ALAMADA (Lecture Notes)
ALAMADA (Lecture Notes)
ALAMADA (Lecture Notes)
College of Education
Marawi City
Urbanization refers to the process of a country's population becoming more urban over time,
with the percentage of people who live in cities growing more quickly than the percentage who
live in rural areas.
In 1800, only about 3% of the world’s population lived in urban areas
In 1950, about 30% of the world’s population lived in urban areas
In 2008, the UN estimated half of the world’s population lived in urban area
- Urbanization has resulted in more and more, larger and larger cities around the world. There
has been a growth of very large cities with a population of more than 1 million
In 1850, there were only 2 millionaire cities, namely London and Paris
In 1950, there were 83 millionaire cities
In 2015, there were approximately 500 millionaire cities
- The world now has a megacities. These are cities with a population in excess of 10 million
In 1950, there were only three megacities in the world: London, New York and Tokyo
- In 2014, there were 28 megacities worldwide: 16 in Asia, 4 in South America, 3 each in Africa
and Europe and 2 in North America
- By 2030, the world is projected to have 41 megacities
Most Urbanized Countries with 100% The least urbanized population are in:
urban population • Ethiopia
• Hong Kong • Cambodia
• Singapore • Papua New Guinea
• Kuwait • Uganda
• Macau • Nepal
• Monaco • Sri Lanka
• Vatican City • Samoa
• Gibraltar • Afghanistan
• Nauru • Many others
A second theory of urban structure, the sector model, was developed in 1939 by land
economist Homer Hoyt. According to Hoyt, the city develops in a series of sectors, not rings.
Certain areas of the city are more attractive for various activities, originally because of an
environmental factor or even by mere chance. As a city grows, activities expand outward in a
wedge, or sector, from the center.
1. Central business district
2. Transportation and industry
3. Low-class residential
4. Middle-class residential
5. High-class residential