Rail Liberalisation: Policy Report
Rail Liberalisation: Policy Report
Rail Liberalisation: Policy Report
LIBERALISATION www.neurope.eu
DG Transport answers
questions on its continuing role
in the opening up of the rail
freight market.
.Page III
Europorte's Director of Strategy
Francois Coart explains why
deregulation in France has so far
only been a part success.
.Page III
Freightline's Business
Development Director, Konstantin
Skorik looks at how liberalisation
can overcome current stagnation in
the market
.Page V
MEP Michael Cramer looks at
the economic, environmental and
social benefits of rail
.Page VI
Rail freight liberalisation
– Ambitions, Problems, Solutions
with the 1st Railway Package in 2001. In complaints for market obstruction, mar- vented from entering certain market sec-
concrete terms, this means a market ket distortions and market discrimina- tions;
which is fully open, which is economically tions has increased 6 times. Worse, • Safety certifications are awarded for
attractive, which offers optimal operating though, these problems affect not only the limited infrastructure sections only;
conditions, which is interoperable and members of ERFA, but the entire supply • Network usage conditions require huge
which has the same safety standards. In chain: state railways operating in foreign investments by new entrants in terms of
brief, a competitive, attractive and open countries, customers, shippers, forwarders, reserve rolling stock;
single EU market for rail freight. wagon keepers, terminal operators, infra- • Access to terminals is refused or priced
structure managers. in a prohibitive way;
Problems … Systematic problems are experienced in • Infrastructure sections are closed or dis-
In 2010, this objective has still not been Italy, Poland and Belgium whilst specific mantled at short or without prior notice;
reached. In fact, the market for rail freight problems are reported from Austria, • Complaints of competitors are not
services is not functioning due to the in- France, Germany, Lithuania, the Nether- treated by regulatory authorities;
correct or incomplete transposition of lands, Sweden and others. All are obsta- • The return of wagons to workshops is
Community law by Member States. This cles to enter a market or to operate and priced excessively;
is also underlined in a report to Jose Bar- develop on a market on an equal level • State railways are protected against
By Monika Heiming roso in May this year, written by Mario playing field, such as: bankruptcy by law;
Monti, the former Competition Commis- • Infrastructure managers are discrimi- • Discriminatory and non-transparent ac-
Ambitions … sioner. nating against new entrants in terms of cess conditions are imposed on workshops
ERFA, the European Rail Freight Asso- In June, the EC referred no less than 13 slots, resources, information and service and terminals for their connection to the
ciation, was set up in July 2002 as a direct Member States to the EU's Court of Jus- provision; national infrastructure;
“spin-off ” of the liberalisation of the EU tice for not having implemented correctly • Terminals are closed without the con- • Subsidies are given to the national state
rail freight market by the EC. The mem- core elements of the 1st Railway Package: sultation of any market actor; railway only;
bers of ERFA at that time were a few rail insufficient independence of the rail in- • Requests to use certain infrastructure • Incumbents act de facto as legislator,
freight operators in just 6 countries. frastructure manager, inadequate rail ac- sections are not answered or prohibited; regulator and operator;
Today, the association counts 31 members cess charges and insufficient regulatory • Energy supply conditions are not trans- • Freight facilities and services are trans-
in 16 countries. The common objective of bodies. parent and not liberalised; ferred to the national incumbent.
all of them is the same since 2002, On the market, these failures have a di- • Shunting services are priced excessively Unfortunately, this list is not exhaustive.
though: they want to seize the market op- rect effect on the business of the members by the incumbent monopoly supplier; The measures above have already trig-
portunities that the EC intended to create of ERFA. Since 2007, the number of • Independent service providers are pre- gered a shift from rail back to road.
