DF 0 K 110000000 Xit
DF 0 K 110000000 Xit
DF 0 K 110000000 Xit
Marunouchi Line
Nakano Campus Takadanobaba
Tozai Line Surugadai Campus
Chuo Line Kichijoji Ochanomizu Akihabara
Ikuta Campus
Graduate School of Law Graduate School of Arts and Letters Graduate School of Agriculture
1-1 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 101-8301 Graduate School of Commerce Graduate School of Information and Communication Graduate School of Humanities
Graduate School of Political Science and Economics Graduate School of Global Governance Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences
Graduate School of Business Administration Graduate School of Science and Technology Graduate School of Global Japanese Studies
Why Meiji University for Graduate School?
Meiji University Graduate School
Guide Book
A Comprehensive,
Multidisciplinary Program
The Graduate School at Meiji our graduate schools offer instruction
University, one of Japan s oldest and and guidance precisely tailored to each
most distinguished, comprises 12 student s needs. The program s broad-
Principle and Features of graduate schools organized around based multidisciplinary training prepares
Meiji University Graduate School 003 the same disciplines at the university s our students not only to explore their
undergraduate schools. Each of the research topics from a number of different
Degrees / Admission Capacity and Enrollment graduate schools conducts education angles but to pioneer the academic
in Each Graduate School 005 and research ranging widely across the disciplines of the future. People equipped
humanities, social sciences, and natural with such multifaceted knowledge and
sciences and offers its students the skills are precisely the kind of professionals
opportunity to explore multiple interests society will value most in the years
Graduate School of Law 006 rather than confine themselves to a ahead. This wide-ranging interdisciplinary
single narrow specialty. With a faculty orientation, possible only at a truly
Graduate School of Commerce 008 of approximately 550 full-time and 300 comprehensive university, is one of the
part-time professors and instructors defining features of the Meiji University
Graduate School of Political Science and Economics 010 all top-notch professionals pursuing their Graduate Studies Program.
own educational and research goals
Graduate School of Business Administration 012
002 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 003
Graduate School in Graduate Schools and Degrees
an Urban Setting Master's Program
Graduate Schools Programs Degrees
Doctoral Program
Graduate Schools Programs Degrees
Public Law Public Law
Law Law Law Law
Civil Law Civil Law
Meiji University is the quintessential Programs devoted to the natural sciences Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce
urban university, with four campuses are clustered on the Ikuta Campus, Political Science Political Science Political Science Philosophy in Political Science
Political Science and Economics Political Science and Economics
located near the center of Tokyo, the located in the verdant Tama Hills. Economics Economics Economics Philosophy in Economics
Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration Philosophy in Business
capital of Japan. Situated 20 minutes away by train from Surugadai Campus Japanese Literature
Business Administration Business Administration
the Shinjuku district of central Tokyo, English Literature Japanese Literature
Graduate programs in the humanities and the Ikuta Campus is equipped with a full French Literature English Literature
social sciences are concentrated on the range of research facilities, including the German Literature French Literature
Arts and Letters Drama and Theatre Arts Arts German Literature
Surugadai and Izumi campuses in central High Tech Research Center dedicated to Arts and Letters Philosophy
Literary Arts and Media Drama and Theatre Arts
Tokyo, where the latest information on advanced research. In addition, it offers History History
politics, economics, culture, scholarship, multimedia workstations, a multifunctional Geography Geography
and business helps fuel students presentation hall, Virtual Computing Clinical Psycho-Social Sciences Clinical Psycho-Social Sciences
Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering
intellectual curiosity. Both campuses offer Lab., and more in an educational and Engineering or Arts Engineering or Arts
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
an ideal study environment, including a research setting designed to harmonize Engineering or Architecture Engineering or Architecture
Architecture and Urbanism Architecture and Urbanism
large open-style study room for students with the lush natural surroundings. The or Arts or Arts
Science and Technology Science and Technology
in the master s program and small group Ikuta Campus is home to the Graduate Applied Chemistry Engineering or Arts Applied Chemistry Engineering or Arts
Computer Science Engineering or Science or Arts Computer Science Engineering or Science or Arts
study rooms for those in the doctoral Schools of Science and Technology and
Mathematics Mathematics
program. The Surugadai Campus Agriculture. Physics
Science or Arts
Science or Arts
is home to the Graduate Schools of Agricultural Chemistry Agricultural Chemistry
In addition, the newest campus opened
Law, Commerce, Political Science and Agriculture
Agriculture Agriculture
in 2013 is located in Nakano district of Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics
Economics, Business Administration,
Tokyo. Easily accessible from Surugadai, Life Sciences Life Sciences
Arts and Letters, and Information and Ikuta Campus Information and Communication Information and Communication Information and Communication Information and Communication Information and Communication Information and Communication
Izumi, and Ikuta, the Nakano Campus
Communication. The Izumi Campus is the Humanities Humanities Arts Humanities Humanities Philosophy
functions as the headquarters for
headquarters for the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences
internationalization, advanced research, Advanced Mathematical Science or Engineering or Advanced Mathematical Science or Engineering or
Humanities. Fuse Interist
Mizuho Bank
Frontier Media Science Frontier Media Science
and cross-sectoral collaboration. It is also Clinic Bound for
Sciences Mathematical Sciences Sciences Mathematical Sciences
Network Design Engineering or Science Network Design Engineering or Science
the new home of the Graduate Schools Dumpling Shop Shinjuku
Miyoshi Crosswalk Global Japanese Studies Global Japanese Studies Global Japanese Studies Global Japanese Studies Global Japanese Studies Philosophy
of Advanced Mathematical Sciences and Senryuzenji
(Temple) Odakyu OX Global Goveranance Global Goveranance Philosophy in Global Goveranance
Global Japanese Studies, as well as the Police Box
004 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 005
The Graduate School of Law offers two kinds of The Advanced Professional Training Course
Graduate School of Law
Highlights of Recent Initiatives
programs, that is, the Legal Researcher Training aims to train professionals such as civil servants,
Course and the Advanced Professional Training teachers, and corporate legal officers who
Course. While the undergraduate course and have expertized knowledge of law. Therefore
the Law School place significance on learning the students who have completed this course Master’s Program Doctoral Program
the interpretation of existing law and its actual are expected to pursue their own professional
operation and also acquiring legal techniques, careers, rather than continuing their study in Customized Course Options The course is designed to allow the Development of Legal Specialists and
the main aim of the courses in the Graduate the doctoral course. The doctoral program is to completion of the Master (Law) degree in a Outstanding Researchers
In connection with the opening of the Law
minimum of two years.
School of Law is to deeply investigate legal foster independent academic legal researchers, School in the 2004 academic year, the In the three-year doctoral program,
research as social science, based on the practical the main focus of our instruction is put on the Graduate School of Law implemented The Advanced Professional Training students prepare a doctoral dissertation
legal knowledge learnt in the undergraduate preparation for doctoral dissertation, as well as changes in the two-year master s program Course of the Master s Program is in their major subject with the necessary
and is now providing research guidance in designed to nurture professionals with research guidance by a faculty advisor. To
course and the Law School. Although the support for academic career through promoting the two program streams described below. advanced knowledge of various fields of expedite the awarding of doctoral degrees,
Legal Researcher Training Course mainly research achievements. Students who have completed either law. we are making efforts to enhance the
focuses on training for becoming academic legal course receive the degree of Master (Law). research guidance system by establishing
Students are allowed to enroll in classes
researchers, the students who have completed not only offered by other courses in
guidelines and setting out a schedule for
the course will also be able to pursue their the writing of dissertations. Students who
our University but also those offered by
Creative Professional Development have completed the doctoral program
careers in other professions such as specialists in graduate schools agreed upon by the
receive the degree of Doctor (Law).
Legal Researcher Training Course
legal affairs in corporations and governmental Tokyo Consortium of Graduate Schools.
