TCA y Deporte
TCA y Deporte
TCA y Deporte
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC) position
statement on disordered eating in high
performance sport
Kimberley R Wells,1 Nikki A Jeacocke,2 Renee Appaneal,3 Hilary D Smith,4
Nicole Vlahovich ,1 Louise M Burke ,1,5 David Hughes1
►► Additional material is Abstract The AIS and NEDC have collaborated to provide
published online only. To view Identification, evaluation and management of disordered these guidelines for athletes, coaches, support staff,
please visit the journal online
(http://d x.doi.o rg/10.1136/ eating (DE) is complex. DE exists along the spectrum clinicians and sporting organisations. The guide-
bjsports-2019-101813). from optimised nutrition through to clinical eating lines support the prevention and recognition of
disorders (EDs). Individual athletes can move back DE, and promote early intervention to optimise
AIS Medicine, Australian and forth along the spectrum of eating behaviour at nutrition for performance in a safe, supported,
Institute of Sport, Canberra,
any point in time over their career and within different purposeful and individualised manner. This posi-
Australian Capital Territory,
Australia stages of a training cycle. Athletes are more likely to tion statement is a call to action to all involved
Performance Services, present with DE than a clinical ED. Overall, there is a in sport to be aware of poor self-image and poor
Australian Institute of Sport, higher prevalence of DE and EDs in athletes compared body image among athletes. Sporting organisations
Canberra, Australian Capital should develop sport-specific positions and guide-
Territory, Australia with non-athletes. Additionally, athletes participating in
Athlete Availability, Australian aesthetic, gravitational and weight-class sports are at lines that foster a healthy sport system for athletes.
Institute of Sport, Canberra, higher risk of DE and EDs than those in sports without The practical recommendations in this document
Australian Capital Territory, these characteristics. The evaluation and management of are intended to guide the clinical management of
Australia DE in high performance sport, putting in place a
National Eating Disorders DE requires a cohesive team of professional practitioners
Collaboration, Sydney, New consisting of, at minimum, a doctor, a sports dietitian core multidisciplinary team (CMT) comprised of
South Wales, Australia and a psychologist, termed within this statement as the the doctor, sports dietitian and psychologist. The
Mary MacKillop Institute for core multidisciplinary team. The Australian Institute of clinical treatment and management of EDs is outside
Health Research, Australian the scope of this document. There are further
Catholic University, Melbourne,
Sport and the National Eating Disorders Collaboration
Victoria, Australia have collaborated to provide this position statement, resources available in the National Practice Stan-
containing guidelines for athletes, coaches, support staff, dards for Eating Disorders,1 the Royal Australian
Correspondence to clinicians and sporting organisations. The guidelines and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical
Dr David Hughes, AIS Medicine, support the prevention and early identification of DE, practice guidelines for the treatment of EDs (2014)2
Australian Institute of Sport, and promote timely intervention to optimise nutrition and the UK National Institute for Health and Care
Canberra, ACT 2617, Australia; Excellence guideline on EDs recognition and treat- u for performance in a safe, supported, purposeful and
individualised manner. This position statement is a call ment (2017).3 In addition, the Australia and New
Accepted 23 March 2020 to action to all involved in sport to be aware of poor Zealand Academy for EDs is due to publish Clinical
self-image and poor body image among athletes. The Practice and Training Standards in 2020.
practical recommendations should guide the clinical
management of DE in high performance sport.
DE in athletes
DE in an athlete sits on a spectrum between opti-
mised nutrition and an ED (figure 1). An individual
with DE may regularly engage in behaviours such
Background as skipping meals, compulsive eating, compul-
Introduction sive exercise and/or restrictive eating but without
The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) is Australia’s fully meeting the criteria for an ED. Comparisons
peak high performance sport agency. The National between EDs and DE are shown in table 1. DE
Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC), an initia- may involve short- term restrictive diets, which
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2020. Re-use tive of the Australian Government Department of progress to chronic energy or nutrient restriction,
permitted under CC BY-NC. No Health, promotes nationally consistent, evidence- binge eating, active and passive dehydration, use of
commercial re-use. See rights based responses to disordered eating (DE) and laxatives, diuretics, vomiting, and diet pills with or
and permissions. Published
eating disorders (EDs) in Australia. Both organ- without excessive training. Individual athletes can
by BMJ.
isations are committed to ensuring the safety and move back and forth along the spectrum of eating
To cite: Wells KR, welfare of all high performance athletes. A high behaviour at any point in time over their career and
Jeacocke NA, performance athlete is considered to be any athlete within different stages of a training cycle (eg, during
Appaneal R, et al.
Br J Sports Med Epub ahead within the performance pathway ranging from the off-season, preseason, when injured). Athletes
of print: [please include Day junior and senior elite level and including para and are more likely to present with DE than a clinical
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ able-bodied athletes. From here on, the high perfor- ED.4–6 However, there are health and performance
bjsports-2019-101813 mance athlete will be referred to as the athlete. implications regardless of where an athlete falls
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 The spectrum of eating behaviour in the high performance athlete from optimised nutrition to disordered eating to eating disorders. DSM-
5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.
