P Block Elements
P Block Elements
P Block Elements
r. , I ii. "1 •11 1\J ~Al ' -0 11.J(I , 1(Iii 1 ' '+( ,,(IJ(_J•• 11i • ~NV • 4f1;0
' " ' f ~ " '" ' ', /11111( I
Ii~" { ,,, Al do"''' d~ 11v, m,omc -...wi
~ '-lf 11P ,,,,. 1" 11
• C11(/J0,1i i ~''''i I , ,,,~{}
0 (b ) The hydride of oxygen is a colourless and odourless
liquid while the others are unpleasant , foul smelling
poisonous gases.
0 0 Their volatilicy first increases from H2O to H2 S and
then decreases from H2S to H2Te. It is due Lo strong
Fig. 7.1. Resonance !.t1\Jdl.lrN of SO.
association among water molecules as a result of
Selenium and tellurium d.ioxides (Sc02 and Te02) lmennolecular hydrogen bonding.
are solids having polymeric chain or layer like !d The the rmal stability decreases from H 2 O to H 2Te,
structure. seo2 in the gaseous st.ate has discrete as the size of the central atom increases and the
monomeric structure. wea.kcr M- H bond.
The dioxides are acidic in nature. This character H20 > H2S > H2Se > H2Te
decreases on moving down the group. (J) The hydrides of group 16 elements are weakly acidic
. +6 oxidation state of s is more stable than in nature but their acidic strength lncreases down
5 mce red . As th the group. It is due to easier cleavage of M-H bond.
+4, therefore S02 acts as a ucmg agent. e
. f +6 oxidation state decreases from S to H20 < H 2S < H2Se < H2Te
billty O
reducing character o f the. cfjOXI"des
Sta (c l Except water, all the other hydrides of the elements
1ie, there,ore
decreases while their oxidising character increases. of group 16 behave as reducing agents. Their
reducing power increases from H2S to Hi'~-
Thus Te02 acts as an oxidising agent.
(fii) Halide, : The elements of group 16 form a
0 / '- Se
0 / "'Se~ ~
O -"' 0
0 number of halides in the oxidation states +l, +2,
+4 and +6. The stability of halides decreases as F > Cl
> Br > I.
0 0 The compounds of oxygen with fluorine are calJed
fluorides, Le., OF2.
Sulphur forms four types of halides but SF6 is the
Fig. 7.2. (a) Se02 In the gas phase, (b) Sohd ~
most stable, colourless, odourless, non-toxic gas. It is
kl All the elements form trioxides of the type M~3- chemically inert.
SO . as planar triangular molecule m the Among tetrahalides, tetrafluorides are the most stable .
gaseousp involving sp2 hybridisation in S atom. SF4 is a gas, SeF4 is a liquid while TeF4 is a solid.
abnormally lower than that of chlorine. It Is due to
very small size of fluorine atom. The high electron
0 0
t?s~ 0
density d°'s not allow fluorine atom to accept
funher Incoming electron as compared to chlorine
arom. Therefore, less energy is rele~d in the
Fig. 7.~. Re.ona"'-lt CJucturo. ot r:.o. conversion of fluorine atom to fluoride ion.
But the negative electron pin enthalpy values
GROUP 17 ELEMENTS : THE HALOGEN FAMILY decrease as usual from chlorine to Iodine because the
Group 17 of the periodic table consists of five elements sl1e of the atom lncreues.
i.e., Fluorine (F), Chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), lod.ine 0) F < Cl > Br > l
and Astatine (At). They are known u halOlfflS. "• H~tronC'.'ia11v11y Due to small size and higher
nuclear charge, each halogen bas the highest value
occurnnca of electroncgativity in its period. Fluorine bas the
Halogens are highly reactive elements and do not highest electroncgativity of ◄ . 0 . As we move down
occur in the free state ln nature. 11,ey mainly occur the group, the clcctronegativiry from fluorine to
in the form of halide salts althoush iodine a1lo occun Iodine decreases.
u Iodate. Fluorine exllts u inloluble fluorides to the F >Cl > Br > I
extent of 0.07°/4 in the earth's Cl'\IJl. O\lorlne ii die moet " 11 Oxldatwn St;itc. · Fluorine shows only - 1 oxidation
abundant of all the halogens and oc:cun u chlorida state but other halo1en1 exhibit - 1, + 1, + 3, + 5
(0.14%) in the earth's crust. Bromine cxittJ u bromides and + 7 oxidation Jtates. Fluorine d°'s not show
(2.5 x 10~%) in earth's crust while iodine ocx:un in potltlve oxidation states u it does not have vacant
sea weeds and alkali metal iodides to the extent of 8 x cl-orbitals unlike other halogens. Dur lo pre1ence of
10--5% in the earth's crust. vacant d-orbltals in halogens except fluorine, outer
, . and p-electrons can e11lly be promoted to vacant
Ganeral Characteristic of aroup 17 Elements d-orbirals showlna variable posldve oxidation 1tates.