(providing research guidance for those who The varied needs of society are reflected in The Graduate School of Law s main
wish to further their legal studies in order to the curriculum of this course. purpose is to develop legal researchers,
pursue an academic career) whereas the Law School established in
We are opening our doors widely to
the 2004 academic year is a professional
The Legal Researcher Training Course enthusiastic students, especially those
graduate school providing specialized
provides guidance for those who wish who are working as legal administration
practical training for the legal and juridical
to further their legal studies in order to specialists, such as experts in corporate
professions. Thus, it is anticipated that
pursue an academic career. Dividing the legal affairs, patent attorneys (benrishi),
the two schools will work toward distinct
discipline of law into two programs, Public judicial scriveners (shihoushoshi),
objectives; in the process, however,
Public Law Program Curriculum Outline Law and Civil Law, we provide a wide array public consultants on social and labor
they share a number of overlapping and
of specialized subjects necessary to legal insurance(shakaihokenroumushi), licensed
intersecting concerns, and it is possible
006 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 007
Meiji University has a long history and tradition The Graduate School’s program aims to impart
Graduate School of Commerce
Highlights of Recent Initiatives
as the pioneer of Commercial Science in Japan. in-depth learning grounded in broad related
Building on this foundation of undergraduate knowledge and to equip students with excellent
training by providing more advanced expert research skills. The master’s program develops
The Graduate School is active in the Graduate School of Commerce is In these ways, we promote ongoing
knowledge, the Graduate School of Commerce highly innovative and creative graduates
international exchange with educational an active participant in this exchange exchanges with many educational and
develops specialists in each branch of the field. capable of pursuing self-directed careers as and research institutions. In the 2002 program. In recent years, we have also research institutions, both in Japan and
researchers or high-level professionals. The academic year, the Meiji University actively accepted graduate students overseas, and make efforts to expand
doctoral program prepares graduates for Graduate Schools were among from overseas schools affiliated with and improve the educational and research
frontline research careers in universities and the partners who, with the Renault Meiji University, and the Graduate opportunities that we offer our graduate
Foundation, developed the MBA School is now preparing to form its own students.
research institutions. International Paris Foundation Renault partnerships with foreign educational and
program for top-level Japanese graduate research institutions.
students. We play an active part in this Further, we are endeavoring to enhance
We are also actively engaged in academic
program, which has given several of our the research environment for our graduate
exchanges within Japan. We have
students the opportunity to continue students. A major step in this direction
established a system of credit transfers
their studies in Paris. Meiji University is was the creation of teaching assistant (TA)
and are developing closer contacts
also a member of the Japan Consortium and research assistant (RA) systems in
and partnerships with other Japanese
of Universities which, with its French 2003.
Commerce Program Future Path universities in both education and
counterpart, launched the Collège
doctoral franco-japonais in 2003, and
To achieve these aims, the Graduate School carries Researchers and professionals who have benefited
on teaching and research with many distinctive from this training are pursuing active careers in a
features, including an emphasis on small classes. wide range of academic and research institutions,
The Commerce Program comprises eight courses: both in Japan and abroad. Building on these
Economics, Marketing, Business Administration, achievements as we go forward, we aim to develop Diagram of the Curriculum
Accounting, Finance, Insurance, Transportation, and globally minded graduates who are ahead of the
International Trade. In each course, the necessary curve, and thus to promote world-class research. We
Frontline researchers
subjects are covered in a balanced way that reflects view credit transfers and academic exchanges with
the progress of the discipline, enabling students many educational and research institutions in Japan
Required credits:
Master’s program (1) Area of specialization:12 credits (4 credits
in faculty advisor’s courses, 8 credits in seminars)
(2) 20 other credits
008 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 009
The Graduate School of Political Science prepare students to enter research by developing Curriculum of Meiji University Graduate School of Political Science and Economics (Flow Chart)
Graduate School of Political Science and Economics
and Economics aims for an interdisciplinary their independence, creativity, innovativeness,
approach to social science education and and originality, and to pursue global careers
research, encompassing political science, as high-level professionals by honing their
sociology, economics, and adjoining fields, judgment. It is our hope that our graduates International researchers at the forefront in
Highly specialized professionals
political science, economics, and sociology
while integrating the study of theory, history, go out into the world, whether as researchers,
and policy within each discipline. Through this international public servants, journalists or
In the spirit of the University s founders rights, liberty, In the spirit of the University s founders rights, Submission of master’s thesis (research report), award of master’s degree
independence and self-government, the Political liberty, independence and self-government,
Science Program aims to develop young researchers the Economics Program offers two courses, the Lecture subjects in Lecture subjects in
Political Science Program Economics Program
imbued with humanity and high-level professionals Researcher Course and the Advanced Professional
ready for global careers. The master s program Course . The Researcher Course aims to expedite 2nd
Theoretical subjects Theoretical subjects
Curriculum Outline
Regular entrance exam Special entrance exam
In both programs, the curriculum offers students The master s program has two courses: the
knowledge and skills suited to the aims of the graduate Researcher Course , which fosters researchers Graduates of Meiji University School
school as described above, that is, an interdisciplinary through an integrated master s and doctoral program, of Political Science and Economics Mature students
(public servants, International students
approach to social science education and research, and the Advanced Professional Course . Thus, private-sector employees, etc.)
Graduates of other Meiji University
encompassing political science, sociology, economics, we offer a route to specialization as a researcher schools or other universities
and adjoining fields while integrating the study of theory, investigating questions at the frontiers of the field
history, and policy within each discipline. Thus, in both on the basis of scientific evidence, and a route to
programs, credits in the program subjects and subjects professional practice exercising skills in such areas as
of specialization are compulsory; in the adjoining policymaking and implementation.
sciences, students are actively encouraged to take Highlights of Recent Initiatives
subjects from the other programs, other Meiji University
1 2 3
graduate schools, or other universities, in order to gain The graduate school has long Under programs including To provide students with
an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the pursued the mission and the the Program for Enhancing opportunities to release their
field. aims of training young researchers, Systematic Education in Graduate research findings, the Graduate
developing high-level professionals, Schools of the Ministry of Education, School issues journals and holds
assisting mature students in Culture, Sports, Science and Seikei Gakkai (research presentation
improving their general education, Technology, we have redesigned the for post graduate students) for oral
and contributing to internationalization Researcher Course to bring together presentations.
by accepting foreign students. In areas of knowledge encompassing
particular, in the Researcher Course, political science, sociology, and
we have realized an integrated master s economics, and have provided
and doctoral program and revised research assistants, postdoctorals,
the course content accordingly and others with support for their
(making Academic Reading in Foreign research work.
Langages a compulsory subject), and
we have emphasized measures for
international students, conducting
more classes in English and
establishing education and research
010 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 011
The Graduate School of Business fields. The doctoral program aims to prepare
Graduate School of Business Administration
Highlights of Recent Initiatives
Administration (GSBA) aims to develop graduates for professional research careers,
graduates with independent minds, strong that is, research and academic positions in
individual qualities, and a high level of universities and research institutes. In both the
GSBA has led internationalization on campus since Meiji University was selected by the Japanese Government for Global 30 Project in
expertise. The master’s program aims to train master’s and doctoral programs, in addition to
2009, followed by Top Global University Project in 2014. We offer a lot of study abroad programs and international opportunities to help
research and education specialists and to seeking the essence of business administration students succeed in global businesses and in academic world.
prepare graduates to enter top management in as an academic field, we approach it as a
the corporate and public spheres and high-level practical science by focusing on investigating
professional positions in management-related and solving contemporary issues. 1. Study Abroad Programs 2. Other International
GSBA offers three types of study (c) Short-Term Study Abroad Program
abroad programs, aiming to develop for Research GSBA often holds small conferences with
internationally-minded graduates who are lecturers of partner universities to expand
Short-Term Study Abroad Program for knowledge and perspectives each other.
ready to pursue global careers at master s
Research is mainly for doctoral students. Partner lecturers help students improve
level and then, engage in disciplinary and
Partner schools are located in Australia, their writing and presentation skills during
cross-disciplinary research collaboration
Business Administration Program Curriculum Outline with partner universities around the world
New Zealand, England, China, France, the event. Both masters and doctoral
Germany, South Korea, and Malaysia. students are encouraged to join such
at doctoral level. The program types are:
Participants are required to be an events.
