KPC State of The Prairie Report

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State of the

Katy Prairie Conservancy
At the end of 2009, the Katy Prairie Conservancy
had under its protection, either through direct
ownership or conservation easements, nearly
18,000 acres of what was once a tallgrass prairie
ecosystem of half a million acres extending
from the present day Memorial Park west to
the Brazos River. At this time, transactions are
Big cities and countrysides can get
pending or in negotiation that would increase along well together. Big cities need real
protected acreage to nearly 20,000 acres, which
will bring us close in size to the LBJ National countryside close by. And countryside
Grasslands northwest of Dallas. Support for
this expansion of the Conservancy’s footprint — from man’s point of view — needs
comes from a variety of sources, including our
fifth grant from the North American Wetlands
big cities, with all their diverse
Conservation Standard Grant Program. opportunities and productivity, so
In 2009, the Conservancy also intensified
its efforts to restore significant portions of its human beings can be in a position to
conservation lands to a state that more closely
resembles their historic character as grasslands appreciate the rest of the natural world…
and wildlife habitat, while also working to
maintain ranching and agriculture as viable
land uses. In addition to the reintroduction of The Death and Life of Great
native grasses and other plants, this involved the American Cities, 1961.
creation of wetlands and the removal of invasive
species. KPC also developed plans to recombine
formerly fenced properties and reestablish
2008 Annual Report Accomplishments
forested riparian corridors along the creeks that Land Protection Education and Outreach
crisscross the landscape. These activities are • Received donated easement on remaining • Held 15th annual meeting as part of the
being carried out in accordance with a master 315 acres adjacent to one of KPC’s Museum of Fine Arts, Houston’s Artful
preserves. Thursdays; Carter Smith, executive
plan developed by Kevin Shanley and the SWA director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife
• Completed funding of Live Oak Creek North.
Group in collaboration with area stakeholders and former executive director of KPC
• Accepted donations of 30 acres of land
and experts in prairie biology and hydrology. adjacent to KPC lands.
was the guest speaker; nearly 200
Efforts to introduce more visitors of all ages people attended.
• Entered into an agreement with land/ • Hosted more than 70 public events on
to the prairie have also continued apace. We water/sky to develop and implement a the prairie – an all-time high.
have hosted seventy activities so far this year conservation buyer program.
• Expanded Open Trails from once a
and developed new podcasts and field guides • Began negotiations to protect another 640 month to five times a month to allow
to enrich appreciation and understanding of the acres of land on the prairie. the public to take self-guided tours of
various landscapes found on the prairie. We are selected KPC preserves. Trail guides
Land Management and Restoration
and audio pod casts were made
also moving ahead with the construction of the • Rescued more than 600 plants and 3,000 available to enhance the experience.
Matt Cook Wildlife Viewing Platform at Warren square feet of prairie sod from the pristine
• Developed ad campaign to promote
Lake and have initiated planning for the Ann Saums Road prairie site and transplanted
KPC’s events through KUHF; expanded
them to KPC’s Field Preserve.
Hamilton Trail at the Indiangrass Preserve outreach to print and electronic media.
• Planted Butterfly Garden next to KPC’s
at Nelson Farms, the latter made possible in Wildlife Viewing Platform at Nelson Farms. Fundraising
part by a generous donation from Houston • Revised preserve-wide master plan. • Received continuing support from
Endowment Inc. • Began planning visitor improvements at The Brown Foundation, Inc., Houston
It takes more than a village to save a prairie KPC’s Warren Lake. Endowment Inc., and The Wortham
Foundation, Inc. as well as support from
this size, and the Conservancy is fortunate to • Became a member of Partners in Flight,
new contributors, including the ERM
have the resources of one of the nation’s great a consortium of conservation organizations
Foundation, Sterling-Turner Foundation,
working to monitor migratory birds and
metropolitan centers so close to where the wild manage their habitat.
and KBR.
things are. Despite the challenges the economy • Initiated studies with various universities
• Received increased individual support
has presented, 2009 has turned out to be a year from KPC’s Where the Wild Things Are
and conservation partners, including the
annual appeal.
of growth nonetheless, while the prairie is on a Smooth Green Snake study and the
Mottled Duck Banding project.
