EpithelialTissues م1
EpithelialTissues م1
EpithelialTissues م1
Biology Programs
Zoology Department
• Cells are the building blocks of all living things
• Cells Tissues Organs Systems Entire body
• Therefore:
• Tissues are groups of cells that are similar in structure and
Epithelial tissues = covering + lining
❑ Lining cavities
Internal organs – intestines and blood vessels “Body cavities”.
❑ Sensory: Parts of sense organs known as neuroepithelia (large sensory nerve supply)
• Compact sheets of cells
• Nerve supply
❖ Stratified (more than one layer): epithelia named by shapes of the surface cells
❖ pseudostratified: one layer but looks like more than one layer.
3- Cilia:
❑ Non ciliated : absorptive cells (microvilli) and goblet cells (secrete mucus)
❑ Ciliated : to move substances (Ex . upper respiratory passages and fallopian tubes.)
1- Simple squamous
2- Simple cuboidal
• Single layer of cube-like cells
• Forms walls
of kidney tubules
3- Simple columnar
• Locations:
Stratified squamous:
•Keratinized stratified squamous
• No keratin
4- Transitional epithelium:
1 3 4
Glands can be classified in many overlapping ways:
1- Ducts:
Exocrine (with ducts) and endocrine (ductless).
2- Type of secretion:
◦ enzymes, mucous or mixed.