The Business Administration Program aims to GSBA offers Research Course designed to train (a) Double Degree Program (b) Student
independent scholar and communicate
develop graduates with an overarching perspective researchers and Management Course designed Exchange Program (c) Short-Term Study
with host professors for planning research
that extends beyond their area of specialization to to provide mid-career students with continuing Abroad for Research Program.
activities beforehand. The program
encompass management phenomena as a whole. education. Both courses comprise nine research
provides students with opportunities to 3. Intensive Courses by
areas. (a) Double Degree Program Lecturers of Partner
We have therefore organized the relevant specialties network with international colleagues,
into nine related areas: management theory and The Research Course emphasizes foreign language We have established two Double Degree speak at seminars, workshops and Universities
business management, corporate theory, skills, and students are required to take foreign Programs. One is partnering with Universiti conferences held by host schools, find
language business/accounting literature studies. Teknologi Malaysia Razak Faculty of useful materials and information for their GSBA offers intensive courses by lecturers
012 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 013
The Graduate School of Arts and Letters In each program and specialization, the aim
Graduate School of Arts and Letters
The Literary Arts and Media Program
comprises the following programs: Japanese is for students to learn the basic science of
Literature, English Literature, French the multifaceted humanities and contribute The Literary Arts and Media Program literary art as media. We aim to produce
Literature, German Literature, Drama and to illuminating the universal issues of human positions literary art in the media graduates who have in-depth academic
Theatre Arts, Literary Arts and Media, History, existence in contemporary society. Thus, environment and, with a firm awareness knowledge of literary art and intellectual
Geography, and Clinical Psycho-Social their core consists of developing mature of what media is, undertakes literary insights into the interactive relationship
art studies and media studies from the between the literary texts and their media
Sciences. The History Program covers a broad members of society equipped with specialized viewpoint of media as literary art and environment.
area and is subdivided into four specializations: knowledge (master’s program) and professional
Japanese History, Asian History, Western researchers (doctoral program); in both cases,
History, and Archaeology. The Clinical Psycho- the ultimate objective is to develop outstanding The History Program
Social Sciences Program consists of two graduates whose minds are enriched by esthetic
specializations: Clinical Psychology and Applied sensitivity, keen reasoning powers, and a deep The History Program traditionally The Asian History Specialization is The Archaeology Specialization trains
Social Research. understanding of the highest spiritual culture emphasizes an interdisciplinary and centered on the study of East Asian students in preparation for careers as
and scientific notions of space-time. While international perspective, basing its (particularly Chinese and Korean) history, archaeologists, both in the academics
sharing these common goals, each major and teaching and research on a positivist with a further concentration on West and in governmental institutions
approach founded on analysis of the Asian history. Research involves not overseeing archaeological heritage
specialization has the following unique features. sources that are the historian s raw only analysis of bibliographical sources management, museum curators, and
materials, and a pragmatic approach that and archaeological materials, but also teachers, who all possess high level of
focuses on background factors that have active fieldwork and exchange with profession.
given rise to history. In recent years, we foreign scholars. The master s program
To achieve this goal, students pursue
have drawn on the special character of develops highly cultured individuals with
both field and laboratory oriented
the Graduate School of Arts and Letters a profound knowledge of the various
studies, participating in archaeological
to stimulate interdisciplinary research regions of Asia, and the doctoral program
excavations and analyzing artifacts.
with programs. In all of these endeavors, educates graduates for productive
The Japanese Literature Program The French Literature Program Students are also expected to participate
the History Program aims to develop both careers in the international research
in interdisciplinary and international
expert researchers and educators and community.
research activities.
The Japanese Literature Program aims to provide The French Literature Program aims to equip highly cultured individuals with an ample
The Western History Specialization aims
background in history.
014 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 015
Graduate School of Arts and Letters
Diagram of the Curriculum
The Clinical Psycho-Social Sciences Program
The Clinical Psycho-Social Sciences The Clinical Psychology Specialization The Applied Social Research
Program, at a time of upheaval that is aims to develop clinical psychology Specialization, addressing the need to
Japanese Literature Program Focus on the literatures of each era and subjects related
shaking the very foundations of existing experts who will take a direct and restore social solidarity through friendly to Japanese language study covering all periods;
human values and relationships, aims concrete approach to mental health which mutual relations, aims to develop additional courses on related areas such as the history
to help overcome the psychological is an urgent need in today s society, and graduates who will support to stimulate of Japanese literature, special topics in Japanese
and social crises of modern society to promote practically-oriented research. civic activities and revitalize local literature, and Chinese classics
by developing specialists who will Mental health professionals deal with communities.
give practical support to particular psychosocial phenomena affecting English Literature Program In the literary field: the study of British and American
The specialization comprises an Applied
communities and individuals, individuals of every generation and social literature, criticism, and critical theory (topics include
Social Research Course and a Clinical body, gender, colonialism, semiotics, historicism, etc.).
practitioners who will make contributions groups, including school absenteeism,
Education Course. The former course In English linguistics: the study of syntax, semantics,
in the public sector, and researchers who bullying, classroom disruption, apathy,
aims to develop researchers in fields corpus linguistics, phonetics, phonology, etc.
will investigate the mechanisms of the social withdrawal, childrearing anxiety,
involved in restoring human and social
crises we face. child abuse, domestic violence,
solidarity and revitalizing communities,
substance abuse, depression, suicide, French Literature Program French literature starting from grammatical study,
together with clinical practitioners who with analysis of Renaissance and modern prose, and
and senile dementia.
support the creation of a symbiotic interpretation of modern and contemporary poetry; also
society. The latter course aims to study studies of Flaubert, Proust, etc.
the relevant fields of learning holistically
and to clarify the principles of education German Literature Program The study of modern and contemporary literature, with
for human development, together with its a focus on literary phenomena in the context of German
social functions and the issues involved. thought, art, and politics; also a thorough training in
language skills
Curriculum Outline Drama and Theatre Arts Program Guidance in forming the basis for historical and
theoretical study of Japanese and Western theater from
a broad perspective, while searching for specialized
In the Graduate School of Arts and students to take subjects offered by the earning of a program doctorate areas
016 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 017
In the Graduate School of Science and interdisciplinary subjects while acknowledging
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Mathematics Program Physics Program
Technology, the aim of our teaching and their broader implications. We thereby aim to
research work is to achieve a fusion of science develop researchers and high-level professionals We aim cultivate in students in three aspects: "How to apply The Physics Program aims to raise professionals with accurate
and technology, that is, to understand the laws who are active not only in science and mathematics to the real world," "How to research mathematics," knowledge of natural phenomena supported by understandings
of nature and the structure of mathematical technology, but also in interdisciplinary fields and "How to teach mathematics to next generations." Especially of the laws of nature, who can attempt to understand these
principles, and to apply them toward continuing among the social and human sciences, who move in graduate school, we train the students in all the aspects to phenomena in various contexts through deductive reasoning
be able to connect them intimately. In the master's program, according to such physical principles. The master s program
human progress and happiness. with the changing times and seek challenges the students develop the ability to nurture their perspective raises researchers and high-level professionals who can
To achieve this aim, the curriculum is designed in new fields, and who possess a well-rounded while looking at the big picture of science and technology as a contribute to the society by using their knowledge of physics and
to offer basic subjects while referring to their character and abilities suited to an international whole, including mathematics. The program aims to educate their logical thinking skills. The doctoral program aims to nurture
applications, applied subjects while paying career. the students in the three aspects above as a base of social researchers who promote their research in physics with great
activities after graduation. In the doctoral program, the students initiative, and with results that contribute to the development of
attention to their theoretical foundations, and
not only research mathematics but also are expected to use their natural science.
mathematical accomplishments in society.
The Architecture and Urbanism Program aims to develop their expertise developed in the master s program as they train to
Electrical Engineering Program Applied Chemistry Program professionals who can contribute to the sustainable development become researchers and educators who will play leading roles in
of the human environment, society, and human culture from a original and cutting-edge research and development as well as in
The program offers subjects in electrical engineering In the Applied Chemistry Program, we aim to train global perspectivce by taking a role in creating and regenerating society as a whole.
with the aim of developing graduates who, as scientists and engineers who approach chemistry spatial environments, primarily architecture and cities. To achieve
confident individuals possessing scientific intuition from its fundamentals to more advanced applications this, it is important to establish a foundation for education and International Program in Architecture and Urban Design
and creativity, are prepared for leadership roles as from a broad range of perspectives and with a high research that supports comprehensiveness, cross-disciplinarity
The International Program in Architecture and Urban Design trains
highly specialized engineers in a wide range of fields. degree of originality. To achieve this, we offer training and innovation based on a firm foundation in the body of
professionals in architectural and urban design who can work
We carry on most advanced research and education and research necessary for thinking in both chemistry architectural scholarship, to foster professionals of architectural
018 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 019
G r a d u a t e S c h o o l o f S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y
Diagram of the Curriculum for the Master s Program Connecting the World through Architecture and Urban Design Education:
Three Features of the Architecture and Urban Design Program
1. From Japan to the World and the 2. Japan s First Architecture and 3. Offers Practical/Career
Master’s program Doctoral Program World to Japan: Developing the Urban Design Program to Implement Opportunities Worldwide Based on
Main subjects (Requirement: 12 credits in total) Doctoral students must earn 2 credits of the provided course.
