Peace and Conflicts in Southeast Asia: October 10
Peace and Conflicts in Southeast Asia: October 10
Peace and Conflicts in Southeast Asia: October 10
Southeast Asia, wedged between the big powers of China and India,and struggling to keep up with their rise
The ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN-10) are presently working to realize their
◆ シンポジウム会場
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
continued progress while declaring their mutual solidarity. ・JR線、西武新宿線、東京メトロ東西線「高田馬場駅」より
「早大正門」行き都バス (学02)
At the same time, each of the ten member states has many of its own internal contradictions. Most Southeast Asian countries ・東京メトロ東西線「早稲田駅」3a出口より徒歩5分
achieved their independence after World War II, and it has been about 50 to 60 years since their establishment as a nation state. When ・都電荒川線「早稲田駅」
looking back on the history of this period, we should remember the battles for independence from suzerain powers such as the United
States and European countries, struggles for economic development, the Viet Nam war, the Coup of September 30 in Indonesia in ↑
都電荒川線 国際シンポジウム 2008年10月10日(金)
袋 面影橋駅 早稲田駅
1965, the murderous reign of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and the public protests against the tyranny of Marcos or Suharto. Even 早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
新目白通り 大
today, a military dictatorship continues to wield power in Burma (Myanmar). 会
館 大隈庭園
明 総合学術
The Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS), held a total of three international symposiums, as listed below: 治 大隈講堂
通 情報センター
[ 早稲田
高 り 北門
1: “East Asia in the 21st Century — Crossing Borders —” (held on 25th and 26th of May, 2007) 田 キャンパス
■ 連絡先
馬 [早大正門]
高 場 早稲田大学アジア研究機構事務所
2: “Towards an East Asian Community — A New Approach to Development and Cooperation —” 田 ]
馬 南門 〒169-8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1
(held on 15th and 16th of October, 2007) 場
駅 M 9号館 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 9号館 9階 914号室
T03 東 東京
京 メト [馬場下町]
3: “Where is Japan headed? — Views and Expectations from Overseas —” (held on 12th of April, 2008) 高田馬場駅
tel : 03-3202-2537
ト fax : 03-3202-2542
副 M
西 e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
This will be the first time for us at OAS to hold an international symposium specifically focusing on Southeast Asia, with “Peace 武
り T04
心 早稲田駅
新 線 戸山 h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
J 宿
and Conflicts in Southeast Asia” as its main theme. Until now, the Japanese media have not covered regional conflicts in Southeast R 線
線 西
Asia comprehensively nor continuously. Above all else, potential conflicts have rarely, if ever, been addressed systematically. 早
田 =[都バス停留所]
駅 = 東京メトロ駅
新 大久保
In Burma in September 2007, the people, including Buddhist monks, rose up to struggle for democratization, after shattering a 宿 キャンパス = 都電駅
long political silence. In 2008, the disaster caused by the devastating cyclone and the inadequate governmental response to its
people’s suffering acted as a catalyst to attract attention again to the military administration of the country. However, issues
concerning Burma’s ethnic minorities, who are also victims of the disaster, have scarcely been covered by the media, and above all else
again, the struggle for democracy by these ethnic minorities has never been addressed.
◆ Access
The September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 have had an impact on Southeast Asia in different ways. In the
・25-min. walk from Takadanobaba Station on JR Yamanote Line or Seibu Shinjuku Line
name of “the war on terror”, military operations have been launched in several regions and the difference between these new “wars” ・0-min. walk from Route: Takadanobaba Station to Sodai Seimon “Sodai Seimon”(The Last Stop) Bus Stop on Toei Bus
and original regional conflicts is now ambiguous. Whether the “arc of instability” is a world map unilaterally defined by the United ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station (exit: 3a) on Tokyo Metoro Tozai Line
States or it is an actual fact should be further questioned. ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station on Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Mindanao island and Sulu Channel in the Philippines, Central Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands, Kalimantan, Aceh, Papua in
Indonesia and the southern part of Thailand used to be, and some of them are still, places of regional conflict without resolution. Some
Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Omokagebashi Sta. Waseda Sta.
International Symposium October 10 (Fri.) 2008 Peace and Conflicts in Southeast Asia
Shin Mejiro Dori(Avenue)
Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
of them are simply categorized as part of the “arc of instability”. The influence of globalization is so large as to negatively affect even
早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
the conflicts in Southeast Asia.
Center for
Takadanobaba Sta.
Scholarly Information Auditorium
North Waseda
(Tokyo Metro)
What are “conflicts in Southeast Asia”? What is the difference to those in other regions of the world? What is the association Gate Campus Main ■ CONTACT
Takadanobaba Sta.
Gate Sodai Seimon
Waseda Dori
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
with religious and ethnic issues? Or with economic and political backgrounds? ( Avenue)
South Gate Room 914, Floor 9, Bldg. No.9, October 10 (Fri.) 2008
M Building No.9 Waseda Campus, Waseda University
Regional conflicts, religious conflicts or separatist movements in Southeast Asea will be comprehensively discussed at the T03 To
( Tok zai Lin
Fukutoshin Line
Babashitacho 1-6-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050 Japan
(Tokyo Metro)
yo M e
JR Yamanote Line
fax : +81-3-3202-2542
that Japan is expected to play will be addressed as well. In addition to Japanese experts, regional representatives with practical T04
Waseda Sta.
) e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
venue (Tokyo Metro) 【主催】 【協賛】
knowledge and skills will be invited from Burma, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines, and active and intensive discussion can be Dori (A Toyama Campus
Suwa h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
Organizer Co-sponsors
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 インドネシア民主化支援ネットワーク(NINDJA)
Nishi-waseda Sta.
Okubo = Bus Stop (Toei Bus) Network for Indonesian Democracy, Japan
We welcome you warmly to the international symposium. Campus = Sta. (Tokyo Metro)
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University h t t p : / / w w w. n i n d j a . c o m /
Shinjuku = Sta. (Toden Arakawa Line) h t t p :// ビルマ市民フォーラム
MURAI Yoshinori People’s Forum on Burma
h t t p : / / w w w 1 . j c a . a p c . o rg / p f b /
Chair of Preparatory Committee
The 4th International Symposium of The Foundation for Human Rights in Asia, Japan
h t t p : / / w w w. f h ra /
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University 早稲田大学アジア研究機構
h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s / APLA /あぷら
Alternative People’s Linkage in Asia
2008.10 h t t p : / / w w w. j c a . a p c . o rg / j c n c /
© 2008 Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS)
早 稲 田 大 学
ご挨拶 早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
14:00∼14:30 基調講演 根本 敬(上智大学) 14:00∼14:30 Keynote Speech NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
「不安定な弧」はアメリカが一方的に規定した 「ビルマ民主化に展望はあるのか?」 “Burma: Is There Any Prospects for Democracy?”
