be more costly from an operational standpoint because
they require more maintenance due to sloughing and slumping.
For most forest roads, design cut slope angles to favour steeper angles to:
reduce the length of cut slopes;
minimize visible site disturbance; and
reduce excavation costs;
provided that a somewhat higher level of road maintenance and likelihood of slope destabilization is
acceptable for the site.
In the latter case, prepare and implement a maintenance schedule that addresses the erosional
processes acting on the exposed cut slope face (such as splash, sheet, rill, and gully erosion) and
reduces the threat to:
drainage systems (as a result of cut bank slope failure redirecting ditchwater flows onto potentially
unstable fill or natural slopes);
user safety; and
risk of damage to the environment.
Consider designing flatter cut and fill slopes, or using retaining wall structures to support cut slopes or fill
slopes, in cases where slope stability problems are expected to be difficult to manage with maintenance
measures alone.
Bank volume (sometimes referred to as excavation volume) is the volume of material in its natural, or in-
place, condition.
Loose volume (sometimes referred to as trucked volume) is the volume of material in a loose, broken,
blasted, or otherwise disturbed state that has been excavated and stockpiled or loaded into trucks and hauled
(handled). As shown in Figure 3-3, both soil and rock increase in volume (swell) when they are excavated and
handled. This occurs because air voids are created in the material during these processes.
Compacted volume (sometimes referred to as embankment volume) is the measured volume of material
after it has been placed in a fill and compacted. As shown in Figure 3-3, when loose material is placed and
compacted, a reduction in volume occurs. The amount of this decrease may be greater or less than the
increase in volume due to excavation, depending on several factors explained below. If the compacted volume
is greater than the bank volume, the volume increase is called swell. If the compacted volume is less than the
bank volume, the volume reduction is called shrinkage.
Figure 3-3 Example of material volume variation with time for various stages of road construction (not to scale)
3.5.4 Example Correction Factors
If the objectives of road design are to optimize the balance of excavated, fill, waste, and endhaul volumes and
to minimize volume movements, adjust material volumes to compensate for swell and shrinkage. Table 3-5
shows example correction factors for various material types, to convert compacted volume to bank volume for
use in road design.
In road design, material volumes are most commonly reported in volumes equivalent to bank volumes, because
road construction projects are usually estimated, contracted, and paid based on bank volumes. In this system:
Cut and volumes are both reported as the volumes they would occupy in the bank.
The cut volume is the bank volume calculated from the road cross-sections, and therefore no
adjustment is required.
To convert the compacted fill volume back to the bank volume, apply a correction factor for swell and
shrinkage. The correction factor is <1 to compensate for swell and >1 to compensate for shrinkage. If
no net swell or shrinkage occurred during excavation, handling, placement, and compaction, the
correction factor is 1.0.
The correction factors in Table 3-5 do not include any effects due to wastage or loss of material. Consider the
need to separately account for other potential material losses that might affect achieving a balanced cut and fill
design. Typical important sources of material loss, among others, can include material lost (spilled) in transport
from cut to fill and subsidence, compression, or displacement of the prepared subgrade or original ground
surface caused by the weight of the overlying embankment.
Table 3-5 Correction factors to convert compacted volume to bank volume for various materials
Swell or
shrinkage Material when it was IN THE BANK
0.75 to Swell
0.85 Solid rock. Assumes drilling and blasting is required, resulting in large
fragments and high voids.
0.9 to 1.0 Swell Dense soil or rippable rock. In the case of dense soil (e.g., glacial till) or
rippable rock, typical compaction during conventional forest road construction
will result in swell.
1. The "example correction factors" are applicable to forest road design purposes only. They assume
compaction typically achieved during conventional forest road construction, and different correction factors
could apply for engineered fills, placed and compacted to achieve the highest material density possible.
Because of the variability of natural materials and their conditions in the bank, the potential for material
loss during handling, and the range of road construction methods, correction factors are best determined
from experience and local knowledge.
2. The example correction factors are based on swell or shrinkage effects due to an increase or decrease in
the density of the soil or rock materials, and do not include any effects of potential wastage or loss of
material from other sources.
Example: If the compacted volume of shot rock is 12 m3 measured from drawings, how much bank volume
needs to be drilled, blasted, and excavated to achieve this volume? Assume a correction factor of 0.75.
Surfacing often depends on the material available within an economic haul distance and intended season of
use. Rock ballast roads may require minimal surfacing material while other roads require extensive surfacing
for year round use. Consider the surfacing depth during the road design process. The depth of surfacing is
dependent on the stabilization of the subgrade and the ability to carry design loads.
3.6 Culvert Design
Culvert drainage design encompasses the selection of culvert materials, backfill requirements, scour protection,
roadway alignment and adequate sizing to pass the expected flows. The information contained in this chapter
is focused on design considerations, site selection, and design flows relevant to non-major stream crossing
Log culvert design and ford design are covered in the following sections:
If the site is a fish stream or a potential fish stream, consult the Fish-Stream Crossing Guidebook (PDF, 4.2MB)
for site and design requirements.
Determine the culvert length (measured along the invert) from the distance between the toes of the
embankment, plus 1m in gravelly soils or 2m in silty soils.
Use the distances in Table 3-6 as a guide to the maximum spacing for cross-drain culverts between established
Table 3-6 Guidelines for maximum culvert spacing for forest roads
Road gradient
0-3% 350m 300m 200m
Reduce the spacing between culverts as required to prevent excessive accumulation of water in the ditches,
particularly at road junctions, along road segments with steep uphill side slopes, and along areas of seepage or
piping in cuts.
Determine the composition of the slope on which the culvert will discharge. If extensive erosion or mass-
wasting may occur, change the location to suit the situation.
Skew cross-drainage culverts to the road centreline by 3° for each 1% road gradient that the road exceeds 3%
(to a maximum of 45°).
Choose an appropriate location, along a stream reach with uniform or uniformly varying flow close to
the proposed crossing, to measure a cross- section. Sketch the cross-section of the stream gully,
showing evidence of the high water level, present water level, and the depth of the stream across the
bottom. Extend the cross-section back from the stream an appropriate distance to show the terrain that
affects the proposed crossing and road alignment.
Note any visual evidence of high water.
Measure and record the average gradient of the stream at the crossing and at the cross-section if the
two are taken at different locations.
Record the soil type, soil profile, parent material, and substrate material at the crossing and describe
the stream bottom.
Describe the stream channel (debris loading, bank stability, crossing location on a fan, bedload
problem, etc.).
Because topography, soil, and climate combine in infinite variety, design drainage structures individually from
available data for each site. In addition, consult those individuals who have long experience in maintaining
drainage structures in the area.
This method assumes that the high water width represents the mean annual flood cross-sectional flow area for
the stream (Q2); and that the Q100 cross-sectional flow area is three times this. It also assumes that the
discharge is not sensitive to influences from pipe slope, roughness, or other factors.
The high water width is defined as the horizontal distance between the stream banks on opposite sides of the
stream, measured at right angles to the general orientation of the banks. The point on each bank from which
width is measured is usually indicated by a definite change in vegetation and sediment texture. Above this
border, the soils and terrestrial plants appear undisturbed by recent stream erosion. Below this border, the
banks typically show signs of both scouring and sediment deposition. Determine the high water width from
recent visible high water mark indicators, which would approximate the mean annual flood cross- section. This
point is not necessarily the top of bank, particularly in the case of an incised stream.
Locate a relatively uniform stream reach in close proximity to the proposed culvert location. Note that
this not an averaging process that would be used for determining the stream channel width for the
purpose of assessing stream habitat impacts. A uniform stream reach would have a consistent cross-
section, bed materials, and channel slope. It would also be relatively straight.
Estimate the visible high water stream width and cross-sectional area.
a. Measure (in metres) the high water width at a relatively uniform reach of the stream,
representative of the mean annual flood (W1) and at the stream bottom (W2). See Figure 3-4:
High water width cross-sectional area.
b. Measure the depth of the stream at several spots across the opening to obtain the average depth
(D) in metres.
c. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the stream, A = (W1 + W2)/2 x D.
Calculate the area of the required culvert opening, Ac = A x 3.0.
Size the pipe (see Table 3-7), using the smallest pipe area that exceeds the required area, or select an
opening size for a log culvert that will be greater than Ac.
Cross check the high water width method if field or other evidence of an approximate 10-year flood is available.
In this case, the area of the Q10 flood can be multiplied by 2 to estimate the minimum culvert area for the
Q100 flood.
If W1 = 1.2 m
W2 = 0.8 m
D = 0.5 m
stream cross-sectional area A = 0.5 m2
1.0.13 400
0.20 500
0.28 600
0.50 800
0.64 900
0.79 1000
1.13 1200
1.54 1400
2.01 1600
2.54 1800
For showing junctions and railway and utility crossings, use the road standard drawings, subject to any
variations required by the appropriate agency.
A log culvert is a log crossing structure having a span of less than 6m centre-to-centre of bearing, and an
abutment height (if constructed as a log crib) of less than 4m between the underside of the lowest crib log to
the underside of the stringers, and is used to carry ephemeral or perennial stream flow in a stream channel
from one side of a road to the other. A log culvert structure is covered with soil and lies below the road surface
(Figure 3-14).
Opening size: passes peak flow for 10-year or 100-year return period, (depending on the anticipated
time that the log culvert will remain on the site) plus minor debris.
Road width: varies with road curvature.
Log culvert length (as measured parallel to stream): varies with road width, height and type of fill,
culvert gradient and skew.
Sill logs: place outside the stream channel width and below scour level: species can vary. Use
minimum diameter of about 300mm; long enough to support stringers, fill containment logs, and road
Non-woven geotextile (filter cloth).
Stringers (puncheon): match in diameter and taper, and be free of decay and excessive crook or
sweep; spiral grain should be less than 1 in 8. Knot size in middle is less than 125mm. See Table 3-8
for sizing.
Fill containment logs: minimum diameter 400mm. See Figure 3-15. If lashing is used, inset the cable to
protect it from damage by road maintenance equipment.
Stringers to sill; 12mm spiral drifts
Fill containment log to sill: 19mm spiral drifts or four wraps of 19mm diameter 6 x 9 fibre core wire rope
Inlet control: place shot rock to protect against fill erosion below the design flood level.
Outlet control: place rock as required to prevent outlet scouring and undermining of the sill logs.
In the case of a skewed log culvert, measure the span of the stringers for design purposes from
bearing to bearing along the stringers and not at right angles to the sill logs.
streams where other resource agencies require the culvert to be open bottomed; and
steep gradient streams.
Where the planned service life of the road is less than the life expectancy of the drainage structure
components, consider using log culverts:
To meet current legislative requirements, design a log culvert to pass the highest peak flow of the stream
that can reasonably be expected within the following return periods specified below for the length of time it
is anticipated that the log culvert will remain on site (see FPPR section 74). For methods to estimate the
value of Q10 and Q100, design discharge of a creek see Figure 3-3: High water estimation method for
stream culverts in this chapter and Chapter 4: Design Discharge Criteria.
For a log culvert that will remain on site for up to 3 years 10 years (i.e., Q10)
For a log culvert that will remain on site for over 3 years 100 years (i.e., Q100)
For a log culvert within a community watershed that will remain on site for 100 years (i.e., Q100)
over 3 years
A log culvert is a type of open bottom structure, designed to span the stream channel width. This is
particularly important on fish-bearing streams to avoid impacts on fish habitat and fish passage - refer to
the section on “Open bottom culverts” in the Fish-Stream Crossing Guidebook (PDF, 4.2MB) page 6.
In addition to passing the required peak flow discharge, design log culverts to manage anticipated debris.
Options may include, but are not limited to:
increasing the opening size (height and/or width);
allowing debris to pass over the approaches;
trapping debris with a specially fitted trash rack or other device; and
combining these and other options.
Inspect debris catchment devices frequently and clean them as required. The criteria for design of any
debris catchment device are site-specific and may incorporate professional input. Identify debris problems
from terrain hazard maps, air photo interpretations, field investigations, and reports for the area - see the
Gully Assessment Procedure Guidebook (PDF, 1.8MB).
The convention for specifying the opening size (inside measurements) of a log culvert is height (vertical
distance between the deepest point along the channel floor and the soffit of the stringers) followed by the
width (horizontal distance measured at right angles between the inside face of the sill logs).
Culvert length, as measured in the direction of the stream, is determined by the following:
road width;
depth of road fill over the log culvert, and fill slope angles;
type of fill over the log culvert;
inlet and outlet treatments;
culvert gradient; and
culvert skew.
Road width
If the culvert is located within a horizontal curve, provide for extra road width to accommodate side
tracking of logging trucks and hence additional culvert length. The required width can be found in Table 3-
3: Curve widenings.
Road fills greater than 2 metres on top of the log stringers should generally be avoided. Should a failure
occur, there is a potential for large volumes of sediment- producing materials to enter the stream channel.
In addition, deep fills make culvert replacement, repairs or even inlet clean-out difficult. For fills anticipated
to exceed depths of 2 metres, ensure that a professional engineer has been consulted or a design table
produced by a professional engineer which captures the fill depth is used.
Incorporate road fill containment measures into the design. This can be achieved by making the culvert
extra long (at least 1 m per side beyond the toe of the road fill) and securing a large containment log (at
least 400 mm diameter) at the toe (Figure 3-15.).
In addition, include provisions that prevent road fill materials from encroaching on the design peak flow
discharge flood level. For fills up to 1m thickness, use the sill logs-provided they are long enough-for this
purpose. For higher fills, incorporate other site-specific measures into the design.
For stream gradients less than 10%, place the stringer soffit (culvert soffit) at 0% grade or at or near the
same gradient as the stream. Should the proposed culvert soffit gradient (not the stream channel
gradient), exceed 10%, then apply other structural considerations.
Channel gradients
Channel gradients less than 10%: A cross-sectional sketch of the culvert, the fill, and a profile of the
stream bed provide the best tools for determining log culvert length. Measure the required length directly
from a sketch drawn to scale.
Channel gradients greater than 10%: Measure the length directly from the cross-sectional sketch for the
Incorporate headwalls or sill logs into log culvert design, allowing vertical end fills and therefore reduced
culvert length.
Where a culvert crosses the roadway at other than a right angle to the road centreline, allow for the
increased culvert length caused by this skew.
Stringer sizing involves selection of the appropriate log diameter and species to be used for the stringers.
Table 3-9 (PDF) is an example of a log stringer sizing table developed by a professional engineer. Table 3-
9 presents stringer sizing for log culverts, as a function of span (see Figure 3-15), total fill depth, logging
truck axle loads (e.g., L75), and log species. In this professionally engineered table, the total fill depth is
the combined thickness of road surfacing and underlying road fill materials that extend down to the top of
the stringers. The log diameters given in Table 3-9 are minimum mid-diameters, which are measured at
mid-span under the bark. The total fill depth ranges from a minimum of 300mm to a maximum of 2m for
this table.
If the design discharge is 6 m3/sec or greater, or the road fill depth is greater than 2m, ensure that a
professional engineer has been consulted or a design table produced by a professional engineer which
captures the fill depth is used.
Use oversize logs to account for unseen flaws, to give added strength for overloads and general heavy
use, and to extend the service life of the structure. For maximum service life, use sound western red
cedar. Fill containment logs contain the fill or road surfacing and can be structural or non-structural. Firstly,
place a geosynthetic over the stringers to prevent surfacing or fill material from migrating between the
stringers and into the watercourse.
The substructure required depends on the bearing capacity of the foundation soils and the length and
diameter of the logs available. Choice of substructure is based on an estimate of the bearing strength of
the soil at the site. From this, determine the diameter and length of the logs needed to support the design
loads. Refer to FPInnovations’ Log Bridge Construction Handbook (1980) for a detailed explanation of this
Use single sill logs as culvert foundations if the ground is firm and the sill log provides sufficient clearance
for the design flood and debris passage. Use a minimum diameter for sill logs of about 300mm. For short
service-life culverts (planned for less than three years use), almost any species of wood will suffice for the
sill logs, provided it is sound throughout. However, it is very important that the anticipated life-span of the
road be well thought-out. If there is a good chance that the life of the road will be extended, design and
construct a culvert with a longer service-life.
The expected service life for sill logs is as follows (subject to site-specific soil and climatic conditions):
Cedar (sound, with preservatives applied to cut surfaces): 20 years plus;
Douglas-fir: 8-10 years;
Spruce, hemlock and balsam: 4-6 years; and
Hardwood species: Variable but assume it is less than four (4) years.
Mud sills
If the natural ground will not support the culvert loads on a single sill log, increase the load-bearing area
with the use of mud sills. These are short logs, 250mm (or larger) in diameter, and 1m to 6m in length,
placed at right angles under the sill log for the entire length of the sill.
For crossings on soft ground, on non-fish bearing streams, another option is to extend the mudsills
completely across the channel to and beneath the other sill log. This increases the stability of the
structure. It is important that the mudsills be placed below the scour level.
Log culvert inlet and outlet protection
Where the sill logs for log culverts are placed outside the stream channel and bedded below scour level,
do not provide for additional inlet and outlet protection. If there is a concern about erosion around the inlet
or outlet, protect any erodible surfaces with rock to a level equivalent to the design flood. Provide at some
sites an individually designed settling or debris catchment basin at the inlet.
Inlet protection for cross-drain log culverts: Inlet protection for cross-drain log culverts will normally be
achieved with a ditch block to ensure that ditchwater is directed into the log culvert and not past it. In most
cases, use a catch basin to trap sediment and debris. For cross-drain culverts on a steep road grade,
consider lining the ditch block, catchment basin, and the bottom of the channel with rock to minimize
Outlet protection for cross-drain log culverts: Do not consider placing log culverts on top of erodible
fills. Direct ditch flows onto erosion-resistant areas or onto outlet protection such as flumes or riprap
aprons. Do not direct ditch water flows onto unprotected sidecast material unless it is composed of rock or
other erosion-resistant materials. On steeper slopes, erosion control at the culvert outlet is a design
challenge. One option is to provide extensive outlet protection down the slope to an erosion-free area.
3.6.2 Ford Design & Construction on Non-Fish Streams
A ford is a dip in a road constructed to facilitate crossing a stream. The objective of a ford is to maintain
drainage and provide a safe, erosion-free, and storm-proof crossing that requires little or no maintenance. In
the past, inappropriate location and design of fords, and uncontrolled use, has led to a number of negative
environmental impacts. These include increased sediment delivery, and degraded water quality downstream.
In isolated locations where maintenance equipment may not be available on a continuing basis, properly
designed and constructed fords require little maintenance, and can be effective in reducing adverse impacts in
drainage systems that are prone to debris flows or debris floods (Figure 3-16). Consider the use of fords for
areas of low traffic and intermittent use. Consider them as alternatives to bridges or culverts only where the
crossings would not result in negative environmental impacts and where traffic use is confined to low-flow
periods. Do not consider using a ford if the crossing is expected to be subjected to extensive or year-round
Prior to planning a ford, evaluate the stream to ensure that it is not a fish stream. Refer to the Fish-Stream
Crossing Guidebook (PDF, 4.2MB) for limitations on the use of fords on fish streams.
When planning a ford, and establishing design criteria, determine if any of the following possible user safety
restrictions (or combination of restrictions) will apply to the stream crossing:
the design vehicle will only be able to cross the ford during certain months of the year;
the design vehicle will not be able to cross the ford during periods of specific maximum stream flows;
only certain types of vehicles will be able to cross the ford; and
only certain specific road uses will be considered for ford applications (such as industrial use).
Each proposed ford design is unique, but the objectives of any design are to:
Ford Design
For a ford, the road profile dips into and out of the stream, creating a concave shape sufficient to ensure that
the stream cannot be diverted away from its natural channel and down the road.
Ensure that the anticipated design vehicle can negotiate vertical and horizontal curves at the proposed ford.
Where it is practical to do so, design the approaches to be at right angles to the stream.
on air photos;
on terrain stability maps or terrain stability field assessments; and
in the field and considering local knowledge.
For further information, refer to the Gully Assessment Procedures Guidebook (PDF, 1.8MB).
If there is a debris flow hazard, decide whether the ford should be designed to:
The size and shape of the largest cobbles or boulders in the stream channel indicates the minimum size of rock
required to resist movement when the stream is in flood, and thus provides a guide to the minimum size of rock
to be used to construct the ford. The more angular the rock (such as shot rock), the more resistant it will be to
In some situations, the use of a ford may be restricted to low-flow periods when the flow is subsurface. Design
a low-flow culvert to pass the anticipated low flow. With this design, peak flows and debris flow over the top of
the ford, resulting in some increased annual maintenance. Use a sufficient size of running surface material to
resist erosion.
Design methods are available for determining flow rates through voids in rock fills. Such voids may plug up with
sediment and debris, so design the dip in the road profile to accommodate the peak flow discharge based on
considerations similar to those applied to the design of a bridge or culvert.
the road profile, extending at least 50 m at each end beyond the wetted perimeter at the design peak
flow discharge;
the width and depth of the wetted surface during;
those months when use of the road is anticipated;
design peak flow level and an estimate of debris volumes to be passed or trapped;
annual low-flow level, or the flow levels for the periods of anticipated use;
the range and average size of the material in the stream channel and its shape (angular, semi-angular,
or rounded);
the minimum width of the road running surface required to accommodate anticipated traffic;
the requirements for any erosion-resistant materials for the road running surface, such as shot rock
and concrete cross-ties, including use of any geosynthetics, to help separate different types and
gradations of road fill materials;
the rock source, size, and volume requirements;
the length, width, and depth of the upstream catchment basin if one is proposed;
the type and dimensions of the low-flow culvert, if one is proposed; and
the length of apron to be surfaced with erosion resistant material.
3.7 Geometric Road Design Requirements
A geometric road design must be carried out for all roads that will cross areas with a moderate or high
likelihood of landslides. In those areas of potentially unstable terrain, incorporate measures to maintain slope
stability into the geometric road design (including where necessary for protecting workers in excavations
greater than 6m). These measures rarely allow for the most optimum balance of waste, borrow, and endhaul
other than the foregoing situations, on side slopes greater than 50%, to facilitate construction and
control materials movements during construction, or to minimize impacts on alienated land and other
resources. It is recognized that when encountering short sections (i.e. <100 metres) of stable terrain
along a corridor where a geometric road design would not otherwise be required, it may be impractical
to mobilize a survey crew just for those short sections. In such situations, information from the field
reconnaissance report would be utilized.
on higher order roads or road sections where alignment constraints are particularly important to
achieve, particularly for addressing the safety of road users.
In geometric road design, select specifications for road width, cut and fill slope angles, and horizontal and
vertical control angles to match the required road standard. Design a road centreline location (L-Line) based on
information from the location survey and reconnaissance report. Calculate earthwork volumes or quantities.
In addition to the design requirements previously mentioned, ensure that a geometric road design provides:
plans and profiles (see the road standard drawings for recommended content and layout);
cross-sections with road prism templates;
mass diagrams with balance lines;
appropriate expansion and shrinkage factors for the material types;
a schedule of quantities and units of measure for clearing, grubbing, excavating (other material and
rock), and graveling;
planned movement and placement of materials (balancing of design);
the location and size of required drainage structures such as culverts and bridges;
the location and size of retaining walls or specialized roadway structures;
clearing widths (generally tabular in variable widths);
construction equipment considered in the design for material movements;
estimated material costs;
location survey alignment and designed centreline (L-Line) offsets, and clearing width offsets shown on
the site plan;
slope stake information (note that this information is only a guide and slope/grade stakes should be
calculated and placed based on design or re- design cuts and fills at centreline);
measures required for reducing potential impacts on other resource values;
site-specific design and construction notes and prescriptions on, for example, the location of endhaul
sections, borrow pits, waste and slash disposal areas, and full bench cut areas, and any other
information that the designer considers useful to the road builder;
measures to maintain slope stability if the road will cross areas with a moderate or high likelihood of
landslides as determined by a TSFA; and
information that the designer considers useful to the road builder or owner.
Whenever possible, allow for the use of waste or spoil material in ways that reduce endhauling requirements.
For example, some material types may be used for the road subgrade, base course, turnouts, curve widenings,
and embankment (fill). If these options are not available, or if the excess material consists of overburden and
debris, then identify spoil sites as close to the construction area as possible. Abandoned quarries, gravel pits,
and roads are some possibilities for spoil sites. Alternatively, evaluate stable areas in gentle or benched terrain
for use as spoil sites.
3.8 Survey & Design Outputs - Road Plans
The output of survey and design is the road plan, which may include:
Design details for special design sections may be incorporated into the general design or may be provided as
separate documents. In either case, each Member must sign (and seal as appropriate) the work that he/she is
responsible for as required by the by-laws of his/her association.
Note that the road plan serves as the road site plan for BCTS roads built under FRPA.
The plotting data, plan profile information in Appendix 3, page 171 of the Forest Road Engineering Guidebook
(PDF, 7.8MB) lists the basic information from a field survey and road design. Depending on the level of survey
and road design requirements, the information may vary somewhat. For example, with a geometric design,
mass haul diagrams would be present. The road plan must be reviewed and accepted by the Coordinating
Member, usually the BCTS/District engineering technician. The intent is to ensure that a quality assurance
review for acceptance, by a qualified ministry staff person, is carried out as a mandatory procedure. The intent
is to avoid receipt of deliverables on the sole basis of it being signed and sealed by a registered professional, to
avoid the practice of "blind" reliance.
Field Reviews
Field reviews means field reviews conducted at the project site [and / or at fabrication location(s)] of the
implementation or construction of the engineering work by a Professional Engineer or his or her subordinate
acting under his or her direct supervision, that the Professional Engineer in his or her professional discretion
considers necessary to ascertain whether the implementation or construction of the work substantially complies
in all material respects with the engineering concepts or intent reflected in the engineering documents prepared
for the work.
3.9 Resources & Suggestions for Further Reading
BC Ministry of Forests. 2002. Fish-stream Crossing Guidebook (PDF, 4.3MB). For. Prac. Br.,
B.C. Min. For. Victoria, B.C.
____________. 2002. Forest road engineering guidebook (PDF, 7.8MB). 2nd ed. For. Prac. Br.,
B.C. Min. For. Victoria, B.C.
Holmes, D.C.. 1989. Manual for roads and transportation. British Columbia Institute of
Technology (BCIT). Burnaby, BC
The Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads, 2007. published by the Transportation
Association of Canada (TAC) provides design standards that can be used for forest roads.
3.10 Appendices
Compass readings will be accepted in areas where legal boundaries are not or cannot be
defined. The drawings prepared in such areas will show the North arrow as well as the
declination arrow, amount of declination, and the year.
In all other areas where a firm tie has been made to a legal boundary, the commencement
bearing is the boundary bearing, and only the true North arrow need be shown on the related
1. For the flow measurement cross-sections, sketch a graph of surface velocity across the
channel and estimate average surface velocity (Vs) from the graph. Compute cross-
sectional area (A), wetted perimeter (WP), and hydraulic radius (R) for each section.
Average these values for two sections and use the slope of the reach between them to
obtain discharge (Q) at present water level (PWL) and estimated high water level
Centreline profiles
Take a centreline profile showing streambed, PWL, HWL (if possible), and top of bank
(if well-defined), extending 50-100 m on each side of centreline.
Tie in all cross-sections and profiles to a traverse.
Take stereo pairs of photos looking upstream and downstream, with the centreline in the
foreground. Note the sizes of any other culverts on the same stream or its tributaries, and
record their past performances, if known.
Additional information
Note the size, amount, and description of debris, and photograph debris
Make soil tests - at least one at the culvert site and one downstream where scour is
expected. Drive a bar into the bottom of each hole and note its behaviour.
Note all topographic control features that may affect culvert design.
Note possible sources of compaction-zone backfill, riprap, and road fill.
Plan Details
Sample Survey & Design Contract - title page and table of contents (PDF)
Sample Survey & Design Contract - entire document (DOC)
The sample is for illustrative purposes only. Download the correct and current contract form(s)
from the forms index as required.
4.0.1 Definitions
Coordinating Registered Professional (CRP), Professional of Record (POR) and specialists are
defined in the Guidelines for Professional Services in the Forest Sector - Crossings V. 2
Bridge means a temporary or permanent crossing structure carrying a road above a stream or other
opening and includes a log stringer/gravel deck structure with i) a span length equal to or greater than
6 m or ii) an abutment height of 4m or greater.
Major culvert means a culvert i) having a pipe diameter of 2,000 mm or greater; ii) a pipe arch with a
span greater than 2,130 mm; iii) an open bottom arch having a span greater than 2,130 mm, iv) has a
design discharge of 6 m3/sec or greater. or v) is a log stringer/gravel deck structure (log culvert) with a
span less than 6 m and a design discharge of 6 m3/s or greater.
Retaining structure means any retaining structure greater than 1.5 m high.
Portable bridge superstructure is a bridge superstructure that is designed and fabricated, in
accordance with the Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual, for ease of movement
and installation.
Permanent materials: steel, concrete or treated wood.
Temporary materials: untreated logs or untreated timbers.
Permanent bridge is a bridge that has its stringers or girders and abutments comprised of permanent
materials (even though it may have an untreated timber deck or untreated timber sills bearing on an
abutment comprised of permanent materials). Rail car structures are an exception to the foregoing and
will be considered a temporary bridge regardless of the abutment type.
Temporary bridge is a bridge that has its stringers or girders, or abutments, comprised of temporary
The Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual (B.C. Ministry of Forests, 1999) provides further
discussion on planning, design, and construction of forest road bridges.
