EIM Workplace PA Guide
EIM Workplace PA Guide
EIM Workplace PA Guide
This resource has been developed by Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA ), and supported by the Healthier
Australia Commitment. ESSA would like to acknowledge the contributions made by:
• Chris Tzarimas1 (chief author)
• Anita Hobson-Powell1
• Rebecca Johnson1
• Jennifer Shaw1
• Dr Chris Askew1
• Suzanne Davies2
• Christel Leemhuis2.
Exercise and Sports Science Australia Limited ABN 14 053 849 460
1. IntRoductIon
exercise & sports science Australia (essA) 5
About exercise Is medicine (Australia) 5
Healthier Australia commitment 5
Aim of the guidelines: why promote physical activity in the workplace? 5
Presenteeism: cost of inactivity 6
2. guIdelInes
definitions of physical activity: Incidental versus structured 8
Recommended levels of physical activity for health 8
sedentary behaviour 9
Barriers to increasing physical activity 10
stages of change: transtheoretical model 11
Applying the transtheoretical model: stage-matched interventions for organisations 13 3
Promoting active modes of transport 16
organisation policy and support: making physical activity a cultural fit 20
organisation infrastructure: workplace environment 22
empowering employees: needs assessment 22
eIm ‘Be Active at work’ employee survey 23
tips to promote the (online) eIm ‘Be Active at work’ employee survey 24
Promoting Physical Activity events: using the PACE resource 25
3. APPendIces
Appendix A. eIm organisation Policy and support Audit tool 29
Appendix B. eIm (workplace) environmental Audit tool 40
Appendix c. Bicycle Information and Active transport website directory 44
ABOUT EXERCISE & SPORTS SCIENCE the Exercise Is Medicine® (Australia) national taskforce
AUSTRALIA (ESSA) is listed below:
exercise & sports science Australia (essA) is a • Australian medicare local Alliance (AmlA)
professional organisation representing over 3 000 • Royal Australian college of general Practitioners
prominent exercise physiologists, sports scientists, (RAcgP)
exercise scientists and academics (researchers). • Australian Practice nurses Association (APnA)
established in 1991, essA is the leading authority on • consumers Health Forum of Australia
physical activity and exercise in Australia. Its vision • Australian government’s lifescripts program
is to enhance the health and performance of all • Australian Food and grocery council (AFgc)
Australians by supporting exercise and sports science
professionals. essA provides national leadership and Exercise Is Medicine® (Australia) has three guiding
advocacy on key issues and supports its members and principles:
the community by fostering excellence in professional • Physical activity and exercise and are important to
practice, education and training, and research. health and the prevention and treatment of many
essA is proud to be a major partner in developing chronic diseases.
Physical Activity in the Workplace: A Guide. • more should be done to address physical activity
For more information, visit www.essa.org.au or and exercise in health care settings.
contact (07) 3862 4122. • Further efforts are required to bring a greater focus
on physical activity and exercise in health care
What is an Accredited Exercise settings.
Physiologist (AEP)? 5
An Accredited exercise Physiologist (AeP) is a 4-year supporting physical activity friendly environments in
university-qualified allied health professional who the workplace, schools and local communities remains
specialises in exercise and lifestyle management a key objective of Exercise Is Medicine® (Australia).
services for the prevention and management of For more information, visit
chronic disease, injury and disability. many AePs are www.exerciseismedicine.org.au, call (07) 3862 4122 or
employed in the workplace wellness sector, designing email [email protected].
and implementing workplace physical activity and
exercise programs, as well as providing occupational HEALTHIER AUSTRALIA COMMITMENT
rehabilitation services. the Healthier Australia Commitment is an industry
essA provides the national accreditation led, multi-year strategy to assist Australians to
program for exercise physiologists. As allied health improve their health and wellbeing. the commitment
professionals, AePs are eligible to register with brings together major Australian food and grocery
medicare Australia, the department of Veterans’ industry players in partnership with not-for-profit
Affairs, and state and territory workcover bodies, and and other organisations with the aim of building
are recognised by private health insurers. healthier families and educating Australians about the
to find an AeP in your area, visit the ‘Find an importance of energy balance. the Healthier Australia
exercise physiologist’ national search directory online commitment promotes ways to help people achieve
at www.essa.org.au or contact (07) 3862 4122. a healthy lifestyle by promoting energy balance
– balancing the quality and quantity of foods and
ABOUT EXERCISE IS MEDICINE® (AUSTRALIA) increasing physical activity.
Exercise Is Medicine® (Australia) is a national initiative For more information, visit the
coordinated by essA that aims to make physical activity Healthier Australia Commitment website at
and exercise a standard part of a disease prevention www.togethercounts.com.au.
and treatment medical paradigm in Australia. In line
with the Australian government’s recent focus on AIM OF THE GUIDELINES
preventative health, Exercise Is Medicine® (Australia) these guidelines and their accompanying resources
aims to combat the rising tide of preventable disease have been developed by exercise & sports science
and health care costs by establishing a national action Australia (essA) and supported by the Healthier
plan through health industry stakeholder engagement. Australia commitment (HAc). they are intended to
support organisations in the promotion of physical major diseases of modern society including diabetes,
activity in the workplace and to reduce sedentary heart disease, depression and cancer.6–10 Yet despite
(inactive) behaviour. this evidence, almost 70% of Australian adults are
Physical activity levels are recognised as a major not active enough to achieve the preventive health
risk factor for chronic disease and ill-health in benefits.11
Australia, however increasing evidence suggests that the workplace is recognised as a priority setting for
health authorities should also consider the sedentary health promotion by the world Health organization
(sitting) habits of individuals when assessing their and the Australian government.12–13 sixty-five per cent
health risks. consequently, a workplace activity of the Australian population aged over 15 years are
program should include interventions targeting both in the labour force14 , with 68.5% of the workforce
of these behaviours to achieve significant health classified as sedentary or engaging in low-level
benefits. activity.15 Related to this, the cost of absenteeism in
the targeted audience of this guide includes senior Australia is estimated at $7 billion each year.16 Recent
management, human resource units, health promotion research has shown that workplace health programs
units and workplace health committees, and its resulted in, on average, a 25.3% decrease in sick leave
content and recommendations are applicable to small-, absenteeism, 40.7% decrease in workers compensation
medium- and large-sized organisations. costs, 24.2% decrease in disability management costs
and $5.81 of savings for every $1 invested in employee
Why promote physical activity in the wellbeing.17
6 Physical inactivity is one of the biggest global public PRESENTEEISM: COST OF INACTIVITY
health problems of the 21st century – with low cardio- Presenteeism is the loss of productivity that occurs
respiratory fitness (cRF) accounting for significantly when employees come to work but are not fully
more deaths than other risk factors (see graph below). functioning because of illness or injury.18 more work
performance is lost from presenteeism than from
absenteeism,14 with the cost of presenteeism estimated
Men at almost $26 billion per year (more than four times
Attributable Fractions (%)
• organisations should also seek to play a direct engage in low-level physical activity, emphasis should
role in addressing inter-personal barriers arising be given to effecting a change in this cohort to reduce
in the workplace (e.g. unsupportive management; sedentary time and increase activity levels. the most
inflexible working hours) to support employees. effective strategies identified to engage individuals
An Organisational Policy and Support Audit Tool in this cohort are health education and increasing
(Appendix B) provides a policy review checklist for awareness. this is because two psychological states
organisations to ensure a supportive culture. contribute to an individual’s readiness for change:
perceived importance and confidence in ability to
Environmental barriers change (or self-efficacy). Behaviour change can be
• organisations should provide the optimal physical measured on a ‘scale of change’, from ‘awareness’ to
environment (and infrastructure) to support ‘sustainability’.