along the spectrum and risks increase when DE worsens into a density (BMD) and stature, and neurological13 and reproductive
diagnosed ED. system development.7
DE and low energy availability (LEA) can occur together, or in Performance consequences of DE may arise from interrupted
isolation (figure 2). Identification of one necessitates the inves- or less effective training (eg, increased illness and injury, reduc-
tigation of the other. LEA may be difficult to recognise since an tions in training capacity, recovery and adaptation) as well as
athlete may be stable in weight but deficient in energy.7 8 Added acute impairments on competition day from inadequate fuel-
complexity in working with athletes comes from sport-specific ling for the event (eg, reduction in coordination, concentration,
pressures and individual comorbidities as well as cultural, mood, strength and endurance).9
familial, individual and genetic/biochemical factors.9
Prevalence and contributing factors to DE in athletes
Health and performance consequences of DE behaviours DE can occur in any athlete, in any sport, at any time, crossing
In addressing the health and performance consequences of DE boundaries of gender, age, body size, culture, socioeconomic
or EDs, health must be the priority. One of the health risks of background, athletic calibre and ability. The estimated preva-
DE or EDs is the potential development of relative energy defi- lence of DE and/or EDs in athletes ranges from 0% to 19% in
ciency in sport (RED-S).10 In addition to the direct impairment men and 6% to 45% in women.5 Overall, there is a higher prev-
of physiological and psychological function, DE can increase the alence of DE and EDs in athletes compared with non-athletes14
risk of illness and injury, compromise training quality and consis- but sport-specific demands and individual characteristics of the
tency, and indirectly interfere with competition goals.9 Conse- athlete lead to a wide variation in prevalence of DE and EDs
quences of DE behaviours may include electrolyte imbalances, across different sports.12 Much of the prevalence data regarding
dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal problems DE in athletes originates from studies of Scandinavian cohorts
(dental, gingival, bleeding, ulceration, bloating, constipation) and North American collegiate athletes, predominantly featuring
and mental health issues (depression, anxiety, personality disor- Caucasian and able-bodied populations.10 15 There is a paucity
ders, substance abuse, self-harm and suicidal ideation).11 If DE of prevalence data in para-athletes with further research and
is in conjunction with LEA, there may be suppression of phys- understanding required to adequately address and inform best
iological processes, resulting in impairments of bone health, practice in this population.15 An environment in which there is
menstrual function, endocrine, metabolic and haematological pressure to either lose or gain weight and/or to maintain meticu-
status, growth and development, psychological well-being, and lous control of body composition may contribute to an increased
cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and immunological systems.9 12 prevalence of DE and EDs. Athletes may be underweight, normal
The long-term consequences of LEA are particularly critical to weight or overweight, irrespective of DE or EDs.15 16 Personal
the adolescent athlete, affecting the accrual of peak bone mineral attributes which underpin successful performance, combined
Table 1 Characteristics of eating disorders versus disordered eating in elite athletes (reprinted with permission from The IOC Consensus Statement
on Mental Health in Elite Sport5)
Eating disorders Disordered eating
Restricting, bingeing or purging often occur multiple times per week Pathogenic behaviours used to control weight (eg, occasional restricting, use of diet pills, bingeing,
purging or use of saunas or ‘sweat runs’) may occur but not with regularity
Obsessions with thoughts of food and eating occur much of the time Thoughts of food and eating do not occupy most of the day
Eating patterns and obsessions preclude normal functioning in life activities Functioning usually remains intact
Preoccupation with ‘healthy eating’ leads to significant dietary restriction There may be preoccupation with ‘healthy eating’ or significant attention to caloric or nutritional
parameters of most foods eaten but intake remains acceptable
Excessive exercise beyond that recommended by coaches may be explicitly While exercise may not be regularly used in excessive amount to purge calories, there may be a
used as a frequent means of purging carbs cognitive focus on burning calories when exercising
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2 Eating disorders/disordered eating can occur in the absence or presence of low energy availability (adapted from Mountjoy et al)10 78.
DSM-5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.
with the sport environment may leave athletes vulnerable to DE. or consult with, any member of the CMT (doctor, sports dieti-
Three categories of sports, defined as aesthetically judged, grav- tian and psychologist) for further assessment and support.11 It
itational and weight class, are consistently identified as high risk is important for all personnel involved in the sport to be aware
for the development of DE and EDs.7 Risk factors for DE and of the risk factors and warning signs or red flags of DE and EDs
EDs in high performance athletes are shown in table 2. (tables 2 and 3). Personnel should also be informed of effec-
tive communication channels for concerns. Some warning signs
Early identification, assessment and monitoring (table 3) can occur early (behavioural changes) whereas others
Early identification of DE such as weight changes may occur later in the person’s trajectory
DE in athletes can occur at any time; both precipitating, or being of DE.