"1, c <,J,,u, All the halogens arc coloured .
1. Electronic Conflguratlon
The valence shell electronic configuration of th.eae Fluorine Chlonne Bromine Iodine
2 5
elements are of the type ns np . Uaht Oreenilh Reddlah Violet
2. Physical Properties of Group fl Elements yellow yw!llow brown
m Physical State : Fluorine and chl~ are_P;Jel at The colour of the halogens ls due to the fact that
room temperature, bromine is a liquid while iodine their molecules absorb radiadons from the visible
is a solid. There exists van der WaalJ' forces among rqion and the outer electrons are excited to higher
their molecules. Th.is strength l.ncreues u the energy levels. Fluorine required large excitation
atomic size increases. Therefore, their physical state energy u force of attraction between the nucleus
changes from gas to solid. and the outer electrons is very large and absorbs
(ill Atnmic and Ionic Rru:lil : Halogeru have the IID&llest violet light (high energy). On the other hand, lodlne
atomic radii in their respective periods due to absorbs yellow Ught of low energy. These show their
increase in their nuclear charge but the radius of the complementary colour and appear likewise.
halide ion is always sreater than the correspond~ 3. Ch1?mlcol Properties of Group 17 Elements
atom as the elec:tron cloud expands on addiuon
lbe halogens are very reactive. Fluorine is the m01t
of an electron in the valence shell of the neutral
· reactive halogen. The reactivity of halogen, decrease,
atom. Bodi the aumuc and ionic radii iDcreUe from
fluorine to iodine as the number of shells lncrula. on moving down the group.
m <hid w,"
Pov.t-r · All halogens are stro
agents . The oxidising power ng oxidis ing Ill Hypohalous aci d ( HXO)
of halogens decreases (ii) Halou s acid (HX 02)
from fluorine to iodine. Flu
orin e is the strongest 1111) Halie acid (HX 03)
oxidising agent while iod ine is
the weakest one. 1,, l Perhalic acid (t·tX 0 4)
fol Rcacm 1ty towar,-« Hyd form the HX 0 typ e of
~ n · All the halogens Bromint> and iodine do not 2
combine with hydrogen to form
(HX) . hyd rogen hal ides
halous acids. 'd dep end s upon the :
H 2 _. X2 The acidic strenglh offo~o at:
--t 2HX
1 Elt- tn: nq llil \t~ 0 1 ~ 0
~ Th e acidic str eng th of
The reactivity of halogens
decreases from fluorine to iod
towards hydrogen
oxoaci ds, havmg . the same ox1·d a u·on nu mb er of
ine . HP is a low boihng .
liquid due to presence of inte
rmolecular hyd rogen the ha Iogen atom, decrea ses w1'ch dec rea se in the
bonds among themselves pie Hd O is the
hydrogen halides are gases at
while al1 the oth er
room temperarure.
electronegativ ity o~ the ato ~.
stro ngest but HIO 1s the we ake5t 0 e~ :i; th;
aci ds (O.N.
Thermal stability of hyd rog is + 1) .
en halides decreases
from HF to HI due to decrea 2 o l(t tt in Nu1 "t:,,, r With
the incrcu e an OXl'da u. o.n
se in the 11- X bond
strength. number of a particular hal
oge n ato m, the aod1c
HF > HCl > HBr > HI cha racter of cor responding oxo
--+ Thermal stabili ty decrea acld Increases .
ses --+ HClO < HCIO2 < HCIO3 < HC
In the gaseous state, h)•drogen I04
halide:. are co,,ale nt Structurn of 0110 c1ds of Crl N10
and do not show any aci dic P
narure . But in their O
aqueous solutions , they beh
ave as acids due to
O 0 O 0 O 0
ionisation . The acidic strengt
h decreases in the H
/" \,
Cl H
/" '-d' H
/ '-.II / "\.II
order. HypochloroUJ acid Chlorous aod
Cl= O H Cl •
Quo rou s add
HI > HB r > HCl > HJZ II
--+ Aci dic stre ngt h dec ~rchloric add
reases ___.