Ability to Work and Thrive Globally English-Medium Interdisciplinary an Intellectual Platform
Students take one main subject from their program and earn the required Education
• Acquire an interdisciplinary perspective • Avail of an employment support
Credit Requirements for submission of Doctoral Dissertation aimed at realizing a sustainable, low- • Learn through Western studio-style program through collaboration with
Special subjects A total of 2 credits of the provided course.
(Requirement: minimum of 18 credits must be earned) carbon society. interactive instruction with emphasis on global architecture and urban design
Special subjects provide the knowledge and theoretical understanding workshops and discussions. firms.
necessary for research work, mainly in lecture form. A certain number of • Develop a multidimensional viewpoint
credits is required for degree completion. that enables a comprehensive • Experience diverse methods of learning • Gain international experience through
Courses other than above subjects (elective) consideration of global urban issues as through cooperation with architecture opportunities to study at universities
Subjects are offered in combined and interdisciplinary fields and may be well as unique local issues. and urban design programs at both abroad.
taken as necessary. Courses of other graduate school of Meiji University or
other universities can be taken after completing necessary procedures. Western and Asian universities.
• Cooperate with East Asia and the • Create diverse practical/career
Pacific Rim in response to a globalizing • Offer an architecture program that is opportunities by improving
Credit Requirements for submission of Master’s Dissertation
A total of at least 30 credits with a grade average of B or above.
market. compliant with international standards communication skills and developing a
and certified by JABEE and UNESCO/ global network.
Submission of Master’s Dissertation Submission of Doctoral Dissertation International Union of Architects (UIA)
To obtain a master’ s degree, students must submit a master’ s dissertation
and pass the examination.
To obtain a doctoral degree, students must submit a doctoral dissertation
and pass the examination.
The Program (2-Year Master s Program) Accredited Certification Curriculum
As science and technology progress currently acting as guest professors of the academic exchanges with Hiroshima
and grow more sophisticated at an Graduate School. University Graduate School of Science, Architecture and Urban Design Roadmap
accelerating rate, the Graduate School Ryukoku University Graduate School
We have also concluded academic
has recognized the importance of of Science and Technology, Shizuoka
exchange agreements with graduate
cooperation among researchers in University Graduate School of Science
schools of other universities to facilitate Undergraduate Program, years 1–2
different specialties and has taken steps and Technology and Digital Hollywood
academic partnerships and exchanges
to meet the social and academic demand University Graduate School of Digital
and thus improve and further promote General Studies Architecture
for comprehensive research. Thus, on Contents under the memoranda regarding
both education and research. Every
April 1, 2004, we established a graduate assignment of research guidance and Basic science General theory
year, a number of our graduate students
school cooperation program with the credit transfers. Foreign language, etc. Common subjects, etc.
take, for credit, lecture subjects offered
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science
by our eleven partners in the Tokyo In recent years, by reaching beyond our
and Technology (JAMSTEC). We have
Consortium of Graduate Schools and own laboratories to forge partnerships Undergraduate Program, years 3–4
also concluded similar agreements with
by the [SUURENKYOU], an eleven- with other graduate schools and the
other advanced research institutes such
member consortium that includes the professional world, we have made these Building Structure and Built Environment and Planning, Design and International
as the National Institute for Materials Other universities
Mathematics Course of our Program in active exchanges a major feature of our Material Engineering Building Services Engineering Management students
Science (NIMS), and RIKEN. several
Fundamental Science and Technology work at the Graduate School of Science
researchers at these partner institutes are
Program. Further, we have commenced and Technology.
020 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 021
The twenty-first century is called “the century of from the life sciences to the social sciences, to Agriculture Program Agricultural Economics Program Life Sciences Program
Graduate School of Agriculture
the environment,” for even as humanity enjoys bear on issues ranging from the molecular to In the Agriculture Program, various subjects The Agricultural Economics Program aims The Life Sciences Program integrates the
the benefits of rapid industrial development, we the global in scale. In this way, we aim to foster (from fundamental to applied field) are to investigate problems concerning food, basic knowledge and research methods
are also experiencing its profoundly problematic insight into the phenomena of nature and life, arranged to discover and solve problems agriculture, and the environment from the of the life sciences and biotechnology as
for sustainable and efficient production standpoint of the social sciences and to it pursues basic and applied research on
impact on the planet. Seeking ways for humans together with a well-rounded humanity, and and utilization of useful plant and animal study the social and economic conditions plants, animals, and microorganisms. We
to coexist in sustainable harmony with nature, to develop graduate students who can solve resources (field and horticultural crops, for human sustainability. Establishing an aim to shed light on the mysteries of life
the Graduate School of Agriculture adopts problems from a broad perspective with a high domestic animals, etc.) with biological, informed and holistic overview based on and contribute to the future of humanity
chemical, physical, and mathematical training in the various social sciences, by utilizing the latest equipment and
the approach of a comprehensive science that level of specialized knowledge combining the
procedures. Furthermore, the subjects we set in motion solutions to social techniques in such areas as the analysis of
deals with food, the environment, and living specialist’s and the generalist’s views. related to optimal control of water and soil problems drawing on extensive fieldwork in protein structures and functions; molecular
organisms. We bring an array of methodologies, environment and those to compose an agricultural and corporate settings, together cell biology with applications to food
environment, which enables the coexistence with resources ranging from statistics and production, environmental maintenance,
of human being and nature, are arranged. government publications to information and medicine; plant and animal genetic
Students come to possess ability of technology. information control and environmental
grasping foods and environment, as a response mechanisms; biogenetic
whole. technology, which forms the basis of
molecular breeding of plants, animals, and
microorganisms, and regenerative medicine
including animal cloning.
Agricultural Chemistry Program Agriculture Program
The Agricultural Chemistry Program focuses on In recent years, life on Earth has come under threat from Highlights of Recent Initiatives
problem-solving in the fields of food, the environment, the intensifying human impact on the global environment
and living organisms, applying the natural sciences and from food shortages due to explosive population
(physics, chemistry, and biology), molecular biology, growth, among other factors. Through experimental
The Graduate School of Agriculture has presented in Japan and overseas. In the program, an internal criterion is applied to
engineering, and other disciplines, and utilizing cutting- and theoretical studies on genes, cells, individuals,
coordinated the master s program with 2007 academic year, five of our graduate the examination of doctoral candidates,
edge technologies. The goal of education and research populations, communities, ecosystems, and landscapes,
the undergraduate program in order to students received Research Fellowships namely, they must publish at least two
in this program is to contribute solutions that recognize the Agriculture Program prepares graduate students
integrate education and research at these for Young Scientists (DC1) from the Japan original papers in peer-reviewed academic
the need for coexistence with other living things to be active in the international arena, able to make
two programs. In the 2008 academic year, Society for the Promotion of Science, and journals before submitting their dissertation.
(a sustainable global environment). Through those agriculture more efficient and sustainable, and ready to
to provide greater depth of lecture content, the fellowships have been granted every Students are provided with a clear goal by
educational and research contributions, we aim to help create an environment in which humans and nature
between nature and humans. Accordingly, the curriculum screening and breeding of useful organisms, the search Interdisciplinary subjects (offered with other graduate schools of Meiji University)
goes beyond classroom learning and is centered on in-depth for physiologically active substances, and bio-mediated
research and practice. soil improvement and environmental purification. Fields Requirements for submission of master’s thesis Requirements for submission of doctoral dissertation
of research on products include development of new A total of at least 30 credits, with an average grade of B or above, including 18 credits The candidate must have obtained at least 12 credits in
functional ingredients and foods. Combining traditional (for Agricultural Chemistry, Agriculture, Life Sciences) or 12 credits (for Agricultural Economics) Special Seminars and have published at least two original
research methods with techniques utilizing the latest in specialized subjects. papers in academic journals (at least one of which must
be on the subject of the dissertation).
laboratory equipment, we aim to investigate and solve
problems in these research fields by developing and
applying biotechnology.