Note: Log / wood box culverts, defined as those with gravel decks, spans less than 6m and abutment heights
less than 4m, are covered in Chapter 3: Road Survey & Design and Chapter 5: Road Construction of this
4.0.2 Policy
All bridges, major culverts and retaining structures on Forest Service roads will be designed and constructed to:
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 CRP Skill Sets for Crossings
4.4 Design Requirements for Crossings, Including Bridges & Major Culverts
4.7 Site Data & Survey Requirements for Bridges & Major Culverts
4.17 Appendices
Results to be achieved:
bridges, major culverts and retaining structures safe for industrial user (FPPR s. 72)
meet or exceed bridge design standards (FPPR s. 73)
bridges and culverts designed to pass peak flow (FPPR s. 74)
culvert materials standards (FPPR s. 76)
retaining as-built information (FPPR s. 77)
standards for FSR bridges built by licensees [FPPR s. 79(8)]
Note: All references to bridges, major culverts and retaining structures includes those bridges,
major culverts and retaining structures built under Road Permit (BCTS) and designated in that
permit to be an FS bridge to be used for harvesting after completion of the Timber Sale
License. Insert the appropriate clauses in the Road Permit to achieve the results described
M1a A professional engineer must prepare a geotechnical report for retaining structures
associated with the road, and that it evaluates and addresses possible (1) foundation
and construction difficulties, (2) effects on existing adjacent structures or slope stability,
and (3) methods of overcoming any identified difficulties during the construction stage,
or other requirements. [see Geotechnical Report]
A ministry engineer must review all detailed designs of retaining structures for
conformance with ministry standards and other site specific requirements, and accept
the designs prior to the construction phase on FSRs. [see Ministry Review of Externally
Prepared Designs]
M2a Where a POR will be involved in a structure project, the POR must carry out field
reviews and, where responsible for the consruction of the structure, must prepare the
POR Construction Assurance Statement.
M3 The CRP must coordinate and ensure materials fabrication and construction field
reviews are carried out during the construction of a crossing or a retaining structure on
an FSR, and must gather all relevant information and prepare record drawings and
sign, seal and date a Road Project Assurance Statement (see Schedule 8.1) for
submission to the ministry. For retaining structures greater than 1.5m high, the CRP
must be a professional engineer. [see Construction Documentation]
M4 Bridge and major culvert construction drawings for any FS bridge project must be
signed and sealed by a qualified professional, to clearly identify the Coordinating
Registered Professional and/or Professional of Record [see Design Responsibility]
M5 Where portable bridge superstructures or other structural components are used for any
FS bridge project, the components must have been designed or structurally analyzed
by a professional engineer, to demonstrate adequacy for the intended use. [see
Portable Bridge Superstructures]
M7 As-built drawings of bridges and major culverts must be signed and sealed by the
Coordinating Registered Professional or Professional of Record as appropriate, in
addition to providing a statement of conformance for the design and construction of the
bridge. [see Construction Documentation]
B1 During the conceptual design phase and well in advance of any detailed design work or
procurement of materials, ensure that a ministry engineer is given an opportunity to
review and comment on the suitability of a retaining structure proposed for construction
on an FSR by the ministry. [see Concept Review Phase]
B2 In consultation with the Ministry Engineer, determine the design parameters for a bridge,
major culvert or retaining structure [see Design Implementation]
B3 Where the maintainer of an industrial use FSR will replace a bridge, major culvert or
retaining structure on that road under a Road Use Permit, ensure that the conditions for
that crossing structure:
B4 Ensure that practitioners in bridge, major culvert and retaining structure design for FSRs
have established skill sets. Refer to the Engineering Equipment and Services (EES)
Directory. [see Design Implementation]
B5 Ensure that a detailed site survey is carried out for bridge, major culvert and retaining
structure projects. [see Site Data]
B6 Ensure that general arrangement drawings clearly depict the proposed components and
configuration of the bridge or major culvert in relation to the forest road, stream, and
streambanks. [see General Bridge Arrangement]
Ensure that the construction drawings clearly show all construction details and provide
for installation in general conformance with the design intent. [see Construction
B8 Ensure that for log superstructures on log cribs, the drawings address layout of the
structure and its elements, required component sizing, and connection details. [see Log
B9 Ensure that final bridge drawings are signed off by the Ministry Engineer as acceptable.
[see Construction Drawings]
B10 Obtain and keep on file all relevant material documentation, such as mill test
certificates, in-plant test results, field test results, and all reports or comments made by
field or in-plant inspectors. [see In-Plant Inspection]
B11 Ensure that all structural field welding and field grouting is carried out in accordance
with the Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual. [see Field Welding and
Field Grouting]
B13 Ensure that after construction of a bridge or major culvert, the Coordinating Registered
Professional signs and seals the Structure Assurance Statement (PDF) indicating that
the entire structure is in general conformance with the design drawings and
specifications. [see General Conformance]
B14 Where a structure project on an FSR will be constructed by a timber sale licensee,
ensure that the timber sale licensee provides copies of the pertinent assurance
statements completed and signed off by the CRP/POR (as appropriate);
B15 Ensure that a BCTS/District engineering technician inspects the completed bridge for
acceptability/assurance of the structure; and a Ministry Engineer reviews the as-built
information and field inspection note. [see see General Conformance]
B16 Ensure that the necessary steps in the bridge and major culvert design and construction
processes were undertaken and issues addressed [see Project Tracking Checklist]
M = Mandatory procedures
B = Best practices
4.2 Structure Design & Construction Professional
Responsibilities & Considerations
4.2.1 General
The Guidelines for Professional Services in the Forest Sector - Crossings V. 2 (the Guidelines)
are intended to establish standards of practice for forest road crossings that members should
meet to fulfill professional obligations, including the duty to protect the safety, health and welfare
of the public and the environment. Failure to meet the intent of these guidelines could be
evidence of unprofessional conduct and may give rise to disciplinary proceedings by the ABCFP
or the EGBC. Delivery of professional services for a crossing can involve the practice of
professional forestry and professional engineering.
Consistent with the Guidelines, for any forest road crossings, a CRP must take responsibility for
planning and coordinating all the professional services for the project, including the design, field
reviews, as built/record drawings and Road Project Assurance Statement. As well , this manual
applies the same rationale to determining professional practices and responsibilities for the
design and construction of retaining structures greater than 1.5 m high. The CRP must direct
those activities with sufficient oversight and supervision such that he/she can take overall
responsibility and accountability for the crossing or retaining structure.
for those bridges that meet the tests provided in the Guidelines for simple crossings, the
CRP or POR may be either a forest professional or a professional engineer;
for those bridges that meet the tests provided in the Guidelines for complex crossings, the
CRP or POR must be a professional engineer.
For forest road crossings and retaining structures greater than 1.5 m high, often the major
volume of work applied to such projects is the structural design, materials and construction field
reviews and resulting conformance assurances. For such cases, the work would normally be
carried out by or on behalf of a specialist professional, identified as the Professional of Record
(POR). A POR's responsibilities may include:
The CRP may or may not also be the POR for the project. Every project requires a CRP, but not
necessarily a POR. Those items not carried out by the POR are done by the CRP, and the CRP
signs off that the completed structure has adequately addressed any other resource issues that
were identified at the outset of the project.
A project may require the use of one or more specialists. The specialist will obtain relevant
project information from the CRP or the POR, and carry out the specific duties and tasks that
have been assigned to the specialist by the CRP or the POR.
site data collection
site plan
determining span length
selecting substructure type
For simple bridge crossings, a CRP must have appropriate training in subjects such as:
For CRPs having limited university/technical school level academic equivalents for the above
subjects, but having successfully completed applicable courses and seminars, ensure that the
Understanding and Familiarity applies, and that the Experience is particularly applicable and
A CRP needs to be generally familiar with guidebooks and professional guidelines applicable to:
A CRP also needs to be familiar with the following items on a region or area-specific basis:
A CRP should have sufficient bridge project experience, derived from several projects a year
spread over a period of at least three years, such that the experience would include:
The CRP’s work experience and responsibilities during that period should be a combination of all
of the following:
field layout of bridges;
bridge site data collection and site plan preparation;
general bridge design, and coordination of specialist design components;
bridge construction; and
bridge use and maintenance.
4.3 Design Requirements for Retaining Structures
Retaining structures associated with the road prism may be required at some locations to
stabilize cut and fill slopes exceeding the natural angle of repose. They can be an important
component of the road infrastructure to (1) optimize road layout and design and reduce overall
construction costs, and (2) ensure slope stability and a stable road prism over the life of the
road. To address safety and resource protection, retaining structures installed on FSRs will be
suitably planned in layout and design of a road, and properly designed and built to ensure
structural integrity, durability and serviceability.
This section describes the design requirements for conceptual and detailed design of retaining
structures greater than 1.5m high, installed within or adjacent to the road prism to stabilize road
cuts and fills or natural slopes. This section also describes the associated ministry acceptance /
approval processes for such structures. Similar requirements and processes should be
considered for retaining structures 1.5 m high and less.
Conceptual design
During conceptual design and prior to detailed design, and based on a site visit, the design
engineer will recommend a retaining structure type, and also facing materials for MSE1 and
GRS2 retaining structures, to the ministry engineer for review. Selection of appropriate
retaining structure type is typically based on an assessment of the design loading, depth to
adequate foundation support, presence of deleterious environmental factors, physical
constraints of the site, cross- sectional geometry of the road and natural slopes, foundation
settlement potential, desired aesthetics, constructability, maintenance, and cost.
Recommended retaining structure types (including facing materials for MSE and GRS
retaining structures) will meet the performance, durability, and serviceability requirements
established for the project by the ministry engineer.
1MSE technology uses a tied-back approach to the design of the geosynthetics and typically
uses a wider spacing of the geosynthetic reinforcement compared to GRS technology.
Detailed design
Analysis and design calculations of retaining structures will conform to best engineering
practices as outlined below:
define project requirements, considerations, constraints, performance, durability and
serviceability criteria; determine design methodology (analytical and design
procedures), and confirm design service life;
define structure geometry, design loads, lateral earth and water pressures, and
effects of surcharge loads;
assess external stability, and internal stability (if applicable), and facing material
stability (if applicable);
check global stability;
produce design and construction drawings to show road site and general layout,
retaining structure profile, existing and finished grades, cross-sections and details,
materials specifications, connection details, guardrails or barriers (if applicable),
construction guidelines, maintenance requirements;
make reference to any supporting documentation.
Design variations
Variations from the design requirements described herein may be acceptable in certain
special situations. All such variations will be documented and require approval from the
ministry engineer prior to use.
The design service life is potentially affected by the long-term effects of people, machinery,
component material deterioration, seepage, flowing water, and other potentially deleterious
environmental factors. Design retaining structures for a service life based on consideration of
the potential long-term effects of material deterioration on each of the material components
comprising the structure. Design drawings will clearly specify (1) whether the structure is
permanent or temporary, and (2) the design service life of the structure.
Permanent retaining structures installed on roads to stabilize road cuts and fills or
natural slopes will have a minimum design service life of 45 years (same design
service life as permanent bridges for FSRs) or longer service life as otherwise
specified by the ministry engineer. Permanent retaining structures will be comprised
of durable materials, and will not incorporate any components having a lesser service
life than the specified design requirement service life.
Temporary retaining structures installed on roads to stabilize road cuts and fills or
natural slopes will have a minimum design service life of 15 years unless a lower
design requirement service life is specified by the ministry engineer after
consideration of operational objectives and durability of material types contemplated
for structure components. The installation of temporary retaining structures on
permanent term FSRs should only be permitted if sound justification (supported by
cost effectiveness analysis) is provided and approval is given by the ministry
engineer. The design of temporary retaining structures will not incorporate any
components having a lesser service life than the specified design requirement service
In addition to lateral earth pressures from level or sloping backfill, the design of retaining
structures will consider the effects of water pressure, surcharge loading (uniform area loads,
point or line loads), compaction-induced pressures, frost-induced loads, and other forces
acting behind the structures as appropriate.
Vehicle live load surcharge: As a minimum requirement, any in-service vehicle live load
surcharge for engineering design of retaining structures will be based on a specific standard
bridge design vehicle. See the Bridge Design & Construction Manual for Forest Service
Alternatively, to meet specific operational access needs, it may be required to design for a
vehicle live load surcharge that is possibly greater than a ministry standard bridge design
vehicle to allow for safe passage of heavy equipment or non-standard vehicles (in a normal
transport configuration) that can reasonably be expected to regularly use the FSR, now or in
the future. In this case, obtain relevant manufacturers’ equipment / vehicle data for design.
Design methodology
Retaining structure systems installed steeper than 70 degrees will be designed as retaining
Unless otherwise specified herein or approved by the ministry engineer, the design engineer
will analyze the applied loads and induced stresses using the design methodologies
provided in the reference documents below:
For both conventional retaining structure design (with no geosynthetic reinforcement) and
MSE retaining structure design:
Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual, or
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Seventeenth Edition 2002,
Section 5 “Retaining Walls.”
Use the following minimum factors of safety for external stability calculations:
Bearing 2.5
Sliding 1.5
Overturning 2.0
On some forestry road applications, it may not be feasible to achieve some of these factors
of safety, especially the global factor of safety on cut slope retention on steep slopes. For
design, where a factor of safety is lower than shown in the above table, the design engineer
will document the risks and benefits associated with a lower value and provide a
recommendation to the ministry engineer for review and decision.
Minimum factors of safety for internal stability (MSE and GRS designs):
For MSE and GRS retaining structures, apply the minimum factors of safety for internal
stability calculations of allowable reinforcement strength (or strength of the GRS composite
mass) provided in the following guidelines or standards, unless the design engineer provides
a rationale for using alternative factors of safety acceptable to the ministry engineer:
Permanent MSE and GRS retaining structures installed within or adjacent to the road prism
to stabilize road cuts and fills or natural slopes along FSRs will have facing materials
comprised of durable materials such as modular concrete panels or blocks, free draining
rock fill (natural or imported cobbles, or broken rock), or other long-lasting material.
If prefabricated welded wire mesh forms are used in combination with stone fill or other
durable facing materials, the design will ensure that the forms and all component connectors
(including stiffeners and anchors) have adequate strength and are galvanized after
fabrication, and that no backfill from the soil reinforced zones will migrate and escape
through any voids or gaps in the front facing. For rock fill facing, the design will ensure that
the rock fill is adequately sized to prevent any loss of cobbles or broken rock through the grid
openings in the welded wire mesh forms.
The use of uncovered geotextile fabric at the front of galvanized welded wire mesh forms as
a standalone facing material is not recommended for permanent GRS retaining structures on
FSRs due to concerns for (1) loss of geosynthetic strength from long-term degradation
effects of weathering, UV light, abrasion and other environmental factors and (2) other
possible sources of damage to the exposed fabric (e.g., vandalism or road maintenance
operations) that may affect the functional service life of the facing.
Any variance to these criteria will be approved and documented by the ministry engineer.
Temporary MSE and GRS retaining structures installed within or adjacent to the road prism
to stabilize road cuts and fills or natural slopes along FSRs should (preferably) have facing
materials comprised of durable materials as specified above for permanent retaining
structures. Alternatively, the facing can be comprised of alternative materials provided that
they do not have a lesser service life than the specified design requirement service life and
their use is appropriate for the type of retaining structure.
The use of uncovered geotextile fabric at the front of galvanized welded wire mesh forms as
a standalone facing material can be considered for temporary GRS retaining structures on
FSRs after consideration of the various selection factors listed above and only after
consultation with the ministry engineer. For this application, a double layer of geotextile fabric
is recommended provided the design engineer has determined (after consideration of the
site specific UV potential) that this double layer system of geotextile fabric will provide
suitable UV protection and address other factors listed above to meet project durability and
serviceability requirements over the design requirement service life.
Furthermore, the geotextile fabric product will be treated using carbon black (a UV absorber)
meeting the following minimum specification to make the geotextile fabric less sensitive to
UV light: minimum 70 percent strength retained after 500 hrs of UV exposure according to
ASTM D4355-07 – “Standard Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextiles by Exposure to
Light, Moisture and Heat in a Xenon Arc Type Apparatus.”
Any variance to these criteria will be approved and documented by the ministry engineer.
The report should include a recommendation of the preferred type of foundation, and methods of
scour protection (if applicable for the site).
It is the responsibility of the design engineer to ensure that appropriate quality assurance (QA)
measures have been included in the design process. This may include engaging a qualified QA
reviewer to check the design assumptions, calculations, notes and final design drawings
consistent with the requirements of EGBC Bylaw 14(b) (PDF).
Review and acceptance of detailed designs: Design engineers that prepare retaining structure
designs for the ministry will consult with ministry professional engineering staff during the detailed
design stage. A ministry engineer must review all detailed designs of retaining structures for
conformance with ministry standards and other site specific requirements, and accept the
designs prior to the construction phase on FSRs.
Accepted design drawings (for a retaining structure that will be constructed on an FSR) are to be
stamped “For Construction.”
4.4 Design Requirements for Crossings, Including Bridges &
Major Culverts
user safety;
accommodation of pedestrian traffic where required;
site selection, including assessment of stream geomorphology and geotechnical (global
and local) considerations;
environmental integrity;
fish habitat and fish passage;
impact of the proposed structure on the stream during and after construction;
site revegetation requirements;
structure alignment and location (vertical and horizontal) relative to the road and stream
complete structure combination (substructure, superstructure, connections, and scour
suitability of selected foundations for the specific site;
design flood development;
navigation (Navigable Waters Protection Act), if applicable;
debris potential and passage;
scour protection;
design vehicle configuration for load and alignment;
design traffic frequency;
design service life influence on selection of bridge type and composition;
construction layout, methodology, and timing; and
The design of bridges and major culverts encompasses more than just the design of structural
components. Consider the composition and interaction of all the components, as well as their
relationship and impact on not only the users, but also on the road and stream components and
other resources.
A key concept in a successful project is continuity of professional oversight and output reviews.
The professional that is charged with retaining a close familiarity with the progress of the project,
and with coordinating the various specialist inputs, is known as the Coordinating Registered
Professional (CRP), who carries overall responsibility for the delivery of the professional aspects
of the project.
Guidelines for Professional Services in the Forest Sector - Crossings (PDF) describes the roles
and responsibilities of the CRP related to bridge planning as follows:
confirm that the necessary assessments for the project have been completed;
utilize specialists in the planning;
gather site information, including the site plan and other information;
take overall responsibility for the conceptual plan and general arrangement drawings;
address environmental considerations in the plan;
coordinate activities relating to the crossing project in the context of the overall
understand all generally accepted uncertainties inherent in the crossing project and
assumptions made in relation to the project, including assumptions made by the
have an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of all the people involved in the
planning of the crossing project; and
consider information received from specialists and where appropriate incorporate the
information into the plan.
To address these planning issues, the CRP ensures that a qualified professional has addressed
the need, if any, for specialist assessments for a new bridge or a bridge replacement, including
those as part of a BCTS road site plan for new construction as described in FRPA, to provide
results and strategies to meet the objectives of the FSP. In practical terms for bridges and major
culverts, this means a map showing the proposed road location (and approximate crossing
locations) together with the results of any specialist assessments that may have been required
along or adjacent to the road, such as:
fisheries values;
wildlife corridors;
terrain stability;
soil and sediment transport;
invasive plants;
range barriers;
and how they might impact the selected road (and hence) crossing location. The CRP uses the
results of the assessment information to determine:
what if any additional information may be required for the bridge crossing; and
how to implement the bridge project to address the assessment outcomes.
The CRP undertakes the subsequent engineering project-specific roles and responsibilities such
as carrying out or overseeing the preparation of the conceptual and final design and drawings,
acquisition of materials and construction of the structure. Finally, the CRP will complete the
general conformance sign-off and preparation of as built drawings.
For the CRP to practice due diligence with respect to the project operations and oversight, the
CRP determines that any specialists involved in the bridge project:
The Crossing Guidelines provide limitations as to the types of bridges (simple crossings) that
may be undertaken by an RPF as the CRP. The bridge elements that may be restricted include
footings, substructures and superstructure types. However, the bridge types can generally be
characterized as single, simple span log stringer or other short span non-composite
superstructures on cribs <4m high or interlocking concrete blocks < 2m high. The usual scenarios
for bridge projects are described below. Ensure that the CRP meets the qualifications described
in the skill set for simple crossings, and those additional qualifications described in
the Engineering Equipment and Services (EES) Directory for more complex crossings.
The CRP has addressed the need, if any, for specialist assessments for a new bridge or a
bridge replacement, or in a BCTS road site plan for new construction as described in FRPA,
to provide results and strategies to meet the objectives of the FSP. A Professional of Record,
who is a P.Eng and may or may not also be the CRP, carries out some or all of the
subsequent engineering project-specific roles and responsibilities, including:
the preparation of the conceptual design and general arrangement design drawings;
quality assurance of materials fabrication;
construction inspections;
addressing required design revisions that become evident during construction;
compiling materials and construction documentation; and
preparation and sign-off of as-built drawings and statement of construction
Those items not carried out by the POR are done by the CRP, and the CRP signs off that the
completed crossing structure has adequately addressed any other resource issues that were
identified at the outset of the project.
Scenario 2: Where a forest professional will be the CRP for log stringer bridge
The CRP has addressed the need, if any, for specialist assessments for a new bridge or a
bridge replacement, or in a BCTS road site plan for new construction as described in FRPA,
to provide results and strategies to meet the objectives of the FSP.
The CRP uses design aids as required for stringer arrangement and sizing, needle beam
sizing where appropriate, lashing of stringers and connections to sills or caps, placement,
arrangement and sizing of crib members or concrete block sills
Scenario 3: Where a forest professional will be the CRP for re-use of portable
bridge superstructures
The CRP has addressed the need, if any, for specialist assessments for a new bridge or a
bridge replacement, or in a BCTS road site plan for new construction as described in FRPA,
to provide results and strategies to meet the objectives of the FSP.
The CRP ensures that a professional engineer has carried out the design analysis to ensure
adequacy for the intended use, and the structure has been inspected before re-use by a
qualified inspector.
If any additional structural analysis is to be carried out by a professional engineer due to any
potential issues raised by the inspection prior to re-use, that engineer will generally be the
POR and as such will likely provide the necessary drawings, specifications, connection
details, etc. for any structure that requires remedial work prior to re-use.
The CRP uses design aids as required for placement, arrangement and sizing of crib
members or concrete block sills.
Scenario 4: Where a forest professional will be the CRP for other short span steel
girder bridge superstructures
The CRP has addressed the need, if any, for specialist assessments for a new bridge or a
bridge replacement, or in a BCTS road site plan for new construction as described in FRPA,
to provide results and strategies to meet the objectives of the FSP
A POR who is a P.Eng carries out (under the project oversight of the CRP) the subsequent
engineering project-specific roles and responsibilities, including:
the preparation of the conceptual design and general arrangement design drawings;
quality assurance of materials fabrication;
construction inspections;
addressing required design revisions that become evident during construction;
compiling materials and construction documentation; and
preparation and sign-off of as-built drawings and statement of construction
Note that if the superstructure is composite, the POR or another professional engineer will
necessarily become the CRP, in accordance with the Crossing Guidelines.
The CRP signs off that the completed crossing structure has adequately addressed any
other resource issues that were identified at the outset of the project.
Bridge and major culvert construction drawings for any FS project (including those structures built
under Road Permit (BCTS) and designated in that permit to be an FS structure to be used for
harvesting after completion of the Timber Sale License) must be signed and sealed by one or
more professionals, to clearly identify the CRP and/or Professional/Professionals of Record
(POR). The POR is usually the structural/design engineer, but in some complex projects with two
or more contributing engineers (such as geotechnical, river engineering, etc.), each of those
participants can be designated as a POR. A POR can also be responsible for the overall general
arrangement drawings, as described in Scenario 4 above.
If the CRP has prepared the conceptual design and general arrangement drawings, the CRP will
sign and seal those drawings. Where a designer working for the supply/erect contractor will
prepare structural drawings, that engineer will be the POR for that work. In consultation with a
Ministry Engineer, consider having the professional that will carry out the field review for general
conformance with the design and drawings complete and submit for review the proposed
Assurance of Field Reviews FS 137 along with the construction drawings.
Knowledge requirements
1. be members in good standing with ABCFP or EGBC;
2. have appropriate education, training and experience within the discipline of forestry or
engineering that are congruent with CRP bridge design services;
3. have considerable recognized specialization in the layout and conceptual design of
forest road bridges;
4. be familiar with forest road and bridge planning, construction considerations and
techniques, design vehicle configurations and assessment, scour and scour protection,
design flood hydrology determination, and bridge component properties and fabrication;
5. be thoroughly familiar with the Guidelines for Professional Services in the Forest Sector
– Crossings (PDF) prepared by the Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia
and the Association of BC Forest Professionals;
6. be thoroughly familiar with stream crossing requirements and procedures of the
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the British Columbia Ministry of
7. have a working knowledge of related riparian and aquatic environmental issues (such as
stream classification and fish passage requirements) and associated construction
mitigation techniques;
8. have a working knowledge and understanding of the principles and best management
practices related to stream crossings provided in the following publications:
Experience requirements
All CRPs require a minimum of 8 years of direct bridge experience in forestry or related
industries in British Columbia within the past 10 years, including at least three years of
professional experience at a level contemplated by the Crossing Guidelines. Such work
experience includes:
1. Preparation of conceptual designs of forest road bridges, including analysis for log,
timber, and steel components.
2. Development of general bridge arrangement drawings with consideration for:
These guidelines are applicable to: a CRP, an individual working in support of a CRP, a limited
license holder with the Engineers and Geoscientists of BC, or anyone taking responsibility for a
bridge general arrangement design and is utilizing design aids.
A person should undertake the following best professional practices when using a design aid
produced by others:
are authorized by the “owner” of the design aid to use the design aid (note that some
tables such as FPINNOVATIONS or Ministry log stringer tables are in the public
domain; otherwise, the design aid is usually proprietary and often intended to be used
only for client- specific applications);
have discussed the design aid with the professional engineer that created the design
aid to ensure that the individual using the design aid understands the limitations of
the design aid and to ensure that they have the latest applicable version of the
design aid;
reference the specific design aid(s) in drawings and documentation when used for
specific projects;
provide copies of the design aid(s) used (that are not in the public domain) with the
design documentation provided to the client; and
seek specialist assistance (usually from a professional bridge engineer) when
applicability of the design aid is in question or unforeseen circumstances make the
design aid not applicable or questionable.
Ensure that practitioners in bridge and major culvert design for FSRs meet established skill sets.
Refer to the skill set for simple crossings and the Engineering Equipment and Services (EES)
Directory for more complex crossings.
The Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual drawings include ministry-
approved component configurations and details. Detailed designs for various components,
such as concrete decks, slab girders, and various footing arrangements, are also provided in
the manual.
As well, the manual lists proprietary bridge components (consisting of conceptual drawings
with minimal details) that have been approved by the ministry. Proponents whose proprietary
systems have been accepted by the ministry have provided proof that their components will
meet the stringent requirements laid out in the manual for structural integrity, durability, and
other relevant aspects pertaining to the product’s usage.
Where the maintainer of an industrial use FSR will replace a bridge or major culvert on that
road under a Road Use Permit, ensure that the District Manager, in the conditions for that
crossing structure:
provides mandatory site specific design and construction requirements to the
maintainer; and
directs the maintainer to submit the completed construction drawings for review and
approval prior to commencing construction.
For most other situations, utilize the following bridge or major culvert design implementation
in consultation with a Ministry Engineer, determine the design parameters for a bridge
or major culvert structure (see Appendix 4.3 DESIGN CHECKLIST) and determine
whether the conceptual designer will be the Ministry Engineer or a consultant
professional engineer retained by BCTS/District; as described earlier, this person will
normally be the CRP;
convey the design parameters and the performance requirements for the crossing to
the conceptual designer;
have the conceptual designer conduct a site visit and make note of the physical site
parameters, including observations on design flood hydrology, foundation evaluation,
vertical and horizontal alignment and crossing location opportunities, and
construction limitations (such as equipment and materials access);
have the conceptual designer evaluate the options for the crossing given the
available information and make a recommendation for the development of a site plan
and oversee its completion (generally a detailed site plan for all but the simplest
crossings [see Site Data & Survey Requirements for Bridges & Major Culverts].
Note that in the above scenario, the Ministry Engineer may undertake the conceptual design
and become the CRP for the project, should time and resources permit.
Ensure that the conceptual designer signs and seals the General Arrangement drawings.
For all but the most complex structures, a detailed structural design is typically not
completed as part of the development of general arrangement designs. The final
superstructure arrangement is best left to the fabricator or erection contractor, who can
provide the most cost-effective and efficient design based on their materials availability and
erection schemes. As part of the design/build process for the typical, simply supported forest
road bridge structures, the detailed structural design of the superstructure components are
completed by the bridge fabricator or the contractor who is the successful bidder to construct
the bridge. In such cases, the contractor’s or fabricator’s engineer will normally be the
structural POR, and the professional that prepared the conceptual design will be the
Coordinating Registered Professional (CRP) as described earlier in this chapter.
In addition to design flood passage, make allowances for anticipated debris. For bridges,
incorporate freeboard above the design highwater to allow for passage of floating debris. In the
case of major culverts, also accommodate debris (floating or submerged) in the design process.
4.5 Types of Bridge Structures
Deviation from the requirements of the Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction
Manual and the associated standard drawings is not recommended. Where an unapproved
structure or system is being considered for a project before the branch has completed its
review and acceptance of such structures, contact the Ministry Engineer for input into the
implementation requirements.
Generally, use the following “rules of thumb” to help guide estimating or evaluating
conceptual designs for typical single-lane, simply supported, permanent single-span bridges.
Note that these rules of thumb are for completed in-place structures which consider both the
materials and installation costs for the finished product. For example, materials for an
application may be cheaper than some others, but the finished structure may cost more due
to higher installation costs:
For spans 12m or less, concrete slab structures are typically most economical. They
are particularly conducive where there are alignment issues such as skews or extra
width is required to accommodate vehicle tracking on curves. Precast concrete slabs
are extremely heavy, and as such are expensive to ship and difficult to launch. The
equipment that will be used to launch and place them must be considered when
selecting component size in the design phase.
For spans between 12 and 18m, non-composite concrete decks on steel girders are
typically most economical. They can be set up to allow for bolted deck connections,
providing for bridge removal and use elsewhere.
For spans greater than 18m, composite concrete decks on steel girders are typically
most economical. Concrete composite deck panel installation involves grout work that
requires attention to quality control, is labour-intensive and time-consuming, and the
deck panels are not easy to dismantle.