physical activity amongst its employees. the transtheoretical model (or stages of
• where possible, this should also address barriers readiness) proposes that an overall change in
arising from the weather or climate. A (Workplace) an individual’s health-behaviour involves them
Environmental Audit Tool (Appendix c) provides progressing through five well-defined stages: pre-
a checklist for organisations to ensure a supportive contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action
environment. and maintenance. the premise of the model is that
each stage of readiness requires a specific support
Organisational barriers strategy to advance an individual into the next stage,
• All potential barriers arising from events or with the ultimate goal of progressing to ‘action’ or
activities hosted or coordinated by the workplace ‘maintenance’. therefore, it is important to evaluate 11
should be considered and addressed. For example, the stage of readiness for physical activity for each
subsidising part or all of the costs of an activity individual within an organisation before they are given
overcomes the barriers associated with affordability the challenge to change their behaviour.
and scheduling frequent activity classes throughout
the day address the barriers associated with 1. Pre-contemplation
accessibility. Individuals in the pre-contemplation stage are not
• Individual counselling and/or group counselling thinking about or intending to change a problem
approaches may also assist in minimising behaviour (or initiate a healthy behaviour) in the
organisational barriers by working with employees near future – usually quantified as the next 6 months.
to determine alternative and more feasible Pre-contemplators are usually not armed with the
options, given their unique constraints (see ‘group facts about the risks associated with their current
counselling versus individual counselling’ on page behaviour (inactivity) and in many instances, can
15). be unaware that it is a problem. Additionally, many
individuals make unsuccessful attempts to change,
STAGES OF CHANGE: becoming discouraged and regressing back to the
TRANSTHEORETICAL MODEL pre-contemplation stage. It is important to ascertain
the main driver behind a positive return on investment why individuals in this stage are resistant and/or
(RoI) in a workplace physical activity promotion unmotivated, rather than ignoring them.
campaign is change. well-grounded behaviour-change
strategies are fundamental to health and wellness 2. Contemplation
improvements, providing increased productivity and An individual enters the contemplation stage when
health risk reduction in the long term. given that he or she becomes aware of a desire to change a
approximately 68.5% of the workforce are inactive or particular behaviour – typically defined as within
the next 6 months. In this stage, individuals weigh in a current positive behaviour (e.g. missing one
the pros and cons of changing their behaviour – a or two exercise sessions), a relapse is a return to
process known as decisional balance. typically these former behaviour patterns (e.g. being inactive for
include past experience (e.g. discomfort may be a an extended period). Persons should be counselled
con; reduced stress and more energy may be a pro), to deal with lapses or relapses, and to recognise
motivation (e.g. losing weight could be a pro), exercise that these behaviours are not tantamount to
knowledge, program convenience, financial cost or failure. the most effective approach for preventing
time allocation. contemplators also represent a large relapses is to anticipate potentially high-risk
proportion of individuals with regards to physical situations and devise strategies to cope with (and
activity behaviours, as ambivalence between the pros even avoid) these situations. A high-risk situation
and cons of change keeps many people immobilised is one that people find challenging to manage
in this stage. Resolving this ambivalence is one way to without resorting to old behaviours (e.g. heavy
help contemplators progress toward taking action to work schedules are often cited by previously
change their behaviour. sedentary persons as a high-risk situation).
within that situation will be specific triggers,
3. Preparation which include things such as stress and anxiety,
By the time individuals enter the preparation stage, changes in availability times and discouragement
the pros in favour of attempting to change a problem from peers. High-risk situations and their triggers
behaviour outweigh the cons, and action is intended are unique to each person, so it is important to
in the near future, typically within the next 30 days. ascertain both of these through consultation.
12 many individuals in this stage have made an attempt
to change their behaviour in the past year, but have
been unsuccessful in maintaining that change.
Preparers often have a plan of action, but may not be
entirely committed to their plan. traditional action-
oriented behaviour-change programs are appropriate
for individuals in this stage. Contemplation
4. Action
the action stage marks the beginning of actual RELAPSE
change in the specific behaviour – typically within the
past 6 months. By this point, where many theories
of behaviour change begin, an individual is half way
through the process of behaviour change. this is also
the point where relapse, and subsequently regression
to an earlier stage, is most likely. If an individual has Action
not sufficiently prepared for change, and committed to
their chosen plan of action, relapse back to sedentary
behaviour is likely.
It should be noted that while progression through
5. Maintenance the stages of readiness can occur in a linear fashion,
Individuals are thought to be in the maintenance stage a nonlinear progression is more common. often,
when they have successfully attained and maintained individuals recycle through the stages, or regress to
behaviour change for at least 6 months. while the earlier stages from later ones, rather than progress
risk for relapse is still present in this stage, it is less through the stages in a linear sequence. change
so, and as such individuals need to exert less effort in often comes at its own pace – often quickly and in
engaging in change processes. bursts, rather than a consistent rate. It is not unusual
for someone to spend years in pre-contemplation
Relapse and then progress to action in a matter of weeks
whereas a lapse is defined as a (brief) interruption or months. notwithstanding, stage-matched
interventions lead to forward progression in the stages of current physical activity behaviours – providing
of change model, which is important given the largest an ideal opportunity to facilitate awareness
portion of the workforce are in pre-contemplation or raising in pre-contemplative employees. Requiring
contemplation stages for physical activity. less than 10 minutes to complete, the survey
provides employees instantaneous feedback
APPLYING THE TRANSTHEORETICAL MODEL: including evaluation of their overall activity level
STAGE-MATCHED INTERVENTIONS FOR and recommendations to reduce their health-
ORGANISATIONS risk profile. developed with a subtle educational
traditionally, workplace health programs targeted intent, the survey concludes with a short quiz as an
their initiatives at the minority of employees already additional awareness-raising activity (see ‘EIM be
in the latter preparation through to maintenance Active at Work employee survey’ – page 23).
stages, without enough focus on the individuals who
stood most to benefit significantly but require more other methods include health assessments
support. moreover, it is the pre-contemplation and measuring overall physical activity levels and
contemplation cohorts that provide an organisation physical fitness (e.g. cardio-respiratory fitness
with its greatest return on investment with regards to assessments). Highlighting key findings – with
productivity (presenteeism and absenteeism). recommendations – is an effective strategy to raise
this section outlines recommended behaviour- awareness of the need for a change in behaviour.