precipitated by, challenges in the athlete’s life as well as occur-
ring during a time of successful performance.14 While there is a
growing openness and support for mental health concerns in elite The CMT
sport,16 barriers to early identification and treatment of DE and The recommended CMT is comprised of the doctor, sports dieti-
EDs still exist.4 5 19 Athletes’ shame, stigma and fear of discrimi- tian and psychologist, and together they coordinate the preven-
nation prevent them from disclosing problematic behaviour and tion, assessment, management and maintenance care in possible
seeking help, whereas limited knowledge about ED symptoms DE cases. As per the Olympic Movement Medical Code, all activ-
and reluctance to ask specifically about eating problems inhibit ities of the CMT should be based on the premise that the health
providers’ detection of DE and EDs.20 It is widely accepted that and the welfare of athletes are pre-eminent and prevail over
the early identification and appropriate management of DE leads competitive, economic, legal or political considerations.23 Each
to better outcomes.21 EDs have one of the highest mortality rates member of the CMT provides expertise in a mutually supportive
among all mental illnesses, which underscores the importance of manner (figure 3) to deliver optimal care for the athlete in a
prevention efforts, timely detection and specialised treatment.22 safe, supported, individualised and purposeful way, governed by
Everyone in the sport system has a role to play in recognition the ethos, ‘do no harm’. Doctors, sports dietitians and psycholo-
and early intervention, and anyone can refer athletes to, and/ gists working within sport, despite not always self-identifying as
Table 2 Suggested risk factors for disordered eating and eating disorders in high performance athletes4 10 14 17 18
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Biological risk factors ►► Age
►► Stages of growth, development or puberty
►► Genetic risk factors, for example, EDs, addictions in family
►► Precocious growth or development
►► Growth or development that is significantly different from the average
Psychological risk factors ►► Body dissatisfaction, body image distortion
►► Low self-esteem
►► Personality traits, for example, perfectionism
►► Obsessive-compulsive tendencies/traits
►► Neuroticism (depression, anxiety, emotional lability)
►► Harm avoidance
►► Heightened stress reactivity
►► Inflexible, rule-drive, drive for order and symmetry
►► Risk-taking behaviour
Sociocultural risk factors ►► Eating pressures/modelling
►► Peer pressure regarding physical appearance or weight
►► Influence of the media
►► ‘Thin ideal’, ‘muscularity ideal’ or ‘fit ideal’
►► Direct or perceived pressure to modify appearance or weight
►► Weight/appearance-based teasing, bullying
►► Social Isolation
►► Experiences of weight stigma, including in healthcare and within sporting environments
Sport-specific risk factors ►► Transition periods
–– Early start of sport-specific training
–– Making a senior team at a young age
–– Retirement (forced or voluntary)
–– Non-selection or de-selection
–– Injury, illness, surgery, time away from sport and training
►► Changes in weight/body shape following injury/illness
►► Pressures (perceived or real) to change body shape or composition
►► Weight cycling
►► Patterns of restriction or disordered behaviours
►► Coaching behaviour and accepted ‘norms’ within sport
►► Rules and regulations in sports
►► Performance optimisation pressure
►► Use of supplements, and nutritional and ergogenic aids
►► Body composition testing, weighing and measuring
►► Public displays of ‘results’ in common areas, for example, training environment
►► Media and social media pressure (perceived or real) to look a certain way
Gender-b ased factors ►► Media-driven gender stereotypes
►► Drive for muscularity/leanness/thinness
►► Anabolic-androgenic steroid use
►► Gender diversity
Other risk factors ►► Chronic disease related to caloric utilisation, for example, diabetes, thyroid
►► Co-occurring conditions, for example, coeliac disease, other gastrointestinal conditions
►► History of trauma
►► History of food insecurity
►► Major life transitions, for example, moving away from home, moving between schools, moving overseas
experts in this field, need to have an awareness of DE and EDs stakeholders. A designated member of the CMT should ideally
and regularly seek professional development in this area. coordinate the flow of information across the team and with
The CMT works with the athlete, coach and support staff relevant sports staff.
to investigate and manage health, performance and return to
play (RTP) considerations. With the athlete’s permission and
respecting patient confidentiality, the ideal management model Assessment of DE in athletes
includes regular and collaborative communication between the Clinical judgement and an understanding of the high perfor-
CMT and coach. Further input may be sought from a range of mance sport context is crucial in distinguishing acceptable from
specialists including an endocrinologist, gynaecologist, psychi- problematic behaviours. Warning signs in the general population
atrist, sport scientist, physiotherapist, occupational thera- may be masked within the sporting environment. For example,
pist, social worker, paediatrician and/or specialist ED service a disciplined training diet and preoccupation with body weight
(figure 4).7 21 The CMT is responsible for ensuring continuity of and shape may reflect a specific sport culture, changes in, or
care. This includes effective collaboration between physical and absolutely low, levels of body fat may be balanced by muscle
mental health services, private and public health services, sport to present an acceptable body weight, and excessive exercise is
and community-based services and between professional disci- easily hidden by demanding training programmes.24 25 Although
plines.1 It is crucial that there are well-defined roles and a clear a number of tools have been developed to screen for DE and
communication strategy within the CMT and across relevant EDs in the general population, validated and specialised tools
Table 3 Warning signs or red flags for disordered eating and eating disorders in athletes4 10 14 17 18
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Behavioural changes ►► Preoccupation with food, calories, body shape and weight
►► Polarised/dichotomous thinking (including but not limited to thoughts about food, body or exercise)
►► Avoidance of food-related social activities
►► Restrictive eating, for example, cutting down or cutting out food groups, nutrients, reducing overall energy intake, counting, measuring and
weighing food
►► Bathroom visits after meals
►► Evidence of binge eating (large amounts of food purchased/consumed, evidence of food wrappers hidden in the bin or another location)
►► Restriction followed by binge eating
►► Secretive behaviour regarding food intake and/or exercise behaviour
►► Increasing rigidity or inflexibility in situations
Physical changes ►► Wearing baggy or layered clothing that hides body shape
►► Relentless, excessive exercise
►► Exercise through injury/illness with inadequate recovery
►► Bone stress injury
►► Hormone dysfunction (including dysregulated menstrual cycle, libido and erectile function)
►► Frequent illness
►► Low body fat
►► Dehydration
►► Bad breath, sore gums or signs of enamel loss on teeth
►► Swelling around jaw
►► Skin effects, including dry skin, fine hairs growing around the face or signs of calluses on the knuckles
►► Unexpected weight gain beyond that expected from growth/development/puberty
►► Dramatic or rapid weight loss or gain or fluctuation
Psychological changes ►► Persistently poor and/or declining mental health
►► Increased attention to and/or criticism of one’s body
►► Feeling out of control with regard to food
►► Body image dissatisfaction and distortion
for use in sport across varied athlete populations are limited in hormonal status.34 However, it is noted that this questionnaire
number and quality.17 26 27 Current recommendations for DE has been principally developed from endurance-trained popu-
assessment include using self-report screening tools followed by lations and is unlikely to be as specific and sensitive in other
an interview-based assessment, and sport-specific versus general sporting groups. Further work to increase the validity of existing
approaches where available.4 5 Whenever feasible, and with the DE screening tools in broader athletic populations is underway
athlete’s permission, assessment may involve interviewing others while new screening assessment tools are in the validation phase.
in the athlete’s support network, including coaches, teammates,
family and friends.
