September 2024
September 2024
September 2024
Berlin blockbuster
Industry gears up for InnoTrans 2024
Germany faces rail funding concerns = New trains revealed
September 2024 | Volume 64 Issue 9 | @railjournal
Berlin blockbuster
Industry gears up for InnoTrans 2024
Germany faces rail funding concerns = New trains revealed
Complete Railway
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Editorial offices
September 2024 Volume 64 issue 9
Kevin Smith
[email protected] World Market Analysis
Consulting Editor/
26 Changing and challenging times ahead
Associate Publisher
Protectionism and digitalisation define future growth
David Briginshaw
[email protected]
Deputy Editor
Mark Simmons
30 Economic headwinds blow ever harder
[email protected] Germany’s railways are facing a funding crisis
Associate Editor 34 DB InfraGO’s stop-start approach
Robert Preston New infrastructure manager courts controversy
[email protected]
Production Manager Innovative trains
Sue Morant
38 From zero to hero
[email protected]
Stadler’s reinvented Regioshuttle railcar
40 New generation freight carrier
Streem’s exciting prototype wagon revealed
Advertising sales office
Post 1809 Capitol Avenue, 44 Decarbonsing Dublin
Omaha, NE 68102 Alstom builds new bi-modes for Irish Rail
United States 46 Bullet train turns track inspector
Tel +1 212-620-7200
JR Central improves its N700S Shinkansen
S EPTEMBER in an even-
numbered year means only
one thing for the global railway
Rail is generally viewed
favourably for its potential to
decarbonise transport. However,
Europe and North America,
the two other most lucrative
markets, have been mixed. Its
landed as an industry buzzword
around a decade ago.
Siemens Mobility CEO,
industry: InnoTrans. funding is not yet forthcoming most successful venture appears Mr Michael Peter, like Lange, is
The 14th edition of the world’s to further develop and rollout to be the takeover of Vossloh a strong proponent of cross-
foremost railway industry trade some of the European industry’s Rolling Stock, which has industry data sharing to facilitate
show will take place at Messe flagship technology programmes secured a series of notable digitalisation. However, both
Berlin from September 24-27. that will facilitate modal shift, orders in recent times, taking bemoan the wider industry’s
Around 130,000 visitors from such as the Digital Automatic its production plant at Kiel in reluctance to realise the
across the world are expected Coupler (DAC), the Future northern Germany to capacity opportunities on offer, which for
to visit the show’s more than Railway Mobile Communication and raising questions over Siemens include the capability
2900 exhibitors that will occupy System (FRMCS) and ERTMS. further expansion. Another to improve the reliability and
more than 40 halls and over The political paralysis in Brussels acquisition by CRRC may be availability of rolling stock and
3km of outside track. following this summer’s European likely in the coming years. infrastructure, as well as increase
The exhibition is arranged Union Parliamentary elections, Alstom is ranked second network capacity. It will be
around five key themes: railway which will likely continue to behind CRRC in SCI’s list of interesting to see whether
technology, railway infrastructure, the end of the year, is adding to the top 10 global railway thinking is beginning to shift.
public transport, interiors, and the uncertainty and concern. equipment manufacturers. The ability of rail suppliers
tunnel construction. Arguably, Difficult choices will need to be However, not all is rosy. to successfully innovate is
though, five other key themes
ultimately dependent on the
and current challenges impacting capability of their staff. Skills
the global railway industry will Governments in regions once and diversity will be a major
be the talk of Messe Berlin talking point at InnoTrans, with
during the event. regarded as growth drivers for the ability to retain talent the
The market: On the face of it, sector’s primary human
the global railway industry is global manufacturers are pursuing resources challenge. Events
in rude health. As SCI Verkehr
reveals in its latest world
protectionist manufacturing policies. recognising the contribution of
women and offering networking
market study (p28), the value opportunities for younger people
of the global railway market made, especially with defence The French company has faced will present the sector as a
surpassed €200bn for the first spending expected to increase, difficulties with the issues it positive and progressive place
time in 2023. Steady annual as the new director general of inherited from Bombardier to work. It will also add to the
growth of 4% is expected over the European Rail Industry Transportation following the sense of community that you
the next five years and SCI says Supply Association, Mr Enno controversial takeover in 2021. feel at the global rail industry’s
that the challenges of high Wiebe, is all too aware (p58). It announced cutbacks at its largest get-together.
inflation caused by supply This all adds up to a general British plant in Derby earlier
chain disruption during and note of caution. The delicate this year, has sold its North
after the Covid-19 pandemic, as global geopolitical situation American mainline signalling
well as high energy costs does not help. As SCI notes, activities to Knorr-Bremse, and
prompted by the war in some national governments in is also toying with offloading
[email protected]
Ukraine, have largely passed. regions once regarded as growth its coach and car body plant at
This view is supported by drivers for global manufacturers Görlitz in eastern Germany.
Knorr-Bremse, with board are pursuing protectionist Technological innovation
member, Dr Nicolas Lange, manufacturing policies. Russia centred on digitalisation and
reporting a turnaround in recent is the most striking example. improved sustainability across
performance (p70). However, But there are moves elsewhere the railway is central to
not everyone is of the same to reduce a reliance on Alstom’s pitch at InnoTrans.
opinion. As one supplier told international suppliers. Indeed, Decarbonisation is another
me, energy and material costs India has cancelled two fleet major focus of the larger OEMs
are still higher than they were tenders in recent months in and new products and systems
and continue to pose problems. favour of working with domestic for alternative traction across
Companies are also stockpiling industry (p20). The substantial the supply chain are likely to
growing numbers of the cost of setting up shop in faraway turn heads throughout the
components and products they lands is also prohibitive for exhibition. The International
need so they are better prepared some smaller suppliers seeking Union of Railways (UIC)
in the event of another crisis, to follow their larger partners Sustainability Impact
adding to the financial pressure. into new markets. There are also Awards will also
There are also concerns about concerns over securing highlight some of
the general political appetite to insurance for export deliveries. the notable
support rail, especially in Europe, The vast Chinese market has projects that its
underlined by the debate over fuelled the growth of the world’s members are
funding for Germany’s railway largest equipment supplier, undertaking
investment programme (p30) CRRC. But, as SCI reveals, with (p65).
and concern over rising track sales of new fleets slowing down, Progress
access charges (p34). the manufacturer is under with
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A RGENTINA’s Transport Secretariat is June 13, sets aside Pesos 1.3bn ($US 1.4m) for a €100m contract to upgrade
evaluating proposals to improve safety improvements. It also empowers the state- ETCS onboard signalling
operational safety that have been submitted by owned railway companies to renegotiate debt and equipment on 449 locomotives
state-owned operating and infrastructure contracts inherited from administration of and driving trailers to Level 2
companies, as required by a presidential decree Milei’s predecessor, Mr Alberto Fernández, and Baseline 3.6. The work will be
declaring a “Public Railway Emergency.” reallocate these resources to safety. undertaken at ÖBB workshops
The proposals were submitted in July at a The state of emergency will last for two years in Linz and Vienna and could
meeting with transport secretary, Mr Franco and requires railway companies to prioritise the last until 2030. In a first call-off
Mogetta, and undersecretary for railways, Mr most urgently-needed infrastructure work, as under the contract, the ETCS
Martín Ferreiro, attended by Mr Marcelo well as awarding the necessary contracts. equipment on 85 class 1116
Krajzelman, president of Argentinian Trains The Transport Secretariat will now develop an and 50 class 1216 locomotives,
Infrastructure, and Mr Segio Basich, president of action plan setting out the “essential and plus 60 class 8090 driving
Argentinian Trains Freight. Representing the urgent” measures needed, including details of trailers, will be updated, with
passenger sector was Mr Adrián Luque, the changes to budgets that will be required and completion expected by the
president of Argentinian Trains Operations. a proposed course of action. A team of railway end of 2030.
The emergency decree signed by Argentina’s advisers has been appointed to assist with this
president, Mr Javier Milei, and published on task. Britain
Global Centre of Rail Excellence
Caltrain launches San Francisco (GCRE) and infrastructure
- San Jose electric services: manager Network Rail (NR)
California’s governor, Mr have entered into a “multi-
Gavin Newsom, presided over million pound” commercial
the official launch of electric arrangement, under which the
services on the 82km San future GCRE facility in South
Francisco - San Jose - Tamien Wales will provide support for
commuter line on August 10. NR in testing, research, and
Work on the $US 2.4bn project, innovation.
which included resignalling
and upgrading level crossings, Germany
started in 2017. The first Stadler A new €65m 260m bridge over
Kiss EMUs were introduced the River Oder connecting
into public service on Küstrin-Kietz in Germany
August 11, and Caltrain says with Kostrzyn in Poland
additional electric trains will be opened on July 29. The
introduced every week until previous bridge, built in 1954,
the launch of the new timetable was closed in December 2020
and full electric service on and demolished, with rail
September 21. Journey times services replaced by a fleet of
will be cut and train frequency minibuses. Infrastructure
increased by 20%. manager DB InfraGO (p34)
says this is the first time that
Successful reset needed for HS2, says NAO carbon fibre technology has
been used for a mainline
P ROVIDING an update on
HS2 since the decision to
achieve them, NAO says. This
will include agreeing a realistic
Ltd puts the figure at £49-57bn.
NAO recommends that HS2
railway bridge.
cancel Phase 2 of the high- budget, and re-establishing Ltd should finish developing Israel
speed project, Britain’s control so that risks and costs its action plan to lower costs Israel Railways (IR) has issued
National Audit Office (NAO) can be managed effectively. and renegotiate the four main a Request for Information
says that the Department for NAO recommends that DfT construction contracts for (RFI) as it considers ordering a
Transport (DfT) and project should agree with HS2 Ltd a Phase 1, although it recognises new fleet of up to 90 freight
delivery company HS2 Ltd revised methodology for that renegotiating major locomotives. IR estimates that
need to successfully reset the estimating the cost of the contracts that are already in it will require up to 20
programme to avoid past programme and use that progress “will not be locomotives by the end of
failures and maximise its value. estimate to set a revised straightforward.” 2026, with the remainder to be
The NAO report published funding envelope. NAO says that the Treasury delivered in batches until 2040.
on July 23 says that HS2 As of March 31 2024, DfT should agree revised financial Prospective suppliers are
remains “an extremely large and HS2 Ltd had spent £30.1bn controls with DfT and HS2 Ltd required to provide IR with
and complex project,” despite at 2019 prices on the HS2 with multi-year funding details of proposed locomotive
being smaller in size after the programme, including £27.8bn settlements to provide long- designs, including an estimated
government decided in on Phase 1 from London to term certainty to avoid higher unit price and any discount,
October 2023 to abandon all Birmingham. Both parties costs. by October 10.
new construction north of agree that the current funding The NAO also wants DfT to
Birmingham. envelope of £44.6bn will not be assess HS2’s role in supporting Kenya
DfT and HS2 Ltd now need sufficient to complete Phase 1. the wider rail network, and Kenya Railways Corporation
to be clear on what benefits However, while DfT consider other options for (KRC) has taken delivery of 20
they want the programme to estimates that it will cost £45- increasing capacity on the West new passenger coaches
achieve and how they plan to 54bn to complete Phase 1, HS2 Coast Main Line (WCML).
US intransport
World premiere
sustainable rail
News | headlines
Prison sentences
for 2013 Santiago
de Compostela
T HE driver of the Renfe
Alvia service that derailed
on a curve at Angrois on July
24 2013 and the former
director of operational safety
at Spanish infrastructure
manager Adif have been
sentenced to two-and-a-half
years in prison for their role in
S OUTH African freight aimed at increasing the operating market with access Global and QBE, to pay over
operator Transnet reports capacity of the rail freight and to leased rolling stock have €25m in compensation to the
that key structural changes to logistics business. been delayed due to non- families of the deceased and
introduce open-access Transnet has confirmed that compliance by participants at those injured in the accident.
operations are underway, despite the operating company and the Request for Proposals The defendants have also
a setback in the creation of a infrastructure manager operating (RFP) stage of the tender been banned from exercising
rolling stock leasing market. models and organisational process which started in their respective professions for
Funding from the South structures, which are essential April 2023. The aim is to select a period of four-and-a-half years.
African government and others, for open access, will be a private-sector partner with The judge identified the
including a $US 1bn loan from finalised in early 2025. In the experience in leasing and cause of the accident as the
the African Development Bank meantime, the interim access to financial resources absence of measures to
(ADB) announced in July, is infrastructure manager expects that will be able to partner mitigate the risk arising from
conditional upon Transnet to publish a final network Transnet in establishing a operating with a safety system
opening up its network linking statement and proposed rolling stock leasing company. that left all responsibility in
inland ore and coal deposits charging methodology to make As a result of the problems the hands of the driver.
with ports. train paths available for third- with the RFP, Transnet has The driver also acted in an
The loan is intended to party access by September 30. cancelled the original tender absent-minded manner after
support the first phase of Transnet admits plans to and launched a new one to receiving a call from the
Transnet’s Rand 152.8bn develop market opportunities ensure compliance. It says it conductor of the train. He
($US 8.5bn) five-year capital for leasing capital assets and aims to issue a new RFP by became unaware of his location
investment plan, which is provide the emerging freight December. and failed to see the signals
that would have enabled him
to realise he was approaching
Irish strategic rail review makes 32 recommendations the curve at Angrois.
