Innovative High-Pressure Fabrication Processes For Porous Biomaterials-A Review
Innovative High-Pressure Fabrication Processes For Porous Biomaterials-A Review
Innovative High-Pressure Fabrication Processes For Porous Biomaterials-A Review
biomaterials-A review
Mythili Prakasam, Jean-François Silvain, Alain Largeteau
CNRS, Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, ICMCB, UMR 5026, F-33600 Pessac, France;
[email protected] (J.-F.S.); [email protected] (A.L.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +33-5-4000-8435
Abstract: Biomaterials and their clinical application have become well known in recent years and
progress in their manufacturing processes are essential steps in their technological advancement.
Great advances have been made in the field of biomaterials, including ceramics, glasses, polymers,
composites, glass-ceramics and metal alloys. Dense and porous ceramics have been widely used for
various biomedical applications. Current applications of bioceramics include bone grafts, spinal fu-
sion, bone repairs, bone fillers, maxillofacial reconstruction, etc. One of the common impediments
in the bioceramics and metallic porous implants for biomedical applications are their lack of me-
chanical strength. High-pressure processing can be a viable solution in obtaining porous biomateri-
als. Many properties such as mechanical properties, non-toxicity, surface modification, degradation
rate, biocompatibility, corrosion rate and scaffold design are taken into consideration. The current
review focuses on different manufacturing processes used for bioceramics, polymers and metals
and their alloys in porous forms. Recent advances in the manufacturing technologies of porous ce-
ramics by freeze isostatic pressure and hydrothermal processing are discussed in detail. Pressure as
Citation: Prakasam, M.; Silvain, J.-F.; a parameter can be helpful in obtaining porous forms for biomaterials with increased mechanical
Largeteau, A. Innovative High strength.
Pressure Fabrication Processes for
Porous Biomaterials—A Review.
Keywords: bioceramics; metallic implants; biodegradable polymers; porous biomaterials; high
Bioengineering 2021, 8, 170.
pressure processing; freeze isostatic pressure
enhanced matrix production and gene expression in vitro compared to cube-shaped pores
2.5.4. Electrospinning
Currently, electrospinning is a widely used technique for producing continuous fi-
bers in submicron to nanometer scale range. Nanoparticles mixed with polymers are elec-
trospun to produce scaffolds. This technique involves the assembly of nanoparticles
through the alignment of fibers and reduce the Gibbs free energy. No functionalization
process is required and it is dependent on high electrostatic forces. Various factors such
as solution viscosity and flowrate, electric field intensity, work distance and air humidity
play a role in the fabrication of scaffolds.
with computer-assisted design thus providing provisions to make complex porous struc-
tures. The porous structure formation by 3D printing can be precisely altered with control
of microstructure and optimization of parameters.
Decontamination, sterilization, disinfection in
(Steam Autoclave, tank 132 P < 1
High Pressure Reactor, autoclave, Hydrothermal Crystal Growth Hydrothermal
HyCr 1000 xxx
(isostatic) bomb, vessel Crystallization Hydrothermal Purification
Hot Isostatic
HIP Tank, autoclave, bomb Compaction of powder, sintering 1000 xxx
Infiltration of permeable green compacts by
Hydrothermal unkno
rHLPD Autoclave aqueous solutions + reaction under 240
Liquid-Phase wn
hydrothermal conditions
Hydrothermal Sintering of powder by hydrothermal
Reaction- HRS Sealed capsule oxidation of a metal + diffusion of H2 from the 900 xxx
Sintering capsule + sintering of the oxide powder formed
Non Leak-proof set-
Uniaxial Pressing up: die, chamber,
UP Compaction of powder 20 xxx
(ambient T) mold, cylinder,
Hydro Pressure
Sintering Leak-proof set-up Compaction of powder, consolidation 20 xxx
(ambient T)
Cold Sintering
Process Non leak-proof set-up Compaction of powder, consolidation 20 xxx
(20 °C)
(ambient T)
High-pressure Anvils in rotation
HPT Pre-compaction & subsequent consolidation 20 GPa
torsion while pressing
Uniaxial pressing Non Leak-proof set- Compaction of powder by Uniaxial pressing +
Piston – PUA 20 xxx
ultrasonic up: mold simultaneous powerful ultrasonic action
Uniaxial Hot Chamber = Non leak-
r (Force
Pressing (dry UHP proof set-up (Heating Sintering of powder 1000 xx
on 1
materials) by Induction RF exists)
Autoclave (2
Uniaxial Hot HyS CSP openings) = Leak-
Pressing (humid (T > proof set-up (Heating Sintering of powder Sintering of powder xxx
materials) 20 °C) by Induction RF exists)
Non leak-proof set-up
Autoclave (2
Hydrothermal HHP
openings) = Leak- Sintering of powder 250 xxx
Hot Pressing (=HyS)
proof set-up
Non leak-proof set-up:
pressure OPS Sintering of powder 1300 xx + x
Graphite die
High Pressure Belt, Bridgman Sintering of powder 1800 GPa
Ultra-high Multianvils (1 stage: 3
pressure UHPS axes, 2 stages : Kawai, Sintering of powder 2200 GPa
sintering Walker, ..)