change strategies for implementation by
organisations that are stage-matched to enable 2. Information materials.
maximal impact across the entire workplace. the Provide subtle informative materials (e.g. 13
aim of an organisation should be to advance its physical activity information brochures) that
employees to the next stage of their physical activity allow the individual to browse at their own
related behaviour. discretion. materials should be brief and
comprise a balance between highlighting
Pre-contemplators (no intent and inactive) the benefits of being active and the hazards
the pre-contemplation stage includes individuals who of inactivity. the information should be
are not active and are not thinking about becoming accompanied with clear, achievable advice on
active. consequently, the goal at this stage is to how to bring about change, including a few
engage individuals to begin thinking about physical self-reflective questions to prompt engagement.
activity (i.e. advance the individual to contemplation Information brochures can be ordered through
stage). uninvited or aggressive methods of the Exercise Is Medicine (Australia)® office at
persuasion typically elicit a resistant response. [email protected].
criticism of their current behaviour may escalate the
response with defensiveness and irritation, feeding 3. Information seminars.
a determination to remain inactive. A more effective schedule information seminars with anecdotes to
approach is to arouse interest by raising awareness arouse the interest of, and engage, employees.
of both the benefits of physical activity and the
hazards of inactivity. known as ‘planting the seed’, 4. Providing role-models: employee testimonials.
the strategy is to first raise awareness of the issues Provide testimonials from people who have made
surrounding the current (problem) behaviour and the change from a sedentary lifestyle to a regularly
its consequences, and then provide resources and active one. Acting as role models, their testimonials
support in a subtle manner to nurture an interest. should highlight all the benefits leading to an
there are several methods to support this outcome, enhanced quality of life. other considerations are:
although the effectiveness is increased when they are • include an honest account of the obstacles
delivered in combination: and challenges in maintaining the change and
the successful strategies that maintained their
1. Awareness raising through health assessment. motivation
the online ‘EIM be Active at Work’ employee • where possible, select an individual
survey comprises questions to prompt reflection representing the typical profile of the workforce
• Review activity program or routine. 5. discourage (warn) individuals from adopting the
Refine the current activity program subject to ‘all or nothing’ rule, which is one’s tendency to
individual needs. these needs may be based give up even if a small lapse has occurred. Reassure
on seeking new challenges or goals, variety them that lapses are a normal occurrence in
of activities or changes in the individual’s routine physical activity, and encourage them to
circumstances. view lapses as a fork in the road that could either
lead to maintaining activity or reverting to earlier
• Reinforce relapse prevention strategies. behaviour patterns.
Re-visit relapse prevention strategies and refine
where necessary to ensure continuity of behaviour 6. Practice cognitive behavioural approach (cognitive
(see ‘Relapse prevention’ – page 15). restructuring) to overcome unhelpful or negative
thought patterns (e.g. low self-efficacy).
Relapse prevention
Relapse prevention strategies are most effective when 7. Apply periodic positive reinforcement for
developed in the preparation stage of readiness, employees
allowing for refinement during advanced stages of 15
readiness: forewarned is forearmed. such a strategy Group counselling versus individual counselling
may involve a process similar to that described below: many of the support strategies mentioned earlier
require face-to-face consultation, leaving organisations
1. Help employees to recognise that maintaining with the choice of providing group interventions or
change is challenging, and that they should more intensive individual counselling sessions for its
anticipate high-risk situations and occasional employees.38,40,41
lapses. group counselling (seminars and workshops) is an
alternative or supplement to individual counselling.
2. Have person identify their enablers (i.e the things groups can be designed specifically for the efficient
that help maintain the change). conveyance of information or for a combination of
information and social support. small-group formats
3. Have person identify the things likely to trigger offer several advantages over individual counselling.
a relapse and note these in a list. careful First and foremost is social support: participants
consideration should be given to their perceived sometimes receive information and advice better from
barriers in maintaining their physical activity other participants than from health professionals.
routine (see ‘Barriers to increasing physical activity’ they may also see themselves in other participants
– page 10) as well as the high-risk situations that and begin to understand their own issues (behaviours
may arise. this will help develop an accurate and barriers). Participants can also offer important
forecast of the most likely events or issues causing feedback to other group members in a way that health
lapses to their routine. Reflecting on their enablers, professionals cannot. Additionally, a small group allows
guide the individual to develop strategies to participants to provide support, encouragement,
counter each barrier. feedback, etc. in an altruistic manner – a gesture that
has significant psychological benefit. notwithstanding,
4. develop a (pre-emptive) action plan for each the most important ingredient for a successful group
barrier/scenario. the action plan should include: counselling intervention is the quality of the facilitator.
• accessing/notifying sources of support to assist the facilitator should be an allied health professional
a return to active behaviour with proven expertise in health-behaviour change
• developing a contingency plan comprising counselling for physical activity and exercise.
alternative options for each scenario. For Individual (personalised) consultations with a
qualified health professional (e.g. an Accredited by walking, cycling and public transport (which often
exercise Physiologist) are necessary when motivational involves walking or cycling to transport interchanges)
interviewing strategies and other client-centred is an effective and equitable means of increasing
approaches are required for counselling more participation in physical activity. this concept, referred
resistant, inactive individuals and those struggling to as active transport, includes a variety of self-
with ambivalence concerning being more active. propelled modes of transportation that use on- and
the summary table below outlines the various off-road facilities such as footpaths, shared pathways
stage-matched behaviour-change strategies that may and dedicated bicycle lanes. walking, jogging and
be implemented by organisations: bicycling are typically considered the principal
modes of active transportation, with the average
STAGE-MATCHED BEHAVIOUR-CHANGE distances and (typical) threshold distances travelled by
STRATEGIES employees to work indicated below:
• identify and address all potential barriers to distance for walking (see table above)
increasing physical activity • travel to work by private vehicle and are able to
• co-develop an action plan park a reasonable distance from the worksite (at
• co-develop relapse prevention strategies.
least 10 minutes walking distance away)
Action (consistently active • travel to work by public transport and alight
for less than 6 months) at a reasonable distance from the worksite (at
• provide support for self-management least 10 minutes walking distance away).
of physical activity
• build self-efficacy
• reinforce relapse prevention strategies. strategies to promote walking to work for employees
in the above categories are outlined below:
Maintenance (consistently active
for 6 months or more)
1. Create an information pack.
• highlight the rewards develop an information pack, including a map
• review activity program or routine
outlining safe walking routes to and from the
• reinforce relapse prevention strategies.
worksite, with estimated walking times (as well
as distances) to local facilities, such as shops and
PROMOTING ACTIVE MODES OF TRANSPORT: bus stops (people often miscalculate the walking
WALKING AND CYCLING duration to specific locations).