I RELAND’s Department of
Transport and the
Department for Infrastructure
the report recommends
increasing service frequencies
to at least every 2 hours, and
freight connections to the
busiest ports should be
combined with a reduction in
The train was travelling at
176km/h when it derailed, and
the judge said that there was
(DfI) in Northern Ireland have raising the maximum speed to track access charges for freight no trackside equipment in
published the final report of at least 120km/h. “which are reportedly among place to mitigate the risk of a
the All-Island Strategic Rail It also says that more direct the highest in Europe.” driver not adhering to the
Review. The document makes services should be provided The cost of the full maximum speed of 80km/h in
32 recommendations for between Ireland’s west and programme is estimated at force on the curve.
developing the network in south coasts, such as between €35-37bn at 2023 prices. If split Both the driver and Adif’s
both jurisdictions up to 2050 to Galway, Limerick and Cork, evenly across 25 years, this former director of operational
meet net-zero commitments. and that the Western Rail amounts to €1bn a year of safety failed to meet the duty
The report suggests that the Corridor should be reinstated additional spending in Ireland, of care required by their
maximum speed should be between Claremorris and and £310m a year in Northern respective roles.
raised to 200km/h on the core Athenry. Ireland. The judge found it
inter-city network connecting In Northern Ireland, the Assisted by EIB Advisory “incomprehensible” that a
Londonderry, Belfast, Dublin, report recommends extending Services, the Department of high-speed line could be
Limerick, Cork, Galway, and the railway from Portadown to Transport and DfI are now designed with ERTMS
Waterford. With additional Dungannon, Omagh and working to implement the throughout, only to modify
tracks at key locations, service Strabane in County Tyrone, report’s recommendations, the original project without
frequencies could be increased and in Ireland to Letterkenny including more detailed analysis and mitigation of the
to at least hourly. in County Donegal. identification of priorities for risks to safety that would
On regional and rural lines, Measures to improve rail the next decade. arise.
The mobility transition from road to rail is happening right now. And Knorr-Bremse is driving it
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| |
Australia needs
A report commissioned by
the Australasian Railway
Association (ARA) says that
Australia must urgently
develop a national strategy to
decarbonise rail or risk
missing a critical opportunity
to phase out diesel traction
and meet net-zero targets.
Produced by engineering
consultancy GHD, the report
says around half of Australia’s
diesel-powered rolling stock is
due to be replaced between
2030 and 2050.
While passenger services in
urban areas are generally
electrified, diesel trains continue Italian Rail Network (RFI) tests first autonomous rail inspection vehicle: RFI has tested for the first
to operate regional services. time a prototype 200km/h unmanned rail vehicle (URV) at its Bologna San Donato test circuit. The
Diesel locomotives remain the URV is designed to carry out inspection, monitoring and mapping to analyse safety-critical issues;
dominant motive power for real-time monitoring of people or object-detection systems; inspection in critical or dangerous
freight in Australia. locations to avoid human presence; and transporting specialised tools. The vehicle can only
Rail is not anticipated to operate on lines equipped with ETCS Level 2 and can be driven fully automatically under ATO or
transition to net zero at the same controlled remotely.
pace as other sectors of the
Australian economy, principally
due to the technical immaturity Second phase of Transgabonais Railway upgrade approved
of alternatives to diesel.
Rail also faces the challenges
of long asset lifecycles and
T HE government of Gabon and Transgabonais
Operating Company (Setrag), which operates
the 648km railway linking Libreville on the
The Gabonese government will fund civil
engineering and earthwork improvements,
identified following a landslide in 2022, which
differences in gauge, operating Atlantic coast with Franceville in the southeast resulted in the suspension of services for several
conditions and regulations of the country, have agreed to proceed with the months. The government is also set to finance
between Australia’s states second stage of the project to upgrade the line. the procurement of passenger rolling stock to
which must be overcome to Work will take place between Ndjolé, Alembé replace what Setrag describes as two trains
deliver a major reduction in and Lopé, and from Milolé to Franceville, and acquired between 2012 and 2016, which are
emissions, the report says. will comprise replacing existing 50kg rail with reaching the end of their life.
Transitional solutions 60kg and replacing wooden with concrete twin- Phase 1 of the project has involved upgrading
include biofuels, renewable block sleepers. the section from the western terminus at Owendo
diesel and the use of bi-mode The project is expected to cost CFA Fr 350bn to Ndjolé, with around 300km of line already
locomotives. Electrification ($US 580m), with the government set to provide renewed, and 225km of new rail laid. Work on
and hydrogen traction is CFA Fr 130bn and Setrag the remaining this phase has cost CFA Fr 230bn and is nearing
foreseen in the long term. CFA Fr 220bn. Work should complete in 2028. completion.
Indian cabinet
approves eight
new lines
T HE Cabinet Committee on
Economic Affairs, chaired
by India’s prime minister, Mr
Photo: David Gubler Narendra Modi, has approved
eight new rail projects that will
New line from India to Bangladesh postponed indefinitely add 900km and 64 new stations
to the Indian Railways (IR)
of the super conducting maglev
AX Bögl, Germany, and infrastructure for the elevated cooperation agreement, will
system developed jointly by
Xinzhu Road & Bridge line in more than 650 stimulate the development of
China Aerospace Science &
Machinery, China, have containers from Germany to commercial projects, with
Industry Corporation and
successfully delivered all China, as well as the successful several schemes proposed in
Shanxi, according to Chinese
components for the commissioning of the route China and Germany.
media. The test took place in
construction of a 3.5km with a maglev vehicle built at Bavaria’s prime minister, Dr
a low-vacuum tube, with the
vehicle successfully demonstration maglev line in Max Bögl’s headquarters in Markus Söder, visited the
maintaining a stable ride and Chengdu, China, and the Sengenthal, Germany. demonstrator line in Chengdu
stopping safely. supply of a maglev vehicle and The maglev train has been in March following a visit to
Construction of the test train control technology for the successfully demonstrated on Sengenthal in November 2023.
facility started in 2022 and project. the line, reaching a top speed The city of Nuremberg is
the partners say the successful The agreement to build the of 169km/h during a test with reportedly investigating the
test has confirmed the viability maglev line using Max Bögl’s the three-section vehicle in use of the technology as an
of building and maintaining Transport System Bögl (TSB) April 2021, and 181km/h in alternative to extending its
a long-distance, large-scale technology was signed in 2018. April 2024. light rail network to
vacuum environment. Construction of the line Completion of the project Nuremberg Messe and
required the transport of track was marked by the signing of a Klinikum Süd. IRJ
In brief
Warsaw to the new airport, to avoid level crossings.
Wrocław and Poznań. CPK Further track doubling is
expects to open bids at the end planned on seven lines,
of September, with selection including Khon Kaen - Nong
determined by price (70%) Khai and from Chumphon
and staff qualifications (30%). south to Surat Thani.
Spain UAE
Adif AV says construction of Spanish national operator
the 200km €3.5bn Murcia - Renfe has approved the
Lorca - Almería high-speed opening of an office in the
line is now more than 65% United Arab Emirates (UAE)
complete on the three sections to support its projects and
underway. The 300km/h line enhance its competitiveness in
will plug a gap in the Spanish the region. Renfe says the
rail network as it will extend move aligns with the UAE’s
the important Mediterranean ambitious railway development
Corridor, which currently plans, spearheaded by
extends from the French national company Etihad Rail.
border via Barcelona and
Valencia to Murcia, southwest United States
to the port of Almería. Amtrak is aiming to introduce
passenger services between
Thailand New Orleans and Mobile,
State Railway of Thailand Alabama, in early 2025. Mobile
(SRT) has completed track City Council voted unanimously
doubling of the 421km on August 6 to authorise three
southern main line from crucial agreements that will
Nakhon Pathom to Chumphon allow the operator, in
via Ratchaburi, Phetchaburi cooperation with the Southern
and Prachuap Khiri Khan. The Rail Commission, to run two
new track mainly runs parallel daily trains in each direction,
to the existing metre-gauge with four intermediate stops
track. However, new elevated along the Mississippi Gulf
sections have been constructed Coast.
IRJ ????????
IRJ 20152024 15
September 15
News | transit
S-Bahn fleet contract 4km extension of light rail Line Hung East to Yau Tong East
25, running from Amstelveen with six intermediate stations.
Westwijk to Uithoorn Centrum. Nagpur
Construction began in 2018 ADB is lending $US 200m
and has cost €60m. towards four metro extensions,
Bangkok comprising 43.8km of elevated
line and 32 stations. They are:
Bangkok Expressway and Metro
Automotive Square - Kanhan;
(BEM) has signed a contract to
Prajapati Nagar - Transport
take over construction and
Nagar; Khapri Maharashtra
operation of the 35.9km metro
Industrial Development
Orange Line on behalf of the
Corporation ESR; and
Mass Rapid Transit Authority
Lokmanya Nagar - Hingna.
of Thailand (MRTA). The
22.5km eastern section from Philadelphia
Thai Cultural Centre to Southeastern Pennsylvania
Minburi was substantially Transportation Authority
completed in 2022 and BEM (Septa) has awarded Hitachi
hopes to open it by May 2028. Rail a $US 724.3m contract to
supply 200 metro cars for the
Boston Market - Frankford Line, with
Massachusetts Bay Transportation an option for up to 40 more.
Authority (MBTA) has approved Deliveries will take place from
a $US 54m proposal from its 2029 until the end of 2031.
commuter operating contractor
The Land Transport Authority
(LTA) has awarded KTC Civil
Engineering & Construction a
network planned for Baghdad. The first section of metro Line $S 590m ($US 441.42m) contract
The prime minister’s media office says that the preferred 3 opened on August 8, to build Jurong Lake District
bidder is the Vaskhod & Wonter International Capital Coalition, running for 8.5km from Nhon station on Phase 2 of the Cross
including Alstom, French National Railways (SNCF), Sener, to Cau Giay on an elevated Island Line (CRL2). Work is
Systra, Talgo, Turkish construction companies and Deutsche alignment with eight stations. expected to start in the fourth
Bank. The remaining 4km with four quarter of this year.
Iraq’s National Investment Commission (NIC) started stations running underground
tendering in February for the contract to deliver the seven-line, from Cau Giay to Hanoi Sydney
64-station network, which is expected to cost $US 17.5bn and railway station is due to open The 155km Metro City and
take four years to complete. by December 2027. Southwest Line from Chatswood
to Sydenham entered service
Lahore’s first light rail line approved Hong Kong on August 19. Opening of the
The Highways Department
automated metro line had
HE government of Punjab serving key locations such as has awarded a joint venture been postponed following a
province in Pakistan has Liberty, Main Market, Mini led by Arup and Asia major signalling failure on the
approved a project to build an Market and Hali Road. Infrastructure Solutions (AIS) connecting Metro Northwest
11km light rail line in Lahore, According to local media
a $HK 262.5m ($US 33.6m) Line, prompting a review of
the provincial capital, at an reports, LRVs from suppliers
contract to provide design and the new infrastructure and
estimated cost of Rs 27bn in China and Finland are
construction consultancy subsequent approval by the
($US 97m). under consideration as the
services for the Smart and Office of the National Rail
The new line will have stops rolling stock fleet for the new
Green Mass Transit System Safety Regulator (ONRSR). IRJ
located at intervals of 1-1.5km, line.
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New Canadian
I NDIAN Railways’ (IR) Rs production of Vande Bharat initial investment in product The permanent ongoing
300bn ($US 3.64bn) tender to EMUS. Alstom refused to design, as these would have programme will provide an
supply 100 sleeping car reduce its final offer of Rs been the first such products for average of $C 3bn a year,
variants of the 220km/h 1.5bn per train to the Rs 1.4bn the Indian market,” says an divided into three funding
aluminium-bodied Vande requested by IR. The only Alstom spokesperson. streams.
Bharat EMU has been other bidder was the IR sources say there are no An average of $C 2bn a year
discharged following the Hyderabad-based Medha immediate plans to retender will be made available under
breakdown of price Servo Drives, which quoted Rs the contract. IR aims to deploy Metro-Region Agreements,
negotiations with Alstom. The 1.7bn per train. around 250 Vande Bharat intended to support partnerships
manufacturer emerged as the “Alstom made a very sleeper variants in the next five between provinces and major
lowest bidder for the contract competitive offer to IR, given years and a steel-bodied urban centres with the largest
in May last year. The move that the manufacture of these prototype train, manufactured public transport networks,
comes as a blow to the state-of-the-art aluminium by Bharat Earth Movers, is such as Greater Toronto,
operator’s plans to speed up trains required substantial reported to be ready. Vancouver, Winnipeg, Calgary
and Montreal.
Municipalities and public
Indian budget New type of concession transport agencies will be
puts safety first required to develop an
contract signed in France Integrated Regional Plan with
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News | financial In brief
News | analysis
representing employees at the consequences of this decision,
company in signing letters the loss of some customers
calling for urgent compensation, and their trust in the company,
which they say “may help are still felt today,” says Mr Eight years of PiS rule have destroyed
save the company.” Marcin Wojewódka, acting
At PKP Cargo’s request, president of PKP Cargo. PKP Cargo. PKP management statement
Zimmerman Filipiak The current management
Restructuring was appointed in board says that Morawiecki’s
July to prepare a report on the actions constitute interference
company’s assets and liabilities. with PKP Cargo’s freedom to
This report will enable the conduct its business as a “We still maintain financial “Eight years of PiS rule have
Warsaw District Court to decide private listed company where liquidity,” he says, describing destroyed PKP Cargo,” the
whether or not to commence the state only holds a 33.01% how money is found from statement says, noting that the
restructuring proceedings. share via its parent PKP. month to month to pay staff company lost 90% of its
In 2022 the PKP Cargo Implementation of these wages. As well as announcing market value between 2014,
management board at that policy decisions without the redundancies, PKP Cargo is when it was worth over Zlotys
time implemented two policy prior agreement of the minister seeking court permission to 4bn, and April when this had
decisions made by Poland’s of state assets forms one thread restructure, but this will be fallen to Zlotys 600m.
former prime minister, of an investigation opened by conditional upon the company Morawiecki has also posted
Mr Mateusz Morawiecki, the Regional Prosecutor’s meeting its current liabilities. a video on social media
directing wagons to the Baltic Office in Warsaw. PKP Cargo will be unable to pointing out that PKP Cargo
ports to carry coal. The current management says bid for freight contracts if it made a profit of over Zlotys
80m as late as 2023. The
current management board
Photo: Shutterstock/Samo451
IR J’s website is the leading source of online news for the global railway
industr y. Our journalists keep readers abreast of the latest developments,
helping them to stay informed about what is happening, as it happens.