Submission and examination of thesis Submission and examination of dissertation
Degree awarded in master’s program: Master (Agriculture) Degree awarded in doctoral program: Doctor (Agriculture)
022 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 023
As the information age progresses, society and of information society from various angles with
Graduate School of Information and Communication
Information and Communication Studies
its problems are growing increasingly more “information and communication” as their frame
complex, yet the academic world is failing to of reference; provide feedback that is applicable
provide sufficient remedies.The Graduate School to their own fields.
of Information and Communication aims to Interdisciplinary space
In other words, we aim to be a graduate school
create a forum where specialists from different
that initiates a “paradigm shift” or contributes
fields can share their problem definitions and
to “paradigm creation” in both education and
their proposed solutions; study the complexities Humans
Information Communication
In order to address the problems of the advanced decision-making criteria necessary to enable them to
information society, the Information and personally develop effective and investigative policy
Communication Program aims to prepare graduates portfolios. To achieve these goals, we involve our
for research and practical careers by equipping them students from an early stage in planning research
with an eclectic, interdisciplinary approach. This projects, in parallel with their study of specialized
enables them to grasp and articulate the 21st century disciplines, to give them experience in interdisciplinary
issues that exceed the purview of existing research approaches to concrete problems.
Curriculum Outline
The Graduate School of Information and (1) Leading-edge research but also form flexible partnerships with
The curriculum structure is based on a new ideal 2. Communication of the results of interdisciplinary Communication is an interdisciplinary other universities and research institutes,
Due to their highly complex nature,
of interdisciplinary studies. Its three defining education and research Graduate School aiming for paradigm private corporations, and think tanks, both
leading-edge phenomena, problems,
characteristics are: participation in interdisciplinary shift and paradigm creation designed in Japan and overseas. The Graduate
In order to communicate the results of interdisciplinary and issues of the advanced information
research, communication of the results of to offer a forum where specialists from School of Information and Communication
education and research to a wide audience, we society often avoid categorization under
interdisciplinary education and research, and different fields can study information has established four research units:
offer an open academic environment in the form existing disciplines. Leading-edge
acquisition of the necessary research skills. society from various angles with North East Asia Research Institute,
of interdisciplinary joint research projects, often research, as we envision it, takes up an
information and communication as their Gender & Sexuality Research Network
partnering with institutions outside Meiji University. issue that does not easily lend itself to
1. Participation in interdisciplinary research common frame of reference, and provide (GSRN), Research Institute for Asia Pacific
In joining such a project, students gain a forum to conventional analysis, reduces it to its
feedback that can be utilized in their own Performing Arts, Meiji University Research
The practice of interdisciplinary research must be address contemporary issues academically and essentials using a multifaceted approach,
fields. Institute for Science Communication, and
firmly founded on the existing accumulation of past communicate the results of their research. and investigates it in an interdisciplinary
we will continue to create new academic
scholarship. Thus, students must first master the In the master s program, we endeavor way. The Graduate School aims to be a
Institutions for specific research areas.
knowledge and research skills that will become 3. Acquisition of the necessary research skills to realize the Graduate School s goal of center for such leading-edge research.
Our Graduate School functions as a
their core, focusing on one of three topic categories interdisciplinarity, which we define as an
In order to teach the research skills necessary for meta-laboratory, a kind of laboratory
of Society, Culture, or Humans. Upon which, they educational and research environment (2) Networking
this interdisciplinary work, we offer research support of laboratories, bringing together and
are then ready to carry out research within the based on a fusion between the social
subjects such as Intensive Reading of Foreign- If researchers are to deal with problems organizing researchers on and off
interdisciplinary space of the field s triangle whose and human sciences open to building
Language Books (English, German, or French), and challenges on an increasingly global campus around the hubs formed by these
base is the above three corresponding specialist collaborative partnerships with the natural
fieldwork approaches, academic writing, and scale, naturally they will need to move institutions.
areas and whose domain expands into Information, sciences. In the doctoral program,
specialized social surveys. beyond closed attitudes and institutional
Media, and Communication. Students freely pursue interdisciplinary research takes on an These two points, leading-edge
niches. Meiji University Graduate Schools
a scholastic inquiry into a topic they wish to engage increasingly concrete form, with the research and networking, are the keys to
must not only coordinate their efforts
in while making full use of the intellectual resources of following two focal points. achieving true interdisciplinarity.
on particular issues among themselves,
other specialist areas.
interdisciplinary joint
research projects
Partnering with other Meiji University
Graduate Schools
Presenting papers,
writing master’s thesis
Research support subjects
Research in
specialized areas
Intensive Reading in Foreign Languages, (academic categories)
Fieldwork Approaches, Academic Writing, etc.
024 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 025
The Graduate School of Humanities strives creation (design) of new intellectual resources.”
Graduate School of Humanities
Highlights of Recent Initiatives
to prepare graduates both to confront, in a Specific issues include ethical concerns arising
comprehensive and interdisciplinary way, issues from exponential technological progress, cross-
facing humankind in the 21st century and cultural understanding in a globalized society,
The hallmark of the Graduate School of interdisciplinary approach. and cultural differences, by taking
to act responsibly in the public interest. Our peace-building strategies under conditions of
Humanities is a broad-based, holistic advantage of the impact and immediacy
education and research activities are devoted to deterritorialization, and coexistence with the approach to issues confronting individuals
First, as part of the master s curriculum,
of film and video. The second objective
“a quest for the quality of humanity and for an natural environment. we arrange field trips aimed at building a
in contemporary society, as opposed is to nurture students capacity to
research network extending beyond the
environment suitable to it,” and our goal is “the to narrow specialization in a particular
confines of the university. The focus is on
view and analyze issues from multiple
concentration alone. In keeping with perspectives, by providing, in addition
visits to specialized libraries and research
this approach, we seek diversity in our to exposure to directors viewpoints and
facilities, together with experiential
student body, which includes international experiences, opportunities to share their
learning opportunities. Second, to ensure
students and working adults, particularly own impressions from the standpoint of a
that students have the skills to write their
mid-career professionals, who bring a rich viewer. An additional aim of the program
master s theses, we provide Special
store of real-world experience. is to develop a new audiovisual-based
Topics in Academic Writing classes that
teaching method for use in humanities
To encourage international-student familiarize them with the steps involved
Humanities Program education.
enrollment, the International Program in writing research papers and hone their
for Students from Designated Overseas academic writing skills. To help students learn to write high-quality
We offer three courses of study: Thought, Culture, for development of new ethical standards required Schools was launched in 2009 with the Finally, we offer our students the Program master s theses, the regular subject
and Peace and the Environment. Students are by a rapidly changing contemporary society. Our goal of building international bridges to Stimulate an Interdisciplinary Approach Special Lectures in Academic Writing
required to choose a course for themselves from purpose is to equip students with a background in among undergraduate and graduate Using Audiovisual Materials (known focuses on a step-by-step approach to
among these, and their individual programs are contemporary humanities that fosters sound ethical programs and developing educational as the Audio Visual Program ), which the production of research papers and
designed to cultivate a well-rounded intellectual base, judgment and problem-solving skills. programs that transcend national is designed to nurture interdisciplinary serves to improve overall academic writing
one that fuses the humanities and the sciences, borders. We currently enroll students interests and perspectives. In addition ability.
from designated partner schools in China, to watching documentary footage and
We encourage each student to create,
Taiwan, and South Korea. other films, students have the opportunity
in consultation with both primary and
to discuss themes and subject matter
Curriculum Outline The Graduate School of Humanities
with the films' directors and producers.
secondary faculty advisors, a personal
offers this diverse student body special plan of study that will go beyond
Our first objective in this program is to
opportunities to supplement regular the borders of the individual primary
In both the master s and the doctoral programs In the doctoral program, in addition to receiving stimulate students intellectual interest
classroom instruction in order to create course in order to make the most of the
Ethics Philosophy
026 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 027
The Graduate School of Advanced models of human sensibility and psychology.
Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences
Curriculum Outline
Mathematical Sciences consists of three The Network Design Program responds to
programs: the Mathematical Sciences Program, new social needs by establishing advanced and
the Frontier Media Science Program, and the flexible network systems that support social
Network Design Program. foundations. Mathematical Sciences Program
The Mathematical Sciences Program aims at Through the collaborative research of these
understanding complex phenomena in nature, three programs, our graduate school cultivates In studying the mathematical sciences, it 1. Master s Program: Multiple research 2. Doctoral Program: Multiple guidance
is vital to combine modeling, simulation guidance system led by a team fellow
including economic and social phenomena. professionals with the ability to adaptively and mathematical analysis. To effectively
The Frontier Media Science Program designs manage challenges which arise in modern In addition to lecture-style classes, each One supervisor is selected from each
enforce this, we have adopted the following
student chooses their main research of the three fields: modeling, simulation,
human interface and frontier media systems society. research guidance system for the master s
field from modeling, simulation, and and mathematical analysis. These three
by constructing mathematical and scientific and doctoral programs.
mathematical analysis. A main supervisor is supervisors comprise the student s
selected from that field and sub-supervisors Team Fellows and are responsible
are designated from the remaining two. for overlooking the student s research
Frontier Media Science Program Ryukoku University Hiroshima University (Doctoral Dissertation)
Areas of Education and Research network systems that support a sustainable the program offers intensive subjects in the
foundation for society. Areas of educational master's program, such as "Advanced Field
The Network Design Program carries out
research in network application include the Study," in which students experience jobs
cross-disciplinary educational research,
Environmental Energy Division, Life Support at a company, and "Business Innovation," in
with the aim of practical applications of
Division, and the Business Engineering
network technologies using computers, which students learn business marketing
and works towards the realization of a and business models in society. Attending
networked society through an IoT (Internet In order to deepen practical knowledge these lectures will broaden students'
of Things) by constructing high-level flexible and social experience in network design, perspective on network design.
