The D & F Block Elements-2

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Study of f-Block Elements

The elements in which last electron is

filled in f orbital of antepenultimate
shell n 2 i e 3rd last shell are called
f Block element
Position in Modern Periodic Table
All the 28 elements of f Block belongs to
3rdgroup II A group of modern periodic table
There are 2 series of 14 elements each in 6th
and 4th period respectively called Lanthanoid
and Actinoid series

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sf series
General Electronic Configuration of Valence
A GI n s 1 do in 2
Note A a d configuration is mostly shown
when it leads to stable a 2 fo
unfilled 2
ft halffilled or 2
ft fulfi
Med configurations As in the care
of Lanthanoids Ge God 714
Half Full
filled filled
Actinoid s gpa gy g P 96cm 1034

Exception filled Felled

goth IR n 7s 642 rather Bn 7536d s

Whereas the electronic configuration of Th is

goth Rn sft 649790 rather Rn Gd 790

Note The more irregularities in electronic
configuration of d and f Block elements
as compared to a fo Block elements is due
to very low difference of energies of higher
energy levels and subenergy levels in them

The General & Physical Properties of f-Block Elements

The important general and physical
properties of Lanthanoids and Actinoid
are compared in following table
Lanthanoids Actinoid
1 Except Pm 2 61 all 1 All elements are
elements are stable radioactive none is stable

2 They show legs variation 2 They show more variation

in their oxidation state in their oxidation state
There most common There most common
oxidation state is 3 oxidation state is 3
in addition they also in addition they allo
show 4 Leg Celt and show oxidation states
2 Leg Smt oxidath upto 7 Leg Hp Pu
state which are less but is reduced to 3
stable than 3 in 2nd half elements
3 They have lower complex 3 They have highercomplex

forming tendency forming tendency

4 They do not form 4 They form many
oxo cations oxo cation like DOJ
40T Pug etc

5 They form less balic 5 They form more balic

oxides and hydroxides oxides and hydroxide
6 Most of their ions are 6 Mostof their ions are
colourless coloured e.g DO yellow
7 Their magneticproperties 7 Their magnetic properties
can be easily explained are more complex
The magnetic susceptibility The magnetic susceptibility
increases with increase is roughly parallel to
in number of unpaired and lower than Lanthan
electrons in af orbitals oids with increase in
unpaired e's in sforbitale
8 They are chemically o They chemically
less reactive due to more reactive due to

higher ionisation energy lower ionisation energy

and reduction potential and reduction potential

1 In their chemical behaviour in general the
reactivity of earlier members of Lanthanoids
is similar to ca but with increase in atomic
number they behave more like Al
ii All Lanthanoids are silvery white metals and
Actinoids are also silvery in appearance
Ciii Lanthanoids and Actinoids show greatest
horizontal similarity and thus show gradual
variation in properties from left to
right But
properties of only second half of actinoids are
similar to those ofcorresponding Lanthanide
Chemical Properties of Lanthanides
Due togreater horizontal similarities all
Lanthanoids are represented by a common
symbol In and due to Iole resemblance
of Lanthanum La with Lanthanoids it is neually
included in all discueei one of Lanthanides
Hz A p LnH3
Xz D p LnX3
Oz D p Ln203
s i B
Ln D LnzSz
Hz D
p Ln H
H2O Ln Hb t H2 F
Acids p Ln salts t Hz F
Note C When heated with carbon Lanthanoids
form different types of carbides
ae followe
2773 K
Lng C D LngC LnzG Ln

Ii Due to very similar properties of Lanthanide

till A907 they were thought to be single element

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