What Are Adverbs of Frequency?: The Present Simple

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What are adverbs of frequency?

We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do something. Adverbs of frequency are
often used with the present simple because they indicate repeated or routine activities.

They often go out for dinner.

I never go to cinema. I don't like it.
I don't mind going to the theater. I sometimes go with my husband.
Never say never. (proverb)
She likes dancing. She always go to the night club to dance.
They usually quarrel. I rarely see them in good terms with each other.

Other adverbs of frequency include:


Position of adverbs of frequency

Generally speaking adverbs of frequency come before the main verb except

the main verb "to be":

I sometimes visit my uncle.
We have often seen him pass by the house.
They are seldom at work.
Occasionally, sometimes, often, frequently and usually can also go at the
beginning or end of a sentence:
Sometimes they visit him.
I miss him occasionally.
Rarely and seldom can also go at the end of a sentence (often with "very"):
We see them rarely.
John eats meat very seldom.

EXTRA THEORY: http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/adverbs-of-frequency.html


1. Look It Up. Everytime.

As a kid, I remember seeing some particularly methodical students reading novels,

but always with a dictionary at the ready. At what seemed like annoyingly short
intervals, they would put down the novel, pick up the dictionary and look up whatever
word they couldnt define. We were reading the same novels though I couldnt bear
to think of constantly interrupting the flow of the story with something as sterile and
uncreative as leafing through a dictionary.
When you learn to code especially when you work through materials which may
not be carefully sequenced or curated you are often confronted with jargon,
concepts or syntax that is unfamiliar to you. In the case of reading a novel, its often
pretty easy to infer the meaning of a word from context, in programming, less so. If
we treat every unfamiliar word or concept as new sub-lesson we must complete
before proceeding, we might send ourselves on an endless string of tangents,
without ever completing our original task. This very realistic concern will often cause
a budding developer to err too far on the side of I dont need to know this now, I
can skip it.
My suggested habit for reconciling the desire to move forward, with the nagging
feeling that we should be digging deeper as we go, is to Look It Up, right from the
start. Now, when I say look it up, I dont mean you necessarily launch yourself into
full exploration of the new term, but rather you engage in a quick triage. Essentially,
you should stop the task at hand and in the course of a minute or even less, assess
where the term or concept fits into your current understanding. From there, you can
decide if its:
1) Something simple and relevant that you can fully digest in a few minutes. If so, do
it. It may not be essential to your current task, but over time itll help you build a
much broader and stronger foundation.
2) Something important, but not imminently essential and too complex to get into
now. If this is the case, try to get the one-sentence definition and jot it down on a
running list to revisit in depth when your schedule allows.

Or, 3) Something that just isnt relevant in the short or mid-term. In this case, you can
simply return to the original task.
By instituting the above habit, youll find that you can both stay on task and learn
more as you go, all while getting a better understanding of the ever-growing
programming landscape.
2. ASK!
People fear asking what they perceive to be stupid questions, or more precisely,
newbie questions. This fear is understandably exacerbated in a space like
programming where the helpful answers we find in places like Stack Overflow are
often needlessly complicated and/or chastise the asker for their admitted lack of
understanding. Add to this a never-ending lexicon of acronyms and jargon and its no
wonder many are hesitant to raise their hand with a question.
My solution to this is two-fold. First: as you learn, jot down the best people and
resources to ask and keep that list handy. Sometimes Google or Stack Overflow will
lead you in the right direction, but often bloggers specific to your area, Youtube,
original documentation or the guy at the desk next to you will be the most
appropriate. Second: Get. Over. It. Any embarrassment you might feel in asking a
silly question early on will be dwarfed by the embarrassment youll feel when you
realize youve been doing something wrong for years, simply for fear of asking.
3. Clean Code, Right from the Start
When you first learn to code, just getting it to compile is often a major triumph. When
the code actually does what you intend, it can feel like its time to break out the
bubbly. At some later date, you will probably discover the wonders of refactoring,
identifying code smells and what it means to write clean code.