14:30∼16:20 第 2 セッション 14:30∼16:20 Session 2
マルク諸島、パプア、カリマンタン、アチェ、タイ 「紛争と民主化」 “Conflicts and Democratization”
司 会 坪井 善明(早稲田大学) Chaired by TSUBOI Yoshiharu (Waseda University)
パネリスト マウン・マウン・タン(オーストラリア ビルマ民主化連合) Panelists: Maung Maung Than (Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma)
「東南アジアの紛争」とはそもそも何なのか、世界の他地域の紛争と違いはあるのか。宗教、民族問題と関わるのか。そ 根本 敬(上智大学) NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
れとも政治的経済背景のなかでとらえられうるのか。 ジョージ アディチョンドロ(サナタダルマ大学) George Aditjondro (Sanata Dharma University)
このシンポジウムは、これら諸地域の地域紛争、宗教紛争、あるいは分離独立運動などを広く取り上げ、その紛争の実態 16:20∼16:30 休 憩 16:20∼16:30 Break
16:30∼17:30 総合討論 16:30∼17:30 Discussion
「平和への展望」 “Prospects for Peace”
司 会 多賀 秀敏(早稲田大学) Chaired by TAGA Hidetoshi (Waseda University)
パネリスト 出席者全員 Panelists: All Panelists
17:30∼17:40 閉会の辞 村井 吉敬(早稲田大学) 17:30∼17:40 Closing Remarks MURAI Yoshinori (Waseda University)
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
18:00∼20:00 レセプション : 大隈記念タワー15階「西北の風」
(26号館) 18:00∼20:00 Reception at ‘Seihoku no Kaze’ at 15F, Okuma Memorial Tower (No.26 Bldg.)
大会準備委員長 村井 吉敬
Southeast Asia, wedged between the big powers of China and India,and struggling to keep up with their rise
The ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN-10) are presently working to realize their
◆ シンポジウム会場
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
continued progress while declaring their mutual solidarity. ・JR線、西武新宿線、東京メトロ東西線「高田馬場駅」より
「早大正門」行き都バス (学02)
At the same time, each of the ten member states has many of its own internal contradictions. Most Southeast Asian countries ・東京メトロ東西線「早稲田駅」3a出口より徒歩5分
achieved their independence after World War II, and it has been about 50 to 60 years since their establishment as a nation state. When ・都電荒川線「早稲田駅」
looking back on the history of this period, we should remember the battles for independence from suzerain powers such as the United
States and European countries, struggles for economic development, the Viet Nam war, the Coup of September 30 in Indonesia in ↑
都電荒川線 国際シンポジウム 2008年10月10日(金)
袋 面影橋駅 早稲田駅
1965, the murderous reign of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and the public protests against the tyranny of Marcos or Suharto. Even 早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
新目白通り 大
today, a military dictatorship continues to wield power in Burma (Myanmar). 会
館 大隈庭園
明 総合学術
The Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS), held a total of three international symposiums, as listed below: 治 大隈講堂
通 情報センター
[ 早稲田
高 り 北門
1: “East Asia in the 21st Century — Crossing Borders —” (held on 25th and 26th of May, 2007) 田 キャンパス
■ 連絡先
馬 [早大正門]
高 場 早稲田大学アジア研究機構事務所
2: “Towards an East Asian Community — A New Approach to Development and Cooperation —” 田 ]
馬 南門 〒169-8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1
(held on 15th and 16th of October, 2007) 場
駅 M 9号館 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 9号館 9階 914号室
T03 東 東京
京 メト [馬場下町]
3: “Where is Japan headed? — Views and Expectations from Overseas —” (held on 12th of April, 2008) 高田馬場駅
tel : 03-3202-2537
ト fax : 03-3202-2542
副 M
西 e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
This will be the first time for us at OAS to hold an international symposium specifically focusing on Southeast Asia, with “Peace 武
り T04
心 早稲田駅
新 線 戸山 h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
J 宿
and Conflicts in Southeast Asia” as its main theme. Until now, the Japanese media have not covered regional conflicts in Southeast R 線
線 西
Asia comprehensively nor continuously. Above all else, potential conflicts have rarely, if ever, been addressed systematically. 早
田 =[都バス停留所]
駅 = 東京メトロ駅
新 大久保
In Burma in September 2007, the people, including Buddhist monks, rose up to struggle for democratization, after shattering a 宿 キャンパス = 都電駅
long political silence. In 2008, the disaster caused by the devastating cyclone and the inadequate governmental response to its
people’s suffering acted as a catalyst to attract attention again to the military administration of the country. However, issues
concerning Burma’s ethnic minorities, who are also victims of the disaster, have scarcely been covered by the media, and above all else
again, the struggle for democracy by these ethnic minorities has never been addressed.
◆ Access
The September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 have had an impact on Southeast Asia in different ways. In the
・25-min. walk from Takadanobaba Station on JR Yamanote Line or Seibu Shinjuku Line
name of “the war on terror”, military operations have been launched in several regions and the difference between these new “wars” ・0-min. walk from Route: Takadanobaba Station to Sodai Seimon “Sodai Seimon”(The Last Stop) Bus Stop on Toei Bus
and original regional conflicts is now ambiguous. Whether the “arc of instability” is a world map unilaterally defined by the United ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station (exit: 3a) on Tokyo Metoro Tozai Line
States or it is an actual fact should be further questioned. ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station on Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Mindanao island and Sulu Channel in the Philippines, Central Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands, Kalimantan, Aceh, Papua in
Indonesia and the southern part of Thailand used to be, and some of them are still, places of regional conflict without resolution. Some
Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Omokagebashi Sta. Waseda Sta.
International Symposium October 10 (Fri.) 2008 Peace and Conflicts in Southeast Asia
Shin Mejiro Dori(Avenue)
Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
of them are simply categorized as part of the “arc of instability”. The influence of globalization is so large as to negatively affect even
早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
the conflicts in Southeast Asia.
