Additive Manufacturing Technology For Porous Metal
Additive Manufacturing Technology For Porous Metal
Additive Manufacturing Technology For Porous Metal
Bioactive Materials
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Keywords: Recently, the fabrication methods of orthopedic implants and devices have been greatly developed. Additive
Additive manufacturing manufacturing technology allows the production of complex structures with bio-mimicry features, and has the
Powder bed fusion potential to overcome the limitations of conventional fabrication methods. This review explores open-cellular
Porosity structural design for porous metal implant applications, in relation to the mechanical properties, biocompat-
TPMS structures
ibility, and biodegradability. Several types of additive manufacturing techniques including selective laser sin-
tering, selective laser melting, and electron beam melting, are discussed for different applications. Additive
manufacturing through powder bed fusion shows great potential for the fabrication of high-quality porous metal
implants. However, the powder bed fusion technique still faces two major challenges: it is high cost and time-
consuming. In addition, triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) structures are also analyzed in this paper, tar-
geting the design of metal implants with an enhanced biomorphic environment.
Received 7 November 2018; Received in revised form 16 December 2018; Accepted 16 December 2018
2452-199X/ This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
L. Yuan et al. Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
L. Yuan et al. Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
scaffolds can provide the necessary support for cells to proliferate and be considered in orthopedic implant design. To a great extent, an in-
maintain their differentiated functions, and their structure defines the crease in the porosity of a scaffold results in better biocompatibility.
ultimate shape of the new bone created during growth processes. However, this may also reduce the mechanical properties of the porous
structure. Porosity is generally shown to be inversely proportional to
2.2. Effect of porosity on biocompatibility the mechanical properties. In some cases, an increase in pore size can
also reduce the Young's modulus and yield strength, due to wall
Biomedical implants and devices with high levels of porosity have thickness thinning [45]. Balancing the biocompatibility with the me-
attracted interest because of their notable biocompatibility, which is chanical properties is a prerequisite in the development of a superior
beneficial for bone regeneration and formation [36,37]. Porosity is an biomaterial device. An adult human has 206 separate bones in total,
essential element of bone ingrowth in metal implants. In an early study, supporting their daily physical activities. In order to facilitate multiple
Kuboki et al. [38] investigated the osteogenesis induced by bone mor- human activities, bones need to withstand different types of mechanical
phogenetic protein using hydroxyapatite with both solid and porous loads, which can be quantified as force, stress, and strain [46]. Me-
particles in rats. Their results indicated that osteogenesis only occurs in chanical properties can be described and measured in several different
porous structures [32,38]. A satisfactory porous structure needs to be ways, which include tensile strength, compressive strength, hardness,
open-cellular and interconnected, which is important for cell distribu- elasticity of stiffness, plasticity, ductility, and toughness. All of these
tion and migration, thus facilitating blood vessel formation [39]. Due to mechanical properties need to be evaluated and analyzed during im-
cell size, the minimum pore size is required to be 100 μm, which allows plant production.