HF is the we akest acid but
HI •~ the strongest acid. It CHLORINE (Cl)
is due 10 the fact cha1 the bon
d d1s ~1 auon ene rgy
dec reases from 11- P and I 1 Pr•paratlon
- 1 as the s1ze of the
haloge n arom increases fro m I. MnO + 4H CI ~ MnCl2
nuo rine to iod ine . 2 + Cl2 ,. 2H 2O
(iii ) Reactivity tow 1rds C.n 2. 4NaCl + Mn 0 t- 4H
n 2 2 S0 4 ~ MnC12 + 4NaHS04 +
(a) Oxygr n · Flu orine fonns 211 20 + Cl2
two oxides 01· .l and O2P2,
They are known a.s oxygen 0
uondes OF2 LS the rma lly Manufactura
stable at 198 K.
t Oeuco.n's P1oc,«s
Chlorine, bro mine and iodine
fo1111 oxi des in wh ich
halogens have the ir oxidation tJ1e
st.a tes ,+ 1 to ; 7. Chl orin e 411 Cl 1 0 2 cua 2 2Cl + 2H O
forms the larges t num ber 2 2
of oxi des wlule iodine forms 2. flectro 1t1c Procrs s. Chlorine
the least. They have covalent is obtained by electrolysis
bo nd and the bond polarity of bri ne. Chlorine is liberat ed
increases from chlorine to iod 01 ano de.
ine. The stability of their
oxides differs in the foll owing Properties
ma n]le r :
I > Cl > Br It is gre enish yeUow gas with
Chlorine oxides, Cl 20 , CIO , Cl pun gen t and suffocating
2 2O6 and Cl2O7are powerful odour.
oxidising agents and rend to exp 1. Wtth Hydrogen Sulphide :
lod e on hea ting .
H2S ~ C1 2 --+ 2HCI + S
o ~ ,>
~ c1 ~
, ,,
J¼-~o~,.,. >~. / 0
2, With Ammonia :
Cl O '
O / Cl Cl- 0 8NH3 + 3C12 --+ 6NH
o I ' o (Exce55) 4Ct + N2
NH 3 + 3Cl2 --+ Nd
Fig . 7.7. Slru cture of Cl2 (Elc cs,) 3 + 3HCI
0 CI02 ond Cl201
CIO and ct o are use d as 3. With Alkolles :
2 2 ble aching age nts for paper
pul p and textiles. 2NaOH + Cl 2 --+ NaCl + NaOCl + H
(Cold and O
(b) Oxoacids : Fluorine forms dilute) 2
only one oxoacid, hypo
fluorous acid (HOF) . Chlorine, 6NaOH + 3Cl2 --+ SNaCl
bromine and iodine + NaQO
fonn four types of oxoacids. (Ho t and + JH O
cone.) 3 2
1 M
.1 - -
nti 11d,1nu 1.1iu1111 h,1, II 111 1ttw 1n o•l<hu11,n
Cl~ 1 11:1( 1 , i , l<:1 1 o
11 U ,, hi n<. K 11 I Ml f U<, 1 141
Pe:1n og.c nal. x'
bipyra;nidaJ ,:
x' ,
XeF4 sp3d2 2
XeOF4 sp3d
Octahtl<lraVSquare planar Square pyramidal
XeF6 sp3d3
:~~ ' , , , ,
: Xe <::::::J>
Xe02F2 sp3d
Distorted octahedral F
Distorted trigonal blpyramldal
0 ,//1/\
Xe03 sp3
/' xe=o
0 Xe0 3F2 sp3d o,,,,
F -- -· 0
Trigonal blpyramidal
Xe04 Xe=O
0 0 Xe02F4 2
It? Octahedral
XeOF2 sp 3d
{a) N02 + CO2 + H20 (b) NO + CO2 9. Which of the following compounds has a bond angle
close to 90"?
(c) N02 + NO + CO2 (d) H2C03
(a) NH3 (b) H S
16. Both copper and lead convert dilute HN03 into : (c) H 20 (d) 04
(a) N03and N02 (bl NH; and NOj
1 0. Which of the following bonds has the highest energy?
(c) NOj and NO (d) NH; and NO (a) Se - Se (b) Te -Te
17. Which o( the following compounds does not form (c) S-S (d) 0 - 0
ammonia on heating? 11. Which of the following gases may act as both as an
W (NH.) 2SO,. (b) NH,.Cl oxidizing and a reducing agent?