Solutions …
The problems outlined above, and the
measures taken on EU level are evidence
Questions for the
that the national rail freight markets are
not functioning correctly. The Recast must
tackle all these issues by reducing the anti-
discriminatory potential to the strictest
European Commission
minimum possible, whilst paving the way
for access for all actors to each sector of the Member States, rail freight transport has manager for decisions on track access and
market: grown at a not insignificant rate between access charging is essential in order to
• To ensure fair competition, the infra- 2000 and 2007. This is particularly the create a level playing field and to guaran-
structure manager must be fully neutral case in certain countries where non in- tee that the incumbent operator which
from all rail operators and therefore sepa- cumbent rail undertakings have acquired also controls the infrastructure will not
rated from operations; significant market shares. Example: discriminate against new entrant opera-
• To ensure liberalisation of all market seg- freight performance in the UK 13,3 tors in order to protect the business in-
ments, rail-related services must be open MTK in 1995, 24,8 in 2008. terests of its own transport operators. An
to all undertakings at clear conditions; important aspect in this regard is the sep-
• To ensure rail freight perspectives, infra- 2) How necessary is further liberalisation aration of accounts between infrastruc-
structure investments must follow long- and more competition in rail freight ? ture and transport operation, in order to
term strategies which reflect the needs of The above mentioned examples show exclude that public funds spent on infra-
all market actors; that rail freight will only be able to fulfil structure are used to cross-subsidise
• To ensure rail freight market growth, its role as an environment-friendly trans- transport activities of an integrated in-
public assets (terminals, workshops) must Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas: The Com- port mode if it becomes competitive in cumbent.
be offered for sale or rent to the market if mission is currently pursuing 13 member states relation to other modes, in particular if it
they are not used any more; through the courts over failure to liberalise the becomes customer friendly and if is able 5) With 13 ongoing infringement pro-
rail network
• To ensure rail freight competitiveness, in- to offer good and reliable services at com- ceedings against Member States, how is
frastructure access and usage conditions 1) How important is rail freight transport petitive prices. The development in pre- the effective implementation and appli-
must be non-discriminatory and regu- in general, and how important is rail vious decades has shown that this is not cation of EU legislation best maintained
lated; freight liberalisation in terms of more possible in a monopolistic environment, - at what point does the Commission feel
• To ensure a better rail freight market volumes and better competitiveness and but only where railway companies are it needs to intervene?
functioning, the national rail regulator modal shift? subject to intra-modal competition.
must be independent and more compe- While the share of railways in the freight The Commission is in close contact with
tent. transport market fell constantly in previ- 3) How important are private invest- Member States to discuss on infringe-
A strong Recast can provide the EU with ous decades, the situation has stabilised ments in the rail freight sector ? ment issues in order to solve these issues
a strong, competitive, innovative and at- since the early 2000s when the first result If competition is to be developed, it is of bilaterally. Where the Commission has
tractive rail freight market. That’s why it of the EU's rail freight liberalisation be- course not enough to have the (ex)state- come to the conclusion that bilateral dis-
needs a strong support of the EU: the came visible : in EU 27 countries, the rail monopolist, but private companies must cussion will not bring about a solution, or
Commission, the Council and, above all, share, in tonne-kilometres, in the freight also have a possibility to enter the mar- in cases in which there is a disagreement
the Parliament! sector fell from 12.6 % in 1995 to 10.6 % ket and grow. with the relevant Member State on the
in 2002, before increasing to 10.8 % in interpretation of the railway directives,
Monika Heiming, Secretary General, 2008. 4) How important is the unbundling the Commission has no choice but to
ERFA After several years of a constant decrease issue and the independence of operators ? refer these issues to the Court of Justice
which was particularly marked in new The independence of the infrastructure for clarification.
Deregulation is France a paradox. In less than 5 years the erator, which triggers unavoidable conflicts even if both • An ambitious, very high speed rail freight schema, Euro-
market shares of new entrants is over 15%. It took 15 parties are trying to make it neutral. carex is being implemented from Roissy CDG airport to
years to achieve the same results in UK, and over 20 years • A poor path allocation system. London, Amsterdam, Liège, Lyon and Germany.
to achieve 20 % in Germany. • A complex safety certificate system. The recast of the first railway package offers a unique pos-
Despite those positive results, the situation seems disap- • Sophisticated homologation process for the new loco- sibility to continue the opening of the market.
pointing as regards volumes, which have been stagnating motives triggering shortage and high prices. • Giving the necessary tools and means to the infrastructure
since the opening of the market. They dropped by over 20 • Some operators having a predatory pricing policy, but managers to ensure open access, empowerment, service
% in the last 10 years. neglecting quality. quality and neutrality.