the bone cells to migrate and be transported for osteogenesis [39,40]. As mentioned above, Ti and some of its alloys (e.g., Tie6Ale4V) are
Implants with pores of 200–350 μm size support new bone and capillary widely used as load-bearing implants. However, they have a relatively
formation, facilitating bone ingrowth [32]. In order to achieve better higher Young's modulus than human bone. A higher Young's modulus in
bone tissue ingrowth in scaffolding applications, the level of porosity implant materials than that of bone can cause bone atrophy due to a
was suggested to be 60% of the entire architecture as a minimum re- stress-shielding effect. How to minimize the Young's modulus is one of
quirement, with a pore size ranging from 200 to 1200 μm [20]. Torres- the major concerns in implant design. To address this issue, a me-
Sanchez et al. [41] studied the biological behaviors of porous Ti scaf- tallurgical approach can be applied to close the gap of the Young's
folds with four different ranges of pore sizes including 45–106 μm, modulus mismatch. The introduction of a β phase through alloying with
106–212 μm, 212–300 μm and 300–500 μm (Fig. 1). The Ti scaffolds β stabilizers [47–49] or sophisticated thermomechanical processes can
were seeded with osteosarcoma osteoblasts 143B and incubated for 12 reduce the Young's modulus of these metals. For example, Mo, tantalum
days for the evaluation of cell response in terms of cell attachment and (Ta), niobium (Nb) and zirconium (Zr) are effective β stabilizers and
proliferation. Result showed that small pores benefited for cell attach- can be used to alloy Ti, leading to a lower Young's modulus of these Ti
ment and large pores supported for cell proliferation (Fig. 2). The Ti alloys (∼42 GPa [50]). Nevertheless, natural bone still has lower
scaffold with the smallest pores (45–106 μm) exhibited excellent cell Young's modulus than that of Ti-based alloys. Another approach to
growth rate in the first three days, where the small pores provided more reducing the Young's modulus of metallic implant materials is to in-
surface area for cell attachment; however, the cell growth rate became troduce porosity into the metals [2,51–56]. According to the model of
slower than those on the scaffolds with larger pore sizes after 3 days of Gibson and Ashby [56], the most important structural characteristic of
cell culture. Ti scaffold with pore size 300–500 μm initially showed a a porous material that influences its mechanical response is its relative
lower cell growth rate in day one, but it tremendously increased to the density, ρ/ρs (the ratio of the density of the porous material ρ to that of
end of the culture time of 12 days [41]. Furthermore, Woodard et al. the solid material ρs). The relationships between the plastic collapse
[42] distinguished porosity into macro-porosity and micro-porosity strength, the elastic modulus, and the relative density can be approxi-
based on pore size. Macro-porosity is considered to involve a pore size mated by:
greater than 50 μm and micro-porosity involves a pore size less than σpl = 0.3(ρ/ρs)3/2σys (2)
20 μm. In scaffold design, having multiple porosities (a combination of
micro- and macro-porous structures) has shown better biocompatibility E = (ρ/ρs) Es (3)
than having only a macro-porous structure [43]. A scaffold with a
Eqs (2) and (3) indicate that the elastic modulus and plastic collapse
certain amount of micro-porosity increases the surface area for osteo-
strength both decrease with increasing porosity.
genic protein adsorption and osteoblast cell attachment, promoting
A mechanical evaluation of a biomedical scaffold could be compli-
rapid bone regeneration into the scaffold [43,44].
cated in the physiological environment, where the scaffold is under a
superimposed loading situation with load vectors coming from multiple
2.3. Effect of porosity on mechanical properties directions, rather than taking one simply measurement in uniaxial di-
rection [57]. In addition, most of the open cellular structures show
Mechanical properties are another important element that needs to
Fig. 1. Ti scaffolds with 70% porosity and different ranges of pore sizes [41].
L. Yuan et al. Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
Fig. 2. Cell viability of the porous Ti scaffolds with 70% porosity and different pore sizes after cell culture for 1, 3, 7 and 12 days [41].
anisotropic deformation behavior, thus the mechanical performance is AM theoretically simplifies the whole process and reduces unnecessary
affected by the pore orientation, arrangement, distribution, shape and cost [60]. AM has been developed over more than thirty years since the
size [58]. Yang et al. [58] studied the elastic behavior of gyroid cellular mid-1980s [61]. Nowadays, multiple AM approaches are available for
structure using compression tests and indicated that the loading di- different applications, based on the specific requirements of individual
rection significantly affects the Young's modulus of gyroid cellular objects. In general, fused deposition modelling (FDM), powder bed
structures. Xu et al. [50] investigated the microstructure and mechan- fusion (PBF), inkjet printing, stereolithography (SL), direct energy de-
ical properties of porous Ti architectures with different porosities, pore position (DED), and laminated object manufacturing (LOM) are the
sizes and distributions; unsurprisingly, the Young's modulus and yield main approaches of current AM.
stress were inversely proportional to the pore size and porosity. Their
results also indicated that porous Ti structures with a staggered pore 3.1. AM procedures
distribution exhibited a lower Young's modulus than those with a reg-
ular pore distribution [50]. Generally, AM technology operates from 3D object modelling via
computer aided design (CAD) to the fabrication of structures using a
2.4. Effect of porosity on biodegradability layer-by-layer 3D printing process. In the modelling phase, a variety of
software applications allows creating, modifying, and optimizing the
Biomaterials for temporary implant applications should exhibit an designed structures, which increases the productivity and improves the
appropriate degradation rate to support bone tissue regeneration. The quality of the final products. Once the objects have been designed by a
degradation rate of an implant depends on the corrosion resistance of CAD software application, the files have to be saved as standard tri-
the material, which is affected by the chemistry as well as the physical angulate language (STL) format for the subsequent printing purposes.
