Chitosan: An Integrative Biomaterial For Lab-On-A-Chip Devices
Chitosan: An Integrative Biomaterial For Lab-On-A-Chip Devices
Chitosan: An Integrative Biomaterial For Lab-On-A-Chip Devices
1 Introduction
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute for Systems
Research (ISR), University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
Fischell Department of Bioengineering, Center for Biosystems Research,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742, USA
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Institute for Systems
Research (ISR), University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742, USA
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Currently address: Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology,
NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, 20899, USA
Properties of chitosan
should note that the mechanistic details are more complex and
likely involve the reduction of oxygen ions as well.23 Chitosan
forms a thin film over the cathode surface as a result of the high
pH there. The rate of the chitosan deposition is influenced by
many factors: the molecular weight of the chitosan, the pH of the
solution, the sizes and separation of the anode and cathode, and
the applied voltage. Buckhout-White et al. has extensively
characterized the spatial resolution of electrodeposited chitosan
films.49 Recent in situ visualization and characterization of electrodeposited chitosan done by Cheng et al. further proved that
the gelation and immobilization of chitosan onto the cathode are
due to the electrochemically generated pH change by OH ions
and the density distribution of deposited chitosan hydrogel is
electric field-dependent.50 Further dependence of electrodeposition rates on applied stimuli has been investigated in several
The electrodeposition method inherently provides a patterning
capability. The resulting chitosan film pattern is identical to the
electrode geometry, which can be easily defined by standard
microfabrication techniques. Unlike other chitosan deposition
methods such as solution casting or printing, electrodeposition
does not require an exposed, planar surface. This allows for the
deposition of chitosan films on a variety of micro-scale geometries such as released structures,27,52 out-of-plane surfaces,20,5355
and sealed microchannels.5658 Fig. 4 shows electrodeposited
chitosan on the side of a thick polymer film (SU-8), highlighting
the ability of this method to coat non-planar surfaces.
Importantly, chitosan can retain its pH responsive and electrodeposition properties when combined with other substances.
The electrical co-deposition of chitosan with several proteins46,5961
and nanoparticles has been successfully demonstrated.62,63 This
facilitates the fabrication of modified chitosan films.
Purpose of modification
Pesticides detection
Ethanol detection
Hydrogen peroxide detection
Creatinine detection
Glucose detection
Glucose detection
Glutamate detection
Hydrogen peroxide detection
Catechol detection
Lactate detection
Processing of lipids
Phenol detection
Studies of bacterial signaling
Sulfite detection
Phenol detection
Urea detection
Uric acid detection
pH responsive hydrogels
Glucose detection
Fabrication of composite films
Insulin detection
Phenol detection
Pesticides detection
Glucose detection
Hydrogen peroxide detection
Dopamine detection
Assembly of nanoscale materials
Drug delivery, chemical signaling
Permeability control
NADH detection
Permeability control
Detection of Cobalt
Affinity ligand for lysozyme
Table 1 (Contd. )
Modifying substance
Purpose of modification
Redox salts
Toluidine blue O
Tungsten oxide (WO3)
other substances. The results from relatively simple characterization techniques such as absorbance measurements, tensile
testing, or cyclic voltammetry can also be quite valuable, especially for the development of sensors. As discussed in section 6.2,
the operation of most chitosan-based sensors is based on
a change in optical absorbance, mechanical strain, or electrical
5.1 Fluorescence microscopy
Fluorescence microscopy is commonly used to confirm the
localized patterning of chitosan films.12,47 Unmodified chitosan is
transparent and is difficult to image with a standard optical
microscope. However, it can be readily conjugated with fluorescent dyes and imaged with a fluorescent microscope. Fig. 5 is
a micrograph of electrodeposited chitosan labeled with fluorescein, demonstrating the selective pattering of the film.
Fluorescence microscopy is also used to verify the presence of
fluorescently active biomolecules in a deposited chitosan film.61
For example, green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been used to
demonstrate the capability of chitosan to bind proteins.57 Fluorescent intensity images of chitosan films were used to confirm
the entrapment of vesicles filled with fluorescent substances.111
The fluorescence microscopy method is compatible with nearly
all types of bioMEMS devices, and it does not require any
specialized sample fabrication.
5.2 Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and UV-VIS
FT-IR spectroscopy identifies the molecular structures that are
present in a substance based on their respective absorption bands
in the infrared spectrum. Chitosan exhibits characteristic
absorption bands at 3400, 2886, 1643 and 1593 cm1. These
features correspond to the stretching or bending vibrations of
chitosans hydroxyl groups (OH), protonated amine groups
(NH3), carbonyl groups (NHC]O), and amine groups
(NH2), respectively.