Nutritional assessment
An athlete identified with possible DE should be referred to a
Screening tools and questionnaires sports dietitian for nutritional assessment of DE, EDs and LEA
There are a range of screening tools and questionnaires available
(table 4). The sports dietitian can: conduct screening question-
to assist the assessment of DE in athletes. The Eating Disorder
naires and interviews; complete a diet history and nutritional
Examination 17.0 (EDE 17.0) is currently regarded as the gold
assessment; assess for the presence of special diets and restric-
standard for clinical interview for diagnostic purposes of EDs in
tions/intolerances/allergies; perform an EA assessment; evaluate
the general population.28 29 The Eating Disorder Examination
risk factors and warning signs of DE or EDs and assess where
Questionnaire 6.0 (EDE-Q 6.0) is a short form screening tool
an athlete is on the spectrum of eating behaviour (figure 1). An
based on the EDE 17.0 and is acceptable for use in practice. The
athlete may be stable in weight but deficient in energy. Weight
EDE-Q 6.0 should form part of a comprehensive assessment of
should not be the sole focus of the multimodal assessment of
the athlete. Additional tools including the Athletic Milieu Direct
DE. The sports dietitian aims to understand the psychological
Questionnaire Version 2 and Physiological Screening Test, the
component to food choices; the athlete’s views of their body
Brief Eating Disorder in Athletes Questionnaire Version 2, and
and how these thoughts may impact on food selection. In some
the Eating Attitudes Test-26; all provide discrimination between
cultures and countries, food security may also overlay food
athletes with and without EDs.27 29–32 However, there are several
choice and eating behaviours. Tracking where an athlete sits
limitations of these tools for EDs, particularly for male athletes,
on the spectrum of eating behaviour helps a sports dietitian to
and care should be taken to ensure the tool is appropriate for
better understand the athlete and apply appropriate and targeted
the athlete.33
nutrition interventions. An athlete’s ability or inability to follow
The assessment of LEA in athletes is also problematic since a
nutrition advice/recommendations also provides further infor-
quantitative assessment of EA is time-consuming and marred by
mation as to where the athlete sits on the spectrum.
errors of reliability and validity in calculating its main compo-
nents (energy intake and exercise energy expenditure).8 The
assessment of EA is complicated by errors in the measurement Nutrition for health and performance
of its component parts and failure to account for other factors Nutrition for athletes needs to encompass considerations of both
such as dietary quality and within-day energy spread.8 The Low health and performance. The characteristics of optimised nutri-
Energy Availability in Females Questionnaire is a validated tion in an athlete include:
screening tool which may indicate the need for more in-depth ►► Their eating practices are meeting their physical and mental
assessments such as a measurement of resting metabolic rate or health needs.
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 3 Core multidisciplinary team management by a doctor, sports dietitian and psychologist: the core multidisciplinary team drives the
assessment for disordered eating of an athlete, which may involve some overlap between disciplines depending on the trigger for recognition of
disordered eating and the individual case characteristics. BMD, bone mineral density; DSM-5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
Fifth Edition; DXA, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
►► They are able to adapt their intake to meet the specific and in Supplementary data) based on information provided by the
changing demands of their sport. athlete and CMT. All athletes with bone stress injury and/or
►► They have flexibility around their eating and thoughts about menstrual dysfunction should be screened for LEA/RED-S and
food. screened/assessed for DE and EDs. Care should be taken to
►► They are able to eat socially. select appropriate first-line and second-line investigations for
►► They are free of restrictive behaviours such as the avoid- the individual case to complete general and hormonal screen-
ance of whole food groups; excessive counting of calories or ings, bearing in mind the timing of testing as it may relate to
macronutrients; or rigidity around foods consumed. diurnal fluctuations, fasting status and menstrual cycle if known.
►► They have a healthy body image. Second-line biomarkers (online supplementary Table S3, data)
A plan for optimised nutrition should be safe, supported, of appetite, bone formation/resorption and other potential LEA
purposeful and individualised. Nutrition practices are consid- indicators are an evolving space with some markers, such as
ered safe if they support the principle of ‘at first do no harm’ and ghrelin, currently only used in research settings. Consultation
in doing so, fundamentally prioritise athlete physical and mental with an endocrinologist for interpretation of results may be
health. The delivery of these optimal practices is supported when required if outside the expertise of the practitioner. Referral to
guided by the appropriately qualified and experienced members an appropriate specialist should be considered for more complex
of the CMT with interaction and input from the wider perfor- cases with valuable contributions frequently obtained in the
mance team. fields of endocrinology, gynaecology and psychiatry.
A summary of the endocrine effects of RED-S by Elliott-Sale
Medical assessment et al (2018) provides the latest background on hormonal/phys-
The medical assessment of an athlete with identified DE should iological profiles in LEA in men and women provided in the
include thorough history (see online supplementary tables S1-S3 supplementary data (online supplementary table S4).26 34 35 While
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
ically useful. Hormonal profiling may be considered after a
trial of 3 months off the combined contraceptive pill (COCP).