028 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 029
Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences
Research Themes
What is Mathematical Sciences? Mathematical Sciences is a field that uses the power of mathematical modeling to unravel the
principles behind complex phenomena. In this program, students strive to cultivate the ability
to model a phenomenon numerically, identify the model s properties through mathematical
analysis and simulation, and use these results as feedback to understand the phenomenon.
A mechanism to contribute Personal identification using gait characteristics ICT support for developing
Modeling a drone flight
to society through pure enjoyment and the DTW distance method mathematical thinking
Drones are used in diverse fields such as emergency rescue, Many tasks in our society require people to contribute vast Recently, there have been many attempts to track pedestrians This study is an effort to provide ICT support to help students
agriculture, shipping, racing, and film production. Drone flights amounts of information manually. These tasks can be broken with cameras and depth sensors, and to use this data to develop their mathematical thinking abilities. Developed in the
can be modeled to determine which type of drone is suitable down into several microtasks that are processed in a matter prevent crime and analyze people flows. In this study, we learn Ahara laboratory, PointLine is an interactive geometry software
for a particular environment of seconds. By incorporating the gait characteristics of and educational tool that allows
and purpose. These flight these tasks into a music-based study participants based on users to create figures regardless
models can also be used to game that encourages them the Dynamic Time Warping of geometric construction
design drone racecourses and to answer, we have created a (DTW) distance of three- procedures. With this software,
improved control interfaces. mechanism that allows people dimensional time-series data it is possible to design a lesson
to contribute to society while measured by a depth sensor, by drawing a figure without
enjoying their favorite songs in and try to identify individuals knowing the exact construction
the form of a game. who are tolerant of using a procedure, and then observe
smartphone while walking. how the figure is constructed.
Achieving a low-carbon society Accelerating app speed through Robots that act intelligently using
Intelligent systems
through smart communities parallel distributed computing sensors in the environment
In the research on smart community systems, we are focused Research into parallel distributed computing focuses on Robot system integration research focuses on topics such Research on intelligent systems includes forecasting electricity
on investigating energy management technology and energy increasing the speed of applications in everything from servers as autonomous mobile robots, environmental map building, prices and solar power output in the power market using
network modeling technology to determine the viability of to smartphones through human-friendly robot navigation, remote operation and deep learning, and globally minimizing network losses in
low-carbon societies parallel processing using communication, intelligent space, active distribution automation
through simulation. We multi-core processors. sensor networks, sensor information using a high-performance
are also studying big data In addition to developing processing, human evolutionary computation
analytics and prediction and parallel processing software, location identification and framework.
optimization technologies we also conduct research tracking, and wide-area
to efficiently design and on parallelizing compilers spatial perception through
operate energy networks. that automatically generate coordination with sensors.
(A) Hierarchical (B) Four-core parallel
parallel processing software. taskgraph processing
030 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 031
At the Graduate School of Global Japanese the diversity of foreign cultures and social (1) Pop Culture (3) Interculturalism and Intercultural (5) English Language Education
Graduate School of Global Japanese Studies
Studies, we believe in the importance of systems, and effectively convey their own ideas. Education
In the past few decades, Japanese manga, This program investigates English language
providing people with an international We are committed to active interaction with anime , and video games have attracted Globalization has led to more workers and education empirically and holistically,
perspective, a deep awareness of Japan’s place in overseas educational and research institutions international audience and popularity. The students from overseas, and it has brought taking an interdisciplinary approach that
Pop Culture program explores the histories, change of various kinds to businesses, integrates research from a variety of fields
the world, and the ability to act effectively on through the exchange of students and other
qualities, and future potentials of these educational institutions and local including sociolinguistics, linguistics,
the basis of that awareness. In keeping with this means, and to conducting the kind of high- fields, from multiple perspectives ranging communities in Japan. The Interculturalism psycholinguistics, second-language
conviction, we seek to produce graduates who caliber research that will make the Graduate from artistry and techniques to industries and Education program explores the acquisition, pragmatics, language policy,
understand Japanese culture and social systems School an international center for Japanese and business. issues and possibilities surrounding this and media studies.
in an international context, grasp and appreciate studies. phenomenon.
(2) Japanese Business and Social (4) Japanese Linguistics and Japanese (6) Culture and Thought
Systems Language Education
The feature of this program is to locate
This program aims for a deep
Japan currently faces various challenges. student s interests in a broader context.
understanding of the Japanese language
While the development of ICT and AI Beyond segments of eras and the
itself the basic fabric of Japanese
has increased its potential, its adaptation differences of languages and religions,
culture as well as the knowledge and skills
to "global standard" in corporate students discover interesting and important
required to teach Japanese as a foreign
Global Japanese Studies Program Curriculum Outline governance and compliance is often seen
matters by noticing not only literary culture
as problematic. In this program, you can but visual culture and body culture.
discover (1) how Japanese companies
The Global Japanese Studies Program covers a broad The curriculum of the Graduate School of Global
respond to those challenges in such
field, encompassing the areas of Pop Culture, Media Japanese Studies is divided into Core Courses and
fields as world-prominent automobile
and Content, Japanese Business and Social Systems, Advanced Courses. Core Courses are a series of
manufacturing, distribution and marketing,
Interculturalism and Intercultural Education, Japanese seminars taken over a period of two years, in which
as well as (2) how the Japanese society
Linguistics and Japanese Language Education, English students receive individualized guidance from their
changes in values and institutions
Language Education, Intercultural Relations and Cultural faculty advisors with the aim of deepening their interest
Transformation, and Japanese Philosophy . In the and involvement in their chosen field of research.
master s program, we raise students to have a broad Advanced Courses are lecture-style classes covering
032 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 033
Global challenges---such as poverty reduction, high-ranking policy-makers in the government
Graduate School of Global Governance
Admission Policy
sustainable development, human rights sector, and experts at international and non-
protection, and democratic governance--- governmental organizations. The doctoral program at the Graduate 1. Professional experience and knowledge Furthermore, applicants are required to
require highly sophisticated professionals The school offers "Public Policy", "International School of Global Governance aims at in one of the following three areas: satisfy the following criteria, including the
with high-level of academic knowledge. The Development Policy", and "Community producing researchers who succeed public policy, international development knowledge in specialized fields:
doctoral course at the Graduate School of Global Management" programs. By completing the internationally as well as outstanding policy, and community management.
professionals at government agencies, Motivation and enthusiasm in developing 1. Professional experience and knowledge
Governance was established for accommodating doctoral program, the students will have international organizations, and NGOs the knowledge and skills for becoming a in one of the following three areas: public
such growing demands. They must be able to sufficient skills for conducting research on at both international and local levels. pioneering professional or scholar. policy, international development policy,
conduct in-depth analysis and find the right global environmental issues, poverty reduction, Toward these goals, the school welcomes and community management. The ability
2. Readiness to tackle global issues
solutions to global issues. The school nurtures human rights, democratic states, community applicants with the following backgrounds of undertaking a research in his/her
and willingness to contribute to the
and potentials: specializing field.
students' knowledge and ability for succeeding revitalization and crisis management. development of global society through
as professional scholars in the academic sector, academic research. 2. A broad perspective and the ability to
apply analytical methods in order to be able
to work on advanced academic researches
and ever-globalizing societies.
3. Good command of English for
undertaking an advanced research project.
