LATIHAN SOAL 5 Olimpiade Sains

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1. Since he was 10 years old. Arya must use negative glasses. The doctor said Arya eye’s too
convex eyepiece. Abnormalities of the eye suffered Arya is .....
A. Presbiopi
B. Hipermetropi
C. Miopi
D. Astigmatism

2. Sharks belong to the class of Chondrichthyes (chondrichthyans), which is different from the
Osteichthyes or bony fish as their skeleton is cartilaginous. Sharks do not have any
protective organs covering over their gills (called an operculum). Consequently, to breathe,
sharks have to ______

A. constantly move to keep the water flowing

B. breathe oxygen from the air
C. swim below the water surface
D. always open their mouth

3. Which characteristic is found only in plants!

A. only plants can move
B. only plant can make their own food
C. only plants do not need food
D. only plants have reproductions

4. in every ecosystem, decomposers are important component in every food chaid.

decomposers benefit an ecosystem by ….
A. controlling the populations
B. manufacturing energy
C. returning nutrients to the soil
D. removing toxic substance
5. The diagram below shows a process of a genetically modified plant

What is the main purpose of the genetically modified organism (GMO) on food crops?
A. To create pest and disease irresistance.
B. To produce crop improvements: herbicide tolerance and resistance.
C. To improve nitrogen release and more hormone production.
D. To improve product characteristics: fewer nutrients, fewer allergens, and more functional

6. Most aquatic animals have ………………….. to breathe underwaters.

A. gils
B. lungs
C. breathing tuber
D. air sacs

7. A student sit rearmost in his class. he cannot see the writing on the blackboard clearly, while
his friends of adjacent chair can see clearly. it means that the student suffer from eye defect
of …..
A. emetropia
B. hypermetropia
C. presbyopia
D. myopia

8. If herbivore in a food chain is extinct, then …..

A. the first consument increase
B. secondary consumer decrease
C. predators lose the their natural enemies
D. omnivore replaces the rote of herbivore
9. A molecule of carbondioxide leaves a muscle cell in your leg and enter the blood in capillary
bed. on its way to leave the body exhaled air, it passes through the following structures,
except ….
A. right atrium
B. alveolus
C. pulmonary vein
D. vena cava

10. The proper answer for this type of adaptation is Semar Sac ….

A. Physiology and behavior

B. morphology and behavior
C. morphology and Physiology
D. morphology and camouflage

11. Which project is most likely to interest a scientist working at a biotechnology company?

A) study and reconstruction of fossilized bones

B) conservation of key species within ecosystems

C) development of genetically modified corn plants

D) prevention of sewage leaking into water supplies

12. The picture below shows a drawing of a bacterium.




Which of the following is right?

A) A- flagellum; B- cell membrane; E: chromosome
B) A- pilus; B- cell membrane; G- ribosome
C) F- cytoplasm; C- cell membrane; G- capsule
D) C- cell wall; E- protein; A- flagellum
13. Which statement best explains the reason muscle cells have more mitochondria than skin

A) Muscle cells use more energy than skin cells.

B) Muscle cells have fewer proteins than skin cells.

C) Muscle cells have a smaller nucleus than skin cells.

D) Muscle cells have more excess water than skin cells.

14. How is the cell membrane important to the process of osmosis?

A) It allows water to move into the cell.

B) It allows all materials from the outside environment to move into the cell.

C) It traps water and nutrients that would otherwise be unable to move into the cell.

D) It collects nutrients from water in the outside environment and moves them into the cell.

15. Information about the heredity of a cell is stored in which organelle?

A) flagellum

B) mitochondrion

C) nucleus

D) vacuole

16. Why were some pesticides such as DDT removed from public use?

A) They can cause heart disease.

B) They can cause diabetes.

C) They can cause meningitis.

D) They can cause cancer.

17. A population consists of all the organisms ____________________.

A. found in a particular area at the same time

B. found in a particular place in a food chain at the same time
C. of all the species that are found in a particular habitat at the same time
D. found in a given area at the same time that can interbreed with each other

18. Which of the following IS NOT a natural cloning?

A. New organism of Planaria after its fragmentation.
B. Process of making muscle cell from zygote
C. New organism of star fish that grows from one part of its body.
D. Binary fission in bacteria

19. Which pair of parents cannot have an offspring with blood type O?

A. Blood type A and Blood type A

B. Blood type AB and Blood type O
C. Blood type A and Blood type O
D.Blood type O and Blood type B

20. What is the main reason that Liger is not assumed as a new species?
A. Because liger still looks similar with lion and tiger
B. Because liger still has a parental characteristics
C. Because liger can only mating with another liger to produce an offspring
D. Because liger is a sterile organism and can not produce any offspring

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