characteristics of the implant. For instance, the porosity of the material STL is a file format in CAD that supports 3D printing and computer
plays a vital role in affecting the corrosion rate. Through reducing the aided manufacturing (CAM). In the fabrication phase, the generated
porosity of the material, the corrosion resistance can be increased due STL files are input into the selected printing machines to build up the
to the decrease in the specific surface area, and vice versa. The corro- 3D models in a layer-by-layer process.
sion rate (r) can be calculated using the equation given by: In the AM of a medical implant, scanning of the host's own bone is a
necessary step, which has to be performed before the CAD modelling.
r (corrosion rate) (μg/day) = (M1-M2) / ti (μg/day) (4)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray computed tomography (CT),
where M1 is the object mass before corrosion and M2 is the object mass and other scanning techniques can be used for the scanning to collect an
after corrosion, while ti is the immersion time [59]. accurate image data from each individual patient [62]. The scanned
Hou et al. [24] investigated the corrosion behavior of two groups of image data is manipulated and converted to 3D CAD models by using
Zn-based open-cellular scaffolds. The first group was pure Zn scaffolds specific biomaterial software applications such as Mimics® (Materialise,
with respective porosities of 68% and 75%, and the second group was Belgium) and Biobuild® (Anatomics, Australia) [63]. After the model
Zn-3wt%Cu (copper) scaffolds with the same respective porosities. The has been generated, the process is followed by the abovementioned
results showed that the corrosion rate was inversely proportional to the procedures for optimizing and 3D printing.
porosity over the whole time period for both groups of scaffolds.
3.2. Metallic AM techniques
3. An overview of additive manufacturing (AM)
As shown in Table 1, PBF, DED and LOM are capable for metallic
Recently, a novel fabrication technology, additive manufacturing materials fabrication. PBF uses metal powders as the material resources,
(AM), which is also known as rapid prototyping and three-dimensional whereas DED normally uses wires, LOM uses sheets [64]. DED, which is
(3D) printing, has been widely explored for both research and com- also called laser engineered net shaping (LENS), has accurate compo-
mercial purposes. This technology has shown great ability to manu- sition control and is capable of fabricating products with controlled
facture pieces from powders for diverse applications, thus eliminating microstructures thus excellent mechanical properties, specializing in
multiple manufacturing constraints and producing architecture with crack fillings and retrofitting of fabricated parts. The DED method
more complex geometry than with conventional technologies. presents lower accuracy of fabricated parts and lower surface quality,
Compared with traditional manufacturing processes, the AM process when compared with PBF. This method is used for large component
has the great advantage of process simplicity from the design phase to fabrication and broken parts repairing such as turbine blades repair in
installation. The whole AM process only takes few steps, which greatly aircraft. LOM can be used to print a wide range of materials, including
increases the productivity. In a traditional manufacturing process, a metal rolls. LOM can greatly reduce manufacturing time and tool cost.
large number of skilled operators are required for machining and Compared with other AM methods, LOM is the only approach for fab-
welding processes, resulting in high labor costs. In addition, the cost of ricating metallic structures at low temperature [65,66]. Apart from the
machines and maintenance expenses cannot be ignored, which makes above-mentioned advantages, LOM can be used for larger structure
up a notable proportion of the expense in the manufacturing process. fabrication; however, without post-processing the quality of the
L. Yuan et al.
Table 1
Materials, general applications, product resolution, advantages and disadvantages, and build volumes of six different categories of additive manufacturing: fused deposition modelling, powder bed fusion, inkjet printing,
stereolithography, direct energy deposition and laminated object manufacturing. Reproduced and modified from Ref. [72].