track to get even bigger and better in 2010. n
2008 Donors Peter J. Durkin
Holly T. Eaton
Martha Skow
Fred Smeins
Harvest Development
Thomas Curran
Kathryn and Paul Dirks
The Katy Prairie Conservancy Tricia and Steve Elder Carter Smith Katherine Miller and Nancy and William Drushel
gratefully acknowledges Maryann and Scott Fanty Janet and Howard Smith Robert Arlan Kathryn and Kenneth Fenelon
the support of its many Nancy and Robert Flatt Paula and Ernest Smith WARREN RANCH Tina and Frank Fernandez
contributors who gave Helen and Jose Flores Shannon and Allen Smith PRESERVATION FUND Ann and Carroll Francher
generously in 2008. Lesa and Curtis Ford Wanda and Charles Smith Julie Findley Colleen and Scott Gardner
Lynn and Bob Forster Donna and Roger Soape Margaret Frick Ragen Gennusa
FOUNDATION SUPPORT Carroll Francher Mark Spencer Charmaine and Collins Ganson Pamela Graham
The Brown Foundation, Inc. Eugenia Fritz Pat Spillman, Jr. Arlyne and Robert Gibbs Jacqueline and Thomas Graves
The ERM Group Foundation Charmaine and Collins Ganson Janis and Scott Stevenson Susan and Richard Harris Robert Green
The George and Mary Don Gardner Roberta and Gale Stokes Leslie Morrill Martha and Phil Hanson
Josephine Hamman Marilyn and Bill Gillentine Karen and Aaron Stoley Iris and David Poteet Frederick Hawkins
Foundation Joan and Bert Golding Bill Stransky Katharyn and Stanley Reiser Ruth H. Heffron and
Houston Endowment Inc. Gayle Gordon and Joan Strassmann and Sue and John Schwaller John Vernelson
Edward and Helen Kenneth Feldman David Queller Lawrence Worley Laurie Cook Heffron
Oppenheimer Foundation Jean and Donald Gray Anita and Mike Stude Daniel Hyde
Strake Foundation Christine Greene Suzanne Suter and Bill Snypes BIRDATHON FOR THE Peggy Ingram
Sterling-Turner Foundation Michelle and Radmilo Gregovic Dianne and Eliot Tucker WARREN RANCH Ann and John Johnson
Robertson-Finley Foundation Guy Hagstette Mary Van Kerrebrook AMEC Paragon Inc. Darren R. Johnson
Taylor Wildlife Foundation Suzie and Paul Haines Mary Rose Veggeberg Lynne Aldrich and Eric Krell and Family
West Endowment Henry R. Hamman Don Verser Peter Gottschling H. H. Lander
The Wortham Foundation, Inc. Laurie and Bill Hammons Pamela Jo Walker and Jennifer Backo Jo Ann and Gary Levering
Marion S. Hargrove Walter Whitfield Isle Sara and Mark Bettencourt Barbara Lyons
CORPORATE SUPPORT Mary and Bob Harwood Wallace T. Ward Susan and Brad Billetdeaux
Colony Cellars Winery Henry S. May, Jr.
Terese T. Hershey The Webb Family Fund Peggy Boston Thomas P. Marinis, Jr.
Dalton Skinner, Inc. Carolyn and Walter Hesson Dick Whanger Judy Boyce
4-J Precision, Inc. Janet and Louis McCarter
Steve Homer Peggy Wilkinson Leslie Calvert
Gold Castle, Inc. Jack Montgomery
Michael Honel James Wilson Julia and Phillip Garrett
Kerdock Consulting Mary Lou and Charles Morrison
Maggie and Bob Honig Mark Wilson Jean and William Harwell
KBR Amy and Hardy Murchison
Cheryl and Bill Hoppe Isabel and Wallace Wilson Carolyn and Walter Hesson
Mustang Machinery Christie and John Murchison, Jr.
Bernice Hotman James E. Winn Joy Haynes Hester
Penfeathers Tours Vinson and Elkins, L.L.P.