• By making some open access notions on essential facilities
The reasons of this lack of performance are numerous: But the overall picture is far from negative more clear.
• RFF, the infrastructure manager, is undertaking a huge • By guaranteeing clear rules and legal background in easy
• Lack of investment on the conventional network with renewal process of the conventional network which will to understand manner.
bottlenecks. benefit all operators. • By empowering national regulators to ensure the enforce-
• A priority given to passenger-oriented investments. • The government is clearly supporting modal transfer to ment of national and European regulations at all levels.
• An inefficient system of infrastructure management, the rail network.
delegating the operation of the system to the historic op- • Shortliners initiatives are developed all around France. Franois Coart, Director of Strategy, Europorte
Page IV| New Europe
November 14-20, 2010
“Member states
should abide by the law”
In a recent transport committee meeting, problems of privatisation that they had in reaucracy over customs and goodness
you compared the current set-up to the UK, for example? knows what, railways haven't got it right
“Thomas the Tank Engine and the Trou- because they can't deliver, because they
blesome Trucks”. Can you expand upon Let's distinguish between liberalisation have different systems. The truck has an
this? and privatisation. Liberalisation does not easy ride as far as freight is concerned.
necessarily mean privatisation; privatisa- There is no competition to it; it's the only,
In railway terms, what we have said is tion was the route that the British went truly inter-modal form of transport. It's
true: the member states are the ones who down, liberalisation is a completely differ- environmentally a bit of a disaster, but in
are causing the problems, because they ent route, the route the Swedes went transport terms, it works.
haven’t implemented the first railway down.
package, so it's member states failing to We're not advocating privatisation, or na- Are the Parliament pushing that environ-
implement something that they've already tionalisation. What we are advocating is mental aspect?
signed up to. One of the reasons for that is that the rail market has to be liberalised,
that there has been certain pressures in and it has to be open so that people can Very strongly. For us, the major issue is a
some member states from the national come in and compete. It may be that it is bout sustainability – economic, social and
railway operator, but at the end of the day, the German national railway that is com- environmental. They are the three key is-
the member states have signed up, so that peting with the French national railway sues in any transport policy. And clearly,
is why I call them the “Troublesome that is competing with the Italian national if you have a transport policy that forces
Trucks” because that's exactly what they railway; that's not private, that's national everything to go by road, then it falls
are! Brian Simpson: Member states are like railways competing. Half the problem down on the key area on environmental
This first railway package is not some- "troublesome trucks" with this is that certain national railways sustainability. But the question I pose is,
thing we passed last week and expect why does it go by road? It goes by road be-
them to implement tomorrow. This has cause the railway can't deliver.
been going on for a number of years, and, This first railway package is not some-
frankly the member states have not put How important, then, is private invest-
into action what they agreed to do in the thing we passed last week and expect ment in all this?
first railway package, and that is why the
Parliament is cheesed off. them to implement tomorrow. This has been Private investment is crucial. If you look
at where we are with public spending at
If the Parliament is “cheesed off ”, then going on for a number of years, and, frankly the moment, it is going to be very limited,
what's the Commission's position? and restrictive. So, private investment is
the member states have not put into action crucial. But you ain't going to get private
I think the Commission is as frustrated as investment on a railway network that
we are. The Commission have a role to what they agreed to do can't give you sure-fire delivery dates or
uphold the treaties and enforce Union law, when it can run the trains and so forth.
and in this instance they are trying to do There has to be a return in it for private
that, which is why they have taken out investors, and there has to be a surety of
court proceedings against many member money or no finance or whatever, but the service, and this is where railways, and rail
states; and incidentally, once those pro- fault with this is the member states. They are not happy at having competition on freight fall down. They need to know that
ceedings were taken out, some member have obligations, they have responsibili- their networks. That's the top and bottom there is political stability, but they need to
states all of a sudden started to take ac- ties and we are calling them to account. of it: they want to keep their cosy arrange- know also that the railways can deliver;
tion, so I do think they are as frustrated as Which is Parliament's role. ment in place. the surety of delivering the service.