Changes in biomarkers/hormones in men are different from
those in women and may occur at a lower EA cut-off.36 The
long-term consequences of impaired hormonal health in male
athletes is not well established and requires further research.37
Bone health
Optimisation of bone health is important for short-term and
long-term health and performance outcomes and involves the
attainment of peak bone mass (between 18 years and 22 years
of age) and prevention of accelerated BMD loss thereafter.9 10 38
A medical workup of an athlete with any combination of DE
or ED, bone stress injury, menstrual and/or hormonal dysfunc-
tion should take into account various modifiers of bone health
including nutrition, environmental, sport- specific mechan-
ical loading, hormonal and iatrogenic factors. Instigation of
appropriate pharmacological and bone loading treatment may
be required. An athlete involved in a non-weight bearing and/
or endurance sport (eg, swimming or cycling) should consider
a programme involving drop jumps to satiate ground reaction
Figure 4 Disordered eating flow chart: recognition of disordered
force contribution to bone health,39 40 a typical programme
eating and referral of an athlete for assessment and management,
might involve a two- footed landing from a 30 cm platform,
primarily by the core multidisciplinary team within the context of a
repeated 10 times with 10 second gap between jumps.40 41
healthy sport system.
Athletes with 6 months or more of LEA, DE, ED or amenor-
rhoea should have BMD measured by dual-energy X-ray absorp-
some biomarkers/hormones show significant change in female tiometry (DXA),9 as per the guidelines of the International
athletes, menstrual dysfunction may be a more readily detect- Society of Clinical Densitometry and the American College of
able clinical sign of LEA.11 Importantly, menstrual dysfunction Sports Medicine.28 42 Assessments should refer to Z-scores (age-
should not be accepted as an inevitable consequence of being matched and sex-matched). In the athletic population, low BMD
an athlete and should be investigated. Furthermore, hormonal is defined as a Z-score between −1 SD and −2 SD, together with
Table 4 A nutrition assessment of the athlete with possible DE includes information on a range of issues
►► Current eating patterns
►► Eating behaviour history
►► Special diets followed, particularly if the diet involves avoidance of certain foods and/or if the range of foods to be avoided has increased over time
►► Specific food restrictions in place, whether for medical or for personal reasons
►► Food rules and beliefs
►► Flexibility or rigidity around food or nutrient intake
►► Current and past nutritional supplement use
►► Social interaction with food and meals (any isolation or withdrawing)
Behavioural ►► Compensatory behaviours (eg, vomiting, laxative use, diet pills, etc.)
Physical ►► Pathogenic weight control practices
►► Adequacy of current dietary intake including overall energy, macronutrients and micronutrients
►► Current and past history of weight and body composition (are these stable or do they fluctuate)
►► Active pursuit of changes in body composition, including the time course and methods of achieving these changes
►► Training load and phase
►► Food security
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
fracture or other secondary clinical risk factors for fracture.9 considered.50
As athletes in weight-bearing sports should have a BMD that
is 5%–15% higher than non-athletes, a BMD Z-score less than Male athletes
−1 SD warrants further attention.9 DXA assessments should be LEA may suppress reproductive and metabolic hormones in men
repeated in at-risk adults every 12 months and in at-risk adoles- at <20–25 kcal/kg/fat free mass (FFM)/day10 but the clinical signs
cents at a minimum of every 6 months, preferably using the same and symptoms are relatively subtle.28 35 37 Reduction in libido
DXA machine.9 and loss of nocturnal penile tumescence may be a sign of relative
Calcium supplementation may be required if the recom- reduction in testosterone. A relative reduction in testosterone
mended daily intake is not met from food sources, but such deci- that may remain at a subclinical threshold may be seen in the
sions should be made only after a thorough dietary assessment LEA state.36 Testosterone is best measured as a fasted, morning
by a sports dietitian. Guidelines for calcium intake vary slightly sample to avoid wider fluctuations throughout the day. A serial/
between countries with the daily recommended dietary intake longitudinal record for the individual in the clinical context may
of calcium 1000 mg for men and women aged 19–50 years in be more beneficial than a single measurement.37
Australia and the USA, and 1300 mg for children and adolescents,
aged 12–18 years in Australia, and 9–18 years, in the USA.43 44 Psychological assessment
While the biochemical cut-off for vitamin D deficiency is contro- Mental health
versial,42 45 46 blood levels <50 nmol/L in winter months or A comprehensive mental health evaluation is critical to deter-
<75 nmol/L in summer months should be considered for supple- mining intervention and treatment, and can be provided by
mentation.45 The endocrine society clinical practice guidelines a psychologist or doctor within the CMT. The mental health
provide current recommendations for vitamin D supplementa- evaluation aims to determine range and severity of DE symp-
tion across age ranges and subpopulations.47 Vitamin D deficient toms, diagnose EDs and other mental illnesses, and identify any
adults can be treated with 50 000 IU of vitamin D once a week immediate medical or psychological risk. EDs have one of the
for 8 weeks, followed by maintenance therapy of 1500–2000 IU highest mortality rates of all psychiatric illnesses, and those diag-
daily, with repeat serum vitamin D testing to assess response nosed with an ED have significantly elevated suicide risk.52–54
and prevent toxicity.47 Inadequate EA is likely to be the most Therefore, a suicide risk assessment should be undertaken to
important dietary cause of poor bone health; there is evidence include suicidal ideation, deliberate self-harm, previous suicidal
behaviours and self-harm events, agitation and current or past
of suppressed bone formation once EA decreases below 30 kcal/
risk of harm to others.