Additive manufacturing
Category Material General applications Resolution (μm) Advantages Disadvantages Build volume References
Fused deposition modelling (FDM) Continuous filaments of • Toys 50–200 • Simplicity • Low dimensional resolution X: < 900 [72,74–78]
thermoplastics (PLA, ABS, • Commercial samples • Fast processing time • Weakness of mechanical Y: < 600
PETG, nylon etc.) • Affordability properties (inner layer Z: < 900
• Poor surface quality
• Limited materials
Powder bed fusion (Selective laser sintering SLS (polymers, metals and alloy • Biomedical fabrication 80–250 • Superior mechanical • Expensive X: 200–300 [72,77,79]
(SLS)/Selective laser melting (SLM)/ powders) • Electronics Aerospace properties • Time consuming process Y: 200–300
Electron beam melting (EBM)) SLM and EBM (specific metal etc. • High quality • Shrinkage or distortion Z: 200–350
materials) • Complex geometry
Inkjet printing and contour crafting Ceramic structure for Inkjet: 5–200 process workability X: < 300 [72,77]
Concrete and soil for contour
• Advanced
tissue engineering Contour crafting:
• Time-effective
for construction
• Maintaining
resolution (coarseness) Y: < 200
crafting structure 25000–40000
• Used
(contour crafting)
• Low Z: < 200
• Building
• Poor adhesion X: < 4000
Y: < 2000
Z: < 1000
Stereolithography (SL) Polymers (photopolymers) • Biomedical applications 10 •. High quality of printing • Expensive X: < 2100 [72,77,80]
Composites (can applied to • Commercial prototypes objects • Time-consuming process Y: < 700
Nano –composites) •. Fine resolution • Limited for large-volume Z: < 800
•. High fabrication accuracy production
•. Smooth finish
Direct energy deposition (DED)/Laser Metals and metal alloys •. Aerospace (turbine 250 • Excellent mechanical • Post-processing required X: 600–3000 [72,76,77,81]
engineered net shaping (LENS)/Direct Ceramics blade repair) properties • Low resolution Y: 500–3500
metal deposition DMD) Glass •. Retrofitting • Rapid cooling rates • Low surface quality Z: 350–5000
Polymers •. Repair of bespoke parts • Effective time and cost of • Producing less complex
•. Cladding repairs models (in comparison with
•. Biomedical applications • Multiple-axis deposition and powder bed fusion)
multiple materials at the
same time
• Controlled microstructure
Laminated object manufacturing (LOM) Polymers •. Paper manufacturing Based on laminate • Time-effective processing • Post process required X: 150–250 [72,77]
Metals •. Foundry industries thickness • Low cost • Limited materials Y: 200
Ceramics •. Electronics Smart • Poor surface quality and Z: 100–150
Paper structures accuracy
Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
L. Yuan et al. Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
Table 2
Features of SLM and EBM in comparison [86].
Powder sources One or more fiber lasers of 200–1000 W High power Electron beam of 3000 W
Build chamber environment Argon or Nitrogen Vacuum/He bleed
Method of powder preheating Platform heating Preheat scanning
Powder preheating temperature (°C) 100–200 700–900
Maximum available build volume (mm) 500 × 350 × 300 350 × 380 (diameter × length)
Maximum build rate (cm3/h) 20–35 80
Layer Thickness (mm) 0.020–0.100 0.050–0.200
Melt pool size (mm) 0.1–0.5 0.2–1.2
Surface finish (Ra) 4–11 25–35
Geometric tolerance (mm) ± 0.05–0.1 ± 0.2
Minimum feature size 40–200 100
L. Yuan et al. Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
Fig. 4. SEM images of Tie6Ale4V gyroid lattice surfaces fabricated by SLM: (a) and (b) as-built, (c) and (d) after post treatments (heat treatment and sandblasting)
structures without constraint of geometry. This technique also allows capable of fabricating brittle metals. As the rapid cooling rate could
recycling of the un-melted powders [64,87]. However, the dis- trigger solidification cranks of brittle metals, EBM technique accom-
advantages of SLM are obvious, such as high initial cost and acute size modates metal powers using a hot powder bed generally heated up to
restrictions. It should be noted that brittle materials should be avoided ∼870 K, therefore reducing the temperature difference between the
for SLM fabrication because solidification cracks may occur. Rapid metal powders and the powder bed, leading to reduced cooling rate of
heating and cooling of brittle metal powder in SLM process will lead to the molten powders [64]. However, under such circumstances, the
residual stress, thus resulting in cracks in the as-built parts [64,86]. processing time of EBM could be longer than SLM in order to cool down
Additionally, SLM-built parts normally have rough surface (Fig. 4(a and the as-built parts to room temperature. In addition, EBM-built parts also
b)) [88] due to the attachment of a large amount of partially melted exhibit rough surface because of the attachment of a large amount of
particles from SLM process. These unexpected particles could have partially melted particles (Fig. 5(a)), which is similar to SLM [20]. The
adverse effect on the mechanical properties especially the fatigue EBM-built scaffold was blasted by ceramic beads to improve the surface
strength [20,89]. Thus, post treatments are required to improve the quality (Fig. 5(b)) [20]. Apart from those drawbacks, this technique still
quality of the surfaces. As shown in Fig. 4(c and d), the surface has some other critical deficiencies in regards to process stability, de-
roughness of strut was improved by post treatments (heat treatment lamination occurrence and low accuracy [96]. In order to improve the
and sandblasting), where most of partially melted particles were re- reliability of EBM production, further research is needed to address all
moved [88]. these issues.