In addition to the above, for some configurations, an economical solution might be timber
deck on steel girder superstructures, or less likely, all steel portable superstructures.
Generally, all steel portable superstructures are much more expensive than other options. All
steel portables are recommended only where they are being utilized for temporary situations
and moved from site to site.
Substructure types range from simple log sills to driven piles. The Forest Service Bridge Design
and Construction Manual presents numerous permanent bridge substructures standards. The
standard design drawings in the manual typically consist of precast concrete spread footings and
are suitable where adequate soil bearing can be obtained. The standard drawings also provide
for “T” footings, suited to concrete slab girder superstructures requiring shallow abutments; and
steel pipe columns on precast footing standards, suited to steel girder superstructures and
concrete slab superstructure requiring higher abutments.
Consult the Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual for the standards on cap and
bearing details for pile foundations.
The following structures are examples of those not captured in standard design drawings in the
Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual:
economics – culverts are generally cheaper than bridges for typical sizes used;
reduced maintenance when installed correctly; and
greater flexibility in terms of alignment options – culverts are suited to sites with horizontal and vertical
curves; they can be fit to suit the road alignment and approaches so as to minimize impacts; and they
enable maintenance of road widths and provide for road widenings more readily than bridges.
Steel and aluminum culverts are typically soil-metal structures. The soil and the metal work together to provide
the structural integrity to support loads on the structure. The metal without the soil is insufficient to support the
design loads and would collapse. Soil is compacted in lifts immediately adjacent to and in contact with the
culvert bottom and sides, to combine with the metal to support the design loads. Uncompacted fill is not
sufficiently dense to combine with the metal to support the design loads.
For most soil-metal culvert installations, the metal is galvanized steel. Some aluminum culverts exist, but they
are less common than galvanized steel. For a given installation, aluminum culverts are generally thicker but
lighter than galvanized steel. However, the aluminum culverts tend to be more easily damaged during
Culverts come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The selection of appropriate size and shape should be a
function of the design parameters. Where floating debris is minimal and regular maintenance is anticipated,
consider the use of debris catchers/traps. Where significant volume or size of floating or other debris is
anticipated, a culvert may not be an option, and a bridge will be necessary to allow high water and debris to
4.7 Site Data & Survey Requirements for Bridges & Major
Ensure that a detailed site survey (see Appendix E Bridge and Major Culvert Site Plan Specifications of the
Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual) carried out for a bridge or major culvert project. Use
the survey information to produce site plan and profile drawings for planning, evaluating, and developing the
crossing design. Determine the type and extent of site survey to be completed, including the quality of site
information to be collected.
contours to 0.5 m interval accuracy (may vary depending on complexity of the site);
the riparian class for streams or lake classification;
the apparent high-water elevation of the stream, based on visible evidence of recent flooding;
a description of the composition and size of stream bed materials;
a description of streambank materials and stream stability;
cross-sections and a profile of the stream: one cross-section should be along the proposed road
centreline and extend beyond the stream channel width, normally to at least 50 m on each side;
horizontal and vertical location of reference points established during the site survey, which can be
used to establish (and re-establish) the structure location during construction;
the stream flow velocity and direction, if the flow may influence the size or layout of the structure;
a description of the soil profiles and foundation soil conditions, based on soil explorations appropriate
to the level of risk;
presence (or absence) of bedrock, and depth to bedrock;
a description of any evidence of stream debris or slope instability that could affect the crossing, based
on upstream observations;
any existing improvements or resource values in the vicinity that may influence the size or layout of the
location and dimensions of any existing structure, including edge of roadway, abutment,
superstructure, stream, edge of clearing information, profile of existing road to the limits of the survey,
and location, general description, and extent of vegetation;
the locations and dimensions of any upstream structures, and a note about whether there is any
evidence of damage or disturbance from any sources (erosion, debris damage, etc.);
potential sources of rip rap, endfill material;
any other pertinent information: Is the site currently accessible by road? Are there road or bridge
restrictions on load length or weight? If so, how can these be overcome? If test drilling seems likely,
how much work is required to get a drilling truck (usually not all-wheel drive) to the site?
if equipment fording or temporary bridge crossings will be necessary for construction, information
about possible ford and temporary bridge crossing locations and other considerations such as depth of
stream at that point, bottom material, and access gradients; and
the date of the survey and name of the surveyor.
If a fish stream is involved, consult chapter 3 of the Fish-stream Crossing Guidebook (PDF, 4.3MB) for
additional site information requirements.
4.8 Design Discharge Criteria
Determine the design discharge for streams for a particular recurrence interval. Establishing a return period
provides a benchmark of the relative risk to be attached to any particular design. The current regulation
requires peak flows to be determined in accordance with the anticipated life span of the structure at a site [see
FPPR section 74 (1)].
Because topography, soil, and climate combine in infinite variety, design the drainage for specific sites
individually from available data for each site. In addition, consult those who have long experience in
maintaining drainage structures in the area, as well as observing evidence of local activity/events.
Obtain the necessary data for these methodologies from various sources:
Site information
Use site-specific data at, and adjacent to, the proposed crossing to estimate the maximum flow. Records
of culverts and bridges within the vicinity that have successfully withstood known flood events can provide
useful information in the estimation of flood flows.
Use stream basin characteristics such as length, slope, order, roughness, vegetative characteristics, and
elevation band, combined with meteorological data, in empirical approaches to determine design flood
Use studies done on other streams in the vicinity, with similar characteristics, to provide information on
relationships and comparative values.
Hydrometric records
The Water Survey of Canada publishes Surface Water Data (annual reports of readings on hydrometric
stations throughout the province), as well as Historical Stream Flow Summaries in which mean values and
annual peaks are tabulated. Use these stream flow records to project design flood flows from theoretical
Compare the flood discharge estimates derived from the site information with other data and theoretical
derivations. Base the final selection of design discharge and resulting bridge opening or major culvert size,
taking into account these comparisons together with consideration of debris potential, ice jams, and any other
local factors that might influence the structure opening.
4.9 Agency Referrals
Once the site plan and preliminary design are completed, decide if applications for permits to construct a
crossing need to be made with relevant agencies such as the B.C. Ministry of Environment (MoE), Fisheries
and Oceans Canada (DFO), and Transport Canada (Navigation Protection Act).
Ministry of Environment
MoE is concerned with protecting water, land and air quality, managing flood and erosion control, and
protecting the population and habitat of animals and resident fish species. The ministry administers
various Acts that might be relevant to bridge or major culvert construction.
DFO is the lead federal government department responsible for protecting anadromous fish species and
their habitat by administering the Fisheries Act and Regulations. Timing and methods of construction
might be stipulated by either DFO or MoE agencies.
DFO Pacific Region has provided some commentary for small clear span bridges: Pacific Region
Operational Statement - Small Clear-Span Bridges.
Transport Canada
Transport Canada administers the Navigation Protection Act. Its mandate includes protection of the public
right of navigation in tidal waters. According to the division, approvals are required for every crossing.
However, only refer and apply for crossings where the type and size of the structure or the nature of the
stream have a potential for navigation problems.
Formal approvals issued by the Navigable Waters Protection Division require that the work be subjected
to an Environmental Assessment in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.
Where old structures are being removed as part of the new construction process, ensure that proper
approvals from local government offices are received for any waste disposal needs, normally dealing with
treated wood and occasionally metal culverts.
4.10 Construction Drawings & Specifications
A set of construction drawings consists of the general arrangement drawings supplemented with detailed
superstructure and substructure drawings and other fabrication, material, and construction specifications.
It may be appropriate in some cases for the Ministry Engineer to take on the CRP role, given that engineer’s
familiarity with the initial decisions for the project. However, the bridge engineer’s time constraints may preclude
this option. If the Ministry Engineer is not the CRP, have the Ministry Engineer review the construction drawings
(a combined package of general arrangement and structural drawings, including erection loads) and the FS
137 Assurance of Field Reviews and approve them as meeting the ministry’s design and construction
Shop drawings are prepared by material fabricators to detail, and in many cases, complete the structural
design of bridge structure components. Ensure that these drawings are retained as part of the as-built
documentation. The complete construction drawing set provides comprehensive details on the location,
composition, arrangement, design parameters, and fabrication, materials, and construction specifications for
the specific proposed structure.
On the construction drawings, clearly show all construction details and provide for installation in general
conformance with the design intent.
Ensure that the contents for bridge and major culvert general arrangement drawings include:
Figure 4-1 Sample of General Arrangement and Layout (simple creek crossing) (PDF, 6.03 MB)
Figure 4-2 Sample of General Arrangement and Layout (complex creek crossing) (PDF, 2.2 MB)
4.10.2 Bridge Superstructure Drawing Requirements
Detail the following elements on bridge superstructure drawings:
design code references, specifically those from the latest version of the CAN/CSA S6 – Canadian
Highway Bridge Design Code and the Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual;
individual member shapes, dimensions and connection details;
materials specifications and CSA references, including but not limited to:
steel grades, impact category, finish;
timber species, grades, preservative treatment;
concrete strength, slump, and air entrainment;
bearing materials and connections;
superstructure elements, configuration, and connections;
dimensions and sizes of components;
girder or stringer arrangements and connections;
span lengths;
bridge and road width;
curb and rail configuration, connections, and component elements;
bridge label with structure number, date of manufacture, and load rating; and
field fabrication details.
Note that the superstructure drawings are normally supplemented by shop drawings prepared by the fabricator.
Ensure that the following are indicated on the log bridge superstructure and log crib drawings:
site plan (see Site Data & Survey Requirements for Bridges & Major Culverts)
location of the culvert, such as a key map;
design vehicle load;
fill height, depth of cover, and maximum and minimum cover requirements;
design slopes of fill and rip rap;
culvert invert elevations at the inlet and outlet;
culvert specifications and dimensions: opening dimensions, length, corrugation profile, gauge, material
type, and inlet bevel specifications;
site preparation requirements;
embedment requirements, including a description of the substrate and any rock used to anchor the bed
material in the pipe;
foundation details;
backfill and installation specifications;
installation camber;
culvert gradient;
seepage barrier details if required;
special attachments or modifications;
inlet requirements (rip rap layout, stilling basin, etc.);
outlet requirements (rip rap layout, stilling basin, backwater weir for fish passage);
rip rap specifications, including dimensions and configuration;
design high-water elevation and design discharge, inlet or outlet control;
connection details for pipe sections; and
any existing improvements and resource values in the vicinity of the culvert that would influence or be
influenced by the structure.
Combine any of the above requirements may where appropriate. For example, drawings for a log stringer
bridge on timber piles may include the details from Log Bridge Superstructure on Log Crib Drawing
Requirements, plus those from Bridge Substructure Drawing Requirements.
Include any additional requirements for a fish stream culvert, as specified in the Fish-Stream Crossing
Guidebook (PDF, 4.2MB).
Record the ministry portable bridge superstructure number or, if there is no current superstructure number,
contact the ministry engineer so that one can be assigned.
Once the components have been reviewed and approved by a professional engineer, re-use the components at
new sites without specific professional engineer review of the superstructure, provided that:
a qualified inspector has inspected the bridge at the new site before any use and does not detect any
damage or deterioration of the structure; see Chapter 6 Engineered Structured Inspections - Types of
the design loads to be carried are equal to or lower than the original design loads for the
the bridge is suitable and has been specifically designed or analyzed for the new site, and signed and
sealed design drawings and specifications have been prepared; and
the superstructure has been fabricated and constructed in compliance with the appropriate legislation.
4.11 Bridge & Major Culvert Materials Acquisition
Materials for FSR bridges and major culverts are acquired in two ways:
a requisition for materials through the Purchasing Commission and BC Bid; and
through a works contract which includes supply and installation of bridges and major culverts.
In either case, all rules of government public tendering apply, and specifications and standards for bridge and
culvert materials are the same.
Standard bridge materials templates for acquiring bridge materials have been developed for use and are
available on the Engineering Branch website.
The ministry’s standard bridge material requisition templates are intended to be used primarily by Ministry
Engineers and/or the professional engineer taking responsibility for a bridge structure design or installation.
Bridge material requisitions need to be consistent with the design. Consult the Ministry Engineer when a bridge
material requisition is being developed for a specific project.
Incorporate the language in the requisition templates into ministry contracts where bridge material supply is
included in the contracted works. The design and quality assurance requirements for bridge material supply
under direct requisition or through a design, supply, and construct contract are identical.
4.12 Bridge & Major Culvert Materials Quality & Fabrication
Modern permanent structures have design lives that exceed 40 years. To achieve this longevity,
ensure that the components are fabricated to detailed standards. Many important details (e.g.,
rebar placement, concrete design, and welds) can only be inspected during the fabrication
Ensure that bridge and major culvert materials and fabrication meet minimum requirements, by
requiring materials and fabrication standards be met, including those of Canadian Standards
Association (CSA) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). This provides a
means of ensuring the quality and consistency of materials, and provides equitable parameters
for competition for supply, fabrication, and erection. The requirements, as defined in the
standards, provide for a suitable blend of cost-effective and durable products. Ensure that the
standards for bridge and major culvert materials and fabrication are adhered to. In exceptional
circumstances, there may be a reason to vary from the standards, but consult with a Ministry
Engineer and Engineering Branch beforehand.
Ensure that all materials used for constructing bridges are new and conform to applicable CSA or
ASTM material standards in the Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual. In
Ensure that concrete is designed, mixed, transported, cast, and cured according to CSA
Standard A23.1 – Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction and tested to
CSA Standard A23.2 – Methods of Test for Concrete.
Precast concrete bridge elements conform to CSA Standard A23.4 – Concrete Materials and
Construction, which means fabrication by a CSA-certified precast concrete plant.
Unless otherwise required by the designer, precast concrete blocks are exempt and may be
supplied by non-CSA-certified precast plants provided they meet the following specifications:
minimum 20 MPa concrete strength unless otherwise specified by a professional
single pour (must not have any cold joints); and
a finish free of honeycombing.
For higher risk structures, those that consist of multiple levels of interlocking concrete blocks,
or those with significant bearing pressures, ensure that quality requirements of precast
concrete blocks are more rigorous and are specified by the engineer taking responsibility for
the design.
Structural steel
Structural steel for permanent and portable bridges comply with CSA Standard CAN3-
G40.21-M – Structural Quality Steels. Primary tension members of welded structures are of
type AT, grade 350 or better.
Weathering steel, type 350 AT, are not to be used for permanent bridges in marine or coastal
areas or in areas where there is potential for road de-icing salts to come in contact with the
bridge. Alternatively, specify galvanized or painted steel.
Steel fabrication is carried out by firms certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) to
Div 1 or 2. A list of CWD companies can be found on the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB)
Timber used for bridge construction is graded in accordance with the standard grading rules
of the Canadian Lumber Standards Administrative Board. Timber is grade-stamped, with the
exception of unfinished or rough timber (in which case grading certificate may be requested),
or local log stringers.
Structural timbers are Douglas-fir/larch #2 grade or better, except timber curbs may be any
species #2 grade or better. Note that the structure strength and other characteristics, such as
durability, make Douglas-fir/larch a superior product to other species.
Ensure that corrugated steel culverts are manufactured in accordance with CAN/CSA 3-
G401 standard, Corrugated Steel Pipe Products. Steel culverts fabricated from steel sheets
need to meet all requirements of ASTM A444, “Standard Specifications for Zinc Coated
(Galvanized) Iron and Steel Sheets for Culverts and Underdrains.” Ensure that all hardware
conforms to applicable standards (that is, rivets are galvanized, and bolts and nuts are
Grade C, galvanized, meeting the requirements of ASTM standard A563.
Ensure that the fabricator producing the bridge materials provides copies of detailed shop
drawings to the in-plant inspector. The inspector confirms that the strength of materials and
details of fabrication are consistent with the shop drawings and applicable specifications, as
accepted for the project, standards, and codes. Where discrepancies occur, the inspector notifies
the appropriate Ministry Engineer for input on acceptability or required modifications.
For more detailed information regarding material and fabrication requirements, refer to the Forest
Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual.
The inspector completes an in-plant inspection report for each bridge and submits it to the
Ministry Engineer.
Obtain and keep on file all relevant material documentation, such as mill test certificates, in-plant
test results, field test results, and all reports or comments made by field or in-plant inspectors.
Typically there are two types of structural welding on resource road bridges:
(a) shop fabrication of primary steel load bearing members and structural components, and
(b) field fabrication welding required for erection, assembly, and installation of bridge
components (e.g. connection of bearings to pipes and girders, steel braces and
diaphragms, and welded shear connectors for precast members).
Both types of structural welds are critical to the long term performance and integrity of the
structure. Structural welding on ministry bridge structures is required to conform to Canadian
Standards Association (CSA) Standard W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding).
Firms carrying out welding on ministry structures are required to conform to CSA Standard
W47.1, Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures.
The Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a
Certification Body for the administration of CSA Standards including W47.1, for :
The CWB qualifies welders, welding procedures. The activity of the CWB contributes to the high
level of competence enjoyed by industries employing welding and joining and the consistent
progress in welding technology, and the reliability of welded products.
All CWB certified companies are required to have certified welders and written welding
procedures for each specific type of weld produced (Weld Data Sheets). A list of CWB certified
companies is found on the Canadian Welding Bureau website.
The minimum welding certification requirements, for ministry bridge work, is CWB Certification
Division 2 for shop fabrication and Div 3 for field welding. A Ministry Engineer or designer may
elect to specify a higher certification requirement for complex welding. Note that provincial
welding qualification is not adequate as it is different and not equivalent to CWB certification.
CWB certification of the firms employing the welders, as well as conformance to CWB
procedures and standards, is required for all ministry bridge projects involving structural welding.
Manufacturer’s specifications provide for varying amounts of water which will significantly affect
the attainment of the design compressive strength within a specified time frame. Do not exceed
manufacture's maximum amount of water. It is recommended to have a vessel to measure the
water. When mixed properly, is usually somewhat fluid and is difficult to pour. Mixed grout should
be packed and can be vibrated into place. Where excessive water is used in mixing grout, the
cure time, strength and durability of the grout are compromised. This is a serious problem where
the grout is intended to be a structural connection, which is almost always the case for ministry
bridge projects. Monitor grout mixing and placement procedures and ensure adherence to
manufacturer’s specifications. Utilize minimal amount of water in order to attain the required
design strengths.
It is also noted that other factors influence set time such as the ambient temperature over which
there is limited ability to control. Additional precautions are required for mixing and placing
concrete or grout in cold or hot weather extremes. Placing of concrete products during extreme
cold or hot weather has the potential to affect both the long term strength and durability and
procedures should be reviewed by a Ministry Engineer.
Low temperatures during the placement and curing of grout can affect the ultimate strength and
durability of gout both temporarily and permanently. Grout cures slower in cold temperatures and
develops ultimate strengths over longer periods of time. Exposure of fresh concrete to
temperatures below freezing may actually stop the curing (hydration) process.
Hot weather can have a negative impact on both plastic and hardened state of concrete. Hot
weather affects all of the major components of grout including water, cement and aggregates. Hot
weather also has an impact on batching, mixing and placing of grout.
Precautions must be taken in advance of grouting operations that are anticipated to be effected
by cold or hot weather.
In “cold weather” conditions it is important to protect the concrete from freezing and to
maintain curing conditions to ensure sufficient strength and durability to satisfy intended
service requirements. When temperatures drop or will potentially drop below 5 degrees
Celsius, cold weather procedures should be implemented. Cold weather procedures may
extend beyond heating the water used to mix the grout and will need to address forecast
temperature conditions. Preheating and continued heating for the initial set period for the
concrete or grout may be required to ensure that the curing of concrete or grout is not
affected by cold temperatures and kept from freezing. If the concrete deck panels or slabs
are not pre-heated, they will draw the heat out of the grout and will increase the possibility of
the grout freezing in subzero temperatures. If the grout is not preheated, it will dramatically
reduce the temperature of the heated water when mixed. The heat of hydration of the grout
is not sufficient to keep the grout from freezing in subzero temperatures particularly if the
concrete deck panels or slabs are cold. If the grout freezes, it will most likely need to be
extracted and redone which is a highly labour intensive and laborious process to be avoided.
Practices that have been typically implemented consist of wrapping the structure in
tarps and heating from beneath the structure using suitable heaters. Various types of
tarps and covers have been used including: plastic sheeting, construction tarps, lumber
wrap and even non-woven geotextile. The basic concept is using the wrapping to
contain the heat from a heat source such as a tiger torch or propane heater and to
warm the components that are being grouted. The wrapping would cover the deck and
drape below the bridge to capture the rising heat. The dry mix grout can be placed on
the deck, under the wrap and be heated with the deck or slabs. For steel girder
bridges, it may be sufficient to have a heat source between the girders to keep the
deck sufficiently warm through the grouting placement and initial setting. Exercise
caution to ensure that any heat source be directed away from any bridge components
to avoid adversely warping steel components or cause cracking of concrete.
1. Use warm water (20 degrees centigrade) in mixing the grout.
2. Provide sufficient labor to minimize the time required to place and finish the grouting
process, to minimize the handling time of the grout and resulting heat loss.
Higher temperatures cause water to evaporate from the surface of grout at a much faster
rate and cement hydration occurs more quickly, causing the grout to stiffen earlier, lessening
workability, increasing the chances of plastic cracking and reducing ultimate strength.
Acquiring samples to allow for compressive testing of field placed structural grout is standard
practice for Ministry bridges. The Ministry procedure for grout sampling of in-situ placed
structural grout, used for composite precast concrete decks on steel girders and precast
concrete slab bridges with grouted shear connections, is in Appendix 4.5. The sampling
procedure is to be provided to and followed by the individuals tasked with taking the grout
samples in the field for each particular bridge project placing structural grout in the field
during construction. The grout sampling procedure may also be implemented for other
structural grout applications as may be appropriate.
This Ministry procedure provides instructions on how to take representative samples of the
grout that has been placed in the field. The cured grout samples will provide the ability to
later test for compressive strength attained at appropriate times to assess the adequacy of
the grout. This sampling and testing procedure is not fully consistent with various published
Canadian or American standards for grout testing, but rather it is a hybrid of standards to
accommodate Ministry ’s particular needs. Various standards (e.g., ASTM, CSA) specify that
grout would typically be tested using 50mm cubes. However, the cube molds are costly and
would not be readily distributed where required for our needs. The cylindrical molds are
applicable to our utilization and their shape allows them to be tested for compressive
strength in a laboratory. Local material testing laboratories will have the capability to test the
samples and the testing costs range from $20 – $30 per sample.
The initial set time for the sampled grout is a critical factor. Allowing the samples to cure in-
situ, at minimum, overnight, will provide an approximate representation of the field
conditions. These samples are not precise replicas of the grout in the field but should provide
a very good indication of quality and strength. Increasing the minimum number of required
samples or specifying longer field curing times shall be at the discretion of the Ministry
Suggested approach for distributing the cylinders – provide an envelope with an adequate
number of cylinders, labels and one page instruction sheet included, to the party responsible
for obtaining the samples. Would suggest discussing the procedure with the individual,
identifying how the sample should be handled and placed subsequent to casting and who
the sample should be provided to subsequent to initial set.
Testing grout samples
In the event that tested grout samples are found to be deficient in compressive strength,
further investigation would be required. Depending on the nature of the test results, coupled
with observations in the field, it may be required that test samples would need to be cored for
testing from the actual bridge. Where grout sample test results are deficient, the Ministry
Engineer will specify the necessary steps to assess the problem in order to establish the
safe use of the structure of concern.
This section provides procedures for making and curing cylinder specimens from
representative samples of fresh grout being placed on Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural
Resource Operations bridges in the field.
Samples shall be taken during the field grouting processes for all ministry (including BCTS)
bridges incorporating field grouted structural connections. These include:
precast concrete deck panels on steel or concrete girders, and
precast concrete slab girders with grouted shear key details.
Sampling of the grout shall occur at various times through the field grouting process, at
roughly even intervals as the field grouting process progresses.
The samples shall be taken using the Ministry supplied 50mm diameter X 100mm long
plastic cylindrical molds.
A minimum of 3 samples of each type of grout being used shall be taken using these
procedures or as directed by the responsible Ministry Engineer.
Where Target Traffic Patch is used, a minimum of 3 samples of each of the coarse and fine
grout shall be taken. Typically, coarse grout is used in the shear connections on slab bridges
and for stud grout pockets and fine grout is used in deck panel joints for precast deck panel
and girder composite action structures.
Grout samples shall be provided to the Ministry Engineer or provided to the individual
identified in contract documents or specifications.
1. A sample of representative fully mixed grout that is ready for placing shall be taken.
2. Fill a cylindrical mold approximately halfway with grout.
3. Using a blunt non absorbent rod, approximately 10mm in diameter and 250mm in length
(such as a spike head), uniformly over the cross section, rod the grout to the bottom of
the mold 15 times.
4. Slightly overfill the mold with the second layer of grout and rod 15 times, evenly
distributing over the cross section, and approximately 13mm into the bottom layer.
5. Strike off the top surface of the mold with a flat edge trowel, or other suitable
straightedge, to remove excess grout and create a flat top surface.
6. Cover the mold with a damp cloth or paper towel and set the sample aside on site in a
safe, flat location where the mold will not be disturbed for a minimum of 12 hours or
overnight. The location should be representative of the conditions of the placed grout
such as on the deck of the grouted surface or on the inside flange of a steel girder.
Longer field curing times shall be at the discretion of the Ministry Engineer.
7. Ensure that a supplied, self adhesive, label is completed and placed on each grout
4.13 Major Culvert Construction
Ensure that major culvert installations receive compaction to obtain adequate structural integrity of the
installation because culverts are generally soil-steel structures. The culvert itself will not support the design
load without the soil-steel interaction. In order for the soil to work with the steel to support the design load, the
culvert is adequately “bedded” and the soil appropriately compacted to be “structural.” The flexible steel is
designed to distribute loads to the bedding and backfill surrounding it. Soil is most compactable when it is
composed of select granular, free-draining material. Ensure that the backfill conforms to a specified size
Typical backfill compaction is the minimum Standard Proctor Density of 95%. To achieve that level of
compaction, use hand tools to work smaller areas (between corrugations); mechanical compactors such as
plate and jumping jack tampers; or rollers and vibrating compactor equipment.
Provide adequate bedding before culverts are installed and backfilled. Where subgrade material is
unsuitable, remove it and replace it with select granular, free-draining material compacted to support
the culvert.
Place and compact backfill in uniform layers, about 150–300 mm thick (compaction equipment and
layer thickness as specified by the designer) of select granular, free-draining material on each side of
the culvert in a balanced and progressive manner, to avoid potential distortion or displacement of the
Remove cobbles and boulders from the backfill, particularly where they could contact the culvert. Use
hand tools to compact the material immediately adjacent to the culvert within the corrugations. Fully
compact each layer before the next layer is placed on top.
Monitor compaction and complete compaction testing as specified by the designer.
Avoid over-compaction of the backfill to prevent distorting the culvert. Continue backfill and compaction
above the culvert, as specified in the design. Establish minimum culvert cover before any equipment
loads are applied.
4.12 Bridge & Major Culvert Materials Quality & Fabrication
Modern permanent structures have design lives that exceed 40 years. To achieve this longevity,
ensure that the components are fabricated to detailed standards. Many important details (e.g.,
rebar placement, concrete design, and welds) can only be inspected during the fabrication
Ensure that bridge and major culvert materials and fabrication meet minimum requirements, by
requiring materials and fabrication standards be met, including those of Canadian Standards
Association (CSA) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). This provides a
means of ensuring the quality and consistency of materials, and provides equitable parameters
for competition for supply, fabrication, and erection. The requirements, as defined in the
standards, provide for a suitable blend of cost-effective and durable products. Ensure that the
standards for bridge and major culvert materials and fabrication are adhered to. In exceptional
circumstances, there may be a reason to vary from the standards, but consult with a Ministry
Engineer and Engineering Branch beforehand.
Ensure that all materials used for constructing bridges are new and conform to applicable CSA or
ASTM material standards in the Forest Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual. In
Ensure that concrete is designed, mixed, transported, cast, and cured according to CSA
Standard A23.1 – Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction and tested to
CSA Standard A23.2 – Methods of Test for Concrete.
Precast concrete bridge elements conform to CSA Standard A23.4 – Concrete Materials and
Construction, which means fabrication by a CSA-certified precast concrete plant.
Unless otherwise required by the designer, precast concrete blocks are exempt and may be
supplied by non-CSA-certified precast plants provided they meet the following specifications:
minimum 20 MPa concrete strength unless otherwise specified by a professional
single pour (must not have any cold joints); and
a finish free of honeycombing.
For higher risk structures, those that consist of multiple levels of interlocking concrete blocks,
or those with significant bearing pressures, ensure that quality requirements of precast
concrete blocks are more rigorous and are specified by the engineer taking responsibility for
the design.
Structural steel
Structural steel for permanent and portable bridges comply with CSA Standard CAN3-
G40.21-M – Structural Quality Steels. Primary tension members of welded structures are of
type AT, grade 350 or better.
Weathering steel, type 350 AT, are not to be used for permanent bridges in marine or coastal
areas or in areas where there is potential for road de-icing salts to come in contact with the
bridge. Alternatively, specify galvanized or painted steel.
Steel fabrication is carried out by firms certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) to
Div 1 or 2. A list of CWD companies can be found on the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB)
Timber used for bridge construction is graded in accordance with the standard grading rules
of the Canadian Lumber Standards Administrative Board. Timber is grade-stamped, with the
exception of unfinished or rough timber (in which case grading certificate may be requested),
or local log stringers.
Structural timbers are Douglas-fir/larch #2 grade or better, except timber curbs may be any
species #2 grade or better. Note that the structure strength and other characteristics, such as
durability, make Douglas-fir/larch a superior product to other species.