Center for
Takadanobaba Sta.
Scholarly Information Auditorium
North Waseda
(Tokyo Metro)
What are “conflicts in Southeast Asia”? What is the difference to those in other regions of the world? What is the association Gate Campus Main ■ CONTACT
Takadanobaba Sta.
Gate Sodai Seimon
Waseda Dori
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
with religious and ethnic issues? Or with economic and political backgrounds? ( Avenue)
South Gate Room 914, Floor 9, Bldg. No.9, October 10 (Fri.) 2008
M Building No.9 Waseda Campus, Waseda University
Regional conflicts, religious conflicts or separatist movements in Southeast Asea will be comprehensively discussed at the T03 To
( Tok zai Lin
Fukutoshin Line
Babashitacho 1-6-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050 Japan
(Tokyo Metro)
yo M e
JR Yamanote Line
fax : +81-3-3202-2542
that Japan is expected to play will be addressed as well. In addition to Japanese experts, regional representatives with practical T04
Waseda Sta.
) e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
venue (Tokyo Metro) 【主催】 【協賛】
knowledge and skills will be invited from Burma, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines, and active and intensive discussion can be Dori (A Toyama Campus
Suwa h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
Organizer Co-sponsors
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 インドネシア民主化支援ネットワーク(NINDJA)
Nishi-waseda Sta.
Okubo = Bus Stop (Toei Bus) Network for Indonesian Democracy, Japan
We welcome you warmly to the international symposium. Campus = Sta. (Tokyo Metro)
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University h t t p : / / w w w. n i n d j a . c o m /
Shinjuku = Sta. (Toden Arakawa Line) h t t p :// ビルマ市民フォーラム
MURAI Yoshinori People’s Forum on Burma
h t t p : / / w w w 1 . j c a . a p c . o rg / p f b /
Chair of Preparatory Committee
The 4th International Symposium of The Foundation for Human Rights in Asia, Japan
h t t p : / / w w w. f h ra /
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University 早稲田大学アジア研究機構
h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s / APLA /あぷら
Alternative People’s Linkage in Asia
2008.10 h t t p : / / w w w. j c a . a p c . o rg / j c n c /
© 2008 Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS)
早 稲 田 大 学
ご挨拶 早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
14:00∼14:30 基調講演 根本 敬(上智大学) 14:00∼14:30 Keynote Speech NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
「不安定な弧」はアメリカが一方的に規定した 「ビルマ民主化に展望はあるのか?」 “Burma: Is There Any Prospects for Democracy?”
14:30∼16:20 第 2 セッション 14:30∼16:20 Session 2
マルク諸島、パプア、カリマンタン、アチェ、タイ 「紛争と民主化」 “Conflicts and Democratization”
司 会 坪井 善明(早稲田大学) Chaired by TSUBOI Yoshiharu (Waseda University)
パネリスト マウン・マウン・タン(オーストラリア ビルマ民主化連合) Panelists: Maung Maung Than (Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma)
「東南アジアの紛争」とはそもそも何なのか、世界の他地域の紛争と違いはあるのか。宗教、民族問題と関わるのか。そ 根本 敬(上智大学) NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
れとも政治的経済背景のなかでとらえられうるのか。 ジョージ アディチョンドロ(サナタダルマ大学) George Aditjondro (Sanata Dharma University)
このシンポジウムは、これら諸地域の地域紛争、宗教紛争、あるいは分離独立運動などを広く取り上げ、その紛争の実態 16:20∼16:30 休 憩 16:20∼16:30 Break
16:30∼17:30 総合討論 16:30∼17:30 Discussion
「平和への展望」 “Prospects for Peace”
司 会 多賀 秀敏(早稲田大学) Chaired by TAGA Hidetoshi (Waseda University)
パネリスト 出席者全員 Panelists: All Panelists
17:30∼17:40 閉会の辞 村井 吉敬(早稲田大学) 17:30∼17:40 Closing Remarks MURAI Yoshinori (Waseda University)
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
18:00∼20:00 レセプション : 大隈記念タワー15階「西北の風」
(26号館) 18:00∼20:00 Reception at ‘Seihoku no Kaze’ at 15F, Okuma Memorial Tower (No.26 Bldg.)
大会準備委員長 村井 吉敬
Southeast Asia, wedged between the big powers of China and India,and struggling to keep up with their rise
The ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN-10) are presently working to realize their
◆ シンポジウム会場
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
continued progress while declaring their mutual solidarity. ・JR線、西武新宿線、東京メトロ東西線「高田馬場駅」より
「早大正門」行き都バス (学02)
At the same time, each of the ten member states has many of its own internal contradictions. Most Southeast Asian countries ・東京メトロ東西線「早稲田駅」3a出口より徒歩5分
achieved their independence after World War II, and it has been about 50 to 60 years since their establishment as a nation state. When ・都電荒川線「早稲田駅」
looking back on the history of this period, we should remember the battles for independence from suzerain powers such as the United
States and European countries, struggles for economic development, the Viet Nam war, the Coup of September 30 in Indonesia in ↑
都電荒川線 国際シンポジウム 2008年10月10日(金)
袋 面影橋駅 早稲田駅
1965, the murderous reign of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and the public protests against the tyranny of Marcos or Suharto. Even 早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
新目白通り 大
today, a military dictatorship continues to wield power in Burma (Myanmar). 会
館 大隈庭園
明 総合学術
The Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS), held a total of three international symposiums, as listed below: 治 大隈講堂
通 情報センター
[ 早稲田
高 り 北門
1: “East Asia in the 21st Century — Crossing Borders —” (held on 25th and 26th of May, 2007) 田 キャンパス
■ 連絡先
馬 [早大正門]
高 場 早稲田大学アジア研究機構事務所
2: “Towards an East Asian Community — A New Approach to Development and Cooperation —” 田 ]
馬 南門 〒169-8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1
(held on 15th and 16th of October, 2007) 場
駅 M 9号館 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 9号館 9階 914号室
T03 東 東京
京 メト [馬場下町]
3: “Where is Japan headed? — Views and Expectations from Overseas —” (held on 12th of April, 2008) 高田馬場駅
tel : 03-3202-2537
ト fax : 03-3202-2542
副 M
西 e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
This will be the first time for us at OAS to hold an international symposium specifically focusing on Southeast Asia, with “Peace 武
り T04
心 早稲田駅
新 線 戸山 h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
J 宿
and Conflicts in Southeast Asia” as its main theme. Until now, the Japanese media have not covered regional conflicts in Southeast R 線
線 西
Asia comprehensively nor continuously. Above all else, potential conflicts have rarely, if ever, been addressed systematically. 早
田 =[都バス停留所]
駅 = 東京メトロ駅
新 大久保
In Burma in September 2007, the people, including Buddhist monks, rose up to struggle for democratization, after shattering a 宿 キャンパス = 都電駅
long political silence. In 2008, the disaster caused by the devastating cyclone and the inadequate governmental response to its
people’s suffering acted as a catalyst to attract attention again to the military administration of the country. However, issues
concerning Burma’s ethnic minorities, who are also victims of the disaster, have scarcely been covered by the media, and above all else
again, the struggle for democracy by these ethnic minorities has never been addressed.