Bioengineering 2021, 8, 170 9 of 22
The porous structure can be obtained by applying pressure for short time duration
and/or lower temperature compensated by higher pressure (acting as driving Force) in
these HP processes after the initiation of the necks, to avoid densification.
Above 200 MPa, the slope of melting temperature curve is positive. Above 600 MPa,
ice forms exist above 0 °C hence freezing is possible at ambient temperature. It is known
that compressibility of water is around 8% at 200 MPa and 14% at 400 MPa. By controlling
the temperature, it is possible to change the morphology and the size of the ice crystals as
observed in pressure assisted freezing and thawing widely applied in food sciences. At
low temperatures, activation energy for power law creep is larger, in comparison to lattice
diffusion, and grain growth is slow. When porosity concentrations are low, the driving
force decreases and the lattice diffusion from grain boundaries to the pores is dominant.
Figure 1 shows various pathways possible for the formation of ice crystals along with their
densities. Crystallization and melting not only depends on the pressure level and temper-
ature range but also on pressurization and depressurization rates. Control of temperature
and the heating/cooling rate is complicated in an autoclave. Recently, in the case of freeze
isostatic pressure (FIP), Largeteau et al. [63] have developed an innovative technique,
which could be defined as a CIP process at minus temperature. This innovative technique
called freeze isostatic pressure (FIP) consists of the application of pressure at minus tem-
perature on a mixture made of powder and pure water (solvent by using mineralizer).
Water is used as a template under solid state as ice which is removed at ambient pressure
and temperature. In the FIP process, the ice crystals nucleation/growing of water can be
controlled. Water used as porogen is removed by sublimation. Prakasam et al. [63] worked
on using ice as a template as a porogen (ecological, and safely eliminated from sample)
and apply the pressure simultaneously to consolidate the materials. By selecting the ap-
propriate P and T, it is possible to preserve the integrity of the biomaterial containing
water through formation of ice crystals. Additional parameters such as rate of compres-
sion, decompression, freezing and thawing, determine pore size formed by the ice crys-
tals. The dissolution localized at grains contact favored by a high stress contact point acts
like the dissolution and precipitation processes hypothesized in a hydrothermal sintering
(HyS) process. The transportation of species along the grain boundary, in the lesser stress
contact point, leads to a precipitation on the grain surface and initiates the neck formation
in the free spaces between grains, acting like an osmotic pressure effect. Blackford et al.
Bioengineering 2021, 8, 170 11 of 22
[79] explained this phenomenon in the sintering of ice crystals by transportation. In our
case, FIP could be explained by the process where inside the meltwater pressure created
at the sliding interface between ice crystals and SiO2 particles. The frictional heating gen-
erated by the external force on the mixture (powder SiO2 + water), was followed by the
dissolution of SiO2 particles (even if it is low for the chosen temperature) inside this melt-
water layer surrounding the ice crystals in contact with particles of SiO2. Moreover, SiO2
precipitation take place where the constraint is lower by the diffusion between the parti-
cles of the meltwater which presents higher mobility than the ice crystals under pressure,
and the meltwater deposits SiO2 dissolute. Finally, the meltwater freezes inside the free
space where the frictional heating does not exist because it is low stressed. The formation
of ice templating could be formed inside the mixture by deep-freezing inside a deep-
freezer at T < −50 °C rapidly before applying the FIP process for consolidation. The deep-
freezing leads to the formation a homogenous and finely crystallized ice inside the mix-
In summary, we can assume that a hydrothermal reaction is “any heterogenous
chemical reaction in the presence of a solvent (whether aqueous or non-aqueous) under
liquid state at pressure greater than 1 atm in a closed system”. As the solvent is under
liquid phase, even negative temperature could enhance dissolution and precipitation by
pressure at the contact point of the grains. This consolidation between grains could be also
enhanced by adding binder such as collagen, gelatin, polymer (ex: PVA), and so on. Figure
2 shows the FIP ICMCB equipment.
closing. Capsule free/mold free hot isostatic pressure yields an open porous body. HIP
can be applied after all conventional sintering methods in order to improve the mechani-
cal strength and to reduce the pore size. Under high gas pressure, the surface diffusion is
enhanced. Under high pressure, the densification is delayed due to the decrease in the
driving force of sintering by enhanced surface diffusion compared to other conventional
sintering. Due to well grown necks, HIPed porous materials have high mechanical
strength, narrow pore size distribution and high fluid permeability. At high pressure, gas
leads to higher density than by gas at a low pressure or under vacuum. HIP enhances the
neck formation of the pores and the necks enlarge with little densification leading to an
increase in their mechanical strength with narrow pore size distribution and high fluid
permeability. HIP porous materials have potential application as biomaterials, filters,
grinding wheels, porous detectors for electrochemical analysis.