Initiatives that promote incidental physical activity Include in the information pack:
can increase overall levels of physical activity in • testimonials from employees who routinely
inactive populations. In addition, the health and walk to work (see ‘Providing role-models:
environmental benefits of such physical activity are employee testimonials’, page 13).
now well established. consequently, many health • ‘walk to work tips’ such as leaving work shoes
advocates argue that efforts should be directed at at the workplace and wearing sneakers for
increasing physical activity as part of regular travel walking. For self-conscious employees, there
behaviour. Replacing private cars for transportation are a range of (black) soft shoes (or sneakers)
designed for recreational walking that give the activity need to consider the most commonly cited
appearance of formal wear. barriers for cycling, in order to support employees
with enabling strategies:
2. Promote walking events and pedometer use.
Promoting walking events such as ‘national walk Intra-personal • concerns for personal safety
to work day’, using the ‘Physical Activity calendar environmental • climate (weather)
of events’ (PAce) resource to identify upcoming • topography (challenging terrain)
• infrastructure (lack of quality
events (see ‘using the PAce Resource’ page 25). facilities during travel and at
the use of pedometers is an effective strategy to
engage those employees at pre-contemplation organisational • travel time
• travel distance
and contemplation stages. Pedometers with
company logos can be issued to employees for there are several strategies to address each category
free or at a subsidised fee. the pedometers should of barriers and support employees to cycle, as outlined
be accompanied with a ‘step–count diary’ in the below:
walking information packs to encourage employees
to monitor their activity levels and increase their 1. Road-safety cycling instruction
walking (‘eIm step count diary’ can be accessed at Providing road-safety cycling instruction assists
www.exerciseismedicine.org.au). to increase the self-efficacy of employees for
independent cycling. As well as teaching valuable
3. Create an online forum for employees. riding skills and bicycle maintenance, it also serves 17
Promote the above initiatives through the as an ideal forum to meet fellow cyclists, increasing
organisation’s intranet, including an online motivation and engagement. group classes can
tool whereby interested employees can search be coordinated from the workplace and should be
for walking companions. establish and support delivered by an experienced cycling instructor (not
online (intranet) forums as a means of centralised an employee of the organisation).
communication between interested employees and national accredited cycle-skills training courses
those currently walking to work. (e.g. Austcycle) are provided in various regions
throughout Australia, and are tailored to suit one
Promote the information pack on the intranet, of 3 levels: beginner, intermediate or advanced
bulletins and staff newsletters, as well as cyclists (see Appendix c, page 44).
recruitment packs for new employees.
2. Route-finding
4. Other. Providing a variety of safe and direct route
• provide shower facilities with personal lockers options assists in motivating employees in pre-
for employees contemplation and contemplation stages for
• provide a towel service, ironing facilities and active transport. Identify the safest places to
hair dryers cycle between locations – covering at least a 10
• provide a dry-cleaning service (where possible) kilometre radius from the workplace in each of
• allow more flexible dress codes to enable the major directions. this resource should be
employees to reduce their travel load and provided to employees as a regional map outlining
facilitate ease of dress safe cycling routes, and can be developed in
• provide umbrellas with the company logo in the consultation with the local roads and transport
foyer or reception area authorities and local council.
• implement flexi-time to enable active travel to
and from work 3. Bike-bus
A bike-bus is a group of people who cycle to work
Promoting cycling to work in a group. It’s called a ‘bus’ because there is a
workplaces seeking to encourage employees to cycle set route and timetable so it can pick up more
to and from work as a means of promoting physical passengers along the way. Apart from offering
security in numbers by increasing visibility, it electric bicycles work by assisting the cyclist’s
also adds sociability for more enjoyable travel. pedal movement as they are riding – known as
A Bike-bus initiative can only be successful if it ‘pedal assist’, it cuts in when the speed drops
is supported by the organisation – it must be below a certain level. For safety, pedal assist is not
proactive in finding a champion to facilitate the provided beyond a certain speed. some e-bikes
initiative, as well as recruiting group members. have a throttle, so pedalling may not be required at
once established, Bike-bus committees generally all, and some have both throttle and pedal assist.
become self-driven entities, establishing terms of e-bikes provide the following advantages:
reference and membership rules, ensuring safer • enables long-distance travel for people who
travel (visit http://www.bikebus.org.au/index.html lack the fitness or capacity (due to movement
for additional details). limitation, injury etc.) to travel the entire
distance by pedal power alone.
4. Bike-buddy system • overcomes topography that may be too
A bike-buddy is an experienced rider who is paired challenging for purely pedal-powered bicycles
with a less experienced rider to provide guidance (e.g. hilly terrain).
and support in developing their road-cycling skills. • enables the cyclist to travel the same distance in
It is an ideal opportunity for inexperienced riders a shorter time-period.
to develop greater confidence by riding with a • Reduces the physical effort required to travel
mentor to support them in maintaining their active the same distance, particularly if the cyclist is
mode of transport. similar to the bike-bus initiative, wearing business attire (e.g. workplace does
18 the bike-buddy system can only be successful not have showering facilities) or if the cyclist is
if it is supported by the organisation - it must carrying a significant load (laptop, books, etc.).
be proactive in finding a champion to promote For more information including the product range
the initiative. A steering committee should be on electric bicycles, see Appendix c, page 44’.
established within the workplace to develop
guidelines for the bike-buddy system, including 6. Secure bicycle storage at work
roles and responsibilities of both cyclists (mentor A secure and adequate bicycle parking facility
and novice) and compulsory orientation and is essential for employees to engage in active
induction meetings for the following purposes: transport. there are various storage options
• to establish the meeting location points for enabling functional access for both internal and
supervised travel and to exchange contact external locations. these include:
details (e.g. mobile phone numbers) in cases of • bicycle racks – the low-cost form of storage.
emergency. Ideal when located within workplace buildings,
• to ascertain one another’s cycling experience away from public view. A weather shelter is
and identify areas for further skill development required for outdoor locations.
in the novice cyclist. • bicycle cages – ideal for outdoor storage,
• to establish agreed hand-signals for various providing all-round security. each user is
actions and warnings. provided with a unique access card.
• bicycle lockers – one of the most secure forms
5. Electric bicycles (e-bikes) of outdoor bicycle storage, providing each
An electric bicycle – also known as an e-bike – is a employee with their own storage facility.
bicycle with an electric motor used to power the
vehicle. electric bicycles use rechargeable batteries the use of electric bicycles will also be encouraged
and maximum speeds range from 20 km/h to with the provision of recharge facilities (i.e. e-bike
80 km/h, depending on the model. maximum charging station). Provision of more expensive
travelling ranges on a fully-charged battery vary facilities (e.g. individual bicycle lockers, electronic
between 35 km to 90 km. In some markets they entry, cctV) may be partially subsidised by the
are rapidly replacing traditional bicycles and workplace, with the employee contributing a
motorcycles. modest fee through salary-sacrifice.
ORGANISATION POLICY AND SUPPORT: the policy should be included in the company
MAKING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY A CULTURAL FIT management systems or other policy manual.
(Note: This section is adapted from the Alberta Centre this policy can incorporated into the existing
for Active Living (2003) ‘Workplace physical activity occupational health and safety policy.
framework’ - www.centre4activeliving.ca).
