Note # 1: (PG - No.15 To 17)
Note # 1: (PG - No.15 To 17)
Note # 1: (PG - No.15 To 17)
1. The staff proposed for the extension period of one year is furnished in
the format:
Reference of
Sl. Name of Remark
Existing Post No Post Proposed No Proposed by
Of ice Manager
Of ice Manager (Tahsildar
1 1
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
(Tahsildar cadre) cadre)
Liaison of icer 1 Liaison of icer 1
Govt.retired Govt.retired
Survey Survey
2 2 Kunigal
Supervisor/Surve Supervisor/Surv
letter no.
yor eyor
SLAO, Licensed Licensed 948A
1 5 (STRR)/EST/
Kunigal surveyors/ Field 5 surveyors/ Field
of icer of icer 11/20-21
Revenue Revenue
4 4 dt.17.03.202
Inspector Inspector 2
Accountant 1 Accountant 1
F.D.A 3 F.D.A 3
S.D.A 3 S.D.A 3
Group-D 4 Group-D 4
Baandh Peon 2 Baandh Peon 2
26 26
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
to NHAI,
5 31.03.2022 37,94,356 61,75,349
(2021-22) dated:09.12.2021
3. The work done by the Special Land acquisition Unit and proposed to
be done during the extension period as furnished by CALA is as under:
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
After completion of 3(G) enquiry, we
Preparation of determine the land value and adapting
Award the valuation report for preparation of
1) Out of those acquired lands, If portion
of the whole
land is acquired Survey of
apportionment of land
shall made through Surveyor and
ascertain the
exact extent of land for which
compensation has
Balance survey
5 to be made.
work tobe done
2) In case dispute Cases, as demarcation
land done
Shall be surveyed by the surveyors of
the unit.
3) In Case case of KIADB/Forest land joint
survey along
with the competent authorities is to
be done.
Presently this unit of ice is running in the
Maintenance of private rented building, for maintenance
Day to day of ice of Day-Today of ice work, custody of
6 work, documents, vehicle maintenance, safe
establishment custody of paid documents, updation of
and accounts cash book /accounts for this work staff is
required as proposed.
1) After making the payment of
compensation. The
Incorporation of unit will take possession of their land
Name of the from
President of the land owners. Which are free from
7 India on the encumbrance.
Revenue records, 2) We will approach the jurisdictional
updation of Tahasildars of the
Mutation work. taluk for Incorporation of name of the
NHAI on the
revenue records.
issuance of For various reasons, on the request of
certi ied copies the land loosers and RTI-applicants, the
of the unit will provide the documents available
documents- and also issuance of various NOC's and
available in the certi ied copies to the land
unit loosers/applicants.
On the aforesaid 1 to 8 comments and
The continuation Justi ication the continuation of this LA
of LA unit of NH- unit NH-948A is very essential. Hence, the
9 948A (STRR) at LA unit NH-948A Of ice may be continued
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
Dabaspet for the inancial year 01.04.2022 to
4. The proposal has been reviewed by PIU as per policy circular 1st & 2nd
cited and the revised budget in comparison with the budget proposal
submitted by SLAO is as tabulated below;
Sl. requested by
Details recommended Remarks
no CALA Amount
by PIU (Rs.)
Restricted as per
Remuneration for SLA
1 76,44,780 69,49,800
Unit staff BNG/21031/2020
2 TA & DA 2,10,000 1,65,000
3 Car hire Charges 15,12,000 15,12,000
4 Building Rent 3,24,984 3,00,000 Restricted as per
5 Telephone Charges 36,000 36,000 circular
Of ice Cleaning 48,000 36,000
6 /LA
Charges Circular/68/2017
Stamps & Stationary
7 60,000 60,000 /3301
etc Postal Charges dated:09.02.2018
8 Meeting Charges 48,000 36,000
9 Electricity charges 36,000 36,000
Epson A3 color 28,000 28,000
11 Of ice expenses 1,00,000 -
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
Total 1,00,47,764 91,58,800
Requirement of Funds
Note # 2
I t is recommended to convey the approval of Competent Authority for
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
continuance of Special Land Acquisition Unit @ Dabaspet under CALA,
Kunigal (SLAO, Kunigal) for Acquisition of Land in Nelamangala Taluk
of Bangalore (Rural) District & Magadi Taluk of Ramanagara district for
Bangalore Ring Road (STRR) for a further period of one year
f r o m 01.04.2022 to 31.03.2023 with the net inancial implication
o f R s . 68,89,523 / - as there is a savings of R s . 22,69,27 7 / - in the
earlier sanction.
