Gonzales-Final Defense PPT
Gonzales-Final Defense PPT
Gonzales-Final Defense PPT
1. What are the Based on the teacher-respondents, Different cooperative To be fully equipped in
cooperative learning there are cooperative learning strategies learning strategies were teaching mathematics with
strategies utilized by in the list which they find highly utilized. used by grade 2 teachers the use of different
the grade 2 teachers in These are Pizza Fraction; Group Problem and some master teachers cooperative learning
Solving; Think pair and Share; and
teaching Jigsaw. Six cooperative learning in different schools in the strategies, teachers should
Mathematics? strategies are interpreted as utilized. For north II and north IV regularly attend seminars
the master teacher-respondents, there districts. When the with trainings and workshop.
are two cooperative learning strategies assessments of the two
which are highly utilized,these are think groups of respondents are
pair and Share with the highest weighted combined, three indicators
mean of 3.44; and Group Problem are very effective and only
Solving with a higher weighted mean of
3.39.Overall assessment of the two two are effective. As shown
groups of respondents reveal that the in the overall weighted
Think pair and Share; Group Problem mean of 3.35.
Solving; and Pizza Fraction are highly
utilized with average weighted means
fall within the scales of 3.26 and 4.00.
2. What is the level of The level of effectiveness of 2. The level of effectiveness School leaders and
effectiveness of cooperative learning strategies by the of cooperative learning curriculum developer should
cooperative learning grade 2 teachers as assessed by the strategies by the grade 2 provide detailed and
strategies as assessed by teachers and master teachers in terms of teachers as assessed by the concrete plan of action with
the grade 2 teachers and delivery of instruction.
Master Teachers in terms Based on the data gathered from the teachers and master regards to cooperative
of: teacher-respondents, all indicators are teachers in terms of learning strategies in
very effective. These indicators all fall delivery of instruction; developing instructions,
2. 1. Delivery of between the scales of 3.26 and 4.00. resulted to the overall learners development and
Instruction However, it can be documented that the average weighted mean of integrative assessment an
highest weighted mean of 3.68 indicates 3.67 are verbally interpreted evaluation.
that activities are accurate and clear to as very effective. The result
the learners. This is followed by a higher
weighted mean of 3.61 in which three implies that the level of
indicators fall. These indicators states effectiveness of cooperative
that the content can attract the target learning strategies by the
learner’s attention; visuals are clear and Grade 2 teachers as
adequately convey the message of the assessed by the teachers
subject / topic; and the content and Master Teachers in
reinforces, enriches, and / or leads to the terms of delivery of
mastery of certain learning instruction is very effective.
competencies for the level and subject.
The lowest 3.58 weighted mean
indicates that the intended user’s target
age and interests are appropriately
reflected in the visuals.
2. Learner’s The teacher-respondents assess that there are The teacher-respondents assess School leaders and
Development indicators which are very effective, and some are that there are indicators which are very curriculum developer
effective. The highest weighted mean of 3.39 effective, and some are effective. The
indicates that the learners know their responsibilities highest weighted mean of 3.39 should provide detailed
in dealing with the problems related to their group indicates that the learners know their and concrete plan of
mates and other working by group activities during responsibilities in dealing with the action with regards to
math classes which is interpreted as highly effective. problems related to their group mates
Second indicator which receives the higher weighted and other working by group activities cooperative learning
mean of 3.32 and a verbal interpretation of highly during math classes which is strategies in developing
effective indicates that the learners can interpreted as highly effective. Second instructions, learners
accommodate questions established by their math indicator which receives the higher development and
teacher in dealing with higher – ordered thinking weighted mean of 3.32 and a verbal
skill requirements. With high weighted mean of 3.16 interpretation of highly effective integrative assessment an
shows that the learners can complete the task by indicates that the learners can evaluation.