◆ Access
The September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 have had an impact on Southeast Asia in different ways. In the
・25-min. walk from Takadanobaba Station on JR Yamanote Line or Seibu Shinjuku Line
name of “the war on terror”, military operations have been launched in several regions and the difference between these new “wars” ・0-min. walk from Route: Takadanobaba Station to Sodai Seimon “Sodai Seimon”(The Last Stop) Bus Stop on Toei Bus
and original regional conflicts is now ambiguous. Whether the “arc of instability” is a world map unilaterally defined by the United ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station (exit: 3a) on Tokyo Metoro Tozai Line
States or it is an actual fact should be further questioned. ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station on Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Mindanao island and Sulu Channel in the Philippines, Central Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands, Kalimantan, Aceh, Papua in
Indonesia and the southern part of Thailand used to be, and some of them are still, places of regional conflict without resolution. Some
Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Omokagebashi Sta. Waseda Sta.
International Symposium October 10 (Fri.) 2008 Peace and Conflicts in Southeast Asia
Shin Mejiro Dori(Avenue)
Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
of them are simply categorized as part of the “arc of instability”. The influence of globalization is so large as to negatively affect even
早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
the conflicts in Southeast Asia.
Center for
Takadanobaba Sta.
Scholarly Information Auditorium
North Waseda
(Tokyo Metro)
What are “conflicts in Southeast Asia”? What is the difference to those in other regions of the world? What is the association Gate Campus Main ■ CONTACT
Takadanobaba Sta.
Gate Sodai Seimon
Waseda Dori
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
with religious and ethnic issues? Or with economic and political backgrounds? ( Avenue)
South Gate Room 914, Floor 9, Bldg. No.9, October 10 (Fri.) 2008
M Building No.9 Waseda Campus, Waseda University
Regional conflicts, religious conflicts or separatist movements in Southeast Asea will be comprehensively discussed at the T03 To
( Tok zai Lin
Fukutoshin Line
Babashitacho 1-6-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050 Japan
(Tokyo Metro)
yo M e
JR Yamanote Line
fax : +81-3-3202-2542
that Japan is expected to play will be addressed as well. In addition to Japanese experts, regional representatives with practical T04
Waseda Sta.
) e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
venue (Tokyo Metro) 【主催】 【協賛】
knowledge and skills will be invited from Burma, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines, and active and intensive discussion can be Dori (A Toyama Campus
Suwa h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
Organizer Co-sponsors
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 インドネシア民主化支援ネットワーク(NINDJA)
Nishi-waseda Sta.
Okubo = Bus Stop (Toei Bus) Network for Indonesian Democracy, Japan
We welcome you warmly to the international symposium. Campus = Sta. (Tokyo Metro)
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University h t t p : / / w w w. n i n d j a . c o m /
Shinjuku = Sta. (Toden Arakawa Line) h t t p :// ビルマ市民フォーラム
MURAI Yoshinori People’s Forum on Burma
h t t p : / / w w w 1 . j c a . a p c . o rg / p f b /
Chair of Preparatory Committee
The 4th International Symposium of The Foundation for Human Rights in Asia, Japan
h t t p : / / w w w. f h ra /
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University 早稲田大学アジア研究機構
h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s / APLA /あぷら
Alternative People’s Linkage in Asia
2008.10 h t t p : / / w w w. j c a . a p c . o rg / j c n c /
© 2008 Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS)
早 稲 田 大 学
ご挨拶 早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
14:00∼14:30 基調講演 根本 敬(上智大学) 14:00∼14:30 Keynote Speech NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
「不安定な弧」はアメリカが一方的に規定した 「ビルマ民主化に展望はあるのか?」 “Burma: Is There Any Prospects for Democracy?”
14:30∼16:20 第 2 セッション 14:30∼16:20 Session 2
マルク諸島、パプア、カリマンタン、アチェ、タイ 「紛争と民主化」 “Conflicts and Democratization”
司 会 坪井 善明(早稲田大学) Chaired by TSUBOI Yoshiharu (Waseda University)
パネリスト マウン・マウン・タン(オーストラリア ビルマ民主化連合) Panelists: Maung Maung Than (Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma)
「東南アジアの紛争」とはそもそも何なのか、世界の他地域の紛争と違いはあるのか。宗教、民族問題と関わるのか。そ 根本 敬(上智大学) NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
れとも政治的経済背景のなかでとらえられうるのか。 ジョージ アディチョンドロ(サナタダルマ大学) George Aditjondro (Sanata Dharma University)
このシンポジウムは、これら諸地域の地域紛争、宗教紛争、あるいは分離独立運動などを広く取り上げ、その紛争の実態 16:20∼16:30 休 憩 16:20∼16:30 Break
16:30∼17:30 総合討論 16:30∼17:30 Discussion
「平和への展望」 “Prospects for Peace”
司 会 多賀 秀敏(早稲田大学) Chaired by TAGA Hidetoshi (Waseda University)
パネリスト 出席者全員 Panelists: All Panelists
17:30∼17:40 閉会の辞 村井 吉敬(早稲田大学) 17:30∼17:40 Closing Remarks MURAI Yoshinori (Waseda University)
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
18:00∼20:00 レセプション : 大隈記念タワー15階「西北の風」
(26号館) 18:00∼20:00 Reception at ‘Seihoku no Kaze’ at 15F, Okuma Memorial Tower (No.26 Bldg.)