Note # 3
Ref: Note above.
During the various meetings held recently with the state authorities
(ACS(PWD), Principal Secretary (Revenue), Govt. of Karnataka it
was deliberated that the state Govt. is inclined to nominate the
Asst. Commissioner (SDM), as the Competent Authority for land
acquisition for NHAI projects in the state of Karnataka.
Note # 4
Pl examine and put up.
Note # 5
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
strength SLA Unit.
Note # 6
Note # 7
For needful action please.
Note # 8
Note # 9
Karnataka Division vide letter no. NHAI/KNT/SLAO
(Kunigal)/2021/119632/006 dated 13.05.2022 (CP-18)for further
necessary action for subject project work with a condition that PD shall
further optimize the staff strength SLA Unit.
Note # 10
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12/08/2022 05:34 PM TALLA PARVATEESAM
Note # 11
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Kunigal to attend the land acquisition work relating to Bangalore Ring Road
(Satellite Town Ring Road) from km 0.000 to km 56.034 in Nelamangala
Taluk of Bangalore (Rural) district & Magadi Taluk of Ramanagara district in
the State of Karnataka.
SLAO,Kunigal vide reference 10th cited above, has submitted budget
proposal for continuation of services of Special Land Acquisition Unit, @
Dabaspet under SLAO,Kunigal from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 with net
financial implication of Rs.68,89,523/-
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
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01.04.2021 to
5 31.03.2022 37,94,356 61,75,349
01.04.2022 to
6 31.03.2023 68,89,523 76,53,478
Total Amount 3,32,61,965 3,17,56,643
3. The work done by the Special Land acquisition Unit and proposed
to be done during the extension period as furnished by CALA is as
2) 3G enquiry completed.
1) JMC work
2) 3D Notification
3) 3G award for land in
3) 3G Public Hearing
respect of 10 villages in
1 4) Valuations of Malikies,
Nelamangala and 29 villages
Structure etc.,
in Magadi has been submitted
5) 3G Awards
for approval.
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
After completion of JMC, additional 3D
updation in Bhoomirashi portal with in
prescribed period will be done and after
2 3D work
notification of 3D, the notification will be
published in daily newspaper for 3(G)
Office survey team will co-operate to the
Co-operation to
valuators at time of Malkies/buildings
3 valuaters
valuation in the proposed ROW to identify
the land/ and Khatedar.
After completion of 3(G) enquiry, we
Preparation of determine the land value and adapting
Award the valuation report for preparation of
1) Out of those acquired lands, If portion
of the whole land is acquired Survey of
apportionment of land shall made through
Surveyor and ascertain the exact extent of
land for which compensation has to be
Balance survey work made.
tobe done 2) In dispute Cases, as demarcation land
done shall be surveyed by the surveyors of
the unit.
3) In Case of KIADB/Forest land joint
survey along with the competent
authorities is to be done.
Presently this office unit is running in the
private rented building, for maintenance
Maintenance of Day
of Day-To-day office work, custody of
to day office work,
6 documents, vehicle maintenance, safe
establishment and
custody of paid documents, updation of
cash book /accounts for this work staff is
required as proposed.