Ensure that corrugated steel culverts are manufactured in accordance with CAN/CSA 3-
G401 standard, Corrugated Steel Pipe Products. Steel culverts fabricated from steel sheets
need to meet all requirements of ASTM A444, “Standard Specifications for Zinc Coated
(Galvanized) Iron and Steel Sheets for Culverts and Underdrains.” Ensure that all hardware
conforms to applicable standards (that is, rivets are galvanized, and bolts and nuts are
Grade C, galvanized, meeting the requirements of ASTM standard A563.
Ensure that the fabricator producing the bridge materials provides copies of detailed shop
drawings to the in-plant inspector. The inspector confirms that the strength of materials and
details of fabrication are consistent with the shop drawings and applicable specifications, as
accepted for the project, standards, and codes. Where discrepancies occur, the inspector notifies
the appropriate Ministry Engineer for input on acceptability or required modifications.
For more detailed information regarding material and fabrication requirements, refer to the Forest
Service Bridge Design and Construction Manual.
The inspector completes an in-plant inspection report for each bridge and submits it to the
Ministry Engineer.
Obtain and keep on file all relevant material documentation, such as mill test certificates, in-plant
test results, field test results, and all reports or comments made by field or in-plant inspectors.
Typically there are two types of structural welding on resource road bridges:
(a) shop fabrication of primary steel load bearing members and structural components, and
(b) field fabrication welding required for erection, assembly, and installation of bridge
components (e.g. connection of bearings to pipes and girders, steel braces and
diaphragms, and welded shear connectors for precast members).
Both types of structural welds are critical to the long term performance and integrity of the
structure. Structural welding on ministry bridge structures is required to conform to Canadian
Standards Association (CSA) Standard W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding).
Firms carrying out welding on ministry structures are required to conform to CSA Standard
W47.1, Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures.
The Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a
Certification Body for the administration of CSA Standards including W47.1, for :
The CWB qualifies welders, welding procedures. The activity of the CWB contributes to the high
level of competence enjoyed by industries employing welding and joining and the consistent
progress in welding technology, and the reliability of welded products.
All CWB certified companies are required to have certified welders and written welding
procedures for each specific type of weld produced (Weld Data Sheets). A list of CWB certified
companies is found on the Canadian Welding Bureau website.
The minimum welding certification requirements, for ministry bridge work, is CWB Certification
Division 2 for shop fabrication and Div 3 for field welding. A Ministry Engineer or designer may
elect to specify a higher certification requirement for complex welding. Note that provincial
welding qualification is not adequate as it is different and not equivalent to CWB certification.
CWB certification of the firms employing the welders, as well as conformance to CWB
procedures and standards, is required for all ministry bridge projects involving structural welding.
Manufacturer’s specifications provide for varying amounts of water which will significantly affect
the attainment of the design compressive strength within a specified time frame. Do not exceed
manufacture's maximum amount of water. It is recommended to have a vessel to measure the
water. When mixed properly, is usually somewhat fluid and is difficult to pour. Mixed grout should
be packed and can be vibrated into place. Where excessive water is used in mixing grout, the
cure time, strength and durability of the grout are compromised. This is a serious problem where
the grout is intended to be a structural connection, which is almost always the case for ministry
bridge projects. Monitor grout mixing and placement procedures and ensure adherence to
manufacturer’s specifications. Utilize minimal amount of water in order to attain the required
design strengths.
It is also noted that other factors influence set time such as the ambient temperature over which
there is limited ability to control. Additional precautions are required for mixing and placing
concrete or grout in cold or hot weather extremes. Placing of concrete products during extreme
cold or hot weather has the potential to affect both the long term strength and durability and
procedures should be reviewed by a Ministry Engineer.
Low temperatures during the placement and curing of grout can affect the ultimate strength and
durability of gout both temporarily and permanently. Grout cures slower in cold temperatures and
develops ultimate strengths over longer periods of time. Exposure of fresh concrete to
temperatures below freezing may actually stop the curing (hydration) process.
Hot weather can have a negative impact on both plastic and hardened state of concrete. Hot
weather affects all of the major components of grout including water, cement and aggregates. Hot
weather also has an impact on batching, mixing and placing of grout.
Precautions must be taken in advance of grouting operations that are anticipated to be effected
by cold or hot weather.
In “cold weather” conditions it is important to protect the concrete from freezing and to
maintain curing conditions to ensure sufficient strength and durability to satisfy intended
service requirements. When temperatures drop or will potentially drop below 5 degrees
Celsius, cold weather procedures should be implemented. Cold weather procedures may
extend beyond heating the water used to mix the grout and will need to address forecast
temperature conditions. Preheating and continued heating for the initial set period for the
concrete or grout may be required to ensure that the curing of concrete or grout is not
affected by cold temperatures and kept from freezing. If the concrete deck panels or slabs
are not pre-heated, they will draw the heat out of the grout and will increase the possibility of
the grout freezing in subzero temperatures. If the grout is not preheated, it will dramatically
reduce the temperature of the heated water when mixed. The heat of hydration of the grout
is not sufficient to keep the grout from freezing in subzero temperatures particularly if the
concrete deck panels or slabs are cold. If the grout freezes, it will most likely need to be
extracted and redone which is a highly labour intensive and laborious process to be avoided.
Practices that have been typically implemented consist of wrapping the structure in
tarps and heating from beneath the structure using suitable heaters. Various types of
tarps and covers have been used including: plastic sheeting, construction tarps, lumber
wrap and even non-woven geotextile. The basic concept is using the wrapping to
contain the heat from a heat source such as a tiger torch or propane heater and to
warm the components that are being grouted. The wrapping would cover the deck and
drape below the bridge to capture the rising heat. The dry mix grout can be placed on
the deck, under the wrap and be heated with the deck or slabs. For steel girder
bridges, it may be sufficient to have a heat source between the girders to keep the
deck sufficiently warm through the grouting placement and initial setting. Exercise
caution to ensure that any heat source be directed away from any bridge components
to avoid adversely warping steel components or cause cracking of concrete.
1. Use warm water (20 degrees centigrade) in mixing the grout.
2. Provide sufficient labor to minimize the time required to place and finish the grouting
process, to minimize the handling time of the grout and resulting heat loss.
Higher temperatures cause water to evaporate from the surface of grout at a much faster
rate and cement hydration occurs more quickly, causing the grout to stiffen earlier, lessening
workability, increasing the chances of plastic cracking and reducing ultimate strength.
Acquiring samples to allow for compressive testing of field placed structural grout is standard
practice for Ministry bridges. The Ministry procedure for grout sampling of in-situ placed
structural grout, used for composite precast concrete decks on steel girders and precast
concrete slab bridges with grouted shear connections, is in Appendix 4.5. The sampling
procedure is to be provided to and followed by the individuals tasked with taking the grout
samples in the field for each particular bridge project placing structural grout in the field
during construction. The grout sampling procedure may also be implemented for other
structural grout applications as may be appropriate.
This Ministry procedure provides instructions on how to take representative samples of the
grout that has been placed in the field. The cured grout samples will provide the ability to
later test for compressive strength attained at appropriate times to assess the adequacy of
the grout. This sampling and testing procedure is not fully consistent with various published
Canadian or American standards for grout testing, but rather it is a hybrid of standards to
accommodate Ministry ’s particular needs. Various standards (e.g., ASTM, CSA) specify that
grout would typically be tested using 50mm cubes. However, the cube molds are costly and
would not be readily distributed where required for our needs. The cylindrical molds are
applicable to our utilization and their shape allows them to be tested for compressive
strength in a laboratory. Local material testing laboratories will have the capability to test the
samples and the testing costs range from $20 – $30 per sample.
The initial set time for the sampled grout is a critical factor. Allowing the samples to cure in-
situ, at minimum, overnight, will provide an approximate representation of the field
conditions. These samples are not precise replicas of the grout in the field but should provide
a very good indication of quality and strength. Increasing the minimum number of required
samples or specifying longer field curing times shall be at the discretion of the Ministry
Suggested approach for distributing the cylinders – provide an envelope with an adequate
number of cylinders, labels and one page instruction sheet included, to the party responsible
for obtaining the samples. Would suggest discussing the procedure with the individual,
identifying how the sample should be handled and placed subsequent to casting and who
the sample should be provided to subsequent to initial set.
Testing grout samples
In the event that tested grout samples are found to be deficient in compressive strength,
further investigation would be required. Depending on the nature of the test results, coupled
with observations in the field, it may be required that test samples would need to be cored for
testing from the actual bridge. Where grout sample test results are deficient, the Ministry
Engineer will specify the necessary steps to assess the problem in order to establish the
safe use of the structure of concern.
This section provides procedures for making and curing cylinder specimens from
representative samples of fresh grout being placed on Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural
Resource Operations bridges in the field.
Samples shall be taken during the field grouting processes for all ministry (including BCTS)
bridges incorporating field grouted structural connections. These include:
precast concrete deck panels on steel or concrete girders, and
precast concrete slab girders with grouted shear key details.
Sampling of the grout shall occur at various times through the field grouting process, at
roughly even intervals as the field grouting process progresses.
The samples shall be taken using the Ministry supplied 50mm diameter X 100mm long
plastic cylindrical molds.
A minimum of 3 samples of each type of grout being used shall be taken using these
procedures or as directed by the responsible Ministry Engineer.
Where Target Traffic Patch is used, a minimum of 3 samples of each of the coarse and fine
grout shall be taken. Typically, coarse grout is used in the shear connections on slab bridges
and for stud grout pockets and fine grout is used in deck panel joints for precast deck panel
and girder composite action structures.
Grout samples shall be provided to the Ministry Engineer or provided to the individual
identified in contract documents or specifications.
1. A sample of representative fully mixed grout that is ready for placing shall be taken.
2. Fill a cylindrical mold approximately halfway with grout.
3. Using a blunt non absorbent rod, approximately 10mm in diameter and 250mm in length
(such as a spike head), uniformly over the cross section, rod the grout to the bottom of
the mold 15 times.
4. Slightly overfill the mold with the second layer of grout and rod 15 times, evenly
distributing over the cross section, and approximately 13mm into the bottom layer.
5. Strike off the top surface of the mold with a flat edge trowel, or other suitable
straightedge, to remove excess grout and create a flat top surface.
6. Cover the mold with a damp cloth or paper towel and set the sample aside on site in a
safe, flat location where the mold will not be disturbed for a minimum of 12 hours or
overnight. The location should be representative of the conditions of the placed grout
such as on the deck of the grouted surface or on the inside flange of a steel girder.
Longer field curing times shall be at the discretion of the Ministry Engineer.
7. Ensure that a supplied, self adhesive, label is completed and placed on each grout
4.13 Major Culvert Construction
Ensure that major culvert installations receive compaction to obtain adequate structural integrity of the
installation because culverts are generally soil-steel structures. The culvert itself will not support the design
load without the soil-steel interaction. In order for the soil to work with the steel to support the design load, the
culvert is adequately “bedded” and the soil appropriately compacted to be “structural.” The flexible steel is
designed to distribute loads to the bedding and backfill surrounding it. Soil is most compactable when it is
composed of select granular, free-draining material. Ensure that the backfill conforms to a specified size
Typical backfill compaction is the minimum Standard Proctor Density of 95%. To achieve that level of
compaction, use hand tools to work smaller areas (between corrugations); mechanical compactors such as
plate and jumping jack tampers; or rollers and vibrating compactor equipment.
Provide adequate bedding before culverts are installed and backfilled. Where subgrade material is
unsuitable, remove it and replace it with select granular, free-draining material compacted to support
the culvert.
Place and compact backfill in uniform layers, about 150–300 mm thick (compaction equipment and
layer thickness as specified by the designer) of select granular, free-draining material on each side of
the culvert in a balanced and progressive manner, to avoid potential distortion or displacement of the
Remove cobbles and boulders from the backfill, particularly where they could contact the culvert. Use
hand tools to compact the material immediately adjacent to the culvert within the corrugations. Fully
compact each layer before the next layer is placed on top.
Monitor compaction and complete compaction testing as specified by the designer.
Avoid over-compaction of the backfill to prevent distorting the culvert. Continue backfill and compaction
above the culvert, as specified in the design. Establish minimum culvert cover before any equipment
loads are applied.
4.14 Use & Role of Environmental Monitors
An environmental monitor inspects site activities for:
conformance with construction work plans that incorporate measures to protect forest resources in
accordance with legislative requirements; or
during active development operations in sensitive habitats and ecosystems.
Retain an environmental monitor on a site specific project basis when specified in an environmental
management plan or where required by an environmental agency (such as where bridge or major culvert
construction occurs in critical or important fish habitats, or where instream work is approved outside of the
fisheries timing window).
For appropriate qualifications for environmental monitors, see the Engineering Equipment and Services (EES)
Directory under two categories:
Where an environmental monitor may be warranted, the scope of duties may include:
site activities do not conform with approved construction contract work plans and contract
work activities lead to harmful levels of sediment entering a stream;
work activities may harmfully alter, disrupt, or destroy fish or fish habitat or other forest
unforeseen circumstances related to the work cause or may cause environmental problems;
actual log stringer, curb, needle beam and crib log sizes (diameter and length for each member);
pertinent construction data including, but not limited to, any pile driving records, hammer type,
penetration, set criteria, and any critical dimensions;
fabrication plant inspection reports, including mill test certificates and concrete test results;
shop or as-built fabrication drawings;
geosynthetic material identification;
concrete and grout test results;
field compaction results;
confirmation of scour protection requirements;
footing base elevation, deck elevation, and alignment location; and
other pertinent fabrication, field, and construction data.
As-built drawings are normally the “approved for construction” drawings that are marked up to show all
significant variations from the original design. Ensure that the as-built drawings see sample (PDF) are signed
and sealed by the Coordinating Registered Professional. Where the original design has been modified, these
drawings should have been amended accordingly by the designer before the as- built notes and details are
Ensure that a BCTS/District engineering technician inspects the completed bridge for acceptability/assurance
of the structure, often as part of the inspection for contract completion. Forward the package of statement of
conformance, as built drawings and field note from the engineering specialist to the Ministry Engineer for
review for completeness and acceptability.
Add all completed FS bridges to the appropriate BCTS/Timber Pricing and Operations Division file records and
road and bridge data base.
4.16 Resources & Suggestions for Further Reading
Handbook of steel drainage and highway construction products, 2007 (PDF, 13.3MB). Can. ed. Corrugated
Steel Pipe Institute, Cambridge, Ontario.
BC Ministry of Forests. 1997. Forest service bridge design and construction manual. Victoria, BC.
__________________. 1981. Log bridge stringers and needle beam sizing - Metric Edition (PDF, 3.96 MB).
Design Section, Engineering Branch. Victoria, BC.
Canadian Standards Association. R2005. Canadian highway bridge design code (CAN/CSA S6-00).
Mississauga, Ont.
Nagy, M.M., J.T. Trebett, G.V. Wellburn, and L.E. Gower. Second Edition. 1989. {{{{{{Log bridge
construction handbook}}}}}}. For. Eng. Research Inst. Can. (FERIC), Vancouver, BC.
4.17 Appendices
5.0.1 Policy
All Forest Service roads will be constructed in a manner that considers road user safety, values at risk of
damage or loss and cost efficiency.
5.7 Overlanding
5.9.1 Ballasting
5.9.2 Surfacing
5.9.3 Surfacing Compaction
5.9.4 Protecting Erodible Fills Located Within Floodplains
5.9.5 Litter, Petroleum Products & Other Waste Materials
5.14 Appendices
Results to be achieved:
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 69, 70,
72, 76, 78, 84, 106.2: all road-related items
M1 Road construction must be carried out in accordance with the road plan, subject to
changes necessitated by site conditions and approved by the designer [see General
Road Construction Practices].
Legislation supported: FPPR section 78: minimize clearing width
B1 Minimize the clearing width, while accommodating the topography, user safety and
operational requirements [Establishing Clearing Widths].
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 37, 38, 57, 59, 69, 70, 72, 106.2: do not cause sediment
transport through mass wasting processes that will impact user safety or have a material
adverse effect on forest resources
B2 Do not deposit debris resulting from grubbing and stripping within the clearing width in
areas where the debris could have a material adverse effect on forest resources and
other values [see Disposal of Debris].
B3 In areas of moderate to high landslide potential, remove all organic debris from within
the road prism width [see Disposal of Debris].
B4 Locate disposal sites and place debris at a disposal site to ensure that activities do not
cause a landslide, gully processes on the Coast, or uncontrolled erosion and sediment
transport that have a material adverse effect on forest resources and other values [see
Disposal of Debris].
B5 To maintain slope stability in areas having steep slopes or unstable (or potentially
unstable) terrain, consider applying full bench and partial bench construction techniques
[see Full Bench].
B6 Ensure that rock drilling and blasting techniques minimize the potential for landslides or
slope instability [see Rock Excavation].
Shut down road construction work before slope stability is in question, or landslides
occur [see Shutdown Indicators].
B8 To maintain surface drainage patterns, keep water in its own drainage area, unless
moving it to another area is necessary to avoid unstable or sensitive soils [see
Maintaining Surface Drainage Patterns].
B9 B9. Do not locate borrow pits or disposal sites in a riparian management area [see
Location of Disposal Sites].
B10 Ensure that there are no subgrade construction works within a riparian management
area, unless otherwise exempted from this requirement by regulation [see Riparian].
B11 Ensure that road construction works do not cause fan destabilization on the Coast that
will result in material and adverse effects on other resources [see Fan Destabilization].
Legislation supported: FPPR section 55: protect stream channel and banks
B12 Ensure that the disturbance to the stream channel and the stream bank at the crossing
are mitigated to the extent that the original conditions are reasonably restored. Also,
ensure that despite the works at the crossing, the stream banks above and below the
crossing are protected. Ensure that the disturbance to the stream channel and the
stream bank at the crossing are mitigated to the extent that the original conditions are
reasonably restored. Also, ensure that despite the works at the crossing, the stream
banks above and below the crossing are protected [see Culverts].
B13 Use culvert outlet protection where discharge velocities and energies at the outlets of
culverts, conduits or channels are sufficient to erode the immediate downstream reach
[see Culverts].
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 56 and 57: protection of fish passage and fish habitat
B14 Ensure that any culverts constructed on a fish stream do not impede fish passage or
harmfully alter fish habitat [see Culverts on Fish Streams].
B15 Ensure that roads on fans are constructed to account for identified hazards on a fan [see
Fan Destabilization].
Legislation supported: FRPA section 46: protection of the environment and FPPR section 59:
protection of water quality
B16 To minimize sediment delivery to streams, do not discharge the water conveyed in
ditches and cross-drain culverts directly into streams [see Maintaining Surface Drainage
B17 For snow and winter roads, do not mix soil with snow in the riparian management area
of stream crossings [see One-Season].
B18 Ensure that debris is placed at disposal sites so as to protect against sediment transport
that will have a material adverse effect on forest resources and other values [see
Disposal of Debris].
B19 When constructing permanent roads, minimize the placement of snow, ice, and frozen
material in the road fill [see Winter Construction].
B21 To minimize sediment transport away from the road prism and disposal sites, consider
using sediment control techniques [see Sediment Control].
B22 Ensure that roads on fans are constructed to account for identified hazards on a fan [see
Fan Destabilization].
B23 Surface the subgrade with pit-run gravel or crushed rock aggregate where subgrade
material is highly erodible and needs to be protected from water or wind action [see
B24 Determine when forest road operations are to be shut down because the works are
causing, or may imminently cause, environmental damage [see Shutdown Indicators].
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 60, 62: no construction near licensed waterworks in
community watersheds or springs in a community watershed
B25 Unless there is an exception in accordance with FPPR, ensure that the road is
constructed so as not to damage a licensed waterworks and to achieve at least 100m
distance from any such waterworks or springs in community watersheds [see Licensed
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 69, 70: general wildlife measures, and resource or
wildlife habitat features
B26 Ensure that a road is constructed in accordance with any general wildlife measures that
may be in place (as identified in the road layout process), and the construction activities
do not damage and resource or wildlife habitat features [see Wildlife].
Legislation supported: FPPR section 72: roads and structures are safe for industrial users
B27 Construct turnouts and widenings at locations and to specifications in accordance with
the road design to allow safe passage of expected vehicles types on single lane roads
[see Turnouts].
B28 Should a ford become unsafe for traffic during high water, take measures to warn and
exclude users for that period [see Ford Operating Constraints].
B29 Ensure that any permanent culvert materials are fabricated in accordance with the
current Canadian Standards Association specifications [see Road Drainage].
B30 To minimize surface soil erosion after road construction on all soils exposed that are
subject to weathering, cover them with grass and legume vegetation [see Soil Erosion].
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 69, 70, 72,
76, 78, 84, 106.2: all road-related items
Ensure that the necessary steps in the road construction processes were undertaken
and issues addressed [see Project Tracking Checklist]
M2 The Coordinating Member must sign (and seal as appropriate) the Road Project
Assurance Statement (PDF).
B33 Ensure that there is a field inspection to monitor the completeness of the professional
certification and to incorporate as-built information into the applicable data base [see
General Road Construction Practices].
ensure that a BCTS engineering technician carries out a minimum of a final field
inspection of those roads built by a TSL holder under road permit to confirm the
suitability of the road construction; and
similarly, ensusre that a District engineering technician inspects roads built by
others [see General Road Construction Practices]
M = Mandatory procedures
B = Best practices
5.2 Road Construction Professional Responsibilities &
After a road plan has been completed and signed off, it may then be appropriate to commence road
construction in accordance with that plan. Note that this phase of the road project does not include those
engineered structures described in Chapter 4 of this manual.
Those professionals taking part in the road construction works may include the CM, other Members or other
persons working under supervision of the CM, and professional specialists where there may be terrain stability
issues and corresponding design requirements. Other responsibilities related to road construction that may be
undertaken by a Member are project management, quality control, quality assurance, contract administration or
construction supervision. The CM must clarify the roles and responsibilities of each Member including the CM,
and their reporting relationships, at the outset of the project.
As with other road and structure phases, there must be a CM in place to provide oversight and undertake
professional responsibility for the construction of a forest road. Accordingly, a CM must:
ensure that the road plan has been signed off by a Member;
exercise professional judgment to determine that there are no changed conditions that could affect
safety or the suitability of the road plan;
identify and bring forward any special issues that may impact worker safety during construction;
prescribe any field surveys (e.g., centre-line, slope staking) that may be required before and during
determine the number and timing of field reviews during the construction process;
carry out field reviews or delegate them to another person working under the CM's direct supervision;
ensure that professional specialists and designers carry out field reviews of those portions of the
project for which specialist analysis or design was required;
confirm that the completed road construction works are in general conformance with the road plan, and
complete the Road Project Assurance Statement (PDF) for road construction.
take responsibility for any changes needed to the road plan (this may involve obtaining input from other
Members or specialists to re-assess the changed conditions); or
contact the CM who prepared the road plan, inform him/her of the changed conditions, and obtain
instructions on what changes may be needed to the road plan (in this case, the original CM would take
responsibility for the changes, including preparing an updated road plan).
changes in ground conditions (material characteristics or drainage) that require changes to the road
identification of sensitive features or resources at risk that were not previously known.
If modifications are made during construction, the CM for construction must document the changes, and
indicate the reasons for the changes and their implications on:
Upon completion of construction, ensure that there is a field inspection to monitor the completeness of the
professional certification and to incorporate as-built information into the applicable data base.
For those roads that are built by TSL holders under road permit, and have been identified as becoming FSRs
after construction, it may be appropriate for a BCTS engineering technician to carry out a final inspection to
confirm the suitability of the works. Similarly, for those rare situations where other roads are to become FSRs,
the district engineering technician should carry out the suitability inspection.
Suitability inspections may be carried out at key points in the construction, and at least at the completion of the
works. Refer any issues to the constructor, the constructor's CM and, where appropriate, to Compliance and
5.3 Road Corridor Preparation
Assess the right-of-way corridor for the presence of any dangerous trees and remove any such trees.
Consideration must be given to not create hazards for any subsequent potential operations not only within the
right of way but in operational forest areas outside this area and especially on the downhill side. (i.e. hazards
might include timber decks supports by standing timber, rock supported on slopes by timber to be felled or
otherwise in unstable positions. Should hazards be created inadvertently than mitigation strategies and
communication to subsequent employers must be arranged.
The objective when establishing clearing widths is to minimize the width of the clearing, yet accommodate:
Ensure that trees that are marked to establish the clearing width remain after the clearing operation is
completed. Leave standing those trees that are on the boundary unless the roots will be undermined by
operations within the clearing width. Where slope staking is not required, use the flagging as an offset line to
establish the top of cut for grade construction.
Ensure that care is taken to remove debris from the downslope during the right-of-way logging phase unless
the debris can reasonably be reached by equipment operating on the surface of the pilot trail or final road
Install drainage structures concurrently with pilot trail construction, including temporary stream crossings that
may be required during the road construction phase until the permanent crossing is constructed. For further
details, see Road Drainage Construction.
Felling methods
Several methods for falling trees within the clearing width are available depending on terrain, soil
conditions, timber size, and total volume.
Fell all standing merchantable and non-merchantable timber along any section of road subgrade remove
the timber before construction. Ensure that timber does not become buried under soil, rock, and debris,
and the wood is accessible for future retrieval from the road subgrade.
Further information about falling is contained in the British Columbia Occupational Health and Safety
Regulation (Sec. 26.11 and 26.21 to 29.30) and the WorkSafeBC Guidelines (Part 26).
Locate landings within the clearing width so as not to interfere with other operations. Ideally, show landing
locations on the construction drawings and mark them in the field.
Before falling begins, ensure that streams and their associated riparian management areas and the
“machine-free zones” identified on operational plans have their buffer zones flagged in the field. Use
appropriate directional falling techniques to protect these areas. For further information, refer to the
Riparian Management Area Guidebook.
Where debris is accidentally introduced into the stream, carry out clean-up concurrently with clearing
operations. Mitigate without delay any stream bank damage, outside of designated crossings.
Dangerous trees
Identify all dangerous trees outside the clearing width deemed hazardous to road workers or users and fell
them as part of the falling phase of site preparation. See Preparing the Site.
5.4 Grubbing & Stripping
Grub and strip the road prism area of all topsoil and unsuitable mineral soils after all standing timber has been
felled and removed, unless the following are applicable:
between the tops of cuts and adjacent standing timber (other than trees and stumps with exposed
roots or roots that overhang the top of cut);
between the toes of fills and adjacent standing timber; and
where short-term roads – that is, one-season winter use roads or snow roads— are constructed or
where overlanding techniques are applied.
“Grubbing” means the removal of stumps, roots, buried logs, and logging slash (downed logs, tree branches
and tops, and uprooted stumps, trees, and shrubs) and other debris left on the ground from clearing operations.
“Stripping” means the removal of topsoil or other organic material, and mineral soils unsuitable for forming the
road subgrade.
Where grubbing operations have removed all organic soil, stripping is not required unless other unsuitable soils
are encountered.
5.5 Disposal of Debris
Disposal of debris consists of the disposal of material resulting from grubbing and stripping
operations within the clearing width. (For ease of reference, this material is simply called “debris”
in this chapter.)
Do not deposit debris resulting from grubbing and stripping within the clearing width in areas
where the debris could have a material adverse effect on forest resources or create hazards for
any subsequent operations and/or adversely affect other values. In addition to any other required
mitigation actions to prevent damage, immediately remove any debris that is deposited in such
meet objectives of higher level plans (such as those for smoke management, aesthetics,
or pest management);
are compatible with terrain conditions;
consider the slash volume, loading, species, and piece sizes;
do not alter natural drainage patterns; and
are compatible with other resource values.
Figure 5-3 Debris placement for permanent road on terrain having a low likelihood of landslides
(acceptable practice)
Carefully plan and locate disposal sites for debris and suitably place material to:
Generally, remove all organic debris from within the road prism width (Figure 5-2). However,
where the road crosses areas not having a moderate or high likelihood of landslides, then
incorporate stumps, roots, and embedded logs in the road prism as follows:
leave or place stumps, roots, and embedded logs outside the road subgrade width on the
downhill side (Figure 5-3).
for a short-term road (Figure 5-4), leave or place stumps, roots, and embedded logs within
the road subgrade width. For more information about short-term roads, see Construction
of Short-Term Roads.
For either of the two situations above, report the presence of stumps, roots and embedded logs
in the road prism as a part of as-built information. See Workers' Compensation Act: Occupational
Health and Safety Regulation (Sec 26.79).
Place logs and stumps away from adjacent timber stands, positioned so they will not roll and so
that they do not lie on top of one another.
Incidental burying may occur, but is not an objective. If the debris is bunched or spread, breach
any continuous accumulations to accommodate drainage, snow removal, and wildlife passage.
Consider chipping or grinding up debris and then blow it along the cleared area or into the
standing timber, away from watercourses, to help limit erosion of exposed soils and facilitate
Breach accumulations of debris at all culvert locations to facilitate drainage. Remove debris
accumulations at some locations where needed to permit the natural passage of livestock and
5.5.3 Burying
There are three methods for burying debris with soil materials:
mounding or windrowing; and
creation of pushouts.
Place all debris between the edge of the structural fill and standing timber (Figure 5-7), unless
otherwise indicated in the construction drawings. Arrange the surface profile of the debris so as
to imitate existing ground profiles. Next, compact the debris and then cover it with a layer of soil
at least 300 mm thick. Compaction minimizes the hazards to livestock and wildlife stumbling in
holes in the buried debris.
roadway drainage, utilities, planned road improvements, snow removal, design sight
distance, future developments, or standing timber; and
any watercourse.
Furthermore, breach any resulting berms at each culvert location to facilitate drainage, and at
other specified locations to permit the usual passage of livestock and wildlife.
Calculate the volume of debris and of soil cover per lineal metre of road. Generally, for every
cubic metre of debris, utilize a metre of clearing for its disposal. When excessive debris volumes
are encountered, consider other disposal methods.
This method takes advantage of trenches that usually result from a particular subgrade
construction technique, and not normally where a trench is dug solely for the purpose of
burying debris. It works well where usable subgrade material occurs fairly continuously
below a veneer of unsuitable soil. Use the excavated trench material to raise the subgrade
above the normal ground line. Do not use trenching on natural slopes with greater than 20%
slope angle, because it could undermine the road surface and cause long-term subgrade
Place the debris in the resultant trench rather than spreading it over the ground surface.