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World market | analysis
T HE global railway industry’s service through the deployment fleets of older rolling stock suppliers to meet high quality
market volume surpassed of ATO and CBTC solutions and with ETCS, but with only standards by delivering the
the €200bn mark for the first AI-supported systems from limited industry capacity to latest technology.
time in 2023 and is projected the start. carry out the work. The European market,
to grow steadily by 4% per In contrast, much-needed China has been the growth which is worth €67.2bn, will
year over the next five years. upgrades of many existing engine of the global railway grow at 5.4% per year over the
Challenges such as networks are only possible at a market for decades. The country next few years due to high
worldwide supply chain very high cost. Existing remains the largest national investment in existing
disruption and the surge in technologies are increasingly railway market with a volume networks and a demand to
energy costs have been becoming obsolete and are of nearly €40bn. However, increase both urban and high-
overcome, or at least also unsuitable for delivering growth in the next five years speed line capacity.
mitigated, in the past two urgently-needed increases in will only be generated in the
years. The biggest challenge capacity or to improve after-sales market.
now is the digitalisation of operational reliability and safety. In terms of the Asian market, Freight
railway operations and the However, replacement is much the largest overall at €69.3bn, this Global rail freight transport
entire transport and logistics more complex and challenging, development is at least partially is driven by economic
chain, which is driving and upgrades can only be offset by strong momentum in developments and the
disproportionate growth in implemented gradually and at India, where the expansion of performance of commodities
system technology. a slower pace than installing rail systems enjoys strong and trade. Following a quick
This sector is expected to systems on a new line. political support. India, recovery from the impact of
grow by 4.6% per year over Despite notable progress already in third place behind Covid-19 and a sharp decline
the next five years, outpacing with some pilot projects, and China and Russia in the OEM in 2020, the sector reported
the established markets for already-established examples sector, is increasingly supplied strong growth in 2021 and
railway infrastructure and of automated systems working by the international railway 2022. However, rail freight
rolling stock. New rail effectively on metro networks, industry, which is working performance stagnated in 2023.
networks, particularly in the the complete automation of alongside local manufacturers. Asia, the CIS, and North
Middle East, are setting conventional railway networks The Africa/Middle East America account for 87% of
improved standards for is still a distant prospect due region is set to record annual the global rail freight transport
modern and highly-digitalised to the high investment cost. In growth of nearly 8% per year market. Asia accounts for
railway operations. In contrast, Europe, installation of over the next five years, the almost 40% of all tonne-km
upgrading existing networks trackside and onboard ETCS fastest-growing region in the transported, well ahead of any
to accept digital systems is equipment is an important world, although from a other single region. Asia will
proving immensely time- prerequisite for further relatively low base of €7.7bn. continue to be the growth driver
consuming and costly, partly digitalising rail transport. Yet In the Middle East, many new over the next five years, with
because it must be done while high expectations are not rail networks are currently an average annual growth rate
rail lines remain open to traffic. matched by progress on the under development, and this of 2.8%. Even higher growth rates
The Chinese market, which Global
ground. railway
In addition, industry
there is a market
is driving including
innovation in regional
the developments
in rail freight transport are
is also the world’s largest, is need to retrofit substantial global industry by requiring expected as new projects come
now only growing in the after-
sales segment. But this is Global railway industry market by region and projected growth up to 2028
counterbalanced by the strong The global rail market will grow at a CAGR of 4.0% until 2028
growth in new business in other
geographic territories, notably
India and the Middle East.
The high uncertainty caused CIS
by an unstable geopolitical € 26.1bn
situation is leading to Europe Ò 2.6%
increased protectionism within North America € 67.2bn
€ 28.8bn Ò 5.4%
the railway industry. Indeed,
the market accessible to Ò 3.7% Asia
international suppliers has € 69.3bn
shrunk significantly in recent Ò 2.6%
years, with little sign that this
trend will reverse.
Africa/Middle East
The deployment of new
€ 7.7bn
transport systems through South/Central America Ò 7.8%
greenfield projects have a clear € 3.6bn Australia
advantage when it comes to Ò 7.0% € 4.1bn
advancing digital operations. Ò 4.1%
They are able to set new
Average market volume 2022-2024; Ò CAGR 2023-2028
standards of performance and Source: MultiClient Study ‘Worldwide Market for Railway Industries 2024’ © SCI Verkehr
© SCI Verkehr
0 0%
Infrastructure System technology Rolling stock
alternative drive concepts
leads to notably higher unit
5 worldwide railway markets
Market for (2023, EUR 2024’billion)
Top five national rail markets (2023, €bn) costs per vehicle, while the
MultiClient Study ‘Worldwide Railway Industries © SCI Verkehr
the same.
China As well as costs, sustainability
is presenting challenges for the
rail sector. These include saving
USA energy in energy-intensive
production processes and
railway operations; transitioning
Russia to renewable energy; and using
new sustainable products
instead of CO₂-intensive
materials like steel, aluminum
and concrete in the construction
of new infrastructure.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Protectionism
OEM After-sales The isolation of the Russian
M k t volume
l iincludes
l d markets
k t for
f rolling
lli stock,
t k iinfrastructure
f t t and
d system
t ttechnology
h l
railway technology market,
Source: MultiClient Study ‘Worldwide Market for Railway Industries 2024’ which began in 2022, has been
online in the Africa/Middle East Despite this relatively low electrification have not yet been further intensified by heavy
© SCI Verkehr GmbH / / 19.08.2022
region, although volumes here share, significant work is achieved. Many electrification sanctions over the past two
are starting from a low base. underway to decarbonise rail projects are time-consuming years. European and North
In contrast, the European operations, in particular and costly, and complete American companies have
rail freight market has been in reducing the use of diesel, in network electrification is often withdrawn from the market,
a structural crisis since at least pursuit of net zero. not economically feasible. resulting in major cuts in local
2023, which can only be A key factor in this Nevertheless, the market production and maintenance,
overcome through significant transition is electrification. The volume in Europe is growing particularly for modern and
efficiency improvements and market volume for new and by nearly 8% per year, albeit high-performance components.
more competition between upgraded rail electrification is from a low base. These shortfalls have now
operators. Increased political expected to grow at 5.8% per In North America, the extent largely been compensated by
support is essential if such a year over the next five years. of electrification remains at only domestic production or imports
turnaround is to happen. In Asia, significant progress in 2% of the total 260,000km from Asia, and the Russian
electrification has been made network and is not expected to railway industry appears
over the last decade, which is rise significantly in the coming surprisingly strong in terms of
Electrification also boosting network years. current delivery volumes.
Expanding rail freight and performance. China’s 160,000km For these types of rail In other regions, there is
passenger traffic will play a network is nearly 75% electrified, networks, which transport also an increasing emphasis on
crucial role in achieving while India is on the path to heavy loads over long local production to reduce
climate change goals within electrifying its entire 126,000km distances, the rail industry is dependence on global
the transport sector, which rail network. working intensively on manufacturers. A good
remains the second-largest In Europe, the share of technical solutions to replace example is the decision by the
overall emitter, accounting for electrification is significantly diesel technology. However, German government to ban
approximately a quarter of all lower at 54%. The political there is still a long way to go components from Chinese
global greenhouse emissions. objectives set by some European before diesel locomotives in manufacturers Huawei and
Rail accounts for just 1% of countries, such as Britain and heavy haul freight transport ZTE in the 5G standard,
these, according to the Germany, to substantially can be replaced across the mirroring similar restrictions
International Energy Agency. increase the rate of board. So far, none of the new by 10 other European
Top 10 railway suppliers by estimated rail revenue 20231 (EUR billion2) grown significantly in recently
Top 10 railway suppliers by estimated revenue 2023 (€bn) years, following a spate of
acquisitions to occupy fourth
and fifth place respectively
2 Alstom behind Siemens Mobility in
3 Siemens Mobility third. Hitachi announced the
acquisition of Thales’ Ground
4 Hitachi Rail Systems*
Transportation Systems (GTS)
5 Wabtec business unit in May 2024. The
6 Ÿ Knorr-Bremse combined total revenue of both
business activities amounted to
7 ź Transmashholding
€7.3bn in 2023 and have already
8 ź Stadler Rail been taken into account in our
9 Ÿ The Greenbrier Companies ranking (see table). Wabtec has
recorded strong organic
10 ź CAF growth, particularly in the
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 resurgent freight segment in
North America over the past
2023 2021 two years.
1 Revenue partly estimated. Financial years ending in the first half of 2024 have been assigned to the year 2023 As it was in 2022, Greenbrier
2 Foreign currencies have been converted with the average yearly exchange rate
is the only specialised wagon
* Including revenues of Thales Ground Transportation Systems
Source: MultiClient Study ‘Worldwide Market for Railway Industries 2024’ © SCI Verkehr manufacturer in the top 10
countries including Britain, remains the largest railway manufacturer is the clear ranking of equipment
France, Italy,
© SCI Verkehr GmbHSweden
/ www.sci.deand
/ 08.08.2024
technology company worldwide, market leader outside of China manufacturers, rising one
Denmark in recent years. albeit with stagnating revenue and could take the overall lead place to ninth. Specialist
CRRC pulled out of a bid for a growth. A slight increase in in the coming years. Alstom’s infrastructure manufacturers,
Bulgarian fleet contract earlier exports is not making up for potential is reflected in its however, do not make it into
this year when the European the shortfall created by the greater diversity of products. the top 10, although currency
Commission (EC) launched an declining domestic market. It generates revenue in fluctuations in 2024 are again
investigation into potential This trend is expected to infrastructure, system making precise global
market distortion by means of continue in the coming years. technology, and rolling stock, comparison difficult. IRJ
alleged government subsidy. Hot on CRCC’s heels is while CRRC specialises in
Nevertheless, CRRC, with a Alstom. With revenue of over rolling stock production. To order the complete report
revenue of nearly €20bn, €17.5bn, the French Hitachi and Wabtec have visit
ERMANY was the proud host distance passenger numbers, increase on imported Russian natural gas.
of this summer’s Euro 2024 rail freight’s market share from 18% to Energy prices and many other costs
Uefa European Football 25%, reduce rail’s share of carbon increased rapidly and remain much
Championship, which took place in 10 emissions, and cut those generated by higher than they were in 2019.
cities across the country between June road vehicles by winning both passenger To encourage rail use following the
14 and July 14, and attracted thousands and freight traffic. Euro 2024 was the pandemic, and to support the wider
of additional visitors. perfect opportunity to showcase DB’s goal of modal shift to public transport,
National operator German Rail (DB) successes over the first five years of the the government launched the
was a major sponsor of the tournament programme. But several issues have Deutschlandticket in May 2023. Priced
and offered additional trains plus a conspired to make progress slow and to at €49, the subscription-based ticket
range of attractive tickets for fans to threaten the programme’s very future. offers unlimited travel on regional and
encourage travel by rail. However, the Germany’s current tripartite coalition local services for a month, and followed
event generated large amounts of government came to power in 2021 and the successful three-month 9-euro ticket
negative domestic and international agreed a series of ambitious transport pilot in the summer of 2022.
press coverage about the state of policy goals. As well as working to The Deutschlandticket is politically
Germany’s railway, much to DB’s meet existing Strong Rail targets, the popular and sales have been encouraging
embarrassment. government also committed to investing - at the end of June 2024 there were
Trains were routinely delayed or much more in rail infrastructure, partly 11.2 million subscribers, a figure the
cancelled due to infrastructure financed by fees paid by lorries to use Association of German Transport
problems or severe weather. In some Germany’s roads, and to markedly Companies (VDV) expects to rise to
cases, insufficient capacity was support the transition away from diesel 15 million by the end of the year. In the
provided for the crowds attending traction through electrification, battery first full year of its existence 20 million
matches, all contributing to the poor and hydrogen technology. These goals passengers are estimated to have used a
performance for which has DB publicly were set out before Russia’s invasion of Deutschlandticket. But in the context of
apologised (IRJ August p13). Ukraine in 2022. While the pandemic the wider economy and industry finances
This is all the more poignant as both led to far less travel and the adoption of it represents an additional pressure on
DB and the German government working from home by many, the war an already difficult financial situation.
launched the Strong Rail strategy in in Ukraine suddenly upended Germany’s Germany’s national rail network is
2019, which aims to double long- energy policy, which was overly reliant one of contrasts. On one hand, the
30 IRJ September 2024
country boasts an extensive high-speed The current government is seeking to suffered a legal defeat when a court
network, mostly operated with a fleet of correct this funding imbalance by ruled that it was solely liable for the
modern ICE trains built in Germany, investing more in the west, pushing cost overruns. DB had sought to share
with more on order and a new train ahead with major increases in rail these with its project partners at
currently being delivered every two infrastructure spending by drawing on regional and national government level.
weeks. Service frequencies are much the Climate and Transformation Fund The government has since adopted
higher than on some other European (KTF). several methods to make up some of
high-speed lines. On the other hand, The fund draws on income from the potential shortfall in funding
most major cities, especially in the west carbon emissions trading, estimated at promised to the rail sector. Some
of the country, are experiencing several €19bn in 2024, plus grants or loans from projects have been shelved or had their
infrastructure failures each week, the government. It is intended to fund funding cut, while the revenue support
disrupting services both locally and climate change mitigation measures provided to freight and commercial
across the country as the network has without recourse to tax revenue. passenger operators during the
many key hubs, rather than being However, plans to add a grant of pandemic, in the form of almost
focused on one major city. around €60bn to the KTF in 2022-23, completely subsidised track access
using authorised emergency Covid-19 charges, has come to an end. The
pandemic expenditure that had not government has also channelled some
DB is now facing the been used, were contested by MPs and new funds to infrastructure manager
resulted in a case before the DB InfraGO by raising the amount of
prospect of additional Constitutional Court. The court ruled in share capital it holds in the wider DB
late 2022 that the money should not be Group. However, this is controversial as
costs of at least €4bn used in the KTF fund, leading to a huge DB InfraGO is legally required to pay
hole in planned investment expenditure interest on these sums (p34).
relating to the late- across the national economy.