A supportive culture and environment are B. Employee physical activity and health:
imperative for a workplace physical activity program to Knowledge and characteristics
have a successful impact. embedded within the culture A workplace physical activity program must provide
of an organisation are its (formal and informal) policies, employees with the knowledge and skills to begin
which translate to the level of support provided. and maintain physical activity. the program also
the ‘Organisational Policy and Support Audit needs to promote a positive attitude toward
Tool’ (Appendix A) will establish a baseline for physical activity.
measuring improvements in the health and wellbeing • Knowledge includes what people know about
culture of an organisation. It is intended to be used the benefits of physical activity and how to
by those individuals in the workplace responsible attain these benefits. A program that promotes
for coordinating the physical activity initiative. individual knowledge provides appropriate (i.e
the preparedness of an organisation to undertake stage-matched) and accurate physical activity
a physical activity promotion campaign will be information through educational seminars and
determined by its cultural elements outlined below (as materials.
assessed in the audit tool): • Attitude refers to how people feel about
20 physical activity. do they consider physical
A. Management and leadership within activity important ? do they feel able to be active
the workplace. (i.e self-efficacy) ? do they want to be active ?
A successful workplace physical activity program • Skills are the tools people need to begin and
requires the involvement and commitment from sustain being physically active. these skills
the following personnel: may go beyond the ability to perform specific
• senior management (e.g. ceo, general physical activities (e.g. road cycling or Aus-tag)
manager, or Board of directors). to include time-management strategies and the
• An individual or group of individuals to ability to make physical activity a priority during
champion the initiative. these people are the workday.
responsible for initiating the process in the the EIM ‘be Active at Work’ employee survey
workplace and provide the motivation and drive can be used to assess (across the organisation) the
to meet the goals of a program once it is in attitudes of employees towards physical activity.
place. notwithstanding, an employee’s knowledge
• A representative committee to develop a policy and attitude towards physical activity is largely
on physical activity in the workplace. influenced by their health literacy. As such, an
organisation should aim to improve employee
one of the committee’s main functions is to create health literacy – particularly to understand the
a physical activity policy that contains: personal health risks and consequences of physical
• a written declaration of the organisation’s inactivity.
commitment to physical activity;
• realistic and measurable goals and objectives C. Social level – Relationships
for the organisation’s physical activity program; Providing the arena for inter-personal barriers
• an outline of the responsibilities of and enablers, the social level includes both the
management, employees, and contractors relationships in existing social groups and the
regarding physical activity initiatives in the building of new groups. this level takes into account
workplace. relationships within the workplace, as well as those
the policy document should be signed by senior outside (e.g. friends and family). In the workplace,
management, and all employees should be made the supportive climate within individual departments,
aware of the policy and its meaning. A copy of among departments, and between employees and
their supervisors needs to be examined. different needs of its various departments. For
Additionally, the interactions between the example, programs may require different schedules
program providers and the individual must be so that each group can be active during work.
positive. champions have a key role to play in setting the same may be true for an organisation with
positive examples and recognising successes. outside multiple locations. Additionally, the needs of one
the workplace, social demands may also influence geographical location may differ from those in
behaviour. For example, consider the influence of another location (e.g. urban versus rural). each
family members on participation in a physical activity organisation should examine ways to connect
program (such as the need for child care). with other organisations and community-based
Physical activities that can work at a social level services to provide physical activity or even the
(e.g. walking events and corporate challenges) should space to be physically active. collaborations among
be promoted by the organisation. the online PACE government agencies, other corporations, and
resource enables organisations to identify appropriate unions can also help support the program. For
physical activity events to accommodate all fitness example, organisations could work with town-
levels (see ‘Promoting physical activity events: using planners to develop shared (walking/cycling)
the PAce resource’ – page 25). pathways and/or work to change union policies as
well as organisational policies.
D. Organisational level: Workplace leadership,
infrastructure and capacity F. Policy
the organisational level refers to the influence of the policy level includes the organisational policies
the organisational structure on current and ongoing related to supporting and facilitating workplace 21
participation in physical activity. this level includes physical activity. Policies may include:
management leadership, support, and participation, • allowing time for physical activity (e.g ‘no
as well as physical activity champions who will lead meetings at lunchtime’ policy, flexi-time);
from the ‘bottom-up’. champions at the management • formally recognising participation in programs;
level help to ensure that a program is maintained and • active transport policies;
sustained, even in times of cutbacks. the organisation • requiring qualified personnel to coordinate
must also be able to implement and sustain a physical programs and services (e.g Accredited exercise
activity program. In other words, organisational Physiologist)
capacity is defined through its commitment and • designing physical activity friendly office
infrastructure. this includes the human, technical, and environments (e.g. adjustable/standing
support resources in place within the organisation. workstations)
workplace integration and equity are included in • targeting all employees (full-time, part-time and
this category. Physical activity program policies and contract/casual staff).
procedures should ensure that all employees have on a broader level, all legislations (e.g. workcover,
equal access to appropriate program opportunities. Privacy commission, state and Federal Health
For example, night-shift workers may have different agencies) that may impact on workplace physical
needs than day-shift workers. supervisors should activity should be considered during planning,
be active alongside employees, rather than being implementation, and evaluation stages.
segregated. organisations with many different work
locations need to assess each workplace separately to G. Program administration
make sure that the program is fair for all workplaces. good program administration ensures quality and
makes it possible to measure successes. Program
E. Community involvement administration includes the program’s design,
the community level refers to relationships among: implementation, and evaluation. A key strategy is
• different departments in one organisation; to empower employees by inviting them (through
• multi-sites of the same organisation; focus groups or surveys) to provide feedback, as
• the organisation and other organisations; well as maintaining transparency in the progress of
• the organisation and outside groups. the reporting of the key measures.
A large organisation needs to recognise the • design: Refers specifically to the tailoring
of a variety of physical activity options and infrastructure and determine its immediate capabilities
interventions to accommodate employees in accommodating employee needs. where an
needs (e.g on-site exercise facility, active organisation has more than one worksite, a separate
transport initiative). environmental audit should be completed for each
• Implementation: coordination and delivery of worksite.
the physical activity options and interventions, the eIm (workplace) environmental Audit tool
with an emphasis on employee participation includes a review of the following physical resources:
(engagement). • worksite shower and changing facilities.
• evaluation: Includes individual evaluations • worksite exercise facilities.