Determine the required size of the trench from the volume of debris to be buried. However, to
minimize the size of the cleared area overall, use a deep, narrow trench instead of a shallow,
wide trench (Figure 5-8).
To prevent undermining tree roots, leave 3m of cleared width between any standing timber
and the trench. Ensure that the trench lies parallel to the roadway and is either continuous or
intermittent, depending on the volume of debris. Place the woody debris on the bottom of the
trench and compact it before covering it with soil and other strippings from the road prism.
Mounding or windrowing
With this method, accumulate all debris along one side of the cleared width between the
road prism and the standing timber. Put into place the woody debris and then compact it with
the grubbing equipment. Use stripped material from the road prism to cover the debris with
additional mineral soil, as required, to ensure coverage by at least 300mm thickness of soil.
Because of the difficulty of maintaining an adequate thickness of soil cover on the downslope
side, the results of this method are not easy to control on natural slopes with greater than
50% slope angle.
Creation of pushouts
Locate pushouts in natural openings along the cleared area and ensure that they are
appropriate for the volume of material to be disposed. Do not push debris into standing
timber and properly groom the piles to be stable and visually acceptable.
steep or unstable terrain where this material is removed to maintain slope stability; and
areas with high recreational value where aesthetics may be an issue.
Dispose of the debris endhauled to an approved disposal site by piling and burning, scattering, or
burying. Whichever disposal method is used, ensure that the top of any remaining debris material
is below the road surface (to allow for snowplowing and sight distance) and placed in a manner to
allow surface water to drain away from the road.
Carefully place and pile debris to maintain slope stability at all times and take measures control
erosion and sediment transport.
5.6 Subgrade Construction
Additionally, ensure that at least 48 hours notice of impending construction work is provided to
water licensees or water purveyors in community watersheds.
FRPA recognizes fan destabilization on the Coast; province-wide, FRPA recognizes impacts to
fish habitat and forest soils—impacts that can result from fan destabilization. There may be a
range of causes of fan destabilization as a result of road construction, and a variety of potential
mitigative practices (see Land Management Handbook 57 Forest Management on Fans
Hydrogeomorphic Hazards and General Prescriptions (PDF, 3.2MB). Ensure that the following
practices are carried out when constructing roads on fan landforms that are identified along the
proposed route:
explore each fan for evidence of debris flows, debris floods, and floods,
build to account for the identified hazards with attention to the specific location of the
crossing on the fan, the need, if any, for climbing roads, drainage structure size and
configuration, and excavations into the stream channel or banks.
Preferably, carry out construction surveys after clearing and grubbing operations, but before
primary excavation begins.
Do not use topsoil and debris, and saturated and other unsuitable soils, as road fill. Rather,
remove them, because they have a very low strength and can readily fail under vehicle loading.
In areas having a low likelihood of landslides, however, consider placing stumps, roots, and
embedded logs outside of the subgrade width (Figure 5-3).
Key in or notch the fill material into the slope, after all organic material and unsuitable soils have
first been removed from the road prism. Ensure that the notch is sufficiently wide to allow
equipment to work. Build up the fill in shallow lifts and compact it using the road-building
machinery—or, ideally, roller compactors. Properly compacted fills have a higher load-carrying
capacity and tend to shed water rather than absorb it. This results in a more stable, erosion-
resistant subgrade that requires less maintenance while minimizing the potential for adverse
environmental impacts.
Full bench construction involves cutting a bench into the side hill equal to the width of the road
(including the ditch). Transport all the excavated material (endhaul) to an approved disposal site
for excavation spoil, unless otherwise prescribed by a qualified registered professional.
Partial bench construction is similar to the full bench construction technique except that the bench
is less than the full width of the road, with the remaining road width built on sidecast fill. To
maintain slope stability, transport (endhaul) the surplus excavated soil and rock material to an
approved disposal site for excavation spoil, but do not place it along steep slopes below the road
unless prescribed by a qualified registered professional.
Ensure that all disposal sites for excavation spoil maintain natural drainage patterns.
Carefully place and pile debris material transported to a disposal site to maintain slope stability at
all times and take measures to control erosion and sediment transport. Consider the following
placing the coarse material on the bottom and the finer-grained material on the top, and
then compacting the pile to eliminate large voids;
using topsoil to cover the pile to aid revegetation and limit surface erosion;
not exceeding the natural angle of repose of the soil or rock materials;
“benching” the sides of the spoil pile when heights exceed 5m;
crowning, sloping, and grooming the spoil pile to ensure that the surface does not pond
water; and
installing sediment control devices below the disposal site for excavation spoil to capture
and prevent sediment transport beyond the site until the spoil pile is revegetated.
Ensure that the rock cut has a ditch of width sufficient to capture material that may fall from the
rock cut, and that drilling and blasting techniques minimize:
flyrock (airborne rock displaced beyond the road prism by blasting) to avoid damage or
disturbance to forest resources and existing improvements;
the potential for landslides or slope instability; and
the amount of overbreak (any material that is excavated, displaced, or loosened outside
and beyond the designed road prism, regardless of whether it was because of the
inherent character of any formation encountered or because of something else).
5.7 Overlanding
Overlanding is a construction technique used where the underlying soils are too weak to support
the road prism (Figure 5-11 and Figure 5-12). The road fill is placed on undisturbed organic soil,
stumps, and vegetative material, using geosynthetic fabric, corduroy, or puncheon (small logs
and limbs) as the separating material mat. It is important that the vegetative mat remain
undisturbed to prevent the unsuitable saturated soils below the mat from mixing with the imported
subgrade material.
Ensure that the amount of fill that is placed and compacted during overlanding is sufficient for the
anticipated loads. The depth of material is a function of soil properties (particularly bearing
capacity), vehicle loading, season of use, and life expectancy of the road. Use geosynthetics or
puncheon to reduce the amount of road fill required and to also reduce future road maintenance.
If the road fill begins to show signs of failure, or after the extended time period has passed,
deactivate or reconstruct the road.
surface drainage works, including ditches and cross drain culverts as well as any ancillary
works; and
stream crossings, including metal culverts, log culverts and fords.
Ensure that any permanent culvert materials are fabricated in accordance with the current
Canadian Standards Association specifications.
Consider the potential for adverse upslope, downslope and downstream impacts before culvert
locations and outlet controls are determined. Measures to limit these impacts include:
Drainage systems are used to intercept and manage surface or subsurface drainage. If the soils
are easily erodible, consider changing the ditch gradient, alignment, or cross-section, or adding
extra culverts, to reduce the distance over which water will have to be carried.
To minimize sediment delivery to streams, do not discharge the water conveyed in ditches and
cross-drain culverts directly into streams. Allow these flows to settle out through the natural
vegetation on the forest floor before reaching any stream. Alternatively, filter these flows in other
ways, such as through the use of settling basins or geosynthetics, until vegetation can be re-
established. For more information about sediment control techniques, see Soil Erosion &
Sediment Control.
stockpile an adequate supply of culverts, riprap, geotextiles, silt fencing, and grass seed
on-site for immediate and future use, and to avoid construction delays;
as water is encountered, establish adequate drainage to ensure flows are controlled and
water quality is maintained (where required) should a peak flow event occur;
construct the final drainage structures as early in the construction process as is
construct silt traps, armoured ditch blocks, and aprons as construction progresses or as
soon as soil conditions allow.
avoid working in areas of ponded water or saturated soils where this could result in
negative impacts on resource values;
construct stable cut and fill slopes;
avoid in-stream work as much as possible. Where in-stream work is necessary, obtain
appropriate agency approval before starting the work;
ensure that machinery used in in-stream work is free of deleterious materials that might
be deposited into the water; clean the machine undercarriage and tracks before doing in-
stream work;
install sufficient cross-drains and ditch blocks to keep ditchwater from eroding the
install erosion-resistant aprons at the inlet and outlet of culverts;
in ditches, use armouring, geotextile or silt fencing, blocks, or traps to minimize erosion;
revegetate exposed erodible soils as soon as possible; and
remove maintenance-intensive temporary construction measures such as silt fencing,
straw or hay bales, and silt traps, when not required any longer.
Ditch soil conditions influence erodibility. Finer textured, non-cohesive soils are more readily
eroded than coarser materials or cohesive soils.
Ditch gradient
The ditch gradient is largely dictated by the vertical alignment of the road. Ideally, construct
the gradient at a minimum of 2% to ensure that water will flow and not pond. Lower ditch
gradients can still be effective, but may require a higher-than-routine level of inspection and
maintenance. Under certain conditions, ponded water can lead to a saturated subgrade. This
can contribute to severe roadway rutting, siltation, and possible failure of the roadway prism,
as well as sediment deposition and plugging of cross-drain culverts. Such negative impacts
can occur in both gentle and steep terrain.
However, keep ditch gradients in granular soils just steep enough to keep intercepted water
moving to cross-drain culverts without carrying excessive sediment. Steeper ditch gradients
in erodible soils generally increase the likelihood of erosion and sediment transport. More
frequent culvert placement and armouring should be considered.
Ditch alignment
Avoid abrupt water flow changes. Sharp angles in the ditch alignment or flow obstructions in
the ditch (such as boulders or rock outcrops) can potentially deflect water into the subgrade
or cutbanks and can result in erosion of the subgrade or undermining of the cutbank. Where
there are impassable flow obstructions, consider installing additional cross-drain culverts.
Ditch cross-section
Ensure that ditches are of sufficient depth and flow capacity to transport anticipated drainage
flows. The ditch should be adequate to provide drainage of the uphill slope, the roadway
surface, and minor debris (leaves, twigs, and small woody debris). Slope ditches to a stable
angle, design them to have adequate hydraulic and minor debris-carrying capacity, and limit
water velocities to prevent accelerated ditch erosion. Obtain additional capacity for water
flow, sloughing, and minor debris by widening ditches. Avoid u-shaped ditches because the
almost vertical sides tend to ravel or slough, undermining the cut slope and the shoulder of
the roadway. Wide ditch bottoms facilitate grading operations where side borrow methods
are used.
Ancillary works
Culvert inlet armouring is used to protect the road fill from erosion as the water flows into
the cross-drain culvert inlet.
Culvert inlet basins are depressions dug at the inlet of cross-drain culverts. They are
intended to trap material that could, over time, restrict the intake flow or infill and plug the
culvert. Properly installed, inlet basins can reduce maintenance frequency. Use them where
fine-grained sediments are anticipated from ditch erosion or minor sloughing, and where
woody debris movement is expected along ditches in harvested openings. Periodically, clean
out inlet basins.
Sediment settling ponds differ from culvert inlet basins in that they are designed to allow
sediment to settle for later removal. Generally, locate them downslope of the roadway, but in
some instances incorporate them into sections of ditchline.
They are only effective under low water velocity conditions. Ensure that the configuration and
depth of settling ponds are adequate to allow sediment to settle and to facilitate clean-out.
Consider armouring the back slope of unstable settling ponds with placed shot rock or
stabilizing them with placed large boulders.
Settling ponds are a temporary measure to protect water quality during construction. If
designed for long-term use, ensure that access is provided to facilitate their cleaning out.
Consider vegetating settling ponds to assist filtering sediments.
Install ditch blocks to direct flows into the culvert inlet. They are constructed of erosion-
resistant material, with the crest being approximately 0.3m lower than the adjacent road
grade. This elevation difference is critical because if the culvert becomes plugged and the
water rises above the ditch block, then the flow will continue down the next section of
ditchline rather than being directed onto the roadway surface. Do not provide ditch blocks
where ditches converge; however, take into consideration the effects of the increased water
volume on the drainage structures.
Use a take-off or lateral ditch where a minimum grade is needed for the water to carry
fines away rather than depositing them at the culvert outlet and restricting normal flow. They
ensure there is a positive flow away from the roadway. However, dissipate or control the flow.
Ditch stabilization
Where it is necessary to carry a ditch farther than what would be ideal to limit ditch erosion,
such as in areas of through-cuts, or across gullies or areas of sensitive downslope soils
where concentrating water could lead to small or mass failures, limit ditch erosion by:
armouring the ditch with angular shot rock;
lining the ditch with an appropriate geosynthetic;
constructing an erosion-proof check dam, or series of check dams within the
ditchline, where velocity is also a concern (note: if not properly designed, however,
check dams can create severe erosion holes below the dams and may require a high
level of maintenance); or
vegetating ditches.
Drainage alternatives
Nevertheless, accommodate cut slope and roadway drainage in the above situations using:
subdrains (e.g., French drains) in place of ditches;
French drains in place of cross-drain culverts;
road surface drains such as dips and swales;
road insloping or outsloping;
open top cross-drain culverts (e.g., cattleguard-like structures); and
erosion-resistant road surfacing with a material such as shot rock.
5.8.4 Cross-Drain Culvert Location
How far water should be carried in a ditch before being left to dissipate away from the road prism
depends on: water volume and velocity, soil types, hillslope aspect, elevation, vegetation, rainfall
intensity, the incidence of rain-on-snow events, and downslope conditions.
near the top of a steep road gradient – the intent is to prevent accelerated ditch,
subgrade, or cutbank erosion by dispersing ditchwater before its volume and velocity
increase downgrade;
at seepage zones;
at zones that have localized overland flow with undefined channels (ensure that
ditchwater is dissipating at the downgrade side of these zones; otherwise water flow will
carry on to the next segment of the ditch, increasing the flow at the start of the next
section of ditchline and increasing the potential for erosion and natural drainage pattern
at any location where accelerated ditch erosion could potentially begin (again, ensure the
dissipation of ditchwater volume and velocity to prevent build-up and the risk of adverse
impacts on improvements and other resources);
at low points in the road profile;
where ditchline bedrock approaches the elevation of the finished grade;
immediately before sections of cut slope instability or raveling;
before large through-cuts that may be drainage divides; and
at any other location found necessary during construction, or evident during maintenance
Make culverts long enough to ensure that the inlet and the outlet cannot become blocked by the
encroachment of road embankment fill. Protect unstable or erodible fill at culvert outlets with
flumes or other erosion-resistant material and protect inlets to prevent scour and erosion.
Install cross-drain culverts at a minimum gradient of 1%. Shallower gradients may allow silt to
build up inside the pipe. Consider the need to provide outlet protection, particularly if the culvert
gradient exceeds 3%.
To encourage smooth entry of ditch flows, skew cross-drain culverts to be perpendicular to the
road centreline by 3 degrees for each 1% that the road grade exceeds 3%, to a maximum of 45
degrees. This skew will increase the overall length of the culvert, a fact that needs to be taken
into consideration when culverts are being ordered for installation.
Excavate unsuitable materials beneath the pipe and replace them with suitably compacted fill to
provide a firm and uniform foundation. Assess whether seepage along the outside wall of the
pipe could cause internal piping erosion (loss of fines and gravel, resulting in voids forming
channels or “pipes”) that could impair the stability of the culvert installation and road prism. If this
is a concern, consider using suitable geotextiles or other seepage control measures (such as
sand- bagging or installing pre-fabricated anti-seep barriers or collars at right angles to the pipe)
along the pipe wall near the inlet to retard longitudinal seepage along the pipe. Remove large
rocks or ledges and replace them with suitably compacted fill before the pipe bedding is
prepared. Backfill and compact around the culvert in the same manner as for stream culverts
(see Construction of Open & Closed Bottom Metal Culverts on Non-Fish Streams).
mark the location of the substructure on the ground before and after the site- clearing
particularly for those log culverts with high fills or requiring skewing, ensure that the sill
logs be cut to the correct length and placed in the proper position;
lay two evenly sized sill logs parallel to and clear of the wetted perimeter of the stream,
and on solid bearing;
excavate a trench for the sill logs below the scour depth of the stream or construct a non-
erodible foundation pad of large angular shot rock;
pin the outside stringers to the sills with drift pins or lashing, or place them in neat
notches; avoid sharp notches or slabbing of the stringer ends that will result in
unacceptable stress concentrations or degradation of the shear strength;
place a layer of non-woven geotextile filter cloth over the stringers.
For non-fish streams, the choice of open or closed bottom metal culverts is generally one of
economics, whether it be the cost of materials or the complexity of installation considering the
required opening of the culvert and the streambed gradient and composition.
Use culvert outlet protection where discharge velocities and energies at the outlets of culverts,
conduits or channels are sufficient to erode the immediate downstream reach. This practice
protects the outlet from developing eroded pools. Protection against scour at culvert outlets
varies from limited riprap placement, to protect the channel and redistribute or spread the flow, to
complex and expensive energy dissipation devices. Preformed scour holes, approximating the
configuration of naturally formed holes, dissipate energy while providing a protective lining to the
streambed. When outlet velocities are high enough to create excessive downstream problems,
consider using more complex energy dissipation devices. These include hydraulic jump-basins,
impact basins, drop structures, and stilling wells. However, for small installations, where riprap
will not suffice, it may be financially prudent to consider an open bottom culvert option or small
bridge structure. In any event, where the culvert slope exceeds 10%, and scour will be an issue,
retain a specialist professional to review the hydraulics at the site and determine the best site-
specific solution to the scour issue.
Construct culverts “in the dry” whenever possible to prevent or minimize impacts on water
quality and other biological resources. This typically enables faster construction of the culvert
and reduces the potential for sediment transport into the stream.
Open bottom culvert foundation
Lay an open bottom culvert on a foundation that will prevent differential settlement over time
that could compromise culvert functions and cause damage to overlying road. The
foundation generally consists of parallel supports through the length of the culvert, and may
continuous spread footings (generally precast or cast in place concrete); or
footing pads (intermittent supports).
The size and complexity of culvert footings depend on the underlying soil qualities as well as
the volume and size of traffic that will pass over the culvert. Bury the footings for open
bottom culverts at a depth that will prevent the footing from being exposed by scour.
Limit the disturbance of the steam bed and banks to that necessary to place the structure,
embankment protection and any required channel modifications associated with the
installation. Revegetate disturbed areas to assist in reducing future surface soil erosion.
The ability of a pipe to maintain its shape and structural integrity depends on correct
selection, placement, and compaction of backfill materials, and adequate depth of cover for
the pipe material selected.
The likelihood of a culvert failure increases with a lack of adequate compaction during
backfilling. In general, utilize the procedures below:
select good backfill material;
use a granular, non-saturated backfill material; pit-run gravel or coarse sands
are usually satisfactory;
use cohesive materials as backfill material only if careful attention is given to
compaction at optimum moisture content;
avoid placing large angular rock, boulders, snow, or ice within the backfill
ensure adequate compaction under haunches;
maintain an adequate width of backfill;
for culverts 1200mm diameter and larger, place backfill material in layers to about
150-300mm loose thickness, depending on compaction equipment, materials being
placed and the designer’s requirements;
balance the fill height on either side as backfilling progresses;
compact each layer before adding the next layer;
do not permit construction vehicles or equipment to cross the structure until the
minimum allowable depth of cover established by the manufacturer or by a designer
has been placed.
Ford construction
For low-flow or ephemeral streams, a properly designed and constructed ford allows the
stream flow to pass around and between subsurface rocks. To accomplish this, place the
larger size rock across the base and lower portion of the ford cross-section. For perennial
streams where appropriate rock sizes are unavailable, consider the following alternatives:
construct a broad catchment basin, or upstream weirs, to slow the stream flow
velocity and thus reduce the size of rock required to enable the ford to resist the
erosion forces; and
for steeper gradient streams, build up the downslope portion of the ford by positioning
log cribs, gabions, lock blocks, etc., to contain the rock fill for the ford. In most
situations, this will flatten the stream gradient at the crossing, thus reducing the
stream velocities and permitting the use of smaller size rock.
Both to prevent sediment delivery where approach drainage cannot be directed away from
the stream, and to prevent sediment tracking by equipment and vehicles, consider the
following procedures:
armouring ditches with non-erosive material;
directing runoff into sediment basins or other sediment trapping devices; and
capping the road surface with erosion-resistant material on either side of the ford for
an appropriate distance, to protect the road and minimize sediment delivery to the
Ford maintenance
Properly designed and constructed fords are usually low maintenance structures.
Nevertheless, inspect fords at a frequency commensurate with the risk to road users and the
environment, and properly maintain:
running surfaces;
approach grades and aprons;
ditches; and
catchment basins.
5.9 Stabilizing the Subgrade & Surfacing the Road
5.9.1 Ballasting
Ballasting is the use of rock to construct the road subgrade when other available material is
incapable of supporting the design traffic load during the period of use.
drains well;
forms a structurally competent fill;
compacts well; and
resists erosion.
5.9.2 Surfacing
Surface the subgrade with pit-run gravel or crushed rock aggregate for one or more of the
following reasons:
where subgrade material is highly erodible and needs to be protected from water or wind
where subgrade material will not support traffic loading during periods of use; and
to form a driveable and gradeable surface.
Surfacing materials include crushed rock and pit-run gravel aggregates. Surfacing materials
consist of inert, tough, durable particles that will not deteriorate when worked (handled,
spread, or compacted) and combined with suitable fines, or when exposed to water and
freeze-thaw cycles. Ensure that aggregate particles are uniform in quality and free from an
excess of flat or elongated pieces.
Ensure that the aggregate is well graded (contains a mix of all particle sizes) for compaction
and for a durable wearing surface. When the only source material is poorly graded, consider:
screening the material to remove the excessive particle sizes; or
blending in the deficient material size.
Because crushed aggregate is expensive to produce, protect it with a base coarse stabilizer
(e.g., calcium chloride or magnesium chloride, installed to the manufacturers’ specifications)
to prevent the loss of fines. Obtain and rigidly apply specifications for high fines crushed
gravel when use of a calcium chloride or related stabilizer is being considered. Note that
some stabilizers are not acceptable in community watersheds or near licensed water intakes.
For optimum strength, place the surfacing material in uniform lifts compatible with the compaction
equipment that is to be used. Uniformly compact ach lift before being covered with the next lift. To
achieve maximum compaction, ensure that the moisture content of the material is close to
optimum. Material that is too dry or too wet will not achieve the best compaction. Therefore,
during the spreading phase, add water to dry material, or allow saturated material to dry to
achieve the optimum moisture content.
When constructing embankments within active floodplains, take action to prevent erosion of
those embankments by forming the entire embankment of non-erodible material. Where this is
not possible or practical, armour the fill.
Table 5-2: Indicates the stream velocities that can erode different size materials.
If the embankment is to be formed by one of the materials in Table 5-2 and will likely be subject to
velocities at least equal to those corresponding to that material, then use armouring. Several
forms of armouring material exist:
For riprap, ensure that the rock selected is sized to resist peak flow velocities, and graded to act
as a filter to resist movement of underling soil through the riprap (all in accordance with the
approved design). Place the riprap on firm, stable ground, taking care to provide mass stability
and a regular surface with a minimum of voids. Place it horizontally to form an apron, and trench
it below the scour depth. Consider keying it into the bed of a watercourse below the scour depth
where acceptable to the environmental agencies.
Ensure that all ministry contractors have petroleum product spill response kits on hand, and that
personnel are familiar with spill containment procedures. Refer to the BC Timber Sales
Environmental Management System Manual (PDF), which contains information on environmental
policy, training, awareness and competence, emergency preparedness and response and
records, among other items. Spill kit contents vary by type of work, potential size of spill, and
impact potential, covering a range of incidents, from minor hydraulic leaks to major watercourse
spills. At a minimum, ensure that each machine has a spill kit with extra absorbents in the support
Dispose of waste and contaminated materials as appropriate and in accordance with the relevant
federal and provincial statutes, including:
burying; or
containing and removing from the site to an approved disposal location.
5.10 Construction & Use of Snow & One-Season Winter
Throughout much of British Columbia, forest operations are best conducted during the winter
months. By using deep snow or frozen ground as the running surface, equipment working on
snow roads or one-season winter roads has a lower environmental impact than when working on
all-weather roads. Fine- textured soils and muskeg ground conditions are especially vulnerable.
Construct these seasonal roads during the early part of the winter, so that harvesting can be
completed before snowmelt and the break-up of frozen ground in the spring. If there is insufficient
snowpack, these road types cannot be constructed.
Snow roads and one-season winter roads use the strength of ice and snow to produce a stable
road bed that will support the design vehicle axle loads. In areas with heavy snowfall, the main
reliance is on the snow pack. In either case, weather is the essential and unpredictable factor in
the construction process, and logistics are key to constructing and using winter roads effectively.
Where mid- winter thaws are common, construct short spur roads, and use and deactivate them
in a matter of weeks.
Generally, watercourses are frozen for the life of the road, and in many cases drainage structures
may not be required. Compact snow fills across small streams and gullies with the use of log
bundles to allow the passage of any seepage that may occur or to reduce the volume of snow
required. Where mid-winter thaws are common, install culverts in the snow fill to accommodate
possible flowing water.
Coordinate deactivation of these road types with operations and complete such work before the
spring freshet. Restore all-natural drainage channels while road access is available. Do not leave
logs in stream channels, and breach snow fills to prevent the damming of watercourses. Though
mid-winter thaws can disable even a well-built road, the high-risk period begins during spring
break-up. During that period, snowmelt can occur very quickly, resulting in rapid overland flows of
meltwater, high flows in watercourses, and an extreme softness of soil materials that renders
them highly susceptible to erosion. Any soils that have been mixed with snow become fluid and
highly susceptible to mass erosion. Debris or excavated spoil material piled on top of a snow
layer can become unstable on even gentle side slopes. For more information on road
deactivation techniques, see Chapter 7: Road Deactivation.
Excavation is not permitted (cut slopes or ditches) other than the removal of the occasional
stump that cannot be readily covered with snow and ice. The road may be reconstructed and re-
used each winter in the same location.
Because of the high risk of sediment deposition during the spring freshet, do not mix soil with
snow in the riparian management area of stream crossings. Only use log bundles and clean
snow in gullies and riparian areas.
Limit stripping to the removal of large stumps that cannot be easily covered with snow or ice. For
cuts into mineral or organic soil, do not exceed 300mm in depth for sustained distances on
slopes greater than 15%, or 500mm in depth for short distances on steeper slopes up to 35%.
Figure 5-14 shows a finished one-season winter road.
Figure 5-14 One-season winter road
For one-season winter roads, a mixture of dirt and snow on the road surface can provide a stable
roadway when frozen, but it becomes highly liquid during spring thaws. Any appreciable side
slopes or gradients may result in mass erosion from the roadway. Debris disposal sites
constructed on top of snow can become unstable during melt periods, or can create a situation
where meltwater on the roadway cannot run off the road but only run down it.
Plan for and install deactivation measures during the design and construction of one-season
winter roads. For example, construct swales, inslope or outslope the subgrade, install log-filled
cross-ditches, and stockpile coarse rock for use at armoured swales and cross-ditch locations so
deactivation requirements after the life of the road will be reduced.
Where possible, overland the road with a brush mat and snow excavated from the clearing width.
Use a small amount of unfrozen dirt as a freezing agent to construct the road surface. Breach
berms and snowbanks at intervals of not more than 50m. Smooth the road surface at the time of
construction to avoid building in ruts and other irregularities, and construct waterbars on long
grades. Remove fills in natural drainage channels, pull back soil-contaminated snow fills in the
vicinity of stream crossings. and take measures to prevent sediment from entering streams
around crossings.
Apply the cover as soon as slopes are completed, rather than after the entire road project is
complete. Prompt revegetation by dry broadcast (by hand or spreader) or by hydroseeding not
only assists with erosion control; it also helps to prevent the spread of noxious weeds.
Other soil erosion control techniques include, but are not limited to, the following:
For more detailed information on control of soil erosion and sediment transport, refer to the
Ministry of Forests’ Best Management Practices Handbook: Hillslope Restoration in British
install silt fencing to collect and detain runoff and retain sediment;
install sediment retention berms (e.g., berm constructed of brush, rock, wood chips, or
other material that may be wrapped in geotextile fabric);
install sediment basins and traps to detain runoff and retain sediment;
confine sensitive operations to periods of dry weather, minimize traffic through these
areas, and select equipment that will create the least disturbance (e.g., rubber-tired or
rubber-tracked machinery);
for stream culvert installations, use temporary diversion or impoundment of stream flow to
reduce the exposure of disturbed soil to flowing water – being sure to obtain prior agency
approval, if required.
For more detailed information on control of soil erosion and sediment transport, refer to the
Ministry of Forests’ Best Management Practices Handbook: Hillslope Restoration in British
5.12 Road Works Shutdown Indicators
Several visible weather- and soil-related conditions can be used on site to help determine when
forest road operations are to be shut down because the works are causing, or may imminently
cause, environmental damage. Refer to the BC Timber Sales Environmental Management
System Manual (PDF), which contains information on environmental policy, training, awareness
and competence, emergency preparedness and response and records, among other items.
Be prepared to shut down or alter construction activities during periods of adverse weather to
avoid uncontrolled soil erosion and sediment transport. In general, work on earth materials in
environmentally sensitive areas only during favourable soil moisture conditions. Consider
maintaining a rain gauge at the work site and keeping a written record of rainfall levels.
The objective is to reduce potential adverse impacts on forest resources such as:
In general, and where predictable, shut down work before the following happens:
2. Take steps necessary to avoid impacts. Before shutdown, control drainage to ensure that
subsequent damage does not occur. Carry out protective measures in the work area, primarily on
sites where works are not at a completed and controlled stage. Consider the following general
4. Account for all people working in the area before leaving the site.
5. Restarting the works. Establish and convey to the road crew the criteria for restarting works,
including any further required mitigation measures.
Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia. 2003. Guidelines for terrain stability
assessments in the forest sector. Vancouver,
BC. 26 p.
Bennett, D.M. 2000. Forest road construction in mountainous terrain: evaluating endhauling
operations. Case Study No.2. For. Eng. Research Inst. Can. (FERIC). Vol. 1, No. 3. Vancouver,
BC. 12 p.
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). 1994. Road construction practices and
procedures. RRET 3310/3311. Burnaby, BC.