For the rail sector, KTF funding was
running and politically expected to contribute around €12.5bn Passenger transport
controversial Stuttgart of the €40bn in additional funding The Deutschlandticket appears to
agreed by the government for the have produced modest increases in
21 project. national rail network between 2024 and regional passenger traffic. According to
2027. The money would finance widescale the Federal Statistical Service, Destatis,
introduction of ERTMS over the next passenger traffic on all trains and public
Since the reunification of East and decade, with funding of €1.3bn in 2024 transport systems in Germany,
West Germany in 1990, rail investment rising to around €3.5bn a year by 2033. including light rail and metros, was up
has been heavily biased towards the If this shortfall wasn’t bad enough, 7% year-on-year in 2023, but passenger-
east, reinstating links between cities and DB is now facing the prospect of journeys were 8% down compared with
building high-speed lines to connect additional costs of at least €4bn relating 2019 before the pandemic. The most
Berlin’s new main station, which to the late-running and politically recent DB half-year results released in
opened in 2006, with Leipzig, controversial Stuttgart 21 project in the July show that regional trains operated
Nuremberg and Munich. southwest of the country. In May, DB by DB Regio experienced a 6% increase
it is certainly conceivable that poor
ERMANY’s rail freight sector faced major challenges in 2023. As a result, reliability is turning passengers away
freight traffic slumped by 23 billion tonne-km, a 10% fall on the previous year, from long-distance rail travel, with the
almost down to the level recorded in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. most likely beneficiaries air and road.
A combination of factors, including more infrastructure work and resulting This reverse modal shift is precisely
closures across the rail network, strikes in Germany and neighbouring countries, what government funding has sought
weather-related restrictions and the fall-out from accidents, such as the partial to avoid.
closure of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland, have pushed up costs for
freight operators that they are not necessarily able to pass onto their customers.
Private freight operators have fared best in these challenging conditions, with an
overall decline in tonne-km of 7%, while some have even recorded an increase.
The worst performer was state-owned DB Cargo, which saw traffic drop by 13%.
Political support for
The company has made an Ebit loss every year for over a decade, despite policies that encourage
substantial financial support from parent company DB.
This funding was queried by the European Commission (EC) in 2022, when it modal shift of freight
opened a state aid investigation into the company. In response, in February this
year DB Cargo announced a major restructuring programme that immediately from road to rail
raised the ire of rail unions, which said that 1800 jobs were under threat. DB Cargo
described union statements on job losses as “irresponsible scaremongering,” but appears to be waning.
admitted that internal staff transfers between DB companies are planned.
DB’s half-year report confirms that the transformation programme is underway,
stating that DB Cargo will be restructured from the start of 2025, based on “the
simplification of production structures and processes.” DB Cargo says it has The current administration has
developed a new concept for wagonload traffic, which will be introduced with the guaranteed funding to keep the
timetable change on December 15. It says existing services will become “a supply- Deutschlandticket available in 2025,
oriented, high-frequency train network.” when the next general election will be
The future viability of DB Cargo will come under even greater scrutiny when held, yet the overall funding settlement
the planned sale of DB’s logistics subsidiary DB Schenker is completed early next from the federal government, originally
year. Divestment of this very profitable part of DB, which recorded an adjusted budgeted at €11.22bn for 2024, is
Ebit operating profit of €520m in the first six months of 2024, was announced in insufficient to fund all existing operating
December 2023. A preferred bidder from a shortlist of four is expected to be contracts awarded by regional
announced this summer. governments. The federal government
On a positive note, government funding of up to €320m for wagonload services and state governments have provided
in 2024, part of a €1.7bn five-year programme, was signed off by the EC in May. additional funding of over €3bn. However,
Photo: Keith Fender this is proving insufficient following
significant increases in energy and
labour costs after a successful campaign
by unions for large wage increases,
helped in part by a nationwide shortage
of drivers. As a result, transport
authorities in several parts of Germany
are reducing service levels, especially at
evenings and weekends, or evaluating
plans to do so.
The increased cost base set against
reduced revenue also appears to be
influencing private operators’ activities
in the German regional market. In
February, British public transport group
Go-Ahead sold its operating concessions
in Germany to Austrian Federal
Railways (ÖBB), which has rebranded
Go-Ahead Germany as Arverio.
32 IRJ September 2024
Netherlands Railways (NS) subsidiary challenged in the courts by freight transport, citing the Federal Ministry of
Abellio, once a major player in the operators. Digital Infrastructure and Transport’s
German regional market, handed back Overall cost inflation, coupled with (BMDV) own forecasts and calling for
several contracts following financial revenue depressed by the additional funding for the road network
difficulties in 2021, having reportedly Deutschlandticket, is leading to a as well as rail. As if to confirm the
lost more than €250m over the previous potential cost-cutting spiral where service change in sentiment, the government in
decade. Abellio’s remaining business in levels decline, as does patronage. If the late June proposed an additional €1bn
Germany was sold to private operator legal challenges against the decision to of funding for the road network, using
BeNEX in April. Britain’s National load track access charge increases onto money taken from funds assigned to
Express Group took over some of the freight and commercial passenger rail infrastructure.
former Abellio contracts in the Ruhr operators result in regional transport Furthermore, in early August, pro-rail
region, but has more recently warned authorities having to pay more, these lobby groups, reacting to the draft 2025
investors that they are underperforming funding problems will rapidly become a federal budget agreed by the cabinet the
against expectations. crisis. Some politicians, including the previous month, suggested that the
To deflect some of the cost pressure current transport minister, Dr Volker government was considering replacing
from PSO services, the Federal Network Wissing, have started publicly directly-awarded subsidies for rail
Agency approved the increase in track discussing the need to increase the price infrastructure with compulsory loans,
access charges planned by DB InfraGO of the Deutschlandticket, or keep the channelled through DB InfraGO in the
for 2025, with charges rising for long- price at €49 and limit its validity to a method described above. They pointed
distance passenger trains by 17.7% and smaller geographical area from 2025 to a capital injection of €3.02bn from the
for freight trains by 16.2%. Thanks to onwards. An increase in the price in government to DB Group in late June,
the policy decision to shield regional January now appears inevitable. assigned to increased infrastructure
passenger services, and the public These debates are playing out while funding via DB InfraGO. Bodies such as
transport authorities and regional political support for policies that VDV’s scientific advisory board are
governments that fund them, from such encourage modal shift of freight from increasingly vociferous in demanding
increases, charges here will only road to rail appears to be waning across that rail investment should be financed
increase by 0.6%, giving a nominal the board in Germany. The main by public subsidy which does not lead
overall increase of 6% per train-km on opposition Christian Democratic Union to higher user costs through
the German national network. This (CDU/CSU) party has recently said that indebtedness and interest payments by
decision is controversial and is being road will remain the main mode of DB InfraGO. IRJ
BOOTH 600 | HALL 3.2
HE complete and lengthy closure create what DB InfraGO describes as a section of the network in question. DB
of stretches of railway line for high-capacity network by 2030, that will InfraGO believes that total line closures
maintenance purposes has long ensure that the busiest routes have are more efficient and cost-effective
been a bugbear for travellers on enough capacity for the trains needed to than worksites where one or more lines
Germany’s extensive 33,000km network run on them and provide high-quality remain open to traffic, or a large
that is used by over 50,000 trains daily. infrastructure that is resilient to the number of smaller line closures.
Now these types of closures have heavy traffic it will be subjected to
become official policy as the country’s every day.
new infrastructure manager DB To achieve this goal, DB InfraGO
InfraGO struggles to deal with a intends to upgrade 4000 route-km,
network that, especially in the west of divided into 40 corridors. In 2024, the
the country, has suffered from years of infrastructure manager expects to invest
under-investment and insufficient
DB InfraGO intends
€16.4bn in projects across the network.
maintenance (p30). In a number of locations it is instituting to upgrade 4000
DB InfraGO, formed at the start of what it terms a complete modernisation
this year by the merger of previous programme. This involves the route-km, divided into
infrastructure manager DB Network comprehensive renewal of all rail-
with fellow German Rail (DB) related infrastructure from the ballast 40 corridors.
subsidiary DB Station & Service, upwards, including signalling,
adopted a seven-point strategy to electrification and stations. To the
address the ailing infrastructure it had dismay of frustrated passengers, it also
inherited. This includes an aspiration to means the complete closure of the
Work on the €1.3bn project to upgrade the Riedbahn, DB InfraGO’s first comprehensive modernisation scheme, commenced this summer. Photo: DB/ Stefan Wildhirt
have to move a total of 239,000 sleepers every capital increase adds to the
and almost 380,000 tonnes of ballast. amount of profit the supposedly “not
DB InfraGO reckons that the quantity of for profit” DB InfraGO has to make
work carried out will be four times simply to finance its new funding. In
greater than was possible under the late June the DB Group received a
previous policy of partial line closures. capital injection of €3.02bn from the
At the same time, 20 stations on the government, all assigned to increased
Riedbahn will be transformed, with infrastructure funding via DB InfraGO.
modern passenger information and new The government has opted for this
Adapted to
wayfinding systems, brightly-lit funding mechanism as national policy.
underpasses, new lighting and Limiting overall government debt
modernised platform roofs. In addition, means it cannot simply borrow to fund
some of the stations will receive new rail infrastructure investment. The need
ramps and lifts for step-free access. to cover interest costs, along with
Once the work has been completed, increased depreciation charges and
DB InfraGO says that train punctuality construction and energy cost inflation,
will improve because the renewal of all
outdated systems will reduce
lead NEE to forecast that charges for
freight trains will rise from €2.87/km to challenges
infrastructure-related disruption by €4.83/km in 2026. It describes the
more than 80%. Delays will also be combination of DB InfraGO BNetzA as
avoided thanks to the provision of new a “hungry track access fee monster,” Not only is
passing loops. In addition, the work driving up the cost of access to the rail Vossloh Rolling Stock
will provide greater certainty for future network which in turn will lead
planning as DB expects that no major customers to move freight traffic to setting new industry
infrastructure work will be required on road, the exact opposite of national standards with its
the route for at least five years. policy objectives and DB’s Strong Rail
Next year, similar programmes are strategy.
hybrid locomotive
planned for the Emmerich - Oberhausen “Prices are already a significant Modula, it’s also
and Berlin - Hamburg main lines. burden compared to road transport,” sending a clear signal in
However, passengers on the latter are says Mr Malte Lawrenz, chairman of
already facing months of disruption as the Association of Freight Wagon terms of sustainability.
DB InfraGO says that some maintenance Owners in Germany (VPI). “Fundamentally,
work on the 278km line cannot wait the route pricing system must be
until 2025 and needs to be undertaken reformed as quickly as possible.”
during a total blockade between August There seems little prospect of that at
and December this year. During this present. And so the row over track
time 100 turnouts and around 74km of access charges is likely to rumble on,
track will be replaced. not least because while DB InfraGO was
set up as a public limited company
orientated to serve the public good, it
Track access simultaneously has a remit to operate
If the closure of major sections of the the railway infrastructure as a 24-27 Sep 2024
network wasn’t controversial enough, commercial enterprise. With increased Booth O/330
DB InfraGO is also in the middle of a government funding for rail
battle over the level of the track access infrastructure more and more difficult
charges that it sets according to a to obtain, media coverage worsening
transparent system overseen by the over the policy of complete line Sustainability in motion
Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) and closures, and a general election in
which provide the majority of its income. Germany likely next September, the
DB’s 2024 interim report shows that newly-formed DB InfraGO is facing an
track access charges accounted for €3bn increasingly bumpy ride. IRJ
IRJ September 2024 35
KS: When it comes to opportunities for sustainable Consequently, respective collateral structures are
finance in the rail sector, what support is out there? And needed for cross-border transport. Wider recognition and
how might different organisations obtain it? adoption of the Luxembourg Protocol would support the
SB: We see various kinds of support on different levels. harmonisation of the perfection of securities, reducing
Worldwide there is a substantial move to contribute to net costs and supporting the financing of international rolling
zero through the development of net zero emission stock projects. Thanks to the efforts of the Rail Working
transport systems. In the European Union (EU), companies Group, of which we are a member, there is progress with
have intensified their contribution to achieving the EU’s the Protocol, which came into force earlier this year
Green Deal by pursuing modal shift and encouraging initially in Gabon, Luxembourg, Spain and Sweden along
greater use of rail as well as embracing new transitional with the EU, in respect of competences. Further adoption
technologies such as hydrogen-powered rolling stock. is encouraged.
We are seeing a growing number of businesses across KS: Where do you see the biggest opportunities and in
the rail industry focusing on increased environmental what types of projects? Previous articles have talked
sustainability, which is also opening new doors to raising about the hydrogen trains for Heidekrautbahn. Are there
finance. Furthermore, we note that many investors are other examples worth highlighting? Also, you’re a
attempting to ensure that their entire value chain, European bank, but have talked about working on
including financing, is green, which offers additional projects further afield, such as Africa. Can you explain
opportunities in this field. the work you are doing here?
Within our bank, we have strengthened our capacities
SB: The biggest opportunities are in transformational
to offer green loans or sustainability-linked loans, including
projects that encourage a reduction of CO2 emissions as
related advisory services. In-house green loan experts
well as help to develop society and offer improved
support our internal sectoral expert divisions and provide
economic value. For example, transitioning away from
additional advisory services to clients. The service includes
diesel to electric traction through the adoption of
accompanying clients in their implementation of green or
hydrogen and battery fleets on regional lines, extensions
sustainable finance frameworks, including providing support
of high-speed lines, and improving rail infrastructure in
until they secure second party opinions or verifications.
developing countries, are all areas we are targeting.
This supports offered by the Sustainable Finance Advisory
As a German transformational bank, we support various
to encourage more green, sustainable frameworks and
markets, not only in Germany, but also in other European
sustainable lending is helping to align our clients’
countries and worldwide.
sustainable strategies with sustainable financing facilities.