kg FFM/day in women28 while impaired bone health is likely to
The use of interview protocols is well suited to evaluating
occur below 20–25 kcal/kg FFM/day in men.36 48 Serum testos-
eating behaviours and beliefs according to Diagnostic and Statis-
terone within the lowest quartile of the normal clinical range
tical Manual of Mental Disorders diagnostic criteria. The EDE
(total testosterone 9–38 nmol/L) is associated with an increased
17.0 or EDE-Q 6.0 can be used for these purposes, as can a
risk of bone injuries in men.36
mental health evaluation such as the Mini International Neuro-
psychiatric Interview (MINI 7.0.2).55 The MINI 7.0.2 provides
a diagnosis of prior and current comorbid conditions, including
Female athletes
EDs as well as suicidality. When a focused ED or thorough
Amenorrhoea may occur in up to 66% of athletes,49 but its pres-
mental health evaluation is required, this should be done by an
ence for more than 3 months should not be accepted as an inevi-
appropriately trained mental health clinician.
table consequence of being an athlete and must be investigated.4
Aetiology of oligo-amenorrhoea may include pregnancy, primary
Family and social networks
ovarian insufficiency, hyperprolactinaemia, thyroid dysfunction,
In addition to mental health, psychologists will also examine
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and functional hypotha-
the athlete’s psychosocial history, social support and perceived
lamic amenorrhoea (FHA), which is a diagnosis of exclusion.9 50
stress across relevant life domains (sport, school/work, social).
The underlying cause of FHA is LEA rather than exercise volume
Family history of mental illness is also relevant, particularly the
or body composition, thus optimisation of energy availability
presence of DE or body image disturbances. As part of the social
(EA) should be the first line treatment of FHA,37 however it may
network, assessment and engagement of parental support early
take more than 6 months for favourable menstrual changes.28
in the process is important to facilitate implementation of the
Assessment of an athlete with menstrual dysfunction by a sports
recommended intervention, particularly if health deteriorates.4
dietitian forms a part of the complete care of the female athlete.
Where DE symptoms are detected or there is a high risk of
The triad amenorrhoea algorithm as produced by Joy et al developing an ED, additional information regarding the athlete’s
(2014) provides a succinct and systematic approach to diag- readiness for early intervention and treatment is important. This
nosis and referral of an athlete with menstrual dysfunction.50 includes the athlete’s readiness to change, as well as anticipated
The clinical signs and symptoms of menstrual dysfunction can challenges and strengths or protective factors. The athlete’s
be used as a surrogate marker for LEA, but these may be masked readiness to change, or motivation for treatment is a consistent
by concurrent use of oral contraception. Treatment of menstrual predictor of treatment success.56 The complexity of DE requires
dysfunction via supplementation with exogenous hormones, a biopsychosocial approach, and it is important to know the
such as the COCP, does not correct the cause of FHA and does type and nature of support within the athletes’ social network.
not protect against BMD loss.9 10 37 50 To protect BMD in these A supportive and well-aligned network is critical to successful
athletes, it is preferable to use transdermal oestrogen, with treatment.57
cyclic oral progestin as an adjunct; this is applied twice weekly
as a transdermal51 β-oestradiol (E2) patch (100 µg), with cyclic Treatment and ongoing monitoring of the athlete with DE
micronised progesterone (200 mg) for 12 days each month.50 Once DE is identified in the high performance athlete, the
The transdermal hormones are not a form of contraception and review and maintenance process of care requires information
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Disordered eating prevalence and consequences on health and performance
►► There is a spectrum of eating behaviours in high performance sport that spans from optimised nutrition through disordered eating to
clinically diagnosed eating disorders.
►► Disordered eating and low energy availability can occur together or in isolation. Identification of one necessitates the investigation
of the other. Low energy availability underpins the syndrome of relative energy deficiency in sport, which has many health and
performance consequences.
►► Disordered eating can occur in any athlete, in any sport, at any time, crossing boundaries of gender, age, body size, culture,
socioeconomic background, athletic calibre and ability.
►► In addressing the health and performance consequences of disordered eating or eating disorders, health must be the priority.
►► Inappropriate eating practices increase the risk of illness and injury. Compromised training in turn impairs performance.
►► Personal attributes which underpin successful performance, combined with the sport environment may leave athletes vulnerable to
disordered eating.
Early identification of disordered eating
►► Everyone in the high performance sports system has a role as early identifiers of disordered eating. Education and literacy are required
around risk factors, warning signs and red flags.
►► The goals of assessment are to identify disordered eating or eating disorders, investigate the presence of low energy availability/relative
energy deficiency in sport and its consequences, and manage acute and chronic complications in the athlete.
The core multidisciplinary team
►► The core multidisciplinary team of doctor, sports dietitian and psychologist form the cornerstone of professional assessment and
management of athletes on the spectrum of eating behaviour.
►► The core multidisciplinary team works with athletes and their support network to investigate and manage the health and performance
of athletes taking into account individual case characteristics and sport-specific demands.
►► Doctors, sports dietitians and psychologists working within sport need to have an awareness and constantly seek to improve their
knowledge and skills regarding disordered eating.
►► The core multidisciplinary team is responsible for ensuring continuity of care.
►► Athletes with an eating disorder should be referred to a specialised eating disorder service. Where there is a delay in access, the core
multidisciplinary team is responsible for the athlete’s care.
►► It is crucial that there are well-defined roles and a clear communication strategy within the core multidisciplinary team and across
relevant stakeholders.
Nutritional assessment
►► When possible disordered eating or an eating disorder is identified in an athlete, a nutrition assessment is required.
►► A sports dietitian will determine where an athlete currently sits on the spectrum of eating behaviours (from optimised nutrition to
eating disorders) and track their progression along the spectrum based on specific, targeted nutritional interventions.
►► Manipulation of nutrition practices can play a valuable role in athletic performance. Athletes must engage in optimised nutrition that is
safe, supported, purposeful and individualised.
►► An athlete may be stable in weight but deficient in energy. Weight should not be the sole focus of the multimodal assessment of
disordered eating.