(e.g. attitudinal changes; improvements in • outdoor exercise areas or playing fields.
physical fitness), satisfaction levels, indicators • secure bicycle storage facilities.
of productivity gains (e.g. decreases in • stairwells within building(s) to promote walking.
absenteeism due to injury and illness, increased • dedicated walking and/or cycling paths within the
morale) and attendance statistics. workplace precinct.
the eIm ‘Be Active at work’ employee survey can • other facilities or resources accessible within (or
be applied periodically to monitor changes in the immediately adjacent to) the workplace grounds.
physical activity habits of the organisation – with
graphical displays enabling pre- and post- analysis EMPOWERING EMPLOYEES: NEEDS
(see eIm ‘Be Active at work’ employee survey – ASSESSMENT
page 23). For a workplace physical activity initiative to be
22 successful, it is essential that all employees are
H. Safety and risk management engaged in the program. understanding employee
developing safety and emergency policies and needs is the first step in creating a successful
procedures is important so that every physical workplace activity program and a ‘participatory’ needs
activity program can anticipate and respond to any assessment will determine the scope, content and
emergency. Risk management plans are not necessarily approach of health initiatives. By reviewing all physical
complicated or expensive. For example, part of the activity options, it will ensure organisations are
plan may require that employees complete a Pre- investing in the most feasible programs. Additionally,
exercise screening Questionnaire as well as sign an it will provide the baseline from which the impact of
Informed consent form pertaining to specific physical specific initiatives and programs can be determined.
activity programs and services. An interactive Adult groups will invariably differ depending on the nature
Pre-exercise screening system (APss) tool can be of the organisation and the type of work performed
accessed at www.exerciseismedicine.org.au. (e.g. blue collar or white collar). social and cultural
It is imperative that program staff are adequately differences will also play a role. As risks are not static,
trained and that necessary first-aid supplies and the needs assessment should then be conducted on
services are available to ensure safe activity. In an ongoing basis as part of the program management
addition, regular assessment of the physical and evaluation process.
environment to identify potential hazards (e.g broken depending on the size of the organisation,
equipment and unsafe facilities). employee needs can be determined through the use of
focus groups or surveys:
the workplace environment (ie infrastructure) will Focus groups are ideal for gathering information
play a part in the types of activities promoted by surrounding employee needs in small, medium and
the organisation. A (Workplace) Environmental large organisations. It will help to identify current
Audit Tool (Appendix B) has been developed to issues, ideas and preferences for physical activity
assess the physical characteristics of the workplace options in the workplace. Focus groups can also
environment that are known to influence health provide valuable information that would not otherwise
behaviours relating to physical activity. It assists an be obtained through less personal methods such as
organisation to benchmark its physical resources and survey, by enabling the interviewer to further explore
specific feedback and identified issues. the interviews an accurate assessment of the physical activity
should be conducted with focus groups comprising a habits of employees;
diverse range of employees in terms of demographics • the logistical issues associated with the distribution
(for example, age, gender, physical activity habits and of the survey and the implementation of privacy
cultural background). Focus groups should number and confidentiality processes;
8-10 people, however it is recommended that several • obtaining a high response rate
focus groups be conducted in larger organisations to • the collection and collation of the data (responses)
ensure an accurate reflection of employee diversity • the interpretation of the data in terms of both
and needs. recognising key indicators (for example, barriers
and enablers within the organisation) and the most
2. Surveys appropriate actions to be taken.
surveys are very useful for accessing a much larger
employee base than focus groups. they are also an the survey’s uniqueness is centred on the following
efficient way to identify specific health behaviours, attributes:
interests and preferences for activities within the • as an online resource, it is quick and convenient for
workplace. they can be conducted electronically organisations to administer to employees;
(online) – enabling ease of access and collation of • it is a multi-purpose resource - incorporating a
results, or by hardcopy (i.e paper-based versions) – needs assessment and physical activity behavior
which may require significant manual effort in the assessment in one survey, with immediate feedback
distribution and collection of the surveys as well as to the participant.
collation of the responses. It is recommended that • it is user-friendly – enabling completion within ten 23
organisations host focus groups following collation of (10) minutes and ensuring a high response rate;
the responses from the surveys. this enables a more • it is comprehensive – investigating all broad key
personal consultation approach and the opportunity influences of physical activity behaviours in the
to obtain further information. moreover, it provides workplace;
employees with a sense of empowerment through • it collates all the responses and presents it in a
inclusion and consultation in the initiative. neat format for organisations to interpret the
data, including frequency tables (histograms) and
the eIm ‘Be Active at work’ survey is an online • it provides accurate assessment and overview of
resource that conducts a comprehensive needs the key areas for promoting physical activity in the
assessment of employees and collects demographic workplace;
information, including: • it can be applied periodically to monitor changes
• age, gender and employment status (full-time, part- in the physical activity habits of the organisation
time, casual) – with graphical displays enabling pre- and post-
• current physical activity behaviours (physical analysis.
activity levels, sedentary levels and stages of
readiness amongst the employee base) In particular, the survey is an effective awareness-
• physical activity preferences and interests raising activity for employees who are at ‘pre-
• perceived barriers to increasing physical activity contemplation’ and ‘contemplation’ stages - relating
levels to their physical activity behaviours (see ‘stages of
change: transtheoretical model’ – page 11). this is
Additionally, the survey provides the participant achieved through tailored questions designed to
(employee) with immediate feedback including prompt self-reflection of current physical activity
recommendations and options regarding their physical behaviours – combined with the immediate feedback
activity behaviours. and recommendations to the employee - designed to
the survey overcomes the many challenges with stimulate further consideration. the survey provides an
which organisations are faced in conducting surveys ideal opportunity for organisations to capitalise on the
and needs assessments including: awareness-raising activity by maintaining immediate
• the development of validated questions to obtain follow-up through communications. For example,
specifically focuses on physical activity habits and will ask the following tips will assist organisations who
you questions such as general physical activity levels, time seek to use this resource to promote physical activity
spent sitting at work, physical activity interests, and work- and exercise within their workforce:
related travel. There is also a short quiz and a section for • determine the number of events the organisation
your comments and suggestions. The survey is user-friendly should promote each calendar year. For example,
and can be completed within 10 minutes. The information an organisation may want to promote one event
will be gathered to create a general report to help us each month, or it may seek to promote all events
identify changes that we can make to the workplace to that are deemed appropriate and matched to
support improved health and wellbeing. The developers the staff demographic (i.e. fitness levels and age
of this survey – Exercise Is Medicine (Australia) – take your groups).
confidentiality very seriously: • since approximately 68.5% of the workforce is
• The survey does not request your name or address. sedentary or engages in low-level exercise, limiting
• All information collected will be treated as private your selection of events to those requiring higher
and confidential, in accordance with current privacy fitness levels will discourage the majority of the
legislation. employees from participating. target events
• No group information which could be used to ranging from walking to higher challenging
identify individual respondents will be provided to activities to accommodate the various fitness levels
the organisation. and ages within the workforce.
• most events are hosted during the weekends, so
As recompense for your participation, the survey will they may not pose a disruption to the working
provide you with immediate and personalised feedback week, however it may be beneficial to promote and 25
regarding your physical activity patterns. We also support the occasional weekday event to increase
endeavour to report to you the overall survey results (of the likelihood of employee participation.
the organisation as a whole), and consult all of our staff • For events that occur during work-periods, consider
in developing a healthier working environment. offering staff the time off during that period, or at
the very least time in lieu.