As you have already mentioned, one example in
Furthermore, sustainable rating agencies are helping to
Germany is the transformational Heidekrautbahn project.
identify the material challenges for clients posed by ESG
Seven hydrogen trains will enter service in December
Ratings. These challenging ESG issues could be the focus
2024. Another example is Cologne S-Bahn, where we are
of Sustainability Linked Loans, which are connected to
supporting the modernisation of local rail passenger
sustainable KPIs. These work in accordance with
transport in the Rhineland with an investment of around
ambitious Sustainable Performance Targets (SPTs) to offer
€400m. Cooperation and deals with locomotive leasing
set pathways to a more sustainable future with a positive
companies like Railpool and Alpha Trains are other
societal impact and economic outcome.
important projects to highlight.
I should also mention that there is another form of
With respect to the African market, we are promoting
support available for export finance of green projects,
the construction of the new Standard Gauge Railway
which include electrified railway infrastructure and electric
network (SGR) in Tanzania. The main aim of the SGR is to
rolling stock. Due to the modernisation of the OECD
alleviate road traffic congestion, carry freight and
consensus, these kinds of projects are benefiting from
passengers safely and faster, reduce CO2 emissions and to
better conditions, including longer tenures of up to 22
increase social and economic value in the country.
years, plus delivery and construction periods. This type of
Elsewhere in Africa, we endorse the development of the
support is not limited to projects in the developing world,
high-speed network in Egypt.
but is also available for projects in developed countries.
In addition, modernisation of existing transport
KS: What challenges does securing railway finance infrastructure is an important part of the green
entail? What specific bureaucratic/legislative hoops transformation. Norwegian infrastructure manager Bane
does the sector have to jump through? How might you NOR is an excellent example for increasing investment in
help the sector to overcome these? this regard. Through a green loan valued at approximately
SB: Cross-border railway network harmonisation remains NOK 1,140 million (€100m), we’re helping to finance
Source: Verkehrsverbund Mittelsachsen
limited in Europe. Rolling stock still has to meet the green projects to improve railway infrastructure,
technical requirements of each individual network, which maintenance depots and train stabling facilities across the
makes it more expensive and redeployment more difficult. country.
In addition, every jurisdiction has its own requirements. Outside of rail, another example of our global presence
For example, in Germany every public transport authority is support for procurement of electric buses. We are
has a different model for organising, operating and financing the decarbonisation of transport in Australia and
financing public transport operating contracts, adding to New Zealand by Kelsian and Kinetic, operators of electric
the complication. buses and respective EV-charging infrastructure.
Feature | subject
Because the future belongs to those who think ahead. Let’s shape it together.
NNOTRANS in Berlin this year will with all current norms and TSI sections and for them the battery
be marked by the world premiere of standards, while also offering emission- version of the RS Zero could be ideal.”
the RS Zero, as Stadler unveils the free traction,” he says. Development of hydrogen
prototype of its new zero-emission train “Technically, it’s a completely new production, transport and refuelling
for regional and local passenger train,” says Brockmeyer, pointing to the infrastructure is still at an early stage in
services. Available as a single railcar or new bodyshell of the RS Zero, as well as the Regio-Shuttle’s target market of
a two-car multiple-unit in battery and its bogies, drive system, interior design, Germany, but Stadler believes that the
hydrogen-powered versions, the new doors and air-conditioning system that market for hydrogen-powered trains
design is intended as the successor to uses a refrigerant with low global will grow as other regions follow the
the diesel-powered Regio-Shuttle RS1, warming potential (GWP). “Everything pioneers such as Hesse and Lower
first built in 1996. is new,” he says. “What we have Saxony. “However, hydrogen drives are
“The Regio-Shuttle has saved many adopted is the extremely successful generally better suited to networks with
branch lines from closure and there are vehicle concept and in particular the a low level of electrification,”
still around 500 in operation in arrangement of the drive units in front Brockmeyer points out, citing Denmark
Germany and neighbouring countries,” of the bogie under the driver’s cab. This and Hungary as examples.
says Dr Ansgar Brockmeyer, executive means we can continue to provide The battery and hydrogen versions of
vice-president of marketing and sales at passengers with the longest low-floor the RS Zero share many technical
Stadler Rail. Since the first Regio- area between the bogies.” characteristics (see table), including an
Shuttles were first delivered, technical axleload of less than 18 tonnes, which
standards have constantly evolved, he makes the RS Zero suitable for secondary
notes, while at the same time the need
Customer requirements lines with less robust track. Lightweight
has grown to decarbonise the operation Stadler points out that 38% of lines in construction, coupled with a maximum
of rolling stock, a capital asset with a Germany are at present unelectrified, a power output of 600kW at the wheel for
long working life. “There was therefore figure that rises to 43% across Europe as the single-car variant and 1200kW for
a specific demand for a product to whole. At the same time, government the two-car train, gives a maximum
succeed the Regio-Shuttle that complies initiatives to combat climate change are starting acceleration of 0.95m/s² and a
predicated on a significant shift of maximum speed of 120km/h. Each RS
RS Zero vital statistics passenger traffic from road to rail. Zero car has a 1A-A1 wheel arrangement.
“We have customers with very different Traction batteries, or two 200kW
Height of low-floor section 1190mm
operating conditions,” Brockmeyer says, hydrogen power packs, and three in the
Door entrance width 1300mm
some having no electrification at all or two-car RS, ensure a quieter operating
Car width 2820mm
not operating into larger stations where environment that is completely
Car height 4275mm
battery-powered trains could be emission-free. The BEMU version of the
Bogie wheelbase 1900mm
recharged using the overhead supply. RS Zero is also equipped with regenerative
Wheel diameter when new 760mm
Others operate across national borders, braking, while the hydrogen version of
Maximum output at wheel 600kW
requiring trains to take traction current the prototype train offers an impressive
Starting tractive effort (one- 70kN
at different voltages. “We have range of approximately 850km on a
car train)
developed the hydrogen solution for single tank of fuel, according to Stadler.
Maximum starting acceleration 0.95m/s2
these customers,” he says. “Other The BEMU also takes traction current
Maximum speed 120km/h
customers regularly reach electrified from the overhead supply at the German
38 IRJ September 2024
standard of 15kV 16.7Hz ac, but traction privacy, and an office compartment for electrified and the RS Zero will be able
systems for 25kV 50Hz ac, 1.5kV dc and on-train staff. There are also dedicated to contribute.”
3kV dc are available as options. wheelchair spaces. Brockmeyer reports keen customer
The single-car RS Zero is 27.4m long “The RS1 has already saved countless interest in the RS Zero already, and
over its couplers, and if fitted with a toilet branch lines from closure because it has expects significant sales in the medium
has a total of 67 seats. The two-car variant made attractive and economical term, similar to those achieved by its
has 150 seats and is 53.14m long. Stadler transport possible in low traffic density predecessor the RS1. “The prototype
says the interior layout can be tailored areas,” Brockmeyer says. He points out will go on trial runs after InnoTrans,”
to meet the customer’s requirements, that around 20,000km of lines have been he says. “As we are entering new
with options including multi-purpose closed in Germany in the last 30 years, technical territory with many aspects of
areas for bicycles, pushchairs and bulky and if modal shift and climate change the RS Zero, we cannot yet estimate the
luggage, lounge and comfort zones with targets are to be met, some will need to exact time required for final approval,
standard and individual seats for more be reopened. “None of these lines are but we are aiming for 2025.” IRJ
InnoTrans 2024
Hall 2.2 | Stand 250
New overcurrent Protection Relays MRS13R
They prevent electrical equipment from being damaged or destroyed by the harmful
effects of too much current in the event of short circuits or overload conditions.
< 2 nse
Unlike many other conventional overcurrent protection
solutions, the MRS13R allows many parameters
0 m tim
to be configured.
Scanning process s e
Sampling every 1.5 ms
Block diagram
3 out of 5 samples must
Current transformer
Circuit breaker exceed the preset overcurrent
Load current I threshold Ith
Diagnosis input
Controlsystem MRS13R HYST
Feedback loop
Ermewa offered prospective users a sneak peak of its demonstrator wagon during an event at its Orval plant in France this summer. Photos: Ermewa
AIL freight has traditionally been Intermodal is the obvious target. Peter Reinshagen, managing director of
highly competitive in the While rail already carries 40% of European wagon leasing company
transport of bulk products such Europe’s maritime containers, it Ermewa, part of Streem (see panel),
as coal, steel, oil, grain and aggregates. accounts for just 1% of the trailer market, points out, there has been next to no
Greater capacity and the capability to which makes up 55% of all freight innovation in rail freight wagon design
carry heavier loads works in rail’s favour. transported in Europe. Road is the pre- to suit this market segment, which is
Unfortunately, its ability to grow this eminent mode of transport for lighter hindering rail freight performance.
market initially appears limited, freight comprising products packaged “You have the H-type [covered]
particularly with the use of coal and oil on pallets. Intriguingly, it is a market wagon, which with fixed panels,
in decline. Yet with the European Union segment that is continuing to grow. constrains the shipper,” Reinshagen
(EU) determined to shift long-distance To improve the competitiveness and says. “You also have the R-type with a
freight off the continent’s roads - targets the attractiveness of using trains rather tarpaulin. There has been no innovation
include increasing rail freight’s modal than lorries to move palletised freight, in that wagon for 40 years.”
share to 30% by 2030 from 17% in 2020 - rail logistics need to be simpler. This Sensing an opportunity, teams at
the sector is under pressure to increase goes right down to the type of wagon Ermewa set out to identify what
volumes. available to carry the freight. As Mr changes might be possible and to define
Photo: Ermewa
Limited innovation in existing R-type tarpaulin wagon design has restricted rail’s abillity to compete with road when carrying palletised freight.
loading one open side, before moving per train,” Reinshagen says.
onto the next, improving the efficiency Power for the automated system is
What we then did was
to define a new wagon About Streem
with an automated TREEM was introduced as the new brand and identity of Ermewa Group in
tarpaulin mechanism. 2023 to offer a greater distinction between its various subsidiaries. The
company is a former subsidiary of French National Railways (SNCF) and
Peter Reinshagen was purchased by Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) and German
asset manager DWS Group for €3.2bn in October 2021.
Ermewa, the wagon leasing business, owns Europe’s second-largest fleet of
45,000 wagons, which consists of 120 different types.
customers of its freight forwarding The Inveho maintenance and new-build division operates from five workshops
client, ID Logistics. It supplies all of the in France and three in Germany, providing maintenance and repairs, wheelset
wagons used to move the majority of maintenance, wagon refurbishment and manufacturing.
their products by rail from bottling Eurotainer is the world’s leading tank container leasing company, with a fleet of
plants in France. The youngest of these around 80,000 of more than 50 types.
wagons are 40 years old, according to Raffles Lease offers tank container leasing for operators and transport
Reinshagen, with the oldest nearing 50. companies, while Demi offers maintenance and repair, storage, and testing of tank
“We went to see our customers and containers at depots in Rotterdam and Houston.
asked the people working along the Inveho will exhibit at InnoTrans in Hall 3.2, stand 270.
entire logistics chain, what are your
VIT keeps
your railway
vehicles FIT.
to monitor the temperature of their A demonstrator of the new wagon
freights, to detect possible intruders, or design, which has yet to be named, was
free capacity, which is useful if the train presented in July to various clients of The idea is that the
stops to collect more pallets mid- Ermewa’s freight forwarding
journey. There is also provision for the customers. train is a neutral
installation of a barcode-based tracking “The feedback from those customers proposal managed by a
system, which will link pallets to was enthusiastic,” Reinshagen says.
specific wagons, improving the “This will allow us to develop the neutral actor that can
traceability of freight, and potentially design of the wagon for a first batch of be shared by freight
standardising this form of freight 2000 units.”
tracking. The tarpaulin itself is Ermewa and its project partners have forwarders.
reinforced to prevent it being cut open. requested funding from the French
Each wagon rides on two single axles government to support the cost of
rather than bogies and is equipped with developing a prototype, production of
a compact braking system, removing which will take place at sister company
the need for brake piping. A bar Inveho’s plant in Orval, central France. create an open system that facilitates
coupling is used between a pair of The prototype will be shown at next the development of freight flows.”
Indeed, while well suited to the needs
of its existing customers, Reinshagen
says introduction of the new wagon
forms part of a larger strategy to pursue
market share from groupage transport,
which is currently entirely road-focused.
Groupage typically sees drivers of
7.5-tonne lorries collect consignments of
pallets from various customers,
transporting them to a cross-dock
where they are sorted according to
destination, and loaded onto articulated
lorries for long-distance transport to
another cross-dock. Here the freight is
unloaded, sorted and then transported
to the end customer, again using 7.5-
tonne lorries.
“The idea is that with this new wagon
we can replace the long-haul transport
between the cross-docks,” Reinshagen says.
Development of the rail-based
concept is in its early stages, but
Reinshagen says it will require the
identification of two cross-docks that
are connected to the electrified rail
network and are close to two major
consumption centres. Electric 7.5-tonne
lorries will be used for first and last
mile transport, providing entirely
electric transport.
Photo: DB/Georg Wagner The cost per pallet of using this new
Reinshagen believes the new wagon will improve the viability of moving pallets by rail. form of logistics is expected to be
global transport operator.
Always on the move.
Ability to work with different manufacturers and technologies.
More than 80 years of experience and more than 30 years in high-speed railways.