(d (NH.)2C03 (d) NH,.N02 (a) H~ (b) S0
11. Which Ont! of the following compounds is most (c) S0i (d) 0i
Qplostve? 12. Which of the following elements occurs in native
(a) NC13 (b} PCI3 State?
(d ) NF3 (a) P (b) S
Crl AsCl 3
(c) Si (d) I
13. Which of the following compounds is often
used as a (c) HI > HBr > HCl > HF, acidic pro~~ power
non-aqueou s solvent?
(d) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > l2, electroneganVIty .
S03 (l)
(b) S02 (1)
k)Se02 (1) High concentratio n of fluoride are poisonous and
(d) C02Cl) 9. harmful to bones and teeths at levels over :
Topic 3 : Group 17 Elements (a) I ppm (b) 3 ppm
1. In which of the following pairs of halogens do the (c) 5 ppm (d) 10 ppm
members resemble each other more closely in their 10. The halogen that is most easily reduced to :
(a) p (b) Cl2
(a) F and Cl 2
(b) Cl and Br
(c) F and Br (c) Br (d) 12
(d) F and At 2
11 . Which of the following is arranged in order of
2. Which of the following elements can have only -1
oxidation state in an aqueous solution? increasing bond energy?
(a) I (b) Cl (a) 12 < Br2 < CJ2 < F 2 (b) 12 < F2 < Br2 < Cl2
(c)Br ~)F (c) 12 < Br2 < F2 < Cl2 (d) Cl2 < Br2 < F2 < 12
3. All the halogens are coloured due to : 12. Which of the following atoms has the highest electron
(a) weak van der Waals' forces between the halogens affinity?
(a) F (b) Cl
(b) strong oxidizing power of the halogens
(c) absorption of light which causes an electron to (c) Br (d) I
jump from the ground state to a higher state 13. Which of the following halide ions is the most basic?
(d) emission of light due to transfer of an electron (a) Jr (b) er
from a higher state to the ground state
(c) Br- (d) r
4. Which of the following halogens is a solid at room
14. van der Waals' force is the strongest in :
temperatur e?
(a) F2 (b) Br
(a) Br2 2
(c) Cl2 (d) 1
(c) F2 2
15. The halogen having zero
5. Which of the following arrangemen ts does not truly standard enthalpy of
formation is :
represent the property indicated against it? (a) Cl2 (g)
(a) Br2 < Cl 2 < F2 : electronega tivity (b) Br2 (g)
(c) Br2 (l)
(d) F 2 (s)
(b) Br2 < F2 < Cl2 : electoron affinity 16. The principal oxidation
(c) Br2 < Cl2 < F2 : bond energy states of halogens except
fluorine is :
(d) Br2 < CJ2 < F2 : oxidising power (a) -1, +I, +4
(b) -1, +2, +4, +6, +7
6. Which of the following factors is most important in (c) -l, +l, +4, +G, +7 (d) -1, +l, +3, +5, +7
making fluorine the strongest oxidising agent? 17.
Chlorine on reaction with excess of ammonia gives :
(a) Electron affinity
(a) NCl3 and HCl (b) N and HCl
(b) Ionisation energy 2
(c) NH2~l and NH4C1 (d) N2 and NJ4Cl
(c) Hydration energy
Ammorua on reaction with excess of chlorine gives :
(d) Bond dissociation energy
(a) NCl3 and HCl (b) N and N~Cl
7. Which one of the following arrangemen ts represents 2
(c) N~l3 and NJ-4Cl (d) NH2Cl and Nf4Cl
the correct order of electron gain enthalpy (with 19.
Chlonne . reacts with dilute NaOH under ord'm... """1
negative sign) of the given atomic species? conditions to give :
(a) F < Cl < 0 < S (b) S < 0 < Cl < F (a) NaCl and Naao
3 {b) NaCl and Cl0
(c) O < S < F < Cl (d) Cl < F < S < O (c) NaCl and NaClO 2
(d) NaCl and CJ 0
8. Which of the following orders is not in accordance 20. Chlorine on reaction 2
produces : with hot and cone. NaOft
with the property stated against it?
(a) f 2 > c12 > Br2 > 12, bond dissociation energy (a) NaCl03 and NaClQ
(c) NaCl and Naao
(b) NaCl and NaCl03
(b) f 2 > cJ2 > Br2 > 12, oxidizing power 4 (d) NaC10 and NaCl04
21 . Whi~ of the following hydrogen halides is the most (d) strong affinity of HCl gas for the moisture of air
leads to the formation of droplets of the add
(a) HF (b) HI solution which appears like a cloud
(c) HCl (d) HBr 29. Iodine readily dissolves in KI solution due to :
22. Whi':11 °~ the following is the weakest acid in glacial (a) increase in polarity of the medium
aceuc acid medium?