A schematic of an Aram EBM machine and its processing chamber is
3.5. EBM shown in Fig. 6 [91,92]. The EBM machine has two main components, a
processing chamber and a control panel. A tungsten filament is fixed on
EBM is another advanced powder bed fusion-based rapid proto- the upper column under the electron beam gun, which emits electrons
typing process for the fabrication of metal products. EBM uses an by heating up to a temperature ranging from 1900 K to 2200 K, and the
electron beam to melt conductive metal powders in a layer-by-layer generated electron beam is accelerated to a kinetic energy of about
process. A paper describing the capability of electron beam in the 60 KeV. The electron beam is adjusted by different magnetic lenses (or
manufacturing of 3D objects was published in 1994 [90,91]. Since then, coils), including an astigmatism lens, focus lens, and deflection lens.
this technique has been well developed. A Swedish company called The first magnetic lens is used for astigmatism correction; the second
Arcam EBM manufactures and distributes their EBM machines for magnetic lens focuses the electron beam to the desired diameter from
commercial purposes and the first production of EBM machines was 0.1 to 1 mm; and the third magnetic lens deflects the focused beam to a
launched in 2002 [92]. Presently, several kinds of metallic powders are desired position on the powder bed. In the processing chamber, the
available at Arcam for EBM fabrication, including Tie6Ale4V, Grade 2 metal powders, supplied from powder hoppers, are scanned by the
Ti, CoeCr alloy, and Inconel super 718 [92]. Similar to other powder electron beam. Similar to SLM, the scanned metal powder is first melted
bed fusion techniques, EBM fabrication has addressed some of the completely and then solidified into a thin layer with a thickness in the
limitations of conventional tool-cutting methods and it can be used to range of 0.05–0.2 mm. As the predefined pattern has been set in the
fabricate complex structures and parts, including porous scaffolds with computer, the electron beam scans the powder at a preset speed and
specified stiffness [93]. In an early study in 2008, Heinl et al. [94] location. In order to prevent oxidation of metal powders, especially for
successfully fabricated a porous Tie6Ale4V structure by EBM and in- highly reactive metals like Ti, the entire process takes place in vacuum
dicated that their models had reduced stiffness and were suitable for [86]. The chamber pressure is 10−1 Pa and the electron beam gun is at
bone ingrowth. Moreover, EBM is also considered a cost-effective pro- a pressure of 10−3 Pa. In the processing chamber, a low-pressure inert
cess for the fabrication of customized orthopedic implants and instru- helium (He) gas (10−1 Pa) is introduced to cool down the parts after the
ments for biomedical devices [95]. Unlike SLM fabrication, EBM is printing process. The He gas also protects the powders from becoming
L. Yuan et al. Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
Fig. 5. SEM images of Tie6Ale4V gyroid lattices surfaces fabricated by EBM: (a) as-built, (b) after post treatment of ceramic blasting [20].