Mei Liu Hsiang Terry Wizig Maggie and Bob Honig
Roger A. Soape, Inc. Melanie and William Pittard
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hufft Juliann and Keith Wohlford Bernice P. Hotman
Wal-Mart Alan Jay Robin
Kiki Hummel Kinjo Yonemoto Ann and Tom Kelsey
Lisa and Russel Roe
PUBLIC SUPPORT Mary Hulsey Maryann and Gordon Young Carol La Breche
James Shaddix
Ducks Unlimited Pam Hunkin and Doug Boyd Norman R. Young Barbara Malone
Ed Small
Harris County Flood Thomas N. Hunt, III Brandt Mannchen
GIFTS IN HONOR OF Annabelle and Scott Marshall Pamerla Holbert Small
Control District Richard Jewett, Jr. Emily Smith
Ann and David Barb honoring Robert McFall
National Fish and Mary Lee Johns Martha and Frank Smith
Jean and Bill Harwell Charles Ottenweller
Wildlife Foundation and William Lessels Mary Ann and James Taylor
Caroline S. Callery honoring Daniel T. Ransbottom
NAWCA Eric Johnson W. Dalton Tomlin
the Honig and the Kathy and Stan Reiser
Texas Parks and Wildlife Lynne and Wayne Johnson
Kelsey Families Bill Saulmon Damon Tomlin
USFWS Partners for Dorothy and Ralph Kelley
Richard Carrell honoring of Lu Skillern Ashley and J. Baron Unbehagen
Wildlife Program Ann and Tom Kelsey Fund
Tom Kelsey Kathie and Al Shultz Phyllis and Stephen Van
Gaye Lovett and
COMBINED SUPPORT Cecilia Green and Rusty Lynne Sievers Dede and Joe Bill Watkins
John Kelsey Fund
Earth Share of Texas Osborne honoring Nancy and Lee Slade Robert Whilden, Jr.
Thomas Kihn
Kroger Share Card Program Jim Gregory and the Pam Smolen Betsy and Jeffry Wiley
Elizabeth and Mark Klein
Safeway Good Neighbor PBS&J Houston Staff James E. Winn Sarah and Jason Williams
Serena and Evan Kramer
Program Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Cindy and Dan Wilford
Hollingsworth honoring Dr. Virginia and Ron Wolters
and Mrs. W. S. Harwell Bill Young
Native Plant Society of Texas Lisa Langford Robert Bachman
Judge June Jackson honoring
Outdoors with Glenn Olsen Margaret Lawler Robert Baird We apologize for any mistakes or
William F. Jackson, Jr.
Sugar Land Garden Club Lawrence Family Foundation Hathyl and Edward Barfield omissions we may have made in
Louise and Mark Novitch
Yoga West Carol E. Lee Katy and Walter Barron recognizing the generosity of our
honoring Kathy Reiser
Ann Lents and David Heaney Kathleen and Jeremy Bencken donors. Please send corrections
MATCHING DONATIONS Peggy and Allan Port honoring
BP Foundation William W. Lloyd Suzann and Travis Broesche to [email protected].
the Kelsey Family
Chevron Humankind Fund Landon J. Lockett, III Molly Calvanese
Winifred and Carleton Riser
Halliburton and Miner B. Long The Camp Family Visit KPC’s website (www.
honoring Gaye and John
Global Impact Fund Thomas L. Maddux Dorel and John Carter to view the
Kelsey, Ann and Tom Kelsey,
Schlumberger Cares Program Tim Maher Janie and Gareth Cook complete 2008 funding list and
and Dr. Mavis Kelsey
Constance Martin Krisiti Cook to view the 2009 funding list
INDIVIDUALS Ellen and Robert Shafer
J. Stephen Martin Elizabeth and Charles Cook (through November 30, 2009).
Steve Abbey honoring
Harriet L. Mauzy KPC provides monthly updates
Ann and Tom Kelsey Ms. Diane Lee-Cook and Family
Jonni and Skip Almoney Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McCauley to its current donor list on its
Elizabeth Anderson Diana Strassmann honoring of Kelly Curran and
Ian McClellan website.
and Richard Wilson Joan Strassmann Christopher Pollock
Candy McNamee
William Anderson Chaja Verveer honoring
Kay and Larry Medford
Natalie and Kenny Arroyo Bill Snypes BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kay B. Crooker
Evelyn L. Merz and
Jennifer Backo Caroline A. Vornberg honoring Ted Eubanks, Jr.