___________________. 1995. Road construction course manual. RRET 310. Burnaby, BC.
___________________. 1999. Forest Service bridge design and construction manual. Victoria,
B.C. Ministry of Transportation. 2002. Standard specifications for highway construction. Victoria,
Chatwin, S.C., D.E. Howes, J.W. Schwab, and D.N. Swanston. 1994. A guide for management of
landslide-prone terrain in the Pacific Northwest. 2nd ed. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, BC. Land
Manage. Handb. No. 18. 220 p.
Dick, R.A., L.R. Fletcher, and D.V. D’Andrea. 1983. Explosives and blasting procedures manual.
U.S. Dep. Int. Info. Circular 8925. 105 p.
Fannin, R.J. 2000. Basic geosynthetics: a guide to best practices (PDF). BiTech Publishers Ltd.,
Richmond, BC.
Hoek, E. and J. Bray. 1981. Rock slope engineering. Rev. 3rd ed. Inst. Mining and Metallurgy,
International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE). 1998. Blasters’ handbook. 17th ed.
Cleveland, Ohio.
Nagy, M.M., J.T. Trebeth, G.V. Wellborn, and L.E. Gower. Second Edition. 1989. Log bridge
construction handbook. For. Eng. Research Inst. Can. (FERIC), Vancouver, BC.
5.14 Appendices
Clearing width
The clearing width is shown in Table 5-3 and Table 5-4. Since clearing width calculations are
straightforward, but very tedious, Tables 5-3 to 5-9 and accompanying Table 5-10 and Table
5-11 have been developed for convenience.
Note that the right-of-way width will not normally exceed 75m and the clearing width
will not exceed the right-of-way width; any geometry in the tables in this Appendix
that indicates clearing widths that approach or exceed the 75m width should be
reconsidered and perhaps other road construction alternatives used.
These tables provide slope distances (not the horizontal distances) for establishing suitable
offset distances from road centreline to facilitate easy field marking of the upper and lower
clearing width boundaries. Note that the offset slope distances in the tables depend on
several factors:
unstabilized subgrade width;
side slope angle of the natural ground surface; and
angles of the fill and cut slopes.
On the tables in this appendix, the clearing width is the sum of the width determined from
the tables and any additional width to account for special circumstances (see below,
“Additions to Clearing Width”). The clearing width established from these tables may be
expressed as:
Clearing width = offset distance on cut side of centreline (from tables) + offset distance on fill
side of centreline (from tables) + additional width (if necessary)
As well, it is assumed that where there is road fill, the toe of the fill slope demarcates the
lower clearing width boundary. Therefore, to establish the clearing width when using these
tables, include additional width allowances as required (e.g., additional width will be required
for debris disposal on the lower side of the road below the toe of the fill slope).
Where the offset slope distance from the road centreline to the upper or lower clearing width
boundaries exceeds 50m, consider using alternative construction methods, such as retaining
walls, to reduce the clearing width requirements.
Select the appropriate unstabilized subgrade width table (the tables have been developed for
unstabilized subgrade widths of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 m). Do this after:
adjusting the road subgrade width to compensate for cuts or fills (see following:
Adjustments to Road Subgrade Width in Tables to Compensate for Cuts and Fills at
Road Centreline); and
adjusting the road subgrade width to compensate for road surfacing materials (see
following: Additions to Clearing Width).
Choose the appropriate natural side slope angle in the selected subgrade width table. Based
on the expected soil type to be encountered during road construction, choose the
appropriate cut and fill slope angles for application in the tables. Details about selecting cut
and fill slope angles for road design are given in Forest Road Engineering Guidebook
(7.8MB) (Appendix 1: Field Identification of Soils).
To establish the upper clearing width boundary, read the offset slope distance from the
appropriate cut slope angle column (the offset distance given in the cut slope angle column
is a slope distance between the road centreline and the upper clearing width boundary).
Use a two-step procedure to establish the lower clearing width boundary. First, read the
offset slope distance from the appropriate fill slope angle column (the offset distance given in
the fill slope angle column is a slope distance between the road centreline and the toe of any
fill slope). Second, include any additional width allowances (such as those for debris disposal
on the lower side of the road below the toe of the fill, and to accommodate sight distance), as
explained following in Additions to Clearing Width).
Adjustments to road subgrade width to compensate for cuts and fills at road
Limit the use of an adjusted road subgrade width in these tables for short sections of
anticipated cuts or fills at the road centreline to the obvious locations in the field, such as
where cuts are required through small ridges or fills across linear slope depressions of less
than 3.0m deep. For longer sections of road through areas with deep gullies or high ridges,
complete a geometric road design and determine the clearing width from these drawings.
To compensate for a cut at the centreline, adjust the road subgrade width as follows: Add
1.0m to the subgrade width for every 0.3m cut increment at centreline to determine the offset
slope distance on the cut side of centreline. Subtract 1.0m from the subgrade width for every
0.3m cut increment at centreline to determine the offset slope distance on the fill side of
centreline. For example, consider a 0.6m deep cut at centreline on a 6.0m wide unstabilized
subgrade (assume surfacing material is not applied to the subgrade). Assume a natural side
slope angle of 35% above and below the road centreline, and fill and cut slope angles of
1½H : 1V and 1H : 1V, respectively. In this case, adjust the unstabilized subgrade width by
2.0m as follows:
choose the appropriate cut slope angle column from Table 5-7 (8.0 wide unstabilized
subgrade) to determine the offset slope distance on the cut side of centreline; the
offset slope distance from this table is 12.0m;
choose the appropriate fill slope angle column from Table 5-3 (4.0m wide unstabilized
subgrade) to determine the offset slope distance on the fill side of centreline; the
offset slope distance from this table is 5.0m.
In this cut example, the clearing width (magnitude) is unchanged, but is shifted upslope with
respect to the road centreline.
If, because of shallow side slopes, the 0.6m cut resulted in a through-cut instead of a fill
slope, use the appropriate cut slope angle column from Table 5-3 (4.0m wide unstabilized
subgrade) to obtain the required offset slope distance from centreline to the lower clearing
width boundary.
To adjust for fills at the centreline, reverse the above procedure. For example, to allow for a
0.6m fill at centreline on a 6.0m wide road, adjust the unstabilized subgrade width by 2.0m
as follows:
choose the appropriate cut slope angle column from Table 5-3 (4.0m wide
unstabilized subgrade) to determine the offset slope distance on the cut side of
choose the appropriate fill slope angle column from Table 5-7 (8.0m wide unstabilized
subgrade) to determine the offset slope distance on the fill side of centreline.
Before selecting the appropriate unstabilized subgrade width table, compensate for the
thickness of surfacing or ballasting material anticipated to be placed over the unstabilized
subgrade surface. For example, where surfacing material is needed to provide a finished
road running surface, select a wider unstabilized subgrade width when determining the
clearing width from Tables 5-3 to 5-9. For every 0.3m of surfacing depth, allow for an
additional 1.0m of unstabilized subgrade width.
For example, to obtain a 4.0m wide finished road running surface on subgrade soils that will
require a 0.3m thickness of gravel, select Table 5-4 (5.0m wide unstabilized subgrade).
Calculate the extra width needed for turnouts, sight distance, snow removal, debris disposal,
and similar needs on the fill side of road centreline. To determine the lower clearing width
boundary, add this extra width to the offset slope distance (fill side of centreline) given in the
For example, if winter use of the road will require snowplowing, the standing timber should
be at least 4.0m or more away from the road shoulder. Since the tables will only provide for a
minimum of 3.0m from the road shoulder to the lower clearing width boundary, simply add
the additional 1.0 or 2.0m to the offset slope distance. Where natural side slope angles are
greater than 20%, convert the extra width allowance to a slope distance, rounded up to the
nearest metre, and then added to the offset slope distance determined from the tables.
Offset slope distances (m) from road centreline to upper (cut side) clearing width boundary and
lower (fill side) clearing width boundary.
% 1H 1½H 2H : 1V ¼H ¾H 1H 1½H 2H : 1V
: : 1V : : : : 1V
1V 1V 1V 1V
0-20 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 10
21-30 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 14
31-35 5 5 5 6 8 8 10 18
46-50 5 7 7 9 10 15
58-60 5 19 7 10 13 48
% 1H 1½H 2H : 1V ¼H ¾H 1H 1½H 2H : 1V
: : 1V : : : : 1V
1V 1V 1V 1V
0-20 5 5 5 7 7 8 9 11
21-30 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 16
31-35 5 5 8 7 8 9 11 20
46-50 5 9 7 10 12 17
51-54 5 12 Use alternative 7 10 13 29 Use alternative
construction construction
55-57 5 16 methods 7 11 14 37 methods
58-60 6 23 8 11 15 54
% 1H 1½H 2H : 1V ¼H ¾H 1H 1½H 2H : 1V
: : 1V : : : : 1V
1V 1V 1V 1V
0-20 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 12
21-30 6 6 6 7 9 10 11 17
31-35 6 6 8 7 9 10 12 22
46-50 6 11 8 10 13 18
58-60 8 29 8 12 16 60
% 1H 1½H 2H : 1V ¼H ¾H 1H 1½H 2H : 1V
: : 1V : : : : 1V
1V 1V 1V 1V
0-20 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 13
21-30 7 7 8 8 9 10 12 19
41-45 7 11 8 11 12 16
46-50 7 14 8 11 14 20
58-60 9 33 9 13 17
% 1H 1½H 2H : 1V ¼H ¾H 1H 1½H 2H : 1V
: : 1V : : : : 1V
1V 1V 1V 1V
0-20 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 14
21-30 7 7 9 8 10 11 12 20
41-45 8 12 8 11 14 18
46-50 8 16 8 12 15 22
58-60 11 39 10 14 19
% 1H 1½H 2H : 1V ¼H ¾H 1H 1½H 2H : 1V
: : 1V : : : : 1V
1V 1V 1V 1V
0-20 8 8 8 9 10 11 11 14
21-30 8 8 10 9 11 12 13 21
41-45 9 15 10 12 15 20
46-50 10 19 10 13 16 23
58-60 12 45 11 16 20
% 1H 1½H 2H : 1V ¼H ¾H 1H 1½H 2H : 1V
: : 1V : : : : 1V
1V 1V 1V 1V
0-20 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 15
31-35 8 11 15 10 12 14 18
41-45 10 16 10 13 16 21
46-50 11 21 10 14 17 25
51-54 12 27 Use alternative 11 15 19 45 Use alternative
construction construction
55-57 13 36 methods 11 16 21 58 methods
58-60 14 50 11 17 22
Table 5-10 Offset slope distance for 2H:1V fill slope angles
Natural Side Slope Angle Unstabilized Subgrade Width
% 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 10m
40 16 18 21 23
42 9 13 16 19 22 25 28
44 12 17 22 26 30 34 37
46 20 28 35 41 46 50
Table 5-11 Offset slope distance for 2H:1V cut slope angles
Natural Side Slope Angle Unstabilized Subgrade Width
% 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 10m
26-28 20
30 22
32 20 21 23 24
34 22 24 25 27
36 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
38 22 24 27 29 32 34 36
40 26 29 32 35 38 41
42 32 36 39 43 47 50
This chapter describes the activities related to plans, assessments, works, and reports, including
the following:
This chapter presents the Ministry's mandatory requirements and best practices related to road
maintenance inspections and the associated outputs. It is intended to provide the reader with
enough detail to be able to understand the processes and mandatory procedures, as well as
carrying out appropriate best practices to address the applicable regulatory requirements.
Note that for extensive road maintenance works such as major repairs to, or modifying or
rebuilding a section of road, many of the practices that are described in the appropriate sections
of Chapter 5 Road Construction will be applicable.
6.0.1 Policy
Forest Service roads that are maintained by the ministry, and all FSR bridges, major culverts, and
other engineered structures, will be inspected and maintained, taking into consideration their
level of use, strength and durability, and potential impacts on user safety and values at risk of
damage or loss.
6.1 Mandatory Procedures & Best Practices
6.2 Road & Structure Inspection & Maintenance Professional Responsibilities & Considerations
6.11.1 Fords
6.11.2 Weirs
6.11.3 Fences
6.11.4 Cattleguards
6.11.5 Signs
6.13 Appendices
Results to be achieved:
M1 For each road that the ministry is responsible for maintaining, a CM must be designated
to determine a system for determining the nature and extent of road and structure
inspections and maintenance, and that CM must decide upon the extent, if any, of other
member or professional specialist input required.
M2 The CM must prepare a maintenance plan for each road that the ministry is responsible
for maintaining, incorporating any measures prepared by other members or professional
M3 The Coordinating Member must sign (and seal as appropriate) the Road Project
Assurance Statement (PDF) for each completed maintenance plan.
B1 Use the results of an engineering risk analysis to prepare road maintenance inspection
schedules and establish priorities for road maintenance inspections. [see Road Risk
B2 For non-industrial use FSRs maintained by the Ministry, carry out road maintenance
inspections in accordance with the frequency levels provided in Table 6-3, and after
receiving any reports of potential hazard events along the road or of actual damage to
the road, forest resources, or other values. [see Non-industrial use FSRs maintained by
the ministry]
B3 Record in a road inspection report any deficiencies observed. [see Road Maintenance
Inspection Reports]
B4 Consult with the ministry bridge engineer when developing the annual strategy and the
contracts for routine condition and close proximity bridge and major culvert inspections
[see Types of Inspections]
B5 Ensure that the ministry bridge engineer reviews the engineered structure inspection
reports and determines whether a follow-up professional inspection is warranted [see
Structural Deficiencies]
B6 Where the ministry bridge engineer determines that a bridge will be posted as
downrated or a structure is being recommended for closure or removal, the ministry
bridge engineer advises the TSM/District Manager accordingly as soon as practicable
[see Structural Deficiencies]
B8 Ministry staff that travel on FSRs have a responsibility to report to the TSM/District
Manager any road maintenance problems that they observe in the course of their duties,
and believe are significant. [see Routine Observations]
M6 The District Manager must advise a new designated maintainer (under RUP) of any
chronic or current maintenance issues that may exist along that part of an FSR for which
the maintainer is responsible. In those situations where the only industrial users are TSL
holders, and the maintainer is a TSL holder, BCTS must collect sufficient data to
address those maintenance issues and provide the information to the District Manager
in a timely manner for review and dissemination to the maintainer. [see Industrial Use
B9 Ensure that road maintenance inspection reports are reviewed and signed off by the
appropriate Ministry staff prior to filing. Additionally, enter a record of the road
maintenance inspection report into the appropriate computerized road management
system. [see Road Maintenance Inspection Reports]
B10 Where the responsibility for maintenance has been delegated to a Road Use Permit
(RUP) holder, forward a copy of the inspection report, along with a District Manager’s
covering letter highlighting any structural deficiencies, to the RUP holder [see Road
Maintenance Inspection Reports]
B11 Retain road inspection reports on file as documented evidence that inspections have
been carried out, and to serve as references for future maintenance projects. [see Road
Maintenance Inspection Reports]
B12 After completing a road or engineered structure inspection, carry out any recommended
maintenance works to address deficiencies in a time period that is commensurate with
the risk to the road or structure, its users, and forest resources and other values [see
Scheduling Maintenance Works]
B13 Carry out road maintenance to ensure user safety and stability of the road prism;
minimize sediment transport from the road prism; and ensure that the road system will
fulfill its designed function until deactivation [see Road Prism Maintenance]
B14 Carry out stream culvert maintenance to ensure that a structure maintains its capability
to pass fish and convey stream flow [see Stream Culvert Maintenance]
B15 Carry out surface and structural maintenance of engineered structures in accordance
with the inspection reports, and carry out a follow-up inspection of structural repairs to
confirm that the work has been done in conformance with the proposed repairs in the
inspection report [see Structure Maintenance]
B16 Ensure that the necessary steps in the inspection and maintenance processes were
undertaken and issues addressed [see Project Tracking Checklist (PDF)]
M7 The Coordinating Member must sign (and seal as appropriate) the Road Project
Assurance Statement (PDF) for the maintenance work that was carried out,
M = Mandatory procedures
B = Best practices
6.2 Road & Structure Inspection & Maintenance
Professional Responsibilities & Considerations
an inventory of those roads for which the Ministry is responsible for maintaining;
a risk-based maintenance plan that details inspection priorities and schedules;
inspection reports of the roads and structures;
maintenance plan descriptions of the remedial works that may be required based upon
the results of the inspections;
a record of the proposed annual budget priorities and resulting allocations for the roads
and structures; and
a record of the maintenance works actually carried out;
Where conditions are fairly benign or predictable, a maintenance plan prepared by a CM may
consist of general guidelines such as those provided in this chapter. However, for all structures
and where there is a significant risk of detrimental effects on safety and adjacent resources, there
is a need for specific instructions for those structures and road sections.
Examples of works where there may be a need for professional specialist input to a road
maintenance plan include:
Where a CM for a road may not be comfortable with overseeing a structure maintenance
program as well, it may be reasonable to separate the maintenance responsibilities such that one
CM can oversee the road maintenance and another CM can be responsible for the structure
maintenance (and so note the assurance statements accordingly).
A tabular summary for each road under consideration for inspection and maintenance is
illustrated in the Sample Forest Service Road Maintenance Inspection Schedule (PDF).
incorporate into the maintenance plan the schedule and details of structure inspections
consistent with the requirements in the bridge register, and separately from the road
maintenance issues;
ensure that the structures are inspected by qualified individuals, including professional
specialists where necessary, and the results are reviewed and accepted by the Ministry
bridge engineer; and
include in the maintenance plan any remedial measures for structures as specified by
professional specialists.
In addition, a CM is responsible for overseeing the implementation of any remedial work and
must complete the Road Project Assurance Statement (PDF) for road and structure
6.3 Road & Structure Maintenance Levels
Current legislation requires:
1. at least a minimum level of road and structure maintenance on all forest roads, called a
“wilderness road” level of maintenance; and
2. a high level of road and structure maintenance on all industrial use roads, called an
“industrial use” level of maintenance.
These two road and structure maintenance levels are briefly defined as:
Wilderness road level of maintenance includes those road and structure maintenance
works required for the protection of forest resources. It excludes vehicle access-related
types of surface and structural maintenance, other than installing a barricade to prevent
access when the road is unsafe to use, unless such maintenance is necessary to mitigate
a moderate to high risk of damage to forest resources and other values.
Industrial use level of maintenance includes a wilderness road level of maintenance, plus
other vehicle access‑related types of surface and structural maintenance to ensure that
the structural integrity of the road prism and clearing width are protected, the drainage
systems of the road are functional, and the road can be used safely by industrial users.
safe public access to “high value” forest recreation sites and trails or “important”
recreational areas (as defined by Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts); and
safe public access to year-round communities.
6.4 Road Maintenance Inspections
Focus road maintenance inspections on the structural integrity of the road prism and clearing
width, the effectiveness of drainage systems, and the condition of the road surface. Also consider
road user safety, including signage and any values at risk. In addition, include in any road
maintenance inspection a cursory examination of stream crossing structures to capture any
visible signs of structural problems, abutment and pier scour, fish passage impediments or
sediment deposition.
Before road maintenance inspections are carried out on FSRs, know and understand the level of
road maintenance required on the road (e.g., wilderness road, industrial use, recreation access,
community access) and the vehicle access objectives.
Prepare a road maintenance inspection schedule well in advance of the new fiscal year so that
inspection costs and necessary staff resources can be budgeted for. A road maintenance
inspection schedule includes the road names, the road use category (rural resident and
recreation use; environmentally maintained (wilderness road); industrial use), the road risk rating,
the scheduled times for planned road maintenance inspections, plus any pertinent comments that
may impact schedules and practices.
Identify and prioritize required road maintenance works from field information documented during
road maintenance inspections, and from information and incidents supplied by road users. From
this information, prepare a road maintenance works plan to schedule and budget for required
maintenance works to address the deficiencies.
Refer to the Fish-stream Crossing Guidebook (PDF, 4.3MB) when planning road maintenance
inspections and maintenance works at fish-stream crossings.
Hazard, for assigning inspection priorities based on risk, is a source of potential harm or a
situation, danger, or threat with a potential for causing an undesirable consequence. Identify and
record hazards during maintenance inspections of roads and structures. For example, hazards
within the road corridor or on slopes adjacent to the road corridor may include the following,
among others:
Consequence is an effect on elements at risk. Elements at risk include humans, property, and
forest resources [11 values identified in the Forest and Range Practices Act (Sec. 149)] and other
values that may be at risk of damage or loss.
Conceptually, consequence is the change, loss, or damage to one or more element caused by a
hazard event occurring and may involve consideration of an element’s worth.
“Risk rate” those roads undergoing road maintenance inspections, using a qualitative risk-
analysis procedure.
There are many methods of risk analysis. Traditionally, risk (R) has been mathematically
expressed as the product of two components: probability (likelihood) of occurrence (P) of a
detrimental event, and consequence (C).
Risk = P x C
Risk may also be expressed as the product of partial risk and vulnerability of the element at risk
described in Land Management Handbook 56 (Sec. 3.6.1) (Wise et al. 2004):
P(HA) is partial risk and equal to the product of the probability (likelihood) of a hazard
event occurring within a given period of time, and the probability that the hazard event
will reach or affect the site occupied by a specific element of concern given that it
occurs; and
A risk matrix is typically used to combine two risk components to determine qualitative risk
ratings: very high (VH), high (H), moderate (M), low (L), and very low (VL).
An example of such a matrix is shown in Table 6-2. It is a five‑row by three‑column qualitative risk
matrix that combines relative P(HA) ratings (VH, H. M. L, VL) and relative vulnerability ratings (H,
M, L). However, a three‑row (H, M, L) by three‑column (H, M, L) matrix is often satisfactory for the
purpose of assigning road maintenance inspection frequency levels and priorities (and
maintenance works priorities).
Table 6-2 Example of a simple qualitative risk matrix for analyzing risk to visual resources
Vulnerability ratings for visual
Risk = P(HA) x vulnerability, expressed as an annual resources in a scenic area
likelihood of damage to visual resources in a scenic area (from Table 6-8)
from a road- associated landslide event a, c
Very high = the landslide event is expected to occur and affect the landscape in a
scenic area (almost certain).
High = the landslide event will probably occur under adverse climatic conditions and
affect the landscape in a scenic area (likely).
Moderate = the landslide event could occur under adverse climatic conditions and
affect the landscape in a scenic area (possible).
Low = the landslide event might occur under very adverse climatic conditions and
affect the landscape in a scenic area (unlikely).
Very low = the landslide event is inconceivable (rare), but it would affect the
landscape in a scenic area if it occurred.
Tables 6-4 to 6-9 provide examples of vulnerability tables for the following elements: forest road;
domestic water supply; fish habitat; wildlife (non-fish) habitat and migration; visual resource in
scenic area; and timber. The example vulnerability tables express, in terms of three relative
qualitative ratings – H, M, and L – the degree of loss to an element at risk because of some
hazard event occurring. Use these tables, in whole or in part, or in some modified form as
required to reflect specific road and site conditions and elements at risk, to determine an
element’s vulnerability for the purpose of assigning inspection priorities based on risk.
After the road has been “risk rated” – that is, as (H, M, or L) or (VH, H, M, L, or VL) – evaluate the
risk as being acceptable or unacceptable and assign maintenance inspection priorities (and
frequencies) accordingly. Generally, for a road that has a risk rating of “moderate” or “high” assign
a higher priority for maintenance inspections.
For more information on risk management processes and different methods of risk analysis and
risk matrices, refer to the following:
Wise, M.P., G.D. Moore, and D.F. VanDine (editors). 2004. Landslide risk case studies in
forest development planning and operations. B.C. Min. For., Res. Br., Victoria, B.C. Land
Manage. Handb. No. 56.
References listed on the website of the Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C.
Routine observations
Table 6-3 Inspection Frequency Levels for FSRs Maintained by the Ministry
2 - At least once every two years A current road risk rating of low or very low
3 - At least once every three years A current road risk rating of low or very low AND
where the road is closed to public access by a
man-made or naturally occurring barricade or
For the purposes of Table 6-3, an inspection is one for which an Inspection Report is
completed (see Road Maintenance Inspection Reports)
Table 6-3 does not preclude the need for one-off inspections due to catastrophic events or
due to new pertinent site information provided by FLNR and public users or other
user safety;
structural integrity of the road prism and clearing width;
drainage systems;
potential for transport of sediment from the road prism;
road and bridge surfaces;
fish passage at stream crossings; and
any upgrade requirements necessary for proposed industrial use.
Document all road maintenance inspections using a suitable road maintenance inspection report.
Place a hard copy of the report on file for possible future review by the appropriate ministry
manager or for review by others in the case of audits. The review of past reports can be helpful
for identifying road segments or drainage structures that:
1. have recurrent problems and should receive a higher road risk rating, or
2. should receive more frequent inspections or be scheduled earlier for maintenance works.
Ensure that road maintenance inspection reports are reviewed and signed off by the appropriate
Timber Operations and Pricing Division/BCTS staff prior to filing. Additionally, enter a record of
the road maintenance inspection report into the appropriate computerized road management
Use the sample inspection report (or other equivalent report formats) to document maintenance
inspections of roads and minor drainage structures.
As a result of the inspection, identify those works to be entered into either the current or the
future maintenance works plan. When possible and commensurate with the priorities of Timber
Operations and Pricing Division/BCTS, address deficiencies within an appropriate time frame.
Prepare a road maintenance works plan and prioritize maintenance works in accordance with the
risks identified in the inspections. Retain the inspection reports on file as documented evidence
that inspections have been carried out, and to serve as references for future maintenance
projects. Reviews of past reports and records can assist forest road managers in identifying
recurrent problems and identifying those road sections to be assigned a higher risk rating.
6.5 Engineered Structure Inspections
Routine condition inspections involve visual and physical (non-destructive) testing of log
stringer, steel, concrete, or glulam bridge components, or major concrete, log, or steel
culverts. Ensure that these inspections are completed by qualified Inspectors who have
appropriate training and experience in inspecting bridge and major culverts and interpreting
the results, with the mandatory knowledge and skills requirements listed under service
category T07 Technical Bridge and Major Culvert Condition Inspection (PDF) of the ministry’s
Engineering Equipment & Services (EES) Directory.
For example, if rot is found in wood components, have the Inspector assess the significance
of the rot relative to the structure’s integrity, and evaluate whether the structural integrity of
the components is at risk, considering the amount of rot, component type and use, and
location of the rot in the component being inspected. Have the Inspector determine whether
structural deficiencies require evaluation by a professional engineer or can be simply
rectified with suitable minor repairs.
Close proximity inspections are generally carried out to review complex, larger structures or
where deficiencies have been noted in routine condition inspections.
a qualified inspector identifies and records possible structural deficiencies and specifies
on the inspection forms if a follow-up inspection by a professional engineer is required to
evaluate the deficiencies. Bring any structural deficiencies which may pose an immediate
risk to users to the attention of the TSM/District Manager, as soon as possible;
ensure that the ministry bridge engineer reviews the inspection reports and determines
whether a follow-up professional inspection is warranted. If the decision is no, ensure that
the ministry bridge engineer generates a letter to the local office, stating the findings and
making recommendations as appropriate. If a follow-up professional inspection is
required, ensure that the professional engineer who subsequently carries out the field
review recommends, as applicable:
the work to be carried out to correct the deficiencies; or
the need to protect road users by either:
installing signs detailing the load rating prepared by the professional
engineer (see Warning Load Limit sign FS 639a (PDF)); or
closing a bridge to traffic or removing a structure.
Where the ministry bridge engineer determines that a bridge will be posted as downrated
or a structure is being recommended for closure or removal, the ministry bridge engineer
advises the TSM/District Manager accordingly as soon as possible.
The L-series design configurations were founded on imperial (“short”) tons (as opposed to “long”
metric tonnes and kilograms). For example, a BCFS L-75 has a GVW of 75 imperial tons which is
equal to 68 tonnes or 68,040 kilograms.
There are a number of design vehicle configurations which have been utilized over time. Some of
these are no longer used to design new structures. There are, however, existing structures which
were designed using these configurations that are still in service. Primary examples include the
BCFS L-45 and BCFS L-60.
The CL 625 and BCL 625 highway vehicle design configurations are exceptions to typical logging
truck configurations. These configurations are drawn from the Canadian Highway Bridge Design
Code (CSA S6) and BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. These highway vehicle
configurations were adopted by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
in order to be consistent with MoTI design configurations for highway loads. Bridges designed to
these loads are considered to have sufficient capacity to support provincial highway legal loads.
The following table provides a comparison of different design vehicle GVWs for short (English)
tons, kilonewtons, kilograms and long (metric) tonnes.
A bridge structure that is load rated to a specified GVW does not mean that the structure can
safely pass any vehicle with a weight equal to or lesser than the GVW. A load rating is dependent
on the assumed axle configuration and weight distribution between axles. The design vehicles on
which the GVWs are based have their load distributed over a number of axles over the length of
the vehicle. A bridge that is shorter than the design vehicle would not have all of the axles of the
vehicle on the bridge simultaneously and thus the full vehicle GVW would not be on the bridge.
The force effect is dependent on the axle or axle group loads on the bridge rather than the overall
GVW. Further, the bridge may not have the capacity to support a concentrated load of equal
weight to the posted maximum GVW, such as a large tracked machine.
Note: The following graph of bending force effects versus bridge span is provided for
illustrative purposes only and is not to be used to interpret allowable loads for application
to any actual structure.
The graph shows the bending force effects arising for a 144 Madill yarder with a GVW of
115, 260 kilograms as compared to a BCFS L-165 logging truck configuration with a GVW of
149,700 kilograms. Although the yarder has a significantly lower GVW, the resulting bending
force effects are significantly greater than that of the heavier L-165 logging truck for shorter
span bridges. This result is due to the concentration of the weight of the yarder over a
shorter length. In contrast, the logging truck does not have all of its axles on the shorter span
bridges. As the bridge length increases, more truck axles come into play on the bridge,
resulting in the bending force effects of the logging truck surpassing those of the yarder.