Cheng et al. and Ma et al. performed FT-IR measurements to
verify that their respective fabrication techniques with chitosan
did not alter its chemical structure.14,129 Similarly, Kam et al.
used FT-IR to characterize any change to chitosan that may
occur due to storage conditions.130 The results of chemical
reactions, including covalent bonding of molecules to chitosans
amine groups or enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis, can also be
observed by FT-IR.22,83 Therefore, this method is commonly
used to confirm that certain proteins or nanoparticles are
Fig. 5 Resolution of spaces between 500 mm wide gold lines after chitosan deposition and subsequent reaction with NHS fluorescein. The widths of
spaces were 1000, 500, 200, and 50 mm. Reprinted with permission from ref. 12. Copyright 2003 American Chemical Society.
immobilized within the chitosan and that they have retained their
structure following deposition.25,30,41,62,86,104,131133 The co-deposition of chitosan with other polymers can also be studied with
FTIR.15,67,134,135 For example, Cai et al. added cellulose to
chitosan to decrease the blends sensitivity to humidity and used
FT-IR to characterize the effect of blending different ratios
UV-VIS spectroscopy measures the light absorbance of the
sample in the UV and visible ranges. Traditionally, it has been
used along with the BeerLambert law to measure the concentration of an absorbing species in liquid, but it is also suitable for
transparent solids. Many research groups have used UV-VIS
measurements to study changes that occur in chitosan upon
conjugation with other substances such as enzymes or metallic
nanoparticles.41,62,86,92,103 For example, Wu et al. noted a large
absorption increase around 420 nm when chitosan is subjected to
oxidized catechol molecules.22 This effect has been used to make
absorbance-based optical sensors for catechol detection,54 which
are discussed in section 6.2.
5.3 X-Ray diffraction
X-Ray diffraction (XRD) can yield further information
regarding the crystalline structure of the solid. Chitosan exhibits
a fairly broad peak due to its amorphous structure at 2q of 20 .
Studies have suggested that neutralization of chitosan by NaOH
induces crystalline formations as evidenced by the creation of
peaks at 2q of 10 and 15 .130 Ma et al. performed XRD
measurements to characterize structural changes in the chitosan
resulting from different degrees of chitin deacetylation.129 Ogawa
et al. used XRD data to directly compare the molecular and
crystallographic differences between chitin and chitosan.136
Characterizing the changes in chitosans crystalline structure
may be useful for determining the density of exposed surface
amine groups. These amine groups are crucial for the conjugation of biomolecules to the chitosan and are what make it
a functionalization layer in sensors.
5.4 Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
Nanometer changes in the morphology of the chitosan film can
be determined using atomic force microscopy (AFM). A microscale cantilever with a sharp probe tip is scanned over the chitosan surface. The minute deflections of the cantilever are
measured to create a surface topography map. Cai et al. used
AFM to study the morphology of adsorbed chitosan films on
glass slides.137 AFM measurements are also often used to confirm
cross-linking reactions at the chitosan surface and to verify
successful conjugation of chitosan with other materials such as
metallic nanoparticles. Lin et al. observed an increase in thickness and surface regularity for crosslinked chitosan vs. noncrosslinked chitosan.104 Du et al. used AFM imaging to ensure
that gold nanoparticles were embedded in the chitosan film
following the chemical reaction between tetrachloroauric (III)
acid, acetic acid and chitosan.62 Similar studies have been performed on chitosan films containing metallic nanoparticles.94
The morphology of chitosan films that have been patterned using
either nanoimprint lithography or microcontact printing is also
commonly examined using AFM.13,44,45 Example images of
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Fig. 7 Chitosan mediated assembly of GFP in micro fluidic device. (a) Fluorescence image of the assembly site after glutaraldehyde reaction; (b) after
GFP reaction; (c) negative control (no bias); (d) GFP conjugated chitosan film; (e) Image J fluorescence surface plot.57Reproduced by permission of
the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 8 Schematic of chitosan conjugation and electrodeposition in a microfluidic channel. (a) Prefabricated device, (b) conjugation between chitosan
and the enzyme Pfs, (c) electrodeposition of Pfs-chitosan conjugate, (d) enzymatic small molecule detection, (e) mild acid wash removes chitosan and
refreshes electrode surface.58Reproduced by permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 10 Schematic of micromachined amperometric sensor. 1. Pyrex glass down-substrate, 2. Pt WE, 3. Conduction line, 4. Pads, 5. Up-substrate made
of silicon, 6. Quadratic hole, 7. Chitosan membrane with cross-linked enzyme, 8. Ag/AgCl RE. (a) Down-substrate, (b) up-substrate, (c) bonding
between up- and down-substrates, (d) cross section along A-A0 . Redrawn with permission from ref. 24.
Fig. 13 (a) Schematic of microcantilever with chitosan used for detection of DNA hybridization and for detection of dopamine electrochemical oxidation. (b) SEM of fabricated cantilever. (c) Optical
micrograph of cantilever after chitosan electrodeposition. The chitosan is
deposited everywhere except at the electrically isolated tip. (d) Contact
profiler scan of chitosan film along dashed line in C.27Reproduced by
permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
This work was supported in part by the National Science
Foundation (EFRI), the R. W. Deutsch foundation and the
Laboratory for Physical Sciences. The authors also appreciate
the support of the Maryland NanoCenter and both its Fablab
and NispLab. The NispLab is supported in part by the NSF as
a MRSEC Shared Experimental Facility.
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