大会準備委員長 村井 吉敬
Southeast Asia, wedged between the big powers of China and India,and struggling to keep up with their rise
The ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN-10) are presently working to realize their
◆ シンポジウム会場
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
continued progress while declaring their mutual solidarity. ・JR線、西武新宿線、東京メトロ東西線「高田馬場駅」より
「早大正門」行き都バス (学02)
At the same time, each of the ten member states has many of its own internal contradictions. Most Southeast Asian countries ・東京メトロ東西線「早稲田駅」3a出口より徒歩5分
achieved their independence after World War II, and it has been about 50 to 60 years since their establishment as a nation state. When ・都電荒川線「早稲田駅」
looking back on the history of this period, we should remember the battles for independence from suzerain powers such as the United
States and European countries, struggles for economic development, the Viet Nam war, the Coup of September 30 in Indonesia in ↑
都電荒川線 国際シンポジウム 2008年10月10日(金)
袋 面影橋駅 早稲田駅
1965, the murderous reign of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and the public protests against the tyranny of Marcos or Suharto. Even 早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
新目白通り 大
today, a military dictatorship continues to wield power in Burma (Myanmar). 会
館 大隈庭園
明 総合学術
The Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS), held a total of three international symposiums, as listed below: 治 大隈講堂
通 情報センター
[ 早稲田
高 り 北門
1: “East Asia in the 21st Century — Crossing Borders —” (held on 25th and 26th of May, 2007) 田 キャンパス
■ 連絡先
馬 [早大正門]
高 場 早稲田大学アジア研究機構事務所
2: “Towards an East Asian Community — A New Approach to Development and Cooperation —” 田 ]
馬 南門 〒169-8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1
(held on 15th and 16th of October, 2007) 場
駅 M 9号館 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 9号館 9階 914号室
T03 東 東京
京 メト [馬場下町]
3: “Where is Japan headed? — Views and Expectations from Overseas —” (held on 12th of April, 2008) 高田馬場駅
tel : 03-3202-2537
ト fax : 03-3202-2542
副 M
西 e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
This will be the first time for us at OAS to hold an international symposium specifically focusing on Southeast Asia, with “Peace 武
り T04
心 早稲田駅
新 線 戸山 h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
J 宿
and Conflicts in Southeast Asia” as its main theme. Until now, the Japanese media have not covered regional conflicts in Southeast R 線
線 西
Asia comprehensively nor continuously. Above all else, potential conflicts have rarely, if ever, been addressed systematically. 早
田 =[都バス停留所]
駅 = 東京メトロ駅
新 大久保
In Burma in September 2007, the people, including Buddhist monks, rose up to struggle for democratization, after shattering a 宿 キャンパス = 都電駅
long political silence. In 2008, the disaster caused by the devastating cyclone and the inadequate governmental response to its
people’s suffering acted as a catalyst to attract attention again to the military administration of the country. However, issues
concerning Burma’s ethnic minorities, who are also victims of the disaster, have scarcely been covered by the media, and above all else
again, the struggle for democracy by these ethnic minorities has never been addressed.
◆ Access
The September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 have had an impact on Southeast Asia in different ways. In the
・25-min. walk from Takadanobaba Station on JR Yamanote Line or Seibu Shinjuku Line
name of “the war on terror”, military operations have been launched in several regions and the difference between these new “wars” ・0-min. walk from Route: Takadanobaba Station to Sodai Seimon “Sodai Seimon”(The Last Stop) Bus Stop on Toei Bus
and original regional conflicts is now ambiguous. Whether the “arc of instability” is a world map unilaterally defined by the United ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station (exit: 3a) on Tokyo Metoro Tozai Line
States or it is an actual fact should be further questioned. ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station on Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Mindanao island and Sulu Channel in the Philippines, Central Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands, Kalimantan, Aceh, Papua in
Indonesia and the southern part of Thailand used to be, and some of them are still, places of regional conflict without resolution. Some
Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Omokagebashi Sta. Waseda Sta.
International Symposium October 10 (Fri.) 2008 Peace and Conflicts in Southeast Asia
Shin Mejiro Dori(Avenue)
Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
of them are simply categorized as part of the “arc of instability”. The influence of globalization is so large as to negatively affect even
早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
the conflicts in Southeast Asia.
Center for
Takadanobaba Sta.
Scholarly Information Auditorium
North Waseda
(Tokyo Metro)
What are “conflicts in Southeast Asia”? What is the difference to those in other regions of the world? What is the association Gate Campus Main ■ CONTACT
Takadanobaba Sta.
Gate Sodai Seimon
Waseda Dori
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
with religious and ethnic issues? Or with economic and political backgrounds? ( Avenue)
South Gate Room 914, Floor 9, Bldg. No.9, October 10 (Fri.) 2008
M Building No.9 Waseda Campus, Waseda University
Regional conflicts, religious conflicts or separatist movements in Southeast Asea will be comprehensively discussed at the T03 To
( Tok zai Lin
Fukutoshin Line
Babashitacho 1-6-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050 Japan
(Tokyo Metro)
yo M e
JR Yamanote Line
fax : +81-3-3202-2542
that Japan is expected to play will be addressed as well. In addition to Japanese experts, regional representatives with practical T04
Waseda Sta.
) e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
venue (Tokyo Metro) 【主催】 【協賛】
knowledge and skills will be invited from Burma, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines, and active and intensive discussion can be Dori (A Toyama Campus
Suwa h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
Organizer Co-sponsors
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 インドネシア民主化支援ネットワーク(NINDJA)
Nishi-waseda Sta.
Okubo = Bus Stop (Toei Bus) Network for Indonesian Democracy, Japan
We welcome you warmly to the international symposium. Campus = Sta. (Tokyo Metro)
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University h t t p : / / w w w. n i n d j a . c o m /
Shinjuku = Sta. (Toden Arakawa Line) h t t p :// ビルマ市民フォーラム
MURAI Yoshinori People’s Forum on Burma
h t t p : / / w w w 1 . j c a . a p c . o rg / p f b /
Chair of Preparatory Committee
The 4th International Symposium of The Foundation for Human Rights in Asia, Japan
h t t p : / / w w w. f h ra /
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University 早稲田大学アジア研究機構
h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s / APLA /あぷら
Alternative People’s Linkage in Asia
2008.10 h t t p : / / w w w. j c a . a p c . o rg / j c n c /
© 2008 Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS)
早 稲 田 大 学
ご挨拶 早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
14:00∼14:30 基調講演 根本 敬(上智大学) 14:00∼14:30 Keynote Speech NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
「不安定な弧」はアメリカが一方的に規定した 「ビルマ民主化に展望はあるのか?」 “Burma: Is There Any Prospects for Democracy?”