Typically, road networks have a specified design vehicle load configuration identified. All
bridge structures would be designed for the specified design vehicle load. There have been
incidents where a bridge with a lower design load has been installed at the beginning of the
road network. This can effectively result in the lower design load restricting access on the full
road network.
The design vehicle load configuration for Forest Service Roads would ideally be posted at
the commencement and other entrances to the road. Only bridges which were not capable of
meeting that design vehicle load would be posted with a sign specifying an allowable safe
GVW which has been determined by a Professional Engineer. New guidance is being
developed for road signage and will be available in the foreseeable future.
Any concerns for safe capacity of bridge structures should be brought to the attention of a
ministry field engineer. Where it is uncertain whether a particular vehicle can safely cross a
bridge, a professional engineer should be consulted to assess the structure for the specific
vehicle. For any structure that has been down rated, professional engineering advice is
critical to avoid errors in interpretation. Failure to assess the carrying capacity of a bridge
can have disastrous results as exemplified in the picture below.
6.5.4 Engineered Structure Inspection Frequencies
For the purposes of determining inspection frequencies, ministry engineered structures are
categorized as “Permanent” or “Temporary” - see Definitions in Chapter 4.
Note: Provided that its stringers or girders are comprised of permanent materials, a bridge
is categorized as a permanent structure even though it may have untreated timber deck
cross-ties and / or untreated timber sills bearing on an abutment that is comprised of
permanent materials.
Temporary retaining structures, bridges and log / woodbox culverts that are defined as
major culverts (Section 4.2 - log stringer/gravel deck structure with a span less than 6m
and a design discharge of 6m3/s or greater) must be inspected at least once every two
years, and a record of the inspection made, unless access to the structure is prevented by
a man-made or naturally occurring barricade or blockage.
In addition to regular scheduled inspections, inspect structures after severe storm events.
Where warranted, structure inspection frequency can be increased to be more often to provide
for increased monitoring, such as when a structural element is nearing the end of its service life,
or where conditions exist which merit more frequent inspections as may be suggested by an
inspector or determined by a professional engineer.
The inspection records are used to identify current maintenance requirements as well as track
the condition of the structure and required maintenance over time. Take illustrative photos during
the inspection and provide a visual aid for the professional engineer evaluating the structure
condition. Photos of deficiencies or suspect problems are particularly useful. The photos also
provide an opportunity to track progression of condition of various structure components over
time (such as abutment erosion).
Retain inspection records for engineered structures for one year beyond the actual life of the
structure, or for portable bridge superstructures, the records should be retained with the
superstructure records for one year beyond the actual life of the superstructure. Should a
structure fail, these records will be useful in any subsequent investigation. Additionally, use the
inspection records as a reference to determine the type of structures that are cost-effective and
environmentally suitable for similar stream crossings.
Review the recommendations to ensure that the maintenance works comply with legislation.
Ensure that the appropriate electronic bridge register is updated, that signed original inspection
reports are provided for the project files, and that the local FLNR manager is advised of any
structural issues that would impact ongoing use.
For bridge inspections, use the applicable ministry form available from the ministry form index:
Where the responsibility for maintenance has been delegated to a Road Use Permit (RUP)
holder, forward a copy of the inspection report, along with a District Manager’s covering letter
highlighting any structural deficiencies, to the RUP holder. Where structural deficiencies are such
that there is a risk to users, advise the RUP holder immediately, in the most expedient way, that
there is a problem with the structure.
When structural repairs are completed, ensure that an inspection of the completed works is
carried out and a new inspection report generated for review by a ministry bridge engineer.
Where time is not of the essence, consider carrying out the inspection of these works as part of a
future road inspection.
provide a mechanism to help identify priorities for road and structure maintenance;
ensure consistent and efficient allocation of ministry funding; and
reduce the ministry’s liability by prioritizing and allocating funding for road and structure maintenance
based on the results of a documented maintenance inspection and engineering risk analysis of the
roads and structures.
A ranking procedure for annual maintenance funding involves preparing a list of candidate road and structure
maintenance projects that will require funding, and then ranking the projects by priority according to established
criteria based on the estimated levels of risk to known values within and adjacent to the road right‑of‑way, and
consideration of vehicle access needs. The list is prepared by reviewing available road and structure
maintenance inspection reports on hard copy file or on a corporate database, and other relevant information,
and considering the historical record of annual road and structure maintenance required on individual FSRs.
6.7 Scheduling Maintenance Works
After completing a road or engineered structure inspection, carry out any recommended
maintenance works to address deficiencies in a time period that is commensurate with the risk to
the road or structure, its users, and forest resources and other values, as determined by the
appropriate manager upon review of the inspection report.
Specify the time frames for road maintenance works in the inspection report (see Maintenance
Inspection Report). It shows that the time frames may be expressed as “urgency ratings” (VH =
within 1 week; H = within 30 days; M = preferably within current field season but before the next
field season; L = reassess situation next inspection). “Reasonable time” to carry out maintenance
works varies according to the specific site and problems identified. For example, waiting until
equipment is in the area is inappropriate if the road fill is already failing and washing into a
stream. However, waiting for equipment may be appropriate where a raveling cut slope is filling in
a ditch that has a low likelihood of transporting sediment to a stream.
Ensure that the ministry bridge engineer describes the time frames for engineered structure
repair/remedial works in the comments section, to differentiate critical works from more routine
Consider the guidelines for road works shutdown indicators when maintenance works are being
carried out on FSRs. These indicators, and the procedures for shutting down operations, are
presented in Chapter 5: Road Construction.
6.8 Road User Safety Considerations During Maintenance
Works Operations
Where FSRs are open to traffic, post high-visibility, reflective “Crew and Equipment Working”
signs or other applicable signs from the BC MoT Traffic Control Manual for Work on
Roadways (specified as the standard reference by WorkSafeBC) at appropriate locations
along the road to warn approaching traffic of any maintenance operations.
Place the signs in such a manner that they provide drivers with sufficient lead time to react –
particularly when the road has many blind curves. Consider installing an additional warning sign at the
beginning of the road. Remove these signs whenever crews are not working.
Erect and maintain temporary signs and barricades, with lights or traffic cones if necessary, at the site of any
hazards and where any maintenance works are left uncompleted or unattended.
Advertise locally any maintenance projects that will require closing an FSR to traffic, both in advance of the
project starting and during the project term, in the form of newspaper advertisements or radio announcements.
Provide the public with key information such as the exact location of the work, travel restrictions if any, start and
completion dates, and the name of a ministry contact for further information.
If the local ministry office has a “road conditions” page on its public website, update the page to reflect the
changed conditions.
6.9 Routine Types of Road Maintenance Works
For example, potential hazards exist where brush limits visibility at the inside of a curve or at
bridge approaches, or where heavy snow loads on roadside trees may cause the trees to
bend over the road surface, restricting use of the road and creating a user safety hazard.
Manual methods for removing trees, brush, and other vegetation may include the use of
axes, machetes, sandvik axes, chainsaws, or gasoline- or air-powered circular saws. These
methods are labour-intensive and require close supervision to ensure good production and
worker safety.
Mechanical methods may include the use of crawler tractors, graders, hydro-axes,
hydro‑mowers or attachments for graders, front-end loaders, and excavators. The higher
cost of operating mechanical equipment is usually offset by increased brushing productivity
and user safety when compared to manual brushing and vegetation control methods. Better
clean-up and dressing of gentle cut and fill slopes during construction improves the likelihood
of being able to use mechanical methods of brushing after construction.
Use site chipping or mulching to minimize the fire hazard and increase the rate of
decomposition. Leave mulch material in the ditchline, as it will usually flush out and through
cross‑ditch culverts.
Use of chemical defoliants and herbicides is tightly regulated under the province’s Integrated
Pest Management Act. The user will possess a valid pesticide applicator’s licence and have
a valid permit for the pesticide being used.
In addition to brushing and vegetation control, remove all snags and leaning or overhanging
trees that are a safety concern for road users or workers. This is usually accomplished by
hand falling. Such trees are known as “dangerous trees” and are defined by the Workers’
Compensation Board of BC (WorkSafeBC), in Occupational Health and Safety Regulation
(Sec. 26.11).
Road side ditches have two major functions: first, they collect moisture from the road
surface, the cut slope, and the road base, directing the water to suitable discharge locations;
and second, they provide a snow storage area.
Culvert maintenance
Include in routine culvert maintenance operations:
cleaning and repairing culverts and ancillary drainage works to provide for flow of
repairing inlets, outlets, ditch blocks, catch basins, and flumes;
replacing cross-drain culverts, flumes, and rip rap; and
installing additional cross-drain culverts and ditch blocks where required [usually
made evident where standing water or erosion (scour) is observed in the bottom of
the ditches].
Carry out these maintenance works at a time and in such a way as to minimize the potential
for sediment transport to streams.
Using a simple hand shovel is probably still a very effective way of maintaining culverts
during the spring runoff period. Carry out hydraulic flushing of drainage structures only when
approved by the appropriate environmental agency. If an existing cross‑drain culvert cannot
be unplugged in place, consider removing and cleaning it, and then re-installing the culvert.
Replace irreparable culverts.
During cold weather operations, hot water generators, steam generators, or compressed air
are probably the fastest and most effective methods of thawing culverts.
stabilizing the road cut and fill slopes, repairing of minor scours and washouts, and
improving drainage systems before more serious problems occur;
stabilizing landslides, rockfalls, and other sites of significant hazard;
removing loose rocks, stumps, or other unstable materials (including dangerous trees)
that present a hazard to road users; and
seeding all exposed soil that will support vegetation, by hydro-seeding or dry seeding, and
reseeding of bare spots as required.
Assess the reasons the above problems are occurring and determine long-term corrective
repairing chronic soft subgrade areas and problematic frost sections by excavating and
replacing the unsuitable soils with granular material, including use of geosynthetics where
replacing or repairing the running surface if the road has chronic problems with ruts,
potholes, and a broken surface that renders the road unable to support design loads;
cleaning up slides, slumps, rock falls, and other sites where potential hazards are evident;
and implementing measures to stabilize the site (if materials generated by the work
cannot be otherwise used or sidecast on site, they should be removed and disposed of in
designated disposal sites);
correcting the potential failure of stream-crossing approach fills; and
re-locating the road (may require a new design).
Maintenance items such as scours, slope failures, and rockfalls will be dealt with on a site-
specific basis, usually requiring professional expertise.
Excavate at least 1m deep and remove the unsuitable soil. If an excess flow of water is
encountered, a drain of perforated culvert pipe may be required.
Place a 300 mm lift of clean sand into the excavated area. It will act as a filter and prevent
any contamination or pumping of underlying silt into the upper granular material.
Alternatively, consider using a suitable geotextile fabric.
Refill the excavation with clean, coarse gravel. Compact and grade it. Gravel used for
refilling should be free of sand and silt to prevent water from rising through capillary
If working in a roadway, ensure that the road side ditch is deep enough to ensure that
ditchwater does not seep into the granular backfill of the subgrade.
Standing water can soften or weaken a road’s subgrade. Water running on the road surface
can erode expensive surfacing material and deposit sediment in adjacent drainages. Grading
involves using specialized, heavy equipment to smooth out the running surface of the road
and eliminate rough spots and potholes. One of the main objectives of grading is to prevent
water from standing or running down the road in wheel ruts or because of a lack of crowning.
(A windrow is an accumulated pile of road fill or surfacing material left on the road shoulders
during grading. Windrows are the result of poor grading practices. They are different from
berms, which may be beneficial in directing water off the road surface.)
Grade roads to maintain structural integrity or to protect the subgrade from damage. Grading
can also help reduce the costs of maintenance for those vehicles using the road and can
improve both the comfort and safety of road users.
In most instances, slightly crown the road, not leaving any windrows left after the final pass.
This facilitates storm water and meltwater drainage, minimizing erosion and transport of
sediment from the road surface. However, a crowned road is not always desired. Consider
insloping or outsloping for surface water management.
Restoring a severely damaged road surface can be a major undertaking and may require
ripping the surface to below the pothole depth and recompacting the surface material. Grade
roads when moisture conditions are suitable, and not when the road is either too wet or too
dry. Minimize the grading of material over the banks or into ditches, as this material may be
difficult to retrieve.
Grade and shape the existing traveled way and shoulders (including turnouts) to produce a
surface that is smooth, uniform, consistent to grade, and crowned or cross-sloped as
indicated by the character of the existing surface.
Final grade such that no disturbed material such as gravel, cobbles, and boulders protrude
more than 50 mm above the road surface. If it does, remove the material and place it outside
the running surface of the road so as not to obstruct drainage ways or structures. Scatter this
material off the roadbed if there is free drainage.
Do not leave any windrows remaining after the final pass.
Material should roll freely across the blade of the grader. For best results, carry out grading
under moist, but not saturated, road conditions. This provides optimum moisture content for
compaction, while eliminating dust and loss of fines.
Under dry soil conditions, the road surface should be blade‑roughened to remove small ruts
and depressions without disturbing the lower road surface.
For roads with pit run surfacing material, to eliminate potholes, cobbles, and washboard,
scarify the entire rough section to a depth below the deepest pothole or surface imperfection
or largest cobble size over the full road width and then regrade, compact with a suitable
roller, and, if feasible, apply a dust palliative. Also, use this procedure for regravelling a hard-
packed surface.
Reshaping requires a cut deeper than normal grading to obtain the proper cross- section. Tilt
the blade back sufficiently to remove any washboard or other irregular conditions and take
special care to “crown” the centre of the road.
Because reshaping requires cutting down into the grade, ensure that there is sufficient
moisture to:
1. ensure the fines and binder material are not lost or blown away when brought to the
surface; and
2. provide for sufficient compaction of the re-shaped gravel. In most areas this dictates that
reshaping should be scheduled for the spring and fall.
Leaving windrows is a bad grading practice. It keeps surface runoff on the road and leads to
washouts. During dry conditions, when the hard road surface is difficult to grade, leave a
windrow on the upper side of the road where there is no crown. Do not leave windrows on
the lower side of the road, because these can deflect water and eventually cause the road to
wash out.
Resurface gravel roads when the existing surfacing material is no longer sufficient to support
traffic loading or when there is not enough material available for grading purposes. Over
time, surfacing material can break down and is lost from the road surface. Spot-gravel roads
where short sections of the road surface are failing or have a potential for failure, or where
potholes that cannot be satisfactorily graded out are evident.
Surface with materials of sufficient strength, durability, and gradation so that at completion of
the surfacing application, the surface will not rut when subjected to the loading exerted by
the rear axles of a fully loaded tandem truck on the completed surface. Suitable sources of
gravel materials include:
material from existing pits that have proven performance;
gravels with 10%-15% fines; and
materials that do not easily rut, washboard, or break down when wet.
Dust suppression
Dust from unpaved roads is not only a nuisance but can create a safety hazard by reducing
a driver’s visibility. It may be necessary to apply a dust suppressant product to eliminate the
dust problem by sealing the surface of the road. However, these products are not a
permanent solution and their effectiveness decreases with time. Carry out further
applications of the products if dust suppression is to be maintained.
To properly select the appropriate product, it is important to understand the primary factors
that generate dust, including:
vehicle speed;
number of wheels per vehicle;
number of vehicles;
vehicle weight;
particle size distribution (gradation) of the surface material;
restraint of the surface fines (compaction, cohesiveness/bonding, durability); and
surface moisture (humidity, amount of precipitation, amount of evaporation).
In selecting the proper dust abatement program consider not only the above factors, but also
the total long-term cost and environmental impacts of that program. Long-term costs include
road improvement, road preparation, application of the dust suppressant in conjunction with
the number of times the product needs to be applied, and expected change in maintenance
Environmental considerations typically include impacts to the water quality, aquatic habitat,
and plant community.
A wide variety of dust suppressants are available on the market. They fall into seven basic
water-absorbing products;
petroleum-based products;
organic non-petroleum-based products;
electrochemical products;
polymer products; and
clay additive products.
Regardless of the type used, the criteria for an acceptable dust suppressant product are that
they must:
be environmentally compatible (i.e., without there being any adverse environmental
be easily applied with common road maintenance equipment;
be workable and respond to surface or structural maintenance;
provide reasonable retention and dust control;
provide little loss of riding quality and be cost competitive; and
be approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Serrated grader blades will cut ice and snow much better than ordinary blades, and the
rough surface left by a serrated blade usually improves traction.
Restrict snow removal to the usable traveled way having roadbed support. Reshape over-
width plowing as necessary to define the usable width.
Do not excavate into the gravel surface or remove surfacing materials along with the snow.
Breach snow berms frequently enough to allow road surface runoff from snowmelt to have a
safe place to drain.
Before allowing snow removal from any road is allowed to take place, identify all road-related
fixtures that might be at risk from snow removal operations (such as culvert markers, signs,
bridge delineators, bridge guard logs, cattleguards, and fencing) and notify the snow removal
In an area of daylighted cuts, plow the road from the inside of the cut to the outside (in the
direction away from the cut slope) to avoid plugging culverts and ditches with snow.
Fine crushed gravel as a sanding medium is superior to pit-run sand. The sharp angular
material provides better traction and breaks up an icy surface by rolling under vehicle tires.
Do not stop the spreading of sand in the middle of a curve, halfway up a hill, or at any other
potential roadway hazard.
As a general rule, spread sand only along the centre of the road. Vehicle wheels will spread
the sand full width. Use spinners or other power spreaders where available.
When conducting snowplowing operations at rail crossings, ensure that snow removal crews
that are responsible for Forest Service road maintenance are aware of the following snow
removal guidelines:
1. When snowplowing at rail crossings, the snowplow blade must be raised before going
over the crossing surface to ensure that the blades do not damage the rails.
2. Windrows must not be left between the rails or within 8 metres of the track. Leaving
windrows can result in unsafe conditions with reduced sightlines at the crossing and
increased potential for trains or other rail vehicles impacting windrows and derailing or
which could result in injuries to pedestrians and or damage to nearby motor vehicles
caused by thrown snow and ice.
3. Snow must not be piled up in close proximity or restrict sightlines at the crossing.
As road crossings are licensed by the rail companies, improper snow removal practices at
rail crossings, or an accident at any rail crossing caused by improper snow removal practices
may result in a crossing license being revoked and the crossing permanently closed.
Ensure that emergency contact information for the railway company is available in the event
of an incident involving snow removal or other reason at a rail crossing. Any incident
involving damage to signage, crossing surface or rails at a crossing should be called in to the
emergency number immediately.
Certain indicators provide a guide to the timing of restrictions. These indicators are tied to the
stages of spring break-up:
Incipient stage – the stage at which the surface starts to thaw and turn muddy; usually
most of the ice and snow will be gone from the surface and along the road; and
Advanced stage – the stage at which the subgrade starts to thaw; most likely the surface
will appear quite dry.
Impose the restrictions towards the end of the incipient stage. The road’s bearing strength is
substantially reduced when thawing of the subgrade occurs during the advanced stage. This is
the time the road is most susceptible to damage.
Since there are not any specific indicators or guides for when restrictions should be lifted, local
knowledge is critical. Therefore, utilize the output of the local offices of the Ministry of
Transportation and Infrastructure, who determine when to impose and lift restrictions, and provide
criteria for any exemptions. Central tire inflation research has been conducted by FERIC, a
division of FPInnovations, on {{{Tire Pressure Control Systems (PDF)}}} in conjunction with log
haulers and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure which has implemented various
trials allowing log haul on roads that would normally be shut down due to ‘breakup’.
Consult with engineering branch staff prior to implementing a log haul program of this nature.
When temporary vehicle weight restrictions on roads are posted for FSRs, use the ministry’s
warning load limit posters:
Poster - Warning Load Limit - Percentage Max Allow Weight (FS 639) (PDF)
Poster - Warning Load Limit (FS 639a) (PDF)
6.10 Routine Types of Structure Maintenance Works:
Bridges & Stream Culverts
Surface maintenance involves repairing or protecting parts of the bridges and approaches
that do not directly affect structural integrity.
Do not allow gravel and debris to accumulate on the deck. Remove build-up of soil material
on the bridge decking in a manner that prevents it from entering the waterway below.
In accordance with any deficiencies noted in the inspections, repair or replace all
deteriorated running planks, riser blocks, or guardrails, and check and retighten all fasteners
and replaced any that are missing or damaged.
Note that other engineered structures may be sufficiently diverse that maintenance works will
need to be determined for each specific structure.
Note: Before beaver dams are removed, contact the Ministry of Environment for appropriate
procedures. Consider installing beaver protection devices.
For additional information in replacing culverts at stream crossings, refer to the Fish-stream
Crossing Guidebook (PDF, 4.3MB).
For requirements and guidance on bridge or major culvert replacements carried out by Timber
Operations and Pricing Division/BCTS, for requirements and guidance please refer to Chapter 4:
Design & Construction of Bridges & Major Culverts.
6.11 Other Maintenance Works Along Roads
6.11.1 Fords
Remove debris and sediment build-up on fords and approaches to minimize the impact on
downstream resources. Where a ford is exhibiting signs of failure, establish or restore those site
conditions that are vital for the successful operation of a ford. For additional information on fords,
refer to Ford Design and Construction on Non-Fish Streams in Chapter 3.
6.11.2 Weirs
Where weirs are installed in a stream to maintain water levels for fish passage, inspect and
maintain them to ensure that the fish passage objectives are being met.
6.11.3 Fences
Repair or replace range fences that have been damaged as a result of activities on the road. The
Range Section in the local district office can advise on acceptable fence construction
specifications and practices.
6.11.4 Cattleguards
Carry out the following steps:
6.11.5 Signs
Repair or replace damaged or vandalized signs and posts. Carry out sign maintenance, including
cleaning and regular hand brushing and snow removal around them, to ensure they can be seen
in all conditions. Replace illegible signs at the earliest opportunity.
One of the ways that sign maintenance can be reduced is to install signs high enough so that
they are difficult to reach. While this cannot be done in all instances (such as with bridge
delineators) it has been effective in reducing damage from spray paint or gunshots. This method
also limits the impact that vegetation and accumulations of snow can have on sign visibility.
6.12 Resources & Suggestions for Further Reading
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). 1995. Surface maintenance: course manual. RRET 3328.
Burnaby, B.C.
_______________. 2001. Bridge maintenance: course manual. RRET 3324. Burnaby, B.C.
_______________. 2001. Culvert maintenance: course manual. RRET 3322. Burnaby, B.C.
BC Ministry of Forests. 2002. Fish-stream Crossing Guidebook (PDF, 4.3MB). For. Prac. Br., B.C. Min. For.
Victoria, B.C.
6.13 Appendices
Examples of factors to consider: Important factors include the type of hazard event(s), utilization of the
road, duration of disruption, availability of alternative routes, direct and indirect costs, and extent of
Ratings Examples
Example vulnerability ratings for water supply through licensed water intakes
Examples of factors to consider: Important factors include type of hazard event(s), amount of
sedimentation, duration of sedimentation, water quality and quantity, extent of damage to works, intake
and storage, effect on chlorinating, cumulative effects (previous slides), and availability of alternative
sources of water supply.
Table 6-5 Example vulnerability ratings for water supply through licensed water intakes
Ratings Examples
Example vulnerability ratings for fish habitat (includes riparian management area)
Table 6-6 Example vulnerability ratings for fish habitat (includes riparian management area)
Ratings Examples
Table 6-7 Example vulnerability ratings for wildlife (non-fish) habitat and migration
Ratings Examples
Table 6-8 Example vulnerability ratings for visual resources in a scenic area
Ratings Examples
Ratings Examples
This chapter describes the objectives of road deactivation, as well as professional responsibilities, mandatory
procedures and best management practices for developing deactivation prescriptions and carrying out the
works. It also presents a number of road deactivation techniques that address the province-wide range of
terrain, soils, and climatic conditions, and assists ministry staff in achieving the statutory and regulatory
requirements in the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation.
7.0.1 Policy
When no longer required, Forest Service Roads (FSRs) that are the responsibility of either Timber Operations
and Pricing Division or BC Timber Sales (BCTS) will be deactivated in a planned manner that considers future
access needs, road user safety, cost efficiency, and values at risk of damage or loss.
7.10 Appendices
do not cause landslides that would have a material adverse effect on forest resources (FPPR s. 37)
no gully processes or fan destabilization on the Coast that would have a material adverse effect on
forest resources (FPPR s. 38, 54)
revegetate exposed soils where sediment may enter streams or otherwise have a material adverse
effect on other forest resources (FPPR s. 40)
protection of fish passage and fish habitat (FPPR s. 56, 57)
protection of water quality (FPPR s. 59)
no deposition or transport of deleterious materials into licensed waterworks drinking water (FPPR s.
address general wildlife measures, and resource or wildlife habitat features (FPPR s. 69, 70)
deactivation measures achieved (FPPR s. 82)
road is safe for industrial use during deactivation works (FPPR s. 83)
notice of works to licensed water users or purveyors in community watersheds (FPPR s. 84)
B1 Notify road users about proposed significant changes to road access and to solicit input [see
B2 For FSRs that are the responsibility of Timber Operations and Pricing Division, carry out the
deactivation in accordance with the ministry’s business area funding policy [see Planning].
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 37, 38, 40, 50, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 70, 82, 83, 84: all road deactivation
– related items
A CM must sign and seal (where appropriate) the deactivation prescription for the project [see
B3 For more complex or higher risk cases, the CM may specify and incorporate input from other
members or specialists [see Complex]
B4 For straightforward low-risk conditions, the CM may prepare a prescription that consists of Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) [see SOPs]
B5 Ensure that any deactivation prescription is reviewed by the District engineering technician for
conformance to objectives [see Prescription].
B6 Ensure that any concerns about residual risk that are identified in a deactivation prescription are
brought to the attention of the District Manager [see Residual].
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 37, 38, 54, 57, 59, 70: do not cause sediment transport that will
impact user safety or have a material adverse effect on forest resources
B7 Intercept road surface and ditchline water and convey it across the road onto stable, non-erodible
slopes below the road [see Road Deactivation Techniques].
B8 Consider insloping the road surface to direct road surface water toward the road cut and away from
unstable or erodible road fill materials, or outsloping the road surface to direct water across the road
and onto the road fill in a dispersed fashion [see Insloping/Outsloping Road Surface].
B9 Remove existing culverts while creating the least amount of sedimentation possible [see Stream
Culvert Removal].
B10 During road deactivation works, minimize sedimentation while short-term vehicle access is required
[see Armoured Swales].
B11 Ensure that road deactivation works do not cause fan destabilization on the Coast that will result in
material and adverse effects on other resources [see Soil Erosion].
B12 Where there is potential for unstable road cut or fill slopes to develop during periods of inattention,
consider using partial or full road fill pullback and gully restoration [see Road Fill Pullback Techniques]
B14 Seed or plant, in the first growing season after deactivation, all exposed soils that will support
vegetation[see Revegetation Techniques].
B15 Erect warning signs at appropriate locations during the period of road deactivation activities to warn
potential users of the road of the hazards that can be expected on the whole road or at a particular
location [see Deactivation Hazard Warning Signs].
Legislation supported: FPPR sections 37, 38, 40, 50, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 70, 82, 83, 84: all road deactivation
– related items
B16 Ensure that a CM completes the Road Project Assurance Statement (PDF) for those projects
identified in the deactivation prescription as needing such sign-off.
B15 Based upon the risk to other resources as a result of poor deactivation work, consider carrying out a
subsequent field inspection of the completed project [see Subsequent].
M2 The Coordinating Member must sign (and seal as appropriate) the Road Project Assurance
Statement (PDF).
M3 The road must be barricaded after deactivation unless specifically exempted by the District Manager
[see Barricade].
B16 Ensure that the necessary steps in the road deactivation processes were undertaken and issues
addressed [see Project Tracking Checklist].
M = Mandatory procedures
B = Best practices
7.2 Road Deactivation Professional Responsibilities &
A decision to deactivate a road may be an outcome from:
resource planning;
a road plan; or
an evaluation of risk.
A member may be involved in determining the need for deactivation, by analyzing items such as
cost-benefit considerations; and
silvicultural objectives.
As with other road elements, a CM takes professional responsibility for the development of
prescriptions and the field implementation of the prescriptions. As such, the CM must provide
direction as to what deactivation measures are required, considering:
There may be a need for the CM to specify and incorporate input from other Members or
Specialists for more complex or higher risk cases. Examples of such deactivation works include:
Where, in the opinion of the CM, road deactivation is to be carried out in straightforward low-risk
conditions, the CM may prepare a prescription that consists of Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs) that match practices to be followed with existing road conditions. Generally, for these
projects, the deactivation prescription would not require the completion of a Road Project
Assurance Statement, unless there were sections of road works that could not be addressed
through application of an SOP.
In those cases where the applications of SOP’s are not adequate, a CM must prepare a detailed
site specific road deactivation prescription and carry out field reviews of the work (or delegate
field reviews) as appropriate during or following the site work. Additionally, the CM must ensure
that the prescription requires the completion of a Road Project Assurance Statement.
The CM ensures that any road deactivation prescription contains sufficient information so that the
measures to be carried out are clearly understood by the road personnel carrying out the work,
including references to field markings where needed. A road deactivation prescription could
range from simple maps or references to field markings to detailed procedures with drawings and
survey controls.
terrain stability mapping indicates that the road is located on terrain that is unstable or
potentially unstable;
terrain stability mapping has not been done, and the road is located on terrain with slopes
greater than 60%;
the road is located on terrain where there are indicators of slope instability;
the areas downslope or upslope of the road (or adjacent to or connected to it) contain
elements at risk of damage or loss from a landslide, and the road crosses areas having a
moderate or high likelihood of landslide occurrence;
Note: The cost to carry out road fill pullback a second time to repair deficiencies can be much
higher than the cost of the original pullback work. Thus, thorough field reviews are prudent where
full road fill pullback is being planned for areas located above high-value resources such as
highways and residential development.
Unanticipated subsurface conditions may be encountered during deactivation works. In such an
event, and if potential material adverse impacts to adjacent resources are identified, ensure that
the CM conducts a field review before the project continues.
For those projects identified in the deactivation prescription as needing sign-off of the Road
Project Assurance Statement (PDF), the CM must sign off the assurance statement, and must
ensure that the statement includes or is accompanied by drawings that document the completed
works after completion of the works,.
