Prioritize your reason(s) for leaving the organization using the following scale:
1=Primary Reason (Please choose only one) 2=Contributing Factor(s) (Choose all that apply)
1 2 3 4 5
Below Average Good Very Good Excellent
(Please tick the following aspects)
Job Factors
Clarity of my job role
Training received at the time of joining / during job tenure
Balance of work load
Line Manager
Supervisor’s management of department employees
Support received from supervisor to perform my job
Recognition at workplace
Provided ongoing feedback on my work
Communicated information appropriately
Created a team environment within my department
Was responsive to my needs
Career Development, Reward & Recognition
Career development opportunities within the bank
Chances of promotion in the bank
Employee benefits offered by the bank
Did HMB help you fulfill your career goals? Yes No
Overall Organization
Communication between management and employees
Transparency of Bank policies and procedures
Bank’s performance review system
Culture & general working conditions
Equal opportunity employment
Would you recommended HMB to a friend as a good place
to work? Yes No
(Please describe your employment experience)
What did you enjoy most about working with HabibMetro?
*The information will be kept confidential and will only be used for management reporting purpose.