14:30∼16:20 第 2 セッション 14:30∼16:20 Session 2
マルク諸島、パプア、カリマンタン、アチェ、タイ 「紛争と民主化」 “Conflicts and Democratization”
司 会 坪井 善明(早稲田大学) Chaired by TSUBOI Yoshiharu (Waseda University)
パネリスト マウン・マウン・タン(オーストラリア ビルマ民主化連合) Panelists: Maung Maung Than (Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma)
「東南アジアの紛争」とはそもそも何なのか、世界の他地域の紛争と違いはあるのか。宗教、民族問題と関わるのか。そ 根本 敬(上智大学) NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
れとも政治的経済背景のなかでとらえられうるのか。 ジョージ アディチョンドロ(サナタダルマ大学) George Aditjondro (Sanata Dharma University)
このシンポジウムは、これら諸地域の地域紛争、宗教紛争、あるいは分離独立運動などを広く取り上げ、その紛争の実態 16:20∼16:30 休 憩 16:20∼16:30 Break
16:30∼17:30 総合討論 16:30∼17:30 Discussion
「平和への展望」 “Prospects for Peace”
司 会 多賀 秀敏(早稲田大学) Chaired by TAGA Hidetoshi (Waseda University)
パネリスト 出席者全員 Panelists: All Panelists
17:30∼17:40 閉会の辞 村井 吉敬(早稲田大学) 17:30∼17:40 Closing Remarks MURAI Yoshinori (Waseda University)
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
18:00∼20:00 レセプション : 大隈記念タワー15階「西北の風」
(26号館) 18:00∼20:00 Reception at ‘Seihoku no Kaze’ at 15F, Okuma Memorial Tower (No.26 Bldg.)
大会準備委員長 村井 吉敬
Southeast Asia, wedged between the big powers of China and India,and struggling to keep up with their rise
The ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN-10) are presently working to realize their
◆ シンポジウム会場
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
continued progress while declaring their mutual solidarity. ・JR線、西武新宿線、東京メトロ東西線「高田馬場駅」より
「早大正門」行き都バス (学02)
At the same time, each of the ten member states has many of its own internal contradictions. Most Southeast Asian countries ・東京メトロ東西線「早稲田駅」3a出口より徒歩5分
achieved their independence after World War II, and it has been about 50 to 60 years since their establishment as a nation state. When ・都電荒川線「早稲田駅」
looking back on the history of this period, we should remember the battles for independence from suzerain powers such as the United
States and European countries, struggles for economic development, the Viet Nam war, the Coup of September 30 in Indonesia in ↑
都電荒川線 国際シンポジウム 2008年10月10日(金)
袋 面影橋駅 早稲田駅
1965, the murderous reign of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and the public protests against the tyranny of Marcos or Suharto. Even 早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
新目白通り 大
today, a military dictatorship continues to wield power in Burma (Myanmar). 会
館 大隈庭園
明 総合学術
The Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS), held a total of three international symposiums, as listed below: 治 大隈講堂
通 情報センター
[ 早稲田
高 り 北門
1: “East Asia in the 21st Century — Crossing Borders —” (held on 25th and 26th of May, 2007) 田 キャンパス
■ 連絡先
馬 [早大正門]
高 場 早稲田大学アジア研究機構事務所
2: “Towards an East Asian Community — A New Approach to Development and Cooperation —” 田 ]
馬 南門 〒169-8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1
(held on 15th and 16th of October, 2007) 場
駅 M 9号館 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 9号館 9階 914号室
T03 東 東京
京 メト [馬場下町]
3: “Where is Japan headed? — Views and Expectations from Overseas —” (held on 12th of April, 2008) 高田馬場駅
tel : 03-3202-2537
ト fax : 03-3202-2542
副 M
西 e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
This will be the first time for us at OAS to hold an international symposium specifically focusing on Southeast Asia, with “Peace 武
り T04
心 早稲田駅
新 線 戸山 h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
J 宿
and Conflicts in Southeast Asia” as its main theme. Until now, the Japanese media have not covered regional conflicts in Southeast R 線
線 西
Asia comprehensively nor continuously. Above all else, potential conflicts have rarely, if ever, been addressed systematically. 早
田 =[都バス停留所]
駅 = 東京メトロ駅
新 大久保
In Burma in September 2007, the people, including Buddhist monks, rose up to struggle for democratization, after shattering a 宿 キャンパス = 都電駅
long political silence. In 2008, the disaster caused by the devastating cyclone and the inadequate governmental response to its
people’s suffering acted as a catalyst to attract attention again to the military administration of the country. However, issues
concerning Burma’s ethnic minorities, who are also victims of the disaster, have scarcely been covered by the media, and above all else
again, the struggle for democracy by these ethnic minorities has never been addressed.
◆ Access
The September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 have had an impact on Southeast Asia in different ways. In the
・25-min. walk from Takadanobaba Station on JR Yamanote Line or Seibu Shinjuku Line
name of “the war on terror”, military operations have been launched in several regions and the difference between these new “wars” ・0-min. walk from Route: Takadanobaba Station to Sodai Seimon “Sodai Seimon”(The Last Stop) Bus Stop on Toei Bus
and original regional conflicts is now ambiguous. Whether the “arc of instability” is a world map unilaterally defined by the United ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station (exit: 3a) on Tokyo Metoro Tozai Line
States or it is an actual fact should be further questioned. ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station on Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Mindanao island and Sulu Channel in the Philippines, Central Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands, Kalimantan, Aceh, Papua in
Indonesia and the southern part of Thailand used to be, and some of them are still, places of regional conflict without resolution. Some
Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Omokagebashi Sta. Waseda Sta.
International Symposium October 10 (Fri.) 2008 Peace and Conflicts in Southeast Asia
Shin Mejiro Dori(Avenue)
Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
of them are simply categorized as part of the “arc of instability”. The influence of globalization is so large as to negatively affect even
早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
the conflicts in Southeast Asia.
Center for
Takadanobaba Sta.
Scholarly Information Auditorium
North Waseda
(Tokyo Metro)
What are “conflicts in Southeast Asia”? What is the difference to those in other regions of the world? What is the association Gate Campus Main ■ CONTACT
Takadanobaba Sta.