(a) HI
(b) the formation of 13+ ion
(b) HBr
(c) HF (c) the formation of 13- ion
(d) HCl
(d) the conversion of 12 into I- ions
23. Which of ~e following interhalogens is not correctly
matched with the given shape? Topic 4 : Group 18 Elements
(a) ClF3 ➔ T-shaped 1 . The noble gas which was discovered first in the sun
and then on the earth is :
(b) BrFs ➔ Square pyramidal
(a) neon (b) argon
(c) IF7 ➔ Pentagonal bipyramidal
(c) helium (d) xenon
(d) BrF3 ➔ Pyramidal
2. In which of the following pairs of noble g~ses is there
24. Which of the following statements is not appropriate a large change in van der Waals' radii?
regarding the characteristics of interhalogen (a) He and Ne (b) Ne and Ar
compounds? (c) Ar and Kr (d) Kr and Xe
(a) They are usually less reactive than halogens (except 3. The noble gas which has the highest value of boiling
fluorine) point is:
(b) They are not so stable, but none of them is explosive (a) helium (b) radon
(c) argon (d) krypton
(c) They are covalent in nature
4. Which of the following statements is not correct?
(d) They have low boiling points and are highly volatile
(a) Radon is obtained from the radioactive decay of
25. Which of the following arrangements gives correct radium
order of reactivity of the interhalogens? (b) Helium is a noble gas
(a) ClF3 > BrF3 > IF7 (b) CIF > BrF3 > IF3 (c) Xenon is the most reactive among the noble gases
(c) BrF > IF3 > IF (d) all of these (d) The most abundant noble gas found in the
(d) sp3d, square planar (c) very high viscosity and very high thermal conductivity
(d) very high viscosity and zero thermal conductivity-
28. When kept in open air, concentrated HCl produces a
8. The gas called the stranger gas is:
cloud of white fumes. This is because :
(a) krypton (b) argon
(a) concentrated HCl pulls the moisture of air towards
(c) neon (d) xenon
itself as it has strong affinity for water and this
9. The coloured discharge tube for the advertisement
moisture forms droplets of water and hence the mainly contains :
cloud (a) xenon (b) helium
(b) concentrated HCl continuously emits strong (c) krypton (d) argon
smelling HCl gas which looks like a cloud 10. Set of elements known as aerogens is :
(c) aerial oxygen reacts with the emitted HCl gas to (a) N, I! S (b) He, Ne, Ar
form a cloud of chlorine gas (c) 0 , S, Se ·(d) F, Cl, Br
.. XII
11 . The least polarisable nobl
e gas is : 20. In solid argon, the atoms are held by :
(a) Xe Kr
(b) (a) ionic bonds (b) hydr ogen bond s
(c) Ne (d) He
12. Whic h of the follo (c) van der Waals' forces (d) cova lent bond s
wing noble gases has the highest
positive electron gain enth alpy value? 21 . The structure of XeF2 is :
(a) Heli um (b) Krypton (a) square plan ar (b) linea r
(c) Neo n (d) Argon (d) pyra mida l
(c) plane triangular
13. What is the natu
re of bond s betw een 22. The XeF6 molecule is:
molecules and noble gases in clatharates? the host (a) tetra hedr al with one lone pair
(a) Ionic
of elec tron s
(b) Metallic (b) trigonal bipyramidal with
two lone pairs of
(c) Covalent (d) No bond s electrons
14. Xenon trioxide has a shap (c) capped octahedral with one Jone
e of : pa~ of electrons
(a) pyra mid (d) capped octahedral with two lone
(b) octa hedr on parrs of electrons
(c) te~ edr on (d) trigonal bipyrarnid 23. The lowest boiling point of He is due to :
15. Which of the following (a) its inertness
noble gases has an
identical first ionization energy to that of oxyg almost (b) its gaseous natu re
(a) Xe (b) Ar (c) its high polarizability
(c) He (d) weak van der Waals' forces betw
(d) Ne een its atom s
16. Noble gases are difficult to .24. Which of the following fluorides of
liquefy because their : xeno n does not
(a) dispersion forces are large exist?