1) After making the payment of
compensation. The unit will take
Incorporation of
possession of their land from the land
Name of the NHA on
7 the Revenue
2) We will approach the jurisdictional
records, updation of
Tahasildars of the taluk for Incorporation
Mutation work.
of name of the NHAI on the revenue
For various reasons, on the request of the
issuance of certified land loosers and RTI-applicants, the unit
copies of the will provide the documents available and
documents-available also issuance of various NOC's and
in the unit certified copies to the land
On the aforesaid 1 to 8 comments and
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
The continuation of Justification the continuation of this LA
9 LA unit of NH-948A unit NH-948A is very essential. Hence, the
(BRR) at Dabaspet LA unit NH-948A Office may be continued
for the financial year 01.04.2023 to
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
Total 1,31,48,036
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
1 Remuneration for SLA Unit staff 98,61,036 69,49,800
2 TA & DA 2,50,000 1,36,000
3 Car hire Charges 18,00,000 15,12,000
4 Building Rent 3,60,000 3,00,000
5 Telephone Charges 36,000 36,000
6 Office Cleaning Charges 72,000 36,000
Stamps & Stationary etc Postal
7 3,36,000 1,68,000
8 Meeting Charges 72,000 36,000
9 Electricity charges 36,000 36,000
Regional & National festival
10 25,000 10,000
Computer, Chairs, table, Xerox
11 drum and Toner cartridge, repair 3,00,000 1,50,000
and other expenses
Total 1,31,48,036 93,69,800
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
Authority for continuance of Special Land Acquisition Unit @ Dabaspet
under CALA, Kunigal (SLAO, Kunigal) for Acquisition of Land in
Nelamangala Taluk of Bangalore (Rural) District & Magadi Taluk of
Ramanagara district for a further period of one year from 01.04.2023
to 31.03.2024 with the net financial implication of Rs.78,64,478/ - as
there is a savings of Rs.15,05,322/- in the earlier sanction.
Note # 12
it is recommended to convey the approval of Competent Authority for
continuation of Special Land Acquisition Unit @ Dabaspet under CALA,
Kunigal (SLAO, Kunigal) for Acquisition of Land in Nelamangala Taluk of
Bangalore (Rural) District & Magadi Taluk of Ramanagara district for a
further period of one year from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 with the
net financial implication of Rs.78,64,478/ - as there is a savings
of Rs.15,05,322/- in the earlier sanction.
Note # 13
Please check the proposed staff.
Only proven track record staff be taken.
Previous 8 yrs exp needs to be checked, especially efforts on
How many office premises under kunigal.
Note # 14
PD,PIU-Expressway vide NOTE#11, NOTE#12 , wherein submitted the
proposal for continuation of Special Land Acquisition Unit @ Dabaspet
under CALA, Kunigal (SLAO Kunigal) for acquisition of land in
Nelamangala Taluk of Bangalore Rural District & Magadi Taluk of
Ramanagara District for a further period of one year from 01.04.2023
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
to 31.03.2024 with the net financial implication of Rs.78,64,478/- as
there is a savings of Rs.15,05,322/- in the earlier sanction.
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
8. The requirement of funds for continuation of SLAU, Dabaspet under
SLAO, Kunigal for the period from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 is as
Note # 15
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
office is provided with 3 vehicles running on hire basis. For the
preparation of 3G awards staff of the concern 1) PWD, 2)
Horticulture, 3) Forest, 4) Agriculture departments along with our
survey staff have to conduct field surveys to assess the existing
land in the acquired land. Valuation report has to be obtained
from the concerned department for this purpose. Staff of this
office have to visit the concerned office often and often. For this
purpose 3 vehicles are very essential. Since the land acquisition
process is in progress and for payment of compensation surveyor
has to prepare apportionment sketches of each survey number. ”
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM Details Amount in
1 Approved by NHAI up to 31.03.2023 3,32,61,965
2 Total expenditure up to 31.03.2023 3,17,56,643
Savings from the already sanctioned budget 15,05,322
Requirement for 12 months from 01.04.2023 to
4 67,65,200
Net requirement of funds for the period 2023-
5 24 52,59,878
(Rs.67,65,200 - 15,05,322=52,59,878)
6 Amount to be sanctioned 52,59,878
Note # 16
PD,PIU-Expressway vide NOTE#11 , NOTE#12 , wherein submitted the
proposal for continuation of Special Land Acquisition Unit @ Dabaspet
under CALA, Kunigal (SLAO Kunigal) for acquisition of land in
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
Nelamangala Taluk of Bangalore Rural District & Magadi Taluk of
Ramanagara District for a further period of one year from 01.04.2023
to 31.03.2024 with the net financial implication of Rs.78,64,478/- as
there is a savings of Rs.15,05,322/- in the earlier sanction.