Medical assessment
►► All athletes with bone stress injury and/or menstrual dysfunction should be screened for low energy availability/relative energy
deficiency in sport and screened/assessed for disordered eating and eating disorders.
►► Understanding menstrual function in the individual athlete is essential for providing optimal care. Menstrual dysfunction should be
►► While the clinical signs and symptoms are relatively subtle, impaired hormonal health can also occur in male athletes.
►► Eating disorders can be life-threatening; doctors should have the key clinical competency to identify an athlete who is unstable and
requires removal from sport, emergency intervention and admission to supportive care.
Psychological assessment
►► Athletes being evaluated for disordered eating or eating disorders require a comprehensive mental health evaluation.
►► Eating disorders have one of the highest mortality rates of any mental illness. An athlete’s medical and psychological safety is
paramount and requires ongoing vigilance.
Return to play
►► The core multidisciplinary team monitors and communicates medical and behavioural objectives to ensure safety and inform athlete-
specific return to play criteria, with input from established return to play frameworks as required.
Prevention and education
►► Education is the best evidence-based method for primary prevention of disordered eating and eating disorders and is included within
the well-being and performance health strategy. Education should target the key issues in a sport, and may include elements related to
increasing awareness of the problem and its risk factors, improving body image and raising nutrition literacy.
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
►► Athletes, coaches, support staff members and judges should undergo an initial comprehensive education programme and regular
refresher education sessions.
Body composition assessments in athletes
►► Body composition assessment and weighing strategies must reflect individual needs and emphasise choice, collaboration, trust, safety
and empowerment.
►► High frequency self-weighing and/or team or service provider weighing should be moderated to reduce risk to athletes.
►► Body composition assessment should only be undertaken if it is purposeful and necessary to optimise the performance of the athlete.
►► All athletes should attend an education session with a qualified anthropometrist prior to any body composition testing being
conducted. This should include provision of information to explain the rationale for testing, method of assessment, storage and use of
information, and allow time for questions.
►► All athletes should complete a consent process for body composition assessments, with parental consent where appropriate.
►► Prior to undertaking body composition assessment and/or weighing strategies, serious consideration must be given regarding the
purpose of the assessment. Assessment should not take place without adequate nutrition support or if the assessment is considered
likely to be harmful to the athlete with disordered eating or an eating disorder.
►► The entire process of body composition assessment and feedback is treated as personal and confidential medical information. It must
be made clear where the information is being stored, who the information is being shared with and for what specific purpose(s).
Body image
►► Positive body image is one of the protective factors against development of eating disorders, and forms a foundation for most effective
eating disorder prevention programmes.
►► Body image dissatisfaction in male and female athletes is a risk factor for disordered eating or eating disorders irrespective of the
perceived weight-related performance pressures of their sport.
Healthy sport systems
►► Every sporting organisation should have a guideline on prevention and early identification of disordered eating for their sport that
encompasses continuity of care, addresses the specific context of their particular sport, and upholds the core principle of ‘first do no
harm’ with regards to athlete body image, nutrition, performance and related measures.
►► Sports have a responsibility to all athletes across the entire high performance pathway to create a healthy sports system, both in the
environment and culture of the sport.
sharing and progression of treatment goals between the athlete, Currently, there are no accepted values for sport- specific
CMT, sports coaches and support staff. A designated member minimum or optimal levels of body fat or body weight.7 As
of the CMT should ideally coordinate the flow of information such, these values should not be set by sporting organisations.
within the team to formulate individual athlete treatment and Within the clinical ED treatment environment, the Safe Exercise
maintenance goals, clearly outlining medical and behavioural at Every Stage guideline may be used to guide clinical reviews
objectives to ensure safety and sports-specific RTP criteria. This and RTP plans.59 Athletes with an ED should be referred to an
requires engagement with the athlete and follow-through from appropriate ED service and assisted to transition back into the
sports staff. A large amount of information is typically collected high performance sporting environment as part of their recovery.
in areas of nutrition, medicine and psychology; a consistent,
systematic approach is required to ensure that all avenues have
been explored and openly communicated. The CMT can formu- Prevention
late a time line for maintenance and review. Prevention and education
Creating and embedding an environment and culture that assists
in the prevention of DE is of utmost importance to promoting
Modifications, exclusions and RTP decisions the health of all athletes and minimising DE risk and incidence.
Given the potential for injury and/or illness if an athlete To minimise DE risk and incidence, key points of prevention are
continues to train through DE, there may be times when training identified by Sundgot-Borgen and Torstveit (2010) and include
modification or full exclusion is required. An ED diagnosis may advocating health and well-being, de-emphasising body weight,
not be needed to justify the need for modification to training and making DE a ‘health and safety issue’ not a ‘coaching issue’
and/or competition to ensure the athlete’s safety. It is reason- among others.57 Prevention of DE can also involve advocacy
able that athletes with DE can continue to participate in sports, for changes to unhealthy sport rules and identifying strategies
provided they engage appropriately and consistently with their to mitigate existing ‘at risk’ rules. Education programmes are
support team.4 Each sport governing organisation or federa- the best method of primary prevention of DE and EDs.60 The
tion should have guidelines to support difficult decisions with main aims of education are to reduce stigma, promote healthy
respect to affected athletes and the particular diagnoses (eg, relationships with food and body, encourage open and honest
RED-S).57 Clinical assessment tools which may assist and guide discussion, educate about potential health and performance
decision making in relation to RTP, include the RED-S Clinical consequences, and educate about optimal nutritional strate-
Assessment Tool10 58 and the 2014 Female Athlete Triad Coali- gies.4 Best practice in this area would see coaches, sport support
tion Consensus Statement (female athletes with DE, menstrual staff members and judges undergoing an initial comprehensive
dysfunction and low BMD).50 education programme and regular refresher education sessions.