Curriculum Outline
034 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 035
Campus Guide
Study Areas for Postgraduates (10th – 15th floors, Global Front) Area 2 Building - D
There are open areas available for any student This is a new educational research building established as one of the
enrolled in the University s humanities and social faculty upgrading projects in commemoration of the 130th anniversary
science graduate schools. Open from 7:00 of Meiji University foundation. As an approach to safety, it is the first
a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (except during the year-end/ seismic isolated structure building for the University, and it is designed
New Year holiday period, the university summer to ensure safety and hygiene of special gas for experiments and
vacation period). All the desks have an outlet researches, and work environment including pharmaceutical control
connected to domestic LAN and these study and the like. Also, there are lounges and gallery space in various
areas are used mainly by master s program parts of the building used as places for knowledge exchange and
students conducting research. Individual lockers transmitting research activities.
are also available for master s program students,
and research laboratories are offered for doctoral
program students.
High Technology Research Center
036 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 037
Campus Guide
Media Building Media Library (1st floor, Media Building) Self-Access Center
Every classroom has multi-media With using all media such as images and sounds, students can The Self-Access Center provides self-study facilities, especially
equipment. Personal computers are set make use of this library for self-learning in various fields such for learning foreign languages, including language assistance
on all the desks in the media room on the as language education. It houses various interesting library to foster learner autonomy. Featuring a superior environment
4th floor and students can make use of the shots such as workbooks for language examinations of TOEFL, for using PCs, AV equipment, software, and media libraries,
latest equipment meeting their study style. TOEIC, valuable academic footages and documentaries, films on the Center offers support for e-learning, group study, academic
Also, there are relaxing lounges on the 1st, ecosystems and environmental problems. Students can watch writing, and multimedia content creation.
the 4th and the 5th floors, and LAN can them at the individual booth and the common audio corner in this
be used with a portable computer on the building.
1st and the 4th floors. In consideration of
the environment, solar power generation,
rainwater recycling, air conditioning using
economical ice made by late-night electricity
are provided in this building.
Media Self-Learning Room (2nd floor, Media Building) The Atrium serves as the Cross-Field Lounge is located between the classroom floors and
entryway to the building and the floors with faculty offices. This space is used by academic
the high-and low-rise wings. faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates to discuss
There are personal
With its floor-to-ceiling glass and exchange ideas
computers connected
walls and open ceiling, the with each other. This
to the Meiji University
Atrium bridges the inside and floor is also home to a
Integrated Network
the outside spaces and has Presentation Space where
Domain (MIND) for all
an open and airy feeling. undergraduates and
students freely. Students
can make out reports graduate students from
and handouts for various disciplines can
presentations and print present results of their
them out. research.
Upper Floor Lounge
University Building 1 Classrooms (1st floor, Liaison Building and others) Upper floor lounges are Hall
relaxed interdisciplinary
This building houses the administrative office for the Graduate These classrooms are used primarily for graduate school classes. spaces for faculties This hall s seating capacity is approximately 400, and is designed
Schools, including the International Student Exchange office, Unlike the large classrooms used for undergraduate lectures, and students used for as if being in the forest. It is used not only for classes but for
the Health Clinic, the Student Counseling Service, and the these rooms are designed for small, seminar style classes of 16 to discussions in a calm TV conferences and lecture meetings. All the seats have a
Employment / Career Support Center. 30 students. Fitted with computers and presentation equipment, environment. retractable writing board. Also, there are many wireless LAN
the rooms are used for a diverse range of class types. access points to provide stable WiFi access.
038 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 039
Campus Guide
Museums and
Meiji University Library A hub for constantly evolving contemporary knowledge Places of lifelong learning open to the community
Resource Centers
The Central Library Izumi Library The Defunct Imperial Japanese Army
The Academic Information Network that nurtures identity A library to be remembered
Meiji University Museum Noborito Laboratory Museum for
Education in Peace
The Central Library was one of the initiatives undertaken to The Izumi Library s collection focuses on humanities and The Meiji University Museum is comprised of three
celebrate the 120th anniversary of the founding of Meiji University. sociology texts targeted at the first and second year arts students departments: Criminal Materials, Commodity, and Archaeology. The Noborito Laboratory Museum preserves the former
It takes up one part of Liberty Tower, the new symbol of the in 6 faculties, and at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters. As the public s window into knowledge, the museum hosts building of the now-defunct Imperial Japanese Army s
University, and officially opened in March 2001. The entrance Students are given in-class guidance on how to use the library research exhibitions and lifelong learning courses conducted by Noborito Laboratory, a wartime research facility that focused
to the library is located on the first floor, and entry to the 100th and a variety of workshops are also offered, providing education the university. It also accepts curators-in-training. In addition, on clandestine warfare the hidden aspects of warfare
anniversary stacks can be attained through the access hallway and learning support for students. The Izumi Library currently students access the museum s library and collection materials including counterintelligence, espionage activities, clandestine
located in the second floor basement (B2F). The library is stands as a symbol of Izumi Campus. The library provides various to carry out research. strategy and propaganda. After the war, a part of the site was
designed to be an urban library, to offer unique documents and spaces and reading areas in order to be the kind of library where transformed into the university s Ikuta Campus. It now serves
activities, and to offer versatile services. It is open on holidays, people want to go in and have a look. As the hub of our highly as a center for community activities and public outreach related
offers open stacks and reading spaces, and also provides a esteemed academic institution, Izumi Library stands as the key to history, peace, and science education.
gallery, a multi-purpose room, and a lounge for visitors to enjoy. information center.
Received Japan Library Association Won 2013 Good Design Award
Architecture Award in 2002 from the Japan Institute of Design Promotion
Ikuta Library Nakano Library AKU YOU Memorial Museum University History Exhibit Room
A complete collection of science literature Supporting internationalization and cutting edge research
In order to respond to the needs of Ikuta campus, the home of the Nakano Campus serves as the hub for the university s work The AKU YOU Memorial Museum was opened to honor the The Center for the History of Meiji University researches and
School of Science and Technology and the School of Agriculture, the in internationalization, advanced research and community achievements of the late Meiji University graduate You Aku, collects materials related to the history of the university from
Ikuta Library collection focuses on materials in the natural sciences. partnerships. The Nakano Library is designed to serve the a leading Japanese lyric writer and novelist, and pass on his both within and beyond the school. These materials are
The library provides a collection of academic journals packed with needs of the School of Global Japanese Studies, the School of works to future generations. The permanent exhibit introduces categorized by type (document, object, drawing, photo, etc.),
breaking news in science and technology research, and is actively Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, the Graduate School episodes from his life as a Meiji University student and displays catalogued, organized and stored. As of 2014, the collection
engaged in the introduction of e-journals, thereby providing access of Advanced Mathematical Sciences, the Graduate School of handwritten manuscripts and a reproduction of his study. contained over 100,000 items. The Center s permanent exhibit
to an extensive body of academic literature. In conjunction with Science and Technology, and other faculties. In addition, e-journals Special exhibitions on various themes are held from time to is located on the B1 floor of the Surugadai Campus Academy
these efforts, Ikuta Library is also introducing the best academic covering new faculties and new research are also being added, time. Common.
database search engines, including Web of Science and SciFinder and the library offers the same services offered by libraries on other
Web. In addition, a gallery has been installed within the library to campuses, including electronic documents and various databases.
serve as a regular space for presentations regarding on-campus With a relaxed atmosphere, Nakano Library helps its users move
research and various design exhibitions. their mindset from the library to the world.
040 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 041
Campus Guide International Student Supports
ICT Oh-o! Meiji learning support system This is a scholarship program for privately-financed international students
with excellent academic and character records who are enrolled in
This is a scholarship program offered by Meiji University itself. Application
period is around April of each year.
undergraduate schools, graduate schools, junior colleges, colleges of
technology, specialized course in specialized training colleges, university Monthly stipend Eligibility
Meiji University provides students with leading information and Oh-o! Meiji is a university-wide online learning support system
communication technologies (ICT), learning support systems, that can be used to send, receive, and manage information preparatory courses or Japanese language institutes in Japan and are • Students with excellent personality,
and an IT educational curriculum to actively promote digital related to course lectures and student life. facing financial difficulties. outstanding academic results and have
50,000 JPY/ month difficulties in ontinuing studies for financial
education. Many classrooms at each campus including From the system gateway Portal, students can access notices Monthly stipend: 48,000 yen per month (AY2019) reasons.