electrically charged [91,96–101] (see Table 2). used for processing metallic biomaterials for load-bearing implants
applications. In an early research by Krishna et al. [104], the LENS
3.6. Metallic biomaterials fabricated by AM for implant applications technique was used in the fabrication of porous CPeTi with low stiff-
ness for load-bearing implant applications in 2007. Wu et al. [105]
Metal-AM fabrication has been extensively explored in the last investigated the mechanical response of gradient porous Tie6Ale4V
decade and this technology has been successfully used in the biome- cylinders fabricated by EBM with 70%–90% porosity, which exhibited
dical field. 3D printed physical models can provide a detailed visuali- different elastic moduli close to those of natural bone. Ataee et al. [106]
zation of clinic cases before surgery, which is a practical approach for reported ultra-high strength in a gyroid porous CPeTi fabricated by
surgery planning and accurate diagnosis. Surgeons and medical doctors SLM, which exhibited an elastic modulus close to that of trabecular
can simulate surgery processes on 3D printed models to examine the bone. Surmeneva et al. [107] fabricated Tie6Ale4V lattice scaffolds via
outcomes of the surgery and find any potential surgical risk and failing EBM and achieved a set of mechanical properties matching those of
factors [62,102]. More importantly, AM technology can produce cus- trabecular bones. In addition, AM techniques have also been used for
tomized implants for bone replacement and fixation. Since the current the fabrication of dental implants. Ti and CoeCr based alloys are the
implant structure design becomes increasingly complex to meet dif- favorable metallic materials for fabricating dental parts due to their
ferent requirements (e.g., interconnected porous TPMS scaffold), it excellent mechanical performance and surface properties [102]. How-
could be challenging to manufacture such a metallic implant via con- ever, there is a serious concern about metallic materials for dental ap-
ventional fabrication methods such as casting, forging, milling, and plications because alloys may release toxic ions which may cause ad-
turning. This technology is also capable of fabricating complex porous verse tissue reactions as well as hypersensitivity in individuals,
structures with both micro and macro porosity. Due to the high soli- especially in the oral environment [102,108]. Xin et al. [108] in-
dification rate of AM techniques, AM-produced implants may exhibit vestigated the biological response of CoCr samples in artificial saliva
high strength [103]. solution using a seven-day immersion test, where the samples were
Metallic biomaterials such as Ti alloys are widespread used for load- fabricated either by SLM or traditional casting. They found that the
bearing bone substitutes due to their excellent mechanical, corrosion SLM-built parts showed significantly low Co-ion release compared with
and biological properties. LENS, EBM and SLM have been extensively that of cast specimen. Thus, the SLM-built part showed a significant
Fig. 6. (a) Schematic of an EBM machine and (b) its processing chamber [91,92].
L. Yuan et al. Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
higher cell proliferation rate than that of the cast specimen. The SLM-
built CoCr samples exhibited higher biocompatibility and lower biolo-
gical risks than their cast counterparts. Apart from the load-bearing and
dental applications, AM techniques also show great capability in other
biomedical applications; for instance, Jardini et al. [63] reconstructed a
Tie6Ale4V cranial implant by using Direct Metal Laser Sintering
(DMLS) to restore the structure integrity of the patient's skull and facial
aesthetics. Demir et al. [109] successfully produced cardiovascular
CoCr stents by SLM and suggested that SLM could be an alternative Fig. 8. Gyroid surface following mathematical equation (3): in order to gen-
process for microtube manufacturing and laser microcutting in stent erate a basic unit cell of a gyroid surface, the x, y and z spatial directions are in
fabrication. the interval length of 2π, where x, y, z = [-π, π] and a = 0 .
4. Triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) structures 70% porosity for the designed objects, the α offset value could be |0.60|
for a gyroid and |0.42| for a Schwarz diamond [115] (see Fig. 7).
