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* Energy, Vibration and Sound Research Group (e-VIBS), School of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah,
Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Received:17.06.2011 Accepted:17.08.2011
Abstract- In this paper, analytical model of parallel and series configurations of identical piezoelectric benders with the
increasing number is derived and studied to understand the performance of harvesting electric charge and power to flash a
Light Emitting Diode (LED). Experiment was carried out where the flashing intervals of the LED were used to measure the
harvesting performance. The benders in parallel configuration were found to perform the best as the number increases. The
workability of the benders as a module of self-powered decorative LED as well as an autonomous sensor for monitoring
shaking amplitude with reference to the flashing interval was then validated within the consideration of the structural damping.
Keywords- Ambient Vibration; Charge generation; Power harvesting; Piezoelectric bender; LED flashing.
from the piezoelectric elements was first of a equivalent spring constant, K, of the
accumulated until a sufficient amount before piezoelectric beam, an equivalent mass, M, a
deliver to the LED. This results in discontinuous dashpot with damping coefficient, C, and a
supply of energy to the LED and making LED to vibrating base. The equivalent SDOF model is
flash. The analytical models of series and parallel shown in Fig. 1, where d(t) is the vibrating base
configurations of the given identical benders with displacement and x(t) is the equivalent mass
its increasing number, n, were theoretically studied displacement. y(t) is the relative motion between
and experimentally compared to understand the the vibrating base and the equivalent mass, M.
performance of harvesting electric charge and given by
power to flash a LED. After the validation of the
y (t ) d (t ) x (t ) . (3)
self-powered system to flash a LED, this paper
discuss the potential applications of (i) developing
the flashing LED system into a module of self- x(t)
powered decorative LED for the building or tree M
decorative light which consists of hundreds of this
module; (ii) developing an autonomous sensor for
monitoring the vibration amplitude of a vibrating K C
object with the reference of LED flashing interval
2. Theoretical Study
Fig.1. Equivalent SDOF model for the piezoelectric
2.1. Analytical Models for Piezoelectric Benders cantilever beam with excitation at base.
According to Newton’s second law, the dynamic
A piezoelectric bender consists of a layer of
model of such system can be written as
polymeric piezoelectric element (its relative
permitivity is 13) and a layer of host that they are My Cy Ky Md . (4)
bonded together. External stress to a piezoelectric Applying Laplace transform with zero initial
bender in base vibration causes deflection and conditions y (0) y (0) 0 , Eq. (4) becomes
bending to the bender. The deflection distorts the
internal dipole moments within the piezoelectric y( s) d (s) , (5)
element and generates electrical voltages. This s (4 f 0 )s (2 f 0 ) 2
results in the generation of charges on the element. where f0 is the natural frequency and is the
The relationship between the stress and strain of damping ratio.
the piezoelectric element [10] are given as Assuming that the piezoelectric bender is excited
piezo Y piezo piezo g 31 D3 , (1) at its base which is at the fixed end, the force F(s)
experienced by the beam because of the
D3 displacement input of y is given by
E3 g 31 piezo , (2)
13 0 1
F (s ) Ky (s ) Kd (s ) (6)
s (4 f 0 ) s (2 f 0 ) 2
where Y piezo is the Young’s Modulus of the
polymeric piezoelectric element, piezo and piezo where K is the equivalent dynamic stiffness of the
are the strain and stress of the element respectively
When a sinusoidal input d (t ) d 0 sin( 2 ft ) is
in x direction, g 31 is the piezo stress constant, D3
applied to the base excitation, Eq. (6) can be
and E3 are electric displacement and electric field written as
strength along the z direction, 0 is the permittivity (2 r ) 2 1
of the vacuum, 0 8 .85 exp( 12 ) Fm 1 . F Kd 0 sin( 2 ft ) , (7)
( 2 r ) 2 (1 r 2 ) 2
For the equivalent mechanical model, the where r = f/f0 is the ratio of the excitation
piezoelectric bender can be modeled as a single frequency to the natural frequency.
degree of freedom system (SDOF), which consists
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research, IJRER
J.Dayou, C.Man-Sang, Vol.1, No4, pp.323-332 ,2011
The electric charge harvested on the harvesting application. One of the important
piezoelectric element due to an external force, F, parameters to be considered in both models is the
can be obtained by integrating the electric capacitance of the piezoelectric material. This can
displacement to its overlapping area. The be determined by first setting the external force, F,
harvesting of electric charge for the piezoelectric in Eq. (8) to zero which gives
bender can be obtained with the Eqs. (1) and (2), 13(1 A AB) L2 0 t bender whV
and expressed as Q 2
. (14)
w L
ktbender (1 A) L
Q D3 dydx
0 0
13 (1 A AB ) L2 0 tbender whV
3 ABg 31 F
kt bender (1 A ) L
h 1 A4 (1 B) 2 2 A(2 A2 3 A 2)(1 B) (9) Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of piezoelectric element.