ART+ is the transformative types and the concept of hybrid trains prioritise independent access, and offer
programme that places train has allowed for expansion of the Dart the potential for unassisted level access
travel at the heart of Ireland’s network without the costly investment from suitable platforms when accompanied
sustainable transport network. Funded in electrification infrastructure throughout. by platform enhancements. Dedicated
under the National Development Plan In 2021, IÉ agreed a 10-year framework wheelchair spaces, larger than previously
by the National Transport Authority, agreement with Alstom for up to 750 provided, allow easy access from
Dart+ is a €1.75bn investment that will new commuter coaches. So far it has adjacent doors.
double the capacity and treble the placed firm orders for 37 five-car Other features include dedicated cycle
electrification of the Greater Dublin X’trapolis trains comprising six EMUs and family areas, and an advanced CCTV
network, serving Ireland’s most and 31 BEMUs, plus a 15-year support system throughout the train. Wide
populous suburban area, when it opens services contract, worth a total of €449m. gangways between carriages facilitate
in phases from 2028 onwards. The overall order will potentially equip ease of movement, creating a more open
The Dart+ programme will involve the entire Greater Dublin Area rail fleet and connected interior, along with a
infrastructure improvements along four and up to 80% of all heavy rail journeys greater feeling of security for passengers.
key corridors (IRJ February, p29) in Ireland for an emissions-free future.
radiating from central Dublin’s original Each 82m-long X’trapolis train has
Dart electric network that went live in capacity for up to 545 passengers, and Manufacture
1984. Despite regular discussions about comes with a low-level floor and an The 31 BEMUs currently being
extending the 1.5kV dc overhead line automatic retractable step. One of the manufactured at Alstom’s Chorzów
electrification, the network has remained primary objectives of the design of the facility near Katowice in Poland, along
largely unchanged for four decades. Dart+ fleet is to improve accessibility with the six EMUs, are a first for Ireland.
The advent of alternative traction for passengers. As a result, the new cars The Polish factory is one of Alstom’s
largest rolling stock manufacturing
sites, employing more than 2400 people,
working on approximately 15 projects
for nine countries. As well as the trains
themselves, Alstom is providing
predictive maintenance systems and
three simulators for driver training as
part of its support services contract.
The 31 BEMUs will have a range of
more than 80km away from the electrified
Dart network under battery power,
allowing IÉ to retire older diesel rolling
stock from these non-electrified lines.
Each BEMU driving car is equipped
with four battery packs, providing eight
battery packs per train. The 105kWh
lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide
(LNMC) batteries are made up of two
strings, with each string composed of
three modules. The modules consist of a
number of individual cells that provide
the power to the battery pack. A single
battery pack contains 460 cells.
The first five-car train is due to be
shipped to Dublin this autumn. The
subsequent testing programme is based
on using two pre-series trains to
complete the regulatory type testing
requirements of the European Union
Agency for Railways (ERA). Once this
has been obtained, which will take a
Photo: Alstom
regulatory approval process takes up to install and connect a substation that will
six months to complete. convert electricity to the voltage
The fast-charging During this time trains cannot be suitable for charging the trains during
used for passenger service and instead service turnaround.
infrastructure, situated will be used for operational training The substation will be equipped with
on two platforms and mileage accumulation. Once type an energy storage element which
approval has been granted by ERA, the enables integration with the Electricity
and one siding at trains can enter into passenger service. Supply Board (ESB) network and
Alstom will deliver new trains enhances availability of the charging
Drogheda MacBride throughout the regulatory approval system. It will provide controlled
process, so that a base fleet will be current to trains stabled in the
station, is currently located in Dublin, ready for when type platforms at Drogheda station through
approval is granted. The subsequent a rigid catenary system positioned
being installed. series trains will be delivered at the rate above the train pantographs. Energy
of two per month. stored in the battery system will also be
Alstom is providing fast-charging replenished by regenerative braking. IRJ
3–6 W
3–300 Watt
EN 50155: Isolation and EMC immunity 20–300 W
EN 45545-2: Fire protection
EN 61373: Shock and vibration immunity
Input voltage range: 2:1/4:1/12:1
3-years warranty
DIP, 1.6×1
1–300 W
AST month Central Japan Railway as possible in the event of an emergency include diagnostic and labour-saving
(JR Central) announced that it will or earthquake functions, environmental impact reduction
increase its N700S Tokaido • inclusion of lithium-ion traction measures and in-car improvements.
Shinkansen fleet operating on the batteries, so that in the case of overhead A total of 10 trains across the whole
Tokyo - Shin Osaka high-speed line by power interruption the train can be fleet of 76 sets will be fitted with
17 trains. The new 16-car trains, moved at low speed under its own onboard track and/or catenary and
manufactured by Hitachi and Nippon power to the next station and allow pantograph inspection equipment; eight
Sharyo, will be introduced in 2026-2028, continued operation of some electrical with the former and five with the latter.
with four entering service in 2026, seven functions including toilets This new technology is expected to
in 2027 and six in 2028. When all 17 • introduction of active suspension, improve safety and efficiency, and
trains have been delivered, the JR specially developed for green (first allow the withdrawal of JR Central’s
Central N700S fleet will total 76 trains. class) cars, and seven-car dedicated inspection train,
Development of the N700S platform • enhanced onboard facilities for known as Dr Yellow, in January 2025.
began with the construction of a prototype passengers, including greater (lockable) The use of automated inspection
train in 2016. This was a development luggage storage space, a new seat equipment on service trains will also
of the successful 700 series design that design and more space in green cars, replace some manual track and catenary
first entered service in 1999. A total of and ac power sockets at all seats. inspection, enabling a reduction of the
91 sets were ordered by JR Central and JR Central originally ordered 40 labour force in this area.
JR West, and all of JR Central’s sets N700S trains, and is currently taking All new trains will feature improved
were replaced by a first batch of N700S delivery of a second batch of 19 sets it real-time transmission of vehicle condition
trains in 2020. ordered in 2022 for Yen 114bn ($US 897m). data that will enable faster fault diagnosis
The S in the class designation is short Three other operators have so far ordered and more efficient maintenance
for Supreme, as the new platform variants. JR Kyushu started operation of scheduling. Some cars in all trains will
incorporates a number of novel design four six-car trains in 2022, while JR West also feature a labour-saving device that
features and technological introduced three 16-car sets in 2021. will automatically swing out banks of
improvements, including: In 2023, Taiwan High Speed Rail seats when maintenance is required.
• a higher technical maximum speed of announced the purchase of 12 trains, all Environmental impact reduction
362km/h, up from 334km/h for the 700 12 cars in length. measures include increasing the amount
series trains (although maximum Plans for the new Texas Central service of recycled aluminium in car bodyshells
permitted speed on the Tokaido line is between Houston and Dallas in the by 1.6 times compared with existing
285km/h to avoid noise pollution) United States include ordering a fleet of trains. While recycled aluminium was
• optimisation of underfloor equipment eight-car N700S trains. Funding for the previously confined to the roof, it will
layout to a standard design, to easily 379km line has still to be secured. now also be incorporated into the side
allow production of 12, eight and six- panels of bodyshells.
car variants of the standard 16-car The new trains will also be fitted with
formation and incorporation of a world- Latest innovations onboard equipment to automatically
first silicon carbide device-based The third and latest batch of N700S maintain the correct supply voltage,
traction system trains ordered by JR Central this year replacing some lineside substation
• improved automatic train control include several new features that will functions such as power compensation.
(ATC) and braking systems, designed to be fitted from new to some trains and When the onboard equipment has been
slow or bring the train to halt as quickly retrofitted to some existing sets. These fitted to all Tokaido Shinkansen sets,
JR Central expects a reduction in CO₂
emissions of around 10,000 tonnes a year.
Other improvements on the latest batch
of N700S trains include a new function
that allows existing onboard lithium-ion
batteries to power the HVAC system, at
a reduced level, when power is
unavailable from the overhead supply.
This will provide a much-improved
environment for passengers in the event
of a breakdown or power failure.
As announced earlier this year, JR
Central is reintroducing private
compartments and a total of 36 N700S
trains will eventually feature them.
They will appear first in the second
batch of N700S sets and then be
included in the third batch that will be
JR Central has confirmed an order for an additional 17 N700S high-speed trains. Photo: Shutterstock/Tackune delivered from 2026 onwards. IRJ
46 IRJ September 2024
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Innovative trains | light rail
Projects in Pilsen and Tampere demonstrate the significant progress made by Škoda Group in developing
autonomous operation for LRVs, as Robert Preston discovers.
N July, Škoda Group achieved two determined by GNSS and compared of automatic operation in the Smart
major milestones in its long-term against a high-definition map and Depot ecosystem is another step on the
programme to bring automatic train odometry data. During pilot tests on a road to a fully autonomous LRV,”
operation (ATO) to the light rail loop near the University of West Bohemia Liberda says.
environment. The company is working campus, obstacles that were successfully
to develop a fully autonomous LRV detected included a car approaching the
able to operate without a driver at the track from a blind spot and an Vision into reality
controls and detect obstacles in its path emergency vehicle responding to a call, Škoda first unveiled its Smart Depot
and react accordingly. enabling the latter to be given priority. concept in 2023. Thanks to intensive
Škoda says the first demonstration of “We have to be ready to deal with work by its developers, and the
an autonomous LRV is planned on a these situations,” says Mr Jiří Liberda, continuous support of Škoda’s parent,
test track in the city of Pilsen in the digital managing director at Škoda Czech investment company PPF Group,
Czech Republic. This follows three Group. “Our long-term goal is to develop “we were able to turn the vision into
years of what it describes as intensive a fully autonomous LRV, which will not reality in just one year,” Liberda says.
research and testing under the Didymos only increase the efficiency and safety This work will be the subject of a
project funded by the Transport 2020+ of urban transport, but also contribute presentation that Škoda will make at
programme of the Czech Technology to the sustainability of our cities and InnoTrans. But in general terms,
Agency, in cooperation with the enhance passenger comfort.” Liberda sees the obstacles to further
Ministry of Transport. The second milestone reached in July adoption of ATO in the light rail sector
Škoda’s partners in the project include was the successful demonstration of as falling into three main categories.
CEDA Maps, Intens Corporation, the Škoda’s Smart Depot ecosystem in the Firstly, further work will be required
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen city of Tampere in Finland. Here, a to develop technology which has been
and the Czech Technical University in Škoda Smart Artic X34 LRV, as supplied demonstrated so far in the controlled
Prague, but the heart of the new system to Tampere Tramways (TR), operated environment of the depot, where it has
is the company’s own ACS anti- within the depot in autonomous mode the potential to reduce operating costs
collision system developed specifically without a driver onboard. Under the and improve safety. Significant further
for LRVs, and installed in this case in a supervision of the depot control centre, development will be needed if
Škoda 40T LRV. the LRV was able to detect and react to autonomous operation is to be adopted
Obstacles within 100m of the vehicle obstacles on the track including depot on light rail networks running on-street
are detected using an HD camera and a staff, obey signals and enter the vehicle in busy city centres, where there are
Lidar sensor, with the LRV’s position washing plant. “Successful demonstration many more hazards to contend with in
gathers speed. conditioning system. “This is one of the
Recent production at Škoda also first applications in an LRV,” he says.
includes 80 LRVs for Rhine-Neckar Each 32m-long LRV will have 70
Passenger experience Transport (RNV) in Germany that will seats, and overall passenger capacity is
operate on the network connecting almost 16% greater than the Škoda 15T
is key for us and we Mannheim, Heidelberg and Ludwigshafen. design last delivered to Prague five
put a great deal of At 60m, 12 of the new ForCity Smart years ago. “Passenger experience is key
LRVs are the longest in the world, for us and we put a great deal of effort
effort into this. according to the manufacturer. into this,” Fromont says.
Bodyshell production is now underway The new fleet has been designed by
Laurent Fromont for a new fleet of ForCity Plus 52T LRVs an in-house team led by head of
for Prague, with the first vehicle expected industrial design, Mr Tomáš Chludil,
to be completed around the end of this and Fromont is hopeful that it can equal
year. Škoda signed a Koruna 16.6bn the success of their work on the ForCity
($US 720m) framework contract for up Smart LRV for the German city of Bonn,
to 200 LRVs awarded by public which in June was awarded a Red Dot
thus authorised for operation. This is transport operator DPP in December Award for product design.
likely to take some time to resolve, as 2023. It is due to deliver the first batch Among the notable features are
will the third category identified by of 20 by the end of December 2025 and upholstered wooden seats with removeable
Liberda, which he believes will be the a second batch of 20 a year later. The cushions for easy maintenance and long
most difficult to tackle and relates to the new fleet will feature an improved anti- service life, offering passengers on the
ethical considerations raised by collision system, offering more precise SWB network in Bonn what Škoda
automation and the general willingness vehicle positioning and enhanced Lidar describes as a sophisticated travelling
of society at large to accept it. “Perhaps to ensure reliability in poor light conditions. environment, “something we really
we will have to wait for the next “We are ready with the technology for want to have in all our new LRVs,”
generation,” he says. the Prague project,” Liberda says. Fromont says. IRJ
InnoTrans 2024
VISIT US Booth 340, Hall 22
Model-based system engineering (MBSE) is a relatively new discipline, which aims to move from a document-
based to a model-based approach. Francesco Angerosa and Salvatore Muoio* explain how the global rail
industry could benefit by adopting this innovative practice in vehicle functional design.
VER the past decade, the However, it is important to stress that programming language. The formality
railway industry has undergone the potential benefits are contingent inherent in programming languages,
substantial evolution. The upon judicious and discerning with their rigid syntax and structured
proliferation of components necessary application. We believe that the true protocols, is not necessary for the
for projects has surged, leading to a efficacy of the method is dependent effective application of MBSE.
proportional increase in interfaces and upon a series of nuanced considerations We believe that a core advantage of
functions. This heightened complexity that extend beyond its mere application. MBSE is its capacity to distil complexity,
has resulted in a corresponding rise in First and foremost, the method’s enhance clarity, and facilitate a seamless
the array of features provided by diverse efficacy hinges on the prudent and transition from initial concept to
systems, along with their associated measured use of the accompanying tangible design representation. In the
variations. Furthermore, there is an representations. Indeed, while these rest of this article, we outline the key
escalating demand to integrate vehicle representations are designed to stages of the MBSE process.
equipment that historically did not form augment and facilitate the design
part of the standard configuration. development process, an excessive
There is likewise a growing expectation reliance on them may inadvertently lead First steps
from customers for enhanced quality to over-structuring, potentially impinging Before modelling commences it is
and greater attention to detail. Customers’ on the very clarity the method seeks to necessary to consider the level of
demands for functionalities also surpass achieve. investment required for the project, as
those of the past. But this surge is not Moreover, a critical consideration in well as the key requirements and
consistently accompanied by a the successful implementation of MBSE definitions. The creation of the first
commensurate improvement in revolves around the software chosen. It model (pilot project) places demands
understanding, leading to significant should be tailored to enhance the clarity both on the time and financial resources
ambiguity, and potentially significant and precision of design representation, available, and it is imperative for both
project delays, design mistakes and cost avoiding the introduction of extraneous engineers and managers to
overruns. elements, such as internal variables, that acknowledge this reality.