Yours in health, • Advise staff as early as possible of the events that
Sharon Smith will be hosted during the year. Provide them details
of the events (date, location, etc.) towards the
PROMOTING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY EVENTS: christmas break and/or at the beginning of the
USING THE PACE RESOURCE year to enable all staff to plan and organise their
organisations who actively encourage both senior preferred events into their schedule.
management and employees to participate in • contact the organisers of each event and request
physical activity related events demonstrate a strong promotional material (e.g. posters,) to provide in
commitment to workplace health. the benefits of the workplace and to employees.
these events are not restricted to improved physical • ensure senior management personnel (ceo,
and psychological health – but as social functions general manager or equivalent) also participate
- improve camaraderie amongst employees and in the event. senior leadership support is critical
management. to building and sustaining successful workplace
the Physical Activity Calendar of Events (PACE) is health initiatives – lead by example!
on online resource that lists all known corporate and
public physical activity and exercise events scheduled
within each state in Australia. It includes both charity-
related and non-charity events (corporate or public).
the events range from light walking and bicycle
activities through to higher challenging activities
to accommodate all fitness levels and ages – from
beginners to advanced exercisers. the resource can
be accessed on the exercise Is medicine (Australia)
website at www.exerciseismedicine.org.au
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7. kujala, m. (2009). evidence on the effects of exercise therapy 22. dunstan, d.w., salmon, J., Healy, g.n., shaw, J.e., Jolley, d.,
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Organisation Policy
& Support Audit Tool
the aim of this audit tool is to establish a baseline to measure improvements in the organisation’s health and
wellbeing culture. the tool has been developed to be used by those individuals in the workplace responsible for
managing the physical activity program.
the preparedness of an organisation to undertake a physical activity promotion campaign will be determined by
the number of ‘yes’ responses in this audit. It is recommended that the audit be completed annually or whenever
the organisation undergoes a significant transition (e.g. recruitment of significant number of new employees, or
significant changes in physical environment or policies.
this audit tool represents a high standard based on documented best practices. every workplace is different,
and not everything in this tool applies to all workplaces. this audit can assist the organisation to develop and
maintain its physical activity program by facilitating a cycle of continuous improvement. this process is not about
passing or failing, but about continuous improvement through periodic evaluation. (note: where an organisation
has more than one worksite, a separate organisation policy and support audit tool should be completed for each
this audit tool, used in conjunction with the EIM be Active at Work employee survey and the EIM (Workplace)
Environmental Audit Tool can guide your organisation to plan, design, implement and evaluate programs tailored
to the needs of your organisation and employees.
30 Step 1 Step 3
Review the audit for the information required in order Answer the audit questions with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’ mark
to validate the questions. there are three techniques the answer as a ‘no’ if you are unable to validate the
to validate your answer beside each audit question question using the suggested technique(s) or are
(circling the method used for each question is required uncertain regarding the response to the question.
for comparison with future audits). these techniques total the number of ‘yes’ responses at the end of each
include: section.
• Reviewing documentation (d);
• conducting interviews (I); Step 4
• carrying out observations of the workplace (o). Record the action required for each ‘no’ response in
these techniques may need to be combined in the space provided at the end of each section. Identify
order to validate some of the questions. the validation the person responsible for the action and the date the
method underlined and in bold is the suggested best action must be completed.
practice for that specific question.
the interviews should be conducted with focus Step 5
groups comprising a diverse range of employees in Answer all the audit questions and then total the
terms of demographics (age, gender, physical activity number of ‘yes’ responses in the ‘totalling Your
habits and cultural background). Focus groups should Answers’ section at the end of this audit.
number 8-10 people.
Step 6
Step 2 discuss the results of the audit and action plan
• Identify the specific documents required to validate with management and employees and collate their
the responses to the questions in the audit. feedback.
• determine the number of interviews and the
people to be interviewed in order to validate the Step 7
responses to the audit questions. Prepare a summary for senior management.
• Identify the areas related to physical activity that
you will observe in order to validate the responses
to the audit questions.
3. Is the policy placed where all employees can view it? Y/n n document
n Interview
n Observation
6. Has the organisation established measurable and achievable goals Y/n n document
and objectives for the physical activity program? n Interview
(supporting documentation should include a planning document.)
n observation
Action Plan (Record the action required to address each ‘no’ response in the space provided below.)
Action Plan (Record the action required to address each ‘no’ response in the space provided below.)
1. does the workplace exhibit a positive social climate that encourages Y/n n document
employees participating in physical activity and active recreation? n interview
n observation
4. does the physical activity program include partners or families (or Y/n n document
was this considered during the planning process)? n Interview
(supporting documentation should include a policy
n observation
or planning document.)
total no. of ‘Yes’ Answers
Action Plan (Record the action required to address each ‘no’ response in the space provided below.)
1. does the workplace infrastructure (e.g. resources) support employee Y/n n document
physical activity? n interview
(supporting documentation should include an organisation chart,
n observation
policy, position descriptions.)
2. does the workplace leadership promote physical activity for Y/n n document
employees? n interview
(supporting documentation should include a policy document.)
n observation
3. does the workplace possess a desire to promote physical activity for Y/n n document
employees? n interview
n observation
4. Is there at least one physical activity champion who can motivate Y/n n document
action and support and promote activities? n interview
n observation
5. Are the physical activity champions recognised? Y/n n document
(examples may include employee newsletters, acknowledgement n interview
letters, appreciation lunches and other promotional events, different
n Observation
forms of recognition and rewards.)
6. Are opportunities for physical activity available to all employees Y/n n document
(including shift workers, part-time workers and workers at different n interview
n observation
(supporting documentation should include a program guide or
policy documents.)
7. Are employees with special needs accommodated (e.g. people with Y/n n document
visual impairment, people who speak english as second language)? n interview
(examples include promotional information, signs, and policy
n Observation
Action Plan (Record the action required to address each ‘no’ response in the space provided below.)
1. Have the needs of each workplace location been considered in Y/n n document
planning the physical activity program? n interview
(supporting documentation should include a completed ‘EIM
n observation
Workplace Environmental Audit Tool’.)
3. does the workplace use physical activity information from external Y/n n document
resources? (e.g exercise Is medicine information brochures.) n Interview
(supporting documentation should include physical activity
n Observation
information brochures.)
Action Plan (Record the action required to address each ‘no’ response in the space provided below.)
Action Plan (Record the action required to address each ‘no’ response in the space provided below.)
1. does the organisation record workplace physical activity initiatives? Y/n n document
(supporting documentation should include these records.) n Interview
n observation
2. does the organisation evaluate the physical activity program at least Y/n n document
once every two years? n Interview
(note: this criteria may be satisfied by evidence of conducting the
n observation
‘EIM be Active at Work’ employee survey.)
3. Is there an action plan to deal with the results of this evaluation? Y/n n document
(supporting documentation should include this action plan.) n Interview
n observation
4. Are employees invited to provide feedback on the physical activity Y/n n document
initiatives? n interview
(note: this criteria may be satisfied by evidence of conducting the
‘EIM be Active at Work’ employee survey.) n observation
5. does the organisation distribute the evaluation results to all Y/n n document
employees and management? (supporting documentation should n Interview
include the evaluation report.)
n observation
Action Plan (Record the action required to address each ‘no’ response in the space provided below.)