we are on this matter. You look at the UK, and yes, it's had its If you look at America, it is the reverse of
The first railway package was the first step What is a typical argument that a mem- ups and downs, but one thing you can't Europe. There they have 90% rail freight,
in rail liberalisation, and in opening up the ber state might put up? deny is that having had many years of 10% passengers. In America, the passen-
railway market and access to infrastruc- having no new rolling stock, privatisation ger train has to give way to the freight
ture, but it's a bit like running the Grand There argument is that if they open up, did bring about new investment in rolling train, in Europe it's the other way round,
National: there's thirty fences to jump and then they will damage their own national stock. Now, it's not enough, but if we'd so the freight operators are trying to get
we haven't jumped the first one yet! railway operators, particularly on freight. have been waiting for British Rail to build slots after the passengers have been given
They also say that they think by splitting a new high-speed train, it wouldn't have them. And that is the dilemma we face.
There are thirteen court proceedings at their infrastructure it causes a disjointed happened, if we are to be brutally honest. We have to get the railways to move for-
the moment, the Commission says possi- railway. The arguments are spurious. They wards, to move into the 21st century, in
bly another nine. Out of the twenty-five hold no water, because all these guys Let's look at modal shifts in rail freight, the way that they work with each other
rail networks in the EU, that's still a huge signed up to the package, so therefore, the connecting of rail to ports. The truck- and the way that we work towards mak-
hurdle to jump. whatever their excuses are, I don't give a ing industry argues that it is are more ing the railway fully interoperable. If we
damn – they signed up! They should abide flexible than rail. Have the trucks got it fail to do this, then I believe the future if
What we want to see is progress being by the law, and some of them aren't abid- right? rail freight in particular is bleak.
made. The frustration from Parliament is ing by the law.
that some member states have done ab- Yes. A truck is inter-modal. It can go
solutely nothing in regards to implement- across borders. Other modes of transport, Brian Simpson is chair of the European
ing the first railway package. Some How can you convince people that this like maritime, haven't got it right, because Parliament's Transport Committee
member states hide behind the issue of no process will not lead to some of the old they are always faced with national bu-
New Europe | Page V
NEW EUROPE November 14-20, 2010
"With liberalisation, customers have almost instantly turned to new, innovative offers on rail instead of road"
Page VI| New Europe
November 14-20, 2010
sion has to look after the Treaties, How important has the liberalisation of legal
and the Treaty is clear: there must be a sepa- and technical issues been in the evolution of
European railways?
ration.In 13 countries, that is not the case
We now have a European licence for locomo-
have different railway companies, but under the years, and it might seem to an outsider that it tive drivers, there was also the passenger rights
head of the German railway authority. So there hasn’t gone as smoothly as it could. How effec- in the Third Railway Package, and there is an
is a disadvantage and a discrimination for a lot tive do you you think the implementation of opening of the international long distance
of other railway undertakings. this has been? trains, which was from 1 January 2010. There-
It is right that the Commission has made a re- fore the train will go from Frankfurt via
port on it, that they have gone to court, because Those countries that are in favour of competi- Cologne and Brussels to London, or to Paris
the Commission has to look after the Treaties, tion, they have has big successes, and the oth- and so on. Before, it was only if the two agreed,
and the Treaty is clear: there must be a separa- ers not so; but there are hurdles. For example, in but now you have a right as a company to go
tion. In 13 countries, that is not the case. each European country they could only run there.
their locomotives there if the security system Also, for tunnels, we need a security law which
Michael Cramer: Environmentally-sound trans-
port system is being undermined Lots of MEPs have spoken about Modal was OK for that particular country; and that is is for all Europe, not just for special tunnels, like
shifts. How will the Railway Package facilitate the hurdle which is used, not for reasons for the channel tunnel, because then companies say
In your view, how important is unbundling, this? reasons of security, but for reasons of providing ‘our company has built the trains for this tun-
and maintaining the independence of the rail obstacles for competitiveness. nel, and the others cannot go there’. And that is
companies from the regulators? If you have a truck it is easy for you to take the Therefore, we have a Directive, on cross-bor- ridiculous.