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
no.of vehicles have been restricted to 2 at monthly rate of Rs.40,000/-
iii. SLAO vide letter dated 31.03.2023 requested for hike in salary by
referring the salary hike of employees working in Railway Acquisition
offices. PD has mentioned that decision on the same is beyond the
delegation of PIU office. Hence, requested to consider the proposal of
hike in salary of SLAO staff.
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
empowered for 2 extensions of 01 year each beyond the initial
period of 01 year. The present proposal is beyond the powers
delegated to RO.
10. with reference to NOTE#13, the following are the office premises
under SLAO Kunigal.
Note # 17
Agreed please communicate.
Note # 18
The proposal for Special Land Acquisition Unit @ Dabaspet under CALA,
Kunigal (SLAO Kunigal) for acquisition of land in Nelamangala Taluk of
Bangalore Rural District & Magadi Taluk of Ramanagara District for a
further period of one year from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 with a net
financial implication of Rs.52,59,878/- after deducting savings
o f Rs.15,05,322/- may recommend to NHAI HQ since the proposed
budget is 6 th year extension and the details are proposed in
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
NOTE#16 of para : 9 for approval of Competent Authority.
Note # 19
Note # 20
Pl examine and put up.
Note # 21
The instant proposal was processed on E-file119632 wherein
Competent Authority approved the proposal for continuation of
services of Special Land Acquisition Unit, Dabaspet under SLAO Kunigal for
the period of 01 more year (5th year) i.e. from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 for
subject project work subject to conditions mentioned at Note#30 (E-file 119632
enclosed herewith )
Note # 22
Note # 23
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
Note # 24
PIU-Bengaluru (Expressway)
Competent Authority vide reference 11th cited above, has accorded approval for
Continuation for a further period of one year from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 for Special Land
Acquisition Unit, @ Dabaspet under SLAO, Kunigal to attend the land acquisition work
relating to Bengaluru Ring Road (Satellite Town Ring Road) from km 0.000 to km 56.034 in
Nelamangala Taluk of Bengaluru (Rural) district & Magadi Taluk of Ramanagara district in the
State of Karnataka.
Now, SLAO, Kunigal vide reference 12 th cited above, has submitted budget proposal for
continuation of services of Special Land Acquisition Unit, @ Dabaspet under SLAO,Kunigal
from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 with net financial implication of Rs.97,84,956/-.
1. The staff proposed for the extension period of one year is furnished in the format:
Sl. Name Reference of
N N Remar
N of Existing Post Post Proposed Proposed by
o o ks
Office Manager Office Manager
1 1
(Tahsildar cadre) (Tahsildar cadre)
Liaison officer 1 Liaison officer 0
Govt.retired Survey Govt.retired Survey
2 0
Supervisor/Surveyor Supervisor/Surveyor
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
Licensed surveyors/ 2 Licensed surveyors/ 4 SLAO, Kunigal
SLAO, Field officer Field officer letter no. SLAO
1 CA/NH-948A
Kunigal Revenue Inspector 3 Revenue Inspector 2
Accountant 1 Accountant 1 (STRR)/EST/19/2
F.D.A 2 F.D.A 2 023-24
S.D.A 2 S.D.A 2 dt.21.03.2024
Group-D 2 Group-D 2
Baandh Peon 2 Baandh Peon 2
18 18
2. A summary of the amount sanctioned since inception of SLAU and the expenditure
incurred against previous sanctions is detailed below:
Approval Letter No.& Date of incurred up Period Sanctioned
Previous sanctions to 31.03.2024
RO, Bengaluru letter no. NHAI/RO-
1 BNG/11042/1/2018/335 57,68,500/-
to 31.03.2019 49,19,060
(2018-19) RO, Bengaluru letter no. NHAI/RO-
2 BNG/11042/3/2019/3436 13,46,400
01.04.2019 to RO,Bengaluru letter no.NHAI/RO-
3 31.03.2020 BNG/11042/4/2019/474 73,09,786 68,00,365
(2019-20) dt:08.05.2019
01.04.2020 to RO,Bengaluru letter no.NHAI/RO-
4 31.03.2021 BNG/11042/10/2020/1813 81,53,400 62,08,391
(2020-21) dt:07.09.2020
01.04.2021 to NHAI,HQ
5 31.03.2022 37,94,356 61,75,349
(2021-22) 119632 dated:09.12.2021
01.04.2022 to NHAI,HQ
6 31.03.2023 68,89,523 76,53,478
(2022-23) 119632/006 dt.13.05.2022
01.04.2023 to
7 31.03.2024 E-Office Computer Number 144840 52,59,878 67,83,760
Total Amount 3,85,21,843 3,85,40,403
Savings=(3,85,21,843 - 3,85,40,403 = -18,560)
The excess amount of Rs. 18,560/- has been claimed by CALA during the month of
March-2024. However, the same has not been released.
3. The work done by the Special Land acquisition Unit and proposed to be done during
the extension period as furnished by CALA is as under:
A. Name of CALA/SLA Unit:SLAO, Kunigal/Dabaspet unit.
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
Work which was proposed to be
Work actually done during the
Sl. done during the previous tenure
previous tenure from 01-04-2023 to
No from
01-04-2023 to 31-03-2024
2) 3G enquiry completed.
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Surveyor and ascertain the exact extent of
Balance survey work to be land for which compensation has to be made.
5 2) In case dispute Cases, as demarcation land
done shall be surveyed by the surveyors of
the unit.
3) In Case of KIADB/Forest land joint survey
along with the competent authorities is to be
1) After making the payment of
compensation. The unit will take possession
of their land from the land owners which are
free from encumbrance.
Incorporation of Name of the
6 NHA on the Revenue records, 2) Soon after the payments of compensation
updation of Mutation work. to land looser immediate action will be taken
for incorporation or name of in NHAI on the
revenue report through Bhoomirash portal
which is newly created for updating of
mutation work.
For various reasons, on the request of the
issuance of certified copies of land looser and RTI-applicants, the unit will
7 the documents-available in provide the documents available and also
the unit issuance of various NOC's and certified copies
to the land loosers/applicants.
Area of
mutated Total
land for
Additional in the additional
land to be name of land
Sl. 3A 3D award(s)
acquired Central mutated
N notified notified have Remarks
for the Govt. in the
o (Ha) (Ha) been
Project during name of
(Ha) the Central
previous Govt.
n period
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1) Land
award for 16
villages of
S.O. S.O.5046 Nelamangala
4660(E) (E) Taluk has
1 130.4431 130.4431 - -
11-11-2021 27.10.2022 already been
182.63 130.44 approved by
PD B’lore.
2) Land
award for 29
villages of
Magadi Taluk
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
has already
approved by
PD B’lore.
Award in
respect of 2
villages are
returned by
PD for
award for
Assets also
along with
land award.
3) Award in
respect of
existing in
the acquired
lands of
has been
S.O. 4740 S.O.5044
submitted to
(E) (E)
2 236.0015 225.0036 - - PD for
15-11-2021 27.10.2022
approval out
478.013 236.00
of which
award of 5
villages has
already been
approved by
Authority. In
respect of
Magadi Taluk
reports from
is awaited.