themselves as to get their camaraderie on helping accommodate questions established by
mode and working by team with a verbal their math teacher in dealing with
interpretation of effective. The lowest weighted higher – ordered thinking skill
mean of 3.03 which is verbally interpreted as requirements. With high weighted
effective states that the learners know how to be mean of 3.16 shows that the learners
accountable whenever they commit mistakes in can complete the task by themselves as
working by groups during the math classes. This is to get their camaraderie on helping
followed by a lower weighted mean of 3.10 which mode and working by team with a
presents that the learners effectively assign task as verbal interpretation of effective. The
the teacher gave instructionspertaining to the math lowest weighted mean of 3.03 which is
lessons covering to their sessions. verbally interpreted as effective states
that the learners know how to be
accountable whenever they commit
mistakes in working by groups during
the math classes. This is followed by a
lower weighted mean of 3.10 which
presents that the learners effectively
assign task as the teacher gave
instructions pertaining to the math
2.3. Assessment and The overall weighted mean The overall weighted School leaders and
Evaluation of 3.71 is generated by the mean of 3.71 is generated curriculum developer should
teacher-respondents with a by the teacher-respondents provide detailed and
verbal interpretation of very with a verbal interpretation concrete plan of action with
effective. Looking at the overall of very effective. Looking at
the overall weighted mean
regards to cooperative
learning strategies in
weighted mean of 3.78 is of 3.78 is produced by the developing instructions,
produced by the master teacher- master teacher respondents learners development and
respondents which is verbally which is verbally integrative assessment an
interpreted as highly effective. interpreted as highly evaluation.
This overall weighted mean effective. This overall
from the master teachers is weighted mean from the
higher compared to the overall master teachers is higher
weighted mean given by the compared to the overall
teachers. Additionally, when weighted mean given by
the teachers. Additionally,
average weighted mean is when average weighted
highlighted, the assessment of mean is highlighted, the
the two groups of respondents assessment of the two
are all highly effective. groups of respondents are
all highly effective.
3. Is there a significant The findings revealed that there is There is no significant 3.The Grade 2 teachers
difference in the no significant difference in the difference in the should continue nurture and
assessment of the 2 assessment of the 2 groups of assessment of the 2 groups apply cooperative learning
groups of respondents respondents on the level of of respondents on the level strategies to sustain learners
in the level of effectiveness of cooperative of effectiveness of active participation and
effectiveness of learning strategies in terms of cooperative learning quality learnings
cooperative learning delivery of instruction, learner’s strategies in terms of
strategies? development and assessment and delivery of instruction,
evaluation. lerners development, and
assessment and evaluation.
4. What is the The academic performance of The academic Constant monitor and
academic Grade 2 Learners in Mathematics performance of Grade 2 evaluation of the master
performance of grade based on their 1st and 2nd Quarter Learners in Mathematics teachers and school head
2 learners in Grade. the mean grade of the based on their 1st and 2nd should be regularly observe
mathematics based on learners in the first grading period is Quarter grade reveal that and practice to track learners
the 1st and 2nd Quarter 77.38 and has a standard deviation there was a positive progress and guide teachers.
grades. of 11. 38. On the mean grade of the increment of 3.59 mean
learners in the second grading difference in the learners’
period is 80.97 and has a standard academic performance in
deviation of 13.03. The mean mathematics when
difference produced is equivalent to cooperative learning
3.59. This suggests that there was a strategies were applied.
positive increment in the learners’
academic performance in
mathematics when effective
cooperative learning strategies were
6. What are the The teacher and master teacher- There are challenges Teacher and instructional
challenges respondents generated frequently encountered by the teacher leaders should examine the
encountered by the encountered challenges which fall respondents in the utilization of value of cooperative learning
teacher respondents between the weighted mean scales cooperative learning strategies. strategies in enhancing
The frequently encountered
of 2.49. challenges which received the learners performance
highest average weighted despite of the classroom
mean of 2.68 indicates that situation and learners
students are often the passive diverse interest.
recipients of knowledge rather
than being active in the class.
The second higher average
weighted mean of 2.63 states
that group conflict arises when
they are given varied tasks. The
third high average weighted
mean of 2.55 which is
interpreted as frequently
encountered declares that
some of the challenges of
cooperative learning is group
7. Based on the A training proposal was made and A training proposal was A training proposal was
findings of study, what presented to the principal for the made and presented to the made and presented to the
enhancement plan approval of matrix training principal for the approval of principal for the approval of
maybe proposed? programs for Grade 2 teachers and matrix training programs matrix training programs for
Master teachers from different for Grade 2 teachers and Grade 2 teachers and Master
schools. Master teachers from teachers from different
different schools. schools. The proposed
training was conducted
opposite to the teachers
schedule to avoid disruption
of classes and it was
managed by the master
teacher in-charge with the
help of chairmen and the
school testing coordinator
who facilitated the
evaluation tool for the said
training program.