2. Are all staff familiarised with emergency response procedures? Y/n n document
(supporting documentation should include emergency response n Interview
n Observation
6. does the organisation carry out periodic inspections of equipment Y/n n document
and facilities? n Interview
(supporting documentation should include maintenance records.)
n observation
Action Plan (Record the action required to address each ‘no’ response in the space provided below.)
sectIon A:
management and leadership
within the workplace
sectIon B:
employee physical activity
and health knowledge
sectIon c:
social level - Relationships
sectIon d:
organisational level – workplace
leadership, infrastructure and capacity
sectIon e:
community Involvement
sectIon F:
sectIon g:
Program Administration
sectIon H:
safety and Risk management
(Workplace) Environmental
Audit Tool *
name of auditor:
signature of auditor:
date of audit:
Audit Tool
Your existing workplace environment (ie infrastructure) will play a part in the types of activities promoted by the
organisation. the purpose of this audit tool is to assess the characteristics of the workplace environment that are
known to influence health behaviours relating to physical activity.
where an organisation has more than one worksite, a separate environmental audit should be completed for each
organisation name:
site location/address:
Yes no
1. does the worksite provide a shower and changing facility for employees? n n ‘no’ go to
question 2
• does it contain:
> Individual showers n n
> lockers n n 41
> mirrors n n
> Benches n n
> Hair dryers n n
> towel services n n
Yes no
2. does the worksite provide an exercise facility on-site? n n ‘no’ go to
question 3
• Is it accessible for all employees (ie < 10 minute walk)? n n
• Is it open before, during, and after normal work hours, including lunch n n
(ie at least 10 hours total per working day)?
• Is the facility and its activities supervised by credentialed staff 1 (ie an essA n n
Accredited exercise Physiologist)?
• can the facility accommodate at least 5% of the workforce at one time (based on n n
the space and exercise resources)?
• does the worksite actively promote the availability of the exercise facility? n n
Yes no
3. does the worksite provide or maintain outdoor exercise areas n n ‘no’ go to
or playing fields for employee use? question 4
• does it enable the provision of outdoor team activities (eg Austag, touch football, n n
Frisbee throwing, etc)?
• Is it open before, during, and after normal work hours, including lunch (ie at least n n
10 hours total per working day)?
• Is the ground surface of the outdoor exercise area safe (ie grass or synthetic floor/ n n
rubber matting)?
• does the worksite actively promote the availability of the exercise facility? n n
Yes no
4. does the worksite provide and maintain secure bicycle n n ‘no’ go to
storage facilities (eg bike racks)? question 5
Yes no
5. does the organisation comprise stairwells in its building(s) that n n ‘no’ go to
can be used by staff regularly to promote walking? question 6
• Are the doors unlocked on most floors, including no restricted exit (ie not locked n n
from inside)?
• Are the doors to the stairwells marked ‘stairs’ (not just ‘exit’)? n n
• does the worksite actively promote the use of the stairs (ie signs adjacent to n n
elevators or periodic emails encouraging the use of stairs)?
Yes no
6. Are there dedicated walking and/or cycling n n ‘no’ go to
paths within the workplace precinct? question 7
• Is the footpath:
> immediately adjacent to the road? n n
> separated from the road (ie more than 3 metres)? n n
• Are the footpath and bicycle lanes shared (ie a share path)? n n
• does the worksite actively promote the use of the walking and/or cycling paths? n n
Yes no
7. Other
• Are any of the following accessible within (or immediately adjacent to)
the workplace grounds:
> Fitness centre? n n
> grass playing field (minimum dimensions: 24m x 11m)? n n
> swimming pool? n n
> tennis courts? n n
> squash courts? n n
> Basketball courts? n n
• other physical activity spaces accessible within (or immediately adjacent) to the n n
workplace grounds (please list below):
signed: date:
bicycle information
and Active Transport
website directory
the following website directory provides information Australian bicycle Council (AbC)
regarding: the Australian Bicycle council’s role is to:
• walking, running and cycling maps and information • maintain an archive of information and resources
• electric bicycle (e-bike) retailers. to promote increased cycling in Australia.
• bicycle storage facilities. • oversee and coordinate implementation of the
• road-safety instruction providers. Australian national cycling strategy 2011–2016.
• national and state-based agencies and • provide a forum for the sharing of information
resource centres. between stakeholders involved in the
implementation of the strategy.
It should be noted that the following bicycle storage bike bus
retailers are only an example of the many current A bike bus is a group of people who cycle to work in
suppliers in the market. For the purposes of ensuring a group. It’s called a ‘bus’ because there is a set route
an informed decision, it is advised that all suppliers of and timetable so it can pick up more passengers along
bicycle storage facilities are researched and compared. the way.
www.cora.com.au www.bikebus.org.au/index.html
Cycling Australia
CYCLING INSTRUCTION PROVIDERS cycling Australia conducts a range of training activities
Austcycle is the national leader in providing and cycling events nationally through local clubs. 45
cycle training to people of all ages and skill levels www.cycling.org.au
throughout the Australian community.
www.austcycle.com.au Cycling Promotion fund
the cycling Promotion Fund promotes cycling for all
It should be noted that the following e-bike retailers www.cyclingpromotion.com.au/
are only an example of the many current suppliers in
the market. For the purposes of ensuring an informed Cycling Resource Centre
decision, it is advised that all suppliers of e-bikes are the cycling Resource centre is an Australian cycling
researched and compared. information hub.
www.stealthelectricbikes.com.au/hurricane.html www.cyclingresourcecentre.org.au/
(modern designs)
www.electricbicycle.com.au (traditional designs) MapMyfitness
www.reefbikes.com.au (hybrid designs) the mapmyFitness suite of website and mobile
applications use gPs technology to help you to map,
NATIONAL INFORMATION record and share exercise routes and workouts in an
online database.
10,000 Steps www.mapmyfitnessinc.com
10,000 steps is a free health promotion program that
encourages the use of step-counting pedometers to Pedestrian Council of Australia
monitor daily physical activity levels the Pedestrian council of Australia runs the annual
http://www.10000steps.org.au/ walk to work day and other activities.
Austroads promote improved Australian transport AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY
outcomes by providing expert technical input to Pedal Power Act has a ride to work web-page:
national policy development on road and road www.pedalpower.org.au/
transport issues.
transport nsw has an active transport toolkit: Vic Roads website for cyclists includes a great cycling
http://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/content/active- map facility:
transport-planners-toolkit www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/
46 the nt cycling Association is the peak body for Victoria walks has information and resources for
organised competitive and recreational cycling within walking, and has recently developed walking maps to
the northern territory: help you to map your walks:
www.nt.cycling.org.au/ walkingmaps.com.au
the Bicycle Institute of sA has a commuter page:
the sA transport dept bike site has maps and info for
cycling: www.sa.gov.au/subject/
walking: http://www.sa.gov.au/subject/