The limitations of the paper-based may inadvertently sever the link between All the benefits derived from the
documentation approach used for the the model and its real-world counterpart. implementation of MBSE are only likely
creation of design documents are a A judicious choice of software not only to be realised if the model structure is
contributory factor to these problems. amplifies the advantages of the method, properly designed and accepted by the
A potential solution is the use of but also preserves the fluidity and different stakeholders. This is especially
model-based system engineering (MBSE) relevance of the model to the tangible true for aspects like reuse and
to streamline and articulate the design reality it seeks to represent. It is crucial variability management, which become
development process, providing a to highlight that while the inclusion of applicable only when the foundational
means to enhance clarity and diminish software can be a valuable asset, it element is comprehensively understood
ambiguity inherent in complex projects. should not transform the method into a and embraced. An initial investment in
Hall A / 220
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reducing the design phase. This modelling. This facilitates the of the project environment, including
efficiency is derived from the graphical expeditious execution of all deliverables actors and external stakeholders,
nature of MBSE. A visual inspection of pertinent to the modelling activity for • guard against over-modelling,
the model can readily clarify the impact the specifically modified functionality. particularly in the context of vehicle
to be considered and its implications for Concurrently, it ensures the prompt functional design. In this case only the
all stakeholders. transmission of requisite information to IBD, BDD and SD are deemed
As an illustration, let’s consider a all stakeholders involved. necessary, in our opinion. Other
variability aspect in the vehicle function The innate ability of humans to diagrams such as activity, package and
or use class mentioned above, demand comprehend drawings is deeply rooted state machine are excluded from the
traction in manual mode - normal in our evolutionary history and has description of vehicle functional design.
operation, namely a change in the played a role in our cognitive development. It is crucial to evaluate the necessity of
requirement related to the capability of Since the earliest days of humanity, each diagram before commencing the
the vehicle to run coupled. In this visual representation has been an modelling process, and
scenario, we assume that the vehicle can integral part of communication and self- • exclusively employ signals that directly
operate only as a single unit. expression. The mastery of interpreting correspond to real-world elements. If
A straightforward analysis of the model drawings is a unique cognitive skill that specific MBSE software is used for
indicates that the new requirements: has evolved over millennia. modelling, solutions requiring the creation
• will impact the list of external In the modern era, the power of of excessive structures to enable software
stakeholders (actors), reducing it by one visual communication has only functionality should be avoided. However,
• will bring modifications to the intensified, and the digital age attests to it is essential to note that MBSE is a
operational and functional levels (as the enduring significance of drawing in versatile methodology and can be applied
previously emphasised, the list of conveying complex information. MBSE even without dedicated software.
external stakeholders should already be elevates drawing and schematics to new The MBSE methodology has
clarified at the operational layer), and heights, realising the possibility to significant potential for the future
• will classify the modification as minor extend the cognitive ability to interpret development of railway rolling stock
because, in the example used here, it drawings within system engineering design. We are excited to see it develop
only affects the TCMS. methodology. However, to derive over the coming years. IRJ
These modifications, readily optimal benefits from MBSE, it is
identified through a straightforward imperative to adhere to a few sets of * Francesco Angerosa is a senior rolling
visual examination of the model, will steps and rules: stock expert at German Rail’s (DB)
simultaneously enable instantaneous • ensure a comprehensive understanding consultancy business DB ECO Group and
identification of the procedural of the project requirements, Salvatore Muoio is a senior systems engineer
requirements associated with • undertake comprehensive identification at HaslerRail. Both are based in Germany.
International Railway Journal (Hall 6.2, stand 100) will have a strong presence at this year’s event. products and technologies
IRJ editor-in-chief Kevin Smith will be joined by deputy editor Mark Simmons, associate editor including, but not limited to:
Robert Preston and contributing editor David Briginshaw in Berlin. IRJ’s editorial team will onboard traction components,
publish news stories and maintain an online blog live from the show, helping to keep IRJ readers control and signalling,
abreast of the major highlights of the exhibition as they happen. IRJ’s editors will also compile a passenger stations, traction
special newsletter, which will be distributed every morning of InnoTrans. Production manager Sue power supply and tunnels.
Morant will welcome visitors to IRJ’s stand where they will be able to learn more about TR Possessing a fleet of 750
subscriptions to IRJ’s website and magazine, and our exclusive database product IRJ Pro. IRJ’s locomotives and 46 passenger
sales team, including publisher Jonathan Chalon, will be available throughout the event to discuss vehicles, as well as solutions
commercial opportunities across our portfolio of products. We look forward to seeing you in Berlin. covering the entire rolling
stock value chain, Akiem (City
IT Australian supplier 4Tel real-time object analysis, and packs, the newest addition to Cube Hall A, stand 445) will
subsidiary 4AI (Hall 7.1a, offers railway staff better ABB’s already extensive offer insight into the rolling
stand 550) will present Horus, situational awareness during Bordline range, are engineered stock leasing and maintenance
an advanced driver advisory rail operations. to offer world-class services that it provides to
system which uses real-time C E IT S TE ABB (Hall 9, performance and superior over 90 operators,
sensors and software. 4AI says stand 320) will unveil a new energy density in a compact, manufacturers, and local
the system is based on “all- series of traction batteries. lightweight design. Also on authorities working in 22
seeing AI,” which is capable of These innovative battery display will be a range of European countries.
C The Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC) is expected to be a hot
topic at this year’s show. Voith (Hall 1.2, stand 130) will present
its CargoFlex DAC. The automatic coupler, which makes rail
freight safer and more efficient, is currently undergoing testing
and trials within the framework of the Europe’s Rail Flagship
Project 5 TRANS4M-R and the latest update on the development
of this coupler can be found on the stand. The current version
of Voith’s hybrid coupler for locomotives (left) will also be on
display. This has been designed to allow coupling to both a draw
hook and automatic coupling, as the head can be set to the
automatic or manual position as required. It is suitable for
operators that wish to gradually convert their fleets to DAC.
This patented track lifting system significantly reduces track possession/curfew
and labour requirements. Weighing under 600kg, it fits in a pickup truck and allows
easy single-operator use. It lifts and holds 248 tons, ensuring precise track leveling
within 3.2mm (1/8”) tolerance.
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pt 2 24,
24–27 Se 0,
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Hall 20
RM TI Exhibiting at InnoTrans for the first time, Enerpac (Hall Powder Coatings
10.2, stand 205) will display its range of hydraulic tools for
infrastructure and rolling stock maintenance. The TL248
hydraulic track lift system will be the centrepiece of the stand,
designed to efficiently and safely support track during
replacement, levelling and alignment. Also on display will be
the SC-Series and XC2-Series cordless hydraulic battery pumps
Liquid Coatings
and the BTW-Series battery torque wrench, which with a long
battery life can provide a safer, more efficient and greener
alternative to diesel generators at remote worksites.
(Hall 9 stand 430) will present Maintenance. The Evolution of
its range of electrical equipment Braking space will enable
and systems for rolling stock, visitors to compare the latest
including a next-generation developments in electro-
train control and management pneumatic braking systems
system (TCMS) that meets the with Knorr-Bremse’s new
latest cybersecurity standards. digital electro-mechanical
The manufacturer has also braking system. This relies
First class all the way
developed a new traction entirely on electrical signals to
inverter, and will display its transmit braking commands
The coated surfaces of rail vehicles pose a great challenge.
range of auxiliary power and apply braking force, with
supply systems, combing high no need for air or oil to act as Exterior coatings have to be able to withstand high mecha-
energy efficiency, connectivity, a pressure-generating medium. nical stresses and environmental influences. High-quality,
and low lifecycle costs. Kiepe Knorr-Bremse says that the new water-borne coating systems have become established for
offers rolling stock a second system offers weight savings of these applications.
life with its refurbishment up to 15%, optimising
solutions to reduce emissions performance and sustainability In the interior of trains, underground systems, municipal trains
and increase passenger comfort, while improving efficiency and and trams, the decorative panelling elements have to be
while its lifecycle management simplifying maintenance (p70). highly resistant to the wear and tear caused by everyday
portfolio offers a range of C IT Reducing accidents in passenger traffic. These parts are generally manufactured
comprehensive after-sales boarding areas is a key mission in the GRP construction method.
services, including obsolescence for Mayser (Hall 3.1a, stand
and repair management, 770), a specialist in innovative Whether for interior or exterior application, FreiLacke
software solutions, and a new safety technology for public always offers a premium service.
maintenance tablet. transport. With tactile and This is because FreiLacke offers the entire range
C IT M Knorr-Bremse (Hall non-touch sensor technology
of high-quality coating solutions tested to the
1.2, stand 250) will present for train doors, the company’s
latest railway standards from a single source.
braking and other rolling stock focus is on solutions that
systems grouped under five prevent accidents and keep door
categories: Traffic Flow, cycle times stable. Representatives
Ecological Footprint, Digital will demonstrate how the
Solutions, Travelling Comfort, safety systems work and what
and Operations and contribution they make to
ISITORS to the European Rail Wiebe believes that his experience at for Interoperability (TSI), working
Industry Supply Association’s CER can help to bridge the gap that alongside the European Union Agency
(Unife) stand at InnoTrans are often exists between the rail operating for Railways (ERA) on wider
likely to be greeted by the new director community and suppliers. Indeed, standardisation. ERJU’s Deployment
general. Mr Enno Wiebe took up this eliminating industry silos is a priority Group is similarly working to offer a
role on June 1, succeeding his long- for Wiebe, who sees it as crucial for the clear pathway from research and
serving predecessor, Mr Philippe Citroën. sector if it is to deliver many of the key development to industry deployment.
Wiebe is no stranger to the rail projects and innovation programmes “If you look at the composition of the
industry. He joins Unife following a now underway and in which Unife founding members, it’s a sound balance
13-year career with the Community of plays a central role. between the rail operating community
European Railway and Infrastructure “I want to open up the dialogue,” he and the supply industry,” Wiebe says.
Companies (CER), where he served as says. “Not just exchanging views or “And that is what we need, because we
technical director. He also worked for position papers, but really to talk to need to collectively develop and
the International Union of Railways each other, to work with each other, collectively deploy. It is not something
(UIC) between 2007 and 2011 after and to develop things and to work fancy that someone in Brussels
starting his career with German Rail (DB). towards common targets or visions.” develops. It is coming from the actors
Wiebe says he is excited to cross over One example of a programme that themselves. It fits a defined framework,
into the more competitive environment has already done much to improve this which is regulated and standardised,
of the supply industry. But it’s not all dialogue is the Europe’s Rail joint and has a defined migration strategy.”
change. He reveals that 80-90% of research undertaking (ERJU). There is a Wiebe is hopeful of adopting a
Unife’s views on technical greater presence of operators and similar holistic approach for the rollout
developments and the future vision for infrastructure managers within ERJU of the Future Railway Mobile
the rail sector are the same as those held compared with its predecessor Communication System (FRMCS), a
by the state-owned operators and Shift2Rail, although the original cross- project where he expects significant
infrastructure managers he has been industry research and development progress over the next two years or so.
working alongside. initiative did open the door to closer He is also encouraged by the cross-
“The nice thing for me is that the collaboration. industry work taking place to develop
topics are not completely new, the Crucially, the ERJU’s System Pillar is Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC) and is
environment is not new,” Wiebe says. closely aligning development within the hopeful that this collaborative approach
“The perspective is the only thing that Innovation Pillar and the process of can spill over into the wider
is a little different now.” updating the Technical Specifications deployment of ERTMS, a consistent
sticking point for the industry.
Inevitably, these programmes need
money and securing the necessary
government funding is the sector’s
biggest challenge. Wiebe believes that it
If we come to the should not be a choice between one
institutions and just programme or another as delivery of all
these innovations is required for rail to
say, we need more achieve its full potential in Europe,
notably through the creation of the
money, I’m not sure Single European Railway Area (Sera).
However, the industry needs to make a
they will buy it. compelling case to convince those
holding the purse strings that it
Enno Wiebe
deserves the required level of support.
“If we come to the institutions and
just say, we need more money, I’m not
sure they will buy it,” Wiebe says. “But
if we say we want to invest in rail, we
believe in rail, we have innovative
programmes - not products, but
programmes - and we even have a
58 IRJ September 2024
sound migration strategy, then I think possess the necessary enthusiasm to progressively more attractive place for
that is convincing.” present the supply sector’s concerns young people to work, reflecting a
These are not hollow arguments. Rail and aspirations in a constructive way general recruitment challenge across the
has much in its favour, chiefly strong during discussions in Brussels and rail industry.
environmental credentials and the elsewhere. There is certainly much for Wiebe to
apparently broad political consensus There are also challenges closer to get his teeth into. Many of the key
that supporting rail is an effective way home. Wiebe says he is keen to address topics will be discussed during
of decarbonising transport. The health the concerns of the SME community presentations at the Unife stand at
of the European and wider global within Unife. He adds that Unife is InnoTrans (see panel below). The global
market reflects this sentiment (p26), as working hard to support its more than rail industry’s most high-profile event
Unife will underline with the official 100 members with the increasingly appears to be the perfect forum for
launch of the 2024 edition of its World important issue of cybersecurity. growing cross-industry collaboration to
Rail Market Study during InnoTrans. Internally, he hopes to make Unife a blossom. IRJ
But inevitably there are challenges
that could yet stall this momentum.