4.1. Overview A computer program called Mathmod [116] has been introduced for
TPMS structural analysis, and provides support for visualization and
TPMS describes a periodically infinite structure along three in- manipulation of different TPMS models in multiple dimensions by
dependent directions with zero mean curvature of the surface (the mathematical equations. In recent years, this software application has
concave and convex curvatures are symmetrical at all points) drawn attention for the building of models. Mathmod was initially
[110,111]. Porous architectures with TPMS topology are constructed by applied to generate the unit cells of the desired TPMS models in many
repeating elements with the minimum possible area (unit cells) studies [117–122], and the generated models can be imported into
[110,112]. TPMS is also defined by implicit functions and can be dis- other software applications for further model construction.
tinguished by curved surfaces even at the junction of struts. Each type Single unit cells of gyroid and diamond surfaces created by
of TPMS architecture can be expressed in a strict mathematical equa- Mathmod are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, respectively.
tion. Typical examples of implicit TPMS implicit functions are given by Previous studies investigated the mechanical properties of TPMS
Ref. [111]: architectures [20,31,106,123,125] in which powder bed fusion fabri-
Gyroid surface: F (x , y, z ) = cos (x )⋅sin (y ) + cos (y )⋅sin (z ) + cos (z ) cation methods (SLS, SLM and EBM) were employed to build up me-
tallic TPMS structures, especially for Ti and its alloys (see Table 3).
⋅sin (x ) + a (5) These AM methods address the challenges of conventional manu-
facturing processes, allowing the fabrication of complex, open-cellular
Schwarz diamond: F (x , y, z ) = sin (x ) sin (y )⋅sin (z ) + sin (x )⋅cos (y ) TPMS architectures. TPMS porous structures and scaffolds possess great
⋅cos (z ) + cos (x )⋅sin (y )⋅cos (z ) + cos (x ) bio-mimicry features and excellent mechanical property, which im-
⋅cos (y )⋅sin (z ) + a (6) proves implant feasibility and reliability. According to Rajagopalan
et al. [126], the ideal biomorphic geometry would be a structure with
Neovius surface: F (x , y, z ) = 3⋅(cos (x ) + cos (y ) + cos (z )) + 4 surfaces that are continuous through space and separated into two not-
necessarily-equal sub-spaces by a non-intersecting, two-sided surface.
⋅(cos (x )⋅cos (y )⋅cos (z )) + a (7) TPMS geometries exhibit great biomorphic features with smooth con-
tinuous surfaces along three independent directions and the surfaces
D − prime surface: F (x , y, z ) = 0.5⋅(sin (x )⋅sin (y )⋅sin (z ) + cos (x ) divide the structure into two non-intersecting spaces. Compared to the
⋅cos (y )⋅cos (z )) − 0.5⋅(cos (2x ) straight edges or sharp turns of geometrically primitive's shapes such as
⋅cos (2y )þcos (2y )⋅ cos (2z ) + cos (2z )⋅cos (2x )) cylinders and cubes, TPMS structures can provide a better biomorphic
environment for cell activities such as cell attachment, penetration,
+a (8)
migration and proliferation [123,126]. In addition, TPMS structures
where the x, y, and z are in the Cartesian Coordinates [113]. The α were also reported to exhibit good fatigue properties because of the
variant is the offset value, which can be used to determinate the de- curvature of the struts; at the nodal points, the stress concentrations
signed solid fraction [31]. The offset value can be both positive and caused by defects were eliminated [117,119,127]. During the fabrica-
negative. If the offset value is positive, the gyroid surface build up in tion process, a TMPS structure has better manufacturability than a
positive region and vice versa [114]. For instance, in order to maintain structure with sharp turns or straight-edged pores and struts,
L. Yuan et al. Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
Table 3
Mechanical properties and porosity of SLM/EBM fabricated Tie6Ale4V/CP-Ti TPMS architectures and human cortical and trabecular bone.