and high at grain contacts and (2) autogeneous hydrostatic pressure caused by the expan-
sion of the solvent in the autoclave which is isostatically surrounding each grain, follow-
ing Kennedy’s abacus. The gradient of pressure between grain contacts and inter grains
partially or full of water (or solvent in the case of presence of mineralizer) in undercritical
(UCF) or supercritical (SCF) state depends on pressure and temperature (P&T) employed
during consolidation. The transportation of the species, from the high-stress contact point
to the less-stress contact point, will initiate the neck formation through precipitation. This
process is based on parameters such as pressure, temperature, state of fluid to judge dis-
solution and the solvent/mineralizer used. Duration of the hydrothermal reaction also
plays the main role in the consolidation process of HyS. By varying the pressure and the
temperature, it is possible to sinter the desired phase such as for example amorphous-
amorphous or amorphous-crystallized phase. Thus, this innovative HyS process [82] of-
fers the possibility to obtain ceramics of alpha-quartz SiO2 with amorphous precursors of
silica at lower temperature than phase transition temperature of alpha-beta quartz SiO2
which occurs at 573 °C and ambient pressure. Other examples of materials consolidation
by HyS are hydrated composition (ex: HAp), porous or dense microstructure, and low
chemical reactive compounds such as SiO2 and TiO2.
2.7. Examples of Porous Silica and Porous Copper by Innovative High-Pressure Processing
Silica-based bioactive glasses are used successfully for different bone defects and soft
tissue engineering. Silica-based glasses are widely preferred as a biomaterial, but due to
the lack of mechanical properties their clinical applications are limited. Silica-based glass
is touted to be a third-generation biomaterial for bone tissue regeneration. Silica-based
mesoporous materials can be an excellent candidate for controlled drug delivery systems
and grafting material for bone regeneration. Macroporous SiO2 bioactive scaffolds are re-
quired for osteoblast proliferation. Jones and Hench developed 3D bioactive macroporous
scaffolds which have poor fracture toughness and pore strength. In the present work we
have reported on porous SiO2 scaffolds by freeze isostatic pressure (FIP) and this process
allows the scaffold and incorporate therapeutic drug molecules to be decontaminated at
the same time during fabrication process. Our innovative equipment allows a porous
structure of biocomposites (inorganic structure with thermosensible polymer or therapeu-
tic molecules as an example) to be obtained with as a second effect a decontamination
(called as sanitization) at low temperature, called cold decontamination (also called Pas-
calization) by the HPP process.
Figure 3. Tomography (internal diameter cut view, diameter: 10 mm) of the sample consolidated by
freeze isostatic pressure (FIP) showing a non-uniform distribution of pores and inhomogeneous
repartition of solvent (presence of agglomerates).
Bioengineering 2021, 8, 170 15 of 22
Figure 4. Tomography (internal diameter cut view, diameter = 10 mm) of the sample consolidated
by FIP showing an uniform distribution of pores by increasing the content of solvent.
FIP experiments show that porosity is related to the volume of solvent used for pre-
paring the solution (Figure 5), and with the increase of solvent the porosity increases. Po-
rosity was greatly influenced by the freezing time for making the ice crystals. With the
increase of pressure the FIP process yielded a good mechanical property.
PLA 50mg
Figure 6. Porosity of AE SiO2 by hydrothermal dissolution.
The Figure 7 shows that the porosity is low if the force is high because high pressure
induces high compactness. The pellet with the lowest porosity value (4.49%) was synthe-
sized at 370 °C for 2 h at 12 kN (1500 bar), leading to complete crystallization, as this is the
stability domain of the quartz phase. This high temperature induces a greater dissolution
of the PLA. The pellets synthesized in the field of stability of the amorphous phase at low
forces (0.1 kN (12 bar) and 0.5 kN (100 bar)) exhibit high porosity but low mechanical
strength (friable). On the other hand, the pellet synthesized at 1 kN (127 bar) has both high
porosity (40.7%) and very good mechanical strength (not brittle). The content of PLA af-
fects also the mechanical behavior but is compensated by the force applied.
Bioengineering 2021, 8, 170 17 of 22
Figure 9. Variation of porosity with respect to initial applied pressure in Cu porous samples by
hydrothermal sintering.
These results obtained show the advantage of high pressure in obtaining porous sam-
ples by innovative high-pressure processing. The sections described in 2.6 and 2.7 can be
employed with any kinds of biomaterial ranging from metals, polymers, composites and
to therapeutic compounds. As high-pressure techniques at low temperatures (FIP, CIP
and HyS) can be used for sterilization of the fabricated samples, these techniques at high
pressure and low temperature can be employed for clinical applications.
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