Inflation, high energy costs, and supply Unife leads debate on key industry topics
chain disruption are continuing to HE European Rail Industry Supply Association (Unife) will offer visitors to
impact European suppliers under InnoTrans a series of presentations and events to highlight its latest activities
pressure from Asian competitors. The as well as key industry talking points at its exhibit (Hall 27, stand 630).
ongoing war in Ukraine also adds a Key events include a presentation of the major findings of the 2024 World Rail
further sense of jeopardy and Market Study on September 24 at 13.30. Unife will host its SMEs Award 2024 at 10.00
uncertainty over future priorities for on September 25, while a special forum will take place on September 26 at 10.00 to
government investment. discuss driving efficiency and performance in railway systems through ERTMS.
“It always terrifies me when I see Other highlights include a session on the Western Balkans and Europe, with an
discussions of budget cuts, when I see emphasis on the investment required to deliver the TEN-T network (September 24
reductions in personnel,” Wiebe says.
at 15.00), sessions on FRMCS (September 24 at 16.00) and cybersecurity
“This is the wrong kind of momentum
(September 25 at 11.15), and a discussion of the common challenges facing the
for rail. Please give us the right signals.”
European and North American rail supply industries on September 25 at 14.00. A
Lobbying to get what rail needs will
meet and greet cocktail reception will take place on September 24 at 17.00.
be important and Wiebe seems to
Safely to your destination
Traditional Czech
supplier of modern control
and signalling
systems including ETCS
60 IRJ ???????? 2016 IRJ September 2024
forecasting, multi-diagnostic
dynamic running condition
monitoring, monitoring of
longitudinal, lateral and vertical
impacts and indicative
derailment diagnosis with real-
time warning to the driver. PJM
will also present its newly-
constructed test hall, that includes
a dynamic test rig for end-of-
line testing of instrumented
wheelsets, and a mobile test rig
for measuring wheelsets for all
track gauges and calibration
during on-site test runs.
E IT CT Representatives of
Powerlines (Hall 22, stand 340
and Hall 4.2, stand 150) will be
on hand to present the company’s
infrastructure service offering,
including for electrification,
power supply, safety and TI E At this year’s InnoTrans, Plasser & Theurer (Hall 26, stand 270 and Track Areas T02/50,
signalling system projects. T02/55 and T03/50) will attempt to answer key questions for the rail sector such as how can we
They will explain how react to the challenges posed by climate change as quickly as possible and in a sustainable way,
Powerlines designs, installs how can the cost-effectiveness of track construction and maintenance continue to increase, and
and maintains electrification how can the shortage of skilled staff be addressed. Plasser & Theurer will also unveil a world first
systems for railway networks at Track 02/55 with its InfraSpector autonomous road-rail vehicle that can quickly move on and off
and provides cutting-edge the track, even in areas where access is difficult. The mobile testing lab measures track geometry,
expertise in both urban and longitudinal and transverse rail profile as well as the structure gauge and ballast bed profile, with
inter-city transport modes. additional parameters integrated on request. It is accredited as a testing lab in accordance with
They will also showcase the DIN ISO/IEC 17025, a decisive factor for the quality and reliability of the measurements. The full
company’s complete range of range of Plasser & Theurer products and services will also be on display.
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IRJ ???????? 2016 63
2024 63
InnoTrans 2024 | preview
cohesive entity for seamless no real-time visibility of the
integration of all components. status and condition of more
LTIS is based on three key than 90% of the estimated
areas: safety, maintenance and 5.2 million wagons in service
shunting yard operations. As globally. Wabtec’s Railcar
the industry continues to Telematics includes sensors,
adopt longer trains, Trilogical gateways, wireless
is working to address the communications, and analytics,
unique challenges this poses which will enable users to
by optimising operations, capture currently hidden data
enhancing safety and that they can turn into actionable
providing financial benefits. information. Among the
IT S TI Voestalpine (Hall components monitored are
21b, stand 150) will focus on handbrakes, hatches, and
intelligent turnout and rail doors, while the platform can
TI C In another first for this year’s show, Pandrol (Hall 23, systems that it says herald a offer data on loaded/unloaded
stand 250) will debut its new i+weld range, featuring the new era in rail transport. The status, as well as freight
exclusive i+align technology. The manufacturer says this game- company will also present temperature and pressure of a
changing tool offers unmatched precision and efficiency for track signalling solutions that can tank wagon. The work is
welders, demonstrating Pandrol’s commitment to advancing rail seamlessly integrate into connected to the RailPulse
welding solutions. The company’s stand will feature a noise and modern interlocking initiative for the North
vibration zone, where experts will present custom solutions and technologies such as Eulynx, American rail freight sector in
case studies on mitigating noise and vibration, providing which provide interfaces for which Wabtec is participating
visitors with valuable insights into successful real-world more efficient and safer rail (IRJ November 2023 p30).
applications and how Pandrol plans to address industry traffic control. Visitors will be C RM You are invited to
challenges. Noise and vibration specialist engineer, Mr Keith able to experience live celebrate with ZF Innovation
Jackson, will make a presentation on this topic at Speaker’s demonstrations of how these (Hall 20, stand 580) as it
Corner on September 25 at 10.00. On the main stand, Pandrol technologies contribute to reaches the milestone of its
will present its full range of fastening systems, aluminothermic optimised operations. Virtual 100th birthday. One of the
welding and track equipment, electrification products, and its reality user journeys will highlights at InnoTrans will be
sustainable resilient systems for vibration mitigation. illustrate the intelligent ZF’s condition monitoring
presentation of the RS Zero, IT Another world premiere systems contained in zentrak, system connect@rail. Through
Stadler’s reinvention of the is the highlight for a digital hub for asset and the smart use of sensor
Regio-Shuttle railcar with Technotrans SE (Hall 14.1, maintenance management as technology, telematics and
alternative (hydrogen or stand 300), which will unveil a well as diagnostics and cloud computing, connect@rail
battery) drives (p38). It will be combination device for cooling monitoring for infrastructure can identify potential faults on
presented at T09/40 at 14.00 on the battery and power and rolling stock. both vehicle wheels and track.
September 24. Individual electronics of battery-powered C E RM S TI TE TR One of The system can help make
presentations of other vehicles, rail vehicles. This new solution the highlights for Wabtec (Hall operations and maintenance
including the Kiss Cityjet and offers a space-saving and 1.2, stand 210) is the work more predictable, avoid
Britain’s class 99 bi-mode energy-efficient complete presentation of its wagon failures and downtime, and
freight locomotive, will take system with just one central telematics solutions. The facilitate better planning for
place at other dates, times and interface. The device is also supplier says there is currently repairs today and tomorrow. IRJ
locations - see the InnoTrans available in an almost identical
website or app for details. version using the natural RE Europe’s Rail (ERJU) will have an extensive presence at
TR Spanish manufacturer refrigerant R290 (propane). InnoTrans, hosting a full programme of events and
Talgo (Hall 4.2, stand 360; Hall Technotrans points out that presentations at its stand (Hall 27, stand 511) which it will share
4.2, stand 450; Track 02/10) the combination device cools with the European Commission (EC) and the European Union
will showcase its expertise in not only the traction battery Agency for Railways (ERA).
high-speed train design, but also the vehicle’s power Kicking off a busy week in Berlin is the European Train to
construction and maintenance. electronics, such as the InnoTrans, which will depart from Brussels on the morning on
The company has developed a inverter and converter. September 23. ERJU and ERA will participate in sessions held
new type of running gear Regardless of whether the onboard the train, culminating in an event where politicians
frame which dramatically intended vehicle is a pure, bi- and key industry figures will welcome its arrival at Berlin main
reduces mass by 50% by using or tri-mode battery train, the station at 15.20 on September 23.
carbon fibre-reinforced device covers a wide range of One of the highlights of the exhibition itself will be a VIP event
polymer composites. This applications, and the company at 11.30 on September 24 when CEOs, MEPs and government
rolling assembly has been says that it is happy to representatives will join ERJU officials to review several of the
designed using the Avril develop customised versions key innovations to emerge from the current European research
high-speed platform as a on request. and development programme as well as its predecessor,
reference but could easily be IT Trilogical (Hall 6.2, stand Shift2Rail. ERJU experts will also offer an update on progress
adapted to other Talgo 450), a company which has with the Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC) project during a
products and segments, with pioneered telematics for long presentation at Speaker’s Corner on September 26 at 10.00.
positive impact expected on freight trains, will present the Other key events at the stand include the Women in Rail
passenger capacity, a latest version of Long-Train Award ceremony (September 24 at 15.00) and presentations on
simplified assembly process, Intelligence System (LTIS), the future of ERTMS (September 25 at 10.00), FRMCS (September
and a reduction in energy which transforms train 25 at 10.45) and improving cross-border services (September 26
consumption and track wear monitoring and management at 11.00). Tours of the stands of ERJU founding members will
and tear. by viewing the train as a also take place throughout the duration of the exhibition.
64 IRJ ???????? 2016 IRJ September 2024
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K NORR-Bremse will
conclude the acquisition of
Alstom’s North American
perfectly with what Lange
describes as Knorr-Bremse’s
DNA: safety and mission-
However, Europe remains the
company’s “growth locomotive.”
manufacturers poised to supply
DAC. Lange says it has invested
In 2023, Lange says Knorr- heavily in both technology and
conventional signalling critical systems. He explains Bremse joined the wider the supply chain to prepare for
business on September 3. The that the company is actively industry in finally turning the series production. “You can
€630m deal was announced in developing new concepts corner on the inflation and imagine the huge amounts of
April and will mark Knorr- designed to guarantee braking high energy costs that have cast steel you need to buy to
Bremse’s entry into the distances that will help operators impacted performance in the produce DACs for 500,000
signalling market, becoming a to reduce headways, increasing post-Covid-19 years. Orders freight wagons,” he says.
key player in North America. network capacity. Signalling is and sales were up and this has However, the industry is waiting
On the face of it, signalling the ultimate determinant of continued into 2024 - revenue for the European Union (EU)
is not a natural fit for Knorr- line capacity, and moving into was up 2% to approximately to provide the necessary funding
Bremse, one of the global this space is a natural step for $US 4bn in the first half. (currently estimated at €11-13bn)
railway industry’s foremost Knorr-Bremse to take. Knorr-Bremse also appears to for the project to proceed -
suppliers of braking equipment In addition, Lange says there have recovered from exiting Lange says it could take two
as well as other rolling stock is significant potential for the the Russian market. years for production lines to be
components and systems. acquisition to open new “This really weakened the ready and this will not happen
However, the purchase is opportunities for customers by European business and is until support is assured.
consistent with the company’s harnessing data collected by another reason why we are Knorr-Bremse is also working
plan for growth, underscored signalling systems but not now doing things a little on developing new generations
by its Boost 2026 strategy, currently used. For example, differently,” Lange says. of its standard products,
announced in July 2023. providing a better understanding The positive climate in including electro-mechanical
Boost - Knorr-Bremse of rail temperature, an important Europe is reflected in strong braking systems, with Lange
Operational Optimisation consideration in North America spending on new fleets in big forecasting a shift away from
Strategy and Transformation - due to issues with rail elongation national markets such as compressed air in the coming
seeks to secure the supplier’s in extremely hot conditions. France and Germany, although years. He also expects further
global leadership of markets Britain remains depressed. progress with digitalisation,
and technologies as well as Lange adds that concerns that with Knorr-Bremse actively using
profitable growth. Targets Expansion European Union (EU) Green data to offer customers a better
include increasing revenue to Knorr-Bremse is not limiting Deal funding would only understanding of component
€8-9bn from €7.9bn in 2023, and its signalling ambitions to North benefit infrastructure have not and system performance.
achieving an Ebit margin of 14%. America and is eyeing expansion materialised, with almost equal While the uptake of
A focus on efficiency gains in other key markets such as investment in rolling stock. digitalisation in the rail sector
in the first phase of the plan Europe and Asia, in particular More money is inevitably as a whole has been slower than
included the disposal of Kiepe China, in the medium-term. required, notably for installing Lange expected, he is hopeful
Electric to investment company However, Lange says the ERTMS and retrofitting that the pace will quicken.
Heramba in February. As objective is not to compete with locomotive and wagons with This month’s InnoTrans is a
Knorr-Bremse board member, suppliers such as Alstom, Hitachi, the Digital Automatic Coupler perfect opportunity to gauge
Dr Nicolas Lange, admits, on Siemens or CAF, all customers (DAC), which Lange says has progress. “We are coming more
reflection, the company found of Knorr-Bremse, but to the potential to transform rail and more to the conclusion
it was not the best owner to remain a Tier 1 sub-supplier. freight in Europe. that data sharing is necessary,”
develop this business. “We “If we combine signalling Knorr-Bremse is one of four he says. IRJ
would probably have detected expertise with our braking
this a little earlier if we were expertise, and our digitalisation
following the benchmarks we expertise, then my expectation
are looking at now,” he says. is that we can make more out
Instead, Knorr-Bremse is of that for our customers in
considering acquisitions that the future,” Lange says.
add value to the company and North America is a key target Knorr-Bremse
its customers, have a strong for Knorr-Bremse, according to
technological base, and offer Lange. He is encouraged by is not limiting
the potential to transform the significant investment in rail
business. Alstom Signalling in general, spurred by the
its signalling
North America appears to fit Biden administration’s
the bill. It reported revenue of infrastructure investment policy.
€300m and an Ebit margin of “Our expectation is that this to North
16% in 2023. Crucially, it will continue, irrespective of
possesses the largest installed who wins the election because America.
base of signalling, train detection most of this money is already
and level crossing technology committed,” he says.
in North America, as well as a Lange is also buoyant about
large share of the aftermarket. prospects in Asia, in particular
Signalling also correlates India’s ambitious spending plans.
Hall 23 - Stand 250
24 - 27 Sept, Berlin