k h1 A AB 1 13 Y piezo g 31 0
Rearranging Eq. (14) give the capacitance as
, (10)
39 1 A A 2 B 2 Y piezo g 31
2 Q 13 (1 A AB ) hwL 0
0 C . (15)
V (1 A )t bender k
t host
A , (11) In order to increase the power transferred to the
t bender
LED, more than one piezoelectric bender could be
is the ratio of the host thickness, thost, to the used to raise the harvested power. When more than
respective bender thickness, tbender, one bender are used, these benders can be
connected in various combinations (i.e. parallel
B , (12) only, series only and any mixture of parallel and
Y piezo series). With the understanding of combining
capacitance in electricity study, their electric
is the ratio of the Young’s Modulus of the host,
charge generated and effective piezoelectric
Yhost , to the Young’s Modulus of the polymeric
capacitance can be determined. Since the parallel
piezoelectric element, Y piezo , V is the external only combination possesses maximum electric
applied voltage to the piezoelectric element, L and charge harvested and effective capacitance and the
w are the length and width of the piezoelectric series only combination possesses minimum
bender, respectively. electric charge generation and effective
capacitance among all the possible combinations,
When the piezoelectric bender is used to harvest only these two extreme combinations are
electric energy, there is no external applied voltage
considered in this study. When n identical
to the piezoelectric element attached (V = 0). As a piezoelectric benders are used, their electric charge
result, the electric charge harvested on the
harvested and effective piezoelectric capacitance
piezoelectric element from Eq. (8) becomes for the two combinations (n-parallel and n-series
39 AB (1 A AB ) g 31 0 L2 F configurations) become
Q 2
. (13)
tbender k 39 nAB (1 A AB ) g 31 0 L2 F
Q n parallel 2
Under converse piezoelectric effect, a t bender k
piezoelectric element work as a sensor which is
39 AB (1 A AB ) g 31 L2 F
converting the mechanical energy into electrical Qn series 2
, (17)
signal and this element is modeled as an equivalent t bender k
circuit which consists of a series capacitance, C, 13 n (1 A AB ) hwL
Cn 0 , (18)
with a voltage source [11] (refer to Fig. 2). Since parallel
(1 A ) t bender k
the piezoelectric energy harvester has the same
13 (1 A AB ) hwL
working principle as the piezoelectric sensor, the Cn series
. (19)
same model is used in this paper for power n (1 A ) t bender k
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research, IJRER
J.Dayou, C.Man-Sang, Vol.1, No4, pp.323-332 ,2011
Therefore, for n-parallel configuration, the required level, Vin = Vmin, the control circuit turns
electric charge harvested is in direct proportion to off the discharge process so that the capacitor is
the applied forces and the number of the identical allowed to charge up again.
benders, n (Eq. (16)), whereas, the effective By considering the piezoelectric capacitor (Fig.
piezoelectric capacitance is directly proportional to 2) and the input capacitor (Fig. 3) of the harvesting
n (Eq. (18)). circuit are connected in series and assuming the
For n-series configuration, the electric charge rectifier is ideal, the average piezoelectric power
harvested is independent on n but it is still in direct harvested, Ppiezo, is given as
proportion to the applied forces (Eq. (17)), but the
effective piezoelectric capacitance is inversely 2
1 Qtot fQtot
4). The input capacitance used is Cin = 23 F and 4.5 Simulation (Parallel)
Simulation (Series)
its voltage is Vin. The maximum value of Vin is 4
Experiment (Parallel)
Experiment (series)
transfer from the piezoelectric elements to the 1 2 3 4 5 6
n (Number of Bender)
7 8 9 10
converter. By assuming the rectifier is ideal and Fig. 6. Results of simulation and experiment for electric
ignoring the existence of the rectifier (refer to Fig. charge harvesting.
5), the input capacitor is considered to be in series
with the piezoelectric capacitor and, thus, the For verifying the theoretical effective
piezoelectric capacitor has the same amount of piezoelectric capacitance, a digital capacitance
electric charge as the input capacitance. The meter was then used to measure the effective
electric charge harvested per bending in piezoelectric capacitance and the theoretical
experiment, Qexp, can be determined by simulation is based on Eqs. (18) and (19). Fig. 7
shows the results of both the simulation and the
CinVin ,max measurement. The measurement seems to agree
Qexp , (24)
2 ft very well with theoretical simulation. The
analytical Eqs. (18) and (19) for the effective
where Cin and Vin,max were the measured values.
piezoelectric capacitance for both the parallel and
the series configurations up to n = 10 are,
therefore, verified.