Soon after
the receipt
of report
award will
be prepared
submitted to
PD for
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
3 Car hire Charges 12,00,000
4 Building Rent 3,60,000
5 Telephone Charges 36,000
6 Office Cleaning Charges 48,000
7 Stamps & Stationary etc Postal Charges 2,54,000
8 Meeting Charges 48,000
9 Electricity charges 48,000
10 Regional & National festival charges 25,000
Computer, Chairs, table, Xerox drum
11 and Toner cartridge, repair and other 4,50,000
12 Budget Proposal for site office @ Magadi
12(a) Building rent 1,80,000
12(b) Electricity Bill 36,000
12(c) Telephone/ Internet Charges 24,000
12(d) Office Cleaning Charges 36,000
Total 97,84,956
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
12(d) Office Cleaning Charges 36,000 -
Total 97,84,956 72,27,600
6.The requirement of funds for the continuance of Special Land Acquisition Unit under
SLAO, Kunigal is as under:
Requirement of Funds
Note # 25
It is recommended to convey the approval of Competent Authority for
continuance of Special Land Acquisition Unit @ Dabaspet under CALA,
Kunigal (SLAO, Kunigal) for Acquisition of Land in Nelamangala Taluk of
Bengaluru (Rural) District & Magadi Taluk of Ramanagara district for a
further period of one year from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 with the net
financial implication of Rs. 72,46,160/ - as there is excess expenditure
of Rs. 18,560/- from the earlier sanction.
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
17/05/2024 11:40 AM अचना डी|D ARCHANA
पीडी पीआईयू बगलोर (ए सपे स वे ) |PD PIU BANGALORE
Note # 26
Note # 27
S u b : Bengaluru Ring Road (Satellite Town Ring Road(West Side))-
Establishment of SLAO, Kunigal(CALA) for acquisition of lands in
Nelamangala Taluk of Bengaluru (Rural) district & in Magadi Taluk of
Ramanagara district - Continuation for a further period of one year
from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 – Request for approval of
Competent Authority –Reg.
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
4.The total amount sanction for previous 6 years is amounting
to Rs.3,85,21,843/- and expenditure incurred during 6 years is
amounting to Rs.3,85,40,403/- and the excess amount from the already
sanctioned budget amounting to Rs.18,560/-. PD has submitted that the
excess amount of Rs. 18,560/- has been claimed by CALA during the
month of March-2024, However, the same has not been
released. (details are mentioned in Para 2 ofNOTE#24 ).
Note # 28
submitted please
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
20/05/2024 10:07 AM िवलास पं जाबराव बा णकर|VILAS PANJABRAO
े तीय अिधकारी ( बगलोर)|RO-BANGALORE
Note # 29
Note # 30
Note # 31
National Highways Authority of India
(Karnataka Division)
E-file No. 144840
2.1 This office vide e-file no. 119632 ( Cp/56-63 ) approved the proposal
for continuation of Services of SLAU, Dobaspet under SLAO-Kunigal for the
period from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 (5 th year extension) with a net
financial implication of Rs. 52.6 Lakhs for land acquisition work in the
district of Bengaluru (Rural) & Ramanagara for STRR project.
2.2 SLAO, Kunigal vide letter dt. 21.03.2024 (Cp/39) submitted budget
proposal of Rs 97.85 Lakhs for extension of SLAU from 01.04.2024 to
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
2.3 RO & PD after examining the proposal of SLAO has proposed a budget
of Rs 72.27 Lakhs for office staff and office supplies. Details are at Para 5
of Note#24. The details were examined and an Arithmetic error is observed
i.e., the sum of expenses works out to be Rs 71.04 Lakhs against Rs 72.27
Lakhs recommended by RO & PD.
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
6 update of
Mutation 2) Soon after the payments of compensation to land looser
work. immediate action will be taken for incorporation or name of in
NHAI on the revenue report through Bhoomirashi Portal which
is newly created for updating of mutation work.
issuance of certified For various reasons, on the request of the land looser and
copies of the RTI-applicants, the unit will provide the available documents
documents-available and also issuance of various NOCs and certified copies to the
in the unit land losers/applicants.