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
factors such as body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem, and seek into consideration within both the general and athlete popula-
to minimise potential adverse effects of body manipulation.61 tions.67 An athlete’s perception of their physical self, and the
thoughts and feelings that are entailed, can produce percep-
Assessment and manipulation of body composition tual, affective, cognitive and behavioural manifestations. An
‘Dieting’, the deliberate restriction of calories and/or specific athlete may frequently have separate body images; an athletic
nutrients for actions to promote the purpose of loss of body body image and a social body image.68–71 There may be tensions
mass and/or body fat, is well documented as one of the major between the socially desirable body image and the ideal physique
risk factors for developing an ED.62 Yet, physique assessment is for performance in the athlete’s sport.72 Both male and female
a common activity undertaken within athlete monitoring proto- athletes may have a body image that is in conflict with cultural
cols, and manipulation of body composition, including weight norms and gender stereotypes. Body image dissatisfaction in
or body fat loss, is a common goal within an athlete’s sports male and female athletes is a risk factor for DE or ED irrespec-
nutrition plan. Routine assessment of body composition requires tive of the perceived weight-related performance pressures of
careful deliberation of the rationale for the assessment (ie, is their sport.68 72 73 Some subpopulations are at additional risk for
it purposeful and necessary), who is undertaking the measure- body image dissatisfaction; for example, para-sport athletes and
ments, the level of training required to take the measurements those with concurrent conditions such as diabetes mellitus74 75
as well as the level of support available to the athlete to inter- or PCOS.76 The biological changes that occur during puberty
pret the information and provide recommendations. Examples and adolescence may contrast with the ideal physique in a sport,
of body composition assessment techniques include (but are not making this a higher risk time for the development of DE or an
limited to) body mass weighing, skinfolds and DXA. If manipu- ED.7
lation of body composition is indicated, expert nutrition support
from a sports dietitian should be provided from end to end: Creating a healthy sport system
that is, from preassessment through assessment to advice and Support systems for healthy participation in sport involving
ongoing monitoring. A sports dietitian can formulate advice as individuals with specific expertise in DE and ED will decrease
to whether to test athletes or not, based on some of the following the likelihood that such problems will occur in athletes. Every
factors: history of DE or EDs, age, level of nutrition support in sporting organisation should be aware of the increased preva-
the domestic training environment, and the type of protocols lence of DE in high performance athletes and have established
used (weighing, skinfolds and DXA). It should be considered guidelines for early identification and prevention of DE. Guide-
that the coach is not primarily involved in the body composi- lines should reflect this position statement, be sport-specific, and
tion assessment process. The underpinning philosophies of body promote nutrition practices that are safe, supported, purposeful
composition monitoring are that no harm should be done to and individualised. Sporting organisations need communica-
the athlete being tested and that the data collected from such tion protocols to refer athletes to a member of the CMT, as
protocols should be treated as personal and confidential medical part of accepted and routine care to support athlete health and
information.63 Education regarding body composition and performance optimisation. Some sporting organisations may not
testing including procedure, rationale, consent and use of infor- currently have access to a member of the CMT. Sports should
mation must be conducted for all athletes prior to commencing work to build their healthcare network to ensure that they are
any testing. able to work with a fully comprised CMT.
The rules and regulations for specific sports can influence
Strategies for safe weighing and body composition prevalence of DE behaviours in athletes.77 Sporting organisations
assessment should be aware of the implications of the specific rules within
Strategies for safely weighing and assessing an athlete’s body their sport and their potential impact on the eating practices of
composition include gaining explicit consent for every measure- their athletes. It may be necessary for organisations to lobby for
ment (verbal), checking in with the athlete prior to the measure- rule changes to decrease the risk of practices contributing to DE
ment and offering to ‘blind weigh’ the athlete so that they do not or EDs within their sport.
see the results of the examination.64 If there is any distress about Lastly, further research is required in the area of DE in
being weighed or measured, this needs to be taken seriously and high performance athletes, particularly intervention studies,
the coach and CMT need to discuss the appropriate course of prevention studies, validation of sport- specific and gender/
action for this athlete. There are some ED treatment modalities cultural-specific screening tools, as well as the para- athlete
which include viewed weighing as a form of exposure therapy and investigating the prevalence of DE in the variety of athlete
and monitoring (eg, enhanced cognitive therapy),65 however subpopulations.
these should not be undertaken by anyone who has not been
appropriately trained or does not have adequate support from Conclusion
the CMT and clinical supervision. One member of the CMT will This AIS-NEDC document reviews the current literature and
be responsible for ongoing monitoring of this metric, so that the provides a set of positions and key concepts on the approach
athlete is not weighed or measured either too frequently, or by to early identification, assessment and prevention of DE in high
different clinicians and can foster trust and appropriate interpre- performance sport. Athlete health and welfare must remain the
tation of results to promote continuity of care. primary focus of preventing and managing DE in sport at all
times. Awareness, recognition and referral of the athlete with
Body image DE to a CMT comprising a doctor, sports dietitian and psychol-
Positive body image is one of the protective factors against ogist forms the foundation of support for optimised nutrition.
development of EDs, and forms a foundation for most effec- Sporting organisations should develop sport- specific guide-
tive ED prevention programmes in athletes.66 It is notable to lines around DE to best optimise health and performance. This
acknowledge that negative and positive body image are two document provides guidance for the high performance system
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101813 on 13 July 2020. Downloaded from on July 20, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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for the para athlete population. Sports Med 2017;47:1697–708.
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