(a) XeF2 (b) XeF4
(b) disp ersio n forces are small
(c) XeF6 (d) XeF3
(c) ioniz ation energies are low
25. Which of the following noble gase
(d) elec tron affinities are high s is used in miner's
cap lamps?
17. The gas used for filling ballo (a) Helium
ons is He and not H2 (b) Neo n
beca use: (c) Argon (d) Krypton
(a) He is light er than H (b) H2 is inflammable 26. Which of the following
2 is employed in flash tube s in
(c) H2 is light er than He (d) H2 is not available photography?
18. The gas which forms the maximum (a) Ar (b) Ne
num ber of
com poun ds is : (c) Kr (d) He
(a) neon (b) krypton 27. The geo me~
of XeF6 molecule and the hybridisation
(c) xeno n (d) rado n of Xe atom m the molecule is :
19. Which of the following gases is the mos (a) disto rted octa hedr al and sp 3 3
t polarizable? d
(a) Heli um (b) Xenon (b) squa re plan ar and sp 3d 2
(c) Krypton (c) pyramidal and sp 3
(d) Radon
(d) octa hedr al and sp3 d 3
~ • H~◄ -. NaHSO• • HNQ3
.....,_ : Colourless loqlJld
(l) C • CHNO:J - + COi • Hi() + CNOi
l'IIIUutlia, , : Haber'• pnx:Na
In water.
N1•~ ::::, 2NH,
l'nlpartles : Coloultes aga
wilh pungent odour, aoluble
Block Elvme
o.ctnnc mntlgunn .,, . ml, np•
. . . . ,... , ~ down the group Pn,pan,Uon :
ll. Dea- down the group 2l<C103 .:.0, , 2KCJ + 3Di
A.iloCrOpy : Al .r1ibi1 allotropy oxoaC>d of sulphur.
l'npartias : Colourieea. adourtea Group 18
9 0
2SOz + O i ~ 2 ~
CHCI + Clz ~ 2CI • 2Hi()
HO'f '
HO O • Oaygen P'
ml, ,,,,•
Elactronlc confiQurotlon : (excapc He)
0ccurrm'- 1 All except radon oa:ur In nacin
• Atomic radJl: lnc:reaes down the IP'OI,.:, ·
0 0 LL . High; LA. : l...argely poajtive; IV. and 8JI.: low
II II Physlcal ProPCrt,n . Maoa.••u ic, oolounaaa. odaurlea.
~ s \" o- o ,.....,...-I s ~o lllatelea.
Chamlcol pr0Pfflit$ . Xenon bm C0"1pound a wit!
fluorine and
' • :zO, UMS : 'He' uaed In Mirig balaon& ~ -
'At' used 1n---.....__ _ . 'Ne \med In neon 1iQ1a.
·--...-:e nt ""'1,a_
23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (d)
21. (c) 22. Cd
MOST EXPECTED MCQS Topic 1 : Group 15 Elements 29. (c}
26. (b) 27. (b) 28. Ca)
1. (a) 2 . (a) 3. Ca) 4 . (b } 5. (d )
Topic 4 : Group 18 Elements
6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (d} 9. (d) 10. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a)
l. Cc) 2. (b ) 3. (b)
11. (d) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. Ca) 15. (a) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (b )
6. (b) 7. (a)
16. (c) 17. (d} 18. (a)
12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (a) 1S. (a)
11. (d)
Topic 2 : Group 16 Elements 18. (c) 19. (b ) 20. (C)
16. Cb) 17. (b)
2. (a) 3. (a } 4 . Cc} 5. (a ) 23. Cd) 24. (d) 25. (d)
1. (d) 21. (b) 22. (c)
6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (c ) 9. ( b) 10 . Cc) 27. (a )
26. (c)
11. (c) 12. {b) 13. (b) MCQs on ASSERTION-REASONING TYPE
2. (d ) 3 . Ca) 4. (c) 5. (c)
Topic 3 : Group 17 Elements l . (d)
4 . (d) 5. (c) 7. (c) 8~ (a) 9. (d ) 10. (b )
1. (b) 2. Cd) 3. (c) 6. (d)
10 . (a) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15-. (b )
6. (c) 7 . (d} 8. (a) 9. (b ) 11 . ( b) 12. (d )
15. Cc) 17. (c ) 18. Cb) 19. (d) 20. (a )
12. Cb) 13. (a } 14. (d ) 16. (c )
11. (b)
19. (c) 20. (b) 21. (d ) 22. (d ) 23. (b)
16. (d) 17. (d ) 18. (a)