7.3 Planning Road Deactivation
Consider carrying out road deactivation projects on non-industrial use FSRs where a planning
process identifies the roads as being candidates for road deactivation, or where the roads need
to be closed to protect public safety and the cost of deactivating these roads is less than the cost
of carrying out maintenance to a wilderness road level of maintenance over the period of
expected closure. Deactivation of FSRs is usually limited to in-block roads and cutblock access
roads, or to roads that provide duplicate access to areas. Ensure that for FSRs that are the
responsibility of Timber Operations and Pricing Division, deactivation is carried out in accordance
with the ministry’s business area funding policy.
Notify road users about proposed significant changes to road access and to solicit the public’s
and First Nations’ input into road closure and related access issues. Ensure that the District
Manager solicits and considers input from local stakeholders (e.g., licensees, public, First
Nations, miners) before making a decision on whether to deactivate an FSR.
Deactivation is typically carried out with the expectation that a road will receive no further field
inspections or maintenance, and due to the inherent risk to vehicle users and to any deactivation
structures along the road, deactivation is expected to result in the elimination of motor vehicle
access. This will be particularly applicable along road segments where unstable road fill is pulled
back and where stream culverts and bridges are removed or deep cross-ditches are installed
across the road running width. However, for roads that cross flat or gentle terrain with no stream
crossings, little work may be necessary to deactivate the roads. In this case, motor vehicle
access may be both possible and acceptable, provided that the District Manager approves the
variance from legislative requirements to barricade the road.
A deactivated FSR that has fulfilled all legal requirements reverts to the status of vacant Crown
land or provincial forest. In other words, after the FSR is deactivated, it has no road status and
the responsibility for stability of the area shifts to the Crown, instead of FLNR as the
representative of the Crown. Retaining the old road location (with expired tenure) on atlas maps
does no harm, as the former route may be useful in some emergency.
For FSRs that are the responsibility of Timber Operations and Pricing Division, deactivation must
be carried out in accordance with the ministry’s {{{{{Policy for Operating Funds Road &
Structure Maintenance and Road Closure}}}}}.
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7.4 Deactivation Prescriptions
A deactivation prescription is a written document that clearly communicates the objectives and
the works to be performed, in accordance with the regulatory requirements in the Forest Planning
and Practices Regulation (Sec. 82). Ensure that any deactivation prescription:
defines the objectives of the planned deactivation work, the vehicle access requirements
(if an exemption under legislation has been granted to permit access by motor vehicles),
and the techniques to be performed by station; and
reports special requirements (e.g., worker safety and slope stability issues).
When a prescription is being prepared, ensure that the following are retained:
Site specific information, detail and complexity of a deactivation prescription varies with site
conditions and the work required to achieve the deactivation goals. Such prescriptions may be as
simple as providing directions to an operator with a basic map or may be as complex as having a
detailed prescription of individual steps and site specific work requirements.
Use simple deactivation prescriptions where there are no perceived hazards from the
deactivation to worker safety and public infrastructure, or where the prescribed work is not
expected to create adverse environmental impacts. In these situations, provide Standard
Operating Procedues (SOPs) in the form of basic directions to an operator with a signed and
sealed map of the prescribed work area.
As the complexity of the site increases where there are fish streams, terrain stability hazards
along or adjacent to the road system, or potential consequence to public infrastructure, provide a
greater detailed and prescriptive signed and sealed report with definitions/sketches, as well as
maps/drawings referenced to stations in the field to assist an operator in completing the work. In
such situations, the CM must carry out or delegate field reviews as the work progresses to
confirm site conditions and to provide quality assurance of the work.
Carry out all required referrals to other government agencies at appropriate stages during
development of prescriptions, and incorporate, where feasible, the requirements of those
agencies. As well, obtain approvals for any works in and about a stream, as are required from the
Ministry of Environment [Water Regulation (Part 7), under the Water Act (Sec. 9)] and
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (migratory fish). For information related to
deactivation of crossings of fish streams, refer to the Fish-stream Crossing Guidebook (PDF,
Office review
Prior to field work, conduct an office-based review of existing information including local
knowledge to help identify the potential resources at risk, terrain stability/landslide concerns
(especially below the road corridor), sediment hazards, and consequences at and adjacent
to the road.
Field assessment
Carry out a field assessment and prescribe deactivation techniques at specific locations.
This task typically involves:
traversing the road corridor and identifying potential stability and drainage hazards;
evaluating the risk to resources; and
marking prescription activities in the field.
When developing prescriptions, consider both the landslide hazard associated with the road
and the risk to downslope and downstream resources.
Collect and record other useful site data that provides rationale for the prescriptions,
including, for example:
surficial materials and geomorphologic processes;
angles of natural and constructed slopes;
length of fill slopes;
height of cut slopes;
road gradient;
existing structures;
streams, seepages, and road drainage controls.
Consider using a standard field data form to enhance the consistency and quality of data
Example Data Form for Deactivation Field Assessments (PDF)
Provide a deactivation map (or work plan) to scale to accompany a deactivation prescription,
plus one or more of the following:
a summary (in table form) of prescribed techniques, by station; and
a letter or report.
These requirements are more fully discussed below. Also, the following examples show the
linkage between various site and project conditions and the minimum content of a road
deactivation prescription:
Examples: prescription content requirements (PDF)
Provide a map at 1:5000 scale or other suitable scale. Consider the following for illustration
on the map, as deemed appropriate to effectively communicate the design requirements to
equipment operators and supervisory personnel:
proposed vehicle usage after deactivation (4-wheel drive (with no barricades), all-
terrain vehicle, no access);
topographic information;
additional relevant planimetric information (e.g., streams, bodies of water, legal
boundaries, landslides, utilities, highways);
additional supporting information such as stream classifications, and timing windows
and measures for work in and around stream crossings (where applicable);
special site access requirements;
sites of potential concern for worker safety;
requirements for terrain stability field reviews by a Specialist;
special requirements for work carried out within a community watershed;
location of all prescribed deactivation techniques by station (road chainage and
prescription symbol), including the type and locations of hazards (e.g., record road
segments that may be unstable before, during, or after road deactivation work);
legend for prescription symbols;
date of the assessment;
name of the assessor; and
scale bar and north arrow.
Note: Provide some of the items above in a tabular summary rather than on the 1:5000
scale map if this would more clearly depict the work.
Use the tabular summary as a tool to assess the results of the risk analysis, and to help
estimate the costs of road deactivation works.
Provide a report to accompany and complement deactivation maps and tabular summaries
there is a high risk to the environment;
the project is large or complex; or
the road traverses areas of moderate to high likelihood of occurrence of landslides.
In the report, provide an estimate of the expected level of residual risk at the project site if
the works are carried out in overall conformance with the prescriptions. Residual risk is the
amount of risk remaining following the implementation of all hazard or risk control measures
specified in the prescriptions, because it cannot practicably be further reduced. Ensure that
any concerns about residual risk are brought to the attention of the District Manager, who
determines if and how the district may manage the residual risk after the road is deactivated.
Generally, for small projects, use a brief letter rather than a report. Provide in a letter or
report the following topics, as relevant:
geographical location information (watershed name and number, harvesting tenure);
background information;
description of deactivation objectives;
prescription methodology;
road reactivation considerations (such as road reconstruction, wet crossings, and
safety issues);
site level information;
results and recommendations; and
site plans and illustrations.
making all required referrals to government agencies, obtaining all required approvals and permits, and
providing all required written notification at appropriate stages of the project;
if applicable, retaining and coordinating the activities of the appropriate team of technical and
professional consultants as required for the project;
if applicable, preparing suitable contract documents for technical and professional services related to
activities such as prescription development, field reviews, and post-works inspections; and preparing
suitable contracts for works and supervision of the works;
if applicable, coordinating purchase and delivery of required materials for the project;
administering and retaining copies of all required documentation;
coordinating and appropriately scheduling the timing of works; and
undertaking other administrative and technical project duties as necessary.
Ensure that suitable on-site inspection is provided as required during the deactivation works, and upon
completion of the works.
Ensure that the person who signs the Road Project Assurance Statement provides a letter to confirm or clarify
where required:
the level of residual hazard or residual risk following completion of the deactivation work if it is different
from estimates provided in the prescriptions;
the limitations of the works; or
other site-specific explanatory information not covered in the Statement of Works Conformance form.
place the road in a self-maintaining state that will protect indefinitely the elements at risk;
stabilize the road prism and clearing width;
maintain natural surface drainage patterns on the area within the road right-of- way and in adjacent or
connected areas affected by the works both during and after deactivation activities;
minimize the impact of silt and sediment transport on other forest resources;
prevent adversely impacting water quality in community watersheds or in streams diverted for human
consumption by a licensed waterworks (also, ensure that at least 48 hours notice of impending
deactivation work is provided to water licensees or water purveyors in community watersheds)
for a fish stream, provide for safe fish passage and protection of fish habitat immediately upstream and
downstream, both in the timing and extent of the works;
Water management
Maintain surface drainage patterns so that they are consistent with natural drainage patterns. Achieve this
by applying some or all of the following techniques:
Remove cross-drain culverts and replace them with cross-ditches to re- establish drainage
patterns, especially on steep road grades and side hills. If the likelihood of failure is minimal or the
consequences of a failure are low, consider leaving the cross-drain culvert intact, provided it is
backed up with a cross-ditch or armoured swale as necessary.
Install cross-ditches or waterbars where there are steep grades, heavy groundwater seepages,
switchbacks or road junctions, ditches prone to plugging, places where ponding may occur, and
other potential drainage problem areas.
Remove or breach windrows on the road surface.
Outslope or inslope the road surface as appropriate.
Install trench drains, blanket drains, French drains, fords, and armoured swales.
Activities to minimize the impact of silt and sediment transport on forest resources include erosion control
measures (such as grass seeding, vegetation planting, soil bioengineering, and installation of erosion
control blankets) and sediment control measures (such as silt fence, catch basins, and check dams).
See Chapter 5: Road Construction for examples of surface soil erosion and sediment control techniques,
as well as for works shutdown indicators and procedures.
For roads that have been built on fans, ensure that care is taken to minimize erosion and sediment
transport during the deactivation works; in particular, avoid any non-essential excavation of the stream
channel or banks.
Where the road prism is unstable, consider using partial or full road fill pullback and cut slope buttressing
or other measure to suitably address the landslide hazard and risk of damage or loss to values. As well,
take measures to remove organic material (stumps, roots, embedded logs, and topsoil) that may
reasonably be expected to fail and destabilize the road fill.
Take care in verifying indicators of slope instability. For example, tension cracks or minor slumps in the
road surface may indicate a failing road fill, rather than signaling unstable terrain. Consider using a partial
pullback of the road fill to stabilize the road prism and protect users of the road and adjacent resources.
However, if the slope instability indicators occur outside the road prism (e.g., a small slide) or the
instability within the road prism has the potential to affect adjacent resources (e.g., debris from a potential
fill slope failure could reach a fish stream), consider the area to be unstable.
7.8 Road Deactivation Techniques
To reduce potential adverse effects on adjacent forest resources, there are a number of common techniques
available for water management, road fill pullback, and revegetation. Refer to the Best Management Practices
Handbook (BMP): Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for more details on
each technique.
The purpose of a cross-ditch is to intercept road surface and ditchline water and convey it across the road
onto stable, non-erodible slopes below the road (Figure 7-1).
A cross-ditch is a ditch across a road excavated to a depth equal to, or greater than, the depth of the ditch
at the road cut. Cross-ditches generally have a berm on the lower side, and a compacted ditchback.
Install a well-compacted ditch block immediately downgrade of the cross-ditch inlet. Ensure that the ditch
block is:
higher than the road surface;
large enough to divert all expected flows into the cross-ditch; and
non-erodible and relatively impermeable.
Where ditchwater converges at low points in the road, construct the cross-ditch as a broad gentle swale
so that no ditch block or berm is required. If constructed properly, cross-ditches are maintenance free.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.1 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
The purpose of a cross-ditch located within segments of full road fill pullback is to restore the natural
drainage paths to pre-construction (historic) locations along the hillslope (Figure 7-2). Since water flow
along the surface is not possible in areas of road fill pullback, fewer cross-ditches are needed in pullback
than for roads where pullback is not carried out.
A cross-ditch in pullback is a ditch across the old roadbed connecting a natural hillslope drainage path
(streams, gully channels, and swales with flow). Excavate cross-ditches in pullback down to natural
(undisturbed) non-erodible material.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.2 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
The purpose of a waterbar is to intercept surface water on the road and convey it across the road onto
stable slopes below the road. Also, use waterbars to reduce the flow energy along the grade. Reverse
waterbars direct flow off the road into the drainage ditch (Figure 7-3).
A waterbar is a shallow ditch across a road, skid trail, or backspar trail to prevent excessive flow down the
road surface (or trail). Waterbars are not intended to intercept ditchlines; thus, the base of the waterbar is
above the base of the ditch and a ditchblock is not required.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.3 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
Remove stream culverts (metal or plastic pipes or log culvert stringers) and reconstruct the channel, to
remove the existing culvert while creating the least amount of sedimentation possible and leaving a cross-
ditch. Re-establish the natural width and gradient of the stream, and armour the streambanks (sides of the
cross-ditch) and the base of the channel. The size, depth, and shape of the re- established stream
crossing depend on the hillslope and creek/gully contours and expected flows. (Figure 7-4) and (Figure 7-
5) show techniques that can be used to remove a pipe or log culvert where running water is present in the
channel and the stream is hydraulically connected to fish habitat or community water supplies.
Figure 7-4 Metal or plastic pipe stream culvert removal (non-fish stream)
At challenging sites, explore the range of practical options with fisheries agencies, to ensure that the
potential for sedimentation is reduced to acceptable levels.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.4 (PDF, 7.55 MB) and Chapter 3.5.5
(PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
Consider prescribing trench drains in areas of full (heavy) pullback; they are particularly useful where it is
necessary to use all the space on the road bench for placement of road fill pullback.
A trench drain is a cross-ditch in road fill pullback that is filled with coarse rock to carry water from
seepage areas on the road and/or small surface flows. The purpose of a trench drain is to allow both
surface and seepage flow to pass across road fill pullback (Figure 7-6).
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.6 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for details.
Blanket drains
The purpose of a blanket drain is to disperse point seepage or subsurface flow under the road fill pullback.
Blanket drains disperse flow rather than concentrate the flow at one hillslope locations, and are not
intended to convey surface flows or replace open cross-ditches in areas of substantial flow.
A blanket drain consists of a layer of cobbles or shot rock placed against the seepage zone in the road
cut. The blanket extends down the cutslope and across the decompacted road surface to the ground
surface. Road fill is placed on top of the road cut to the bottom of the blanket. The blanket of shot rock
does not extend to the top of the road cut, but only to the top of the seepage zone.
A blanket drain has a wider “footprint” in plan than a trench drain: it commonly extends a greater lateral
distance along the road, providing increased flow capacity (Figure 7-7).
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.7 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
Figure 7-7 Blanket drain
French drains
The purpose of a French drain is to divert flow along the base of a cut slope and discharge it into a stable
location, such as a creek or gully. Use French drains where road fill pullback or bank sloughing may block
the ditch and cause water management problems. These drains also provide some degree of water
management if the road cannot be decompacted to below ditchline depth. The rock-filled French drain
extends down the ditchline until it intersects, and is hydraulically connected with, a cross-ditch or gully.
Normally, use French drains in conjunction with road fill pullback (Figure 7-8).
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.8 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
Fords and armoured swales provide erosion-resistant and storm-proof wet crossings for motor vehicles. A
ford is used to cross a stream, whereas an armoured swale is constructed where a cross-ditch would
normally be used.
A ford is a dip in a road, constructed to cross a perennial or ephemeral stream, normally designed and
built as a permanent feature (Figure 7-9). Fords are a suitable road deactivation option where vehicle
access is to be maintained. Fords are restricted to non-fish streams unless otherwise approved by the
fisheries agencies. For deactivation, consider protecting the running surface of the ford using rock armour
where the natural stream bottom will not support the intended vehicle loads.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.9 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
An armoured swale is a dip in the road grade, installed to convey road surface runoff, ditchwater, or
cutbank seepage across a road during works such as road deactivation, where it is critical to minimize
sedimentation while short-term vehicle access is required (Figure 7-10).
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.9 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
The purpose of insloping or outsloping the road surface is to control water without using ditches or cross-
ditches (Figure 7-11).
Insloping is the sloping (reshaping) of the road surface to direct road surface water toward the road cut
and away from unstable or erodible road fill materials. Outsloping is the sloping (reshaping) of the road
surface to direct water across the road and onto the road fill in a dispersed fashion.
This technique is more effective on roads where there is no vehicle traffic. However, where deactivated
roads receive vehicle traffic, the insloping or outsloping will disappear with road use.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.10 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further
The purpose of windrow or roadside spoil pile pullback is to restore natural hillslope drainage paths where
road maintenance activities have left a continuous soil berm on the edge of the road. Pull back larger
berms to reduce the weight on the outside edge of the road, or to meet silviculture objectives (Figure 7-
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.11 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
Figure 7-12 Grader windrow and spoil pile berm (site conditions before fill pullback)
7.8.2 Road Fill Pullback Techniques
Where there is potential for unstable road cut or fill slopes to develop during periods of inattention, consider
using road fill pullback. This removes marginally stable sidecast fill that has a high risk of failure, and effectively
adds a weighting berm to the toe of the road cut.
The purpose of full road fill pullback is to retrieve all potentially unstable sidecast material and place it tight
against the road cut, thereby reducing the landslide hazard to the greatest extent possible. Usually no
access – or only limited access for foot or all-terrain vehicle traffic – is possible after full road fill pullback
(Figure 7-13).
Full road pullback is the deconstruction (also known as “re-contouring” or “de- building”) of the road
subgrade to restore the original hillslope profile and contours.
Decompaction may also be necessary. This involves breaking up road fill materials to a depth equal to, or
greater than, the depth of the ditch, and removing this material to outslope the surface before pullback
material is placed overtop.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.14 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further
Partial road pullback may be appropriate to maintain motor vehicle access if the road is open to traffic or if
road access is needed in the future. Full road fill pullback may be required at some future date to provide
long-term stability of the road prism.
Partial road pullback (Figure 7-14) retrieves the currently or imminently unstable portions of the road fill
and leaves those portions with no evidence of immediate instability intact. Retrieved road fill is placed
tightly to the road cut with organic soil and woody debris on top to promote revegetation.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.13 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further
Endhaul the pullback material when the unstable volumes of road fill exceed the available room in the
ditchline. This is the process of removing excess road fill and placing it in an approved waste area. Refer
to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.6.1 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
Gully restoration is carried out during full road fill pullback to decrease the landslide hazard along the road
approaches on the side walls of the gully.
Gully restoration involves pulling back all the fill material out of a gully channel. The size, depth, and
shape of the pullback should mimic the natural ground profiles and contours of the gully system above
and below the road. Armouring the gully channel and endhauling are often used together. Consider using
similar techniques for entrenched creeks. Refer to the Gully Assessment Procedure Guidebook (PDF,
1.83 MB) for detailed technical information on the deactivation of road crossings of gully systems.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.6.1 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
Establish vegetation by the end of the second growing season. Consider prolonging this time period or varying
the process for revegetation if it seems apparent that the change will adequately manage and conserve the
forest resources. Consider natural revegetation as an appropriate option if it can be suitably established within
two growing periods. Revegetation is considered to be successful when there is uniform coverage on the
ground. Spotty or clumpy patches of vegetation are not considered adequate.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.8 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
Seeding is the most common and usually the most cost-effective means of treating deactivated roads to
prevent erosion.
For further details, refer to Chapter 5: Soil Erosion & Sediment Control and BMP: Hillslope Restoration in
British Columbia - Chapter 3.8.1 (PDF, 7.55 MB).
To grow trees for soil erosion control purposes in areas that are not part of the net area to be reforested
(but where trees can be reasonably expected to grow), it may be necessary to supplement grass seeding
by scarifying the road surface, re-using local topsoils, or employing other similar measures.
Note: Scarification is for reforestation purposes, whereas decompaction during fill pullback activities is for
deactivation/water control purposes.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.5.12 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further
In addition to grass seeding of all deactivated roads where necessary, consider the localized re-use of
topsoil to grow trees for soil erosion control purposes.
Consider planting pioneering species such as alder, willow, and, in some cases, lodgepole pine and
Douglas-fir on areas of full road fill pullback or on areas that have been scarified. These species are
important early colonizers of disturbed sites, and prepare the site for later succession forest species such
as spruce, cedar, and hemlock. Before any planting activities on a permanently deactivated road are
undertaken, consult with the professional forester responsible for silviculture activities in the area to
ensure that such planting is consistent with silviculture prescriptions prepared for the area.
Use topsoil and tree planting to achieve revegetation (outside the net area to be reforested) on a
permanently deactivated road simply for controlling soil erosion. There is no requirement to reforest all
permanently deactivated roads, even where such reforesting is feasible. The choice to reforest rests with
the person required to deactivate the road.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 3.8.2 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
Soil bioengineering
Soil bioengineering is a term that describes the use of living plant materials to build drains, slope breaks,
low slope support walls and other similar living systems for water management and soil erosion control on
steep slopes. It may also be an effective technique for riparian restoration.
Refer to BMP: Hillslope Restoration in British Columbia - Chapter 6 (PDF, 7.55 MB) for further details.
During deactivation assessment, consider the presence of knapweed and other noxious weeds that are
found along many old logging roads. Consult with a forester, agrologist, or biologist to minimize the
likelihood of spreading these problem weeds through machine travel or seed disturbance, if scheduling
deactivation work outside the seed maturity time is not possible.
7.9 Resources & Suggestions for Further Reading
BC Ministry of Forests. 1997. Soil rehabilitation guidebook. Victoria, BC.
______________. 1999. Mapping and assessing terrain stability guidebook. Victoria, BC.
______________. 2001. Gully assessment procedure guidebook (PDF, 1.83 MB). Victoria, BC.
BC Ministry of Forests and Range. 2004. Effectiveness evaluation of road deactivation techniques on the west
coast of Vancouver Island (PDF, 2.31 MB). Victoria, BC. For. Res. Ext. Note: EN-020.
Grainger, Bill. 2004. Terrain stability field assessments in “Gentle over Steep” terrain of the southern interior of
British Columbia (PDF). Grainger and Associates Consulting Ltd. Salmon Arm, BC.
Wise, M.P., G.D. Moore, and D.F. VanDine (editors). 2004. Landslide risk case studies in forest development
planning and operations. BC Min. For., Res. Br., Victoria, B.C. Land Manage. Handb. No. 56.
Vanbuskirk, C.D., R.J. Neden, J.W. Schwab, and F.R. Smith. 2005. Road and terrain attributes of road fill
landslides in the Kalum Forest District. BC Min. For. and Range, Res. Br., Victoria, BC. Tech. Rep. 024.
Note that EGBC Members are required under their Association's by-laws to sign and seal all professional
documents they prepare, and ABCFP Members may use their seal at their discretion.
Guidelines for Professional Services in the Forest Sector - Forest Roads, June, 2012; and
Guidelines for Professional Services in the Forest Sector - Crossings, 2014;
road activities will be carried out under the professional direction of a Coordinating Member (CM). Structures
that form part of a road will be overseen by a Coordinating Registered Professional (CRP) or a Professional of
Record (POR) depending upon the scope of the project and any necessary division of responsibilities.
Note that professional oversight for a forest road project may include responsibility for one or more of the
following activities:
road layout;
road survey;
road design
preparation of a road plan;
design and fabrication of a structure (bridge, major culvert, retaining structure);
construction of a road or structure;
inspection and maintenance of an existing road; and
road deactivation.
As such, this manual will refer to the scope of works as a project, whether the works encompasses several
activities or not. For example, for an existing road that requires inspections and maintenance, and eventually
deactivation, the project related to professional responsibilities may be limited to the activity taking place at that
time. As well, where a project may cover several activities, but the responsibilities may be shifted from one
agency to another, or from one professional to another, each project will be necessarily limited to only those
activities within the umbrella of each organization or professional.
Note that while the most common situation is where there is only one CM/CRP responsible for several phases
of a project, circumstances such as:
staff changes in the local office;
shifts in priorities by management; and
the range of expertise provided by a CM
may dictate the need for one or more additional CM/CRP's for different job phases. However, there must be a
clear division of responsibilities and understanding of each CM/CRP as to their scope of work and their
individual professional responsibilities, as well as assurance that there is continuity in the professional oversight
for the project. Accordingly, for those projects that have been carried out since the implementation of the
Guidelines for either forest roads or crossings, the responsibilities of a CM include reviewing any existing
Assurance documents and confirming their project coverage and scope.
For some of its new road access, BCTS may elect to lay out, survey and design, and prepare a road plan for a
road, then shift the responsibility for construction to a TSL licensee, subject to the road becoming a forest
service road at some point after construction. As such, a professional working on behalf of the licensee must
undertake CM responsibilities for the road works after the transfer of responsibilities. The scope of that CM's
responsibilities may include:
road layout;
road survey;
road design;
preparation/amendment of the road plan;
road construction; and
preparing the Ministry's Assurance Statement documents.
These responsibilities may be limited only to road construction, but if the licensee elects to relocate and
redesign the road, there must be professional coverage on behalf of the licensee for those activities as well. A
TSL road permit should include conditions that require the licensee to provide the professional oversight as
required by the Acts and bylaws of the professional associations, and provide evidence of such in the form of
completed Assurance documents and drawings that document the completed works, in accordance with the
form and format provided by the Ministry. Once the road becomes a forest service road subsequent to
construction, the further professional responsibilities must be provided on behalf of the Ministry, such
responsibilities to include review of those Assurance documents and confirmation of their project coverage and
Generally, the professionals that are impacted by this chapter include the CM/CRP/POR and those Members
that undertake the preparation of parts of the road or crossing project, as well as their interaction with
Specialists and Road Personnel during the life of the project. The CM/CRP/POR is responsible for considering
the composition and interaction of all the road components, as well as their relationships and impact on the
users, the road itself and other resources. A key concept is continuity of professional oversight and output
reviews. The CM/CRP/POR is charged with retaining a close familiarity with the progress of the project, and
with coordinating the various Member and Specialist inputs into the road project and, as such, carries overall
professional responsibility for the delivery of the project.
The CM/CRP/POR may be the only professional involved in a road project, or may be managing a team of
professionals. A team consists of a CM/CRP/POR who is qualified to oversee and take responsibility for
professional practice associated with the forest road activities plus other Members and/or Specialists who are
required depending on the size and complexity of the project.
The CM/CRP/POR may need to draw upon other Members and Specialists for their expertise to assist with the
development of some or all of a project, and for those situations, the CM/CRP/POR must establish a standard
of care by:
As the guidelines reflect, members need to exercise professional judgment when providing professional
services associated with the design, construction, maintenance and deactivation of forest roads and crossings,
and as such, the applications can vary depending on the circumstances.
There is a need for members to utilize a quality management plan to ensure that the work completed is
technically correct and complies with applicable codes, standards and regulatory requirements. The objective
of this plan is for the professional to exercise due diligence by ensuring suitable applications of knowledge,
completeness and correctness, and professional care. This may be accomplished through:
Skills and knowledge of Members and CM/CRP/POR's should be consistent with the guidelines, as well as
those found in the Ministry's Engineering Equipment & Services (EES) system.
8.0.1 Policy
The planning, layout and design, construction, maintenance and deactivation of a Forest Service Road or
crossing on the road must be carried out or coordinated by a CM/CRP/POR who will be professionally
responsible for the road outcomes.
Guidelines for Professional Services in the Forest Sector - Forest Roads (the Guideline), 2012; and
Guidelines for Professional Services in the Forest Sector - Crossings V.2, 2014.
CM/CRP/POR's and Members who carry out professional work are qualified members of ABCFP
who is authorized to practice professional forestry, or professional engineers, professional
geoscientists, including limited licensees, licensed to practice by EGBC;
overall professional responsibility for a project is clearly assigned, understood and continuous;
the responsible professional must sign (and seal as appropriate) the output documents for the
project, including the pertinent Assurance Statements;
M1 The CM/CRP/POR and Members must possess the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out their
professional responsibilities; (see skills)
M2 The CM/CRP/POR must sign off the pertinent Assurance Statements identifying him/her as the person
with overall professional responsibility for the project; (see Chapter 8 for roads; see Chapter 4 for
M4 Where a road will be constructed by a timber sale licensee with the provision that, upon completion,
the road will become an FSR, the Ministry must provide the form and format of any Assurance
Statements and drawings that document the completed works; (see TSL)
M5 Where a road project will be constructed by a timber sale licensee with the provision that, upon
completion, the road will become an FSR, the timber sale licensee must provide copies of the
pertinent Assurance Statements and as-built drawings completed and signed off by the CM/CRP/POR,
as appropriate; (see assurance)
B1 There should be only one CM/CRP for a project, unless this becomes impracticable; in the event of
multiple CM/CRP's, the division of responsibilities and continuity of oversight are critical components
that need to be addressed by the subsequent CM/CRP; (see coordinating)
B2 Each project should have, for its professional work, an appropriate quality management plan,
determined and overseen by the CM/CRP/POR; (see quality management)
B3 The CM/CRP/POR may adopt design and operational standards contained in this Manual, but is
responsible for determining the applicability of the these standards and modifying them as appropriate
to address specific project requirements; (see judgement)
B4 Where the Member or CM/CRP/POR is a forest professional, he/she should seal professional
documents he/she has prepared; (see use of seal)
M = Mandatory procedures
B = Best practices
Index of Appendices
Chapter 1: Road Administration
Chapter 2: Road Layout
Chapter 3: Road Survey & Design
Chapter 4: Design & Construction of Bridges & Major Culverts
Chapter 5: Road Construction
Chapter 6: Road & Structure Inspection & Maintenance
Chapter 7: Road Deactivation
Chapter 8: Professional Responsibilities & Considerations