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
c. Total expenditure is restricted to the limit mentioned above. PD shall maintain
separate audit accounts of such amounts advanced to LA unit.
d. PD to effectively liaise with CALA to ensure that said work is completed early/within
time frame for which funds have been sanctioned. If the said works is accomplished in
less than specified period, the services of said staff shall be terminated with
immediate effect and in case of any saving, the same shall be re-deposited by the PD.
e. In case Revenue Units are to be continued further, LA units/ staff to be reviewed and
optimized for bare minimum staff.
f. The approval granted earlier if any, shall be co-related so as to avoid any duplication
in payment.
g. The said facilities shall be used exclusively for land acquisition purpose only.
h. Rate/payment will be as per actual and applicable rules in respect of pay allowance
i. RO-Bangalore to reconcile all such amounts granted in respect of its PlUs and ensure
that the consolidated amount does not exceed 2.5% LA charges as granted in other
Submitted Please
Note # 32
Recommended for approval of the competent authority i.e. Member (PPP) as
proposed in Para-3 of Note #31.
Note # 33
Note # 34
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
12/06/2024 04:55 PM वकट रमण कोिवडी|Ramana Venkata Krovvidy
सद य (पीपीपी)|MEMBER(PPP)
Note # 35
Note # 36
Note # 37
In view of above approval of Competent Authority file is being submitted for
further needful action.
Note # 38
Note # 39
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
13/06/2024 10:31 AM अचना डी|D ARCHANA
पीडी पीआईयू बगलोर (ए सपे स वे ) |PD PIU BANGALORE
Note # 40
PIU- Bangalore (Expressway)
Proposed by
Sl. Details Recommendatio Remarks/
Remuneration for SLA
1 67,39,956 50,64,600 Ref. 13
Unit staff
2 TA & DA 3,00,000 1,65,000 Ref. 1
3 Car hire Charges 12,00,000 12,00,000 Ref. 14
4 Building Rent 3,60,000 3,60,000 Actual
5 Telephone Charges 36,000 36,000 Ref. 1
Office Cleaning
6 48,000 36,000 Ref. 1
Stamps & Stationary
7 1,00,000 1,00,000 Actual
etc Postal Charges
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
8 Meeting Charges 48,000 36,000 Ref. 1
9 Electricity charges 48,000 36,000 Ref. 1
Regional and National
10 25,000 - -
Festival Charges
Computer, Chairs,
table, Xerox drum
11 and Toner cartridge, 4,50,000 1,00,000
repair and other
12 Postal Stamp Charges 20,000
Audit charges (IT
13 50,000 50,000
return filing)
14 Water charges 24,000 24,000
News Paper Purchase
15 10,000
16 Miscellaneous 50,000 50,000
Note # 41
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
22/08/2024 10:30 AM िवलास पं जाबराव बा णकर|VILAS PANJABRAO
े तीय अिधकारी ( बगलोर)|RO-BANGALORE
Note # 42
1. This office vide Note#27 recommended for approval of competent
Authority NHAI HQ towards continuation of Special Land Acquisition unit
@Dabaspet under CALA, Kunigal for Acquisition of Land in Nelamangala
Taluk, Bangalore (Rural) District & Magadi Taluk, Ramanagara district for a
period of one year from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 with net financial
implication of Rs.72,46,160/-.
File No. NHAI/PIU-BNG(EXP)/EOTSLAOKUNIGAL/2022-23 (Computer No. 144840)
Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
recommend to NHAI HQ for approval of Competent Authority.
submitted please
Note # 43
can it not be proposed in next year's budget depending upon savings in
expenditure of this budget
Note # 44
With reference to Note #43, it is noted that NHAI HQ has approved the
proposal outlined in Note #34 with certain conditions. Specifically, NHAI HQ
has directed that the total expenditure be restricted to ₹71.22 lakhs.
Note # 45
Note # 46
1. In continuation of Note #42 , PD-PIU Bengaluru (Expressway) vide Note
#44 has submitted the clarification sought vide Note #43 .
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM
approval of Competent Authority.
Note # 47
submitted please
Note # 48
Note # 49
Note # 50
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Generated from eOffice by KETAN KUMAR SINHA, Dy. MGR(KTK) - KKS, DEPUTY MANAGER(T), NHAI HQ on 25/09/2024 11:00 AM