Up to 6 months
seminar rooms are equipped with computers and multimedia from the university and manage their own personal calendar. Application period: April of each year • Undergraduates: 2nd year or above
devices that enable ICT integrated instruction. Computers are Class Web supports classroom learning with functions that Please check the following website for details. • Graduates: Any year
also available for instructional or self-study use in multimedia enable students to search syllabi, download class handouts https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/index.html
classrooms and study rooms. Students with their own personal and materials, submit reports, and participate in discussions Number of Nominees Selection
laptops can make use of various IT services such as on- with their classmates online. The system also offers useful (2) Meiji University International Students Incentive Scholarship
160 total Fall semester
campus WiFi spots and Ethernet jacks to connect to the functions such as the Group function for information exchange Program (tentative) (Application: Spring semester )
university network or connect to the network remotely from among out-of-class communities, and the Portfolio function, Meiji University International Student Incentive Scholarship Program
home using a VPN connection. New students are issued their which enables students to look back on their own learning. provides aid to study at Meiji University for young, competent students (4) Scholarship provided by non-university foundations
own email address as soon as they receive their ID card and with financial difficulty from target countries/regions. Students honored
There are nearly 50 types of scholarships awarded from outside
can begin using the university s email system. with this scholarship are expected to take part in strengthening the
organizations each year. The application method and eligibility are
relationship between Japan and their home country.
different depending on each scholarship. There are three types of
Benefits application methods, open application , application through the
1. The amount equivalent to Examination Fee university , university recommendation-based application .
2. The amount equivalent to Admission Fee
3. 50% or 100% waiver of Academic fee (5) Notes for applicants:
4. Monthly stipend (JPY100,000)
Many scholarships are contingent on superior academic performance
5. Transportation to/from Japan upon enrollment and completion of
during the preceding academic year, the number of scholarships available
degree program
to first-year undergraduate or graduate (master s or doctoral program)
(Round trip air ticket from student s home country to Narita/Tokyo students is limited.
international airport)
* Please visit the website below for more information on the types of
Transmitting lectures to the world Higher education accessible anytime and anywhere
Meiji University Podcast Ubiquitous learning (e-learning) Tuition Assistance (Reduction) Program
Meiji University offers tuition assistance (reduction) to privately financed help continue their studies and have a healthy and fruitful study-abroad
With the Meiji University Podcast, anyone can watch videos E-learning is used for some subjects taught at Meiji University.
international students who meet certain eligibility requirements and experience.
related to the university s educational content and topics for free. E-learning is a representative example of ubiquitous learning,
complete the necessary application procedures. The program was The following is a table of the tuition assistance rate implemented in
In addition to regular classes, the podcast offers diverse content meaning learning accessible to everyone at any time and launched to reduce the financial burden on international students and AY2019.
including special lectures, forum discussions and interviews place. We have created a support system to meet students
with famous speakers, and programs that introduce aspects of needs in computer-based learning, including establishing a School year Decision criteria of Assistance rate Assistance rate
university life. It is accessible worldwide. Learning Concierge for questions and advice regarding class
Newly admitted Undergraduate/
content and learning methods. We also make use of video and N/A 40%
Graduate students
web conferencing systems that enable students to participate
in lectures remotely in real time. Using such systems, we 2nd year of Master s program, Applicants who have the
actively hold seminars and connect with other universities, in 2nd to 3rd year of Doctoral program high grade in the top 80%
Japan and around the world. In addition to regular university
subjects, new efforts are being made to provide programs for * Due to budgetary constraints, not all qualified applicants will receive financial assistance.
international students and those who want to know more about * Assistance amount is applied to tuition only.
university life. Please check the following website for details.
Receive questions about
Tutors quizzes, class content, etc.
contact point Learning
Employment Support for International Students
Learners Faculty
042 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 043
International Student Supports Admission Guide for International Students (Summary)
The International Student Office is responsible for operations Note to prospective applicants : To be eligible to apply, persons visa on the basis of the Certificate of Entrance Examination issued
related to various issues including the international student residing in Japan must be intending to pursue academic studies by Meiji University and enter Japan by the designated date.
admissions, scholarships for international students, housing and be eligible for a residence status of college student or the The information below may change. Please refer to the latest
referrals, events for international students, and study abroad equivalent under the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Admission Guideline on our website.
programs. In addition, the International Student Office runs Act. Persons residing outside of Japan must be able to obtain a
International Lounges on four campuses (Surugadai, Izumi, Ikuta,
and Nakano) to promote mutual friendship among international
students and exchanges between international students and
domestic students.
Eligibility Requirements
To apply for International Student Admissions, you must meet the requirements listed below. Persons who do not meet the following
requirements should apply for regular admissions or mid-career student admissions.
Number of Partner Institutions for
1. Master s Program 2. Doctoral Program
Student Exchange Programs
You have non-Japanese nationality and completed all school You must be a citizen of a country other than Japan and
As of January, 2020 education outside Japan in a non-Japanese education system. have satisfactorily completed the full primary and secondary
In addition, you must meet at least ONE of the following school curriculums at a non-Japanese educational institution
requirements. or institutions. In addition, you must meet at least ONE of the
following requirements.
83 Europe
France Germany
(1) You have completed or expect to complete a 16-year school
education outside Japan in a non-Japanese education
system by the end of the academic year to take the entrance
(1) You have obtained a bachelor s degree or an equivalent
degree, and have obtained or expect to obtain a master s
Italy Russia examination (see Note 1). degree or a professional master s degree outside Japan in a
89 Asia
United Kingdom non-Japanese education system by the end of the academic
(2) You have completed or expect to complete a program of
South Korea
66 North America
which period is 3 years or more at university or other schools
outside Japan and have obtained or expect to obtain a
year to take the entrance examination.
(2) You have obtained a bachelor s degree or an equivalent
Taiwan United States bachelor s degree or an equivalent degree by the end of the degree, and have obtained or expect to obtain a master s
academic year to take the entrance examination. degree or a professional master s degree from a Japanese
Europe Thailand
university in Japan as an international student by the end of
Vietnam (3) You have graduated or expect to graduate from a Japanese
the academic year to take the entrance examination.
university in Japan as an international student by the end of
the academic year to take the entrance examination. (3) You are recognized by the graduate school you apply for as
possessing academic capabilities equivalent or superior to
(4) You are recognized by the graduate school you apply for as
North America those who have obtained a master s degree or a professional
possessing academic capabilities equivalent or superior to
Middle East master s degree through an individual screening process and
those of university graduates through an individual screening
Asia are 24 years old or older by the end of the academic year to
process and are 22 years old or older by The end of the
take the entrance examination (see note 1).
academic year to take the entrance examination (see note 2).
Notes: Notes:
1 Middle East
Latin America
1. For the master s programs, you are eligible to apply if you will have
been awarded a bachelor s degree or an equivalent degree by the
end of the academic year to take an entrance examination.
1. Applications based on requirement (3) must undergo pre-screening
for eligibility. In this case applicants must submit the materials
required for pre-screening 1 week before the application
The Caribbean 2. Applications based on requirement (3) must undergo pre-screening deadline. Since applications subject to pre-screening are on hold
for eligibility. In this case applicants must submit the materials and cannot be processed until the review is complete, please
1 Africa required for pre-screening 1 week before the application do not remit your application fee until a decision has been
10 Latin America and
The Caribbean
deadline. Since applications subject to pre-screening are on hold
and cannot be processed until the review is complete, please
do not remit your application fee until a decision has been
8 Pacific
Colombia Materials Required for Eligibility Pre-screening
• Request for Pre-screening of Eligibility for Application (standard
university form)
• All normally required application materials
• Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the receiving
*Please check the following website for details. New Zealand Mexico
university form) graduate school
• All normally required application materials
• Any additional documentation deemed necessary by the receiving
graduate school
044 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 045
Admission Guide for International Students (Summary) Campus Maps
Meiji University does not hold residence halls specified for Graduate School of Law TEL. 03-3296-4145 Graduate School of Science and Technology TEL. 044-934-7562
international students. International students are able to get Graduate School of Commerce TEL. 03-3296-4704 [email protected]
information about housing at the international students Office Graduate School of Political Science and Economics TEL. 03-3296-4150 Graduate School of Agriculture TEL. 044-934-7571
and the Campus Support Desk on each campus. Assistance Graduate School of Business Administration TEL. 03-3296-4705 [email protected]
with apartment searches is provided by outside services and Graduate School of Arts and Letters TEL. 03-3296-4143
businesses. Graduate School of Information and Communication TEL. 03-3296-4285
Graduate School of Global Governance TEL. 03-3296-4527
[email protected]
Graduate School of Humanities TEL. 03-5300-1529 Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences TEL. 03-5343-8042
[email protected] [email protected]
Graduate School of Global Japanese Studies TEL. 03-5343-8039
[email protected]
Graduate School of Science and Technology TEL. 044-934-7562
[email protected]
046 Meiji University Graduate School Meiji University Graduate School 047