Gate Sodai Seimon
Waseda Dori
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
with religious and ethnic issues? Or with economic and political backgrounds? ( Avenue)
South Gate Room 914, Floor 9, Bldg. No.9, October 10 (Fri.) 2008
M Building No.9 Waseda Campus, Waseda University
Regional conflicts, religious conflicts or separatist movements in Southeast Asea will be comprehensively discussed at the T03 To
( Tok zai Lin
Fukutoshin Line
Babashitacho 1-6-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050 Japan
(Tokyo Metro)
yo M e
JR Yamanote Line
fax : +81-3-3202-2542
that Japan is expected to play will be addressed as well. In addition to Japanese experts, regional representatives with practical T04
Waseda Sta.
) e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
venue (Tokyo Metro) 【主催】 【協賛】
knowledge and skills will be invited from Burma, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines, and active and intensive discussion can be Dori (A Toyama Campus
Suwa h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
Organizer Co-sponsors
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 インドネシア民主化支援ネットワーク(NINDJA)
Nishi-waseda Sta.
Okubo = Bus Stop (Toei Bus) Network for Indonesian Democracy, Japan
We welcome you warmly to the international symposium. Campus = Sta. (Tokyo Metro)
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University h t t p : / / w w w. n i n d j a . c o m /
Shinjuku = Sta. (Toden Arakawa Line) h t t p :// ビルマ市民フォーラム
MURAI Yoshinori People’s Forum on Burma
h t t p : / / w w w 1 . j c a . a p c . o rg / p f b /
Chair of Preparatory Committee
The 4th International Symposium of The Foundation for Human Rights in Asia, Japan
h t t p : / / w w w. f h ra /
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University 早稲田大学アジア研究機構
h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s / APLA /あぷら
Alternative People’s Linkage in Asia
2008.10 h t t p : / / w w w. j c a . a p c . o rg / j c n c /
© 2008 Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS)
早 稲 田 大 学
ご挨拶 早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
14:00∼14:30 基調講演 根本 敬(上智大学) 14:00∼14:30 Keynote Speech NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
「不安定な弧」はアメリカが一方的に規定した 「ビルマ民主化に展望はあるのか?」 “Burma: Is There Any Prospects for Democracy?”
14:30∼16:20 第 2 セッション 14:30∼16:20 Session 2
マルク諸島、パプア、カリマンタン、アチェ、タイ 「紛争と民主化」 “Conflicts and Democratization”
司 会 坪井 善明(早稲田大学) Chaired by TSUBOI Yoshiharu (Waseda University)
パネリスト マウン・マウン・タン(オーストラリア ビルマ民主化連合) Panelists: Maung Maung Than (Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma)
「東南アジアの紛争」とはそもそも何なのか、世界の他地域の紛争と違いはあるのか。宗教、民族問題と関わるのか。そ 根本 敬(上智大学) NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
れとも政治的経済背景のなかでとらえられうるのか。 ジョージ アディチョンドロ(サナタダルマ大学) George Aditjondro (Sanata Dharma University)
このシンポジウムは、これら諸地域の地域紛争、宗教紛争、あるいは分離独立運動などを広く取り上げ、その紛争の実態 16:20∼16:30 休 憩 16:20∼16:30 Break
16:30∼17:30 総合討論 16:30∼17:30 Discussion
「平和への展望」 “Prospects for Peace”
司 会 多賀 秀敏(早稲田大学) Chaired by TAGA Hidetoshi (Waseda University)
パネリスト 出席者全員 Panelists: All Panelists
17:30∼17:40 閉会の辞 村井 吉敬(早稲田大学) 17:30∼17:40 Closing Remarks MURAI Yoshinori (Waseda University)
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
18:00∼20:00 レセプション : 大隈記念タワー15階「西北の風」
(26号館) 18:00∼20:00 Reception at ‘Seihoku no Kaze’ at 15F, Okuma Memorial Tower (No.26 Bldg.)
大会準備委員長 村井 吉敬
Southeast Asia, wedged between the big powers of China and India,and struggling to keep up with their rise
The ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN-10) are presently working to realize their
◆ シンポジウム会場
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
continued progress while declaring their mutual solidarity. ・JR線、西武新宿線、東京メトロ東西線「高田馬場駅」より
「早大正門」行き都バス (学02)
At the same time, each of the ten member states has many of its own internal contradictions. Most Southeast Asian countries ・東京メトロ東西線「早稲田駅」3a出口より徒歩5分
achieved their independence after World War II, and it has been about 50 to 60 years since their establishment as a nation state. When ・都電荒川線「早稲田駅」
looking back on the history of this period, we should remember the battles for independence from suzerain powers such as the United
States and European countries, struggles for economic development, the Viet Nam war, the Coup of September 30 in Indonesia in ↑
都電荒川線 国際シンポジウム 2008年10月10日(金)
袋 面影橋駅 早稲田駅
1965, the murderous reign of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and the public protests against the tyranny of Marcos or Suharto. Even 早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
新目白通り 大
today, a military dictatorship continues to wield power in Burma (Myanmar). 会
館 大隈庭園
明 総合学術
The Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS), held a total of three international symposiums, as listed below: 治 大隈講堂
通 情報センター
[ 早稲田
高 り 北門
1: “East Asia in the 21st Century — Crossing Borders —” (held on 25th and 26th of May, 2007) 田 キャンパス
■ 連絡先
馬 [早大正門]
高 場 早稲田大学アジア研究機構事務所
2: “Towards an East Asian Community — A New Approach to Development and Cooperation —” 田 ]
馬 南門 〒169-8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1
(held on 15th and 16th of October, 2007) 場
駅 M 9号館 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 9号館 9階 914号室
T03 東 東京
京 メト [馬場下町]
3: “Where is Japan headed? — Views and Expectations from Overseas —” (held on 12th of April, 2008) 高田馬場駅
tel : 03-3202-2537
ト fax : 03-3202-2542
副 M
西 e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
This will be the first time for us at OAS to hold an international symposium specifically focusing on Southeast Asia, with “Peace 武
り T04
心 早稲田駅
新 線 戸山 h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
J 宿
and Conflicts in Southeast Asia” as its main theme. Until now, the Japanese media have not covered regional conflicts in Southeast R 線
線 西
Asia comprehensively nor continuously. Above all else, potential conflicts have rarely, if ever, been addressed systematically. 早
田 =[都バス停留所]
駅 = 東京メトロ駅
新 大久保
In Burma in September 2007, the people, including Buddhist monks, rose up to struggle for democratization, after shattering a 宿 キャンパス = 都電駅
long political silence. In 2008, the disaster caused by the devastating cyclone and the inadequate governmental response to its
people’s suffering acted as a catalyst to attract attention again to the military administration of the country. However, issues
concerning Burma’s ethnic minorities, who are also victims of the disaster, have scarcely been covered by the media, and above all else
again, the struggle for democracy by these ethnic minorities has never been addressed.