During the experiment with a LED from HB
Electronic Components [14] loaded to the
converter (Fig. 3), the voltage of the input
capacitor (Cin = 24 F), Vin, was found to reach
4.95 V (Vmax), and then it discharged into the
Fig. 4. Experiment setup for determination of electric charge converter circuit until Vin falls below 3.93 V (Vmin )
harvesting. as shown in Fig. 8. The discharging process was
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research, IJRER
J.Dayou, C.Man-Sang, Vol.1, No4, pp.323-332 ,2011
x 10
to the LED during one cycle of charging and
Simulation (Parallel)
Measurement (Parallel)
discharging of the output capacitor. Since the
Simulation (Series)
energy input to rectifier circuit and that output to
Effective Piezoelectric Capacitance, C (F)
Measurement (Series)
the converter circuit acquired are 108.7 J
2 (Wtransfer,input) and 28.5 J (Wtransfer,output),
respectively, the efficiency of the converter in this
experiment is 26.6%.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n (Number of Bender)
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research, IJRER
J.Dayou, C.Man-Sang, Vol.1, No4, pp.323-332 ,2011
as n increases, the decrement in the flashing where V’max = 1.5 V and V’min = 1.25 V in this
interval with parallel configuration reduces for experiment.
increasing n. Since flashing interval with parallel Fig. 12 shows the results of the average
configuration is generally shorter than that with piezoelectric powers harvested and the average
series configuration, the piezoelectric benders in power transfer with parallel and series
parallel configuration is concluded to perform configurations as a function of benders number, n.
better electric charge generation and power The average piezoelectric power harvested with
harvesting to flash the LED and the performance parallel configuration was found to be coincided
can be improved further with increasing n. with that of series configuration. This means that
the average power harvested for a given n is
Duration of a Cycle of Charging and Discharging in Output Capacitor (s)
Power Transfer to
E lectric P o w er (W )
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research, IJRER
J.Dayou, C.Man-Sang, Vol.1, No4, pp.323-332 ,2011
Power Transfer Efficiency (%)
Rectifier Circuit (Parallel)
Rectifier Circuit (Series)
Overall System (Series)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n (Number of Bender)
Fig. 16. Characteristics graphs of the LED used in
experiment. [14] (a) Light intensity Vs Forward current; (b)
Fig. 14. Outline of power flow and system characteristics. Forward current Vs Forward voltage.
In order to estimate the average power for
flashing the LED used in experiment, the intensity 4. Test on the Piezoelectriv Energy Harvester
of the emitted light from the LED was measured. It Prototype
can be seen from Fig. 15 that the LED flashing The piezoelectric benders in parallel
interval was 2.4 s and the duration for the LED
configuration and the power harvesting circuit
emitting light was approximate 1.8 s when five discussed above form a prototype of the
piezoelectric benders in parallel configuration
piezoelectric energy harvester. This prototype was
were used. Other than these, the highest light tested its workability as a self-powered light
intensity reached and its average were found to be
indicator for the two potential applications by
about 3 Lux and 0.35 Lux, respectively. By placing it on the casing of a selected air-con
referring to the LED characteristics graphs as
compressor (refer to Fig. 17). The typical fan
shown in Fig. 16, for the average light intensity of speeds in this compressor are about 700 rpm, 900
0.35 Lux, the equivalent forward current, I, and
rpm and 1200 rpm. These provide the fundamental
voltage, V, were acquired to be 7.5 mA and 3.0 V, mode of vibration in the frequencies of 11.7 Hz, 15
respectively. Hence, the average power for
Hz and 20 Hz. By using n = 1 to 10, the results of
flashing the LED is estimated as 22.5 mW. the prototype testing with the three different
vibration frequencies were obtained. Fig. 18 shows
the comparison of the test results with the
experimental results. The shortest LED flashing
interval was found to be 1.50 s at 20 Hz when n =
10 .This is because when the compressor fan
turned 1200 rpm (20 Hz), the piezoelectric benders
were in resonance. Thus, more electric charge was
harvested and resulted in the highest LED flashing
rate. The test results of the rate of LED flashing is
consistent with the experimental results for n = 1
to 10 under the same vibrating frequency.
Fig. 15. Light intensity emitted by the flashing LED.
However, due to the existence of additional
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research, IJRER
J.Dayou, C.Man-Sang, Vol.1, No4, pp.323-332 ,2011
mechanical damping in the test structure, the piezoelectric benders with increasing bender
overall test results were observed to be number, n, were established. From the results of
approximate 30% difference from the experimental the experiment, the electric charge harvesting with
results. the benders in parallel configuration is n times of
the charge harvesting in series configuration since
the charge generation in series configuration is
always constant. The piezoelectric benders in
parallel configuration were found to perform the
best and the electric charge and power harvested
were increased with increasing n. By using shaker
to provide steady and continuous vibration to the
benders, the LED flashing interval for the benders
in parallel configuration is 1.15 s at n = 10. The
recorded LED flashing light intensity was
Fig. 17. Piezoelectric energy harvester prototype placed on
the air-con compressor.
estimated to be 22.5 mW. By placing on the casing
of an air-con compressor for testing its workability
35 as a module of self-powered decorative LED as
Test on air-con compressor casing (11.7 Hz) well as an autonomous monitoring system for
Test on air-con compressor casing (15 Hz) shaking amplitude of the compressor casing at a
25 particular fan speed with reference to the LED
LED flashing interval (s)
In this paper, the analytical models of series and [5] E. Lefeuvre, A. Badel, C. Richard, and D. Guyomar,
parallel configurations of the given identical “Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Device Optimization by
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research, IJRER
J.Dayou, C.Man-Sang, Vol.1, No4, pp.323-332 ,2011