John Berlinghoff Mary Van Kerrebrook
Leslie Baker and Mary Van Kerrebrook Larry Gore
Kathy Moore and Steve Homer President
Tom Ribadeneyra Susan Yang and Jim Gregory
Sandra Moore William T. Snypes
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel David Hu honoring Terry Hershey
Andrea and Hardie Morgan
James A. Baker, III Mary Van Kerrebrook Vice-President John Jacob, Ph. D
Elayne and James G. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Barnes Fan and Peter Morris Gifts in Honor of C. Foster Carter John W. Kelsey
Glenda and Hugh Barrett Donald H. Muery Gaye and John Kelsey Treasurer Thomas R. Kelsey
Kevin Bartol Paige Navarro Sue King
Kay and David Hedges Robert A. Honig
Carol and Charles Bayens H. Joe Nelson Lynn Paulsen
Pamela and Taylor Hicks Secretary
Karen and Philip Beekman William Niksch Adolph A. Pfeffer, Jr.
Robert Hixon Kevin Bartol Katharyn Reiser
Tina and Mark Berkstresser John O’Brien Wendy and Mavis Kelsey, Jr. Stephen E. Gast Kathie Shultz
Jody Blazek and Susan and Charles Orwig Fund Mark Klein Fred Smeins, Ph. D
David Crossley Robert Panzarella John Poindexter J. Stephen Martin Carter Smith
Thomas Blewitt Patricia Pease David Scoular David Poteet Shannon Smith
Philip W. Boyko Janet and Samuel Peppiatt Anne and Taft Symonds Roger A. Soape
The Brooks Family H. Russell Pitman ADVISORY BOARD
Catherine Brown Mary Helen Pritchett GIFTS IN MEMORY OF William J. Anderson, Jr. Joan E. Strassmann, Ph. D
Debbie and Jack Burnett William Proctor Cyd Dillahunty in memory of Fred Collins Wallace T. Ward
Kristi and Joel Camann Mary and Piero Puccini Daniel A. Neeham Richard H. Cron Maryann Young
Damien Carey Margaret and Cliffe Reckling Martha and Robert Henschen
Carol and Lawrence Carpenter Jane Reierson in memory of STAFF Laura Wehlage
Susan and Foster Carter Judy and Martin Reiner Bill Hieronymus Mary Anne Piacentini Staff Accountant
Jay Chernosky Leo Reitan Kathleen Mullenweg in Executive Director Cynthia Cedeno
Cindy and Pat Collins Cecilia Riley and Mike Gray memory of Norma Hageney Staff Accountant
Frank H. Comiskey Steven Ramsey in memory Wesley Newman
Lisa Roe
Betty and Bill Conner of Dick Ramsey Land Manager/ Caroline Munda
Bob Romero
Robert Corpening Bettiruth and Adolph Susholtz Interim Ranch Manager Accounting Assistant
Diane Russell
Patsy Cravens Richard Rynearson in memory of Morty Rich Jaime González Thu Huynh
Julie d’Ablaing Beverly and Erik Sandvik RESTRICTED GIFTS
Community Education Manager Technology Assistant
Peggy and Don d’Hemecourt Diane and Richard Schenke Morgan Blackburn
Cliff Dancer Ann Sever LAND FUND
Events and Public Relations
Katy Prairie Conservancy
Patti Mosteller Davis and Piyush Shah H. Russel Pitman 3015 Richmond Avenue, Suite 230
Carey Scott Davis Linda Shead and Tom Douglas Leo Reitan Houston, TX 77098-3114
Stella and Frederick Davison Terri Ficker 713.523.6135, 713.523.6145 fax
Kathie and Al Shultz CONSERVATION
Joe Dellinger Special Projects Coordinator
Alan Deluke Margret and Robert Simmons Rebecca Halaska Field Office: 31950 Hebert Road
Waller Land and Cattle
Nancy and Dennis Devlin Laurie Sines Chief Accounting Manager Waller, TX 77484-5300
Company, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Dice Lillian and James Skogsberg 936.931.5564

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