I personally was amazed to find that writing clean code was as much a practice in
keeping my syntax tidy (little things like proper indenting/spacing) as it was much
broader guiding principles like having methods just do one thing. The irony of some
of these rules is that they are both conceptually very simple and have powerful and
far-reaching implications in learning to code.
Not everyone agrees on what clean code is, but in general it is something any novice
programmer can spend a short amount of dedicated time learning and then putting
into practice immediately. Moreover, it doesnt run the risk of becoming a time-suck
or leading to greater confusion, like so many other digressions can. In terms of bang
for your buck, clean coding practices are about as good as it gets.
4. Use Version Control
Whether you choose Git, Subversion or TFS Version Control, you should use
something, even early on. Version control systems arent difficult to use, but using
them correctly and getting into the second-level functionalities can take some time.
Having good practices in this area is simply fundamental to modern-day
programming and essential to working on a professional team. You dont want to be
honing your Git skills on the spot when you land your first Jr. Developer role, so if
you arent familiar with version control already, its time to dive in. Despite the power
of these tools, dont fear getting your feet wet; it will quickly become an eye-opening
and time-saving pursuit.
5. Raid the Bathtub and Grab Your Rubber Ducky
I had been programming for several years before I ever learned what Rubber Duck
Debugging was. Though it is certainly useful for debugging, it is equally useful for
solidifying new concepts and sketching out plans for your code or information
architecture. While many new developers will stumble upon this method for making
sense out of chaos, we often fail to use the tool as often as we should. In a job
where getting stuck for hours is a matter of course, we should be much quicker to
reach for the tool which we know can often get us unstuck within minutes.

a- What is the problem he presents/introduces? The process of debugging /

debugging process.
b-Which are the main benefits of Rubber Duck Debugging? The main benefits
of RDD/THIS METHOD ARE THAT IT IS equally useful for solidifying new concepts
and sketching out plans for your code or information architecture
c-Do you use it? Do you know it? No, i dont. No. i dont know it. But now i do.
d-Do all developers use this tool properly? No they dont. / not really. / not at
all. / rarely / no, because they fail to use it as often as they should.
e- How do they find it? When developers stumble upon it.
f-What happens to developers for many hours? They are stuck.
g-What does he suggest to get unstuck quickly? He suggests that we should
reach that tool quickly.
6. Work in Parallel
Programming can be a very focused task, it is part of the reason while it is such a
great flow activity and conversely, why you can spend so long spinning your wheels,
often when you know what you are trying probably wont work. Often, our propensity
to keep ramming our heads into a known wall is bolstered by the fact that we feel we
cant make any progress before clearing the roadblock immediately in front of us.
Most often, this isnt actually the case.
After years of daily coding, I know now that in terms of long-term productivity, its
always good to have at least two meaningful tasks to work on at any time. When you
are stuck on one, its very often emotionally helpful to simply switch tasks and know
that you are still going to get something useful done. Additionally, much like talking to
a rubber duck can get you unstuck, simply leaving the roadblock in favor of some
other task will often allow you to subconsciously come up with a different solution.

Alternatively, if you needed to ask a question, like I suggested above, you can
guiltlessly move forward on your parallel task while you wait for a response.
7. Circle Back to What You Know
If there ever was a constantly evolving field, software development is it. As such, you
can expect that much of what you should learn will change over time. Your
understanding of debugging may have been sufficient for a small project, but when
you begin tackling a larger legacy project, its probably worth explicitly revisiting. Your
facility with your IDE or SDK may be high for a novice, but as you become more
advanced, the more powerful features perhaps those added in recent updates
are worth seeking out. Similarly, the conception you have for of a fundamental idea
like Object Orientation or Polymorphism might be appropriate for a novice, but now
that you are more advanced, could benefit from an upgrade. Simply put, its worth
re-reading-up on some of those terms, jargon, concepts and acronyms that you
may have had to look up when you first got in the game. Much like we can always
benefit from refactoring code, we can also benefit from refactoring and refreshing the
tools and principles which drive our work.
Alright, youve read this far, I know youre still here. That suggests you arent the type
of person to let all of this effort go to waste. I promise, Ill wrap this post up just as
soon as you do one thing for me (well, really for you) . . . grab a post-it or open your
calendar scan through the list above and give yourself 5 short to-dos of things you
could relearn, items to look up, practices to implement, links to visit or people to ping.
Bad habits are hard to change and theres no time like the present.
* They say hindsight is 20/20, though given how often I seem to revise things
Ivealready reviewed and revised, Im beginning to think that they are being overly

You will write a short summary integrating:
-some of the words you like from the text
-the present simple
-the verb to be
-there is/are
-proper use of articles and pronouns (personal and possessive adjectives)
-adverbs of frequency.

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