truck from Tallinn to Lisbon. In the railways it der acceptance, that each locomotive in the Eu-
First of all I would ask, how important is com- is more complicated, because we have more ropean Union, which is accepted in one Where do the Greens stand on private invest-
petition? Because we have an opening of the than 20 different signalling systems, we have 6 member state, is accepted in the whole Union ment in the rail sector, which in the worst case
sky, we have an opening of the roads for trucks, power systems, and we have 4 different gauges. as long as a country doesn’t say ‘that is not good can lead to a monopoly?
and in these sectors there is a big increase in the And so, we are looking for a European-wide enough for us’. If they do, then, they have to say
volume of use. You can feel that it is good for signalling system, which is called ERTMS, and why it is not good enough. Before, they’d say We are against monopolies in state ownership
Europe, but bad for the environment. The rail- that should be installed in 6 corridors for no, and other countries would just keep asking or in private ownership. We, as Greens, want to
ways, the environmentally-friendly mode of freight. ‘why, why, why?’ So, now we have a change, that have competition. We have private companies,
transport, there we have seen a nationalist area; If we have only one system, then the locomo- those countries have to say why it is not possi- and they have private infrastructure, but the
and therefore it is necessary to have a European tives will be cheaper, because it is different if you ble. That is the law, but in reality there are still companies won’t get sate money, or taxpayers’
situation where the access must be for the produce 50 locomotives for Germany, and an- big, big, big obstacles. money, for their infrastructure, and that we
whole network across the whole European other 50 for Great Britain, and another 50 for The European railway agency must have more want to change, because it is a discrimination
Union, and that was the First Railway Package. France. But if you can produce the same type, power, the agencies in the member states must of private companies by state-owned compa-
For freight transport it was from 1 January 150 locomotives for all three countries, it is give up some sovereign rights to the European nies; they have to pay more for using the system
2007, and because the date was fixed very early, cheaper, a question of scales. one. They have only to look on the German sit- than the others, because they are not backed by
some countries in Europe have said they will uation, or the French situation. All the 25 rail- the state. But what does competition mean?
open our networks before this date. There you The lawmaking process goes back about 10 way agencies have the same power. That is The German railways wanted to cut a line in
can see the following consequences: the UK Germany from Kaarst via Düsseldorf main sta-
has an increase in freight transport by opening tion to Mettmann because on one day there are
the network for other railway companies; an in- maybe only 500 passengers. Then the local au-
crease of 60%, the Netherlands, 42%, Poland thorities didn’t want it, and they took away the
30%, Germany 25%, and France in the same line, and called for tender.
period has a decrease of 28%. So now you can The new investor changed the stations away
say that this freight transport is now on the from the green grass to the places where peo-
road, and the jobs are gone. And I say it also to ple are living, and they made a combination
the unions that it was crazy to fight against the with the timetables of buses in the region and
access to the network because because of the the other trains from the main station in Düs-
loss of jobs and because of the climate. seldorf, and after 10 years they’ve had 20,000
In the First Railway Package it was clear that passengers. If you had a state monopoly, all the
there must be a difference between the network, 20,000 passengers would now be on the road,
the infrastructure, and the railway companies, where today they are using rail. Therefore: no
and we as Greens say that the infrastructure monopoly. They can decide they don’t like it,
must remain in public ownership after the dis- but they should not decide, we don’t like it but
aster in Great Britain, or the disaster in New another organisation is not allowed to do it.
Zealand, or Estonia, but we want competition
on the network. Therefore it is crucial that the Moving freight by rail can be difficult compared to roads Michael Cramer is a Member of the European
organisation is independent. In Germany, we Parliament's Transport Committee
New Europe | Page VII
NEW EUROPE November 14-20, 2010