◆ Access
The September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 have had an impact on Southeast Asia in different ways. In the
・25-min. walk from Takadanobaba Station on JR Yamanote Line or Seibu Shinjuku Line
name of “the war on terror”, military operations have been launched in several regions and the difference between these new “wars” ・0-min. walk from Route: Takadanobaba Station to Sodai Seimon “Sodai Seimon”(The Last Stop) Bus Stop on Toei Bus
and original regional conflicts is now ambiguous. Whether the “arc of instability” is a world map unilaterally defined by the United ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station (exit: 3a) on Tokyo Metoro Tozai Line
States or it is an actual fact should be further questioned. ・5-min. walk from Waseda Station on Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Mindanao island and Sulu Channel in the Philippines, Central Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands, Kalimantan, Aceh, Papua in
Indonesia and the southern part of Thailand used to be, and some of them are still, places of regional conflict without resolution. Some
Toden Arakawa Line (Tram)
Omokagebashi Sta. Waseda Sta.
International Symposium October 10 (Fri.) 2008 Peace and Conflicts in Southeast Asia
Shin Mejiro Dori(Avenue)
Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
of them are simply categorized as part of the “arc of instability”. The influence of globalization is so large as to negatively affect even
早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂・大講堂
the conflicts in Southeast Asia.
Center for
Takadanobaba Sta.
Scholarly Information Auditorium
North Waseda
(Tokyo Metro)
What are “conflicts in Southeast Asia”? What is the difference to those in other regions of the world? What is the association Gate Campus Main ■ CONTACT
Takadanobaba Sta.
Gate Sodai Seimon
Waseda Dori
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University Okuma Auditorium, Waseda University
with religious and ethnic issues? Or with economic and political backgrounds? ( Avenue)
South Gate Room 914, Floor 9, Bldg. No.9, October 10 (Fri.) 2008
M Building No.9 Waseda Campus, Waseda University
Regional conflicts, religious conflicts or separatist movements in Southeast Asea will be comprehensively discussed at the T03 To
( Tok zai Lin
Fukutoshin Line
Babashitacho 1-6-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050 Japan
(Tokyo Metro)
yo M e
JR Yamanote Line
fax : +81-3-3202-2542
that Japan is expected to play will be addressed as well. In addition to Japanese experts, regional representatives with practical T04
Waseda Sta.
) e-mail a s i a n s t u d i e s @ l i s t . w a s e d a . j p
venue (Tokyo Metro) 【主催】 【協賛】
knowledge and skills will be invited from Burma, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines, and active and intensive discussion can be Dori (A Toyama Campus
Suwa h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s /
Organizer Co-sponsors
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 インドネシア民主化支援ネットワーク(NINDJA)
Nishi-waseda Sta.
Okubo = Bus Stop (Toei Bus) Network for Indonesian Democracy, Japan
We welcome you warmly to the international symposium. Campus = Sta. (Tokyo Metro)
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University h t t p : / / w w w. n i n d j a . c o m /
Shinjuku = Sta. (Toden Arakawa Line) h t t p :// ビルマ市民フォーラム
MURAI Yoshinori People’s Forum on Burma
h t t p : / / w w w 1 . j c a . a p c . o rg / p f b /
Chair of Preparatory Committee
The 4th International Symposium of The Foundation for Human Rights in Asia, Japan
h t t p : / / w w w. f h ra /
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University 早稲田大学アジア研究機構
h t t p : / / w w w. w a s e d a . j p / a s i a n s t u d i e s / APLA /あぷら
Alternative People’s Linkage in Asia
2008.10 h t t p : / / w w w. j c a . a p c . o rg / j c n c /
© 2008 Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University (OAS)
早 稲 田 大 学
ご挨拶 早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム The 4th International Symposium of Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University
14:00∼14:30 基調講演 根本 敬(上智大学) 14:00∼14:30 Keynote Speech NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
「不安定な弧」はアメリカが一方的に規定した 「ビルマ民主化に展望はあるのか?」 “Burma: Is There Any Prospects for Democracy?”
14:30∼16:20 第 2 セッション 14:30∼16:20 Session 2
マルク諸島、パプア、カリマンタン、アチェ、タイ 「紛争と民主化」 “Conflicts and Democratization”
司 会 坪井 善明(早稲田大学) Chaired by TSUBOI Yoshiharu (Waseda University)
パネリスト マウン・マウン・タン(オーストラリア ビルマ民主化連合) Panelists: Maung Maung Than (Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma)
「東南アジアの紛争」とはそもそも何なのか、世界の他地域の紛争と違いはあるのか。宗教、民族問題と関わるのか。そ 根本 敬(上智大学) NEMOTO Kei (Sophia University)
れとも政治的経済背景のなかでとらえられうるのか。 ジョージ アディチョンドロ(サナタダルマ大学) George Aditjondro (Sanata Dharma University)
このシンポジウムは、これら諸地域の地域紛争、宗教紛争、あるいは分離独立運動などを広く取り上げ、その紛争の実態 16:20∼16:30 休 憩 16:20∼16:30 Break
16:30∼17:30 総合討論 16:30∼17:30 Discussion
「平和への展望」 “Prospects for Peace”
司 会 多賀 秀敏(早稲田大学) Chaired by TAGA Hidetoshi (Waseda University)
パネリスト 出席者全員 Panelists: All Panelists
17:30∼17:40 閉会の辞 村井 吉敬(早稲田大学) 17:30∼17:40 Closing Remarks MURAI Yoshinori (Waseda University)
早稲田大学アジア研究機構 第4回 国際シンポジウム
18:00∼20:00 レセプション : 大隈記念タワー15階「西北の風」
(26号館) 18:00∼20:00 Reception at ‘Seihoku no Kaze’ at 15F, Okuma Memorial Tower (No.26 Bldg.)
大会準備委員長 村井 吉敬