Structure Porosity (Volume Material Unit cell Elastic modulus (GPa) Pore size (mm) Methods Yield strength (MPa) References
(Scaffolds) fraction %) size (mm)
Gyroid 80–95 Tie6Ale4V 3–7 0.13 ± 0.02–1.25 ± 0.04 0.56–1.6 SLM 6.501± 0.62–81.30± 2.60 [123]
Gyroid 5–10 Tie6Ale4V 17.45–19.14 (Predicted) – 1342-1581 (Predicted) [123]
Diamond 80–95 Tie6Ale4V 3–7 0.12 ± 0.03–1.25 ± 0.07 0.48–1.45 SLM 4.662 ± 0.13–69.21 ± 4.22 [123]
Diamond 5–10 Tie6Ale4V 15.73–17.19 (predicted) 1403-1559 (Predicted) [123]
Gyroid – Tie6Ale4V 2.5–4 0.5912–0.7 – EBM 1.69–13.19 [31]
Gyroid 82 Tie6Ale4V 2 0.637–1.084 1.85–0.6 EBM 13.18–19.20 [20]
Gyroid 84.5 Tie6Ale4V 2.5 0.842–1.060 1.24–0.88 EBM 15.53–17.35 [20]
Gyroid 85 Tie6Ale4V 3 0.839–0.824 1.5–1.47 EBM 14.05–15 [20]
Gyroid 68.7 CPeTi (grade 2 2.017–2.676 1.24 ± 0.1 SLM 51.6–54.5 [106]
Gyroid 73.3 CPeTi (grade 2.5 2.107–2.170 1.66 ± 0.1 SLM 44.9–56.5 [106]
Gyroid 72.4 CPeTi (grade 3 1.465–2.302 1.91 ± 0.1 SLM 49.0–53.3 [106]
Cortical bone 5–10 Human bones 7.7–21.8 103–222 [20,106,123,124]
Trabecular bone 50–90 Human bones 0.0224–0.132.32 0.8–11.6 [ [21,106,123,124]]
L. Yuan et al. Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
Fig. 10. 3D CAD gyroid unit cells: (a) 3 mm sheet solid gyroid unit cell with 0.3 mm offset thickness and (b) 3 mm network solid gyroid unit cell at 50% volume
Fig. 11. A block of a 3D CAD gyroid scaffold in different views (constituted by 3 mm network solid gyroid unit cell).
elastic modulus and compressive strength of the gyroid structures were patients from biocompatibility and mechanical risks. On the one
reversely proportional to the strut angle at the axial direction. As the hand, implants need to be accepted by the human body, ensuring
pores of normal gyroid exhibit a spherical shape, the structure possesses cells live in a safe and supportive environment for their activities.
higher homogeneity in mechanical performance than that of the de- On the other hand, mechanical damage or failure caused by stress-
formed gyroid. An optimization of gyroid structure to support different shielding needs to be avoided. An implant needs to have an ap-
types of loads at different directions might be a suitable solution for the propriate elastic modulus to match that of natural bone.
reconstruction of bone defects in the human body [31]. (2) A well-designed porous structure is beneficial for cell activities such
as attachment and proliferation, which facilitate new bone forma-
5. Conclusions tion and regeneration. In addition, porosity is a parameter that can
be used to adjust the mechanical properties of the designed struc-
In summary, this paper has reviewed the current technologies for tures, in terms of both strength and Young's modulus. In the case of
open-cellular structural design for metal implant applications. The temporary metal implants, porosity plays a vital role in determining
fundamental requirements of metal implants, porosity, fabrication the corrosion rate, due to the change in the surface area.
methods and TPMS have been discussed. The main conclusions are as (3) One of the advanced AM methods, the powder bed fusion tech-
follows: nique, has great potential for metal implant fabrication, and can be
used to manufacture high-quality metallic models. The sub-classes
(1) Metallic orthopedic implants must satisfy certain criteria to protect of the powder bed fusion method, SLS, SLM and EBM, have been
L. Yuan et al. Bioactive Materials 4 (2019) 56–70
Fig. 12. Gyroid surfaces and network-based on gyroid unit cell with different offset (α) values: (a) a 3 mm network-based gyroid structure in an 3 × 3 × 3 mm cubic;
(b-1) gyroid surface without offset, (b-2) network-based gyroid unit cell without offset, (c-1) gyroid surface with offset = −0.6, (c-2) network-based gyroid unit cell
with offset = −0.6, (d-1) gyroid surface with offset = −1.31, (d-2) network-based gyroid with offset = −1.31, (e) gyroid surface with offset = −1.41, (f) gyroid
surface with offset = −1.42, (g) gyroid surface with offset = −1.49.
applied to implant fabrication in biomedical and biomaterial stu- the Australian Research Council through the Discovery Projects
dies. DP170102557 and DP180100762.
(4) Implant structures with TPMS are drawing researching attention.
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